Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1887, Part I, Page 2, Image 2

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    ; ; - -
_ _ _ :
, w-- rj $
: for Mngntflcont Enterprise AttractIng -
Ing General Attontton.
Ttic Ohio Setintor Greatly ftIljreMrqL
. . V'1tIa the Wtri Wonder-acnrs
: l'rlpIIecy-X'trztska's
: 1'tirc W'I1-1'crsonnI.
. . _ _
Omnlin ( ) IH'I1M TIitIr Iycs.
% ' .II1(1tX ( 1111 OM.tIIA flIE ,
tii : F'OeIIT.K1tt ST. ,
$ . V.5IIN't ! ( ) , D , C. , Dee. tO.
% 'asiItigton ) 1ia. learneil much of Ontuha
p.aurhig the 1)St ) WCCIC and Omnha' dotegu.
lion 11114 1ltfliCl quite US IIIUCII of ItlIt1ca1
tnetIind In the laIItal. ) Ctiteugu lui the con
: vciitlott hut Oinnhi has guincd n nntonat !
cckhdty und a inagnlflcciit.
vhkh wilt ho worth iiiuuy tiousand ) of dol.
5 1 Iar to het i'oi'te. On cvcry hahlL ( b henrd
Ltio jiriike of the splendki light by that city
'cr tIn eonrcntton , surprise at the high char.
. flctcr and Ilno .appcaranco of the ( Ictegatlon
tURI encoinlurns fur General Mniiderson'
. brh1hItnt , teceh ) before tie committee. Hun.
tlrcd.s of thic 1)UbhIC ) : ncn to whom Omaha be.
fore wa on1 iz name now speaWintelhigontly
Dr her reniarkabto growth. quote statittes of
tier inibhic and irivtite hiliprovenicuts and
i : ote her advance In PoPulattoti as an evidence
. QI the itenomcntt growth of the great west.
. A huiidred in the country , through
: ieIr & ( ) IteSIOndCt1tS , have spreati the
of thO fight , the energy tend idciidId work of
. her cotnniitteo and the vote on
t the.opoutng ballot , mu1o her only second to
: Chicagu as the choice of the national
republican committee. it' this Is a clear
aIu. It ShOUlti leave your PeoPle with a sweet
taste lii tlietr mouths evezi If they have not
8Ccllred the hearty meal which sonic of theta
. tntieipated. It Is a result whose citect will
be felt to Nebraska's and OntltItts ! advantage
. ror many years to come. Omaha's ucfcat , If
'U - 1efcat It can ho called , was due to two causes.
I First utiti forcinot must be counted the luck
. of PrCC1tt hotel facilities. Promises (11(1 not
-iMss US legal twitter. If Omaha hiut been
'itbho , to .hiow a Itotel as large a the \Vcs
.zOto1 , of Miiineapolis , ready to receive guests ,
ber case would have bent vrticticahI irn.
LpregnhIble. Thu nrguinettt of mdc of hotel
41ac1titfc4 uceonunodato a crowd
. p- rAtIx ) sYlls UStd lV hiir opponents greatly
to hCL .disadvantnge. The second cause ,
; . Wittelt some deny , was the liberal exnendi.
t , Lure of money In Chicago's bonaif. The two
oinbincd aecotiiphlshied the result. Omaha
. bouhl PVOIIt by the lesson. Steps ought at
S. to 1)0 takeit to organize a company for
. the construction of a nianunotit hotel build-
I pg on a generous luii with a caIllCIt.S' equal
to any % vest of the Mississippi river. It
L sottld : puy handsome returns both dIrect and
¶ lhie Omaha coinii1tteo vero energetically
Assisted by the Nebraska delegation. Every
I nemher of the delegation sworked like a Tro.
p ? lan. Senator Mandersoci's speech directly
' 'hiIlucnced several votes. Senator I'ud-
UDek's % ycfll among the territorial delegates
, S tOttde clear when the ballot was taken.
' , ( 'Slialle , lorsey atid Laird put their unIted
1 ihoulders to the wheel and displayed an
bcrgy and knowb'dgo of men anti methods
, Whiich exCLtctt general adtniratlon. One hears
. .Wortls of Praise everywhere for the gentle-
: Inanly , Persistent and intelligent efforts of
Senator Sherman said : "Your delegation
d1d rciaar1ably vchl itnd lnllressed u all
. v1tlt the lhtelloutonat cztwrprise and advance
: j your city. "
, Governor Gear , of Iova , took , occasion to
JfrQPhCSY that fourycars hence , Omaha will
b9 itt a ottin to claini the ltiZe. "Vou
. : oitttuittee and delegation , " said the gover.
. t nor , "astonished every one by its showing.
X'hey have creutctl a SPICUdId impression and
idvcrtised our section in a handsonic man-
c ter. 'ritey liav laid substantial foundations
tvhkh , in toy udgetnent , assures Omaha's
$ clcction four yours hence. "
Alt oC the committee , with the exception of
PtI.r. ityd , have left the capitol. Mesrs.
. troune atut hitchcock started for New York
- -enterday , Governor Thayer and Mr. Swobe ,
for PhIladelphIa , Mr. Roscvater for New
v , bork and tlte rest for home.
'The secrets of the senatorial caucus on the
: uiniittees has been made imbhic. Nebraskas
enatorfaro handsomely. Senator Mander-
50fl retains hb chairmanship on the printing
committee , is seeond on military affttrs and
has asignnient on terrltorle. , civil service
efornt and l'otoinac lists. Senator Paddock ,
I although , tehnicahlv , a new senator nd not.
tfltitletl to a chiairmanshti , is 'Thplimented
ith'r. . w-5 old committee ,
. - - : , & _ ' . i4yer unit Its tributaries , and
- , 1 $ tsignet1 to the importaut coLnnittees of
iblie lands , trisins , agriculture and coit-
Ungent expenes of the senate. l3oth of the
t'sebr.iska senators are lrepurel ) to Introduce
everat important measures of local interest.
next week Senator Maxideron riI1 re-Intro-
ute , at cetier-al ; Sherldans suggestIon , the
bill fiw the relocatingof Fort Omaha. Ho
' .has aLso trei'u.retl A bIll feta new
- builthiit in the atne city. Senator Ptddoek
. preparin a bitt Iroviding for the construe-
JIoa of a pototUee buIlding in every city of
- 1OO ) inhabitants. ThLs measure rihl rae-
. tleafly carry out. th. suggestions made here-
toforu in the Ilc and endorsed by Mr. Vilas
bt his htst annual report. The scnator wilt
aLso introdnee stno ttal legislation looking
; jowtnIs strengthening the hinds of the fed.
. _ al gu9rument in Utah.
, '
. ' General anti Mrs , Van Wyck will leave on
' Tusd.iy fo Nebr.ik-a City.
: Cmresutan MeShane has rented a band.
. suite of roons On G street ad1oiuln the
; Jggi ,
r Mr. W F. . . 'nnin ba.taken a houe in Sun.
. &rLuuI PI.ite. Mi-s. . 'innIn , who has been
t V1thttn In New York , ruched the city thxi
. I. . C Itnrr , of Lincoln , arriveit here to-
[ V. flight , IretlmahIY to app.r tot- the United
Stat. . ? ; marshal in the h.thoa. carpus cu :
hicI wilt ltohahIyetme before thstiprem
r court on Ioail. ' .
Thonat D. Ht4thcocIC , of fova , was to-tlay
, . eIik at ! iflO ( ) a gear In the
ena genirtts :
f - ra1it .Toha M. CarMt1a MZ. and Maii Car
L 1 n Itft this nmrn1n for Fort r"&wenprth
. . ccau ti att4ntt the wehihinc , .f LIeutnani
atItfl C tit. , t"irth cavalry. anit Sum
; tier , tt&L1ahtr of Major E. V. Httintu'r , of th
, Santo reglinitut. Tito wcittlini will
k 131a1.t' at tha I > tNt ( iUttOt \Vttn.tliy
t : anit 1)0 tttllttI'tt by .hl the oIttsrs at th.
; ' osI. anti sthtnI. Pannt S. Ifltrt.
flnitr. iXV'tt tO It. a flebgate.
I V.tuittrrn : , 10. ' - ' Tol.van i
b rtio Rita. TIm attoittleti of Setiator P.oI
I1ok ( wts eulhtt this evening by your rot
'rtmII4te1t to the comments of svur.l Y
' , , brnsha PflPtM eton the report , whIih ha
. . hot'n given inoje or less circulation , t th
tfTeet that he desired to licati thu neV N
biiskts delegation t the national ei1ubhIca
f oilveutlon.
' 'tTIte Is not a word of truth in the r
I. ' ort" said the senitor emIhatitah1. "I .u
not only not a eadtdste , a delegatQ to th
. eubhtcan conventloit but congress is hikol
' to be In session t tba time of the h&dlngc
t2O fl C.hifr.go in Juiio and m
% ioik wilL be moi'o wsetIug und importar
ian nt any oh'r ino of the scsdon , so thai
> ) i chwtea Ls luk'dt. f youtd probably not b
able to atknd. But , even ifthls was not thio
case , I could not think of taking a iosltioti
which more , , roierlY belong4 to other frleId
in Nebraska than to myself. The report to
which yc1 allude originated In a democratic
: per as a mutter of badiiiage with a rival
editor. It has ProbablY been takeit scriouly
by a number f editors who are not ac-
titiaiited with its origin ,
- - -
1'UIihSM IN T1II F'.tlt NOItTH.
MIIltiea1ohI'4 Iteeoiiilng I'opnlnr us a
Place For Ititig Battles.
M i a Miun. , Dee. l.-Corrcspond- (
enco of the 1a.-TIiis ] city Is rapidly grow.
lug to be to the nottiwest what l'htladolphla
was so long to the east-the Itiagnet that
draws the pugilist towards it.Vinter by
winter the tnlitix of the olsIents , of the
"manly grows greater , and how they alt
manage to exist is a conundrtitn thiut it would
be difficult to answer. Of course those rhio
have aitudo "rclutlItio1Is' f theiiiselvcs ,
always have their ' 'Iackei-s" with tltezai , by
whoni they arc PrOvidcd with the iiecessaric
( If life on tlit , strcngth of a prosleetive Inut(11
in the dint future. At l'rescIlt ' there are no
lesq titan ihfty "iUgS" ) in the city , sonic of
vhiotti are quite vehl Inowii throughout tue
1'robibly the tnost widely hnown menibers
of the fraternity here at lrcstIt ) is IkeVcIr ,
the ' 'Belfast Spider" vhio is to inent Tonttny
\Varrcn iiext Monday In a twenty-
round fight. for the feather-weight.
Chttt1llOflShli ) ) of the yorld.Veir ts
one of the titost pugnacious feliosvs for hits
size I ever saw. He hias brett in the city less
titan two weeks , but In that brief whIle he
litis suceeedet iii getting itito more trouble
thati an ordinary jiersoll would In a year. Ilk
first altercation wn with .lohn 11. Clark , the
Philliulelphia feather-weight vhio k considered
one of the cleverest mcii In tile lttlness. Thu
trouble arose ever the ,1ttcstion , us to vhio
touhtl dance the fanciest lg. It occurred in
thie gviniiasiuin where W etr wu doing his
truiiilng.Vords i.tiit high , and , just asVeir
was on the point of braining Clark with a
loIter vhich lie laid secured in an incredibly
short space of time froiti under the stove , the
owner of the gyndsiunt entered and hut fl
stop to the row. As a. result of the trouble ,
\Vcir forced to cliuiigu his training quar-
teN. Ills latest exploit resulted a
little more dklMtrously for himolf.
During the course of iii4 training ho hits becit
iii the hiibit of takiiig a rtiii out to the edge
of tosvn tiittl latch again.Vhiile on thio.u
' 'outings" lie would drop into a little ( icr.
luau saloon near the outskirts of town , the
IoPrictor of which weighs in the neighbor-
111)0(1 Of pounds , toni ie&itl iiio't of his
tiiiie behind a stove Pulling at a loiig.stezntned
PiPe. Weir would walk str.tight to the bar ,
and wheji the lrollrietoi' littidly got behind it
Veii would titako soiiio funny icinark and
dart out of the door. The Teuton got tired
of this titter it had brett repeated three or
fiitit times , antI coiichtttleih the other day lie
Would get even with hats tormentor. So ,
tibotit the time \Vei.i usually canie along , he
took a IOsitIOtl behind the bar vith hits head
ietiiig on one hiuni and the other tinder the
counter. lie didn't have to long for
Weir , aiitt had jui.t got tixed nicely
vhcn in iohPCt the destroyer of
uk peice. W'eir was just on the
l'oiut ' of saying ' 'th , there Geiiininy I" vhici :
his avoirdupois 1lr4tl a largo sized schooner
that hit him squarely in the face , cutting hint
quite severely. Welr's blood was UI ) in a
minute. lie vas debuting In hIs mind
vhether lie had better annihilate his assail-
nut altogether or just spar huiii for Ipoints ,
when the Cerniun set UI ) a yell of "Murder I"
"Thieves I' ' "Police I" anil before the irite
" , " could at him the
"Shider" get lolice ap-
l)1Utd on the scene , compelling the pugilist
to heat an Inglorious and busty retreat.
\'eiI , I think , underestiniatesVarren's
abilities , us he is doing very little training ,
although It is said , owing to his lcUhirlY
luau nod lithe condition , he ticeils
loss hard work to get him lu trini than any
Puiiist in the countiy.
1 laid a talk the other day one of
the spectators at thin recent Myer-Gilxnorc
fight vho is a lersonal friend of Ciiiaiore ,
and vhto also lost a good-sized "boodlo" by
hits defeat. Ho says ( Jilmoro vtl1 never be
sutistleti until he gets another chaitce at
Mycr and late developments seem to mdi-
( 'titO that ho wilt not be compelled to wait
long before lie meets the Illinois boy. 'J'lie
resUlt of the bite tight vas certainly a bir
sirptise , not only to Gilmoro's fricnd , butte
to tiiimore himself. He thought he would
have an easy fight , and eonsequeiitly took
liD h'aiiis to get himself into shape. He hung
around the saloons the greater part of the
nighits , drinldng vine , wiicn tic should have
hlavt3 been in bed.'hieu the lart3reaehietl
the battle ground over \Visconsin , It was
found that the t oi'e with which to make the
ring hind been lost on the
road , and a clothes line was
borrowed from a neighboring farm-
house. 'rho ring was flnahiyconstnictett and
everything svent Gilniore's way until the
round in which he was knocked out. In that
round Gilinore was ticar the ropes when
lyer feinted at him iiid ( lilinore jumped
back atniiiist the ropes. As lie did so , the
top clothes line , which vu ruttier the worse
or age , gawo way and ho instinctively
ropped his hands to save himself from
falling. As lie tlitl so , Myer took advantage
of the opening and lauded a terrible smash
oil his adversary's neck. 'rime blow cttu'd
the other toies to give way , and dazed Gil.
more so that before ho recovered humnself
the light had been awarded to Myer. More
money cliatigetl hands on thus lghr. rtii nay
that ever occurred in time anti , as
the Muiimeup } is ; still have time greatest
cenliuu"in Gihinore's ability to do Myer ,
t.ev ' expect to regain sonic of their lost
she'kels when these two clever tight-weights
again fare cacti other in the ring.
\v. H. ROGEItS.
lineal SporUng ( ; osip.
Frank I'armalec mind Dick Mcrtz sviIl shoot
a zimatch race at the base bali IRirk next 'rues-
day afteritooti for lOi ) a side , zlfty live birtl
a side , thtirt yards rise , Englkh rules , ex
cepting weight aial gaugu of guim. Clark
Ellis hia been chosen ii referee. The two
imien arc very veziiy matched and It is the
toss up of a penny rlio wiims.
Seontia En. Flic 1a : : Pheaso state in
your next issue if henley , of last setiSnit'S
Oamalnm I.Se lil1 club , has signed for iiet
season , to decide a bet. .1. C. U.
have secim no statement of 1 ( caley's having
Messrs. Swiggert nail \S'itlianis , of To- .
anda , Kaii. , hi.ivc failed to cover the
Iosit 1111010 by Pi'tiro.e and Ilanhin foe a 100
blue rock match for 'O a side , to be hmot at
St. Jo" , MI ) .
'l'hme Outahia ( Inn club have very ivisely re.
solved to have no lilore grand untiunt fiili
hunts , but the ii iiiil ruiin.I up at the clLb.L ol
the suuiiriOr i1mOOttn seasoit whitbe _ at cia
it wilt ) ) ) t'ibl be himovit this wcch
whethier F'runk Handle k to be \Ve.terii
a'oi'atiou ; uuitirt' Sistit : or hot. iLls
ahIiIiatIun , ivithi the vlgoruu lndursci'icnt
of the Onmahia tt4soeiattoiI , is before the cciii
intttcu of uimqire. aimd the Ileuspects itri
; joki for lila alIpoiimtiimeitt _
F.rar ! Itotiwi sletl lit behiilt of T.iinniy
' .tiitcr vmti in all Probability receive till duc
att'-ntior& frame hOthl bVurreii anti \Veir aftet
their twenty-rvtiiid mill at Iiiitiemipolis to
morrow i'vemug.
There k abolutely no base bail ncvs tht
we.k oth.r than that the outlook et'ntinue-
to rrow brihc aimil brighter , ittiti the lecl
"nthulit. , are sIghing iinp.iticiitty for thm&
arrival of sprin.
The Omaha Vheei club ill meet at thcii
rooms in the Gruermig bio.k Thiurday even
air to mip out mm irogranmiuo for a grand aimni
ver4ary b.rnqtmet.
t A tine ipeinmen of the Ivory-billed wood
peekcr can he seen at the l'euro . ilardir
S 4porttn heatliudrters It k a rare b4rd. an , .
: in m.ny Cccjhttis coiili1eret1
great nInny ticer art' bing killed tM
Whiter in the vicinity of Cordon , sixty inilo
west of Oumaima.
The ohi Wtont base ball leaue 18 amak
sag a strenuous struggle at reorganization
Thu cittto ho hiielutlcil iii time league an
i ICan.ti City. 4t. .Toe , Ltiivenworthm , Ltnq.'oiti
- .tchaon , TOD.ka , Denver and I'uebio.
I. Fmharrass.l : Iiiiiraiiee Company
S } f.tnnogn , Cona , , Dec lO.--Iu tht superic
0 L'4Thi-t tti-il.i.y the ln3urn.o ceuinmksioiwr ni
. pUd to have a recivcr take charga of tb
tntinsnjI Life limsurancu ronipany , whtcl
It hah , J.iAuary I , liabilities 2 ( P5) ( ) uiid a
set ; 4l.L'1)iO. The cumelissioner cLiim
, . that Uiti affaim-s arc in a worse shape now
1 h ru wiflbh JtC _ 4
I : St'iiiiishiip Arrivah.
:1 : . .BIT.1MOii IO. lO.--3SpeIa1Telegram t
I. tito Has , ArnVlThiti .Assyriaii . fret
t. riv-poii
it H.viiw r. liY.lrtjvc.tGio-ogte from
0 Now Yoi. . . .
. . . . , . .
Her Two Senators Rooogntzod on
Standing Cominittoofi
Congressnien MeShanc and flonehlson
to Introihtico it 11111 } era $1,500 , .
000 l'iSttllCC. ) at Ommmnima-
Wiishihtigton News.
Senate Standing Conmiiiitteei'i. '
\VA5ltiflTO , Dec. 10.-The following is
time list of rep.mbuican memberships of the
senate cotnmnlttecs nrr.uigcd by the caucus
to-tliy :
Agriculture amid Forestry-Palmer , Blair ,
Plunih , , Sublime , l'addoclc.
APproPriatioiis-AihiSOii , Dawes , Plumb ,
little iitmd F'imrwett.
Comitingemit Expeimses-Joimes of Nevada and
Cetisus-Hale , Morrilh , Vllson of Iowa ,
Stockbrlilge , Davis.
District of Columimblu-Ingalls , Snooner.
Catil , Riddleberger , Farwell.
Eilucatioit titid Ltibor-Illalr , I3owcn , Pal-
timer , Sawyer tmtitlVilsoii. .
Engrossed hJills-Denwcrutic chtilrtaan , Al-
Enrolled Bhhls-Bowen , Sabin.
Civil Service timid Itctrenchnment-Chaec ,
D.twcsiimndcrsoa , Stanford , Stenrt.
ClaIuts--SlOOitCr , Hoar , Ittchic1l , Stewart ,
Coast Defenses-Dolpht , Cameron , Hawley ,
Coiittnerce-Frve , Jones of Nevada , Dalpli ,
Cameron , S.wyer , allotmi , Painter.
Eoidcnile Dkuases-DentocrnPie elmairnmun ,
Chmanillcr ,
'l'o Exaiimiiic time Civil Service-Quay , Al.
drieli , Ahhisoim.
Exlemmditures of I'ublic Money-Farveli ,
l'lunib , I'iutt. Smicratan , F'mye.
Fimmtumce-MorrilI1 Sherman , Jones of Ne-
vtmdn , Ahitsomm , Aldrich , Hiscock.
Fisimcries-Stockbridge , Dawes , Stamiford.
1'oreigim llelutioiis-Shernmun , Edamunds ,
Frye , Evarts , Delphi.
lnhlrovemnetit. 0 f the Missisippl River-
P&iiitlock , Chandler , F'arweli. hawley.
Imitliun Affairs-Duwes , Bower , Sabinc ,
Piatt , Stockbridge.
Judicimiry-Edmimunds , Ingallf , hour , 1Vh1-
soil , Evarts.
Library-Evarts. Hoar.
Manufuctures-lUddleberger , Sabin , Quay.
Military 4ffuirs..ltmvIcy , Cameron , Man-
derson , Stewart , Davis.
Iiimea and Mining-Stewart , Jones of c -
s-ada , Mitchell , Teller.
Naval AtTitirs-Cunmeron , Hale , Riddle-
berger , Staimford , Chnimdier.
Patents-Teller , Choice , Platt , Hiscock.
Pensions-Davis , Blair , Sawyer , Paddock ,
Postottices and Postroads-Sawycr , Chaci ,
Boven , Mitchell , Quay.
Printing-Manderson , Hawley.
Private Laud Claims-Donmocratin chairman -
man , Edtmmunds , Stewart.
I'rlvileges niiI Elections-Hoar , Frye ,
Teller , Eviirts , Slo011e1. )
Public Buildings timid Grounds-Stanford ,
Morrii , Spencer , Quay.
Public Lands-Plumb , Blair , DolpIm , Teller ,
Raiiroads-Sabin , Sawyer , Hoar Mitchell ,
Chmumdler , Stockbridgo.
Revision of the Law-Wilsoim of Iowa ,
Hale , Teller.
Revolutionary Claims-Democratic chairman -
man , Cimace , Morrill.
Rules-Aldrich , Sherman , Timgalls.
Terrltorics-Plutt , Cullom , Manderson ,
Stewart , Davis.
Transportatloim Routes to the Seaboard-
Mitchell , Plumb , Culioum , Dawes , Aldrich.
To Investigate the Condition of thme Poto-
nine Front-Denmocratic cahirmnan , Nander
son. Riddleberger Spootmcr.
Nicar.iugua Clahums-Deniocratle clitmirman ,
hoar , Cameron.
Woman Suffrage-Democratic cli airamaim ,
Bhmiir. Palumer , Claire , Boveim.
Additional Acconimnodations to time Library
-Democratic chmnirmimaim , Morrihl , Chandler.
Centeminhil of the Commstltution and Dis-
t-overy of America-hliscock , Shertmma'm ,
I bar.
Indian Traders-Chandler , Platt. Cuhiotmi.
The special coummittee on inter-state corn-
mnereulins been made a standing committee
timid its mnenhlership Is increased. 'rim9 repub-
hicati nmoiiibers are as follows : Culiotn , Platt ,
Blair , Vllsoii , Ihiscock.
Senator hawley , vhio relinquishes the
chmairimmanship of the civil service committee
timid takes that of the coiimniittet on military
tuTmiles , will be a timember of time former and
hits minimum will probabl3 be substituted for
that of Stewart , vith the assentof the latter.
Aiiiiy News.
\ , Dec. 10.-ISpecial Telegrtmrn
to the BEm.-First ] Lieuteimant Juliin Mc-
Caml'chl , assistant surgeon , has lKeii orde
to duty at Fort Nbobrara , eb.
Lieutenant Colonel Jeophm B. Smith , surgeon -
geon , hams been ' as a member of the
ar ii.tltZ ! , oard at St. Paul , Mint. , iii
place of Colonel Gbover Pirisi , retired.
Sergeant Thomas MeGuiec , Second artil.
lery , hums beeit Placed 011 the retired list.
Captain \V. J. F'isk , etiginror corps , lies
been ordered to visit a number of oosts on
lublbc business.
First Lieutenant W. L. Craft , Sixth tn
fantry , has been ordered before the retiring
board at St. Paul , Miun.
Captuiti ilemtry P. Perimme , Sixth cavalry ,
has beemi ordered before the retiring board at
Governor's isltiiid , New York.
Ciiaplain J. B. MeCleery lies been detailed
for court martial duty at Fort Leavenworth.
Capttiimm Vhl1iamn E. mum Reed , Fiftim ar-
tihiery , has been placed on the retireti list ou
account of disability.
Leave of nbscmmce hams been granted to See-
end Lleutt'imunt hioberts for ten days.
Captain J. V. hi. hoff , nsshitatit surgeon
how Oil tcmmmporary t1titat _ 1"ort Robimisoim ,
Nob. , tins been assigned to that station.
Captain Aaron H. .topel , assistant surgeon ,
has been telieved front duty at F'ort Reno ,
Indian territorv , , amiti ordered to hlighiantl ,
iii. , relieving Captain litirvey 0. I'crley , as-
slataut stirgcoii. iviiu Is directed to 'oin ' hits
tatiuii ut Fort " , Vuyne , iicim.
L F'lrst Lieutenant Jmnues A. Maney , FIf-
tecuth Infantry , has bcn grmmted omme
titutith's leave.
' [ 'ito resigmmntion of Second Licutemmant Am-
hires , ' I. lorimitty , Sixth infantry , has been
twct'ptcti , to take effect leeenmber 13.
First Lieutenant F'retlerick V. Abbott , en-
gincer cori,4. hams beemi ordered to proceed
from Cimiirleston to Casweii , N. C , on vubhlc
Seeomtd Lietitenmmnt E. Mahiony , niarimio
corps , has been granted thirty duys"leave , at
the expiratiomi of wimichi lie vitl Iiroeeed to the
l'ovtsmimouttm ( N. Ii. ) barracks.
Cadet .Iaiites 1. . Seweli , F'ottiethi class ,
United States iiithitary academy. has resigned.
Time hirt'siilt'nt lois approved tite Iumidiugs of
time court amartial in the ease of First Lieu-
tcaaimt hienjamimtn F. IIulforth , Elevemmth in-
Iaimtry , who \vui convicted of two cases of at-
tenipteti seduction while on duty at Fort
Yates. lakota. The evidence ittowed that
he had written a letter to Sister Martian. 0.
S. H. A. . teicht'r in time Indimin school at
- Standing Iloek agency , in which ho made a
Immost immdccemt and insultitig h'rotosition.
'rIte m.entetmee of the court was ihistimissal froni
tii service.
l"or it Ne- Omaha Roitofilee.
W.ts1LlULTO , Iee. tSpeeial ) [ Telegram
S to the iJtc-A : ] bill tim dupllc.mto will be
introduced in thto house aimd senate by Mc.
Shune anti Douckoti , tmiropriatiflg
for a tumldimmg at Otmiahti. If the
L3 bill goes through the prt'nt one will proba
bly be used for a military building for the do
hlartmimmt of the PLitte ,
Nebraska mimid iowa Penslon'm.
r WmizeTmi , DtI , lO.-Speeiai [ 'l'elegrani
I- to the n8E.-'rhmo following latents hiaVi
E been issued to Nebrimkunm' . Origiuui---Henr
L. Seaman , Kearney ; William H , Fry
24 Sportsville. Reiiuu-John II. I3uruer . Ftc
Pouslons to Iowans : Ehlzabh , widow o
Morgan \V. PArk , Unionvilie. Mexican wimi
. -Prestomi Sumitb'r , Vestehwstor : Dnghmal- .
0 Charles Dukeshir , Ceburg ; 'timdrew Ilarri'
ii Goshen ; Jacob A. Cozad , Spring Valley
Morirati V , jarjs , iheeead , Umiionviilu
n' David L ibdbini.on. South English. inreus
-William Smith Lackor , Rntbven ;
. . - -
- , . - -
- - -
! rmirck , lcwton : , . T.3omms ;
hewitt II. MeElhtney , Des Moin' Jutimea
Carrick , Vititon ; Uottfr4.d , Kern , Colutmibus
Time Price or Cereals.
WAsmttooN , Dec. lt--Tho December re-
1'rt ' of time depirtmnent. of agriculture relates
imiahimly to time farm Prices of agricultural
lmrodimcts. . Time average -iilue of corn is 4.'i.S
cents icr bushel , against Il.3 last year and
82.S iii 1SS3. Iii lSil It was CI.S , vhieim the
estimated liroduct vLts 1 , htLIOhi'iXX ( ) bushels.
'rime average value of wheat is flU cents , emily
a mills hmighmer than last year. Time avcrago
for oats is 80.7 agaInst 2tJ.S last year. Bar-
icy miverages 3i.t ugatnsl 33 last year. Buck.
wheat 341. 1 , or 1.7 cents higher thuim lust year.
The value of hay is much increased , It
averages t.I4 ) per ton agailist T.81) ) last year.
TIme advance lies beomi iii the drougimt nream of
the svest. TIme Deceniber report. which vili
be printed at time cmiii of the nmommthm , will eon-
tam estimates of time area , hiroduct timid value
hystates , of corn , wheatand oats ,
A False Iteport Corrected.
\Vtsii IOToN , Dcc. 10.-Surgeon Geimeral
hamilton is surprised. over the lmbilshed tUe-
iort that thh maurimmo hospittil bureau has of- !
daily deeiared the nomm.existcnce of cholera
iii Italy , and coimseluetmtly that quarmiimtimme
against vessels comiming froni that eotiimtry
itmity he removed. lie says that the bureau
never made such a statement. On time ecu-
trary , the weekly abstracts of tIme sanitary
reports Iniblishted by timi bureau clearly show
the necessity 01 irecauthomms in the case of
vessels fron& southern Italy.
Ex-Minhster Taylor's Successor.
WASIIIXOrox , Dee. lO.-Spetial [ Telegram
to time h3uu.-Chmarles : ] James Arnuistead , a
coal black mmegro , was mm democratic mcmii-
her of the Mississippi legislature in recoui-
struction days , will lrolablY be ttipointed
minister to Liberia , vice Tnylorm-esigmied. lie
Is emmdohmed by all of time Mississippi delegation -
tion and other umetmibers in congress. Comm.
grcssmtimm Hooker , of Mississipi , , and Iiogg.
of West Virginia , called aim Secretary Buyard
to-day and lhled time appoiumtmmment.
13. & M. Mail Service to 4trcmuhIa ,
\VASII mNiTO ( , Dee. lO.-Specitml Telegrtumm
to the l3aum.1-Thmreugh lleiiresentimtivo ior-
soy mail service was to-day mit emi time II. .Sz
.t. railroad from Central City to Arcadia.
Mail service was also restored fronm Fremnommt
to Everett.
Postal Changes.
\AS11iNflTO ) , Dec. IO.-Special [ Telegram
to time I3i-Tiic : : ] postoflice at CummtelhaDaw-
son county , Neb. , was discommtinued to-day.
A postoflice fl-as to-day estabiishmeil at Prague ,
Saunders county , Xcii. , amid Fratik Secor up-
pointed ustmxmastcr.
Decision of an 1mmmrortammt Colorado
Suit By JuIge Brewer.
DEVEII , Coh. , Dee. 1O.-Specimil [ Telegram
to time Ba.-Timc ] case of T , C. Henry vs.
time 'rraveier's Insurance company , of Norfolk -
folk , Comm. , whicit has been pending iii the
United States court for over two years and is
one of the most important cases ever tried in
tue state , was decided to-day iii favor of time
imialutiff. The urgu meats were presented
last May before hbon David .1. Brewer , of
time United States eircult court , amid hits decision -
cision was received timis morning froni Lin-
cola , Nob. The mmmlii points In controversy
arothese : ,
Prior to November 1 , 1S4 , McHenry had
become involved iii a Coimiplication with time
Traveler's cotmmpaum in commstructing several
lotig Irrigating eammalsmin this state. About
that time he adjusted matters by entering immto
a contract with that conmpny , which he iii-
iegcs in-eyed that time several canal coni-
Imnics-the Del Norp. Laud amid Canal coma-
pany , mind the Citi.zomis Ditbhm and Land corn-
pany , both in time Satm Lutm valley , time Un-
compahgre Canal conh1)anl of Montrose , nnd
the Grand River Dltt..cokmpany , of Grand.
J1tn 'c tion-were to i4me new botmd.1
for the purpose : , f fufldiug all thick
debts time Traveler conmpammy being the
primmeloal creditor. This company agreed to
take bomids of time new Issue and in full par-
rmmemmt of all ndvammco amade to the canal comimpa-
miles by time insurance compammy timid Mr.
} Ienm-ywiiicii vcrc cvidcmmced by mtotos of
those rommipammies. For the panmont of these
mmotes Mm . hlemmry imad pledged to time Travel-
er's company till of his hrOhert- Colorado
and Rmmmmsus. The no- bonds wtmro issued
amid delivered to the Traveler's , but afterwards -
wards the 'rravtIer's , refused to carry out the
contract With Mr. Henry timid an-
dert ok to itold mill the bonds , imotes ,
stovi and all of Mr , Henry's prop-
Oty as well , and denied theagrecmmment which
Mr. Henry alleged , Judee Brewer js
that time Traveler'summade timec&ttm-ac1 _ alleged
by Mr. . Hemiry , uimpi. ttz that conmpaimy immust
cancel UI ) all Mr. henry's obilga-
tus ( Intl all uk property , oraccount to itini
for its value. Time decisiq immvolves time js-
session of time old Tribune stock , now held by
the Republican , to thai amount of iO0u , ,
time San Lubs valley lands and cammals of mm-
mense value , amid mimisceliummeous liroperty in
various harts of the state to an extcmmt of over
John McLean's Gang Indicted.
Comxmaes , 0. , Dee. 10.-Time special grand
jury called to investigate the eicctlomm tally
sheet forgery of lSS5 , made a report this af-
tot-noon , returning eight indictments. No
nanmes were given out , but three arrests have
been mmmade , Robert Montgomery and Dr. C.
R. Montgomery , of Columbus , and Algernoa
( iranville , of Chicago.
An IlhInoI Judge Dying.
DixoN , Ill. , Dec. 10.-lIon. John V. Eustice ,
judge of the circuit court for time Thirtieth
judicial district , imo hams beemi ill at imis imomne
in this city for sommie time , was taken with a
rciaise last mmight and can live but a few
days. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Cinhmmms of British Scalers.
Ort.rA , Dec. 1O.-Captaimm Warren , of
Victoria , B. C. , has left for home , imavimmg
completed dotmilleth claims of nine Britisim
scalers in Behrimig sea , ammmotmnthmg to mibout
3O00. ) 'rime document was forwarded to
Steel Boiling Mills to Be Closeil.
J0LIET , Ill. , Dec. 10.-Time Joliet Steel
conipany have isted up a imotice that their
rohhlmmg immillsjfl close oum December 2J , 1mm-
l'rot' Asa Grimy Daumgerousiy IlL
hloro , Dee. 10.-Dr. Asa Gray , thie cmiii-
heat botanist , is lyln at death's door from
an appopiectic stroke.
Jones Gets a TeiIur Mi'sIvn.
Detroit Special to the New Yot-k
\Vorld : Yesterday ox-Senator Jommes re-
ceired a letter wtLci illustrates time
close kinship of sympnt'Tmy amid tender
pasioum. It SV&t mm deliente missive amid
emitted the faint. odom'Lf bhrnmmmiumg yb-
ietth It wlis writtev y in liii-
mmoi. She immid 1mb d of ex-Semmatom'
Joumes , amid the , tory f ms trouble Imati
svt'tmng her .usccptt ul. Ills towet'-
lug intellect amid tim t d ability hind
bug beemi time object ofimer ailmnbm'atbomm.
11cm' heam't went out to imima 1mm
time diiyi of lit9 ( hiction , amid
thmeum caine the mVidimmee of that
noble m.elf-mtem'itlec of which a woumman is
capable. Siam did not suggest hmerelf as
aim over ready cornfom'ter in time midat of
time ex-eumator's troubles. bitt slit. , immid a
fm-bend. 'r1mi friend was wealthy , and
abumidiimmeo of thb.VOt'il'b goods wits
buthii'ieimt to smooth the putimit-ay of the
dtmpo.ed tatesmami during time rest of
im'li4 allotted tbmmme. She Would ho deL -
L lighted should lie oiui a corrcpoumd-
tilI'ti with her.
There the iiiodet suggetiomm ended ,
but the iumi-itiimg viaUi of golden oppom'-
. _ tunittes O1)etmCl vLLs clemtr as this
cham-unmuig day that u3hmeN 1mm the winter.
I 'Time ex-eummmtorwasmtmused. Holaugiiod
r laugh ms chicory Us a seltoolboy's. lie
- novel. uumswered m'uclt . .ktterm4 amid ho
Ia'Id mia attcumtiQn to ( hem , maid in this
: jIt1vo mtvc'al was IL suggestion that
! ho stiwart. CX-St8tCsIflmtfl WitS ot it
'tritnger toth mystetious ways. of the
; . . . . .
_ _ _ . -
- -
_ , ---i - - - - - - - S
A Mistalco Discovered In Iowa's
Sonatorlai Voto.
A Ito-Election Ordered 'tiicIi I'rommm-
Ist's Victory For Young-I'Ires at
ZstcCouk iuuiti IIvernmorc-lowa
anti Nebraska Nctmm ,
Bail } flV Mi' . Cassat ,
Dr. , MmNES , Iii , , Dec. 10.-IShmeciat Tele-
grmimtm to the Ilmn.-W'imcmt : ] the executive coimmm-
cii to-tiny In mummiking time omcial cammvnss of
tue vote at time last clectiomi , opemmeit the vu-
tunis froumm time Fiftceumthm semmatoriat district ,
commilmosed of Marion atmd Mommroe counties ,
timey discovered that him thmrci ) preciumets , Gull.
ford , ammd time Secomid timid Fourth wards of
Albia , a total of mmimmo votes bud beemi emist
Immore than time registry lists called for. To
timrow out time vote of these imreciumcts wouitl
( hCf'tit AIr. Cassntt , denmoermit , vhio hmims time
certithcate of election emi time face of time re-
tunis by \'cry stimulI mimujority. After ccii-
sultatlomm witim the mtttormmey gemmerni time governor -
ernor imitim decided to cmilh mm hew election in
those timree irecincts amid will issue imis pro-
clmiimmatiomt to timat effect ut oumee. It is be-
hlc'eii that on a new vote Cmmssntt s'ili be defeated -
feated as hits mmmmmjority before s'iis less tuna
twenty in time cmmtire uiimtrict nmal time tvo
wardmof Albin , wimere a umew electiomm is to be
held , is time imomo of J. T. Young. whmo is the
republican camididuto for the senate ,
Anmiumuosa I'eim Poiumts ,
AXAMOA , in. , Dec. i0.-Special ( to time
Br.ut.-It is generally ummderstootl that.
Chester Bellows , time man trimo mmmurdercd his
mmiece sonmo tim o ago imi Floyd e'oummty , will be
takemi froni thm Antmnmosa iemmiteuitiar' to time
above umammmed coimmity , whmerti lie v1l1 be imummg
by the saume mope that was mundo tot' Limmgg ,
time Chicago nmmarchhmt , Sheriff Ciarkson imav-
lug securotl it. from Sheriff Mntsomm. i3oiiovs
is piayimmg a great gmmmmme , pretending to be imm
smimie , btmt time dodge is too npparcmmt , amid aim-
dommbtediy lie vi1i be imuumg omm lecemmmber 10.
The Jommes t'otimmty grand jury Is btmsy mit
wont exammmiumimmg time prlsomm affairs ummiler cx-
\Vardcmi A. E. Mmmrtlmm. 'l'estlmumommy is being
takemi frommm reputmible eitizomms of Aimaumosa
amid vhmat time result will be camm emily be sur-
Supreme Court Decisions.
DES Mour.s , Ta. , 'Dec. lO.-Specmnl [ Tele-
grimm to time ili.J-Tho : supm-emmie court ron-
tIered the following deeisiomms here to-day :
\V. A. iVolk \S'aielio county , aiipeiiammt ,
\Vaptdlo district , nfllrmetl.
Cathem'lmme Dryer vs Johmmm Pierce , appellammt ,
Woodbury district , afflrmcd.
A , P. Heatle vs A. H. 11111 , appehlammt , Ma-
hiaska district , attlrmmmed
Itehecca McGarvoy vs A. Hoods , appellant ,
hicmmry circuit , afllrmmmed.
l'crklns Coummty Itepubhlcnums.
MAmmmmD , Neb. , Dec. 10.-Speclal [ Telegram
to the ] 3Er.-Timo ] central conmnmlttenmen amid
members of the ropublicamm ImartY in time new
cotmmmty of Pet-ins , umet. at this Place to-day
and organized by electimmg J. N. Dempsey
chmairmnami and S. 3. llrierly secretary. The
coumity is republican by a small majority ,
Burglars at Ijiverummirc ,
LmvEnmoumc , Ia. , Dec. I0.-Special ] Tele-
gramn to time l3cE-Last night burglars cmi-
tered the iostofflcc lucre , securing They
also raided two adjacent stores and escaped
with slIght lmlumider.
Time Ft'eniont I'acking house ,
FaE3IOXT , Nob. , Dec. 1O.-Special [ Tote-
gram to time UEE.-The ] I-'remmmont packing
house began operatiomis thus nftcrmmoomm. Omme
hundred hogs vOre killed amid dressed in less
than. two hours. About two hmummdred citizens
were liresent to witmiess the openiumg. Evem'y-
timlmmg wOrked splemmdidly. Time packimmg
house tins a capacity of 700 hogs daily. it
hmmis beemi leased for live years to Myersomi ,
iiuchammamm Co. , experienced anti reliable
1)aekers. F'remnommt is now in tIme mmmimrket for
hmogs amid will lillY time tel ) lricc , Timero is
mmmueh rejoicimme amnommg Fremmmont pcoiilo over
time immauguraticum of this imnportummt enter-
' .
jut'ise. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
COOhI Prices For Corn ,
Noavoi. , Neb. , Dec. l0.-Sma [ : to time
Bmn.-tiumder ttniulus of time recent
advauiz n ( be irice of cormm in time local market -
ket rorn 2. ) to 'J cents timid uptvam-ds , con-
siderabie uuamitities are beimmg immarketed in
uiorthermm Nebraska , amid farmuers mire hmmppy.
Time crop was. a good one timi ycam' in the
quarter nmentiommed , and is bcimmg marketed
imt good condition.
Fire at McCook.
McCooK , Neb. , Dec i0.-Special ( Tote-
greta to the TIEE.-At ] 11 o'clock to-mmighmt time
immimlemnemmt house of C. P. Rimmkcr tVLIS discovered -
covered on fire. The entire stock was con-
sumned. Loss , $ * ,000 ; insurammce very light.
Time cause of the tire is unknown.
How it Grew FrozmmaHaumd.Hag to ami
Enorimmous Intei'cst ,
Kansas City Times : The express Is
not.yet a hntf a century old. It is aim
American immstitutloum-n Bostomm miotion ,
A veiy nmmmall affair at first. it struggled
mm year or two for its existence. thmemi
grow rapidly amid is miow a veritable
ghuuit ,
Iii 1836 W , C. Gray hegamm to travel
on theltraimma bctweemm Lowell timid Boa-
toil with parcels.V. . C. Taft , of Be-i-
toum , sulem'imitemmdeuit of the Xciv York &
Expmcs commmpammy itmis iii his iosesIomi
a pass grammtoi to the railroad eommmpamm
by Mt' . Gimty , dated October 26 , 1S37 ,
and uho mm leatliem' bag furuiihied iii 1840
by Grmty to his mtgeumt , Mr. Sargent , tot'
use ovum' that route. But this umidet'-
takiumg wmmmm of little mmmomneumt mind icd to
mme important results.
Time bout' arrived in 1S3S to start a
mnovemmmeum V which should revoltmtiou ize
time old methods , timid the immami of time
hour steJ ) to time ft-omit iii time irsomm of
\Viiliimmm ! T. IInt'mmdomm.
JmimnesV. . hub , who had gone to Nosy
York fm'omn Bo.tomm a year or two before ,
advised IIam'mmden to emmibark jut time bust-
mmes of cari'yimmgparcolsbetween time two
cities , mis there svero daily inQuiries at
the boat for momnhhody going east who
wouid take a packmtgo or deliver a nies-
sage. IJiOmi commaultatboum iiimd molleetioum
he decidea to do sO , amid , t'uturmmiumg to
Boatomi , lie advertised to coumimmmemmce m'umm-
nimmg lila express ( immune suggested by
Mr. Lintel on time 4th of mltmrch , IS9.
lie purchmmtncd a valise , ammd lot' it tUne
thmtt suthiced to carry ; til time expm'es
immattem' that iitsCd lctwcon New York
mind Botomm. Time bammks scem'e his
principal ( 'tmstonmem's. lie paiti full
litre. His bt-ottmcm' , Adoiphius , who
itt lit'st t'onmaiumed at time I3otoum
0111ccV8S sOOum put on mts mmmi muidi-
tboumni couiductom liusbumei.s iumcrelislumg
each of themum was obliged to take it
tu'ummk , aumd mit time cud of si" tmommtims lie
made a contract tom' a ear , At
time opemmiuug of time Stommlrmgtoum hue lie
purulma-ed 4ome of it stoc Ic timid thus
procured for hmImoif and mmmcii ,
timid to enlarged his operatbomms. But
hmc sva OuI ovurtakoum by aim umjpahhiumg
caimumnity. 0mm thu l3tim of Jammuary ,
is-lU , the Lexington , of time Stommingtoum
line , was burned on time Sound white on
Item- way from Now York to Stoniumgtout.
Adoiphus sVas on board , hmtvlumg iii hits
charge the car with freight , ) ,0OO bum
specie . .1ebonging to the Mercimnmmt'
bamik , Of Boston , and upwards of $ i0O )
bum bmmfliC notes. Adoijmhus wits Iot tumid
1,0 SVR mnuchi , of the trenauro. Ills vat-
iso , imoWf3ver wits recovered and Is imow III
time custody of B. P. ( 'honey , who holth
it at the request of time expro-mmemi's
league , font k reguided as a mnot 1mm-
terestitig relic.
i'rOim1 1S41 ( acI1ttle wtfrc ran-
1(113exteuided Lu mull directions. flurlumi
LImo vrcvniemice of time (1nltformujmt gold
fever Adams & Co. conveyed Immmmneumso
stumims of ti-ensure to time east , and Iii war
ttmmme Its opermittons extended to evem'y
CiLall ) ttimd hmospbtmtl , tiimti iii soummo iimstnmit's
on the field of battle. lii is.l Adttumms &
Co. absorbed time llmirumdomu tumid several
ttimor OXlm'eSCmi , uummtl leeitmime time Aduttima
I-ixhI.csmi ) coumipuuumy.Vimnt mu ml ghmty
growth time AUtumns iumis witnesseti froumi
time day whiun It delivered packages by
the menus ( if a wheelbarrow to the vres-
omit , whmomi It camm slmow 7,801) ) emnplu'es ,
l,82t ; svimomms , it3-m horses , and covers
: i)0 ( ) ( ) mmmmles of i'iillwmmyl \lv1ii 4\dautis
died , leavimmg great wealth ittid mu utmost
hioumormuble immune , tim 1877 , mit time age of
- - -
% It-s. Clevelamuul's host hag.
\Vmtsimimigtoui ( orreimpoumdcumce : A railroad -
road ummmtum whmommi 1 kmmnmv hiretty welt told
lime to-duty of mmmi Immterestiumg lucUlent of
time irCsIIL'tIt'S jotmm'umey to time codstitu-
tbommni celulm'mitmoim at PhIladelphia inst
Seimtemmmber. 'I'Imc Imtiem'ii umotctl at timttt
timimo timmut time ii'esmtictmt's train wits mttm
hmoum' late iii tezieimbmmg time Ceuitcmmmi hut
city , numd time eople svem'e mmot a littie
dlsa1mimolmited hp' time tielmiy. A hot box
svmts hiimuumied for time titi'thIimcs , butt
mmmv rmtihm'ouI : immmtmi says timmit tubs
wits oumly it comivuumleiit stibtemfuge
to svlmieit time jei'soum tim vimnt'gu of
time putty resorteti to for covering tp miii
unptou&aim t exelteimmemu t attemidmiug time
trip. But mmmy m'allrommdet' cmmn't ummdei'-
stand why the mmuuui simould hot Imuve told
time slimmilu tm'titii about It. lie sziys lie
svmts itt the statboui , wimeui the party emummu
ti-cam time whIte Itemise. They immuised for
mu mmmommieumt iii time mmmcmi 's 5Vtt'ttimig-tOmmi
tumid whemm they Sttit'tCl to go to time tm'aiui
ito saw ? du's. Clcvttimtumd tut'mm very quickly
ttiid nervously atmd thmm'ow a inim'tIed ,
ti'Ouiled look mmhrnut time m'oomn , My
mnmumu itt oumee asked if lie could serve 1mev
iii tmmmy way , tumid sue mummswet'ed timmut 1mev
hitig , which slit : laud left oum a settee , ss'its
' , i : wmts ratumer puizzled to see Item' both-
cecil so mmi1mt about time dismmppent'iunce of
mm little immumd-bmg , mummd I told hem' that
imo ommu hind beemi ument' to steal it , tumid
thmut It hmmul lrobmth)1Y been i'at'm'ied lute
time tra'imi by sommme of imut' muttcmmdnimts ,
But umo , thieve svas mme omme svimo would
have eam't'icd it to time trabum ; sue was
sum-c of that. Time presidemit thou caine
iii ) to swhcve we stood timid seemned to be
vel'y mimuchm jmmtereste(1 , but ito tumid
others of time parts' mull joimied iii assur-
11mg 'm1m's Clovelammd thmmit site Imad mmot
brought time bag witim Item' . Still sue
remnuiumed : as sure as evrr that
it hitid beemi stoleum. Sinclair , thmo
stcwam'd , wits a good deal
svom-ked Lii ) , but lie told thmoumm to
cateim time traiui tumid lie would ummake a
seateim tot' time mmmisaimmg article. This
WitS agreed to , tumid wimile tIme train svius
pullimmg out , Sinclair svmus galloping
time seal browmi to time wimite imouse ,
whem'e lie foummd time precious bag in the
fammilly sitting rootmi , Then lie galloped
back to the station , amid svhilo we not nn
engimme for him. lie telegraphed to Utti-
timot'e that tue bat wn'i found. The
ammawer came back tlmtut the pt-eidemm-
tint train would wait for imim to catch
up. Accordingly the trmimm was quickly
shoved on to aim out of time way sbdiumg ,
amid thieve it litityod tmmmlil the speciel cmi-
gino with Sinclair and the recovered
bag mtm'u'ived.
"That wasmm't a hot box , was it ? But
we foummd out what wits in timat bag ammd I
didmm't wommdcr tummy loumgtt' at ifm's. Cleve-
land's excitemneumt. Sue thmought she
timid lost about $43,000 worth of jewels , in-
cludiimg her imammdsonme bridal umccklace.
They WCVO in timmut bag , wlmcre sue hind
alsvt3's carried them svhcmm on a journey
to aumy tli'css muhtair , I mini told she has
since foummd mtimother way of caring for
timemim 0mm such occas'momms , nmmd I imepu sue
swill never lose theta , em' spcuid anotimet'
such tmumiimmppy bout' as she } ) : Lcth timmut
tiny wimemm riding fuommi here to Balti-
mote , "
A Novci Contideuice Ga' ,
Samu Diego Uumiomm : The examinination
of Ritcitie , W't and Qumimmn , time three
COiutdt.mmcc mdi swhto robbed the Cct'rnami
, Toimui Cimarimtomm. was begun iii Justice
Boomme's court yestcrdmuy. The chief
point dovelopeul thums fat' is time ummuammer
lii wimieh they duped timeim' u'ictinm.
Cimitl.lstoui testitied that omm time ( ims' ; of time
t'obbcry ito was muceosted by the titan
Ritcimie , svimo ocmmet1 a comivem'satiomm
about time imrobabmtity of uhumdimmg employ-
uncut. Aftum' a bot't timmmo it was decided
thmmt time tire go to Ntutionmtl City tumid
immake imiquit'y at a iilace where itit.'lmio
said lie svmms acqumaimm ted.
They of course ai't'ived aftem' the nman
hiatt goumo otmt for the day , ammd Ritcimic
mm'oposcd that they take it look mut time
ummmuclmiumo shops. Art'ivimmg there , time
victimu suffered hmmimmself to be led back
of time shop where , as he and his sup-
1toed fm'iemmd stood talkiimg , ss-limut Chmarl'i-
ton tcm'mmm.s a 'eray tuna" caine up. He
imail : n emmvelope 1mm lila immuimd and 'aitl bum
a mumbling fash'momm that the cuivelotie
comitniumed a omme-cent piece. Ritehie
timemm said , " .Ve'il huive sonic fuim witim
himmm , let's bet itini all time mnoumey sic
have thieve is mmot mu cent piece itt time cii-
seiope. " Time pt'opositioui wits laugh-
immgly iiCEited , tumid at Ritchie's stmggct-
tiomi time nmommoy , svith time mtrauugoi"s
stitch also , svmus 1)lttCed on time gm'oummd bum
front of time nllmmged em'azy man , No
sooumer , imosveveu' , humid mull the valuables
bcemm Imuid before hmimmm , titan cu'azy ulm'mtws
mu m'evols'er ammtl smtys ito twill kill themn if
they muttemimut to touichm themmi.
Hiteimic advinod hhight tumid botim mmmcmi
left time spot 1mm ioesiorm of Ritc'hmio's
commfedet'ute. L'pomm iuri'iviumg bum towmm
Ritcimic fouumd mmii alleged deputy aiiet'iiT
in the pctomm of Quiumum , ivltu otTom'e-i to
i-coos-er the watch if paid $ -50 lot' his
tm'otmbl.e. To get it ime inid lie mnu'.t iiasc
mu h'iilTf : tlo of time wutcim : , which was
uulsgivomi luimmm. It Wmms mit this jummeture
of their little gammie that time three ivero
Time examnimmation imns bccmm eommtimmued
by c'ommseiut of both the defeumne mmmiii
iiroceutioui. It is understood thmut
furtlmem' ov'tU.uuee swill be bt'ought to bear
0mm time CaSe itt iti cOmitiflUtumiCI.
- -
A Temm-Tit'tei' ,
St. Paul Globe : lie hmts acemm es'oi'y-
tlmimmg , been csem'ysvhmot'u , anti theme is a
constaumt look of emmumul timid dept'crsiomm on
his face , mt if Ime timouglmt. that Ilftm svmu
scmit'ceiy wot'tim imvimmg. Lie is a queer
imuthlvidumuiitimd lie follosvs a strange ltum'-
auit. It is tmistlng temu. lie smuummiles It
tom' half a dozemm of time btgget houses 1mm
time comimmtry , tumid Cmii'HS muhiout 2-.tMX ) mu
5'Ctmt' iy it. Liii hits the .m'eputatiomm of
kmmowimmg mnote about. teas tiniui tutu ) ' omme
else iii time coumumtm'y. It Is at time simemi-
lice of his stoiumacim mmmiii good thigction
timiut lie hma. cmurmied time m'epUtatiOui , for
botit iii'tt rulmied , though tie i tlhI a
youmm" mann.
Time emily timing timmmt ito really cumloys
1mm time wuiy of notmu'ishmmotmt Is a cup of
ten that lie brews hmirnmell cvcry immorim-
lug. It 'is mmmdc of leaves that mum Cimina
am.e tmed only for time iunpcu'imtl faintly
tumid coat here $2-i a pound. lie boils it
over a gmus jet , then pur it into the
ilUti china cup---mtl-
tiiinnet ioi't of a )
macst as thjii us a ehmampaguiu giasim.
! L'hon lie slim' it miS lie lies , hmm fled , and mt
brings en ii tiretumny Scymsatuon , s'htchm.hmo
dcel'arei , is the otto dehigiut of his life ,
It IL'.ts fm'onm two to three hours and
then pmtse utwity. Ummlbke opiutn no bitt' !
cffoet. are heft behind , icr lie is ovOmit
mis sooui an lie macyes about and shakes
oh ! time dm'ou-immc.
The Carmntiilto nmoumks omm Moimnt Carmui
offered their 'otX , ) acres iii Galilee to the
i touumiuum I 'uthmohic 1'-ilcstino soclet , svhmkh mi'
ready ha. ouoiRimed a cqlommy on L.mlce ' 1 m -
linus ,
. . . . . .
. ' : . , , . . . . : I , ,
a-a- _ - -1 _ _ -
ThIs Is Made of' a Wohl-lmmowim Nowe-
paper Corrospoudottt.
Vaumtc1 , a tIumer's Ilamup-Aist ) , a itmt.
road Contratmtom'-A Smite l'hmi
to I mivest Iimm. ' ) ' lii
itcal l'stmite.
I imtii' constant rm'quetstoh1ni1 otit stho nmnk ,
yen iii ii t hmIuug' , miumil rilt i'm-ut t' iii y at reiiIy , , rI 'me-
lemtt'l ) , u-imm , t t huua imi ) ' r'mmmlcr trlemuti' , gi'mmti , . tIr
t mmrlmm , ii'mit , mivimli t lmemmmsiliOf mmmy giol I otlic's ,
amid is tiI mil'cjimiuluttimmmre 1mm iim-ingiimg I iutmmm iii , , Imm-
t mmci ivit Ii I hmio swimu ummmmke mmuit sell a at timi mmii
frommm I ime ii'iii'riliil ) tmceil to t ito mmmi t I tb it Irmil
Li umclmi , rir , mis t lie % ' Izmm ru of uumi , , vmirk I vu-
cimmt 1 y ilimoth , , "fm , , mm , mm it chi'plmiimit 's huh' I n i
semmimt'n 'S u'oimiii. ' ' 'Iii i'i ii mmml mmt'm' ru-i mmii tim , '
I 'jiel lie slept , , ruiis 1mm mu ii mull for t ii t' Iit'Mt kind of
mu timer's Iuimm Ii , iuI miii I hmimt I cmi mm Ito i I ' ' it'qimmst
mu I is ii , , ilrstgmm , mmmaku or semmil mmml mam' hiimmm tm
u..mmii mmmc mummy lmmtoruimmit hum hum thmi- , , 'umumetIiiui I liii c
t imi ) ' iii ii ) ' hitS C. t umot 11cr m'mmt' itrit , 'i : ' 'V Ill yI iii
Pith' , ' l'il ' t mime 1mm , 'ommm mmmmimmiriut limit silt it a reilmihmi , ,
llmum , 1 , , bill , ! iii , ' ) mmmlii's ur tiiiriimmi' '
I itt i-u , tiii ) , itS t-iilm3' , I tout utter Iii fin uumtmt iimu
wimkit I think si lii h'miehtt utimers mm It himis may'
clt ,
t--------- i
I , Ty
I , '
m-w , ) rtA : mm mu : .u mi' .
' "limo lmrut t.i. imimil s'um-iI I , h mmm tt m'i'i of I liii
VhmItu I bit L' numil t lit' 1 it ttimm'tt , , iii , rtuor : lit hie't
jnys , , nmr . lim t-imiItflt , ummimy be said ( ii imimie let u. ei'mm
t hmummi t ii.o very , ieitr immh . , ' ' saul ii feit'mmii t ii mmmi ,
rtcemmt ly. ' Itiglit , ummy iltur ; hut hiiivt' yuii ewur
t hmciiihmt iiict mmimmmh macre Is ate m ut by that ox-
iiremomm I immmm mit tiNt Imilpuars ? ' I I , iiis'mv ii' , '
Iiropml , I e mom us Iireslomm m t Is ! ' ' V us- 11,11 , ( ii
whmmit w.m-i" 'I'liIs Sri. Cmtflhmgim to t'it me taint'
gulmig cmi . tim ) ' 111)1)11) ) ) , anti I cilimL'- ti mmmystft
mitii.tit mt. fiiihiiti-s :
'S'termii yi'imrs ugo , If you reummi-mumber , I tiiuuiil
that I swims gett luig , mmmlh mmmiii stmmhIii , mmmiii meemmmiii
to 11mM' Iumtorest , 'vmm 1mm mmii' Suumimmi3- , i ' 4 ; aimit mm limit svhi im mm iimyiamm ( I ton mmml that I It al
eattirnim. Noflt lila is , si iiemm iit'i'ii 11)1.11 ) , mmmi mmmi.
lit-as.tmit ) ii I iemiu ; , mlmmcomn fiirtaih. mmmiii ilIigmm.t lug.
muuil ilciulil3' iimimmgerumu , m iiocmuiu.e m'o Immsliimmimm , mliii !
having mmtce'i trommm thom gmmt'ral starting Iblimnl'-
time ummucoim4 mmmummhnmuies of timti ito-ic , immi , Ihrciat
-Into t hm $ ttmimiiclm ii nil through I ii- latter
Imiti , time w 1mm ite mtltmmmemmtury immmmi ml lge.'t.yo
i.ysttumm , Tutu iri--crt Iit1mm glsi'im mmmc , at t imi imugtm
by aim emmtmmimmt : it , I ) . , tSItS of lit tiui iii ; mini !
while I kiieir that I wu mmmore or ies or ii uimmls-
amid , to ni'si'i t cmiii t ito-i , ' umear mime , svltim lily
stecp1mmg. and ilrxiptmmgs , mmmy lmitwklmmgs aumil cx-
Pectoratlons , I teit ii irse timimmi I really witi , laur-
ttcimimmrly as time' mmmt-iilclne thu mmmii mam gocil. lImit
that good Saimmarstlmm , Mr C. C. i'mmlmmiir , svim Is
foremuiitmi of the ( 'mike' fcpaitmneumt mmt Ourumemmim's
Iht1euy tohil limo lust lit' mmitil eatarrim ever slnr
time svmir ammil that liii Imiuil ljeemt imntirely ' ured
sVemmmi tmmommths migo , ammii imas mme'ver iimtil miumy algim
( it lt rctmurmm sInce , 113' hi-i mtiivli-i' I was trmilmmced
to vilt the 0111cc of 1)rs. Mct'oy & ifeumry for con-
.ultmmt1on , multi ! I al , ) imi'am-ii ( roam otifer siuiurce !
tlitit Gee. Rn-ti , the well kumiiwmm driver of cur Ni , ,
Is on time ( ruemm Limit' , hIt mmry I'etersomm , time u'
fable , nail thoroughly eommummt -'it rIii tGi
union l'mwltlc imeeimllime.iArmm , TavlI ) , ideums : , who
1 , litoprktor of uno of time llmot liiiilihilr no-
morts 1mm oiitim Ommiahmim , 1mm aiiiiltliimm m i , miii mmm , 'rom' , ;
other ii.stiie of vntmumtlmielmce. immive liemma treatci-t
stmcc'9miiy 11) ' tumese geuitieummeui's emmnittivu low'
era. 1mm 51)1110 lntami-es , a large mimmmumier of tim-
lmiom-s , kmmnwmm to time mmmtiitcal tratenmflmy its 1"l ) ' .
pii-hmavt' , remmmoveil , tfmer timmmmm1tImig With
time iloctem or hmI mms'btaumt I iii mmmi time I vial ii him
emitlru sntI-itmrtlifli mimal .mmeCt-54. . _ ' 113tilce , amy
lit'mit ! h nut , ! mmiy spIrits ret mmnim-il.
I lmmslmi r beeim tImmL , p rmmmummetmt ' lemmttltiil. I at-
i'e13'4 svlii recommi mumi-mmii I lie ttii ip' t rs , , tim
mimy frlt'mais mmiii I mite himmhitr , mmiii' , always hut
t ime' fmmtmmro ( tinmlIy iti > 1n-eel. - iui' mmtemmmml mig o f I liii
exprts.lomm. r , it-aih , ' IL.helmig not oimiy tig-
imratht-a : r imti'miml. 'l'hmu oiii amiagi , i emms 'mmmia tim
"m.mre .amii ' - i-Oimmti , ma Inim i n a soimnit 1 buy-
might hittum rtid ' 1u1n4 summul lii Calulte smiuto -
a m.iamnul uimluul 1mm mm cI-im r hiemmut. '
$ Immce may niilet I svhll ructummmmmemul , I imis simmuple
hUt etiectiw. , ietmiuly to lily trleumul-u vhmcm mmmay
himive mint uimily orullumary cohis hum tlmi' imemmul , hut
rt'gimhmtr tqlrcsIve catarrim , nail 11mev wIll cur-
tzmtmmhy llmii , a uiummnteh huimuciy juroimilit mmuuh : thmom-umughm-
I ) ' ethectlvim teller. I t chit a comm liii' ( it giimmt iummiium
of iii ) ' i'xperluumce , ammui t iii. ) ' Imusltni u-ui mu uunu
gd n to imh i' tthui' . aumul mlu time ) ' hmutul h , amautum
scurme iiy uunm iii'r. , smiimmts , 5vtiiei , uiommchmi"u mmmiii
tutu' . ; , i t im tmtu'rvmt , I , I utul ' 4 mimiut swire luiclineti to
think mmmmfas oraliiy ( ) t ttiy cimuulcu , limit umi u-artiest-
1mes. liii alit to mm-ummme I imimim mmmiii I hum It rmmmhy ccumm-
vlnteul ihmimt a te'.t suhli eimmviucu 1mm ) ' emnionsum-
'fhmIs treatmimentlt'u'ttmahls' cleanses the nasal
iuums ag em of miii eutarrimimi vIrus ttumut even of time
, ietiimmmimiittlumi. , ( utimseul by Jutmmmgummt cumulus or pow-
i1u.tor by tlru-ol simmuiki' . tgnuiritntiy iii'ut fur thit
r'ilef of cmitumrrim ummil , ithemtrutmhleu. . si ii 1dm h 1mev
aggravate ratiit-m' timimim as1t. 'l'he .ilcCcy ttetjf.
tiiemit m-outhii'S iimmii allays Imitlatmiummat bum mmmiii Irri-
tutu-ni , proti-ct tile iUemmmlirmmtmai llmm1nms of limo
beau frommm fresh coiiis , coimjmhetely lu-u-lu time
sireammil retorea the s.'u'.es of taste , a mmmcli aumul
hemirlumg , 'vemm ishun time hitter has iieemi rrevloims'
ly Immmpnlrt'ui l' thumumgerous llqiitui reumit-ulluii. It
r.mnuIvt'm4 hail ta.t e ummuui tout brunt im ru'miit lmmi
froni eatzmrrh. lui'teaul of ilylmig imp time m.ticri'-
t lifls. It ihlihoulges titemim nuiui mmmmmke-i timt-mmm hmarumm-
le. , llummplul ummd oiiorlesi , awl timimili ) ' natuumilmtnui ,
htutitlmtVoting rlmhlutremi are frt-qient , muffurens
hromn tlml uirtaum , llsoa' , ' , mmmii ! are sKhlitully treat-
ci ! usitim lierfect safety 113' tue ) IeOcy.iiemmr7
trestimietit ,
Time Successful Metimods as Used by
Jim's. McCoy & hlemmz'i' ,
'i1mn treatmmmeiit for catarnim , lmmmig trouble , mithm-
mmmii , rlteimmmmmmtt"umi mumiul other chmrommlc , cmiii
oni ) ' bu , uppit'il suicefiih1' by one whim imut In.
s-tlg.mtt'ui emil mmmaulti a ilfu-iumig study of such
tll.uit-u-s , Cmmrel-s doctors , mmml thOsi ) mint thur.
immigimhs' micqimalmmtiil 5 % Ithi thisui troumbles artltshio
to full , whit-mm ii skhifimi s1uectallst ivho has ( lit-
vuittui yeam-a to tiimit Iimntlcmiiar imimiulumec.s as ha-i
hr4. 'uleC"V & Ihi-umry , uvlhl stteeeeui. Nothing hut
the s"rs' br..ut tnuatuument kmiuiwn to uimeilical
silt-nc. ' 1 glii'n ti ) mtii hiatlefliS , mini ! It camm hi. ,
m4ifIl ; ) simtui that tlii'ie g.-muti.miot , are immast'rs imt
mmii thmmt I-u umuav k-mmuss mm or uommsimmmi' tlomm ituiui uuthiir
chiremuic tlliau'i' tip to unto. \'ltli thiuuum It t , ni )
lutmter Lii c-umhmmt lull iumiil , 'xierlmiint. It Ii
S u alg1tttirwaiuI tretummient , r-mltlmig , fnuam , hilgim
I iii ottmliii iiuiui , , clent mile itt hit mmummcmmts. autileil ti ,
ii t hiirttmgim med tvumi cit iui-atlomm 1mm t he greati't
% mmi.'rlcmimm tiojuttuiis ummi,1 uniter t Iii , gnt-uiti4t
_ t nmu'nlcnum 1mitttor5 of uumt-iIlelrme mmmiii sim cgery.
'Flues gemmtlumimimm have utilue'uI ! to thu. u-ximmimst , I VI )
kuts , ieiige of theIr siuicfiuittt's a nomuimtatloum ( cur
umisielate chmirgO , as their cimiuultaulotl ( Ce 14
limit ii. wime'thier mit timu , ( mulCt' , or aim uplmmlomi given
1) ) ' mmmli.
'limo ( ollcWlng statemnent regaruhimig flrs. McCoy -
Coy mtimui Ilemur ) ' is mnuule umpomm gias ! miutimuiritv :
' 'mimce , the-mm eruiuuelit phutcmaums hove lu'Clm Om ( lit
west. hey ? mnre tomte' , , imiul , cured umrer sir tluom4l.
ttmm'1 rtm4es Of ccmtarni ? ecu ! c1uoifr liiriuil until liutm'j
41) , ' cent had lieu1
lroL7de * quid of ( lifAt duStS ju
c1chmm cd amid proumoufleeul'mt'mtrcwC. ( ( "
Late of Jk'Ileimme hospital , N. V. ,
Late o1 time Uumhit-rshty of Poummun. ,
have Oihici.3 mm
310-311 RAM6E BUILDING ,
Corner 1511 amid hImrumuy Strtmetl ,
Oimiruha , NebrAska. S
SS'here all eprahuls cases mire treatcd with Mum'- :
cuss. 3lemIkAt dLccmm'ues tnesteil sItlllmuliy. Ccii-
.uimmiJutluu , hIrighmt'm4 itea' , hiysp.'jisia , ltlmetm.
nmatmrn. mmmiii mmli NEIISOuIS isv tsr-s. . "ll rih,4-
ra-s pCuiIar 10 tiiiSeXCS a specialty , C.trtuititt
( xml U'-
CONSUlTATION hmy matior itt offtce , Ii.
Ot1reilomrs-tOhiurn , ; toIp.Int TtoLlli.
in. ttlnulaY tnriimlstI ,
Corrusysnul'ruee receives romnht attentIon.
, % tmmny dlsei&5e8 are tr-att'ui , uiccetsfuihlY , 117 Ir.
MCCI ) ) ' mmmiii hlm'niy through tim. , tmmall4 , miami it Is
timu i.Om.lhh' for tiuOS" umuiuibie to nmmmk'i a jour.
mmlito ohtmtiut successful hioplta1 trea.tuneut at
theIr hmomi's
yo letters ammtstt r'il ummiteS accompanied by
. . '
Adulres all lettem to 1)z. McCoy & fftnry ,
Itocing iO amiul Jit ltLzite LStLUdlug , Omnj1m
iimbr.cuk.m ,
. - . -