Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Ail\ertifcim'niBunfl r tills Head , lucent * per
line for Ihn Urn im-prtloii. 7 cents for onrli ml > -
necment insertion. mid n line per month.
Nond\crtlM'mlnt takpn forleba tlinn 25 cents
fcr the llrKt Innrrtlon. Hen < words will bo
counted to the1 HUP ; they must run corn-ecu-
tluly nnd must be paid In advanrp. A 11 ad-
\ritl eincntH must he linnded In before lW : )
n'elockp. in. , nnd under no circumstances will
tlit y lin taken or discontinued by telephone.
Parties tidve rtlslng In UIPKO columns nnd hav-
fnitthp answers mldresspd In rare of the UPP.
yilll please auk for a chrck to enable them to
KPt tlicilrlittcrf , nsnnne will be delhcrcd ex
cept on vro cntat Ion of check. All answers to
KdvertlseintMHs should lie pnclocfd In pnvclopes.
All nrtVPrtt PtnpnH In these colitnini nrn pull-
HMird In both morning and evpiilng editions of
the HPP , tbfl rlrutlfltlon of which aggregatps
worn than H.CCO pnpe rs dnlly , and elvps HIP ad-
vprtlperH the 1 cnetlt. not only of the rlty ptrru.
Intlon of the HI-P. but also of Cotmrll llhiffs.
Mntoln nnd other cities nnd towns throughout
thin pnrt of the w oM. _
"I.VANTKD Hy Ocnnnn girl , n place tn prl-
T > vutc fanilly. , KngllHh or American pie-
fprred. ( lood cook ntui luundiess. Call 1021 H
18lh , 870 7
WANTKD A position In wholesale store
> commission of Meant heating buslnels
by man of experience , can glvo references : snl-
nrmodprntp. . Inquire Umnha Employment
Hureau , llllN.IGth , B78-5
WANTKD A } ' < xd position by joug ninn In
wholesale house , 5 yc'ars ctpcrlcnco as
bookkeeper nnd Balesmiin. Hcfcrences. Ad-
dre HH ( ) 07 Ileo. 76 ! ) 7J
"VYTATKD-Sltuatlon by tt 111sf-classbaitender ,
T > no objection going out of city : a trusty
man. Oood n fcrenres Riven If desired. Daniel
IIcKenzle , bll S. 10th st , Omaha , Neb.
SITUATIONS wanted by several good girls for
general house-work , ! l nice xecoud gliK 3
nums , I llcinpcd llnnuin , 1 nppientice mm bin-
1st , I hardware * clerk nnd 2 competent lady
c Iprks. State Employment I'nrlorf.Hl" rurnam
t. , room 11. . > 5 *
" | X7"ANTED Situation by n young man In a
T > photogiuph gallery to leal n photograph-
Ing. ( Jood leferencos. Address 1' IHee office.
Hi 15 *
WANTKD-Sltuatlon for 3 ( hst-cl iss Swede
glilHtodo Hist and second work5 ; year ?
In InBt plnro. Canadian Employment Olllce
Mrs. ilregu V Son. TAI B *
WANTKD Situation for shoitliand work ;
i efercnco fin nlshed , 13. J. Timer , Mil-
coin. Nub. Ml 10 *
X7"ANTKD-Sltimtion by a. young coloicd
TT mnn us potter or janitor. Oood luforcnce.
Address "I1 I" lieu olllce. KM 51'
WAN I ED Places to work for board by stir
drnts at Omaha CommiTciil Colleui1. 1114
nnd HID rariiain , UolirbotiKii IIro . Kll.8
WANTED-Miortlmnd work or . . . . . ,
to do evenings. Can put In mi hour elur
Ing the day If necassury. Addiess O 4S Ileo office
fice- . 501 5
WANTI'D A JOUUK man to taKu i am of a
tt-iunCixrilaKonnd twoiows. Hufcruncu
eiiilri < d. C. L. lUlckbou i Co. , UIJ N Kith st.
H7I 6
W ANTI30 A stt'iiojnnplit'r nnd tniowrlter.
I'n-fpr man. Address 1 * 10 Ileo olllco.
M70 *
"IXfANTI'D Traveling grocery , liquors , dry
T T goods and clothing milesmen for M llu iiukee ,
Ht. I'linl and eastern houses. Gieat Western lilt-
reiiu , iroa rarnam , Hoom U. fcend stamp to In-
mire answer. N.7-fi *
\\7AN'l ED A 1 salesmaii to sell teas and cof-
T > fpps to families In Lincoln for St. Louis
house. 1ft per cent oncolleu and 21 per cent on
nil othei goods , business manager for eastern
ronipauy , halt whales , denmiu butcher , single
mull , tihortlimul and typewriter for Mllwiiukcp
iniiuufiK luring company and nil classes of help.
Omit Western Huteau , MM ) raimiin , Hoom U.
t-CS-d *
\\7ANTii-2 : ) head walleis ( white ) out of
" < Ity , utait lu at f.ll pel inonili" 11 te.iiua ,
.TOchour ; Ushtiveleis , ? l nOniid Jl'Sper day : 1
took tore Ity , 1 coat makei for Noifolk , Inro
paid , sleadv woik : 1 upholsteiei , 1 faun hand ,
10 coal miner ! ) , S1.75 ton , steady wotk. Onmhn
Ihiip. Ilnieau. KTUIi
WANTED A man to leaiii real estate bust ,
niss : $71 u innntlf ; must ha\o $ lliX ( ) in
piopertv or cash to take an Intelest In the bull-
IIP . Addiess I'M , Ileo. t- ' H
V\7ANTED-lloy to do choies morning and
T ' m-cnlrgH for .his bond and go to school.
Colineil coachman , porter for stoio iu. ) , man
nud wlfn to take clmigt ) of Bteam lanndiy. mint
be good li oners Cumuli in Employment Olliee ,
} lis. Hrega \ Son , UK ) bo. Ifith. Tel. RS4.
WANTKDH7) ) teamsters and (10) ( ) shoyelei s ut
at oncn ; also good agents , btato Em
ployment Parlois , 1417 I'm mini bt. , loom It.
tiKi . - >
"lArANTED Niber , clean , slick tiuln iiinncr
T > . ror lirund hotel , Ueatilce , Neb ,
V 1th rcfcrone" . . b2l 5.
ANTED A llrst class cracker baker. Ail-
W cliessIKS Kaplds City , Dak. 83.10 *
WANTKD Man 01 man and wife to inn a
Hist class litimlry , good wages. Mrs.
llrega & Sou , .1KI S. llth ht. S-l 5 *
W AN'l El ) An expeilencd collector , one wlm
canglM'H'einlty and Is willing to woik
linid formodeiate wiigc-s : work mostly collect-
Ingieuts. Address P.O. boxr > " ( l , city , btutlng
v.pcrlenccbalmy expected , wheio last em-
ploCd , nge , etc. 811
W AN'l ED At the City Intelligence ofilce ,
loom 4 Creightou blk , ion salosnu-n to u-g-
Ister for extia woik during the holldiijs ,
T\7ANTiri ) At once , piano plajcr , male or
> lemale , good wages. Apply Lulu Kogcis ,
301 N.llthbt. " "
W ANTED Men for ratlronil worK. Al-T
blight 8 I/abor Agency. 1120 I'linuim. Ml
ANTED General agents for portions of
Nibniska , Iowa , Kansas , and Ml nourl.
Jteferi-ncB rniillied. Addiess , Climax Window
Bhade JL'o. , 201 and 2ctl N. 2d ht. , St. Joseph , Mo.
WANTED M me n of good iippearatico to
try our l.'c meals at Norris restamant , .111
find 31J South llth btreet. ( old LUo und Let
\rANTED-rirl-For geneinl housework.
2211 Douglas.
WANTEJ-v\ sensible , we'll e-ducutod womnn
us housekeeper for wldonot with "chil
dren , no objection to one chllcl. Mrs. Hiegai ;
hem , SIIOS 1Mb , 8H 5 *
T\ f ANTED Head wiiltn'ss.fil ; woman cook
T > out of city , fW ; gills for Ar.ipnhoe. Tie-
luont Hiiel Wjomlng , M ) ; all fines wild , 2.1 gliIs
' for housewoi kin city. Canadian Emp. Olllce ,
Mrs. Iliegu \ Soil.IIU ! S llth. tole. K 4. MJt 5 *
"V\rANTKD 10 girls general hoiisenoik. 4 dinT -
T ! lug loom gills , I liiundiy gill , 1 chumhci-
liliild , 1 cook , $1 per month. 2 meals a day , 1
imutiy glil. 1 lady cashier. Omaha Emp.
lluieau , ll'l N lilth st. S7S.1
\\TAN'TED-rellnlnR : loom gills. 2 cooksII
IT laundresa , 1 bfiimstiess , ( Ueiman famlUI
llrst rlass diess maker. 2 gills forpuvntu family
out of city , 10 girls for housew oik lu city , boy to
do thoies und ge > to school. 2 good can\assers.
new article se-ll to bnsliieiss houses , 2.1 coal
mlueis. ( late City Employment olllce , nil's ' S.
llthntieet. hl16p
ANTED-Cood competent gill , Tfol CiipT
ne. . 771 (1 ( *
\\rANTKD-nood cook for hotel ; 10 good tlrst
ft and bc-cond ulrls for prlwitu families.
Call ut City Intelligence Ollieeloom 4 , Crelghtou
lilock. 71S
VTANTED-At the City lutdllgoneo OIHco ,
room 1 Clelghtou blk. IIHI salesladies to
reglfttei for extra work during the hollda > s. Also
clUs for hotels , re-staurants , and pi hate faint'
DCS. 7:17 :
\\r - > ; Til-A : reliable sen ant girl for family
* T of three , steady work and good pay. Mrs ,
W. O. Clark. iCinil and Capitol avenue. 7U25 *
" \ \ rANTr.lllil. ( . 154 < J fclierman ave. Mrs. J ,
T > M. Counsman. MJ
IADU'S ore ulllered plain needli'WorK at their
J ow n homes ( tow n or rountrj ) by a w hole-sale
Imuse. Prolltable- . genuine , ( food pay can b
mule. Uvoi } thing furnished. Purtlcularn free
AiUln- Arthtlc Needlework Co , HI Sth bt. ,
New York City. 271
" \\7AXT EDUulles m city or country , for out
11 holiday trade , to take light. plc > asmt work
ut their own honu K. } i to fl per day can Lm
nu'ftly ' made. Work sent b > imill any distance.
I'uitlcnlnrs free. No mmnsMiiu , Address nl
mice. Cesc-ent Art Co. , H7 A Milk tt. , IloHlon
Mi.s.s. P.O. box5171 * . ftM
W ANTED-W ) ladles to try tun IV. meaU ul
Nonl 'rrataurHiit old Lheunill.ct Live )
illl and HI.I H. Uth nt. 5U1
rvn sciL L AfTEO u WA NTS.
AATANTED 'l o perbons KH earn Inok-kenu
> > lug. bltlliitlons. J II , Smith , 1UIJ Chteago
\\rA.N'lEl-r.\erlicHlyto know that IIOUM- !
T > will bo hullt to suit purchaser uud sold 01
easy term * , on Albright's Choice , boulh Omaha
or hanlw-uro nero opened ut one e In ntcl
Mock , PHI k ave , Splendid rooms und wr ;
t heap rent. Ditwstorp , raatmnHwet and grci
eery now In the block , and doing well.
r. L. Gregory , Kt-ntal Agent , 3U9 S inth bt.
TV- *
"WANTED A pnrrhaser for us Hue u piece o
tr cka'geaxtheivU Intlui city. W. U
, 74J
" \VANTRD-Tivo gentlempn to room and
boirdln prhnto family ; tonus reason-
nblo. No. 818.22d ht. K3 6
STATE Emploimeiit Parlors. 1117 1'immni * t. ,
room 11 , Hcu advertisements , lllg ansli
this Week. M7 6
CA N A1) ) I AN Employment onice , thn best
place in Omaha to get help or olttrillom ,
llcfcrence. Omaha National bunk , Mrs. Hfegu
Jt Son , ain So. 1'itll , Tel. b l 7 5 *
* \'EiilTlANU. | ? . hotel Tincl resTiiurauF"fueii
-l' vnntlntf fxtraholii for holidays can have
their orders tilled at the City Intelligence olllce ,
Crclghton block. No fee. 710
"HO AT ? ore or
B'OAinrwllh"rooms for four at"2liFlm7t Ht.
\VANTED-At 2223 rnfitmnla. one gentleman
TT boulder ; front room ; homccomfoits ; ? .1
per w eek , ! K ! (1 ( *
SH table boaid , erried in linmo
stjle : , for3 or 4 fi-ntlcmrn. HI I Doilgp. tt'l '
W ANTI'.D I want tn imf house 7 rooms
near IMrt Omaha. C , IKM S ibth at.
"l\rANTID A small furnished rottago or two
T T or thrco fiiinlshtd roonift'on llrst lloor for
light housekeeping , couvcnlc-nt to car line. Ad
dress O ( Jl , Ueo ollfce. 7"i7
T71OK.ur.NT 4 bom cottngp , cistern and bain.
X1 'ten Corbj-Htreot. pmalm View. Inquire at
southeast conjer Kith nnd Douglas. tfi'i * *
FOU linNT-Ahoueporilorl3roomsheat < 'dby
Hteiimwllh all the modern tmpro\empiitH.
Stablp1 for B horses , cm rlagi-house M'd all eon-
enlrnius. On llainpv between 10th and 17th
Ms. Inqulu-of i : . l' . Nash , smelting works , or
'llios. fewlft , 101 Noith IMhht. hlJ-8
1710K ItllNT-l , 0 rooms , with all modern
JL' Impingements , street car passing the door.
Call west end Murrsebuildingcor.L-ilth and Cum-
Ing st. WW > *
. . U13NT Cattage of 5 uoat rooms near car
line , i-TJII Hlondo st. K27 C *
T71OH HUNT New cottage of 0 rooms built
JL ? last spi Ing. city water , large > ard , and fur
niture tor snip on liberal terms ; good opportu
nity. I'ledtkksoiuVCo. , H)13St. Mary's n\e.
> < 10 n
E OU KENT 8-rooin house , furnished , rent
$4 " > . Co opcrath o Land & Lot Co. an N 10th
oil IMIN'T 3 1'ive-rooin houses In Omaha
View , tl'i per mouth.
I ho loom house on ofttmdcis st. near Oiace ,
el month.
Two stoiy eight room house , city water , cor.
Lo c- live , and Hurt st. , WO per month.
I'lght room house In biimi ) side nddti. J25 per
Six room house cor Sltli nnd 1'oppleton M es.
J'JO per month.
Two hl\ loom houses , n. e. ror. SInd and Call-
fouilu , new , griper month each
I'ottei & Cobb , 1001 1'arnam st.
7 'j n
FOH KENT New ntiio loom house , CI ! nut
bet " 1st and'.M. Aery cheap If taken quick.
Nnson. 10lr rarnam. WW ' )
rillll ItTY-ONR liouscs for rent , nil p irts of the
JL cltv , nt from * IO to } : r , pu month.
1' . I , . Oiegoiy , Helltnl Agont.'W'J S 10th st-
Ground IIooi. 'lelephoup Ml.
7'H )
TTIOIl 11FNT t-ioom housepit ( ) month , fur-
JL nltmui.oO } ; HI loom boaiding house in South
Omaha , lent ! uO , furnltino ? 7UO , j.111 ! ) cash , bal
ance to suit ; lease on a brlrk building Mi'tablo '
for n commission house , i" > jiei month ; n loom
Hut * K per month ; 7 loom tiouso ifto. fmnltuie
J4f i ; 7ioom , funlltnicti.'O ; 0 room board
ing house Wo per month , fflniwoith offurnlture ;
two 8 room houses : 7room boarding Imuto on
1 Mil st. , lent. $ .1) , furniture JiW ) . This is n bai-
galn end w ill pay vou to lnestigate 7 room
f l" > per mcmtli , furniture ) . Imth room , watet
on llooi.gas and all conienlences. Houses nud
lots for lent or sale In nil puts of the cltv.
Mocks of goods for sale and htoro rooms for
rent. All kinds of property for sale or tiade.
Look under business ilmiKts and exchange.
Co-opeintUo Land and Lot Co./Jtti Ninth Kith Ht.
rOK HUNT rnoomhoiiKc , S. 15. cor.7th nnd
Dodge , tlT-OU. J. It. HIngwalt , 18 bo. Ifith
st. 7PO
"IJ1OH HI'NT A new ten roou lumsowlth all
JL modelnlmpicHements , largo nttli' , Douglas
and " 1st stieels. Not u basement house. Ap
ply Moiltz Mejer , coi II and 1'iunim. 74"
Foil Itr.NTroom ' house , eoiner llth nnd
Jonei , or apply to A. C. I'owi-llJVU I'm nun.
" 171OII HUNT New 4-room cottage , $ W per
X1 month. Apply loom "t ) , 1'jll Doilge st. 7JI !
FOH HUNT Now house , I ) looms , etc1. , laigo
giouuds , coiner stli and Capitol avenue ,
InqulioUS.4 Dodge st. to"
FOK HENT-II. E. Cole. .110 S 11th , up
11 rooms Dorcas and llth. HJ.
10 looms Hurt nnd SHtli , ? ai.
10 rooms Clnik nud 1 ( < th , i-TO.
10 rooms ( Jiiuit and 21st. $10.
10 looms Charles and 17th , 311.
10 rooms rurnam anil 21th. ITU.
_ 10 rooms Mt Pleasant and iPith , furnishedbam
10 rooms Chailes'and Isth. $ .10.
10 rooms Ohio and 17th , f 10.
liliMoms Hurt nnd 18th , jfi.1.
10 looms Clink and | sth , * , V ) .
II ) l oniiix ( inint and -'d , > l'i.
10 looms Ohio and 17th , * IO.
10 looms ( Siunt ami 21st , 'in ,
10 looms Colby and 17th , $1) ) ,
I ) looms I'ncllle and Kiel , barn , 10.
Ilooms Lincoln Place , bain , $20.
H l iioins Sherman ne. . f4U
S rooms Chicago and J2nd , $ " .
7 rooms St. .Mary's are and 2d : , MO.
7 looms Ixurd nnd 2ld : , } 11.
11 rooms llnidettoand 27th. f JO.
( I rooms Sin uce and tilth , $20.
II rooms Walnut Hill , * K
d looms Cnldw ell and 2.1th. 5S5.
d rooms Mure y and 25. yo.
5 rooms Sew lid mid 2Uth , { 18.
5 looms Omaha Vlew.iflS ,
5 looms Puike-r and 2sth , Jlrt.
5 rooms c'.nii les nnd linth. til.
5rooms. Hamilton iiiuUWtU , $10.
5 rexims , Ciinnt and 21t , $20
5 rooms , Cliai te-s and 2Cth , fil.
4 rooms , Hlckcny and llth. i 15.
4 looms , ( Irani and Id , l > .
4 looms , Le.ivenwoith and -Id , $70.
n looms , Franklin and .Bth. JS.
2 rooms , .lones aud 24th , "III
21 oonis , Webster and nth. $13.
2 rooms. Lake nne Kith. $12.
Many of above have all modem conveniences.
Also a laige list of Furnished looms fielm $ .1 to
? 40 each. H. F. . Cole , ilin S 15th , up htulrs , f 2
Foil KENT 8 elegant brick leshlences with
all modem lmpio\ements , 12 and 11 looms
each , pleasant and convenient location , O. 1' .
Davis company , IVti I'ainaniht. ' 1U
FOK KENT 8-rnom house , HOflS 21th a\enne ,
1 block .south of Leavenworth. J. D. Cowle ,
ut Faltonei's. IHS2
F1 I OK KENT fi-room house n w cor. Sow aid
and 27th sti. UVI
"Ij10K KENT 2 new handsome fi room cottages
JL ; well , cisterns , etc.17 per month .rid nnd
California. A. C. Wakeley , Omaha Null bank
bid. ! V)7 )
_ _ _
ijlbll KENT-Housu II rooms. W. M. Hush-
JD mail , N E comer lillli and Douglas. hlU
"I71OH KENT 2 nouses nnd four rooms. En-
X qnlre of Cunningham A. ller.rooms G and 7.
Arlington block , nil and li > ! 3 Dodge Ht. 8K !
Foil KENT Siooni house rear 1711 DougUis ,
$10 pc-r month. Not suitable for housekeep
ing , Apply at premises. SI I
KENT Severn new 7 room nouum
- 1blcwk from street car , ready foe wcupancy
November 1 C. 1' . Harrison 41SS. llth 8t. 6'i1
F I mi KF.NT 2"nlceiy furnlshcd"ioom IJU
Davenport street , t)7 ) >
TJJOK KENT niinlbhcd loom with sto\e , 83.
J' 2011 Unrncyst. SM 6
FOK KENT U room Hat Furniture for sale ,
a looms pay lent. 18184 St. Mai3 n\n.
FOH KENT A pleasant furnished room , < 5
mouth , at iiCVi N. 17th stu-ot. MO fl'
KENT Furnished room , 1017 Howard ,
OK KENT-rPIeasantest rtew furnished and
cheapest rooms lu private house lu city. All
conveniences. Near business. HU'J Cu ltol avo.
"IIVW KENT Furnished looms , 1510 llarney st.
JU Kefere-nres lequtred. MJ.VU *
"VT'CKLY ' fiirnMied front loom for two gentle-
-L > men. w Ith breakfast und supper In private
family , splendidly located on two be > t cur Jlnes
In city , reasonable terms , references reiiulied ,
AddreM U' . Ileo otllce. bftl 5
ITIUHNISHKD rooms for rent , 19U Farmun st.
-I- | 810 J 2j
T7IOK KENT-l-urnlshed looms , 22UO Dodge.
-L1 HUtfj
"IT OK KENT 2 nit * uont rooms. Ill single o
-L1 kulte. with modo.'u couenlencos , for 1 ot
2 gentlemen. Cor. fcl , Mary's uve. ami 20th t
oreI.-OS.20th. 4IU.
furnished front rooms , 1518 CtisJ.
FOK KENT rurnUhcd roomsltlJ Dodge st ,
711 J 1
OK KENT -NIc ely furnlshoU fitint room ,
KAN steam heat , uud use ot Lath loom , cu
kUoet cr lino. 2 17 Doa ln. . 7SJ &
oo to ladles of
ail North 12th st. 7716J
HI ) Koom , 117 S17th st. 7tH PJ
TJlOIHir.NT-Ltrge parlor nicely furiil'hed ,
JL1 bath , etc , , etc. , UOJ.N. 17th. Prlco ! M month.
" \TlCKLYfimilshotifrontrooin with or wltn-
J- > out board. 1M- ! Dodge st. 67
T5 OOMS and board In prhute1 Jamlly. Inqutio
JLl 1GIS lltli. , ( B7 U
1J10K KENT Nicely funiLshed front room ,
C with or without board ; 22101'drnam stieet.
. SW7p
TlCKLYfurnlshel rooms : bath. as.
- > heat , etc. ! bojrd If desired , Wll ) DotiglaM.
O NT large furnished room on llr tllQor. 1701
Capllol ave. ftl.6 * .
HA ! I , bcdioom for one gentleman , 1
Dodge. 783
"ITlOlt HUNT Hfiont room" , furnMie < 1. for4
JJ gcntleincii. Inqulio at i'lUii Cumlng st ,
cor. iVth. 71M' J
IlKNT Nice furnished roonl't" > per mo ,
S.V. . cor. Ibth and Jackson. 70S
"I71OH HUNT Furnished rooms. Blilulo and
J-1 double' fuinaco heat and bath , IKI S inth.
PLIIASANTlooms , new furniture , bath/ pas
and heat , w 1th first class table' board , ( homo
cooking ) . -US-Hli , cor.Ulthand rarnam ,
7.S7 UJ
F KI'NT rurulshed room , all modern con-
- venlences , laigo enough for two.Quo Dav
enport , f r/i7
T710K Kl'NT One large , well furnished front
JL : room w Ith alcove bay w Indow and closet ,
gas , bath , hot and cold water on same lloor , fin-
mire heat , for 'J gentlemen or man and w Ife , 207
S.-Ith , bet. Tarnam and Douglas , J per month.
401 ! 5J
FOR Iir.NT-Nlcely furnished room suitable
foi2 ; ! gentlemen , clnquiro"ull St. Mary's avo.
FUKNISHCD rooms wltnboard , I'.KT ) Tainani ,
1IHK *
TJIOh HUNT furnished rooms ; gas. furnace
JL ; heat , modem conveniences , 1W1 rarnam.IBO
FOIt KKNT Two f in nlshed rooms. 1017 How-
nrdst 1. , with board If desired. Itefeiencc3
.300MS for lent , No. 0318 12th st.
J V 3
1710U HHNT NlPplv furnished rooms nt
JJ Dodge. Oas , bith and ( t"J
TJ10K HUNT 'Ihree furnished and one unfiir-
X' nlshed rooms , with bav window , fuinace ,
' iath nnd gas , east front , at 034 S. 17th st. Ult )
Foil lir.NT Neatly fin nlshed looms , heated
IJ : ) riunam. 44Jdb *
AHO15 southtiont room , all.modern eon\en-
I ii-nces. miltablo for two gentlemen ; also
. . ) t-clas > table ho ml for three 01 four ; lefer-
hces. Ihll Dodge st. 701
A LOVELV , large front room heated , bpiutl-
f V fnl location , with nil modern conveniences
n bt cm line , H'l" ' Cass. 5Hi !
FOU KI2NT rtiiulshed rooms In ( ireunlgblk ,
i or. 1 Ith and Dodge sts. Inquire of Uoo. II.
\ Is , Millaid hotel billiard room. r)7 )
JJIL'UN ) looms , bteam heat , -111 S.SIth.
110 d 17J
NICl'.FiY furnished alcove and single looms ,
and fmulUno new. Mrs. llarber. F12 N.
li st. 103 d 17J
FOH HIIN'T rnrnlshed rooms * IO per month
or clem bids at Jl UO to iLW ) per week. W
So. Ibth. '
T OH HUNT-ruinlbhed moms In nllpaitsof
-tho cltv , by the clay , week or month. City
ntelllgenco olllce , Cielghton block , fi'Ji
[ pOK KENT--3 unfmulshed looms on I.e.ncn-
L woith between Vl-ginla and tjeorgia a > e.
1OK KENT M big looms at No. ! Jll Spiuce st.
ilOll KENT 'Ihico unfuinlsliedlooms , suit
able for housekeeping , at 1021 Noith 21st st.
Ibl )
FOH KENT .1 unfurnished rooms Miltnble f <
hoiihuki eiilng. 1031 N 20th st. n'J )
FOH KENT I'oui ( I ) nnfiitnlslipd looms , 41H
boiith 1'ith ' bt. , eoutalnlng all modern c on-
enlcnrt-s. nil
KENT II rooms suitable for house keep-
lug , N' . W coi. 14th und I'lercu t. Aily )
o'lIdS. Idtllbt. 60o
F I OK KENT II unfurnished looms s'irtable for
housekeeping , 7 Pacille bt. COI
JJIOII KE.NT-nont pait of oui olliee , fin-
1 nlshedheated iindllghted. ICej-s \ Smith ,
22i ) N loth. / > 756 *
B ASEM ENT'stores and Hats , nth and .Tack-
on ; btc'am heat. EnquireMis. . r. L mge. W7
" | > AKEHY nnd confectloneiy stoio wanted on
I ) I'urkuAu. Good loom , gas , water and
cheap lent.
r. L Gregory , llcntnl Agent , 'WO S. 10th Rt
Foil KENT Stoio room MO , basement MO.
( ! . E. ' 1 hoiiipsou , . ' 111 S. Hill bt. ? J1
710H KENT Hasement stores and Hats with
- all modelnlniproxuraunts , eoiner Uth and
m kson st4. U > i
F ) KENT Tlnc-o-storv and basemenUbrlck
building , 44XUI feet , sultablo for a hotel or
Htores and Mats , comer 1 Jtli aud 1'acltlc sts. Ap
ply at IIU'S. nth t. Ml
71OK KENT Ground lloor olllco loom , reu-
J trnlly located , heated and lighted. C. F.
Harrison. 41b S. llth St. 003
[ 71OK KENT 2ml and Hd floors at 1417 Douglas
1 ht , with leisy of three > c'ars. Kennedy Jc
lllbbins , l wo Douglas st. W
FOK KENT-OIIiees on Farnain st. nt $10 to SB
per month. Onu olliee f mill ihed. 1012 1'ar-
iin. 1M
10K HENT-OIIiceioom , ilibt lloor , at.lias.
1.1th st. Ul )
SPECIAL attention glen to renting houses ,
fiirnl-hPd und unfiimlslied rooms. List with
us. W.JI. Hiurls , o\ei-2' . > OS. llthst. 871
F L. CiltEOOHV , rental agent , yjU S. Iflth M. ,
gtound lloor. Telephone Ml. 431
LIST houses , tumlshed und unfurnished
looms with us. Wo will rent them. Olliee
open cenlngb. . II. E. Cole U10S , 15th st. UM
FOK KENT If you wish to rent a house call
on llenawa & Co , llth St. , opposite ) P. O.
STOKAOE Morchantll-e or furniture. Lfttlo
& \ \ llllaniB , 11U7 Dpugias st. fibd a 29. .
EW YOKIC Storage Co have most extPiislvo
facilities for storage of furniture , pianos ,
buggies , general meichandlse , west of New
Yore , Cash advances to any amount ; warehouse -
house lecelpts given ; gooels Insured ; brick
building lire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchants. Call New Yen k Storage
Co. , Capitol ave and N , loth at. , Hi-mien's block.
( flu
STOKAOE-runilture , boxed goods , etc.terms
reasonable , 714 Pacific. 010
MIND Heading ( so-called ) A.young man hiic-
ressful at above , would llkoto hear fioni
anv person Intelested In mind reading. Addiess
P 11 llee olllce. Mil 5
MME. Amle , late of Chicago , gives electro
magnetic hand bath message treatments ,
4.11 N. loth ht. N II *
1DKKPONAL A gentleman of good appear
ance , proprietor of n good business , wLshf s
to correspond with rtHebrew lady of about JU
years of uge ; references. Address 1' . 0. box 690 ,
Omaha. . 79
I > KKSONAL To the ladles that want sen-ants ,
Wn have 2.1 tlrst-class girls that want place : :
In private families. Cull und take your choice ,
Omuhs Ktnp. Ilureau. 119 N. loth st. 878 n
W. Gordon , practical carpel
L layer and Oiler. Call on or address 201J
llnrney st. W1) 10 *
I > EKSONAI/-Mrs. K. M. Post , professional
nur-e , 1ms rctui ned from the east. Massage
nnd ladles hair treatment u specialty. H. E ,
Cor. Sou ard and 28th bts. 47 6'
T3EltSONAIf-George : Meet'me attUeSoutl
L blilo iixioouermlti ut Forest Hill , cor Oth uni
1'Iorce , Monday evening , Dec. 5. Am going w 111
Hrothcr. Don t foiget pink Domino , llu tiure
K. V. A. B04 6 *
PEHSONAL Heyn's latest viewB of Omaha
Including all principle bnndlngs.blrd's-ej i
\ lew t show Ing the city to the best advantage foi
sale at llc > > n's gullery and CuulUeld's book store
3U ) d 21
PKKSONAI . W.Cody Is superintendent o
furnltnitt department for Now York Htor
ago Co. , cor. Cap.wo und 15th st. 7B3
ITEUSONAL Private home for ladies diirlni
-L confinement , strictly confldeaUnl. Infant
. AUUW3 ( U13 UM Q Q . JOT n S
" ( JST lTlack Icather'&tcJicl conlatnliiK sov-
J prnl shirts and rolBis 'and n number of
Hermans , MrPward vlllfenpild for Its return
follcv. Mr. Malic , t 7 boalimii _ st. Kij-7J
LOST Small jellow jf satchel containing
ttpoou" , forks , a siller cup , child's plush
bonnet , etc. , either on Saunders , cumungs or cm
the btreet lu the rtty. jf/leaie / return to C. K.
Majiio'srcttlestateolllcojrd iecet\pn reward.
Mra.JauetMiiYno. h5't 7'
T OST Or stolen , near Hascall's pars , n med-
J-J Him slrw dark bay mate , with harness on ,
mall white spot on faceklarge hind legs. T.
rpAKEN up at the comer of nist nnd Daven-
Jpoll sts. . 2 sheep. K. Lim. dl-5-15-22 2tf
NATIONAL Cabinet Letter Illcs for sale by J.
Henry Wood , 714 Puclllc street. Omaha
telephone foi. Ml 21 *
F OIl SALE-Oood fresh milk cow. 2014
Ch.ules stieit. SW > 7 *
IilOlf SA LVi State rights for a patent Just out.
' 1 his Is n No. 1 chaucH to build up a large , per
manent manufacturing business. Machine line ,
entirely new. Costs tlH.lw , noils for W.OO.
Tartly established. Addiess "P 0" Ileo olllce.
POIl SALK-At n bargilu. 8 billiard nnd 3
pool tables. Nason , 1015 rurnam. NO U
FOR SALK-Onoof the best family horses In
the city w 1th phaeton , cutter , harness and
robe ; cheap for cash. Also a splendid new style
square sto\ . Tor particulars apply nt Win Far-
num t.
$ > .00 KINK Don't read , must bo sold to pav
storage charges , an elegant organ with full
set of reeds , Bond black walunt case and con-
tnltn'Rtops , cost Jlti" > , Is good as new nnd MT
Irttvs It , on easv patmcnts. Solil for storage
thaiges by New York Storage Co. , cor Cap. ave
and llth. 707
BILLAIlt ) Table at half price , llrnnswlck
llalke Co.'s make. Imiulie Leslie * Leslie ,
Ifith and Dodge sts. ail )
O KHAN'S nt wholesale prices , on easy pay
ments. Now York 1'lano Co. , cor Capitol
ave and Ifith st. MM.
LADIES' dress cutting school , r,0 < ) North 10th :
iaiments of all kind made to order. James
McOullie , mcichant tailor. 4il ! 11 *
FOU HUNT N ) acres near Omaha , with good
lmpro > ements. Schlchluger llros , ( IU So.
10th st. 7l ! ) 8
U VW ) ) ItKWAItl ) And no questions asked , to
Puny person who will call and buy a better
piano tor J r > ( ) than w e can s-ell you for 12V ) . Ho
A our own Judge and buy at wholesale pilces.
New Yoik Storage Co. , cor Cap. ave and loth.
TJTOUSU clipping by llenham'H
IT. Htables , corner 17th nnd Dau-npoit ts.
- OH ) d. ) '
OKOANS I'or 10 d.ivs , at a cleat sacrlllco to
muku room for Christinas goods , storage
rluugi-s must be paid , ( 'nil and see what you
< an buv foi M7 Is as good us now and cost VIJ'i.
New Yotk btoingo Co , cor. Cap. ave and llth st.
MFT/ hull , 510 S 10th st has been remodeled ,
13 enlarged , new dancing lloor , now decora
tions and super ) looms , llntrance on 10th Ht. ;
parties , lodges and societies anticipating giving
lulls or sociables tall on lions & Mnmm. Metz
hall. 4Uil24
. DtMtANT-rialrvAjrint from lloston Is
iplliiblo lu all airairsTif life , unites senu-
iatedlo\ers. 8J2 N Ifith st j-oom I. TbOJnnU *
D U. NANNI13 V. Wniri-n , ilalnovant. Jled-
leal , business nnd teuiinedlum. Diagnosis
free. 1'emale diseases a specialty. 11' ' ) N. 10th
ht . liooms 'J & . ! ) . Tel. tlllo t _ Oil
" \\rANTCD To buy a i ; < iod honsp and lot not
toolarout. State locution , pi ice and ill'
cumbiaiue. AdcliessOTJ , Ileo. "lOtl *
" \\rANTIJD-Tolmj the fmnltuie of n small
T T ot large house centrally located , Cooperative
tive Land & Lot Co . au'i NJQth st. 1 IS
WAN'll.D To mi ) shott time paper. J. W.
Oioss , at C. K. MaJrneS ofilce , llth a "
Harnoy. l X >
A loanclal fund of * IV and also ot ? ! > 00 to
-tx loan on lmpio\ed city piopcity. Loans
ertn f.lim lands In westein Iowa nnd cast-
em Nebiask i. Klist moitg'ige notes nought and
hold. Odell llios. &CoIfiil raniam st. MiO
ONKY T < 7 LOAN On furnltme , hoi-sps.
wngons other peisoual projerty , without
change of possession or on appioxed collateial
security. Iu-lne-s ! contleiitlal. John \V. Itob-
blns , iijtj I'm 11:1111 : stieet. bii
LOANS madu on leal estate and mortgages
bought. Lewis b. Iteed It Co. , U.'l Furuam.
CJ.'iOO.PiX ) To loan on Onmhi city property nt 0
P per cent. G. W. Day , S. K. cor. Kx. Hid.
0.1) )
$7nQGCO to loan at G per cent. Llnahan i M a-
honey. IfUU raniam. e.'l
$ WHl,000 to loan In any amount nt lowest rate of
Intctest. 11. Ii. lr y , I'rewer block. OiJ
rpo LOAN Money Loans placed on tin-
JL proved real estate tn city or county for
New r.ngland Loan & Trust Co , by Douglas
County bank , loth and Chicago sts. 011
To loan on chattels. Cooperative
Land and Lot Co. , 20,1 No. Itlth stieot.
M ONEV to Loan O. P. Da\IsCo , real estate
and loan agents , IfiQj rarnam bt. CIO
G f-ElT CENTMouey.
Patterson & I'nweett 15th and Harnoy. CIS
MONEV to loan 1 can now place some llrst
class city loans Immediately. Call at once
If you desire to be accommodated. D. V. Slioles ,
loom 1 llaikei block , entrance in alley. bUl
MONEV to loan on Improved leal estate ; no
commission charged. LeaVitt Ilurnhum ,
room 1 , Ciclghton block. 01-
SHOKT time loans macip on any axauable
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , bold or exchanged. General
llnancial mulness of any kind transacted
promptly , ciuletly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th nnd liar-
ney bts , oer btate National band. Corbett.
inauagor. B2.1
ONKY LOANED atC. V. Heed & Co.'s Loan
Oll'c" . on furniture , pianos , horses , wagon' ,
poisonal property of all kinds , aud nil other ar
ticles ofaluo without remouil. UK ) S. llth ,
over Illnglmm's commission stole. All busi
ness strictly conHdentlal. IJ23
NEW Vork Storage Co. Corner Capital
uv. * llth st. , have money to loan on
household goods , merchandise of every de-
bcriptlonnt lowest rates. Special ficlljtles for
liieuhauts. goods moved , picked and shipped.
All charges advanced. 1'lrcproof biick block.
Capitol av. & 15th st. OI1 _
MONEV loaned on fuimtini > , pianos , organs ,
horses , etc , low rates. .1. \\llklnson &
Co. , 1324 Faruam , oer Durllngton ticket olllce.
MONEY to Loan Ry the undersigned , who
has the onlv properly organized loan
agency In Omaha. Loans of tlO to flee made on
furniture , pianos , organ * , horses , w rgons , ma
chinery , etc. , w Ithout removal. No delays. All
business strictly confidential. Loans no mada
that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on linn watches ami-llamonds. Persons
Fhould carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many now concerns are dally coming
Into existence. Should yfllt need money call and
bee me. W. K. Croft , rooiM Wlthnell building.
15th and Harnoy. f 020
MONEY To loan. Lowest rates. No elelay.
J. L. Itico & Co , over Comnieiclal Na-
tlonal bank li27
MONEY to loan on city property , and also
farms In Nebraska and low a. Odell Bros.
A Co , loan , real estate and insurance agents , 10.1
Pearl street. Council llliUIs , la. ; 1MI Farnam
strcet Omaha. OW
ONKY to loan. Notes- ana it. K. ticket ,
bought ahd sold. A. Fprman , S1J S nth sts
\t 024
MONEY to loan , cashcjBiand. no delay. J.
W. and E. L. SqulrcfiYtt Furnam bt. Paxton -
ton hotel building. W5 B2U
WANTKD A partner In good paying busi
ness with from * 1,000 to fl.MKl capital , re-
fcrencesrequired. AduresS P 2 llee ollico. hlVB *
FOK SALE A first-class grocery with meat
marke-t lu connection , doing unico business.
About tl.OU ) cash , balance easv. A good chance )
for right party. Address "P 7" llee otllco. b l
1 ( J 5000Invented In nn entirely new artlrlo will
I > make from t.'O.fliX ) to M.OUO per year. This
la no bubble but actual reality. Call and Inves
tigate und you will bo com lined. Co-operutho
Land A. Lot Co. , 203 N lOtli st. KW 5
A LIVE man opening Hour and feed store In
Fitch block ts Huro to make tt i ]
Inducement to open at once.
F , L. Gregory , Kental Agents , 309 S 18th st.
' 7KI
TJESTAUKANT ror sale , Ifith St. . doing n
-IV Kplcndld business ; rent * ; tUture-j und
furniture txvo ; terms eusy. 'llils is H nrst-class
location , und w 111 pay to incMlgute. . Cooperu.
live Laud A. Lot Co , 2U5 N. ICth ut. ' , ' > BOS & .
RESTAl'HANT on Ifttli t dolncc a good liusl-
nss , rent ISO , prlco tW , Co-openitlv Land.
AIot Co , an N lUth Bt. 8086
REPTAUKANT onHanipy st. for silt , doing
n good business , ll.iwl worth of furniture
forK > .X ) . Teims U cash. Co-operative Land &
Lot CO. . 9B N. ICtii St. HM5
A STOCK of fanov goods on 10th st. for sale ;
f pletullil opportunity to these desiring such
n choice' . Price according to Invoice , Co opera-
live Land * Lot Co. . an N. 10th st. iW 5
OlTsAM'Meat market In Wllber , rjunty
ReRtof 8 illno county , Neb ; gocxl chance j
terms reasonable. Address4) . MelsenbaehA Son.
OH7 7 *
TT OK SALE A stock of confectionery , HUP lo-
V cation. Co-opcratho LancKVLot Cu.'JUu
N inth st. WS 6
RESTAUKANT on inth st. for saprent ] ; MO ;
price , $2,000 : terms , H.IWO cnsh , bilanco
time ; feeding ocr 100 per day. Pintles going to
leave the city cause ft > r selling. Co-operatlvo
Laud A : Lot Co. , 2U1 N. 10th Rt. KM 5
FOK SALE Orpxcliange. anew combined IV1
bbl. roller and burr mill w ith complete )
modern outntof machinery , doing n good busi
ness , with unlimited water power on Little Itluo
river , In Thn } er couhlv. Neb. Will take * 2XX ( )
or upwards In cash , balance on easy terms , or
city property or lands In whole or In part. Ad
diess , A.G.Collins , Hebron , Neb. H22 d22
CIOAK Moro on loth Bt for silp , doing $ .150
_ worth of biistnpss per month.rpnt J,1'stoclc )
nud llxtures WOO , Co-operath o Lund & Lot Co. ,
aViNltithat. HW 5
TjlOK SALE One hotel : i stoiles high , good
JJ stand , basement with water running all
through the building and nl o to the barn ; barn
stabling CO Head of horses nnd 75 tons of hay and
water In It ; willspll or trade for real estate or
utock. For further Information wrlto to D.
lllUA.SoiiDnnbar.Neb. 9l8dlO
WHOLESALE confectionery business for
sale . Paving trade established. Look
this up. Apply ! 7 S. Uth st. Wl
TpAKMa und wild lands to trudofot city prop-
JU city. W. M. Hurils , ovcr220S 15thst.
871110 *
mo EXCIIANGE-An Interest In the real es-
JL late business for good land or city piop-
rty. Addiess Pl.l llee. ! ) ' . 8
IIVEHY barn and stock to exchange for ll.NK )
J In property und balance cash. Harbor shop.
> est In Omaha , to exchange for lands or city
iropeity , no cash required. Small barbershop.
iVlll exchange for n lot or small farm. Co oper-
ntlvo Land S Lot Co. , 20.1 N 16th st. 814 0
FOK Exchingo All kinds of meichandlse , "
w lid nnd lmnioed lands , houses and lots ,
u city wid Nebraska towns. Co-OpcratUo
' .and & Lot Co. , 20,1 N. Ifith st. MIS 5
T710K SALE-Or exchange , good Omaha prop-
JL' pity for good stock of boots and nnoes ,
nothing , fuinlslilng goods or huidwnie. Schle-
linger llios. , ( ill S 10th st. 71)1 ) J 2
T\7"ANTE1) To exchange flist class Omaha
TT anil South Omaha tiropeity for good Ne
il askaiind low u laud , w. ( I , Albright , 218 S.
It list. 7415
V"ACANT lots , houses , aim lots to trade for
hoi ses , hni ness , buggies or paper. H. A.
McKachton , Hoom 11 , I'limzet lllock. fi.VI B *
POH K.\'CHANir.-C40 acres , U.I' , contract
land , nt JJi.for Omaha piopeity. My equity
| . ) ,000 , only } # IO back. A. 1' . Tukey , 1.K1 I'm nam.
WANTED Farm lands In exchange for
blocks of 1111 rchandlsc. St. John & Kly ,
Iloom 1,1,1'renzer block , 01 p. I'.O OU
" \ Cnss Co.
near Pliittsmouth , will tiado for Improved
nslde piopert } . Adfuess Jl yi ) , llee ofilce.
\\7OriiDljlKI ! to c-xchango a lotlnHauu-
ders A : II Imebaiigli s addition to Walnut
11111 fiir a good Hlelgii and light two-seated
siiuy ; would al < o tnko a good homo and imiis-
ton. Addiess box 4-1 ! I'.O. 4)0
\\7"ANTKD Good farms In exchange for
T > Omaha pi operty , C. C. bpotswood , JXViVi
SIRth. i-ai
WANTED 1'ropertv of all kinds to exchange
Hpeclil attention glen to trading. P. C.
Fpotsw oed , naijj H luth.
rpoKXOHANGE Good east liont lot In Hans-
com I'hico to exchange for clean stock of
dry goods or clothing. C. IIuiil&on,41H S. loth.
HO THADU Inside property for good hoine ,
L eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul-
loch & . ( o. , cor llth and I'.ai nam. ( > U
TIO THAD1' Two lmpro\ed farms In Iowa for
Omaha property or Nebinska lands. JIc-
Culloeli & Co , cor ; l,1tli and I'm nam. Cit
71OH TKA1IK n.fWO acTes of cnolco western
- land to exchange for general mcich.indlso.
Jno. V. Toft , Kl N. 15th at. U !
WANTED Good family hoiso in evcliaiigo
forlc-t , JlcCulloch i. Co. , cor loth and
rarnam. ( P7 !
rpo EXCHANOK-Improvecl faun In lown
Jfor Omaha lesideneo property. J.J. Wll-
i. | I'aruaiii. t > ! 54
M1 1DLAND Guarantpo and Trust Co , 1B01
I'm nam wtieet Coniplcto abstracts fur
nished , nnd titles to real estate ixamlnud , per
fected imdgiiaianteed. _ ! ) i/2
BENSON A. CAHM1CHAEL furnish complete
pud guaranteed abstracts of title to iiuv
ip.ilcstntc-liiOinalm and Douglas county upon
bhoit notiee. 1 he most complete set of abstract
books In the city. No. M1J lai nam t > t. 0711
FOK SALE-Lot Oxl4J leet with IMouin
house , cor. 31th and Lea\enwoith Htn ,
$1,700. Imiulro at Golden Kule ba/aar , 701 N Kith.
Ml-7 *
SALE Two east fronts one miletiom
X ; postolllce. just oir of Cumlng , on .Montana
Bt. ; lotsTiO ; and W , Nelson's add line place for
' < "llats ; " high , div. healthy , and at low Ilg
o. A.I'.Tukey , Itil raniam st. 207
$23,00000cash wanted Inn niOOOdeal : some
of Omaha's best ic-.iltv ; object , cash : will
jield large profit. AddiessO. 1 lice. 277d20
[ Fyon have anj thing tonsil or exchange list
it w 1th C. C. Spotaw oed , .KB' i S 10th. 7v > 4
FOH SALE Lot 1 block f , A. S. Patrick's ad
Itlon , will bell for few days ut $1,030 , ?
cash , balance easy. M , i * lice olllco. ! W7
FOK SALE-Look ! Lookl Lot II , blk 4U-Cfi\132
cm Cass between 22nd nnd 23d sts. Only
$ .1.500. JJ.WO cash. A bargain , and no mistake.
lO'jxIVieast fiont corner , on ! Wth aud Joups
Kts , just south of the tine residences of Easson ,
Ili.uly und others. Can hell this , if taken at
OUCH for I1.00U. An elegant residence comer ,
Nothing in the vicinity so cheap. M. A. Uptor
A Co. luth t. ODD Chamber of Commerce. 1BJ
liy M.A.Upton4Co.
Three pieces propeity,20 per cent below nctua
Lot 27 , Falrmount , U500 , $1,100 cash.
lllock 8 , ItoMl's addition , 10 lots cm Plate st. .
track ftom llelt line guaranteed , $7,000. ji,50C
lllock 23 , lloyd's addition , 10 lots , $ flMO , J2.00C
M , A. Upton & Co. , Ifith strecr , opposite Cham
ber of Commerce. 5.14
FOK SALE In South Omaha , 5 houses on
ronicr lots , for ? 1100 , 'i cash , which ic-n.
for SMI per } ear , on L st. D. 1) . bmeaton , WK
Dodge st , IM
FOK 8ALE-1BO acres of land four miles from
Mtock yards , at J125 per acre : this is a bar-
gain. McC.igue. Opp. P. O. GW
FOK SALE AROod IotfJ.1 feet ) on Park av
enue , low price If sold soon. McCulloch &
Co. . co" nth and Faniam. tl-T ?
FOK SALK-A furnished Hat of I ) rooms with
steam and bath , ccntraly located. Cull J
North llth , U10.
EM 8TICKNEY Ic CO. mace n Bpeclulty of
property In North Omaha , for sale or rent
Citizens' bank , 2403 Cumlng st. 7JI
FOK SALE We Oder HH a special bargain IfiO
acij.'s of land four miles from Block yards ,
nt $12.1 per acre , on line ot U. P. K. K. McCaguo
Opp. P. O. Kit
T 1ST your property for Bale with Charles C.
- -tJSpotswood.afc'/ et KI1
FOK SALK-Hy F. K. Darling , another fine
vast front lot in Hawthorne on tilth Bt , for
only JI//JO. if 100 cash.
For South Omahu bargains see me , at corner
loth and Howard. b005
SNAK-a lots , 44x132. llrlstol st. near Sflth. * 'WO
each400 ; cash ! balance \vry easy. r. L.
Gregory , real estate ag't , W H. luth t. 821
OUSE I'OU SALE-Onlth. ! between Capitol
ave. anil Dodge. Must bo gold at once.
Apply at llyron. Heed le Co.'s. 2.11 *
TjiOK SALE Hnest location for n home in
SI West Omaha , adjoining thn mansion homes
of Klrkendall , Co , llrady , Hasion und others.
Nothing finer lu thti city. Can o 1 Id'ixlS" or
Inns ; for prices und terms see S. A. Bloman , 1301
Tarnam st. UDd
F I OK 8ALK Kesidenca property lu 'fconth
Omaha. W. O. Albright , 218 8 15th t. 1H B
"ITIOK SALE Good brick business property In
JU centre of Grand iBlaud ; greatest bargain'
and beat tenns In tha city ; but little re-
cjnlr d ; long time , low Interest ami easy pay ,
intmtH : ptk r real eatata f r al . Address J. H ,
Wpoliif , ttotnBy tlaw ,
AMK3Uenlnstat Acnnfy.
onlre VKT7 rnrnnm.
W Very flnp ri'ildenco lot MxHJ nO n
Rt nearf.M , thN M otTcrcd for tnew
da ) at * > per cent less.than liny sur-
mundliiK property t 8,500
10CU 1'lno coinpr In llnwthorno WxlSJ
only 1 block from II , Vf. Ynte's new
n-Mldpuce , very thrap , , 1,500
IOT Most ( Uiinlilu lot in Sulphur Spring
titles than value. , 2,000
115 South tilth st lot ( Kit 110 , Htuall house ,
n bargain , on Kradu , , . . , 0,000
HO Un N 17th ft lot WxltO , small lioiisi' ,
near Nicholas st n.W
110 SouthOmuhiilot and ilMtore * , lent
for I , OJper year. , . . 10,000
IT ? Onllth st nearlonei4lxiw feet.Rooa
business loentlon TI n , , . . , . 7,700
ITS rarnam corner , lot ll'xliS with two
houses ( rented ) . , , , . , Sl.OOO
473 Mlnmlbct. Itld uiul Dltli uti , 4 room
home , full lot ' . 1,000
60 Corner and south front , ueir
llelt Mno depot. Oak Chatham S.WO
4V ) Senntdst. , 3Jth , i-room house
> 4 lot n.wo
437 On llanu-y st , near T.'d , 8-room new
house , lot fiOx7l > , pike. . 1,500
113 Cmumlnus st. , HUP location , near
li'th at. , 1 mfeet front by 1 tt feet deep.
This Is cheap at J110 a foot.
142 Casist. npar I'th.HSxlIK , with Rood
good D-room House , price 13.COO
M Chlcaco st. near lotn at. , l0\l ! K. w 1th
a houses , rents forl oper month. . . . 14,000
139 " 1st ht. corner , I.J ! feet squnrt-j excel-
lout warehouse location , trackage.
This ts a ImrKalil at 21,000
490 On llth st , near .Martha , tlrst-elass l > -
room house , lot KixlU ) 4 0,000
480 On ypnuoht , neiu-lutli ( rar llnoi ) > -
room house , lot 40 feet front 2.FOO
433 On 1'oppleton , neir I'ark are , Rood
0-room house , mils forJTiO IVXO
4S7 On Ohio st , block trom cars , 0-rootii '
house , full lot , for 3,300
41 OnM. IMh st , KoodOroom house ,
Bininl lot , prlco ViOO
4sl OnN.SlHtbt , 4-room , full lot 2,000
478 South Omaha , IB-room hotel ahd full
lot 4,000
477 On r > th t , corner , fi-room house , lot
WV157 0.500
470 on Tith Mt , near Muitlm , 5-room
house , full lot , 3 ,
4M ( In rinln\luw , on21st st. 4 rooms ,
burn and full lot 1,000
439 On S.MU st , near r.eavenwoi th , 2 lots ,
c.ich i lxlu't. one a corner. Rood 0-
room house , line shrubbery , price. . . 15,000
451 On 110th ht , near 1'oppleton ave , a
new modelnS-ioom house , full lot ,
east front , Rood shade tues 7,500
448 On Park a\enue , full lot , moderns-
loom house , deslrablo 8,500
429 IUsi front , VliRlula in e , near Hick
ory , o room cottage , new . . . . 4 two
4.10 ViiRlnlnim' , ueui 1'opplpton , A 1 8 >
room hou e , modem , good b.irn . . . 0.2M
414 ( ] eorglaa\e , ncurltliu bt , full lot , 0-
loom cultaRo . 2,500
411 Georgia aM > , coinei , 2 full lotH an I
lH ) 1'iicltlc near luth st. , fi < KIT2. 'I hH Is a
waieliouso and has splendid track-
ago fmicllltles 1",000
127 Satinders t. near 1'aikercoim.i , i K
120 : prlco
122 Tenth t. mar 1'aclllc coiners on
itft ) square , alley tiackaw , . . 11,200
103 Ct'mtiiKbt .a coiuir splendidly lo
cal oil , 7Uxtoiy ikMlrablo. . . . 2. > ,000
107 21th st. near CumliiR Ht. , 47\20I , uor-
nersonally 5,000
101 110 tt on Le.ivenworth by HJft deep ,
a coiner , will sell from -I ft np\\arils
at { 70 per front Her will hell whole
piece for , . . . pVia
PS riiinuu st. ncar22dbt. , b7\l.C. , atJj"J "
per iront foot
05 rotutcenth stieut , corner , fihotiH-s ,
ientfl "i a month ; has double track-
aiio ; pike 20,000
01 li : lout square , coinei on lltli st. ,
buildings rent for $150 per mouth ,
pilco . 60,000
097 llth stieet , near Hancroft.7 full lot.s
for 7,50i )
097 Miami Htieet , lUMriruii , full lot. l.wso
( M ) -VIh a\emie , iie.u bt. .Miuj'n , full
lot , lUvllO
Ob9V b-ter st .near Just east of the
content , 110x171 . 4,600
033 Park iircnuu , near r.irnam st. east
flout,57x14(1 ( , floui stieet to Mreet ,
double fiontago. Call at olllco for
937 1'aUlle st. near 1'hll Sheridan St. ,
lot40\I10 , fronts 2s > tiee.ts . . . lb7- >
977 1'aik a\o , south \Voolworth. . 50-c
IV ) 3,103
072 On 2iith avenue , near St. Maiy's a\e ,
full lot . . 0,400
1171 l'arkii\euue , 3 full lots , WMIO. foi. . 10,800
071 1'aclllcst auiloUth ht , coiner , 2 full
lots. lUi\.lVJ 7,500
OM I'lirkinenue , 100\I4J , to an alley , for
UlUO tier tiont foot
001 Walnut Mill , 2 Ilist-class lots , for IdTO
eatli . , . . . .
021 ( leoiKlaa\enne , corner , I00\r.0 , for. . 7.500
OH VliRlnlanto. vet y choice east fi out ,
IIXIMV ) . -1,500
The above propel ty ran all bu bought on fair
teims. Also call attention to 2 ( food bilokjnrd
sites.on tallwuy and near town. Also 2-fcot
lots on li aM-nuorthst , near21tli st ,
Ames' Heal Ustato Ayeney ,
1" < 07 1'arnam st. 785 0
"IjlOH SAMJ-Lot 2 block 8 , 15.V. Smith's add'n ,
J * 7rxw.
Lots" and 8 block 2 , Isaac & Seldcu's add'n ,
$ , -.lW.
Lot IS block 8 , Isaac & Saldcn's add'n , fci.OOO ;
cash W .
hot .K , Sunnyslde , JJ.-OOj ca < .h $ .W ) ; bal. easy.
lllock 2 , Jlycis , Ilk-hards i ; Tlldcn's add'n
& 5.2UO ; terms uuv. .
Lot 8 block N ) , South Omaha , $3,000 ; a corner.
Lot 2 block 77 , South Omaha , ? l"i)0 ( ) ; } j cash.
Lot t block2. Hut add'nSouth Omaha , JAOOO ;
cash M.
Lot 12 block 7 , Tlrst add'n South Omaha , $1POO ;
cnsh HX ) .
Lot 4 block 7,1'list aild'a South Omaha , $1,800 ;
Lot 1 block 2,1'list add'n South Omaha , ? 3,200 ;
cash M.
Lot 11 block P , Hist add'n South OmahalbOOj
cash ? 1,000.
Lots ii and I ! blk 1 , Jctt--is addition , $ J 500 each.
Itiilldlimson lot ! ) rent fnrMj pel month , and on
lot 0 for Wi pel month ; Imshu-ss propeitj * .
Noith W ) feet of lots 8 and 0 blk 1 , Jetlc-is ad
dition , Jl.STO : cash JUKI.
Tnclve lots within few blocks of Swift's park
ing hoii-Mj , from $100 to f l jO each , 1 hi so nro
fiomtV ) tntlOO i heaper than lots In adjoining
adultlons aio sellliiK for.
Nineteen and oiio-thlrd acres within tuo
blocks of Swift's packiiiK hou'-o , with l.JiXHeet
tnickaKO on Union 1'acltle track : in Ice MUX ! )
per acie ; will sell in small tracts If pin chaser
deslies. This Is th llnpst mid Uosostacio
property on the market lu South Omaha.
r\e , ten , fifteen ai.d lwt-nt\-uciu tiatts near
South Omaha. fiomfJIO to 5IV ) per acre , adjoin-
IIIK property held much hlghei. 1'ottcr X t'obb ,
ItlOl rarnam ht.
rpHOMl'PON. 311 S , llth St. . hnvs nnd hells roi
J estate , loans money , pillchusc-s neciitltluv
has n good lut of property for sale and wants
more. Notary pnmlc. & > 4
FOH SAL1 < Iliinlness pioperrj' In South
Omaha. W. ( J. Almlj-ht lb (5 ( llth ht. 7H5
FOU SALi : As tine apiece of tracl-aco as
them Is In the city. W , G. Albright. 213 S
15th st. 7"1J Q
ITIOU BALK Lots In Lincoln Place , iroutltif ;
J ? on the Metiopohtan cable , JB'JO each , li
Corner lot on Lowe n\cnuo and California
cable line , f I.THI. ' 5 cash.
Somtirholcolots inVest CiimliiK addition , $300
to fl,2iW , easy tei ms. Thpso lots am on or near
tha cable now beliij ; built on Callfoinla st. lluy
now at old prices.
A line business comer at 10th and Douglas ,
$ JO,0)0 ( ) , 'i cash.
Acres in Solomon's add , $ SOO. fi90 cash.
Acres In Spring Valley w 1th ti ackage , 00 , M
Lots In Lobeck's sub , near South Omaha , on
N. W. Ky , 200 each. 1-5 cash. Theao are thu
cheapest olTerlngs In thc-lr respective uelghboi-
hoods. Marshall & Lobeck , room U , chamber of
commerce. 4U
WIIV pay rent when you can buv a furnished
house on u nice lutgu lot , 50x110 , lu the
lluest lesloenco part of Omaha , near thu xticet
cars and within one block of where th Metro
politan cable will run , by pajIIIK a small sum
down and the balanuj monthly. Address O 19.
llee. ai7
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. '
The Best Ronte from Omaha and Council
UliifTs to
- = = THE
Chicago , . . .AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Mlnnenpolis , C'ctlar Itnpltls ,
Rock Island , Ficcjiort , Rorkford ,
Clinton , Diibiiqnc , ] ) n > eniiort ,
Elpln , Madison , Janostlllr ,
Bclolt , Wluona , 1.a Crossp ,
And all other Important polnti Ka , NortUeust an-1
* Poutbcuit.
For through tlcketi call on Iho tlckut axcnt nil t'l ' )
Firnaui itrect. In I'ailon llotol , oral UutOo J'aclDc
I > epoU
I'ullman Sleeprri and thn fln t Dining Cnr In the
worhl are rue on lliu niuin line of IheClilcann , Mil.
waukce All. . Paul HallKar.inJ citrr ntloullon U
paid to pai en in bjr counouus cniplojca ot ttio
ll ! M1U.KH , General Manager.
J. l.TUCKKIl , AiililAiitUvneral Manager.
A. V. U. CA/U'KrUCll / , Uiuerul Pantnger and
UKO. l ! fKAPrURD. Aiilita nt Ocneral ruieniei
TFI > . vrho In hta FO lli V nml I ( 4111 1 M'R
lm TKI ri.RU nwm hli lllOllof ItODY ,
niM > and.MAMI < M > l .iau liigoxlmustltiR
upon Ihn ' r.NTAINN of 1.1VK.
Dreams , M'KAKNKNS of Mimnry , IIVSH.
riii.NKsiin NOCIRTV , iMMi'i.r.siipon
the I'ACR. and nil the KKri'.riS Irndlueto
RAIII.V nE 'A Y and perhaps i'ONNHJIP.
TION or IXNANITY. ehould Comult nl once
the Cf.l-KHUATKI > Dr. Clnrke , r tnl > ll < hel
1K.M. Dr. C'lATko lm < mnde NEU Itl'N 1IE >
III I.I TV. 4'IIHOMO nnd nil Dlnwcs of
the < 1KMT > | ) ltl\AUY OryaiK n 1. 1 fa
Wmly. It make * N dlllkrcnro WHAT you
.lave tnVcn orV 1IO lift * fnlli d to euro J oil.
liar to their nex can coniult with the assurance
of ipeedy relief and euro. 80 ml U cents postage
for workj on > our ill ea r .
49-Bend 4 rents postage for Cplrbrntril
WorltPi on Chrnnlr. Nrrvoim and Hell *
rule U | CA CS. CoiiBiiuatlon , pcr nnulljr or by
loiter , fl-pp. Consult tlic olil Hnclor.
N Piirpd. tMllpmnud | inrlon
* jr-Thii e couteniplatliiK MiurUco
tend for Dr. Clnrkc'ii celebrated Riitda
If Bio and Fpnmlp. each 15o , Uith VSo.
( itnmpii ) . llpf.ire . roufliltni ; your cute , consult
Dr. ri.AIHi K. A frloudly letter or call may
lave future nuflfTlnffnnd thame , nnd add golden
years to life. < rBook " l.lfe-w ( Secret ) 1 > -
rorn , " Wo. ( ntcmps ) . Medlrino nud writing
sent over ) where , iccuro from pxpiiMtiro.
Hours , 8to8 : Sinulnjs , to2. Addrtss ,
F. D. CLARKE , M. D.
100 So. Clark St. CHICAGO. ILU
Notice to Cent motors.
The boat d of public lauds and buildings wilt
receive bids at iiuv tliuo before December 10th ,
1 17 , nt L' o'cJoek p. in. , for nil woik and material
to complete liulldl Ks f < 'r the "Neliraskn Indim-
tilal Homu" at Mtlfoid , Nebraska , Including
steam , heiitlnt. , plumbing , Hnucnupe and water
sen Ice , according to plani. specllltatlons und
detailed drawings on tile with thn oimilnlisln-ipr
of public lauds and bulhllUKS , also with Illako
iV Co. , architects. In Omuh.i. I'aymeuts to bo
made on monthly estimates and 1 > ptT cent to
1)0 reserved to Insure the completion of con.
tract. Woik to tin compete. 1 b > September 1st ,
IHI-S. Usu il liuhts uisoi vul.
llv 01 del of hoard of I'ublle LmvJs and Iiulld-
liiL's. (1. L. LAWS , heeietary.
NoV.30tnDcT.10. Nov. iird : , UP7.
Railway Short Line.
l ,
Tha cnlr road to take for DOS Molnon. Mtulalltoirn ,
Cedar Hiuilds , Clinton , Dlxun , Clilcnito , illlwiuike-a
ind all points emt. To tuo in nple of > ehrnski ! , Colo-
ndo , Wyoming , tltnh , leliinn , Nevuilft , Ore-icon , Wu b
iik'tonnml California , It "floral | > iMlor nilrnntnuea
He t posslulo by nny other MIU- .
Amonif n few of the numerous points of oiipe-rlorllr
njoreu by the imtronsof this nmil between Craiih
-tut rtilcnKO , ru Ita two Irnlvs n eluy of DA V COACH *
! * , which nru lliu llno t Unit niininii iirl mid unit-mil *
y can crentn. Its I'Al.ACK .SI.r.Ul'lMJ OA1W. whlclj
ro moilpjs of comfort und olrvnnce lu I'AHlAill
lUAWINU HOOM CA1I . uiuiirpiiKsod by any , nnU
ti widely cplobrnlPd 1'ALATIAli Dl.MMJ CAHS , tha
qiinlnf wlilcli rnniuit lie fnuml i-.sonlieni At Conn *
ell mulls the trains of llio Union I'lcincllullnnr.coijp
ii > ct In union iluiiotrllli tlioso cil the ( .lilcngo f
\orthnpstvrnllr. In Chlonpo Itiu Irnlin of tills lli > '
imko close connection nlth lliO'o of all other eu'tcn ,
1 or Detroit , reiliiniliim , Inrtlannpiills , Cincinnati ,
s'lacnra I nil" , I'.iitrnln , I'll If num. 'Jiuoiilo , MonlHul ,
lo'ton , ow York , l'hlliiilelililn | , Uiiltliuon1 , W h-
ni'ton , and all polnU In the cast , nslt for u ticket TUI
If yon wish the l.pitnccomiiioJiitlon. . All ticket ngenU
mil llrkrli vl-i this line.
u. mei ; 111 IT. r. . v. WIKSON , ,
Uenl. Mnnnier , Cicnl. Puta'r Agent
Chlca01 | [ Ills
M . nABCOCK * r u UUlJljl Ot
Wtntem Anuiit. City 1'int'r. J
Oinaba.I "
Lea\ Arrlvo
Omaha. Omaha.
) epot Kith and Pluico fits
'aclllc Expiess R20p. in 7Ma.m. :
) en\er Evpiess 11) ) .21 n. in. (1:00 ( : p. m.
Local Express O.UOp. m. 11:0. : ' ) a. in.
Except .Sunday.
Depot 10th and I'licllitsts
Chicago E\pi ess , Nos 2iV 1 t-4Sp.m , BiflStl. in.
Chicago Mall 7:23 : p.m.
'lilcago Local l:45 ) : p. m , ilOim. ) : ,
Demei E\piess fil'i : ! ) .id ) p.m.
Demur Mull H. no p. m t:40 ) : a.m.
Nebniska Local 10:10 : a. m , 54rip. ; m ,
Kansas City Expiess . . . . n.liOa.m. . 0 ; nT. p.m.
Kansas City Express 8:50 : p. m 7.UOa. ui.
0 , St. P. M. Ar O.
Deopt llth and Webster st
btoux City Klack Hills Ex 8:11 : n , in , 1:45 : p.m.
Ilancioft Exptess . . . . * 4r : p. in , lli:40 : a.m.
Illaek Hills Passenger. . . . C > : .lop. m , 7(0p.m : ;
"Except Sunday.
epot 1.1th and Webster t
DayExpioss lOilVa.m , 0:2S : o. n
Night Express I ) .2U p. m. . nJO : p.m
Kunnlng Iletwecn Onincll Illulfs and Albright
In addition to the stations mentioned , tralui } '
Mop at Tntntioth and Twenty-foiuth streotsi
uud ut the bummit In Omaha.