THE OJVIAHA DAILY BEE : FRIDAY , DECEMBER 9. 1837 SPECIAL NOTICES. Advertisements nmicr till * MM , 10 cents for llnr for the llrst insertion. 7 cents forrachBiil * pciiuent Insertion , nnd 11.60 n line per month. No ndvcrtlfcuHnt taken for less thnn 25 cents for thn flrfct Insertion. Sevin worda will bo rounlul to tlio line ; they mtistnm con ( > cu- tlvelv nnd must be paid In ndvnnce. Allnd- MTtlMMiiitits must be hnndcd In before 1T : ) o'clock p. in. , nnd under no clrcumstnncis will they he tuken or dtscmtlnilcd by telephone. Parties ndv crtlMnp in these columns and hnv- fnctli answers addressed In euro of tlio Ilcc. vlll plrape ftfrk for n clink totnnbl * them to jet their letters ni none will bo delivered ex cept on presentation of chc < k. All nnswers to nivpTtlfements should b - enclosed In em elopei , All ndvertlfumcnts In UICKU columns nrn pub lished In both morning nnd evening villtloiw of Hie llee , th * clrcillutlon of which nggregnte i more than ll.Hfl pnpi-rs dnlly , nnd elves the nil- vcrtl crs tlio benefit , not only of the city circu lation of tlin Her , but nlpo of Council Hinds , Lincoln nnd other cltlen and towns throughout thin part of the west. , _ SITUATIONS WANTED. - for men nml their wlv es WANTED-Sltuntlon on rnnches or nnvkind of w ork. Wo liuo niinibor of KOMI couples on hand. Nooillcofoo. Mrs. lltegn & bon. ! 110 S 15th. 14'J V \\rANTF.D-Sltuntlon ns housekeeper by R T > stuidymlddlc-nged woman ; good cook nnd laundress. No ollice fee. Mrs. llregn A. Son , 16 8 loth. 14'iu * _ WANTKIVSltuntlon ns coachman or porter by colored man of uood nppeniamo nml splendid references , willing to make himself Rencrnllv useful ; imofflco fee , Canadian Kmp. offltc , Mrs. llrcga * Sort , 310 So. 15th. Tel ( . Wl , AN'I KD Situation by a sober statlonaiy w eimlnu rot 20)i irsiirnctlinl ; experience ; good teferemes ; noolllcufie. Can.iulinl.mli. ollice , Mrs. Ilrtga \ boil. 310 bo. 15th. Tel , 8M. J Itf'J \ ' wanted by a tinner , good work man. thoroughly sti ndy. understands fur nace work. Address W. , Old , Neb , care F. W. Wenvtr. 12110 * _ 1J17" ANTHD-lly experienced ) oung lad v. rosl- T > tlon at bookkctplng or copying. Addiess 1H. . I lee. 105-11J _ ANTiiltuation : by nSwulish mnn.ngcd 2T > , to take caio of liorses and do wink round the house or woiknsu helper In Moic ; oxprrlenre In both ; city references. Address 01HN. IHth. H9S 10 * _ . - for llrst class meat nnd WANTF.D-Sltmitlon pastry cook , be t of references , nlco foi Z A 1 women cooks , no ollice fee. Mrs. llreg.i X Son. 310 S 15th. Talc. bM. ! ' " ' 8 * _ W AN'I r.D Position nil Iprk In dry goodsor notion store by nlndv of expeiknce. llef- ercncu glM n. Addies-i I' 14. lleeolllco. W I 12 * AN oxperli need dresstnnker wishes sewing In famllli s ; cnnglvu good rcfeience. A ] > - ply 12.1 N. 17th st. nn b * _ \ \ f ATii : ) Sltuntion by a 111 st-clnss bartender. IT no obji i tlon going out of clt ) ; n trustv man. ( iood t fti < mes g\cn | if desliod. Daniel McKeii7le , ollS. IGthbt. , Omnhn , Neb. \\7ANTii ; ) Slluatlon for shorthand work ; " infeicnce fumlshed , K. J. 'Jn pr , Lin coln , Ni b. Ml in * WANTEU--MAUE HELP. rANTIID A blight , active ) oung man as pattm i In a business that will make fiom o if III pel dny. Must haMii 'i Canadian I'm- ployment olllco , Mrs. Hrega A , 3ou , 310 S 15th. Tel. M4. 118 * WANTED Immediately , experienced tea nnd colli o salt smnn to woik on commis sion. Oilinlul Ten Co . 2711 Cumlng st. 110 h * WANTED A good bather , single man of stendv habits ; good wages ; all w Inter's Job. H. Elliott , Neol.i , lown. 115 n " \\7ANTED-lloy to take cam of hoi so and T buggy , nlso to muku himself useful mound house. Ctll nt doctoi'sotlice.Ull S 1 Ith st. 1.KI 8 * "ISfANTED Pairel boj at oncu. 0'Dnnuhoo & , T > Blicify , Uth St , next to the postolllce.I'M I'M n ANTED-Onipenter Apply bet. nth and 10th bet. larnnm nml Hnrncv John Helm. HI HJ WANTED Hellablenlejmnn who has es. tnhllMu-d tindn iiluoug the retail grocers in Omnhn nnd Council Illulls , Intake oidiis foi a ntnnla nitli lo on commission , bmallbamplo fin- nlslied in e , and sales can be easily made , ns thogoods aleHist cl.iss , Addiess C. Pemlier- ton , Jr. , agent , IJ 7 W Mil st. , Kaims City. Mo. WANTED Two good city cinvnsslng ngents to sell lioiisi hold specialties. Lowell Mallfixctnrlng Co. . 221 N. I Ith. 10I-10J WAN'lED Danish or German butcher , big halaiy , pinto ttlass cuttei , man who mulct- stands oil nud paint ttndo , geneial salesman , pastryeook , dilvcis , teamsteis. cleiks and all < lasses of help. Gieat Western , lltrl Fai natn st , Hoom II. 100 8 * " \Xr.\NTED Tiavellug salesmen to represent T > almost all lines of staple articles. Posi tions opin for good men lot 1st of Jauuniy. ( I i cut Wi stem , ire i Famam , Hoom tl Km 8 * TjrNTED Young men foi stock i.ilslng ; doT - T T llghtful ilimate ; hoises to ilili ; under- rtnndlmc must bo hud \ ofore stalling. In- clou ) stamped self addiessed en\ elope II. Van llunb , lloeme , Kindall Co , Texas. IHtlb * "VV'AN'I I'.DA man to learn real estate bust- TT ness : } 75 n month ; mint have Jl.Oixi in propei tv 01 iiish Intake nil lutciest In the busi ness. Addu ss P 1.1. llee. Mrt 8 " \\rAiN'l ElAll ) etperlencd eollei lei , turn w ho TT langlvusicuutj nnd Is willing to woik haul foi modi into wares ; work mostly iiillect- lugrents. Addiess P.O. box Mil , city , stating oxpeilence , salary expected , where last em ployed , age , etc. 811 "VVANTED At once , piano plaer , male or T T female , good wages. Apply Lulu Hogum , 101 N. 01 list. 347 > V fy\NTED Mm foi tallrimil work. Al. blight s Labor Agcnc ) , 1120 Farnam. 501 ° \Xf ANTED IdO men of good appearance to TT tiyour I'u meals nt Nmiis restaniant,31l nnd 3U fconth llth strict , ( old Live und U > l Live ) 6DU XTAN' ! ED-I ndy cook for Institution , f 10 pel TT month ; Inily cleric to take chaige , 12. " nmlbonid ; polisher in a laundry , 2 walteiesxe * Inaiiii' hoti 1 in city , woikiug honsi Kcepei on u ramh , no objeitlim to a child ; woman cook foi country holi 1 , J.'il ; 2 eonki foi Idaho , J'O for tin : two ; .i small gills , nml lotsof places in prluite families at housewoik. t utindla Emp. olllce , Mi . Ilnga vl bon. I'tO ' 8J \VAN'IEO Lady cashier , must spc.ik Ger TT man ; 10 ( leiimin girls for hotil , icstau rnut nnd pihato fnmltlis , ; i rood dlnln ? rooir gills , -Jtlist und second looks. 2 canvasseis. t coal mlm is. gutu City Emp. Ollke , .114H S. nth 1U08' Mil ED GUI for ginarul ilOUSMVMIlk 122 ; . ' N. 27lh st. 1W7-UJ w 7A.NTF.D-GI11 for fotisial ] 10th st. ICi'JS * AV " - - housuwork. S. W , 101. 25th uud ( . 'nlilni-ll. U78 'J " \\7AN I KD ( ioodgUlcomiHtent for ceneia TT housework nud w.ulilu ' . U.'ISl'tHst. UIO 8 \\rANTED-2 goidOunmn glrla forkltcher TT nnd homework. Inquire Uosenmunds 101J Farnam. | J 8 \\7-\NlED- Good cook for hot el ; lOgoodlirsi TT nnd second ulrU for piivate families Callatllty IntulllgcneuOlliivroom4Crfihtoi ) Wotk. 718 \\TANTED-At the City Intelligence Olllce TT loonUClelghton blk , K snleslndles ti register forrxtnt workdinlngthelmlldiis. AM ! Kit U fur hotels , icstaut.iiitb , and rrlvatu fami "i. " 17 irAN'IED-Glrl. 154S bheimanave. Mrs.J ' M.Counsman. 5.1.1 LA I ) I ES are olllered plain needlew ork at theli ow n homes now n or coiinti v i b > n w holes ill house. Profitable , m-iiuliio. ( ioi l pay can In made. Evirvtblng tnnilfhed. Pnitl niat > true Address Artistic .Nfrdlcwoik Co. Ill Mil st. Kt w York City. 274 " \VANTED- Ladles in citv m-countir , for ou T T holiday trnde , to takn llnlit , plensiut wor ! nt tin li- own homes. 1 to fi j , r duv uin ! > . nuietlvmnde. nrk > nt by mall anv dbtince P.iltliulars flee. No caiiriiy. \ \ \ . Addiess n onto , t esrent Art Co , U7 A Milk , tt , llostjn Hn > h. P. O. hoxaiift , 6W WANTED- " * ) ladles In try our PS meals n Norrli'rvstaiiraut old Live 811 nnd 31 iS. Uthot. r..i . ; ] MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \\7ANTKD Fuintly to adopt jurtty glrlbab 5 days old. Address i ; . ' , llee. t > h 10' \\rANlElH-llyuKenllemairuml vjlfii with TT bab ) 18 montlis old. the latter of n M-I penconble dl i ) sltloii , n place to l > onrd In n prl vwte tanilly wheie rains n m t oxti-hMtt * . mil * not be more than 20 blocks fiom poMolllco nn convenient to tret in > ; it-forenco give- ami required . Addtesi P 2s , llusollUp. . . _ _ 1174 8 _ \ ANrED llouses to rent. W. M. ll.irrl T T Hental Agency , ovu J20 ri , 15th st. TT _ _ _ , _ \T rAN rvrD I te know t . lh , TT wllibeli . .itlo biilt y.irnis r uud w > : pn ea. . " ' terns , in Albright's choke , J-out UiSiua , V W. u. AlurluUt , 'IS S. litltM. ' ' - . . , . . W7.U TV-ANTED vrnfm mom nnrt bonrrt for 12.1 by geiulemnh. Address 1 * 27. llec. tiil 8 * WANTED- > m furnished or unfurnished vrltli bnnril for married 'conple In private family. Imving nd otlulr bonrdrn. Address Mating prior nitct locution. T , cure I'nlon Type Founiiry , 410 South lUhmtect. _ KM 11 * "WANTED Two pernona to learn book-keep- Ing. Situations. J. H. Smith , 1 1 1 Chlongo. " \\rANTED A purchaser foi1 nl fine n piece of r trackage ns there Is In the city. W. O. Albright , Z\t \ > S. nth st. M 11 _ \VE want n Hour nnd food store nmt a. I nkerr T or hnrdwnre store op ned at once In Kitch block , I'nrk ic. . Splendid rooms and \ery chcnp rent. Drugstore , mentiuniket and * gro cery now In the block , nnd doing well. V. J , . Gregory , llentul Agent. M 9 l th st. EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS r.mplo ) mi-tit ollice. the belt CANADIAN place In (1 nml m to get help or sltunllons. Hcfercnreomnha National bnnk , Mrs. llregn &Soli.3llSo. | IMh. Tcl. 4 752 10' . hotel nnd restaurant men wanting extra help for hrtllrtiivs ran have their ordeis llil < d nt the City Intelligence ulllce , Crclghton block. No fee. 710 BOARDINGS k AY boarders w nnted ; also one front room to ' rent , furnished. 21J North Ibth st. 113 13 * tUrVATi : boarding , 1011 Dodge st , 120 j 7 W A NT iD-Uoomcrs ; & . boarders at nil N 18th VUI 8J B OAUD with rooms for four nt2118 Hurt st. IbO F . . . . . LAbS tnblo board , served in homo style , for 3 or I gentlemen. 1814 Dodge. 604 WANTED-TO RENT. ANTnD Hy mnnled couple , two iinfur- nlshid looms with modem conveniences , .11 . private fnmlly or bonding hotite. Hoard In nmo IIOUBC- . Address I' U ) , Hoc. 100-10J \\7AN1 UD-lIouses to rent. W. M. Hnnls > > Hental Agency , ocr 220 S. 5th st. I2J " \\7AV1 HI ) 1 want to rent house 7 rooms near Fort Omahn. C. .W ) H 10th st. WAN'l F.D A small furnished cottage or t\\o 01 three fuinlshtd rooms on llrst lloor for light housekeeping , com enlent to car line. Ad dress OBI , llee olllce. 757 fOR RENT-HOUSES. FOH HUNT 4 room cottage , cistern and liirn , iClll Cotbv street , Omaha View. Inquire nt ioutheast cornet 1Mb and Douglas up stairs. HENT 10-room house , l' ' 3 Dodge. 141 U * FOH Itl'.NT Cheap , new 8 loomed house In Poppleton Paik , luqiilie of H. T. Fagan , -' National bat.k. 15110 TjVMMlENT House , cor. 15th nnd Hurt st. r us s * POIt UENT O-room house , city w iter. etc. , S. W. tin. King and Caldwell. .101 ; Famam. 141 7011 ItENT An 8 room house , city water gas , nml stable , ) 'minutes walk from the post- > llice. ( tout modeialo. Apply to D. J. O Don- ihoe , next door to the postolhce. 1,15 1J10H HENT 3 loom house , cellar , haul and -L1 soft wnter , ill. Hefcieiices icimired. Cor- iV Mth and Pacific st. 1 H 10 * liF.NT btx loom house , ti'i a month , N. 22 st , bet , Hurt iUJuriiin4. ( ! { . JUJM'C Cheap 5 room house , closets , pantilis cellar , haul and soft water , nleo place. IM'i ' S. 'Jlst st , between Ceutcr and Dorcas stiei ts. va 11 * FOH HF.NT A eompleto liome , new , 10 looms , nil modern conveniences , jood Khboi hooil , i onenlent to schools nnd thliiclus , Htieet cais by thn doors , J. H. Par- lotto Hental Agenc ) , lie ) Chicago. 0v ( ! 1 > . ACAUEIVL Hnant can rent cheap an 8- ioom house , latelv finished on 37th st. , south of Lea\enworth 1 block , until the Ht of Mnv. James K. Morton , opp. postolllce. 1AI7 8 * 1OTTAOE for lent , H. Williams , 1107 Douglas P1OTTAOE ! IM F ° It HENT 1 loom house with i Inset and pantry , ? 10 per month. Appl ) 1107 S.7th. 121 8J FOH HE > 'T .An 8 room house. All modern 1m- po\e-ments. Immliu 4bl Con\eut st. icil ) BJ FOH HENT Four room cottngo with cellar closets andpantty , CenteTst. neat 20th. En- qulro at olllce of King s bicwety. USJ 8 | FOU HENT-Ahousoof llorlJioomsheatedby steam with nil the modern improvements , btablo for 0 horses , cairlago house und all con- \enlences. On llarncv between loth nnd 17th sts. Impilie of E. P. Niihh , Fineltlng works , or ' 1 bos. bw 1ft , 405 North 15th st. 84J-S ijlOH HENT New nine room houso. Giant JL1 bet 21st and 22(1viy cheap If taken quick. Nason , llll'i Farnam. KJB U llIUTY-ONE houses for tent , nil paitsof the - citv , at fiom f 10 to J75 per month. F. L. ( ilegory , Ueutnl Agent/W h 10th st- Ground lloor. 'lelephono Ml. TtO 171OH Itl'.NT .1 room house , S. E. cor. 27th nnd X1 Dodge , { 17.00. J. H. Hlngwillt , 218 bo. Mth fct. 7tO " 171OH HENT A now tenioont house with all J- modern improvement * , largo attic , Douglas and 2lststicets. Not n basement house. Ap ply Morltz Meyer , cor II nlul 1'aimim. 717 F I OH HENT h-room house , coiner 15th and Jone * , or apply to A. 0. Pow ell,1505 I'nrnnin. 171OH HENT Now 4-room cottage , $1J per JL mouth. Apply room 20 , nil Dodgobt. 75.J Foil ItENT-New house , 0 rooms , itc. , largo giouuds , corner 4 th uud Capitol avenue , Inqulio 2821 Dodge st. 587 FOH HENT-8elegant brick residences with nil modern Impiovements , U and 14 looms ench. pli asunt and i omenient location. O F. l .i > is company , n02 Famam St. HJ EOH KENT R room housu , WlrtS 25th avenue , 1 block south of Lciuenwoitli. J. 1)Conic , nt Falconet's. IWJ POH HEVT , 0-room housu n w tor. Son aril " * nnd27th sts. O.VJ Tj OH HENT 2 now haudsomu 0 loom cottages JL1 well , churns , etc JI7 per month .J2d and California. A. C. Wula-toy , omalm No.fl bank bid. ! W7 _ Il"llEN'T-Hou o II rooms. W.r. . HtToT man , N E comer loth und Dongl.n. HO "IjlOll HENr ' ! houses and four looms. En- J1 iiulro of Cunnluuhnm & ller.rooms 0 and 7. Arlington block , nil und 15U Dodge t. 8.jO "I71OU HENT Spvera new 7 room houses i- block fi oni stnet car. ready for ocuipancy No\embcrl O. F. H.iriison 418S. ith st. Wio FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. 7jlOU UK.NT-Di nil able room , 1WJ Dodge. -U . HU13 * HENT Two nicely furnished looms , ona om ufifiirnlsbid , 1'Jlt Cumlng st. 121 10 * HE.N'T 'Ihteo pleasant furnished fiont nxmis , with nil modern conveniences , for four gentlemen , ut HIU'J ' Cuuilu st.coiner Mil. 14J 10 * IPOU HENT 7-room Iliit..1 ! blocksfiom Hovd'a -L opera hoii'-e ; tumlturo worth MO foi IJ7.1 , on bimill monthlv pa > nu.'iiu. Co-operative Laud \ Lot Co. 2J5 N. liith St. 1J5 10 FOIt JIENT Furnished re-dim , slngln or en sultH. 2 < K71'arnnui'kt. 121) ) H * HENT-Nlcely furnished front loom , wlthh-at. $3 per month. 400 William st , , 8 minutes'walk southeast U. P. depot , nufl FOH HKNT Ncv\lv furnished cist tiont mom with alcove and nay window ; nil modern convenience's ; boftrcHf ileslii-d. No. tl Georgia nve. I > i5 HJ T4WIl ) HE.S'l Nliely furnished room ? with 01 < Jc without Ixutd.JlrtN. l.itllbt. U < > 0-1JJ 220S ) Do.lge ] hllDJ U HENT Hoom nicely furnished for gen- tlomtn. IWIi Capitol a > e. U7J11 * "VTICULY furnlsheil rooms , lC13DoiUo. 1 > iio nj " 1OH HENT-Nlcely fiinilshwl front loom -l gas , steam heat nml nxu o ! bnth ; on stu-e ! car , JU17 Dongl is btreet. U5J 10 * oil iENT-Two furnished 01 unfinnlsheil front rooms li > with private family. In quire l ls Izanl bt. w 111 lent cheap. Uij-OJ l OK UF.NT-Kurylbhed rooTusTTilt ! DodgeTt 711 J I pirUNlSHEDHoom , 117 S-17th st. 7C19J roUUENTPleasanttt now furnUhw' am cheapest rooms In private hous41 , rt ( , . Al convcnltfucvs. Nenr Inulu . . . isu Capitol av e 247 d 2.1J " I i"fT Very ili kiraWo 1st lloor pirtlj funiShe 1 fr iian'cfepepitis : no children P , O. 1'll.lCap.uve. ' . W"i'lJ " NT roouiis mjvv furniture , batb. gai nt. w Ith first class tat > le Ixmrd , ( horn * ISUS , 24tli , n.r. 2Uli and F-artutm. Troll HENT Nlco fnrnlsllpd room , J9 per mo. JL' 8.V. . cor. IPth and Jackson. 'IB nlco funil hcd south room with all AVEHY modern com entente * for rent at 1711 Dodge st. IfJtfBJ FOH HENT Furnished room , all modern con veniences , large enough for two. SOW Dav enport. _ . . . . . 657 \T 1CEI.Y furnished front rY > om with gr wlth- i > out bonril. 1812 Dodge at. 679 Fp\\O nicely furnished rooms ; also S rooms JL for housekeeping , IfiUU Dav enport. irolt HI3NT Three nicely furnUhed roomn for JL' gentlemen ! board It desired ! nlso one In telligent lady room mate ; reference rcmilrcd , nit * Hj ONR fitrnli-hed front room ou ffnrt llbor , J10. 17l-4 Jackson. W ) IS * _ FOU HIJNT-FurnlBhed room , 1017 Ilottdrd. BIO _ _ TJllJUNlSIir. ! ) rooms for nnt , 1813 rnrnam st. lilOJiiJ _ TJ OOM8 nn < l board In prh ate family. Immlre C.-.7U TJFOIt FOIt HKNT-One lar e , well furnished front room with alcove buy window aud closet , gnu , b ith , hot and cold w ater on panic tloor , ( ur- nnce hent. for 2 gentlemen or man and w Ifo. 'Mi S. 2lth , bet. Farnam and Douglus , 4 < U 1 J UK HENT-Nlcoly ftirnUlied room-su\t.inlo for" gentlemen , [ inquire'Ml St. Mury'n uve. T71UHNIS1I Kl ) rooms wltn board , 1'JOT l-'nrnanT JJ 1188 * Foil Itl'.NT Furnished rooms ; gas , fnrnaco hent , modern com cnlences , ItBt Farnam. ROOMS for rent , No. WHB 12th Bt.K ! F OH HUNT Nlcelv furnlshul room" < nt SB7 - Dodge. Uns , bath nnd furnace heat. 021) ) I 1011 HKNT Thtco furnlshcd'nmt onr unfur nished rooms , with bny window , furnace , bath and gas , cast front , at 028 8.17th st. . (10 LAHOi ; southtront room , all modern conven iences , suitable for two gentlemen ; nlso llrst-clnss table board for three or four ; refer- dices. 1814 Dodge st. 704 ALOVF.LY , largo front room heated , beauti ful locntion. with all modern conveniences on st cm Hue , 11117 Cuss. 6W ) FOil HENT Furnished rooms In Oreunlgblk , cor. llth and Dodge sts. luquiieof Geo.'lt. Dav is , M lllaril hotel billiard room. 697 F UHN1SHED rooms , steam heat , 201 S 24th. HOd 17J "VflCELY furnished alcove nnd slnglo looms , -L > nnd fumlturo new. Mrs. liarber , 812 N. ICth st. 108 d 17J FOH HENT Furnished rooms $10 per month or clean beds ftt $1.00 to JI 60 per week. 602 So. 18th. _ smdljj " 171OH HENT Fin nlshcd looms in all parts of JL : the city , by the day , week or mouth , City Intelligence ollice , Crelghton block. 6'iS UNFURNI8 HED. P OH HENT Two nleo unfurnished 2d stoiy fiont looms , large size. 001 S. Uth st. 1408 * tlllHEE unfurnished rooms foi housekeeping. 1114 b , Uth. 1W011J "I71OH HENT One or two unfurnished looms , JL1 HHiboillh 22d. U27 8 * "TjlOH HENT ; ) unfurnished rooms on Lea\cn- JL ; woithbetween Virginia umlQcorgl i uvu. 77 HI "J IOU HENT J big rooms nt No. SllSpmcest. FOIl HF.NT Tlnee unfurnished rooms , suit- nblo foi housekeeping , at 1024 Notth 21st st. ISO FOH KENT .1 unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping , 1021 N'Oth st. 6'J3 FOH HENT Four (4) ( ) unfurnished rooms , 411 South 10th bt. , containing nil modern con veniences. 511 710H HENT tf looms suitable for house keep- 1 ing. N. W. cor. 14th and Plerco st. Apply to .116 S. 15tll St. MJo F I OH HUNT 3 unfurnished rooms suitable for housekeeping , 703 Pacific St. - cni FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. TT1OH HKNT Fiont pint of our office- , heated JL ! nnd lighted , J10 per month. KOJS& Smith , 220 N. 10th st. 127 8 * FOH HENT Stoic-ioom on 10th st. ; lent SCO. Leiise for one jt nr nnd half. Co-operntl\ Land & Lot Co , 201 N. Ifith. KM 8 B ASEMENT. stores and Hats , 13th and Jack son ; steam heat. Enquire Mrs. F. Lango. W7 BAKEHY ami confectionery store wanted on Park nAo. Good room , gas , water ami cheap rent. F. L. Gregory , llentol Agent , 309 S. lOUi st. " . 791 flOU HENT Store room $40 , basement $30. 1 G. E.'lhompson , JUS. 15th bt. 721 oil HENT llasoment stores and Hats with all modern improvements , corner Uth und Jackson sts. tW ! T71OH HENT Three-story and basement brick JD building , 44x00 feet , suitable for n hotel or stores and Hats , corner 1 ) th nud Pacific sts Ap pl ) at 111.'S. Uth st. 854 Foil HEN'T Ground floor ofltco room , cen trally located , heated i nd lighted. C. F. Harrison , 418 S. llth st. 002 FOH HENT-2nrtnnd3dlloorsat 1417 Douglas St. , w 1th lease of three years. Kennedy & lllbblns 1100 Douglas st. 003 TTlOlf HENT Ollices on Famam st. at $10 to $30 JO per month. One ollico furnished1012 Far- uam. IKS FOU itENT Onice room , first floor , ntSlflS. llth st. GOi FOR RENT-MISCELANEOUS. FOH HENT-Gooil barn cheap 1821 Chicago bt ( ill FOH HENT-A barn at 1717 Dodge St. ; will accommodate six hoises. For pnrticulais see G. W. Donne , room 23 , Arlington block. 1WV 8 * FOH HENT SO acres near Omaha , with good improvements. Schleslnger llros , 014 So. 10th bt. 7918 RENTAL AGENCIES. . H AVE calls for houses to rent. Harris Hental Agency , oer 220 b. 15th st. SPFCIAL attention given to renting houses , furnished nnd unfurnished rooms. List with ns. W.M. Harris , over220S. 11th at. b"4 fL. \ . CtHEGOUY , rental agent , JOO S. loth ht. , JD ground floor. Telephone 854. i4sl HENT If ) ou wish to rent a house call on llcnawa li Co. , 15th St. , opposite P. O. STORAGE. SIOItAGE-Merchnndi'orr furniture. Little \ u llllums. 1407 Douglas st. uq d 2a. "VTEW YOHK Storage Co. have inott extensive J- > facilities for storage of furniture , pianos , buggies , general merchandisevwest ofc Now York. Cash advances to any amount ; warn- house receipts given ; good * Insurear brick building tire-proof ; special nrrangeiflnnts fet commission merchants. Call New York Storupf Co. , Capitol av e and N. 15th St. , Bennett's block. PERSONAL. ' " 13EKSONAL Engagi ments to in families solicited. Call on or uddres : Miss Jessie Sturdy , 821 S 20th bt. 1I7J7 * I > EHJ. First-class dressmaking done ai J. 'U Mason st. Ida Anderson. HJ 21 IDEHSONAL Massage' treatment glv en by lad ; 1. gntduuto of Paris , hwedlsh movement Don't fall to call at No. 419 S. llth st , up stairs Front pallors , ] Ji ) 10J 1 > EIISONAL Want somebody to adopt a : months old boy baby , In good health. ' Ad di ess P 25 , Ueo ollk e. liy ) 12J IEUMNAL A gentleman of good appear lime , proprietor of n good business , w ihlie- to correspond with a Hebiew lady of about J years of age ; references. Address 1' . 0. box W Onwh t. 87' ) IJEHaONAL W. Gordon , practical carpe layer nml litter. Call on or address 201. Hartley st. 84U 10 * TVIMK Amle , late of Chicago , given electri -L'1 magnetic hand bath message treatments 4J4 N. IMll bt. N < IH _ EHbONAIr-lleyn's latest views of Omah- Inrluding all prinelple bulldluus VR VI \lewsbhowlng the city to the 1 . advantage fo bale at Hcj ii's guller ) a l c-nultteUl'a book store _ _ VM el 24 T KnsONAL Private home for ladies ilurlni J- confinement , strictly confidential. Infant adopted. Address E 4J llee olllce. 187 n 8 * LOST. rpEN dollars reward for wlicrealxiits pf settt JL doKlo.t Ia t Saturday f ovviier's namn 01 collar. No questions asked. Hoom 10 , aw Soutl 15th st. 118 U * LObT-rDec. 7. plrof mares , on * liay , one darl brow n. weight about Wo. Ploa/o return ti 1222 N , lOtb ana receive re * nt , 1W-9J IOST-ninrgc UlneK PTTTlernaril dOR with Jlong straight hnlr. Bmall'whlto spot oil breast , has n teel collnr , vvelghs 1JO Ibs. For Information that w ill lead to hU recovery I w ill pnyn liberal roirard. JqhuF. Jackson. 1120 S. 17th st. T 16.11) ) ' _ _ OST The night of NoC 2-tli. ) n slim , dark- brown horse , star In foreheiid , about 8 years old. A llbeial row ajjl will be paid for his return to my liAru , cornerlJUnh nud Ilnrney sts. Jns. btephemon. t > 71 LOSTIly Iromlny nnd 'iflA'se ' radish man , a pmnll lenther packet nemoiandnm book , Leave at llee olllco mid receive rewnrd. HO U * T , OST Or stolen ; near Hh daH' pnrK , n ined- Jj luin slzd dark bay miff e ! w 1th harness on , mall white spot on face , largo hind legs. T. Murray. of _ v _ _ 1.M rpAKlfN UP-A smnll goat. 1021 S. 27th st. JL vw loj _ _ TIAKKN up nt the corner of 3lst nnd Dnven- port sts. . 3 sheep. H. pnn. dl-n-11-22 3 FOt'ND The best place In Omaha to get help or situations. Canadian Emp. Olllie , Mrs. Hrcga \ Soil , aifl S 15th. tele 834. IW 8 T710 1IND A physloimi' * grip and pocket caso. JL ; Call at llee olllce- . DPI 8 * FOR 8ALE-N1ISCELLANEOUS. "I71OH SALE Singer leather sewing machlnp , JL1 good us ue'W , cheap. G , E. Thompson , nil B. 11th it. 114 F I OH SA I.E-An A 1 st Ulon. lr particulars nnd price address P 37 , llee olllie. 14) ) HJ FF F I OH SALE-Havo bought the entire lot of broom machinery , of factory Just closed out , and have the same for Bale at low price. Omaha llroom Works , J5th and Pacific st.1J310 1J310 * POU SAMI lleautlful Umo pet tatcoon. A llttlo fortune ton furrier or other btore for ho holldajs. Corner Mth nml Hnrnoy. 107-hJ FOlt SAIiK In casoof mo\Ing tlo ( following furniture2bedseti , 1 wardrobe , 1 hall rack , 2sophns , 1 garland base burner and carpets , nmilrowjos. istirst. 340J TJAHUOTS Have u few more for snle nt 1201) ) JL Douglas st , U77 J NATIONAL Cnblnet Letter flies for sale bv.f. Henry Wood , 711 1'aclllc street. Omaha elephonetOS. Nil 21 * FOK SALK State rights for a patent Just out. 'J his is nNo. 1 chance to build upn hu gn , per manent manufacturing business. Machine lino. ntlri'ly new. Costs ? 1M ) , sells for $115IX ) . 1'attly established. Address 'T 0" llee olllce. NU-10 * FOHSAMI-Atii bargain , 2 billiard nnd pool tables , Na .on , Kill Farnam. Brti U FOUSALi-Oneof : the best family hoises in the city with phaeton , cutter , harness nml robe ; cheap for casn. Also a splendid now stUo bquaro sto\e. For paitlcul-us apply at 13)0 ) Fat- st. ' 773 $100 FINK Don't read , iniiatbfi sold to pnv storage charges , nn elegant organ w 1th full set of reeds , solid black w'alnnt tiaso nnd con tains1 7 stops , cost n > . Is good as new nnd f 17 Inns It , on ensymjments.Sold for storage charges by New York Storage Co , coi Cap ao nml fith. 707 T51I.LAHD Table at half price. Hrunswick IJ Halkfl Co.'s make. Intjnlro I.csllo A. Leslie , IBth and Dodge sts. 210 OHOANS at wholpsulff pi Ices , on easy pay ments. Now York Piano Co , cor Cinltol nvo and 16th st. 60S. MISCELLANEOUS. TTI11KK Heading matter. At ) ou ha\o not de- C elded what papers to tmTo this ) car. semi ns % our address , with lOce-ntslBislhei. nndwo will forward umrnamo to huifflteds of publlshets allmer the country , who will send jon magi- 7lnes and pnpets of e\ cry description in pbun I- mice. His the best IB'P'tliienl toucan mnkn ofadltue. Jt will ) leld Tilg ntuins. Trr It. Subscilbo to no paper w IthoJit getting our pi ice. Hub. bubscrlptlon Agency , Iloston , > Inss. . Hex JUiiil. Mention llee. - 117 A GAUD fiom ( ! en. J. K.Tmith As T propose J\ . spending thn winter ni Washington. D. C , 1 deslm that any one ha\Ing accounts against me will l resent the same before tlm 15th lust , ns' 1 do not A\'ish smh mattersJett unsettled. JMO. F. . bmlth , htty , 1417 Farnam at. Ill 8 * 011A IK OAL Pet sons bluing ch ircoal liv i nrloml or moi o w ill please w rite to J. W. Van ln\"eiitei ) , chaicoaldealei , Dundee. Monroe county , Mich. 12,1 ! ) * IJAUTYwho stole oem > at on Sunday fiom saloon on Military jroffi will savn trouble j * fyn * 1M7 HJ "T cieing Houser-inn miaou Jackson at , , bet. 9th and ldth ts.-Kents single beds ntlCOperwcelt ; clefln beds. CWjO * \7"OUNG physilclah w oulrt like to know of good JL opening. Adrticss P 3J , Hee olllce. WUSIJ resident's Message couno 11s economy. JL nnd w ere he a w Cstern fttockownier he w oulil use btandard horse and cattle food and Stand ard stock liniment , and why ? Itecnnse he adopts nothing w ithout thorough in\estigution : This our "Standard" remedies w 111 bear. The econ omical part of It is that thu food presenes health and oftentimes thn life of the animal , keeps him In better health with less food and renders htm able to do a full day's work every day In the year , nml the liniment often saes a ve/erltuirl in bill , ns "a stitch In time sa\es nine. " Now after rending this don't rest till ou have n box of food and n bottle of liniment , "as jou know not what n day may bring foith. ' F. 13. Sanborn 4. Co , 1703 St. Mai ) 's ave , Omaha. 1020 "VTOTICE If ) ouha\e any property to trade J-s for city lots or lands in Nebraska call upon W. 0. Albilght , . ' 18 bouth llth St. W ! 11 U L ADI IIS'dress cutting school , 600 North 10th ; garments of all kind made to order. James McGullie , merchant tniloi. 4'J411 * ROUSE clipping by Hcnham' " stables , corner 17th nnd D.nenpoit sts. Tel. 257. 040 d- * * OHGANS For 10 da\s , ntn treat sacrifice to make loom for Christmas goods , stoiagu charges must bo paid. Call nnd see what you can buy for } J7 Is as good ns now nnd cost tli' > . New York Storage Co , cor. Cap. n\o ami llth st. 700 \fF.T/ hall , 510 8 10th st has been remodeled , JiL i-j enlarged , new dancing lloor , new decora , tlons nnd supptr rooms. Entrance on lOlh St. ; parties , lodges nml societies nutulpatlng giving balls or sociables call on lions & Munim. Mctz hall. 4Ud-H CLAIRVOYANT. M . DPHANT-Clilrvoyantfiom Hoston 1- tollable In all affairs of life , unites sspa- Hovers. 322 ; ! N Ifith st. . room 1. . Tui.Inn'J ( ( ) * DU. NANNIE V. Warren , clairvoyant. Mod. leal , business and test medium. IMngnosi" free. Female diseases a specialty. 113 N. Ibtli St. . lloomrt 2 & J. Tel. 1)44. ) Oil WANTED-TO BUY. \7ANTED To buy n Rood horse for Unlit do ll\ery wngon on instalment pami'iit. 01 cheap for cnsh. P.I' ' ) , Heo olllce. I4H 12 * HOUSES , cuttlo nml almost anyuood persona property. Hoom 3 , Uaiker block.I5J I5J HJ \\TANTED To bny the furniture of n smal T T or largo house centrally located , Co-opera th u Lund Ic Lot Co . 205 N Ifith Bt. Us WANTED To nuy short time paper , J. W. . Gross , at C. E. Ma j no's office * , nth am Harney. i 285 WONEYTpiLOAN T OWEST rates on choice farm loans In easten JLJ Nebraska or Iowa. Cath on bund. Centm Loan & . Trust Co. 1BI1 Fayi.lm M. no J E w ill make loans otHl.UOO on cholco clt ; property at lowest current rates to till i special older. Central Loiui A ; Trust Co . 101 Farnam ht. i , ll'l U * u MONEY to Loan mi city pioperty nnd nlso 01 farms In western Iowa and eastern Ne braska ; first mortKiigB notes bought and sold Odell llros. S. Co , lUil Farnum St. , Omaha : 101 Peai 1 st. , Council Itlulfs. lie I ONEYTO LOAN-Onti iiture. horses , wag OIH other personal profJlty.w Itnout remov a or on approved i-olluteilUM-curity. Husines ! contldentlul. Jno. W. HobbTiis , 1U1J Farnum. LOANS mndo irfi real esfti. Cash on hnnd W. M. Hal i is. over 22JH Uth Et. U20 MONEY To loan. ix > wr > t rates. No delay J. L. Ulcu & Co. , over Commercial Na tlonal bank _ _ ii.7 LOANS madfl on lent estate nnd mortirii * boughL Low is S. Heed it Co. , 11 1-r-atliain . 718 O 500uio 'j'o iji , , on Omaha city property at i P Invent. G. W.Day , S. K. cor. Ex. Hid. $710,000 to loon at B per cent. Llnuhnn 4Mu honey , 150U Famam. ' 821 d > 6ru.OOO to loan In any amount at lowest ratn o P interest. II. H. Irey , rtenzer block. 022 TO LOAN Mone ) I/oaius placed on 1m proved real estate In , city or county fo New England Ixian Ic Trust Co by Dongla County bank , 16tu and Chicago ta. OU MONEY to loan I can now place soma tlrs class city loan * imntcdlately. Call nt onci if ) < pu desire to be accommodated. D. V.bholud room I Barker block , entrance ) n alley. 8)1 ) . M ON HY to loan on Improved real estate ; ni commLslon clmrk-ed. Le vltt Uurnhani MONET LOANED nt C. F. Heed * Co.'s txmn Offlcn. on fnnilture , piano ? , horses , w ngons , ticrsonal property of nil kinds , nnd nil other nr- tides of Milue without temornl. 311) S. llth , over HlnghamV romml lon etoro. All busl- ness strictly confidential. ml MONEY To lonn on chnttei ! . Co-opcrntlve Land and Lot Co , 205 No. loth street. GU _ _ M ON'EY to Loan 0. F.Davis Co , real estate Mid loan agents. 3605 Karimm st. ni'J C PEli CENT Money. Patterson A Fawcett 15th nnd Itnrnoy. CIS SHOUT time loans miute on nny tivatinbln security , In remonnblo nmounts. Pecured notes bought , old or extlmiiKed. ( Jonerul fltmncdnl bu lncfH of nny kind. trnu nctcd promptlv , quietly nnd fnlrly nt the Omnhn Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor , 15th nnd lliir- ney sts , our State National baud. C'orbutt , innnnycr. Ki'i NEW York Storage Co. Corner nv. * nth st. , have money to on hon phold good" , nierclmndUe of every de scription nt lowett ralen. Special facilities for mpivhnnts. goods moved , packed nnd chipped. AllclnrKe-i nd\anced. Fireproof brkk block , Cnpltol nv. A li'th st. Cir. MONKY loaned on furniture , pianos , organs , horses , etc , low rates. J. J. Wilkinson * Co , 1324 Knrnnm , over llnrllngton ticket ofllce. 017 MONEY to Jxjan Hy the undersiitned , who h H the only properly orpnnlrod loan agency la Omaha. Loan * of f 10 to IIUO made on furniture. T > lanii . orcins , horses , wrgons , ma- chmerj' , etc. , without removal. No delays. All luminwi strictly coufldentlnl , I/oftnn HO made that nny part can bo paid at nny time , each pay ment reducing the cost pro ratn. Adances innde on fln witches and diamonds. 1'ersons ihoiild cnrcfully consider who they nro dealing A 1th , as many new concerns are d&lly coming Into existence. Should you need money call ana HOP mn. W. 11. Croft , room 4 Wlthnell building , 15th and Harnoy. 820 TVfONEY 10 loan on city property , and also -WJu farms In Nebraska and iilw a. Ortell llros. & Co , loan , real e tatn and Insurance ngentfl , lit ) Pearl ctroet , Council UUlffi , In. ; IfvJ ) Fnrnum street , Onmlm. 208 M ONKY to loan. Notes ana it. H. ticket , bought ahd sold. A , Fortnan , 213 S 13th sts MONEY to loan , c.Vih on hand , no delay. J. W. nnd E. L. Saulrc , 141. ) Faruam st. Pax- on hotel building. ' < 29 BUSINESS CHANCES. W A NTF.D-A partner In n well established business. Capital MOO to $1,000. Hcfcr- cnces exchanged. Address P 40 , Ileo olllco. 157-IOJ "ITUMl SALE A good paying coal business JJ cheap , address Pits Ileo ollke. 11110 * 'KST ' chance in the state for party wishing to 1 ongnuo In the dry goods business , Easy terms. Address P 30 llee olllce , 11112 * TJIOH SA LE-Ono share In Ponpleton Park JL1 llulldlng association ; or will trade for upi - i Ight plnno , or other mcich indlsc. Address I1. O. Hex 301. city. l-'flll * rrtOH SALK An established law business with C good library. Andrew Heins. . OUI KJ WANTED Partner in small profitable busi ness : MO and energy will be all required ; business will pay the rest ; .110 b. 15th st. , loom5. HS8 SJ > AHTNiU : lulus olllce. Address P SI. Hce. Oil. \XfANTED-A thorough business man or IT woman with a little money as partner , business first-class , now in Omaha , no competi tion , Investigate it. ( Jate City Huslnt'ss Ex change , 314Vi S. 15th , Hoom 6. 10008 * WANTED A partner in n good paying busl- nesH , established for four years , mid sales for this ) ear will bo o\er $ U ) , < HX > . locution good , must ha\o about 15,000 to ln\ost. Address W. T. H. , P. O. Hex 310. . 075 ] ! FOH SALK Oroxchange , anew combined 115 bbl. roller nnd burr mill with complete modern outfit of machinery , doing n good busi ness , with unlimited water power on Little llluu rlt or , in Tim ) cr county. Nab. Will ta'co $ J,000 or upwaids in cash , b.Uanco on easy terms , or city pioperty or lands In whole or In pait. Ad dress , A. O. Collins , Hebron , Neb. 322 d22 T710H SALE One hotel i stories high , good JL ? stand , basement with water running all tin ou h thu building ami also to the 1mm ; hint gtabling ( 0 ncnd of horses and 75 tons of liny nnd wnter in it ; will sell or trade for ical estate or stock. Ior rnrther information wrlto to 1) . _ _ Son Dunbar. Neb. _ _ ' \\7ANTED To buy gen'l merchandliifl busl- i ? ness , must be clean , cheap and good tiadu. Address P 20 , llee ollice. IK I U In A No. 1 established and paying olllce bliblness. J.I , . Itliu tc wu-8 i chances Partner in lusuiatieo ollice. Address P 23 Hee. UI1 EOU SALE A tlist-class grocery with meat mot ket in comiectlon , doing a nlco business. A | > out SI.OIX ) cash , balance i asv. A good chance foi right party. Addiess "P 7" Bee olllco. Ml A LIVE man opening Hour and feed store in Fitch block is sure to make it pay llig Inducement to open at once. ,1' , L. Gregory , Keutal Agents , 300 S 16th st. 7WJ FOH SALE Meat market InWilber , county seat of Saline county. Noli ; good chance ; terms reasonable. Address D. Melseiibach A ; Sou. Oi)7 ) 7 * " \\7HOLEbAI.E confectionery business for sale. Pajing trade established Look this up. Apply 817 S. Llth bt. ttil FOR EXCHANGE. TIO Exchange 1 want stocks of merchandise to exchange for good city property or famis. Hoom. ! . llaiker block. 151 U * FOH Exchange Pair of diamond earrings nnd H stone cluster diamond ling foi a city lot. Address P .11 llee ollice. 117 U * imiuuc'i 01 cinin-B JIMS m CMHUII eiiuuiiu. i um oirtiinggllt-edKO property at low values , E , F. beaver , lOUtf Farnam st. . 114 11 u FOK EXCHANGE-H. E. Cole.310 S. llth-30 X128 feet and 2-stoiy frame house.w 1th barn , 2Sth and Ohio ; want lot , . .Hlxll1atory. . 7-room frame honse.coi nerwant part cashJllxW ; , ! story ft nine house , 0 room , litttlo cash , balance farm ,11x1(10,1 ( story frame house , 6-rooms , n comer , part cash , hnlance farm ; Mxljs , 2-story frnme1 , u rooms , Ohio near 37th ; want vacant lot. A number of houses for sale on easy monthly pn ) nients. ,11. E. Cole , 310 8. llth. iril U rfU ) THAI > B-Ono of the best comers In North JL Omaha for a 0 or 7 rtximed house and lot. Wnllaco , lloom 8 ! , Ltoighton block. Itol 10 "I3OO 1'S and shoea Fine clean stock of boots JL > und shoos to trade for steers , ) earllngs nml twoenrolds , stock will imolco nbout JlO.OfiO. Il.ll. Seydel , Stuart , Iowa. 112' ) U "IjlAHMS to exchange for Omaha property. X1 II20acres In western Iowa , no incumbci- amo. ; acres , in Pawnee Co , Nebraska , 100 In culti vation. . K ) acres In lluena Vista Co , Town , no incum- bernncu. 2W ( acres in Dakoto Co , Neb , DO In cultlntlon , 2 ( ) acres in Hutlei Co , Neb , no incumberance , 1M ) acres in Nance Co , Neb , well lmpro\ed. liifl acres in Cnss Co , Iowa , improved. 1M ) ocies in Oaborue Co , Kansas , no incumbor- mice. mice.iCO10 . Chns. U. Woolley. 418 S. llth st. WANTED To exchange , choice Inside vacant lots In Omaha for good horse-i ami c.u- rlnges. J. X. Ulce .V Co. U15 FOU exchange First class Omaha nnd Soutli Omahn property for good Nebraska ami lown laud. AV. G. Albright , 218S. 15th st. . 1)1711 ) FA UM n and w lid lands to trade for i Ity prop erty. W. M. Harris , over J20 a 15th st. 873 10 * TO EXCHANGB-An Interest in the real estate tate business for good land or city prop i-rty. Address P13 Hec. Hf.'S I HAVE for trade improved farm in Cass Co mar Plattsmouth , will trade for linprom Inside propei ty. Adurcss M JO , Ileo omce. OHM ) LIKE to excnango a lotlnSaun ( lers \ Illniebaugh s addition to Walnu' ' Hill for a good blelgh nnd light two-seate < sirry ; would al-o take n good horse uud phiu ton. Address box 4J5 P. O , 450 WANTED Good fnrms in exrhnngo foi Omaha property , C. C. potswood. J" " S 16th. * C3j rOKXCHANOE- ; ; , ) ! ! cnst trout lot In Hans com i'Jii. * t6 exchange lor clean stock o OiTa or clothing. C. K llurri oii,118 S. 15th UK rpo Excliango For unimproved city property JL.3 houses In Ambler Place C-room ; ono 7-roon house In Alamo Plaza ; fouriV-room houses 01 b. 20th bt. V > . G. Albright , 218 S. 15th st. oi7 n TIO TltADE Inside property for good house eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul loch & Co. , cor 15th und Farnnm. clt nio THADB Two improved farms In Iowa fo JL Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Me Culloch & Co , cor ; 1 > th und kurnnm. G34 > OU ' 1HADE O.UUU acres of ctiolce wrsleri land to exchange for general merchandise Jno. F. Toft. 321 N. Pith st. 0:10 : rpo EXCHANGE-Improvea farm In low ! JL for Omaha.residence property. J..I. WII klnson. 1124 Farnam. bt4 WANTKD Goo < l family horse ID exrliang' ' for lot , McUullocli & Co. , cor 15th um I'uroaui. . . . ' W7 trade property of nil kinds for Rood fnrms W < O. Albright. SitH 15th St. . 91711 FOH f ALl-Oroxclmng ! # . K < xtd Omnhn lirop- erty for gooil stock of boots and shoes , clothing , furnishing goods or hardware. Schlo- MngcrTlTO * . 014 S 10th st. 71X1 13 WANTED-A few mme Rood fnrms In Ne braska for which I will trade tlr t-cHss Omnhn nnd South Omaha properties. W. G , Al bright , Ziss. ilth st. PI7 11 A propert v to exchange for farms , corner - ner lot with three houses ; n Urge lot less than n mile from the postolllco with 2 hou es , new 7-room house 1 block from street cars. Until. \\oolley. . 418 SLnth nt. ttiH-lrt WAN TED Property of nil kinds to exchange Special attention glen to tiadlng. , C. C. SpoMwood.iiDiH } HlBtli. fttl ABSTRACTS O MIDLAND Guarantee nml Tru t Co , IMVI Farnatn stieot Complete abstracts fur nished , and titles to renl tsttitu j.xnmlned. per fected nnd guaranteed. W2 BUJTSON" CA H MiCIl A El , furnish complete- nnd jtuanintced abstracts of title to nny renl estnterln Omnhn nnd Douglas county upon short notice. The most complete set of abstract books in the clty.No. _ ir > l _ Farnamst. _ 07fl FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. K House'on < th - a\eniie. Chk-ngo , . ( Jennie Alexnndrlatii ) . For imrtlculaiH address or luuuire of A. Maude , M I'eck Couit , Clilcago. 111. 1M-9J OU SAI.K or exchange for stock of merehan- disc , 2 bUdluesfi lots In Dooming town In Ni W. Nebraska. AddroBHl'.iMlli-eolllco. 1KVIOJ AMKS Heal Kstato Agency , Olllce lSo7 Farnam. Wl Very flue residence lot ( Wxl tJonCass Btnear2id. this is offered for a few ilaj s nt 2o per cent loss.than nny sur rounding pi operty $ O.WO 1002 Fine corner in Hnuthorno Wxl-t ! only 1 block fiom II. W. Ynto's now residence , very cheap 1,600 P91I Most desli able lot 111 Sulphur Spring nt less than value 2,000 14i South lllth st lot uiIxHO , Himill house , n bargain , on grade 6,000 110 On N Kill Ht lot IJUxUO , smnll house , near Nicholas st 6.POO lin youth Omahn lot and ! ) stores , rent forI.HllOpwr year 10,000 1J7 On 14th M near Jones 44xGfl feet good buslnos location 7,700 135 Fariiam corner , lot HSx'.ij with two houses ( lented ) 21.000 472 Miami but. : ; id and Jlthhts , 4-room house , full lot 1,600 Ofl Comer en"t nnd south front , neir llelt l.lnn depot. Oak Chatham. . . . 2iVX ) 450 8o\viud 3t. , 2. > tli , 7-rooui house " 4 lot , , 3,500 4 7 On Hartley st , near IKd , 6-room new house , lot UK70 , pi ice 1,500 113 Cummlngs st , tlno location , near 27th St. , 1JO feet front by ITi feet deep. ' 1 his Is cheap at * 110 it foot. 142 Cnxsst. near ISth.lWxIK , with good good U-room hoiwe ' price 13,000 l > 5 Chliagost. noui l' > tlist. , ( KKI.O.wlth ! ) houses , rents for $ M ) per month . 14,000 1J9 21st St. cornel , 1.12 feet square ; excellent - lent wiirohouso location , trackage. This is a bargain at . . . .21,000 490 On llth st , neat Martha , llrst-cla 'J- loom house , lotMAHO 0,000 4s.l On bpruce st , ni-ai lllth ( car line ) 5- room hou o , lot 40 feet front . 2.SOO 483 Oil I'oupluton , lltrtr 1'alk me , good Uioomliouse , leuts foi WO 0 , " " > 0 487 On Ohio st , block tiom cars , B room house , full lot , for . . . , ITOO 481 On S. Mil st. good ! ! room home , smnll lot , pi lie . . . . H'M 481 On N.2st | st , 4-room , full lot 2.1HX ) 4"H South Omalia , lioom l ( hotel and lull lot 4,0 * 477 On l" > tli t. coiner , S-iooiu house , lot Ctlvl' > 7 . . . . . . 5,600 470 on 1'ith st , near M irtha , 5-room house , full lot . . . . JKK ) 403 In I'ialnview , ou21stst. 4 looms , barn and full lot 1,000 459 On 2 ith t , near feaem01 th , 2 lots , each libxl.M , one n corner , goodO- room house , line shrubbciy , pricu 6,000 451 On .Wth st , near 1'oppleton an , n new moderntv-i com houi- * , full lot , east front , good shade tiees . . . . 7,500 418 On I'nrk ( iM-mie , full lot , modem 8- room house , desii able 8,500 123 Kast fiont , Vliglnl.i n\e , near Hick- oiy , SI loonuott.ige , new . . . 4f > Xl 4 50 Virginia ne. . near I'opplpton , A 1 8- room house , modem , food bain . . 0,250 m ( leuigl.i. eriieiii IticoT.1 , full lot , 0- loom cottage . . . . . . 2,500 ill fleorglaiue , couici , - full lots iiuJ i-room ! house . . 3,000 130 I'acltlc near 10th stliijxlJ2 'I his is u warehouse and hahplendid ttack- ago fancilities . . r,000 3.J7 Sauudeis ht. ueai 1'aiker coiner , Ulx 1JJ. price . . . . . . . 0,250 1STenth st. near I'ntillc coim-is on ( iii ft scnuio , alley tinckagii . . . . 103 Cnmliust , ii coinur ( .plendldly lo cated , 70\tW , very desliablo . . . 2" > , OUO 107 24th U. near Ciimlug st. , 47x201 , coi- neisonally 5,000 101 liurtonf.envenuorth l > \ 11-'ft deep , ncoinei , will sell fiotn&ftupumiN nt 470 pel front ft 01 ulll bell wliulu piece for . . . . . , . . . 8,500 08 rmnnm st. ueni 22dst , h'xl K , atjM'iO per iront foot 05 Fourteenth street , coiuei , ft houses. rent ? ! - ! " > n month ; has double tiack.- iiKe ; pilce 20,000 01 1 U leet s < iimio , tonmr on nth st , buildings lent for ulVJ per month , pricu . . . 50,000 U07 I llh stieet , nent Itanciiift.T full lots for 7riX ( ) 037 Miami street , fltli , full lot. Jr > o WO 2dth avenue , nun bt. Maiy's. tull lot , llixllU 5,500 9t9 Webster st , neni Just east of the coinont , 110x174 . . . 4,800 9S3 Park deniio , ni'.xr Fai mm st , east flout. Ii7\140 , fium Htieet to btiei't , double fiontage. tall at olllco for mice . . . . 937 1'acIHc st. neir Phil Sheildau bt. , lot 40x110 , front * 1 htteets 1S7 > 077 1'arK. ave , soutli of Woolworth , 50x 150 . . . 3,500 972 On 2th ( ! a\cmie , near fat. Mary's n\o , full lot . . . 0-lflO 071 ] 'nikn\onue , 2 full lots , lOOxlVl. tor. . 10,800 U71 I'aclllc t and tJUth bt , comer , 2 full lots. HUxllO . . . , . 7,500 9CO 1'arl : nenue , 100112 , to uu tillry , for (100 pet front foot 00-1 Walnut Hill , 2 Ural-class lots for Ji/.U eich 11 ( Jeoicli uenue , corner. 100xFil , for. . 7.500 U14 Virginia nve. very choice east front , 100x171 , 4,500 The nbo\ property can all b bought on fair terms. Also call attention to 2 good brick ) aril sites on railway and near town. Also 22 ftct lots on Leavexwoith st , near 24th bt. Ames' Jtcnl Kstate Agency , 1107 Faruam st. 7 5 0 BAIKJAINS-Sotith Omaha , Splendid coiner lot. bouth Omnhn , near IT. I * , depot , 00x150 feet , * l.a50. enl > WOO cash. Nlct business lots , s > uth Omilm , only half block fiom passengei depot , * A200only jTtX ) c.ish remitted. ( orm i lot , M and Twontseventh sts , Bouth Omaha , W.700. This is omof the best points In bouth Oniuli i to start a letall business , 01 to put up building lei lentul put poses. Cornel , ouxlV ) fetjt , on II nnd llelloruo streets , nnd cast fiont , only half block from pio- posed park. A big bargain is taken quick. One of the finest lot-t on llollmuo st , bouth Omaha , east front W\HO ) , Just Uuht for grade , only 11,570. < 01 ner , 110 feet , cast front on Ilcllevuo bt. ; will make six good business loft. 11'Juo. Corner , 72x110 feet , on Helli-viie-st , South Omnh i , $3.000 , only tH cash lequlied. Flue lesldcnto lot In bouth Omiiha , I'lvebloeks this sldo of depot ; price ibiio , only ( AH ) i ash , bal- nme ono nml two ) eurs. Sovei al choli o lots In Iloj d & . Shut p's , Few ler place and llrown spark , at low priced und easy terms. To parties buj Inc lots of mo In South Omaha nnd erecting small lottages I will guaiantee to rent them at pi Ices that will net fiom 11 to ! i1 per centner annum. For bale New store building and lot on Hellc- Miestieet , South Omaha , can give possession at once , piicolW)0 ; { WWcabh , balance ] , 2 , uud y ) e-ars. Elegant resldencH bites In Hanscom Place , Lot 21 , bit. > , one of theHnest lots In the addi tion , only { 2.7(10. ( Corner Delaw are and Poppleton avenue , lOOx 110 fent , south and east front , magnificent view , splendid nelghhoihnod , near btreet cats nml park. A bargain if sold at once. IV ) feet east front on Duane street neai Pop- pleton avenue , vtuter and gas on stieet , cliiBt to street car line , pejfect grade. Just thu place for an elegant rusliliflue ot block of houses. Call and get price. lle-uutfful south front lot j comer Thlrtv-thlid street and Poppleton nvoiuio , lli.TOO ; only * 70l cash , balanceone1 , two , time nnd four ) ours If you want a nice homo or investment it wl pav ) ou to look I his up. To exihanKO good sectloji ot ; . , land In con tral Nebraska for house , .11I J0t in Omaha. For sale , busi" property , hplomlld buslnes < lot Souill Irrnrum , just tlm place foi a good ictal I iK-fry orlliuor | store , only half block fron ntw I'ulon Pacltlc depot , foi a few da ) sat tJ.700 C'holcH live acre tract in West Omaha , spleii dldly adapt' d lor gulden piiiposes. A big bar gain If tuKe-n in oiu u. Ten acres in Law iilleld , near Junction of M , P and F , E. & .M. V , Hy. Call uud get prlco urn terms. I hav B the ngr ncy of n splendid business coi Huron Famam stieet , con take good mortgugt notes In purl payment , nlsootlur seven ! cholii Soutn Omaha lots in u Uiaifgo for good be'curct paper. 1 or sale or exchange , ouu of tlio block : of llftv lots In West omiha , within two block' of M. V. llelt Line Hy. , only II7 , < MI K.OdO cash Ki.liJO mortgage on proiu rty. and the balnncn In good fuiin prope-ity. 'ihls block of lots toilnj Is vvorth J1fwi , and will sell readily In tin t > ] n Ing for mm h mo monuy. It is right In tin wayoftuu grimth of both Omaha and Soutl Omaha. Oeo. N.incks _ * , 211 S.J5thst. _ 911 10 bALE cfno AVUII iiHim hoiisu In Alaim W. ( j. Albilght , 210 S. llth. 017-11 WII V pay lent when you can buy u house on u nltn birgu iotWxI10 ) , In tin finest residence part of Omaha , near the stree cam ami within one blor , c if ; when ) tlio Mutio polltan cable will run , by paylni ; i small sun down and the balance monthly. Address O 1'j SNAP-3 lots. 44xm. llrlstol st. nenr Wth. 9\4 crtchitltio cash ; Imlnnto very easy. V' . Lj Clregory , real est to ag't , AM 8. liHh st. RJI T710H SAI.K-Flnest location for n homo tti X' West Omahn , mljolntng the mansion homes of Klrkendnll , Coe , llrady , Kasson nnd otliors. Nothing liner in the city , ( "nil so ) Mix 197 or less ; for price * and terms see d. A. Sloninn , IJ01 Farnam st. ftW .in PA iii. Hi' * i > rnsi iioni corner , on ; iin nnd Jones sts , Just south of the line resid ence of Eisson. a ( Irmly nml other * . Can sell this , it taken at mtco. for MX ( . An elegant Kvsldcuco corner. Nothing in the vicinity vet cheap M. A. Upton & Co. 10th st. opp Chant * ber of Commerce. 18,1 1J1OH SALE At a great bargain 2 eitlons of J tine .Nebraska land , $1 tier uue , W per ncto cash , balance In 0 ) cars. cfms. U , W oolloy , US bouth llth st. lOMO FOH SALE lim'mess property In South Omaha. W. G. Albright , 218 8 1Mb st. 1M711 "I710H SALE-IOOncresof hind four miles from Jslock j nrds , nt I1J1 per ncio ; this Is n bar gain. McLngue , Opp. P. O. KM FOU SALE flood brick business property la ci litre of Grand Island ; greatest bargain nnd best terms In the city ; but llttlo cash .re quired ; long time , low Interest mid easy pay ments ; other real estate fer sale. AddressJ.lI , W ooltey , attorney nt law , Grand Island , Neb. 354 iOU SAM : As line n piece of trnckngn ns ) JL1 there is in the city. W. O. Albrlht | ; , 21s s. nth s.t. 1U7-11 milO.MPrtON. .114 S. F > th st. , buys nnd sells roa' JL estate , loans money , purchases securities : has a good list of property for said and wants more. Notaiypuu KV4 EOU SAM-Lots In Lincoln 1'lace. trontlnu on thu Metropolitan cable , law each , j , cash. Corner lot on Lowe nvenuo nna California crtblo line , 11,750 , H cash. borne choice lots In West Cumlng nddltlon , WOO to f 1,200 , easy terms. These lots are on or near the cable now being built on California bt. liny now nf old prices. A fine business corner nt loth timl IVmglivs , WO.OW , M cnsh. Acres In Solomon's ndd , * ) . frJOO cnsh. AcieslnSpiing Valley with trackage , * oOO , 4 cash. Lots In Lobccks sub , noir South Omaha , on N. W. Hy , MM cnih , W cash. These are tlm cheipest otrerlntrs in their tespectlxo neighbor- hoods , Marshall I.obcck , room D , chamber of commerce. 414 IilOU SAI.K-ltesldenco property In South 1 Omaha. W. 0. Albright , 21S8. 11th bt. UI7-11 FOU SAl.K-New house of 4 rooms , full lot , Decatm st. bet. lioth and 3Ist. pilcoll.KIO , easy toims. McDowell't ) Dairy , Hurt st. near llelt line. Foil SALE 'Ihroe sl\ i oem houses In Ambler pjj' e. W.G. Alliilght. 213 S. 15th. 1117-11 7UK SALE- llv M.A.Upton A Co. ' 1 hrco pieces piopoity,20 per cent below actual value. Lot 21 , Falrmount , * 1,600. JI.100 cash. Hlock 8 , llovd's nddltlou. Idiots on Stalest , ; tack from licit line guaranteed , f7WO. J ' ,50l ( cash. Hlock 23 , Ilod's addition , 10 lots , 10,600 , J2,00 ( ) ash. JI. A. Upton & Co , liiUi stieot , opposite Cham ber of Commeico. D5I 1T1OU SAIU-In South Omnhn , A houses on a JL ? corner lots , for fl , 100 , S cash , which rent ; for W7.1 per jc.ii , on I , at. D. D. bmeuton , IbOJ Dodgu st. n.1S OU SAIn-A furnished Hat of u rooms with steam nnd bath , centruly located. Call -II North llth. 810. I SA MJ Four houses on S. 20th st. W. (1. Albilght. SMt , r.thst. 017-11 SI ICKNEY X CO. mnKi ) a specially of EM . propel ty in North Omaha , for sale or rent nt Cltlens' bank , 2WS Ciimlng st. 7.H SALE Wo offer as a special bucnln 100 FOH ncusof land foui miles fiom stock yards , nt f 121 per acre , on line of U. P. it. H. McCuguo Opp. P.O. U14 1ST jour property for raw with Charles C. J Spotswood. iHfi'j ' S loth st & poll SALlCTTot 5ln 11 , Pro-ipect Plnco , W.200. 1 $700 eash ; lot 3 inl ) . Shlnii b flist mid , house 0 looms , cistern andbamaml line shade tiees. Jl.tiOU. TW , biHJT ) per month ; lot Din J , O'Noll sill ) on lluitst , ifJ.uOO , tl.uio cash. 'Ihe nbovo nrobaigalns that Mllpnvou to Investigate. H -naw a A. Co . lit h St. . opposite postolllco. 110 10 TFyou hnvonn ) thing to sell or exchange list It wlthJ.C. _ _ Spotswood. .KB' } S Kith. 054 Jlmi ( ) ( W cnsh wnnte-d In n $11IKV deal ; some $ of Omaha's beat roaltv ; otiject , cash : will jlehl largo piollt. Address O.I Ileo. B77 d JJ * SALE-"Lotrblock8 , A.S. Patrick's ad FOH , will sell for few days at $1,050 , $728 cash , balance easy. M 37 Hen olllco. US7 THE RAILWAY TIME TABLES , OMAHA. Leave Arrive Omaha , Omaha. UNION PAC1EIC. Depot Ktth ami Piereu sts. Pacific Expiess R20p.m ; 7:60 : a.m. Denver Express 10:2,1 : a.m. p. m. * ljiunl Expiess 0.00 p.m. 11:33 : a.m. 'Except bumliy. IirilLING'lON HOiri-J. | Depot 10th and Pnclllists Chicago Express , Nos'Jil 3 41p.m. 6.05n. m. Chicago Mall . li.Ml a m. 7:25 : p. 111. Chicago Lee il . . . . ( > :41p. : m , 'JMOa.til , Dim IT Express 5:11:1 : : m , ; t. , ) p.m. DimerMull 8.0ip.m. ) U:40u.m. : Nebraska Local . . ill.HI a m. S.41 p.m. Kansas City Expu-ss . U.OOn.m. n.51 p.m. Kansas City ExpiibS . 8.50p.m. 7.00a.m. C.St. P.M. A , O. Deopt llth und Wobst rsl blonxCity Hlack Hills E\ 8:11 : a , m , 4:4rip.m. : Ilancroft Express 4:41 p.m 10:40.i.m. : lllnck Hills I'ahsenge'l 5.J5p. Ill 7:40 : p.m. Evcept bunday. MISSOIIUI PACIFIC. Depot llth and Webate'rst Day Express 10:41n.m : , fl.25n. m Night Expiess UJJOp.m 5.JJ : p. m SUIUJIUIAN TltAlNH. Hunnlng Hetween Council Illuffs nnd Albright In ndilltlon to the stations mentioned , tiiilm stop nt Twentieth nnd Twenty-fourth btieeta uud at thu bummit In oinnha. AVt'stwurtl. COUNCIL iii.iirrs. m.