- "WH , 1 FHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY DECEMBER 11 , 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. FIFTY THOUSAND DOLLARS ! WORTH OF CLOTING and FURNISHING GOODS , < II A Ownig to our re movaj and change in business we are offering our entire stock of Ready-Made Cloth ing for Men , Boys and Children , Gents' Furnishing Goods , Hats , .Caps , &c. , at a REDUCTION of 25 Per Gent on OUR PLAIN MARKED FIGURES , THIS IS NO AD gRjISING SCHEME-BUT FACT. Call soon and get some of the Bargains we are offering , as , the store must be vacated forthwith. ' B. NEWMAN & CO , , - ' - - * -M216 Farnara Street , Omaha SOME SIGHTS IN MOSCOW. * , OfllciousnosB of the Russian Soldiers in nil -Things An Encounter. THE RUSSIAN UNDERTAKERS. Bait ! ol1 SlirlncK Street Cam ( if Mos cow HoU-ls and a Ijlvo Blral Kissing ol'FrlonilH tjack of Ceremony. Moscow , Nov. 27. [ Special Corro- fepondeneo. ] Russian ollicors arc no where as olllcious as in Moscow. This morning , after visiting the treasury mill oilier points within the walls of the Krc'inlin , 1 tat down on a stop lending to the entrance of a building to await the return of the guide , who hud gone some where to hribo an ollleial to obtain en trance to ono of the private rooms of the palace. The guard htiHtened up , roared 301110 Russian words at mo and motioned to move on. I didn't move , but sat and looked the fellow in the face as stoically as a North American Indian. I was in no one's way. The stop I sat upon was clear outside the range of pedestrians , mid no possible harm could come if I bat there a whole month of thirty-one days. But I finally moved. A minute lifter I refused to amble to the order of the olllcial connected with the building a soldier , on his regular pr.trol , came up. Ho motioned for mete to move. At iir.it I pretended not to understand. Then ho grow rod in the face and warm under tno collar , walked up , took mo by the arm and gaVe mo a Htart. Kitty paces further on I stopped , loaned up against a window-sill , fai tuyiiy from anyone , and proceeded to wait for my courier. The soldier brought his gun to a picsont and inarched toward me. When a dozen feet from mo ho made a motion with his whole facial feature and arm at the name time which wild if I didn't get out- Hhlo the square I should go into prison. Remembering Siberia , the fortress up the river at St. Petersburg , the manj dungeons with their tortures , and lastlj the enclosure where the rillo speaks tlio execution , I moved out clear outside the Kremlin and into the street. "No one id permitted to linger arouni here after ho comes out of a building Ho must move on. The authorities are afraid of nihilists , and suspect oven ono who pauses about the Kremlin , said the courier. "Had you pernistec in refusing to go outside you would have 'been arrested and sent to prison. If i' ' , could have been shown that you might have designs against any of the institu tIons'of the empire you would novel have been heard of. " While I WHS standing in the stroe awaiting the courier , who succeeded bj the porniiasivo inlluence of a rouble ii hcouring admission to a forbidden place tut undertaker passed me. Ho moved in the center of the street and on his head carried a great Russian iron collln ornamented with sham silver and doe- orated with a huge lloral offering. The Jlowora wore of wax. A small boy fol lowed the undertaker and carried a fcoldoring apparatus. The corpse is placed in the coffin , after which the hitter - tor is bohlorcd. The funeral procession is fre.'iuontly led by the corpse in a i-oDlu on the head ot one man. People carry immense loucJ.s on their heads in nutria. They have headpads of cotton buttin covered with oil cloth , the whole soft und thick enough to keep the con- . tiict of the article carried from the head. I have frequently seen half a do/.oa men moving household oll'euts by carrying everything" on their heads. They put stands , tables , refrigerators , bookcases , I'onl , boxes , etc. , on their head * , got into single lllo and inarult through the streets or country for miles lover stopping . .to rest or ease U o voight. Collins , caskets , sarcophagus , and all tinds of burial eases are made of metal n Russia. Wood is used only for pan- > ers and in the most infrequent In- itances. There arc probably 600 places in Mos cow alone where shrines are sold. One goes into shops and stores of every de scription and Iliuls a supply of shrines. A drii' ' ' . book , clothing or hardware store will have a stock of shrines. The .andlord . keeps a few on hand for guests too hurried in their departure to ex pect full stocks. All shrines are made if brass and ono can get them anywhere from the size of the hand up to eight by ten feet. Most of them have a painting , it ehromo or other colored picture of the head of the Savior or the Virgin Mary , in the center , and usually about the pie- ture are sheensior sprays in the brass , like the reflections from the sun. Many have arrangements for a candle qr a lainy immediately above or below the painting. The shrine stones are a per fect glitter of brass. Going through the streets in any Russian city or village one sees a shrine at least every liOO feet. Most of them have a candle or lamp burning , and the Russians are kept in a perfect foment of bowing and cross ing. Every bridge , even if it bo but a do/.on steps in length , has from one to six shrines. The long bridges at St. Petersburg , Moscow and Nijnl Novgo- rood have shrine-houses , with a lot of candles burning , an attendant and ar rangements for worship. All these shrines are maintained , dlt'cctlp or in directly by t the empire. As the churches are surportcu by the 'uublie funds , it makes little difference whether the money comes directly from the treasury or from the , coffcrs of the church. . Four hordes are driven to the street cars-in Moscow. As at St. Potersborg , Paris , London and other European cities , the cars arc two-storied , and the upper part is open , with long scats , and is reached by a winding stairway at the rear. But the cars hero are very long. Uolow and above almost a hun dred passengers may sit. There is a conductor , a driver and a hostler. The latter drives the forcruost ' "olt" horse. The driver rings a bell almost continually. The conductor gives a check to each passenger , who must pay t0 ! koiwjeks ( about i ) cents ) a riuo , mid the speed is about that of stieot cars in America. At some places I have seen the street cars in Russia do as those aj , Genoa , Italy , do cut aero-s a corner where the street is smooth and then run back on the track. But whore this is done there is no flanges on the wheels. Shops and stores of all kind do not open in Russia till 9 O'clock in the morn ing , unless there is some special thing in view , and they close "at fi p. in. The jewelry shop's have a display in the win- do'vs , but when ono outers ho sees no goods. The keeper jumps to his foot , and , when you call for what vou want , he begins to open drawers and take out trays. Only dry goods shops makes a full display , and those do so very bung- lingly. When I consulted friends in London , Paris , Vienna , etc. , about Hngllsh speaking people in Russia , 1 was generally told that all shop keepers spoke my tongue. I have found no more than ono shop keeper , banker or lamllord in twenty who could speak English , and it is very ditlicult to shop without an English-speaking cou rier or companion , for the Russian lau- guage is worse than Greek or Arabic to American ears , while u Hussion is un able to even interpret the signs of a for eigner. Others may have found it dillor- ont , but I and fifty other Americans I have met can bear witness to this fact ; and wo have comu in contact with the so-called "educated Russians , " too. Government buildings are all painlcd a dirty light yellow. The paint is a kind of wash and in put on with a broad'brush ' attached to a polo. Near all these yel low-colored buildings are posts or low fences maybe not around , but surely aj i in front painted while and black , in stripes like a barberA.fyolc. Thus ono caii distinguish the property of the em pire-from that of the people , and many { now whc 'O solders are stationed , for at yiese signs tire always seen "regu " lars. " ' As a general thing the hotels arc as good as the traveler encountersinthe far western and southern portions of the United Stales. But he gets morn fleas , etc. , hero than in America. Salt meats , especially lish and insipid vegetables , form the principal diet. Caviar the eggs of salmon , sterling and some ot the other largo fish , salted or cured iti5 oil and pressed is seen everywhere in a dining room. It is generally eaten as a relish , like pickles. In the markets great hogsheads full of caviar and cakes of it as large as tubs are scon every where , and on them are paddles , so cus tomers can help themselves. Some Americans learn to relish the stuff , but they are few. Russians say it ia'ustom ach-stayer and will help to prevent sea sickness. Saurkraut , cucumbers and berries abound. The plums and rasp berries are Hone and largo , but there are no apples. Some peaches and pears come from the Crimea and Blaclr"8oa countrp , and hot-house grapes are served. The landlords present their bills every day , and they are about 20 per cent higher than elsewhere on the continent. After dinner lighted can dles are placed on the table and nearly everybody smokes. The women of Rus sia arc inveterate smokers. At ono of the principal cafes hero there is a largo fountain and pool in the center of the dining room. The patron can order a fresh fish and go to the fountain and select it , swimming about. The fish is a cross between a pike and a pickerel , with a bull head and skin in stead of scales , and is kiiown as the star let. With a little dip net the waiter takes up the fish and you examine it while it flounders.In fifteen minutes it is brought to you on a great "plate" , boiled , with lobster sauce. The flesh of the starlet is waxy and almost taste less. I t'wmot recommend it cxccnt a novelty. When Russian friends meet they kiss twice , once on either cheek. The men great each other in this way , the same as women. Frequently 1 have seen great , burly Russians , with flowing beards , smoking strong cigarsmcet and kins each other so affectionately that their lips gave out sounds like t lie suc tion valves in air pumps. Som'etiines they forget to take their pipes or cigars from their mouths , and the collisions are amusing to the spectator. A Russian never thinks of announcing himself at the door. Ho enters with out knocking , imd if he discovers' the occupant of the room is not expecting him and does not desire hs ( p rpsence ho simply sits down and waits'as if ho expected to be lifted up by the shoulders ami heaved out. I have never seen a lightning-rod in Russia. This is not because there is no lightning hero , but because the people ple do not believe in rods to conduct to the ground the deadly bolts. They boliovc it would bo trifling with' tho'in evitable and defying the invisible , < I believe Ajax came from another part of the globe than this. < > . Nearly all the chimneys at the "fac tories , and many of those on rcsjdencea , have soin-llko coverings , to prevent sparks and cinders going out and caus ing conflagrations. This is true' > with the locomotives. While there is much to condemn in the railroad manage ment hero slow trains , few slcijjjing cars , long stops at every slatio\ ) \ , extra , baggage charges , high tariffs for uycry- thing there is little dust , y.\\d \ \ 110" flirt from the locomotives to fill , 'ono's oyes. For some unaccountable reason , . , u charge is attached for pas-port oxainin- ' tiou amounting to 1 rouble and 'SO ko pecks hero about GO cents whllo at other places the charges are less than one-fourth this sum. When ono enters Russia he gets his passport vised by.tho local officer where ho stops , and is $ jusr- mitted to remain in tho'courttry on this : six months ; If ho stays over this time without a now passport and a renewed , permission ho is lined iUHcopceks a Buy. " Ho must take out at the" expiration of his six months , if ho has not a now pass port , a Russian address-billot. The usual fee for examining a passport is HO kopecks , and it must bo ex amined ut every city , village and station the traveler stops. When the American goes into a Russian city his paosport is asked for- before his name. This is sent by the landlord to the police. If it is all correct , all right ; if not ho is arrested. When ho is ready to leave he calls for his passport. It is sent for and is handed back with charges. The same routine is necessary ovcrywhcro , and when one leaves the ' coun'try ho is stopped on the frontier , his passport examined , and ho must get permission to leave. But all this is no wor.-o than the fee of $ " > charged by the state department at 'Washington for a passport , simply certifying that the bearer is a citizen of the United States. P. S. HEATU. Ivory. London Times : The London and Liverpool ivory sa3 ยง have just been concluded. An interesting feature of the London sales wits the ofTor of six tons of what was termed "Stanley's ivory. " It was the first lot of ivory sent by Mr. II. M. Stan lo\.from | the Congo. It was forwarded to the Bogiiin govern ment , from whom it came to London. The quality and weight wore very good. One parcel of 8 cwt. knocked down to Rodgers & Son , th * . Sheffield cutlery manufacturers , averaged about three teeth to the bundled weight. Ivory is now so freely used fotf'-t-o many purposes that there is some perU ofthc , elephant being exterminated. ( Messrs. Rouj > or.i' consumption is twenty-five tons per annum , and includes Gaboon , Angola and Niger , East Indian , Capo and Egyptian. The largiMii4is weigh from CO pounds to 100"pounds each ; niid"dle from 25 pounds to oO gouiula c.uchV.r.d , ' small from < ; pumicis l \ ' < j pounds , Tlio linn's uvoVage weights are 83 pounds. Twenty-live tons contain 1,000 tusks of M pounds each , and as each elephant provides only ono. pair , it follows that at least 800 elephants per annum must suffer from Rodgers Sons alone in their cutlery and other productions. Very little Egyptian ivory lias re cently come to hand. The Cairo mer chants buried their trcasurcsduring the Soudan war to keep them out of the mahdi's hands-and even now they are reluctant to send to market. What is sent is the result of hoarding , not hunt ing. Egyptian ivory , which is mainly sold in London , is largely used by cut lery manufacturers' and on other Shot- i field industries , as well as by piano forte ' makers for keys. The paucity of Egyp tian is largely compensated for by the increased weight of west coast , African , which is growing in favor for hatting the higher classes of tpb1e cutlerp. The ivory dealer * of Asrica are very good hands ut obtaining full value for their go.gds , and some of the Sheffield firms find that they aVd not novices in fraudulent trading. They can load ivory quite as cleverly as Lancashire can load cottons. By pou'ring lead into the cavity of the tusk the weight is greatly in creased ; and there is , no possibility of discovering the deception until the Ivory lias passed through various hands to tha cutlery or other manufacturer. Then the workman finds the saw grind the lead , sometimes snapping the steel teeth. Ono Sheffield firm recently found lead embedded in sbvorul elephants' tusks , from eight to twelve pounds in each. As ivory is wtirth lUs per pound , there is a profit in selling lead at that price. At London the prices of soft Indian andoaBtcrn African tusks.soft Egyptian , Capo and west coast African were dearer ; but in the opinion of practical brokers , ivory has not much altered for fifteen years , for while some qualities are now of greater value others luu'o got cheaper. South Omaha Has I IXTe IPredieted tills in We have sold $40OOO worth of SOUTH OMAHA DlRT in the last 4O Days. We have the Largest List at the Lowest Prices and Best Terms. AND DON'T ' YOU LET IT ESCAPE YOUR MEMORY. M. A. UPTON & CO , 309 S. i6th street . . . . . , , ; Opp. Chamber of Commerce. Telephone 854. .M . . ' . ; , ABOUT THLAMERICAN GIRL , Ella Wheeler Wilcox Prefers Her to ' ' 1 the Imported Bollo. A MULTITUDE OF VIRTUES. * * * t * _ Hurrying through Childhood Marly Her Uelgn of Hello- ii.lo.vliiR tlic Delight * of Liberty in Yankee Imml. Written for the llee < A foreign-born gentleman who had traveled the earth over , told mo that American girls were' in every respect the most charming and agreeable in the world. lie did not like American men ; quite naturally ho regarded them inferior to foreign-born gentlemen. They an noyed him by talking trade , and as for their habits , he referred mo to the con dition of public stairways and convey ances of travel. "It is declared that the Englishman never steps across his threshold without bis umbrella , " he said , "well , the American ought never go over his portal tal unaccompanied by his cuspadoro , for the sake of decency. But American girls they are divine. Tlio most beau - tiful , the most entertaining , the most facinating , the best , dressed , the most original women in the world. " That was h'.s opinion. Having never traveled far into foreign lands T am only able to compare our own girls with the few imported belles whom I have met , and I must confess my preference for the native article. /I'ho American girJ \ \ n multitude of Virtues ! ! u a few faults. Whore so many brilliant qualities send fni-ch their splendor of light some shadows must naturally fall. "Old country" parents regard female children often as incumbranccs , always as inferior possessions. Girls are taught to stand in awe of their brothers , and to regard men gen erally as superior beings. Not so the American girl. As soon as she is born she rules the household. Brothers are mudo to stand aside as pages , or to run as courtiers to this now quCon. Tlio American small girl hurries through her childhood as fast as the years will permit , eager to enjoy the privileges she sees accorded her older sister. One of the first phrases which fastens itself upon her impressible mind is mamma's assertion , that "baby is a per fect little flirt. " As tbo assertion is ac companied by a smile , baby early con ceives the idea that to bo a perfect little flirt is a most desirable accomplishment. At fourteen she is mature in body , but precocious in mind , and she begins to think about beuux. She does not entertain ideas of marriage - riago , save inavaguo way. She is in no luisto to become a wife. It is her reign of bolledom she longs to sec inaugurated. Unlike her foreign sister , freedom and pleasure signify the . \oars of girlhood lying between' the school room and the altar. During .that period she expects to en joy , ul ) ( Jie > delights of liberty in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Her expectations are generally realized. She is allowed to walk , anil talk , and drive , , and dance with voutlis of her own agp , and her very independ ence is her tirotq'ctioii. Because Sjhe is expected to bo prudent she is prudent. . She is like the young bird , pushed to.tho edge of the nest and left alone and told to fly. It is expected to maintain its equilib rium in the intoxicating air , and it sol- dom'falls. The Anicricon girl seldom lotos her ' FOR SALE BY N. B. FALCONER AND FISHER BROS. Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH IS TAUGHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Tdeqraphing and Typewriting. Stnd for Cullece Journal. - . S. E. Cor. ipth and'Capital Avo. Kicllcn Hiutl , ilte ' head , or moots with disaster ns the re sult of her freedom of action. She who does would have been as liable to moot it in the guise of a tutor or priestly con fessor , had she been never so carefully gnarled in court circles or nunnery. On tills phase of the American girl the foreign born gentleman differed with me. me.lie believed her a most charming creature , but the very freedom and lib erty of action which 'had rendered her charming ho decried. He Ijked her easy manners , admired her bright conversation and perfect deportment - portmont , but lie regretted tlio circum stances to which she owed her sang froid. Ho thought her situation full of dan gers , which she could not in every in stance bo wise , or strong enough , to re sist. sist.He He cited various instances whore , en tirely unknown to the parents , ho had made the acquaintance of unchaperoned young ladies on railroad trains , or dur ing their visits as schoolmates in neigh boring towns. "No man would like to think his wjfo had ever boon guilty of such indiscre tions , " ho said , "yet no man is quite sure that any American girl ho meets in society may not have indulged in some foolish flirtation escapade , so great is the liberty allowed young ladies in this country. " As I was aware that the speaker had made strenuous efforts to obtain an American girl for a wife , hi.s arguments failed to carry the conviction with mo they might otherwise have dono. Still , I must admit that the growing custom of chaperoning young ladies is an admirable one. I have talked with several married ladies upon the subject , who have said "I "no : am glad ohapc- rene was considered necessary when I was a girl ; yet 1 would ' , not iil'n. ' ; , y daughter to o sboVil as' unprotected as i used to go for any consideration. " The American girl is not an ideal daughter. As a rule , she is something of a tyrant in her homo , and inclined to robulJo her parents if they displease her in any way. She has boon reared to re gard herself of foremost importance , and she expects everybody and everything - thing to conform to lior wishes. Once taught respect to her elders , she be comes the most devout of daughters. At a sea-shore resort last summer , a young lady who was deemed 'one of the belles was constantly scolding her dot ing mother for the most trivial things , as we have hoard a cross nurse scold a refractory child. Had she heard the comments of her disgusted listeners she might have boon surprised at the estimation in which her bolleship was held. The American girl craves conquest jts much as any general who ever mar shalled his forces for battle. She enjoys - joys playing with danger , and possesses a spirit of independence which is worthy of her pilgrim fathers. Her head is level and her heart is warm , and when once her affections are won , she makes the proudest of wives , and the most devoted of inothow. El.hA WllKKLKIl WlI.COX. BARTHOLDI AT HOME. A Description of Ills Studio , HOUHC , ( Surrounding's and HI * Methods. Now York "World : The sculptor1 Bartholdi has his atelier in the Rue Navin , a renowned street of an old and historic part of ljnris , on the .boundary line between the famous : Latin Quarter and the aristocratic Faubourg Saint Germain. As one enters M. Bartholdi's studio he is greeted by a largo cony of Liberty Enlightening the World , his greatest work. M. Bartholdi's studio is divided into three rooms , crowded with models and making a very interesting museum of statuary. Ono of the first ' things that strike's an American is a life-like bust of Evarts. which stands near the doorway. The artist has caught the features and'expression per fectly , and the marble scorns almost to be in the middle of a long and resonant period of rhetoric. Hero are models ol the great statue which adorns the en trance to Now York harbor , showing it in its process of construction , different fragments and portions , such as the arms , the hand , the torch and the majestic head. It was inter * esting to note tbo progress in the completion of the work from these different modes. In some there 13 a slight deviation in the poise of thj ( beau , the arm is slitter , the torch is hold in a more angular position until after various casts of these member ! separately Miss Liberty assumed het present graceful proportions. M. Bac- tholdi could well point with pride to lha evidences of a long and successful art career scattered around his studio. There are numerous designs for foun tains , small monuments , general decor * ations , all of which tire until no and striking , and are adorning different cities in Europe. M. Bartholdi , who handles the brush with no mean skill , showed mo a picture ho had just com pleted of his celebrated lion of Bellfort. The time at which the view is taken isJ at dusk , and the severe outlines of the majestic figure stand out clear cut against the background of palo cveninp sky. Two other paintings these Amori * can subjects hang in this room and are very striking. These are two compan ion scenes of California life , which Bartholdi has aptly called the true and the false gold. The latter represents a mining camp with the mines working atj the barren mountain sides with their picks , although the bun has sot and a storm is brewing with the falling night. The picture is somb.ro , the only bright oiled being the ruddy glare of too camp lire , and the faces of the minors , > > 6 haggard and tlisl" fr'iririGius ' worn and rngecr. ; ; Tho\thor picture is the reverse - > verso of the medal the true prosperity of Cnliiornia. It is a harvest sconeand the fields of ripe grain are golden in tbo sunlight. A merry party of young people ple are having a straw ride in a big farm wagon stacked high with wheat , i The hillsides are luxuriant with vines and olive trees with their dark foliage make an effective background. In the fore ground there are several barns and houses , all bearing the evidences of the thrift of their owners , and an old forty- niner sits on the porch of ono of them , reading a newspaper the perfect pic ture of contentment and happiness. Down stairs is the modelling room , and hero it is that the rough work is done. It is a simple room , devoid of any orna ment and just what Mr. Bartholdi wants it to bo a workshop. M. Bartholdi does most of his work in the morning. Ho rises very early , takes his coffee and. repairs to his workshop. He break fasts at ono and then devotes an hour to seeing his friends. Ho is very method ical and a good business man. Ho at tends to all his correspondence himself , writing fluently both in French artd in English. As wo reached the outer salon , M. Bartholdi said : "You heard mo speak about the monument which America is' ' to give to Franco. It is to bo a living expression of American sentiment on the soil of Franco. Nothing as to the form of this monument has been de cided up , and I have not yet made any definite plans. " At the door M. Bar- , tholdi pointed to a fresco which is just above the entrance of the studib. "I want you to look at that carefully , " ho said , "and toll mo if ypu can guess the fable. " It was a representation of the quaint old town of Alsace , Colmar , his birthplace. On the lodge of the door stood a stuffed stork , the emblematic bird of Alsace. On its head was a Prus sian helmet , and in its beak a bit of tlio tricolor of France. "It is not hard to guoss"snid M. Bartholdi , laughing , Vlt is Alsace. " An olei'trict yacht has just boon built with tlio Edison appliances. The arma ture makes 1,000 re volutions per minute. The criticism has been made that the rotation of the dynamo creates ocllation. T. N. PARKER , FLORIST. riuoot Collection of Rare & Ornamental Plants , Wcjt of New York City. Cfflce , 1422 FABNAM STREET , r. CO. Green llouio'lv'o : > huii , 1000. ( Uoyd'n Opera Ilouso. ) I1. O. llox bui. HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales , Plows , Markers , Scale Repair Shop. . Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. Slide Iron.