Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 08, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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' *
English Nowopapora Dovotlng Much
Space to Cleveland's Views.
' _
{ tlic Prc.ililcnt'n Utterance ) . Com-
' incnclcil l-'or HH DlHCiissloti oF tlio
Turin1 QiioiHon Hev. llri-ry on
Plymouth's Call.
CIcvelnnd'H TurlfTTallc.
( Oi ) > i/r/yM / ISVljy Jnmri Uoriiun llennelt. )
LONDON , Dec. 7. [ Now York Herald
Cablu-Speclal to thu UKU. ] Members of the
American colony , who linvo lived hero many
yearn , say that since the civil war no event
has no excited English Interest , In newspa
per * , clubs and commercial circles , as Presi
dent Cleveland' ' * message. The comments In
the morning papers were uiparcntly ] hastily
Written and upon accounts and information
not so full IH , Inter In the day , reached
. .tho evening press. These almost
entirely Ignore the crown prince ,
the Hus-lan frontier , Tulltimoro
Jail , etc. Uanel court largely took up the
financial question. The money articles of the
"St. James Oazotto said : President Cleve
land's HKMsago had not the bcncflclal effect
upon Htock markets which , at first slulit ,
might have been expected from It. All the
year thu market for American railroad se
curities has been suffering from fear of a
financial crisis brought only the accumula
tion of vast sums of unemployed money in
the United States treasury. The president
recommends such sweeping reduction of taxa
tion as ' would , In the future , pre
vent u similar , accumulation , yrt the
market here was lifeless nil day
, hnd the New York stock oxeliango did not
have been ex
open as buoyant ns might
pected. Thooxplnimtlon is that people doubt
whether congress will act on the rocommcn-
flntlon. If the house docs , the senate , it was
feared , will refuse to agree. At the least
there will bo protracted discussions. When
prompt decision is required bcsiilcs the
'message , if it strikes the keynote of the com
ing presidential election , foreshadows a bitter
( itrugglo and consoiifcntly interruption of
Business. "
Says the Pall Mall Ga/cttc : "President
Cleveland's message is a free trade tract
o/ the first Importance and ought to bo
tvidely circulated by the Cobdeu club , or
' han that venerable body decided to merely
dinound die ) What Is protection ! It Is a
"tax , says President Cleveland , laid upon every
fcoiiBumer lu the land for the benefit of a
minority of manufacturers. This is what it
/B In America. Will the tory free traders
Mildly explain how it will bo anything else
in England I"
- The Evening News , in the course of a long
fdltorial , asks : "Is there a single protection
ist In this country who would propose
fo hamper our manufacturers by placing
'import duties on raw material ?
Suppose that In England wo could get rid of
fall Internal taxes save tjioso upon liquors and
tobacco and pay the whole residue of the cost
of the government on duties levied upon im-
.ported goods. Is there a man living among
UB-proi.oetIotiist or anything else , who would
ask for morel In other words , would the
most pronounced protectionist in this country
fut Ills maximum higher than or oven as high
as the maximum for which President Cleve
land asks ) If the policy which the * president
Advocates and which hu so carefully deilncs ,
is a policy of free traders then , sans phrase ,
VfO are all free traders. "
Hut , ns a matter ot fact , all the Jubilant
ejaculations which the S rco trade organs are
entering this morning are , as old Dennis
would have said , a heap of clotted nonsense.
tl'lie Echo , edited by n member of parliament ,
thus argues on the niessugo : "Our free
traders often lament the protectionist policy
| n the United States , but It lias helped more
than it has Injured us. * The American mer-
cantllo marine used to bo second only to our
Own. It nearly disappeared during the civil
war and 1ms not recovereb since , princi
pally because the high prices of raw inn-
Aerials make It impossible to build
ehlpi In the United States auJ run them
ks cheaply as wo can. Let Americans
do as the president proposes and take off the
duties on raw materials and the carrying-
trade world will no longer remain ours , with
out challenge. The competition of the United
States used to bo very formidable in China ,
but that ceased when she made her tariff so
kilgh. Ninety per cent of American exports
pro food and raw materials , whereas the
Manufactures which the 'Americans have
riod so hard to protect do not amount
o more than 10 per cent of the things
thlch they have not .protected. They provide
ho world with the things which they protect
md wo leave free. They are nowhere In the
! 'ace. Thus , with clocks , English and Gor-
' nan clocks are now generally pushing the
/American goods out of the market. The
difference in prices is so largo that It Is possi-
f > lo to-day to deliver some ofthcso goods in
America with the 00 per cent duty and
freight , cheaper tha.n American goods. This
Is duo to 'the great expense of American
labor and also to the line material of which
llioy have to pay the enormous American
duty. As It Is with clocks , so it is with other
Articles. lu a recent annual report the secre
tary of the United States treasury observed
Ihftt what the American manufacturers now
hood is u market for their surplus manufac
tures. If the president's proposal U
carried out the American market for
English goods will , at any rate
for u time , bo considerably Increased
but whether , in the long run , wo shall bo
palners commercially by the American aband
onment , or partial abandonment , of protec
tion is moro than doubtful. "
The Cilobo talks in the vein of a political
proan and during a long loader observes :
'President Cleveland appears to hnvo an eye
to working a class vote. Ho estimates that
less than one-sixth of the htborinu
population | n the states derives
ponolil from the protection offered to mnnu
facturorH. If this bo so tha self-Interest a
the other five-sixths should bring them ovei
on inasRO to the free trade , programme lah
before congross.j'cstoriay ) , The president
it is true , docs not-culllils now departure bi
hat ugly name. On the contrary ho waxei
Indignant at the supposition thu
1(0 ( has couui over to froi
trade. His remurkablu utterance wil
bo certain to excrclsu un absolutely para
mount influence on the next presUleatia
election. Party names and party ties an
thrown Into botch potch and the governmi
issue at thut contest will bo between pro
lec.tlon and frco trudo. Had Presiden
Cleveland been llko many of his predcccs
Bors , merely n party politician , ho would hnvi
lot the sleeping dogs lie until after the prea
Idcntial clectjMi. In that case his rn oloctioi
would have been almost certain. Whereas
this outspoken message undoubtedly leoji
praises his chances ami plays 'into , the don
teroiis hands of Mr. Ulaino and the wlr
fraternity. "
Plymouth's Call Ohjcclod to IJy llev
Borry'H ICtiKllHh Congregation.
lCofrtuftt | Ifff } by Jamtt fioiitiw llrntittl. ]
AVoi.VKHiuMr-rox , Deo. 7. ( Now York Hei
fiM Cable Special to tha HUB. ] The Coi ;
Kfcgatlouitt church , of , which the Uov. llcrr
is i a tor , havn unamioously voted u rcqucs
that ho dee'.hio the Plymouth call and pusse
resolution what may bo culled , an affci
! a ii0 vrotest-ajalnst hu acceptance.
called upon him thl morning in hopes to ob.
tain his definite view or wishes. Ho houses
| n company with ft deacon. The latter said !
"At the meeting wo all appreciated the com
pliment paid the church and him , raising our
appreciation to his worth , nevertheless we
feel unable to make the sacrifice. With
a view to diminishing his labors hero and
making It less hurtful to his health and pastoral -
toral usefulness , wo decided to procure two
asrfUtanta for him , thus giving him more
freedom to devote himself to the Interests of
the extrusion of Congregationalism in differ
ent pnrts of the kingdom. "
On arriving at Mr. JJerry's ' unpretending
but homo-like residence , bespeaking love of
the necessities of llfo and refined surroundIngs -
Ings wo found he was leaving for a short
journey to obtain rest and gave earnest , tran
quil thought to the situation. He received ,
us heartily and I was soon at homo In hU
compariy. Mr. llcrry Is a fine conver
sationalist and shrewd IK his observations.
All restraint beltig removed we nuno
to business. In reply to my plump question
whether ho had yet decided to accept the call
to Plymouth church ho said : "I have not as
yet comu to any ( Jeclslon. U has been a mat
ter of surprise to find that It has been cabled
to America that I had uccuptod. I suppose
this report must have been copied from the
non-conformist newspaper which has cor
rected the statement , made without authority
in a previous Issue. Several meetings of the
deacons have taken place who made
very powerful appeals to mo to
consider the matter , not as between our
Queen street church ami Plymouth church ,
buUis to between English Congregationalism
and congretlonallsiu in America , assuring
mo of every assistance in an endeavor to
nfalto my church hero a center with a wide
circumference. Last night , from what has
been represented to mo as a very largo and
cnthusiastlo meeting of the church and con
gregation , a resolution has been forwarded
to mo pretty much on the line of the deacons'
views. The meeting , I am lol'd , was abso
lutely unanimous. Our church looks upon
the crisis ns a divlno call to Itself to take up ,
for Itself , a higher and broader work. "
"Havo you received from other quarters
any representations to the same effect ! "
"From nearly every quarter religious ,
ecclesiastical or political the men whoso
Judgment I most rely upon in our own denomi
nation , brought weighty reasons to bear upon
mo against the acceptance and spoke la terms'
too generous , of my past career and my
present prospects of usclulnes * hi England.
They urged , as I bcliovo , that there is cer
tainly going to be In England a stiff light be
tween religion and irruligiou , , while along
with this , unfortunately , the forces of religion
are in my Judgment seriously weakened by
the revival of medievalism in the c&ab-
llshed church and some sacrcdotallsm even
In thu Scotch frco church theology.
I am of the opinion that there Is need of a
broad evangelical interpretation of the gosj
pel which shall bo credible unto a man's
whole nature. That Is the one thing needed
to make religion victorious in the coming
struggle and it has boon pointed out to mo
that for this work I had shown myself ilttod
by sympathy and training. Of.course I know
these siuno conditions obtain lu America , but
my friends emphatically claim that my own
land should have the services of all her sous
in this mutter.
"I need say nothing now , to an American
vapor , of the ecclesiastical and political qucs-
ilons which arc coming up for settlement in
England. It is natural to the leaders of
ibcralism , local or national , to wish to retain
every man whosoconvictionsandenthusiasms
uro so hcartly with them as mine are known
0 bo. I must necessarily take their repre
sentations Into account from all sides. It is
at once to bo perceived that this Invitation
cannot be quickly or lightly dealt with , and
one of the most pleasing features of these , so
trying days , to mo , is that everywhere
Plymouth church < s recognized as ono
of the foremost platforms of the world
and its past influence for good is confessed
by men in all classes in that community and
there are many who write to mo their own
experience. "
"What nro your own feelings at present in
the matter } "
'I am in great perplexity , I am so deeply
sensible of the great opportunity which is
extended to me. Then I am very much
moved by the unexampled affection and kind
ness shown to mo by the members of
Plymouth church. As to what will bo the
outcome of the matter I am not really able to
say. I shall take moans to communicate di
rcctly with Plymouth church when I am In a
position to say anything dellnite. "
"When do you hope .to bo able to decide ! "
"Of course , the sooner the better for all
parties. The strain is great upon mo and the
unxlety is growing more painful to both the
churches by delay. I had hoped to have an
swered before now but circumstances , which
were beyond my control , have necessarily
delayed the matter. I cannot speak with any
dcflnitcuesa on this point boyoud saying that
1 shall do my utmost to hasten a settlement. "
At this Juncture I folded up my notes as
the carriage-for his departure was at the
door. Ho indeed did look perplexed. I took
leave for the Herald impressed , as , more
over , scorns the general opinion here , that
ho would decline. The magnetism of the
pressure to stay is beside him and there is no
magnetism to urge him to go.
Another member said ; "It seems this is ,
indeed , a diviuo call , but it may boa divine
cull to stir up our church to u higher respon
sibility than that which it has hitherto ac
knowledged. This seems to mo to bo sub
btantially the Idea of the members of the
congregation , which wore uot cffusivo hut
extremely cordial and earnest in their desire
that their pastor stay. "
"What is your own opinion about the situa
tion , and do you think Mr.Ucrry will proceed
to Plymouth or remain j"
"Personally , I think Mr. HCIT.V is anxious
to stay , as I bcliovo ho is deeply attached to
our people. At llrst ray opinion was
ho would go to America , the position
bclnff a great and unique one , but on
further thought and consideration
I have secretly a strong Idea that Mr. Bor-
ry's dcslro will become a determination to ra-
main. The work of Mr. Uerry hcro'has been
very great.t'Ho Uina sense exhausted , but
ho can bo assisted. " ' "
"Do you consider his prospects hero in
England equal to those In America * "
" 1 thln.k Mr. Merry's prospects here in the
shap'o of power and Iniluunco are as good as
elsewhere. "
I next saw Alderman Uantcclc , who was
chairman of the meeting of , so to isppuk ,
"plcavo remain.1 Touching the question
what lie thought his pastor would do he
hald : "Mr. llorr.v ha * tlio courapu ol
anything that a Christian , jnnniy fellow is
equal to. I bcliovo that the call to Plymouth
church is wonderful la Its unanimity anil
power and that it has Impressed ull partly
in this country that Mr. Ur > rr ; ' Is naturiiili
so genuine and st true that -as a chrisliat
man , lie would 1111 any sphere of ohr'stlnr '
work with success if surrounded by true fol
luwcrs. Hut the very same quail
ties that maliu him valuable U
Plymouth church arc these which mak (
him of greater necessity to England , Then
was , during the meeting , a very Intclligcn
response to all questions In which the claimi
of English Congregationalism and llberallsn
couio in.
I also found several who thought Mr
llerry , If ho accepted , misht run the risk o
comparisons und liability to lonlousles wbl < J ]
a feccond wlfo often hcs to take , and to he
til-comfort , among Jicr husband's friends
who Uncnv-aud loved the dead s [ > ous6.
A Lively Indignation Mooting Hold
In Washington.
.Secretary Falrclilht Makes His An
nual Report and SiiKKsts Mentis
For lleduolntf tlio Siirplus-A'u-
tlonal Capital News.
Clpvrland llomidly Dciifrnnucd.
WAiiii.NdTox , Dec. " . At to-day's session
of tlio conference of wool growers and deal
ers of the United States , resolutions were
unanimously adopted declaring that the
wool growers and dealers of the United
States , representing a capital of over fT > 00-
000,000 and constituencies of 1,000,000 wool
growers and dealers , having read President
Cleveland's message , declare Its sentiment a
direct attack upon their Industry and in posi
tive violation of the democratic platform of
IS44 ; that tlio argument made by the president
for the removal of protection against foreign
competition is an old ono repeatedly made by
the enemies of industrial progress , effect
ively answered In nearly every school dis-
trlct of the land and so th'orougly dlsposcd'of
by the logic of fact and demonstration of ex
perience. and history. Our "small holdings' *
and our scattered and unorganized condition
makes us au easy prey to free traders , but
we had a right to expect something different
from the chief executive of tlio mo&t prosper
ous , happy and contented nation 'in the
world , made so by the pol
icy of protection- and develop
ment he * now spelts to destroy ;
wo confess the deep disappointment that our
president favors the interests of our foreign
competitors , Justly alarmed at this position ,
we make an appeal from his recommenda
tions to all the people ; to the 7,750,000 of _ our
fellow citizens engaged in manufacturing ; to
tlio army of wugo earners , whoso wages are
maintained by the protective system ; to the
tradesmen and merchants whoso pros.
perity depends upon ours conll-
dent that their Judgment and decision
will be based upon Justice and patriotism
and therefore for the maintenance of the
American policy of protection , to which the
country Is Indebted for its unexampled de
velopment and prosperity. To demonstrate
the injustice of the president's policy and the
fallac of the remedy ho proposes for the re
duction of the 'surplus , wo point to the fact
that if the whole revenue derived from wool
was abolished , it would reduce the surplus
only about ? 5.000,0X ( > , or less than 10 cents
per capita of the population , which is paid by
foreigners. while the old war
taxes ho recommends retained-
yield over $119,000,000 and is a direct tax pur
capita of $ each and is what makes up the
great bulk of the surplus of $140,000,000 and
which fosters a most dangerous monopoly.
Statistics are then given showing that
the act of 18S4 has increased the revenue
from imported wools and diminished the
number of sheep in the United States about 13
per cent , and the annual product in the same
proportion. Tlio president's policy would
bring about a destruction of this industry ,
and the Hamo policy of reduction or abolition
of the tariff would end in disaster to all
the other industrial productive Enterprises of
the country. _
Secretary Fail-child's Report.
WASHINGTON- . 7. The secretary of the
treasury , in his annual report 'submitted to
congress to-day , says : The total ordinary
receipts of the government , during the year
ending Juno 30 , 1887 , were § 1171,403,000 and
the total of ordinary expenditures were
Wlj.SaS.OOO , leaving a surplus of 4 )5,50S,000 ,
wnich , with tlio amount drawn from the cash
balance in the treasury , makes the total
surplus $ SO,0- > 4,000 which is offered for the
redemption of bonds. For the present year
the revenues are estimated 'at ? 'B3,000,000
and expenditures 8210,818,000 , leaving an es
timated surplus of $00,182,000 on Juno 30 ,
1888. Tlio secretary then gives the following
ways in which the receipts and expenditures
of the government may be made about equal :
1. Purchase of the interest bearing debt of
tlio government ; 2. Largo expenditures by
the government for other purposes than the
mrcliase of bonds so that they shall each
year equal the taxation of that year ; 3. Itc-
iluction of the revenue from taxation to the
amount actually required to meet tlio neces
sary expenses. AH these expedients huvo in
common ono merit of preventing tha derange
ment of business which must follow the
hoarding or locking up in the treasury of the
circulating media of the people. '
Tlio secretary goes on to say. The reduc
tion of the revenue from taxation is the only
lit remedy for the evils whicji threaten the
country. This may b.0 accomplished in va
rious ways. Quo is , to reduce or abolish in
ternal revenue taxation. In favor of this is
thu fact that in a small part of the southern
states the internal tax on liquors and tobacco
is thought to be oppressive and odious to the
l > eoplo of thcso regions ; and the further fact
that , by Its reduction the expenses of ita col
lection might 1)0 somewhat reduced.
As to the expense of collect Ing the revenue ,
I suggest that the amalgamation of customs
and internal revenue systems is entirely
feasible , and that thereby a large number o'f
oftlces might be abolished. I earnestly com
mend this suggestion to the careful consider
ation of congress. To do away with the whole
revenue from internal taxes at present would
so diminish the revenue that it would bo
necessary to lay duties on articles of importa
tion now frco. The revenue from customs
taxation , the secretary thinks , is the place
where the reduction should bo made and ,
while reducing , advantage should bo taken of
the opporiunlty to reform abuses.
Of the surplus , the secretary says ono use
which could bo made of the money is to
diminish thu taxation to such an extent that
the annual revenues will bo less for some
years to como than appropriations , thus , tlio
accumulated surplus would bo used for ordin
ary expenses and tlio people would gain the
greatest possible good from it.
The report shows that the circulation of the
standard silver dollars has increased $10,403 , .
000 during the past year. The secretary says
la regard to this : "Tho law should bo so
amended as to authorize tho'secretary of the
treasury to Issue certitlcutcs against the coin
age value of bullion bought , and to coin onl.\
such number of dollars as ho might deem ex
pedient hereafter. There should always ho
In the treasury enough silver , besides thai
hold against outstanding cortitlcatcs , to tin-
able the government to at once supply un.\
demand lor it on the part of the people. "
The balance of the report is taken up with
the reports of the customs , revenue , marine ,
emigrant and coast survey.
e llanklng System.
WASIU.NOTOX , Dec. 7. Senator , Furwel
Will introduce as soon as the committees uro
formed a bill to perpctuato the national bunk
Ing system as provided for by title LXII pf
the revised statutes and supplementary acts
The bill provides that any banking assoofa
tiou which has been organized or may hereafter
after t-o organized under said statute may , ii
lieu of registered bonds of the United States
transfer mid deliver to the treasurer of tlio
ITnlteil States uny tate or municipal bonds
or Any ilrnt mortgage railroad bonds of the
United States upon which interest heretofore
has been promptly p.iid , and whoso market or
cash value is equal to or greater than tholi
par value , bearing interest at 'not less
than 4 per cent. The provisions o
the Rttttuto will bo applicable to
these the same as to United States
bunds. Provided , that- the treasurer shal
not rocolvo sucii state or municipal bonds a
more than Ja per cent of their value or rail
ixud bonds at moro thim 50 per cent of thol
par value. Ho bhall not receive said rallroai
bonds in amount moro than f500,000,00 (
None of thcso bonds shall bo re
cuivcd by him until appoved by the comp
troller of the currency and Bccrciary of th
treasury. When any association ahull hay
deposited such bonds , the circulation may b
issued , but only lu proportion ot which thoj
are received. Notes Issued secured -by.thei
shall not pw-puit to bo secured by Unite
Statc& bom ) * , .but shall oxpiees Oi
Ihclr face that . they arc secure
Great ; Ijoliday
Cor. Farnarh and 13th
$12 $
$15 $
Criticize Them
$20 $
Buy any of Them
And we Guarantno Satisfaction.
Overcoat'dnd Suit Sale
. .
Cor. Furmtpn ami 13th.
by collateral bonds , Any associa
tion now in existence iwishlng to deposit
bonds hereby authorized in lieu of United
States bonds may do so and the sebretary
shall collect the cost , making the change
and new plates and ) ibes.ji The bill also pro
vides for an amendment to section 5230 of the
revised statutes as follows : "Whenever the
comptroller becomes satisfied that any asso
ciation had refused to pay its circulating
notes , ho may , insteadof cancelling its bonds ,
cause so much of them ns may bo necessary
to redeem outstanding notes to bo sold at
public auction in New York after thirty days'
notice , or ho may proceed in the proper court
t'p collect such bonds ns fast as they mature.
For any deficiency in the proceeds of the
bonds when thus sold or collected the United
States shall have a permanent lion upon all
the association's assets.
Doings in the Senate.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 7. In tlio senate this
morning , after presentation of various com
munications from the heads of departments
and court of claims , Mr. Cullom remarked
that the rule was when bills are introduced
before the committees wcro appointed , to
have such bills laid on the table and that cre
ated unnecessary work. Ho therefore
moved that the senate adjourn , but he with
drew his motion temporarily to permit
Mr. Plumb to offer a resolution
culling on the commissioner of agriculture
for Information as to whether any person in
the employment of that department making
experiments a ? to the manufacture of sugar
from sorgum had obtained or applied for a
patent or patents connected with such manu
facture and growing out of such experiments.
The resolution was adopted.
Mr. Farwell asked his colleague to with
draw his motion so as to allow nim to intro
duce a bill to perpetuate the national bank
Mr. Cullom declined and at 12:20 : the sen
ate adjourned.
Plymouth's Love I-'cnst.
NEW YOHK , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
the HUE. ] Parson Parker shook hands ull
around in Plymouth church last night , for
gave everybody fpr the row raised over him
and effusively said good-bye , whllo tearful
Tommy Sherman told him how much Ply
mouth really admired him. Parker sails Sat
StcnniRhin Arrival * ) .
Nnw YOIIK , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
the BEE. ] Arrived Tlio State of Nebraska ,
from Glasgow : the Wcstcrnland , from An
Movnj.n , Deo. 7 Arrived The Ciarcassla ,
from New York for Glasgow.
STAXIIUIIO , Dec. 7. Arrived ThoMorovia ,
from Now York.
PI.UMOUTH , Dec. 7. Arrived The Wacs-
land , from Now York for Antwerp.
SoiuiAMiTOX , Dec. 7. Arrived The Allor ,
from Now York for Bremen.
Giitsuow , Dee. 7. Arrived Tlio Man Ho-
ban , Philadelphia. '
Frank Selrd , manage * of the Omaha base
ball team , left for CnMito ' yesterday. Ho *
will spend the wlntcij 'lus homo in Montrose -
rose , Mass. , reportijn ; hero again for the
cnmpaigu of 1SS3 about Uie middle of Feb
ruary. - i
It is pleasing to notCjjtha the press of the
city hnvo taken the ruojfrqm tlio HKF.nndaro
pushing Mr. Frank Biuullo's candidacy for
a position on the western association's staff
of umpires. The prospect * of his appoint
ment uru very promisiutf. ; i
Si > orting Editor BKR'I' ' Will you please
state in the columils rif the UKK whether
Muldoon and Lewis , the "Stratiglcr , " over
wrestled. This Is to tlocldii a hot.
Yes , they each won n fall , when Muldoon
pave up the match , acknowledging that ho
was sick and could not win.
Tummy Miller , the feather weight , leaves
for Minneapolis to-day , to bo gone until
spring. A wealthy sorting man has sent
for Tom with the view of getting on a light
for him with the winner of the t-omlng
Warreii-Wolr battle.
Johnny Kullot , the middle-weight cham
pion of the stuto , has gone Into training for
itis contest witli Jimmy Lindsay.
Prut. Ed Miller has matched his twenty-
suvi'ii-pound terrier uifiilnst another local
purp , mid thu Il ht ha- * been lined for Satui-
day night , Uofloiabcr 1" .
M. II. Do Young , wlltor of the San FranCisco -
Cisco Chronicle , accompanied .by his famlry ,
passed through Omaha Ja l evening on his
way homo after u somewhat citeiided trip
through thu cubtoru !
< K
During this sale we propose to give our many
patrons who have known and dealt with us
ever since 1856 ; and the ever increasing trade ,
who appreciate our square and one-price
method of doing business , an actual and bona-
fide bargain in every article. As usual every
garment is marked in plain figures , from which
there is no deviation , Indeed the most preju
diced could not murmer at the marvelously
low price that is put on the really good clothes
we offer during this sale.
$5 , $8 , $10 , $12 , $13 , $15 , $16 , $17 , $20 , $22 ,
$24 , $25 , $26 , $27 , $32 , $35.
These prices are 33 to 40 per cent lower
than eyer offered before by any concern , new or
old. .The last five weeks has not made suffi
cient difference to cause our prices to change.
Our long experience teaches the amount of goods
required for each season , and it is either a poor
business man or a 1 r that'have to advertise his
own mistakes. For 31 years we have catered to
your trade and we can look every'man in the
face and truthfully say we merit your trade on
account of the quality of goods we sell , their per
feet fit and honestly low price.
The Breweries of Sioux City Perma
nently Closed.
The Recent Decision In the Knnsns
LiUpior Cases the Cause A 1'a-
thctlc IMea For Arensilorf
' Iowa News.
Brewery Doors Bolted.
Siocx CITV , la. , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the HEK. ] The Franz Brewing com
pany to-day stopped the machinery in their
brewery , closed their doors and have retired
permanently from business. This brewing
company , like n number of others in Iowa ,
kept on manufacturing beer aftcrtho passage
of the prohibitory law , maintaining that the
state must compensate the breweries for
their property before the property could bo
rendered valueless by stopping the manufac
ture. The decision of the United States
supreme court , the highest tribunal In the
land , is adverse to the brewing interest.
There wore two things left for them to do
close their business or bo closed. The Franz
brewery chose the former remedy.
It U understood that the com
pany will still continue to make
sales to Nebraska , Dakota and Minnesota
points from their Covington office until the
stock now manufactured is sold. There Is
some talk of the plant being moved to South
Sioux City. ThoSoUcr brewery also closed
to-day at noon. Mr. Solzer says ho will never
again open it in Iowa. Ho could not state at
this tlmo what his future plans would bo.
There was , ho said , a probability that ho
would remove to South Sioux City and open
n brewery there , but there was nothing cer
tain ubout this. A number of holes-in-thc-
wall were also closed to-day. All in all , this
has been a momentous day in prohibition his
tory in Sioux City. Mucli sneculation is indulged -
dulgod in as to what effect all this will have
upon the Arcnsdorf trial.
Ai-KuiucntH For the DelViiHO.
Si9U.x CITV , la. , Doc. " . [ Special Tele
gram'to the RBI ? . ] Attorney Argo com
pleted his argument on behalf of the defense
in the Arensdorf trial this inorning , having
consumed u day and u half in jnaking the
same. His presentation of the case and re
view of all the dctaiU wcro strong and nt its
conclusion the audience and some of the
Jurymen were In tears , and the effort was
loudly applauded. At this the court ordered
the room cleared * Attorney Erwin , co-coun
sel , will begin his address in the morning , to
bo followed by Mr. O'Connell , of the pro
, Kuprcma Court Decisions.
Dr.s MoiNUf , la. , Dec. ' " . [ Special Tele
gram to the BKB. ] The Iowa huprcmo
rendered the following decisions hero to-day :
W. .1. Shuck vs Chicago , Uock Island ft
Paclllo railroad company appellant , Davis
district court , Doll Stuart , judge , affirmed.
John Clarcy vs J. C. Kerwoi thy , ctul , ap
pellants , Maharka dlitrict , aflirmed.
Nannie Slater , appellant Vb Chimney Slater ,
Cuss circuit , afllnnc'd ,
James M. I'odor vs Chicago Rock Island .t
Pai-illo railroad company , appellant , Davis
district , reversed.
Improved llrcednrw Afoot.
NKWTO.V , la. , Dec. 7. [ Special Telegram to
lliu Hii' : . ] The fourth annual mooting of the
State Improved lire-tilers' association began
to-day. The attendance has been unusually
largo for the first day and the prospect is
that It will bo the most successful meeting In
the history of the society. The address of
welcome was given by James A , Kcrr , escj. ,
and wan re pomled to In a felicitous manner
py Hon. John McHugh , of CrcHco , The lat
ter gentleman also spoke brirlly on the sub
ject of "Tho Successful Fanner , " bhow-
ing him to bo ono who not only
jnado thu most of his occupation ,
but proved himself a public bunefiiotor. Hon.
Wilson rniuto u clean cut aud charac
teristic address on the "Lessons of the
Timps. " A largo audience this evening enJoyed -
Joyed a rich treat in the lecture of 1'rot.idcnt
Chamberlain , of the Agricultural " rollcgc , on
the important topio of 'Tho American Hey
and What Shall Ho Do For a Living. " An
interesting letter was.roud from J. U. Gren-
ncll , written from the City of Mexico , and a
pleasant cpisodo of the evening was the pre
sentation to Mr. Moniger , the owner of the
champion short horn eattle , of an elegant
gold watch by his friends of the short horn
The Stlcknoy Kallroad System.
DUJIUQUU , In. , Dec. " . At a mooling of the
directors hero to-day the Minnesota & North
western railroad was sold and transferred to
the Chicago , St. Paul ft Kansas City , and
the whole Sticknoy system will hereafter bo
called by the latter title. The directors of
the former road at a meeting in St. Paul on
Monday authorized the sale and those of the
latter accomplished it. The vote was unani
mous. The Minnesota & Northwestern
therefore ceases as an operating line. Tlio
entire system now becomes an Iowa corpora
tion with headquarters at Dubuque. Presi
dent Stickney and the St. P.iul directors
were present to meet with the Dubuque di
Hnwkcyc Horticulturists.
DiVHNroRT , la. , Dec. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the Br.u. ] The eighteenth annual
session of the Iowa Horticulturists' associa
tion began hero to-day. An address of welcome
como was made by Prof. L. H. Withorell.
The president's annual address wds delivered
by C. H. Osborn , of Fulrllold. The report of
the directors dwelt upon thofrultoxperiom-en
of the year , which were unsatisfactory , owing
to tlio unprecedented drought.
Tlio Sata Fo Crosses the Mississippi.
Four MADISOS , la. , Deo. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to the BEK. ] The llrst train crossed
the new Santa Fo bridge over the Mi sis-
sippi river at this place to-day. Tlio wildest
enthusiasm prevailed , The people turned out
en masse and bells were rung and whistles
blown. A largo excursion train was run to
the Illinois side , where it was met by many
citizens and Mayor Hamilton made an ad
dress. Tlio offiuials of the road uro expected
from Chicago to-morrow.
Death of a Klouv Clly Citizon.
Sioux CITV , In. , Dec. 7. [ SpecialTelegram
to the HBK. ] Tins community was pained to
day upon the announcement being madu that
.T. P. Dennis , president of thu Sioux Citv
Foundry company , and ono of our most prom
inent citizens , had died. Mr. Dennis had been
sick hut a comparatively short time. He is
widely known throughout the northwest.
A Dnwltt Church CoiiKiimotl.
Duw ITT , la. . Dec. " . - [ Special Telegram
to the Br.K. ] The Congregational rhurch at
this place burned lust tiiuht with u loss of
t3fiOO : Insurance , § 1,700. The pastor , Key.
Mr. Cliappcl , loses an extensive library. A
defective Hue was the cause.
. . A. Huccossful Itciinlon.
IOWA CITV , la. , Dec. 7. Tlio reunion of the
Sons of Veterans to-day under the auspices
of the Kirkwood-Clark camp was a great
Tlio IluliiHlioi-Kor Trial.
MAIISIHI.I.TOW.V , la. , Dec. 7.-Argument
was concluded in thu rtalnsberger murder trial
last night , the llft.-enth day of the trial and
the Jury was instructed and sent out this
Nobruskfi Domoci-atn fur
CHICAGO , Dec. 7.-Sponial [ TolcKramto the
Bur 1 Hon. J. H. Creli'cton , of Omaha , was
in the cItv to-day. Ho declares tlui Nebraska
lolpgotlon to the dcmodiitlo national conven
tion will undoubtly bo for Cleveland.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla.
When Baby was sick , we g vo her CiutorU.
Wbeti the wu a CTillJ , aha cried for CutorU ,
When ( tie became MlM , tie clung to CostorU ,
When ibo b d Children , iba e to them Cwtort * .
L111L1 } Mil
Who Doubts His
ing ,
Who Is Wi.VK : , NEUVOl'S. ni'.IUMTA-
TKD. wholiihlsFOM.YnmUGJVOnAKre
hnsTIliri < ii : nwaVlilrt VI OHof HOI Y ,
MINI ) ami .1AXHOOInushi cxljuiietlng
drains Upon tlio FOIINTAINN of MFK ,
HEAlA ! IIt : , nACUA 'lin , . Dr adml
Dreams , WGAUNF.K * of Mumory , HASH.
the FACE , nml all tlio EFFECTS Icnrtlns to
KAKI.Y DECAY nml pcrhnin ( 'OXNUMPt
TION or INSANITY , uliouM coiiMilfnt once
the CEIiERKATED Ir ) , Clark ? , ICstnMlshcd
1HM. ] ) r. Clnrka has made NMCVOl'S I E-
DIMTY. : iIKO.M ! nml nil Diseases of
the UEXITO UIU.YAIIY Orpins n Life
H'tidy. H makes NO clincrcnco WHAT you
, nvc taken or WHO lias failed to euro yon.
B-FEMAI.EHRunerliiBfrom diseases pecu
liar to their coz can consult H lib the assurance
of speedy relief and cure. Send 2 cents postage
for works on your diseases.
TBcud 4 cents poitn o for l'olcbrnt a
Wnrkw on t'hroiilr , Norvnn * and I > cltt
cute Discuses. Consultation , personally or by
loiter , fro < > . Consult tlio old Doctor.
TlionmtnilM cured. OOIrmatid | i rlor *
urUatc.Those ooutemrilatlnH MarrUKO
nend fur Dr. Clnrko'H celebrated guido
Mnlo and Female , each 1&C. , both 2Ac.
( stamps ) . Bcfnro contldlnK your case , consult
Dr. CI.AHKE. A friendly letter or call may
l vo future suffering and shame , and tad
years to life.Book " Life's ( Secr
ram , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medicine and
sent everywhere , secure from expMUre.
Hours , 8 to B : Sundays , to 12. Address ,
P. D. CLARKE , M. D.
188 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO. ILL.
FOR the year 18S3 FRANK LESLIE'S
POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has
been aptly styled "TUB MONARCH OP
TUB MONTHLIES , " will be better than
ever. Articles upon topics ol current
public interest , ( sketches of eminent per-
tons , strong and brilliant fatories , and
poetry of a liigb order , profusely illus
trated by the best artists , and all by
writers of recognized merit , will fill ita
panes. To the old and favorite corps
of contributors will be added writers 01
promise , and no effort will be spared to
keep the magazine ill the foremost rank.
In the November number was begun an
earnest and powerful ta'c ,
"PRINCE LUCIFER , " by Ella W. Pierce ,
which hai already attracted widespread
atcntion and charmed'nuilliUirlc * o
readers. Subscriptions may begin , if de
sired , with the November number.
Each issue contains a
Full-Page Picture in Colors ,
the scries of twelve forming for the yctr
a beautiful collection of gems of modern
The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large
! twice the matter of
octa\o pages , nearly
similar publication * , and is not only the
best , but by far the cheapest , of any of
the magazines for the people ,
$3 per year ; 25 cts per copy
Specimen copies , 15 cents.
M , ,15 and 57 Park Place , New Ywk-
. Toothful , Irapr
through crrojn und l > d practice * CyNlip *
' JIM MKA1 * CO fti.OCU t It , Bt.iAiUlA (