Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1887, Part II, Page 16, Image 16

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    - n , 'i , ' ,
Special bargains In our fur depart
ment nil next week.
125 boa and mulT bets , comprising all
the most desirable furs , from
$3.76 TO $36 A SET.
\Vo mitko lower prices than any other
house In the city on the goods.
all the desirable ) lowest prices.
. \ immense abfort-
nujnt of muffs in almost every fur that
is on the market , prices guaranteed the
K > 0 genuine black Russian hare muffs ,
. $1.26.
Natural oppossum and oilier muffs ,
82.37 1-2 , WORTH $3.76.
Fine seal plush mulT , well made and
lined with best batin ,
$2.37 1-2 , ACTUAL VALUE $3.6O.
25 French seal muffs , closely rc-
bcmbliug the real seal ,
$3 WORTH $6.
IT , genuine Alaska London dye fcciil
in all the most desirable and fashion-
, ublc furs , in all widths.
Lowest prices in the city.
Our stock of Mil in and gros grain ribbons
bens IB complete , and wo are prepared
to show them in almost every shade , in-
chiding all the latest and delicate
shades , suitable for art and fancy work.
H is admitted by all that our. prices on
ribbons are the lowest.
200 pieces No. 12 satin and gros grain
ribbons , picot edge , in a variety of
16c , REDUCED FROM 25 AND 3Oc.
The latest English Hamlet is Mr. Arthur
Kilwiti Hooth iind Lnwrcnce Hnrrctt will
probably go to Europe together next .sum
Gerstcr has not lost her voice , it seems.
What she has lost is the power of using it in
Ludwig Harnay , the Gorman Irncreilinn ,
will mill from IIuvio for Now York in Feb
Mat-Hie Mitchell's new play "Little Sin
ner , " by Howard P. Taylor , has been slated
us worthless by the western cities.
Under the statutes the district police are
ordered to require that a fireproof curtain be
placed In every theatre in Messiiehusetls.
Edwin H. Price , huslmud of Fanny Dav
enport , sailed for France on Wednesday to
procure the costumes of Sarclou's "Lu
Tosc.i. "
Five lady violinists of prominence arc now
competing for the favor of the public. Ger-
uldine Morgan , a Now York girl and pupil of
Joachim , is the latest.
There are to bo new Polish theatres at Crn-
row and.LeinberK. The London Athcmi'inn
notes the fuct that as a Mini of the levival of
national feeling in Poland.
The manuscript plays , tried and untried ,
that belonged to the late E. H. Southern
weighed over two tons. Nobody has over
catalogued or counted them.
Miss AnnieLippincott , daughter of Grace
Greenwood , will shortly arrive in this conn-
try from Europe , and commence a scries of
engagements to sing in concerts.
Carl ( ioldmark , the well known composer
of the "Queen of Sheba" and other works ,
has completed u symphony , which will soon
bo heard for the flrst time in Dresden.
Prof. A. Waldnur , of St. Louis , Is sup
posed to bo the ouly living member of the
orchestra that accompanied Jenny Lind
through this country thirty-live years ago.
Hlchard Mansfield has u desire to appear
in the classic drama , and is having a play
written ih which lie will impersonate ) one of
the most noted characters in Komnn history.
Julius Hona , the well known Em-open mu
sical director , has arrived in New York , ac
companied by Messrs. Windecott and New
ton , two exceeding gifted solo violinists , with
whom he proposes to concertizo.
That pretty little mazourka of Josef Hof-
inann , and which he played at New York , is
dedicated to Parri Helena Modvezejewsku
IModJcskii ) . The boy has a great admiration
for his distinguished country woman.
Jules Vernu's throo-volumo novel , "Mathias
Samlorf , " has been dramati/ed and was
brought out in Paris Saturday. Electric
yachts and submarine torpedo boats in mil
water are among the diversions of tlio piece.
The newly found work of Mozart's , a
quiii tetto in three movements for oboe , clari
net , horn , and bassoon , has boon produced
In Dresden. The composition is full of char
acteristic beauty , and has excited the liveliest.
The Parisians are delighted with the pros
pect 01 Mine. Paul's appearance in their city ,
which she lias so long avoided. She is to
fting ono niirht at the Grand Opera there , and
the proceeds arc to bo given to the French
hospital in London.
Ellen Terry's salary Is J,000 a week , ac
cording to Miss Gilder. Her daughter has
adopted the . stage a profession , and has a
minor part in "Faust. " She has no lines ,
but skips on and off the stage with the vil
lagers. She is n brunette , and does not look
at all like her mother.
A string of girls reaching an entire block
answered an advertisement of the "Arabian
Nights" management in New York for oxtia
iiguruntos for the ballet. Yet out of the en
tire number the ballet mistress could not
supply her wants , so iinshatioly appears tom
\m \ the average American ballot girl ,
Infant prodigies are getting to bo as plenti
ful as mushrooms. The latest wonder is little
Fritz Krrislcr , a violinist , who topk the not
prize at the Paris coiibervutorio. Ha is now
pluving in Vicnnaand people wn < their heads
unit marvel where it will lead to , for already
a gloomy tragic spirit Is said to have taken
hold of the lioy , who Is but twelve years old.
Mmo. Modjenka intends retiring from the
Mage shortly after the season , at least for a
time. Hbo may do soum dramatic work in
KuBila next yoir , The coming bummer she.
will turn on ncr ranch in Lower California ,
playing in San Francisco Into In the season ,
uml aflrr the vurnmcr going'direct to Russia ,
tuvompantfd by'Count Hozentuhcrhusbpnd.
' Tfce tccor , llerr Wiukcliuan , 'of the I in-
Will offer SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS in the Following Departments
All Next Week.
An Knglihh seal plush sacquc. ' satin
quilted lining , four seal loups. No bet
ler value has boon offered lo Iho trade
for less than SHO. Our price $25. Wo
Hhow the best value in plush sacqucs in
Omaha at W0a 5 , 4CO and $55.
with coat sleeves , long lab fronts , plush
ball trimmings. Others offer u similar
garment for * 30.
Very handtome. On sale in the city
at $27.60.
$85. $100 , $175 , $200. $225 and $250.
Jest London dyemadeby the
mown and most reliable furriers in the
country. No more lasting or handsome
'hribtmas present can bo made a lady.
Gentlemen who desire to make any such
) urchase , we invite an inspection. Our
: leak department is replete with choice
garments , our prices the lowest and our
styles the latest.
Newmarkets reduced from $20 to $10-
Newmarkels reduced from S15 lo $10.
Newmarkets reduced from $11 lo $7.50
Nowniiirkels reduced from $ C lo $4.25.
Grelchcn skirls in childrens cloaks ,
misses newmarkels , capes and hoods ,
all the latest clonking cloths and
newest designs at prices that cannot
help to please the public. Plush cloaks
Tor babies , in thrco colorings $8 , $8.50 ,
$9. Elogiint hand embroidered , long
cloaks for infants , prices from $2.25 lo
$11.50 and upward.
Wo invite your inspection and solicit
your patronage.
pcrial opera in Vienna , has , in compliance
with Fruu Cosima Wagner's urgent request ,
consented to undertake the role of Parsifal
and Walter Stolzing at Hayreuth at a con
siderable .personal sacrifice , us he has to
give up hW lucrative "congo" engagements ,
unit at Hayreuth he will receive only a small
compensation fee.
Among the literary , or rather musical re
mains of Liszt a concerto for piano and string
orchestra was found , bearing the very strange
title , "Male Diction. " It is written in E
minor. The orchestral portion of the concerto
will have to be reconstructed , and Hernard
Stuvrnhagcn , of whom one hears such won
derful things as a pianist , is busily engaged
in studying the work and committing it to
"The Harristcr , " n comedy which is now
running at the Comedy theater in London ,
was produced in Hoston Monday at the Mu
seum , and miulo a hit. The story of the
larco is wrapped about the udventuresof two
handbags , which are unconsciously ex
changed by their owners , a lady and gentle-
limn , while ridir-g in a hansom. The compli
cations that follow lead tip to very laughable
situations and incidents.
The National Conservatory of Music In
New York is expected to progress more sat
isfactorily now that it is freed from the ham
per of the National opera company
and receives Mrs. Jcanette Thurbcr's undi
vided attention. It was started as u school
for opera and shows traces of its origin in
that only vocal music is now taught. Instruc
tion is frco to those who will agree to give
the school a certnln pcrccnlago of their pro
fessional income derived fora specified period
after graduation.
Crunks have begun to flood Henry E.
Abbey with offers to produce lads of three
and six years old who who will quickly lay
the pianist prodigy , Josef Hofman , into the
shade. Many loiters como from fond fathers
and mothers who consider their offspring
full-blown geniuses Ono father said his
three-year-old son could play us well us litlle
Hofmun with his buck to the piano , and
others offer piano players from live to ten
years old who only want a chance in order to
become as great us Lis t , Heelhovcn and
Wagner's recently discovered symphony
has been played with great success in sev
eral foreign cities. It has been asserted
that the last movement shows a falling off In
interest. Accoiding to the testimony of the
critic of the Allgemelnu Muslk Xuitungthis
is not the case , although the finale is con
spicuous for humorous qualities , and is lighter
in character than the llrst allegro. The
sumo critic gives it as his opinion that no
symphony of so great weight hud ever be
fore been produced by a nineteen year old
The gentleman who docs the impecunious
French nobleman in Minnie Palmer's new
play , "My Hrother's Sister , " has been crit
icised. Tills Is explained by Manager Hogers
by the fact that the man is a native French
man , and cannot , therefore , interpret the
part as an American would deem proper.
Mr. Hogers further says ho made a mistake
in engaging a native-born German to tuko
the part of an Amerieaiwcd Ccrman lad in
"My Sweetheart. "
Experience- teaches that
the theater-going public ptefcrs the imitator
to the genuine article. '
The two gentlemen who wrote and com
posed Mr. McCaulI's latest successful opera ,
"Tho Hegum , " ought to bo extremely well
satisfied with their llrst attempt , particu
larly for the reason that they are young
enough to look forward to unusually long
careers in literature. Neither Smilh or Do
Koven are over twenty-live years of ape.
The nrs named , is a Chicago journalist who
wrote very many of the bright things Unit
used to appear in the sinait little Chicago
weekly called the Humbler. Do Koven h a
Now Yorker of urislocrullu Uncage , and
some time ago ho married the daughter of
Senator Furwell , of Illinois , uml it was in
Chicago that ho and Smith fell in and worked
up 'The Hcgnm' They tire already at It
ut > on a comic opera with which to succeed
their maiden effort , und they quitn naturally
expect to improve as they jo along ,
An entertainment entirely new in its char
acter to the theulre-going people of Phila
delphia was gyen ( recently in the Timlin
theatre , Crown and Callowhlll sticcts , as the
oj > onliig night of what is Intended as perma
nent Jewish , theatre. . The actors were He
brews , the orchestra WHS composed of people
ple of the same faith , thu scenes depleted
were tlmso fumUiur to Jews , the dialogue
was m tlio.pmiliur JrWkh jorgoll , which is a
cotiglomoiatioii of. tha Russian,1 Uernmii ,
Polish , Hebrew , F-eni-h and' Auicricau iUii-
AT $1.05.
50 doz .1-4 bleached all-linen napkins
at $1.'J5 , reduced from $2,50.
AT $2.0O.
50 doz. 15-4 all-linen bleached double
satin damask napkins , worth $3.50.
AT . $4.OO. .
40 do/ , bleached linen satin 'danissk
nupkins , former price $5.00 and fd.OO.
AT 76c.
Bleached table Ulicjj j jiianging in
width from 03 to 72 inulrj' minced from
AT 81.OO.
72-inch double batin damask , sold
elbowhere at $1.50.
AT $1.25.
72-inch blcachcddoublc satin damask ,
the best goods ever been offered at a
special sale ; reduced from SI.85.
75 lunch sotj in the following size.s :
These goods arc all new , novel and
2 yds , 2 } yds , ! 5 yds , 3 } ydsand 4 yds. to
desirable , and will make a splendid
Christmas present.
Special prices this week in Grand ,
Square and Upright piano covers.
guuges , and the. music consisted principally
of the melodies of the Hungarian gypsies.
The enterprise is under the management of
Ellas Dorf , a Hungarian Jew by birth , but
nn American by adoption and educalion , nnd
it is intclidcd as an educational measure for
the people of his faith who are uneducated ,
and who cannot be reached by any other
It is natural that a Skyo terrier should
bark at Iho moon.
A man's temper is ono of the few things
which improve by disuse.
Many a hotel that has opened with eclat
has been closed by the sheriff. *
A full-blooded crank is merely an animated
idiosyncracy with a handle to it : '
Should you not think that baggy trousers
would look well with a suck coat.
Opportunities are like vacant lots. They
must be improved lo bo profituble.
Harbed wire is not popular .in Kentucky
unless it is in the form of a corkscrew.
Two heads are better than one , especially
in a drum or a sensational newspaper article.
An editor thinks that people of the right
stump are those who inclose return postage.
There is always danger of dculh when a
doctor writes a prescription In u dead lan
The man who agrees with you In every
thing expects to bo paid in ono way or
"Westward the 'star' of empire takes his
way" ; but frequcnlly walks homo 'again on
the ties.
If a man really desires to discover how
popular he is as a speaker let him charge M
cents admission.
The Ohio river is so lowlhat the fish often
swim ten miles to a water-tank before they
can wet their whistles.
Mexicans wear huts varying in prfee from
? UI to $100. There must bo a strain of Mexi
can In American women.
The brain of an elephant Js. somewhat
larger than that of a man , but 'tho trunk of
mi elephant is considerable smaller than that
of a woman.
"Does it pay to bo good ! " somebody asks ,
and the first impulse of everybody clsd is to
answer : "It does if there is any.danger of
your being caught. " „
The man who was Iho nrchilect of- his own
fortunes was u very sensible person. Had ho
hired another man it would havu taken the
entire fortune to pay the architect.
This conundrum comes by private convey
ance from n Rutland county town : -'What
two rivers in New England usk'aml answer
a question f Hooslc and Passumpsic. "
Everybody knows what a bee line Is. It
runs in a circle around clover" patches , and
finally makes its way to n hollow tree in the
swamp , where the honey Is 'deposited ,
The latest "sell" that youngsters iiro ; play
ing upon one another and upon their eiders
is : "Did you get the letter ! " "What
letter i" is naturally asked. "Go , Galla
gher ! "
The public looks upCn tho' college' yell as n
useless accomplishment , but in'l ' tor , years ,
when some of the boys get into the itinerant
fish business ; they nnd it comes in jKjwerful
handy. ,
Hero is the way a funny man speaks of a
lolly , cheerful Boniface : "Ho disappeared
in a beaming lucework of smiles like u great ,
good natured bumble bee diving intp u tangle
of morning-glories. " .
"No man knows himself until ho has suf
fered , " says a French author. Sometimes a
man who has suffered from a night out with
thu boys looks In the glnss the next morning
und doesn't know himself.
Thu force of habit is always strong. A
Haltimoro young muij who wiw calling on a
a street cur conductor's daughter says that
the father wandered In ut rather a lute hour ,
and , opening the parlor door , mechanically
exclaimed : "Sit close , please. " .
At Klllarney Lake there Is n wonderful
echo. An Irishman says that on leaving ho
called out his mime , nnd returning two
months later , the llrst thing ho heard from
thocliffi. was "Put , " with the addition of
"have ye got u uotllo wid yoi"
When Alonzo Howmun of Lowmlesville , S.
C. , ; goes fox hunting ho ullows Jiis j > ct sheep
to run with tlio hounds , and ho says that in
nine cases out of ten it is the slK-cp .that
runs , the lox down , . . ' -X' . . , ' „ ,
SLll'l'EUS. ,
Ladies' , Gents' , Misses' and Boy's
Shoes exceed any goods offered in the
city for quality and style. Goon GOODS
from best manufacturers. No AUCTION
Ladies' line velvet embroidered slip
pers , $1.00 , worth $1.25.
Ladies' felt slippers , $1 , worth $1.25.
Ladies' line plush slippers , $1.25 , worth
Ladies' line fur trimmed felt slippers ,
$2 , WOP th $2.50.
Men's velvet embroidered slippers ,
75c , worth $1.
Men's line velvet embroidered slip
pers , $1 , worth $1.25.
Men's line velvet embroidered slip-
jwrs , * ] . . > , worth $2.
Men's line hand made goat slippers ,
$2 , worth $2.50.
Ladies' line bright Uongola button
shoes , $3. worth * 3.75.
Ladies line Curacoa kid shoes , BCD
and E width , $3.50 , worth $4.
Ladies' French Dongola hand-sewed
shoes. A to E , $3 , worth $0.
Ladies French Dongola hand-sewed ,
C S shoes , A to K , $0 , worth $7.
Misses' bright } grain , spring heel but
ton shoes , $1.35.worth 01.00.
Misses'kid spuing heel button shoes ,
$1.50 , worth $2.
Men's calf button , lace and congress
bhoes , S3.
Men's line calf , seamless shoes , all
styles , $4.50 , worth $ -5.
Bojs'-wiU , seamless , button and con
gress bhoos , $2.50 , worth $3.
Green and gray veils are very unbecouini ? .
The hut-pin grows in size and novelty of
Passementerie and peltry stand flrst among
wrap trimmings- .
The long tulle veil remains in favor for
fashionable brides.
English pelerines or shoulder capes of fur
are immensely popular.
Silver-coated cologne botlles have stoppers
ef heavy repousse work.
"Sir , every word you speak is a lie. "
"Hight you arc , my pretty miss. "
The muff should always correspond with
the fur of the pelerine or shoulder capo.
In Paris bonnets of the latest typos no
feathers aao used except a few ostrich tips.
The shoes of an evening toilet are always
correctly inado of the material of the gown.
Cashmere guunllot gloves with plush backs
are in favor for muff wear in the coldest
The price of hogs is advancing , nnd Iho
Chicago belles arc becoming haughty even to
Musk veils are worn in all the new shades
of copper , iicujon , gobelin blue , old rose ,
green and gray.
It is terribly unfashionable nowadays to be
ridiculously young. Nolhing under twenty-
live is really correct.
It is a solemn hour with a rose-lipped so
ciety bud when she begins to wonder vaguely
how a mustache feels on the face.
Fashionable shoes have rounded toes and
"common-sense" heels. " French heels are
now unanimously voted "common. "
Gerstcr has lost her voice , sure enough ,
but if it is ever found it will bo easy to Iden
tify it. There is no other of the same pat
A "cunning" Ink-well is a silver toboggan ,
whose girl occupant slides buck in the most
life-like manner , ut the touch of a concealed
Miss Travis Doctor , my head troubles me
terribly. It swims all the time. Doctor My
dear young lady , you read too many seaside
England cxjiects every man to do his duty
and America expects every woman to pay
hers but she don't if there is any chance for
"I thought you took an unusual interest in
my welfare , " remarked an unsuccessful
lover. "No , indeed , " she replied , "only in
your farewell. "
A very new bracelet is a mere thread of
gold holding u large oval stone topaz , rough
i merald , moonstone or amethyst or else au
undent scurubuius.
A correspondent asks how a gown of pilot
cloth should bo made. As simply us possible ,
uml no decorations beyond braiding , or u
narrow bordering of fur.
The fashionable evening toilet can scarcely
have too many jewels or Jewel ornaments in
the hair , the ears , on the neck , the arms , the
lingers , and the dross itself.
The latest fancy In bull goyns is to trim
the open Y's of the bodice , back and front ,
\ \ ith a garland of flnu flowers that terminate
in sharp points at the waist line.
Great latitude is allowed in arranging
skirt draperies below the belt In the back ,
eaeh modisto now varying them to si4t her
fancy or "iiccordinc to her cloth. "
The cart wheel hats worn at theatres by
ladles hide largo ears , frcoklos , crooked
shoulders end many other personal defonn-
ilies , us well us u view of thu slugo.
Cynthia E. Cleveland , the cousin of the
president , whoso libelous novel , "See Haw , "
has been suppressed. Is said to bo n hand
some woman with un Intellectual face.
Im | > orted garters show embroiders of
flowers , killuloo birds , storks , etc. , und urn
further made dazzling . with cnumellcd
Higher education for women Is no doubt n
consummation devoutly to bo wished , but
what would appeal moru eloquently to
the sympathies of the mule sex Is lower
Mrs. Philip Armour is a quiet , retiring
lady , pretty and petite , but the victim of ill-
health. She is the almoner of her husband's
extensive charities , and sinks nor own indi
vidually In his.
Folded pleat ribbon at thaoat olid wrist In
lieu of linen has taken on u now ICUBO of life.
'It is Keen In all colors and has the tnplu
recommendations of comfort , economy und
bccomlngncss. ' , . > . _ , .
' Hardship * of Housekeeping ' . 'I'uigoihg lo
; ' 6Oc , WORTH O6o.
1 case ladies' extra line white merino
vests and pantn , silk finished , all prizes ,
at 60e , worth 05c.
62 l-2c , WORTH 76c.
fiO dozen ladies' extra heavy white me
rino vests aim punts , silk .finished , and
nicely mnde , at02c , good value for 75c.
$1 , REDUCED FROM 81.6O.
\Vo offer special value in ladies' scar
let medicated underwear :
75 do/.en ladies' genuine medicated
Hcarlet vests and panls , all pure wool
warranted steam shrunk , silk finished ,
at $1 each , never shown below $1.50.
26c , WORTH 37 l-2c.
100 dozen ladies' heavy , all wool hose ,
.Jyith merino heels and toes , black , navy ,
K'lil/wine and mixed greysat 25eworth
60c , WORTH 660.
0. ? do/en ladies' heavy , all wool eash-
mere hose , full regular made , with dou
ble merino heels and toes , ribbed and
plain , black , navy , heal and wine , atOOc ,
regular price G5c.
65c , WORTH 86c.
GO dozen ladies' extra fine French
cashmere hose , full regular made , and
extra long , at 05c per pair.
25c , WORTH 40c.
1 case children's fine ribbed , all wool
hose , black and coloredall sizes , 5 to 84 ,
at 25e , worth 40c.
30 dozen ladies' line Saxony mittens ,
with plain and fancy backs , in black ,
navy , seal and wine ,
ALL AT 40c , WORTH 66c.
40 dozen ladies'fine black Jersey silk
mittens , double fleece lined , witli as-
borlcd colored embroidered backs ,
AT 7Oc , WORTH $1.1O.
Full line of ladies' kid gloves foi'btrcot
and evening wear.
leave , mum I "What for ! I am sure I have
done all the work myself in order to keep u
girl. " ' 'Well , mum , tlicr worWi not done to
suit mo 1" FOCir.- *
Mrs. L. M. Harry , the genciMl investigator
of woman's labor , is in Ualtimore , Md. , urg
ing the oystcr-shuckers of the gentler sex in
tiuit locality to form an assembly of the
Knights of Labor.
Mrs. Gilder , the wife of the editor of the
Century , both paints and writes , fnd in
either field she signs her work by her maiden
name , Helene Do Kny , though always socially
using her husband's.
For business women and morning wear
with cloth gowns , comes the English walk
ing hat ; small and slender with closely rolled
brim and top soft enough to be indented if
the wearer so elects.
A woman when writing a letter should
leave at least two of the four pages for the
1' . S. department , then she wouldn't have to
write around on the margins and across the
written lines. Kentucky State Journal.
We" arc again threatened with the return of
the cameo , and those most affected
are of Egyptian pattern. Along with
them come mm ititurcs of Louis XV. belles ,
laughing out from a framework of diamond
The long Carmelite pelisses are much liked
for traveling and driving wear , being as
stylish as they are usefulund easy to don and
doff. They are made , variously , of surah ,
French cashmere , inoliulrcamcl's hairserge ,
or vigogree.
Uonnets and turbans of felt or velvet ,
trimmed with loops und tabs of beaver or
sable intermixed with other loops of ribbon ,
und caught hero and there with miniature
heads of animals , are lying in wait for a zero
A pretty fancy for a luce pin is a long bar
of.frosted silver , on which , huddled together ,
as. if "a cold" is a row of birds of different
kinds , while on u swinging bar below is the
legend. "Were happy this weather , because
we'ro _ together. "
Gloves tan now bo fashionably worn loose
enough to look clumsy by consequence there
is weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth
among the sweet creatures who have oeen
( imiling superiorly llvo-and-a-lmlf
over a - - -
hand , the favorite size of men.
The "Dagnmr" and the "Vladimir" are
two new styles in long cloaks in pelisse
shape much resembling the "Huguenot"
clonk brought out this autumn. Those wraps
arc simple , yet distingue In appearance.
Trimmed with fur and piissvmontcrio fourra-
gcrcs , they compose very comfortable and
elegant winter wraps.
Mrs. Christie Gilligan , of North Hridgo-
port , Conn. , who , on the night of the great
lire at Harnnm's winter quarters went out in
her night dress to her barn and poked the
ribs of an escaped lion that was making a
midnight midnight meal of her cow and calf ,
has'received an offer of $ ! JO a week to travel
with the Harnum ft Dully show next season.
Mrs. Gilligan has other offers , one of which
is to become the wife of u ranch owner in
Colorado. ,
Miss Alice Heed , daughter of an ex-com
missioner of Clark county , Indiana , recently
returned from her homo in Ness county ,
Kansas , where she vent u few yc.trs nineo
and pre-empted u farm of KHl acres. Since
then shu has continued to reside In an udobo
house on the land without any companion
except her | > ony. She says that she has
never had noy occasion to bo afraid of any
thing und has always received the kindust of
As Mrs. Sumpter , who lives on Soldier
creek , Ore. , was busy about the house the
other day she saw an untoox ! ] > out in
an opening some distance nwuy. She took
down her husband's rifle , banged away ,
killed the antelope , and when Mr. Sumpter
came homo the game , skinned and dressed ,
awaited his inspection.
Some of the newest dressy wraps are man
tles , short in the back mid on the tildes , but
with long , tapering tabs in front reaching
almost to the hem of the dress. Plush Is the
favorite material for those garments , and
they are trimmed with Jet motifs , spanlettes ,
yokes , and collars , with a little rich fur at
the wrists , and sometimes around the neck.
The peculiar style of sumo of the now mill
tary coats consists In the perfectly trim tit of
the chest and the shoulders , consequently
they uru slightly wadded. Polonaises of
broadcloth pr camel's hair over full skirts
of plaid or stri | > cd velvet , of ult > e of a lighter
weight of cloth , bordered with ( ur. with ,
pleated skills' beneath 'Of like 'abriu , ufo'
shown from various Ficnch houses. Thcso
thu lout , waists ,
Men's Fine Largo
Worth'50e. .
Men's Fine Largo
in nil the now .styles and designs , would
bo cheap ut 82.60.
Men's Heavy
in white and cream. Wo show this
quality in ten different patterns. Ac
tual value $12.00.
Men's lined kid gloves and mittens ,
25e , worth 60c. Men's lined kid gloves
and mittens $1 , worth $1.50. Men's line
kid lined , fur lop gloves at $1.515 , regu
lar price J2.
Men's heavy embroidered back , kid
gloves for street wear , $ l.f > 0 , regularly
bold at $1.75 and $2. Men's castor
gloves $1.40 , worth $185.
COO dozen men's line silk and satin
scarfs , all new and the latcbt btvlo , at
Hoe , well worth 50c.
Wo show the largest line of men's line
neckwear over offered at 50c , well
worth $1.
Men's line fancy suspenders at 50c ,
worth 75e. Men's line silk and batin sus
penders in allbtyles and colors at $1.35 ,
well worth $2 ,
Wo offer a largo line of men's fine
hand painted and silk embroidered su&-
pendors at $2.37 and $3.00.
300 silk umbrellas 28 inch with paragon
gen frames and now designs in gold
tipped handles at $2.75 , worth $3.50.
Wo show 200 line silk umbrellas with
fancy gold and oxydized silver tipped
handles at $4.60 , $5.50 and $7.
To-morrow we offer ono case men's
genuine camel's hair stamped on each
shirt and drawers at 91.lib. We bought
this lot. direct from the Dunham mills ,
lute this bcason at half the actual value.
Our price $1.50. worth $3 each.
One case men's real medicated scarlet -
lot shirts and drawers in all sizes. This
lot is the best bargain ever offered in
scarlet underwear at $1.70 , actual value
with all the drapery adjusted below the hips.
Demi-polonaises have cuirass fronts and
sides , buttoning diagonally , with triangle 01
square-shape pocket pieces on the hips.
"Jenny , " said a litllo girl's mother , "whv
don't you bo good I" "Yes , mamma , but it i's
hard to be good , and I can be bad without
trying. "
The minister was dining with Iho family ,
and he said to Hobby , with an amused smile :
"I'm afraid. Hobby , that you haven't the pa
tience of Job. " "No , sir , " responded Hobbv ,
who was hungry , "but Job wasn't always
helped lust. "
Muster Louis , ngcd five , came homo from
school the flrst day lie was sent , looking very
solemn. "How did you like your school ,
, . ! ! ! " , , m ° t"er asked. "Didn't like it il
bit. " "Why noli" "Too much girls , " was
the indignant response.
Little Ellie , who is too younp to attend
school , enjoys the Saturday's play with the
oluer children , but dreads the Saturday
niglil's scrubbing he regularly receives , one
day remarked : "Well , I would love Satur
day if it just hadn't ' any night to it ! "
"Hobby , " said his mother , "I told you not
to forgot to bring up three scuttles of coal
before you went to school , and you onlv
brought two. " "I know .
up , inn. but I for
got the third one. Three- scuttles is a good
many for u little boy like mo to remember. "
Jessie's teacher gave her pupils a party to
which little brother was Invited. Ho ate
heartily of Ice cream and cuko and was found
reposing on the bench in the porch while the
other children were at play in the vnrd.
when asked why ho didn't jolrt them ho ex
claimed : "Oh , I can't play , my pants choke
me so. "
A little curly headed girl was walking out
one Sunday afternoon in her garden. A lit
tlo neighbor called to her to come over and
pluy. She refused , but upon being urged to
como looked up with a quite sad and indig
nant face and exclaimed : "What ! Iplavou
Sunday. Don't you know this is God's'dav ,
and it's the only day he's got. "
"Now , Hobby , " said his mother , "you are
tired and sleepy. So soy your prayers and
jiitnp into bed. " "Ma , " remarked Hobby , as
ho assumed the devotional attitude , "if it
wasn't for one thing , 1 don't b'ltovo I'd suv
any prayers to-night. " "What is itHobby ( "
"I wouldn't like to go to bed without asking
God'to take care of my rabbits. "
When the snow began falling recently a
little tot of live years stood in front of 'the
family residence on Washington avenue fern
n few momc-nts and watehod the little round
Hakes in opeiiiinouthed amazement. Then
ho dropped the handle of his little wagon
and run for the house. "Mamma ! mamma ! "
ho exclaimed , "it's raining pills ! "
Recently ] had u friend's child out who was
diessud to death. The toad had on new
boots , und they were so tight about the an
kles that thu fat little leg bulged out over the
top In 11 painful manner. "Doesn't it hurt
yon. Pinkoyl" I asked. "Ytith , it doth , " re
plied the four-i ear-old ; "but It lookth nlth , "
and she refused to undo u button , preferring
to "look nlth" and suffer.
The following is truth as truth : Two little
tlo boys were busy playing when a quarrel
arose over tlo | possession of some toy , when
ono boy struck his companion as an expres
sion of his displousuio. Thu mamma of the
llrst hey saw him , und calling him to her
talked with him and said she should not
punish him , but ho must remember It when
he said his prayer , The mother soon fonrot
it , but when bcdtlino came , and the usual
prayer was ended the little fellow added :
"God bless Hobbio for striking Arthur. "
When the woiId was new there was natur
ally an abundance pf original bin , Now wick
edness ol any kind is a chestnut.
Old lady ( on nor way to church-Don't )
von know , little boys , that It's wicked to play
ball Sunday * Little boy Wo ain't playln1 ;
wo'iconly prattle-in' for tcr-inurrow' game.
It is doubtless true that the Und loveth u
cheerful giv r. Yiit it does not scorn that n
gciie.-ous , dobommlio way of dropping a but
ton Into the CGiitiHmtion box ought to stand
much to a man's credit In the next world.
A Lansing ( Mich. ) nrpni : boy fell asleep
lust SundJ.v and thereby kept the whole (
church choir as silent us the grave. The
organist.lingeU-d. tl.'j . Keys , but nury a sound
came forth' , mid thil pivueher , whoso wits
uio 'kccntr than u cut batoiio broker's ,
Wo will plnco on SPKCIAI , SAI.B Mon *
day morning the largest and best BO
lected t-tock of ladles' handkerchief *
that has over been shown in this city.
FROM $1.6O TO $16.OO.
Ladies' line clear linen lawn hand *
kerchiefs , with real duchess lace bor < \
ders , lovely designs , from $ l0 to $15.00
each. These are 25 per cent under ,
EROM $3.GO TO $12.BO.
Ladies' French hand-spun clear linen
lawn , with lovely hand-embroidered
work , exquisite designs.
WORTH PROM $1.6O TO $1.75.
100 dozen ladies' tlnu hand-cm"
broidurod linen lawn handkerchiefs ,
with b. s. nnd s-calloned border ( latest
designs ) , at * 1.00 each ,
WORTH FROM $1.0O TO 81.26.
100 do/en ladies' hand-embroidercil
linen lawn handkerchiefs , in an endless
variety of beautiful designs , 7oc ,
150 dozen ladies' hand-onibroidcrctl
fine linen lawn handkerchiefs in all the
latest novelties oik' ,
WORTH FROM 35o TO 45c. J
150 dozen ladies' line embroidered
linen lawn handkerchiefs with h. s. and
scalloped borders , latest designs , 25c ,
WORTH 26o.
200 dozen ladieb' embroidered anil
delicately urinlcd bhcer linen luwu
handkerchiefs , h. t ) . borders. 15c ,
WORTH 200.
150 dozen ladies' fine linen lawn and
linen cambric , embroidered Quakci
veined , etc. , 12Jc ,
100 dozen ladies' fine cambric h. R ,
handkerchiefs ( neat printed borders
lUe ,
100 dozen 22x22 inch pure China silk
handkerchiefs in cream and solid colors ,
also in neat printed designs ( tiia ! is q
great bargain ) , 8'Jc ,
WORTH FROM $1.25 TO $1.6O.
100 dozen line silk handkerchiefs and
mufllcrs in various makes And in ondlcfaa
variety ; thib is a lot of manufacturers1 ;
wimples that we bought very cheap and
will offer them at ono price , S5e ,
Compare them with goods offered bj
other houses as drives at $1,25.
promptly and dcvoully exclaimed : "Let us
pray ! "
A writer asks : "Does it pay to bo good ? "
Well , there are a lurgo number of clergymen
in this state alone whoso salaries are not over
i.'iUOuyonr each , while John L. Sullivan , the
slugger , often makes u few thousand dollars
in less llian an hour. Draw your own infer
ence. 11 may pay better in the next world ,
A four-year-old boy who has been in Iho
habit of repeating a formulated prayer every
evening surprised his parents the oilier night
by saying : "O Co ! > l , I wish you would make
Iho trees walk. " When remonstrated with
for his singular request ho replied : "You say
God can do anything and 1 want to see thu
ti ccs walk , and I shan't pray for anything
else until they do. "
Mr. and Mrs. Hates , of South Hanover , N.
H. , aio ninety-two years old. They wuru
born in the same town , on the same day , at
the same hour , and , as the old gentleman
says , "were married at the same timo. "
A fish Unit was pumped from a well down
100 feet , at Charlotte , Mich. , is described by
the Detroit Nowr as having been "two and a
quarter inches long , with keen , bright eyes.
Inn no llns or scales. Its back was fringed
with a row of bony spikes. "
A party of picnickeis from Orlando , Ky. ,
who explored the big cave in Uoekcastlo
county recently , found nine dinner plates of
ghued ware , which weio apparently of great
ago. They had become so softened by thii
action of the air Unit they crumbled to piecca
when touched.
In a Michigan lumber camp the saw cut in
two a largo moccasin sniiku that was em
bedded in the heart of a tiei . There was no
opening at either end of the log , and the
lumbermen can account for the snake's pres
ence only upon Iho hypothesis that it wan
taken up in tnu sap when very young.
A twelve-pound cannon shot was found Im
bedded seventeen inches deep In unouktreo
in the suburbs of Fianklin , Tenn. It was
evidently fired from a federal camion during
the bloody battle twcnty-threu i ears ago , aw
It entered the tree on Iho side next to Iho
town. The libers of oak tire still attached to
the ball und are nearly as hurd as the Iron
A cow belonging to J. Mnller of Willows.
Cal. , recently hud u eulf which is u curiosity.
H has two well defined heads , Joined at thct
side from Iho upper corner of thu months ,
into ono , with two ears , From either of the.
two mouths it drinks. Ithasfourcies , Other
wise it is perfectly and naturally formed.
When found It was almost chilled to death ,
owing to the biting coldness of the night , but
Is now Inking warm milk and bids ( air lo
While Mrs. Hobort Harrison , of Orange ,
N. Y. , was In her collar thu other day she
was attacked by a largo cat , which bit hoi
about the ankles , and then climbing up hei
dress scratched her hands severely. Mrs.
Harrison run scrouming upstairs with the
cat still holding on , and It was not until thq
cat's head had been ciilshed that its teeth re
linquished their hold. The woman was so
frightened und lucoruted thut it is fouled iho
will die.
Mrs. George linker , of Palatka , Fla.heard
her child screum and her dog bark in thu
giova near Iho house. She run out and saw
Ihu child lying flat on Its'back and rolled on
Its breast u ratllcsnuko , with head erect , fol
lowing the motions of thu dog which was cir
cling around it. The dog seemed fascinated.
Mrs. Hokcr threw 11 club ut thu snalio uml
knocked it off thu child , and her husband ,
coming up.killed Ihu leplllu , which mcuHiircd ]
eight leot In length. After the miuko wan
killed thu dog continued to walk uioiind il
until ho full exhausted. Ho was not bitten ,
neither was the child , but both have been 111
A young Australian near Hoehara , aflnr on
unusually hard day's work sheep shearing- ,
went to sleep on the sitting-room conch uftey
supper. Soon ho uroso , walked out Into tho.
darkness , went through foui gate.H , which ho
ciirofulli closed , to thu woodshed , nnd then
hung up Ills coat and took down his sheup
Hhears and sharpened them , Then ho caught
a sheep , and had just finished shearing it
when sumo of the household cmnowlthu
lantern. It turned out thut ho hud bum
asleep all the time , und the light of the Inn-
tern awakened him , The sheep WHS sheared
us well'us though it hud been dona In brouU
The Itoyal university of Ireland lately con-
furred thuxlpgicq of ' master of urtft on
; ladies. ' ,