Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Lulu , Llko Stun , Scorns to Ilavo n
Capacity for Whisky. '
Tlic WlilHky Trust .Stall * * I' ' ' " * " t
Willow SprliiKH niutlllcry 1'ut
OIT tlio Jliniiuiy Other
City XUWM.
Snin'N Crltm.
Interest In the Stcvumon trlnl continues
unabated and the district court room has
been packed with curloiiH upectatorH since the
opening day. At 5:20 : o'clock Tuesday after
noon the state rested its casu. The court
then ordered the Jefensc 'to call their wit
nesses. The iltst one was IJlch Hill , keeper
of a road house near thu lake. Ho testitled
that when Stevenson brought Miss Espey to
his house that feho got out , cainu in and drunk
between eight and ten glasses of whisky ;
that she played on the piano and sang song * .
The cross-examination brought out the dis
reputable character of the place. Hill was
then asked what he knew of Miss Ksppy's
reputation for ehastltj' . This brought foith
a sharp passage at at IIIH between the at
torneys. The state held that no ono but
the accused rould testify as to the girl's
purity. Hcforothu arguments worn con
cluded court adjourned.
In the morning such testimony was ruled out
ns that the defense off < 'redlo prove by Hill.
The llrst witness was James McfSuirc , bar
tender at Hill's load houso. He swore that
the Jlrut time Stevenson and Mibs Kspo.v
drove up that ho was on the porch. Tlmt
StcvciiBou got out and with him entered the
bar room. Stevenson ordered whiskey and
f > cnt him out to "see what Lulu would take. "
Shu replied , "tho same as Hammio. " Ho
brought her out some whiskey and she drank
It. Then she asked him for a pencil and
paper. Shu wrote something and diiectcd
him to "give It In Did : " Stevenson came
out and the two drpvo off toward town. In u
half hour they canio back accompanied by.
Dick Hill. They got out , went in the parlor
and fiha sat down at the piano and played
whllo the men sang. Dm ing the thrce-ipmr-
ters of nn hour there she drank between six
nnd eltrht whiskies. She and Stovenion then
pot In the buggy and drove off. Prior to soing
she borrowed a large rubber coat of Hill.
The witness then went to his snpper"down
the road a piece. " Ho could hear Ham and
the lady down the alley hinging "My Uonniu
Lies Over the Ocean. " They wore pone
about twenty minutes when they i etui noil.
Meantime ho had got back to Hill's place.
Ho heard some .singing and knew it was them
coining back. They both got out , went into
a bedroom and remained three quartet a of an
hour. She drank two moro whiskies. Then
they went away. Ho noticed that Miss
Esipey's left cyo was blacked.
The cross examination completely knocked
the witness out of time , as the pugilists says.
They got him to admit that ho knew It was
Stevenson and Miss Espey singing , by Stev
enson's voice , and then tangled him up so
that ho swore ho didn't know Stevenson's
voice and didn't know who was singing at
William Webb , of the Omaha fire depart
ment , tcstilled that Stevciihon's general rep
utation was that of a law-abiding dUron. On
cross-examination ho admitted that that
his own personal opinion. He considered
pri/e-llghteis and pugilists hiw-abing men
because ho was fond of the sport himself.
A number of other witnesses were called to
establish Stevenson's good reputation , but
each witness could only speak of hia own
Stcvciibon was thcivplaced on the stand In
h's ' own behalf. Ho gave his evidence with
the bra\ ado of a tough , His testimony was
unimportant until ho came to the point where
the couple reached the open field. They had
been inmrrcling , ho stated , the quarrel being
brought on by her jealousy of other girls ,
whom she accused him of waiting on. Ho
denied it , and she called him a liar and struck
him with her list. Shu also abused him and
after they reached the Held and got out , she
threw dirt In his face. Ho struck her and
shoved her and Mm fell , striking her face
against the buggy wheel. Then they made
up. At thin point Stevenson astonished the
court , Jury and attorneys by declaring that
Mm then voluntarily allowed him to do what
ho chose.
This evidence created n profound sensation
nnd in the murmur of astonishment it was
plain to bo Been that nearly every ono present
considered that Stevenson had convicted
himself. His next statement iniulo his con
viction seem the surer. He i.aid that this
was the only time they had ever been guilty
of criminal Intimacy.
On cross examination Stevenson got greatly
rattled and lOntradieted himself several
Miss Espoy , on her own request , was re
called by the state to correct nmstatements
In her evidence published in the newsp.ipcrs.
She denied bavin ; kissed Stevenson after the
assault , emphasising this declaration in
tragic tones : " 1 could not kiss him , my
mouth nnd lips were so swelled. " The wit
ness said she had never been in Higgins'
wine room with Al. Sapp or anybody else.
William .1. Kingsberry and Mr. Campbell ,
of the licpublicau book bindery where Miss
Ktipoy was once employed , John Litenberg ,
n clerk in the Union 1'aeillc railtoad olllces ,
nnd Mr. Hose tcstilled to Miss Espci's ex
cellent character for chastity and honesty.
Mr.s. Anderson was recalled nnd testified
that Miss Espey was not under the influence
of liquor when she returned homo on that
memorable night. Furthermore Miss Espey
did not play u tune on the piano for the reit-
son that she cannot play. The witness was
positive that Miss Espoy was at homo the
Saturday night previous to the assault. Sim
stayed home , ns she had n boll on her arm.
Mrs. FluttH was recalled and said that Miss
Espey was not intoxicated when hho came-
homo on the night in question. Mrs. Ander
son has no piano In her houso.
At I o'clock the taking of evidence was de
clared closed and the Judge adjourned court
until I ) o'clock this morning , when the cuso
will be presented to the jury.
ItUYl.NR o'uxllKll.
fllo Wlilbky Trust Kiulruvoriui ; to
Contiol Omnlia'H I'ruiliictlon.
Thcro has been a great deal said in the
pnpcm about a number of so-called trusts
which , during the last year , liuvo sprung
Into existence , but comparativelj little has
been published about what Is known us the
"whisky trust. " In the amount of money
Invested , though not in the essential nature
of the commodity sought to bo contiollcd ,
tills combination equals that of any of the
other trusts which have been organised in
this country for the inonopoli/ation of grain
steel , Iron , coal or oil. hi fact the "whisky
trust" Is the outgrowth of someof these , and , ,
llko its predecessors , lias been established
with the solo view of controlling
the nianuf.icUiro of corn juice , and then
In turn dictating the prices at which
this luxury must bo sold. It is a bold nnd
gigantic lindcrtakini ; , and has been attempted
simply because of the failure of the lli > t
move made by whlsUy distillers to so control
their business as to make as much money ns
they thought they required out of it. This
failure resulted from what Is known as the
whisky pool. The pool n combination of
distillers who sought to limit the production
of whisky by paying n certain number of
dlbtilliMs to close up their distilleries , thus
throwing the making of the rosy into the
hands of a few , comparatively
l > cakng ! , the production of whose
houses was more In kcci'lni ' ; with the con
sumption of the bovorngo in the country. Hut
the IKJO ! was a failure. It worked well and
iioorly at Intermittent intervals. Men who
to-day aided in pulling along the gigantic ve
hicle to-morrow would Jump the traces. I'ay-
ing distillers to close up their places was un
certain nml expensive biuiitcss , and ono of
the men to realho this was 1' . E. Her of tli's '
city , who was compelled to pay thousands
annually for the closing up of thrco or four
distilleries in this section of the country. An
a consequence the pool was abandoned ami
uii sprung the "wlu ky trust , " which
nuns to-day , to close down every
distillery In Urn Unltpd States except such as
the "trust" decides shall run , not by merely
paying the proprietors of the "stills" u price
to temitorurUy cease distilling but to buy the
plant outright. The "trust" has u c.ipltol
furiously estimated. nt from KAOOO.lKiO to
. l'5tWO , X ) , aud thus .far bus butccetkd in
closing by buying nearly every Important
distillery In the country. The only "stills"
now miming are In I'coria where the life of
the "trust'1 exists with ono in St. Lonls , an
other In Cincinnati and the third , Ilcr's In
Omnlia. These yet remain to bo gobbled
'by the trust , nnd It Is felt
that It should not bo long before at least
Ilcr's will succumb to the pressure. Agents
of the trust came here Tuesday , and yes
terday went to the Willow Springs distil
lery , under the conduct of Peter and Joseph
Her , nnd remained there until after dinner.
Those ngcnts wevo Adolph Woollier and .1.
H. Orcenhut. of IVerln. They examined the
machinery , inquired into the capacity and
viewed the condition of the place , ns thu pre
liminaries of dialer and mote detailed con
siderations , with'n view to making n
purchase of the distillery , with the
pin poses above outlined. The Willow
.Swings distillery Is a valuable concern , and
this fact Is rcall/i'd by the "trust" and it Is
not likely that It will bo sold by Its present
owners without n liberal price from the
"trust. " When It and this other two distil
leries at Cincinnati and St. Louis are con
trolled by thu whisky trust , no ono may tell
what price bibulous mortals may have to pay
for their drluks.
Why Mr. Albert C. Ijiilso 1)1(1 Not
l ay Twlui ! Torn Itiite.
On last Monday Albert C. Luke , one of
the attaches of the Union Freight , company
of South Omaha was put off the 10:0.1 : u. m.
dummy , at Shecly's by Conductor Wllcox
under circumstances which demand atten
tion. Ho had purchased his ticket , and
when the conductor came around to collect
handed it to him , but that ofllclal reached to
the Inside of the seat to , got a ticket from the
party who sat with Mr. Luke. Some delay
was occasioned by the act , and as the car
was crowded , and to avoid Ixith delay and
possibility of mistake by being given thu
wrong ticket in return , Mr. Luke
himself detached the coupon from
the ticket to South Omaha , and
handed tho'lattcr to the conductor , which
was promptly refused'that patty remarking
that the ticket was void if detached and
showed that that legend was printed on the
cardboard itself. Mr. Luke's act was wit
nessed by Mr. Harnell , of the Unwell Lum
ber company , and Mr. James Elliot , n live
slock commission man of South Omaha. They
saw that his idea was to save time , and
that thu conductor had previously seen the
ticket intact. The ollicial however , was in
exorable and demanded faro of Mr. Luke , or
that ho leave thu car , which ho did , walking
from thu plum above mentioned , to South
Omaha. Mr. Luke n indignant over his
treatment and the aibitrary and unjust man
ner in which the company makes victims of
its patrons.
Tlie Niuiu' < > ' the New IMrntmru Itcsort
Near South Omaha.
The South Omaha Land company held Its
annual meeting yesterday. This coporation
was formerly known as the South Omaha
Syndicate There were quite u number of
stockholders present , among them being
Messrs. Paxton , Her , H. P. Smith of Hoston.
Mr. Hosier of Carlisle , ! ' : ! , Milton Uogcrsaud
Herman ICountzc. .1. A. McShane who is now
in congress , and other stockholders were
represented by proxies. The following di
rectors were elected , W. A. Paxton , J. Hos
ier , P. E. Jler , H. F. Smlth.Hormun ICounUc ,
.1. M. Woolwortu , Xels Morris and John A.
Tim directors then met nnd elected the fol
lowing officers : W. A. 1'axton , president ;
J. Hosier , vice president ; P. E. Her secretary
mil John A. CreightoiijtrcaSurcr.
The subject of disposing of the tract of
and surounding the lakes in tlm company's
.iroperty near South Omaha was inttoduced.
It was decided that llm same should be im- according lo Iho plans of Joseph
ICarnshaw , llm landscape engineer of Cincin-
mti , who 1ms inudo somu very beautiful
[ ilansl intended for tlm transformation of the
.property in question into ono of the most
beautiful parks west of the Mississippi. The
place will be known as Spring Laku park.
Jts natural beauties were described a few
days ago in the Hr.i : . The improvements
contemplated comprise suco as any one may
see in CentralJ'ark in New York , inoluding
pavilllomt , animal house , music stands , boat
nousc , dancing boudoirs , drives , walks
bridges and lakes , .the estimates of the cost
of which are t.'O.IHM ) . When these are ,
completed the subject of transferring the
same to the city under certain conditions will
bo discussed , and. in anticipation of th'is , the
council last night adopted a res-nlutlon calling
for the submission tif property for calo for
park purposes. Orders have been issued by
the olllccs and the ground will bo put into
condition to begin tlm work of improvement
the spring.
Other Corporations.
Yesterday there was a meeting of the
Union stoclty.irds conipauyat whicli John A.
MeSlmno was elected president , W. A.Paxton ,
vice president , and Colonel Sharp , secretary
and treasurer.
Tlicj-o was a meeting of this well known
and powerful company yesterday morn
ing in its rooms over the Omaha
Savings bank , nt which there
was an attendance of iv number of its lead
ing members , among them being Messrs.
Hobli-r , Wislmrd , Nanlo , Paxton , Joseph
Frank of Chicago. The business ot the
company was transacted with closed doors ,
nnd an election of ofticors would not , it was
thought , bo reached before 3 o'clock in tlm
atternoon. _
AV. A. Cahiirs Defender.
Mr. J. W. Foster , of the real estate firm of
Kraus & Foster , desires the.HIB . : to publish
llm facts concerning W. A. Cahill , the young
man who has been figuring so conspicuously
In thu police couit and daily papers of lute.
Mr. Foster states that ho lias known young
Cahill all Ills life and that besides havingn
wealthy father he has always borne an excel
lent reputation , Cahill came to Omaha to Invest - '
vest some money In busincfs hero but fell in
with two menwho attempted to play Cahill for
a "sucker" and use him for spending money ,
They plied the young fellow with liquor until
1m did not know what ho was doing. Mr.
Foster states that to his personal knowledge
Cahill was never in tlm state of Maryland
and hence thochargeof committing u murder
in that-hlnto , at least , is nonsensical , young
Cahill comes from an excellent family and
never a word has been uttered against him'
before. Ho departed for homo last night.
Sciilunbcrg's Fipnro , the only 10o
ui ur for fie. Ask your dealer for thuui.
Max Mojor & Co. , wliole.salo depot.
Our exhibition of. Oriental art goods
will eoimnonco to-iluy umlor the super
vision of Sahnfj Couriiin , of Constanti
nople , who i the importer. Don't fail
to call timl u.xumino this beautiful col
lection of nvro nml antique rugs rind
embroidered work ot every variety , before -
fore soloeting- your holiday presents.
Remember nil articles will bo sold at
exceedingly low prices.
S. A. OnciiAitn ,
corner Fnriuun and 15th sts.
To The Public.-
Any one know ing the whereabouts of
fJeorgo Pri'ston , who left his homo at
Springfield , Nob. , Dee. 1 , will confer a
favor by informing .1. H. PUKSTO.V ,
Springlleld , Neb.
A ItOht Hoy.
H. C. Loflcr , of Springfield , Neb.- , was In
thu city yesterday In search of Oeorgo Preston
the fifteen year old son of J. 1J. Preston , of
Springfield. The boy disappeared some days
ago and every effort to sccui o u duo to his
whereabouts has proved futikv Tim father
Is very anxious for his boy's return and has
offered u liberal reward for uuy information
concerning film.
Dr. Piorce's "Pullet * " the original
"Little Liver , Pills ( sugnr-cuntcd ) cure
Mck and bilious headachu , sour stomach
aud bilious attacks. Uy druggists.
Gone to the Colony.
Patrick Ferry , John Coleman ami Carsden
I ) . Hunmiin left last night for the lownsito of
the Pugct Sound Co-operative colony. They
were members o.f the Omaha branch of the
colony and will nuikotholr futurohomu there.
This makes seventeen meulbws yvho went cut
.from this city. , . . .
Continental Clothing House.
compelled to post
pone 'onsoqiUMU'o of this
The stock manufactured ior this store is Iho finest ever produced in our faotory since wo liavo been in business , and especially so in the highest grade of
tailor made Overcoats. Wojiow jwojiosojo _ close _ out thi stookpf Overcoata it LOWER -PRICES THAN WERE EVER BEFORE NAMED
an opportunity of a life time , do not mips it.
fortune to purchase some of the finest goods
Lot. No. 1 100 of the finest l sian Beaver Overcoats made thfs season , 'goods from the famous Middlesex Mills , of Lowell , Mass. , full indago
blue , wool dyed goods that will not fade , lined tliro-ughout with the finest quality of Win. Skinner's satins , the richest and most elegant goods made in this
now in
o florid
„ , . . .
Overcoat that cost $30 in September.
Tjot No. 2 We offer a bargain of equal importance , being 400 of the very finest quality London Sezfcl Brown Kersey Overcoats ,
( goods made by the'famons Worumbo Mills , of Maine , a mill that has no rival in this country in the manufacture of Kersey Overcoatings. ) Thesu goods
coit ; jn our stock at any price. We could not make a better one if you should give u& $3O for it , neither could we use better materials or better trimmings ,
and wo do not believe that these Keivey Overcoats , lined with satin , can bo purchased outside of our store for less than $30 each. Wo will send a sample
garment by express , to bo returned at our expense , if you do not consider them worth $30 each.
LOT NO. 53. We otter 1 0 pure. : ill woo ] ca < simere suits , cloth made by the famous SAWYKtl WOOLEN CO. , of Dover. New Hampshire , ( he best manufacturer of fine , all wool cassi-
mercs in New England anywhere. The suits are made in single breasted saelv eoat-s , nre new regular goods , all , and we oiler theiiMiow at the uxlraordinarully low price of § 12 per suit. The
lowest price for the same suits in September of this year was"820 per suit , and they arc worth that price today. Send for a sample suit by express and you will not regret it.
We have also made startling reductions upon many , other lots of fine goods in our overcoat stock , in our Men's stock of
suits , in our Boys'and Children's department , we are offering very reliable cassimere suits for boys' , 4 to 12 years old , at
$2.5O , $3and $3.50 per $ uit. Suits which early this season were sold at an average of 50 per cent more. In our Gent's
Furnishing Goods Department , and in out * Hat and Cap Department we are offering equally attractive bargains. Send for
samples and prices in every department.
Send for Men's Suits. Sen < d for Shirts.
Send for Boy's Suits. Send for Underwear.
Send for Overcoats. Send for Hosiery.
Send for Ulsters. .Send for Gloves.
Send for Pantaloons. Send for Fur Caps.
Send for Samples of Custom Goods. lend for our Catalogue
Giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules for self measurement
and you can be fitted just as well at home as here in our store. Send to us and see how much
money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Y , Proprietors ,
Oorner of Douglas and'15th Streets- Omaha , Neb.-
in ? D . * H
139 A i AF * P fS
OmaHa , Boston , New York , 3Des Moines.
Clarke's Chronometer.
_ C. C. Clurltc , suiiorinleuUciit of tlic A. L.
St rang company , suffered nt the hands of
ionic sneak tltiof Tucsilny evening to the
extent of u 51.)0 gold watch , chain and uhnrin.
The Strong company arc imttiiig in the Boil
ers nt the now Mcrchurt'n ImnUbuilditij , ' , and
In Ihc cvmiirR the foreman , sent Mr.
C avlre to remedy somogAiftlculty they were
having with ono of them. The nature of
ttio trouble made it necessary for Glarko
lo crawl insiilo of the boiler. Heforo
doiiif , ' so. ho took oft hi.s overcoat and placing
his watch and clmiii in the outsiilo pocket ,
liuiifr it up on n convenient nail. While en
gaged upon the work , quitting time arrived ,
urn ! all the employes at work throughput the
building passed through the apartment where.
Clarke was at work. Tin0113)1 ) with the job
the superintendent crawled out of the boiler ,
and as his hands were covered with grcasu
and dirt lie slipped on his ovomjnt without
looking to see if his valuables wcrcj nil rlpht ,
nnd proceeded to the hotel to wash. Here ho
discovered that ho had been robbed. The de
tectives tire at work upon the case , but with
lUUts prospect pf recovering the ticker.
Prickly Ash tiiltcrs wirm : up ami in-
vigoruto the stomach , Improves mid
strengthens the ilijje&tivo organs , opens
the pores , promotes prespiration , and the circulation. As a correc
tor of diMwloroil system there is noth
ing to equal it.
Dleliolil Safes.
Call nnd see the Ihrgo stock Menghor
ifc Lcneh , Cion'l. Agt's. l ivo on hand at
1115 Farnam st. , Omaha.
A Imcky Man.
Charles U. Schroth , living at 4315 Pine
street , near I3oyd's packing house , has re
ceived n piece of good news from the father
land. Some time airo ho invested in the
Hrnnswiek Germany lottery and his ticket ,
4li)18 ' ) , drew a pwo of ID.IXK ) murks , M.WK ) .
Mr. Schroth is u happy man to-day and will
invest his little iiruo in realty.
nml ColilH. Those who nro
suffering from CoughH , Colds , Sere Throat
etc , , should try Hiiowx'a liuo.sciu.u.
Titotnrs. jSyM onlu In
Or diphtheria , Norma Urlino
Urovvn , youngohtdanghloi-of II. S. and J.
E. llrown , December C , .VJIO p , in.
Funeral services at the house of the par
ents , ! .M17 Seward street , Omaha , at S o'clock
p. in. Thursday , Decembers.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vanes , A mardcl of puri
ty , btrciiHtfiauil wllolesomcnc s. > lor . econom
ical thun the ordlnarv klmlx , and ramiot " *
KoldlniompetltloiiMlth tlu < multitude of low
coit , bhfirt weight alum or phosphate powder * .
Hold only in can * . Itoyal OakliHl'o ilcrt ,
& ) \Yajl St. , New Vo fc ,
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
. W. Ccrnsr 13th and Dodge -Straots ,
Braces. Apliancesfar Deformities & Trusses
Ilpfct fnillltlci , appnnitui ami remedies for HIPCO -
fill trviilni'Mit of every toriii f illDC'ii urequliliiK Meil-
Icut t > r urkHl Trealtnent.
Korty new n'nina Inr patlunts ; licet hospital uccom-
niiHlntlon * ) In thu west.
Wlim : FOHCiluTI.AIl'iiin Dprnrinllesund Drneei ,
( "Inn I'ei'l , rnrviitnro nt the f-plne , I'lle * . Tnnmri' ,
Cancer , ( "iitnrrh , llronchltls , Inhahitlon , Ulottrlclty ,
I'lirnly-l" . Kpllep'.y. Klilney , llhiililt'r , KC , Kar , Miln ,
nnd lilooil , and all Miruleiii Operation * .
Dlaoasoa of Woman a Specialty.
All llluod Diseases Mircc rfully treated. phllltlo
1'ohon removed liom the nyHeni wllhiuit merviiry.
N'ew lextnrutlro treiitment l r Inn nt Vltnl 1'nwer.
I'cn-nniunatilo In visit HH may uu treated at homo
by corre | xiiiilenee. All ( iininiunlpatliins cnntldeu-
tlal. Medicines orln lrunientii'lit by mull orux-
preMi , securely puckeil , no marks to Indicate contents
or fender. Ono pen-mini Interview preterreil. cull nnd
cumuli us or MJiul history nt yuai' ra.-o. uml wu will
eenil In plain n rapper , nnr
Upon I'rtvnlo. fiiptlnl nnd Nervous Il-cf'cs. ) : Iinpo-
tency , Syphilis , lileet mid Vnrlcixulo. Aildrcsn ,
Oiniiliii Metllrnl and Surgical Institiifc , or
Dr Cor 13th andDo Sts
, McMenamy , , G , ,
( Successors to John Q. Jacobs. )
rlate andt
At the old stnnil , HOT Kamiim St. Orders by tele
graph solicited and promptly aUemloil lo.
.TfJelephone No. 5.
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - 6OOOO
II W. YATEP , rro ldi-nt.
Ltwis S. HKBII , Vlcp-r TEtdert. !
A. U. TOUZAI.I.V , Sd'Vlce-l'rcsldent.
\V. Jl.Ss I luu n ES , Cashier
\v. v , Mon.E , JOHN S. COI.LINK ,
Danklng onice- ,
Cor. 1-th and Karniun Sts.
A General Itauklni ; llublness Transacted.
I prescribe and ( ullr en
dorse IIlK O ai the only
HieclHc for tue certain cure
ol l > it deait ! > .
Amsterdam , N , Y.
We bare sold Hie < l ° r
many Iran , and U uai
given the Lett ot satli-
( action.
1) . lUDYCnKACO. .
Cblraeo , ill.
1.00. Bold by IJruggUtt.
, _ . Incomparably the Bast.
Pcrchcroni , Clydesilalo'- also homo
lireil collj < I'.very animal itiiiii.inteed a breeder.
Our stock hai IM-CII S"U'Cted with lelX-renreto
l.oth Individual metlt and podlKi'eo. Someof
tliee hdinet liavu taken llt > t prizu lit tlio N v
Miraku State I'eir. IW. All oar horM-i me ac-
cllnmled , and colts of tholv K't tan be t-how/ ' .
Trices r asonablo nnd ri y tenm. IM me cnlblo
bj Iho tluee leading r.illloaiN of Ilia Mate , 11. AT
Jl.i IK. . .V M. V. . and K. C. A O.
I'll V Jc KAllltl ! UI , York , Noli.
NF , agunrnntprdi > ni > cincfor KjHtcrln , l)1z/ ) | .
ncs , ConudslotH , I'lts , Nervous Nu\nalnla
llea < la"hi' . Nervous I'roitr.itlon lauded \ry \ thu
us-oof alcnliol or , .Muntal
Drpicitstou. SifflPiiliiKof the Iliuln resultbiK In
Insanity and leading to misery , ilcc.iy anil death ,
I'rematiiroOlilie , llarrenncss , Io s of potter
In either BOX , Involuntary Losw. ami fpeimat-
orrliiLU rnusuil by over exertion , of the bra.n helf-
abnso or over Iniliilgcnrt1. Knoll box contu in
ono month'B treatment. H.txia box. or six boxes
forfff.U' , Bi'iitbymall prepiiliVon receipt otprlco.
AVI ; < ; t'AiiA.NTj'.i ; six uoxis
Tornronnyrase. With each order received by
ns for six t > o\os a"ioinp.iiiloU\lth J.VM , wuwl.l
( uuil thf purchaser our writ'on Kiiaranjee to 10
luml tiie money If the tieatment does not elfei't
a into. Guarantees l.ssaml only by ' . ! > ' . ( ! lll- )
MAN , Dragt'lst , Solo Agent , I 111) ) rainam St. ,
Umaha Nub ,
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Liw , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send lor Collect Journal.
S. E. Cor. IGth and Capital Ave.
Mention the OmabaUca
Tlilrd Judicial Dlati lot.
MlMU Acnj O PI N I '
k , COURT H008E.
. .
Beit Work and towot Pried
Ouirlattcd , lCOpmeIlluit'4
Till ! OM llell.ilile r-poclalisl ot nnnj ycnrV expert-
once. neais wtl ! nmidprful .uw , all ulNU ,
HIinTJinP < l wlilnnit pilii or lilmlr/iiiPQ
Kill I lIHr fniin lHi lne ? . AllClirunlo ! ) l eniH"i ,
IIUI t Ull > far IP iiilvaiiiunl liny Institution In
tliM country T'1-80 who H-ontemplHlo JTOIIM In Hot
MirliiLM lor the" ui'iilniont ft atiy yilvulooi HlooJ
difcu-c inn bo uiri-il lor uno-thnil to ! tott lit our
1'ilVRto Dispi'iiMiry.
I A ill CO lly hKlrratmont a I'nre , Ixurlf Co.n
In III PA iilialon , tri'r from Kill ( > nm > 4 , frocUni
uriuiuu [ ilarklii ml * . i'ruillon | , etc. , Ijnillnnt
OTP Bml nerfcitlii'alllnau behail.
V TThat "lirt'il " rvrllntfanil nil femnln neakni"nai
tniinptly cnreil , Illonilnu llpndiii-lii'i. Nurvon * Pro * .
iinilon , ( ii'iu'inl Doljllltjr. hli-cpli' iio" . l i'pie sloii
L'nil IndlKPttlon. Dvnrlan trunblc" . liinnimnlluii anil
nltlpriitliin. Knlllnit nml Dl'plaicment" . plnal wpak-
ppss. Kidney complaints anil L'liiiniiP ( I.lto , Oonsult
HIP Dlil ll.ictor
CVC ATiin C6D Acutoor Chronic Inflmnma-
rlr fl Jll rCn tlonof . llu > llyplld't or < ! libj
L. I L. HIIU Urlll ,
„ „ , , | .nr orNMrMeliti'iliiP i.
Iiiveinloniif the I.lnn , H : ii > fulom Kycs , I'lror.itloni ,
Inllnminatlnni , AUPCC--S Dlnmosi t Vision ol ono or
both pyp * . and'Tumor1 * of I.ld.
tr/'lnnanimiitlon of Ibo-Knr , Uleorntlon or rntarrh.
Internal or KAtprnnl llciifnei" . or I'uralthuliu !
or llonrlng nolBun. Tlilckeneil Drum , etc.
DebilityIo"ot Vital TowerSlpcp-
NERVOUS lp inp s" le P''naeriiy. ixi or
111.111 UUU jiPiniirj.ronfuMonof ldcn > , ItMirs
before llm Kci'J.i slliiilt1 , I iiiiiior , Utnonilni't * .
DpprrMlmi of Spirit" . A\iT lnii to Miclpty. ha y lll -
rounitcil , lark ot OoiiUdpnte , Dull , l.tsllpx" , Unnt
for Miidy or Husluofj , * uil llnds Ilfo u liiuJcn , bululr ,
Penuanently and PrlvHtrly Cupot.
rpr > , Pain-In tlio Itpncl nnd llone .hyplillllii-or (
Throat , Mouth ami TOHKUP. ( ilandulnr J.nliiiKcMnuiit
ot HioNprk , Klifiiniatl'iii , Cntiirili. Htc. . 1'triuaiiunt-
Irl'iircd Wlion OUiPrsllHMi I'alli'd.
'Consultation fioo ami Mildly conllilnntfal.
Medicine sent frpo from olisprvatlon to nil p.irts
of thu I'nltfil Stati-3. Cot-rcwponilcnco rocolves
prompt attention. No letters answered iimusa
acioinpanloil ly four cents in stamps Send tnn
rrnts In Mumps for pnniplilct nml list ot qiies ;
tlons upon private , special and nervous IH.
'Terms strictly rasli. Call on or address ,
DR. ,
No. 3L'4 Cor. 13th & Haruey hts..Omalia , Nub
1707 Olive Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the MUsourl State Museum of Anatomy , St.
I.ouK Mo. , Tniverslty rolleuo Hospital , l-on-
lion , nii-xi-n , aerm.iuy anil New York , lluvl
devoted their attention
Moro especially those arlslnR from Impni-
ileiu-p. Invite nil so buffering to correspond with
out ilelay. Diseases ot Infection anil contaulon
cnic-ilhafply ami bpecillly ulthoutuso of dan-
Rrrnus ilruijH. Tatlentsvho < o ran- have been
iifuk-rtrd. luiUy ticatrd or pronounceil Incur ,
able , should not fall to wrltcnm conc rnln their
fyinptoms. All letters metre linmeaiatu alien-
And will be mailed nilX to any adiire on ro-
celptof ono 2-cent htnmp. " 1'rnrtlcal ( JlHorv.v
anil 1'hvblcal Rihaiin-
tlons on Nervous IJi-blllty
tion , " to which Is aililed an "INcay on .Mar-
rliiBf. " wltli Important cliapterH on illnea'i'sot
the ltpproiliitl\o Urnans , the whole formliiK a
valiuiblu medical tiratloc which bhould bo roa-l
byullyouiiK men. Admess
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Olive Street St. Louis , Mo.
The lett known and nio t popular llotol In tlm
Hate. Jc.itlou central , appointments llrtl-clai ! .
lle dquarter > lor commercial invu and all pullllcal
, .roprctor. !
utult el cvci-Wfclk. Ic-Jljcictloij , itu , oJJtcw Ur .
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omnlia and Council
JlluITs ( o
- = THE EAST = = -
COl XCIli 11M.TF3
Chicago , AND--- Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Hiipiilx
Hod ; Island , Frecpori , Kockforil ,
Clinton , Diihuqnc , Ilaienporf ,
Elgin , Jnucstille ,
lidolt , Wlnonu , I.n Crosse ,
And all olhsr Important jiolnu Kast , Northeast nnd
For Ihrounh ticket" cull on tbn ticket fluent at I I'll
Fnrnam street , in I'm Ion Hotel , oral Union PnUflu
Pullman Sleepers nnd Iho llnct Hinlnff Cnraln thn
world arc run on tlm main line ( if the Chicago , .Mil-
naukeo & M Puul Hallway , and ever ; ulleullnn It
pnld to pafscngerii courteoui employes ol the
It. .Ml LI.KIl. ficneral Monniior.
J. P. TtrCKKU , A'Mntnnt Oenrral .Manager.
A. V. H. CAIlPKN'i'EH , IJenc'ial l' > engcr an.l
Tlrket Apcnt.
liil. 15. HKAKFOIID , A * l t nt General PMienger
riU'l'UXct Aijcnt.
J.T.C'LAItKGeneral Superintendent.
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
i " &
r ' " "
IngtonandCallfornl * . It otlcrs nupt-Jlur uafauWKCi
"jfiSSSg a ft'J S" Jlmnumeroui pointer .up lotlW
tnjo ; d b" the pitrons ot thl. road < ' ' ' ' AVnmAll %
and Chicago , are If two tin ri nilnf < > HAT tOACII-
KH. ihlcS . "hoIllnrit ll.t , I"\t1v/l ! \ , rfiiI1S > Met
IT cnn create. In I'ALAOK HI.I.KPI.NO CAIIS. JJj'jeB
. In ' 'AUWIl
are mgdeli of comfort nml olegmao.
nuAivINi : ItooM ( I\lt. unsuriia ' * cd t > 7 any , and
U.KKldelrce"bV lVdPA
equal of which cunnul bo foiinil eisuwliern. At Coun
cil Ilium the tr ln of the V"1" I aclMo lUllway , con
nect In union depot will tbo e of the Chicago 4
Nurlhwf tfni Kr In Chicago thu trulnt of thk > Una
close connucllon wllli tlibic ol all other eatturn *
' "
'i-"r Detroit , Tolnmbun. Indianapolis. Cincinnati ,
Maeara ralle. lludalo. I'ltUaurg , Toronto , .Montreal ,
lloilon. New York. Philadelphia , Ilaltlniori' , Wath-
Ington , aridallpolLttln the tail , ntk tor a tlckolrl *
If you with the bettarcommodatlon. Alltlckelagtnti
eUtlrkelt via thlt lino. , I . ,
Ilrmnrkublu for powerful Byinjia-
thotic tone. nlUblu iTctlon mid jibj-
utmiiia . .
til l ) lii-nt flUfHIlli-D of the eicult