Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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i Progress of Stovonson's Trial lu
the District Court.
fr Hut Uo Iluil Cliitilicd Her nnil i'lllcd
Her Mouth AVitli Hnnd-oilior
Tins Jlullwny
When tlio district court opened yesterday
( lie room wai crowded with spectators to hear
the evidence iignlnM , Sum Stevenson tlio
alleged rapist. Miss Lulu Kspoy was
the first witness called , nnd
her evidence was of the most sensational
character , nnd was told in tin Impressive nil
oftimc.s dramatic manner. Miss Kspuy is
rather pretty nnd possesses u line form. She
was neatly dressed in black , the same diess
she wore on the night of her memorable
drive with tlio prisoner. Her testimony was
given in u straightforward manner , and once
or twice on cross-examination she broltc
into tears. Her testimony was very damag
ing to the prisoner , and her tale of his us.igo
of her was simply horrible. Hut It must bo
said that Miss lispcy made an almost fatal
admission on cHm-cxamlnatlon. After re
counting the details of n cruel assault , almost
unequalled In criminal history , she admitted
that when she and Stevenson arrived homo
Bho Ijlsscd him good night. This created a
profound sensation.
The policy of the defense was outlined by
the cross-examination , mid will undoubtedly
bo that her character is not of the best , and
that she 1ms associated with bad women ;
that Stevenson and her had some words over
, , another girl of whom Lulu was jealous , and
that lie simply shipped her.
Miss Kspcy's story , as told jn court yes
terday , Is as follows : She has lived
In Omaha over two years , and form
erly worked at tlio Canlleld house in
the capacity of waitress. About two
yeas ago she and one Maggie Kowley went
for a drive , and on North Sixteenth sti cot
met Sam Stevenson and Dirk 11111. The
quartette then drove into the country and re-
innlncil there until dark. She subsequently
met him at a ball and once at a picnic. Sat
urday night , October - - , nho met Stevenson
near where she now lives , and ho asked her
to take a drive. Slie went Into the house ,
dressed and came out. Then they drove up
and down Sixteenth street several times , and
jlnally out to Dick Hill's place. Not finding
Hill there they started back home and met
him on Sixteenth street. He invited them to
return with him , Stevenson turned to her
and asked her If she wanted to go. She
said no , hut he K'wiui turning the horse.
She protested and attempted to turn the
horse by grabbing the reins. Ho persisted ,
niul forcibly had his w.iy. Arriving at Hill's ,
Stevenson got out , and she alighted for u
moment to look for an earring she had
dropped. Having found it , she got
hack In the buggy and Stevenson went in
side. In a few minutes he returned and they
ngaln drove olT. Stevenson stated that ho
desired to see n man further til ) the road.
Soon tile" I'.ri'ivcd in a lonely Held and sud
denly ho seized her and throw her out. She
made a clutch at him while rnlliiig and acci-
dcntly grasped the revolver ho had in his
belt. Ho immediately jumped out and threw
himself upon her and struck her three blows
with his list , Inllieting severe wounds. Then
she attempted to scream and he tilled her
mouth with dirt. Wrenching the pistol from
her ho said that if she resisted ho would kill
her and trncK her three times with the butt
end of it causing her to become senseless.
What followed who does not know until she
felt herself being lifted into the carriage.
Then they stinted back and when they
reached Hill's place she went into a bedroom
nnd washed her face three times. Then they
returned to town and at a drug store corner
of Sixteenth and i Capitol avenue ho pro
cured hur some medicine and then they
went to her home. Miss * Kspoy
Btated that the prisoner told her not to dare
to tell any of her friends. Prior lo this on
the road out ho particularly inquired other
if she had any relatives in the city and she
replied that nho had not. She also stated
that tlio hot-so was a very spirited animal.
When she arrived homo she informed her
friends , Mr. and Mrs. frank Anderson , of
the alT.iir. A physician. Dr. Kalph , was
called and her wounds dressed. Miss Kspoy
also stated that her dress and other clothes
wei o towi.
The cross-examination called out several
impoitaut admissions. First , that the hor--o
was so wild and spirited that she was afraiil
of him , and yet during the violent struggle in
the Held the horse stood stark still. Sec
ondly , that Stevenson entered the bed cham
ber at Hill's with her and assisted her in
milking her toilet. Thirdly , that while it
was a cloudy night she could distinctly see u
barb wire fence from forty to lifty feet away.
Fourthly , thafshe kissed her assailant good
night alter arriving home.
On the whole Miss Kspoy made a credit
able witness in the three hours of the ordeal
was piompt In her replies , and did not con
tradict herself save in u few statements.
City Physician Ralph was the next witness.
Hotcstillcd that ho was called to attend Miss
Kspoy. He found her greatly prostrated and
badly bruised about the head and shoulders.
Ho corroborated Miss llspey's evidence as to
her bruises.
Mrs. Fannie Anderson of 001 ! South
Klovcnth street , with whom MlsslCspey lived
lit the time of the assault was next called.
Her ovldenco on direct examination lully
corroborates Miss Kspoy.
oriiNixn Tin ; r. i : . A M. v. iiovn.
The line of tlio Fremont , Klkhorn & Mis
souri Valley road will bo opened to this city
oil Sunday next and trains will bo run over
it to Fremont , Hastings , Walioo , and 11 num
ber of points in the northwestern part ot tno
Another interesting publication lias been
milled to the choice ones which have already
been issued by the Chicago , Milwaukee &
St. Paul road. H is n small Hen Franklin
nlmanao which has just been issued by the
Chicago , Milwaukee it St. Paul road. H con
tains all the astronomical information regard-
ingtho seasons which is generallyrequired to
gether with pages of information which Is
valuable for all kinds of people.
tin : coMiMi r\sr TIUIXS.
No ofticial announcement has yet been
made regarding the fast irittim on the Chicago
cage Milwaukee & St. Paul or I ho Chicago ,
Uock Island & Pacille railroads , save that the
oniclals are still busily engaged In working
upon the tables lor the new speeders. A
Milwaukee representative yesterday said
Unit the eastern roads were now waiting for
the Union Pacific , which had more to do In
the matter than other roads , The trains , ho
mild , would not run earlier than next Sun
day , oven If they should run at that time.
He did not thinl : that they would follow the
ftchcdnloof the H. &M. between Chicago and
Ounilm , because the time of that toad leav
ing here , i\M \ in the afternoon was too early
to give * satisfaction to traveling men , who
were thus compelled to break in upon
tlio afternoon and leave work undone
to catch an early train. The
train from Chicago , arriving hero at
live o'clock in the mornjng , also was not the
most accommodating thing in the world , oven
If passengers wcro not allowed to remain in
their berths until eight o'clock. The cur was
side-tracked , sometimes milled up and down
u couple of times and often set near an en
gine which \vus blowing off Us steam. If n
man wanted to sleep , his next neighbor
to get up and so on , the plan would not be u
success. All this could bo obviated by hnv
Ins Iho train stint later from this city , which
ho thought they would. The train would
probably leuvo hero at sovcn o'clock In the
evening and reach Chicago , say about cloven
o'clock next day. That would enable a trav
eling nmn to llnlsh his business here mill
reach Chicago in time for dinner , a little rest ,
and then a lull afternoon for work , Hcslilcs
It brought him nearer to nil the principal con
nections going cast from Chicago , not one of
which left until the uftcinoon. Thc&o coining
fiut trains would net us supply agencies to
the Union Pacille and this fact would rentier
it ueco sary for them to work in connection
With it.
Some time OHO , Mr. Hums' , the transfer
age-iit , ot the UlulTtr , wav given authority of
trulu.und tux-men uml
engineers of the Union Pnelflo at that place.
Jacked by thin Authority , It sci'ins that
ii1 , a short time ago , discharged an wiglneer-
lamed Joseph Soren.ion nnd a llremiln
unified Uoncli. Thi C l-liilm that the dismis
sal was unwarranted , nnd brought the mut
ter to the attention of the grievance commit-
cs of their respective committees and by
these it was placed before .Mr. Hackney ,
who gave It Immediate attention , with the
estilt , It Is claimed , that both men have been
reinstated In their old positions.
It is repot ted that there Is a grievance ex-
wrlrnrril by the engineers On the Oregon
short Line , the dissatisfaction having ailseii
jccnuso of some action of the superintend
ent , Mr. Hllckenderfor , The matter will bo
eferrcd to the brotherhood of locomotive
A rosTpovr.D
There was to have been nmeetlngycstcrdiiy
icro of rcprcxentntlvos of western lines , In
: ho Interest of Kansas. For some time past ,
tahas been claimed that Nebru"ku has en
eyed the advantage of better rates on through
; rnllle than 1ms been accorded Kansas. Tlio
nirposo of this meeting was to do away with
.his discrimination , It is that eventually
Lhioiigh rates from Mississippi river
mints and bcvond will bo materially reduced.
The meeting in question has been postponed
until next Thursday when the following
roads will probably bo represented : Atchl-
son , Toiickii & Santn Fc. , Chicago , Kansas &
Nebraska , Union Pacific , Missouri Paclllc ,
St , Louis fc San Francisco , Southern Kansas ,
Fott Scott & f'.ulf , St. Joseph & Grand Island -
land , U. it M. Fremont , Klkhorn & Missouri
Valley. Hesides these there will also bo
present a representative of the Southwestern
Tranie association.
CIMST lll'SINiS. :
Tlio Missouri Paclllo Is now doing nn ex
cellent passenger and fi eight business be
tween this city and the coast , the run for the
former comprising seven da.VH to San Fran
cisco , via the Southern Pacific road.
Yesterday two Hat cars loaded wit
sand collided in front of the yardmnstcr'a
ofllro in tlio upper Union Pacille yards. Hoth
cars wcro badly smashed. Heforo noon the
wreck had been cleared away. No one was
Two Union Pacifle locomotives collided
last night near Thirteenth street. As they
were moving verv slowly no particular dam-
ugo was done. No one was hurt.
( . ' . E. Finney , railway commercial agent of
Kansas City , is in the city.
P. D. Pnpln , commercial agent of Memphis ,
Now Orleans and Texas , eamo into town last
RoiiiPllody'H Clillil.
Soinnbody's child is living ( lying
with the Jliisli of hopaon his young fnco ,
nnd boinobodyV mother ; thinking of tlio
tinio when Unit duiirfnco will bo hidden
whore no rily of hope win brighten it
boejvuso there wns no euro for consump
tion. leniler , if the child bo your
neighbor's , tnke this comforting word
to the mother's heart before it is too
late. Tell her Unit roiibuinpUoii is cur
able ; that men are living to-dny whom
the pbyhiciatiH pronounced incurable ,
because ono lung had been nlmost de-
hlroycd by the di.seiiho. Dr. Pii-rec's
" ( olden mOr.U'iil Piscovery'1 1ms cured
hundreds- surpasses cod livoi' oil ,
li.VpopliOftpliite.-t , and other medicines
iii curing this disease. Sold by drug
Mr. L. Heller is no longer in my em
ploy. It. it. Gitorri : .
Dee. 1st. 1887.
lie Is Charged With Improper
Police Ofllcer George W. Uayworth has
been suspended by Chief Seavcy , ami there
is but little doubt that investigation of Die
outrage with which ho is charged will result
in his permanent letiremcnt fiom the force.
Just what his offense was can better bo un
derstood by the story of Miss M. L. Wilson ,
u comely young dressmaker who resides at
the northeast corner of Thirteenth street
and Capitol avenue :
' 1 came from Sheridan , la. , " began the
young lady , "nearly live years ago , and
began the vocation of dressmaker. I am
well known to many of the best families in
the city. Monday afternoon I was sitting
at my window busy with my work. Sud
denly I observed a man standing on the side
walk and staring at me. 1 sat still a mo
ment thinking , that ho might not mean any
thing and would soon move on. lint ho
continued to stare at mo in uti insulting way.
1 got up and moved out of sight , A moment
later I was stai tied on hearing my door open ,
and glancing up , saw the same man's
head thrust in and his eyes were
lixed upon me. I was frightened : I thought
ho was drunk , but I nroso hastily and , approaching
preaching the door , I said : "What do you
wnnti'1 Ho said : "Don't bo afraid of me ;
I'm coming in " I asked him what ho wanted
and ho replied "Something , " and ho fright
ened me so that 1 grasped the door knob and
tried to push the door closed , tolling him that
ho could not como in. Ho then rudely shoved
the door back , almost pushing mo to the floor ,
and walked in. Uy tins time I was nearly
frantic. 1 backed away from him , holding my
hands up to keep him off , all the time
beseeching him to go out and asking him
what ho wanted , Ho said , 'Uon't make sue )
n fuss : I've got a right to come in here. ' J
said , 'No , you haven't ; who arc you , nn < '
what do you want ! ' 'That doesn't malto any
difference,1 ho replied : * I have a right to como
hero and I am heto , so what are you going to
do about itC 1 had backed to the side door
on Capitol avenue by this time , ho advancing
slowly upon mo. . ' . i I reached the door , i
said : 'You have no right here , whoever you
me ; 1 don't know you , and you have mudo
n mistake ; you have up right to
enter n lady's room In this manner.1
'Yes , 1 have,1 said he , 'I have a right to enter
anybody's room I want to. and 1 don't have
to knock , either , 1 am a police olllcer,1 and ho
pulled aside his coat and displayed his star ,
No. : w. I told him that it did not matter
whether ho was n police olllcer or not , ho had
no right to como into my room in that wnv ,
and again I asked him what ho wanted. Ho
said : 'Just keep still , 1 am a police ofllcer ,
and have n right to go into any
woman's chamber,1 mul then as ho took
another step toward me , I ran Into the
street screaming at , the top of my voice. A
gentleman , happening along , ran to mo and
asked mo what was. the matter , and I told
him there was n man in my room nnd I
thought ho must bo crazy. The gentleman
told mo to remain where I wart and ho ran
down to the police station and inn few
moments icturnod to our house. The man
was still in my room , and the two ofllccrs
went in , talked to him a moment , mul then
they wont off together , without offering any
explanation to mo at all. "
Dleliolil Sales ,
Call and heo tlio large htoek Meag-
her & Seni-h , Gou'l Agt's. have on Imud
at 1 IIT ) Farmim St. , Omaha.
Injured tit a Kmmwny.
About 5iO : ! last ovoaing L. H. Spencer , the
assistant county surveyor , while driving
down Twenty-seventh street , near Leaven-
worth , was accidentally thrown from his
buggy , and was found lying senseless by
some persons who happened to bo passing by.
His horse wus found standing about a couple
of blocks away , but the cause of his fall
could not bo determined. Ho was taken to
his home on the corner ot Twenty-fourth and
Pierce , and a physician sent for. As yet
the extent of his Injuries , which are mainly
Internal , have not been determined.
If the gentleman whose lips pressed
the lady's snowy brow and thus caught a
severe cold hud but used Dr. Hull's
Cough Syrup , nodoctor's bill would Imvo
Some feiiius proposes to introduce
paper shirts. Wearing paper shirts
means bearing rheumatism. With Sal
vation Oil , however , paper shirts might
still be a MieccbS. Price iia cents.
Soidonborg's Figaro , the only lOc
cigar for oc. Ask your dealer for them.
Max Meyer ACo. . , wholesale depot.
Dint ) .
UOIKN Frcilorli-lc , son of PeterS , Holcn ,
- - r. , aged 3 vears and rt utOiUhs.
, rjuiS-al : will , take place December ? , at 1 p ,
in. , from 'nu'iity.nhrtu. amUard \ .streets.
VYiiindfa urc in'vilcJ. % . . ,
J. M Strahprn , of Mntvern , In. , is at the
Kxchangc. ,
C H. Benedict , of Shelby , In. , brought in
n car load of cattle.
It. K. Kecfer , of Emerson , Nob. , regis
tered at the Kxchangc.
George Winters had n car of ] own cattle
on sale yesterday.
I. . . Carpenter , who has been 111 for some
time , Is around again.
11 , F. Church , of Pierce , Is in with a con
signment of hogs and cattle.
One hundred cars of hogs were reported at
noon with prices about le ( ) higher.
1. J. Knar , of Hennett , brought In a car
load of cattle and sold them bolero noon.
The council has appointed a committee to
buy the hose and niuzle required by the lire-
A clock for the accommodation mid Information
mation of travelers Is needed at the Union Pa
cific station ,
Messrs. Ho o and Frit ? , of Pcnder
Neb. , are on the nniikct witli n car of hogs
and a car of catUo.
Light hogs are a drug on the market and
are not wanted. Commission men are re-
shlpping them to Chicago. Shippers should
cut this out and keep It.
H. Levy did some grading for Pete Anson ,
nnd a dispute nrmo at the settlement. Judge
Levy acted as arbitrator at his court yesterday
mornlnp , and assessed Pete fl'JO and costs.
The Nebraska Telephone company handed
in an ordinance to the council
granting them the privilege of erecting poles
on the streets , It was referred to the com
mittee on ordinances and will probably pass
through the hands of City Attorney Grlco
before the next meeting.
Tlio new Piesbytcrian church nt tIIP corner
of Twenty-fifth and 1 streets will be dedic
ated at - : : ! ( ) p. m. on Sunday next. The
opening sermon will bo delivered by Hov.
W. W. Harsha , D. D. Many other prominent
ministers will bo present. A good choir will
also be in attendance. An invitation la ex
tended to all to attend.
The new year will find South Omaha city
in tlio second class of the first order , which
will confer upon the council the power to
issue bonds for municipal improvements , as
well as several other privileges. Tlio only
hitch in the proceedings Is caused by the af
fidavit of P , J , Corrigan , which does not
specify that the ground covered by him as
census taker , was not also covered by the
census taker of the First and Third wards.
Governor Thaycr has nskcd for another uf-
Some time ago Jacob Wizleman deposited
? 100 with Samuel liNcman for safe keeping.
When ho called for it Simon gave him a 11. )
wagon and allowed him to draw * . " > to SlU at a
time until he had secured about $70. When
he called for the remaining $30 , Kiscmnn
gave him a sound thrashing and was arrested
inconsequence. Judge Levy heard the evi
dence this morning and the only defense the
prisoner could make was that the blows fol
lowed a religions discussion and had nothing
to do with the collection of the bill. Tlio
judge thought he should practice the religion
ho preached and tlncd him ? 10 and costs for
not doing so.
CITV corxcit , .
At the regular meeting of the council Mon
day night Aldermen GIasirowUnrk.Lcnscher ,
Knfforty and nActing-Mayor Smith were
jvrcrf't. . TJio missing members were Mayor
yavago and Adsri' ! > mi Geary. After routine
business , the committee on Rtwts nnd alleys
reported on the 'condition of tlio old countv
road , but as the ropoit was not considered
satisfactory , it was referred back , The com
mittee in charge of the extension of N street
asked for more time , which was gianted.
The monthly statement of Police
Judge licuthor was read and approved ,
and the linanco committee reported
lavorably on the bills of Frank Kngel , P. J.
Corrigan , Patrick Sweeney , J. P. Tracy , John
Murphy , Uruno Stratlunnn , John Lane and
.William Hosworth , for services rendered.
On motion , the report of the city treasurer
was adopted and placed on tile , and the ic-
portof Judge Keuther for the month of Oc
tober was handed back for correction. The
judge was also instructed to Itemi/o the lines
imposed , and the names of the persons fined
in the future. The report ot the city mar
shal v s received , and on motion of
Alderman Htirko referred back to be
itemized. A motion of Alderman Lucs-
cher , that bills for salaries to the
amount of fl'JI.M ) bo allowed , and that
warrants in payment of the same be issued ,
was put and curried. A number of other
bills were refetred back back to the finance
committee. On motion of Alderman Glas
gow -MOO was voted to repair H street , and
tlio monthly repoit of Treasurer Hunt re
ferred to the linanco committee. J. M. DC
Gralf presented his account for i T3 overpaid
by him while village treasurer , and Alderman
1 Jurkc moved that it bo not accepted , which
was carried. Ordinance No. It ; ) , relating to
the appointment of a lire warden , and ordi
nance : W , for the establishment of electric
light wires , were referred to the ordinance
committee. Alderman Burke moved that the
action of the city council in suspending Of
llcer Sevton bo reconsidered , but the vote re
suited in a tie and no action was taken. Al
derman Smith was instructed to secure suit
able premises for the city jail and city offices ,
and the council adjourned until December 19.
Cahlll was brought before Judge Bcrka
yesterday and nobody appearing against
him , ho was discharged. It seems that Oflicer
Hloom was the only person who know any
thing about the Into charge , mid ho was
asleep at home , after his night's work , In his
absence , Cahill was set free.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never vnnca. A ninrile ! of puri
ty. htteiiKtli and whnlpsomfunst. Jloro econom
ical than the ntdlnary kinds , and caunnt be
nold In competition with tlio multitude ot low
roit , hhort welh'ht alum or iihnsuhato powderi.
Sold onlv In cans , itoyul liakmg Voider Co. ,
120.Vull St. , New York.
Of our customers , after seeing the incomparable bargains we offerecl during the last two
weeks express astonishment at the prices. The secret is simply this. The warm weather and
late season have had a very depressing effect upon the wholesale trade. Manufacturers are
overstocked and discouraged and the same goods which a few weeks ago they intended and
expected should bring them a fair profit , they are now ready to sacrifice at almost any price.
This is the chance for the retailer. It is merely a question of who can use the quantities. The
firm that does a large business can take advantage of such opportunities. We are in this hap
py position. Our ample resources enables us to buy in enormous quantities for cash ; we sell
on same terms and the quick return of the money makes the smallest profit satisfactory. Any
one can see the force of these remarks by coming and pricing our goods.
Another lot of those fine Chinchilla Satin Lined Overcoats at $14.5O. The first lot sold so quick that during
for less than twice what wo ask for it , $14.50.
Another lot of Overcoats to which we call attention is a splendid Shetland , lined with double warp Italian satin
sleeve lining , silk velvet colar and corded edge. These we have in blue and Oxford colors , sixes 3i ! to 38. It is an elegant
coat for a young man , very nobby and of splendid cut. Wo oiler it at $8.90 and guarantee the real retail value of it to bo
at least $15.
In Single Pants , we make for this week the following remarkable offers :
One lot strictly all wool , heavy winter weight , grey striped Cassimere Pants , well made at $1.50 , fully worth $3.
One lot heavy all wool Fine Cassimere Pants , in dark neat striped patterns at $2.10 , worth $4
One lot very fine silk mixed Cassimere Pants at $3.50 , worth $5.50.
One lot of elegant Worsted Goods , in choice patterns , at $3.90. These last are equal to any custom-made pants and
have never been offered for less than § 0 to $7.
Remember that in our Boys'and Children's department can be found suits and overcoats at
about one half their real value and for which we challenge comparison.
In our Hat and Cap department , we offer a large assortment of fur and other winter caps , far
below the prices of others. Genuine imported Scotch caps , high crown , at 35c ; sold everywhere
at 60c to Toe , Good heavy knit caps , turban style , men's and boys' sizes at 30c. Jersey caps ,
silk lined , men's and boys' sizes at 4Oc , which cannot be bought elsewhere for less than 75c to $1.
In our Glove department , we carry the largest assortment of winter gloves and mitts and offer
some big drives.
Good heavy knit wool mitts , men's sizes 2Oc , boys' sizes 15c.
Very heavy best fulled wool mitts at 4Oc and 45c ; sold by other dealers for 75c.
Good lamb lined kid gloves at 5Oc , which would be cheap at $1.
Goocl fur top gloves at 50c , worth 75c.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
* - * ovint A MILUOM
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000
Louisiana State Lottery Company ,
Incorporated liy Hie LecHutiire In 1 S , for Kilnea mul Oinrltiililu purposes , mul lt franchise
innile 11 part of tl.e pre > em Mule Constitution , In 1SW ,
Uy mi ii\ernlii > 1inliiii tiopiilnr vote.
It * ( iranit Mnjile Number Drawing * take place
montlily. nnd the ( iiunil M'ml-Annual Diiuvlai ; regu
larly c\ery MX months i.lunu mul Uoiuiuber. )
" \\'P ilo hereby pprtlfy that rc "iiipervl p thonr-
ran 'cmenl * for all Hit ) monthly nml feint-annual
Drawing of Thp I/nilslHiia Mattt Lottery Company ,
uiitl In pen-on manaK" ami ( ontrol the ilrawinL'HthtMii-
* elvi" * , ami that the KUIIP arucimctm toil ulth noneity
lalrnp s anil In nooil faith towanl all parties , amiTU
iinthnrlrc thn Cimipatiy to ii'n tliln ( ertltliato ultli
lap thnllus of our slguatuic attached , In Its aUvertltc-
meuts. "
\Ve , the umlcr'lcnf < 1 Ilanknnml Hankers trill pay all
! 'rtres ilrawn in the UuilJlanu SHato Lotteries wlilcli
ma to preit'nteU at our counter" .
II. OCihKS JIV , I're . IxHiMami NutlomI IlmS.
l'Iimtr. : LANAUX , rre . Mate. National llunk.
A. UAMlWIN , l're . New Orleans National
CAHI. KUIIN , 1'res. . Union National Uank.
In tlio Academy of Music , J\i\v Or
leans , TuosdnyDecember tiJ.IHK" .
CAPITAL PRIZE , $300,000.
] 00,000 TickelH t Twfinty . . _ _
Kuch. llalvi-H $1O ; Quarters So ;
Tenths $2 ; Twontiotlis $1.
LIST or riuzrs.
1 I'lil/.K OK ( . 'H.IIH I *
1 I'HI/.i : Oh' 1IPI.IIII In 1IU.IUI
1 I'ltlXK ( IP [ 4IIIU ! < < fd.ial
1 I'lll/.K UK UUItl Is ffiijmi
2 IMIIXK-OK 10,1111 nro LUIIll
5 I'HI/i : * * Ol' Aliilnrt ! li'i i )
3S l'lll/.i : > OK 1,111) ) MIU J-lil (
111) ) I'HI/.IN ( IK Mil niu Hutu
J l I'lllXKs OK : < liiro IH.H ( )
ritlXHrt OK an urn . . . luyjuu
1(0 ( Trlres of f.Vm approximating ; tu
( .lll.KUI'rt/u uro ftJ.UJJ
1UO I'rl/ei * of $ .111) ) approximating to
tlliMln I'rl/o are 3JU ( )
100 rrlte ofr.iilai | | > ro.\lmatlnilu
fiU.UU 1'rlze are 3JIU )
THIMINAI , l'111/.l 1.
J.OCO I'rlzcs of tlOUileelileU by. . .tMI.UUO
rrlzoari- 100.0UQ
1,000 l'rle of iflUlileclileil by . . . WIW )
J'rliuare linniu (
S.lJii I'llics amounting to fuv | > , ( iK )
Furrlub rates , or any further Inlurmutlon apply to
theumlersluneil. our Inindwrlthu limit hi ) cll-tlnit
mul lcmillire plain. More rapid rctvm mail delivery
ttlllliuiisMireil by your enduring an envelope bearlni ;
your lull nililrons.
ml l'O > l'Ali N OTKft , express money orilcru , or
Ncno Vork Kxclmneo In onllnary letter. Currency b
wprcss ( nt uur eii > en ) " 'Jjl ' ojJmln $
WA ui > QToy. n. c.
Address Registered Letters to
1) l7'M"T\r m71l ? Tliiit Hip urofi'iiro ot Oen-
IlillLJjlM LilJIl erHl ll nrciiaril nml
> : rlr , whoure In chnrnuot the ilran-lnu'i , i n KUKF *
antco of ubsolntu ! alrm > o nnd Intrfrlt- . that thn
ihuiicenaruulleqnnl.nnil thut no emi cun pusMbly
Ulvlni' what nuuiler will draw n 1'rlie.
li\ti.MIllill ! : : thitt the payment of nil prices Is
OKI LANK , anil the tickets uru tinned by the president
of nn InMlliitlon whose chartered rictus ro itreoi *
nlied In the hluhcit tourts ; Ihcrufoic , bewuiu ot any
jultatlons ur auuurmous tcticuiCK.
I pro'crlbn and fully en
dorse lllc ( i K > th only
tperlHo lortheicrtalucuru
of tliltdliirait * .
Auittridam , N. Y.
We uavo fold Ills lor
innny yi-art. and It hm
Klvcn the bell of eatli-
U , . nvcur.Aco. . , III ,
O. FoUl by
. CU'lA.KD F'l U.G-
.incomparably tlioEabt , .
Perolierons ClyiU" rtftlcs and Shin1 , ul-o lioino
lived colts. l-\ ; cry nntiiuil Kinir.uileed a lireeder.
Our stock lia > lieeu Helected with reference to
lioth merit and iiedlnreu. Some of
the i ! Inn-M'S have taken pri/u at the No-
liraika State I'elr , 1W7. All o'lr hot > es are ac
climated , and colts of tliftlr i'et can lioslio\\n.
1'rlces ri'nsonutilu and easy term' ' . Is ucre lblu
liv tlio three leaillni ? ralltuads of tlio btatc , II. A :
M. ; ! ' . , E. & 'M. V. . and K. C. \ O.
FHV i ; KAI IK UAH , York , N'el ) .
Glasgow via Londonderry ,
Liverpool via Queenstown.
Are Strictly Klr l-C'lu , nnd nmona
the lariiext , tasteit and lluest In the world.
Haloon , xecond cluisnnd otecraiie I'lmrnuer
AccnminoelntlaiK Unrvoellrd. i\erj :
reiiaul for the. eomtortnnd confrnleneo of pan-
tensers studiously considered uud practlcod
bteiuncra nvery batiirday for liln'Kiitr. t'lt > ot Homo
MiHsfor Liverpool October 1' ' . It In the In wen I and
finest pn seiik'er steamer altoat. Hates ol paj auc lor
nil clauses m low as by any oilier tlrst-tlas * line.a -
loon excursion ticket * ut reduced rate * . Dull" lor
ny amount at lowe t current late" , ror hooka
of tour * , ticket * , or ttirlhcr Information , apply to
MUOKK .Omalia.Neli.
Sample Bottles Free.
' An Efficient Itomcdy for
DiarrhoeaCholera MnrlaiH , Dysrntory
And all DUordcrs of the Iloircli. Imported by
Mihalovitch , Fletcher & Co. , Cincinnati , 0.
Kor halo by the follow int.'tlcaletfi : Itlihardson Druff
Co , Illuke , Ilruce & Co. , Adler A Heller , ( iladMunu
llron. , t Co. , r'rank llollone \ Co. II U , lirotte. und
all nliolenulu and retull ilniKvlata , llijuur dealum uad
tTlnu merchant * uver > wlieiu.
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send for'College Journal.
S. . E. Cur. IGtJi and Capital Ave. '
Omaha Medical and Surgical institute
N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets ,
i o ii TIM : Tiii.muNT : : or u.i.
Braces , AplianccsforDeforiiiitics&TriissGS
Hr t facllltlc' , apparntn' and remedies for iioce'-
fill tmiltnent ot e\ery lormol ( li-c-l.-o : lfiiilrlnK | .MM-
knl or Mirt'li'iil Treiilment.
Forty new rooms lor patient ! * ; bust hospital accom-
niodallon1 * In the upt.
WIIITI : i nil Ciiiri'i.Alis on Deformltf" n nd llrace < ,
Club Keel.Curvatiini of Iho S-plne. l'lle , Tiimir ( < ,
Cum er. Catarrh , llronohlti * , Inhiihillon , Kleclrlell ) ,
l'nril : > l , Cpllepiy. Kidney , Illadder , Ke , Kur , bkln ,
and lllouil , and all HurKlial Opcratlonx.
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All Uluoil Di t'iisos Miccc-tslully trcutiMl.
Pol'Min roinnvcil front tlut .system witlmut mercury.
New icstorutlvo trout men t lor lu i ot Vital l'owtir.
ruicoiisunuhln to \ l it ii& uia > * Ijo treated at lioinu
hy ( urn noiuliMico. All roniiuutih ntlniiH rnntl < toic
ttitl. Monktiifn or in lnunt'tit sent by mull or t'x >
pri' s , emiLly pnckiul , no niarl.H | r > IiulfcnicMnnti'iiti
nrK'mlcr. Ono pvnonnl Intorvlew prcffrinl. Call anil
( otiMilt UHorsund historj uf > our cuac , unil wo Mill
eeiul In plain wrapper , our
SOOK : TO lvIEll > T
Uron I'rlvato. Special nml Nci\ou ll ) i n p i. Impo-
tt'iic ) , hyplillls * ( ilect and VarU'Oiule. Addrues ,
Oinaliu Medical ami Surgical Instltitfc , or
Dr , McMeiiamy , Cor ,
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Tt\t only rn 4 to t Xo for De Moln" . " /'L'Sr. ' ' ' " . :
Cfcdiir U.iuld > , Clinton. Uuon , , < -l''i"f ' ' ° . 'rJI'j"(1,1 ' ! ; , '
unit all noliiti ea l , To the ri p e of Milirafka. ( olo-
"do ? WoiilnS , U li. I'laho ' , NUT Ida " " 'Jon , Woili.
InBlon BDU rnflJornl. . II nncn ( upcJlor urtvaiitufin
" AiSSS ' " ' " # Si'llSf nume'rou. poln.n . of .iiperlorltr
enjo/e'l . It , pair" ni of thl. roml belneen ma ,
/ of IAOAl.ll. .
nd Llilcaco. " Its two tralrs n dar
nM "h ! w/ii-.l " ' "
create. In I'AKACI ! j. >
ftm model' Of roiafort anil ele iice. In * * nn.w , .
JWAWIKU IIOO.M CAIIS , iin [ . . . . hr any and
lit widely colobratcd I'AI.ATIAIi IHM.MI lAIIX tua
iouil of Bhlrb rnonot be found ifotrhcro. At Coun-
ell rsiiiBi Iho tr lni of tli 1'nlon I'otltio Unlhvny.coii- ,
nod In union depot with tliMO oftlia ClilcaeyX
Rorttiimern Hy. luChltagp thu trains of ibKllna ,
uikn cloMi connection "ItU these of nil other eattcru
fVr nmolt , CMlumbus. Inrtl n poll % Cincinnati ,
Mi lk > ' > ! ! > , Buffalo. I'llnnurir , 'Jororito , .Monlreal ,
flPilonTKen York. 1'hlladclpW.i , Baltimore.a.h. .
InBtoc. tnd nilpolnH [ In tbceatt , ok for u ticket Tl
Ifron wlih the bc t tccorotnodatlon. All ticket ssentl
" " " " -
Jf-jUjqum"11"1"- K.P.WIUSON ,
- Ufnl.Manaitr , Ocul.l'a 'r .went
" 1(1 Itrllnlilo Hprrlnllut nt ninny jri'HtV cTiinrl-
In-lit * wiiii troniliTfiil fti < v < > , all l.UNO ,
. ,
1'iiri'il ultlimu pun or
'f"111 ' 1"1"1 ' AlHlirimli' Dlscnioi ,
tnr HI ailviiiicoor Hiiy lii tltiitluii in
Ililirountrr Tlr" " xtll ° ( imttMiiiil.itu K'HM In Mot
MirliiK' fur Ilio tn'alnii'iit ol miy 1'ilvnlo nr Itlooil
ill'caio < an l > cured lur unu-tlilnl Inn cost ut our
I'lltntc lluin'ii nry.
I dniCP lly lil treatnipntn I'nrp. Trfivrly Com
I lllllr.A iili'Mmi. tire Irinn "iilluwiii'M , iuvkltw
L.MUIUU l.i.ic klicmli , iTiiptlons , etc , brilliant
CTC nn I norlcc I liuxltli cin : IMI hml ,
'ifTlint "ilipil" IrcllnKimcl nil ipiiul
Iriiiuiitly riiifil , IllnJllim ll < > iiiliuio ! , NITVOIII I'ro *
nratiiii , ( icnprnl Debility , Mri'pli' np , lli'iic" | loij
L'ml linllii" > tl < iii , Uviuliin tirmlilix , Inllinmutlnn nml
nlclpnilliiii. rnlllnitnml | ) | | IIIIPIIIIMI | | . Hiilnal weiik-
cp-s , Khlni'jr complaints ami Cliuntitiut l.Sli' , Consult
tint DM II.M tor
CVC ( UP Acute rr Dirpnlc Inllnmnw
rir flml " ° n ' " ! " . i : > oii'i * "r "IO | > Bam
am , Kur or .Ni'iir MHlilwlnmi ,
Invpr'lnn of HIP Mil" , Scrnfiiloris llji-t , IHtprnllmii ,
Inlliininiutloni , AMcc , Dlmiu-i ot V isluu ot unoor
botti ' > i' , ami Tumors nf l.lil.
riflriMiinimatloii of the Knr. I'lcprntlnn or ( iitnrrn.
JnicrnalorllJiliTiiiil llpntii . or raml > sH , Mngm/
or KoHilnji nolsci , Tlilckcncil Drum. i'te.
HrnUnilP ni'lilHlr , I. " " of Vltnl I'oTnr I , floop.
NPnVIIIIN lP" p < IK > | iml iu' 'y. I * ) " ? of
If LIU UUU .viirf , , , . , CiinfiiHouol . Ideas Illurs
- - - - - - - -
I'vrmmiunlly Mul Prlvalcly I'l
l/LUUU HUU Ulxlll , .
rrr . 1'slin In the Ili'ml ami ll'im'i. s | 'lllitl | < - < m'
riinmt. Mouth ami 'IVrwc. t.laii.liilar hiilniifniiint
t'l Ilin NiTk. HhPiiniittlMii. CalAirh. hlc. , IVriiiaucuIr
| i Ciiri-il Wlii'iioiliiTHlliirn I allivl.
'Con-nllntlon fu-o ami Mrlrlly condc nutlul.
Mcillcliiosent free from oWivatinn to all pirtfl
of the I'nlled States. rnnesioiiilfiiro ] rcu-woi
inomut iitti-ntlon. No lottcr.suns i-rwl umr H
ucmimiixnloil by four cents m M.IIIIJH hi-nd tell
routs In Mumps for pamphlet iinilllst t qlics.
tloimipon private , t-ptrul niul nervoiw illv
"IrliriiiB strictly raMi. Call on or adilrei.
No. IKl lor. 10th & Murnej Sts.innlm. ( ) Neb
. S. ft D. DAVIESI .
1707 Olho Street , St. Louis Mo.
Of tliu > ll > sinrl KtatoMiiEC'iia of Anatomy. 81.
Ioul.s , MIL , 1 iil\uslty ColleKC llDJ-plliil , I.oil-
ilon , ( ileseu , Ot'imany anil Now Yolk. lla\i
au\otud their attention
Me and Blood
More especially tho'o ntWiiK fmm .
ilence. InMtoall M > Millerlng toeurnomI with
out duliir. Diseases of Infeciion ami rontajrlon
< in ed MI rely ami M > eeully itliont II-MI of ilan-
KunnisiliUKH. I'a'lents wl > o > o cnwa have been
ncL'lecteil , liailly treated or ] ironotince < l Incurable -
able , hhoulil not full to Wiltons cunoiriilnKllielr
symptoms. All letters icii-lvo luimedlato nttcn-
Anil will bo inalleil I'ltU ! to any addirHS on ro-
ii'llitnf ( inu ! J-Piit htamp , " 1'iactlial Obi'erva-
tlunsun Xi'ivons Debility anil 1'hyslral Uxnaus-
lion , " to which H added an "litf.iy on Mm-
rliise , " with Important chaptcrHon iiI'easeHOf
thn llemodiictlvi ) Oi aus , tae whole fonnlus ' }
valnablo ineillral tieattiu which should bu lead
by all youns men. Addieas
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
J.7O7 Olive Street St. Louis , Mo.
. .IB . ? * KMKti
lleuilijuaiien lor < luiiuur
' - ' ' ' C
ittu.l tf.uUt-V.-grl , tsi U.elUu , ct--uiilr'