Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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Gratifying Exhibit Made In the Re
port For Novombor.
Rejoicing at Ijlncoln AVIicn tlic K.t-
tcnulnn Prom I'lnttmiioiith Was
Coiiiplctvil ItcniH < > ! ' InteiTBt
l'l < ; kc < l Up About Town.
[ FIIOM TIII : nni : ' LINCOLN ntinnAn.1
PoHtmastcr Wutknin , In his report for No-
comber of the business transuded In the
Lincoln postofllrc , makes n very credit utile
'showing fof t'1liieri'ufto ' In business uml the
continued iimrvclout growth of the ofllcc.
The Inorcnso for November , which Is consid
ered n very dull month , has been 10 IK.Mcent. .
The lurKcst Item of revenue In the salu of
stamps and stamped matter which , In the
thirty days , has nHRrcgated the handsome
sum of I,5.M. Postmaster Watklns' report
showH the following Interesting litfurcs rela
tive to the carrier sysUMn :
The number of letters delivered by carriers
for the month , wan 14J , : U ; the number of
tnntnl cards was 2Sbl , l ; , of newspapers ,
18,827. SjHH'iat delivery letters to ttm amount
of 17(1 ( were also can-led. Theio were col
lected mall letters and I.V-JVJ local or
drop letters. Of postal cards ' .W.WJ were col
ics-ted for the mails and S.IWJ for local distri
bution. The collection of newspupors and
other mail matters of that class was H.lijt ) .
The financial exhibit of the office shows n
handsome surplus , the expenses boiiiK for
clerk hire $ . " > 47.Sl' > , and for carriers fi75T ( ) .
The curriur iturvluo is well supplied with help
utid delivery Is prompt. The Kroatcst incon
venience in the office at the present time is
the lac ! : of clerk hlro that causes vexatious
delays in securing mall at the box and gen
eral delivery. Mr. Watkins is striving to se
cure the attention of the post ofllco depart
ment to much needed help in this depart
TI1K II. A M. ( IP 01.11.
General llagKiigo A ent Alnrnland , of the
13. & M. , returned yesterday from Denver
where ho journeyed on the Hist fast train on
the H. & M. The following bit of railroad
history which the Republican of Denver pub
lished during Marsland's visit there , Is in- Lincoln readers : "Amonpr the
passengers who were found in the smoking-
car , pufniiK away contentedly at a cigar , was
Mr. T. Marsland , general baggage agent nf
1J. & M. .system west of the Missouri river.
Mr. Marsland became an employe of the
road while It was yet but an embrjo sprout
Into the vast western wild. It hud boon built
tliirty-ono miles out of Plnttsmonth only
and the bridge was only an
ox | > eotation of th'o future. 1'asson-
Ifers wen1 ferried across the Missouri in Ilat-
boats. Tlio Hnrlington and Missouri Klvor
railroad in Nebraska possessed an elabor.tto
supply of rolling stock , which inventoried
two engines , three coaches and twenty Hat-
cars. The engines , were named the Ameri
can ICaglo and. Hurricane and had been
bought t'rom the Michigan Central bccauso
that road had no further use for them. Col
onel Uonno was chief engineer of the road
and also superintendent , and his grout ambi
tion was to complete and operate the road
liom I'lattsmouth to Uncoln by July 4 , 1b0.
The colonel "got theie , " and a excur
sion wen from Omaha and Iowa to the future
Nebraska stuto vanilul , while the citizens of
that town bec.ime deliri&us with joy. The
Vfork of extension to Denver was resumed in
1870 and continued with intervals of cessation
until Mny ! ! . " > , 1S > * J , when the last spike was
driven and.tho locomotive from the Missouri
river direct steamed into the Colorado capi
tiirv nnii'.ps.
The bucket shop operated by S. S. Floyd &
Co. has temporarily suspended , it is alleged ,
on account of heavy IOSMJS in which the
lambs for once llecccd the wolves. It is also
asserted that Lincoln pations have been
winners up in the thousands , but the fact
should bo no inducement for patties to Hock
to the place and patronie It when it resumes
business. Such parties willbogathon-d in as
victim * to iniiko up present deficiencies.
The Journal never fails to inuko criticisms
upon * the paving work accomplished in the
city the present year and the sore spot that
was made when the Journal , as a lobbyist for
a certain pavement , was knocked fiom the
ring continues to agitate it. What the Jour
nal is gaining for the city in depreciating the
pavement that has raised the business streets
out of the mlro , pauses comprehension.
The ladles of the Unlversalist church held
n very successful fair and. festival at Temple
hall that was liberally patronized and the
patrons received the woith of their invest
ment. Tim tlrst night was so succcs&ful that
it was continued over last evening.
The alleged rape case terminated , as pro-
dieted , in t Ijo acquittal of the man charged
with the offense , and the prosecuting wit
ness succeeded admirably In making an ex
hibition of himself at the trial.
The new nfllco of recorder of deeds will tx >
located on the ground tloorof the building oc
cupied by the county oftlces , and the recor
der-elect , Mr. John D. Knight , will , after
January 1 , bo found at homo there , and will
prove to be an accommodating and olllcioiil
The proprietor of the Windsor hotel is ar
ranging to accommodate the social clubs in
the city by furnishing the recoiition. rooms
for club dances during the winter. The
movement will bo appreciated by the elubg.
The 'West Lincoln markets yesterday
showed an Inereuso in receipts and n market
cunal to anin , the state. So long as the pres
ent demand for hogs for packing continues
business will bo brisk on the market at that
The committee appointed to mnko nr-
ningeint'iits for the reception of Itlshop
Itonucum mot last iilghr. Elaborate ar
rangements will bo made for the proper wel
come of the bishop who will preside over the
BCO of Lincoln.
The expenses of tlio state government , at ,
shown by the warrants and estimates that
havocomo in to the office of the secretary of
stale Imvti amounted to f.Vii7MJ : : : for Urn last
month. The Items arn as follows :
Deaf and Dumb Institute. . S ltts\Ci7 :
1-Veblo Minded Institute . ilii.vri7 :
Homo for the friendless . S.VkS..U
Industrial School . VtfS.W !
Norfolk Insane Hospital . 84 ! > . : tO
Lincoln Iitsano Hospital . 8i.T > S.4U
MlHcenuncouH ( estimates on build-
iups and expenses of state ) . r t,972. . > : i
"I wns most ready to return n blow nntl
would not brook at nil tills sort of
thlni } , " for I khow I would cure all
ilmiuiKPH with Salvation Oil. " 5 cts.
Never bulldoze n mini , littt if you incot
ouo with tv bad cough you may "bull-
doso" him to advantage with Dr. Bull's
Cough Syrup. 2o et .
HA IliltO NOl'lCS.
A meeting of the Nebraska Ticket Agents'
association will bo hold at the oftlcoofGeu-
oral Passenger Agent KustU , of the UurUng-
ton , at 10 o'clock tins morning.
The Hurllngton people uro deservedly
proud of their fast trains , as since their in
auguration they huvo been on time at all the
principal stopping places , and tints far the
.bulletin boards at Chicago , Omaha'and Den-
'ver havixnmrkod up "on tlmo" for the flyers.
It is the intention of the ofllcinls to uurintain
this regularity so tinsplclously begun , and
that the auinn will bo appreciated by the
trurelini ; publlo is RimrmitiiHl.
Sheridan station , on tlio Kansas division of
the Union Pacific , has been closed , and the
following established : McAllister , Kansas
division , W. H. Parker , apcnt ; HUliurd ,
Wvo. , H. M. Waters , agent ; Almy , Wyo. ,
IVllluun Hiuclton , iigcnt ; Uaros , Col. , Jobn
W. Mi-Oulre , agent ; Tescott , Kan. , O. W.
SchulU , agent.
Eraitus Vountr , auditor of the Union Pa
cific , U in Chicago on business and will be
ubftpnt nil week.
Assistant Pni-songor Agent Lonmx , of the
Union Paoillc , returned last-night from lowh ,
whcVo ho hud been summoned to the bedside
of hU invalid mother.
Don't irrltata your lungs with n stub-
horn cough when iv lAcutniint and ofl'oe-
tlvo rnmeily nwybo found in Dr. J. II.
MuLiwii TinWiuo Lung Btilra. 5' !
7iMitb.a boltlo. ' . . .
The C'ltjr Ooverninent Nearly Incar
cerated Over a GrnilliiK Job.
For n while yesterday the mayor , city
roimcll , city engineer and board of public
works of this city were threatened with nr.
rest and Incarceration In a manner similar to
the unfortunate mayor and city council of
Lincoln. The cause of the threatened
trouble Js the grading of the street under the
south end of the Eleventh street viaduct ,
which Is practically an old property light be
tween James Calhdmii and W. V. Morse ,
both of whom own contiguous property at
tills point. Cnllahnn owns property south of
Morse and desires the grading , because It
will Increase the value of his property.
Morsels opK | > sod to it because It wlllglvo him
no Ingrossnr cgicss , and In October his attor
ney , O. H. Keller , secured an Injunction from
Judge Wakoley restraining the city from
filling In there. This was served on tlio city
officials. Subsequently the city council , not
understanding the situation , passed an ordi
nance changing the curb line of that
purl of Klevcnth street under the via
duct. This was endorsed by the olllcial
seal of tlic mayor. Under the ordinance Mr.
Callahan. of his own accord and expense , bus
raised his property several feet uml has
thereby practically closed up that part of
Eleventh street under the viaduct , yester
day Mr. Morse's attorney went to Uio chair
man of the board of publlo works and threat
ened to arrest the mayor , city council , city
engineer and the board of. public 'works for
contempt of court In allowing Callahan to do
tiiis work. The attorney demanded that the
chairman of tlm board or public works should
stop tills work tit once , asserting that tlio
chairman hud charge of the streets and had
authority to stop all such work on them. Mr.
Halcombo said that lie had not ordered any
such work done , nor did ho know that it was
being carried on. Ho said , however , that ho
would Immediately attend to the mutter.
Ijo then laid the cast ; before tlio mayor , ask
ing him if the work should not bo stopiu-d.
The mayor said It should , and started off
imst-hasto for the chief of police ordering
him to have tlic work stopped liistanter. The
chief , not knowing whore the work was being
done , asked Mr. Halcombo to accompany him.
Tlio two then hastily icpalred to the sM | > t ,
stopped the work , and saved tlio city officials
the sufferings and Ignominyof imprisonment.
Calling For Sympathy.
Secretary Nnttingei- the chamber of
commerce , Is in recent of n communication
from M. J. Forhan , secretary of the Salt
Lake City chamber of commerce , notifying
him that the lattej- body will hold a public
meeting on the night of the 12th inst. to con
sider what measures may be necessary to
prevent , if possible , congress from placing
lead on the free list. Mr. l-'orhan asks that
Omaha concur in tlio action , and Mr. Nntttn-
gor will present the mutter at the meeting of
the board next Monday nljjht.
An ITnitrcceilcntc * ! Career.
In its ciit-cor of over a third of a cen
tury So/.odont has scored a jji-ontor sue >
CCHH than any other preparation for the
tuuth , over put upon any nmrlcct. Its
reputation is really not suppoMtionsly
universal. No dentifrice compares
with it.
A liticky Hecovet-y.
Mrs. J. M. Thayer , wife of the governor ,
arrived in the city Tuesday and is a guest ,
at the Millard. When the lady left tlio back
in which she rode up from the depot -
pot , she missed her handsatchcl , a small
Kussia leather bag , which contained her gold
watch and chain , and a number of other val
uables. It was learned that the owner of the
hack was Kd lyiannery , of Vlnlon street , and
In the evening Sergeant Mostyn went out
there , hunted up the driver of the hack , and
together they wont to the stable. * Tlio
sutchol , with contents intact , was found in
the vehicle , and yesterday it was returned
to Mrs. at the hotel.
Army News.
As stant Surgeon Knowlcs at Fort Robin
son , has been reihove.d from the service on
the recommendation ofthe medical director
of tlio department of tlio Plutte.
Kiibt Lieutenant Willis Wittich , Twe.nty-
lirst infantry , stationed at l-'ort Du Chesne ,
lias been ordered to Fort Omaha as a witness
in thu court martial now in session.
Their Annual Daiuiuot.
The onnual banquet of the Loyal Legion
will bo held nt the Millurd on Thursday-night
next. A meeting to perfect the'llnal arrange
ments took place last night. Many distin
guished soldiers and civilians will bo in at
tendance at t lie banquet , which promises to
bo a grand affair.
Chni-le.H AVIII Marry Amelia.
Yesterday Judge McCulloch granted
Charles M. Hillock and Amelia Metz per
mission to marry. Tliu prospective groom
and bride are twenty-eight , and twenty-two
years of ago respectively , and are residents
of Onmmi.
Dills For Drugs.
The following bids for furnishing drugs for
the county pharmacy were opened by the
county commissioners yesterday : Hlake ,
Hruce & Co. , $ - . " > . 17 ; Goodman Drug Com
pany , W40.IK ) . Awarding of the contract was.
postponed until Saturday.
MAKK No MIKTAKK. If you have
mudo n'p vour mind to buy Hood's Surt > -
apnrilla do nut be induced to take any
other. Hood's Stii > amrilhi | is a , pecu
liar medicine , possessing , by virtue of
its pceuliar combination , proportion
and'pipparution , e.tirati.vo power su
perior to any other nrtielo of the kind
before the people. For all alToetions
arising from impure blood or low state
of the .system ills unequalled. L5o btu-e
to get Hood's. '
Among : the Pom ! Men.
Qllurrct & Heafy yesterday turned over
to County-Agent Midioney , for burial , the
remains of Abraham Abruhamson , who died
last Sunday night tit St. Joseph's hospital , no
party knowing the deceascifhavint ' , identillcd
the remains.
The remains of Charles Ganteu , tlio young
man who was run over and killed by u street
car on St. Mary's avenue , still remain un
claimed at Drexe ! & Maul's.
ICvorett'w Case Continued.
Tlio casu of ,1. L. Everett , the map pub
lisher , who Is charged with forging a check
on Kuhn. the druggist , for ? 7 RO , " 'us called
for trial before Judge Herkn jcsteiday utter-
noon , but n continuance was seemed until
Thursday at 10 n. in.
Iti superior excellence proven In mlHIrni of
homitsfor moretliRUa otinrter of aoontiirv. It
Is usmj by tlia rtiltcd stutos Ooveruinunt. ' Kn-
ilorsi-a hy tlia hediU of th * ere u nnlersltles .us
the StronBi t , I'ureet and Alnst ll alihul. lr.
Price's HIB only llitklne l'orl r that < los not
contain Annnouln. Llmo or Alum. Kolil only ( a
canv PiticKlUKiNn I'oW.uruJo. ,
New Yen k. Chtcauii , ' . St. I ul ,
I '
Of our customers , after seeing , the incomparable bargains we offered during the last two
weeks express astonishment at the prices. The secret is simply this. The warm weather and
late season have had a very depressing effect upon the wholesale trade. Manufacturers are
overstocked and discouraged and the same goods which a few weeks ago they intended and
expectedsliould bring them a fair profit , they are now ready to sacrifice at almost any price.
This is the chance for the retailer. It is merely a question of who can use the quantities. The
nrm tnat does a large business can take advantage of such opportunities. We are in this hap
py position. Our ample resources enables us to buy in enormous quantities for cash ; we sell
on same terms and the quick return of the money makes the smallest profit satisfactory. Any
one can seethe ioroe of these remarks by coming and pricing our goods.
ed now are with corded edges ; otherwise in' every respect the same first class garment , the like of which was never offered
for less than twice what we ask for it , $14.50.
Another lot of Overcoats to which we call attention is a splendid Shetland , lined .with double warp Italian satin
sleeve lining , silk velvet colar and corded edge. Those we have in blue and Oxford colors , sixes 33 to 38. It is an elegant
coat for a young man , very nobby and of splendid cut. We offer it at $8.90 and guarantee the real retail value of it to bo
at least $15.
In Single Pants , we make for this week the following remarkable offers :
One lot strictly all wool , heavy winter weight , grey striped Cassimere Pants , well made at $1.50 , fully worth $3.
One lot heavy all wool Fine Cassimere Pants , in dark neat striped patterns at $2.1O , worth $4
One lot very fine silk mixed Cassimere Pants at $3.5O , worth $5.5O.
One lot of elegant Worsted Goods , in choice patterns , at $3.90. These last are equal to airy custom-made pants and
have never been offered for less than $6 to $7.
Remember that in our Boys' and Children's department can be found suits and overcoats at
about one half their real value and for which we challenge comparison.
In our Hat and Cap department , we offer a large assortment of fur and other winter caps , far
below the prices of others. Genuine imported Scotch caps , high crown , at 35c ; sold everywhere
at 6Oc to i5c. Good heavy knit caps , turban style , men's and boys' sizes at 30c. Jersey caps ,
silk lined , men's and boys' sizes at 4Oc , which cannot be bought elsewhere for less than 7bc to $1.
In our Glove department , we carry the largest assortment of winter gloves and mitts and offer
some big drives.
Good heavy knit wool mitts , men's sizes 2Oc , boys' sizes 15c.
Very heavy best fulled wool mitts at 4Oc and 45c ; sold by other dealers for 75c.
Good lamb lined kid gloves at 5Oc , which would 'beicheap at $1.
Good fur top gloves at 50c , worth 75c.
. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Nebraska Company ,
Corner Douglas'and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
KE TOOLS. Wire Rope ,
Buffalo Scales ,
Plows ,
Markers , Scale Repair Shop.
Hooks ,
Grapples , OMAHA.
Slide Iron.
J.&T ,
Ivinbody the highest excellencies
Comfort and Durability mill are tlio
In Fashionable Circles. Our name Is on every
t > uk > . J. & T. CoudiNK , NEW YOIIK.
Hayward Brothers.
Tlio best and sorest Btmedy for Core of
all diseases caused by any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach nod
Dyspepsia , Blch HcaJachd , Coortipatlon ,
Billons Complaints and HjOarta of nil kinds
yield readily to the beneficent influence of
It la pleasant to the taste , tones up the
restores and preserves health.
It U pnreljr Vegetable , and cannot fall to
prove beneficial , both to old aad young.
A a Blood Puller it U raperior to all
ethen. Sold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle.
Meslest !
le of a desert p-
tire Price-list ,
ricblr Illustra
ted la colour *
print , of ths >
which should
bo foonj la
rrrry fwtlljr aad Day tu obtained from -all Toy
dealers. Stationers end Educational DfpOts. Tc
PnolUt will be funrardtd cratli on appucaUim to
XD WITH inn orooniriiT or TKI ,
ujj nr iiiMivmo TUU ILU * TIUI TUB
By reason of Its centralio3ltloi c.0 relation tollnos
East of Chicago , and contlnJJJI hn at terminal
points Wast , JJorthwust and Soathwcst , Is the true
middle llnlc In tlut transcontinental system which
InYltes aucl facilitates travel and traffic bttwoen the
Atlantic and l' clflc.
Tbe Hock Island main line and branches Include Chicago
cage , Joliet , Ottawa , LaSillo. rcorla , Opneseo , Molina
and lloclt Island , In Illinois ! Davenport , iluicatlne.
Washington , i'airflold , Ottumwt. , Oakaloosa , West Lib
ert/ . Iowa City , Des Molnes , , Atlan
tic , Knoirllle , Audubon , Marian , Guthrlo Ccntro and
Council niulfs , In Iowa : Oallatln , Trenton , St.s pn ,
Cameron And Kansas City , In UUisourl : Leai , jworlh
acd Atchlion , In Kansas ) Albert Lea , Minneapolis and
St. Paul , In Minnesota ; Watortonn and Bloux
Pakota , and hundreds of Intermediate cities and towns.
' . 'Tho Great Rock Island Route"
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty onJ safety. Its
permanent way U distinguished for Its excellence. Its
bridges are of stone and Iron. * Its track It of soll.l
steel , Its rollings toe It perfect. Its pa * cn ero'iulpm > > n6
has all the catoty appliances that experience ban pro ot
useful , and for luxurious ixccommodatlors Is u.i > . : r-
passed. Its Kiprcm Trains eonsl > t of superior Oij-
Cooi'hes , elegant Tullman 1'alaco Parlor and fileepoig
Cars , superb DtnlngTani prorldlng dallcious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and St. Joterh , Atchlion and
Kansas City ) restful Reclining Chair Cars. It * man
agement Is conservative , Its discipline
"The Famous Albert Lea Ror.-e"
Ilctween Chlcsgo itn < 1 Minneapolis and St. I'a. Is the
favorite. Orer this Una Solid Fast Kxpress Trains run
dally to attrdctlTo'resorts for tonrlitJ In Iowa and
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Sioux Kails , to the
rich wheat and irrozlnzJandji of Interior Dakotx VU
Beneca and Kankakee , the Koclc Island offers superior
Inducenicuts to travelers between Cincinnati , Indian-
apolls , Lafayette and Cuunell IllutTs.St. Josrpb , Atchl-
son , Leavenwirth. Kansas City , St. Tan ) , and Interme
diate points. ( All patrons ( eipeclally ladlrs and chll-
di en ) receive protection , courtesy ami kindly attention.
Cur tickets , luapj , folders , copies of Western Trail , ur
any desired Information , apply to principal oftces la
the Unltod Elites and Canada , or address , at Chicago ,
I. B. CABltj . A I. ST. JOHN , t. A. HOIIIOOI ,
- - - - - - - ' - - ) ' . . !
'aio 1 l a4st. OiB.Tsir > H.ift
20 Cents a Week.
Seven papers a week. Pcuil your order to the
ofllce ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
II/ . QA
Surgeon and Physician ,
Office N. W Corner Uth and Uouulas St. Office ,
talephone , i03 ; UeUleiico telupliaiie , 5 > > 3.
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ol Electric Science
Stientlfi ! Scienlificaly | Made and Practically Applied.
* Ufll sTMIDsC Vmi H T T Palms U the Haet , nips. Head or Limbs ,
II WILL WUKB T VU Nervous PoblUIr , I.unibooo , i > nirul Hi-MIlty , Kliru-
mutism , Paralysis , Ncurnlcla , HelnUca , Dtseasre of Kldncjt , Nplnul DUeuarm Torpid Liter ,
Oo l , Exhaustion , Emissions. Asthma , Heart UUrnip , I > j rp Ia , CunMlnullon , Eryalpvlai ,
lndlr * tli , Weakoeas , iMpotcnfr , Catarrh , 1'llea , KplleptT , Dumb Acne , l > labnt s Ufdrovclo.
Blood lllMswes , Dropsy , cte then tbls belt la just vhat y u necl.
Elfctricilti fntlantlu fcttt Can bo applied
toanypart of tbo body. Whole family caa WHs lM ALI ? I fis > M * eWnll G
wear It. It electrifies th * blood and cures sTlBsjH sMkb BIssQB sTMIIssOi
OlTKEDi-A. J. lloaplanil , U. B. Parker and J.M. Hmlctt.'n.Tl on noanl of Trnilo ,
iteadjr nerrri BmtcomforloWo elccpatnlgljt. " Rubl. Ball , alderman , 150 Kut 39th Street. , New York
and thousand * of othfnt.
atrei product ! a contlnuoiii current ! conreri electricity through the body on the nwrvod. It cu
by peneratlnjf a continuous current of electricity < 1O or 18 hour * out of Hi ) throtiRhnnt the human uy tem ,
allaying allnervousnrtalmnu'd.ntely.anil producing a now circulation of the Ufa forces the bloud.lm *
parting T Iff or , Btrenffth.cnortry and health , when all other treatment hai failed. T&omerita of tUUttcluu *
tine It fit an being recojmUaa and Indorsed by thousands whom it has cured. . . .
KKFEHENCESt Any bauk commercial apency or wboleialo bouse In Chlcagoj wholesale drugs 1st 3 ,
Ran t'ranclfiro and Chicago , ty Bend itamp for llftparn Illustrated pamphlet. *
" \V * fm XXOXUffXDy InTentor and Manufacturer , 191 Wabnk Avenue OhtcBKO *
Display at their warerooms , 13OG and 13O7 Farnam Street ,
the largest assortment of Pianos and Organs to be found at
any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the
highest class and medium grades , including
r\w-\S n s N BURDETT ,
Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the
lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long
established reputation of the house , coupled with their most
liberal Interpretation of the guarantee on thelr-goods , affords
the purchaser an absolute -safeguard against loss by possible
defects in materials and workmanship.
1303 et 1307 FARNAM STREET *
A magnificent display af everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
1 at reasonable prices. . ' '
' ' v. ' .
OVER * m
0wins to Ilic lates of Ilineason we
find ourselves overstocked witti fine ail
medium priced overcoats , and ii order
to reduce tlic quantity we propose to sell
mostoftliemwithin the next 10 lays ,
and have made prices that will insure a
speedy sale :
Our $ 5 overcoats now go for $ 3,00
11 u ( I
8 5.00
" 9 ( I 6.00
11 10 il 7,50
11 15 10,00
11 u II
20 14,00
11 25 ( I II 18,00
We have reduced in the. Aainc ratio
all our
Fur and For Trimmed
Overcoats ,
anil if yon need one yon wlllflnd
thiit the best opportunity yet offered
tliin season. We have had xnch o
grand HHCCCKH of our
Sale that welfare ju t. added a few
more styles of desirable snlts that
arc .telling at other atoreaall the way
from $ J4 to < fJfi. Wcplaee them all
in one lot and sell them at one prtcct
We also have a fine and largo at-
sortmcnt of nobby Htylcs in suits ,
which we are offcrlny at cut i-rlves ,
We Really Have No topetitioo
in Our Boys' ' and Childrens' '
I''or our line of
Boy's Suits & Over
coats , .
Is very complete and our price of
$1 for a nobby boy'tt jarhet and
pants , In ayes from to Jf years , <
liai-d to beat anywhere.
New York& Omaha
For Men and Boy's
, ISOSFarnamSt ,