rC * ' % J" THE OMAHA .DAILY BEE : SATURDAY DECEMBER 10 , 1887. A liUu Stirring Address Issued By the Nft- tlonal Gommlttoo. SENATOR SHERMAN INTERVIEWED Tlio Convention nnd tlio Coming Cam- imlfcn An Important Lniiel Grunt leolnloii CScni'rnl Hlierldnn on Fort Omnlm. Call For tl o lU-publlcnn Convention. VAsinxeiro.v , Dec. 0. The call for the next National republican convention has becn'Uiucd by the Gonimltteo to the rcpubll- can electors of the United States , llxing the convention ut Chicago , Juno 19 , 18 < ( ! . Thu republican electors'In the several states , niiel voters , without regard to past political' nfllll- atlorti , who I > elieve In the American principle of protective tariff for defence , the develop ment Of homo industries mul the elevation of liojuo labor , who would reduce national taxes mid prevent thu accumulation of n surplus In the treasury , In harmony with this principle , who are opposed to the attempt now moio openly avowed than over before , to establish a ixjllcy which would strike ) clown American labor to the level of underpaid and oppressed workers In foreign lands , who favor u system of niivul and coast defences , which will enable the United States to con duct International negotiations with self- resect ; who gracefully cherish tlin defend ers of the country ; who condemn and resent continued and unjust exclusion of rapidly growing teiritorlcs , wlili'h have indisputable ) title to admission into thcitslcrlioodor.Btutcs ; who favor frcr schools ami popular educa tion ; a frco nnd honest b.illot und n fair cou.nl ; tlio protection of csve'ry citirai of the United States in his legal rights , at home and abroad ; a foreign policy that shall extend Our trade and umimercc to every land unel clime , and shall ptoperly support the dignity of the nation nnd the ptomotion of friendly and hatmonious relations und intercourse be tween all states , nto cordially invited to unite ) under this call In the formation of a national ticket. Each state will be entitled to four delegates nt lot-Re and for each representative ut largo , two delegates , nnd each congressional dis trict , C4ich ton itorv und the District of Co- large shall bo chosen by state conventions called uftor not less than twenty days pub lished notice und not less than thirty days be fore the mooting of the national convention. The congressional district and territorial delegate's shall bo chosen in the sumo manner an the nomination of : i member of confess or territorial congressional delegate Is marto In said districts. The alternate for each elele1- pate ptuill bo elected in the same manner ntul at the sumo time. All mjtiacs of contest must bo llled with tliu national committee in writing , ucComp inled by printed stutcmcnts of the grounds und contests , which shall bo innelo public1. " Chairman Jones has appointed the follow ing committee 'to visit Chicago , appoint .1 local committee of ninriigninents nnd tuko in ehnrgo preparations for the convention : J. H. Clarksnn , Iowa ; A. J. Conger , OhioG. ; A. Hnlmit , New Jrraey ; I'emoll Clujton , Arkutisas ; Cyius Loluml Jr. , Kansas ; Chuich Howe1 , Nebraska ; N. W. Ciiney , Te-xus. Chalrmnn Jones mid Secretary Fcssendc'ii are members of the committee evoflleio. The committee elected J. S Glarkson chuirman The sub e'ommittoe , with full power , consists of Chirlcson , Confer , Clayton , Jones and Feskiidon. Manl ] > ulatcd By Itlnlno Men. WAMinxriTojf , Uoc. II. [ Sp2ci.il Telegram to tiio BBK ] Considerable ) feeling was shown in a meeting of tbo republican com mittee yesterday , ami Hovoiul members of it nro not willing to liccopt the selection of Chicago cage very gracefully. One member of tbo committee , who voted for Cincinnati , declares that the Hl.iino crowd ruled everything and manipulated Chicago in the interest of their favorite candidate. To the 13KB correspond ent ho said : , "These men would rather lose with Hluino than win. with uny other candidate. Chicago was selected through fraud. If lilainu Is nomhi.itcel und his campaign is run by the clique that controlled nffairs yesterday , they will but put up linger boards pointing the way to defeat. Throe colored members of the committee und two white carpetbaggers from the south were improperly Influenced to vote for Chicago. If money had not been used Chicago would not have been selected , Cincinnutl or Omaha would have won. Hut Cincinnati or Omaha , especially the former , would have been favorable ) to Sherman. " It is stutcd upon the best authority that a member of thu committee was heard to charge 'ElUiiis to his face ) with bavin hmiRfit certain colored members of inc committee und when "KlUuir icicriiuil astonishment , the meiiibCi' said To him : "You cannot mislead Ttl6. I heard you toll the men to como to your room ut , the .Arlington to-night when jou would niuko it all right with them. What did , \ou mean if jou did not menu pay for their votes for Chicago I" Senator Shurinan's Vlewn. WVSIIIXGTOS , Uec. 0. [ Special Telegram to the Ur.K. ] The editor of the Ur.i : had u personal interview with Senator Shorinnn this morning. The senator did not consider the location of the convention ut Chicago in the especial Interest of lilalne. "Quito n number of Now Knglnnd mem bers of the committee voted to have the con vention at Chic igo , " said the senator , "but they nro by no means committed to Hlainc , or likely to have their Htak'fwdellyered to him in the niitiomtl convention. Chie.igo is not HO great u Hlniiio stionghold us has been generally represented.Vitli the exception of the Chicago Tribune , the papers ut Chicago cage uro opposed to Mr. Hlnlne , nnd the west will ho divided on the presidential choice moio than it has ever been before , excepting perhaps , the territories " Speaking of the I'.icillc coast and the torrl- toiies the senator said that ho hnd emlenv- orcd to > > tiinulnto the sliver industry by his elToit to have the treasury purchase ) silver in the imtikct in large ) quantities und ibsuo cor- tlllc.ites for ciicnlatioii. Ho was in favor of leglslution to assist in building up the indus trial Interests of the mining regions west of the lockics , but glvat caruhud to bo exercised in all Iliianeiiil li'gislutlon , Tlio senator was ' hopeful withiegard to republican triumph in The rucllle Kallrond Debt. WvsniMuoN , Doc. O. fSpecial Telegram to thu UKH. ] Congressman Crisp , of Georgia who had tlio most to do in the last eongiess with the action iix > u the bill to extend thu . indobtednoiut of the Pucltlo iiillro.ids , and who will probably bo the chairman of that committee In this congress , said to the ! nti : i correspondent this afternoon that the ivpoit nnd recommendations of the special committee lies too that Investigated the uffalrsof the l u llle < during the past summer i\oulil Inlluenci whatever legislation eongiess would llkoli make at this scission , llei said that the at torney general had the import of the commit tee in hand with a view to formulating sug KentmiiH to c'ongrcss , and ihat the report wa expected to bo made public next week , "il nothing better is recommended , " said Mr Crisp , " 1 presume congress \\illtakouptlu bill which the eominltteo repot teell.ist wintci and ] uss it. " Army Ordi'ru. WA8iiiNRTeX , lev. ii , [ Special Telcgran to the Hrr. ] Leave of tibsoiice for urge monthtt bus boon granted to Colonel George r. . Andrews , T\\eiity-llftli Infantry , to tnki effect whenever ho can bo spuicul de partment commander. Thu leave of ice granted October 0 , 1SS7 , to Captain . N Sago , Uluventli infantry , Is extended on uc count of disability until further ciders. Captain Crosby I > . Miller , recently ni [ ] K > Inted quartermaster , Is ordered to dm ; as post quartermaster \Villetts l olnt , Nov f. York- Major ( icorga M. Strenborpr , is nsslgncn } t duty us attending surgeon and examiner u recruits ut lialtimore Maryland. Captain Call l1'alfrey , engineer corps is ordered for temporary duty from CMvvgc New York , to l orts i'orter and Ningiirii Now York. First Lieutenant flunk E. Holibs , enl uuce depurtmeut , is ordered for temporar ; duty from t'hllndelphla to Wutcrvllot arsenal , Troy , N Y .Tho extension of leave of "absence" granted Second Lieutenant Henry T. AlU > n July G , 1W7 , is further extended six months' . Major I'etor J , A , Clcary ( siirgeon , Is re- loved from duty nt Pert McDowell nnd ordered to Fort Wlngate , New Mexico. . . First Lieutenant Charlqs L. O. Anderson , is lstant surgeon , Is assigned to permanent duty at Port McDowell , Arizona. Captain Arthur M. Taylor , assistant sur- zeon , Is assigned to permanent dutyut Fort llobson , Nebraska. Cantaln Aaron N , Appcl , nt the expiration of his present sick leave of absence , is ordered to camp at Hlghwoods , Illinois , re lieving Captain Hmry O. I'erlcy , who Is ordcied to rejoin his proper station , Tort Wayne , Michigan , Sick leave for six months granted First Lieutenant Charles A. Churchill , Fifth In fantry. Extension of leave of nbsflnco granted to Captain William II. Ho.vle , Twonty-ilrst In fantry , November-1,18 , : ) " , is further extended fifteen duyj. ThlnltH Fort Oinnliii Should He Moved. WASIH.XOTON , Dec. ! ) . [ Special Telegram to the Ur.E. ] General Sheridan said to-day that he would not expend any more money enVoi Voi t Omaha. The 'general has rccched the ih m nnd Immovable conclusion that the grounds at Fort Omaha are too small und that Ihelr close proximity to the city is de moralising to the soldiers. Ho thinks the fort should be located so far nwtiy from the city that the soldiers will keep out of the rabble and make their own society. Ho said that he intends to urge congress to make an appropriation for the purchase of n section of land to be situated about ten miles from Omaha , and to b.i occupied by the new foil. Iowa nnd N'e-lirnHkii WASHINGTON , Dec. 0. [ Special Telegram to the Ucn. ] The following pensions have been granted to Nebr.iskans : Original- Thomas Vaughn , Quavule. Increase Joseph McLean , Ponicn. Kcissuo AVilliain II. Thompson , Auburn. Pensions for lowans : Mexican war John H. Justus , McGregor * . Original Thomas II. .lobe- , Sidney ; Charles Espy , Maine ; William M. Edwards , Columbus function. Incieaso Alfled Walker , Uusscll ; Louis StoltcNew- ton ; L r.i Uogors , Chorokec. Koissueutid in- ci case ; Herbert U. Shumway , Croco. . Anti-Saloon Ite-publlcuns. WASHINGTON' , Jcc. 9. [ Special Telegram to the Ilicii. ] Senator Palmer to-ntght in- vHeil all- senators in sympathy with his re cently announced prohibition move to meet Albert Grinin , of Now York , clinlrman of the anti-saloon i epublliMii national committee , at his icsldonco und discuss tempeiancc leg islation. Quito a number were present , and the movement was given an impetus. Sen ator Palmer means to push this anti-saloon measure. A Concession to Omaha Papers. WASHINGTON , Deo. ! ) . [ Special Telegram to the DEI : , ] Heprescntutivo McShnno callcel at the postoflleo department to day anil secured the Issuance of a modified order ifiiieti will permit publishers of morning newspapers in Omaha to weigh in their oltlces for the early morning trains their mail editions and render to the postmaster at * Omaha o sworn statement. This will obvi ate tbo necessity of sending the papers to the postolnce and will give nearly an hour's time to the publishers. Tlio Union Paulllu Must Itcconvey. WASHINGTON , Dec. 9. Acting Secretary Muldrow to-nay rendered a decision on n pe tition asking suit to sot nsido patents issued to the Union Pacillc railway for about 'JOO.OOO ucres of land lying contiguous to Denver , Col. , alleged to be outside of the grant. The acting secretary sustains the petition uud di rects the commissioner of the general land oiUfC to make formal demand on the railroad company for u reconveyance. AVill Advertise In January. WVSHINOTON , Dec. 9. [ Special Telegram to the UKI : . ] lix-Scniitor Van Wye.lt this morning went to the supervising architect of iho treasury department and laid before him the necessity of early advertising for bids for the insldo work of the Nebraska City i > est otllco buildimr. The architect has promised to advcitiso in January. Postal Clmnjjcs. Dec. 9. [ Special Telegram to the HUE. ] M. M. Cook was to-day ap pointed postmaster at Wayhind , Henry county , In. , vice Miss Maggie Wieduinu , 10- moved. Tlio postoflleo ut Pulo , Yoilc county , Neb , was changed to-day to Gresham and No.il Clem uppoiutcd postmaster. v : .n Koboil Hi own , nus | > endejL - - The posioftlc-e- Hanover , Alamukeo ounty , la. , was discontinued to day. A postoflleo was established ut Somerset , Lincoln county. Neb , und LcviC. Lemon ap- > olntod postmustcr. Anti-Saloon Republicans Con for. WASHINGTON , Dec. 9. A number of sen itors met ut the residence of Senator Pulmei his evening for the purpose otconferlng in 'oimally with Albert Griflln , chuirmanof the inti-saloon republicans national committee with reference to to the anti-saloon proposl- ion of Senator Palmer looking toward intional prohibition. No formal action was liken. The Cruiser Atlanta. WASHINGTON , Dec. 9. The report of Cap tain Bunco , commanding the cruiser At- untu , and the endoibcmentof bureau ofllccrs upon the subject , was tnudo public to-day. The ) only now phase is endorsed by Secretary Whitney , who says : "Tho department deems that the Atlantujihould Ifuvo sumo continu ous set vice before 'changes nro made The suggestions of Captain Hunco nro valuable und entii ely proper , doubtless without any expectation thut'tho comments upon the ship would bo tinted us anything else tliuii pro- fe-.sion.il discussions for the boneht of the dcp.utment in tlio future. " The ? Cherokee Presidency. ST. Loris , Dec. i ) , Advices from T.ihle- uah , I. T. , sny the national scnutois are very indignant at the violent couise pui&ucd in forcibly entering the executive offices , and they have accordingly absented tUcMSEclves. A stiong guard Uus been in possession of the Capitol over since the Invasion of the gov ernor's ofllco. BuHlijhe.ul still claims to bo chief , nnd telegrupbcd the agent ut Muskogee for troops , stating the govern ment wus m the hands of ; armed men and ho , was in danger of boelily harm. Mays tele graphed the agent all was quiet and no trou ble was anticipated. At a caucus of the na- tlonal patty resolutions were passed depre cating tiny attempt nt resistance by force ot uriiix , and advising peace nnd moderation , u- > 11113 other coma would hasten the end of : ; the Cheiokoo government. - The Grand Army Knonnipnieiit. " , O"Doe. 9. The executive coin- ° inlttee of the council of administration of the - Grand Army of the Hepublie decided to hold - the next national grand encampment at Col- umbub , in thu second week of September < next. , The Iturkor Christe After a number of changes , enlargements mid embellishments , thu hotel Harker on Thiiteonth is at length completed , and mtismis , painters mid decorators after months of continuou ! > labor , to-night leave the place for good. Mr. Ualeh now feels that he isbtaitlngoui with a new hotel , und to night celebrates the event with u complimen tary lum.li to the merchants who have sup plied the furnishings , his former associates in the coal trade , the hotel men of Omaha mid the press of the city. The occasion will . lw one of pleasure und fitly christen the rejuvenated hostelry. \ Children Cry for Pitcher's ' Castoria. Whf n Babj- was sick , we gare her C&atori * . When ho wag a Clilld , sJie cried for CMtorU , \VTiBn iU b c mo Uiu , ibe clune to CastorU , VTurn the bad Children. * h e Ta them Cwtori * ' X wonic. Wlint It Can AocUiiipTlMi Dlscunqcrt IJy the UvniiRcllunl Alliance. WASHINGTON , Doe. 0. At the opening con ference of the. Evangelical alliance this morning Hov. Dr. Storrs' paper * on the "Necessity of Co-oportitlon in Christian Works , " was read by Uov. Dr. Chnmborlaui , of Hrooklyn , Dr. Storra beinj ; III. The paper alludes to the perils arising from tliu misuse of wealth , Illiteracy and the estrangement of many from the church. In the course of his pn | > er Dr. Storrs says : "The great tWng needed Ls to gather u'p and concentrate our power. Hlshop Harris , of Michigan , said it would be madness to remain divided In this hour of danger. We must bo o < iuUlly op posed to imperialism nnd social ism. The bible , the SnbbaHi , nnd liberty of conscience must bo de fended , with Christ us our leader Indeed , but with our own active co operation as well , or wo shall go the way Xf. other nations wlNMd early history has boon fife. , and promising. The kind of co-operation wo advocate Is not political. The church and state must be separate. Our common school system U Iho peculiar product of our Anglo- Saxon chtlstlnnlty , nnd wo must stmid for it ngulnst the very strong nnd dangerous attack of ultramoiitnnlsm , which has taken advan tage of our divisions to banish thu blbli ) from It und then , with savage Inconsistency , attack it us godless. Hut wo must KO deeper. We must seek not only to keep this or that external Institution. Wo must strike at the root of sin In the heart. Co-operation In promoting vital , intense , nenons ) piety is the one great need. In the "West"1 In" small towns several churches , by their competi tion , afford a spectacle to make devils laugh and angels weep , mid In oitlc.s the need of union is equally great. Our divisions have ini ) > ovcrlshcd our love for man , as ultra- monianlsm often foils' to mjnister to the want it cicntcs and fosters , and loaves It to us Piotestants to feed and clothe. The church makes n magnificent and Imposing show of caring for the poor but It Is hollow and unreal. Wo have been miserably nnd hellishly divided nnd hence our weakness. " Hov. Dr. Glnden , of Columbus. O. , said unity in evangelistic labor is good if wo don't break up the allegiance of individuals to a pnrtlrnlnr church. A man converted In n church will , on nn average , do M much ns three converted in u rink. A thing much less demonstrative is better. The best pait of towns und cities have twice ns ninny churches as are neededthe poorer far too few. So of competition between many seotn in new towns. "We must , " said Dr. Gladcn. "frankly admit the essential equality of nil Christian churches. Wo must drop this com petition of the Kilkenny fair s6rt. We must recognize thu peiil to our industries ; to Iho govulnniont. If the present \\idespiuad dis content develops into anarchism , wo must throttle that by law , but \\o must use pre vention to keep it from coming to that. The unreasonable demands by woiklngmcn must , as far as possible , bo modllied by reason and love , and this only the church c. < n ilo sucess - fully. Churches must repent of their aban donment of the poor districts and then go und do woiks meet for repentance. They should colonize with seine of their best fam ilies and not merely build missions. It is a a work that cannot bo done by hired men , missiouaiies or theological students. Your money is needed , but you nio needed still more. The venerable Phillip Srhaff , D D. . was introduced us the one ! who was the father of the alliance and had been one of thu most ac tive woikers for its ends. Ho spoke but u few moments , when the session closed in order that the delegates might attend the president's reception. At the nftei noon ses sion Josiah Stiong , D.D. , addressed the con gregation. Ho was followed by Frmik Kus- sell , D D. , who read a paper on "Co-opera tion in Small Cities " "Individual responsibility growing out of perils and opportunities" was the subject of the evening's discussion. Hov. Dr. Vandyke , ot New York , s > aid the danger is not to be aji- prchcnildt ! from OiiUidu influences , but from fat. supine inci tness within the church. The peril oC our country ib from citizens who do not care enough about it to vcta. Slioit speeches woic also nuido by others. Adjourned r.ino die. Kvnn ; ellal Allianc-o Visits Cleveland. WASHING TON , Dec. 9. The white house this afternoon was invaded by nearly two thousand members of the Evangelical alli ance , who called to pay their respects to the president und his wife. They weio received in the cast loom mul were individually pre sented to tlio president and Mrs. Cleveland. Dodge , president of the society , ; ame si hoit Jr. o , niucn was icplied to by President Clo\ eland ut some length. The president re plied us follows : "I am glad to meet so largo u delegation fiom the Evangelical alliance of the United States. I undoistand the purpose of the alliance to be the application ot Chris tian rules of conduct to the pioblcms nnd exigencies of s > oclal and political lite. All must admit that the reception of the teach ings of Christianity result in the purest patri otism , most scrupulous fidelity to public trust mid in the best typo ot citi/enship. Those who manage the affairs ot the govci ninent are bv this means reminded that the law of God demands that they should bo courageously true to the Intel cats of the pconlo mid that the Killer of the universe will reijuiiea strict IK count of their stewardship. The peonle , too , nro thus taught that , their happiness und welfare will be best pi o- moled by a conscientious regard for the in terest of common biothej'hoOd ; that thu suc cess of the government by the people ple depends upon the morality , justice and honestv of the people. I am especially pleased to know that jjiur ofiorts aio not cramped und limited by de nominational lines , . There is enough of work in the field you nave entered to enlist the hcaity co operation of all who belicvo in the value and eluiacy of Christian teaching nnd practice. Your noble mission will surely .11 rest the attention and respectful considera tion of iour fellow citizens , mid your cndeav- 01 s , consecrated by benevolence und patii- otic love , must exert n powciful enlluenco in the enlightenment and Improvement of our people in illustrating the stiength and st.v- bilitj of onr institutions and in ntlvunefng thoinosperitymidgientL ss 6t our beloved hind. > hind.Huv. Huv. Dr. Hurchard , of No\y Yoik , of the "Thieo It's" fame , was umong those pre sented. The president recognized him and , advancing toward him , said that lo ) was gli\d to see him , whcreuDon the crowd of dele gates bioko out into laughtor. * > F1I-TKKX HOUNDS. Siililona and Connor * Fi ht a , lru\\ at Dnliilh , DULUTII , Minn. , Dec. 9. [ Special Tele gram to the UHR. ] A packed house' Wit nessed the best draw fight ever seen in l > u luth between George Siddons , of Chicago and John Connors , of New York , both ligh weights. - Pat Killen was referee. In evexi round Connors led and forced the fiftht but Siddons secured the only Ttnolk'dowi and first blood. Siddoim pursued the oh tactics of runnini ; around tlio ring am clinching nt every opportunity , but was clean in ducking nt close quarters. The light by rounds was : Fhst. Connors led with his loft and landed on Siddons , followed with sumo , wllicn Siddons countered. Siddons got in with his loft on Connors' cheek. The round ended with sparring for the opening. Second. Connors gave a hard right on Siddon's neck and followed lightly with his left on the body. Siddons landed heavily with his right on Connors' mug mid the round closed with two left hnndeis by Siddons , which tapped Connors lightly. Third. Considerable sparring at first , when Siddons got In a light right hander , Connors followed With n heavy left , a trille short , on Siddons' mouth , and the round closed with open fighting. Fourth. Connors lushed , but Siddons ran around the ring mid avoided bis oppon ent all through the round. Fifth. Connors landed hai d with his left on the back , followed with ills right on Slddons' head. Siddons raado u weak blow with his left on Connors' body , Siddons was winded at the close. Sixth. Connor * opened with two good whacks with his left and Siddons responded with a stinger on Connors' noiO. Then followed close nnd hard hitting on.both sides. Seventh. Siddons got Jn three heavy blows on. Connors' /ace , securing first blooil. Connors Aid sonio-Ono * fighting nt the close without effect. * . . Kitfhth. There * wua .hard , close flghflnc xoiuBtuitto llnlsh , ) > oth mon getting hit iberully and getting winded at the close Ninth. This wus the same as the previous round with the first knockdown for Slddon * . Tenth. Continued eenvy hitting at the start. Siddons wa-j'aliit groggy and doing considerable running , but rallied ut the close md got lu n light loft npper-rut on Connors , Eleventh. Siddons clinching nt first , but got In n good rlitht-hiimler on Connors' cheek it the breuk , which Connors paid buck with ntcrcflt. SUWons Jinel slightly the best of lid round. Twelfth. The men exchanged light hand- ; rs with llttlo ofTectjnnd , Silicons got hi two treed left body blows , on Connors. Thirteenth. Coinjoi-'s beat a tattoo on Sid- lous , receiving but out light blow on the chin from Sidelons. Font tcenth. In this round the hardest and closest fighting of the mutch took place , In which Connors got decidedly the best of Sid- Ions , who hit him only once and that lightly it the closo. Fifteenth. Sidelons got In ono good right Hinder at the start , but Connors landed sov- -ral with both hands at will on Siddons' back is ho run from him. The referee announced the fight n draw , . 'oniiors' ' left hand Wus Injured In the fourth round , but ho hqd muck the best of the tight , which was for WOO and Iho receipts. Fulling o secure n knockout the receipts were re tained by the houso. Condition of Warren nnd Wclr. ST. PAUL , Minn. , Doc. 9. [ Special Tele gram to the UiE.1 : The tlmo draws near ivhcn Warren und Wclr nro to meet each other In the i Ing. Hoth have been putt Ing In .heir best woik to get Into good shape and rath nio full to the mnzzlo of that necessary Utrlbnto self-confidence. Wclr , In spite of ils eccentric way of training , is in line con dition. His muscles , ns an enthusiastic nil- nlrer expressed it , nro "clastic iron. " All vho have soon the "Spider" spread himself n the ring suy that ho is n corker. Tommy IVarrcn's friends In Minneapolis , however , nro not at all backward in backing up their 'nvorlto with solid cash. The betting is ibout even , and some quite considerable sums lave already gene up. Jim ICeeimn , Weir's former backer , arrived from Hoston last light. Warren will bo In Minneapolis to- norrow. John Donaldson will second Weir md John P. Clew will perform llko service for Warren. the Giant. Tom O'Hrlcn , n would-bo slugger , weight bout two hundred , jumped upon Tommy Miller , the feather-weight , yesterday morning nd knocking him down kicked him brutally in lie face. On recovering himself Miller fTeicd to clear the room nnd fight O'Uricn i fair , squaie. stand-up light , no hick- ng or gouging , nnd off ted to wager & that he would whip him. O'Ui ion judicl- usly declined to fight in this style , butMlller las declared himself , und says that O'Uricn must meet him in the ring or gel back on his lack. O1VKX NOT AUUKSTE1) . He is Still Doln I'.r.sincsH at His Old Stand. Luther P. Owen , a druggist doing business it No. 505 North Sixteenth street , this city , ins been represented by special telegrams rom Ccdtir Hnpids , la , , n.s having been nr- ested in company with his brother , Carl Owen , nnd Heib J. Ellfott , of Marlon , la. , on ho cliargo of sending through the mails ibclous circulars affecting the character of jcorge U. Owen , of the > latter place. Tlio Owens are cousins , and 'for years a family 'cud has existed between them. At the last election George 13. Owen was a candidate for county treasuier of Linn , county , and a few du\s bofoic election thei ] > eoplu of Marion md Cedar Rapids recelvKl through the mails Iiculms bcming a striking mul uccurulu ikencss of Owens , toguUicr with nn miony- nous communication that was printed In the Cellar Uaids ; Ifnj-abl'can some time ago At tached to this reading matter was a postscript sajmg , "Tliepictuieyouiseu befoio > ou Is tlir man whom this matter rcfei.s to" The document recited the evil misdoings of the candidate , and created the most intenseexcitement. . Mr. Owen stamped the charges us false , and cm- [ iloied two of Pinkei ton's most trusted detectives to run down the authors of tlio scandal. The ollkcrs found out that the en graving and printing was done in Omaha , nnd the two sleuths gave considerable of their attention to Druggist Owen of this city. They went back to Cedar Hapids nnd made bold to say that JJr. Owen had ordered the engraving mid printing. Doubtless these assertions gave rise to thu false repoits sent out of the arrest of the Messrs. Owen nnd ? . ! r. E'liott. ' Lust night n HIT. repoiter called nt the drug store and found Luther Owen placidly in the disc harge ol his duties. "If I have been arrested I do not know it , " ho l.iughlnirlv said , adding "neither 1ms my biothur nor Elliott been taken into custody as has been represented in some of thu nuws- j.peis : : * Mr. Owen then stated that ho had been In receipt of two summons from Cedar Hapids to appear before the United States cquitas a witness against Elliott , but had paid no at tention to them , for Elliott was in the city up to i esterduy morning , when ho left for Mm ion. While Mr. Owen was telling this a messenger boy m rived at tlio store with a telegram from Elliott , who last night stopped oh" at Slater , la , on business. Mr. Oxvcn denies all knowledge of the ougin of the circular , and says that the first he knew of its existcnco was the icccipt of one through the mulls from his brother. THE AXXUAij JUAXQUHT. iVi KuJoyahlo Afl'.ilr at the Y. M. C. A. HOOIIIN. The Young Men's Christian association held the third annual banquet at the looms on the corner of Fifteenth mid Dodge last evening. There were over u hunched persons present. At 3:110 : the members and their guests sat down to the banquet , mid the time , spent In social fellowship , snlrltc. ' speeches mid toasts. iusso away so quickly that it was after 11 o'clock before they arose from their scats to leave. After the despatching of tlio choice viands served , Mr. P. L. Per- niie , the toast master of the occasion , an nounced the first speaker , Dr. P. S Lisen- nng , who gave a witty and interesting re sponse to "Hemiuisccnccs. " Dr. J. C. Denise followed with "Progressive Y. M. C. A. Men ; " Warren Switzler with "Intelnational Work ; " J. E. Ensign. "The New Huildmg ; ' George Joplin , "The Ladies Auxiliary ; " and Charles Goss , " 'Young Men " Ecach of the spcakeih was greeted with applause. After this , impiomptu toasts were suggested nnd lospomlcd to until neaily.everybody present had said something. Then followed n discus sion of plans of work f6i' the coming \ear. Thu occasion was in cvcji' ensoa memoiablo and enjoyable one. " . ONT3' HLOOllV ItUUM ) . GnptAln llatuhcr Knock * Out John lohtiKon With Dlspntoli. For n few mlnutca last evening there was nn exciting scene ut the Mlllard hotel. Captain Napoleon H. Ilutchur and John Johnson , U\o well known real estate men of this city , hnd nn impromptu battle at that hostelry w hlch resulted In n decisive victory for the namesake of the illustrious Hoim- pattc. Hoth men , It Is s , ld , were slightly In- toxlcnted , nnd Johnson seemed to bo In rather n cpmbattve Jiiood. At the top of the first flight of stairs the two men met by chance , when Johnson took umbrage at some remark made by the captain nnd struck him In the face. After regoveilng from his sur prise , Hatcher gatheied together his latent powers mul sailed Into Johnson like n cyclone. Ho struck and pounded him until ho cried lustily for help , nnd only ended the punishment - ment when ho had knocked him ngalnst u window , shivering It to pieces , and then hesitated n moment , as though contemplating seiidlnpr Johnson after the falling fragments. The sound of the conflict , the noise of the fall und the clatter of broken glass produced the profoundest ex citement mid confusion , waiters nnd guests cnmo rushing from the dining room and loungers in the rotunda jumped fiom their seats thinking some terrible acci dent had happened in the elevator. Thu friends' of Johnson carried him down the .stairs nnd hurried him away for repairs. Ho was In a sorry plight. His right cheek was laid open and ho had several cuts on the back of his head where he had struclc the gloss. His clothes wore also somewhat damaged. The captain , with thu exception of n couple of bruised fists , was uninjured , mid walked nwuy with a look uf resignation as though ho hnd performed n faithful service for his country. NOTKS. FIir.MONT , Kt.KIIOIlN & MlasOUIU VAU.KT. On Sunday , December IS , the Fremont , Elkhoin & Missouri Vulloy railroad will be gin running passenger trains in and out of Omaha from the depot of the Chicago , Min neapolis , St. Paul & Omaha road on Webster street. Theio will boone train dally each way from Norfolk and Hastings. M.W HOCK lyl.ANn 11ATUS. The C. H. I. it P. have made a rate on building tile in cnr load lots from Morris nnd Ottawn. 111. , to Omaha of ! " i ; > er 100 Ihs. TiiCy have also issued u now local tariff to DCS Moines & Fort Dodge division reducing the local rates t\\o cents on nil classes of freights. rnnoNAi. . VIce-Presldent Potter , of the Union Pa cific , arrived in the city lust night fiom Chi cago. General Passenger Agent Eustls , of the Hurlington , returns to-night from a business trip to the west. Mr. Francis , assistant passenger agent of the Hurlington , lias gone to Chicago. C.V. . Thomas , the weH-known grain merchant , left last night over the Chicago. Minneapolis , St. Paul & Oninij" r.iihoad for SJouv City aim other points to IOOK uftcr im mense quantities of corn nnd wheat , which he bus stored in elevators. G. McGaddcn , tiaveling fi eight agent of the Chicago , Kansas & Nebraska line , is in the city. Personal Paragraphs. M. L. Scars , Kansas City , Is at the Mlllard. F. Fisher , of Valentine , Nob. , is in the city. S. T. Horn , of Fremont , Neb , , Is in the city.D. . D. M. Philbm , of Norfolk , Nob. , is in the city. city.W. W. T. Look , of Missouri Valley , is in the city. city.W. W. F. Dorrancc , of Randolph , In. , is at the Millard. Daniel J. Sweeney , of Kansas City , Is nt Millard. C. P. Hubbard , Bioken How , Neb. , is in the citv. George II. Harney , of DCS Molnes , la. , is in the city. H. Wigand , of Foit Niobrara , Nob. , is at the Millard. J. A. risher , of Lincoln , Neb. , was in the city.vest ci day. Mr. and Mrs. John H. HOP and family , of Kearney , Neb , is at the Millard. Messrs. H G. V. Griswold and Charles H. Mastcis , of Hoe , Neb , are at the Millurd. J. E. Sackett , ono of the managers of the New I'dcn Mu-.ce , is in the city , and stopping at the Millard. Mr. N. LJicrsdorf , a prominent merchant at Norfolk , is in the city laying in u stock of goods for the winter. I. H. Thomas , of Cincinnati , comes to Omaha to take the position of foreman of the Western Printing company iccently started in this city. Mr C. C. Hughes , fish commissioner of Wyoming toil itory und mayor of Chiidron , is in town Ho says that the prospects for plscatoiial culture in the streams ofW > om- ing arcveiy flattering for the coming season and that Hshormcn may have rare spoi t iu thu Bit ; Horn country next year. Hiully hi Noctl of Pay. The Now policemen held a secret meeting last evening at the chief's oflico to talk over the situation. Ncarlj two and u half months' pay is duo them and some of the oflicers uio actually In want. Fuel , provisions , doctor bills and other necessary family expenses have exhausted not only the pockets but even the cicdlt of some of them , and the situation begins to look almost desperate. As some of the men hud loft thqir beats to attend the inertmg , their session was nccessaiily miido u brief one so as to enable them to get back to their posts. Less than half an hour was consumed , and uftor u short discussion it wfts decided to defer nil action until after the meeting of the council to night. Haunted the County Yostciday two antiquated females haunted the judges , ofliciuls and clciks iij t.r ! > ullTer cut dopaitmonts of U.s county building for Uis'.r signatures unking the legislutuio to establish woman suffrage in Nebraska. Tlio solicitor ) met with little encouragement , and many a joke was cracked at their expense. Coasting Schooner Sunk Lirs1 : , Del. , Dec. 9-rTno coasting schooner Nellie S. .Terrell was struck by the steamer Algieis liisUuvoiiuiK nnd sunk immediately. Thu steward and two men were lost The captain uud others were rescued by the Al giers. Oidercd in Prt-pnro For War CIIACOW , Dec , 9. Orders have boon Issued to place the Fifth , Seventh , Eighth and Eleventh Russian miny corps on a war foot ing. A Chinese Prlnco Diet ) . SiiANniiu , Dee. 9. It is reported that Prlnco Chung , the emperor's father , is dead. Catarrh in the Head Orlulnntc * In scnifiiloin tnlntdn thn blood. Hence Catarrh may affect any portion of the body whor Uio proper iin-llUHl br wlilclj j i euro outurrli , Isle the miicoumiionihritno U found. Hilt cntiirrh of th ri'llltl * THE moon. Ill nuiliy dlinxrcenble nfniH | hi'Hd Is by far the inu't Lominon , nnd , atranKO to niiy , toim , Hnd tluuliuixcT of iluVM plnic Inlo hronclilll * , tlio inoM llalilu In licMH'Kk'Ctcd. lliu wonderful sue or tlint terribly tulnl dl ini. . ruiisiinipllon , uro en re > x IIiMKl's HirsaimrUUi tins hud In curlnx catarrh tirely iTiiuiruil by Hoi r HiirtaparlllD. which euro * wnrninM us In nrelui ; nil who nnlTer with IliH illni'aso ratnrrli by purlf yliiR tbu bloiMl. < Head ilia followlnir to try tliu peculiar mpdlclno. U renovatoaand Invlg- let lor : urntcH thu blood , und tone * every oruun , "I < hwrf iilly Klro niy c crlcnce In tbe u o of N. II. If you have decided to Ret llood'a Sareapa- llonil'a Mirmparilla. I Iiil ccn trnubleil with rlllii do not bu lnduc < l to tuku any other , eiitiirrh tiivninn i > xtcnt fnrn loim ilmu , Hnil hail imcd " 1 have been troubled with cutnrrh year , cauilnu \nrlum ineillrlnei wllll llo. Wl.runultii , wliun t ntu creut ftoroncHfl of tlio bronchial tubes and to air .tleJ tliut speech Wu nimeuit Terrible lleiuluelie. Ireadthut llood'a Sarsaparllla would euro catarrh , nml my rnlco wa * entirely unnatural , I then began unil after taking only onu bottlu 1 um miuti better. til ll c Ilofxl'i Mina | > rlllii n miuxly , anil w Illi tnt h My iitliirrh In iun > d , my throut In entirely well.and my ' Knot ) effect that In few wu'Vsupccth win , the cusy hendachu ha < all disappeared" It. ( Jimiu.N' * , Hamilton > uU'e nulurHl , and my ROncral henlih wni much Im- llntler CoU. ton , , prottMl , goiiiellnic's u fottirn of Ilia < llsua c' Is In due IH | by liikltik- cold , when I rcvut at once to the u o 'Huod'sSarsaparllla cured mo of miller's catarrh , of Hood a hnrtapiirllln , ivhlcli I keep t > y uio con- nnd built up my general health , 10 that I am feellnu utanUjr , nndnlwnja Hnd rclluf. I rrgurU Ilixxrj bar. better than for years. It Is tlio Hrst medlclno I over ln n an Invuluublo remedy fur cntarrh , and know of which would euro miller's catarrh. " UEUIIUE by IU effects upon myiwlf I runnel say too PixTEIt , Miller at Wriithfa Mill , Uwan , Ohio. much In Its pra | e. " J.S. Clixicv , Jericho , Vt , He sura to eel the Peculiar Medicine , Hood's Sarsaparilla Poldby alldruunlits , ll ! sir for K. Prepared only b ; Hold by alldruKgliti.fli nix forts. Prepared only by O < 1.1IOOII .V CO. , Aplitli nrle . Ixiwell , Musi. C. I. HOOD & CO , Apothecaries , Ixiwell , Mai . 1OO Dou'i Ono I7ollnr 1OO Doves Ono Dollar. Infantile Loveliness No mother who loves her children , who tnkw ' prfde in their beauty , purity and health , mul In bestowing upon them 11 child's greatest fnheiIt- nuco a skin w ithout blemUli , and u body nour ished by pure blood should fail to make tilul of the CUTlCUIl V llKMKIIIKS. CUTICUUA , the grout skin cure , nnd CUTICUIM Son * , nn exquUlto skin beantllliT , piepmed from It , externally , and Curiui'iii Hi SOI.VK.NT , the now blood purlilcr , internally , arc n speedy , wholesome , and Infallible cine for every species of toiturlng , dlsllguring , tlchtngcnly and pimply discuses of the skin , scalp , and blood , w 1th loss of hair , from pimples to crofula. Have just used your CrricuiiA ItEMcnttMon one of my gills , und found It to b' just hat ft is loconunoiulcd to be. My daughter wai all biokenout on her head nnd body , nnd thu hair commenced to come out. Now she Is ns smooth ns oor 1 o was , imd she 1ms only ued ono box of CimcintA , onocnko of Cimciiuv 8o\r , and cine bottloof OUTICUIIA HI.SOI.VKM : . Idoctond with quite a number of doctois , 1nit to no avail. 1 inn ullllng to make nllld.ivlt to the Until of the statement. OKO. EASr , Macon , Miili. Sold everywhere. Pilce , Cimctmt. Mo ; Sou , S5e ; ItK.soi.viiNT , $1. Prepared by the 1'orrnt Dliun AMI CiiKMlCAt , Co. , Iloston , Mass. lBF"Penil for "How to Cure Skin Diseases , " 01 uaHKtrn ; ilsratlolH. ! nllil 100 lostliaonlals. JO Skin and Scnlp puisei ved nnd benntl- fled by CUTICUII v MMUCATMI SOAI- . HIMEBATJGH & TAYLOR , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales , Plows , Markers , Scale Repair Shop. Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. . Slide Iron. ! Y & STONE , FURNITURE. A magnificent display af everything useful and ornamental in the furniture maker's art , at reasonable prices. DR. HORNE'3 Electro-Magnetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science ' ' Sclcnllllcally Mada an1 [ Practically Applied. Gentlemen' ! * Belt Uast R I M'n > ttith Electric 1 < difc , DISEASES CORED WITHOUT LIEDICINES. ra in11 I % IIBB Vtf4l I I'ate T" " Palm In the TUoU. . . . , - . Iloail cr l.lmbi. 9r WBI.S. VjUffCi TUU Acrvou * Ot-lillilr , l.umbnao , ilinvrul Drbllllr , Khcu- m.tl.m , 1'urulT.I. , > nroIBlu. SolnllcM , l l 'Bi . of Klilnrj. . cnlnul IMKUJM. loriild I-l * " . Uoul. I'lhaiiodoiK Emlulun > , AvlhiuH. llciirt tlliruw , U ) > t > ri lu , VumllvMlu * i.r liH-I > . IndlSe.tliin. WraLntM , Impotrncy , CaUrrh. WINKnllepur l umb AgueUUIicUi , Urelrocolo. t l lwutr , llrop./ . n < - . , Chen thl > brlt U JuitMlint } uu ec . rw./- . * * , , . . J- , -P WHENALD ELS PAILS. : " * " nlll"linB1UBfetliBl"rftT fl UATUCTiA DEI T l mperortoallofhfp-mrrentnfrt ! ictrlft Dr. HOHKE'3 ELECTRO.HAQHSTjC BELT..V m-tliiF vlRor. strciiKtli. cncryy nml health , nlicn all inner ireftimrni iia i i ide Pelt rebelnitrcoinilwl ndlndor c'il by UioUbaniH whom It bucuroJ . . . IthtEllKNCW.-Any bank romniori-IMaenn-y or whnl mle housi. In Chlcagoi hnlniln aniBgln" an Kranclfraunj Chkut-ii tVhrml tuDipfur I IS piffj lllu'traled ( lampliltt . , m. ! . . . . , , . 3DMW. . * / . XIOHVT , Ijivmlorumlllanufatturcr , IUI Uubaib ATCDUO Cblcsgo. RUPTURE DB , HORNE'S ELECTRO-MAQNETIC BELT-TRUSS. Sample Bottles Free. An nniclent Ilemedy for Dlnrrh < H3Clinlcr.i Mfirlmi , l > > ftrn ory And nil Dlnordern of Ibu Iloweli Imporlwl by Mihaloviteh , Fletcher & Co. , Cincinnati , 0. Kurvalu by tbo followlnirdi'iilum ltlrlmrdi in Driijt rn.lllNkiIlrmo A CM , Adl.-r i " ' . ' " .V'-.V1',1' ' . ' , - . i llros AUo , rr.uik l'lloiii ! \ ( < > . H U c.nltu , and il"wholo ul. . and retail ilnuvKta , IHjuor dualer. und wlno luurtlianw every whurj. Proprietor Omaha Business College , IN WHICH IS TAUQHT Book-Keeping , Penmanship , Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing and Typewriting. 8tnd for College Journal. . . . S , E. Cor. 10th and Capital Ave. 11 en t Ion tba Omi > l > aUg My llttlo ROM , nijeil right yonrs , 1ml bocn nllllcteit with Kircmanf tliu Hcnli | , niul nt tlniM iiKfiiU portion of the botly , over slnco liowin t\\o j oiiis nlcl. It lieRiin In his riirn , nnd extend- i-cl to UN scnlp , \ > hlc'li bccninc ro > eipcl with Bcnlis nnd 8ou 4 , nnd from \\hltli u Micky llnld poured out , rnnilni ; Intensu ttchtiiK and distress , nnd lcn\liitliNlinlrinntted ( nnd llfcli-ss. Uiulpiv noiilli tln > o ncnbi the nkln IIH t.nv , Ilko n pleco of Ix-i'Mi-iik. ( tliu iindiiiilly hair canio out nnd und w us dpst roj od , until but n Miuill pilch wns left nt tliu buck of the lioad. My ft lends In IVn- body know hmv my llttlo boy 1ms sullcied. At nlKlit he would scratch his head until bis pillow ns eoveifd ltli blood. 1 iivd to tin IIH ! bands behind him , and In many wujs tried to pro\ont Ills EcrntihliiK ! but ItMIH nn use , houmUl scintcli. 1 took him to tlio hospllnl tiiidto tlio bc-st physicians In 1'eabodyltliout HIICCCSS. About tills time , " .omo friends \\lio had been cuii'd by the Cirriei'iiA KI.MFDII , prevailed V.'yn Wo so try ilium. Jir ititn TKfliritMnou the If th of .lanuai'.v lust. lnsc\en months every p.utlele ot tlio dlsriiso as iemoI'd. . Not a t-pot or > > cul > iciiinlns on his scalp to toll the story of hlsMiiruilnir. Hlsli.ih has letutnod , and Is thick nnd htrontr , and his scnlp a-t hweet and rlrnn as any child's In thu woild. 1 wish all nlmlhirly nllllcted to know that my Htatument Is true nnd without vvngKOiiitlon. CHAHI < KS > k'lfAV ' , 1'eabody , MASH. MI'IiKS , blackheads , rlmpnocl and oily skin piuvented by ( , 'iiricini v ilhiiiutrm SOAP. 1MPOU1KI ) STAIjhlONS KOK . rrrrlu rons , < 'l > desdalos nnd Milre , nho homo lu I'd rollH Kverj animal Kintranti'i'd a bruccler Oiirxtiiik lias liiM'ii Hclectfd with ri-fcTi-nrto both IndMcltidl meilt and iii-dlKim. N' ' ' " ° J tlii-sii horsrs li.ivii tukin llrxt pili'ii ill tlio No- binnku Mulct IVIi. IW. All our li.r * nro ar- climated , and colth of tlmlr net call ho NICIWI ! < . I'rlc ir. . .isoimhlii ami CK > tei HIM. IH a < tfH'jllMo by thotmeHiiudlm , ' lalliouds of Ihohliitu , II. & > L i- . . i : . > .v. ' ' K ftft , „ , Vmk. Nol ) . KWRd 11(1 ( U. S. DEPOS1TOEY , OMAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , $2BOOOO Surplus , OO.OOO II W. YATI s. President. LKWIS S. Hi 1 1 > , Vlc-e-l'iesldent. A. K. 'I OlJ/ii.is , 2d Vlco-Preslili-nt. \V. II. H. lli'iiin.ii , Cusliler . IlllimTOIIH. ' JOII.Vfl. A. BANK. Cor. 12th mul rarnamfts. A ( ieneral IlanVInt' Imalntss Transacted. SHOBT.H j f.rs