1THB OMAHA DAILY BEM ; SUNDAY PEOEMBEB 11 ; tSST.-SIXTEKN I OVER'5TDCK -COATS OwingtotliclatcnossoFtlineasoiiwc find ourselves overstocked with fine and medium priced overcoats , and in order to reduce IDC ojianjity we propose to sell most of them within the next 10 flays , and have made prices that will insure a speedy sale : FOR INSTANCE i Our $ 5 overcoats now go for $ 3,00 11 II II 8 5,00 11 ( I ( i 6,00 9 , " it li 10 7,50 11 II II 15 10,00 11 II il 20 14,00 " 25 II ( f 18,00 We have reduced In the same ratio till our Fur and Fur Trimmed Overcoats and if yon need one you will find this the best opportunity yet offered thhtt > cason. We have Iiud such a grand success of our $10 SUIT Sale that we have just added a few more styles of desirable suits that are selling at other stores all the way from $14 to $ J8 , We place them all in one lot and sell them at ana price , $10 We also have ft fine and large a - Kortment of nobby styles in suits , which we are offering at cut / rices. Boay ! ! fa So Compsfe in Ouf Boys' ' and Childiens1 For our line of Boy's Suits & Over coats , Js very complete and our price of $1 for a nobby boy's jachct and pants , in ages from 4 to 13 years , Is hard to beat anywhere. THE New York& Omaha ONE PRICE CLOTHIERS , FURNISHERS And HATTERS For Men and Boy's 1308 FarnamSt. HEYMAM & DEICHES , FASHION EMPORIUM , ! lf 18-I5SO I'arimni .St. We nUvViVHlpndln showing the most I minion * nble mid KleKiinyjannunts , nt prieos fur below lotnpftltor * . ' .For thlH weeV. we have made extra exertions mid promlso n ich bargains In FINE CLOAKS in hnvc not before been offered. UemembotlnK our pnst Httlei , all l dien will appreciate thnt while the piktM uiu ri-duced c ni'M-r allow tlio quality of our nods to iMerlor.ite. We uKo ilalm 11 Huj.erlnrity of - < liapo and l.t , which Is up- lireclatedi > y nil ladles. Alaska Sealskins , Warranted made of the bent quality of l/milon dyed Alaska Sealskins , and vto piopose to sell them ut very moderate prices us .1 special In- ( luiement to our customers. .Fur Trimntinijs and fine Furs , Larse A.ss irttnent of Natural I.ynv , Natural HiidRer. Ilnsslan Hare , lllack Ilenr , Natural ( leaver. Natural Fox , Illack Marten , lied Fox. ' MUFFS AND BOAS. Wo aNo show u full llnuof Fur Trimmings. Plusli Sacques and Wraps. The materials for our igarinentH uroelected with the utmost care ando me only .such as \vu iru.unutce to wear. Newmarkets , Raglans , Jackets Our line Includes manv Imported garments which will bo offered this week at greatly re duced prices. Ladies' , Misses'and Childrens ! Suits , We show In this department all new and pret ty styles of ladles' , Misses' and Chlldien's g.ir- mcnts. Many loin purchased at a Micrlllcu111 be closed out this week , Thn nbovo Is only n sninll Traction of the Desirable ( lootl-t we offer at Spe cial tiiuv 1'rlcos. HEYMAN & DEICHES , 1518-1520 Farnam St. NOTICE For the next three weeks our store V 1H be open until 8 o'clock In the cAenlng. PS National G lor ] of M lc of America , 128 East 17th street , Now York- Instruction Free Under Certain Conditions. DlHECTOlt : Monsieur JACQUKS IJOUIIV. I. SINGING. MudamolLMA 1)1 M1JH.SKA. MISS KKUTIIUDK ( Mll-WOl.n. Mr : . KIUOA AHIUOKTII. Monsieur JACOUKS nOUHV , Mr. C1I1USTIAN t'ttlTSCIl. 2. REPERTOIRE. Mr. V. Q. DUI.CKK.V. 3. OPERA. Monsieur HOU1IY. 4. ELOCUTION. F. K. MACKAY. 5. ENSEMBLE. Monsieur UUUIIV. 6. SOLFEGGIO. Madame G. BORNKM . . ANN. . . n.At./f'/i tMrAKPWTTT . tt.KLIUl svljl > i. . J " iSLKI.Iil , iferr FllfiiJ. RK K' . 7. STAGE DEPORTMENT. Monsieur JIAMKUT II11IKVUAN , 8. FENCING. Monsieur 11KUIO HKNAC. 0. ITALIAN. I'lKl'UO ClANULLl. I.O. A La Persephone French Hand-made CORSETS ! Highest standard of Corset ever intro duced into this market. They impart that graceful figure and fine form which any well dressed lady would be justly proud , especially when obtainable without injur ious tight lacing , etc. Indorsed as the Peerless Corset By leading dressmakers of Paris , London and New York , and for sale in Omaha by N. 6. Falconer , Thompson , Belden & Go. And other merchants. Omaha-Medical and'Sur ical Institute , N. W. Corner of 13ta and Dodge Streets , For the treatment of all CIIIIOMU and SuiiuirAt DlXKANKS-llUACt : * . ArrUAMKf for DIltlllMITIES. mitTHL'j'S.K.s.-licJt rarllltlei , apparatus aua remo dle ( or iuct-uMful treatment of urorr terra 01 cllfr i > n > o ro'iulrliiitMtfiltcal or Surgical treatment. OHTY ! .W HOOMS lor I'AriKVrs 11EST IIIXI'IT.U. ACCOM' HUIIATIO.NS In the west. Write for circulars on ! ) lormitli'3 anil llrarei , Club Keol. Curvuluro of tin ) M'lnp. I'llcs. Tuition , Cancer. Caurrti. IlroncbllU. In , halation , Kluctrldlr , l'aralj i . Kpllop 7 , Khinoy , Illmldcr. Kje. Kar.f'kln. an'l lilooj ami ull .urulcai oi > ratloii > . fiseMIES of WOMV-J a rtt'H'IAi.TV lloflK on lltea ) > ei of Women. r'liKE. Only reliable medical Initltuto making H tuoclaltr of I'liiVATr IH tASEs.-AII bloixl dliva oi ucco ( ully traatect lVr > on > unable 10 rlilt u > truatod at homo by ciirro iH'nJoiH-o. AH communication * confidential , Moll rlnea or Instruments tent ujr uiau or express , securely packed , no marks to Imllcaio contents or sender , Onu personal tntenrlew preferred. Ciill and consult us , or iij lililor ; of your cuic , an'l we will sena in pialn wrapper , our HOOK TO MRS Kiln upon friralo , bpo- cUI and Nerrous lltseaici , aU' . Address. Oumku Medical and Sui-Klcol Institute , or Or. . McMeoiiBf , Cor. Ulh ind O je St : , , Qmibi , Nek INCIDENTS OF THE ALTAR , Shadows How to Dispose of Dupll- cato Wedding Presents. THE DEATH BED MARRIAGE. Slic Tired of Hrr Ilunliniul A Iloninti- tit ! MnrrlnRo Dcsorlrd Hut IMucky Two Determined . Ijovcra. . Klindown. Chamlirn J/itnnal. / Say , dost tliou lovu me , dearJ Thosn oycs of thluo Look at mo throUKh lite shadows piny , thnt i-recp Into tills silent room , and stir the deep Of my and hu-nrt with louring1 , but to mltin They K-UVO no unsncr. Evcrmoio they shluo ( julutly gruvo us when hi dreams of sleep 1 BOO the fuco to face. Does thy heart leap Ever with Joy to pi cot mo ! Would no slsu Set all my fears at rest ) Dear , couldst thou stand Intent on other things when I am there ? Wouldst tliou not hasten forth to elasp mi- hand If tliou but henrdst my foot upon the stnlr ? I have no plucc In thy thoughts , shaitowlund ; I am not worthy , love , that thou ahouldst carol I am not worthy I Yet the sunbeams bright , At dawn , fall on the drooping wayside ( lower , And straight it lifts its head to drink the shower Of perfect blessing In. Forgot Is night. With all its cold aud darkness in the light That thrills it through with life's strong , wondrous power. v Aim thus , O my beloved ! If thou shouldst dower With love my life , that , erst so wan and white Beside the world's wide way , .should learn to glow With colors vivid as the ilamlnp west Wore era the twilight fell. The past could throw * , - > - No shadow o'or a present that had rest 'Neath lovo-llght from thine eyes. So should I grow- Not worthy of thcc , dc.iv but ah I how blest. How to Dispose of Wedding Presents. Philndulpliiti Bulletin : "It is scarcely the riht { tiling , " buitl u young bride , " 'to look 11 gift , horse in the mouth , mid yet it's hard not tobpeulc one's mind on a mutter of this kind. It does seem tome mo that people might think awhile be fore buying wedding presents. I tun bure if they hud done eo I 'would never have received seven pickle custom. Wliut in the world sim I to do with them iillr1 I i-iui only use one ut a time , or , at the most , two. Now what is to become of the other flyeV It's just too perplexing for anything. If I could only bhow them it wouldn't be so bad. but I can't oven do that. " "Dear me , I don't know why you should worry over such n IHtle thing as that , " observed her sister , who had been married nine years. "Thoso extra pickle cantors will come in handy by and by. Select the ono you want to keep and then put the others carefully away. Whenever any of your friends marry let a pickle caster bo your gift. It'll save you lots of money. When I was married I received four fish knives among my presents. I was cross until some one gave mo the hint that I have just given you , and then I wa happy. It wasn't long be fore 1 had made good use of the three iibh knives. " A Death-Bed Marriage. San Francisco Call : Among the death notices of yesterday is one recounting the untimely demise-of a young lady who was widely known , in this city , where she was" born and bred , whoso last days on earth were heightened by a borro'wful romance which is very un usual. This was no less an event than the solemnization of a marriage on the verge of the grave. One of the contracting parties was Miss Nellie Vale , a daughter of the late Gregory Yale , who was ono of the cele brated lawyers of early days. For more than a year past she had boon suffering from the ravages of that fell destroyer , quick consumption , and every effort made to stay its fatal progress had proved unavailing , and at 2 a. m. yester day the slender cord that bound her to her family was severed , and _ her soul spead other realms. In early youth Miss Yale met and was loved by O. P. Vance. His love was re ciprocated , and during their youth days on into miitmmlifn their vow * of CO" ' btancy were kept zealously , anxiously tuVftUig : ! the day when their lives might bo bound logether in the sacred tie. After some time her lover bought other Holds of labor , and Miss Yale departed - parted for the east. While there she contracted the fatal disease. She i-c- turued to her parents' homo , where , during her long sickness , she received every attention that loving hearU could prompt. Steadily the patient grow weaker. Her constant lover was apprised of her condition and making all haste , he arrived on Friday after noon from Denver , where his lot had finally boon cast , bowed down with grief , and their meeting was most af fecting. On Sunday afternoon the present ment of death was so strong that the young lady desired to bo married to her faithful lover. A consultation was 'hur riedly hold , upon the conclusion of which it was decided to perform the marriage ceremony. A license was procured , and , dressed in her wedding trousseau , which had been procured a year bcforo , these in attendance care fully bore the wasted form of the young bitlTerer to the parlor. There , surroundedby her relatives and friends , the touching union of two hearts soon to bo parted forever was af- .fected. With a voice filled with emo tion , Rev. Edgar Lion , of the Episcopal church , ( an old school-mato ) , read the marriage ceremony amid the profound- cst grief and tears. Her heart's greatest desire had been fulfilled , and gradually the newly made bride sank to peaceful rest , attended to the last by her borrowing husband. Sim Tired Quickly of Matrimony. Bedford ( Eng. ) Gazette : What is the whole duty of a bridegroom , whonafter the wedding and the breakfast , ho Hurts himself alone with his bride in an empty railway compartment ? I do not pretend to give an authoriativo answer , but I imagined that a few terms of en dearment , and po&sibly an occasional caress would not bo considered quite out of place. This seems to have been the opinion of the young lady who was married at Accrington the other day to a Mr. John Smith. The blushing bride had not been married before , but she was naturally surprised and dis tressed by the proceedings of her hus band. They had scarcely left Accring ton when Mr. Smith settled himself in a corner , yawned once or twice and fell into a deep slumber. It is possible that Mrs. Smith was merely hurt by the stolidity of his demeanor under condi tions favorable to cheerfulness , not to say enthusiasm. But it is certain that for ono or both of these reasons , the maiden slipped quietly out of the car riage at the ilrst station , leaving behind her only a slip of paper attached to Mr. Smith's coat tails and bearing these words : ' 'Tired of matrimony. Had enough of it and gone homo to my ma. Mary. " In Ijovc With a Ohltiatuaii. For some time past there has boon a report current in. Washington to the ef fect Hint ft liaridsomVyoung Intiy of tlmt city was actually contemplating in nil serioustiOHg the foolhardy act of Allying herself in marriage-to a member of thti Chinese legation. At Ilrst llltlecredonco was placed in the report , for similar ones llavo'been sut'nfloat MI frequently during the past year or so that the pub lic , wary of falliii 'into the trap of a practical joke , havolearned todisrognrd all such , save asnillustratlvo of the siHi'optibilit'y of almond-oycd Celestials. The stor.V as nowMblil is to the olToct that the itifatuatcd'ifh'l has boon in the habit for months pnt of strolling past the legation every afternoon on which the weather was propitious for a stroll with the attacho. hjThose interested in the progress of this little affair aver that "Sister An , " seated high in her watch-tower , on the lookout for the res cuing horseman , was not moro lynx-eyed than the Chinaman , who I'antuously bolted forth from the doors of the lega tion simultaneously with the appear ance of the aforesaid young woman , who possesses charms of face and figure which have completely subjugated the Asiatic heart. Ever mindful of the happy stroll in the gloaming , the ro mantic swain never neglected to provide himself with a beautiful boMiuot , which ho presented to the object of his adora tion each afternoon. Of late this peri patetic style of courtship has been abandoned for the 'more practical and satisfactory one which Hmls expression in hiking the beloved to the theater , and sitting beside her with that apnro- priativo air which proclaims so plainly to onlookers that it is a case of "two souls with but a single thought , two hearts that beat as one. " A Itnmnntic Marriage. Philadelphia Times : The marriage of Mr. Winiield Scott Fullerton , of Greoley , Colo. , to Miss Emma C. Ritter , of Camden , a few days ago , has brought to light a romantic story. Ten years ago the bride and groom wore attend ants at the Fourth Baptist churchCam- den. Mr. Fullerton was a leader.in the Sunday afternoon prayer meetings , and Miss Ritter sang in the choir at the church services. They mot frequently and their friendship soon ripened into a warmer feeling. In 1877 Mr. Fullerton - ton , with several friends , emigrated to the west. He took a tearful leave of his sweetheart , and promised to write to her often and return for her when ho made his fortuuo in the great west. The party , after drifting through a number of settled places , finally joined a colony which had taken Horace Groelsy's ad vice , and founded a town in Colorado which they called. Greeley : Fullurton soon tired of grubbing in the now set tlement and went on the plains as a cow boy , but this proving uncongenial , ho finally obtained a commibsion as assist ant agent of the Ute tribe of Indians under General Meeker. After some months' residence among the Utes , ho was dispatched to Washington on an official mission by General Meeker , aud was surprised upon.iis arrival there to hear of the MeekerJ massacre and the captivity of the women. Fullerton returned'to ' the pcono of the masracre with a body of troops , and , after the famous puiisuit of the Utes , was instrumental inr rescuing the cap tives. Ho then returned to Greoley and , engaging in fctook raising , soon amassed a fortune. ' < His correspondence with Miss Rittui * in tiamden had gradu ally grown less frjuquent and finally closed altogether , and ho became ac quainted with a daughter of General Meeker and ilnally married her. About three 3fears ago his | Bfo died , leaving ono child. The wealthy ranchero con tinued to amass wealth , but his home was a lonely ono , yml his thoughts reverted - verted to his formertriends in the cast and especially to the sweetheart whom ho had neglected. He returned to Camden - den in January last , and his friends hailed him as ono returned from the dead. Ho found that Miss Ritter was still unmarried and true to her first love. The result was a renewal of the affec tions which the changes of a decade had not severed , and preparations wore made for the marriage , which was con summated a few days ago. Deserted , But Plucky. New York Journal : Another instance of man's perfidy and woman's misplaced confidence and desire for wealth has just boon brought to public attention by the proceedings commenced by Lawyer Benjamin Hoffman to secure the annul ment of the marriage ot i > tr5. mutuuil Stern to Josef Schrurrer. Mr. Sohrurrer is now residing in a Hungaria prison. On September 15,188. ) , after a court ship of a few weeks Mrs. Stprn was led to the altar for the second time and be came Mrs. Schrurror , and as she sup posed , the wife of a Hungarian banker , for such had Schrurrer represented himself to be. His mission in America ho said , was to establish a branch of his banking house. Ho mot Mrs. Stern and love prolonged his stay , or at least ho told her so. She believed all ho said , and gave him $ o,000 to deposit in the German Savings bank in his own name. Some of this was drawn out for household expenses , but there was $4,450 to his credit on Janu ary 30 , 1880 , when he bade his wife good morning. Ho did not return that night. The next morning Mrs. Schrurror found that her watch and jewelry wore miss ing. Her suspicions wore aroused , and she visited the bank. The money had been drawn. Mrs. Schurrer concluded that she had been deserted , and invoked Mr. Hoffman's aid. It was found that Schrurror , or a man answering his description , had sailed under another name on the steamer La Gascogno for Havre. French detectives wore notified to await his arrival and the deserted woman followed him on the next steamer with a detective. Ho was traced to Buda-Pesth , where his American wife caught up with him. Although ho had shaved off his beard and put on a pair ofujpectaclos , she fully identified him. Ho had joined his Hun garian wife and three children. His American wife had him arrested and tried for bigamy. She secured her i watch , jewelry and about $4,000 of the stolen money. Schrurror was convicted of bigamy October 1,1880 , and sentenced to two years' imprisonment * Determined Iftwora Married. Si'itlNOKiKM ) , Mo.Dec. 1. The mar riage of Perry Ragsdalo , aged twenty , and Miss Hattie Pottitt , aged fifteen , by Justice Mathie t\its \ afternoon , was the denouement of a thrilling romance. The girl is a daughter of Dr. J. G. Pot titt , a physician and druggist , and the young man is the driver of a potroloum- oil-wagon. About a year ago an attach ment sprang up between the two which Dr. Pettitt and wife did all in their power to discourage on account of the youth's want of means , tender ago and lack of education. The moro they op posed the stronger became the affection between the undauntiul youth and the beautiful and ccomplished girl. They continued to moot occasionally in spite of all precautions. Early last spring the girl disappeared , and the parents ascertained that young Ragsdalo know of lieu whereabouts. They tried by every means to induce him to toil where their daughter was , but for three days with out success. All the information was that she was stopping at a respectable place. As a last resort they had tie ( young ninii arrested for abduction , and ho then consented to restore the girl to her pn'ronts , oh condition that the case 'bo tllsmisKcd , which was done. The mutual love of the pair win not thus to bo overcome , however. Last Monday night , while the doctor and his daughter wore returning from church , they were mot by Perry Hags- dalo. with whom the girl exchanged cordial Hiilutatlons. "Go along about your business , " gfullly said the doctor. "I am able to take my daughter honn > . " After walking a little further the young lady said : "I'll POO you to-morrow , Perry , " and ho replied : "All right. Hattie , " and shortened the distance between them. The infuriated doctor rushed upon Perry and showered blow after blow with his cane , cutting bloody gashes in his head and face. Perry tried to de fend himself , and menu\\hilo Haltie screamed : "Oh , papa , I never will forgivoyou for this. " Bystanders interfered , and the doctor irtid daughter wont homo , while Perry sought a burgeon. Yesterday Perry hnd the doctorarrest- cd'for assault and battery , and the case came up bcforo Justice Mathie to-day. The doctor and his wife consulted their friends about what course to pursue , and all advised that they let the lovers marry. Finally they gave a tearful con sent , and Perry already having a certifi cate of freedom from his parents , they were united in marriage by Justice Mathie , and the case of assault against Dr. Pettitt was dismissed. Thus the curtain goes down 'upon the last act , leaving all parties reasonable happy , the young man being industrious and free from bad habits. The Ace of Itonmnce Not PIIHI. Brainerd Special to St. Paul Pioneer Press : A quiet marriage of Mrs. Magdalena - dalena Schwartz to Andrew Robinson , a young man , is the sequel to ono of the most romantic experiences of local knowledge. . When Brainordbid fair in the early days to sometime be a town , a thrifty . German named William Schwartz arrived direct from the old country and , it ( tor prospecting a little , made a rich discovery of fine clay for brick , just above the city In the river bank. He tecured a largo tract of land , several hundred acres , which adjoined the original town site , and also the town plat about the Northern Pacific shops , East Brainerd. Ho built line buildings and opened largo brick works , with a steam plant , and got rich in short order. But his domestic matters were in serious shape. His wife was childless and , whether justly or not , Schwartz became exceedingly jealous of his buxom wife and the common hands about the works , and finally after a period of friction which made their quarrel notorious , Schwartz and she agreed to separate. He gener ously gave to her all the property , then worth a handsome sum , and he pulled out to Germany and married a young girl there and brought her at once to this country. Ho did not stop here , but wont to Oregon , to build a new home , settling at Corvallis , whence in a year ho wrote that "ho was getting along first rate. Have got a bouncing boy. " Meanwhile Mrs. Schwartz , the first , conducted the old business here mak ing 1,000,000 brick every year. Schwartz had laid out a large addition in lots , which were sold oft , and the dam of the Mississippi Water Power and Boom company having been located on her property , largely increased it in value , until $100,000 wouldn't buy all her inter ests hero. Last winter among im pecunious arrivals from Dakota was Andrew Robinson , a young man about twenty-five years old. Ho was illy- elothed , ' without shoes , his feet wrapped in gunny sacks , but borrowing an ax , ho walked eight miles through the deep snow to a job cutting cord-wood ho had secured. He so spent the winter , and not being a "pusher , " when spring came ho had netted for the winter s work , besides some better clothes , less than ! fc0. ! Hoyorked a while in the spring in a boarding camp at the dam for little moro than his board until Mrs. Schwartz , the owner of the hundred thousand , hired him to chore about the place. Not to probe the proce&s of cupid thorp have been signs that young Robinson was prospering. Ho dressed up , grow a full beard , and drove his employer daily into town in the family buggy. Two weeks ago she made a trip to Oregon , now supposed to have been to make sure that she was free to wed , and returning she per mitted herself to become Mrs. Andrew Robinson. Thus she , at about fifty se cures a husband of about half the ago , while ho , from bo distressed a situation as to this world's goods , becomes by all odds the richest man , in clean-up money , in Brainerd. CONNUHIALITIES. It is sold Mrs. Logan has recently refused to marry a rich Washington widower. Some people think that a 'double wedding is unlucky. Some people think that a single wedding is , too. Marriage certiflVates with divorce coupons are being introduced in Chicago , and are becoming - coming very popular. There are a good many child-marriages of late that Is , the union of thc-brido in her first childhood and a groom In his second. Miss Kato Ncuman , a scciety star of Ha- clno , Wis. , has Just married u hump backed , one-armed chief of a little band of Kiekapoo Indians. Henry August von Bulow , a nephew of Herr Von Bulow , the famous German paian- ist , is soon to marry Miss Anuiu Suyder , of Philadelphia. Mr. Frank Gordon , sou of the governor of Georgia , is to bo married on December 15 to Miss Georgia L. Kilburn , daughter of Mr. Hallctt Kilburn , of Washington. It Is reported that the Grand Duke Mi chael , brother of the grand duchess of Mcck- lonburg-Schwerin , is a suitor lor the hand of Mile. Marie Van Zaiidt , the prlma donna. Hon. David Clopton , chief Justieo of the supreme premo court of Alabama , was married on Thursday to Mrs. Clement C. Clay at Huntsville - villo , Alumaba. This happy rvi'nt is do- seribcd as the result of the discovery of long- lost youthful affections. Mr. Oldboy ( a bachelor ) It's all over , Gussy , my boy. Miss Smith has rcfued mo. Gussy I suppose she let you down easy by promising to ho a sister to jouf Mr. Oldboy ( bitterly ) Nob'thundcr ; she said she would be a daughter to mo. Mrs. Cleveland's intimate friend. Miss Vir ginia Kingsford , of Oswego , N. Y. , who IMS been a guest at the whlto house recently , will bo married next spring to John 1) . Higgins , an Oswngo lawyer. Mrs. Cleveland and Miss Kingsford were room mates at college , and the lormer will attend her chum's wedding , Samuel C. Young has filed n petition In the common pleas court of Cincinnati , asking to have his marriage declared void. Ho Mates that on November " ! i last ho made a balloon nseciihlon at Allegheny City , la. , intending to have a marriage in the balloon. Thocouplo disappointed him , so he and Miss SchwnrUcl agreed to take part in n mock marriage. U A Mr. Mt'Lcnna acted as parson. Mr. Young has since disco voted that McICcmm is a Justice tico of the peace. Ho therefore seeks this method of loliovlng hinibolf from any lugal liability which might ncuruo from the mar- ringo , which both parties well understood to be a mock ceremony. Good Incoint'H. The typewriting stonographora who have stands at thn variouj lending ho tels , says the Now York World , don't make such a bad thing out of their busi ness , though , as a matter of fiu't , they seldom seem to bo employed. Ono of these chaps , who works in a well known hotel up Broadway , has made no much as "MOO " a month at this sort of work , uud hid income has vur.v seldom gone. below $200 monthly. In n city ono can engage any earthly q rn fity of thoroughly competent stenographers at from 816 to $18 a week , that looks liku prolty fair business , doesn't itV Of course , a hotel shorthand nmn'a outfit costs him something like $160 to start with , and that faeUdoubtless keeps a good many of them from trying to get valuable stands in the principal hotels. Black We take pleasure in announcing that our First Special Sale of Black Silks will occur Wednesday , December 14 , and continue until all are sold. Wo do not hesitate to claim that we will sell Black Silks for nearly half the prices that they were ever offered in any spec ial or private sale in Omaha. All who have ever had any experience with our special sales will testify that wo mean business when wo say special prices. 8 Pieces Black Faille Francaise Silk that have never been sold in any city in America for less than $1.25 , our special price for this sale only 73d 8 Pieces Black Faille Francaise Silk that we have never sold for less than $1.50 per yard , our.spcciul price for this sale $1.00. Wo will give on these silks an ironclad guarantee that they will not crack or slip and are pure silk. Spccia prices on the celebrated Favorite Brand of Gros Grain Silks , The $1.00 quality , 75e ; the 31.25 quality , $1.00 ; the $1.50 quality , $1.20 ; the $1.05 quality , $1.30 ; the $2.00 quality , $1.50 ; the $2.75 quality , $2.00. COLORED SILKS , Colored Gros Grain Silk at 50c , 7/ic / and $1.00. Extra value at each price. Extra value in Colored Rhadames at 75o and $1.00. All colors at each price. Colored Silk Velvets at 75c , $1.00 and $1.50. All colors in 19-inch Plush worth $1.50 per yard , our price $1.15. If you cannot visit our store send for samples , or if yon do not have time to send for samples before the day of bale , order , giving color and price you wish to pay. If ordered in 18 or 20 "yard pat terns , and quality or color docs not please , wo will refund the money. Il WIUVU Vll VUll 1319 Farnam St. The Old IlellnWo . . . . . . lulhtof iininy ysitre' ex periencetrpnta with won- ilorful success , all UINI , TituoAT , ( 'ANOEH , rn.iA Kiyrtii.A. UUITIMK cured without out nun. . _ . . J-.ttSrince miinuu lnei" < . All chron ic ulicHini Inr In udvmice ut liny Inxtltutlon In this country. Thuso whocon- tomplatn noliiB to Hot Spring1 * for treatment of any 1'rlviito or Illond Dlio.i'ie can bu cured fur line-third thn eon nt our I'rUiilu Dlspunsury , lly hl treatment a I'uro , Ixivcly Com ploxlon , free from aalloniiC ! < H , ( re ckloi blafkhcHd . eruiitlons , etc. , brilliant OTB < and norfoct hetilih c n be ha-t. tarriiat "tired " feeling and all female wcnkne o tromptly cured. ItUinllni ! lliiirtndi ; , Nervous Tros- nratnn , ( lennral IXiblllly , KI ppli' snoM , l ) preiiil n t/nrt Indlnentlon , Orarlan truublos , Intlmaiatlunaiid nlcloratlun. Kalllnif und Dltplni'ementa. Hiiliml weak- ops , Kidney complulnU and Chanxe of Life , Consult the Old Doctor _ ri/f" lull LlD Aeutoor Rhronlo Inflninma- PIP ma\\ \ \ rAn Con0'tlioKrehds or < ilnba mill bHIl bib and farorNcar Slithtodncss , Inversion nf the Mds , Scrofulous Kyet , Ulceratlims , Inflammations , Absceis , Dlnmuis ot Vision of uue or both eyes , and Tumort of Mil. tVlntlamraatloaof the Kar , Ulcnratlnn or ( ntnrrh , Internal or Kxturnul I > eafuu , or 1'aralysln , bliixln or ItoarlnK nolnes , Tblckcnod l > ruiu , etc. Debility , UIM of Vital Power , Hleop- Ipssnoas , IXnp < mdency , I > ss uf Mrmory , Contusion of ldpa > , Illun before tbn Kye , Kasnltude , Intiuor , liloomlncii. UuprcMlun of HplrlH , Aver lon to Society , K.i y ! > ! couraKiHt , Inck of rontldenco , Dull , Uatk'ii. Unlit for Study or HuMnons , and lliulH Ufa a burden , I'enuanently and I'rtvutety Cured. oi nnn mn PVIU in ou c . scrofula , nLIIIIII ANll AMU KrynlnolavKernrSoroj UbUUU nllll Ul\lll motctc , . i-lmplcs , Ul- rers , 1'alns In the Head and lionet , HphllUlc Sere Thriiat , Muutli and Tonuuo , Glandular KnlarKemonl of the Neck , KheumutlMii , Catarrh , Etc. , I'ermanent- ly Cured When Olhfn HB H Kallcd. Consultation free and strictly contldantlul. Meillclno * ent fieo troin observation to ull purls of the United Status. CoiTtMpondanco rurolvoi prompt attention. No Intttira answered unless nccompnnlod by four cents in Rtamps Send ton cents In atutnps for pamphlnt and list ot ques tions upon pilrate , tipoclul and nervous dls- . Terms strictly cash. Call on or nddross , POWELL REEVES DR. , No. 33i Cor. 131U & Hurnvy Bts. . < ) miha : , Nub CHANDLER & LOGAN , VETERINARY DENTISTS , Will nwke their licadfnnitefh fur n few \\oeks at Alex Ik'iilnun's new Mnblu , corner D.ivcuport and Sevonteenta sU. Kx.imlmttlon ( ice. Man ) diseases uiabo cured and dlsaRrceablii Imblts overcame byour operation on tlm hrirwi' teeth. We liave cured them of muxlilnc , drool , stopping short , starting suddenly , frothing , Ions of ileshuak uyet , , und niimclully from driving on onu rein and pulllnK. We rnmovu all rough wlKcs from their molars und level the mouth , thereby iniublliiB thn horne to properly imistlcuto his food. Improper Krlnillnic of food produces IndlKextlon. und liuuk'i'.itlun drodncua hide bound , swollen limbs , staring or deiuMlkn out of hair , find lois of appotlto. Vouiitf lU well old horetii itu uUn toll operation. BUT TRUE We are selling a genuine black „ , _ < Lined with satin throughout corded edge , silk velvet collar And Tailor Made A very fine coat and Our Price $18. We also have one line extra f ne Blue Kersey , at same price , besides [ our regular line of Overcoats ! Which We are Selling at very low prices For Fine Goods a 4 What we ask is an in spection of our stock And a comparison of qualities and prices. 1311 Farnam St.