Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 09, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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    ' * '
. . .
Boars Got thoUpporHand In Wheat
and Cora.
A Small Advance In the Price of Mil y
OntH Provision * HiifTcr n Severe
Ilrcnk MVC Stock
( jiiotntluiiH.
CHICAGO , Dec. 8. ( Special Telegram to
( ho IlKK.1 The grain markets havu reached
ilcbntikblo ground and opinion ? ns to their
future course uro varied enough , The bears
hud thu best of It to-day and managed , as n
result of the morning's trading , to lower the
price for both corn and wheat for May
delivery about J4'c from lest night's close and
KC from fils morning's ' opening. Country
buying orders seemed to be bunched and
t-anio In all together early , and afterwards
local tulcnt had the markets pretty much to
themselves. That the country Is in and still
interested , however , was apparent from the
largo number of btrangcrs on the floor and
their close attention to the fluctuations.
May wheat opened nt 8. > ' c and under the In-
tluencu of an aggregation of small buying
orders from the country , immediately ad
vanced to Sfijtfe. Then short sellers begun
their work. The wants of the country
Hccmcd to be satisfied and the price dropped
to 84 % . Good buying by a local bull house
started the market up again and news came
Which awakened apprehensions of quick
turning local traders , who wanted their grain
buck again and bid for it until thu price
touched 85j > jfo nguin. A warlike dis
patch came from New York to the effect
that war risks on shipments of petroleum
were demanded ; also from the same place
that twenty-two carloads of wheat had been
taken there for export ; also that ono of the
heaviest .shorts in Now York was covering.
These were items of news which served to
tcniK | > rurlly strengthen the market. When
the closing time cumo there appeared to bo an ancient ilnvor about the war news
which hud been the most potential factor of
all , that a revulsion of sentiment followed
and down dropped the price again. May de
livery dropped to 84J < c again , but thure were
very few transactions at thatllguro. There
appeared to bo n persistent effort to break
prices toward the close , un occasional noy !
offer of iv "Fivu" at Si ; < e being made , while
there were a fair number of buyers at S4J < @
85e. The effort was unsuccessful , and at thu
1 o'clock close May wheat stood at Ssie. .Ian-
nary opened at "ijc , sold down to
77Xc and closed at 77X077SC The nominal
high | > oiiit WHS T8i , < fo.
The corn market followed the fluctuations
in the neighboring pit very closely all the.
morning. In both corn and outs there was a
rush of buying orders at , the start , which
made the opening prices almost momentary ,
with but few transactions. May corn ,
which opened at 55c , nil advance
of } c over lust night's close ,
jumped to 5Go In a very brief time , and then ,
with the immediate country buying orders
filled , and ono of the heaviest local holders
hulling freely , dropped to 54J < c , again ad
vanced to f > 5 > fc , slowly sagged off to 54Jfu
again , and finally closed nt 1 o'clock at 54J < @
KM. January corn opened nt 50fo , which
was the highest poitit touched by that de
livery , sold down to and closed nt iji u.
There was fairly active trading in May
oats ut from 33u at the opening up to 34i (
on the split. The break In wheat ami
corn carried the price down to 33jjc , and at 1
o'clock X\yti'\G \ \ was the niarlcet. Janu
ary was nominally 3o ; e all through the regu
lar session , which was n snndo easier , am
oilier futures were notmentioned. - . The net
gain In May oats was lgo.
Provisions suffered a severe break. The
opening was reasonably strong , but before
business had progressed far the markc
weakened under the lead of a prominent
packer , who became an unexpected seller ,
and assumed n downward turn. In addition
to the selling of the pucker alluded to , trade
was also depressed by the unloading
of small holders and the comparatively
fair receipts of hogs at the leading packing
points. The weakness developed was also
continued throughout the day , and at , 1
o'clock pork showed a decline of 27Jsfg30c ( ,
lard of 10@12 > . c. and short ribs of 17jg20c (
as compared with last night's closings.
closing ut 84c , January 77c and February
78-1,0. Corn weaker , May closing at 54Jtfe
bid , January 40j o bid , February 49)ffe. ) Oats
were fully . { 40 lower on May , which closed at
Ki-'nO ' asked. Pork advanced 2X < ? i5c and
closed at $14.50 for January , $14.M ( for
February and $15.10 for March. Lard was
steady , soiling moderately , nnd closing at
$7.20 for De-cumber , $7.27) ) i for January. * 7.37 >
for February , $7.45 for Alurcli , and $7.115 for
May. Short ribs , $7.40 for January , $7.52 > .f
for February and $7.02) for March.
CHICAGO , Dec. S. [ Special' Telegram to
the liiiR.l CATTi.n The market was quiet
and steady as compared with yesterday
There were a largo number of outside orders
ami outside buyers , so that the chances wcro
that the ordinary run of fat cattle would bo
worked off at about ycsterdey's prices , if not
n shade stronger. Hig , heavy cattle , good
enough for Christmas stock , were selling at
the highest prices for the season. Nice ,
handy steers uru also selling ns well as last
week , b"t such do not form the bulk , of stock
on sulo. The pinch Is on plain , undesirable
stock of 1250 to 1350 Ibs , half fat and un-
oven. This class forms the bulk of nutivo
stock now being marketed. Fancy , ? 5.50 ( < < >
0.23 ; shipping steers , 1350 to 1,500 Ibs , * 3.90
( i4. . )0 ) ; 1300 to 1330 Ibs. KUO ( 4.lU : ; U50 to
1200 Ibs , fJ.kHrt3.50. ( Stackers and feeders ,
$1.75tf2.85 ( ; cows , bulls and mixed , $1.00@
2.W. Texas steers , t2.00Q2.yO ; cows , very
ami nttt.aygi.w.
Hoos. The market opened slow and quiet ,
with about 50,000 on sale , that is , allowing
iW.OOO ns carried over and 2S.OOO . fresh re
ceipts. Contrary to anticipations there was
nn improved demand , with an lip-turn of a
strong 5c , and in cases lOc on prime packing
and choice heavy , best selling up to $5.50rti >
5.55. Packing sorts f3.30 < i:5.40 ] : , and common
i5.IO5.23. ( Light sorts wcro literally un-
tuiluublo unless at very low prices , llig buy
ers wcro oifcring $ I.SSgSj.OO for strong ISO-lb
averages , and them wcro no orders for York
sorts. Over half the fresh receipts wcro
light and uneven sorts , and nearly everything
carried over from day to day was also of thu
light cort.
" \Vcst Mncoln Market.
LINCOLX , Neb. , Dec. 5. [ Special Telegram
to the HEK. ] Hocis-Ueceiptb , 700 head ; all
sold ; prices steady , ranging from $4.115 tn
$5.33. Light mixed , $4.155(1(5.10 ( ( ; heavy , * 3.K
( ii5.35. Prevailing price , (5.20. Demand uo <
tlvo , _
NEW Yoitu , Dec. 8. [ Special Telegram
to the DEI : . ] STOCKS There was less scnsa
tlonal news from the continent and a more
confident feeling in London. From the lat-
tcr fair buying orders wcro received foi
Heading , St. Paul , Kric , Lnko Shore , Louis
vlllo & Nashvlllo and Union Pacific. Uoon ;
trailer * wcro generally bearish and arousing
every possible factor to scare holders intc
partliiKwith their securities. While then
was no increase in the volume of offering * * ! '
was noticed that whenever bids for blocks
were made they wore readily supplied. Thi
market dragged all .lht > morning and tin
early depressed fooling was augmented by i
reported dissolution of the cable pools. Tin
rumor was denied by President , Do Castro , o
the Commercial Cable company , and Hussul
Page says ; "There Is a discussion res pect
ing the division of business and the rear of percentages. Dissolution nni
n war is unlikely. The Western Union wanti
n better .division , " Prices dropped l } { poi
cunt on the report , and weakened the rest o
the list. Grangers were heavy and dropped
IdiUf per cent. Lucknwunnu also tihowci
increased wcaltneas and broke 1Y per cent
Richmond Terminal developed the t'rcutcb
weakness and dropped 1-Y per cent , The
stock was recently bid up before the books
cloicd , but more was seourod than wanted
nnd is being sold out. The Vanderbllts went
off a point on the report that the much talked
of extra dividends would not bo declared ,
the officers deeming It best to keep the money
In the treasury. Rending , although bought
more freely than any other stock , declined 1
jKilnl In sympathy with the general list. Dry
rot has got Into ( he market and It continues
to sag without any apparent effort cm the part
of the bears. The bulls are demoralized nnd
many unloaded during the last hours , The
closing sale on the majority of the securities
were nt inside figures , and recorded declines
extending to 2 % per cent , Hlchmond Termi
nal having the lead. Chicago stock houses
transacted a light business and the bulk of
that was on the short side.
GovEiix.Mr.NTS Governments bonds were
dull and heavy.
V. ? . 4 < t registered.raw O.AsN. W . . . . .lOfiK
II , r > . 4s coupon. . . KM Si tin preferred 140
U.S. 4 ! < srculMtil.HI7 O. V. 0 1117 , ' , '
II. S 4is ! coupon..107 O.K. N ! i
I'aclflcB-iOfM . Ill ) O. T lf i
l.'unnda Soiithorn. . r.l ! { I'Hfltlc Mall 117
Ontrnl I'aclllc . : ilj [ . , ! . * K )
Chicago V Alton. . . KM I'ullmnn 1'alaccCarHO
< ; . , II..VQ . Iir.i4 Heading 67 ! }
I ) . , l..ic\V . l-'H'/ ' , Hock Island Ill
I1..VU.O . L- ' at. I < . &H. K HVi
Krlf . i'S dopreferrod 71i !
ilo preferred . (17 ( C. . > f. .V St. Paul. . . 74'i
Illinois Central . llf..S ' do preferred Ill
i. , II.ASW . ia St. P.&O : IHH
K.ftT . 1774 do preferred NW'/i
l.akn Shore . Hl'i T xus Pnclllo S4'
l\ N . OIJJ Union 1'aclllc M'i
Mlclilt-nn Contra ! . . NHS W. . Kt. f , . .V I' liU !
Mlssuurl Pacific. . . . m.'i do preferred 'M
.Ml tonrl Pacific. . . . EJ \V. U. Telegraph. . . 7i ; , ' <
do prrferred . 4J3J
MONEY On call , easy nt 4QO per cent ,
closed offered at4 | per cent.
STP.IIMNO ExciMxnK Dull but steady at
W.S1U' for CO day bills , and W.'M , ' * ' for de
Chicago , Dec S. Following are the 2:30 :
closing prices :
Flour Firm and unchanged : winter
wheat , l.r > 0ii:4.00 ( : per bbl ; spring
wheat , ? : i.flO@4.f)0 per bbl ; rye , $2.7 ! > ( g
per bbl ; buck wheat , W.Wl Jli.uri per bbl.
Wheat Opened firm and | e higher , fluc
tuated and became rather nervous and un
settled and closed } { ( < ia below yesterday ;
cash , 77u : January , 7U c ; May , S4J e.
Corn Active but irregular ; opened
higher than the closing of yesterday and
closed "fC'l'l'ftC ' below yesterday ;
cash , 49Kc ; January , 4'JVc ; May. 54'Jc. '
Oats Trading centered entirely in May ;
the market was under the influence of corn
and changed according to the fluctuations of
that article , closing sumo to Xu lower
than yesterday ; January , UUc ; May , 3'J 7-1'Jc. '
llyo Firm attiOc.
Hurley ragiiie.
Whisky10. ! .
Pork Trading brisk with no urgent de
mand ; Jnnuary , tl4.ii ( ) ; May , $ ! . " > . 10.
Lard Quiet , easy and lower ; cash , $7.20 ;
January , $7.27 } < f ; May , $7..ri5.
Dry Salted Meats Shoulders , $ r .0tfrt.0 ( ) ( ( ) ;
short clear , $ .7SO@7S5 ; short ribs , ? 7.40
for January.
Mutter Steady ; creamery , 21@31e ; dairy ,
23I/20c. (
Cheese Steady and firm ; full cream
Cheddars , .lO . ll' c ; flats , ll 4@u ; c ;
young Americas , ll' © 12c.
Eggs-Steady ; 22@Uic. :
Hides Weaker ; heavy green salted , 0 4 ®
7c ; light , do. , 7c ; salted bull , ! ) ) < < : ; green
do , 4 fc ; green salted calf , S 'S c ; dry flint
and dry calf , 12gl3e ( ; dry salted , 10c ; dea
cons , ittic each. '
Tallow Unchanged : No. 1 country , 3 fc ;
No. 3 , 3J4-e ; cukes , 4c.
' Receipts. Shipments.
Flour , bb'ls . liO.OOO 28,000
Wheat , bu . M.tKK ) 17,000
Corn , bu . 118,0(10 ( 117WX )
Oats , bu . 102,000 110,000
Hye. bu . 4,000 1,000
Hurley , bu . OU.OOO JW.OOO
Iiivcrpnol , Dec. 8. Wheat Quiet but
steady ; dcinaml poor.
Corn Quiet and demand poor ; mixed west
ern 5s 2J d per cental.
St. IjoulH , Dec. 8. Wheat Lower ; cash ,
SOWC'lSlc ; May , SOe.
Corn Higner ; cash , 40 > e ; May , MlJ c.
Oats Higher ; cash , UO&c ; May , 32 > 4'c.
Pork$14.75. .
Hutter Unchanged ; creamery , 24@30c ;
dairy , 18@24c.
AFTUIIXOOX BOAIIO Wheat and barley
steady ; January , SlJ c ; May , yic. Corn ,
easy ; December , 40 c ; January , 4Sc : May ,
50' c Oats , lower ; May , 32-tfe.
N w York , Dec. 8. Wlieut Receipts ,
73,000 bu ; exports. 40,000 bu ; spot , quiet , but
hold stronger ; options opened Jf sC hlclier ,
afterwards declined % C ! .Xc , closing weak at
near bottom ; ungraded red.W & 'J.'j e ; No.
1 red , 04 J < o ; No. 2 red , m ( ii < Mc in ele
vator , W / ( H)2c ) delivered ; Wu f. o. b ;
January closed at ( Hc. )
Corn Receipts. 17,000 ; exports , 320 ; spot
opened K@l jf o higher and closed weak and
advance partly lost ; ungraded , f idiM c ;
No. H , 02c ; No. 2 , < X % < &cao } In elevator ,
(54Vi)5c ( ( delivered ; January closed at (13c. (
Oats Receipts , 92.000 ; ex | > orts , 200 ;
market J piJ/c higher , closing weak ; mixed
western , U7M9 ( ( > fc ; white western , 3'.i@44c.
aCoffec Six > t , fair ; Rio firm at ? 18.2.V
options higher and trading quiet ; sales , 5S,2. > 0
bags : December , $15.2.V < ( | 15.ii ! : ; January ,
* 14.HXgl5.10 ! ; February , * 14.hO ( < ql5.10 ; March ,
pril , $ I4.73ifil5.00 ( ; May ,
. . .
Pcti-oleum Steady ; United , 76 > c.
SEggs Steady and fair requests ; western ,
20i.20c. (
Pork Dull ami easier ; mess was quoted
nt ifl5.25@15.50 for ono year old ; $14,50i14.75 ( ;
for two years old.
Lard Opened S@10 points lower , closing
weak ; western steam , spot , $7.GOij7.77J ( .
Hutter Quiet , but linn ; western , 15ji32c ( ;
western creamery , 17g)2u. ( : )
Cheese Steady and unchanged.
Khusns City , Dec. S. Wheat Stronger ;
No. 2 soft , cash , 74 e bid , 70u asked ; January ,
75cbid ; May , 7 Xu bid , SO o asked.
Corn Strong ; No. 2 , cash , 45o ; January ,
45o bid , 40 fc asked ; May , 4b c. bid , 4'Jo '
Oats No. 2 , cash , 3''o asked.
Milwaukee , Dec. 8. Wheat Easier ;
cash , 75tfti ; January,70 , ' c ; May , & 2'e.
Corn Higher ; No. 3 , 49c.
Oats Firmer ; No. 2 white ,
Uye Quiet ; No. 1 , liljtfo. .
Hurley Steady ; No. 2 , OSJ e.
Provisions ( Juiet ; pork , December , $14.50
, (214,75. (
MlnneaiiolU , Dec. S. Wheat Strong
nnd u shuilo higher ; No. 1 hard , Decem
ber , 74J e ; January , 75Jfc : ; May , 82 0 ; No. 1
northern , December , 72 c ; Jnnuary , 739/e ;
May , SOJ o ; No. 2 northern , December ,
OS ? c ; January , t0 ! > fc ; May , 6a.
Flour Very linn ; patents , $4.50@4.CO ;
bakerh' , Cl.lXKi13.bD.
Receipts Wheat , 193,000 bu.
Shipments-Wheat , 34,000 , bu ; flour , 20.00C
Cincinnati , Ore. 8. Wheat Active anil
higher ; No. 2 red was offered at87e.
Corn FirmNo. ; 2 , mixed , 55@55 < c.
Oats-Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 34)'o.
Uye Stronger ; No. 2. ? J ( 73c.
Provisions Pork , dull and easier at (15.00
hiril , dull und lower ut $7.15.
Whisky-Firm at $1.05.
Union Stock Yards , Chicago , Dec. S ,
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cuttle Kccclpts , 1,0000 , ; market stroiu
for good , others weaker ; fancy
Hogs Ileceliits , 80,000 ; market opcnei
5o lilghor OH heavy ; closed weak
mixed , $4.SOfi5.23 ; heavy , * 5.10 < < J5CO
lllght , $4,55ir5.05 ( ; skips. $3.l > 0i34.50.
SheepHccoipts , 5,000 ; market strong
native * , $3.00 ' 5.23 ; western , $3.25014.10
Tcxans , $2.25@3'.75 ; Iambs , e4.00 f5.75.
Nntlonal Kionk Yarils. Knsr St
IjoulH , Duo. S. Cattle Uoccipts , 1,400
shipments , 1,700 ; market linn ; choice hcav ;
native steers , $4.80045.00 ; fuir togoodiuulves
$3.75j4.40 ! ; butchers' bteci-s , medium to choice
$3.10044.00stockci-s ; and feeders , fair to good
$ I.SOji3.00j i-ungcrs , ordinary to good , $2.250 ,
4.10.Hqgs Receipts , 7,000 ; shipments , SOO
market slow aim lower ; choice heavy am
butchers' selections , $3.3025.45 * ; Yorker
and packers , medium to prime , fi.S50jS.bO >
pigs , light grudts , * 4.30S4.SO. (
Due. . Cattle Receipts
i.-iil. . . , * . . u
3,200shipments ; , 1,700 ; good and strong ; com
mon slow and about steady ; common to
medium , 3.2.Vit4.20 ; good to choice corn-fed ,
$4.25f < J4.70 ; stockers , $ t.OOOJ2.J5 ! ( ; feeders ,
rJ.t55oi3.25 ; cows , tl.400i2.70j grass range
HOK Hecelpts 12,000 ; shipments , 1,600 ;
tnnrkut steady to n fehado hluhcr ; common to
choice , (4.7U ( < (5.35i skips nnd pigs , t'J.S5Qs4.X ) .
The receipts of eattlovcrcr > 24. Shipments
f)2o. The market was very dull nnd some
common stock conld not be sold at any price.
One bunch of corn-fed natives sold for f4. " < > .
There In no demand for the class of cattle
which urc shipped hero and shippers would
do well to remember this fact. Good fat
cattle arc in demand , but scrubs and half-fed
stock can hardly bo given away , let nlono
Belling them ,
The receipts of hogs were B.218. The
market opened at rlllo strong but cased off
and closed i shade lower. Heavy stock
brought > ( tf5.25. Mixed 5.lXiK ) ( > .H > .
LIplit , (4.00iZ5.00. ( Five loads were left
The receipts of sheep were 157 iiVlb
sheep , which sold for 3.'JU. The market was
about steady.
Ofllclnl llcuclpts.
Cattle < VM
Hogs fi.'JIH
Sheep 137
Prevailing Prices.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the market :
Choice steers , 100 ! ! to 1WX ) Iba $4.25S4.SO (
Choice steers , 1100 to IHOOllis 4.004.4I ( ' )
Fat little- steers , IKK ) to 10.V ) Ibs. . . . : ! > ( gi.7A :
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to K.OO . : i.iV > ( ri4.i : < >
( ! oed to choice corn-fed cows 2.0 ; ! ( < t2.110
Common to medium cows 1.75012.25
Western cows 1 , Nf ) 2.50
( iood range feeders 2.30fti' (
Good native feeders , 1)00 ) Ibs and
upwards 2.50@3.00
Fair to medium native feeders , 000
Ibs und upwards 2.2rifi2.50
Stockers , 400 to TOO Ibs 2.IO ( < t.2.m
Prime fat sheep : i. ; > .X'M.r ? > ! )
Good fnt sheep , IK100 ) Ibs 2.0 ( > < : < .2I (
Fair to medium sheep ! J.25i/UX ( / : )
Common sheep y.Miv\i.'S ( ( \ >
Light nnd medium hogs ( ) ( . " > .l > . ° >
Good to clioico heavy hogs 5.15 ( 5.25
Good to choice mixed hogs 5.0oO(5.15
Itcprcscntntivc Sales.
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
so nor :
3 ! X',3 2.1H ) 2-1 10S7 3.30
2 IIS."i 2.00 li ( 1225 3.75
10 1132 3.20 12 1333 4.00
1 1330 1.75 1 1000 2.40
1 13 > 0 2.25
1 1500 2.00 1 1300 3.IK1
1 101S 2.25 24 1121 3.25
1 1430 2.25
2 1010 2.00
11 p. in : us.
4 702 2.75
SHUd * .
03 73 2.00 137 75 3.00
No. Av. Stik. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
17. . . .ffiW 54.90 IV > . . . .2IM5 200 $5.15
77..2M7 120 ii.or > . 72..2IH N ) 5.15
fli 'Jill Hid 5.0.-I 5l ! 303 SO 5.15
77. . . .2311 120 5.03 .V.I. . . .274 KM ) 5.15
77..20S 2MI 5.10 (15..200 ( 120 5.15
22..327 120 5.10 70..201 2SII 5.13
H1..2SO 40 5.10 ( H..2SO 1(10 ( 5.15
( i . . . .2l)3 SO 5.10 111.313 1(50 ( 5.15
(1S..2S4 ( 240 5.10 . " ) . . . .330 M ) 5.15
119..270 120 5.10 42..HM 300 5.15
70. . . .251 100 5.10 515. . . .301 100 5.15
50..21IO 100 5.10 tl'.l..2S7 200 5.17J4
( W..237 240 5.1(1 ( 57..314 SO 5.17J'
SO..231 320 5.10 C.2..300 320 5.20
( W..202 200 5.10 4(1..2tO ( ! 120 5.20
S2..2.VJ 5.10 W. . . 2S2 200 5.20
(15..aS5 ( 280 5.10 Oil..291) ) 40 5.20
70..249 420 5.10IS..340 3150 5.20
IV5..203 80 5.10T (51..2S ( ! ) 120 5.20
(55..2115 ( 240 5.12tf KI..H4U 40 5.22J4
54..2SO 100 5.12' ' 5l..3r,5 40 5.22' ' < f
75..248 5.12K 51. . . . . " , . " ) 5.25
1S2..257 3'0 5.12J 50..370 40 5.25
44..2IJ2 120 5.15 52..355 200 5.25
57..301 100 5.15 55..377 5.25
M.271 ) 100 5.15 53..3i7 5.25
54..313 300 5.15
C8..2S9 5.15
59. . . . 09 2.50 132..Ill 40 3.00
77..Ill 3.00
Live Stock Hull ! .
Showing the number of head of stock sold
on the market yesterday :
Owing to the sales tickets not being- com
pleted the sales of cattle yesterday cannot bo
Harris & Fisher 227
G. H. Hammond & Co 533
Anglo-American Packing Co 2)5 )
Armour & Ctulahy Packing Co 1,833
Thos. Green & Son 53
Speculators 144
Squires & Co 402
Local 70
Other sales 352
Total 3,91'J
Five loads left over.
Jtniige of Prices.
Showing the extreme highest nnd lowest
rates paid for leading grades of hogs on dates
mentioned :
Shipments ,
Cattle , 3 cars , B. & M Chicago
Cattle , 1 car , N. W Chicago
Ho s , 11 cars , H. I Ctiii'iiKO
HORS , S cars , H. & M Chicago
Hill-up , 1 car , 13. & M Chicago
Sheep , 1 car , N. W Chicago
Ijlvo Stock Notes.
The hog market was ahout steady yester
Thomas Shannon , of Pali-mount , marketed
three loads of hogs.
S. H. Liichtenbergcr. of Bradshaw , was on
the market witli u car-load of hogs.
Wiley Black , of Pluttsmouth , was ono of
the fortunate top price shippers.
Phil McMauus , of Bancroft , disposed of u
load of hogs yesterday on this market.
.las , Schatiold , of Waverly , disposed of a
load of hogs at the top nricc yesterday.
D. A. Hall , of Newman Grove , sold ono
load of cattle and ono of hogs yesterday.
Hon. John A. Dempster , of Geneva , ills-
posed of u load of eattlo of his own feeding.
S. P. Smith , of Cedar liaplds , Neb , , fur
nished live loads of hogs for yesterday's
I. Sandbcrg , of Oakland , Neb. , received
the to ] > price for u load of hogs on the market
"If anybody asks you how the cattle mar
ket is , " said u salesman yesterday , "tell him
you don't know. "
David Henderson , of Hastings hit the ton
of the market with u load of good hogs and
went home happy.
John MaeMurphy , editor of the now stock
paper , the Hoof and Horn , was looking over
the yards yesterday and taking notes on his
chances of hooking out a living.
"You can say to your 15,000 readers , " said
a salesman , "that thu eattlo hero are poor
very jxior , and that the market is poor and
will bu IHIOP until thu shippers cease thinking
we can sell their poor cattle for anything
like decent prices ,
Produce , Fruits , Klc.
The following ure the prices nt ir/ic/i / ( /
roum ! lutx of produce urckolil on tltlx innr-
Ket. Fruits or other lines of goad * requiring
extra Inlior of jiticKlna uuitiot ctlir < iu be
supplied oi on ( * We / / order * at the same { trices
quoted the local trade.
BUTTEII The receipts of butter are very
light and fall short of tmpplylng the demand ,
which Is active. Creamery , solid packed , is
quoted at SiQ'.Mo ; rholco dairy , 10S21c ( : me-
i ilium , 10lSo ; low grades , 10@12c.
I Eaos ? l'ho recripts are liberal ; demand
, I good uud quotations firm at S
' . ' v
CIICESK Fancy full cream Cheddars , single' ,
12o ; lull cream twin * , l'J 4J'J3e ( ; young
American , lao ; brick i cheese , 10U Ibs
in case , ICc ; Llniburger , UiObt \ in rase , 1Hc ,
In leas quanties , 14gl4 ( c ; Swiss doincst to ,
I'oui.TitT Quotations are given unchanged
yesterday's figures. Live chickens , fl.5t ( at
2.00 per 'dozen ; choice fowls , * l.SOrf2.2 ( : > | > er
dozen. Dressed chlcketm , 4Te per pound ,
Turkcvn , 0@7c. Ducks , 7rJ'Ji ( ; . Gecso. " ( AVe.
l > crdoz ,
dies , Si@lle ; nntelopc. 'liU4c. ! { (
I'OTATOUS Tliere is a good demand for potatoes -
tatoes at from WVWIl.OO , for Utah nnd Colorado
rado stock and cnolc6 home grown ut 05
( gtric ; common grades 'at 40 ( < if > 0c.
CAHIIOTS Are on sale at fJ.W ) per barrel.
SWKET POTATOES Prices uro nuotod nt
frotn2)f@yopcr ) Ib. The demand is fairly
active * .
I'Aitc.virs Now stock Is quoted ut $2.fiO per
\Ns-Good stock sells for t2.00@
8.80 ; fair to good , tl.tX@l.bO ) , nnd California
beans at i'J..H ) .
ONIONS Prices for homo grown quoted
steady at TcX'iSoc ; Spanish onions , per50-lb
crate , fJ.OO.
OvhTciis Plain stnndard , 25c ; plain se
lects , ; ) c ; standard , : tOc ; extra selects , 3.r o ;
New York counts , 40c .Bulk oysters , counts ,
$1.35 per 10(1 ( ; selects , $2.00 per gal ; standard ,
$ t.3."i per gal.
TciiNii'.s Fair to good stock sells at 40 ®
ftOc ; rutabagas , 60f < ? ( ! 0c.
CAUMFLOWCII Good stock sells nt S'J.CO ®
2.SO.CEI.F.UV Choice celery , a5ff4.rC ( per dozen ;
fancy , -t.yftiiOc : extra Hue Salt Lake celery ,
$1.1.(3)1.BO ! ( ) per dozen.
Ai'1'i.KH Eastern fruit , (3.00(3il.3 ( ! ! ; fair to
clioico stock , M.25QJ3.50 ; fancy Jonathans ,
' . . .
SAUKII ICiiAUT Choice , per bbl of ! Ml gal
* 3.W ( < < ' ! MX ) ; K bbl , * 4.So@ : > .00 JI1.00 per
bbl of'50 gal.
CitANiiKititiEi Boll .t Cherry , Sn.oO ;
Bell & Bugle , SlO.JiU ; Capo Uods , $ tl.00i ( $
11. .10.
ClDEit-CholooMieliigan clder.W.OOrt. 0 per
bbl. of 32 gal. A carload of extra line will bo
received Saturday.
QUINCES Clioico California quince's scarce
at S2.00@2.2.- box.
LEMONS Messina lemons , $5.i"0@(5.00 ( ;
Malaira , $5.00 ; extra line Maori scarce ut
! JHU)0 ) < < 4)0. < ! .
OttANnr. * LnulHlnnn $4.1X ) ( 4.25 per box ,
Florida 1.7.i4.lH ( ) . FiiflTS Pears , $2.50@2.75.
GIIAI'M Malagas , $0.00 ) > cr bbl.
BANANAS Clioico bananas , ? 2.7f > @ 8.r > 0 ; me
dium buehes , $2.00(113.00 ( ; common , * l.r > 0yp
NUTS Peanuts , 7@7 ! c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
Klc ; almonds , Tarragona , 2I'.ngllsh ; wal
nuts , l.XifclSililberts ; , 12c.
lIoNnv For the last few days California
honey has been offered on the market by
Chicago dealers , at prices that , forced a re
duction. Quotations are as follows : Good
choice honey in 1-lb frames lintls a re.idy
market at IStft'JOo , ; canned honey 10gl2o (
jcr ) Ib.
Pori'OHN Choice rice corn 3@3 > ; c per Ib ;
other kinds , 2t2 } < ; e per Ib.
C.tmiAdi : There is a fair demand for cab
bage at iKl Tflp per dozen or $5.00 per hund red.
California cabbage is ijuoted at 3' ' e. i > er Ib.
Grocers' liist.
PROVISION' * Hams , lKBllj4'o ; breakfast
bacon , 10J < @lle : bacon sidcn , SJ ( iiOJ < c ; dry
salt , SJfCffSJfishonldeis ; , ( ! K07e ; dried bcnf
hams , 10@lle : dried bief regular , 'JJ lO e ;
hams , picnit ! , "Jfr Sc.1
St'OAit Granulated "Jiifa' . ' c ; eonf A ,
" ( "Jui1 ; wliitc extra C , < > , l < ( ( 'i o ; extra C ,
rr' O' ' ' ; yellow C , r K.t.V ; < e : cut loaf , S'H' '
powdered , SJif&i'ie ' ; New Orleans ,
ruces roase , fc' ; cungn
XXXX , 2l4xc ; Dilworth's12l14c ; Red Croai
Utxxnn Goons Oysters , standard , per
case , $ . ' 1.2003.25 ; strawberries , 1Mb per case ,
81.00(23.10 ( ; raspberries , 2-lb , per case , ? 3.00i $
3.10 ; California pears , ] ) er case , f I. O 'M 90 ;
apricots , per case , f4.250 c4.SO ; peaches per
case , $5.SOOW.85 ; white merriest , per case ,
85.00 ; plums , per case. S3.90@l,00 ; blueber
ries , per CUSP , $ \.30rt ! > 2.40 ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
per case , $2.50 ; pineapples , 2-lb , per case ,
$3.2005.75 ; Mb salmon , per doz , Sl.7501.00 ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , $3.2. > ( if 3.35 ; 2-1 b
string beans , per case , $1.80 ; 2-1 li liina beans ,
per cnso , $1.(50 ( ; 1Mb marrowfat peas , f'i.dooj
2.70 ; 2-lb early June peas , per case , $2.85 ;
3-lb tomatoes , $2.40@2.50 ; 2-lb corn , $2.30@
HIIOOMS Extra 4-tie , $2.00 ; No. 1 , $2.00 ;
No. 2 , $1.75 ; heavy stable , $4.00.
CANDY Mixed , OOTUc ; sKVlc , 8 @ 9) ) c. 30-lb pails , Sl.75dil.S5.
Sviiui1 No. 70 , 4-gallon ficgs , $ t.50@1.55 ;
New Orleans , per gallon , 3SiC4(5c ( ( ; maple
syrup , half bbls , "old time , " par gallon , SOc ;
1-gallon cans , per doz , $10.50 ; half gallon
cans , per doz. $0.25 ; tjuart cans , $3.25.
STAIICH Mirror gloss , 5-J/e ; Graves' corn ,
OUc ; Oswego gloss , 7c ; Oswcgocorn , ic.
HOMAXD HiiuitiNOn 750S78C per keif.
CiiACKUits Garneau's soda , butter und pic
nic , 5c ; creams , 8c ; ginger snaps , 8e ; city
soda , 7c.
TKAS Japan , 20@55c ; gunpowder , 20(3) ( )
003/c ; Young Hyson , 25&255c ; Oolong , 200 $
TOBACCO Lorillard's Climax , 44c ; Splcn
did , -lie ; Mechanic's Delight , 41c ; Lcggett &
Meyer's star , 43c ; Cornet stone , 35c ; Drnm-
mond's Horse Shoe , 44eJ. ; T. , 40e ; Sorg's
Spearhead. 44c ; Catlin's meerschaum , 30c ;
Catlin's old style , 2'2c.
WoonuxwAiin Two-hoop palls , i > er doz ,
$1.45 ; thrcu-hoop iiails , $1.70 ; No. I tub , $11.50 ;
No. 2 tub , $5.50 ; No. 3 tub , $4.50 ; wash
boards , $1.4007)2.75 ) ; assorted bowls , $2.25 ;
No. 1 churns , $9 ; No. 2 churns , $ S ; No. 3
churns. $7.00. *
KBKINCD LAIIH Tierce , 79se ; " -ln square
cans , 7 ? < c ; 50-lb round , 71 < u ; 20-lb round ,
7 > fc ; 10-lb pails , 7Xc ; 5-lb pails , So ; 3-lb
pulls , 8' < fc.
PICKI.KS Medium in bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.00 ; small , in bbls , # 8.00 ; do in half
bbls , $4.50 ; gcrkins , in bbls , $9.00 ; do in half
bbls , $5.00.
DIIIEK FUUITS Apples , now.J 's , 07e ;
evaporated 50 Ib ring , 9 ( OJ10c ; raspberries ,
evuporatcd , 27@2Sc ; blackberries , evaporated ,
0 > 0i9c , pitted cherries , 200i21o ; peaches ,
new , 8 > < @ 9e ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 2U
( if.'lOo ; evaporated , unp.ircd , 18019c ; new
currants , ( > X@7c ; pnincs , lyR4ic' ( citron ,
25u ; raisins , London layers , $2.400' < .2.45 ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , $2.00a'.10 ( ; new Val
encia , S OlSJ-fe.
Kopu Seven-sixteenths ,
Dry liOOln.
DUCK West Point 2U in. 8 oz , 10 > c ; West
Point 2'J In , 10 oz , 12 > 'e ; West Point 10 in , 12
oz , l.rc ; West Point 40 in , 11 oz , 10c. Checks
Caledonia X , tt e ; Caledonia XX , 10 'u ;
Economy , ! ) K i Otis , ! )
KESTIICKY JKANS Memorial , 15e ; Canton
ISe ; Durham , 27) ) c ; Hercules , 18c ; Leaming
ton , 22) ) < fo ; Cottswold , 25c.
Cnvhii Slovens' U , tx ; ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A , 7 > fo ; bleached , Sic ) ; Stevens' P.
8i c ; bleached , UJie ; Stevens' N. Ko ;
bleached , 10'fo ; Strns' S UT , 12jrfe.
Misiir.i.i.ANEOUS Table oil clotii , $ 'J.S5 ;
plain Holland , 8) ) o t ( > Ou ; Dado Holland. 12 > c.
CAMintic.s Slater,4Mo , ; Woods , 4J o ; Stan
dard , 4J o ; Peacock , 4 % e.
COMFOHTEUS $ f > .fiU(3 ( 35.00.
UI.ANKUT.S Wliltcl.UUKT.50 ( : colored $1.10
lii.R'ACiicn Snr.ETiSO Berkeley cambrie ,
tyiv ; jvuig i-niuip eamuric , no ; i ui
ll > .j'c ; Lonsclule , 8J/o : New York mum ,
lOJie ; I'eppcrcll , 42 > lnch , 10 > < o ; Pepperoll ,
40 inch , llj < o ; Poppcrell , 0-1 , 15e ; I'ep-
perell , 8-1. 20c ; Pviipcrell , 9-4,22e ; Pep
peroll , 10-4 , 24c ; Canton. 4-4 , 8tfc ; Canton ,
4-4. OJifo ; Triumph'Do ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley , 5c.
FHSXIU.S Plaid Raftsman. 20c ; Goshen ,
3iJ.o ; ; Quecheo No. 3 , ! / , 32'fe : Anawan ,
13 > tfo ; Windsor , 82f. } Hcd-C 24-lncli , iri fo ;
K , 24-inch. 21c ; GO. 84-inch. 18e ; H A F ,
JiV25o ; J It F , & STHc ; G , Jf , Mta
PIHNTS SOLIU Counts Altanta ,
mend , Cc ; Pacille , I5 c. INDIOO Bi.t'n Wash ,
ington , fie ; Century Indlco blue prints , lOc ;
American , Ko ; Arnold , OJfe ; Arnold B ,
in > fo ; Arnold A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , lOUe.
DiiEsa Charter Oak. 4J'c ; Hamapo , ! ) { e ;
Lodt. 4 } < o ; Allen , 5U'o ; Richmoud , GUc ;
Windsor , Oo ; Eddystono , 6e ; Pacitie , Oc ,
BIIOWN SUEETINO Atlanta A , 4- , 1cA \
Bantio H , 4-4 , 7e ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , Ojo ; At-
lantio P , 4-4 , 6 c ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , BJ/o ; Au-
ro C , * - * , 4 'c ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , titfc ;
llooslor LL , 4-4 , 5 fe ; Inillnn Hcoil. 4-4 , T o ;
Lnwrenco LL , 4-4 , fij/oj Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
5vo : Pepperell H. 4-4 , OJ 'e ; Peppercll O , 4-4 ,
Oc ; l'cp | > crell , 8-4. 18e : Pepperell , ( M , 'AV.
Peppercll , 10-1. 22o ; Utlca U , 4-4 , 4 4tS
Wacluisctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora It , 4-4 , O' c ; Au
rora H , 4-4 , Oc.
BATTS Standard. Sc ; Gem , 10i c ; Beauty ,
12. ' , c ; Boone , 14o ; B , eased , $0.5(1. (
COTTON FLANNELS 10 per rent trade dis
count LL , l',5rc , ; CC , 7's'e ' ; SS , Sj.o ; Nameless -
less , 5' e ; tfo. fi , He ; EK , Hko : C5G , lO' p ;
XX , l'.V ; OO , He ; NN , lOe ; HX.lfc ; K,20o , ;
No10 , c ; 40 , 10 > ; c ; 00. 12 , 'e ; 80 , 15e ; 30 ,
colored , lee ; 53 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , I5c ;
ristol , Klijo ; Union Pacitlc , 18f.
CAIII-ET WAIIP Bibb white , 18s'c } ; colored ,
GINOHAM Plunrkctt checks , 7)40 ) ; Whit-
tenton , 7-4o ! ; York , 7ifu : Normandl Dress ,
8'e ; Calcutta Dress , 8le ; Whittentoti Dress ,
He ; Henfrcw Dress , 'J ' ( < 2Ke.
TICKS Lcwiston , M in. , ta c Lcwlston ,
32 In. , 13 < 'e ; York , 82 In. , 14e ; Swift Hlvcr ,
71 < 'c ; Thorndlko OO , She ; Thorndlho K F ,
8 > iie ; Thorndlkc 120 , l o ; ThormliUo XXX ,
! 5e ; Cordis No. 5. liijo : ConIN No. 4. Ilo.
DCNIMS Amoskcag ll-oz. , lOo ; Everett , 7
oz. . 18e : York 7-oz. , 13e : Haymaker , 8Sc ; ;
JalTreyXX , ll ; c ; Jaffrey XXX , 12 > , i ! ; Bea
ver Creek AA , 12o : Beaver Creek BB , lie ;
Beaver Crcck CC , loo.
Cictierul Markets.
FI.AX Sr.r.n The price has advanced. Good
quality at $1.10 per bushel.
HAY Common coarse hay , S7.XV7.r ( ) ( > 0 per
ton ; upland prairie , $7.75 ( i8.00 ; ; straw , $0.50.
Gin IN The following are Omaha quota-
tlons on grain : Wheat , No. 2 , O."i < ; ; rye , 50yjr >
52e ; oats , 2iXtf2c ; corn , old , JJ 'sONOi1 ; uorn ,
new , ! )537 ) } i ! ; barley is quoted at 5."iiJiOi' ( ( , tic-
conling to quality ,
CoAL Egg , S10.50 ; nut , $10.50 ; range. $10.50 ;
walnut block.1.00 ; lowu lunij ) , $3.75 ; Iowa
nut , $3.00 : Illinois , $4.50 ( ( 5.K ( ) .
Fi.oL'it ANII FEED The following urn cur
rent prices ; Minneapolis patents , $2.lJO per
ewt ; Kansas and Missouri winter fancy pat-
ents$2.4r > ( ! 2. ( > 0 ; Nebraska patents$2.5 ( < ( 2.35 ;
rye Hour. $1.75tf.l.lU ( ( | K r cwt ; rye ,
Graham , $1.40 per ewt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75
per uwt ; buckwheat Hour , $1.00 ; cornmeal -
meal , yellow , IHIc per uwt : cornmeal -
meal , white , * 1.KI ( per ewt ; chopped feed ,
j,0o per ewt ; bran , $12.f > 0 ( > il3.00 per ton ;
screenings. $ ' . ) . ( HW)12.H ) ( ) per ton.
Hiiir.o Green butchers' , 5e ; green cured
l'Jf7i ' ( ! ; ; dry flint , He ; dry salt , 8e ; green calf
skins , 7c ; damaged hides , two-thirds prico.
Tallow ! IJ4 e. Grease Prime white , 80 ; yel
low , 3u ; urown , 1 > „ ' ( . Sheep pelts , 2"iiJtiOe. (
Ft its Kacroon , 20ii ( ( ) ! ; mink. IOi5IV ( ;
musk rats , fall , 2 ( < f.V ; striped skunk , IOC" 4th1 ;
mountain wolf. No. 1. S3.0ia8.50 ( ( ; No. 2 , pnil-
vie , ii ( > (275c ( ; No. 2 , 40 ( > f4re ) : beaver. No. 1 ,
) ) crlb , $2.00rt3.00 ; No. 2 , $1.00 ( < 71.25 ; otter ,
Sl.lKKitli.OO ; dry deer skins , 20C't35ir per Ib ;
Iry antelope , elk , moose , cte. , 15i7,25o. (
Si'iitiTS Cologne.spirits , 18S proof , $1.10 ;
\o 101 proof , $1.12 ; spirits second quality , 101
iroof $1.10 ; do 188 proof $1.0l. ! Alcohol 188
iroof , $2.10 per wine gallon. Redistilled
whiskies , $ UK > l.fiO. Gin blended , $ l.Wg )
1.00 ; ICentticky bourbons , $2.Xgti.OO ( ) ( ; Ken-
ucky and Pennsylvania ryes , J2.00@ll.50 :
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50
33.IX ) . Brandies , imported. $5.00fiiS.50 ; do-
nestle , $1.8Ti8.K ( ) ( ( ) . Gins , imported , $4.50 ( < g
! .m > ; domestic , $1.25S3.00. ( Champagnes , im-
: iorted , per case , > W8.00Ci3IOO | : ; American , per
asc , SlX ( ) ( > ( illi.OO.
HIM VYllAUDWAitr. Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow
teal , special east , 4'.je ' ; erucible steel , OJ e ;
ast tools , do , 12@l5o ; wagon ppokes , per net ,
& 8.00ii5.50 ; hubs , per bet , $1.50 ; lelloes ,
sawed dry , $1.50 ; tongues , each , 75o : nxlea.
: aeh , 75c ; square lints , per Ib , OCrflMo ; cell
: hain , per Ib.O' ' l.'ie. ; malleable , 8alOc ; iron
ivedgcs , Oc ; crowbars , fie ; harrow teeth , 4o ;
spring steel , 4 ( < ? 5c ; Burden's horse shoes ,
$4.75 ; Burden's inulo shoes , $5.75 ; barbrd
wire , in car lots , ? 4.HO per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
rates , 10 to 50 , $2.40 ; steel nails , $2.50.
I > IMN-IONW AND riMimits.
J , 14 .VI I I I
loft. , isft.'aft.a3ft.24ft. ' ) | |
Jx4. , . 17 mgi w ' 'I twaj , IKx \ m
l.a . ! HO ! l )
xio . . 17 Hi 0 w si ( > o si no'ai ' i
' . . 18 M5 at ur.'i ( m u tiii'-Ji iw
x4-x8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 M HI M 'M M , i OilU ! ) )
IKUlllit * .
No. 1 com , s 1 s.S 13.M ) I No , 8 com , s 1 s.l5.50
No , 2 com , s 1 s. 17.01) ) | No. 4 com , s 1 s. 13.50
No. 1 , 4 A.C. in 12 & 14 ft. , rough $1 ! ) 50
No. 1 , " " 10 " Ill 50
No. 2 , " 12 14 " 10 fit )
No. 2 , " " 10 " 18 CO
A , 12 , 11 , & 1C ft.21.50 C , 12 , 14 & 10 ft$15.50
B , " " 20.50 D , " " 18.50
A tlin Wliitc Pinu $25.50
Hli in " " 83.50
liin " " 80.00
Utlin " " 81.50
EOin " " ( Sol. Fencing ) 111.00
0 in. Drop Siding 50e per M. extra.
2d com Jf in Wliitc Pine Ceiling $34.00
" " " 2S.H ( )
31carl in " " .
Jf Norway lO.Oo
2nd com. % in " " " 14.00
\12inchsl s $15.50
B 12 " H'J.20
012 " ! ) .00
I ) 12 " 23.00
No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft UO.M
14 ft 10.00
1(1 ( ft lb.50
10 , 18,80ft 21.50
No. 3 , " " 1D.CO
12&14 ft 18.f > 0
111 ft 17.50
12 in Grooved rooting , $1 per M. more than 12
in Stock Boards same length.
10 in. Grooved Hooting same price ns 12 in.
Stock lioards.
HUH * I.AI * .
No. 1 Plain 8 and 10 in $10.00
No. 2 " " " 17.50
No. 1 , OG , Sin 10.50
1st and 2nd , clear , 1X inch , s 2 s $51.00
" " " li.f,2 51.00
3d , clear , 1 inch , s 2 s 44.50
" Uf , 1)i,2ineh ) 4(1.X ( ( )
A , select , 1 inch , B 2 s 40.00
A , " 1 ,1 , 8 inch , s2s 44.1U )
B , " 1 inch , s 3s 30.00
B , " 1J4. Ua , 2 inch , s2s 87.00
Com. 4 inch Flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
1st and 2d clear 4 inch Mooring 2,00 : {
Six-inch 50o less.
Clear = < inch Ceiling 21.50
Clear ; L' inch Partition 25.00
Clear % inch , Partition $2 above % icnh Ceil
Clear Finish , 1 and 1 tf inch , s 2 s $20.X ( )
Clear Finish , \yt \ and 2 inch , s 2 s 80.00
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25.50
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and Base. . . . 27.00
Cl. Poplar Bx. Bds. % in. , s2s $35.00
" " ' Uin. . Panel , a 8 s 87.00
" " Corrugated Ceilinp , % . . 88.50
O. G. Batts , 2K in. doc ; Jrfxa , s 1 s.I0c ; 8 in.
Well Tubing , D. < &M. and Bcv. , $83.00 ; Pick
ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq.$81.50.
XX clear , $ .10 ; extra A * , $8.S5A ; * stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , $2.55.
White Cedar , 0 in. , L' s. 12J c ; 0 In , qrs ,
: white cedar , 5-J } in. Jj s. llj c ; 8 in.
qrs , lOc ; white cedar , 4 in. round , KlHo ; Tennessee
nesseo red cedar , split , 14u ; split oak , 10cD ;
in. , 7 in and 8 in. ( % each ) S ft. , round W. C.
Notice to ContractorN.
The board of public lands uiul buildings will
recclvq lilils at any ttmobt-fore December 10th.
1W7 , ut 8 o'clock p. m. , for nil work unit mnlt > rlai
to cninnleto bullalngH for tliu "Nebnisku Indus
trial Homo" at Mlifonl , Nebraska , IncluiUiiK
btcam , hentlng , plumb ng , Noweruge anil water
hervlre , ncfordlni ; to pliins , specltlcatlonH nnil
iletulliMl clnnvings on tllo with tlm conunlsnloner
of ] > ubllc lands und bullillngH , also with lll.tko
A : ( .11 , , architects. In Omiilni. raympiits to bu
made on monthly estimates antl 16 ntr emit to
be ruM'ived tolnsaru the completion of con
tract. Work to bo completed by September 1st ,
18t . IfMial rights reserved.
llv order of Floard of 1'nbllo Lands nnd llulld-
Ings. O. L. JA\VH , hecivtary.
Rov.3CtoIcc.ia Nov. aril. IK)7.
IK. J. Q
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner 14th nnd IJoiiKlas Ft. Oilier ,
telephone , 4G5 ; Itealdence telephone , Ma.
Incomparably the B nt.
_ iiUfMco.NcrYounUebllltyrruiHcd
tlirouuh errors and bad practice ! CURED.
UOLUEH HUAI. CO,13Iocu ltit ht.LouU
i VJT A 1TTkWfttlOthoroub >
" * AM JJ Ijr tmugTa bj M ll.
Beet Bit ih rUM uirt m now ID u . Circular !
| t A. W. OABBLZK. > t i. Bl.teiU * .
Dealer in Agricultural Implements , Wagons ,
CtrrUcM od Burgle * . Jonm Htrort. Ilctwton Mb Mul
Mb , Umklm , NrbtRi > Ji .
Agricnllurallmplements.fagons.Carriagcs . .
i. Ktc. VVhotenale. Om h , Nf br k .
. oMt' ' Donlrra In
AgCTcnltorallmplenients , Wagons & Bnggiei
- * * " 'J . ° . ntttot - - - - . Omb > -
P. P. MAST & CO. .
Mannfactiirers of Bnctoye Drills. Seefiers ,
CnlUt tor , liny Kukri. Cider Mills anil I.uban Pal'
_ Terlt r . Cor. nth anrt Nlcbola * Ptrrcti.
Wl NON A l M P L E M EN T"coC
AgTlcnltnral Implements , Wagons &Bnggiei
Corner Kill and Nlcholan Hlr U.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
UHIouilat8U t.Onmh . Nebratka.
Boots and Shooa.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Jokers of Boots and Shoes ,
UU Harnam St. , Onmha. Neb. Manufactorr , B mBt
Hlreet , llonton.
( Sticceitori to Keert , Jones A Co. )
Wnolesale Mannfactnrers of Bools and Shoes
for llcilon Rubber KbrvCo. 1102,1104 & 1106
Ilarner St.Omaha , Nbraika.
Coffee * , ploea , Eto.
Omaba ColTae and Rplca Mllli.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
Klaion KitracW , liinlrr Illue. Ink . Ktc. HU-li
llnrney Hlrttl. Uniaha. Nebraika.
Crockery andjDlaBsvyaro.
Adont for the Mdiiufucturcri and Importers of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
Ktc. Omco.SlTH. 13th 6t. , Omaha , Nebraska.
Commission and Storago.
Commission and Jobbing ,
B U r , K | i > anil I'rniluce. ConslKninenUt unlltlteil.
Haadquartern for Stoneware , Ilerrr Hole and
_ Urape Uaskoti. 1414 IKidgc HI. . Omaba.
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Specialties- Mutter , KITKS , Chcpip , I'oullrr , ( iama.
Ojderi , Ktc. , Etc. illSuutb lull StrvVt.
Produce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry. Duller , ( lame. Fruit * . Kip. 220South Uth St-
Uiuaha , Nebraska.
( Successor * to McSbune & Scbrocder. )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage ,
Omuliu. Ncbniik * .
Coal , Cokoan _ J.lrno.
' "
, COKE & "Ll7 E CO. ,
JoMers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
TO South 13th Street , Omahit , Nobr > k .
Manufacturers of Illinois White Lime ,
dndJhlppersof Coal , ToVo , Ompnt. Piaster. Mm * ,
Drain Tllo antl Sewer 1'Uio. Onu-o. 1'axUin lloUl ,
Farnaiu Sl.Omaliu , Neb. Tulcpliunu 811.
SDipncrs of Coal and Cote ,
214 South 13th St. , Omaha , Neb.
M. E. SMITH Si CO. ,
Dry Goods , Famishing Goods and Notions
11(12 ( and llMl ( > oiiiil , Oor. IHh St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Joooers in Dry GooflsNotioni ,
lent * ' FurnltklnK GoodsCorner tub and llaruef BU ,
Unjaha. Ncbranka.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Faroam Street , Oroaba , Nebraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Proyisions ,
TO , 707,109 and 711 B. lOlb St. , Omaha , NeD.
Wholesale Grocers ,
tttb and Ltavcnworth Street * , Omaha , Nebraikl.
D. M. 9TEELE 4 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
Vit , IKl and 1223 Ilarnej Street , Omaha , Neb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
Hit and HIS Haraof Street. Omaha , Neb.
.Jobbers of Hardware and Hails ,
Tlnwarf.Bbeet Irnn.Ktc. Agcnti for Uowe fcalci.and
Miami 1'uwder Cu. , Omaha , Neb.
Builders' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tools and Buffalo Scnlei. 1406 Douflti-st.
Omaha , Nebraska.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th nnd Harner Kin.OmahaINeb. Weitorn Acenti
lor Austin 1'owder Co. , Jeffenon Steel Nallt , Fulf
banks Htantlunl Hcales.
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlniii , Wagun Slock , Hardware Lumber , etc. U09
and 1211 llarncr Hlreet. Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
and Carriage Wood Stock , Ucavj Itardwarv
ton 1217 and 12U Learenworth Bt. , Omaha , Net ) .
Mats , caps , Eto.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
HOT lUriuij Street , Omaha , Neb.
and ILER ft CO. ,
Importers & Johbers of FineWines &Liprs
East India Bitten and DoaiesUo Liquors. 1113 Ilarner
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISlh Blreet and Ualou raclflc Track , Omnba.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doorsetc. TarJs-Corner 7th and Douglas ; Corner Ut
and Ouuilas.
C.N. uifi rz ,
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
_ Utb and California Els. , OmnUa , Neb ,
' < * FRED W. GRAY ,
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
' , , , , , ,
< ! Corner tth and Douilas Els. , Omaha.
' "
. To Dealers Only , ' * A
Office , 1103 rarnm Blreet , Omtba.
tnrr WI1M
ioainf ) put taeoiao aun jp7n
-iuaai o puviuoj u
, ' 313 'J3PH1 ' 91ES310IJA
'an3ld3MVM "V NHQC/
Dealer in Hardwood Lnmlier , *
Wooq Cart'tt * and l trquet flooring , nh anil Dent 1 J
MIHIngry ind Notlpn . '
Importer & Jobbers of Millinery & Notion )
B , JIO and Hi Poulhltlb Street , ,
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Gooil
_ 03 and tOJgoulh 10t > Btreet , Omaha. [ _
Notions and Gent's ' Furnishing Goods , '
UOillarney Blrfet.Omaba.
_ _ _ _
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils , '
Ail * Grf aie. etc. . On aha. A. H. Illthop , Mmaicr.
_ Paper. _ \
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry n nice stock ot tnlnUm , wrupplna and wrltlnt )
paper. Special attention HTCO to car load uideri.
'Prjntera' Mjaterlala ) .
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dealer * IB type , pretsea and printers' inpnliti , M
Pouth m Btraet. Omaha.
Hu PPPjMBo o a . . . . T.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
OH Clothing and Leather Dcltinit. 1 B Knrnnm Slr eU
JFIttlngs , Pumps. Etc.
A. LrsTRANO"cO. .
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
l-lenui , water , rallwar and mlnlnii supplier , cte. Os >
Vf2 nnd V2l Karimni Slrcel , Omalm.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Steam and Water Put'plles , Headquarters for Malt ,
Koost A CO'K goods. 1111 Faniam ht. , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
nalllday Wind Mills. CIS and 1OI Knrnaiu St. , Omaha ,
U. K. Host , Acting Manager.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Work , Steam rumps , Sow Mills. 1213-1211
Leavcnworlh Street , Onmlia.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden .Seeds
Oil and 813 Jonns St. , Omaha
Storage. Forwarding and Commission ,
Itrnnrh home of the Ileimvr lluuitr Co. HugiilF * at
wuulviule anil nunll. KKf.KllO and \W \ In urd ft re el ,
Omaha. Telephone No. 'M.
T OjOajUTd lgarji.
Importers and Joooers of Teas & Cigars ,
Eplcci nuil Dalrjr naklni 1'owilrr. 1110 and 1118 liar *
nuy Street , Omnlin.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
ohn Epencter , 1'roprlrtor. 9X1 DodRO and llXJund 105
North lUlli aireel. Omalm. ;
Smpko Stacks , Bo 11 o rs , Etci.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ;
UrllchlnKs , Tanks and ( lencral Holler Repairing. 131ft
Uodijo Slrect , Omaha , Neh.
Iron Works.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort ,
Engines , Drass work , general foundry , machine apA
blacksrnllb work. Ofnca and works , U , If. lljr. and i
17th Street , OmaLa. I
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk rails , window guards , flower stands ,
etc. , ID North Itlth St. , Omaha.
Man'frs ' of Fire &Bnrglar Proof Safest
Vaultt , jail work. Iron and wire fencing , ilgni. etc. O.
Andreen , I'rup'r. Cor. lllh and Jackiun eta.
.MiiiiutHctururs and JulibeiH In
Wagons Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
Cor. I'lh aim I'a'-lnu Mia. , Oinnbn. Neb.
' '
General Agents for Dlebold Safe It I/ock Co.'s
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time . Locks.
Vnulta and'Jall Work , 1415 Farnam titrcel , Omaha. '
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jeans Pants , Sblrts , Klc. 1103 and I1W Dounlas Street.
Omaha , Neb.
8asjh , Door8Eto. _ *
Wbolesalu Manufacturer * of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Drench oniee , Uth and Itard Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldings , Htalr Work and Interior Until Wood Ho.
Isb. X. E. Comer Bill nnd -avunwortb Streets ,
Otnnlm , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors.
And Ollnds , Turning , Hlalr-work. . Hank and Office )
rftllucs. ann and 1'opplulon Aronuo.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
IMt Norm UlKhteentli Street , Omaha , Nub ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
OtQce Honm 24 , Opposite Kichanee llullrtlng , Union
block ants , Houlh Onmna , Neb , ,
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Market furnlshe > 1 inn on application. Htorkcrs nnfl
feeders furnlnlutd on gnoil loinis. llnri'rrurrs : Oma-
ba Nutlonul Hank HIII\ \ South Oinabu National , Union
Stock Vards , rto'ltu Omaha. _
Liye Stock Commission ,
Room 15 , EicliaiiKo llnlldlne , Union Stock Vanli.
fniitb Omiilia , .N'jO.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Iloom 'O , Rirlmnij ) ! llulldlDK , Union Ftock Vils , 9.
DuuiliH. Ueferunresi Union Nul'l llnuk , uiuaha ,
Union Slock V&nl * Hank , H. Oiuulia , 1C. b. llowloi
I'n-s. Atu. .V Trust Cu. , OiuKlm.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Hoomtii , opprultn Kidinngo Hullrtlni : , t'nlon Stock
_ Vurds , Sonlli Omaha , Null !
" " " "
Of Omaha , Limited ,
John K. Bo/J , Hnpcrlnlcndcnl.
Advertising liui ulways proven
Nuwepapur AUvertislng consult
luiriiTiiiiMi nun , i
M U a MMk ilr ( . CHICAGO *