Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Adirtjeincutniiifl"r ) | this head. 10 cent * per
line for the first insertion , "rents forrnchnub-
reqiient Insertion , and tl.rn n line per month ,
No advertisement taken for less than 25 rents
for thn first Insertion. he\en words will bo
rotinted to tin1 line ; they must run consecu
tively nnd Inllst be paid in advance. Allnd-
\ertlwmenM must b handid In bcfon1:1)
o'clock p.m. , nnd under no clHtim t nces will
the y be taken or disc oiitlntlcd bv tele phone.
Pin tlei nihfi tiding In tin e rolumns nnd hnv-
tngthe nnswcrs nddred In line of the llee ,
will plininek for a check to enable them to
Kit their letteis , os none will be deliverer ! ex-
r > pt cm vreM'ntatlon of check. All answers to
ilrpitlooiiPUtH should bpfliclived In enx elope .
All nih e-rtl-emtnts In these rolumns arc pub-
H hHl In both mornlntr nnd piling c-dltlons of
the Ilee. the > clictllatlon of which nggrrgntes
moiothon . ( papers dally , nnd ghes the ad-
Tcrtl er HIP bcnc lit. not only of the city circu
lation of the Hep , but ! M > of Ceitllirll Iilllf5 ( ,
Lincoln and other cities mid towns thioughout
thlt pa it of the west.
A NAmi'iican willow , ngi ) 3,1 , of good nppe nr-
mire , education and rellnenn ut , is de ious
of obtaining a po ltionus tlist-class liousekei1-
IK.T In lidte'l orwldov.vr'rt home. No objecllon
to leave the city. Addiess M. Adams. 41' ) S.
lllh st. 9VJ7 *
ON baud at the State Umplo > ment Pailots , 5
worthy general housemaids , 4 dining
waltrvs es , chambermaids I. prhatecoarhmnn ,
good mnn , 1 , llremntt. licensed , I , apprentice
maehlnlst I , blacksmith 1 , hatdwaie rleik ,
Hecoid at 14 17 Farnam Rt. , loom II. Iti'lUj '
A LN expcrlPitced jonng man dculros position
In nn olllcii 'ir Hiorej A 1 icferenrcs fur-
Ills died. Addic'is I121 , I lee. IHl 7J
Illsw ) Situation as teamster. Aildre i
P 18 Ilee olllce. VS1 7J
\\7ANTii-Bltuatlonsforl2 : ) ( list-class cook
TI and laundress , 4 nlcei second girls , good
references , 2 middle aged ladles who are compe
tent nursi'H. [ t experienced salesladies , 0 dining-
loom girls , nnd applicants nruconstantlycnlllng
seeking nil kinds of employment. Ordus
piompllv tilled. Canadian Ump. olllce. Mis.
llregq A Son , 'lltlfl llth. Tel , tut. 917 7 *
\\TANTUD Position ns clerk In dry goodsor
IT notion store by n ludy of e'xpei fence. Kef-
memo glen. . Address P 14 , lieu olllc c. 1 < U 1- ! *
V\rAN'l HI ) Situation bv u joitng mnn ns
T T clerk In dry goods or clothing store ; three
yeais' expeilcnco In Instil alien and collection
eilllci1 : lefc'reme given ; any situation will bit nc-
cepteel. Addiess P M. lle olllce. 9H3 li'
AN evpetl" nod dii'ssmaker wishes sewing
In families ; can gl\e gex > d reference- . Apply -
ply 122:1 : N 17th St. IHIS * _
\I7"AVI Ul-lly ) GPiinnn gill , nplnro In prl-
TI vale family. UnglHh or Ameileiin pru-
ferred. Good cook and Inuudicv ) . Cull lltil S
IHth , 8707.
W A NTUD A good position by jottg man In
wholecalii lioii e , 5 jcais expedience ) us
l > ookkeeper nnd salesman. Kefeidices. Ad-
( Ill's * Oli" He'll. 1H9 7J
" \ \ MTiiSlluatlon : bv a llrvt-cliissbai tender.
ii no object Ion golmr out of city ; n tuistv
man. ( lood K fej < ncc gi\en if desired. Daniel
McKen/U- 1 a. 10th st , Omaha , Neb.
"lirANTKO-Mtimtlon for 2 lit sNclass Swede
i glilstoi'.o lint and second w oik ! Meai.s
In lust place. ilmplojutent Olllcc- .
Mrs1 , llrcga.v Hon. f > s.i 0 *
WANTKD Pltimtion for shorthand woik ;
irfereneu furnished , II. , I. 'Jro\er. Mn-
coin , Neb. N.1 10 *
_ . . - bttslni'ss well i-stnb-
tabllshcMl , Will bear Invi'stlgatlon nnd p ly
on investment WHi per month. Capital ii'iinlred
$50) ) , put iliiwn , bal. out ot business. Aildiess
P2I , ileoolliie1. 9js-7j
\\7AN'IUl ) A man to help form u company
IT In this city ; also to tinvel and do so In
othci rilIe > H. Capital ieiiulredl50 ; wlU'.uvSiiJO
n mouth thin nnd luo-cKTe iiiuly. None.1
but tlmi i1 that ii'-sn business need ntl'.lr. si' _ 20 ,
\\rANlUn-5hoo salesmen and salesladies.
IT Only those uxpeileiiced need applv. 1315
Douglas. 9-7j
\\7ANTUO-Anilleltnr. Jl-chlold llios.job
IT piiutel" , 1UV ( ' "jiltolnve. 9ig7j
i ndvc-itUng solicit ens. (1.
II , Lincoln. H ; : . 1'lth st. U417J
AtMVr ; ' , ! ) 'inientoililvo srraper teuns , ; i
IT bovs to elo chores morning und ovenlngn
for boat el , nnd go to school. Cttuudlun Umi > .
Ollli i1.110 h 15th. 917 li *
\\7ANTUD-A louiiR mill with from $10 to MO
IT to take bold of n light stetioll wink busi
ness. Apply 15lt > Douglas st. I'p stiijts.
WANTUI ) Young men for stockiiilslngj de-
llchtinl climate ; noises to ildnj nuclei-
standing mu t bn hid lefoie Mailing. In-
rlo ei stamped self-addres- envelope. II Van
Itunh , I loci in1 , Kendall Co , 'I e\qs. 10.11 > *
V\7AVrui ) A btenogiaplier unit tjpowilter.
i T Piefer man. Addiess P 10 lleo olllco.o . ,
oo t
' \\rA.\TKn-Truvellng gtoceiy , liquors , dry
V T goods .mil clothing salesmen lor M llu ankee ,
fit , Paul and eastern houses. Great \ \ estcrn Itu-
lean , I'U'I I' , llooinV. fond stamp to In-
fctiln nnswci. Ni7-j ( *
\\rAN" ! Ul > A 1 salesman to sell tens and cof-
IT fees to families In Llnrolu for St. Louis
housii. l' > jiercent on colfee nndii'i per cent on
nil othei goods , business mnmigei for c.istein
romiiany , half shines , Girmiin butcher , .single
man , shoithand and tvpewrlter for Milwaukee
manufacturing company and all classes of help.
Great Westein llurian , 150U Fiunum , Hoom .
. A mnn to learn real estate bust ,
ness : K5 u month ; must have 81,000 In
imipeilvoi c-ash to take an luteiest lutliu busl
ile'ss. Aeldi ess P13. Ilee. birJ 8
" 1TITANTUD A flistclnss cracker baker. AcV
T T Urc'ss 3.N. : lUplds City. Dak. 855 fi *
" \\fANTKl ) All expeilencd collector , ona win
IT can glv o security and is willing to work
liai At or moderate wages ; work mostly collect
itlg rents. Aetdrcsi P. O. box KM. city , statint
rxpeilence" , salaiy expected , where last em
ploed , ngo , etc1. Mi !
\\TANTTD At once1 , jilnno plavi > r , male 01
TT fi-malu , good wagiis. Apply Lulu Hogeis
IQlN.Uthst. M
JrANTHl ) Men for lallroad vvoik. Al
.abor Agency , 11JO Fainam. 6')1 )
\\rANTF.D KW men ot good appearance to
IT trycmr Km meals ntNoirls restaurant , ill !
nnd 01J houtli Hth otrcct. ( old Live and Lei
I.lxe.)5 ) 1
ITANTHHHlu inr ge'iitial l.ousuwotk.
vv ply nt I'.Cl 1) Jttglas st. U17-7J
\\r A NTUD- A 1 lady clet ks ns heads of elr
TI pailments ; onlv fully competent pel soil'
need apply. Also chlct cooks , teainsteia am
shruelurs. Slate Umplojment I'ailoi ; , 141
Fariiam si. , loom U. KM 6J
\\7ANTii : ) l voung Indy loom-mate. Hotel' '
IT ences u-qulixd. Iuqntle.30N. ! llth st.
9171. * _ :
" \irAN1 KD- Girl who imdeislandshousouoik
IT llor Uljcius of nge1. C.illwlth refeien
ces nt 3i.W Oeciitiii st , Mis. .1 L. Klco. 9U1-7
" \\7AN'l UD- Working housekeeper f or u runcl
T I no objee tlou to a child , housekeeper fo
gentleman and liN 2 sems neai Coloiaelo , } ju Ltitl
tales paid ; gli 1 forollle-r's family lu Y.'vo" , M
fare paid ; cooks for pilvatii fuuiitlesfi pe
v eek ; 20 gti Is for housework , a small girls to n-
plst in hott'cvvoik , man pj-.etv\lfo for iteam lam
tlry.mnst ! H ( good Jrr.nor niuU iei e-ntlinrhnigc
( "annillnn Umi.ivirent ; ! Olllee.Mis. llicg-i \ Son
DIB So. lr.i. "Tvl. tS. HIT ti'
\\rANTUD-GIU forgeneinl .
bea good cook , IfcUDodge. tm
" \\7ANTUD-Good Llilrnmpeitont for genen
IT lunuew ork nnd washing. U21 S 17th st.
910 8
\\rANTHD--2 irooelGenunn girls forkltdir
IT ni'cl housuuoiX. . Inquire ItOM'iimiind :
101 > I'nnmni. JJ12 h
Hood gill for { 'eneral houscvvoiV
aces , to right paity , 3.-J5 bt. Mne-v
nve , PUT t
fANTUI ) ( llrl-Vor genern
2314 Douglas.
W 'ANTI.U-Good competent girl , 1701 Cut
avt > . 771 C
\\7ANTF.D-Good c-ook for hotel ; 10 good Mrs
TT ai.d second clrls for private famlllc ;
Call ut City Intelligence Otllce , room I , Cioighto
Mock. " , .v >
TT'ANTUD the City Intelligence Olllci
IT room 4 Ci eight on blk. IPti sal siadl s t
register lor I'xtra w ork during thu holldx ) . Al
clils forhoteU , ic taurants , and i/iivuto rani
Hea. 737
\\7ANTFD-Glrl. 15IS SliormKH avo. Mrs. ,
T i M. CounMiiau. f > l
LADIF i nro o'.llcred plain nei'dlcvunt nt the
ow n hornets ( town or country ) by a wholosu' '
liouan. Proflt.ebletanulnu. . Hood pay can 1
Hindu. Kverv thing funilshed , Partlatlars fre
Andrew ArtlittlQNveilkvvui ! : Co , HI tth si
h'evv YpiV City. 271
" \X7ANTKD-LndlM in rlty t > v rcuintir. for ot
it hoilduy trade1 , lu take 11..U' , plens/int wet
t their own homes. (1 to f. ! pir di.v ran 1
nutetly made. \ > ork sent by iiml ! oi'S dlnuur
r ttUnlnr3 fre < ) . . No CMitvus-'Ini : Address i
one * , Cuscsnt Art Co. , li ; A Mlii it. , ll stc
HHMI. 1 * . 0. box a70. , . - . . X J
il *
\\rANTRD-V ) ladles to trr onr IV. tnoaU at
IT Nnrrls1 restaurant old Live nnd Let LtreV ,
311 and 311 S. 14th st. W
WANT HI-Iry } wldoweT , a hilgcTuufiirnlsheil
parlor on tirst orcond lloor w 1th e loset ,
In house with modem cotnenlenei's ; meals cle-
Hired ; private family preferred. Address P 19 ,
Hoc. 9187 *
GF.NTLUMAN wishes room-mntc nt"brlck
house1 , KU7 N. 17th st. Addiess P HI. Ilee
ClIlllB. Htl 7J
\\7 A N'l UDK \ e rj Iwily to know that houses
IT' will be built to suit pttrchasi r and sold
on easy terms , In Albright'x I holce , South
Omnlm , by W. O. Albright , 218 S. I1thst. _
947 11
\VANTKD-ltnoiiifurnlslifil or itnfurnlOiPil
If w 1th l oaid fiir married couple ? Inprlxato
family , having no other boarelcr * . Addioss
stating prl ( f and location , P. tnio L'nlon TyjH !
Foundry , 419 hontb llth street. KiO 11 *
' A ladv room-mate to share n
WAN'lED fnnilshed parlor in good location ;
terms reasonable ; referenccM exchanged. Ad
dress P 17 , Dee olllrn. W > 0
\\rANTKI-Two persons Ho enrn book-kcc > p-
Ing. Situations. ,1. H , Smith , 1G1J Chluigo ,
HU 10 *
" \\rANTUD-A purchaser for IIH line n piece of
IT tiacknpr as theiro Is In the city. W. G.
Albllght , 21SS. llth t. 947 11
WU want a ( lour and feed store nmt n bakery
or haidwaio store opened at once In Fitch
block , Pm k ave. Splendid rooms and very
cheap lent. 1)1 ui : store. nuMttnatket and gro
cery now' in thn blw k , and doing w pl. ]
F. I , . Gregory , Henttil Agent , 309 8 Ifith st.
" "
STATK UmpUnme'iit Pallors , 1117 F.unam st. ,
room 11 , ! 5eo mheitlsements ; big rush
this week. KJ'MIJ
CANADIAN Umployment oHio1 , the best
place in Omaha to get help or sltuallons.
Kefcienie , Omaha National bank , Mis. lli
A. bon , ,110 bo , 1Mb , Te 1. b t 752 10 *
\VAN1 HD-Hoomers i boardeis at Oil N
B IOAHI ) with looms foi four ut ills Hurt inu st.
WANTKI-AfirJCullfoinla. : one Kentlcman
bo.udci ; Iront loom ; home comforts ; $ . " >
per'icek. 'JSi li
T71IHST-CI.ASS table board , Fened In homo
: style , for ! l or 4 Kentlcmeii. isl I Dodco. Ifll
i 1 want to lent honso 7 rooms
TT near Fort Onuilia. C , IWJ S loth it.
" \\7ANTUO-A small furnished cottage or two
T i 01 Ihie-e fmnlshtd looms on Hist Horn- for
light housekeeping , convenient to tai linn. Ad-
cliessOi : ) , lloeollice. 757
OTTAGli forrenCll. Williams , 1107 Douglas
ht. 01.1
K HUNT i loom house with ilose > t nnd
pantiy , S10 pel month. Apply 1107 S 27th.
921 bj
F OK HKNT An8 room house. All modern ln >
piovuncnts. Inquire 4M COUNent st
THOK HUNT Tour room cottage wlM : Cellar
4 closets nnd pantry , Ceiiti""t. ncar'ilth. Un-
ciulro at olllce of Ki"n's "uieweiy. ( Kl S\ \
A CA"WlTj tenant can mit cheap nn 8-
-i- . loom house , lately furnished on ! st. .
south of Lsiivcnwoiih 1 block , until the 1st of
. .ny. JaiiRs I' . Xoiton , opp. postolllcc. IHJ78 *
T710K HUNT 4 loom cottnqe. clstcm and barn ,
-L' iililliiby ntic'it , OlUiim View. Dtcmliont
southeast 101 ncr Ibth and Douglas. titV.l 7 *
Tj Ol ! KKXT-A house of 11 or 12 looms heated by
- sle.imwlth nil the modern Improxements.
Hti > Vnrfnvll horses , carilnge house i nil all con-
M'lileiK'es Onllainev between Ihth nn < l 17th
sts. Itninlin of II. I' . K'nsh. smelting works , era
a hos. P in , 4ui Nonh st. su s
'OH ' HUNT -Cottageof "meat looms near tnr
line , 27211 Itlondo st. W7I. *
. * of 0 built
it HUNT New cottiio ( MI. u rooms i'iiill
lastfpi ing , ritvwliter , laigo > aul , nnd fur-
iltmofoi s.ilnon Illieial turns ; good oiipoitn-
iltj. FicclikksonA.ColUOSt. Maiy's nve.
SiO li
Oll IM'.XT-New nlno room house , Oiattt
bet " nnd'i-'d if taken
1st , vciy cheap ittlck. |
abou , Kill Kmnatn. bOS U
Pll III ! V-ONP. houses for rent , nil pints ot the
I. city , at fiouiHO to S7.1 per month.
F. L. Giegoiy , Agent.'W S ICth st-
Ground lloor. Telephone Ml.
FOK HKNT-1 loom house , S.U. cor. 27th and
Dodge , 817.W. J. K. Klugwalt , 218 bo. 15th
IJ1OH HUNT A new ton-room housowlth all
' modem Improvements , huge attic , Douglas
andL'1-.t streots. Not n basement boiuu. Ap-
[ > ly _ > Ioi Itz Me\er , cor II nnd I'm num. 747
171OH HKNU' S loom house , corner 11th and
V Jones , or apply to A , U. 1'ow oll.lOOi Fatnam.
10H HKNT New 4-room cottaee , $ U per
' inonth. Apply room 2H. 1111 Dodgn st. 75,1
"I71OH HUNT New house , 0 looms , etc. . largo
-I giounds , corner 3Hth end Capitol a\enue ,
Inquire 3 4 OodgoBt. 587
71OK HKNT-8 elegant bilck residences
J all modern improvements , 13 and U rooms
each , pleasant nnd coin enlent locution. O. F ,
Da % is company , 1WJB Tarnam at. 11"
TTIOH HKNT B-room house , 000 5 2Mb nvenun ,
J. 1 block bouth or Leases north. J. D.C'owle ,
at Falconer's. BCEJ
F0 ! ! KENT C-room house u w ror. Beware !
and , 37tt ! sta. 95d
TpOll HUNT 3 new handsome 0 room cottage5
.1 ? well , clsteins , etc.,117 per month , Ud ami
Cillfornia. A. C. Wakcioy , Omaha Natl banl
bid. tt)7 )
FOK HENT-IIemse 11 moms. W. M. Hush
man , N K corner loth und Douglaa. 840
HUNT 3 nouses nnd four looms. Un
-I-1 quill * of Cunningham It ller.rooms U nnd 7
AUIngton bloik. 1111 and 151.1 Dodge st. t > Vi
HUNT 2 room house rear 1711 Douglas ,
$10pei month. Not suitable for housekeep
ing. Apply nt premises. , SU
Foil HUNT Sa\era r.ow 7 room nouses
block from street cur. ready for occmmnci
No\cmberl IM < \ Ilurrlscm 4I8S. 15th st. nu :
HKNT Nicely fuinirhed front rom
gas , steam heat nd use of bath ; ou strce
car. 3H17 Douglas stn ct. RVJ-10 *
AVKHYlilcofurnlsheUsouth loo'm withal
modern conveniences forient utl71l Dodg
st. 9-"J 9J
"I71OK HUNTFiunlshed rooms , bath nnd mod
K erii conv e'nle i'.cvy , 101 N. 15th st. ItrJ 7J
'O jilc'clV fmnlshert rooms ; also 2rbonT
fur noiise eeplng , 1UW Da\enKit. ]
FOH HUNT Three nlcelv furnished looms fo
gentlemen : board if de-itred ; also one in
tellluuu lady loom mate ; reference inquired
1M4 Wtilisltrst. 91 HJ
ON U fin nlshed front room on 3nd lloor , $11
17I-1 > Jucksou. 900 12 *
"Vf 1CKI.Y furnished fiont loom for two gentle
Jmen , with bieakfast and supper in prluit
family , splendidly located on two l > e > t cat line
In city , reasonable terms , leferences required
Address M U. Ilee olllce. Kill tl
K HUNT 2 nicely fumUhed looms. 131
Diucnpoit street. y l7 *
TT'OK HKNT A pleasant nil nlshed room. 13
JJ mc it h , at CcliN , 17th street. SWG *
"l OU KUNT-Furnlbhedroom. 1017 Howard.
| jUll HKNT Pleasantcst new furnished nn
JD i heapest rooms In private- house In city. A :
conveniences. Near business. 161J Capitol ave
217 d 25J
IjlOU RFNlFitnilshed rooms , 1510 Ilaraey s
JO Heferenc s required.
ivoms for n-nt , 1913 Farnam si
FH HUNT-Ftani.heil rooms , 23UJ Dodge.
TjVW HUNT 2 nice trout rooms. In single *
JO suit * , with mcxlc.'n ( onveutenccs , for If
2 pentlemen. Cor. bt. Mail's uvo. and 3utli t
orC3eJS.2Uth. 419.
"plOH HUNT-Fwrnlshecl IXTQUIS , IblS lodp s
Tjll'HNlSlIKU llexmi , 117 817tli st , 764 9J
VH'KLY fiirnlslio.l rooms ; bath , gas , steal
' t , etc. ; board If desired , 2J1U Doitela
K".t J
O NU lai'g furnished room on first floor. IT
Capitol avo. 771 0 *
I > l.KASANTrooinx. new furniture , bath , p
nml hrat. with ni > t class table hoard , ( lion
fi lJ ejsitii , cori Yltli anil Farnam .
POH HKNT Nice furnished room. per mo.
S. W. cor. Isth and Jack on. 7M
"I71OK HKNT Fnnilshed room , all modern con-
JL ? eiileuc-oi , large enough for two. 2UUI Dav-
'liporl. ' M7
"KTOH HUNT Large parlor nicely furnished ,
JD bath , etc. , etc. , t/02 N. 17th. Price $11 month.
JICKLYfurnlnliPO front room with or with-
J- > out Iward. 111 Dodge st , 579
"I JOOMS and board In private family , Inqulie
Lmi y i itu. f > - ii
tKT < T-Nlccly furnl-hed front room ,
with or without board ; 2310 Fnruam street.
SHI 7p
HKXT-Yery desirable l t lloor turtly
furnNlii'd for Housekeeping ; no chlidieu ;
lock fiom P. O. , 1815 Cjip. a > c.
IjlOK HKNT One large , well furnished flout
JL ; room with nliejx e b ly w Indow and closet ,
as , b ith , hot and cold water nn came lloor , f nr-
iacf > hi at , for 2 gentlemen or man nnd wife , 207
.2ith , bet. Famam uud Douglas , ItKI l.'J
"T71OK KUNT-Nlrely funilshed room suitable
JL for 3 gentlemen , ilucitilre 2011 St. Mary's ave.
"KIUHNISHKO rooms wltli board , WOT Varnam.
F oil HUNT l'uriil hed rcnnns : gas , furnace , modem conM-nlcnces , lltii Fat nam.
molt HUNT Two furnished rooms. 1017 How-
J. nrd st , , with board if desired. Heferences
oqulied. KM
) OOMS for rent. No. 901 8 13th st.
t ! Cfl el 22
F > H HUNT N'lcely furnished rooms at 2.V7
Dodge. ( liiH , bath nnd furnace heat. IUU
TjlOH HUNT Thiee furnished Ana one unfnr-
-I nlshed rooms , with bay window , funiuie ,
b.itli and ga.s , east f tout , at G28 S. 17th st. 9111
ilOH HF.NT-Ne.itly furnished rooms , heated
1 242:1 : Fariiam. H2dG *
LAIK1E south front room , all modern conven
iences , suitable for two gentlemen ; nlc )
first-class table board for three or. four ; refer-
ehce . 1 14 Dodge Rt. 7C4
LOVELY , largii front room heatoil , beautl-
. fid location , w Ith all modern conveniences
on st car line , U > 17 Cuss. ClKi
[ TIOIl HUNT Furnished rooms In Oreunig blk ,
- cor. 1 tth nnd Dodge sts. Inquire of Oeo. H.
Da\ls , Millard hotel billiard room. fi 7
1UKNISIIHD looms , steam heat , 201 S. 21th.
"VTlPKIiV furnished alcove iincl simile rooms ,
-1.1 and furnltutu new. Mrs. llarber , MJN.
Ifith st. llWd 17J
FOK HKNT I'mnishcd looms $10 per month
or clean beds at $1.00 to il.60i > er week. IJOJ
So. ISth. fcNllnl
[ 71OII HI'.NT Furnished rooms In a'1inrts ' of
U the city , by the clay , week orinuiini. City
ntolllKenco onlce , CrulKhton block. Ji'H '
"I71OH HKNT One or two unfutnWied looms ,
-13 HM bouth Scl ! , ICJ78 *
flOK HUNT 3 unfurnished looms on Leaven-
worth between Vliglnlu nnd Georgia ave.
77U OJ
moil 111INT-3 big rooms at If o. J ll Spmco st.
F I OK KENT Three ttnf in nlshed rooms , suit
able for housekeeping , ut Idtii North -1st st.
T71OH WENT a tmfnrnlRhnd rooms suitable for
JJ housekeepliiK , 1031 N SOth st. Ufj
T71 OH HKNT-Four (4) ( ) un - . .iisnoa rooms , 411
J. ' .S'liithlOtlLStnc-ontnlnlne all modern con-
aurs. 541
"JJIOlt HKNT 3 rooms suitable for house keep-
X > Ing , N. W. cor. Hth and 1'lerce st. Apply
oaio a. loth st. uoo
fjlOK HKNT-sl unfurnished rooms suitable for
t ? housekeeping , 7 Pacific St. C01
T710H HKNT Stoie-room on 18th st. ; rentt. 1.
-t Lease for one \enrand half. Cooperative
Land AT Lot Co.Ml N. Ifith. Va 8
B ASF.MUNT , stoies nndtmts , l.ith nnd Jack-
ion ; steam Unqulie Mn. P. Lange. M7
T > AKKKY and contootlonery stoic wanted on
-1 IMtk a\c. Good loom , gas , water nnd
cheat ) rent.
1 * . L.Gregory. Kentnl Agent , 30 S. IBth st.
FOH RE.VT-Storo room WO. basenicmt ? 30.
O. K. Thompson. 311 S. loth St. ? 'l
FOK HUNTllasement stores nnd Hats with
all modernImpioveinents , corner JJtli and
Tnckson sts. O'K )
I/1OH HUNT 'Ihree-stoty and basement brick
JJ building. 44x 0 feet , sultal.lo lor n hotel or
stoies and Hats , corner 1 Ith and Pacific sts. Ap-
lilyut 11128. Uth bt. Mt
T71OK HUNT Ground lloor odice loom , ecu-
JJ tinlly located , heated and lighted. C. F ,
llanlson , 4188.15th st. ftr ;
I710K llKNT-SuU and 3d Hooia at H17 Douglas
JL1 st. , with lease of three years. Kennedy &
lllbblns , 1300 Douglas st. uU3
1OK KENT Olllres on fat nam st. ut Jin to f.K )
' per month. One olHco fuinlshed. 101J I'm-
num. IhS
TTIOH itKNT-Olllce room , nrst floor , nt310S.
-L1 IMhst. UH
F I OH KENT Good barn cheap UC1 Chicago it
POH KENT-A barn at 1717 Dfidgo st. ; will
nccommodntc-sTJc horses. For partlculais
see G.V. . Dosne , loom S3 , Arlington block.X)8
X)8 )
TJIOll HENT N ) acres near Omaha , with good
JL1 improvements. Bchlesuiger llros. , 014 So ,
10th st. 7U4 8
SPUCIAL attention given to renting houses ,
furnished and unttii nishcd rooms. LUt w 1th
us.V. . M. nutria , overlKOB. l.ltust. 87 *
F.L. . OKECOKY , rnntal agent. UOU8.16th St. ,
. y round lloor. Telephone 854. 481
F IOK HKNT If jou wish to rent a house call
on Denawa k Co , 15th St. , opposite r. O.
( VI7
STOKAOU Meiclmndiseor furniture. Little
& , Williams. 1407 Douglas st. CtO (139.
" \T KW YOKK Storage Co. have most extensive
-l.'l facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , wet of Now
York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware'
house receipts gUeni goods Insured ; brick
building tire-proof ; special arrangements foi
commission merchants. Call Now York Storage
Co , Capitol nve and N. 15th St. , Uennott's block.
STOKAGE Furniture , boxed goods , otc.term ;
reasonable , 711 Pacific. tilO
pKHSONAL-If thei.\cly : that picked up tin
-L pocketbook In N. D. Falconer's store le
tuu.ssamuat { once , nothing will be said nbou
It. WS7
\\rANTKD-Chlld Infant or older.Tor n coujili
IT without children. The best of rare ; guar
unices pa y , wither once for all or by thoweekoi
month to suit parties. Address P22 , IleeolHce
MME. Amle. late ot. Chicago , gives electii
magnetic hand bath message treatments
4JI N. 10th st. R5J 11
13EHSONAL A gentleman of good appeal
-L mice , proprietor ciT a gooil business , \\lshe
to correspond w Ith a Hebrew lady of about I !
> ears of uge ; leferencea. Addresj P. O. box Mi
Omalm. H7V
15EHSONAL W. Gordon , -practical carpe
X lajer und Utter. Call on or address 201.
llarneyst. 84910 *
lEKSONAL-Mrs. E. M. Poet , professlona
X muse , has returned from the fast. Massag <
and ladles hair treatment a specialty. K. U
Cor. Sew aril and 2th st.s. P47 <
PKHFONAL Heyn's latest views of Omahn
including all prlucJpk ) bulldlngs.blrd'jt-e }
view s showing the city to the best advantage fo
eale nt He } n's gallery and Caultleld's book store
KM cl 24
"PEKSONAL O. W.Cody Is superintendent o
-L furniture department for New York Slot
age Co. , cor. Cap. nve und 15th st. 7t > l
PUKSONAL Private home tor ladies rturini
confinement , strictly confldcutial , infant
adopted. Address K 13 Ilee olUce. 167 u b *
TOST Hy homlio" and horse ritdlsh man ,
t small leather packet memorandum bool
Leave at lleo ofllce and receive reward.
OUfl U'
IOST Ulark leather satchel containing te\
I eral ahlrta and collars unil a number o
funnonn. 3ronraid w1llb plil for Its retur
to llcv. Mr. Mal'to , IW7 South luth ot.
LOST Sniall yellow satchel containln
spoons , forks , i a nilver cup , child's plus
bonnet , etc. . either ou Saundcrs. Cumuuga or o
thy htrett in thn city. Please return to C. I
M a > no's real eittttyoUjwatjU i c i\ea ruwarc
Mrj. JaattMuuo. ) , , , bi9 7 ,
IOST Or stolou. nenr llnscall's part , n wed-
* turn Mzo Jntp bay mare , with harness on.
mall white spot on face , lar o hind legs. T.
Murray. , * 13cl
_ _ _
F O U N D.
IJIOPXI ) A ihjoket book , owner can iaxe
J ? same bye ailing nt Hi20Cass. nyuyj
IjlOrND A phjslctnn's grip and porket case.
J ? Call at llea olllce. Wl
rilAKlTN tMi-AlioutScpt. 1 , > 7 , n ro in cow.
JL Owner run hu\e same by pro\ lug property
nnd paying cljiirgos. Jas. Pupe. WMi Cassius ,
TSJATINAL Othtneru-ttetlies forsatby
-L > llenrvVo \U \ , 711 cl'aclllc stiect. Omahn
telephone ta-i.1' _ CT1 21 *
F OH SAl.U-Oood fresh milk cow. 2014
Charles street. Rs'J ;
FOlt SALU State rights for a patent Just out.
Thlsls n No , 1 chance to build up n huge , per-
mnnent minufucturlng biiRlness. Mnthlue line ,
entirely now. Costs * lH.fM. sells fur till 00.
Partly established. Addtcss "P d" Ilee olllce.
W2-10 *
_ _
TfOIt SALU-Atn bargain , 2 bllllaixl anil 3
JU pool tables. Naso'l. 1015 Farnam. K n
FOK SALK One of the best family her es In
the city with phaeton , cutter , harness nnd
obe ; cheap for cash. Al-o a splendid now stle
iqnnre sto\ . For particulars apply nt 1310 1 nr-
mm st. 7" !
$ - > OOFlNF. Dnn't read , imtstbe sold to pnv
stoingo charges , nn elegant organ with full
> ct of reeds , solid Idack WHlnnt case nnd con-
aliH 7 stops , cost , is good as new and &I7
niys It , on easy payments. Hold for storage
hatges by New York Storage Co. , cor Cup. nvo
mil 15tli. 7(17 (
BILLAKD Table at half price. Hrnnswlck
Ilulke Co.'s make. Inquire Leslie JL Leslie ,
"lith and Dodge sts. 21B
at wholesale'prices , on ensypay-
O1UIANS . New York Piano Co. , cor Capitol
in o and 11th st. . KM.
MASSAGEtreatment applied by lady gradu
ate , twcdlsh movement , No. 41 ! ) S. llth St. ,
up one tllght , front parlor. ( M'j ' 7 *
"VTOTICE If you have nny piopeityto trade
J-i for c Ity lots or lands In Nebiasku call upon
W. G. Albright , 218 Sonth st. PJ7 11 U
LADIES' dress cutting school. Wil Notth Iflth :
garments of all kind made to order , .lames
'IcGnllle ' , met chant tailor. 1114 11 *
$1000HEWAHlAlid no questions nsked , to
anypersonwho will call and linv n better
ilano for fva than w e c an sell j ou for i" > 0. Ho
,0111 own judge and buy at wholesale ! pi Ices.
Now York Stoi.ige Co , cor Cap. nve and 15th.
TTOHSE clipping by Itenhiun'B
Jl stables , corner 17th and Da\enport sts.
Tel. 217. 040 dJ'J *
OHGANS For 10 duvs , at n creatTicilflce to
mnku room for Christmas goods , stoingo
charges must be paid. Call nnd sco what you
ran buv for ? ,17 Is as good ns new and rest J13.1.
New York Storage Co , cor. Cup. ave nnd 11th st.
METZhall.BIOS 10th st has been remodeled ,
4 eularged , new dancing lloor , new decora
tions r.nd supper rooms. Entrance on 10th st. ;
: > nrtles , lodges and societies anticipating giving
imlls or sociables call on JJons & Mumm. Mctz
mil. 412 cU4
MHS. DUIlA T-Clilivoynnt from Doston is
rriianleiniillulliilis of life , unites seiia-
rated loeis. . 322 N Itilh st , loom 1. 7bO .Ian 3 *
DH. NANNIE V , Wairen , clnlrvo\ant. Nod
ical , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. Female dlse ues a bpuolalty. 110 N. Ibth
st. Kooms 2 & ! ) . , PV1. il. Oil
" \TrANTUDJ-Tobtiythefmnlture of a small
IT or large house centrally located , Cooperative
tive Land & IM Co . 20.1 N IBth st. 133
"l\7"ANTLD To tmy short time papnr , J. W.
IT Oross , nt C. K. Mayno a olllce , 15th nnd
Hainey. tsi
MON'UYTOLOAN-Onftunltme. hcnses.wiig-
on other perform I pi operty.wlthont icinouil
01 on upptoveii rollutcinl secmltllnslness
conlldcntlnl. Jno. W. Hobblns , 1013 Fainam.
84J - ,
OANS made on real estate. Cash on hand.
J W. M. Jli\ \ < oer 230 S. Hth .st. 1)21) ) )
MONTY t6 loah'ou choice ImpiovecTlnopcity
In Omahn and on good farms In eastern
Nc-brnska. Addiess ProUdont'litist Co , Hoom
4W , Kumge block , Omaha. b ! 7
A Special fund of $1,500 und also ot MOO to
loan on Improved city properly. Louis
jiindoon farm lands In western Iowa and east
ern Nebraska. Flist mortgage notes bought and
, old. Odell llros. Jt Co1121 Fnrnam st. W)0
OANS made on leal estate nnd moitgagcs
J bought. Lew is S. Heed it Co. , 15-'l Farnam.
, To loan on Omaha city property at 0
$500,000 cent. G. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. IJld.
J7iV,000 to loan nt f > per cent. Llnahan & Ma-
i > honey , 16011 Farnam. 8-il
/ , to loan in nny amount at loV , est rate o
Interest. H. H. Irov , Frenzer block. U."J
TIO IXANMoney Loans placed on im
proved real estate in city or county for
Now England Loan * Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank , 10th and Chicago sts. 011
; ONEY To loan on chattels. Co-operative
Land and Lot Co. , 303 No. 16th street.
M \ONUY \ ( to Loan O. F. DavU Co. , real estate
nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnam st. 01U
6 Patterson & Fuwcett 15th and Harncy. 018
MONEY to loan 1 can now place some first
class city loans immediately. Call at onto
If j ou dublrw to bo accommodateci. D. V. Sliolet ! ,
room 1 Darker block , entrance In alley. 891
MONKY to loan on Improved real estate. ; no
commission charged. Leuvltt Hurnham ,
room 1 , Crclghton block. 612
time loans macte on nny available
SHOUT , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , sold or exchanged. General
llnanclal business of any kind k transacted
prmnptly , quietly and fairly nt the Omaha Hi
nancial Exchange. N. W. cor. 1.1th nnd Har
ney sts. , overStuto National bund. Corbett
manager. 1135
MONEY JOANKI ) nt C. K. Heed & Co/fl Loal
OHlcp. on funilture , pianos , horses , wagons
petsonal property of all kinds , and nil other nr
tides of-value without removal , 319 S. 13th
o\er Illngham'3 commission stole. All busl
ness strictly confidential. tKJ
"VTKW York Stornuo Co. Corner Capita
-l-i av. & 1.1th St. , liuvo money to loan 01
household goods , meixhandlse of every de
Birlptlonnt lowest rates. Spec-lal facilities foi
merchants , goods moved , packed and shipped
All charges achanced. Fireproof brick block
Capitol av. A15th st , 013
MONEY loaned on Tuinuure , pianos , oigans
horses , etc. low rates. J , J. Wilkinson < S
Co. , 1 M Farnam. o\cr Hurllngton ticket ofllce.
MONUYto Loan By the undersigned , win
has the only properly organized loai
agency in Omaha. Loans of $10 to 1100 made 01
furniture , pluno ? , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chmery. etc. , without removal. No delays. Al
business strictly tdnfldentlnl. Loans so mntli
that any part can bo paid at nny time , each pay
inent reducing trie cost pro ratn. Advance
made on nno writgbfs un < ' diamonds. Person
should carefully consider who they are deallni
with , asmanwtrttv concerns are daily comlm
Into existence. Si6uld ) you need money cull am
se mo. W. lU.Croft , room i Wlthnell building
15th and llarnty. ' " C30
MONUY Tdlcdn. Lowest rates. No delay
J. L. Iticu Ik Co. , o > er Commercial Nu
tlonitlbank I < i 1137
MONKY to lonn on city property , and alw
farms In SicOiraska and Iowa. Odell llro
A Co , loan , re al f ftaiu and Insurance agenta. III
Pearl street , Council llluffs. lu. ; 15JU Farnati
street , Omaha , i , 3U8
MONKY to'lpan. Notes nnn rt. It. ticket
bought ubd-tpld. A. Foi man. 21J S l.ith st
r v ' 134
MONEY to lon , -cash on hand , no delay. J
W. and K , LVBqul.-o. 11 LI Farnaui st. I'm
ton hotel bulltllnt' . C2U
\\7ANrKD-Toliuy gfu'l merchundlso biu !
T T ness , must be clean , cheap and good tradt
Addiess P30 , llec > ofllee. 034-0
\\rANTr.D-Partner in A No. 1 ontablUlu-
I T and paying otllie buslneaj , J , L. Hlco .
Co. 914-8
TT'OK 8ALK Orexchang * . anew rombln d f
JC bbl. roller and bun mill with complet
modern ontnt of machinery , doing a good bus
nes , with unlimited water now w on Little Illn
rUer , in Thayer county. Neu. Will take ti.iii
orupwaiiHincush , balance on i-auy tenus , o
city property or luinis In whole or in part , Ac
dress , A , C , Collins , Hebron , Neb. ay d !
TCTOK SALF.-Ono lotel ( 3 stories high , goo
X1 stand , basement with water running n
through the building and aNo to the barn ; oar
stabling fO Head of horses uid ) 75 tons at Jiny nn
water In ItfutUhOll or tiHilu for real estate c
stock. For further Information writu to 1
Hill k Sou DunbarVtb , . . ,
B USIN15SS chances Partner' In Insurance
olllce. . Address I121 Hco. l )
[ 710K HA I.K-A first-class grocery with meat
L1 mnrkcit In connection , doing n ulw business.
Alioul ll.Uillciish. balance IM J. A good ( liiinco
or right party. Address " 1 * 4' Ilee ultlco. Ml
A LlVUmnn opening llotirnnd freel More In
tv Fitch block Is sure to make It pay Hlg
ndiicement to open ill once.
.1' , L. Gregory , Kental Agent * , ax > S IBth st.
171011 SAtK-Mcnt matkct In Wllber , county
I sent of Sillno county , Ncl ) i goenl rliatice ;
ermsie.isonable. Address 1) ) . MclvnbaihA Son.
ir.rr 7 *
L\niOLUb.\Li : confectionery business for
i i sale , Paving trade established. l ook
his up. Apply S17S. Hth st. 921
[ 710H exchange 320 acres choice Floilda land ,
Jilenr. .
1BO Gov 11 Co. , Kansas , tree claim , 2 miles from
good tow n. v erv chole e.
ion , Itnvvllns Co. , Kaniii" , near county scat tin-
ncumbereil , $ .175.
An undlv Ideel 1-8 Interest In n 34,000 ncie tract
n WjonilnirTer.
If von have ah ) thing to olTcr call on or ml-
Iress , U. II. Hrewstei , SAM Cuming st. 751-t > *
DOOTS nnd shoes riuo rlciin stock of boots
JJ iiml shoes to tuulo for steers , ) earllngs
.ml lwoc'aiolls. ( . Mock will ln\olcu itlxxit
10,1X10. 11. II. Sejdel , Stuart , Iowa. KM K
171A It MS to exchange' forOinalui property.
JL ? 320uc < ies In western lown , no iticiimber-
it-M ncrcs In Vixwneo Co. , Nebraska , 100 In cultt-
80 ncres In Hnena Vista Co. , lown , no Inctim-
200 IK los In Dakota Co , Neb. , IK ) In ctilthntlon.
2UO acres In llntlcr On. , Neb. , no Inrumbernnce.
irai ncres in Nauru Co , Neb , w oil improved.
livi uires in Cuss Co. , IOWR , Improved.
looucies iu OJboine Co. , KnnsiiH , no Inctimber-
nco ,
H2 < MO Chas. It. Wooltey , 41S S. 111th st.
WANTUD exchange , choice Inside v ncimt
lots InOmalm for good horses nnd cat-
ages. J. 1 , . Jtlce A. Co. Oil
I710H exchange First class Omaha nnil South
JOmaha property for Rood Nebraska and
owa laud. W. 0. Albright , 21SS. 15th st.
1U7 11
FAIlMo nnd wild lands to trade for fit y prop-
rrty. W. M. Harris , over 230 S 15th st.
87310 *
rilO ttXCIIANor.-Anlnteiest In the leal es-
JL tnte business for good land or city prop
rty. Addiess PU Ilee. HtiH
TIO trndopiopeitvof all kinds for good farms
W. 0. Albllght , 21S S IBth st. 947 Jl
LI VlIUV barn nnd stock to exchange for Jl.fiOO
In prnpi rty and balance cash. Hat hoi shop.
> est InOnialia , to exchange ) for lands or city
uopcrtv , no cash icqulied. Sinnll Imrbei vhoji.
Will exchiuiK" for a lot or small farm. Co opei-
itlvo hand A. lot Co , 'Att N Ifith st. Ml 0
FOH SAliK Or exchange , ijood Omaha prop
erty for Rood stock of boots nnd shoes ,
clothlmr. fnrnlslilm ; Roods or Imrtin are. S < hlu-
Inijur Itros. , 011 S 10th st. TOT J a
"IXTANTKl- few ntoro ( rood farms In Ne-
TT braska lor which I will trade Ilrst-clnss
) maha and South Umalia propel ties.V. . O. Al
bright , 21S S. nth ht. P17 H
T HAVE for tiade Improved farm In Cass Co.
nenr I'lattsnionth , will Uncle for Improved
nsldo pi ciperty. Aden ess JI 'JO , lieo olllto.
\VOULDL1KR to exchange n loHnSann-
IT del s .VII Ime-buugh's addition to Walnut
1111 for n good sleigh nnd light twx > sent < -el
sutiy ; would nlso take a good horse uud phiu-
ton. Address bos 4J.1 P. U. 410
WANTED Good furmsln exchange for
Omaha property , C. C. Spotswood. JS05H
SIGth. 131
OMAHA propoity to exchange for farms , cor
ner lot with three houses ; a large lot less
ihait .a inila from the postolllco with 2 houses ,
IPW 7-room house 1 block fiom Htioct cais.
Jhas. \Voolley , 418 S. 15th bt. ttti 10
WANTKD Property of nil kinds to exchange
bpectalntturlonel\ento ! trading. C. C.
Spotsw ood. U05 ! I S luth. KU
TIOKXrilANOIXCoocl east iront lot In Hans
com 1'laco to exchanges for clean stock of
dry goods or clothing. C. V. Harrison , US S. 15th.
T < O IXchanRn l'\pcl city prop el ty.
3 B-ioom Itouses In Ambler 1'lnce ; emu 7-r
.toiisp In Alatno I'lH/n ; fonrft-room houses on
S. SOth st. W. ( > . Albright , i-'lb S. 15th st.
IH7 11
TO TltADR Inside property for Rood house ,
eight or nine room1' , and full lot. McCul-
loch & Co , cor loth and 1'ain.un. C.M
riO THADB Two lmpro\ed farms In Iowa for
Oinnlm propel tv < > i Nebraska lands. Mo-
lulloehACo , cor ; Kith nnd ruinrim. ( CM
[ jlOIl TltADifi.OOU : acres of clioice western
L1 land to exchange for general merchandise.
Jno. r. Toft , K4 N. ftth at. uifl
WANTIJI1 Hooil family hoiso In exchange
foi lot , JlcCulloch i Co. , cor 15th and
Fatnnm. t > ! 7
TIO KXUIIANfiK lmpro\ect farm in Iowa
for Omaha residence property. J.J.Vil -
tlnson , 1K4 Fat nam. b8l
MIDTiAND Onaranteo nnd Tntst Co. lWri )
rarnnm street Complete abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate jjtamlned , j > er-
focted nnd guaranteed. WE
BKNSONX-rAHMICHAl'.r , fninUh complete
nnd guaranteed nb-ttracts of title to any
real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas countv upon
shot t notice. The most complete setof abstiact
books In the city. No. lull ) 1 amain st. mil
FK SAM3 New lion'o of 4 rooms , full lot ,
Derutm st. bet. JtOth nnd 31st , price 1MO ,
easy terms. McDouell's Dairy , Jlurt st.neur
Helt line. WJ hj
F IOK SALE Three six room houses In Ambler
place. W. O. Albrlglit , 218 H. 13th. 917-11
Hy M. A. Upton A Co.
Three pieces pioperty,30 per cent below actual
Lot 37 , Fnlrmount , K.KK1. $1.100 cash.
Hlock H. HoMl's nddttlon , 10 lots on State st , ;
tiack ftom IJelt line gnainnteecl. $7,000. f-WO
lllock 31) ) , Hoyd's adaitlon , 10 lots , M.500 , ! . ' ,000
SI. A. Upton & Co. , 10th street , opposite Cham
ber of Commerce. Ml
SALIOne seven room houmi In Alimo
ya. W. G. Albllght. 218 S. 15th. HI7-11
FOH SALU In South Omaha , r , houses on 2
corner lots , for Jl , WO , M rush , which lent
tor W75 per ) ear , on L st. D. D. bmeaton. 1WJC1
Dodge st. b.18
oitSALU-Afnrnlsneilltat or 'I rooms with
steam and bath , contruly located. Call 22J
North 14th. 810.
FOH SAM ! Four nouses on S. 20th bt. W. G.
Albright. 218 b , 11th st. 017-11
EM STICKNUY fc CO. maKe a specialty of
property In North Omaha , for sale 01 lent
ut Citizens' bank , 240H Cumlng st. 731
FOH SALU We olTer ns u special bargain HJO
acres of land four miles from stock ) nrds ,
at } 125 per acre , on line of U. P. H. H. McCagne
Opp. P. O. 0,14
T 1ST your property for bale with Charles C.
JJSpotswoodt0.1li8inth : Et titi
NAK . ' 1 lots , 4lxl'l3 , Ilristol st. near 2Ch | , I'M
eachtX ; ( ) cash ; balancn veiy easy. F. L
Gregory , real estate ng't , M'J S. luth st. R31
"I71OH S A LF.-Finest location for n home in
.1 ? West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klikendftll , Coe , Hrucly , Easson nnd others
Nothing liner In the city. Can so UltVlxlW or
less ; for prices and terms see H. A. Sloman. 1 Ml
Furnam st. ( VW
T710K SALK n oed brick business property ir
.U centre of Grand Islnud ; grc-atest uargalr
and best terms in the city ; but little cash required
quired ; long time , low Interest nnd easy pay
ments ; other real estate fer sale. Address. ! . H
Woolley , attorney at law , Grand Island , Neb ,
T7WK SALU As line n piece of tiackage n' '
-E there is In the city. w. G , Albllght , 218 h
11th fct. V17-11
FllilOMPSON. 314 S. Hth st. buys and sells re.i
J. estate , loans money , purchases securities ;
has a good list of propel ty for sals and want :
more. Notary puullc. bH
ITU ) 11 SALK Lots In Lincoln Place , nontlni
JL' on the Metiopoutan cable , two each. ) ,
Corner lot on Lowe avenue and California
cable line. l,750 , H cash.
Somn choice lots Inv st Cumlng nddltlon , ! SO <
to 11,2nO , easy terms. TliPio lotxnio onor neai
the cahlp now tn-lng built on California bt. Hti ]
now at old pi ices.
A ilnobiinlnets coiner at 10th and Douglas
tfn.noii. x , cash ,
Acies in Solomon's add , tst ) , { JO cash.
AcreilnbpiliiS Valley with tiackauc , $500 ,
J.ots in Ix > beck's sub , near South Omahn. o :
N. W. Hy. d ) each. I * cjiish. Tliese ureth
cheapest offerings In their respective neighbor
hoods. Mnrslmlli Lobixk , room P , chamber o
commerce. in
TFyou have anything to sell or nxchanga Us
it " 1th 0. U. SiiotnVood. 3UJJJ 8 ICth. 411
TTJOK SALEIlraldenco 'property In Bout !
JC 0u4Ua. w , tAlbrisbt , MS. 15th si
A MfW Heal Kstato Acenry.
IV Oltlc o 1W.I7 Fai num.
Wl Yery fine residence lot ( kill UonCass
rtne.ir32d , lids Is olfered for n few
days at 25 JUT cent less than any uttr-
lottndlng property f O.COO
003 Fine corner In llawthomo Mxtel
only I blcnk from 11 , W , Ynte's new
iesfilttiercry clutip . . . . . . . 1,500
999 Most clc-nlrublelotln Sulphur Sin lug
nt less than value. . . . . . . 2,000
115 South IMh ft lot o\14li : , small house ,
n Mrgnln , cm gmdo . , PWX )
110 On N ithst lot 50x110 , small luni-e ,
near Nicholas st fiKX )
118 tSottthOmnhn lot and 3Horcs , rent
forll.Nmper ) riir lO.OuO
117 On 14th st ncur.loncs 4lxiid feetjiood
bitslnc'ss location 7,700
1T > Farnam coiner , lot ljxU5 ( with two
houses dented ) 21,010
4 ? ' Miami N't. : tid nnd.ttthsts. , 4-nxnu
house,1 , full lot 1,000
Gil Corner east nnd south front , near
Hell Line depot. Oak Chatham. . . 2,500
45J ( Sennidst. , near 25th , 7-room house
'tint 3,500
427 on Hartley st . nenr ; Kd , 5-room new
house1 , lot iVKTl'.pi ' lct 1,000
111 Cummlncs st. , line1 location , nenr
27th st. 1 iilfeet fiont bv 1 li lout deep.
'IhislscheiipntlllOa foot.
112 Cass st , niNii I'lth , ivsxrr,1 , with gcmd
rood -rooiii l house , price 13,000
P.1 Chicago st. near l.thst. , fifixl Kwlth
3 honscF , rents for * M ) per month . . 14,000
130 2tst st. coiner , 11 ! feet square ; excellent -
lent warehouse location , ti.ukiu.v.
' 1 his Is a bargain at 21,000
490 On Hth st , near Martha , llrst-cl.iss U-
room house , lotHKHO o.ono
1S3 Ou fptucest , neai luth ( car llne)5- )
room lieu e , lot 40 teet Iront . . . 2 , 00
4SS On Popplelon. mwPiiik nxc1 , good
Uloom hoilM' . lents foi tM . . . p/iM )
4SI On Ohio st , block tiom cms , 6-ioom
htiife , full lot. for . . 3tOO :
4 ! < 4 On S. IMh st , goodC-room house ,
small lot , price . . . . ; i,5W
4M Ou N.2l tst , 4 room , full lot . . 2.UH )
4' South Omaha , 10-room hotel nnd lull
lot 4,000
' On 1'itli st , cornel , u-itiotu house , lot
JitlxlW S.500
470 cm 15th st , near Mnrlha , 5 loom
house , full lot . . 3.KW
4G3 In Plaln\iew , on 21st st. 1 rooms ,
barn and full lot . . . . 1,600
459 On25th st , near IIM\enuorth , 2 lots ,
each Mxl2l , one a corner , goodo-
riKiin house , line shrubbery , price . . 5,000
451 On : wtli st , iic-ar Popple ton nen
new moderns-mom house , full lot ,
east front , good shade trees . T.fiOO
448 On I'm k avenue , full lot , modeinS-
loom house , deilrablo . , 8,100
4 , l Uast fiont , vliglnla ave , neui Hick-
oiy , ti-room collage , now , . 4,000
430 Vliglnla a\e. neai Poppleion , A 1 8-
room house , modern , good barn . , 0,250
411 Geoiglan\e , ueai Klco bt , full lot , fa-
loiini cottage 2,501) )
111 Geoiglaa\e , coiner , 3 lull lots au.l
fi-ioom house . 3,000
130 Pacllle near loth st. , M.xlc . ; . 'I his Is n
winelioiise and has splendid ttack-
ngo fnacllltles . 15,000
' hannderst > t. nc'itr 1'nikei corner , ltx )
120. price . . . . 0.250
1 Tenth st. near Pncllle comeis ) on
( )0 ft square , alley trackage . . . . 13,300
10S Cumlng st. u coiner splendidly lo
cated , 70w , verj elesliubli- 35,000
107 31th st. near Cnmlng St. , 47x201 , coi
ners on ally . . c.OOO
,01 140 ft on Leavenworlh bv II.'ft deep ,
n coiner , will sell tio.i22 ftupwnnls
nt $70 per front ft or A,111 sell whole
Fleco lor 8,100
'arniini ' st. near 22d st , , h7.xl.tnt MV )
Hunt foot . . . , . . .
'onrteenth stieet , coiner , 5 houses ,
lent fl'"i n month ; has double tiack-
age ; julco . 30,000
01 UJ feet square , coiner on 14lh St. ,
buildings lent for { 150 pir moith ) ,
pilre .11 . . ' . .50,000
097 IHU sM * t , near llaucroll,7 full lots
foi . . . 7.500
917 Miamistnet , near.fnh , full lot , . Ib50
1)9,1 ) , 2iith avenni' , neai bt. Muij' , full
lot. ill \ 140 5.500
Ot9 Webster St. , near Just east of the
convent , 110x174 . . . . 4,600
98S Pat k aeuiio. . near Farnam st. , east
fiont.67x140 , fiom stieet to stieet ,
double fiontagc. Call ut ollico lor
aelllc st. near Phil Sheiidan St. ,
lot 10x110 , ticmts 2stl.e'ts 1,175 *
077 Pin k no , south of Woolw orth , 50x
150 yMO
D72 On 2tth ! avenue , near St.Marj's u\e.
full lot 0,400
' 71 PnikiiMMine.i.'fiiHlpU , looxlw , for. . 10,800
)71 ) Paclilo st and ! Wtn st , coiner , 2 full
lots , 10.1x110 7.5WJ
HX1 Pnlkavenue , 100x112 , to tin nllex , for
Jim ) peril out foot
Walnut Hill , 2 tlirit class lots foi JiiM
J21 Georgia aemu1 , contei , KWxl'iO , lor. . 7.500
' 11 VliglnUae.ery choice east fiont ,
100x150 . 4..MH )
Theabovepvopeity can all bo bought on lull
erms. Al o call attention to 2 good bilckyatel
sites on railway and nejirtown. Also 22-feot
"ot-.oii Le.ivenworth st , near 21th Bt.
Ames' Heal Ustnte Agency.
15l7Fuinuiubt. ( 7S5 0
FOH SALU At a gieat batgaln 2sections ot
tine Ni'biaska hind , il per acie , M pn acm
cash , balance InOjeui a. , Wuollev , 118
'onthllth st. ItW 10
FOIl SALU llttsiuess property In South
Omaha. W. G. Albllght , 21b S 11th st.
917 11
JCAN offei lorsilo seM'ral cholcn coinei and
inside lots ncnt the business center of South
Jmahu nt prices that make > them bugnlns and
ake good moitgage , nntuot pait pavtnent ; In-
inlie at OIR-O ol Cieo. N. HlcUs , 215 S 15th ut.
7 " 1
POH SALU IRQ ncres of lind four miles from
stockyards , at Jl''l perucie ; this Is a bar-
; aln. McCVeguiOpp. . P. O. K ! . )
BAKOAINSSouth Omaha. .Splendid col nei
lot , South Omaha , Lr. J' . depot , UM50
feet , JII5I. ! ( only ttdO cash.
Nice business lots. South Omaha , only half
ulo < k from passenger depot , JJ,200ony ! * 700 cash
Corner lot. M nnd Twenty-seventh stF , South
Dinnlui. J2.7W ) This I j emu of the best points in
South Omaha toat.utaietall business , or to put
up building lor rental purpose- ) .
Corner , 00x110 feet , on II nnd Hellevue streets ,
south and eatt fiont , only half block from pio-
jiosed park. A big bai gain Is taken quick.
One ot the tlnest lots ou lelleno .st , frmth
Omaha , east front OUxloO , just light foi itiade ,
Corner , ISO feet , east front on Hellcvue Bt. ;
will mal. six good bi lttess lots , JI.SX ) .
Corner , 7 x150 feet , on Ilellevue-st. , Bouth
Onmha , W.0di ) , only f sew cash re-quired.
Flue residence lot in bouthOmnha , Fivoblocks
this side of di pot ; pi leu Join ) , only iTJ.cush ) , bal-
nm o one and tw o > oars.
Bueral choli o lots in Iloyd i. Sharp's , Few Irr
place and Urown's park , ut low prices and easy
To parties buj Ing lots of mo In South Omnha
and e-rc-ctlng nimll cotUges 1 will > , uaiantee to
rcntthemntpilces that will net iiom 11 to 2j
pc-r cent per aimtim.
For halo New store building nnd lot on Halle-
\ no stie et , Houth Omaha , can gho posicsston ut
jiV < - < Ml'i < - eilUXlfJOc ) .lsh , baluico 1 , 2 , und J
j ears.
Ulegant lesldenco sites In ilnnsroni Place1.
> t Jl , blk. ti. one of the llnest lots In the .vddl-
lion , only J-'W.
Corner Del.iw are nnd Popplcton sentie , lOdx
110 feet , fconth nnd east trout , miignlllci nt \ lew ,
splendid iu Ighborhood , near Mrevt cms and
purk. A bargain If sold at cnicu.
UiO fec't east Iront ou Dtnine street near Pop-
pletonmemie. Water and gas on street , clo ute
to street cur line , pcilect giude , jtiitlho pluco
foi an eh'gant ii-sidence or block of houses. Call
and get pi lee.
Ikuutffiil south front lot. corner Thirty-third
street and Popplelon uvenuo. i . ' .700 ; only * 7l > J
cash , bnlunce , one , two , tin ee and luiu veai'H ,
if you want n nice home or tut entitle nt it will
puv you to look this up.
To exchange good section of farm land In ctU'
trnl Nebiaskn lor houio and lot In Omaha.
For sale , business property , splendid buslne
lot South Omaha , just the plui e for a good retail
gioceiy orliquol stoio , only half block from
new Union Pnclllc depot , lor u few d.i ) s ut i2,1u )
Choice live acre Iruct in West Om.iju , splon
dldly adapted for gin ikn purpo-jCrt. . \ big bar
gain if tuKen uiomi' .
Tc'ii iicies lu LawntleliL lirar junction of M , P
nnd F. U. X M. V. Hy. Cull und get price unc
1 have tlio agency of n splendid business cor
neron I'utnam street , can take good moitgagi
notes In pint ! > a > mcnt , also olle r b v eial cholci
Soutn Omaha lots in exchange ] for good secnree
lor sale or exchange , one of tlio finest block1
of fifty lots In West Omnlm , within two block' '
of M. P. llelt Line Hy. , only JI7.doo. 17.000 cash
M.cUi nun tguge cm propel ty , und the balance ) It
good farm property. 1 Ills block of lots to daj
fiiwoith f2.1wi ) , nlid will sell readily In thi
spring for much more money. It is light In tin
way of the growth of both Um.ilm uud boutl
Geo. N. Illcka.315 3 15th gt. 913 10
IT'OirsA'M -A I li.iigarn , "Blx ln > n e unc
JLA half lotonDavvnpoit St. , four blocksfion
high school ; print &i.5iO. ( II.Wil rash , bnlunci
two and three j ears. G. L. Given , 1017 llowan
I7KIK bALU-l.ot , xllJ feet v.lth Ilrouil
house1 , cor. 31tli nnd LeHVenworth hi"
$1,700. Inquire ut Golden Kulu bazaui , 70:1N : ILtli
2J5CMjicasli ; ) ( ) wanted In a fTiUVdeiill sonn
P of Omaha's best niltyt object , casn : wll
ylolcMargft protlt. Addiwas O , lllue. _ 377 dJO *
" " "
FOlTSALF.-Lot.l"Tlock"87A"b. PiitrlrkTK ad
cltfon , will snll lor fmvi'nys ' ut ll.CV ) . t7"
cash , bnlancu easy. M . ' 17 Ile-e olllce. 987
ITIOH aALni/okLook ! fxita.
-U on Cas between * 2nd and SM Kts. Onl' '
$5.500 , rs.M > i iKh , A biiigaln , ami no mlKtake. '
t front corner , on 'Will nnd Jone
f t . 1ti l fcoutli of the line residences of Ka son
lliady and othcr . Cm sc-ll this , if taken Hence
once , for Mci < i. An elegant ii-sldenre cxjrnfti
Nothing In the \lclnlty BO cheiip. M. , \ . I'ntm
& Co. loth t. utiu Chimburof Comtneiciii Is. !
" \\niV pay rent when yon can buy n rnrnUbw
IT h'ouao on n nice largo Iota > xll0 , In tU
llncst part of Oicalm , uear till ) ntrct
cars und within onoblocl. of , whuru the Metre
polltan rible will run , by p-ivlng a ain.ill snu
dcni n and the balance wuntlily , Addiesx O 1.
lie. . . - ' ' . V.T
\Mio li Wf.lK. Nf.RVOl'N. 1 > r.lIII.ITA
drains upon thn KOU.NTAINN of LlfK ,
HRADArilK , II Vt'KAt'lIR , Prrildrul
Drentni. WKAKMKNH of Mcmnrr , 1I\NII.
riii.NF.NSiu NOCIKTV , 1'iniM.r.s upon
tlio KA 'K. and nil thn Kl'FfrUTN lendlne to
KiKI.Y nr.i'iYaml perhi l
I ION or I.XSAJS ITY. Miould cotiMtlt nt once
the 'F.I.KHItiTKI > Dr. CUrkp ,
1MI. Dr. Clnrko ha < mndo NKRVOI'S UK.
11IMTY. rilllONK ! nd nil Disease * 'of
tlio (1KNITO I'UI.\AUY OrR tn I.I fa
lUndy. U makes N ( dllU-rvnco WHAT you
, 'irrc tnkrn or W II O lim fulled to euro TOIL
liar to their * cx can contult lib the lusuranca
of tpocdy relief and cure. Bend 2 cents post p9
for works on jour dl ciucs
* * -Scnd 4 ccnta iioslago for * Vlnt ri tcd
Worhd on Chriiiilr , Nrrtnnn nnd Ill
rnto Diseases. Consultation , personally or bjr
letter , free. Consult tlio old Itorlor.
ThniKiniitlN mrril. onirpunnd itnrlnra
prltalo. 4-1hoso ronteinplntliiK Mnrrlara
n > nd fur Dr. rinrkc'N c-clolimtod pulda
SI n I o ami Feinntr. ench 16o. , both UAc.
( Mumps ) . Before lonflcMDR your case , consult
Ilr. CI.AKK i : . A friendly letter or onll in y
Ma future suflerlnRnnd slinme , and add golden
years to llfo. JWHr-ok "l.lfi * ii ( Seeret ) Kr.
rorn , " We. ( stauiiul. Mcdlelno niul writing
cent cTcrwlicro , oocuro from o poiurc.
Hours , 8 to 8j Snndsj s , U to VI. Address ,
P. D. CLARKE , M. D.
180 So , Clark 8U CHICAGO. ILL.
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ' ,
'ho Best Ilonto from Oinnlm nnd Council
Milwaukee ,
St. 1'uiil , Minneapolis , Collar llnpltls ,
Itock Island , Frwport , Itockfonl ,
Clinton , Dtiliuquc , Davenport ,
Elgin , Madison , Junes * , lllc ,
Ucloit , V'lnoun , Lnl
Anil all other Important polnt Ktst , Norllicasl and
For through tickets cull on tlio ticket mtoiit nt lldl
r rrmm street , In 1'aiton Hotel , or at Union 1'aclflo
IMillraan Pleopere nnrt tlm llnost Dlnlnff < 'iu In tlio
world lire run nn tlio miMn line of lliu ejlilcnco. Mil-
WRiikco .V M I'niil HnllvriiT , niul ( "vorr Munition In
mill In ; > n ongen l > r courioous cmvloyes of tUt
11. MIl.t.KH.nenerivl MUnncor.
J. V. TUOKlill A il tnntcjonornl Mnndsor. i
A. V. It c.utl'KNriill , Uoncrul 1'uisongor and
UKtlftlKAFront ) , Atslstant General Paisoocot
n < 1 Ticket Agent.
J. T. Cl-AUK , llcncrftl Supertntondent.
Leave Art l\o
Om.iha. Omaha.
Depot lilth nnd PleicHSts
'acllle Kxpuss 8:20 : p. in. 7Wn.m : ) ,
Detn c i Kxpreid 10. 'in m , ii.oop. m.
Local Hxpiess G.UOp.m ,
IXcept Siindiy.
Depot 10th and Pacific sts
Jlikngo Mall li:50ii.m : , .
'lili ago Local u:4" : p. m. 0:10 : u. in.
Dcmei l\pre ! a r > il'i n.iii. 3uOi : > .m.
Demer Jlall H.on p. m. UMOii.m.
S'elnaska Local 10:10 : a.m. r > ; 41p. m.
Kansas C'llyK\pi ess . . u.onn.m. UV : > P. m.
Kansas Ulty Kxprc-bi. . . 7.00 u. in.
O. . St. P. JI. fc O.
Deopt r > thnnd Wdbsterst
Moiix Clly lllack Hills Kx SIr : > n , m , 4:45 : p.m.
llnncioft UxpresH . . . . 4:4'ip.m : 10:40 : n.m.
lilnck Hills Passenger. fiX : , 7:40 : p.m.
Depot IDth und Webster at
Day Uxnii's-i 10t" : n.m : rift. m
Night Ilxpress l-0p.m ) : ( jJO : p. in
Hunnlng Hetween ronnell llluffs nnd Albright
In addition to the station * mentioned , trutmt.
stop ut Tncntlelh and Tvvuuty-lourtU streets ,
uucl ut the Summit In Omaha.
llroad- 'I runs- Omuba Shee- htock Al-
w ay.'I fer. Depot. ley. Yards. blight.
A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.
" ' fil'i : r.r. 0:00 : 0.10
'tnio O.liU 0:17 : 0. CSTi :
OiVi 7K : ( 7:15 : 7:40
7:4" : . H:0-i : 8:1 : : : KiJH
8r : > 11.03 9.12
y:4" : ) 10.05 10:1- : ,
10:4r. : 11. 0" ) 11:1. : 11:01 : 11 rw
11 : ii.r , ; P.M. P.M. P.M. P.M.
P.M. P M. 12.10 12:1. : !
LJ : LOT. 1:12 :
l.-cs ; ; ! " S-M
S.U 8:13 : tlHO :
3.r. : ! : : > . 4:01 : 4-.m
4.n 4r : , fi-.ia 0'W :
6 : n.v C.0 > BU : nS : )
: ) 11.13 7:1- 7:30
7f. : 7:1S : . SK : bM
Cl' : . b'U 9.03 9:12 : VM
t'li : ti-Ji. . ' lO.U'i 10:1- : 10.35 1Q.-30
10:4. : > W.K 11:45 11:50
I r\QirM.ANHOOD.VouthliilInipr.
IUO 1 udeiilce.St < rvou < loblllt > ruusetl
Iliiouxli e'rrom und dad piac'tlciM CURE