A . : ; . . : , .n . . . . . . . * " 6 _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : AYE ESDAY , B OEjVfBEJl 7 , 1887. DAILY BEE. COinsrCILBLUFFS. OFFICI2 NO. 12 , PKAltlj HTI'KhT Delivered liy rnrrior In a.ijpnrt nf the city at , , . . . I"1'1'1ctntHiitrttU'k. ' . II.V T/rr.N. . . . Manager. TIUI : > HONIS : : : Kt. ! OrnrK , NO. w. KUITUJl ! N'O , ! S | . MINOIl MI3NT1ON. N. Y. Plumbing Co. llcitcr , tailor , Fall goods cheap. See Chapman V pictures for Chribtmas. Mrs. SoifortRiof died yesterday indrn- Ing of typhoid fever at KeolH. Water service from the Broadway main was ychterday put Into the telo- plioiiu oxfhangc. State Muster Workman Wright , of DiilmlooMi , addresses the Knights of La bor hero this evening. A marriage UPOIISO was granted ycs- lorday to CJeorgo ( Jrabill and Flora A. Urowcr , both of thin county. T ho city auditor desires all who have paid their faowurago aw-e.Sbinunt to call at liin olllco and receive their eertill- tntcs. Blrdio Christie's bagnio on Plorc * Btrcet has boon taken pos esMOti of by L'onstablo Kickotts on a chattel mort gage Buixure. Tlicro were " ' > ( ) pension papers made out in the county clerk's olllce yc.stor- flay and hont to DCS Moines to start the How of money this way. The Methodists are givers. The hat was passed around. Sunday for money to pay for recent internal improvements. The hat came back , and S oU with it. The grading of Broadway frcii Twen ty-fifth street to the river is being pushed right along by Owen Bros. , who o.xpect to complete the work by Janu ary 1. The local agency for the celebrated Bethesda water and Bellies-da gingeralo has been secured by Troxoll Bros. , who will keep a' full supply on hand at all times. In the district court yesterday there was little done. A few foreclosures of mechanics' liens and a judgment by de fault in the caho of Bixby vs. Dicrhs nnd others. The Y. M. C. A. gave another enjoy able entertainment hint evening , in this feature of the work Secretary Cur tis has been very huece.s&ful , and lie will bo greatly mis-used. The "Cascade" Laundry , 30.1 Broad way , Hung its banners to the breexo yesterday , but it will bo home days be fore it will bo ready for active work in the "wabheo" clothes lino. The financial matters of Nat Shcpard have been adjusted and ho will resume charge of his drug business to-day. This result has been earnestly hoped for by his friends whoso name is le gion. The capo of Williams vs. Ttothcry was before the superior court all day yester day. The plaintiiT finished examining witnesses at 4 : . ' ! < ) o'clock nnd rested his case. The court then adjourned until this morning. Dirt hauled over paved streets must bo in tight wagon boxes. The marshal is instructed to keep his eyes open and the threat is made that it will cost the olTending teamstei > more than the price of endboards. . The contract for furnishing St. Fran cis Xavier's chmvh was lot yesterday to T. H. llifTor , of Kansas City. Much of the tapestry , carpets , etc. , will bo bought at home , and only the furniture which cannot he bought in the city will be bought abroad. r The Presbyterian prayer meeting to night will bo hold in the rooms under the ga olllco on Pearl street. These rooms have- been secured for the better accommodation of the attendants , the church building being a little too largo for such meetings , especially during the winter months. A lively team scattered a wagon along Broadway yesterday afternoon. A collision with a farmer s wagon at the center of Bryant street stopped everything but the horses , which con tinued their run to the Methodist church. No one injured. A hook is kept at the police station in which is registered the namoand effects nf all applicants for lodging. A recent entry is ' 'James Butcher , 1 ! ; ! ; Mary Ann Butcher , J20 , ono night's lodging. Ellects , baby. " They could not "put up" their elTocts for their board. Yesterday morning Auditor Caldaldor of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy wind arrived in the BlulVs , and during the day checked up the ticket ? in the city ofllco which was recently entered by a mid day burglar. Everything was O. K. , no tickets being missed. Mr. Caldaldor loft for the south on the evening - ing train. Max Mohn had a gentle reminder Yesterday that ho is not " .so young as ho used to bo. " It was his forty-fourth \ birthday. Max may not have remem bered the fact , but his nephew , Anton Rink did , and when ho expressed his congratulations ho adorned his uncle's nose with a pair of beautiful gold 1 bowed eye glasses. Max has no u o for them yet for ho can see a hair in the butter as plain as ho could twenty years ' ago , but ho feels just as proud' the gift as though ho was blind as a bat. An article appeared in Monday morn ing's BKK , concerning a Salvationist who had recently fallen from graco. Another member qU.tho army wishes to have it stated that uio facts a'ro as they then anpearcd with ono exception , viz : the delinquent is not a salvation soldier. Ho has often taken part in their meet ings , but that is a privilege accorded to nil. The nforoMiid member says that the fallen brother is a pronounced Methodist. Ho is in a pickle all the enmo and no mistake. Always nt the Front. Wo have now ono of the most com plete stock of line and medium-priced watches and chains , diamonds , gold jewelry - elry , Hue marble clocks , silver and plated ware , gold-headed canes , umbrellas. opera and Held glasses , and all the standard styles of the leading novelties of the seat-on. All prices so low as to defy all competition. At No. i7 ! South Main street. C. B. .IACCJUKMIN & Co. Ilctlicsda'H Virtues. ' For years Bethesda water has stood unrivalled as a curative agent in the re lief of all diseas-es of the btomaeh , bow- eln and urinary organs. Dyspepsia , in digestion , Urfght's disear-o , diabetes , inllanimation of the bladder and kid neys , feinalo weakness , torpid liver , pains in the back and loins and inconti nence all yield to its magio touch. It is nature's remedy the product of Bethesda springs , located at Waukcsha. Wis. It cures whore other so-called reme dies fail. Troxoll Bros , have secured the polo ngoney of this ronmrkablo water for Council Blu1Tu mid-vicinity. Call at S45 Broadway and take a bottle homo with you , ' * Mneoiilc. Special mooting of Excelsior lodge No. 259 , A. F. A. M. this. .Wednesday evening for work in the first degree. Visiting brethren cordially invited. By order of the AY. M. . . . . , THE NEWS .IN THE BLUFF , Is Uhcio Sam's Biff House Settling Too Much ? PICKUPS BY THE POLICEMEN. One of I ho School Hoard Dors Not Dcllnro in Physical 1 Itctil Kitntc Moving Personal "Mention. Uncle Knin'M House. The following telegram from Wash ington , which has appeared in some of the western papers , has caused some little stir about the now government building at tills point : The astounding disclosure was mtulo licro to-duv that tin ! public bulldinp at Council liliiffs has settled four and a half Inches dur ing' the past immth. Congressman Ijymiin has Inul an interview with Supervising Archl- tci-t Freret In regard to the dlsustor and Is informed tliut nil work will bo suspended until the most thorough oxainliiatlon can bo inside. 1'rob.ibly the whole building will have to be tnkcn down. The settling wiw duo to hasty letting of the contracts. In order to get the building under way Inst your the whole force of 0110 division In the supervising architect's rifllco was put at work on the Council Bluffs plans and ten days' work was accomplished in one , The contractors are severely blamed for their bail work , but n share of the fault lies with the government oflicl.iK Superintendent Maxon declares that the foregoing was born of malice. Ho says Ihoro has been no settlement of the walls in months. Prior to the time of the completion of the stone super structure there was n settlement. IIo re-quested that the foundation bo rein forced and "detiirod an inspector to bo sent hero. Mr. Spear , the government inspector , appeared hero a year ago , and on his recommendation th'o work of reinforcement was done. Lust March , after thi > work was completed , another inspector canuj and reported that , con sidering the great weight of the build ing , the condition of the soilj Qtct'iicro had been very little Settlement. Mr. Maxon gli'.ims that whatever faulty ' .Yuri ? there was about the foundation which caused the settlement , was all done prior to his appointmont. Ho says there has not boon a deviation of one- quarter of an inch in seven months. Don't Freeze Up ! Wo are bound to close out our largo line overcoatings. Will make thorn up at greatly reduced figures. This is the oportunlty of a lifetime. A. llKll'KIt , 310 Broadway. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Moves In Dirt. County Recorder Thomas' office is a pretty good real estate barometer. Tt shoivs tlio coddilion of the market as unusually active for this time of year. There is generally little in this line jubt before the holidays , but. now there arc about liftcon deeds a day , besides numerous other instruments. Mo-st of them are small transfers , and of no special public interest. Among those filed yesterday was a deed by which the Union Pacific gives to the city the right ot way for opening up Ninth avenue through its land , to the river. Mr. Merriam , of Omaha , gives a quit claim deed to UishopCosgrovo , covering any interest ho may have in the lot south of the old Catholic church , which , it is claimed , is a part of the Catholic church property , though for years sup posed to belong to non-resident : ! . T. B. Baldwin sells lots. For nn elegant birthday giftor Christ mas present , u Domestic sewing machine leads them all. The Police Funds. Three evil-doers were before Judge Aylosworth yesterday morning. The case of George Donaldson , charged with assault and battery , was continued until 9 o'clock this morning. W. W. Gilmore wasup fordisturbing the peace. Charles Sullivan was charged with the larceny of live oil barrels. Neither were ready for trial. During the day two men named Blades and Middloton were ar rested at the instance of Mrs. Powder , for destroying property in her Vine street boarding house. The charge entered against them was vagrancy and malicious mischief. When the cell door was opened for Blades ho shed an abund ance of croc-odilo tearsand said ho daily expected his dear little wife to arrive in the city , and was much afraid that she could never find him in that vile place. Ed Bedis-on was also arrested for mali cious mischief. You Want Thorn. Domestic and , for patterns patterns .I'lliiivjfibftu I'tiuivJi tin tniv * iti tb\jk nn AUI stamping unit embroidery. Lntcst .styles and hnest designs. "Domestic" ollico , 105 Miiin btrcet. One thousand head of ono , two a id three-year-old steers for wilo. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. , T. Greennnuiyer , 623 Mynstor Bt. telephone lil. ! An Injustlco Corrected. To the Ktlitor of the BKK : By a mis understanding in my allldavit , pub lished in the paper * , concerning the punishment of my child at school , the name of Miss Buchdl appears. This ought not to bo , as she had nothing whatever to do with the punishment , and I do not want to do her any injus tice , she being wholly blameless and in no way concerned in the cuhO. I should not have made the aflldavit had I sup posed it was to bo made public. The alUdaylt was secured with the under standing that it was to bo presented to the board of education only , for them to act upon. L. DUNL.U' . Evcrv ono making a cash purchase o 2-5 cents at T. D. King & Co.'a cigar store guts a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Ttio WolKliiiiaster Powerless. Couxcir , BLUKKS , Dec. . To the Editor of the BKK : Please allow mo a few lines in your valuable paper in jus tice to the public. I have time anil again warned the public about weighing on the so-called city scales that have no authority and pay no license to the city , and have not for the past live or fa years. For proof , I refer the public to the city clerk's books. Thcro is a sys tem of short weights that protects the boiler and not the buyer , by weighing on scales not authorised by the city. I am powerless to protect the confjiimor , as I get no protection from the council. When I was elected to the olHee of city welghmtifctor , I made a proposition to the council , that it they would give mo an ordinance that would protect the public , I would nut a deputy in the upper and 0110 in tno lower part of the city , if npccfrsarv , to accommodate the public weighing. The council failed to give mo this authority therobv the city receiving no .revenue from" private ' * * * . * / ' t * ' ' . * , and the public ix system of short woitf his as my books will show , by parlies Who have weighed on private scales , and re-wolghcd on city scales , It was only yesterday 1 discovered a mistake of o90 jKHinds on ono load to a leading firm , and in many ether in stances , discrepances too palpable to beef of daily occurrence that prove conclu sively a system of short weights over which the city weighmaster has no con trol by testing private scales or other wise. Yours respectfully , W. S. AM v , City Weighmaslor. For best quality coal and wood ) call on Glcason , L'O Pearl street. E. II. Shcafc loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly conlldcntial. OfJieo 600 Broadway , cor ner Main street , tip-stairs. Don't Ucllevn In Whipping. Mr. Lawson , ono of the board of edu cation , scemq to dilTcr somewhat in opinion from other members of the board. He does not favor corporal pun ishment in the schools under any cir cumstances. He believes that the teach ers should have authority to send a re fractory punil home. Suspension from school privileges should lake the plaeo of brute force. He docs not , therefore , endorse the use of the three foot slick. Ho says ho has heard so many com plaints about children being punished too severely that ho is getting tired of it. lie is ready for a reform in this re spect. Now houses for sale cheap by John ston & Van Patten , M Main street. Weather strips for doors and windows at Odcll & Bryant's , 601 Main bt. llusliiess Courtesy. Yesterday afternoon a young man , a stranger in the city , stepped into a lit tle Broadway hotel , and askcil pel-mis sion to leave his satchel. He went out to buy a railway ticket and do some ) lher brief business , and returning ap- ilicd for his grip , as ho was ready to tart for the train. To his surprise ho vas charged ten cents for leaving his atehol there. As there was no such nlimation when ho asked permission o leave it the young man was quite akon aback. Ho went oil' roaring nt ho inhospjtality of the city and wanted o know if it wasa sample of the way cit ron's were "working to build up Coun cil BlulTs. " Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyre & Co. Wadsworth , Etnyre &Co. loan money Didn't Strike Plrc. On Monday Justice Burnett came very near having a wedding. A couple , ipparcntly of a marriageable ago , ap- ilicd to him for the beau knot of matri- nony. They were without the legal ) ormit and were directed to Clerk Shea 'or that requisite. Hero it developed that they wore from Ashland , Neb. Accordingly a license was refused and .hey were sent across the river. Their mines were not learned. It was evi dently a runaway match , but it failed to strike fire this time. Council Bluffs islet lot anxious to acquire the reputation of joing a second Chicago in matrimonial natters , and is shutting out all cases similar to this. Union Veteran Legion. At a regular meeting of encamp ment No. 8 Union Vctcron Legion , the 'ollowing officers were elected for the ensuing year : R. C. Ilubbard , colonel commander ; E. F. Holmes , lieutenant colonel ; L. B. Cousins , major ; F. Stegall , ollicer of the day ; D. J. O'Neill , quartermaster ; H. Ganheimer , ollicer of the guard ; J. W. Kilgore , chaplainand T. J. Cndy , surgeon. C. H. Warren was elected delegate to the national en campment , and L. B. Cousins , alternate. A. Van Order , II. N. Merriam and B. W. Hight , were elected trustees. Crazy or Drunk. W. W. Gilmore , a painter living on Avenue E , was arrested and brought into the police station on a charge of disturbing the peace , especially that of liis own household. Mrs. Gilmore thought ho was either drunk or crazy. Ho acted as if ho was a little of both. His wife had the insane commissioners examine him and they decided that ho was not cra.y , at least not enough to warrant his being sent to an asylum. The probability is that bad whisky was the chief cause of his wild and lunatic performances. Death of Mrs. J. Johnson. Stina , wife of Jonas Johnson , died yesterday morning of typhoid fever nt the residence of her daughter , Mrs. W. S. Swanson , 920 Seventh avenue. The deceased"was sixty-two years of ago aud leaves a husband nnd eight children , four sons and four daughters. Two sons and ono daughter are living in Sweden. The funeral will occur at 10 o'clock this morning. Interment will bo made at Crescent City cemetery at 2 o'clock this .afternoon. A New Council. A now council of the Royal Arcanum was instituted Monday evening by Dep uty Grand Regent Booth. It will bo known as Fail-mount council. The fol lowing officers were elected : Regent , Charles Bell ; vice regent , J. C. Mitchell ; orator , C. S. LotTorts ; past regent , G. H. Jackson ; secretary , F. P. Jones ; collector , E. D. Stacy ; treasurer , H. C. Beebeo ; chaplain , C. O. Fitch ; guard , G. S. Damon ; warden , R. Trum- bull ; sentry , H. A. Cole ; trustees , W B. Rood , J. M. Lane nnd II. R. Joiics. Personal Paragraphs. F. S. Stewart , with John Morris com pany , Chicago , wasa visitor in the Bluffs yesterday. William Drew , brother of Mrs. F. P. Yonawine , is with his sister during hoi dangerous illness. Superintendent Birkenbino left last evening for Helena , Mont. , on business of a private nature. Frank Shinn was in the Bluffs yester day greeting his friends and fellow-sol diers of the war of 1887. Mr. and Mrs. C. Forbes , of Kansas City , are here on a visit to Mrs. Forbes father , Mr. Allen Spoor. Conductor Jameson is taking a week's vacation and dividing his time between his friends at homo and this city. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Hongland were called to Henry , 111. , last evening by the serious illness of Mr. Hoagland's mother. Dr. John Green is able to bo out again after a month's wrestle with lung fever. His friends are delighted at the pros- pnots of a full and speedy recovery. W. F. Merrill , general manager o the Kansas City , St. Joseph & Council Bluffs road , was in the city yesterday. , llo loft on the Burlington 'ilyor" last evening. Dr. P. J. Montgomery intended to start yesterday for Now .York to give export testimony in a suit against an accident association , but ho .received a tolejjrAin bUitlug that the case , has boon DO IfbTT INTEND TO BUY STO OIE so , : 7O"v'y is y Pf VNO < * TUT. KUU.KST , HlCIIIHrTONH. I OllOANS SMOOTH IV TONE. PIANOS TUB r.\TH.ST fTvi.ri tx CASKS. OIMUSSj'ui.i. . i.v Voi.rMi : . PIANOS THK MOST HuAuriruii KIMSII. | nn\s -ii.Mu.sTi.y ; Ki.Msnrn CARES. We IJeiy All Competition nml Chollrnjie n Cotnpnrlsoii of Goods ntul Prices U'ltli Any HOIKO In the \Vrst. SEE US BEFORE YOU PURCHASE I SWANSON MUSIC COMPANY , 329 WEST BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , . . . . IOWA. adjourned until January. This will re- iovo him of the necessity of going cast. Henry K. Lybrand , of Columbus , O. , a railroad conductor , is spending his cave of absence in a western trip , and s at prc.-ent visiting his sister , Mrs. S. M. Williamson , on Nortu Seventh street. n Yesterday the Pacific IIOUPO register howcd tho'following Iowa people : Sam Chandler , Sidney ; H.C.Oren , Western ; B. K. Berry , Burlington ; Hoscoe C. Peterson , Oakland ; Mrs. K. A. Bois nnd Mrs. J. P. Lehman , Missouri Val- cy. The following lowans registered at ho Bechtelo house yesterday : C. L. Meeehan , College Springs ; Chas. Baker , Anamos-a ; W. S. Hosteller , DcsMoincs ; Frank SehrecpDubuquc ; M. IT. Fin-roll , "Yeston ; Thco. W. Ivory , Glcnwood ; Free L. Paine , Boono. The Swanson Music Co. are holding wo pianos which have been purchased or Christmas presents until that time , [ 'hoy are fully prepared to moot the demands of the trade in pianos , organs ind small goods. They olTor special in ducements for the holidays. Call and too them before purchasing. Company A , Fifth regiment , I. N. G. , lolfl a meeting last evening , to elect u captain to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Captain Mcssimer , and chose Captain Mount , of company C , of Shenandoah. The new ollicer will shortly remove to this city. Waste of Tissue Without Ilcpnlr. Vigor begins to decline when dyspep sia invades'ho stomach , and the dis ease , prolonged through neglect , en tails grievous loss of llesh and serious waste of muscular tissue. To invigor ate thoroughly and speedily , a sound stomach is rcauirc.d. There is none comparable to Hostetter's Stomach Bit ers , since it institutes , and if con- .inued , perpetuates a repair of the tis sues , which may have declined in bulk , vigor and elastic-ally in consequence of non-assimilation of the food. No time should bo lost in beginning the rcpaira- Ave woe-ess , nor should ! there be any delay in removing those ailments of frequent occuronee , which contribute to and foster an enfeebled "condition of the stomach and nervesvizii'onstiputjon ind liver complaint disorders which the bitters will assuredly extinguish. It also remedies and prevents malaria and kidney troubles , and is a prime auxiliary in the recovery "of strength for convalescents from wasting disease. FURNITURE ! AVc are now prepared for the HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our immense buildings nro packed full of the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In our line , and nt prices that will defy com petition. Wo KUarnntco our poods to bo just us we represent them. Please Rive us a call whether you wish to buy or not , and brim ? your friends with you. It is no trouble to show our ( foods. Hespectfully , C. A. BEEBE & CO. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. STKCIAL advertisements , such ns I.ost.Fonnd , To l.onn. For Sale , To Itent , WnntH , UonrdliiR , etc. , will 1)0 Inspiti-d In this column at the low rutcofTKN CENTS 1'Elt J.INKfor the tlrst In sertion nnd I'lve Cunts 1'er Mac for each subse quent ln ertlon. Leave ndveitisementu nt our ollico No. K 1'cnrl Street , uear llrondway , Coun cil lllulla , Iowa. WANTS. . Ilellublo foreman to take charge WANTP.n laying. Apply at once. J.C. l.ee , MO Upper Hroadwny , Council lllulTs. FOR 11EST Suit of rooms suitable for light housekeeping. Inquire 41 Mnln Rt. FOH HENT Farms The laud heretofore knpwu as Tim Foley's , uear Mlnden. for the season of 1SH8 , in tracts of N ) , lliO or BOO acres. All choice lands and well improved. Horace Kverett. FOH SAI.K OK KXCHANaE-Emiltyot 1M shares in Jellrlus syndicate. Inquire of Odell llroa. A : Co. WANTED All klnns of sewing machines to repair. Work promptly and honestly done. Charges reasonable. Domestic Oflice 105 Main st FOH HENT Kivo furnished rooms , cheap. Mrs.Jeo. Marshall , KW Fourth nve. , city. FOK 8AM3 Very cheap for cash , or would exchange for Council IllulTx or Omaha prop erty , a refill flock of boots uud shops valued at about 14,000. ( 'all at store. No , MS Itrondwny , or address ] ( . Martin , same number , Council mulls. In. Imoil KENT Houses in nil parts of the city by -L Johnston & Van I'atten , id Main at. FHHKNT I louses and furnished rooms. J. 11. Davidson ( tir > Fifth avenue. FOK SALE-Second-hand Columbia blcyclo very cheap , KMnch , at lice office. BUI 1.1)1 NO lots and ocro property for bale by F.J , Day , i Pearl st. I OH HENT A finely furnished front room , first floor , in private residence near court house. Water in room , lighted and heated. Large closet. Inferences required. Address II , K , Ueo olllce , Council IllutTs. PAINLESS ALCOHOI/ , OPIUM AND MORPHINE CURE ! The Alcohol , Morphine nud Onlutn habit Ab solutely Cured without interfering with the patient's dally avocation. V > rrespond with or call on DR. F. P. BELLINGER , fil4 llroadway. Council LIlutTa , la. All correspondence conltdenttal. RARE CHANCE ! MUST BE SOLD ! The drslrnbln residence or business property known U8 the Powers PlHce. cm Upper Jlroad- way opposite the M. K. church , will positively be hol'l within the next thirty days. Terms : One-third cnoh , balance In ouo und two years. Address bids to toOEOROE R. BEARD- Omaha , Neb. , 1U17 un.d )3J9 ) UoiiKlai St. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS 600 llroodway Council muffs. Iowa. Established 18i7. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS STREET T. - - OMAHA. D. H. McDANELD & CO , , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KO anil fSS Main Stm-t.Couuctl IJlufKIowa. Latest Novelties , In Amber , tor- tolso shell , etc. llnlrorimmctits as well as the newcstnoveltlcs In hair goods. Hair goods Madetoordf > r Mrs. C. L. Gillette , L"J Mnln Strct't , Council lllulT- ' . Out of town work solicited , anil all nmll orders promptly attended to. FOR GOOD MATERIAL HONEST WORK - ) ao TO ( - $2. AN ELEGANT $2. GOLD WATCH FOR TWO DOLLARS. To each purchaser of f 2.00 worth of goods we gjvc n ticket which en titles the holder to ono cluuicc on an Elegant Gold AVutch worth $90. We carry a nice line of goods , in the latest styles , ombiycing Men's and Boy's clothing , hats and caps , boots and shoos , glovesmittens , etc. , which wo will sell you at One-half the Price asked you by other dealers mid give you a chance on the watch besides. Come and examine our goods and prices before purchasing. Remember the place , 54(5 ( and 648 Broadwav. M. MARCUS. Star Stables and Mule Yards Broadway , Council Dluffa , Opp. Dummy Depot. Horses nnd mules rotibtantly on hand , for sale at retail or In car loud lots. Orders promptly tilled by contract ou short notice. Stock sold on commission. Telephone 114. BCHI.UTEU & HOLEY. Opposite Dummy Depot. Council liltiUs. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es cape. Electric Call Bells. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. WM. WELCH , s Line , OKF10K-015 SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No. 03. All rails from District Telegraph Oflice promptly attended to. IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT TUB St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached. W. 15. IRWIN , Prop. Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Mtmufacturerf of AND SHEET IRON WORK. Orders by mull for repairs promptly attended to. Sutlfcfactlon guaranteed , 10th Avenue. Ad. dress 0 deu Iron WorksCouncil Illuffu , loua. A BOONIOflEN WUO AUK UtAk , UtUATED , Oil WAhl I.O BESCAUiV'- ! YVHi ; : I.ATKKEVIL ? A CLEAN SWEEP FOR DECEMBER GREAT REDUCTIONS WILL BE MADE AND A SAVING FROM 15 TO 33 PER GENT GDARANTEED ON ALL PURCHASES AT HENRY EISEMAN & GO.'S ' PEOPLE'S STORE , Shawl ? , Skirts and Knit Underwear marked down for this week's special sale , Ladies , Misses' and Children's Hosiery , Gloves and Corsets marked down Jor this week's great special sale. Men's Furnishing Goods and Under wear marked down for this week's special sale. Men's , Youth's and Boy's Clothing , the largest , finest and best stock in the city to select from , for less money by 3. ! jier cent than inferior goods are sold hero in this market. Come to the Popular People's Store and buy your goods. Cloaks and Suits marked down for this week's sale. Blankets , Quilts and Linens ir.ftrftcd down for this week's special sale. Wo KOSJI Everything. Our stock is most complete and our prices insure n sale every time. Every W.OO sale entitles you to A TICKBT good for one clmnco in our ON'M I1UN- iMtun oiiAXn oii-TS which \\o give away January Kith , 18S8. Parties coming from a distance to trade with us will get a part or till of their HAiMtoAD rAHK refunded , and their goods delivered to their homes free of charge. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Send or come to us and sco how much J Our monthly Buttcrick'n catalogue sent money you can save from ordinary free to any one iondincr their nnmp local retail prices. and address. HENRY EISEIYIAN & CO , , 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : : IOWA. PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. Second Floor Brown Attorney-at-Law , , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council1 Bluffs , Iowa. N Justice of the Peace. Oflice over American . Express , No. 419 Broadway , CouncirBluffs , Iowa. QTftWfl Jfr QTMQ Attorneys-at-Law , practice in the State 01V/11D < X OIUID , allti Federal Courts. Oflice Booms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. EC RSPWRTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , , 0 , D/inilDll , Council Bluffs. Refers to any bank or J business house in the city. Collections a specialty. Office corner of St. and First Avenue FINE GOLD WOKK A SPKOIALTV. Ten Per Cent Profit WILL PRODUCE A FORTUNE In a few years , evou on a small investment. You can save that amount by purchasing your Groceries of TROXELL BROS , , No. 345 BROADWAY , We kpon no book accounts , conxequontty wo havtj no bnd debts which the alnnco of our trade has to pay. Tbis is the reabon we are able to sell to cheap Remember the place. Give us a call. : A. RINK , No. 201 Main Street , Council BluftsIowa A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both Domestic and Fbreign. . DR. C. B. JUDD , M'F'G'R ' ' , ELECTRIC BELTS AND TRUSSES. NO. 000 BKOAIMVAV , COUNCIL BMIFFH , t : : IOWA. WANTED-GOOD SALESMEN ON LARGE COMMISSION OR SALARY