HWJBW , tynpytfi * * f t1 ffKM OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY DECEMBER 11 , ISST-SIXfEEN PAGES. 11 AMKB Henl Kstiyle Apcncy. . , , . , . . Office 1IW Fftrnnra st. „ ' ' 'Dili list rcvlieil Deo. 10. Itw. ttrj South nth st , nonr Center. 3 room IIOIIHC. lot 4inxIS { ! . - . . . . . .I INK ) " ' ' 1 " r t-'ntT.fTooin house . a',100 3w ( 497 . , near 34th t , good'6rooni 'louse , rooms large. hmi e fronts fnit. nnw nml well built , desirable place , 12,500 ; flH ) cash , balance B5 per montli , This H a good place , ou easy terms. 4W5 Virginia ave. near t.eavenworth st , good 7-room house. In excellent re- . . . pnlr , well worth 404 22d , ncarOrace , convenient to cars , n small double house , rentltiK for Mi tier month. I'rloe 0,300 Lake st , near Slit ht , 6-rwm house. lot 48x12 ! 4000 4PO Spruce st near Itith , n6-room cot tage , lot WxliO. will trade 2tOO 4W Onlo st near S7tli , first clans fr-room house , well , cistern and outbuildIng - Ing * , all In good repair , one Mock from streetcars , lotMixl27 3,300 484 South Wh nt nearleavenworth very central locution , good 0-roomed house , lot ZTiXlIC- , rant front ! t,500 4(1 North Slut st near Mandcrxon.l block / from car line , new 4-roomed house , ! Iot50xl24 , 2,000 i 4'iO 111 lloyd'H add near licit line , 4- roomed houxo and barn , with 3 full lots , one a comer , cast front s.r/00 / 472 Omaha View , 4-room house , lot Mix 124 1,1)00 ) 4ft8 22rt st comer , near Holt I.ino depot in Oak Chatham and only 1 blocks from street car , u new 7 room house and full lot for 2600 405 In Walnut 11111 a good U room hou e , well and outbuildings , south front , cheap at 3,330 4C2 21st st near Mandcrxon , onu block from cur line , 4 room house , barn with full lot. This Is u very cheap pUce at J. 1.MJO ' 4tO Illondo st near 2Mh , convenient to earn , a n room house with lot 'MxlI7. ! This Is a good home at 3,000 4r < 0 i)5ih ) Ht near I.cavcnworth lit n high commanding location , surroundings A I , a well built II room hoiixe facing cast , with two lot.s , each iuixl24 , ono n corner , shrubbery and tiei-s well grown , a decided bargain " , ,000 450 Sewanl Kt curs p.iss thu door , 7 I mini hotiHO 4 lot 3,500 4f > G Doncckcii'H mid near Ciunlng st 4 room house nuxin.1 , lf.tn ciish.prlcu , . 1,500 749 South I'.ith ' Ht near I.eavenworth.cen- tial locution , 4 room house , city water.i lot ,1,400 4'fJ Hitchcock's add , 2 hou c.s , each ; t looms , lot 50x127 , ( lOUeiisli , prko. , . . 1,200 434 Corner , east lionton ( ieorKlu live , II room eottHKe , 2 line , full lot.s 3ji ( ) This Is a special barptln. In addition to the above properties wo bnve u line list of i-liolcuicsldeni.es niiiKlnx In prlio from T.VWO to irWW that can bu sold on fair terms , nay from 'j to ! 4 cash and remainder In easy annual payments at H per cent Intel eit. Itesldeiice lots. 1014 Webster ht. near liUth , tine lexldcnco lot 2,101) 1002 Choice corner lot In Hawthorne , lot Rlxlii on ( 'ass st 1,500 This Is cheap for thu money. fJO Ulnney st. near Shcrmun ave.a very line lot for 2OUO 25 per cent less than Hurroundlni ; jiropeity. 907 Miami wt. near 2lth. ! 2 b'ocksfiom xtleet car. lot 5(1x127 ( 1,050 WJO On Davenport xt. In Mncoln place , 2 choice lots one a corner , youth and east liont : very dusirablu ; the 2 lots for , . ' . l.MJO Mcash. t)8'J ) On Webster At. near the Convent , a very choice location ; elegant resl- denieHlte ; 110x174 ; south trout . . . 4KK > UbT I-aclllc. nt near I'hll Sheildan.couveu- lent to cars , 44x110. inns through from street to street. This Is very desirable at Hill cash , price | h7B OW West Side add ou Mo I'mIty , lot 1 7 on tiuck by KM ; this Is a clmncu to KuttraikiiKe veiy cheap F ( IIK ! ( Irate and 22d ht , lots Illxl III. at. . . . 1HX ) SOT 1'ark ave , lull lot facing HuiHcom 1'ark , .lust outli of Woolworth ave. . 11,500 t)14 ) Vli-Klnla ave , very choice eiist front , inoxl'iil. This Is a npcclully tine loca tion. . . . . . 4,500 U , * . ) ( ieoiKla. u. corner KKIxl.'iO , u south and eust front , Is the llnest iniiiii- IHlived coiner In linnsrnm place. . . 7,5Hl ( 1171 Comer on 1-uclllc ht , IWIxliid. for . . , ! M > A\--i \ > u lnrKt'Uiul well UHsoitcd list of vacant lots In all ile.sliable additions and locations ut prlceH lanijlui ; from J.'iiio up aids. lluslnet.s I'ropeity. 148 Kurnum t near 21th st. 2it foot lot , easy terms , ( food locution , per toot JiOO 145 South Kith Ht.lMx 140 , newer mid all taxes paid , for 5OOU ] 43 CumlliKhHt near 27th ht , llKixl'i : ) It , pel-foot 110 The lowest price named on pioperty In sanio location. J42 Cass near 1Mh ht , U room house , lot OHxiiB iinoo : U" > ChicaKo near 15th Ht. 4 buildings rent for tKi per month 1:1,500 : 'Hits property Is cheaper than any similar lo cation in Omaha and will repay Investigation. tfi * California st. , near 14th t. , corner , ( Klxl.'t ; , 5 houses , rent (1,500 pel- year 20,000 105 Saunders ht. , a corner , Wtxl02 , cheap nt 5,000 137 Fourteenth Ht. , near .loue.s , 44xCl ; thin property Is especially cheap ; for 7,700 VM 'I'racKaKe ou I'atlnc .st. , near lutli , ( ix 1112 ; t > xmall houses now lent for $75 per month 15,000 141 llarney xt. , near 15th ht. , 44x1112 , for. 41,1)00 ) 1-urimin St. , an improved piece of property , paying a good letuin , jirice s ao.ono te rarnnm ht. , an Improved property paying 12,100 per year , price tU. " > , ( IOO , will hell this property for good llrst- mortgage paper , no canli 10- iillreil | In this trm Stock Kami for Sulo Within 30 miles of Omaha on railroad ; 560 aero Mock farm good buildings , shcil room for stock and feed cattfe , windmill , pipes , etc. , running water , 00 acres hay land , 100 acres plow land. Will xell for f-'i per acre and take fi,0M ( rash. Wlllulso take on the trade , Omaha house and lot worth $1MU to u'.OW ) . South Omaha 1'roperty. 1000 13 lots in lloyd X Sharp's add totlri < IUeach , easy terms . . . 1004 .letter's add , 2 lots each 1,000 10UO Jetter's add , 1 lot at 750 161 25X1)0 ) ft oil N ht 2,500 Also 3 desirable loc ° tl rcrSTiC ! : Jmu. ; on Tmirray , nnrt fftttVenlent t < i Omaha and South Omaha , Ames Heal Estate Agency , olllre 1507 Farnam si. " 210 10 EI.Kd.VNT lot on I'leasant st. , Creston add , , 2HJO.rahani ! _ ! , Crelghton bis. 202 14 * 17 MSTICKN'I'.Vi CO. IIIIIKH a xpeelalty of J-H * property in North Omaha , for sale or runt at Citizens' bank. 241M Ciimlnn ht. 7:11 : lOll SAIjK-We olfer as a hiieclal bargain 1110 Jacres of land four miles from stock yards , ut (123 per acre , on line of U. 1 > . II. H. Mc ( agiiu Opp. 1' . O. KM T 1ST your propel ty for sale'with Chuiles 0. -LJSpot.swood. : )05ti ) H Ifitll Kt KCI SAI.K Tliroo hlx room houses jiliu-e. W.H. Albright. Sing. Ifith. V'47-11 ' SAUNUKK8 St. , roruur. 1LM ft ut ( UM iicr foot. ( iritliuiii.C'u-lglitoii lilk. at ! 11 T ftWOlnth iiml liom-v , coThV Wnlmit mil. tL'.HW ; X hvllurtiatle. ( ll.uiiun , CielKlitmi lilk. _ HUM t _ IK you irnvo anything to Hell or oxclmnce list It withC. 0. Piiotwootl. aufiii S Hitli. ilM $ ffi,000.0 ( ) cn li wnntpil inn r > uoo < U > al ; some of Omulm'H le t ifiilty : object. i-aMi : will yield lurue piiitlt.dilriMi o. 1 Ileo.'TTil'O" FOIl trmlonrsaloHtnlmiptlu , lot II , blk ( ! , Khiiiu'.s 'inl mill. ( Jralium , C'reluhton blk. _ _ /i ( > H SAI.iOno : M'M'ii loom house In .Miuno ; 1'i.mi.v. . ( i. Aiiu iRiit. sis s. i : th. mr-it jlOlt SAI < I > Imsim-si propi'tty In South Onuihii. W. U. .Albright , lb S JStli t. U47 11 CHRISTMAS PRESENTS The following' is n list of n fo\v of the Iwi'fruins at FERGUSONS' Great Hoiisefurnish- ! ing Establishment whuro they furnish houses from o ullar to garret , every duy. A hniulsoino writing do ! c . $ 8.00 A njoo easy willow roekor . ! l,50 A nieo htiuglng lump for . 2.50 An easy rocker , car-Hit cover . . . . U.50 An ologtuit center table . 2.00 A large t\za \ mirror , walnut frame ! ! , ( ) A Smyrna rug . 1.00 A splendid plubh parlor fcttit . 2.3.00 E'lU.ii to tiiiise niKuitWil by other fcoiiptsnt 073. A bed room suit for . 14.05 to tho-u iv.lvmUcd by otlit- ' Parlor - > ult , fiholTineors , wardrobes , drcbsing cases , book casus , folding beds , and u fu-.v mure heating stovoa below cost. cost.FURQDSON.PUUN1TUHK CO , , 715 r.nil 717 N. Kjth street. GOTHAM'S ' FOREKOST GIRL , MlBB Eva Van Cosrtlandt Morris Makoe Ho ; Dobut. A VEXED SOCIAL QUESTION Women's Wcai-iJK Apparel Two IH ! tliiKtilnhrl ItrllcH Tlio Death of a Ifov iy lrl Clnra Ijcltcr. NKW YoitK , Dec. 8. ( Correspondence of the DHU.J Miss Evn-Vtui Courtliuirtt Mori'lH is the foroinoHt girl In New York this weak. She mudo her debut in so ciety , find ho did it well. The city join-mils told in general terms of the rc- Hplundunco of n ball nnd supper thn-t completely Jllled the bly Delmoniuo building , ordinary customers being ex cluded from even thu restaurant after midnight ; but the accounts really blighted the girl liorsulf , for at most she Lfot no moro than u wlnglo bentenco , describing - scribing her ns u tall brunette in a re- inarkably simple whitu costume. She wiis no beauty , but ho WIIH i niece of Mrs. William Astor , mid that suHlced. What wore her' experiences11 ! Well , she stood beside her mother in a reception room , and bowed to the arriving people as they passed through on their way from the dressing room to the ball room. That duty lasted from 11 o'clock until I , by which time several hundred bouquets , handed toher by guests , were massed on si screen behind her. Next she went to suppur on the arm of her cousin , the newest John Jacob Astor. and was an hour at table , eating little and never touching the glass of champagne that il//.ed and became lifeless at her elbow. At "o'clock she entered the bull itself and danced with Henry Coster , a noted old beau , at the lead of a cotillion. Afterwards she waltzed with younger fellows , chatted with girl friends and went home at ! > o'clock in the morning not as fresh , perhaps , as the milkmaid who. in the song , emerges at that dewy hour for duty , but a great deal more in teresting to the olHorvors. Next to the bridal dress of a .young girl , her "coming out" costume ib the crucial test of tusk and income. Miss Morris' "SWICKT KIMl'MCITY' ' of costume was an example. The found ation was a low-necked , no-sleeved slip of what ono would call rose white. If yellow white bo ivory , or cream , then pinkish white is rose white. The ma terial was corded silk , heavy and lus trous. About the walking-length skirt was a box plaited row of Vallencicnncs four inches deep , at $ o : i yard. In each plait of the lace hung nonduit an urti- licial half-blown blush rose. Up one side like a panel went row after rowof _ lace and buds. Draped over the silk was a mass of ethereal silk gauxe , with satin stripes in pure white. Opposite the panel , on the right side , was a big pocket arrangement , made of satin folds interlaced like basket work and spring ing out of the top was a splendid cluster of blush roses , half blown and buds. The girlish chest of the dobuUint ad mitted of the upper half the corsage being made of overlapping rows of Valenciennes and intermingled buds , and a hip corset of satin , laced behind , showed the slender waist. There were certainly fifty yards of lace and oUO roses. The material that formed the over-dress was $100 for five yards , the slip $50 , the roses and the making were $100 and so the simple rosebud dress of a miss in her teens , without any jewelry or display , cost $500. "How foolish to spend money in a girl's dress , " said ti male guest , inno cently , "when she can bo so pretty in materials almost worthless. " The minds of such men as Berry Wall nnd Bob Hillard arc agitated over the great question : Shall the dress shirt bo held in place by one stud or three ? This demands moro than a passing thought. The boarding house pie- chested man can got along very well with ono button. But the uldcrmanic corporation and the developed breast of the man built on mother's Christmas mince pie plan required three studs to keep him in reputable shape. The late Colonel .liin Fisk had four buttons on an inside Hup of his shirt bosom and then " .a i hVJ rr.lci ; ; i llh" ton-carat diamond mend stud directly in the center where it made believehold the whole business. Ono of the funniest revelations in the shirt bosom line was made the other night , when A SLIM JIM of doubtful worth stood up among the earlier scats in the opera house to ro- inovo his coat. It stuck in the sleeve , and his companion gave a vigorous pull. The under coat eumo half off and the vest rose like u living thing. There was an ominous crack , and ( lying out of the low cut vest came n false bosom , with u string sturcheu stiflly hanging to the corner of it. The poor fellow spasmodically struggled to tuck it in , but , like Banquo's ghost , it would not down. It returned again and again to torment the wearer. When shirts are so cheap and laundresses so trusting , how u man comes to commit the indis- crention of a dickov who can tell ? When the male literary creature gets the line work in on the subject of WOMKX' WKAlllNG Al'l'AltKL , it certainly is the most amusing thing ho does. It is doubtful if a feminine fashion writer would make such n mess of asciontitiu article on parabolic ro- llectors or variable cut-offs. It was a man struggling with the details of an actress' costume who stioku learnedly of her black "satin" stockings , and called ciicnillo fringe "graceful dangles of inarabo.it. " Ono of these mistaken men recently undertook to describe Mrs. Cleveland. "She wore , ' " ho said , "a dark leghorn hat with plumes of veil ing and velvet sitting well up in front. " This was u triumph. On the occasion referred to Mrs. Cleveland wore a felt hat. Is it likely that the first lady in the land , and quite a fashionable one , would put on : i straw hat on the last of November ? But what in the name oi millinery and the fine arts tire "plumes of veiling and vel vet ? " The luuy probably had in her hat the stilt btanding IOOJH so much worn at present , and the scribe set them down as plumes. It is a wonder he never thought of calling them foliage. After iiwhilo the hat that fascinated him was fully described , and ho proceeded to ex- patfuto ou her dress , which was of "dark purple plush , with strips of lace brocade on each arm , und a double strip of the same on the waist. " The purple plush is discernnblo , but the "lace bro cade" is a staggerer. The frock was made according to this expert , "with some degree of boulTontnoss , and three pleats in front. The slcovi's were small , and clung closely , but were much smaller where the Tttco brocade encir cled thorn than ninny other point. " This is much clearer than ordinary boardIng - Ing house colTco. The uiiEcctnrinn women of this free country have been growling over Mrs. Cleveland's receipt ) for b'-own bread , but I would like 'to see I the mott , skilful utmlyiicul-mindcd modiste in this land tackle H. piece of purple plush and undertake to reproi duce this costume by the description given of poor Francis Cleveland's dress. A western newspaper once engaged the services of a noted cook to fill half a column with his best recopicH. This is the way he told the ignorant females of that fnlucd city how to make a Spanish omelet : "Beat the eggs to a high froth , fry some onions in ti piece of butter , chop mushrooms nnd mix with the tomato mate , soda cracker crumbs should be used , pepcr and sault the mix ture well , shako some Hour with milk thoroughly mix , and toss ns soon ns brown. " This was a darling. The uninformed womtwi who could make a Spanish omletto out of that could make Spanish flies out of dried huckleberries. Let us hone that the young man who described Mrs. Cleveland's dress is abettor seamstress than ho is a fashion writer , or ho will mend his bocks this cold winter with postage stamps. TWO DIBTIXnUISHKD 1IKMKS have put themselves conspicuously be fore the public this week. Ono is Miss Minnie Seligmnn , of the socially and financially foremost Jewish Soligmnns , who made her debut as a professional actress. Her role was small in u dramatic "Elaine , " nnd she was a won der for cool self-possession. The other was Miss lOlsie dc Wolfe , a swell ama teur , who is expected to follow Mrs. Potter to the regular stage. She played in "The School for Scandal" at a char ity matinee. She is not a beauty and her talent is not remarkable , but she is in fashionable vogue. Meanwhile Mrs. Potter goes into a snell of one-night towns , whore slio may run across much disen chantment. In the way of curious ex periences with audiences , about the funniest of such things happened this week at Pool's theatre , which is a cheap and rude cast side house , though be longing to the estate of the lute Mrs. Alexander T. Stewart. The play was "Tho Strangers of Paris. " Frank C. Tannehill was the dreadful assassin. He started up the stairs to the room of his victim. A creek warned him to bo more cautious. Ho pulled off his boots .n . order to mount in his stocking-feet. This point had been thrillingly impres sive to ordinary audinences , but hero the gallery was crowded by joco o boys , one of whom , as the actor cautiously re moved his boots , sang out : "O , my poor corns ! " Other tormentors caught iiibtantly at the opportunity , nnd as ho tip-toed gingerly up the stairs , cries of ' 'trim 'em " 'file ' " " , 'em down , "O , my bunion , " and "whe-e-o-w , " uceompnn- ed every step. Such an uproar of mor- iment was never before aroused by mimic tragedy. Tannehill will here- ifter do his Bowery murdering with his > oots on. The death of Nellie Coe , which had moro paragraphs in the newspapers this week , provides material enough for a ilo/.en novels like "As in a Looking "Jhiss. " She was a beautiful girland in ier trunk were found every letter she nd ever received , numbering 2,000. It s impossible to toll how many person's lave already seen them , or how many landfills of them are now circulating in the circles to which the people of the icwspapers , coroner's olllco and police lave access. The letters toll a queer > tory of human nature. It appears from them that the girl Nellie Coe was .the laughter of a farmer in northern Now Jersey , and that from comfort the fam ily was reduced to misfortune' , appar ently after the death of the father. A notlier nnd two sisters wore left , and though none of those women were able to write , except with painful mechanical non-strokes , they corresponded freely. Nellie came to town and became a sen timental expert. She gave to her ac quaintances the impression that she was operating in Wall street. So she was , but her speculations were in hearts , not stocks. She worked industriously as a fascinating borrower. The letters sent to her by the .male friends she had acquired in town are n revolution. But that any ono may see for himself the facts in the case , it would not be believed that in this city and in this country after the warnings in every novel and newspaper against letter writing and against the betrayal of olio's identity in compromising con nections there would bo found so many men who would put themselves com pletely in AN AnVENTUIlKSS' 1'OWKH as her dupes did. There are the official letter heads of the railways , municipal officials nnd mercantile houses by which these wooers are employed , tuid their names are often signed in full , their home affairs described at length , and their address set down. Young men write earnestly and sincorel.v , as if to n relative or dear friend , and yet nearly all betray in the same letters a vnguo fear that they are being ImpOSCtl llpyjJ : "I hope you are tolling mo the truth , " is a frequent phrase. "Whenever I cull without first bonding word , you are sure to bo out ; I sometimes think you are not honest with mo , " says one. "Your shades were down again and so I did not call , " says another , "but it seems to mo they are down most of the time. " In the same letters these simpletons send various hums of money. "I am only able to send you five dollars lars , " says one ; "if that storekeeper presses you , toll him you will have money by Thursday , for I will biirely get some for you by then. I have not told you half the trouble the hole I am in. But soon both of us will bo in better circumstances. " Money rained in on her in thcso letters , and how she bpent it is told by her death from alcoholism , und by her sending odd presents and and sums to her friends in her old vil lage home. At times she must have beenj luring simultaneously many men into courtship and possible matrimony. At the very last there was an obtuso'old fellow anx ious to let her bh.iro what ho had , and he was nmazed at the cause of her death and the revelation of her correspond- once. For years other men had looked to her as a confidant , a friend und a sympathetic companion , to whom they could boast of their successes in business or carry their confession of rebuffs , mis fortunes , errors and rcpinings. Many were not blind to the way she deceived them , but evidently sought to deceive themselves , or to picture the case not as bad on her side as they felt it must bo , for she must have been able to clear up in their presence the doubts that as sailed them when she dis appointed them , or they re- Jlectod on the oviconco they saw of her treachery. In , all probability there was no ono olb who pretended to sympa thize with and feel a fondness for them. That the was not wholly mercenary and heartless , is shown bv her not having attempted to blackmail them. She was simply a good-natured , selfish , beautiful animal , looking out for the comfort of the moment , nnd never hoarding or plotting against her future. Altogether there have not been many such rough exposures of the adventurously sentimental - mental life us this girl's death has brought about. CI < AUA BILU : : . The Harvard annex lias had a very sub sttuithil growth. The original intention of thu society Unit started the movement eight years HRO was not to build up u collcg for women , but simply to repeat for women the collegiate Instruction that was already pro vided for men by Harvard college. It was not intended to create a college , but a college has been created. iipvir/\ > M Ai.TlVrb r nnrno MEXICO S rLOATlNG GARDENS , The Feast of the Flowers A Pen Picture of Floral Boauty. SOME PICTURESQUE RUINS. The Tnx on FlowcrH A WnvliiRHcn of Popples A Kolxt ritiR Oniuc How Ilulltnlliitdift Practiced Among the OrennerH. HVlfrIIor / UK SiuiiMl/ f. A sparkling , cricu morning titulwith the blood tingling through our veins from pleasant excitement and nntioipa- pation , wo set forth to enjoy la fiesta dc la llorcs ( the fount of the flowery ) , these hrilliant nnd lovely productions of the country being displayed in picturesque stalls and booths along the banks of In viga ( the canal ) and coqucttishly toss ing their pretty heads from gaily draped boat and gondola. As we go , bands of music past ) us on their way toblend har monious strains of music with the sweet odors of this tiny of the flow ers. Gallop to the dainty fair , gay hortes mounted by gayer caballoroH going to smile upon the ladies who , in their turn , go in pretty , fresh costumes to put , ' 'so like a woman , " the flowers to blush. The sun has collected all of his glittering , early morning beams , blended them into ono mighty , golden whole , and suffused the day and scene with it. Wo pass the old , ruined , stuc coed walls of u castle , OXCK iNHAiirrri ) I Y COUTKS , but a sudden turn in the road puts an end to retrospect and discloses the canal in gala dress , "like a thing of fairy creation rather than the work of mortal hands. " Up and down for half u inilu or more , walk and- drive the throng of pleasure seekCrs. while in the * flower garlanded booths and dewy leaved decorated stalls , stand pretty Indian girls selling the national beverage , pulque , and radishes , which are dexterously cut bv clover hands into perfect semblances of full blown roses. The boats used on the canal for carry ing merchandise are long , wide and flat bottomed , propelled by polos. Thot-e used for pleasure rides , possess two rows of cloth covered seats and are protected from the sun by gay awnings , something after the style of Venetian gondolas. Skirting the canal is the piiseo dc la Viga , the once aristocratic drive of the city , resorted to by the fashionable ones during Lent because of its seclusion. It is a flue , tree-lined drive dignilied by a eolo&sal bust of Guatemo/.in , TUB IiAbT A/.TKC KMI'KUOU. so treacherously murdered by Cortes , who is so charmingly depicted by Low Wallace in his novel , "A Fair God/ ' These ( lowers are'brought from the chinampas , or the once "floating gar- dons"of LakesCliale7mnd Xochimilcoto which the canal leads by pretty turns and twists , rippling undeV massive stone bridges ladened with ancient inscrip tion and murmuring through the grated archway of la garUa ( custom bouse ) . Hero a'tax i& levied and collected on every flower , or vegetable brought into the federal district. From here the canal broadens into a clearer stream whereon lie the round leaves of aquatic plants , cheerily enters broad fields soon interlacing and connecting the gardens. As wo have left the tiesta so far behind , let us visit these famed cultivated plots of ground , but as we approach them it is necessary to change our boat for a smaller ono in order to penetrate _ the narrow waters surrounding and nourish ing them. Togo bad ; a little , these gar dens were moro numerous and moro beautiful in the Aztec time , not only here but they existed also in lake To/.cuco. They wore simply constructed by plac ing layers of turf on the matted aquatic vegetable growths to a height of several feet above the water , being held fast by piercing each ono with a long willow pole to the bottom , which took root. Their "cultivators livca then , as to-day , on them. Each garden is from ono to two hundred feet long , by fifty to one hundred broad. Slowly wo thread our watery way amongst calla lilies and the drooping branches of low growing trees , in and out among the gardens , laughingly pushing their banks to see if they will move , but they no longer rebound to the curious touch. Several of the largo city markets are ( supplied from hero witli flowers and vegetables carried before daybreak in boats which arc artistically loaded the night before and kept fresh by night dews. Whole gardens flourish the wet , curling leaves of lettuce , from big to little plants , and delicious is it , eaten right hero with the wnow crown of 1 * jfUCIllipwbi % < t ibilj ; C'UOiiuji I'lCu&i/kj over it for a fresh salad. Other gardens cultivate only flowers , ono being A AVAVINO SKA of tossing , bright-hued poppies , an other of sweot-peas sprinkling the air with tender perfume , reminding us of our grandmother's gardens , where Spanish was never spoken , and where women never putted the aromatic cigar ette. Yet another one cultivating pink and white roses , while for a back ground to all this loveliness is a inng- niflcont , snow-capped , volcanic moun tain range. With our boats well laden with these pretty trifles of nature , wo land at the typical Indian village of Santa Anita , swarming with half clad men and women , as well as a multitude of thin , hungry , fox-faced dogs who sniff , with a lick of the chops , at your somewhat trembling ankles. Hero wo athirst for red and white pulque and hunger for hot tamalcs , both of which we enjoy while listening to a band of strolling musicians and watching the high-heeled , white , satin-booted _ C'ar- mcns dance to their perfect time , mid&t clack of castinnts.i Twilight guide's us homeward through la Viga , idly wo lounge in the boat while slowly leaving the gardens behind us , passing Indian families sculling homeward from market through the soft night ; pass gay parties of revellers sending forth sweet notes from mando lin and guitarra. Past tourists also , watching oven .tho roadside pig with gloomy expectations and curious foreign grunts and burrowlngs. "Over all hangs the rich pilrplo eve , " and in this deep twilight shade rises sublimely the still rObO-L-olored Humuiit of Pojwcatc- potl. , , Midway down the stream are the grounds of that'club ' devoted to the por- feeling of ' } | TUB LOKTy-JJOIfiTKItl.VO OAJIE known as colorii , ( literal translation , bull-tailing ) a game lacking oven the dignity of a bull light as well as its picturesqoness. Wo once witnessed this club give an exhibition of their prowess in the art of tail milling at u llesta in honor of the birthday of Pres ident Porlirio Dins. The entertainment was given on the racing ground of the jockey club , members of which club , it will bo remembered entertained Mr. Sedgwiek" so liberally from the cornu- eopi'v of spirituous plenty. The day opened with inferior horse racing , after the completion of which , a long and narrow space was fenced off and n young bull omitted like a big simrlc of fury , at the upper end , followed by members of the Tail club , and on this occasion their friends , who consented to appear in bouoc ol the president , All well mounted on fiery steeds dowp the in- closure streaked niter the bull , who , us they tear past , they must , with bomo skill catch by the tall , so twisting that member round the manly leg that the unlucky creature rolls over and over. If ho is not injured , ho will rise with a stupid , bewildered air , only to bo re-rolled by the next suc cessful tall pullet * . In a frightened string , fly by the bulls pur sued by excited gentlemen. The bund plays triumphant music nnd ladles in Parisian toilets applaud these dashing tallpullcrs and hope that thu president will enjoy many another such u day. ANOTHKU OAMK of even less ennobling nature is in dulged in for which it would be dllllcult to Und a name. A certain number of hens are captured nnd planted just so far apart up to their necks in sand. Then mounted horsemen rapidly ui > - preach the poor , little red-combed heads , skillfully leun over their horses , pulling u hen from out the sand. Ho who successfully docs this can have the hen if he can protect hur from the other riders , who make frantic plunges nnd dives after her , often rending her wing and leg , until there is nothing left but a few blood-stained , speckled feathers. It reminds ono of women pulling their pretty next-door neighbor to pieces , with their tongues of course. With some shnmc , be it known , und considcaublo enjoyment wo once or twice VISITKD A COOK V1T. Thcso places are generally opened dur ing a gambling or religious fiesta und are well patronised. You may bo fami liar with such pits surrounded by rows of raised scuts ; and the queer , rickety little band stand , occupied by ragged , out of tune players. Vicious cocks are tied by the leg to the seats in among the patrons of this beautiful amusement , lustily crowing for their turn to come , either to win or to die. Mexicans stand excitedly round the jilt betting on this proud cock and Hinging within with emphatic shrugs , the silver dollars. After weighing each one a long , sharp steel spur'is tied on amidst the pulling out of their feathers , to make them more valiant , us they say of the bulls when prodding them with iron hooks before entering the ring. Nowaway they go at each other , the little spur glittering first here , und then there. It does one good to see so much fight. They are well matched and do not kill each other as soon as desired , simply be- coino exhausted so that their owners tenderly raise them , und opening their beaks blow down their throats. This fresh air impregnated , ono would judge , with much spirit , thus reviving them , and they light again until one falls a victim to the spur of the other. Since congress annulled the law against bull lighting within the federal district , several pla/.as do toros ( bull rings ) are in course of construction in the city limits. One on thu Paseo is completed , and furnishes amusement for the people not only by sunlight but by electric light at night. Such are the various sports of our sunny neighbor , Mexico. G HACK DKAXK HUNT. JIKMGIOUS. The Southern Presbyterian church is ap pealing for funds to prosecute missionary work umoiig the negroes. It has been decided thut the general con ference of the Methodist Episcopal church sliull bo held in New York city , beginning ou the 1st of next May. It is probable that before many years the venurablo Monumental church of Richmond , Vn. , will become the cathedral of the Episco pal diocese of Virginia. Hov. O. Wulkcrof , Now London , Connhas n great record as an industrious preacher. He has been absent from his pulpit only two Sundays in thirty-five yeais. The Young Men's Christinn association cel ebrated their Tlmiiksgivingover the fact that the good people of that city raised fJH.OOO for them to pay off their indebtedness. There uro inutiy people who think that be fore many years the non-Episcopal protest- unt denominations will recognize the neces sity and value of assistant ministers in largo city churches. An extraordinary effort was made this J'vnr t9 increase the "Peter's Pen < ; Q" collec tions in the New York diocese. That it was successful is shown from the amount stated to have been received $3)1,055.07. ) The Misses Drexcl , daughters of the Into P. A. Drexcl , hove returned to Philadeldhia from a visit to various Roman Ctitholic mis sions among the Indians. They were much interested in the work of the missionaries , and gave * J1)KXX ) ( ) for its furtherance. In the kingdom of Wurtemburg , Germany , 75 per cent of the population were protestants - ants in 1S4U , and only 22 per cent were Cath olics. Since then , and especially during the last ten years , there has hcen a large increase in the Catholic population. According to rc- cout statistics for every thirty-live Catholics that became protestants there are sixty prot- cstunts who have become Catholics. The proposed now Leo Homo for Gorman Catholic immigrants , to bo located near L'ustlo Garden , New York city , will soon materialize , as nearly fi.'i.OOO have been re ceived by the treasurer of the fund , Vicur General Aluchlsicpen , of. St. Louis , Mo. Tiic fund is the result of Jubilee collections in German Catholic churches throughout the country. The Irish-American jubilee collec tions uro sent to Rome. The liaptists of Canada have agreed to ac cept Mr. McMaster's bequest of three quar tern of a million of dollars on the testator's terms. The money is to bo used In founding a university. With a view to this sumo end a charter has been grunted by the Ontario legislature for the union of the Toronto and Woodstock colleges. Whether the now uni versity will bo located at Woodstock or in Toronto is to bo determined at a special ses sion of the board of homo missions. The Germans of Bohemia belonging to the Romish Catholic church urn reported to be alarmed because of the decreasing number of their clergy. Of the 1(15 ( students at thu sem inary ut Prague , according to a recent cen sus , only twenty-seven wcro Germans. At Lcitmoritz there w : ro only forty-four Ger mans to sixty-sovcn Czechs. At Hudweis there wcro 105 Czechs und seventeen Ger mans. At Ivonigsgratz l'J2 Czechs and twelve Germans. Total , 4IIJ Czechs ami 100 Ger mans. According to the proportion of Ger mans to Czechs , woich is thirty-seven to six- ty.tlirce , there ought to bo 11)5 ) German and . ' 135 Czech students. A CATALOGUE OF PRICES AT THE ASSIGNEE SALE 1515 Douglas Street 1515 Next to Hospe's Art Store. Gents' hand sewed shoe , f'j , This shoe is positively worth f5 Gents' hand sewed French calf shoe , f 3.26 , worth fS in any btore in the country. Men's heavy sewed buckle shoe , f 1.20 , worth f Z.M. Men's hand sewed calf shqcs , fU.OO , worth $7.00. These arc made by the best work . men. men.Men's low shoes in all styles of the finest of calf , hand scwcdi $2 , worth a $5 bill. Choice of the finest low shoes made , f2.75 , worth f0. Gents' alligator slipper , 80c , worth 12.00. , Gent's finest of alligator and velvet slippers , $1.00 , worth | 2. GO. This slipper is made of the choicest of alligator skins , is kid lined , hand welt , The velvet slipper is made ol fine silk velvet , embroidered in silk in Kensington styles. Men's calf boots , $1.115 , which arc positively worth sfit.OO. Men's tongue boot" , $2.15 , worth $ I , Men's kip boots , $140 , worth $2,75. Men's grain leather bootsf$3,00 , worth $7.00. Thckc arc made of the best of Phisler St Vogcl grain leather , arc2d inches high and guaranteed to keep out the water as well as rubber You could not posbiblv get a better boot made to order. Ladies' extra high cut shoes. , 20 buttons high , 1.20. This bhoc is worth ? 3.00 the world over Is made of fine curaco.t kid in the latest &tyle. Ladies' pebble go.it shoe $1 25 , worth $3.00. Ladies'finest Tampico goat shoe , $1,75orth $3.75. Ladies' toe slippers , 25coitli75c. . Ladies' finest American kid gipsy cut sandal , 10 buttons high velvet front , f 1.G5 worth $ -1.00. This is the latest style in the cast. Ladies' kid button shoe , worked button holes , , $1.10 , worth $3.00. Remember the place , and don't be misled by dealers who make it a special business to have what they call an assignee or bankrupt sale , but merely keep goods to palm off on the unsuspecting public. Ours is the genuine assignee sale. We have come to stay only until our stock is closed , but immediately aftsr the expiration of ten days we will sell the stock to dealers. Yours , respectfully , ASSIGNEE. Remember the place , 1515 Douglas Street 1515 toHosi _ > e's ! Art Store. Family files , Photograph and Scrap Albums , Books for Children and Adults/Writing Desks , Fancy and Office Baskets , And a Large Assortment of Xmas Cards and Novelties , for sale by i HJ.&S.W. Jones , 1522DoMas ! I1&YOU1 , 1211 and 1213 Farnam Street i ] Carpets , Stoves , WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAY MENTS , CUTLERY AND SILVERWARE ! 1 1 MONDAY MORNING , We will place on sale a nice line of Silver Knives and Forks , Carving SetsManicure Sets. Fine Pocket Cutlery , Dessert and Table Spoons , Fine Plated Spoons , Scissors , Shears , etc , , etc. * Our prices will surprise you and the quality of our goods w please you. "We have hundreds of other articles too nu merous to mention. Every article warranted. CALL AND SEE US BEFORE BUYING. F. V. ATWATER&COJ603-5 Howard-st.