Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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Dnlly ( Morning Killtlnn ) Including Sunday
lltr.Ono Yf-ar . . . . . . . . . .
ForHlx MnutliN . , . . f , )
For 'Hirer Months . , . ' W
'Hie Omntm piimlny Ili.K , mailed to any nd-
( IrceR , One Yenr . . . . . . . . . 200
Nr.w YOIIK omen , UnoMor. , TiniifM' Itnr.ti-
JNO. WARitiNflTON Orricr , No. 61J 1'otm
All rommiinlrotluiu relatlnc nws nnd
rdltorlnl mutter should bo niulrcvvil to thu
KuiTonor TIII : HI.K.
wsiNiiss r.r.TTiits : :
AH'lniftlness letters nnd rcmlttiincps nhould 1 > a
OMAHA , Drafts , clii-cks nnd postnlllco orders to
lie niiido Jiayublu to the order of the totnpany.
The Bee PnWisWDg Company , Proprietors ,
Sworn Statement of Circulation.
Rtfttrof NfbrnsVn , I - -
County of Douglas. f"1 .
( Ico. II , Tzfchnck.'wcrotory of Tlic Ilcc Pub
lishing company , doc * nolcninly swear Hint the
BCtiiarclrcumtton of thu IJnlly llco for the week
cnillnj. Deo. S. 1W , was us follows-
Hattirilny. Nov.WI IV-'W
Hutidny. Nov. 27 1MV )
Monday , N nv.SM lfi.lri !
TitPMlar. Nov.i.1) ) I4.G !
Wednesday. Nor.IlO H.iiOO
TlnirMliiy.'l > ec.l 14.640
Friday , lice. 3 .H.tiW
Average I4.H10
1 > F.O. B. T/scilticK.
L , Bwomtotind subscribed In my presence tills
[ . 3d day of December , A. D. IW.
( . J . I' . I'EIIi.
( SHAIi. ) Notury 1'ubllo
Btnteof Nclirnxkn , I , . .
County of Douglas. fs's >
( Ifo , II.'I'KHtlmek , being
pOM'H Hlid Miyn thut ho IK secretary of Tito llro
rnbllshlnK company , that the actual uveimto
dally circulation of the Dally llqe for
the month of Derrmbfr. IWfi , 13.37 ! copies ;
for Jnimnry. HW. lflJfifl ! ooplpH ; for Kch-
runry. 117. H.1IWcol > leM ! for March. 1W7.14,400
coplcHj for April. 1P87 , 14iin : ooples ; forMny.
Il-b7 , H.K-T copies : for June , lt7 , 14,147 cojlfs ;
for July. 1P87.KlUlcnpli'H ; for August , 1 87. 14-
1M roples ; for tfrpte-nihcr. IM > 7,14.141i coplen : for
October , 1P87 , 14,11'B ; for November , 1W , IB.aa
OKO. n.r/Pcuucic.
Bworn to nnrt Mibscrlljed In my presence this
3d day of December , A. 1) . ItW.
ItW.N.P.Fr.II , .
( SKA I , . ) Notary 1'uLllc.
TUB fact should not bo hwt sight of
that wo want penny postage along with
other things.
IN the brevity of his incssago PrcBldont
Clovulund scored u point. It has evidently -
dontly been read.
Tin : clulm presented by Minneapolis
for thu convention was like the lust talk
of un expiring anarchist.
THKUK has been no political trust
formed yet. Politics rises above the
base ends of scheming tradesmen.
HKUU MOST goes to prison for ono
year. Mr. Sharp is out on bail , while
Justice is wondering what she is here
JUNR 10th is the aato for holding the
republican national convention. What
will bo so rare as this day in Juno to
the man who receives the nomination ?
A NATIONAL convention of barbers is
in session at Buffalo. In allowing Buf
falo to capture this national convention
Kansas City lost the opportunity of u
life time.
IF the report is true that natural gas
lias been found at Nebraska City , that
town's future is assured. In the meantime -
time lot us have figures to prove that
there Is no mistake.
Ir there is as much effort put forward
to elect the nominee as there has boon to
Hocuro the republican national conven
tion , there can bo no doubt concerning
the general resultt
FliOM the latest reports wo glean that
the Continental Insurance company , of
Hartford , Conn. , is a fraud. In a column
editorial discussing the matter , the
Now York 2Ymcs concludes by saying
the concern should huvo boon closed up
long ago.
1 A SYNDICATE has been formed in
Omaha for the purpose of building a
system of Jlro-proof market houses.
That Omaha if , In need of such build'
ings , has long been admitted. Whether
the present syndicate is given pormis-
eion by the council , makes no material
difference. What the city must do is
to ascertain what is best for her own In
terests nnd grant the privilege accord'
DlT is again reported that the scheme
nf the Omaha & Yankton railroad is Ube
bo revived. Wo should bo very glad tc
Welcome any practical stops for the ac
complishment of this project , which we
have not a doubt would bo a profitable
enterprise to Omaha and to all those iif
terestcd In it , but naked rumors as tc
what somebody is said to bo contonv
plating have lout their power to excite
THKUK Is a crying demand in manj
cities , both cast and west , to rid com
munltlcs of quack doctors. Laws are
enacted to prohibit bungling surgeon !
and stupid physicians from practic
ing ; but the laws remain in the tint
ute books , * nnd quacks multiply. /
competent doctor boon makes a raputu
tlon in Ins legitimate practice. /
quack or mountebank is also soon fouiu
out. If noi'bons insist upon giving e m
ploymont to unprofessional blacksmith
who violate law ami assist In debauch
ing the morals of young men am
women , the respectable elements o
communities should , in their own wa ;
and season , rid themselves of the un
couth vultures.
Tin : council nt its last session instructed
structod the city clerk to advertise fo
several pieces of land for park purposes
none to bo less than ton or more thai
2,000 acres. This is a promising sto
which will bo approved by all classes c
citizens. Omaha ought to have two o
three additional park * , nnd the .timo t
got them is now , when the require
land can bo for loss mono
than it will bring in the future. Meantime
time it would bo well to make provlsio
for properly improving the fine nature
park Omaha now possesses , which wit
a moderate c.endituro ] could bo mad
n most inviting and delightful rcsorl
This park question is a very lmporta i
ono that will in time deserve . moro c
the public attention thuu it ha.s yet re
colvcd. . '
jChlcnfjo Captures * he Convention.
'Chicago lias been designated as the
plttco for holding the national republi
can convention. The lIHh of Juno is
the date agreed upon. In the defeat of
our city to secure the Convention , our
citizens hnvo the consolation of know
ing that Omaha has made a noble fight.
She has been advertised as an applicant
for the .distinctive honor , the length
and breadth of the United States. No
doubt her efforts In this direction will
prove a great benefit , as the committee
of our representative citizens who
pressed the claims of Omaha brought
her advantages and resources moro
prominently before the people than
lould have boon done in any other way.
On the first ballotOmaha received but
no vote less than Chicago and was
lecond In the list. This vote furnishes
jntlpfactton to our business men and cit-
nens who subscribed so liberally and
ivero ready to make thu sum fatlll larger
f noccHslty requited.
The two principal points urged against
Omaha wore , first , that she was not the
lenter of population althoughgeograph-
cally the center of the continent. Scc-
nd , that shu did not possess facilities
ufllciunt to entertain und care for the
i-ast multitude comprising the convcn-
ion nnd its followers. The claim con
cerning our location was entitled to but
ittlo consideration. The national re-
mblican convention was hold in Chicago
n 1800. At that time Chicago was no
urgur than Omaha to-day , and oocu-
) ied relatively the same position
o the east. The second objection ,
nek of hotel accommodations and hall
room was a strong one. But had the
invention been located hero every
ift'ort would have been made to have
inred for all who might come. No ono
-ould have boon a sufferer within the
gates of the metropolis of thu Missouri
By her vigorous effort Omaha has
H'ought herself into prominence as a
candidate for future national conven-
ions , and four years hence , with a city
i ( over two hundred thousand people ,
ocated in the center of the continent
ivo will ask and receive.-
However , Chicago has boon chosen
ind as wo congratulate her , wo have no
tears to shed. After all , Omaha did not
care so much this year about republican
national conventions. She has already
been favored with three national con
ventions during the year of 1887 the
rcsbytcrian and Lutheran , .and the
charities and corrections. At the pres
ent time Omaha eloos not need politics
.o . much us she needs religion.
Mr. ninlnc'B Comment.
If the elaborate opinion of Mr. Blalno
on the president's incssago was not
given for political effect it would not bo
easy to find any satisfactory reason for
ts deliverance. It was to have been
expected that the Maine statesman's
views would bo sought and that ho
ivould make some comment , the charac-
, cr of which could easily hnvo been
'orctold , but it is very certain that
under ordinary circumstances he would
have compressed his opinion into a few
paragraphs , and perhaps into a sen
tence. But the occasion was not an or
dinary ono in the estimation of Mr.
Blaino. On the contrary , it presented a
olclen opportunity , the equal of which
is not likely to occur again before the
national political conventions shall
have chosen the party candidates , for
issuing to the country a proclamation
that might operate as an antidote to the
policy of the administration , stiffen the
backbone of the tariff supporters in con
gress , nnd assure the followers of Mr.
Blaine that ho is still traveling on the
old and familiar lines. .It was virtually
an assertion of conscious leadership ,
suggesting iv conviction on the part of
Mr. Blainc that it was necessary for
him to speak strongly , plainly and fully ,
whether others said much or little.
No other circumstance that has occurred
with the Maine statesman as a party to
it , since his departure for Europe ,
so obviously indicated his profound in
terest in political events in this coun
try and' the purpose ho has in mind.
ho motive of Mr. Elaine's manifesto
is not conccalcel' to those who care to
see it.
It is not necessary to discuss Mr.
Elaine's opinions. They are those
commonly held by all advocates of high
tariff protection , and will bo distrib
uted in unlimited quantity during the
next nine or ton months. They go over
thu same old ground that has been trod
den again and again for twenty years ,
presenting nothing now unless it bo in
additional sophistries and misrepresen
tations. .Yet wo do not doubt that Mr.
Blaino's views will have their effect. It
would bo foolish to say that ho does not
still exert a , very considerable influ
ence , and while the supporters of a high
tariff will have their faith strengthened
and their zeal quickened by his expres
sion of opinion , some others who may bo
lit doubt as to the course they shall pur
sue will perhaps bo determined by it.
But the significance of Mr. Blaino's ex
tended comment lies in thu fact that it
discloses his self-conscious leadership
and his very great desire to have it
tin : National Hanks.
The question of providing1 a way for
continuing the national banking system ,
assuming it to be the desire nf a major
ity of the people nndof their representa
tives in congress that it bhall be con
tinued , may not bo immediately urgent ,
but It is ono of very great importance
and must in time command the serious
attention of congress. Thu controller
of the currency in his annual report
state > s that moro than forty plans for n
now basis of circulation have been pro
posed , and in discussing thorn ho docs
not find a single ono to bo entirely prac
ticable. It is reported from Washing
ton that Senator Fnrwoll of Illinois
will introduce a bill to perpetuate the
banking system , providing that In
lieu of registered bonds of the United
States any banking association organ
ized under the national system 111113
transfer and deliver to the treasurer ol
the United States any state or municipal
bonds , or any first mortgage railroad
bonds upon which interest has boon
promptly paid and where market 01
cash value Is equal to or greater than
their par value , and which boar not les :
than four per cent interest. A similat
proposition was among the forty sub
mitted to the controller , and his view
of It Is thus expressed : "The proposi
tion to substitute state , county and mu
nicipal securities for United- Status
bonds as n basis of circulation Is
subject to the fatal objection
that the power to accept some and re
ject others among those s'couritle.s
would have to bo lodged somewhere ,
and as UM exorcise would incidentally
raise and depress the prices of such se
curities , It would bo dangerous to adopt
any scheme involving the conllding of
such power to any official or any board. ' '
Thu force of this objection Is obvious ,
and will doubtless be conclusive against
any such' measure as Senator Farwell
Other methods suggested tire to re
quire the deposit of golil and silver as a
basis of circulation ; to do away wltu the
note Issuing function of the banks ;
to increase thu inducements
for thu banks to deposit United
States bonds ; to provide for a continu
ance of the present or some modified
system by a new Issuu of bonds , anil to
allow the banks to Issue circulation upon
their general credit without requiring
specific security to bo deposited. The
first of those the controller dismisses
from consideration ns'contuining no in
ducement cither to the public or to the
banks to adopt It , nnd the second is ob
jectionable on the ground that the con
stitutional authority of congress to charter -
tor banks that do not issue currency is
questionable. As to the proposition to
make the holding of bonds moro profitable
able to the banks , the objection is
made that it would not be to
the public interest to do so.- The
proposition to make a now issue
of bonds specifically as a basis of circu
lation is dismissed as in contravention
of the settled policy of congress. Only
in the plan of allowing the circulation to
rest upon the general credit of the
banks does the controller find an y merit ,
nnd this is the ono which would be very
likely to encounter .tho strongest , and
most general popular opposition.
The conclusion of the controller is
that no substitute yet proposed forthe
present basis of national bank circula
tion is sufficiently free from objection to
bo adopted , and this statement forcibly
indicates the difficulties that beset
this important'question. There is for
tunately no immediate urgency for leg
islation , as the four per cent bonds of
the government available as a basis of
circulation have still twenty years to
run , in which time , as the controller of
the currency suggests , no doubt some
thing acceptable will bo devised , but
the question is ono to bo kept in mind.
As a relief from the inconveniences of
the existing law the controller suggests
that it would bo both safe and wise to
reduce the minimum amount of bonds teL
L > o kept on deposit.
How the Congressmen Stand.
The Now York ll'oi-'tl has made special
Inquiry at Washington among the states
men composing the Fiftieth congress ,
nnd it finds , to say the least , widely
varied and divergent opinions concern
ing some of the important issues of the
day. For instance , among the repub
licans , in the choice of president , there
nro forty non-committal ; twenty-five
favor Blaine ; seventeen are in favor of
nominees of the convention without in
dividual choice ; Sherman has but eight
expressed admirers ; Harrison two ;
Gresham 'one ; Robinson of Massa
chusetts ono , while four express them
selves as opposed to Blaino.
Seven of these republican statesmen
favor Cleveland's tariff ideas while
sixty-nine oppose them and nineteen
are non-commital. Nine arc for tariff
reform while thirty-eight favor revenue
reform in some way. In the list thirty-
four are non-commital concerning the
subject while twenty-throe are emphat
ically against any change.
In the democratic camp ninety-three
favor Cleveland's tariff ideas , fourteen
are non-commital and six are opposed
to them. For tariff reform only , fifty-
nine members favor it , while ten arc for
revenue reform as well. For tariff and
revenue reform thirty-one members
will paw the ambient air and eight of
them will bo indifferent. Against any
change , whatever , eight stalwart demo
crats stand pledged to fight to that ond.
So it will bo seen that unless there is
a radical change little else can bo looked
for except a wrangle and division on
all subjects of importance. Concerning
n tariff reform , with the combined
strength of republicans and democrats ,
something favorable to the people will
bo effected.
The American congress , like the
American legislatures , offer little satis
faction except to lobbyists and venal
members who barter the rights of their
constituents for a mess of pottage for
their own table. The Fiftieth congress ,
like its predecessors , will boar but llttlo
if any legitimate fruit.
Invest igato Anyway.
The Port Angeles co-operative colony
Is now reported by its traveling' ' lec
turer and organizer to bo one of the
largest and most novel things off of
wheels , on earth. The BKE , in cau
tioning its readers to bo wary of any of
the evangelists who Insist upon it being
the earthly havun of rest and enjoy
ment , based its remarks solelyupon the
editorial statements of the Portland ,
Ore. , Orcyoniun , of November 1'J. That
paper , without gloves and apparently
familiar with the subject which
it treated , denounced the colony as u
swindle. It wont far enough to say'tlmt
the entire scheme was such an impudent
and extravagant fraud that pcoplo who
had been gulled by its projectors ellel
not care to admit that they had been so
unmercifully fleeced , und accordingly
did. not expose the methods'by which
suckers were carefully taken in.
The BliE knows nothing positive
concerning the colony. Mr. McAr-
dlo , who draws a salary aa
n lecturer upon the sub
ject , writes us that the Oreyonian is
guilty , of uttering base falsehoods In
condemning the outfit and denouncing
it as a fraud. This may be trup.
The OrdjonMti concludes a scathing
editorial upon the subject in the follow
ing vigorous manner :
It is but Just to the people of tuo middle
west to say that the foundcrsof Port Angulua
colony have neither , the confldonc'O nor re
TBjxict of the people of this coast. TUo prln
clpnl man U noloiioim as nn imU-Chlticio
agitator who contributed a grcut deal of
'thunder nnd blood'1 rnnt to the ellsturbuucu
-wo years ngo nt Vrtgct sound. His name la
3eorpo Vcnnble' Smith ; ho claims to ben'r , hut ! unlit for uny useful tliliip
n this world , is too lazy nnd
: oo worthless lo , work nt anything ,
s a prorusslqnul "agitator,11 and
nuUnncc generally. Having neither
spirit , purpose , nuijUy nor Industry to nccom-
illsh anything Xoi ; lilinsolf , ho proposes n
scheme ) for taking cnrc of everybody pise
n scheme for thoircconttrurtion nnd enrich-
nent of society. Itis astonishing llmt .so
shnllowa quack sliouM succeed in duping
myhody. Hut of rout-so his "colony" schcmo
cnn't last long. Rd has lived upon It during
AVO years past , and In much better style
.him ho 1ms been accustomed to ; but "ethical
culture" is no substitute for labor , nnd the
philosopher of 1'ort Angeles will soon drop
igalu through the scat of his trousers.
" Vo remarked a day or two ago and
would insist upon it , that persons who
think seriously of joining the colony
should investigate thoroughly before
making n long , expensive and tedious
journey. If it is not a fraud an investi
gation of the matter can do no harm ,
while if it is a fraud , it will save both
time nnd money. '
IT is a lamentable fact that the high
school building is not yet provided with
fire escapes. This is a matter of great
importance , and those clothed with au
thority should HCO that ample provisions
for escape , in case of fire , are at once
secured. Parents justly feel uneasy to
know that their children arc in the top
room of a four-story building , wholly
without protection should a fire occur.
It was never intended that the building
should be occupied until this important
defect was remedied , and why any time
should bo wasted in rendering the
building safe , is a question that cannot
bo honestly answered. Parents have u
right to demand that their children's
lives are not placed in jeopardy ; the
scholars should know that they are
perfectly safe In the event of a confla
gration. The school officials arc tardy
in the execution of their duty in pro
longing this matter. What is wanted ,
and at.onco , is a system of safe and sim
ple fire escape so that a boy or girl
could get out of the building if neces
sary without imperiling life. There
have been steps taken in this direction
wo understand. But no time should bo
THE experiment of night schools in
other cities has been found to give most
satisfactory results , and'there is no rea
son to doubt that it would do so in
Omaha. It is cor'tainly worth trying.
General Grant's , 'wjdow visits the tomb In
Riverside Park every Sunday.
Koswcll P. Flowoii has been quite ill for
some days , but is now recovering ,
A recent convert'to esoteric Buddhism is
Mrs. Cclia Thaxtui < the artist and poet.
Lady Hnbbcrton , , the London dress re
former , is coming to ( .he United States.
Prof. Bell is devoting nil of his spare
time to perfecting ai machine for talking to
deaf mutes. fiJ
Mrs. N. P. Willis , widow of the poet
and essayistwill take a house In Washington
for the winter. - " ,
L . " * * *
, Ex-Senator Yale , of Connecticut , Is charged
1 with having misappropriated $100,000 , us
treasurer of a Walllngford company.
Postmaster General Vllas is quoted ns ex
pressing the belief that telegraphy will ulti
mately form a part of our postal system.
By the marriage of Senator Hawley the
number of widowers in the upper house of
congress Is reduced to three. They uro Sen
ators Gibson , Voorhces nnd Beck.
John W. Young , Brigham Young's eldest
son , Is said to bo a successful business man
nnd shrewd builder of railroads in Utah
Territory. He has only thrco wives.
Mr. Peter Hadcmnn Burnett , the first
American governor of California , has lately
completed his eightieth year. Ho lives in
San Francisco and enjoys capital health.
Mayor Hewitt of New York is a hard
worker. Ho declines dozens of invitations to
dine out nnd to address meetings every week ,
In order that ho may attend to the duties of
his ofllce.
W. K. Vnndcrbilt Is bringing homo with
him from Scotland a bag-piper , nnd the Now
York custom authorities uro questioning
whether to lot him land us nn artist , or send
him homo under the contract labor restric
tion law.
Mr. Blnino 1ms been having his portrait
painted in Paris by the famous artist Healy ,
who has placed on canvas the faces of a great
nluny modern European .celebrities. Some
weeks ugo Mr. Henly called on Mr. Blainp
ami asked the Maine statesman to grant him
a few sittings. Mr. Blaine consented und the
portrait will soon bo finished. Healy says
that Mr. Blaine has n nose especially fitted
for caricature , and the most peculiar droop
ing of the mouth ho has over seen.
W. Byrd Page , of Philadelphia , the cham
pion high jumper of the world , will rctiro
from the uthlctlc field after two moro public
exhibitions. His absolutely farewell Jumps
will occur at the meeting of the Baltimore
nthlctio club next month , and nt the inter
collegiate spoils next spring. Mr. Page Is in
the post-graduate department of the univer
sity of Pennsylvania , nnd Is devoting him
self to the study of electricity. Though ho
intends to retire from nctlvo competition in
athletics , ho says ho will always bo ready to
defend his championship uguinbt anj rival.
Injustice Predicted.
Cfncfiumtl Unqulier.
It Is safe to predict that there will bo no
now states admitted to this union nt the first
session of the Fiftieth congress.
A Test ol' Insanity.
Perhaps it was because- Jones of Florida
was in the United Stated senate twelve years
nnd Is n poor man tlm sbmo folks say ho is
Black nnd Wlilto Diamond.
Haiti mm < t Amtrlcan.
A contemporary furnishes the Important
Information that a tori nf diamonds Is worth
$30,000,000. It U aliiibst ' ' as precious us a
ton of winter coal.
Try HoniothiiiK More Practicable.
Cdiclmuilt ComMrctal tiaztttr.
Fair-minded men wllV'accept the Atlanta
experiment us practicall conclusive. If pro
hibition cannot be enforced In Atlanta It can
not In any other city of the name size.
Promise nml Performance.
JJMInioie American.
This Is the season of the > car when the
newly elected legislator UjU his constituents
that ho will raise the roof of Urn stuto house
yet. When ho gets to the capltol he1 will con
tent himself with raising the blind.
Protective Tnrlrr u Double Tax.
Oinn'l ItaiM * Democrat.
A protective tariff tax is n douhlo tax a
tax which Is practically collected twice one-o
out of foreign workmen .and manufacturers
and nguln out X the American consumer.
It limits the market ior foreign goods nnd
reduces the demand foa foreign labor , thus
cutting down foreign wages , while ni the
same time It greatly Increases the e-ost of
corresponding American goods. The foreign
workmen , ground down to n meiv plltjuie-e In
wages , ) iour Into this country ns a result , mid
the effect is to reduce wages here.
Uittor Itut Wholesome.
To the iKxidlers : Swallow it like good
children. It may bo unpleasant , but It is the
only thing that will cure jou.
i '
My Boy Still.
Ji < l ( < tiinj > nl ( * A'ctci.
Do you think 1 have forgotten the day
I carried him at my breast !
Many fair children I've ' loved slneo then ,
But I think that I loved him best ,
For ho was our first-born rhlld , John ,
And I have not the heart or will
To love him less ; \ \ hatever may come
Ho's my hey still.
I remember when he was a llttlo lad ,
How ho u ed to climb on my knee ;
How proud we wore of his beauty ,
Of his wit und his mimicry ,
And I know iiuito welt ho's u man now ,
With a wild stubborn will ;
But whatever ho Is to you , John ,
He's my boy still I
Ho was Just llkcthcsuiisliiuealmut the house ,
In thu days of his happy youth ;
You know that wo said with all his faults
He had courage and love nnd truth ,
And though ho has wandered fur away ,
I'd rather you would say no 111 ;
Ho Is sure to come hack to his mother ;
Ho's my hey still I
I know there was never a kinder heart ,
And I can remember to-day
How oftc'n ho went with me npart
Ami knelt at my knee to pray.
And the man will do ns thu boy elid ,
Sooner or later ho will ;
The Hil > lo Is warrant for that ; so
Ho's my boy still 1
A mother can feel where she can't ' see ,
She is wiser than any sago ;
My boy was trained In the good old way ,
I shall certainly get my wage.
And though ho has wandered away ,
And followed his wayward will ,
I know whatever , wherever he it Is ,
He's my boy Btilll
The Odd Fellows of Norfolk dedicated
their new hall with adnncu.
Chadron has organized a company to
work the marble quarries at Buffalo
The telephone exchange at Norfolk
failed to connect with sutlicient support ,
and is hung up for the present.
The money sharks of Norden are gath
ering up the fat of the land. Ten per
cent a month is the usual rate on loans.
The Beatrice street car drivers dis
play an unusual amount of sand just
now , and prevent their vehicles slipping
up on their patrons.
Next year will bo leap year nnd eli
gible but lonesome girls should pro pure
by rigorous exercise to jump at the first
opportunity and get into the union.
Eminent foreign authorities have de
cided that the smallest bore is the most
effective. This will put the Sioux County
Gimlet on the high road to usefulness
and profit.
A syndicate of farmers near Indianola
smashed the fuel famine by shipping in
five car loads of coal for their own use.
The local dealers were unable to meet
the demand.
Evidences of progressive civilization
nro continually multiplying. Columbus
is threatened with a second brass band.
An application for Nebraska City's ex
hausted instruments is proposed.
Plattsmouth has two sots of fair of
ficers with but a single track. It is pro
posed to hitch both to sulkies and send
them over the course with a ton-foot
gad. The contest will be for blood.
The board of education of Fremont
propose to strike a blow at the liberties
of the youiifj by abolishing the school
recess , making the session continuous.
The flow of carved epitaphs and auto
graphs on the premises will bo dimin
ished if not entirely wiped out.
Iowa Items.
The Franz nnd Selzer breweries in
Sioux City have been abandoned.
A bridge company having a capital
stoek of $500JOO ( has been formed at
J. M. Bunker , a farmer , was killed
Monday by the explosion of a boiler In
Abbott's elevator at Yearling.
A piece of property , in which was
eighty acres , was sold at a tax sale in
Davenport this week , the taxes amount
ing to $2,000.
Manchester has reason to be proud of
its record as a dairy point. During the
month of November Manchester shipped
75,425 pounds of butter and for another
item sent out 3,174 dozen eggs.
Nathan Sanders , aged eighty-eight ,
died Sunday morning , and his wife ,
aged eighty-four , followed him Tuesday
morning , both dying of old ngo , atGrin-
noll. The olel couple wore pioneers
there and widely respected.
A singular accident occurred at
Clarinda the other day. A man fell
under a moving freight train and two
wheels passed directly over his thigh ,
yet no bones were broken , and the only
injury was a Bovoro bruise and some
laceration. The thigh was fleshy and
the fat formed a cushion protection for
the bone' . Ho was only hud up a few
days by the accident.
Sioux Falls has a business club 100
The hotels of Fargo threaten to close
if prohibition is enforced.
The Norwegian normal school will bo
planted at Sioux Falls if a bonus of
$10,000 is raised.
The Dcndwood Pioneer is now con
trolled by a stoek company. Mavericks
are excluded from the staff.
Peter Froidland , a minor of Torravillo ,
fell into an open cut while engaged in
mining near that place Saturday , caus
ing instant death.
A vein of eoal : sixteen feet thick has
boon found at Whitewood , twelve feet
below the surface , and seventy feet be
low another vein moro than thrcu times
as thick. Thu coal in saiel to bo as good
as any in the country.
The Cheyenne & Northern will reach
Dougliw on or before July 1 , 1888.
Work is progressing rapidly on the
foundation of a hotel in Larnmio.
Blundering assessments have knocked
Carbon county out of $17,000 in tuxes.
The capital stock of the Laramie
Ghwsworks company has been blown up
to 875,000.
Several ranchmen along the Big Lar-
nmio river are going out of the cattle
business this fall and announce that they
will devote their time and energies in
future to slice ] ) and wool raising.
The regular Burlington celebration
in Cheyenne is looked for the first day
of the year. Excursion trains will bo
run from neighboring towns. An ample
supply of rod llro will decorate the oc
The proprietor of the Intor-Occnn
hotel in ( Jhovonno claims that the
Pacific railroad Investigating commis
sion has failed to pay a board bill of $20.
The bill has been tent to Washington
for collection.
A ( lowing well of petroleum has boon
discovered near the head of Poison
Spieler creek in Albany county , a Oill-
cials of the Northwestern railway are
Interested.In . the find and will lap the
oil fields noxtsprlng in case the develop
ment work prosecuted this winter re
sulted favorably.
Ivlralfy's "Dolores1 continues to nttrnct
largo audiences nt Hnjtl's. Lust uvcnlng the
crowd exeeede'd that of any previous evening ,
nnd the frequency of the npplaiiso attested to
the satisfaction of the performance.
ATTiir. ( iitvxn ,
Seven years have elapsed since C. L. Smith
uptenrod | in this city. Ho played In the pleco
produced nt the Giaud opera liouie ln t nlpht
to a small midlcnce In the old Aoiulomy of
Music. Last evening 1,1100 people witnessed
the porformanco.
"Alvin iloslln" Is a dramatic' erary-nullt. It
Is something of cverythlngnnd not very much
of anything. All tlmim-lo-dramaticsituations
which have figured in the Bowery ulnci ) that
place first delighted tlio gods , have been
planted In it. And they hnvo grown , too , nnd
are now in thu enjoyment of mature hut
rather uhcstnutty virility. Davis , for ten
years , has been e-oiuh-mnod as nn actor , and
the condemnation has been merited. But his
nudieiie-es laugh , yell , roar and call him before -
fore the curtain nt the ? end of every not. Ho
may ho no actor , hut his work Is appreciated
nnd has brought him thousands , hast night ,
it was greeted with thunders of applause * .
The setting ; of the piece required several of
Davis' own drops uud wings and those were
very bountiful , notably the new Brooklyn
bridge at night. Mr. Davis' princiiml support
Is Miss Wayland , who has been scon hero be
fore In "Storm Beaton. " Though disposed
to mouth considerably , she Is yet a pains
taking und successful actress.
Ho Contradicts U.
OMAIH , Neb. , Dec. S. Tn the Keillor of the
BUK : Seeing nn editorial in last evening' *
Bhn headed , "A Colony Fraud , " and being
uu Interested member of the colony referred
to , I deem It my duty to contradict the false
statements contained therein. You base
your article upon an editorial appearing In a
recent Issue of the Oregonlnn , That Journnl
does n great Injustice to nn honest nml hon
orable e-auso ami must be actuated by the
basest of base motives In Its attack upon the
colony nud the person of Mr. George Vennblu
I have been at the colony site for three
weeks nnd left there October 11 or 1U.
My object in going there was to investi
gate Its condition , location , resources and
climate. I did not depend upon the metatarsi
of the colony for my information but visited
farmers in the neighborhood nud others in
the neighboring cities , therefore I know
what I urn talking about.
1. George Venable Smith never hold meet
ings nnd poke in Nebraska on the colony
2. About October 10 , there were -13" per
rons on the colony .site.
II. The chief evangelist docs not assess nil
who Join or mnko any salary thereby.
4. Theio has never been u single case of
a member refusing to go to the colony when
wanted or who has remained away by reason
of even u suspicion of Its honesty orstnbility
and only one caseof u member who withdrew
up to October 0,18S7 , to my positive knowl
edge or to date that 1 am nwuro of.
5. It is true tliuy did not raise enough farm
produce to supply tlium this winter , but they
purchased machinery and erected a saw mill.
Bhinglo nnd lathe mill , got out logs ami
sawed up lumber since the beginning of
September , 1SS7 , averaging 18,000 to 120,000
feet per day , nnd established since May 15
last , twelve departments of Industry. They
have , also , built about thirty-live cottages ,
four largo two story buildings , ono 50x100
und thrco10x100 feet , which nro used for
stores , offices , u school nnd hotel purposes.
The 'Hall und Society of Ethical Culture" is
a meeting one evening each week for the dis
cussion of questions of ethics , nnd is held in
the school room. Lastly , the authority of
Mr. Smith Is that given him by the members
of the colony and can bo taken away from
him in forty-eight hours , nnd his salary us
president is no greater than that of a fairly
The co-operative colony is no fraud but is
a genuine practical reform and it is a shame
and n pity if its progress should bo retarded
by the malicious lying of un unprincipled
Journal like the Oregonlon. All progressive
movements huvo their enemies nnd that the
colony has thus far cscapcel is not a little
strange. The following persons have left
this city for the colony since Juno last :
Warner E. Smith nnd family , John Thompson
and family , August Schultzo and family , Dr.
P. S. Lewis , C. D. Hnnnnann , Patrick i''crry ,
John Colomun. Their friends in this city will
speak for them , or you can write to them nt
Port Angeles , Clullum county , W. T. No end
of guarantees of the Roundness of our enter
prise If space would permit. An this Is nn
Important matter both to us nnd others 1 hope
you will duly investigate it for yourself and
do us Justice. Yours Respectfully ,
FIIVNK J. McAimi.n.
Two Court-Mart Inls.
A general court-martial has been appointed ,
to moot nt Fort Sidney , Nob. , on Wednesday ,
December 14 , for the trial of such persons as
may bo properly brought before it. The de
tail for the court is ns follows : Captain
Stone , First Lieutenant Duucun , Fist Lieu
tenant Williams , First Lieutenant Bonosteel ,
First Lieutenant Parko , Second Lieutenant
Kcrnnn , Second Lieutenant Palmer , Scconel
Lieutenant Pnrmcrtcr. Second Lieutenant
Brooke , Twenty-first infantry , Judge advo
Another court-martial has been appointed ,
to meet at Fort Laramip , W.vo. , on Thursday ,
December 15 , for the trial of such persons as
may bo properly brought before it. The de
tail of the court is : Captain Combu , Captain
Kirtlanel. Cnptain Williams. Captain Heed ,
Captain Hreehcmln , First Lieutenant Hobin-
son , First Lieutenant liootli , First Lieuten
ant Johnson , First Lieutenant Frederick ,
Second Lieutenant Howell , Second Lieuten
ant Mclvcr , First Lieutenant Charles A.
Warden , adjutant Seventh Infantry , Judge
advocate. _
Died in a Hotel.
Mrs. J. T. Raymond , aged thirty-three
years and nine months , died nt the Windsor
hotel shortly after 10 otelouk last hight in the
presence of her husband and son. Last
Thursday night Mrs. Uaymond und her son
Joined her husband at thu Windsor , having
come on fronrJnnosvllle , O. , for the purpose
of locating in California. Upon her arrival
nt the hotel slio was taken sick nnd Dr. Bul-
lurd was summoned. A her condition did
not improve. Dr. ColTman was called In nnd
ho did everythinc in lii.s power to save tliollfo
of tlio unfortunate woman , but of no uvaJl ,
death claiming her at tlic time ubovo speci
fied. The remains will bo burled in this city
nud the proprietors of tlio Windsor are doing
everything in their power to assist Mr. Iluy-
inond In his sad misfortune.
Tlio Knginoers Hcply.
To the Editor of the UKB : An nrtlulo ap
peared in your paper of the Oth lust , headed
"A Conflict of Authority , " purK | > rtlngto give
an account of difficulties between Mr. Burns ,
agent ut Council Bluffs , nnd the engineers
and firemen , etc. , eto. I wish to Htato ns
fur as tlio engineers nro concerned that the
whole article is u base fabrication and n
falsehood. Engineers do not do their busi
ness through tlio piipom , und hereafter any
article appearing without the signature of
the chief of the division , may bo consldeicd
us false. JOHN M.
TJcciiKcel to Writ.
The following murrlago licenses were
granted by Judge McCullouh yesterday :
Numn und residence. Ate.
( John W. TlllBon , Omaha . 24
| Nevada E. Robertson , Hiitloy , la . 18
I Tliomus Tuckabcrry , Fort Omaha , . . . . 'M
| Johanna Johnson , Oinutiu . 'JO
i Olaf 1'ulerbon , Omaha . Ill
I Dulsuy Hcrrikson , Omaha . 21
Article * oT Incorporation.
Yesterday articles of Incorporation of the
Hebrew Knights of Charity was filed with
the county cluik. Tlio ofllcers are : Presi
dent , It. Cahnenson ; vice president , A. Cor-
aiblcth ; treasurer , I. Llphshltz ; first trustee ,
L. Slobodlsky : Bmnid trustee , B. S. Pelzor ;
third trustee , U'llllam Catlin ; clerk , J. D.
Nathunson , _
< > raiitcil u Continuance ,
A continuance until this morning nt 0
o'clock wus grunted yesterday to Ne'll Cook
ami II. Morrison , ullas II. Grant , who are in
custody on the charge of obtaining iuoney
under false prptenscs from Dan McGuckln.
It has nt length been officially announced
that the Chicago , Koqk Island & Pacific fast
train will commences to run on the Ibtli of
this month. It will lea vo Chicago at" : ! ? 0 in
the evening , re.ichlnir Oinnhn sixteen hotiri
Inter or uttlittO o'clock the ni'xt day. The
train will leave * this city nt I o'clock lu the
afternoon reaching Chicago at S o'clock next
Tlieie ) was n meeting yestordny of the
paseiigor nnd tle-ket ngoutsof the Nebrnsku
lines nt thu B. & M. he'udii\iarters , but no
business of an Important nature was trans-
Yesterday the reduction in the sleeplnir-car
rate * from Kansas City und Council HluiTu to
Los Angeles , to M'J f > o went Into otTcct. The
riito to Kan KnincLsco remains at Jit.
Mur.Tivi or rur.iuiiT A < HST : < .
An iniHntiinl | meeitlng of Irclght agents
roprc.scnling lines In Kansas and Nebraska
are hold Ing secret Ncxsions nt ono of the
hotels In the city for the purpose of rogulut
ing thu freight rnto.s as it. effee'ts these two
tute < s , Thu gentlemen we're In session nil
day yeMerday , uud late Into the night. What
they did is known only to themselves , hut it
will bo given to thei public us soon us they
complete ) their work , which may roqulro
Bomo days to do. The following line's are
> : ? v'uviii i n i\iui-m-t. i mi/miMi mmiiiii , 01.
.losenh . nnd Grand Island , Burlington & Mis.
sourl Kivor and Fremont & Elkhorn Volley.
Horse * nn'
"Shako you for the drinks , Jeihnl"
"Go you once , if I lose. "
"High or poker dice I"
"Poker first dash out of the box , nml
horses. "
"Let her go , Gallagher. "
This llttlo dialogue took place between
John Huffman , u saloon Ite-cpcr , e'orner Thir
teenth und Williams streets , and Frank
Bashers , an nlr-round-mun of the ) first ward.
The hitter's challenge to shake for the drinks
was accepted and the box began to vibrate.
"Horse on you , " remarked John , ns ho
throw out thrco1's , which beat Basher's two
"Kereet , " replied Frank.
Again they threw.
"Horso and horse , " e'oood Basher.s.
"Horso and , " assented John.
Just hero u dispute arose about u'Voek" die.
B'irst it wus words , next cuiws , and finally
blows. Huffman was first ut bat , and ho hit
Bashers a grounder. Then Basher's brother
Jim , who was In the nudiencu , hit HufTimm
witli n club , unit after pounding him Tor three
singles , a double , nnd a home run , John
rolled over and prepared to die. The on-
thusinsin nttrae-ted the polle'e , and shortly
thu patrol wugnn. Hutlnmu was taki-n to
the hospital nml Bashorn to thu central sta
tion. The other Bashers escaped. The )
game will bo continued to-day , with
Judge Hcrkn an umpire.
I'crminnl Paragraphs.
W. A. Wolfe , Lincoln , Neb. , is In the city.
E. J. Islmm , of Kansas City , Is at the Wind
sor.S. . J. Sein , of Waterloo , In. , is at the Wind
sor.J. . G. Hall , of Gibbon , Neb. , is at the Wind
A. H. Cramer , Hastings , Neb , , is in the
H. G. Walker , of St. Joseph , Mo. , Is In the
C. B. Cooke , of Boonc , la. , is nt the Mil-
Edward Blcwctt , of Fremont , Neb. , is in
the city.
J. H. Yules , of Ncligh , Neb. , Is nt the
H. S. Watson , of Salt Lnker , Is nt the
J. B. Butler , of Cedar Rapids , la. , is at the
The "Alvin Josllu" company is at the
S. S. Ethridgo. of DCS Moincs , la. , is nttho
E. E. Leonard , David City , Neb. , is nt the
C. M. Aldrlch , of Kansas City , is ut the
W. S. Weaver , Cheyenne , Wyo. , is nt the
C. L. Ervin , of Plum Creek , Neb. , U iu
the city.
E. F. Willis , of Dca Moincs , In. , is ut the
T. E. Alderson , of Crcston , la. , is at the
F. Do Lisle , of Dubuauc , In. , Is nt tlio
B. Whitwcr , of Burnett , Neb. , Is nt tlio
J nines Jennings , DCS Moincs , In. , is nt the
G. W. Whltaker , of Kearney , Neb. , Is nt
the Millard.
Gorhnm F. Belts , of Lincoln , Nob. , Is nt
the Millnrd.
Otlo Baumany , of Wcsl Point , Neb. , Is at
the Millard.
C. F. Bowman , of Knymoiul , Nob. , Is nt
tlio Millard.
James Jennings , of Dos Mollies , la. , Is ut
the Windsor.
C. L. Erwln , of Plumb Creek , Neb. , Is at
the Windsor. .
W. A. Fryo nnd wife , Atkinson , Neb. , mo
ut the Millurd.
1C. C. Morohouso , of Missouri Valley , la. ,
is in the city.
J. E. Branch and wife , of Yankton , Dak. ,
ore at the Miliurd.
Kd. Campbell , Jr. , of Fail-field , la. , is a
guest ut the Millurd.
Dudley McAilow. of "Mixed Pjcklos com
pnny , " is nt the Millard.
Messrs. G. M. Hohl and T. Aylosburg , of
St. Joseph , Mo. , nro in the city.
E. M. F ml , rf wholesale dealer in toys , of
DCS Moincs , Jii. , is at the Millard. .
Thomns-M. Howard und wife , of Weeping
Wuter , Neb. , uro visitinir in the city.
Mrs. W. C. Lockart nnd Miss Gnrtio Lock-
art , of Ked Oak , Iu. , uro ut thu Millurd.
Dr. George P. Wilkinson Inft lant evening
for a visit to his old homo at Keokuk , la.
Hon. Daniel V. Finch , United States dis
trict attorney , of DCS Moines , la. , is ut the
Frank Murtliis and wife and Mrs. II. A.
Wherry , of Falls City , Nob. , nro at tlio
Ben K. Paddock , post-trader at Fort Hob-
Inson , Is visiting his parfiits , Major and Mis.
Paddock , at their city lesidenco , 1105 Sher
man avenue.
Mr Charles B. Sloat , wrstcin traveling
ngunt of the Chicago. Kock Island & Pacific
company , nrrivcd In the rity yesterday
nnd will remain several days ,
Miss May L. Potvin , of Lincoln , Is the
guest of Mrs H C. McShano. Shu will ren
der a piano solo fioin Lls/.t , at the CrcighUm
college musicale , this evening.
M. H. Do Young , editor of Ilia San Fran-
clf < co Chronicle , accompanied by his family ,
passed through Omaha lust evening on his
way homo after n Homcwlmt extended tn'i >
through the eastern stiiten.
Secretary Nattlnger , of the board of trade ,
was yesterday hummnncd to Ottawa , III. , by
tlio iccelptofu tulcxrum Informing him of
the approaching death ( if his aged mother.
Mr. Nultlnger luft ut once for Otluwu.
Hun. JJ. orFiiicli , United States district
attorney ; Mr. S. S. Ethcrldgi' . United States
deputy marshal , and Mr. E. M. Forel , attor-
novfurtliu Chicago , Burlington ft Qulncy ,
nil fium DCS Moinus , accompanied by Hon.
Edwin Campbell , Jr. , United States tnurblial
ut F.iirlleld , la. , were in the city ycsterdny
on legal bublncss.
Them for Kvoryllilng.
Peter Mngorus , residing nt ii'il .Tolm- *
spn avenue , Brooklyn , i' . D. , N. Y. ,
bays :
During the last eighteen years I have
been using over fifty Allcock's Plasters
a year in my family. 1 have found thorn
a most perfect external remedy. The > y
have repeatedly cured mo of rheuma
tism , to which I am subject every win-
tetr. They have cured mo of pains in
the aides and back throe thnoH , My
wife , children and inolhur-ln-law toll
mo Allcock's Plaster * are tlio best rem
edy nvor made , so agreeable , no cor-
tni'n. I know they have cured my wlfo
of painB ill the liaclc nnd asuvoro e-ough.
My mother-in-law lias been unreel of u
most suvuru cold , which thruatunod to
turn Into pnounionla. by Allrouk'ii Plas