Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1887, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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We open our holiday display Ihl * jear
tvltli Ilii ! richest aMMirlnipnt of useful
presents we hate m-r shown. IH-ntlc-
niRM or ladles will llnd un uiicqimlli'd ills *
piny of
ladies' ' Toilet Cases ,
Men's ' Toilet Cases ,
Men's Traveling Cases ,
Ladies' ' Jewel Cases ,
Desks-Woik Sexes
Writing - ,
For Monday imiriilnp we cull nttenllon
lo n lot of imported toilet ensci for gentle-
men's iiM' , utiil solid leather
( 'outains ' nil the necessary articles fern
n tnncliuu satehel--ra/or.s , brushes , mir
ror , soap hex , ice. It would bo reason-
uhle at $15.
Traveling Case ,
We have another lot of varlo us styles
containing brushes , razors , mirror , Arc. ,
that we will sell for $5 ; worth $10.
We hntejmt received every conceivable
shade In new ribbons , and ladies can Hud
n selection from our sleek unequalled in
Interesting Sketches of Recent Ar
rivals at the Penitentiary.
Statistic * From the Stntc TrenHiiror's
Jlcport Meeting of Missouri Val
ley Wholesale DritKgiHtH Htnto
House Items IJreveties.
[ rnoii Tiin nun's LINCOLN IIUKCAU. ]
Tliero have been ton new convicts received
At the stnto penitentiary since tlio first of the
month , and their history 1ms been recorded
at the exi'cutivo omcc. Some of these his
tories nro Interesting and tlio somewhat
remarkable fact in connection with one of
them Is that he was scut up for Illegal voting.
Another one heroically records tlio fact that
In polities ho is a. mugwump. The following
arc items from their recorded histories :
Chnrlus McQueen , sent from Gape county
for two years for horse stealing , thirty-three
years of age , u bricklayer , a member of the
Methodist church and no polities.
Frank Whitton , sent from Douglas county
for four years for burglary , nineteen years
of ego , clerk by occupation , native of Ohio ,
and n member of the Christian church.
Thomas Carson , sent from Douglas county
six yearn for burglary , u eignrmaker by
trade , native of Pennsylvania , n Catholic
and u democrat.
Frank Rand.ill , sent from Douglas count )
four years for burglary , twenty-six years ol
ago , a stone cutter by trade , native of In
diana , without religion and a republican.
Benjamin White , sent from Adnuis count )
onu.voar for lllt'gul voting , twenty-six year.
of ago , railroader , native of Illinois , u Cuth
olic and without politics.
.1. 1' . Johnson , from Douglas county , foul
years for burglary , eighteen years of upx .
occupation u waiter , native of Missouri and i
Lufe Armstrong , sent from Hamilton
county eighteen months for grand larceny ,
twenty-one years of ago , un engineer , u mom
bur of the Baptist church und u republi-
can.E , Francis Leproheu , s > enl from Otot
county one year for forgery , twenty-sevoi
years of age , nn attorney at law , native o
Montreal , Canada , a Catholio und a republl
William Urunner , sent from Doughn
county ono year for forgery , lifty-six ,
of ago , a .school teacher , n native of Switrcr
land. ( Junker and ti mugwump.
The state of Nebraska is in no danger o
Incoming a pauper immediately. The repor
of the state treasurer tiled with the stati
auditor shows that nu.tho 1st of December
Just ono year from the time that thu bleiinia
report was prepared for the legislature , tin
following amount was on the books , to tin thu state :
General fund . f 121,503.2'
Kinking fund . 133,8U3.3
Permanent school fund . MO,4'.J3.1
Temporary school fund . 831,1170.9
I'ermunont. university fund . .1,310.0
Temporary university fund .
Agricultural eollege endowment
tuml . : .
1'onlteutiary fund . 307 , < %
State bonds fund . " 7.11
Insane hospital fund . C9S10.C
Normal building fund . .
Normal endowment fund . S.Ml.ti
Normal library fund . l.ti'24.3
Normal interest fund. . . . , . r > ,05S.C
Stilus funding . . . . . . G7.S
Capitol buihflug funfl .
Cnpitol building fund ( special ) . . . 80 , 07.i !
Koform school fund ( building ) . , . 7,001.1
Institution for the feeble-minded
fund . 5,555.1
I.ivo stock indcinnlt ) ' fund .
Sallno land suufl ; yiu-ds luud .
Salliui fund , , . ' . . . .
Interest chiirged county treas-
uivrs . 39. :
Tolalln state treasury . t.fl.ifiiS.fii.l
Of these funds QUO of the largest , the ten
- -
We hare just receh cd onr new Mock , of
llluck Silks for the holiday trade , and will
begin Monday morning by oflcriii
New fresh goods made for { lie. holiday
trade , 22 Inches wide , warranted to wear
well and u-iially sold for $1. * > 0. The
width of thcM ) silks make * a pattern of 1C
to 20 yards , siifllcient for a suit.
Silks ,
O22 inches wide , warranted to wear well.
This silk will he found equal to any shown
elsewhen ; for $2 , and at our price , $1.50 ,
you save fully sjvS to $10 on u dress.
1 Cashmere Finished
Silk ,
We have received fresh from the looms
20 pieces of the llnest$2 cashmere finish
black gros grain silk ever seen in Omaha--
as 'good as that heretofore oll'ered for
Mail orders tilled.
Next week we ofler 50 pieces of the
$1.25 satin Iuehes.'o ) in all colors at Tile ;
reds , pinks , orause , copper , sapphire
pirnels , ( Tine , pistaclte , cream ,
etc. , In these at 71 > c.
porary school fund , will bo drawn out en
tiri'ly as soon as the state superintendent.
makes thu apportionment to the different
ounties in the state. In the funds of the
ifforcnt state institutions they arc subject
0 fluctuation , according as taxes are paid
nd expenses of the institution are met. The
ermanent schools fund is , however , largely
fixture awaiting investment , and us the con-
tiiutioii limits Investments to government ,
tatc and county bonds , enough of that paper
s not to bo found to make investments in ,
nd in consequence the permanent school
unds continue to grow and will do so until
cgiMativc action is taken to change the con-
titulional limitation so that equally as good
ccurities as those cited can bo purchased
inder the law. In his biennial report n yciu
.go State Treasurer Willard culled emphatic
Aleutian to the needs in this direction , but
he members of the IcglsltRurc failed to give
1 attention.
Yesterday morning Marshal T.ownscnd , of
Yomont , came lo the city la search of a man
amcd William" Dnffeycharged withsleallng
i gold watch. DufTey was found ut work foi
ho Lincoln Electric Light company , and the
nurshal took him to Fremont on the first
.rain. DufTey claims to bo innocent.
Yesterday the Missouri Valley Drug asso
elation , the membership made up from whole
snlo drug houses in the Missouri valley cities
icld its bi-monthly session In this city botweor
liu hours of 10 a. m. and 4 p. m. at the Cap-
tul hotel. After transacting important bus- !
less an adjournment was taken to meet two
nonths hence in St. Joseph. Among the rep-
esentntives in attendance were : J. C. Fox ,
\tchlson ; C. F. Weller , Omaha ; J. H. Rich-
irdson , Chicago ; F. A. Foxau , Kansas City ;
jcorgo A. Eddy , Leaven worth ; F. W.
Schulten , Kansas City ; W. C. Wells and C.
J. Daubach , Lincoln ; T. F. Vaimlta , St. Joe.
&TATI : nouM7. ITJM : .
General Thaycr is expected home the last
of the week.
The supreme court docket for the January
term Is nearly complete. It will bo an ex
tensive ono.
Secretary Laws yesterday certified to the
governor the election returns from Kulth
county. They show that the proposed divi
sion was carried , and the now county of Per
kins agreed upon for tlio south half of
Thu Grand Island Light ami Fuel com-
imnyhas filed amended articles of incorpora
tion , allowing the capital stock to bo in
creased from $7fi.OOO to $150,000.
Tlio appraiser's returns have been received
from Sheridan county and the .school hinds
there will bo placed on the market January
T > . There uro I .0,01)0 ) acres of school lands In
this county , and the appraised value runs
from 50 cents to $15 par acre. The average
appraised value of good farming lands runs
nt about * 3 i > er acre.
Dr. Gertie , Major Hlrne.v and W. W. Abbey -
boy , of the live stock sanitary commission ,
leave to-day for Springfield , 111. , where they
attend'tho convention of live stock commis
sioners from the northern and western states.
Under the call for this convention the main
topic will bo the discussion of a law limiting
the importation of Texas cattle In the months
between March and November. Dr. Hillings ,
of the state university , will also bo in at
County ConiinlHsioiterfi.
The following resolutions were passed yes-
torduy morning :
Resolved , That the county clerk bo and Is
hereby instructed to cancel all Douglas
county warrants which have remained un
called for for live .veal's or more , as allowed
and authorized by the laws of the laws of the
btateof Nebraska.
Resolved , That it is the sense of this board
that thn county treasurer bo Instructed to
assess the Omaha Gas Manufacturing com
pany for 9'HXi feet of gas jilpo in the Fourth
ward , city of Omaha , sanui having been
" . from assessment book for the year of
Resolved , That It is is the scnso of this
boaixl that the county physician In hereby in
structed ' to employ an assistant at n salary
not to'exceed ti > per month for thrco months ,
commencing December 1,16b7.
Resolved , The assessment on lot 3 block 0 ,
E. V. Smith addition , be reduced from f 1,801 *
to f'.KX ) on account of error of assessor am )
acknoxyledped by him.
Resolved , That the bureau of co-operative
charities bo given desk room .in too court
house when ho applies for same. .
I *
Of a Sealskin Sacque is by far the richest pres
ent a gentleman can give , to a lady. We liave
all sizes and qualities in stock , and the magni
tude of our business enables us to undersell all
competition. S. P. MORSE & CO.
Sealskin Jackets , $100.
Sealskin Sacques , $1.75.
Sealskin Sacques , $2OO ,
Sealskin Sacques , $225.
Sealskin Sacques , $250.
Sealskin Sacques , $275.
We sell only genuine Alaska seal garments ,
of the best London Dye , every sacque warran
ted.- S. P. MORSE & CO-
To-inorroiv we will offer a special lot of
photograph albums in Russian leather ,
plush and Morocco , real value $8 to $10
- next week $5.
Opera Glasses , $2.00. $
Opera Glasses , $3.00. $
Opera Glasses , $10.00. $
Opera Glasses , finest im
ported , $12. $
Mail Orders Filled.
The Proceedings of Hie Annual Meet
ing of the AV. C. A.
The fourth annual meeting of the Woman's
Christian association was held in this city
Tuesday , December 0. Devotional exercises
were conducted by. Mrs. Pcrino and Mrs.
Doolittle , after which the work of the past
year was reviewed. The address of the pres
ident , Mrs. P. L. Pcrine , was then delivered.
In her remark * Mrs. Pcrine expressed her ap
preciation of the achievements of the past
year , and gave many valuable suggestions for
the future. All who listened to Mrs.Perino's
address characterized it as one of the ablest
of its kind ever delivered.
The meeting was an enthusiastic one , and
the members all give evidence of their full
enlistment in thu worthy cause they have un
The officers for the ensuing year were
elected as follows : President. Mrs. P. L.
Pcrlnu ; vice-presidents , Mesdames Jurdine ,
McCaguo , McLaiMJ and Hills ; trcasuror.Mrs.
Dr. aLuddlngton ; corres | oiidliig secretary ,
Mrs. Malnes : " recording secretary , Mrs.
Fleming : iKiard of managers , Mesdames Dee
little. Roberts , Wood , Knight.lClliott , Haller ,
Pratt , Tilden , Taylor , Woodman. Uilmoiv ,
The trcasuror , Mrs. Dr. Lnddington , re
ported that the association receipts for the
year from all sources , including accumu
lated building fund , was f4-i.-l'.i ! : ; expendi
tures , ) ,8f.M ; > i > ; balance , VNI.4U.
Mrs. 1C. D. Hill , treasurer of the charity
board fund rejiorted as follows :
Amount on hand January I . $
Received during year . . . H-l 17.S."i
Expenditures during year ending Dec. 1 :
C.roceries . fl.'JOI.Nl
Coal .
Dry goods and shoes . 7i'J.H : ! )
Meat . : . M.1M
Medicines . t. . ait.iffl
Ward committees . ! 2 s.iir >
Charity union . 500.1X1
Industrial school . 'JOO.X ( )
Child's hospital . 0.00
Ualanco . 1KM5U
4,035. 1(1 (
The report of Mrs. Ilaincs , the correspond
ing secretary , is very full and complete. Mrs.
Ilnlnes is un indefatigable worker and en
thusiastic in the worthy cause to which she
devotes so much of her time. In Her report
thu corresponding secretary says that the
past year has been an important ono for the
society. From December 1SSO to July 1837 ,
100 persons were cared for at the homo , some
for ono night only , others for a much longer
time. Some of these were children and for
several of these good homes were secured.
The accommodations were becoming limited
and unsatisfactory and in July a house was
purchased , put in repair , and opened Oc
tober 1.
The house has seventeen rooms. At pres
ent there nro eight persons at the homo two
of whom , old and feeble women , will probably
bo llxtures. The proceeds of the charity ball
have been exjtciulej in outside relief work.
In September the Motor company pre
sented the society with n small house
which was accepted und moved to the rear
of a lot on Hurt street and repaired , und
rented for the association's benellt.
A boarding house was opened In October.
and it bids fair to be a success and great aid
to the working girls of the city. From the
llrst month's report of the home it is learned
that after paying till expenses.$70 was handed
the treasurer for rent. The boarding , homo
will assuredly bo solf-supjiortlng. The open
ing of a woman's exchange Is now under con
sideration , und in the { hands of an efficient
committee. The success in the year Just
closed is very gratifying to the host of ener
getic and noble women engaged in this labor
of love , and the new year dawns upon them
with better and brighter prospects for the
achievements of their hopes than they have
over before been permitted to. anticipate.
A New Hospital.
A move Is now under way to establish a
new hospital on a largo scale , in this city. At
the head is Uev. E. A * . Fogolstrom , pastor ol
the Swedish Lutheran church on the corner
of Nineteenth aud Cass streets. This struc
ture was built by the .energetic efforts of this
gentleman , who is now meeting with consider.
Plush Sacques , $50. $
Plush Sacques , $40. $
Plush Sacques , $30. $
Plush Sacques. $45. $
Plush Sacques , $19. $
Plush Sacques , $12.75 $
Boys' Sleds , 29c.
To-morrow 100 dozen sleds like the
nbovo at SSlif each. These haie always
been relaile.l at 75e.
able success In securing subscriptions for the
prow | ed hospital. Ono gentleman told a
Hr.i : reporter that himself und his brother
had contributed fJXX ( ) , and that another pub-
lie spirited citizen had subscribed $ 'I , < XX > , and
would ruiso the same to $5,000. The hospital
will be managed by trustees , no two of whom
shall be of the same religious denomination.
Special sale of cloaks and sliawls , Mon
day morning1 , December 12 , uncl during1
this week wo will oll'or tlio handsomest
line of cloukn which was over displayed
in the west , and nt prices which would
inako the nuuiufiieturord tremble. Our
juycr in the cast has sent us S03 giir-
nonts of different description , which ho
nought at n forced sale at about one-half
cost of matorinl , which , in addition to
our largo stock , will bo ready for your
inspection on Monday morning. Among
this lol you will'll'ml plush coats with
seal ornnmunls nt $ lo ouch , worth $80 ;
ill wool pluid ulslofti , with or without
lioods , ul $ ( > , $7 and $8. Plain ulstors
$4.06 , worth $10. Ladies' jackets in
every description und nt your own
prices. Children's and misses' cloaks
For all ayes and all the differ
ent hixes. 'The largest variety
in this line in the city.
Our styles on these are correct and 'our
prices 'you will Und satisfactory. All
wool beaver shawls lit * 2.7o aim Sit.OO.
worth f.'i.OO. All wool double shawls tit
< K'.75 , $4.00 and $4.00 , worth double what
wo n k for. We carry the handsomest ,
Jerseys in the city ; our prices you will
Und lower than others usually nbk for
the same. Wo would advise nil who
intend buying a cloak or shuwl not to
put it off too long for during this sale
you will Und our store crowded and it
will be impossible for us to duplicate the
prices and garments which will be on
sale Monday , Dec. 12 , 1887. Great in
ducement offered to close buyers in odds
and ends of goods , silks , satins ,
velvets , table linon's , flannels , odd pairs
of blankets , odd do/.onH napkins , &c. , &c.
.110 and 118 So Kith st. ,
_ Omaha , Neb.
The west bound dummy on the Union
Pacific , which leaves Omaha at a :05 : p. m. ,
when near Savage's crossing , about ono mile
this side of SoijtU Omanu , struck a team of
horses which * wore being driven across the
track , instantly killed ono of them and
mangled the .other BO badly that the animal
had to bo killed. T A boy aged about thirteen
years , named Draper Trout , who was steal
ing n ride on"tho pilot of the engine , wus
thrown against1 * one of the wheels of the
wagon to which -\\o } \ animals wore attached
and sustained very serious injuries. It is be
lieved that he cannot recover.
From UmotQtLmo the HEK has referred to
the lack of. . , accommodations provided for
passengers on the Union Pucillo dummy
trains. Labfnlght nearly two hundred pas
sengers , atnung them several ladies , were
compelled to .stand . outside in the storm
awaiting' the arrival of the train , which was
about twenty minutes lute us is usual on
Saturday nlghts.beciiuse of no room in the
depot buildinjj , . t was supposed that when
this structure was completed that ample ac
commodations tot the comfort of the travel
ing public would'bo provided , but such is not
by any menus the case. A very small room in
the north end of the depot , the only conven
ience therein being the ticket window , Is ex-
] Mctcd to accommodate from two hundred to
four hundred persons. It Is sale to nwscrt
that when the U. & M. begins running dummy
trains between the two cities that better pro
visions for the comfort of passengers will bo
The council holds its regular meeting on
Monday evening next.
It was suggested by ono of the commission
men In the exchange building hu > t night that
a salesman's ball on Now Year's eve would
not bo a bad idea , the funds acquired Jo ap
ply on tin ? purchase of u set ot bulletin-boards
on which all quotations from Chicago and
elsewhere could bo posted as they arrive.
Internal Kovenuo Collections. '
, Yesterday's internal revcuuo collcctlonB
amounUxl to 12,917.63. . . . _ . ' ' . ' " .
Swiss Embroidered
Neliavo received our second importa
tion direct from Swit/erlandof ladles' em
broidered aprons , ranging from $1 to # 2
each ; a very latenou-ltynuddainty Christ
inas present.
We have the. largest and best stock of
dolls , toys , games , etc. , In Omaha , and
are the only direct importers.
Doll's H'eads , Doll's Bodies ,
Doll's Shoes , Stockings and Hats.
The greatest musical event in the history
of Omaha will undoubtedly be the festival
performances to bo given this week by Mr.
Charles E. Locke's stupenduous organization
to commence December 15 with Verdi's beau
tiful grand opera of "Aida , " in which the
new tenor , Barton McGnckin , will make his
first appearance in Omaha. Mme. Fursch-
Machi will sing the title role.
Miss Clara Poolc , the new contralto , will
sing the part of Amncris. Miss Poole is ti
native of Hoston , studied in Italy , and sang
in that country with great success for sev
eral years. Mr. Frank Vettu , for two years
principal bass with Her Majesty's opera ,
London , will also up | > cur for the first time in
Omaha. Mr. Alonzo Stoddurd who , during
last season , was so well received in "Lakme , "
and also Omaha's favorite , George H. Hrod-
crick , nro also in the cast.
On Friday evening Rubcnstein's splendid
opera , "Nero,1 will bo given with an excep
tional cast , including live prima donnas ,
America's favorite lyric soprano , Emma , Bertha Pierson , Clara Poole. Ammelia
Fubris and Helen Luekington. Eloi Svlva ,
the great heroic tenor and original Nero ,
will appear in his original character. Will-
lam Ludwig in his great role of Vindox ,
Charles Hassett as Saccus , and others in the
minor characters. The grand realistic spec
tacle , "The Hurning of Rome , " occurs in the
third act.
At the matinee , on Saturday afternoon ,
Goldmark's magnificent opera will be. pre
sented. It was sung this season , for tlio first
time in English , in Philadelphia , and achieved
an instant and overwhelming success. H is
not merely n spectacular drama , but a
brilliant and beautiful opera , in which a
series of magnificent stage pictures are em
ployed only to add to the effect of thu music ,
which is , at once , dramatically expressive
and overflowing with melody and grace.
With nn interesting subject , which is at/ once
passionate , poetical and dignified , and uu
oriental setting , that gives unlimited scope to
musical fancy and invention. Thu cast of
characters is very tine , and includes Mme.
Fursch-Madl as the Queen ; Bertha Piersun
as Sulamitte. who studied the role with the
comiMiscr ; Amanda Fabris as Astorotli ;
Charles Hassett as Assad ; Frank Vettu as
the High Priest , and Alonzo Stoddurd us King
On Saturday evening Gounod's immortal
opera of "Faust" will close the season , which
will bo given for the first time in its complete
form , witli the Walpurgis night scene and
the Grand bacchanal ballet. Miss Emma
Juch in her ideal character of Marguerite ,
and Harton McGuckin in his celebrated role
of Faust. The sale of seats commences on
Monday morning ut the box office of the
Grand opera house.AT
AT norn'8 ,
The very clever comedian , J. B. Polk , sup
ported by an excellent company , will appear
ut Hoyd's opera house next Friday and Sat
urday evenings and Saturday matinee , in
"Mixed Pickles , " written expressly for him
by Dr. T. H. Sayro. "Mixed Pickles" .is a
satirical comedy of modern social life , which
affords Mr. Polk an opportunity for the dis
play of his great ability us a comedian. A
feature of the engagement will bo ut the
matinee , when every child attending will bo
presented with a doll.
riori.E's' :
A. J. Wheeler and May Olive in "Monlc.
the American , " ut the above house next
week. 'A strong specialty show precedes the
drama. Shedman Bros , dog and monkey
circus head the list of specialties In tlio olio.
Baurcls & Puls' comedy company appear
this evening at Hoyd's in the beautiful and
laughable comedy , "Das Wichtol , oder
GoisthiiUH , " la which all the leading mem
bers will appear to great advantage.
Vlrti Department NOTCH.
Considerable confusion seems te have ex
isted last evening among the several , com
panies in resiwnrtlng to the alarm of fire
from hex No. 37 , The chemical engine was
seen flying up Thirteenth street , while No. 0
cauio to 4' ' , Thirteenth anrt Douglas streets ,
No. 2 hose company appears to have been the
only one which took the box correctly off the
"Mike.orieof the beautiful black horses
belonging to Nq , 2 hose company. Is lairt up
t present with A- badly .strained leg , sus-
Seas sin Caps ,
In olTerlnir these we do it Mith the pnar-
intee. that they are Vrimliu ; Alaska seal ,
London dcd , and vie hate both the nbiMe
tyles at this price.
Finest Sealskin Caps
Same stjles as the ahoto only the very
be.-t IX Alaska seal.
Sealskin Caps ,
Two icry nice shapes and extra line
quality , $15 and $18.
In orderlnir sealskin caps order one si/o
larger than usual size of hat.
s. r. Moitsi : x-1:0. :
Monday nionilni : we will offer about
< ! 0 dozen ladies' sheer lawn handkerchiefs
heavily embroidered with black , white or
colored figures and scalloped edges. They
have been selling until now for 0-ic , 75e
and 85 , 50c apiece.
tallied in some unaccountable manner in his
stall. A gray horse has boon put in his
place , but -'Mike's" mate , "Hariloy , " docs
not seem to appreciate the change , and when
ho rushes tthe polo for practice hitching ,
looks over us if ho considers his partner too
much off color.
Tom Ruane , as many of his old friends will
bo pleased to learn , is back again in the de
partment , being located with No. 0. Tom is
u first class Jlrcmati , and No. ( > is bo congrat
William Webb , after an absence of about
a month , during which ho loft single blessed
ness , has returned and is doing duty with
Turntable Truck No. 'J , at No. 3' house.
nenl Kstuto
Bulthus .letter and wife to Elizabeth
Wallwork , lot 3 , blk 11 , Jotter's 1st
add.wd . WO
Elizabeth Wallwork and husband to
Necolas Scheck , lot 3 , blk ( i , Jotter's
1st add , w d 1,000
Union Stock Yards Co to Thomas
Hrcnnan , lot 2 , blk 7 , 1st add to
South Omaha , w d 500
James Voro and wife to Win II Slat-
ttirrt , lot 1 , blk 1 , South Omaha View ,
w d 223
Gustav Hnmcl and wife to W E
Krausc , s 25 ft of e y lot 03 , Hart-
man's add , w d 5,000
Olaf Anderson to G A Llndquost ,
power of attorney to sell real estate.
Olaf Anderson et al to Helen Kmulsin
s J-j lot 17 Rileys sub , Rogers Okuho-
ma , w d G71
Fred J McLain to Alice J Jonas , w 5 It
lot II blk2 .letters add , w d 200
William Fitch trustee to M I-1 Connor
et al , lot' ) blk 2 Linwoort park add ,
wd 300
William H Alexander and wife to A P
Turkey , lot 31 Rees place , w d 5 , " > 0
E J H Wohlers et ul to John W Ar
nold ct nl , pt s w , ' 4 and so/ see IK ! ,
Hi , 13 , wd 1G,2 : > 3
James Thompson ct al to Charles C
Spotswoon , lot 18 blk 2 , Cotner &
Archers add , w d 3'J5
Charles F Harrison to M W Hunt , lot
1 blk 3 , Eckcrmunn place , w d 450
Robert Kcrs to Mary Hates , lot 23 blk.
17 , Bedford Place , w. d 1,000
L. S. Rccd and wife to John Mc-
Givern , lot 13 blk. M , Alarm Plaza ,
w.d. . . . 3,100
Samuel K. Spalrtino and wife to Horn-
urd Riley , lot 3 blk. 4 , Bernon's sub
division to South Omaha , w. d 2,000
John Grecnlco to Elizabeth G. Tyler ,
oX s SS feet of w % lot 5 blk. 22 ,
Omaha , q. c. d G.'J
TI. C. Tlinmc and wife to School Dis
trict No. BO , 1 acre in ne corner \vyj
sejf 30-10-12 , w. d fiJ (
Chos S Woodworth to Andrew Fahoy.
n 133 ft lot 15 , Clark Place add w d 0,000 ,
J H Watts and wife to Alfred W
Phclps , ct al part of yt nw , } * see , 35-
115-12 , wd. . . ! ? . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,800
C C SKtswood | to Gee Rebcrtsoii et
til , w 13 f ft of Jot 11 and oM \ < ft of
12 , blk A , Hertford , wd 2,500 ,
Nancy A Stem and husband to John
A Lawrence , lot 15 , blk 13 , Omaha
View , wd 2,200
James A Brown und wife to Wui J
Harsha , M of lots .9 and S. Nelson's
add , wd 4,600 ,
R S Morris and wife to V H Caldwcll ,
lot 5'JK Mlllurd & Calrtwcll's add , q
o d 1
Union Stock Yards Co to Charles O
George , lot 4 blk „ > , llrst add to S
Omaha , w d 50C
Carolina N Humes to H H Haldrldgo
et al , n 5 acres of s lOacros of 3 w K
s w if , sec 30-15-80 w d 7,501
Alfred Stantou mid-wife to E G Bal
lon , part of n w # see 18-15-11 , q c d 1
William G Shrivcr and wife to Harris
S Wilson , lot 13 blk 3 , O'Neill's sub
Lowe's add , w d ' . 1.30C .
Total WJ.Q71
Death ol' < i Kiillrontl Sinn.
Railroad men in Omaha were shocked yes
tercay upon receipt of intelligence 6f the
death of Perceval Lowell , for a number ol
years general passenger agent of the Chicago
Burlington & Qulncy railroad , which oc
currcd at San Buena Vontuin , Cal , Tbo de
ceased was thirty-eight years of age , and wni
born in Schencictady , N. Y. His father is an
Episcopalian minister , and James Russel
Lowull , the poet , Is an uncle. There are t
great many men employed in the railroat
Ladles will Und our Men's I'lirnUhlNf
Stuck the best place In Omaha to { Mintage
innniers , handkerchiefs , suspender * ,
gloves , etc. Next Meek Vtoha\c n special
bargain in
All linen hemstitched. These are a vert
( Treat bargain ; the Initial alone Is wortU
the price of the handkerchief.
We Import these direct from ToKIs , , Ta
pan. They arc the. nicest of all present *
for gentlemen ; colors , plain as shown In
cut , $7.50 ; end's and collar embroidered ,
$10.50 ; embroidered nil round , $12. In
ordering tche us as near as possible chest
measure and height u d weight of persou
who is to wear the gnrmcnt.
Made of Ihe finest 4X Alaska , London
dyed sealskin. Sec these before purchas
ing your present.
oftlecs of this city who were once associiitcd
with Mr. Lowell , and all Join In Hinging
jiraiso of his many excellent qualities of head
und heart. K , F. Lnlk , of the Burlington ,
has started for the remains , which will bo
conveyed to Bchenectady for burial.
Them never was a time , when so many
snutll diamonds weru used as now.
Another bracelet is a gold cable ending in
small diamonds , betwixt which appears
either an uncut ruby , cai'bunclo , Labrador
stone or eat's-oyo.
Precious stoiiea that do not crystnlizo and
arc distinguished by pluy of colors like thu
opal or peculiar effects of light , like thu cat's-
eye , are usually polished round or oval , like a
loaf of bred or half of an cgff.
When setting common stones in cheap
goods , they do not tuko tlio trouble to Una
the box with tinfoil , but merely glvo U a coat
of homo colored varnish. This method is not
one to bo recommended , for the stone that
bus the foil beneath it looks much hand
Gems arc set in two different , ways , distin
guished as free setting and a band netting , lu
the former tluv stone is exposed on all sides
and only held by little clanps. All Its propar-
ties , its ( Ire , its play of colors show to the
best of advantage hero. Hence very valu
able stones are never set in any other wuy.
Flat stones that , arc sot in rings am some
times fastened on the edge , so us to leave
only the top mid bottom surfaces exposed.
In the bund setting the stone forms thu lid
of n gold box , und if the gem Is transparent
the upper surface is generally mndo Hat and
smooth , while the under side forms u low
Crystalline gems , like diamodiis and topaz
nra generally cut In Buclin manner us to have
Hat , smooth faces. Precious stones that de
compose the light , and thus produce n pluy of
colors , nro polished in such a way us to
heighten this effect us much its possible ,
which is accomplished by making a largo
number of small facets. The brilliant U an
The hydrophone or magic stone lately
found In Colorado has thu curious property
of changing from thick whiteness to perfect
transparency under water ; hence , it is por-
poscd to use it hi rings , lockets and other
sentimental souvenirs , to mask u flower ,
lock of hair or photograph , which can bo
mudo visible at the owner's pleasure , though
hidden securely from prying uycs.
In order to make a cheap article with
genuine stones the following Ingenious de
vice is resorted to : Thin slips of some gem ,
ns emerald , for example , are backed up with
a glass of exactly the same color , and the
glass likewise polished. Hy setting ono of
these double stones with the real stone out
ward and the glass beneath the surfacu , it
will , of course , exhibit all the properttuu of
the gem , nuch as hardness und brilliancy.
In those Btonus which receive n band or
box setting and uro less valuable the beauty
of tlio stone is increased by lining the box
with colored tinfoil , the color of the foil cor
responding to that of Hid stone. Thus , ( or
example , a piece of dark yellow foil is placed
under u very pale topaz , a deep purple toll
under a pale amethyst , and so on , HO that the
light rcliovted from beneath through the
stone will have a deep yellow or violet color ,
giving thu stone a much liner uppearauco
than if it were sot free.
These half genuine stones nro known aa
"unlaid ( joins. " When they are skillfully
sot it is dinicnlt even for the expert to din.
tingulsh them from perfectly genuine stones.
Hut still , it Is easy to distinguish thorn by
holding the stone before thu oyointmubn
manner that the light reflected from the top
enters the eye at an obllquo angle. The bur-
fuco whore the sUmo and glass meet can bo
distinctly recognised by the difference in the
refractory power of the two media , having
the appearance of a craw or a Haw in the
stone. The public are frequently deceived
by dealers who represent these underlaid
stones ns being perfectly genuine.
I ) IK I ) .
WILKINS-In this city , Friday evening ,
of membraneous croup , William Stevens
Wilkliis. onlykonof Charles F. and Mary
A. S. Wilkiiujagvd2 ycnrs and S moutha.
Services at the residence of the parents ,
1712 Capitol avenue , this Sunday at 8 o'clock.
The funeral of Miss Ulancho H. Rylvofttor
will bo.held at Saints' chnpol , Twenty-first
and Clark streets , to-day at 2:30. : F.ricuUi
Invited. ,