Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1887, Image 1

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After Three Hours' Deliberation the
Jury Saya "Not Guilty. "
A Young Girl Kudu a Hnlned Mfc Hy
Snluidi ! nt Dnvo.nport I-'nlnl
AVrock at I'nulflu 1)1111011011
Other lown NCWH.
AretiMlorf Acquitted.
Sioux Cnv , In. , Dec. 9. ( Special Tele-
/ratn to the Bnn.J The Arensdorf jury re
tired about 0 o'clock this evening to dollber-
tito on Its verdict. Attorney O'Connell eon-
Humed the entire day In his argument , mak
ing one of the strongest , most exhaustive und
impressive presentations of the case possible.
Largo numbers of persons were turned away
from the court room , being unable to
Biiln admittance. The greatest possible in
terest prevailed. Judge Wukefield's charge
was iiiito | lengthy mid very complete. It
covered the mutter of conspiracy us well us
The jury retired shortly nfter 0 o'clock und
then took supper. At half past S the court
was notified that the Jury had agreed. The
defendant and the attorneys for both sides
cnnio in within a few minutes. The Jury filed
into the room and the verdict of "not guilty"
was read. The court immediately discharged
the prisoner. The verdict was not u surprise
to those who had carefully watched the clos
ing proceedings , but it nevertheless created .1
sensation in tlio court room , The news
quickly spread about the city , and late into
the night wus discussed ut the hotels nnd
cither publlo places. Arensdorf was cougrutu-
luted by many friends on his acquittal.
The ( inn AVnn Loaded.
DKS MOIM : * , la. , Dec. 0. [ Special Tele
gram to the BIX. ] This afternoon Frank
Moore , son of Manager Moore , of the Grand ,
and Oliver Davis , ono of the stage attaches ,
went to the stutc arsenal to secure muskets
for the presentation of "Michael Strogoff. "
John Hume , chief clerk to the adjutant gen
eral , assisted them ins-elcctingsultablo weap
ons and providing them with bayonets. Ono
bayonet was hard to fix , und placing his hand
over the mti/zlo to hold the bayonet in place ,
brought the stock of the musket to the stone
floor heavily. There was u sudden deafening
report nnd u flash ,
"My God , " exclaimed Mr. Hume , jumping
back and catching his left wrist. At the
samp moment Mr. Moore placed both hands
to his eyes with n cry of pain and reeled
backwards. It wus subsequently found that
n portion of Mr. Hume's hand had been blown
away , endangering his thumb und milking an
ugly wound. Some of the powder entered
Mr , Moore's eyes , causing the most intense
pain , but it Is not thought that any serious
results will bocuused. Noltlierof the Injured
men hud any idea that tlio musket wus loaded
until the concussion caused by the blow
brought the discharge.
Supreme Court Dcc'talonx.
Dr.sMoiNi > , la. , Dec. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the Bui : . ] The supreme court filed
the following decisions hero to-day :
Surnh A. Conklin , administratrix , ot nl vs.
city of Iveokuk , nppellant. Reversed.
btnto of Iowa vn. Thomas Lnuphllu , ap-
peflnnt , Madison district. Affirmed.
Independent school district of Full-field vs.
S. C Farmer e.t nl and James F. Crawford ,
appellant , Jeffnrson district. Affirmed.
State of Iowa vs. John Fruhm , appellunt ,
convicted of burglary in the night time ,
Jasper district. Reversed. Opinion by Beck
holding that the district court should have
HUHtiilncd the motion for a new trial on the
ground that the evidence wholly failed to
show that the offense was committed in the
night time.
Another Gas Well.
.Tr.rrnitsoN , In. , Dec. 9. [ Special Telegram
to the Bui : . ] Another gas well has been
struck here. The gas was struck nt n depth
of fifty-eight feet mm fouT Inch" , t C
flow und tlio qualify is pronounced fully
equal , if not superior , to nny heretofore de
veloped in the city. The Indications of petro
leum product in the llamo is quite apparent ,
the blaze being clearer and brighter than
from the other wells. A deep bed of blue
clay was encountered just before reaching
gus sand , nnd when that was struck the gas
en mo up In strong supply , filling tlio three
inch casing.
A AVretjk on the "Q. "
PACITIC .IfxcTioK , hi , , Doc. 0. [ Special
Telegram to the Bui : . ] Leo Sliny , n brakeman -
man on the Chicago , Burlington & Qnincj
rtmd , was killed in a collision between two
freight if\.i- ± at , tills place this inornlnp ,
Both trains were latO j''nl train No. IS was
standing on the truck ut the statit-i1 nnd wa
. .fitniekin the rear by train No. 1 ! ) . Ijuth
trains were delayed several hours ,
Betrayed and Suicided.
DAVUNTOIIT , In. , Dec. 9. [ Special Tele-
pram to the Bui : . ] Anna Mohr , aged twenty-
one , employed in ono of the hotels hero , com
mitted suicide lust night by throwing hcrsell
Into the Mississippi. It is thought she hiu !
been betrayed by her lover.
The Yandovon .lury
KXO.XVII.I.I : , hi. , Dec. 9. After being oui
thirty-seven hours , the jury in the case ol
Vandeven , charged with poisoning his wift
at Pclla , reported to-night that It could not
ngrco. It stood nine for conviction nnd thret
for ucquittul.
. _ _
Dr. Parker On Gladstone.
Nr.w YOHK , Dec. 9. ( Special Tolcgran :
to the Hir. : . ] Ilev. Dr. Joseph Parker , of tin
City Temple , London , delivered ills farewel !
lecture in America at Chickorinir hall this
afternoon. Ho spoke on Gladstone. Miu
O'ltult wiw in the nudlenco. Ho said ovcrj
time ho looked nt Gladstone ho saw bin
under a new aspect. Ono view could noi
take in nil his dignity and grandeur of face
Nobody wants to hear any other spcakci
when Gladstone Is present. Although not i
singer , ho always joins in songs and hymns
The sH | > nker told stories showing Gladstone1 !
wide range of knowledge and liuguistio ac
complishments , He always helps yount
speakers in the house , thus differing fron
Disraeli. Explaining Gladstone's jmsitioi
i on the Irish question , ho said that ho paid IK
attention at first to home rule because ho be
lievcd it only the cry of faction. When in
ulcci ion returns eighty-six homo rule mom
bei-s out of 1UI members for Ireland he rccog
nized it as n claim of the people und gave i
Ilasti Halt Admission liaised ,
CINCINNATI , Deo. 9.-In the mcctinio ( tin
American Haso Hull association to-day i
resolution wus adopted raising the ndmissloi
nito from i'l to 1 cents. A base ball re
porter's association wus formed hero to-day
lltmirccini > nt Denied.
NBW YOUK , Dec. y. Both the presiden
nnd general manager of the Western Unioi
Telegraph company corroborate the stau
mcnt mndo in London to-day denying the re
ported disagreement between the Westeri
Union and cable pool.
Tho. Flro lU'cord.
McKir.srouT : , Pa. , Deo. 9. . Fire this evenIng
Ing destroyed the plunt of the City Mlllinj
company. Loss , f.10,000 ; insurance , KK.OOC
ST. Louts , Dec , U. The machine shop be
longing to the South'St. Louis Foundry com
yany , in South St. Louis , burnca to-night
Loss , t 0000 | ; Insurance , unknown ,
i ffni
A Grcnt Scare Pictured in Thrilling
IlAi.irAX , N. S. Doc. 9. [ Swi'lnl | Telegmm
to the Bur. . ] Intense excitement prevails
among the mllltnry officers over what np-
licars to bo a desperate attempt to blow up
llio gun cotton tank nt George's island-
Double squads are patrolling the fortifica
tions , nnd orders have been given to watch
the wharves for men attempting to land und
to scurch nil vessels in the harbor.
In the center of Halifax harbor stands
George's island. It is ono of the most
strongly fortified places In the world ) . It
coinmnnds the city nnd sweeps the entrance
to the hnrbor nnd the northwest ar-n. It Is
sure dcnth to any war ship attempting to en
ter Halifax , being nrmed with eight 100-
ton guns , and upon It is stored the greatest
portion of the enormous supplies of torpe
does , gun cotton , powder , shells and other
munitions of war , of which Halifax is the de
pot for North America , Tlio island is about
nn ucro in extent. . On its northeast shore is
sunk a largo tank , In which several tons of
gun cotton are stored , enough to blow Hal
ifax all to pieces. No ono Is allowed upon erin
in the vicinity of the island upon uny
pretense , except when on duty. In the midst
of u snow storm nt 10 o'clock Inst night the
daughter of the sergeant in charge thought
she heard men talking. She went to the
door of her quarters , nnd. standing upon the
gun cotton tank she heard three men talk-
Ing. She culled to them , but they took no
notice of her. Then she raised the alarm.
The soldiers were culled out nnd rushed
towards the tank. The soldiers were some
little Uistunco uwny , and hearing them com
ing two of the men jumped into a bout , where
upon the third shouted : "Don't leave me in
u lurch nfter doing your dirty work. " Ho
mnde a spring for Uio bout , got in , and got
their boat several yards from the shore before -
fore the soldiers reached the tank. A mo
ment later the boat was hidden by the full
ing snow. The soldiers being roused out of
bed did not have their rifles with them , nnd
consequently could not capture the intruders.
The alarm was immediately raised , and in
formation conveyed to General Lord Alex
ander , and Staff General Kussell ordered all
wharves to be guarded , all vessels searched ,
and double guards on duty to patrol the is-
Innd. All night n special guard is nlso sta
tioned at the gun cotton tank. It is believed
thut.tho object of the men was to bore an
uugur hole through the cover and attach s.
fuse. If this had been accomplished , not
only George's island , with its magnificent
fortifications , but nil ships in the harbor
must have been destroyed. It would have
been the most tremendous nnd terrible ex
plosion of modern times , while the loss of
life would huvo been appalling.
The AValmsIi llocelvO Visited Iiy Illi-
noiH McruliiintH Another Cut.
CIIICAOO , Dec. 9. Delegations of prom
inent Illinois merchants , manufacturers and
shippers from Springfield , Qnincy , Jnckson-
oillc , Dccatur , 111 , , and Hannibal , Mo. , were
in the city to-day to thank General MeNultn ,
receiver of the Wnbash road for the reduc
tion of state tariff rates , which will tnko ef
fect December 'JO. General McNulta replied
to their addresses by rcutllrming his intcn-
of cutting down rates from 10 to ! IO per cent ,
the average being about 20 per cent.
Ho has sent official notice to all other
Railroad Ollioiulu Banqueted.
Pi'Kiu.o , Col. , Dec. 9. [ Special Telegram
o the linn. ] A banquet was tendered by the
citizens of Pueblo to the officials of the Mis
souri Pacific and other railroads this evening
nt the Grand hotel. About two hundred
plates were laid nnd there were guests pres
ent from all the railroads centering here.
The entertainment wus under the auspices of
the Pueblo board of trade. George Gould
und General Manager Clark , who have been
in town two days , were compelled to leave
for the east this morning , partly on account
of the illness of Mrs. Gould. The Missouri
Pacific company was represented at the ban
quet by Traffic Manager W. II. Newman and
General Passenger Agent II. C. Townscnd.
A joint letter was left by Messrs. Gould and
Clark , expressing their regrets at being tin-
able to bo present at the banquet. Among
those present were Governor Adams. Secre
tary ot htai utco ( .ud a number of state anil
federal officers.
Mexican Karthtiakc9 <
NOGAI.I : : ) , A. T. , Dec. 9. A gentleman
from the scene of the recent earthquakes ut
Bavispc , says the entire town has been de
stroyed and many persons killed. Earth
quakes have been of daily occurrence , ex
cept during the interval of two weeks , during
which time the people built temporary shan
ties of refuge on n hill. Since
the cessation solno ndobo house have
been erected. but they were
soon destroyed. The people nro wild will
terror. Provisions and supplies provided b.\
the state nnd private sources uro exhausted
und the entire vicinityis destitute , and un
less aid is furnished soon they may starve
Streams opened by the first great shocks arc
silil Ik'wini' . , but continued , shocks und tin
terror of the peoplij prevents utilisation o :
ttio abundance of water for raising crops.
- _ ? - .
Declared Innocent.
CHKVK.VNI : , Wyo. , Dec. U. [ Special Tclo
gram to the Bun. ] An important suit was
decided in the United States court hero to
day. C. P. Webcl was arraigned on tin.
charge of having illegally cut timber on tlu
public domain. The judge ruled that i
Webel was cutting nnd sawing lumber foi
homo consumption and not selling it toother ;
than settlers , lie was not guilty of unyolTensi
nguinst tlio law. Tlio facts show thnt Webe
wus running the mill to supply settlers onlj
aud ho was acquitted by the Jury.
Cii.oi'cisTnu : , Mass. , Dec. 9. A mectiiif
of the American Fishing union was hole
this mornlngj nnd nil representative fishinj.
owners were present. The meeting was
called to consider the best course to adopt ir
the interest of the fisheries. Presiden
STcclo spoke of the president's frco trudi
message , nnd said the most they had to feai
is the house of reprcscntutives. A lotto
from Secretary Maddocks , of thu Nutioim
Fishing association ut Washington , regarding
the commission now in session , was read
When their report was- submitted , ho said
foreign fish would bo put on. the frco list.
Against Tariff Reduction.
RICHMOND , Va. , Dec. 9. In the house
to-day Wuddill , republican , offered n join
resolution calling on Virginia's roprcscnta
tivos in congress to oppose any measures look
ing to n reduction of the tariff , as proposed it
President Cleveland's message. The resolu
tion was referred to a committee. .
Steamship Arrivulw.
Nr.w YOKK , Dee. 9. [ Special Telegram t <
the HEB. ] Arrived The Republic , fron
Liveruiolj the Travo , from Bremen , und th
P. Coland , from Rotterdam.
Foil From a Trapozu.
Cnr.vr.XNi : , Wyo. , Doc. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the BKK. ] Walter Moonlight , th
ten-your-old son of Governor Moonlight , to
from u traporo at the Y. M. C , A. gyiunasiiu
this evening , breaking bis arm ut the wrist.
Donlilo Murder in Colorado.
HST UtiUNAUii , Col. , Dec. 9.--Last nigh
masked men dragged Mrs. Kingston Browi
nnd her clghtscn-ypnr-old son from the !
homo and murdered them in cold blood
Several suspected i > or oiis are under nrrcst
A Crooked Bookkeeper ,
BOSTON , Dee. 9. Alfred L. Flockon , book
keeper for Secomb , Kehew t Co. , oil dealers
is under arrest charged with embezzlement
Sullivan Gives nn Exhibition For
the Prince of Wales.
rho American Clininploii Cutting
AVIile Swnth AIIIOMK Urltl h Hoy-
ally CIcvcland'H McKsngo
Still UcllIK DlMOUBHOlI.
Punching For the Prince.
Ifiipi/rfu/it / ISSJIiu Jumrs ( Innlnti Iknnttt , ]
LONIION , Dot. . 0. [ New York Heruld
Cubic Special to the Hnn. ] The Prince
of Wales loft Sandringhnm this morning for
Lynn where lie was Joined by Lord Fifo nnd
| ) arty from Castle Rising. His highness nnd
friends then proceeded to London. In the
afternoon ho nnd they went to a fencing club
near the old pnluce yard not far from Murl-
l > orough house. The club lias also a boxing
room and In this a ring of twenty-four feet
was laid olT. Us ropes were covered with
royal blue silk and all the nrrnncc-
ments of chairs , curtains nnd cushions
were royal in their gorgeous
Illness. The arrangements were In charge of
John Fleming , .Icm Smith's manager , and
when he announced Smith , who had come to
day from Brighton expressly and Alf Green-
Held of Birmingham , royal and aristocratic
applause was given. Before Smith , who
looked in splendid condition , entered the
ring , ho was presented to the prince , who
shook hands nnd spoke affably about the com
ing light with Kilrain. The bout was three
rounds , which were well contested
with none of the show business about
It. Hut , of course , Smith had all
the best of it and was completely lionized.
Upon stepping out of the ring the Prince of
Wales again shook hands with him. After
a spar between Prof. Halt Mulling nnd W. J.
King , ex-middle-weight amateur champion ,
John L. Sullivan and Jack Asliton were an
nounced by Harry Phillips , the former's
backer. The prince showed equally as warm
puiitC".CSZ to Sullivan as ho had done to
Smith and also shook him by the hau-.l. Then
Sullivan and Asliton had a sot-to. It was
readily s > euu the former would have had an
easy job if he had chosen to knock Asliton
out but they merely gave nn
ac < ) uarium exhibition spar , which was
very light. Much approval of the science
seemed evinced by the prince in watching
Jack Wannop and Jack Brown. The latter is
about twenty-eight pounds heavier nnd the
bust wrestler in the catch-as-catch-can stylo.
As usual Champion Wannop was victorious.
Both were aristocratically applauded. When ,
after some weak displays of boxing by im
material people , the party retired in the
evening. At 1:20 : Sullivan appeared with
Asliton before another crowded house at the
Aquarium and sparred the usual light four
rounds , nt the end of which there was great
hissing. In this Asliton was evidently
not included because thuro were cries of
"Bravo , Asliton 1" Sullivan had the good
sense to modestly retire without making nny
more of snch speeuhcs us he has made in an
indignant fashion. The disapprobation was
evidently from those who thought ho did not
do his best. Perhaps he did not und was too
ovcrwnelmed with his princely honors of the
It Continues to Ho tin ; Main Tonic of
DIsciiHslou in KiiKlimd.
( Cojij/rlo/it / / 1SH7 / / ) / JamcH ( lonlon JJcmicK.l
LONDONDec. . U. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Buu.l President
Cleveland's message continues at the front.
Tluj Pall Mall Gnzctto this evening says :
"English frco traders will bo well advised
to modulate the ccstacy of their-jubiliation
over President Cleveland's address. Every
word which they say in its favor will bo used
as a powerful argument against the adoption
of the recommendations. Mr. Bhiino is nl-
rcady harpiug oil that string , and so unscrui > -
ulous or so ignorant arc the American pro
tectionists that they are quite capable of
manufacturing nn awe-inspiring logic- out of
the Cobden club , which is of all existing in
stitutions not even excepting the National
Liberal club the most lethargic , paralytic
and impotent. "
The Globe also returns this evening to the
sumo subject , or what , in an editorial lending
itif calls , "ThoClovclund Programme , " and re
marks : "It has now become possible to gauge
in some measure the effect of the presiden
tial message on parties and
politics. With a very few exceptions
the democratic papers nro for Clcvelandism
and enthusiastically applaud its founder as
the long-lookcd-for Mahomet of their party.
On the other hand , the republican press ef
fects intcRao t'leefulncss nt the quixotry of
the president in assailing the giuut of protec
tion. Mr. Cleveland seems likely to find his
gains and losses through adopting frco trade
pretty evenly balanced. The counter pro
gramme put forward by Mr. Blaine appeals
to the most selfish instincts of the working
classes in the states. Ho proposes to bo rid
of that white elephant , the surplus , by abolishing
ishing the inland tobacco taxes and spending
the rest in fortifying the defenseless cities of
the coast. This latter enterprise would both
provide work for many thousands and nt the
same time obliterate the embarrassing reve
nue to any extent desired. A moro flagitious
scheme was never put forward to servo party
ends on any other grounds. It
is simply indefensible , but its having
this character does not detract from its po
tency as nn electorial weapon. The Ameri
can masses are , for the most part , disbeliev
ers in frco trade. And then they tire , offered
cheaper tobacco and moro employment to
maintain the present system. The prompt
ings of self-interest will , it is to bo feared ,
dispose them to accept the immoral bribe.
Mr. Cleveland will nnd it difllcultto make the
working classes understand that the millions
spent on fortyfylng come out of their own
pocket or that the freeing of tobacco fium
any inllnitessimal duty can Have little or no
effect on the retail price. "
Such is the eagerness of many people .to
see the full text instead of the mcagro para
graphs that nro cabled over that it would repay
a London paper of enterprise to cable the
message over en block.
The llrltiHil Homo Itnlo Coininlltoc
Makes KH Itoport.
LONDON , Dee , 9. [ New York Herald
Cable [ Special to the He.r. , } Not long ago
the Homo Rule union ofllclals , which nro in
Westminster , nppointod a deputation of M ,
P's and business citizens to visit all purls oj
Ireland und muko a roporton certain subjects ,
Tlio following is un abstract of the con
clusions that will bo fully argued in thu forth
coming report :
) . That the Irish p ojilo nro cngcr.for peace
undnbhor und dre'ud outrage us much us
Kiiglishmcn do. . . . - ' . ,
2. That their , demands , us well in respect
to land as of national questionsnro dis
tinguished by Extraordinary moderation.
_ 3. TJiut the National league , ,
a dangerous association , is the chief agency
for the maintenance of law and order in
4. That political meetings in Ireland nro
not less orderly and well conducted than
they are In England and Scotland , and the
only danger to n breach is the irritating
display of force on the part of the author
f > . That the Irish nationalists , like the
English homo rulers , are not separatists.
( J. That In Ulster a great majority of the
people , who are opposed to homo rule , will ,
when homo rule is granted , forget past dif
ferences , and that considerations of common
interest will make them to join with their
fellow-coun tr.vmcn in carrying on the gov
ernment of Ireland , nnd that they them
selves oven now are well nwuro thnt this will
be the case.
7. That as n matter of fact nobody in Ire
land fears religious prosecution.
8. That the quarrel of the Irish people
is with mob law nnd not with the people of
9. That so far as the two peoples are con
cerned , u real union has for the llrst time in
their history been established. The members
of the Irish parliamentary party Imvo been
chosen by the leaders solely for their patriot
ism and readiness to support anything that
will promote thu national cause , nnd that so
soon us home rule has been established many
men of special culture and qualifications ,
who lit present hold aloof , will come forward
to assist in making the administration of good
10. That * the present English administra
tion of government in Ireland is not only
most ineffective in promoting a good nation
and most irritating to the mass of the Irish
[ ) coplc , but is a1 heavy and unnecessary bur
den on t'ao taxpayers of England , Scotland
and Wales.
It is intended to circulate millions of copies
throughout the United Kingdom.
He AVantH to Go AK < iiiiHt Some Amer
ican 1'cdcHtrian.
[ Copyright IbfXbu Jamrs Gordon HcmicH.l
LONDONDec. . 0. [ New York Herald
Cable Special to the Bui.J : Joe Scott ,
champion walker from Australia , with his
trainer and backers , met at tliu Sporting Life
office to-day in the presence of your corre
spondent to arrange ir.stches With English
walkers. After some prcliininnry parley it
was settled that Scott should walk Hibbcrt
on Bcthnal Green twelve and twenty-four
hours , Hancock of Maryleboro ten miles and
twelve hours , nnd Hawes of Stepney six
days , twelve hours per day. For each match
the Australian party deposited 100 to go to
the Englishman who may win. The paying
of nil expenses , and taking the gate receipts ,
nnd dates of matches will bo arranged Mon
day next. Inasmuch as Scott will
soon visit the United States ,
I interviewed him. Scott , who in Australia
lias already beaten Edwards , the latter hav
ing previously beaten Dan O'Lcary , is n
young man of twenty-four , in height 5 feet
5J4 inches , and walks when trained nt IIS
Ho said : "My trainer , Austin , and myself
own boalinnlcers' shops nt Dunedin , New
Zealand , and have left the business until
next Juno in care of our foreman. I author
ise you to say that I oin willing to walk any
man In America in May next fifty miles or
twelve hours or twenty-four hours. My
backers will 'put up 100 for each
three events , the American to take
if ho wins , we taking the gate
receipts. Or , what I would prefer ,
would be walking the best man America can
produce for 250 a side , each match to be
walked directly out for both twelve and
twenty-four hours , the winner to take T5 per
cent and the loser ! i. > of the gate receipts. I
shall bo in New York soon after my present
engagements are over , nnd would like to
meet some acceptance vto this chal
lenge. But falling in that I am will
ing to walk in America for any
.3aoy against the best paper record that
the world can pi'GuUCC. JL should like nlso
to meet little Wood in a six-days' walk.
Ho is the winner of the recent six-days' go-
as-you-please in America. I hear ho is now
in Now York , where 1 should prefer to walk
him. The matches made to-day will cer
tainly occur in the springtime of 1SSS.
Gould at I
1S37 by Jitine * fSiiiiInn 7Ioi clf.l
Dec. 0. New York Herald
Cable [ Special to the Bui : . ] Mr. Gould's
yacht Atlanta has arrived here.
French ItopnbliuaiiH Divided.
PAIIIS , Dee. 0. Goblet informed President
Carnet that , owing to the refusal of French
statesmen to join him , he is unable to form a
cabinet. The president therefore made an
other appeal to Fallieres to undertake the
task. Fallieresyill inform him of his deci
sion to-night. Dissension among republicans
LONDON , Dec. 9. A dispatch received
hero from Paris says Fallieres has agreed
to farjn a cabinet and will select ministers
who were In the Ilouvier cabinet.
Cheering Tjo.tter From the I'rlnco.
BMIII.IN , Dec. 0. Counsellor Hintzpeker
has published a letter received by him from
the crown prince , in which the latter says :
" 1 am able to inform you that the treatment
which the physicians prescribed nfter consult
ing together has entirely removed the inflam
mation and caused the dangerous symptoms
to subside. I am in no way disheartened , and
1 hope one day to bo able , though perhaps
only after n long jtcriod of careful treatment ,
once more to devote my powers to the service
of the fatherland. "
Scotchmen on Homo Hulo.
GLASGOW , Doe. 9. Delegates to the Scotch
home rule union , .who luivo been making a
tour in Ireland , have returned and reported
that the Iriih people are eager forcpeaco ;
that their demands are moderate. They say
they nro convinced the Irish nro homo rulers
and not separatists. Tim delegates declare
the measures taken by tlio present English
government are" Inffeetivo and irritate the
mass uf the Irish nation ,
The Ctnr to the Kaiser.
ST. PETr.jisuc.ii6 ; Dec. ' . . The czar gave a
banquet last night to the knights of the
Order of St. George , and offered a toast to
the health of Emperor William , who is the
oldest chevalier. of the order. The ; band
played the Prussian national nnthem when
the czar offered the toast.
The New French AdvlsorH.
PAIIIS , Dec. O.-pTho cabinet Is almost com
pleted. Fulllcres will bo minister of the in
terior and president of the council ; Houvier ,
finance ; Flourcnds , foreign 'affairs ; Ferron ,
war ; Barbey , marine : Spuller , publlo In
struction ; Bailiant , public works ; Fnyc ,
Justice ; Dautresmc , commerce , und Devillo ,
Foreign Ktouks.
LONDON , Deo. 0. The stock market o | > ened
strong this morning- has ulnoo become
weak on rumors that Count Knlnoky , Austro-
Hungurian prime minister , hud resigned.
Cliamlicrliiln Dined.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 9. Secretory and Mrs.
Whitney gave a handsome dinner this even-
ning to Hon. Joseph Chamberlain ,
. . - r-
Twriit'y Hmucks Lost.
' LONDON , Dec. U. Advices , from the Orkney
islands 'rcpdrts the loss -twenty smack *
HinnrMi Ttirvn Tiin I > TIVI\
The Fidelity Bank President Under
goes Severe Examination.
Testimony Given Directly Contradict
ing That By WINhlro mid Kukcrt
Methods For Getting Out
ol' n Had Mess.
The Fidelity Frauds.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 9. Before the hour for
opening court nil the available space in the
court room was ciowdcd. Harper appeared
pulo and anxious und his wife weary. Shortly
after 10 o'clock Harper was called to the
witness stand. Before ho took the oath
Judge Jackson asked : "Did you request to
bo placed on the witness stand I" "Yes , sir , "
was the answer. In answer to questions
by Uluckburn , the witness told of
his previous business career , end
ing with the Fidelity National bunk , which
he said ho organised out of the Fidelity safe
deposit and trust company. He said that in
September , ISSii , lie was Induced by Wllshlro
to make him a loan of $ TMOOO. Wilshiro at
thnt time was debtor to the bunk to the
amount of . ' 00,000 , nnd ho represented to
Harper that if this loan was not made the
bank would suffer. Ho accommodated him
upon taking nn agreement to transfer certain
real estate and also 100 shares of Fidelity
National bank nt par. All went well until
in October when witness returned from a
litt'o dinner party composed of Wilshiro and
some of the ofllccrs of the bank and found
that Wllshlre , Eckert & Co.'s check for
20,000 on the First National bank had been
returned , not good. That check , Wilshiro
said , ho was unable to make good , nnd the
Fidelity bank was compelled to carry it.
Another day when witness was out Wilshire ,
Eckert & Co. got Hopkins to wire $ (10,000
eicdit to Chicago upon certified checks.
At the close of business hours that day
ho found Wilshire , Eckert it Co.'s accounts
overdrawn $00,000. With the former debt of
SWsOOO their debt to the bank was SiJOO.OOO
nnd to him * .Vi,000. Ho felt they were in a
dangerous position. Wilshiro transferred to
him real estate nnd stock which ho turned
over to the hank. He stormed nt Wilshire ,
but could get nothing from
him. Ho then suggested to the
ciishler to take a call loan from Wilshiro
iM.-Kcrr.SrCo. to sunro their account and
save the cashier. In answer to direct ques
tions from Blackburn , Hurpgr stated unre
servedly that he never gave nn order of nny
kind to Eckert to buy grain for him in Chicago
cage and ho was equally sweeping and ex
plicit in saying that he never authorized Wil
shire to buy grain for him in Chicago or else
where. This is the point of the whole case
and is in direct conflict to the testimony of
both Wilshiro und Eckert.
Blackburn then took up the accounts of the
bank with the First National of New York ,
and the Chemical National of New York ,
where largo balances were curried nnd Har
per was called on to explain all these trans
actions , lie did so with great minuteness ,
referring often to the books of the bank. In
general his excuse for the irregularities was
that the bank was put into trouble by the
Wilshiro. Eckert & Co. debt and used what
ever methods ho could to save the bunk. His
testimony was not ended atthe noon adjourn
Harper's manner on the stand showed
what a difficult man ho had been for his at
torneys to manage. Ho took the jury into his
oonlidunco nnd talked to them with the pur
pose of convincing them , but all the time was
trungrcssing the rules of cvjdidenco as ex
plained to him by Judge Jackson. Ho testi
fied n dozen times to occurrences he did not
witness. Every question furnished a new
1 opportunity to him to say what his intentions
were. It seemed like presumption after Har
per's sweeping denial that he had over in any
way ordered Wilshire to buy wheat for him
in Chicago or elsewhere , for his counsel to
hand him their notes , bearing the the initials
' O. 1C. , E. L. II. , " nnd ask him to explain
them. Harper Mild that when Wilshiro in
March still owed the bank and him those
hirjpj sums he TT.siirH" ! on his Celling out his
wheat deal so as to pay his delns. Y/llsliirc
said that to do so safely ho should buy wheat
that day to keep up the market and
then ho could sell out at an advantage
the next day. "Ho asked my advice , " said
Harper , "und I said to him , 'Make out your
order to buy Juno wheat , and if it's all right
I'll O. K. it.1 Mr. Wilson sent to the bank n
nulo that Uo v/.s going to buy that day 1 Ml,000
bushels of wheat nnd I O. K'd it. It was no
act or account of mine In any shape or form.
The books of the bank will show , I think ,
that ho paid the bank a considerable amount
of money next day. I had no purpose what
ever lit this transaction except to get money
for the bank that was owing to it by Wil-
shire. " The second note was in cipher und
Harper said it related to the same sort of
transaction. Tlio third note ho explained by
saying that Wilshiro told him ho had to pay
for u lot of wheat May 1. ' 'lie wanted me. "
said Harper , "to furnish money for this
purpose , but I refused. Ho said 1 would bo
sorry. I advised him to sell May wheat ami
buy June and pay Uio difference , lie asked
mo to write n memorandum of a telegram to
that effect , saying : 'Please change that
May wheat I have not provided for to Juno
and July. My principal lias decided , etc. '
Mr. Wiisliiro represented to mo that ho was
buying largely for Cleveland parties , and
that is what I suppose ho referred to in the
words : 'My principal. ' "
Witness then asked permission to explain
the check of Wilshire's for $10,000 in Octo
ber , but was stopped by the court. Ho was
then asked if it was given for the wheat
deal. lie answered no , that it was given to
pay bonds which Wilshire hud hypothecated
without authority. Here the court again
stopped him and cautioned him to answer
questions and not go into irrelevant matters.
Bi't ho again told that Wilshire had gouo to
Cleveland to get help from his brother-in-
law and had come back with nothing , and
later that Wilshiro hud mortgaged property
forfir > 0,000 , nnd explained to him that ho
did so to make good that sum of money sunk
by him In wheat taken from his father's es
tate. He explained also how he discounted
the Lewis notes nt Wilshire's suggestion ,
ami after again denying that u dollar
of the bank's money or his went iuto the
wheat deal , went on to tell of the crash and
how Wilshiro and Hopkins followed him to
Bowman's , where ho dines , mid with tears
in their oycs bogged him to let them liavo
more monoy. Ho had refused Wilshiro that
morning. Hopkins suggested telegraphing
to n bank in Chicago to sec how much they
would take to carry the deal through. Hop
kins sent such a telegram to the American
Exchange bank in Chicago. When witness
returned from dinner lie. found u telegram on
his desk from that bank saying that if Wil
shire was there mutt morning with $000,000 it
would bo safe. That was where Kcrshaw &
Co. hud their account. Ho told how Wilshiru.
Hopkins und ho tallied the matter over and
decided that they would save the bank. Hop
kins had n letter of credit drawn for fc.00,000
and four drafts on the Chemical bank , of
New York , for f 100,000. Wilshire was afraid
to carry the money lest it bo attached , nnd
it was arranged that Guhr should go with
him. Gahr was instructed to not give up the
money without u guarantee. Next morning
ho repeated this warning by telegram and
was answered that It was too late. Ho then
stopped payment on the drafts.
Ho became affected at this point and went
on to say how he put all his money into the
bank to save it , only to sco the other direc
tors walk in and chock theirs out. Only Old
Zimmerman , of all the directors , offered any
assistance. Then the government cumo In
and the end was.rcuchcd.
Counsel next asked in detail whether ho
had ever had or ordered nny wheat transac
tion witli various brokers in Chicago , naming
them , nnd ho returned .tho same answer. In
February , 1SS7 , ho had a conversation with
Hopkins ubout the Irving , Green & Co. mat
ter and told him Unit he thought it was ills-
honi'Ht. About the ftiVi.OOO transaction with
the Fidelity bunk ho had no knowledge what
ever until told of it in Jail at Dayton. Hop-
Wim had transactions through Hoyt- with
Kcrshaw & Co. , and lib was trying , to 'hedgo
against our losses by. ) Wilshire"I / louncd
money to Hopkins , " said .witness , "apd paid
drafts for him , but ued my own money and
never took a penny out of the bank's funds
for this purpose. Hopkins went in 10.000
with nnothcr broker , nnd I helped him. This
was paid back and the money went Into the
bunk. This also was u hedging operation. "
Witness was then examined as to the nsscts
of the Swift Iron nnd steel works , the Hiver-
oido rolling mills , the firm of E. L. Harper &
Co. and of himself , nnd said that nil the
transactions of these firms and companies
with the Fidelity bank were legitimate.
Mr. Blackburn niniln asked him If he had
anything to do with Hopkins' wheat deals
through Broker Hoyt. He answered that ho
paid Hopkins' drafts , but ho did it to protect
the bank , " 1 was interested through Hop
kins to that extent , \Vo would first protect
the interests of the bank and after that If
tlicro was any profit loft It was to bo divided
between Hopkins nnd myself. "
Mr. Blackburn nskcd : "Did you nt nny
time hnvo nny intent in nil these transaction *
to defraud the bank oranybody elsol"
"Not in the world , " was the answer. The
rross-cxiimlnatlon was brief. It brought out
the single fact that he purchased u certificate
of deposit with his own checks , which were
not charged to his account. Two or three
other witnesses were culled , mnlnly to toll
about Humor's assets , but the government
counsel dismissed some of them without
cross-examination or drawing from them
some damaging testimony.
Springer llurlmugh PUNNOM Away nt
St Paul Alter n Short IHncNH.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Dec. 9. [ Special Tele
gram to the Buu. ] After an illness of two
weeks Springer Harlmugh died lust evening
at the residence of his daughter , Mrs. L. L.
C. Brooks. Mr. Harbaugh attended the na
tional agricultural college ut Chicago and
while there was taken 111. On his return ho
took to his bed with pleura pneumonia , which
was tlio cause of his death. The deceased
was born-tit New Lisbon , O. , March 10 , 1S10.
Ho removed tpj > ittsburg _ inJ84j > , where he
engaged in the iron Trade. lie cnnio to Min
nesota In ISbO und took charge of two of the
largest farms in the northwest the Lock-
hurt , near Ada , und the Keystone , near
Crookston. Mr. Harbaugh wnsonoof the two
original directors of the Union Pacific railroad
appointed by President Lincoln. Ho was re-
Uppointcd by President Johnson when the
number was increased to live. Just before
the buttle cf. Pittsburg Landing ho was delegated -
gated by the govcuor of Pennsyivmilr. to 'uiitO
a corps of surgeons to the point where the
buttle wus to take place. At New Lisbon in
18)4 ho married Miss Roxiu A. Brooks , who
died in IbbO while on u visit to her son , then
living in California. The deceased leaves
two children Mrs , L. L. O. Brooks and Do-
lormo Harbaugh.
Other Deaths.
Brrr.u.o. Dec. 9. Thomas Contsworth , a
prominent business man and owner of one of
the largest elevators in this city , died this
morning , aged sixty-six years.
LOL-ISVII.I.U , Ky. , Dec. 9 : Rev. Dr. E. P.
Humphrey , one of the oldest and most dis
tinguished ministers in the south , died sud-
scdly this afternoon at the residence of his
son , Judge Alex P. Humphrey , in this city.
Moving a Hlfj Hotel.
NEW YORK , Dec. 9. [ Special Telegram to
the Buu. ] Urightoji Bench hotel , Coney
Island , has nn attraction for the sen appar
ently , for although some years ago there was
n stretch of sand between the hotel nnd the
ocean , now the waves wash the front wall.
Tlio hotel will bo moved back this winter ,
nnd this is the first time thnt nflve-thouKiind-
ton house will bo moved. A novel plan Avill
bo brought into piny. Tlio building will bo
cut up lengthwise into three sections , u triple-
track elevated railroad will bo built under
each section , flat cars run in , nnd n dozen en
gines coupled tandem convoy the building to
the desired spot. The hotel has n frontugo
ofICO feet , und un average depth of 150 feet ,
three stories highsurmounted by live towers.
The bathing pavilion. 4if > feet long by To feet
deep , is to be moved in the same manner.
Kcport on the Clmtworth AVreck. , 111. , Dec. 9. Alter a number
of weeks spent in investigation of the causes
frhie'i ' led t o the Chatsworth train wreck , the
Illinois railroad Tin ; ] -'tircliQuso commission
has submitted to Governor OgTo.siiy a 'vport
stating that , in their opinion , tlio train would
not have been destroyed if the bridge hud
burned before tlio train reached it. They
found no evidence to show that the burning
was the work of an incendiary , but held that
the railroad is censurable for neglect in fail
ing to inspect the condition of the track und
bridges in advance of the train. They suy
thnt the poor financial condition of tlio road
does not relieve it of responsibility.
Vilas' Honor Involved.
MixxEAi'ous , Deo. 9. William Welch , an
attorney of this city , published in a paper
called the Homo Diary charges that Post
master General Vilas wrecked tlio Madison
Insurance company and never accounted for
some of tlio funds of the company. Welch
was indicted by the grand jury for criminal
libel , as ho claims , at tlio instigation of Vilas.
To-day the court denied liisnpplieation forun
order for the complainants to show cause
why they should not produce the missing
books of the Madison Insurance company.
Ho was granted ten days more In which to
file n bill of exceptions.
A Cook County .lull Plot.
Ciiic.uio , Dec. 9. The authorities ut the
Cook county jail are said to bo much worried
over the discovery of the possession of con
traband articles by prisoners. Following the
sensation caused by the Linggbombs und the
Kngel poison it , is now nssestcd thnt
ono of the most despcrnto criminals
in the Jaij wus discovered the other day to
have in his possession u revolver and ammuni
tion. The Jail authorities suppress all information
mation , but It is asserted that tliero was n
well conceived plot to arm several noted
criminals in the Jail , when the plan would bo
carried out for escape , shooting down the
guards if necessary.
The Alton's Cut.
CHICAGO , Dec. 9 , Tlio Chicago & Alton
railroad company to-day gave notice thnt it
would , on December ' . ' 0 , reduce rates on him
her from Chicago to Kansas City from 18
cents to 11 % cents per 100 pounds. Tills ac
tion pulls down rates not only from Chicago
to Kunses City , but ulso from the northwest
and Mississippi river points nnd to Council
Bluffs an , ' . Omaha. As the gross revenue
from this business is about 1,000,000 a year
the reduction means less earnings by $750,000.
Weather Indication n.
For Nebraska and Iowa : Colder , with
light ruins or snow , followed by fair weather ,
fresh , to brisk northerly winds , becoming
light to fresh , variable ) with cold wavo.
For Dakota : Local snows , cooler , followed
by slightly warmer weather , light to fresh
vuriublo winds.
ItlotiiH Ittishian Students.
Moscow , Dec. 'J , A largo crowd of uni
versity students made nn attack to-day on
M. Brighaloff , government inspector. They
nlso engaged in other riotous demonstrations.
Finally u force of Cossacks was called out
to suppress the disturbance. Several hun
dreds of students were arrested.
Ijynclietl | ) y McxicniiH.
Hio CiKANiii : CITV , Tex. , Dec. 9. The
sheriff of Star county arrested Cocillor Bor-
rca and Vivian Die/ , charged with kidnapping
Scnor Borrra last August. A band of Mexi
cans took the prisoners from him nnd lynched
Killing Competition.
Toi.Epo , Dec. 9. The Toledo Oil company ,
which has n refinery herb for coal oil-sold out
. .tAl'niy to tha-Statulard Oil company for * 1 ' < K - ,
( XXTills ) ends Toledo competition With 'tho
' ' '
Standard , , . .
Loft Her Country Homo For n Lo\f
Dlvo iu Lincoln.
"Mysterious Death of a French Cor *
Doctor nt 1'orn llurnlai-M Con
tinue to Torroi-lr.o
City State NCWH.
Hrncucd From Her Hliaiuo.
LINCOLN , Neb , , Deo. 9. [ Special Telegram
to the BII : : . ] About ten days ago n younn
lady , the daughter of highly re.spcctnbla
people living in ono of the southern counties
in the state , left homo ostensibly to visit
relatives In this city. A week passed by nnd ,
nothing having been heard from her , Inquiry
was made nnd It wus ascertained that she
was in Lincoln , but was not with the rela
tives. The father of the girl , fearing the
worst oamo to the city yesterday , and it was
quickly ascertained that the wayward girl
bud come to the city and had been hi
disreputable company. Tlio case was laid
before the city marshal , who , with the
father , instituted search , finding that one.
night she had stopped ut a hotel , Thcr |
search led them to rooms occupied on South
Tenth street by souio women of tlio town ,
where , in a scurch of tlio rooms ,
the girl was found secreted under n bed.
The meeting between the girl nnd her
father was un affecting ono. With tears
streaming down bis face , ho toolt her in his
arms and asked her to return home wit hhluj.
This she apparently willingly consented to
do , and on the night train they departed
hc 'j'.vsr-J. The irl is lutslUjrcut in nri-
pourunco , and the horrible life she had evi
dently determined upon did not appear in
her features. When the room where
the girl wus secreted wus entered , a
B. it M. "peunnttcr" and another man wcro
there , und the train boy evidently bus been
playing a role in the prorccdjngx. An alleged
detective in the city without visible means ot
support has figured to no creditable ndvuut-i
ugo us well In the proceedings that have well
nigh wreck * . ! : i homo but may yet redeem "ft
wayward girl from her folly.
Found Dead.
NinitA : KA CITV , Neb. , Dec. 9. [ Special ,
Telegram to the 15uu. ] The rojiort comes
from Peru that the dead body of n French
corn doctor wus found thi afternoon In tlio
water closet of the B. & M. depot nt that
place. For several weeks past the man was
selling iiis preparation in this city nnd wim
once run in by the police for drunkenness
when ho gave his name as William Decline.
A few days ago ho loft town in company with
several rough-looking characters. Ho was
supposed to htivo considerable money und it
is suspicioned he met with foul play. Ho wax
lust seen alive in Peru lust night. In view of
the numerous robberies nnd the presence ill
the city of many toughs the suspicion that ho.
wus murdered seems well-rounded.
Moro Burglaries at Nolirnmkn City.
NUIIUAPKA CITV , Neb. , Dee. ( I. [ Special
Telegram to the Bni : . ] The usual number ot
robberies wcro reported to the police thia
morning. Peebley's grocery , Goldberg's
clothing house , Nelson's shoo store , and
Nuckoll's boarding house wcro burglarized
last night , und u furmer was held up by foot-
puds. There have been no nrrcsts yet.
Three Member * of a St. Joseph Family !
Die in Three AA'ookH.
ST. Josui-ii , Mo. , Dec. 9. [ Special Tele ,
gram to the Bii : : . ] Kntio Albus , the three-
yoar-old daughter of Mr. John Albus , n vto\\ \ \
known resident of this city , died to-day nt 13
o'clock of scurlet fever. This is the third ,
member of this family that has died within
the past week. About three weeks ago tho.
oldest child , n boy about eight yours of ngc ,
was taken sick with the scarlet fever aiu\
died about two weeks later. In u few days
th-J mother followed , dentil resulting from
the sumo dhwse and to-day the youngest
child fell the third victim to the disease.
Mr , Allnm is the only surviving rawnber of a
family which , three weeks ago , did not iravu
a sick member in it. Hois now sick with thd
same disease but the chances nro in favor of ;
his recovery.
Tlu : Carter Child.
Ciiic'too , Deo. 9. Judge Jamleson this
morning rendered his decision in the Carter
Injunction suit , which has attracted HO much
attention hero and decided that the custody
of Leslie Carter's child should bo given to ,
the mother and father on nlternuto months.
When in possession of the father the court ,
appointed Miss Helen Carter , defendnnt'H sis
ter , to bo the boy's gimnliun , while Mrs. Dud
ley , complainant's mother , will net us guar
dian while the child is in the possession o ' '
Mrs. Carter ,
ItiiKlnosH Troubles- .
AVACO , Tex. , Dec. 9. Tlio clothing house ol-
Isaac Lewis was closed yesterday by attach"
ments amounting to ( i2X)0. ( )
Gi.tsmnv , Dec. 9. Armstrong Bros. &Co. ,
the largest operators in the iron ring , huvo.
failed owing to a rise in the priep of pig iron.1
Tlio iron markets are excited , und tlicro is a.
grout amount of speculation ,
Most on Hail.
Nr.w YOHK , Dec. 9. Application wns mado-
to Judge Lawrence to-day in the supreme
court for the admission to bail of Juliana
Most , in whoso case an appeal 1ms been taken
from the judgment of the court of general ]
sessions. The application was granted univ
Most was released on $5,000 bail , Mrs. Ida ,
Hoffman becoming his bondswoman.
Small DanmKCH Awarded.
BINOIIAMPIOX. N. Y. , Dec. 9. In the suit
of George M , Rogers against the Blnghum-
ton Republican for $10,000 damages for libel ,
the Jury this morning awarded the plaintiff
< i cents. The Republican printed an article
alleging that Rogers wus u bogua pension ,
Strike ol' ( Jlii
PiTTSiiuno , Dec. 9. Tills afternoon Presi
dent Smith , of the American Flint Glass-
workers association , ordered a general strlko
of tublowuro men to take effect to-morrow.
The strike will effect 1,100 and CUUKO suspen
sion of work in nineteen factories.
NATCIIUMiss. . , Dec. 9. Five damage
suits aggregating $1 | 0K , ( ) , have been insti
tuted against the Nutche/ Cotton Mills com
pany by relatives of those killed In the ex
plosion which took place in the mill Muy
Another TI-IIKI.
Nnw YOHK , Dec. 9. The manufacturers of
rubber boots und shoes have , nfter repented
.insuccfssful'attempts , concluded the forma
tion of u trust which will bo known us thu
Boston rubber boot nnd shoo trust.
Arrested For F < i
FAIUMOI-NT , 111 , , Dec. 9 , Thompson , a
prominent business man of Danville , ill. , was
urrchlcd to-day charged with committing n
i'J.MXl forgery. Ho admitted his guilt and
wus committed to'Jull.
A Pugilist Convicted.
CHICAGO , Dec. 9 Thomns 'White ' , who-
klllcil Harry Woodson , alias the Black Diamond
mend , colored pugilist , wus found guilty ot
iminslaiif.'htcr this morning. HIspunlHhmeal ,
was lixc'd ut ilve years in the penitcutlury
' ' '
. .