Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1887, Part I, Page 7, Image 7

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Grain Pita Fool the Absence of
Small Country Buying Orders ,
"Wheat tuul Corn Both Dec-lino nnd
On s I'ollow In Bjnipntliy Pro-
vlHlotiHSlow Knln Makes
K Had Kor Cntttc.
CIIK vno , Dec. 10 . [ Special Telegram to
( tip Hun. ] Tlio grain markets grievously
i felt the advance to-day of that stream of
snmll country buying' orders \vhlch a few-
days ngo confused the professionals and fur
nished mi important factor in the deteimlna-
tiono.ffutuie events. "Tho counti.v" was
not on the floor to nny consldei able extent ,
cither in perton or by wire. The piofesslon-
ala had things pretty much to themselves ,
nnd ns they thought ptlcos ought to drop ,
they did dtop. The only strength seen was
nlwut the opening , und the weakest spot was
Just about ut the close. There was sonic
talk In the wheat pit nt the opening of ex
pected cold weather , which would injure
winter wheat , nnd the bulls baned some
hopes on the expected govetnmcnt , crop 10-
port. Thereupon first transactions wcio nt
SIXc for May. This wus tlio highest price of
the day.- Then came abundant selling or
ders fiom St. Louis , and the local talent ob
serving that the bulge which the hopeful
, ones had last night ptcdicted for this mornIng -
Ing would not come , immediately tuinctt sell
ers , and the pi Ice dioppcd to SVfcC' " ' ' . !
then , after a rally of c , dioppcd tobl c ,
ami ufter another ndvanio to j.V.rfc , dropped
to Slf < i J < H | J.'c nnd fluctuated for the 10-
mulnder of the session between Hint llguio
and 8 ; ? sV , closing nt S4 yb-IKe. Junu-
ury opened at 7S-jf , sold dow n to " % & " % ( : ,
und closed at 77 ; ! < f ( rt77J e. The go\ eminent
ptopiepott did not give n particle of in-
foimation conccining the condition of winter
May cot n opened \Vifcnnd diicctlv theic
WPIO one 01 two trades at K > ) { c , but this was
the highest point touihcil duiing the day.
Tlio prit e soon fell to fHLjc. For , v time it
appealed that theio was abundant coin for
. sale ut .Vie , und quite as much w anted at MI C ,
nnd the price lingered between these limits
without much doing at Intel mediate figures
Later. , however , u lower limit was easily
passeiTund the juice dropped to Tii c , closing
ut f > 3J < c. The estimate of receipts of "iricais
for Monday was a hard blow for the bulls
and the absence of any estimate of the ciop
in the government report , when n largo nue-
ugo from lust month's llguies vv us confidently
expected , was nnothei one.
The speculative out mm ket felt the weak
ening Inlluence of the decline in wheat und
* 'corn nnd the opening pi ices were tlio highest
und the closing the lowest of the day. Thci o
was quite active trading nt times thioughout
the session , chiefly for May dcliv ery. That
futuio opened at 8JJfe , sold down to and
closed at 3.J'e. Theio was no particular
feature to the market and luiies seemed to bo
influenced cliiclly by the fluctuations in coin.
In piovislons the slowest day foi wmio
weeks was cxpciienccd. The t Hiding wit
nessed was whollj on local account , and the
market was almost featureless Still , a
strong feeling held control , fluctuations vvoio
confined to n small range , and at the i lose
pilcosshowoJ no I'luteital change fi om last
night's final quotation. In the spccu'.otum
Indulged in , Januniy und the tlneo succeed-
ll'K iriuilths monopoli/ed attention. For
Jnnunt y poik sold nt $14 r,7 Qso \ \ , lard at
* 7.80V/7 ( ttllf , and short ribs at 7 4" > C't7 - > JVf.
I'ork foi Uie some month closed at 14 liJ > J ,
lurd nt J7 30 und shoi t ribs ut $7.50. Later
deliveries stoo'd at adjournment at1477H
forFebiuarj poik , ? 7.40 for Febiuaiy laid ,
4.7.8J'f . ' for Febiuaiy shoit nbs , 7.50 for
Man h lard , * 7.'iJJf for Match shoit ubs ,
$ ir > 22H forMapoik , $7.70 for May laid ,
uud * 7.WS for Mavj iVs.
Cincvc.o , Dec. 10 [ Special Telcgiam to
ihoHml-CvTTi.L : It was a i.uny and un
pleasant day fiom flist to last and no ono
ventuicd out unless under compulsion. The
few tialiv es among tlioficsh icceipts v\eie ,
however , sold cailyat about the closing
pi ices of ycsioiday. Although the run of
cattle nest week is generally e\petted to not
ic-ai hover 4ti,000 , no gieat nil vnmo is ex
pected. Shipping steeis , l,3TiO to 1,500 Ibs ,
W ; 1,200 to l.lWlbs , ) riO@4.75 ; ' .r > 0
to 1,200 Ibs , tJ 50W.1 W ) StocUeis and feetl-
eis , $1 iHKxd 2"i ; tows , bulls und mixed , l.'J j
( 2 0' > ; Texas stt ei s , tJ 0g2 ( ) ( W ) ; i ows , ? 1 dO
Htms Ti ado was active today , vvithheic
and thei e u few loads of best heavy , selling
ns high us W ( iO , or 5o higher than j estei day ,
jo general sales shows no substantial ad-
vam-e. Thti o was a better demand for light
Korls thnn foi any day this week. The clos
ing quotations weio us follows : Host heavy ,
$5 500C5 55 ; pucklllg soils , 55 30(55.40 ( ; light ,
West Lincoln Markets.
WKST Lixcoi.v , Neb , Dec. -Specia [
Telegram to the Hi c. ] West Lhu oln market
Hc-cmpts hogs , 1,000. Mai Ket stciulv at ves
terdai's piices : Light mixed , f4SV 500
. " " ' " . " " " ' " " " ' " OoT
heavy , * "i OOQI5 2" ; I prevailing pi ice $ o
Nnllonnl Stock Vartls. Kast St
Dec. 10 Cattle Hecoipts , 200 :
shipments , 1,100 ; market llrm at jcstcidjv'i
prices ; i liblc-n heavy native steeis , ? 4 80 ( < i
fi 00 ; fair to good natives , $ ,1 " > ( tfi ! tt ; butch
era" steeis , medium to ihoice , ? . ( 10Vf4 ( ( X )
stockcisund fecdeis , fair to good. l.bOy.l DO
rangers , ordimuy to good , J 20u4 ( 10.
Hogs Heccipts , l.MW ; shipments , 1,300
light guides stcadi ; heavy Him ; choice hcnvj
nnd butcheis' selct tions , ? 5 20 * 1 4" > ; Yoikoii
und packing , medium to pi nne , ? J 0 ( < i r > ! 15.
Union Stock Yards Chicago , Dec 10
The Dioveis' Jouinal lepoits :
Cuttlo Itetcipts , 1,500 ; mnikct stcadv
shipping steeis , f J.7. > ( ii"i IU ) ; stockeis am
feodcts , fl.75Q320 : cows , bulls nnd mixed
1.2t ) ( 2 IB ; Ttixus cattle , $1 000 J ' .Hi
Hogs Hccelpts , 11,000 ; market stead\
mL > cd , SlsVifoltt ; heavy , $5 U > Q < \ > W )
liight , $1 50 < ( (5 10 , skips , W ( K.ii4 ( 10.
Sheep Uei-clpto , 1,001) ) ; imuket stiong
natives , $ J iHirun 2.V wcstcin , * l.2o(24,15 (
Texuns , JLC-'mJIA ) , lambs , SAiJ5.75. ! ( ) ?
Nrvv YOHK , Dec. 10 [ Special Telogran
to the IU r ] STOCKS The stock market wa
heavy from stuit to finish , opening sale
being nt the highest nnd the closing the low
est. London spc-culntors have icvoised thcl
attitude legardlng Ameilcun secuiitlcs an
weie sellers of Heading and soveial othe
specialties. Pi Ices in London wcio also 01
an overage ' per cent lower and helped ik
press the feeling on this side. Operattn
wcio mostly , pjitit-nlarly on hlgli
priied Gnmgcrs , which aio adversely ul
fected by the continued lowering of rates
The Chicago , Huillngton & Qulncy was u
polled to huvo inado u ficsh cut in gral :
rates , which , coming as it docs on the ul
reudv low rutes , will undoubcdly serlousl ,
cuitail earnings for some tlmo to como. Tn
Clilcugo , Huilinis'ton&Quinc-.v's netiMining !
although incixvscd l.ugely the first p.ut c
the j our , hnv o nil been obliteiated by the dt
crease the past tlyeo months. Iti managei1
s y the rccen decrease Is not duo to loss c
business , but i educed uitcs. Talk about th
Vtindei hilts' c-xtin dividend continues , bi
the impicssion pu-vuils thut none w ill bo d <
dared unless "W. K. " so dot-It os. His actln
will , it l said , bo governed by hit interest i
the market. Now Yeik Central oainlnj.
for November weio large , showing an Ii
crease of f3Trt,471. The Indications uiotln
the Grand Trunk baa become sicl of cuttin
rates on dressed beef and will ug eo to
restoration of rates. This will help the ens
board roads , but thcic is no ImmiHliiito pie
poet of the Grangers tin lying nt n Imrtnon
ou understanding. Liquidation continue
nnd the bear * never lose nn opportunity I
hummer the maikot , bat , with nil the < V
lutluences , the declines did n6t c :
tend over 1J and on a majority of stocks not
over J { j > cr cent. A bunk statement was ex-
pooled , but instead the reserves Increased
$3/51,475 and deposits deci eased $2,033,900.
This was regarded as n favorable statement
nnd cut no figure in the market. The total
sales were 81,500 shares , including 11,900 of
Heading , 10dOO St , Paul , 7,530 Union Pacific
and 2,300 Western Union.
OOVBICNVE.NTS Government bonds were
dull but steady.
U. S. 4s registered.124 1C. & N. W lVt ( }
IT , S. 4srmnon. . . JS1 ilo preferred..1TI
1I.H 4"HrpRlstrd IIKI-J'O. ' Y. ( Jiws
1' . S 4'is ' coupon ,107 > 4O. , U. N H
I'nrlllc rs of Ti,1 . llfl'i'O. ' T 1'Hj
Canndu Southern & 5 'I'nctflr Mull . . . n\ \
Central I'uclflr. . . H' , l'.l ) . & K I'H ' {
Chlcaco A. Alton. 1U I'nllmim rulaccdirHH
' ' ir.'S'HciulInc' ' 1,7'i '
i > , i , .v vv ; . . ; ; iw ; nock isiiuni.
I ) . Ml. (1 ( ! ili , St. I. A.H.P. .
Krlc. do preferred 70'4
ilo pief01 red. . . . i l'l C.M.i M. I'tilll. . . 7JM
Illinois Central 1I41J ilo prc'ferri'il lll'j '
I , II. , V W II St. 1' . \ ( > II7- ,
K..VT. 17 dopii'feric'il. . .107
I.ake Shore 4 i-xiix Paclllc. . . . S * * .
Union I'aclllc. . . W ,
Michigan Central W W. . St. IL& I' 1C
. ( Id tirefenvd ! Hy )
Mlsnourll'urinc. . . W. U. Telegraph . 7b > ,
ilo prc-fcrrc-il. . . . 4tia }
MONKI On call , nt 3 per cent ; closed
offered at 2 > per cent.
PHIMK McucvNiiin PAITII ( ! ( < i3 } < per
STI-III.INO TKciuxot : Dull but stead > at
$4.51) ) for CO day bills , and M.S4K tor de
Cut tic.
The receipts of i attlo j estrrday vv ere very
light and the number of head icceivcd was
hardly sufllcicnt to constitute a maiket. Of
the number received the ninjir jwi lion wus
cows , < butchcrs stock , etc. The market \vas
dull nnd but few sales weie made.
The receipts of hogs were moderate The
local and shipping demand was much better
than on Friday and in conscqucm c the
market opened moio active Heavy hogs
weie ubouthtcady , while mixed stock w us a
shade higher on some giades Pigs and
light hogs uio a diagon the uuuket and me
sold only to speculatois.
there was nothing doing on the maiket.
Official Itcuclpta.
Cattle 17"
Hogs . . 1,2" > 4
Provailliift Prices.
Showing the prevailing pi ices paid for live
stock on the maiket :
Choicosteeis , 1300 to 1500 Ibs f42" > OJtr : > 0
Choice slcois , 1100 to l.MOlbs 4 00 ( < (4 40
Fat little steci s , 000 to KHO llj . . . . 3 ( iX < ? , l 75
Coi n-fed i ange steers , 1200 to 1500 3 05 4 'U )
Good to choice coin-fed cows 2 30 2 150
Common to medium cows 1.75i2 ( 25
Westoin cows l.bOWJ 50
Good range fecdeis 2 oOij2 ( 03
Good native feedcis , 900 Ibs and
upvvaids 2 50@3 00
Fair to medium native fecdeis , 1)00 )
Ibs nnd upwai ds 2 252 50
Stockei s , 400 to 700 Ibs 2 10fe2 l > 0
Pi line fnt sheep 3 25(2.1 ( 50
Good fut sheep , W(3 ( > KM ) Ibs 27.Xrf325
Fuir to medium shrcti 225QViIOO
Common sheep 2 ( Kfn2 ) 25
Light nnd medium hogs 4.75Jf5 ( 0"i
Good to choice heavv hogs 5 I)4c5 ( ) 20
Good to choice mixed hogs 5 OOQfS 10
Itcpri-Hontatlvc Sales.
50 671
fa 025 230
Mve Stock Sold.
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market i cstordav :
Local 3C
Fccdci s liw
Shippers 12-1
Total 2o ;
G. H. Hammond & Co 4S1
Anglo Ameilean PackingCo l,7tf
Almour&Cudaliy Packing Co 2,491
Kmgan ti Co 19.
Squiios & Co 371
Si cciiliitois Q7i
Local I ]
Total 5,9J , !
. The 'XVoi k'HTtcc-olpts.
Showing the number of head of Jive stocl
icccivcd on thlj maikct duiui'the ! past sn
da > s :
Cattlo. Hogs. Sheep
Monday 107 7,799
Tuesday b97 3,230 2s !
Wednesday SUM C.GOS 2.V
ThuAday ( J4 5,218 13"
Fildav hOl ,1K13 3 1
Satuiday 17.1 1,251
Totah 3,5'J7 30,707 1,00 !
Kongo of Prices.
Shewing the e\ticmo highest and low esl
l ates paid for leading grades of hogs ou date ;
mentioned :
Date. Heavy. Mist-a. I.ltiUt.
loc4 ) | buml Sunday. Buiuliiv.
UKo Ui IU fp Si r > m < asf > 4 7o CS5 ft >
Di-c. I ) , " ) " . " > W > 40 i in u ; ai 4 i'411 OU
Jh-c. 7.'l ' HI dul-tt 1 ltt C'lo 15 4 H ) 4J5 00
Dor. H | il 10 ( s JS 5 ( V > t'i M 1 ' . * ! Uu IU
Dir. II ' 5 10 4tj 'j r. ( u tv > 10 4 NI
DOC. in o n m , ; w R ( U W > 15 4 71
. Shipments ,
Hogs , OOcais , n. I Chicagi
Cattle , D car , N. W Clnc.igi
Sheep , 1 cai , 1) . .t M Chicagi
Iiivo Stock Notes.
H. Hultoii , HaiIan , la , sold , t load of hog1 ;
nint & ICcnian , Anselino , Neb , sold hog
at $3 20.
r. Krorf , Schujlcr , wat. on the markc
vviUi hoys.
Koran Claik , Albion , sold a load of hog
Henry Shlnstocl w.\Vcs.t Point , sold a loai
of2 ( ohogs. *
J. T. McCartney , Gonevu , was on th
maiknt v\itli liof .
John Kcho'c , Platte Center , was n visitor a
the yards iestcrdny ,
( leorgo P. MoorheadDunlni > , la .murkete
lUoad of hogs nt fi 20.
Hogs av'ci . .iKtijc tcrday 2 > 7 jwunds an
blxty-tvvo'heuu to the car.
V , M , Sackctt , Albion , had four loads c
hogfeoi ! the inarjict.yi . stcrduy.
J" ICooch , Button , Neb , , wus on the matkc
and sold two loads of hogs.
Mr. Dickinson ; of Walkci Bros , Wavcxlj
Neb. , invitU two Ipads of hojs.
P. J. 'Murphy i Co. , Rogori , Neb. ,
marketed n loud of 20c hog icatcrday.
M. Uftlrtl nnd Albert Lyman , feeders of
Dunlnp , la. , were looking over the market
T. D.J Council , Scotia , clerk of Oreeloy
county , mid u well known feeder , was In
looking over the market ,
Dr. Blrney , of Sidney , Neb , stopped at the
jauls on his WHY to Now York , to vlMt his
brother , of the firm of Waggoner & Ulrncy.
W. T. Kdwardt , Hcrlln , Neb. , n well known
shipper und feeder , was looking over the mar
ket v oftcrdny. He reports comas very scarce
and tilgh. and says It sold there Friday at 37c.
r. C. Dodge. Wood Htver , was In with
eight loaiH of good corn-fed natives of hU
own feeding. They had been fed since la t
summer and were one of the best bunchei
that has been on this maiket for some time.
Pi oil lice , Ft u I In , Ktc.
The fulloulini nrc tlia vrtccs nt ithlih
louiidlot * nf iniidnci tun soM OH thtx jiiiir-
Jici. 1'rnlti or other line * ofyuntlti icqutil\uj \
CJtid luliin' ii/ ) t < icMiiHiitiiof ( / nJicdiM be
si/ / ; > lHci ) ( nn tut -/tic t / ordti n at tlic same i Ices
quoted Utc Iwul tutdc.
Hi rrnti The receipts of butter are
model ate , domum ! active. Crcameiy , solid
packed , is quoted at 22@J4e ; choice dairy ,
20 ( 2Jc ; medium , 10@lbo ; low grades , 10 ( ' $
12c.Kcitis The receipts are only fair ; demand
good and quotations llrm al2-'Jic. !
CiiFK-'i Fancy full ci cam ctioddars , single ,
12c ; lull ci-cam twins , 12tf.Te ; Aoung
Americas , We ; brick checso. 100 Ibs
in case , Me ; Llniburger , 100 Ibs in case , 13c.
In less qualities , 14@14)a'e ; Svviss domestic ,
POUI.THI The market Is improving and
the supply Is of a better quality than here-
tofoie. Pi ices me higher. Live chickens ,
$1.73(3)2 ( ) 00 per doren ; choii c fowls , * l.bli2 ) ( 23
per do/en , Diesscd chickens , 7 ( bo per pound.
rurke.vs , 8810c. ( Ducks , 7a'le. ( Geese. SWIOe.
GVMK Piairio chickens , $400 ; mallard
lucks , $2 23 ; quail , $1.40(31.75 ( ; teal and mixed
lucks , $1.50i6l.75 ( ; snipe , fl.23 ; jack rabbits ,
VI ffXili 75 per dorcn ; small rabbits , $1.00
> cr do/ ; deer , 0Sbo ( ; antelope , 7t29e ; deer sad
dles , 9llc ( ; antelope , 12@14c.
POT mil-s Aio quoted at POcPSI 00 for
Jtah and Cole i.ulo stock and choice homo
giown at G3@73o ; common grades at 10
CVKKOTS Aie on sale at $ .2.50 per ban el.
SWKET POFATOIS Pi ices aio quoted nt
[ i om y < jt\c per Ib The dcmind is fanly
active. A car of fancy New Jersey stock
was put on maiket jesterdiiy.
PVIISMI-S New stock is quoted at $2 50 per
BI-VNS Good stock 00 ( 2 30 ; fnir to
peed , $1 M@l.bO ) , and Califoiiuaheans at J.I5
:2 : 20.
ONIONS Pi ices for homo grown quoted
steady at 75tfb1o ( ; S ) > anlsh onions , per 50 Ib
ciatc , ? 1.75T'2 { 00
O > STIIIS Plain standard , 25c ; plain se
lects , liOc ; standaid , 30o ; extia solpcts , aio ;
New You : counts , 40u .Bulk ojstcis , counts ,
M ! i5 per 100 ; sclccts-$2 00 per gil ; standaid ,
$1.31 per gal.
TiniMi-s Fair to good stock sells at 40 ®
50c ; rutabagas , 50(3 ( COc.
CAUI.H-I.OVV EII Good stock sells nt ? 200@
CPi.ruv Choice celery , 35@45c per dozen ;
fancy , IKJi.lOc.
Ai-i'ifs Kastoin fruit , $3 00(3) ( ) . ! 2.1 ; fair to
choice stock , ? , J25@'J7)0 ; fancy Jonathans ,
? . ! 50fS3 75
S vi Bit KIULT Choice , per bbl of 30 gal
* S81 ( < i900 ; K bbl , * 4S5@500 Sll.OO per
bbl of50 gal.
CIMNIIPIIKIIS Bell & Cherry , $950 ;
Boll As Bugle , $1050 ; Capo Cods , ? 11.00i ( $
11 It ) 00@fl 10 per
bbl of .U gal. A of extra line came in
QUI.NCUS Choice California quinces$2 00@
2 21 per box.
Li MONMesbijia lemons , S5 50(2r ( > 00 ;
Malaga , ? 100e\tia ; flue Maori scaicc at
fi ( 00@C 50
Onvvci-s Louishr.r. iOOi per box ,
rioruia K75@4 \ 00 Mai ket dull.
CAI IIOUNI FKUITS Pears , $2 50@2.75 ; ex
tra line , M HO.
GiiAru-5 HO.Malagas , $0 00 pci bbl.
HAN vvs Choice bUmnas , * J 75@3.50 ; me
dium buches , W.OOQ.l 00 ; common , . J 50jW
200 * ' ? 5 ° I < L
NUTS Peanuts , 717) ( ) c , raw ; Hiazilnuts ,
13c , almonds , Tariagona , 2Jc ; English vval-
nuts , 11llc ; lllbeits , ] 2c.
Hosr.v Quotations aio as follows : Good
choice honey in 1-lb fiamcs , lb ( 20c ; canned
honci , 10tplSc ( per Ib
Poi'coiis Choice lice coin 8fiJ3 } o per Ib ;
other kinds , 2 ( 2Kc per Ib „
CvmiAOi' Theio is n fair demand for cab
bage at $100 per dozen. Califotnia eabbago
i i quoted at 3 ; c per Ib.
Grocers' .List.
PROVISIONS Hams , , \ \ MWcbteakfast \ \
bacon , lo ; ( y.Uc ; bacon sidoh. bJClc ( ! ; dry
salt , SJ-jfebJfc ; shouldcis , 0 } ( i(7c ( ; dried beef
hams , UKjMle ; dried beef regular , 9J4@lO > < o ;
hams , picnic , 7ifSc. (
SL-C.AU Granulated , 74'7'X'c ; conf A ,
7@7'tfc ; white extra C , GxdUiXc ; extra C ,
( Vh@t > KejellovvC ; , 5K@r > q ; cut loaf , 8'
( "iS/Je / ; povvdcied , bJt'teS 'c ; New Orleans ,
Con cc Ordinary grades , 19 } @ 20c ; fair.
20t2tc ( , prime , 20 < 22l ) < c ; fancy green and
jellow , 2.l@J3c ; old government Java , 28@
30c ; interior Java , 25(3 ( 2Sc ; Mocha , 2S@30c ;
Aibucklc's joastcd , 249/c ; McLaughlin's
XXXX , 24Xc ; Dilworth's , 24 e ; Hed Cross ,
24 Me ,
C\NNFD GOODS Ojsters , standard , per
case , $ .i.20@3 23 ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$ J ( X3 10 ; rasiiberi Ics , 2-lb , per case , $ .1 00T (
a.10 ; California pcais , i > er case , ft 80@4 90 ;
apricots , ixr case , (425Qi)430 ) ; peaches per
c.iso , $3SUg5b5 ( ; white cnernCs ; per case ,
W ( X ) ; plums , per case , $3tiO@4.00 ; blucbor-
iicspcr case , $230if24U ( ; Cffg plums , 2-lb ,
per case , $250 ; pmuupplcs , 24b , per case ,
$320CZ575l-lb ; salmon , per dor , $1.75 ( 1.90 ;
2 Ib gooseberries , per case , | 325@3)5 ! ; 2-lb
sti Ing beans , per case , W.BO:2-lt > lima beans ,
per case , $1 (50 ( ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2 00@
2.70 ; 2 Ibeaily Juno peas , per case , $285 ;
3 Ib tomatoes , f J.40@2,50 ; 2-lb corn , $ J J0@
2.40.BIIOOMS Extra 4 tic , * 2(50 ( ; NB. 1 , $200 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable4 00 ,
CAMM Mixed , 9i ( l
JI-M IPS 30 Ib pails , $1.73alb.l" ( !
SYIIUP No. 71) ) , 4-gallon kegs. $ t.50@1.55 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 88S4Cc ( ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " per gallon , 8-ie ;
1-gallon cans , pci doz , $11.00 ; half gallon
cans , per doz , $0 75 ; quart cans , $ .3.00
ST\ucii Miiror gloss , 5 > fo ; Graves'corn ,
C/c , ' ; Oswcgo gloss , 7c ; Osvv ego corn , 7c.
ilouLAN'n HriiHiNO'j 757Je ( | per keg.
CiucKEKs Garneau's. soda , butter and pic
nic , 5e ; creams , be ; gingc-r snaps , bo ; city
TUAS Japan , 20Jf55c ( ; gunpowder , 20@
COXc ; Young Hyson , 25 550 ; Oolong , 20 ( < |
I OOc.
I TonArco Lonllard's Climax , 44e ; Splcn
did , 41c ; Mci hanlc's Delight , 41c ; Leggett &
Major's star,48c ; Cornerstone , 3lo ; Drum-
mond's Horbo Shoe , 44o ; J" . T. , 40e ; Sorg's
Spearhead , 44u ; Cutlln's meerschaum , 30c ;
Catlin's old ht > lo , 2Jc.
WOODKVVVAHI : Two hoop polls , per doz ,
$1.45 ; tlncc-hoop pails , $1.70 ; No. 1 tub , ffl 50 ;
No. 2 tub , $350 ; No. * 3 tub , $450jwash-
boaijjsl 40ii.73 ; USfiofWd "Bowls , $2 21 ;
Ko. 1 churns , i'J ; No. 2 churns , $ S ; No. 3
chin ns. $7.00
IiuriNTi ) LAUD Tierce , 7 > Hc ; 40-lb square
cans , 7Vo ; 50-Ib round , 7irfo ; 20-lb round ,
7i < o ; 1Mb pulls , 7e ; 5-lb palls , 8e ; 3 Ib
pails , Sc. )
PU-KI i s Medium In bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $ (00 ; small , m bbls , $8 ( X ) ; do in half
bbls , $4 10 ; geiUins , in bbls , $ U 00 ; do iu half
bbls , $5 00.
DuiED FIII'ITS Apples , new.if's , OJf < ,7c ;
j evaporated 50 Ib ring , Si5@Hc ) ; raspberries ,
j evaporated , 27jJ-3c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
) 9J ( [ t9 > 4O , jiitU'd cherries , 20@Jlo ; jwaches . ,
new , bJUo ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 29
< 230c ; c-vaporuted , unpared , 18tl9c ( ( ; new
currants , fiXW'c ; prunes. 4J41 fc ; citron ,
21c { raisins , London lasers , $240 ( < j2.45 ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , $ J 00 ( < jJ.10 ; new Val
encia , SKT ( < S u.
Hoi-t Seven-sixteenths ,
Dry tioocls.
DICK West Point S3 in. 8 of , lOVfc ; West
Point 29 in , 10 oz. 12Jtfu ; West Point 19 in , K
oz , 15o ; Wc-st Point 40 in , 11 oz. ItSc. Checks
Caledonia X , OWe ; Calodonu XX , 10' c ;
Economy , J < c ; Otis , O c.
KtATi CKY JEAI S Memorial , 15c : Canton
ISo ; Durham , 27 > o ; Hercules , ISc ; Learning'
ton , 22K ; Cottswold , 25c ,
CIIVSH Stevens' H , (5o ; bleached , 7c ; StO'
vens' A. 7-ic ; bleached , M-fo ; Stevens' P ,
8 > < o ; bleached , \ ) vf Stevens' N. % c\ \
bleached , lOJie ; Slav enfe' S K 'J1 , 12 > fe , .
MlsctLLAMious Table piK clotli. $2 S5 |
plain Holland , 8fo } to 9c ; Dada Holland , 12J c. .
UAMIIIUCS Slater , 4 > ic : Woods. 4Kc ; Stan
ard,4J Jc ; Vcv < 6'cktAc.c "rt 'V
COMFOIITKK * KXTi.t5 ( 00.
HI.A.MJET3White , $1.00(37.50 ( ; colored $ U (
Berkeley cambric ,
No. CO , S'fi'a Host Yet , 4-4 , OVc ; butter
cloth OO , 4i 3 Cabot. , oFarvvell \ , 80 :
Fruit of UMM , 9o ; Grecno G , IV ; Hope ,
7J/o ; Klnf > riiilllp cambric , lie : Lonsdale ,
like ; Lonsdale , SJ/ci Now York mills ,
lO c ; Poft * li , 42 inch , lOKc ; Pepperoll ,
40 inch , lrH'c ( Pcppcrell. 0-1 , l.lo ; Pi ) | > -
perell , 8-4. 20c ; Peppci-cll. 9-4 , 22o ; Pep-
poroll , 10-1 , 24o ; Canton. 4-4 , S c ; Canton ,
44 , 9 } c ; Trluiiph , Oc ; Wauisuttn , llcj Vol
ley , 5c.
30c : Quochcc No. 1J4' , 4Jc ; Quechce No. 2 , Jf ,
37Wc ; OuM-hoo No. 3 , J/ , 32-O ! Anavvan ,
MXc ; Wlnrfsor , 22tf. Hod-C 24-inch , ll o ;
E , 24-inch. 21c ; GO. 24 Inch. 1SC ; H A F ,
, SWo ; J it F , ft , STVc ; G , JA av.
PIII > TS Sdiiu ColonAltunta , 5'fc ;
Slater , 5c ; UeillnOll , OVfe ; Gainer Oil. OX' ?
7c. PISKAND Koni s Uichtnond , ( kAlletij ;
fxKlveriKiint ; , 5o ; Ktcel Uiver , C > c ; Richmond -
mend , l > c ; Pacific , 6Jvc. Isnioo UI.UK Wash.
ington , Cc ; Century Indltro blue prints , lOc ;
American , OWc ; Arnold , ( We ; Ainold H ,
lOJ 'c ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOHc.
DIIKSS Charter Oak , 4 } < c ; KatmiiK ) , 3 > io ;
I dl. 4J c ; Allen , 5Ke ; Htchuioml , 5 > e ;
Windsor , Cc ; Eddj stone. (5e ( ; Paclllc , Oc.
Biiovv N SltTKTiVo Atlanta A , 1-4 , 7' c ; A
Bantlc H , 4-4 , 7e ; Atlantic U , 4-4 , OWe ; At-
lantle P , 44 , .Wo ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5jje ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4' e ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , U' c ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , fij/o ; Indian Heud , 4-1 , 7'lc ' ;
Lawrence LL. , 4-4 , [ tfc : Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5 > e ; Pepperell U , 4-4 , CJfc ; Pcppoicll O , 1-4 ,
Cc ; Pepperell , 8-4 , 18c ; Pepporell , 9 4 , 20c.
I'ppnorcll , 10-4 , 2Jc ; Utica C , 44. 4 0 ;
Wachusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , Oj c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , (5c. (
lUrrs Stand aid. So ; Gem , 10) c ; Beauty ,
12J o ; Hoonc , 14o ; H , cosed , $ (5 ( 50
COTTON ri.vNS-pi.s 10 per cent tiadc dis
count LL , rtKc ; CC , 7V < c ; SS , 8Ke ; Name-
Ic , 5 1No. ; . 5 , lie ; EC , 9j-fc ; GO , lO' c ;
XX , 12o ; OO , 14c ; NN , Klu ; HX,18e ; H,2Uc ;
No10 , 8Kc ; 40 , lOJtfc ; CO , 12 } c ; 80 , 15e ; JtO ,
coloicd. lOo ; 50 , iolored,12c ; 70 , colored , l5c ;
Bristol , 13Ko'Uiifon ; Piieitic , 18c.
CAIU-ET WAIIIBibb white , $ % ; colored ,
TICKS Lewiston , 30 in , 12'-ijc Lovviston ,
32 in , 1 Ke ; Yoik. 3J in , 14c ; Swift Klvor ,
or , I3c : York 7-07 , 13o ; Hav maker ,
JnffieyXX , MJ c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12 c ; Hou-
\ei-Cieek AA , 12c ; Beavei Creek BU , Ilo ;
Beaver CieckCC , lOc.
. llry Ijinnbor.
noiins. .
No 1 com , s 1 s $18 10 I No. 3 com , s 1 s $15 f > 0
No. 2 com , sis 17 00 | No. 4 com , s I s. U 150
No 1 , 4 & 0 in 12 & 14 ft , rough -$10 50
No 1 , " " 1(5 ( " J9 50
Nov2 , " 12 14 " 1C 50
No. 2 , " " 1C " lh 00
A , 12 , 14 , & 10 ft.21 50 I C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft$15 50
B , " " 20 501 D , " " 1. 50
AC in White "Pine $2150
BOin 'V * " M BO
CCin " f " WOO
DCm " . . " . - 2150
' " > n ( Sei. Fencing ) 1900
C in. Dion Siding 50L- per M. cxtia.
f I'll.l.Ml AM ) I'VllTITIOS.
2d com y. in White Pine Ceiling ? 34 00
i ? 11 ii u 2S 00
lear'Xi' " No > wny " " ! . ! . . . . 1COo
2nd com. jJfln - " " " 1400
A 12 11101118 $1.150
12 " - 3920
12 " -It- 3000
D 12 " , , 2.100
' ' ' ' ' " '
No. lcom.13in'sVs' , 13'H' ! . ! ! ! . . ! . ! ! 20M
.fl " 14 ft 1900
" 10ft Ib50
" 10 , 18,20ft 2150
No.2 , " - - - = - " ? ! . . . - . . . . lii.00
_ V " V\St. 14 ft 18W )
; ' " 1C ft 17N )
12 In Grooved looting , $1 pel M. moie than 12
m Stock Boaids same length.
0 in Giooved Koonng same pi ice as 12 in.
Stock IJoauls.
No 1 Plain S nnd 10 Iu fl'XH )
No. 2 " " " 1750
Np. 1 , OG , Sin 19 HO
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , l1 inch , s2s $51 00
" " 1 ,2 51 00
3d , clear , 1 inch , s2s 44 50
" 1 X , l .SInch 4000
A , select , 1 inch , s2s 4000
A , " 1'f , IK.-inch , s2s 4400
H , " 1 mchs2s 8000
' 41X , 2inch , s2s 3700
Com. 4 inch Tlooiing $17M
Star " " 21 fiO
1st nnd 2d clear 4 inch 1' looi ing 2J 00
Six-inch 50c less
Clear < inch Ceiling 21.50
Clear % inch Paitition 2100
Clear } f inch , Pai tition $ J above % icnh Ceil
Clear Finish , 1 and \\i \ inch , s 2 s $30 00
Clear Finish , \yf \ and 2 Inch , s2s 3000
Clear Corrugated Coiling , 4 inch 2550
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
CI. Poplar Bx. Bds % in , B 2 s ? 35 00
" U' in. Panel , s 2 s 27.00
" Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 23 50
O. G. Balls,3K in. C3c ; Kx3 , s 1 s. 40c ; 3 in.
Well Tubing , D. & M. and Bev. , $23 ( X ) ; Pick
ets , D. & H. Flat , $2050 ; D. H. Sq.$31.50
XX clear , $ 10 ; extia * A , * hi ; * A stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $3 53.
White Cedar , 0 in , X s. 12 > c ; 9 in. qrs ,
K ; white cedar , 5K in. X B. ll c ; 8 in.
qrs , 10e ; white cedar , 4 in. lound , ICJ c ; Ten
nessee red < -edar , split , 14e ; siilit oak , lOc ; (5 (
in , 7 in and 8 in. ( & each ) 8 ft. , round W. C.
A Calirprnia Miuiclmusen-
San Francisco Call : .Tiinmy Peck had
an experience Thunkbjjiving day at the
river that he will remember for some
time to come. .Tunics hnd read some
where of a novel wny of catching chick
ens , by means of a kernel of corn anil a
Hsh-hook. So not caring to waste pow
der and shot on a seemingly countless
Hock of geese , ho conceived the idea of
going to the river and then trying a
similar plan. The geese in the river
bottom-i number inilhoiiB , and they are
slaughtered by the thousands , merely
for their feathers and the sport thut is
got out of the hunting. Mr. Peck se
cured a lot tjffoorn and twine , butinstead
of using thfulhooks ho punctured u hole
in each kpriiol und tied the twine to
it. After Inv had laid out about five
hundred of 4Uose prepared Kernels , ho
attached Jlio. twine ends to a heavy
piece of iropo , and bcarehcd for a small
btump or HSilvelhing to tie the rope to ,
but vvhoL'olZEo ' had set hia novel trap
there wasnothing , but a dreary waste of
sand. Sojhe'iaceordingly tied the rope
about hi5i a'4ir ; il ; cor.ccaleu himiolt ui
a pile of drutvvood. After a half hour H
wait , a Hook of the wild cionkeiti , num-
boiing b ) eHil thousand , How down
near tlio 9potind began devouring the
corn. .Tfyijmy got Ilia knife and club
ready and rose up with loud cries. The
geese loiij tjo , and Jimmy t-ontinuud
rising , hisittotght seemingly amounted
to little with'tho feathered bipeds. Up !
upl up ! he wont , visions of home u
terrible death , and where and how thin
would end , passed thiough hifc
mind as ho wius carried hither and
thithpr by the frightened and scream
ing birdsl But fortunately for Jamct
the geese , being M > demoralized and fly
ing1 Tn opposite directions , the string *
began to biQiik , and lie \vus slowly de
scending to the ground. On looking
down lie s.ivv that the geese were living
directly over the Sacramento river , bul
a death by di owning seem to strike hiir
bettor U > an the other , and when over s
small band bar ho cut the lope and
dropped down. "After three hours sponi
hero ho was taken off by some huntora
Jimmy bajs ho intends to apply to'.Uuld'
win , the balloon man , for n positlonan
thinks ho can give him a few' pointer !
from grcat heights. .
A Little Moro Activity Exhibited in
Flimuclul Affairs.
An 1'nslrr rorlliiR Imllonted In tlic
Undertone to tlie , Now York
Slock Market Wostorii
In Ilic Conuucrclnl World.
Cntuuio , Deo. 10 [ Special Telegram to
the Hrr. ] Lot-ill tlnnnclal iitTalrs exhibited a
httlo inoro activity timing tlio week Just
closed. Bankcis still icpoit u good tlumaml
for money fiom all souiees anil tlie mm ket la
quite tli m. Hegular custoineis of banks gen-
eially obtain all the fuvois asketl , but bank
ets still insist on , undoubted collaterals and
"rather wjilo inaigins , especially on specula-
tlve paper. Very llttlu outside paper is ac
cepted nt present. Hanks aio nioielj gi ant
ing favors pievlously promised , Packers aio
manufacturing rather fieelvof the pioducts
required for the speculative branch of tlio
piovision trade , consequently they have In
creased their demands to some extent and ai c
lendlly accommodated , as they generally have
prcfoiciaes at this season of tlio j car. Spccu-
latois In grain mid piovisions weto moder
ately fico borrowers and had consideiable
paper aci opted by the banks. Considei able
produce has been sold by interior paitles
who have the property for sov oral months
ahead , and a good proportion of the contuicts
has e to bo margined closelj. Some money is
being foi vv arded to the intet ior for the pin -
imso of uioing grain and live stock and also
for the puichanc of small grain for stoi.igo in
small elevators and for the ci tubing of
coin. Lumber desilors aie about out of the
inmket. Merchants in the wholesale Undo
aio only moderato boirovvcis , as their collec
tions aie repotted quite peed and the holiday
tiade , which is hugely cash or verj shoit
date paper , is good. Ilates of inteiest aie
well maintained at ' ( < t } 4 I101'C0nt ou cail'md
. 7 ( < ? fe per cent on tlmo loans In some eases
tlio msido late was icfused foi loundsums.
Money in e.isteiu ccntci s continues
in good demnnd and the supply ol loanable
funds is compiiativolj light , consequently
thomaiketis uncomfoitably close. Inteiest
lates me llrm at 5 ( 7 per cent. Advices
fiom foicign nmikcts iniluuto a fair demand
for loans , with no paiticulai change in Intel-
estiates Dank balances have been slightly
increased in England and matenallv reduced
in riancc. New Yoik exchange was only in
model ate supply during the past \\eek and
the demand fairl.v active. The market
vas stiongcr. Early s des woi omndo at fill ®
0 cents discount per $1,000 between Ijnnhs
-.ntci tiansacttons were reported at pai and
he mai ket closed steady. Toieign exchange
vasoffeiod nioio freely , while the demand
vas only fauly active. The maiket was
teady caily , but toward the close
lie feeling was easier. Snippets'
> i\t.v dujs documcntarv bills on London
li mgcd hands atl MKJtt.M)1 ) * early in the
vcck , but later tiansactions wcio inado at
7SI | ( ii4.7Jf ! ( and the maiket closed quiet.
Stocks in New York weie only uiodcr-
itely active dui ing the w eek Just closed and
'he undeitono to the market indicated an
-asici feeling. Offeiings of leading piopei-
.ius wore mofloiatclj fieo , 'while thcie was
10 piitieuhu urgency in the demand fiom
anquarter. . Kainlngs of the leading rail
roads exhibit nn Improvement over the u1-
urns foi the conespoiidiiig time last \ear ,
ml this featiuo appeals to have little in-
lucnco at present. The unsettled feeling in
cgaid to fi eights , with some prospects of a
disruption of passengci intestcndstokeepop-
ci atoi s fiom taking hold to any extent , Wall
street spcculatois trading modeiatolv , mainly
of the small-profit or loss Older of business ,
ivhilo outside operators wcio indiiTeient
about engaging m uny very laigo tiansat-
, ions roieign tiadois limited their business
; o spcc-inltles Prices of leading piopeitks
Have luled iriegul.u- within nsmall lange
mid av 01 aged lower. The closeness of the
money maiket inteifcied with trading to
some extent. S lies on the New Yoilc ex
change for the week aggicgatcd l , ! > jSuO !
chines Considerable activity was
manifested in pioduco ciicles dur
ing the past week , though the feeling
was somewhat unsettled and nervous and
[ Hicos ruled with more incgulant.v than for
some time past Evidently theie has been
more lealizmg within the past few da\s , as
Lho lecent advancom prices has enabled
lioldeis to ace opt large profits , and the out-
hide puces reached were not sustained to tlio
close. Early In the week prices weie ad
vanced considerably highci than dining the
week previous , duo laigel.v to the active de
mand fiom shoits and incieased oideis fiom
outside parties At the outside llguics the
speculative ofTcimgs wcio hugely increased ,
local opei.Hoin leading and outside paities
following in their wake. Piovisions wcio
the first to lead out and the giain mnikets
followed quickly , lesulting in a mateiial 10-
duction m puces. Temitoraiy tiades were
made , but not sustained , nnd the pines for
nil the lending articles nt the close are lower
than a week ago. The icccipts of grain and
live stock have been moderately free , while
the shipments weie not very laige. Stocks
show a model ate increase. Ariivals of
live stock have been free tit till the principal
western markets. Hogs were in moderato
supply wuly in the week , but arrived in largo
numbeis later , which w s the main cause for
the break m the piovision maiket. Advices
fiom abroad have not boon very encouraging
toholdetsnud this bus added somcivhntto
the depicssion m a general way.
The expoit movements in grain nnd pio-
visions are fair , but not quite so laigo as ic-
jKHted one year ago Stocks of grain in the
aggiegato nro not enlaiging to any extent ,
wheat being about the only exception. Sup
plies of provisions aio gcnoi ally inci easing ,
though largely of pork and meat , the lard
going leguhuly Into consumptive channels.
Packing in the west Is progressing favoiably
and the aggiegato does not vuri much fiom
that of ono j ear ngo.
Condition of Trade.
A geneinl resume of the business of the
past week Indicates a veri healthy state of
tiadc In all the \niious branches of com-
meice. Dry goods dealers report prices as
unchanged and state that from Indications
there will not bo any considerable Mirlation
bcforothoflrstofthoie.ii- volume of
business for November shows a giatifvlng
inci ease us compared with that of the same
period ono jeur ago. Collections are classed
as goed. Oiders for spring stock are coming
in eveiy day and the outlook is regarded as
being v ery favoi able. As a matter of coui so
what is known as the "busy season" In the
boot and shoo business is piactically at an
end jet the icquiicmcntsof the lotal trade
keep dealers moving and business isvery
good. Sales for the month of November
show a considtii able Inci ease of that of the
same period In ISM ! and the annual tunwer
pjouilscs to nviw > J-tut ! : cf hist jear by n con
siderable sum. Collettlons 1110 icpoited ns
fair. Oideis for spiing Undo aio ahcady
being taken by the traveling representatives.
Millinery and notion houses repoit business
as good but i ollections only fair. Ol del s for
holiday goods aio rapidly loming in and well
solec ted stocks are being gieatly reduced.
Salesmen aio now taking orders for Junimij
deliveii of eail.V spiing stjlos. The pios-
peels for spring trade are \er.v piomlslng.
Tlio general tone of the grocery mm ket is
good and prices have remained steady for the
past week , with but a few ext options , coffee
mid sugar , and the changes in prices of these
nrtlcles have not been of any considerable no
tice. Business Is fairly good and is lapidly
increasing. The produce markets have con
tinued about steady and but few changes
were noted. Huttcr has taken a fiimei tone
ovv ing to a slight falling off in icccipts , Eggs
and cheese- arc steady , while potatoes uiu a
shade higher. Poulliy nlone is dull owing t < i
the prevailing warm weather. Other lines
are In linn h the same condition as heretofore ,
Husiness is re-iioitod as vciy good. The
coal maikt't has bct-n netivo and pi ice *
have increased somewhat. The demand
i good mid the receipts mo not what wen
anticipated , and should cold weather beglr
within the next few daj s n famine may be
looked for. Orders sent in last July nio nol
( illnd as jet ) the lailioad companies claiming
Umt thttj c.mnot funilsh c-ais. Price * . 01
lumber icmuin .uifchangcd. Business h
as. fur as loukl tiadu is .cou
corned. Country dealer * have censed
ordering for a tlmo ovv ing to the approach of
winter. In the city contractors nro using nil
haxtc possible to close up what buildings they
have In course of t-onstiuctlon , and in order
to do this are Working extra men , which 110-
cessltfltcs more material. Hay nro grain nre
teady , with agouti demand for first class
stock , flour remains stoad.v at a slight nd-
Vancouver last week's pi lies. Heavy hat d-
ware li.cs not clntngc-d und Is in good demnnd
throughout the country , while Until tiado is
also v cry good. Hides nnd furs arc dull , nnd
there is not much doing. Spit Us remain Him ,
TIII : winnrH
A Gratifying Itonlty Mnikrt Tlu
\V ' lk'M lijink Cloiiruncos.
Tlio fact that the winter season is hero
once inoic seems to have no ictaidlng efTcct
upon tlic business In tlio real estate mm ket.
On the contiaty , the past week has been ono
of evtiaoidltmrj activity foi the tlmo of .vear.
Sales nggi egntlng over $1500,000 hnvo been
made , and theio Is no doubt that when the
spilng comes building opci at ions will beuioio
active than during the past spiing. Cottages
for w 01 kingmen arc much needed , and capi
talists are making anangements to constiuct
a huge number in the subuibs , The dcals in
dirt for the weelc me as follows :
Monday S 37,7U (
Tuesday fil.'JO't
Wednesday 27.1V ( 7
Thuisday 1 IJ.MXI
Ttldav 5I,3. < !
Sattuday. r > ( i'J71
Total * C. 0,70 < 1
1 he business done In the banks has been
giatlf.ving and the usual largo Inci ease Is
show n. The following table show s w hat has
been done :
Monday 5 700tilt S7
Tuesday 571,5'r ' > 9-1
Wednesday f > 7i"m ; 1.1
Thuisday .121,4.1(1 ( 41
nidav 5o i,2.o ! in
Hutm-duj 515,0 194
Total $ .1,3'9,447 ' ' ( > J
The increase ovei the coiicsponding week
of last v ear is $3M , 17 ! ) (15. ( The poi centage is
y , ! U per cent.
The building penults wcio vciy few dur
ing the past week.
Tlio Apollo Club Conceit.
The Hist conceit of the Apollo club iccently
oiganbcd will bo given at Ho.vd's opeia
house on Wednesday cv ening next and pi fl
umes to be one of the most notable affaiis of
the season. The club Is composed of the best
joung men of the citv and cmbi.iccs some of
the finest of Omaha's musical talent. The
gentlemen composing thu organisation have
stalled out wile a dclcimunition to sutceed
and aio using evciyeflott to make tins en-
teitainment n success licvond nil doubt
those who attend will gieatly enjoy the
ioncert , while those who absent themselves
will miss one of the nchest musical tieats
thej have ever had an oppoi limit j ol enjoi-
Ijlccnsi-d to Wed.
The following niairiago licenses vveio
giantcd l i Judge McCulloch jesteulay :
Name and icsidence. Atre.
( Nicholas O. Petcison , Omaha 2t )
( Carne S. bteean , Oinahn . . . . ' till
( Allen H. PolT. Omaha HI
( Ira J. Pickaul , Omaha Ill
i Chi 1st. Ticckol , Sarpy countj , Neb10
j MInnieWillebooisoDouglascounty , Neb .11
[ Soion Peterson , Omaha 24
( Anna Luvvson , Omalm 27
( Jonas A. Nelson , Wavei ly , Neb fU
| Anna Svvanson , Wuveily , Neb yi
cnuncii NOTICKS.
Fn st , Nineteenth and Davcnpoi t streets .
Hey A. P. Shernll D. D , pistor Services
at 10 HO and 710 ! o'clock Sunday school at
noon Chut cli pi aver meeting Wednesday
evening Y. P. S C E piajer meeting Tii-
day evening.
St Mary's Aenuc , St Mar.v 's nnd Tvvcn-
, j-si\th avenues Hov. Willard Scott , pas-
01. Sei vices at 10 ISO and 7 ; .M > o'clock. 6un-
i.iy school ar noon. Young people's choir in
: ho cv quing ; Y. S P. C. E praj or meeting
Monday evening. Chinch placer meeting
Wednesday evening.
Hethlehem Chapel , Sixteenth nnd Hlckoiy
tieets Key. M. J. P , Thing , pastoi. bun-
tlav school at 3 o'clock Sewing school on
Satuiday , 10 a. m.
Pai lev ale Chapel , Tvvcntvninth and Mai-
ha stieets Mr. T. H. Ta\lor , supeuntcn-
dent. Sunday school at ! l o'clock.
Thii d , Nineteenth and Sprnco sti ects Hov.
\ . H Peiiiinnan , pastor. Sei vices atlO.IiOand
.to o'clock Sunday school at noon. Y. P.
3 C. E. pi iiycr mooting Sunday , ( KtOp m.
; huich piajet meeting Wednesday evening.
Opening sei v ices of the new t hurch btuld-
ngof thoSaiatoga Congregational t-liuicli ,
-01 nor Twentv fifth and Ames avenue. He-v.
W. Scott will picach soi men. All fncnda
"i om dow n tow 11 aie invited.
Fioo Geiman , Twelfth and
Doicas stieotK Key. r. H. W. IJrueehcrt ,
pastor. Services at 10 ! iO nnd 7W : ! o'clock.
Sunday school at 2 .80 o'clock. Pi aj or meet-
ng Wednesday evening.
ChcuyHlll , Central paik addition Tlov.
J. A. Mllligan. pastor , beiviccsatll nnd 7
o'clock. Sunday school nt noon. Young
people's meeting tit ti o'clock.
Hillside , Omalm View Ilcv. H. C. Cianc ,
astor. Sot vices at 10.30 and 70 : ! ! o'clock.
Sunday school at noon. Y. P. S. C. E piayer
mooting Sunday ev ening.
Park. Place , California and Thirtieth
streets Hev. M. L. Holt , pastor. Services
utlO-yo und 7 o'clock. Sunday school at
First United , 112 North Eighteenth street
Uev. E H Graham , pastor. PulUio worship
nt 10 : ) a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school
ut noon.
Park Avenue United , corner of Park ave ,
ind Grant stieets Hev. J. A. Hendeison ,
pastor. Preaching by the pastor at 10 ! ! 0 a
m. niid7'tOp. : m. Sabbath school at noon.
You aie invited.
Southwestern Piesb.vteiinn , corner of
Twentieth nnd Leavenworty stieets Uev.
D. H. Ifeir , pastor. Moining sei vice at 11 a.
m. ; evening sei vice , 7 : 0 p. m. Sabbath
school ut noon. You aio invited.
First Geiman , on Eighteenth and Cumtng
stteels HoVi J. t ! . Schaible , pnstor. Divine
service at 10. , ,0 u m. and 7:150 : p. m. At ! l p.
m. on Fouith and Center stieets at the u-s-
idcnce of Max Hot hnoke. Sabbath si heel ut
12 m. Hlblo and piayor meeting ovoii Wed-
ncsdny evening at 7sO. : Germans ute in
vited , Sttangers are vveh omo.
North , Saunders street Hev. William H.
Henderson , pastor. Seiviies at 10.5 : ( ) ami
7tO : ! o'clock. Sabbath school ut noon.
Piayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7JO :
p m.
Welsh , services held nt NoilliTvvcnti- -
eight stieets. Sunday school at 2.0ji. ! ! m.
Pt aiso service ut 7 :30 : p m.
Castcllnr Sticut , Sixteenth nnd Castollnr
streets Pleaching at 11 a m. und 7.tO : p in
by the pastor , Hev. .1. M. Wilson. Sunday
school at y p. m , Young people's union at
Westminster. Tioiell's Hall , 3700 Leaven.
woith sticet Pleaching by the nastor , Hev.
John Gordon , at 10 : . W ) a.m. and : M p.m.
Sunday si heel at 12 m.
Hamilton Street Hamilton street near
Low o avenue. Hev. William J Palm , pistoi
Sabbath school at 10..iOa m. nnd 7. .Hip m
Sabbath school at 12 m. Wednesday piujer
meeting at 7 'M ) .
Ambler Phuo Hov. G. N , Lodge , pastor.
Serv ices ut 2 ,30 p m. Sunday school at 3 , ! iO
p. m.
m.Cential United , 11.1 Noith Seventeenth
street Hov. John Williamson , pastor. Scr-
vhes at 10.30 a.m. anil 7 " < ) p. m. Young
people's piayer meeting atO 15 on Sabbath
ev enings. All uro invited.
South Omaha , t-oi ner Twenty-fifth nnd Q
stieets Hev. G. N * Lodge , pastor. Services
ut lOill a m. Sunday school at 12 m.
Prcsbjtoiinn chinch , No HMO Lake street.
Sabbath school ut'J.UO and preaching service
ut-t p. m.
Flist , corner Dpdgo and Seventeenth
streetsHov. . W. J. Hntsha , pastor. Kei-
v ice ut 10.M : ) nnd 7:15 : Ypung [ icople's meet
ing at 7. Sabbath school at 1 J m.
* MBrnoniHT.
First , on Davrnpoit street between Sev
enteenth and Eighteenth Hov. T. M. House ,
pastor. I'rcnchlniT ut 10.0 ! ! a. m. nnd 7:30 : p.
m. Sunday sc.hoolut 2K : ! ) p m. Scuts fmo.
All welcome.
Sciv'ircs 'of TiinUy will bo held nt
the corner of Saunders and llinuej
streets Preaching nt IO.-30 a. m. and 7:81 :
p.m. Sunday school nt2:30 : p. m. Younj
jifoplo's meeting nt 7:30 : p. in. Alfred If ,
Henry , tnvstor.
HanscomPark Coiner Georgia and Wool-
vvoith avenues. Preaching nt 10-30 n. m.
nnd 7:30 : b > the pastor , Uev. CJ. M. Urown.
Sunday school nt 2 : , H ) p. in. Young people's
meeting ut 0:4,1 : p. m ,
Sovvard Street Key. Charles W. S V-
idgo will preach in the morning upon
"Tho Passport to Heaven. " In the evening
his subject will bo "limploi ON of Domestic
Servants. "
rust. Sti angers' Sabbath home , corner
Fifteenth and Davenport shoots llov. A. W.
lunar , pastor. I'tom-hlng nt 10:30 a. m , and
7:3lp.m. : ( Young peoplo's nn-ctlngnt :
Sabbath school at 12 m. Piujur mooting
Wednesday evening at 7:30. : All nro oor-
Uially inv Itcd. Scats free. i
Ninth Omaha Baptist 2400 Snun-
dcis street Uev. r. W. Foster , pas-
tor. Piciuhlng on Sunday at 10:30 : n. in.
and 7UI : ! p m. Sunday school nt 1 ! } m.
Pra.ver meeting Wcdnosday evening. The
public loullnlly invited. The Sunday school
will m i.mge for a Christmas entertainment
to moi i-ovv.
Bc'th-Kden Uov. II. L. House , pastor.
Pleaching by the pastor nt 4:15 : p. m.'nt St.
Mail's Avenue Congiegatlimnl church. Sab
bath school nt 3 p. m. Pnijor inciting
Thinsdnv evening at 7-0. ! Strntigors cor-
dinlly welcome. Seats free.
South Omiihn Baptist , meets for Sunday
school nt it o'clock , nnd for preaching ht 4
o'clock , evoiy Sundiy afternoon , iulSouth
Omaha public Hihnol house , Uuv. F. W. FOB-
tci pastor. The South Omuhu public cor
dially invited to om services.
Calvary , Saunders stieet near Cnmlng.
Pieaclilng by the pastor , Uev. A. W. Clark ,
at lO.iU ) n m. nnd 7:30 : p m. Suuday school
at Ill5a. : m.
Geiman , 100" ! South Twentieth stioct E.
.T. Fi esc , pastor. Sei vice every Sundny ut'
10 a. m. Sunday schoolat 2 p. m.
St. Mat It's Evangelical , coiner North
Tvv eenty-first and Hurdetto sti cots Hov.
Gcoigu H. Sehnur , pastor. Church scrvkxj
und pi caching by the pastor ut 10:30 : n. ni.
und 7.80 p m.
ICount/o Memotinl Evangelical , coiner of
SKtoonth and Hiuney stieets Hov. J. S.
PeUveiler , pastoi. Chinch sei vices nnd
pieachlng by the pastor ut 10 JOn. m. and
7.JOp m. bundai school nt noon.
Unity , Seventeenth nnd Cass streets Kov.
W. E Copeland pastor. Seiviies ut H a.
in. und 7 00 p. in. Sundy school nt 12:15. :
Subjcit of scitnon Sunday morning : "Tho
Scai let Wonnn on the Seven Hills. " Sub
ject of evening convoi Ration , by special re
quest will be "LJuddlm , the Christ of Judoa. "
n-istioi-u , .
All Saints' , corner Twenty sixth ( Fairview -
view und Hovvatd stieots Hov. Lewis Xuh-
ncr , reitor. Early celebration 7:30 : n m.j
moinlng sctvice II a. in. ; even-song 7iW : ;
Sundy school 12.30 p in. Strangers cotdully |
welcome , ,
rSt. Philip's Frco ( colored ) 813 North Nine
teenth stiect John Williams , pastor. Sim-
daj school ut 2 30 p m , Even song at 8 p. m.
Stiangcis always welcome. j
St. Harnabiis Fieo , Nineteenth nnd
Califoinla stteets John Williams , rec
tor. Plain i ion of the Holy Euchnr-
istat , ! 0u m. ; litany and chouil celebration
at 1 1 a m. Choi al ov en song at t p m Sundny
si heel at 12:80 : p. m. Strangers coidiully wel
Mission services of the Episcopal church
will bo held nt Wulnut Hill on Thursday
evening at the resldcni oof Mr. Epenctcr , at
7. JO o'clock. John Williams , pastor. '
} < orrs.
Rev. Willaid Scott will pi each in the
motning in the St Mnry's Avenue Congrega
tional church , on "HcllgioiiH Show , " and the
ev ining on "Luck. " Members will bo re
ceived and the Lord's supper administered iu
in the morning
The dedication of the Piesbi toi itin church
in Soutli Oinnlia Is postponed fiomtomor-
lovv until next Subbuth , the Ibth , ut 2:30 :
Hev. Alficd II. Henry will take for his
moining subject Jat Tilmtv1 M. E. church ,
"Homo Training ' In the evening ho will
speak to the joung people. Subject : "To-
moriovv. "
Kov. W. .1. Ilarshd's subject for" Sabbath
evening will bo"Tlio Woiklngmou , Their
Demands and Needs "
Tlio subject of Hov , John Williamson , Sun
day moining will bo : "Stiength , How
round. " and m the evening , "Leave Nothing
Uehlnti "
Hev. F. W. Foster will have for his morn
ing theme : "Husiness , Co-Pin tncrship
With God ; " evening theme : "Invisible
Hcauties "
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