Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 11, 1887, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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, . " * . 12" * " THE OMAHA. DAILY BEE ; SUNDAY , DECEMBER 11 , . 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES ; "
Clilca o , Xov. ! l , 1897. \ov. : i , issr.
Ilo cnlleld V Ziiiulcr : ASSIGNEE SALE Ito ennehl /under :
12T I ill8 Douglas St. , Omaha , > cl > . Great blniiRhtcr of I.OOO Pair ltlt ! Douglas HI. , Onmlm ,
_ _ Ilought at great sacrifice , of Bought at great sarrHU-e , of
CjjT nmdgncc of whole talc manul'ac * BOOTS AND SHOES. * i-3
nee \vliolcKii1e inanurat'tiirur ,
, * \
faclurcr , about < IOOO pair ol
CD jboot. * and shoe * . IHcgant good * , Assigned at Ore ut Siicrlflci ) . about .1,000 pair or booti and < thoi > . i3W
atl jtl'/i'n , belt pnrchaftc since in Elegant good * , all nl/.e , bctJ pur-
huxfiicftfl. Give emtomer bcne- W
* - .
§ l > " HI. I'artleiilnrA mall. c > lu e Hlnee In biHlucM. < Jlve cus
tafl CO ii. KOI\FIIIO : : tomers bcncllt. Particular * mall. CM CD
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1o re " Cl >
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Above arc coilc | * of a telegram recently received by the proprietor * of The Chicago Bargain Shoe Company , 1318 Houglnv utrect , from tliclr eaitcrn rettlilcnt buyer , a
member of Ilic flrai , ivhtcli are Mcir-explanatory. Al o above picture which In a correct copy of photograph , showing the IIIUM of people attending thi *
Sale , " which plainly dcmomlrulCN that "IIoiie t Goods and Square DcaliiiKs" ulwuy win.
Owing to the large stock of Boots , Shoes and Rubbers on hand at time of above purchase , we were compelled to store in our eastern warehouse fully one half of stool *
purchased from assignee , which we are now daily receiving and will be on sale at our store , 1318 Douglas street , near 14th , commenced Thursday , ana
When wewill offer such astonishing bargains , as :
300 pair Ladies' kid opera slippers , beaded at 5pc 500 pair baby shoes , at - 15c , 20c , 25c , 35c , 45c , 50c , 60c , Etc ,
300 pair Ladies' ' flannel lined slippers , at 35c We Have No 500 pair men's ' shoes at 75c , 95c , $1.15 $ , $1.25 $ , $1.35 $ , $1.50 $ , $1.75 $ ,
200 pair Ladies' ' kid button shoes , worked button holes , $1.10 $ BRANCH STORES 500 pair men's slippers at 35c , 65c , 75c , 9Cc , $1.15 $ , $1.25 $ , Etc
200 pair genuine turned kid button shoes , only - $2.25 $ In Omaha. 200 pair men's velvet and ' aligator slippers , only - - - 85c
100 pair Ladies' ' band sewed goat button shoes , only - 2.00 200 pair men's ' boots , at' - - $1.25 $ , $1.50 $ , $1.75 $ , $2 $ , Etc
And many other bargains too numerous to mention. As an extra induecment to above sale we shall cut prices on our entire stock , consisting of medium and fines
Reynolds Bros. , Utica , New York ; P. Cox Shoe Co. , Rochester , New York' ; Ziegler Bro f Philadelphia , Pa. ; Sailer , Lewin & Co. , Philadelphia , Pa , ; E , N. Howell , New York
and Philadelphia ; Wallace , Elliott & Co. , New York City ; A. F. Smith , Lynn , Mass ; Levy & Katzman , New York City ; E. P. Reed & Co. , Rochester , N. Y. ; Gee W. Ludlow &
Co. , Chicago , 111. ; E. P. Dodge & Co. , Newburyport , Mass ; Paris Shoe Co. , Haverhill , Mass ; Pentucket Shoe Co. , Haverhill , Mass , and many others which lack of space
prevents of special mention. We carry a complete line of Infants' Children's and Misses Curacoa or French Kid Spring Heel Button Shoes in B , C , D and E widths. Also a
complete line of ladies'fine shoes , as well as gent's hand sewed French and American calf , Kangaroo and patent leather shoes in all styles and various widths , all of
which will be sacrificed during this great sale. Our reputation for "honest goods and square dealing , " is too well known to inform the people of Omaha and vicinity that
we are no traveling concern visiting the city long enough to prey upon the public , until their impositions are discovered through misrepresentations , jetc. We are a per
manent concern ana will cheerfully refund the money on any purchase made of us that is not satisfactory. We always do as we advertise.
CHICAGO BARGAIN SHOE CO. , One Price Square Dealers , 1318Douglas st , Home ottheBig Shoe on Wheels
Preserving Good Looks Mrs. Mac
Tlio Violin In Fair Hands A. Victorians
Widow Mm. Senator Shti'lMfm
Wrcoked by u AVomaii
Tlie Quaker Inuly.
Maiuatel Delimit.
Oh , this qmilut und quiet Quaker 1
IJendcd henil would never make her
More discreet or niodentcr.
Hut tlio gallants pans her by ,
POP with tender , steadfast eve ,
Straight she looks up at the sky I
Surely , now , some brighter hues' ,
'Stead of lavenders ami blues ,
Would delight soinu Jolly fellow.
Kusswt bee , with bauds of yellow ,
Or u golden butterfly
AthoMee would love and sight
mil to"tuikSTiu"uSC , I Icuo * . " }
Still in sober dress sho'll go ,
And her love of heaven will show ;
And my Quaker lady sweet ,
Uving in her dim retreat ,
Sees no'lovor at her feet.
Preserving tiood .Iiooka.
The handsomest woman I over saw
was one who took { front euro of her
health. When I know her she was pibt :
thirty , but no girl of sixteen that I have
over soon hud rosier checks or brighter
oyoa. .Of course she was naturally flno
looking but the attention she gave to
matters of hygiene added to and pre
served her beauty. What did she do ?
I don't know that I can recount all , but
I remember her telling mo slio took a
sponge bath every morning ; was par
ticular about the ventilation of her
apartments , took long walks when she
could ; ate "but little moat , much fruit
and cereals whenever she could get
them. Another thing she did whioh
Bho tried without success to got mo to
do , she drank her colTeo without milk or
cream , diluted .with water.
The reason she took her coffee so was
because her physicians told her it was
healthier to drink it in this way.
Whether the practice added to her per
sonal charms or not 1 do not know. On
the whole blio wiia certainly repaid for
her systematic habits and as
certainly there wag nothing ardu
ous about the performance of them.
Nor was there anything bi/.arro
about thorn as , It seems to mo , there
IN about the following account 1 rend of a
Chicago belle : "To keep the suppleness
of her llguro she stands ono hour daily ,
liftoon minutes at a time , with her hands
on her hips before a long mirror , and
bonding her knees out from each other
she Milks slowly down to the floor as low
us possible , then as slowly uprising ,
meantime moving her arms in any di
rection to their utmost longth.out or up ,
forward or back , until when she stands
erect they are ready to bo placud en hoi-
hips again.
"ICaoh movement is repeated , every
time a little accelerated , until at the
oiul of thirteen nrimitfs It is done
qnlckly , and a flno color is in her
checks. Shu then lies down on a per
fectly Hat couch , without a pilluw , until
her breath comes smooth and regular ,
ns it will in the two minutes left in her
quarter of an hour , When she plays n
good deal of tennis she cuts down her
exorcising ono-half. " Of course , the
benefit to bo derived from , this proceed-
ure Is not to bo questioned , whatever
may bo thought of it besides. It is easy
to see her whole body thus receives
peed oxereiso , adding to the gruco of
lior own form , bouutlfyJiig her coin-
nlcxion , and making her stronger and
healthier. "
Ijatcst NCWH of Mrs. Mnckay.
Philadelphia Press : Mrs. J. W.
Mackay. wiio is distinguished as ono of
the best dressed women in the Ameri
can colony in Paris , comes to the fore
this autumn in a feather cloak , which
she throws over her shoulders driving
to and from entertainments. The cloak
Is made from the breasts of birds of
paradise and , as may bo imagined , is a
most gorgeous creation. Hut the whole-
bale bacriiico of the feathered tribe can
not bo cited as a novelty. As early as
1819 ono of the chiefs of the Sandwich
islands made' proud boast of a cloak of
the feathers of a rare bird to bo found
only on those islands. They are of a
rich yellow color , tufted with red. The
cloak was taken from the chief's ' shoul
ders when ho was slain In battle , and
was boino years afterwards presented to
an oillcor in the United States navy ,
who placed it on exhibition at the Cen
tennial of 187(1 ( , and who later on pre
sented It to the National museum ut
Speaking of Mrs. Mackay , it may bo
interesting to note that ono of 'hor most
convicted and sentenced before the
Parisian court , before which lie was
literally carried. His name was Hertz ,
and hu had hold at seine past time the
position of bntlor in the Maukay man
sion. While serving in this ca
pacity ho had managed to poke
his nose into almost all of Mrs. Maok-
ny's .ilTairs , a habit , by the way , which
the Parisian domestic adopts , as ho him
self says , for his own safety. Profit
would bo the bettor word. When fin
ally his obtrusiveness could bo endured
no longer and ho was discharged , ho at
first refused to lewvo the household and
had to ho forcibly ejected.
Ho soon reappeared , however , 'and
threatened to give U ) the sensational so
ciety papers all the information , big
and little , which ho had managed to
gain while in Mrs. Mackay's employ.
Hud the latter dealt with him as ho do-
borvcd at this point and kicked him out
of the house , it is quite probable that
she never would have heard from him
again. Hut being acutely sensitive to
ridicule and anxious to avoid the pub
lication of suoh potty details ns as ho
had learned , she ma'do the natural blun
der of treating with him. This , of
course , only encouraged him to further
effort. As a matter of fact the scoun
drel know nothing of a really damaging
nature , but Mrs. Maekay seems to have
dreaded his Inventive powers. Hertz's
last demand was for $ % _ ' ,5 < tO , the penalty
for refusal to bo an alleged exposure o'f
the lady's complicity in the death of
two former servants in her employ. At
this bho mustered up courage enough to
have him arrested and tried , and ho
was sentenced to two years' imprison
The Violin in I'aiv Hands.
RobUm Herald : How well the violin
bectimos a young girl , and how fright
fully diflieult it is for her to conquer
that king of instruments ! Butouco
her own , the two are a picture for the
eye , a voice of exceeding musio for the
car. The severely critical would sav
the eye should have nothing to do with
our judgment of an artist ; but while
mankind Is human , youth and attract
iveness will have much to answer for in
our likes and dislikes. It so happens
that musical instinct falls oftonest to
the lot of pretty women ; or is It that
talent makes them fair by developing
that personal charm which is the great
est beauty youth can possess ? I thought
FO while hearing Tua play , and I am
qulto sure of my theory while listening
to Uollo Uotsford , wh < v Is n violinist of
peculiarly refined und duliity urlixtio
foelingr Thcso young artlsLi , though
Signorina Tun is some years Miss Bots-
ford's senior , are gifted by nature with
beautiful arms and hands , a most essen
tial beauty in their profession , and to
bo required to shut one's eyes to thorn
would be more than susceptible mortals
could endure.
A Victorious Widow.
A Jamestown. Dak. , correspondent
writes : The liglit to chiuigo the couuty
seat of Logan from Napoleon to the new
town of Lowry , on the Aberdeen & Bis
marck railroad , developed ono of the
shrewdest managed contests known in
the territory. The victory which fin
ally perched on the banner of Napoleon
was won by a woman a widow , and a
Minneapolis widow at that.
She had property interests at Napol
eon loft her by her husband , and when
she heard of the fight , came out to look
things over. She found matters in a
very bad shape. The county seat had
boon located at Napoleon for some
years , but nothing had come of it. The
place , if place it could bo called , was
without a store , even , and gradually
all interest in it was fading out. There
wore less than ono hundred votes in the
county , and no prospect of one-half
bei'-.S V'hat InlereSi there yes
on the side of the new town , of which
there was some hope when the railroad
was completed.
The widow took in the situation , and
taking off her coat , so to speak , began
work. She shod her $200 sealskin , and
arrayed in rough garments , drove over
the prairie , stopping at the farm houses
staying all night in cabins and litter-
ally sitting up with the inhabitants.
She came , she saw , she conquered. The
old farmers heard her , looked upon her ,
and resolved to stand by her. Now she
encountered a man in financial trouble ,
she instantly relieved him. Hero she
found a man grumbling at the lack of
growth in the town of Napoleon ; it was
arranged at once that the place should
have u church , u store , a hotel , a bank ,
everything which heart could wish and
the end was that the gratified and cap
tured inhabitants came up and , figura
tively speaking , laid the decision of the
momentous question at the pretty wid
ow's foot. The vote came off and Napoleon
leon refused to surrender to Lowry.
The military hero was still superior to
the financial princoor rather the widow
was on the side of the little Frenchman
and so the deal was closed. What will
now bo done Is a problem , but it looks
very much as if the widow had the edge ,
so to bpcak , and was in a position to dic
tate terms.
Mrt * . Sliormaii as a IIouHckocpcr.
Now York World : Mrs. Senator Sher
man , in addition to being the best read
and most highly accomplished society
women of the capital , is a thorough
housekeeper , and slio understands cookIng -
Ing almost as well as the chef of the
white house. At her homo in Mans-
llcld , O. , she keeps boino fine Jersey
cows , and her butter is made after her
own directions. Not long'ago she sent
a roll of this butter to the county fair of
Richland county , in which Mansfield is
situated ; and in order that no favorit
ism might bo shown on account of the
butter coming from the wife of Senator
Sherman , she did not allow any name to
bo attached to her exhibit. The judges
awarded the premium to another party ,
and they passed over the butter of Mrs.
Sherman , on the ground that the rich
yellow shown In It , could not have been
produced except by artificial means.
Mr . Sherman was somewhat indignant
nt the suspicion , and sent , I am told ,
a slice of the butter to each of the
judges , with her compliments. The
cream of which it wasmado was to rich ,
that it was as yellow as the gold of
Wrecked Ily a Woman.
It is rare that a client gets the bet
tor of his lawyer , says a Washington
lawyer , but one of the anecdotes with
which Judge Richardson illustrates his
'ccturo on English practice eeems to af
ford a striking instance of that sort of
thing. It booms that In England a bar
rister has no fees allowed by law. The
solicitors who employ him give him only '
un honorarium. Ho can collect nothing
by bringing suit. Moreover , if ho deals
directly with a client ho will bo dropped
by all the solicitors. A certain English
woman had a case involving several
thousand pounds. Every solicitor to
whom she submitted it told her that she
hail no caso. Finally , however , she met
a barrister who declared that her case
was good. She 'olTcred him 00,000 if
ho could win it for her. Ho accepted ,
moved into her circuit , risking every
thing in the venture , and won the case
for hor. Then she refused to pay him
his promised foe. Ho sued hor. but was
unable to recover n farthing. His pro
fessional future WIIH ruined and his life
made a blank by this one act of impru
dence on hib part.
How Women Could Change Things.
San Francisco Chronicle : What a
revolution there would bo if woman ,
lovely woman , wore to waica tip sbm6 |
fine morning to n full realization of her
powers and band herself , so to speak , in
a band or trades union , and start in to
have things her own way. Whoop ! How
things would change. I don't include
married woman. She would simply
raise a riot , got sat upon and crushed
and what little Independence she has
now would vanish. Unmarried woman
is the most potent force in nature. She
is the most favored agency of electricity
in the shape of magnetism , and she
could simply do what she pleased if she
had the backbone to try it. She must
not be in love , or if she is she must not
bo deputed to work upon the fellow she
is in love with. She can't do anything
with him , but she can work most effect
ively a whole dozen of men who want
her to bo in love with them. No Knights
of Labor.organization , no body of the
kind , could possibly compare in practi
cal power with u trades union of unmar
ried women bent upon having the world
worked her way.
A fllinpsody on Woman.
Toxnrkana Independent : Woman Is
just too awfully lovely in newly laun-
dried Wamsutttannd lawn , when fresh
from close communion with toilet soap
and a crystal , watery bath. She has
the ripe peach fragrance of paradise
and the breath of tho''capo jasmine of
the tropical empyrean : When a fellow
passes to the windward of a pretty
woman who is filling the air with
sweetness and puritjyis she trips grace
fully along , ho delicately sniffs the air
for an hour , as ho had got a snatch of
heavenly perfume , anil , was trying to
woo another whiff from over the celes
tial battlements. God \ > less the women !
If there wore none on earth baldhended
men and babies woulut fyo awfully scarce
and courting would lojio. more than half
Its flavor.
A Heroine of the I-'lowry Kingdom.
China Mail : The case of P'u Ai-nl is
creating a sensation. She is a girl of
eighteen , who worked hard to maintain
u debauched brother. The brother was
murdered and Miss P'u applied in per
son for -redress , informing the magis
trate , in reply to his queries who wore
the murderers and where the murder
ers' weapons wore , that it was exactly
this that It was his "duty to. discover.
Fulling to obtain redress she walked
from Honan to Pokin and threw liorsolf
in the omprcbs1 path. Covered by the
rifles of the guards , bho was raised by
order of the empress and handed over
to the board , where she is now comfort
ably liiBtallod , attended bj two old
.women , pending the arrival of the par-
tics concerned from the provinces.
Questioned as to whether she was en
gaged to be married or notsho answered :
"Your business , O , judges , is to discover
my brother's murderers and not to meddle -
dlo with my private affairs. " The
papers already talk of giving _ her a
prominent place in history , while the
high officials of the board are anxious
to avoid the responsibility of confront
ing her in court.
Women PrlntcrH.
Now York Sun : There nro from 400
to COO women who are typesetters in
this city. Of these those who are or
ganized belong to the Typographical
union No. 0 , which is primarily a men's
union. Those women arc employed In
newspaper and job offices , aim In s ich
largo houses as Harpers' and Leslie's ,
in various capacities is typesetters , dis
tributors , copy-holders , and they do
work from the most common to the
John Everett , foreman of the compos
ing-room in ono of the newspaper ofllco.1 ?
and u member of Typographical union
No. 0 , says : "Women nro a standing
menace to men. The best thing we can
do is to organize them. "
Vv'hat is your oxp'orioncc w th-them
in the composing-roomy"
' 'They can never compote with men.
They do not learn their trade as intelli
gently as men do , who take It up for
life. A women may bo a very rapid
typesetter. Generally she is. Her
Idea is to make as much money us she
can the few years she is at work.
Eventually she expects to marry. Mean
while she gives us very dirty proofs.
Hero wo employ women only ns distrib
utors. Some women earn from Slfl to
$120 per week , and the average earnings
are # liJ a week. But the difficulty is to
persuade women to enter the union ,
when , in truth if they will sot typo , It is
their only safety and ours to do so. We
insure them our prices as well as pre
vent thorn cutting under those prices. "
Mr. Charles Phllo , one of the oldest
members of Typographical Union No.
0 , said : "Our union is 4,000 strong ,
and if I should pronounce their senti
ments as a body it would bo against
women as tj'pesettors. It is nJight
business , but it is ono that demands a
serious nervous strain , and wo don't
think women are fitted to bear it. At the
same time , since there are woman type
setters , wo want them to como into the
union. We receive them on a basis of
perfect equality so' far as our privileges ,
legislation , and benefit societies are
concerned. Wo demand for them the
same pay for the same work. Wo in
sure thorn among us every respect as
women , and I observe that their
presence in u composing room is bene
ficial. It softens the manners of the
men. I will say this for women , they
are splendid allies. If wo go out on a
strike the women will stand by to the
last. They act from principle. But wo
have our limitations. Wo will not
allow women to do night work. Wo
think they are not fitted for It. That
they must leave to the men. On the
other hand wo Imvo secured for them
during the last year the same pay as
men , and wo mean they shall have it. "
AVoincn Meddler * .
Albany Journal : Women who mcddlo
with everybody else's business are lo bo
shunned and feared. One of them was
on the Troy local yesterday afternoon.
A sprucely dressed young man held in
his hand a yellow imper-eovored book ,
in which ho ueomed to bo deeply in
terested. The woman sat in front of
him , and , happening to turn to take in
the passengers , observed the cheap lit
erature which was engrossing the atten
tion of the young man behind her. In
a pleudlng , insinuating voice , she said
to him : "Young man , don't you know
that you ure wasting your time vcrv
foolishly in reading dime novels1)1 ) You
might bettor take a book on history
with you , or something else that would
benefit your mind and give you an op
portunity to improve. " Reaching her
hand over the back of the seat , she
said very deliberately : "Let me look
at that book. " The young man , without
relaxing u single feature , handed the
book over to his aggressive follow-
passonger. She turned it over to read
the title. It was as follows : "Easy
Lessons In French for Beginners. "
The old lady never said a word. She
dropped the book in the young man's
lap and shot into the next car.
The Instinct of Dross.
London Queen : The fashion of buying
all things ready m&de has been a bless
ing in many ways , but it has deprived
women of the necessity of thinking out
their clothes for themselves , and in
vesting them with some degree of their
own personalities. The "esth'etic sot' '
were right when they sot their faces
"against'Tnis custom mmucvmrcu inmt
every woman's dress should bo tin ex
pression of herself ; but the mania for
full bodices and skimpy'skirts , hugo
iialfl und little handkerchiefs defeated
its object , for all the maidens and ma
trons of the esoteric coterie were ar
rayed in the same fashionso , that , while
the individuality of their sot was as
serted energetically by their attire ,
their own personal entity was more ut
terly disguised thereby than it would
have been by the most. French and
elaborate of reudy-mado costumes. A
woman who has the instinct of dress ,
shows it when she buys a gown "off u
peg" just as much as when she plans
and arranges every detail of a costume
after her own fancy. That a frock Is
pretty or quaint or fashionable is no rea
son that she should purchase it ; her test
of it is , "does it look like mo ? " and
though she may sometimes take u new
departure , some now freak of fashion ,
which is unlike anything she bus worn ,
but that yet approves itself to her as
likely to suit her , she has the wit to
know whoter it will really mould itself
to her. A well dressed woman always
wills that her clothes .shall bo part of
her , and utterly scorns the idea of being
merely a dummy for the display of Mr.
Worth's hist creation.
Death of * nn Kcuontrlc Woman.
NlAOAltA FAU.S , N. Y. , Dec. 4 The
body of the woman who was found witli
a bullet hole through her forehead and
a ro\olver In her hand , two weeks ago ,
lying half way down the Canadian bank
near the Horseshoe falls , was burled to
day. The mystery surrounding her
death has boon partially cleared up by
the identification of the body ns thnt of
Caroline Loavcnworth , an eccentric
maiden lady of Ilinsdale , Chautaiigua
coun'ty. She was the daughter of Dr.
John Loavcnworth , who died pomo
years ago , leaving no estate. Ever
since her father's death Mis.s Leaven-
worth lias lived a hermit's life , and sel
dom permitted any one to c > nter hoi-
lonely room. Her sleeping apartment
was a small iron bound room , in which
no stranger's eye over gained ad
mittance. She always locked and
barred herself In at night , and never
allowed herself to bo separated from a
small hand-satchel , which , it is be
lieved , contained considerable money ,
besides private papers. She carried a
loaded revolver day and night. It was
known that the eccentric woman
possessed considerable personal prop
erty , but how she came by it was a mys
tery to her neighbors.
In her younger days she had nn un-
fortunato'alTair with a wealthy Dunkirk
manufacturer to whom she bad boon
engaged to bo married. It Is said that
lier old lever provided her with a
large yearly Income. Last spring shn
loft her homo und at the end of two
weeks returned and sold her house ami ,
lot at half their value. She gave awny
nearly all her personal effects and then
disappeared. She had u brother in
Chicago and that is about all that i.s
known about her. No one saw her ullvo
hero and the satchel was not found.
Some think that bho was murdered for
her money.
Women an 1'rlntcrH.
CKKIOIITON , Neb. , Dee. 7. To the
Editor of the BKK : Seeing an article
in the BKH pertaining to ladies as com
positors , I take the liberty to chronicle
a cue that comes under my observation.
Miss Minnie E. Quimby , a young lady
only sixteen years of ago , is running aj
pap'cr called The Vcrdigro Hjrnetwlth
excellent success , und doing the entire
work herself. Her father , George W.
Quirnby , ex-mayor of Croighton , being
the editor. It is a five column quarto
and has u subscription list of over ! tOO
subscribers. When interviewed on the
subject the young lady spoke freely.
She said she liked the work very much.
She too' * tWssosSnpirof ' " IIonk'Loi'oj
u year ago and it seems to flourish and
grow under her management.
Miss Quimby is a very intelligent
young lady , and will make a name for
herself yet. ,
It is surprising how oiiqrgotle some of
the ladies aro. G.
Harvard distributed lust yuarmnoiiR needy
students * .VtNK ( ) , und will distribute this year
WtXX ( ) in the SHiiio way.
The Into Hon. T. A. K-irrlson , of Mlatio
apolis , left to Huuilino university , Huuiline ,
Minn. , the sum of * V , < M > 0.
Huv. Dr. J. S. Mclntosh , the popular pas
tor of the Second Presbyterian church of
Philadelphia , is talked of for president of
Princeton college.
At Cornell university recently the portrait
of Mr. Goort'O Haneroft , the historian , pie-
seated by hluisolf to the university , was ua-
veilcd with appropriate exercises.
lr. I'etors , of Hamilton college , Imsio-
ccivcd the cross of the Leirlon of Honor
from the French government in recognition
of his services in the geld of astronomy.
A course in physiciil culture is being given
by 1'rof. Hiirtwall , of John Hopltlns. to the
students of the Women's Medical college , of
Pennsylvania , under the auspices of its
Alumni association.
KHV. Hiram O. Haydon. who bus boon
chosen president of the Adelhort college , In
llfty-six years old , and w.ia graduated ut
Amhcrst about twenty live years ago. Hu
hus had a successful career.
A largo and elegant building for n Catholic
high school Is being erected at the corner of
Uroud and Vine strciits , Philadelphia. The
money COIIIPS from a bequest of f UHJil.lJOO by
Thomas Cahill , which is to provide a build
ing and the running expcnsc.s.
Kov , Hiram Gee , of Itlinrn , N Y. , has
placed in the hands of Chancellor Sims HO-
curltles to the value of over 10,000 for the
establishment of a lectureship of Hoeiul
ethics in Syrnouso univemlty , to bo put In
operation in IhVJ-'OO.
Chicago hus in her employ 1,003 tone-how.
The number of sc.ils for pupil * is b2KK ( ) ,
Number of pupils cm oiled is T5,0X ( ) , Of
thcito IU < 00 are in double divisions that IK ,
ran attend school only half a day. Them
arc 4,0Kl ( moro girls than boys in the sclioolK.
Michigan university has iccelvcd from the
legislature of Urn Main * ir > nMX , ( >
two years. Of the l.-HW students 1'iesldeiit
Angell ( bids that the parents of fif > 3 worn
furmcis , 171 morehant.s , lit ; lawyurx , K'l physi
cians , W manufaeturris , M mechanics , and
.11 clerginicn ,
Wustnrn .Massachusetts IB to have another
college for women , for Mount Jlolyoko sem
inary IK to bo known ns "Mount llolyolio
seminary and college. " Tills the trustees of
that pioneer Institution for tlio higher educa
tion of womrn voted , at their iccent mcolini ;
In the Mussaolt house In Mt. Holyoke.
Milton Hulght , a piofcasor la John Hop
kins university , Baltimore , lias received a
line appointment in this flovurninunl colli-go
of Sapporo , Japan , through the Jupam o
legation at Washington. Ho will ho la churgo
of HIB Unglish , mathematical ami physical
department , with several assistantH U uU
him. Mr. ILuilit | U u tiutivo of Canada.