tHE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATU11DAY , DECEMBER 30. 1887. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS. A Qulot Opening With a Firmer Fooling Later. CORN PRICES TEND UPWARD. I'ork HIiowH n Good Advance Over TliiirNilny A Light Htm Hllinu- Intt-H Viiliii-H For Cattle General Quotations. CHICAGO I'UonUCK MAHKKT. CHICAGO , Dor. 9. ( Special Telegram to the HKP..I The muikcts on 'change opened quieter than for iniiny days , but bccnmoiiulto active before noon. Nearly everything on the lloor opened below the latest prices on Thursday. Wheat showed the least weak ness on the llrst quotations , but in fifteen minutes wheat , corn nnd oats for May deliv ery were all ' e lower than the close nnd wheat and corn Just : tOc upiut , and their nctlon almost identical. Wheat touched Its lowest point for the morning at 84e nnd corn atMJdQMi c , Then they returned to M c and 64) ) o at the Bamc time , and a llttlo before noon wheat touched the b5o point and corn the KM point. Hero they parted com pany , wheat going to 8. > Jfc before falling bach , while I'orn fell back ut once to 54fc. ; ! As has frequently occurred of late , tlio pro vision market went contrary to the action of the hog market. With many thousands of common and poor lots of hogs left over at the yards and with prices from lOc to 15c lower , ribs and lard sold higher on the lloor and muss pork advanced 'J. > o bofoio li ! o'clock. The trailo in wheat was not equal In volume to the recent averngo. When Iho price fell off a point from the openhlg liguro the pit bccamo quite dull , but when there was a rally of ! < fe. or % is from the bottom llgure there the crowd waxed warm nnd thcro were Indications that the Into bulge was not ended , but resting. The strength of the market was decidedly unuxiicctcil to ninny , especially as cables anil statistics were not of Iho encouraging bull sort. Liverpool cables gave u downward tendency for wheat and csjicuhdly American wheat. Kcccipts heio were but a few cars under the estimates , and eight leading primary markets showed receipts ot about WMI.OOO bushels. An export clearance of M ) , < X)0 ) bushels and an estimate of 1T > cars , for this point to-morrow were the most favorable items for the bulls. The opinion prevails among traders not in the deal that is really on a better basis for prices than corn , and the action of the markets toward the close to-day pointed that way. Prices for the greater p.ut of thu session wcro : .lannary TJ THc , February 7brt78 ( > 4/il , May 849'e. to open and 84"Kc for thu bottom price nnd NVtfe- thn top price. The highest prices for the day wcro reached at the at 1 o'clock p. m. : December 'iT'3r ' , January i8' ' < i' . February 78JJc ( , AluvSV\c. This closing on May was % o better than the last sales on Tliiir.sduy anil 1 < ; better than the bottom price of this morning. Local receipts of corn wcro 2HO curs , or (1 ( cars more than expected , and the estimate for Saturday was 'JTO cars. The market takes a new tuck ] each ilay since the brisk upward movement ceased , This morn ing the price at the very opening was SM..f ' ® ! M Ve ? under Thursday's ' closing , and from this the tendency was upward for the entire session , but tUo action was slow , with many fractional b.icksots. One big trailer who was a seller yesterday was a buyer to.ilay , and that helped to give the llrm tone. The action of this operator is much the that of llutchinson some six weeks ago , when ho milked the crowd regularly. The advance Mist ained at 1 p. in. was from ? 'to } fc. December closed utlU } < jC , .Tammry sold at I'.l' ' ' r-UM c , February sold nt 4iJ.lR.'He ! ( ) , and May at .rJItii5i.j ( | ( < t. " > e , closing a shade under the outside price at 54JjJ ( < < .Vi. I'nckcis sold pork with a fair degree of ficcilom at the opening. A fair number of buying orders were received nnd after u Blight recession prices advanced : ! 0o. but re ceded 10' ' c and closed 121 o bettor than yes terday. Lard was bought by packers and scalpers , and prices advanced Il ( < ? l5c % but weakened and closed ! ! > chigher. Short ribs closed 5u ( ilk : higher. ArimiNooN SESSION' . Wheat steady. Corn steady. Oats wcro tinner. Pork was steady , closing at tH.lhi for January. $14.b ( ) for Fcbruaiy and tlfi.-WK for May. Lard was quietclosing at $7.'JiJ : fnrDcccmbcr$7.0 ! ! for January , J7.40 for February , i.50 for March nnd $7.70 for May. Short ribs were a shade firmer ; January closed at $7.50 , February at $7.02 and March at * 7.70 < ? t7.7i : ) ; . CHICAGO MVK STOCK. CHICAGO , Dec. 9. [ Special Telegram to the Hut--CATIM ] : The light run , especially on Friday , had the effect of stimulating trade and slightly advancing prices on best and me dium natives. Hut wo have to repeat , in fact reiterate , the samcold story on plain and com mon stock that the sama was slow Irom first to last nt the very low prices prevailing all week. Texans were scarce to-day , but thcro wcro common odds and ends lying about the yards to hold prices down on low grade native canning stock , especially old COWH. Nice cows and heifers , suchas would suit the shop trade' and the dressed beef trade , nold a shade stronger. Stockers and feeders wcro well sold up last night , and as the number on sale this morning was small , business was not as brisk as heretofore. Htockors , f 1.7. > (3i.JO ( ! ( ; cows , bulls und mixed , ll.jjOCii'-MiO ; natives , $2.70 < gd.tiO ; Texas cows , HOIIS. Trade was rather slow at the open ing , yet best heavy sold around about &i.50 ( ( < ! r > .r > 5 , the same as yesterday. Prime heavy wcro scarce. Packing sorts , or say the or dinary run of mixed , sold within a range of $5.OM5.40 : ) , but the demand was fitful and un certain , homo of the big packing concerns iloing little or nothing until late in the day. Taking the number left last night and fresh arrivals , there wcro about 51,000 on sale. Light HOI-IH remain dull and neglected. Fine assorted of 175 to ISO-lb averages made about ( , and lighter averages * 4.70@4.K > ; pigs. * 4..V > < if4.50. The great bulk of stock carried over from day to day is made up of pigs and light sorts. West Lincoln Markets. " LINCOLN , Neb. , Dec. 9. ( Special Telegram to the Huu. ] At the West Lincoln market to-day the receipts wcro 1,000 hops. Demand active , prices ranging lOc below yesterday's llgure. Light to medium , $1. ? ! > ( $3 00 ; heavy , en in/n - . . nil trtM I'l.YANOIAIi. Nr.w Yonu , Doe. 9. [ Special Telegram to the Hni : . | STOCKS The stock market was dull and decidedly uninteresting for nil con cerned during the greater part of the duy. The most serious declines occurred in the trash list. This was particularly noticeable in Terminal and Now Knghuul , nl o In the fancy chromo coal companies. The declara tion of a \ * { per cent dividend on Missouri Pacific for the past three months failed to change the course of that stock. In fact , it at one time was } J per cent lower than before the dividend was heard from. Vundcrbilts changed but little. The Lake Shore's net earnings for the year will approximate $7 , 00,000 , against fcU'2',000 The company has made S per cent on its stock. The executive coinmlttcnwillmeclnexlwesk , when the dividends wljl bo decided upon. StjgnaiIon wns the only feature to the mar ket di'.rini ; Iho middle hours nf the session , Tlimo was not business enough doing to kcei n dozen brokers oufof mischief. To-morrow there will bo ninth loss , sr.d thcro Is a pros pect of a week closing on the imirket that will tire out any operator to look upon. Tin gnngho have been bulling Hlchmond Tor nilnul with their mouths let go to-day , and D 'bitter pill it bus proved to those w'.m have been gullible enough to fake any stock in late pointers on It. 11 only requires a pinch Ir money to scatter muny of the light weight so curlticsto the four winds. The banks tbei want none of them. Some covering lowari the last improved the general market and the . V-tio wus better. There s evidently n'jcb.unc ( in tlio situation , and when anything. In thq Way of it hilly occurs hales will prove prollta- biotas liquidation wjll in all probability go on fpr weeks to ! coirie. Government bonds were dull but steady to llrm. ir.STKIItUY'g QUOTATIONS ! . IJ. S. 4HroKtstiTcill4'JC. : ! ' .VN. W 107 t' . S. 4srmpmi , , r.Vii.,1 iloprrfcrreil. . . .iWj : - - - nrr lO.v.c los'i ' I' . S 4 > is coupon im > . o. u. N M I'nrllluKsof ' { ft. ll'.l | O. T W'i Camilla Southern , " . ' . 1'arlllc Mull 'MU rcntrnl 1'nrlllc BO'i i1. . n. A.-I : . . . . . . . i ' 4 Chlnigo A : Alton t : l il'nllmiinI'uluccCurKU ( ' . , II..V-Q. . . K ; Iti'iullng ri , I ) . , . . . . isi hiock iHiaml nn O.<.U M. I , . i-S. K. . Krle . ai ilotirpfvrri'il. . . dnpipferrpil. . ' c. . > r. Si st. Paul Illinois Central. ,114 ilo prcferu-il. . .mi , I. , II.4W 111 w ? . K.&T . 18 iloprpfcrri'il. . . .11)7 ) I.nke Shore. , Texns 1'acltlc. . . . Si I , . .V N 01 > ( Union I'nrlllr. . . . fi7 MIclilKHii Central W. . St. I. , it I' . , . Id MNsourll'uPllli do preform ! . . . , Missouri I'nclllc. W. U. Tclegrnim. ill ) pii'fiirrc'il. . MONKV On call , easy at 4(35 ( jur cent ; ' . last loan 4Jier | cent ; closed offered ut ; i per ' cent. cent.PIIIMS PIIIMS MuiiOANTir.E PAIT.U CS8 ( per cent. STKiiuxn EXCIHNQK Dull but steady at fl.Sl for IX ) day bills , and M.-S4 for de mand. MVK STOCK. National Stock Yarils. East St. Louis , Dec. D Cattle Receipts. bOO ; shipments , 1,500 ; market linn ; choice heavy native steer.s , $4.OuZr.l)0 : ? ) ; fair togoodimtivcs , ? : ) .75Cii'4.i5 ' ! ; butchers' steers , medium to choice , $ I.ll ) ( I.O < ) ; Htoc ter.saml feeders , fair to good , f 1.MI.OO : ; rangeis , ordinary to good , fJ..20 < a ! 4,10. 4,10.Hogs Heceipts , 4,100 ; shipments , SOO ; market steady : choice heavy and butchers' selections , f5.yo@5.4."i ; Yorkers and packing , medium to prime , J4.N"5.o : ; ; pigs , fair to good , $4.r,0l.bO. Krinxns City , Dec. ! ) . Cattle Heceipts , 100 ! shipments , liiOO , ; Rtrongcr for choice und sluggish for common ; common to medium , Vl.tTSI.iO ! ( ! ; jrood to choice , ? 4.4I)04. ) " . ; stockcrs , W.lX ) ( < Z2.iO ( ; feeders , ? -J.tMf ( < : t.'r ; cows , fl.W 'J.TU ; grassers. . . . Hogs Heceipts 12.CKH ) ; shipments , 1TIK ) ; market weak and riJltlo lower , closing strong ; common to choice , $4.COW5.25 : skips and pigs , W.yJtf4.40. ( OMAHA MVK STOCK. Cat Ilo. The receipts of cattle yesterday were SOI head , principally common stock. Thcro were no prime heavy cattle on the market , al though thcro was n demand for cattle of that chibs. The market was slow and 10u lowl'r on common gr.ulcs. A few corn-fed steers were sold at prices fully ! 20e lower than those of last week , ono bunch of fancy Polled Angus cattle sold for 4.75 , the highest price paid on this market for u long .lino , liutchcrs' stock is quiet , and every thing liicc common stock is unsaleable al- uosl at anything like a decent price. II OK * . The receipts yesterday were 15,638 head. Pho market opened slow and the uiyors held off. waiting for later reports. Seven loads sold for $ . " > . ' . ' ( ) , two at f.'i.S'J,1 , and ono at ? .VJ."i. The market closed in about tlio same condition that it opened , . " © lO lower. Sheep. The receipts of slice ] ) were 227. Nothing ) f any importance was done on the market. Prices ureas follows : Good fat sheep , 'JO ' to 110 Ibs , i'J.75 J3.'J5j fair to good , V-.20i.OO. ( ( : Olllolal Kcoelpts. Cattle logs 5 , ; 'iS Sheep . yj 1'rcvnlHiiK Showing the prevailing prices paid for live .took . on the market : Choice htccrs , 1HOO to 1'iOn Ibs . S4.2.- > ( i4.30 Choice steers , 1100 to ISlWlbsl.OOWI.IO l-'nt little steers , INK ) to 1050 Ibs. . . . ! ) .r.X'K < .75 Corn-fed range stecf- , , 1' > ( X ) to 1500 : t.C.n4.M ( : ) fiood to choice corn-fed cows . 2.10K ! 'J.iio Common to medium cows . l. " > ( ? (2.2. > Western cows . 1 .stififcj.fii ) Oood range feeders . 2.yOiii ! . ( > 5 Good native feeders , l > 00 Ibs and upwards . 2.50(33.00 ( Pair to medium native feeders , 'JOO Ibs and upwards . 2.25i2.50 ( Stockers , 400 to 700 Ibs . 2.tO2.r , < ) Prime fat sheep . .2. > ( i/'t..r > 0 CSood fat sheep , OOfelOO Ibs . 2.750' : t.'i3 Fair to medium sheet ) . 2.25 < gn.UO Common sheep . 2.00fn > 2.25 Night and medium hogs . l.MK < J4. ( . | . " > Kood to choice heavy hogs . 5.15t 3.2."i Good to choice mixed hogs . D.OOyi 3.10 ItrprcHcntativo Sales. SVTIVK STCGIIS. No.- Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. ' STAGS. 44 lOT ? 2.00 23. . . .1004 14 4S3 2.23 41. . . .1243 ' . ' 1 107' ) 2.95 ( I . . 87M 19 1710 ; ! IX ) 20. . . .lOTIf 42 1107 n.25 : i" . . . .1250 : i.45 7 1103 a.HO ! ! 9. . . .1170 3.05 Ilt'Ll.S. 1305 1.75' 1. 1COO 3 1003 2.00 1 1770 2.00 TMI.INO STHEUS. ' 2 1159 2.00 inltMNO STOCKHK3. 37 513 2.40 cow.s. 24 791 1.25 19 1150 9 10aS 2.15 0 071 0. OS2 2.50 TtUiI.IN'03. 14. 52S S.13K WKSTKIlN STKCUS. 1. 850 2.00 59 1294 3.50 CU.VES. 14. 4S3 2.25 CHOICE I'OU.KD AXQC3 STOCK. 20. . .1091 4.75 lions. No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr. . . .2IU Ml 02..347 120 $5.10 ( it1 , ! . . .2fti 280 4.91) 84..253 240 5.10 09. . . .214 lt > 0 4.90 ill. . . . 270 5.10 50. . . .272 240 4.90 07..290 240 5.10 . . .247 200 ' 50..230 40 5.10 us ! . . .233 120 4195'1 59..298 100N 5.12K 75 , 200 5.00 45.,305 N ) 5.15 . . .25:1 : 5.00 IVS..201 120 5.15 12 ! . . .2li5 2SO 5.00 57..309 120 5.15 81. . . .218 5.00 GO..303 80 5.15 74 , . . .2119 40 5.05 ( V > . . . . . ' } OS SO 5.15 .225 SO 5.05 M..287 100 5.15 ISO 5.05 50..312 2SO 5.15 07. . .2S7 40 5.05 02. .29S 2SO 5.15 53. . .271 40 5.03 55 .33(1 ( 100 5.15 IH. . .293 240 5.05 111 .304 70. . .241 120 5.05 55.3r : > 120 70.M. M. 275 320 5.05 52..355 5.20 54. SO 5.05 54..320 5.20 01. 120 S.03 57. . . .351 5.20 01.K K . 210 5,05 no. . . .32 5 2SO 5.20 IVJ. . . .209 5.05 5.20 OS. . . .2SO 120 5.05 5H. . . .258 200 5.20 02. . . , : ! 09 Ml ) 5 05 59. . . .300 5.20 07. . . 274 120 5.07K 5S. . . .801 SO 5.20 t > 3. . . .2,0 COO .V07K MI. . 03. . . .293 too 6.10 . 20 4S. 42 200 5.10 52. . . . 357 200 S..123 2.73 Ijtvc Stock Sold. Showing the number of head of stock sold on the market yesterday : CATTI.B. O. H. Hammond & Co 29 Swift Packing Co M ) Shippcib 238 Local 53 IVcdcrs 127 Total 727 noos. Hammond & Co Anglo-American Packing t.'o 77 ! Armour & Cudahy Packing Co 4'Jl Speculators 2 ( Squires , \ : Co 1,52 : Stewavt 407 Total Five loads left over. f Prices. Showing the extreme highest and lowest r.ites p.iiil for leading grades pf hogs on dales mrntioncd : t Jito. : lleavy. Light. ivc.j.f \ > r > oo" IH'O , 4.1 " Dec. A. s K > oft a , 6. 25 - ' . 40 lire. 25w Di-c. 10 1)1-0. in . 25 rjhltihicntx , S , 30 cars , H. I Ctifenpo Cuttle , 0 cur , N. W Chlcusro bliL'ei | , 1 car , H. & M. Chicago Iilvc Slock NoOH. Cattle slow. Tlio hog market was dull yesterday. Dead liops tire steady at 1 cent per pound. II. Osterloh , of Hoover , sold one ear of cattle. J. Li. Dukcr , of West Point , sold ono load of hogs. M. Hodly , of Oakland , was In with n car of cattle. Geortfo Hoctel , of Mlllard , was on the mar ket yesterday. Lee Love , of York , Neb , , was at the stock yards yesterday. W. L. HoUKh , of Harlan , In. , topped the market at t' > , " ? . H. Hloco , of "Wnco , marketed n load of hof-'s yesterday. Stouffer & liee , of Dodge , disposed of n loud of KOCH ! hogs. John Hartle , of Talmage , dlsjwsed of n oad of ' . ' 0-eciit hops. A. Gilbert , of Coneordla , was a visitor nt he J ard.i yesterday. Court Horino's ofllro at the chutes is adorned with uncw stool. L. A. Stevens , of Waterloo , In. , sold n load of ' . ' 0 cent IIORS yesterday. H. L. Goodell , of Western , was on the mnr- jet with lie s and cattle. J. E. Sheridan , of Dloomlngton , was on the imrkcl with hogs and sheep. Shepherd & Hce. of West Point , were on he market with n loud cf hogs. Cook ft Conner , of Ohlowu , wcro on the market with n car-load of hogs. The directors of the Union Kcndering com- iiuiy will hold n meeting to-duy. S. F. Smith , of Cedar Uapids , was one of lie shippers to this market yesterday , Oanllnier , Ay res ft Co. , of Seribner , Xeb. , lisposed of three loads of good hogs yester- luy. luy.Light Light and mixed hops arc not in good de mand , and shippers will do well to stick it iln there. J. I ) . MfLonjr , of Hastings , sold n carload of polled Angus yearlings yesterday forSI.75 , which is at least .Tie more than any price ob tained on this market for months , and it must lo ) remembered that tlic present market is rery dull. They attracted more attention lhan any lot of cattle , which have been on : ho market since it was established. A word to the wise is surtlcicnt : Send in good fat cattle and you will get a good fat price. OMAHA WHOM-isAI-iE MAUKKTS. Produce , FniltH , Ktc. Tlic foUuivlntj nrc the prices nt which il iitt of produce nrc ztilil an tlilx innr- ct. Fntlti or other linen ofijootls rcijnlrlmj cttrn Inlmr nj iini'Uni.i cnnnnt nlivnin he Mil > t > Ucd on unMdc orders ntthc idinc prices initial the local trade , The receipts of butter are light and fall short of supplying the demand , which is active. Creamery , solid packed , is quoted at iy@24c ; choice dairy , 10 ( > i'Jlc ; me dium , lt'a ( > lbe ; low grades , Id&CtSo. Kous The receipts are liberal ; demand good and quotations llrm at "OQ'ilc. Cuiisn : : Fancy full cream Cheddars , single , I2c ; lull cream twins , 12)filyc ( ; young Americas , lic ! ; brick1 rheOae , 10 ( ) Ibs in cusp , 1'ic ; Liinburgcr , 100 Ihs in i-asc , We. in .less qualities , HQtllJie ; Swiss domestic , POUI.THV Quotations arc given unclmnped ii ycKterduy's ligures. Live chickens , . * -1.7f ) ' < § J.IIO pcrdorcn ; choice fowls , f I MiCW.'i per lozon. Dressed chickens , -IQTc jier pound. i'lirkcys , ll7c. ( Ducks , ' © 'Jo. Geese. Tn'Jc. ( OAMK Prairie chickens , $4.00 ; mallard lucks , > . : > . > ; quail , ; teal nnd mixed lucks , tl.50lil.7j ( ; snipe , $ l.-"i ; jack rabbits , I.iO ; < : j.75 per dozen ; hiuriU rabbits , 1.00 ) cr doz ; deer , 0@Sc ; antelope , TfttOc ; deer sud- dles , ' .ic-Pllo ; antelope , I''fftlle. PoTATor.rf There is a good demand for po tatoes at from OOcOf.fl.OO for Utali and Colorado rado stock and choice home grown at 03 " ) c ; common grades ut-IUfii.'iOe. Ctiiuuis Are on sale at * i ! , , > 0 per barrel. Swinvr 1'oTATor.s Prices are quoted at from 2J @ 3e per Ib. The demand is fairly ; ictivcs. PA KSX IPS New stock is quoted at J2.GO per a.irrel. UKA.NS Good stock sells for S2.00@ : ) ; fair to good , 5t.OO@l.ijO , and California at W.lStaS.'O. Oxioss Prices for homo grown quoted steady at T5@b5c ; Spanish onions , perCO-lb crate , $2.00. OYS runs Plain standard , 25c ; plain sc- : ects , : ! ( ) o ; standard , ! 50c ; extra selects , ! i. " > e ; N'ew York counts , 40o .Hulk oysters , counts , M. ! i per HX ) ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard , . .T > per gal. TuitNii's Fair to good stock sells at 40@ Me ; rutabagas , 50itC ( ( c. CAL'UFJ.owcit-Good stock sells at $2.CO@ 1.80. CEi.r.uv--Choice celery , 35(245c ( per dozen ; fancy , -trifgoOc ; extra line Kult Lake celery , .n. > @I. 50 per dozen. AITI.K3 Kastern fruit , | .3.00Sa25 ( ; fair to choice stock , $ y.25@y.50 ; fancy Jonathans , Lr.Moss Messina lemons , $5.0(30.00 ( ; Malaga , $5.00 ; extra line Maori scarce at Louisiana S4.00@4.0. ) per box , Florida $ : j.7i@4.00. Market dull. CAI.II-OUSU FIIOITS Pears , $2.)0(32.7.'i. ( GIUPES Malagas , fd.OO pcrbbl. 13AN4KA1 Choice bananas , $ ' ) .7. ) @ ; ) . . " > 0 ; me dium buchcs , .00 < ay.W ) ; common , $ l.f > U@ 2.00. 2.00.NUTS NUTS Peanuts , 7g ( j < fc , raw ; Brazil nuts , iic : ; almonds , Tarragona , t2c ! ; English wal nuts , l.yaiSi' ; Alberts , I''e. HONKV Quotations arc as follows : Good choice honey in 1-lb frames linds n ready market at lS ( < t20c ; canned honey 10@l''o jicr Ib. Poi-conx Choice rice corn 3@3 > < apcrlb ; other kinds , 2(32 ( } < c per Ib. C.\niiAii : There is u fair demand for cab bage at tl. 00 per dozen , California cabbage is quoted nt O c per Ib. SAURU KIUUT Choice , per bbl of 30 pal $ S.biirO.OO ! ( ' ; X bbl , * 4.85@5.00 $11.00 per bbl of' 50 gal. CiuNiiuitittBS Boll & Cherry , $9.W ) ; Bell & Uugle , $10.50 ; Cape Cods , * U.OO@ H.M ) . CiDEii-ChoIcoMichigan cider , $ ! .00ao.r)0 ( per bbl. of 32 gal. A carload of extra line will bo received Saturday. QUISCKS Choice California quinces scarce at * S.OOJ3.25 ( | per box. _ Ilatct ) ol' CommisHlon anil Dockage. All sales , unless otherwise stated , per 100 Ibs live weight. Commissions : Cattle , fiOc per head ; calves and yearlings , $10 per car. Hogs und sheep , single decks , fs per car. Public inspection on hogs , 15c per car. Public inspectors dock pregnant sows 40 Ibs ; stags , altered boars , M ) Ibs each ; dead hogs 80 Ibs and over lo per Ib. Less than UK ) Ibs are of no value. Yardugc : Cattle , 25o ; hogs , Sc ; shcrp , 5c per head. Feed : corn , $1 per bushel ; tim othy hay , f30 : prairie hay , $20 per ton. Prickly Ash Bitters warm up and in- vljjorato the btomuch , improves and strengthens the dige.stivo organs , opens the pores , promotes prespirution , and equalizes tlio circulation. As u correc tor of disordered system tlioro is noth- irig to equal it. liquor RcllurN Acquitted. The proprietors of Bohcinaln hall were tried by jury In.tho police court yesterday on the charge of selling liquor on election day. They admitttcd that they had opened their saloon at 0 p. m. , but claimed that they sup posed that that was the legal time for open ing. Tim dcfeudants were dischagcd. SomolKiily'H Chilli. Somebody's ohil'd is ( lying dying with the Hush of hopoon his young face , and Kimobody's mother thinking of the time when that dear face will bo hidden wnuro no ray of hope can b. ( ghton it because tliore was no euro for UMisump- tion. Header , if the child bo your neighbor's , take this comforting wi."d to the mothor'fi heart before it is tou lato. Toll her that consumption is cur able ; that men are livina to-day whom the physicians pronounced , incurable , because one lung had been almost de stroyed by the difoa o. Dr. 1'iorco'n 'Gelden Medical Diseovo'ry" has cured hundreds ; t-urpaoi-cs cod liver oil , hypopho'-phitesi , and other medicines in curing this discu&e. Sold by drug- { jifits. .Leluud hotel , Chicago. . SOUTH OMAHA NKW8. , T. P. ICcsslcr , of Craff , is nt the Exchange - change , J. J. Hnrmcs , of Furth , Is In with two loads of cattle. J. A. Mntthew , of Omahnrcglstercd nt the Exchange. \ Lee Love , of McLcodi Love & Co. , Is back nguin from Chicago. A. Campbell from Carson has three cars of cattle on the market. O. McConnaughty , of Gibbon , brought in two cars nf cattle. Gcorpo Heotel , of Mlllard , Is on the mar ket with n car loud of hogs. Any one having lost n horse blanket should call on Marshal Hlcc or Oflicer Hedmond. Woods Hoblnson , of 6lay. Hoblnson ft Co. , is up from the Chicago ofllce of the com pany. Sewers are being put down on Twenty- Boventh street between U and N , nnd on It street. J. A. Me Murphy , ofthcnewdiilly.Hoof and Horn , has taken up his quarters ut the Ex- chnngo hotel. Two candidates ! for the first degree were nt the 1C. of P. meeting' hist night. The lodge now numbers some llfty-two members. Graders are pushing work on U and Twenty-seventh streets in the Third ward , nnd are nlso milking rupid progress on N street. The cnso of Wilemnn vs Ulscman was up again before Justice Levy yesterday , and this time was u civil suit for money witheld. Wisleman fulled to appear and the case was dismissed. The Union Pacific will issue holiday excur sion tickets from South Omaha at one nnd ono third fnrcs. They will bo peed on the outward trip from December 23d to January L'd , nnd on the return will bo accepted till January 3d. It took nn hour nnd twenty-seven minutes for two packinr-hoilse men to decide which was the best In n rouph-und-tumblo light Wednesday afternoon. They met about half n mile back of the brewery , nnd fought with out interruption. The Stockyards company is putting the road lending up to the exchange in good con dition. Anew sidewalk from the track to the hotel is among the improvements und will be duly appreciated by thoj > o accustomed to wading through the mud. Residents of tlie.Thtrd ward complain that all the tuxes they pay go to improve the First and Second wardswhile they are bcinif neglected. Some families were without tire last week , as no coal coinpuny would under take to deliver coal over the impassable roads. Thomas McDonald pleaded guilty to being drunk yesterday and Judge ijcuthcr let him go. Thomas Sullivan was not so fortunate and got lifteen days. John O'Connor was held on suspicion of having stolen a horse blanket and wus remanded till au owner could be found. A switch left open by the H. it M. caused four of the Union Pacillo cars to leave the track in front of the depot yesterday. No material damage was done , but it was 10 o'clock before they were replaced and trallle resumed. One car of stock had to bo un loaded where It stood and the cattle ga\'e an exhibition of their jumping qualities in leav ing the car. None of them were injured. Marshal Kiee and his men commenced their crusade against unlicensed dogs yester day morning , und by noon a do/en or more wcro killed. Tlio remainder have been reprieved until Monday , to enable thoirownera to conic forward with the necessary tax , but if they fail to do this the war of extermination will commence with the week , and the marshal says ho will show no favors. Some com- pl.unts were made about shooting the do s in the public streets , but the city has not yet arrived ut the dignity of owning n dog pound nnd something had to be done to get rid of the supcrlluous curs. For cure of rheumatism , neuralgia in its various phascsof sciatica , tie doulou reux , semi-crania.&e.iife Salvation Oil , the greatest pain-cure on earth. Price 2o cunts a bottle. The great superiority of Dr. Hull's Cough Syrup to all other cough reme dies , is attested by the immense demand for that old-established remedy. Ten Years for llnlilicry. Superintendent Morsemnn , of the Pacific Express company yesterday told n BII : : reporter that he hud just received n telegram from Black Foot , Idaho , telling him that George A. Bennett , a thieving messenger of that road had been sentenced to ten years in the penitentiary. Bennett some months ago robbed the company of $10,000 in live dollar bills which wcro sent from this city ton bank in Helena. Of this amount * Sli'l ' ) were re covered. Bennett was found guilty a month ago but the delay in his sentence could not bo accounted for. Frequently accidents occur in the household which cause burns , cuts , sprains and bruises ; for use in such cases Dr. J. H. McLeanvs Volcanic Oil Lini ment has for many years been the con stant favorite family remedy. FOR the year 1838 FRANK LESLIE'S " POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has been aptly styled "THE MONARCH OF IIIK MONTHLIES , " will be better than ever. Articles upon topics ol current public interest , sketches of eminent per- eons , strong and brilliant stories , and poetry of a high order , profusely illus trated by the best artists , and all by writers of recognized merit , will fill its pages. To the old and favorite corps of contributors will be added writers ot promise , and no effort will be spared to keep the magazine ill the foremost rank. In the November number was begun an earnest and powerful ta'e , "PRINCE LUCIFER , " Dy Etta , Pierce , which has already attracted widespread alcntion nnd charmed nuiltitudcs o readers. Subscriptions msy begin , if de sired , with the November number. Each issue contains a Full-Page Picture in Colors , tlic scries of t clye forming for the year a beautiful collection of gems of modern rc art. The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large octavo pages , nearly twice the matter of similar publications , and is not only the best , but by far the cheapest , of any of the of magazines for the people. $3 per year ; 25 cts per copy i Specimen'copies , 15 cents. MRS. FRANK LESLIE , 53 , 55 and 57 Park Place , New York fOlt SALE BY N. B. FALCONER AND FISHER BROS. Who Is WKAK. NEnVOVN. TKn.whnlnhUFOI.I.YnmllUNOKANCK hniTRiri.F.nnwfty hi * VHlOllof IIOItY , MINI ) anil MAXIIOon.rnuMnRcxhanitlDR rtrMns upon Iho FODNTAIMN of I.lfK , HKAUACIIK , HACKAC'IIE , DrcniHill Dreams. WEAKNKSH nf Memory , IIANII- rUI.NKNNIn NOCIKTY. 1 IMIMK8 upon the FACK , and all the EFFCVTN lemlliur to EAKI.Y I > ECA Y nnd pcrlupi TION or INNANITY.thoulil contnlt at once the CF.I.KnHATF.I > lr. Clarke. 1851. Dr. Clarke liai made NF.RVOI'H 1 > E R1LITY. C'lIRONK ! anil all Dlicatci of the UENITO URINARY Orcani a 1.1 fo t'mly. It makes IV o dlllm-noo WHAT you 'iCvTe taken or WHO has failed to cure you. OFEMAI.tM : > uncrltiK from ilkcnvcs pecu liar to their icx can consult with the ncuranco of ipectly rellcf.aml cure. Scuil 2 ccnU pottage for worki on your dUeaiei. -Hond 4 cents pottage for Olcbralcd Work * on C'hronlr , NvrToun and Hell * rate Dkcnies. Consultation , personally or by letter , frcp. Commit tlic old Doctor. Thoamtnd * cnred. Offlrmand pnrlora prlvnte. * 3-Those contemplating Marrlaeo lend for Dr. Clnrko'n celebrated gulilo Male ami Fomnlo. each 15c. , both ' . ( itftmrw ) . Before confining your case , consult Dr. < ; lAUIt K. A friendly letter or call may save future xuflcrlng mid shame , and add golden years to life. as-Book " MfrN ( Secret ) Kr. roni , " We. ( stamps ) . Medicine and writings sent everywhere , secure from exposure. Hours , 8 to 8 : Sunday * , U to 12. Aildrrsx , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 186 So. Clark St. CHICAGO. ILL. The best and unrest Remedy for Core of all disease * caused by any derangement of tbo Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowela. jdpfpsla , Sick Headache , Constipation , Billons Complaints and Malaria of all kinds yield readily to the beneficent Influence of It la pleamnt to the taste , tones np the y6tcm , restores and preserves health. It Is purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old and young. Aa a Blood Purifier it is irapcrlor to all others. Sold everywhere nt tl.00 n bottle. J.&T. Cinlioily the lillii" ( > t rxcelk'iicte.s In Rhnpllncss ( 'niiifui t ami Durability ami arc the REIGNING : - : .FAVORITES In I'atlilonahlo Circle1 ! . Our imiuo Is ou every Mile , J. A : T. roirsiNS. NKW VOIIK. AOKNTS FOK OMAHA. Hayward Brothers. J. B. HAYNES , OFFICIAL STENOGBAPHEB , Tlilul Judicial District , 37 CHAMI1KU OF COMMKUCE. SteckPiano nrmnrkahlo for powerful sympa thetic tow , jilluble action anil ab solute durability , itu ycar record , tlm best Ktinranteu of the excel- leucc of thesa ln > triiiiiditB. WOODBRIDGEBROS , THE OMAHA BEE , -BEL1VEHED TO- AM PART OF LEOLN -IIV CAIlltlKIl Toil- 20 Cents a Week. Seven papers a week. Send your order to tlio olllce , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building MUli rnm ar.ooEiriiT or Ttns GOVMTBT WIU. Sac BT IXAHINUO THIS MAr IU1T TDI CHIOA60ROGKISLAND&PAGFICRAILWAY ! By remon of Its central position close relation to llncl East of Chicago , and contln-oui lines at terminal points West , NorthncJt and fio-jthwot. Is the tru * mldJIo link In that transcontinental s/item which Invites and faclllt&toa trarul and traOlQ between tlio Atlantic nnd 1'aclQc. Tlio Itock Iiland main Una and branches Include Chicago cage , Jollct , Ottawa , LaNalle , i'curla , Oeneieo , Uollna and Itock Island , In llllnolsi Darcnport , Miiicatlnn. Washington , Falrfleld , OttumwitOskaloosit , Wcitl.ll > . ertj , Iowa CltyiPesMotnea. lndtanolaWlnter ct , Atlan. tic , KnoiTllle , Audubon , KarUn , Uuthrlo Centra an4 Council Illutrj , In Iowa ! Oallatln , Tnnton , Bt , < ' , trph , Cameron and Kansas City , In * tl sourli Leaf. jMOrln and Atchl > unlnKanian Albert Lea.HInneapolli and Bt , I'anl.lnl'lnneiotai Watertown and Bloux Falls , It Pakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns. ' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" Guarantees rprcd , comfort , certainty and safctjr. Its permanent irar 1 dUtlnfrulshrd for lts eicellenco. Its Irldges arc of ttono and Iron. Its track Is of solid steel.Its rolllaff stock perfect. Its raiteniorequl | > m nl > Lasall the safety appliances that eiporlencohisprora. ! oit'ful. and for luxurious accommodations Is rasscd. Ita L'xprcis Trains consist of superior Uij Coaches , rU' ruflmin I'alaco Tartar and Sleeping Carl , suptrb Dininz Can , prOTldln ? dcllcloui meals , and ( between Chicago and 8t. Jo epu , Atchlsoa an < l Kanias Cltj ) restful Reclining Chair Curs. It aoau. airement Is contcnratlro , Us discipline ciacllnir "The Famouf Albert Lea ROI'.TO" Bcl'ten Chicago Itml Minneapolis and St. Pa.Is th Juvorlte. Orcr tills line Cullil Ir'att Ciprefo Trains run daily to attractlre resorts for tourl.t. In lown and Minnesota , and , via Watertown anil Sioux Kails , to tbo rich wheat and grazing lands of Interior Dakota. Via Eencca and Kankakee , tboltnck Island olfers superior lnduc mc nts to trarelen , between Cincinnati , Indian , apclls , Lafayettfi and Council ItluITs , Ft. Joseph , Atrhl * fen , IA arfnworth , Kansas City. Ht. Vaul. and lnterme > dlat points. All patrons ( especially Udlis and chll. drenlrecelveprotectlon , courtesy and kindly attention. , for tickets , map" , fodcn ( , roplus of Western Trail , or any dilreU Information , apply to principal offices la tUr Unltwi States and Canada , of address , stCklraco , R. I. CAUt , ( . IT , J HM , I. A. HOUIOOa , 8 . ni fsw. t _ . _ . _ Ajg rj c u 1 1 u ro I Implomonta. CHURCHILL PARKER. Dealer in Agricnltnral Implements , Waps , CarrlM s and Bu > lf . Jniu-n troct. llctwi'cn Wli auj Ntb , Omalia , Ni-brarka. LININCIER Agricultural Implements , WagonsCarriages , lu lci' K- Wholesale , Omaha , Nebraska. " ' & MARTIN , . . Wliolesal * Dralrrs In Agricultural Implements , Wagons & Bnggiei m.nnW5 Dd ( W , Jones Street , Omaha P. P. MAST & CO. , Mannfactnrers of Bncfceye Drills , Seeders , CalUTAlors , Ha ; Itiikr * . Clilrr Mill * nml l.uban lul- Tcrliers. Cor. Ktli and Nicholas Stiocts. WINONA'"IMPLEMENT co ? Wholesale Artists' Materials. A. HOSPE , Jr. , Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs , 1513 Douglas Street , Omaha , Nebraska. Boots and Shoos. W. V. MOHSE oV CO. , Jobbers of Boots and Shoes , UU ram am St. , Omaha , Neh. Manufactory , Bmnmet Htrect , Huston. KIRKENDALL , JONES & CO. . ( Successors to Herd , Jones tt Co. ) Wholesale Mannfactnrers of Ms and Shoes Agentt ( or Boston Uubber Hhoe Co. 1102,1104 A1109 llarney St. , Omaha , Nebraska. Coffexs , apices , Eto. CLARKE COFFEE CO. , Oinaba Coffee and Hplco Mills. Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder , FlaTorlng Kxtiacts , Laundrr niup. Inks , Ktc. 1IU-1II llarney 8lr t , Omaha , Nvbrnikii. W. L. WRIGHT , Agent for Iho Mixnufncturerj anil Importer * of Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Chimneys , Etc. Office , 317 . Utb&t. , Onmlia , Nctiu kn. ' Commission and Storage. D. A. HURLEY. Commission and Jobbing , BmtMr.Ktrxs and Produce. Conslgninvnts solicited. llsadqvmrteni for Stnnewnn > , llorry llosus anil Grape llaskvta. 1114 Dodge Ht. , Omaba. RIDDELL & RIDDELL. Storage and Commission Merchants. Specialties-flutter , KIK' , Choenc. roultry. ( Jama. Oysters , Ktc.cKtc. ill Houlb llth Htreol. WIEDEMAN Si CO. . Prodnce Commission Merchants. Poultry , llutlvr , Uaino , Fruits. ICIo. wotioulli llth SI , Onmha , Nobraska. CEO. SCHROEDER & CO. . ( Successors to McSnuuo A Schrofdcr. ) Prodnce Commission and Cold Storage , Omuhn. Ncbrnska. Coal , Coke and uimo. DMAHA COAL. COKE & LIME CO. , Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal , JOO Boutb I3Ui Street , Omaha , Nebraska. J. J. JOHNSON 81 CO. , Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime , And ihlpncrit of Coal , Coke , Cement , Planter. Lin * , Drain Tile ami Sewer 1'lpo. Omre. Pax Inn lloUl , Farnam St , Omalia , Neb. Telephone Oil. NEBRASKA FUEL CO. , Shippers of Coal and Cok 1U South 13th fl. , Omahn , Neb. Dry Copjl8 _ md NotloiT8 _ . M. E. SMITH Si CO. , Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions 1102 and IIMDouglas , Cor. llth PI. , Omaha , Neb. KILPATRICK-KOCH DRY GOODS Co Importers and Jobbers in Dry GooflsNotions , G nU' Furnishing Ooodi.Corner Dili and llarner BU , Omaha , Nabraika. Furniture. DEWEY ii STONE. Wholesale Dealers in Furniture , Farnam Street , Omaha , Nebraika. Groceries. PAXTON , GALLAGHER * CO. . Wholesale Groceries and Provisions , VA , 707 , TOB and 711 8.10th St. , Onmha , N b. McCORD. BRADY & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , Hth and Learcnwonb Streets. Omaha , Nebraikifc D. M. STEELE & CO. , Wholesale Grocers , UU , 1211 and 1B3 Harner Street , Omaha , N b. ALLEN BROS. , Wholesale Grocers , UU and 1116 Ilaniej Btrcet , Omnha , N b. Hardware. LEE. FRIED tt CO. . Jobbers of Hardware and Nails , Tlnware.Sbeet Iron.Etc. AaoU for Uowo Scalei.and Miami I'owderCo. , Oroaba , Neb , HIMEBAUGH * TAYLOR , Bnilders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scales. 1X Uouilas-st. Omaha , Nebraska. RECTOR * WILHELMY CO. , Wholesale Hardware , 10th and Uarner 8t > , Omaha , Web. Western Agents Jor Austin Powder Co. , Jefferscn Steel Nallt.Kalr- banks Standard Beajes. Heavy Hardware , W. J. BROATCH. Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel , Springs , Waiou Htock , Hardware Lumber , etc. 1108 aid UU Uarner Street. Om ha. EDNEY * GIBBON , Wholesale Iron and Steel , Mats , caps , Eto. W. L. PARROTTE A CO. . Wholesale Hats. Caps and Straw Goods , HOT Harper Htrect , Omaha. Neb. Liquors. WILLOW SPRINGS DISTILLERY CO and ILER & CO. , Importers & Jobbers of FineWines &Ltanors East India Bitters and Domestic Mquori. 11)2 ) Harner Lumber. OMAHA LUMBER CO. . All kinds of Bnilding Material at Wholesale Ulb Btrtet and Union Pacific Track , Omaba. LOUIS BRADFORD , Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash , Doorseto. Yards-CornarTth nna Dotiglar , Corner9 ; * ' and Douglas. C. N. Ulb T Dealer in all Rinds of Lumber , Uth and Collfornla ts , Oaiiilia. Ntb. FRED W. GRAY , Lnmber , Lime , Cement , Etc , , Etc , . ' ' Coratt ( th an j Ho&fUi [ $ ( ' - , Onaba. > ' T , W. HARVEY ' To Dealers Only , " * * CtBce. KM Paraim fatieet , Omaba. | j * xn > tlrT | Ji'l ' . JIJ , uiY Vu li ) , ' 3)3 ) 'Jflpni ' 91BS9IOIIA 'V NHOC-- Lumbor. CHAS. R. LEE , Dealer in Hardwood Lnmber1' , ; WpooCa i'Ct > and 1'srqucl flooring , tlh nud Dougla < Mllllnory _ and , Notions. . ' kArf'h'i iw vik * * v l-fc v- 4- -w * fw . OBERFELDER & CO. , iDDortcrs & Jokers of Millinery & NotionJ ajrt , 310 ted 111 Ponth Hth Blrcet. Notions. J. T. ROBINSON NOTION CO. , Wholesale Notions and Fornishim GooJj 4U3 tnil 40 > South 1Mb 8tr t. Om b > . ' _ VllTYARD < 5i SCHNEIDER , * Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Mi 1106 Utrncr BUf tt. Oiu h . CONSOLIDATED TANK LINE CO. , Wholesale Refined Lubricating . : Oils , All * Urrnic , tie.Omah * . X. U. Blihop , Paper. CARPENTER PAPER CO. , WliolesalB Paper Dealers , Carry Hnlcp iilovk ot printing , wrkpplnii nod wrltlofl paper. Special attention ilrtn to car load uuun. Printers' Materials. WESTERN NEWSPAPER UNION. Auxiliary Pnolishers , Dealer * l tji > c , preiict and urtntcr * ' tuppllei. I Hoiith Utll Street , Omalia. Ruboor Goods. OMAHA RUBBER CO. . Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods Oil Clothing and tx-ather lleltlnii. 1UH Karimm StrteU A. L STRANG CO. . Pumps , Pipes and Engines , Etenm , wnter , rnllwny mlmliiliiK ujiillr [ | < , ctq , ( Ml Vtt and U2I Fnruiun htn ot , Oinuliii. CHURCHILL PUMP CO. , Wholesale Pnmps , Pipe , Fittings , Stenm anil Wati-r Suiipllrr. Ilsmlnimrli-r * for Mait | Koost 4 ; n'8 KOOils. llll Fnrnnni St. . Oiimlm. " " U.S. WIND ENGINE * PU"MP"CO. . Steam and Water Supplies , Ilallldaj Wind Mill * . VIS nnd M ) Kunmm ht. , Omaha. U. F. Ku , ActlUK Mauutiur. BROWNELL & CO. , Engines. Boilers and General Machinery , bbcel Iron Work , Ste ni riiniin , "aw Mllli 12U-12K Lvavunnortli ftrfptUniiiliH. Soods. PHIL. STIMMEL& . CO. , Wholesale Farm , Field anil Garden Seeds til nnd 013 Jones St. , Omn.'m ARrlSTRONG. PETTIS & CO. , Storage , Forwarding and Commission , Ilrancli liousp of tlio Ilunncsr HutKT Co. Iliiiinlei al jalounil retail. Iw.lllOnndYii : liarU btrc t , i Uuialm. 'Jvlvi < hunu Nu.7 : < J. Tgagjmd WM. A. WILSON & CO. . Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars , bilcu | and lul y I'owilcT. 1416 a r btreet , Onmha. EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice , Joku Kuunvlvr , 1'ioiirlclor. W ) Dndire mid Itt ) and 103 N'ltth Will btrcBt. Uniiinn. : Smoke Stacks , Dollars , Etc , H. K. SAWYER. > Mannfactnrins Dealer in Smoke Stacks , llilUlilngi , Tnnli . . . . _ and _ ( It-ncral Holler Itepulrllig. . 1315 jUfQj uujnna , Ncl > lronJWprk8 PAXTON & VIFRL'NG. Wrought and Cast Iron Building Work ngliicB. Urass work , general foundrr. machine and blackiultb work. Cntlcc nnd wcirki , U. 1 * . Ujr. aail ' t Kth Btreet , Omnba. OMAHA WIRE * IRON WORKS , M. Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings Dcik rails , window cuardi. flower itHnds , wlro lltfuaj etc. , IX ) Nc.rtli . IClh ht. , Uinatia. > OMAHA SAFE AND IRON WORKS , Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes ) Vault ! . JMI work , Iron anil nlrn fonclnK. flunn , etc. 0. Amtreen , Ptop'r. Cor. Kill mid Jnckmin bin. MOLINE.MILBURN&STODDARD Co .MniiulitttiirurA tiiul Jobliurn In Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc , Cm. ' .nil HUH I'u'lllu Ms. , Uiiinlm. Ni'li. MEACHER A : LEACH , General Affcntn for Dlobold Siifo & . Lock Co.'i Fire and Bnrglar Proof SafesTime , Locks , Vaulu and Jail Work , 14IS farimm struct , Omalin. " " . _ _ _ . . . - - . CAN"FIE"LD"MANUFACTURlNa CO. Manufacturers of Overalls , Jttni Panti , Shlrtt , Ktc. 11(8 ( nnd 1104 Douglai Street , Omaha , Neb. Sash , Doors , Eto. M."A. DISBROW t CO. . Wholeialo Mannfnc'turon of Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings , Branch Office , Uth and Itard Street * , Omaba , Neb. BOHN MANUFACTURING CO. . Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds , Moulding ! , Htalr Work and Interior Ilunl Wood Kin- Itb. N. B. Corner Bill and IrfiaTuuwurtli blieeti , Umulia , Neb. OMAHA PLANING MILL CO. , Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors , And Illlnd * . Turning. Stair-work. Hank and Ofllcc Kttttngi. auth anil 1'ouploton ATcnue. Browors. STORZ& ILER , Lager Beer Brewers , 1W1 North ElKliteeuth Street , Omuha , Nob. o. it. rAi.utn. N. > . luciiMAN j. ii. PALMER , RICHMAN & CO. , Live Stock Commission Merchants , Office Iloom J ( . Ojipoilte Kiclianco HtllMIng , Union block Yunl , Hontli Omitua , Nob. McCOY BROS. . Live Stock Commission Merchants , Market funilslmJ froa on niiillcatlori | , Htockrrt an < \ ertcr furnished a food tormi. llcren-ucen ; Uma S a Isatlunal Ilnak and BouUj Ouialiu Nutlonil ! , L'nlou lock Yards , boutli OtnaUa. LOR1MER , WESTERFIELD & MALEV Live Stock Commission , Iloom li , BichiuiKo Ilulldln , llnluii Htock Yardj , boutb Omaha , Neh , HORN & SHARPE. Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Itoom 23 , Kirhnngf * ItulMInK , Union Htock Yds , 3. t > matja. H ( < * rfULCS Unluii Nut'l IlaQk , Ontaba. Hulon Stock Yartli Htnk , S. Omaha , K. U. Howler ITui. Aiu. Hank 4 Trun Co , Oinnha. " " " AL E X A N"D E R & FITCJ-T. ' Commission Dealers in Live Stock , Ituom Zl , uppnilte Uicljanao Ilulldlni , Uniun btcx * VttlUi. aoullj Omkha , Neb. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. , Of Omaha , Limited , John V. , Supertutouilent. , JUDICIOUS AND PERSISTENT - Ail\urll lii | | luu ulwaya jirpvea BUcrftslnl. llefuio jjjiicliiK uny Newspaper Ailvc-rtlslnk' consult LORD & THOMAS , I iHTiiii : nu iuums , I II u < U > < ( U > k tlit. CUICACOs )