THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : ' G , 1887. THE DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFI-'ICIJ NO. 12 , I'KAItn 8TUKKT Delivered l > y carrier In any part of the city at t cnty centH ji r eek. II. W TJI.TON , . . . Manager. K , No. 43. NlflllT KlUTAll * NO. SI. MINOR MKNT10N. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Holler , tailor , Fall goods chcnp. Sec ( Jhnpmnn's picturusforChrlHtmas. St. Album * lodge No. 17 oluot olllcurs IhiH ovoning. Squire Scliurlillud out bovunty-six pciiHion pupor.1 yesterday. The lire ( Icpiirtinuiit took their exor cise Hushing sewers yoHterdtiy. The Chuutiuuun ] Htorury society held Its regular meeting last ovoning. Three plnnos were shipped to Oscoola , Neb. , yesterday by the Mueller Music Co. Co.The The board of trustees of the institu tion for the deaf and dumb meet to-day for regular business. The police ran in George Johnson for assault and battery , and O. Gilmore for disturbing the peace last evening. Tire postollleo force dined at the homo of Mr. and Airs. O. W. ! ' . Satier , on Sunday , there being llfleoii of these guests. The water wortcs compiiny are paint ing the hydrants , and they will no longer be mistaken at a distance for hitching posts. The four-yenr-old son of John Aiten , of Harrison street , died of membranous vroup Sunday morning. Tlio funeral will take place at U o'clock to-day. Marriage licenses wore yesterday to William II. l iles and Alice U. De- Lorinu , of this county , and 1'eterNelhon and Olivia Carlson , both of Council UlulTs. The meal tickets returned to the city auditor for meals served in the city jail during the month of November numbered t8. This is considerably less than the average. The case of Scott Williams vs. Kd. Rothery , of Omaha , was called in the fcuperior court vehterday. A jury was cmpannelled , and the court adjourned until 10 o'clock this morning. The Council BlulTs Abstract , Guaran tee and Trust company will put ton men lit work in the recorder's olllco this morning. It will take until January 1 , 1888 , to got their books in order for business. The need of a new city directory is becoming more apparent daily. The lastono is correct in some cases , but it keeps the user in a chronic state of un certainty in a game of hit or miss , with the chances largely in favor of the latter. Mr. W. W. Chapman is contemplating moving his place of business to Broad way in the early spring , his trade hav ing outgrown his present quarters. To reduce his slock ho oilers special bar gains during the holidays. See his ad elsewhere. Mrs. 11. R. Roberts died Sunday night lit 120(1 ( Fourth street from the ef fects of a cancer. Her home was in De troit , but she was being treated by Dr. Uice , of this city. Her father , Thomas E. Roberts , of Missouri Valley , is hero making arrangements for the funeral. The Harmony mission social that hud to bo postponed last week on account of the weather will take place thisovening at the residence of Mr. J. Bell , Stuts- man street. Music and refreshments will bo the order of the evening. The public are invited , strangers always welcome. The grand jury before adjourning made its usual report favorable to the condition of the county jail. They did ' not attempt to turn the big iron'cage. . Had they done so their report might have been condensed into two or three words , nnil those words emphatic but not Haltering. The plumbing work nl the gymnasium was begun yesterday. Water will bo run in from Main street and sewer con nections made with Broadway. The room will bo supplied with bath rooms , water closet , etc. , located in the south end , also u dressing room and the other essentials of such places. The ap pliances for furnishing the room are ex pected to arrive daily. The readers of the BKE will remem ber the sensational attempt to run a herd of cattle across the river from the Iowa side into Nebraska the latter part of October. It is now stated thai the grand jury of Momma county has in dicted the participants , and there promises to bo some still spicier devel opments. There are a great many thousand dollars involved in the con troversy outside of the criminal prose cution. _ _ Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. Personal Mr. II. Hollis , of Omaha , was in the city yesterday , calling upon frjonds. Charles Haldune has been in Cedar Rapids on legal business for the past few days. days.Warren Warren Hough and .T. A. Pratt , of Crescent City , were in the BlulTs yes terday. K/ra Kendall and his "Pair of Kids" party wore registered at the Ogden yes terday. Superintendent "E. A. Buchanan , of the Wabash , came up yesterday from Stanbury. W. M. Potter , of Nebraska City , wns buying holiday stock ofV. . W. Chap man yesterday. J. It. Buchanan , of Missouri Valley , general passenger agent of the Sioux City road , was in the city yesterday. Mrs. T. F. Thickstun has returned from Missouri Valley , where she has been for about six weeks , being detained there by illness. T. J. Hartwcll , Oakland ; M. Hewitt , Red Oak ; J. B. Christian , Hamburg , and O. K. Paddock , Pereival , wore reg istered at the Bcchtolo yesterday. C. W. Strucker , DCS Moines ; Mrs. E. G. Atnoult and daughter , Red Oak ; K. R. Voorhecs , 1'ella , were the lowans registered at the Pacillc yesterday. G. II. Summitt and J. L. Sullivan , of Macedonia , la. , were hero yesterday with George 1) . Kldriilgu , of Huron , Dak. , who has boon visiting friends there , and is now en route home. Rev. Frank C. Hnddock , ton of the martyred minister , is now pastor of the Methodist church atOgdon.Ia. Hois ulr-o one of the editors of the Boone D'a- trict Quarterly , a church publication. William Drew , brother of Mrs. Frank Yonawino , arrived from Dnluth yostoi- ilay. Ho was called horizon account ol the dangerous illness of his sister , whoso death is expected to occur at any mo ment. Always at tlin Front. Wo have now ono of the most com plete stock of line and medium-priced watchcsund chains , diamonds , gold jew elry , line murblo clocks , silver and plated ware , gold-headed canes , umbrellas. opera and .Held glasses , and all the 'standard styles of the lending novelties of the 'godson. Al ) prices fo low as to defy all competition. ' At No.1 127 South .Main bti-cot. C. ! ! JAC < JUKJUN & Co. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , Irate Parents Who Protest Against Teachers Spanking Tholr Boys. THE DOINGS OF THE BLUFFS. A Street Car Collision -The Typo's Klrotton Poor Whisky Mukea Gootl Tollcc IJusliicHH 1'cr- Mitiitl The Hod In IMcklc. There has been so much comment on the recent whipping of Perry Howard in the 1'lerco street school that a BKE reporter yesterday sought an interview with Mr. J. IJ. Atkins , a member of the school board , to ascertain if possible just what the animus of that body was con- concerning the matter. To a query as to what the board intended to do , Mr. Atkins replied : "There has boon no complaint made to the board , therefore it has made no investigation. All that bus been said or done lias boon individually , so all I can give you is my own opinion , and not that of the boiu'd. " "What do you think nboutthe charges of 'brutal clubbing' that have been made in connection with this caseV" "I think that the boy got a good spanking , and undoubtedly feels rather wire. There has been considerable till If about the 'club. ' Have you seen itV No ? Well , it is about a yard long , and Mr. Hell says it weighs six ounces. It is claimoil to bo a 'dangerous instrument , ' and it is , without any doubt. If it should bo rammed down u pupil's throat or poked Into his eye , it would cause serious trouble , but ho would any stick that might bo pro cured , and for that reason it is a dan gerous instrument. If it were made of pine it would break at the first stroke. We have sent it back to boused as here tofore , and we would not have done so had we believed that it was lee severe. The schools of this city are in an excel lent condition , and I don't want the people ple to receive an erroneous impression in regard to them. There are about two thousand live hundred pupils now enrolled , and this term is about half completed. This is the first complaint that has reached our ears , and I think that is doing remarkably well. There is no question but what the discipline of the schools mu t be maintained , and it has been demonstrated that to do so there must bo recourse to punishment. Wo tried it here for a while without it , but it was recalled. There was a case last year of a man who made a terrible row because his boy was whipped in school , but this year the 'joy is larger and is getting to bo almost too much for the old gentleman , and ho now comes to us and asks us to help him control his son. There are several ugly boys in the schools , and some of them have drawn knives on tho.teachers. . . What would you or I do in' such a caseV This same Miss Harris carries a scar on her hand vhero a boy hit her , and at one time it vas considered very serious We can't uluirge a teacher just because some- mo is dissatisfied. See how many pow- jrs there are above us who could oinstato her. Wo must have good auso , and in this case I think there is tone. Mr. Lynchurd has been very jontlemanly anil pleasant , although ather persistent , and I have no doubt Ml what he will see things differently vhcn he gets a little cooler. We wish , he pupils to inform their parents of vhat goes on in school , but they must lot threaten their teachers. 1 think , he affair will be amicably settled with ittlo further controversy. " It appears that Mr. Atkins' hope that , ho matter would be amicably adjusted , s not in a fair way to bo realized. The . .rate stop-father of Perry Howard is still on the war-path , and he's secured in alliduvit from another paren who jlaims to have had a child whipped too lOvercly. The following istheallldavit : State of Iowa , Pottawuttamio County : J , Li. Uunlap , u resident of 1011 Hroiidway , Council Bluffs , In. , buiu ; , ' Hrst duly sworn do on outh depose mid say , I am tlio father of Willie Uutilap , who Is nt this time of the : IRO of twelve years. That for sonic tiino past I lave been Bending said boy to the Pierce Street school in this city , and Unit lie has jccn under the immediate tuition uuil super vision of Miss He'll. That th o weeks ago the coming Wednesday , my said boy failed to fully prepare himself Tor the usual weekly literary exercises , and ; hut for salil offense his teacher , Miss Hell , lunished him lifjh'ly , in the presence of Miss Hun-is and Miss liuehel ; that this punish ment not appearing to satisfy Miss Harris , she took the ruler from Miss Hell nnd con tinued the punishment to sueh u degree that the child was so physically disabled that for a period.of three days thereafter ho was unable - able to sit down without ( jreat pain ; and was compelled to stund at the table while eating nis meals. That his limbs and hips were so Deateu and bruised as to bo black and blue , extending to the knee-joints. This statement Herein made us to the facts of the child being whipped and by whom so whipped is upon the statements made to mo at Urn time by my said boy ami his sister , who is ten years old. Hut the testimony as to the bruises upon the person of the boy , the extent mid effect thereof are of my own personal knowledge. Jj. DUNI.Al' . Subscribed nml sworn to before mo by said L. Dunlap , this 5th day of December , 1&S7. W. W. HIWIKII , Notary Public. Mr. Lynchard has filed with the board a formal complaint of the case of Perry Howard , and demanded the suspension of the teachers , the following being the document : To the Honorublo Members of the Board of Kducutlon ( Jcntlcmcn : I desire to make u formal complaint to your honorable body of ' of cruul urul ' llhiblo u I'UHO 'unjust punishment iatlieted by two of tlio teachers of the public schools upon one of 'ho pupils. The punish ment and the instrument used to accomplish it I consider to bo unjustifiable and out of place , in any public school , and decidedly wrong in the splendid public schools of this city , of which yon are the guardians. I desire - sire to bo called upon for either un oral or u written statement df the case before the wholu board , or n committee selected for that pur | > oso. 1 desire to havu submitted to the whole board the Instrument which I am pained ami surprised to learn has been long used for the purpose of iullicting bruises on the tender llcsh of little children. I desire uNo to mibmlt the accompanying utlidavit concerning another and parallel case of un just severity , sworn to by the father of the child. Hoth of these offenses were committed by the same teachers , Miss Harris and Miss liuehel , employed in the Pierce street school. 1 dc ire whatever op portunity may bo necessary to enable mo to fully sustain the demand I now make that tlio.two teachers bo susieiided from their positions as teachers In the public schools , and that the "paddlo" of the danger ous proportions of the ono in evidence shall bo hereafter , by special order of thu board , excluded from thu nubile schools , and that other ami loss brutal methods of inflicting punishment upon refractory pupils bo substi tuted. Yours Most Sincerely , W. II. Lixx'iuiin. Council Uluffs , Dec. ft , lbs ! . Wadsworth , Ktiiyro &Co. loan money Now houses for Kilo chcnp by John ston & Van 1'atton , 33 Main street. - Common Council. Common council met lust evening in regular session. Present , Mayor Grone- wig , Aldermen Lucy , Mctcalf , Keller Hummer and Dunforth. Hills 'for the month were presontei and allowed : . Protobt of propertyrownorb onTwclftl avenue against filling that street to jrudo. Filed. Petition of Mrs. Donahue for n remis sion of tuxes. Referred. Petition of residents of First ward 'or sidewalk across bridge and its approaches preaches across Indian creek. The proposition of J. W. ! ] . L. Squire : o furnisn pieces of properly upon .vhlch . owners paid no taxes at 1.0 cents icr name. Accepted. Heporta of this olllccrs were read and filed. filed.The The report of lh committee to whom wiw referred the petition of .1. II. Marr uul others ugainst the opening of .Thirty-fourth street. No abstract of Lille could bo found that showed the ownership of these persons to the prop erty in question , nor hud the city va cated the streets and alleys in the dis puted portion. The committee do not egurd it their duty to look up titles of these persons. The report was received mil concurred in. Special assessment resolutions CU , 63 and 04 were ordered published. Bonds and estimates for gruding wore presented as follows : Cline & Dibon , on Seventh street , Yom Tenth to Sixteenth avenues , -0 cents. John S. Plugalle , Sixth avenue , Tenth to Eleventh streets , 11) ) cents cash , 21 cents bonds ; Sixth avenue , Eleventh to rwclfth streets , ill cents cash , 23 cents jonds ; Seventh avenue , Tenth to Eleventh streets , 21 cents cash , 23 cents ) ends ; Seventh avenue , Eleventh to Twelfth streets , 23 cents cash , 2-5 cents xiiids ; Seventh avenue , Twelfth to Thirteenth streets , 23 cents cash , 25 ) ends ; Seventh avenue , Thirteenth to fourteenth streets , 24 cents cash , 27 : ents bonds ; Seventh avenue , Four- eonth to Fifteenth streets , 24 cents cash , 27 cents bonds ; Seventh ivenue , Fifteenth to Sixteenth streets , 21 cents cash , 27 cents bonds ; 'ntcrsections 23 cents cash or equivalent n bonds. High School avenue , Glen to Willow 12 cents cash , 14 cents bonds. J. W. Calluhuu's bonu $ > 300 approved. J. W. Kellcy Seventh street. Wush- ngton avenue to Avenue F , 14 cents cash. 10 } cents bonds. Mitchell < fe Sweeney , Sixth street , .Tenth to Thirteenth avenues , 22 cents ash,23J cents bonds,27 cents certillcutes. Seventh , Tenth to Sixteenth avenues , JI cents cash. 25 cents bonds , 29 cents certificates. C. R. Burgmnn bond $1,000 approved. Sixth street , Tenth to Thirteenth ivonues. 22 } centsicush. . Seventh treet , Tenth to Sixteenth avenues , J3 cents cush. Washington avenue to Avenue F , 24 } cents cush. Schluotor & Boley High School ivenuo , Glen to Willow 20 cents cush. Referred to city engineer and com- nittco on streets and ulleys. Tokens of Appreciation. Wo have 10,000 customers in Council fluffs , Omaha and vicinity. As a token of appreciation for past patronage wo wjll present them on January 1,1SSS , with a beautiful organ , containing two mil three-fifth sets of reeds and an elo- .antl.y finished case , and nineteen other beautiful gifts. Every customer re ceives a ticket. All holiday goods closed out regard less of cost. Prices 011 all goods reduced until January 1. Mail orders promptly lillied and tickets accompany goods. UJII Music CO. Weather strips for doors and windows it Odell & Bryant's , 504 Main bt. _ For best quality coal and wood , call on Glcason , 20 Pearl street. E. H. Shoafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. OfHco 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , tip-stairs. The Prlntcrw Ballot. The following have been elected offi cers of the Bluff City Typographical inion , No 203 : J. R. Dietrich , presi dent ; George W. Irwin , vice president ; [ 1. S. Ruwlins , secretary ; J. C. Schcr- merhorn , treasurer ; O. S. Henderson , Bergeuntrut-urms ; G. W. Ryun , J. C. Lliehurds , E. C. Buldy , oxcc'utivol com mittee. The oflicors uro for the your 1888 and will bo installed on Now Years day. < i Every ono making a cash purchase o 25 cents at T. D. King & CO.'B cigar tore gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Von Want Them. Domestic patterns and patterns for stamping and embroidery. Latest styles and finest designs. "Domestic" olh'cc , 105 Main street. Collision on Main Street. Last evening a Main street car col lided with the dirt train on the tram- wny. Ono of the dirt cars was thrown from the track and turned over on its side. The strcat car was but slightly damaged. It was a most fortunate mis fortune , as no one was injured. * Ono thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. Greonamayer , 023 Mynster St. telephone 121. T. B. Baldwin soils lots. For nn elegant birthday giftor Christ inas present , a Domestic hewing machine leads them all. Attention Company A. All members of the company arc ordered to report at the armory at 8:30 : this evening , .to attend election for captain. Lieut. C. II. TIioiiSMiTH , Commanding. Don't Freeze Up ! Wo arc bound to close out our largo line overcoatings. Will make them up at greatly reduced figures. This is the oportunity of a lifetime. A. RICITKU , 310 Broadway. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. AVIilsky Kecclnts. In the police court yesterday morning , Theodore Voight was lined $10.10 for disturbing the pence , but fulled to pay. James Dale paid $7.00 for intoxication. NelHChristenson and Chris Hanson for feited $15.05 for non'Uiipoarunco to an swer to the churgo of drunkenness. FURNITURE ! Wo nro nn\v prepared foe tlio HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our Iminonso building uru packed full ol the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In'our line , nnd at prices that will tlofy coin- putitlon. Wo Kuat-intc6 our poods to bo Just an wo represent them. Please glvo us u call whether you wish to buy or not , mid brinif your friemU with you. It U no trouble to show our goods. ' Kespoctfully , ' C. A. BEEBE & CO. . DISCOUNT SALE i NO ADVESTISING SCHEME TO WORK OFF OLD GOODS , BUT " " 1- * ' MADE NECESSARY BY OUR REMOVAL TO ANOTHER LOCATION , TWENTY PER CENT CUT OFF ! ON THE FOLLOWING GOODS : PICTURES , EASELS , PASTELS , FRAMES , ENGRAVINGS , ETC , , UNTIL CHRISTMAS. Mail Orders Promptly Filled at Same Discount , Goods Marked in Plain Figures , W. W. CHAPMAN , 105 & 107 MAIN ST. , : : : COUNCIL BLUFFS , IA , FREE ! i..n. . - . . . ( Until January 15 We Give A Valuable Present. With Every Purchase of $10 and Upwards. MAIL ORDERS INCLUDED. Council Bluffs SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPECIAL nilvcrtlscinonts , such ns T.ost.roiind , To r.onn , Kor SilOTo : | He-lit , Wants , Hoarding , etc.Ulll > u Inserted in this column at the low rateofTK.V ( MINTS Vl'Al LINK for tin * nr > .t In- Kcrtlon nnd 1-lve Cents Per Line for each Mibsu- quenl Insertion. Leave advertisements ut our ollirn No. 12 Pearl .Street , iieur llroadwny , Coun lown. WANTS- "IIIOU Iir.NT Putt of rooms hitltntilo for light JH housekeeplnn. Inquire 41Main ht. ' POU HUNT Kamis The hind heretofore known as Tim Koley's , nenr Mlnclen. for the hcwcmof iww. In tracts of Ml , ItiO or IWD acres. All cholco lands ana well Impioved. IIoiuco Everett. 1D10H SALK OH EXCHANOK-Kqiltty of 15 } JL ? shares In Jeffries syndicate , luqulio ot Odell llros. & Co. All klnns of sewlnp machines to WANTHD Work promptly and honestly done. Charges reasonable. Domestic onico 1U3 Main st ilOK HUNT Five furnMied room1 * , cheap. 1 Mrs.Geo. Marfshall. KW Fourth avo. , city. FOH SALK Very cheap for cash , or would exchange for Counell lllulls or Omaha prop erty , a retal stock of boots and shoes valued at about $4,000. Call nt store. No. COS Ilroadway , or address It. Martin , sumo number. Council ninth , la. F I Oil KKNT Houses In nil parts of the city by Johnston & Van Patten , id Main Kt. fjlOH HENT Houses and 1 urnlslied rooms. J. P It. Davidson.Ci5 . < Fifth avenue. FOll SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle very cheap , KMnch. at Iee ! ofllce. > UILDINO lots nnd acre property for sale by ' F. J. l ) y , U91'ourl at. "plOU HUNT A llnely furnished front rooni , JD first lloor , in private residence near court house. Water In room , lighted and heated. Large closet. References required. Address H. 12 , llco olJIce , Council UlulTs. RARE CHANCE ! MUST BE SOLD ! Tlio desirable residence or business property known as the 1'ower.s I'lnru , on Upper Hroad- way oppoflte the M. K. church , will positively bo sold within the next thlity days. Terms : One-third cash , balance In onu and two years. Address bids to Omaha , Neb. , 11)17 ) and W1B Douglas St. D. H. McDANELD & CO. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KO and KK Main Street.C'ouncIl niuffs.Iowa. ALCOHOL. , OPIUM AND MORPHINE CURE ! The Alcohol , Morphine and Opium habit Ab solutely Ctacd without Interfering with the patient's dally avocation. Correspond with or call on DR. F. P. BELLINGER. 014 llroudway. Counell Dlulla , la. All correspondence contldentlal. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS WOIiroodway Council IlhifTd , Iowa. IMabllshed lSr > 7. Star StableS and Mule Yards Ilroadttuy , Council' i Hulls , Opp. Dummy Depot. Morses and mules conxtantljr on hand , for sale at retail or in fur load lots. Orders promptly tilled by contract on short notice. , Stock hold on commission. Telephone 1H. CCHi.UTnil * IIOI.KV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council llluffs. FINE MILLINERY. . NEW- FALL SHIES OPEN , . 1514 DOUOLKS STREET. ' - - - . OMAHA. . * t. Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Manufacturer ! of All EH Of STEAM MS AND SHEET IRON WORK. Orders by innil for repairs prohiptly nttemlcd to. Satisfaction guaranteed. 10th Avenue. Ad dress Ogden Iron Works .Council HlulTH , IOWH. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs. Only Hotel In the City with Fire Es- capo. Eloctrlc Call Bolls. Accommodations First Glass , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line , OFFICE Oir. SOUTH MAIM ST. Telephone No. 03. All rails from District Telegraph Onico promptly attended to. IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT THK St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached . W. I ) . IRWIN , Prop. r > o r Ac CAirriD WITH Tin ocooiunrr OF TBII OOCXIBX WILL IEC BT KIAMIKIKO Till * HAT THAI TUI CHICAGO.ROCKISLAND&PJCIFICRAILWAY KT reaion of IU central ponttloi C.OIK relation to lines Eait of Cblcftffo. and contlaa\tt Uari * t turmlnil point ! Weit , Nortbwctt nil Sojthweit , li the true rotddl * link la that transcontinental nyitem which InYltei and UclUUtei travel and trafilo between the Atlantis and 1'aclflc. The Kock Jiland mainline and branches Include Chi * eago , JolletOttawa , Laballc , Tcnrla , Otneieo , tlollne and Itock Island , In Illinois i Davenport , Muicatlne , Washington , Talrflcld , Ottumwn , Oskaloosa , W it Liberty - erty , Iowa CityDeiHolnoi.lndlanolaWlnUrset , Atlan tic , Knoivlllo , Audul'on , llarlan , Gutlirl * Centre and Council llludj , In Iowa ; Oallatln , Trenton , St. . , epn , Cameron and Kansai City. In JIlMourli I.oai "iwortn and Atehlson , In Kansas ! Albert I.ra , Minneapolis and Bt. Paul , In Mlnnnotai Watertown and Eloux Falls , la pakoU , and immlredi of Intermediate cltloi and towni. ' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" . Guarantee ! speed , comfort , certainty and lafctr. Iti permanent nay U illstlDgulthrd for Its excellence. Its bridges are of fttone and Iron. Its track Is of Rolld iteel , Its rolling stork perfect. Ita passeng'r equipment bas all the satwty appuancee that experience han pivi oJ useful , and for luxurious accommodation It uanir- paused. Iti Express Trains consist of luixrlor Vtf Coaelies. elefant Pullman Palace Parlor and Sleeping Cars , auperb Dining Call , providing delicious meals , and ( between Chicago and St. Joseph , Atehlson and Kansas City ) restful llccllntng Chair Can. In man agement U conservative , IU discipline exacting "The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re" Ttetween Chicago anil Minneapolis and St. Pa U the favorite * Over thin line riolld Fast Kxpresi Tralni run dally to attractlte resort * fur totirlnti In Iowa and Illnnesota. and , via Watertown and Sioux Falls , to the rich wheat and grazing lands of Interior Dakota. Via eneca and Kankakee , the Hock Island offers euperlor Inducement * to travelera between Cincinnati , Indian , apolis , Lafayctt * and Council Jobeph , Atehl son , Leavrnwurth , Kaniaa City , Ft. Paul , and Interme diate points. All patron * ( especially ladln and chll- drenrecelveprotoctloncourtesy ) and kindly attention. Tor tickets , maps , folder * , copies of Wtmtvn. Trail , or any drslrcd information , apply to principal odcei la tbs United Suits and Canada , or aUdrou , at Chicago. R. R. CABlf , E. IT. JOHN , t. A. HOIBDOOI , ' . . ii.ia.i > ittuu , . . we cordlsur recommend your ( i at lliel t reruedy knu n ijutCrOwnoirluia and ni t. \tehavc told cootMtr. able , in. I In every cue II . H. Y. Sold by Dtu file * .11.00. GRID MM A CLEAN SWEEP FOR DECEMBER GREAT REDUCTIONS WILL BE MADE AND A SAVING FROM 15 TO 33 PER CENT GUARANTEED ON ALL PURCHASES AT HENRY EISEMAN & CIVS PEOPLE'S STORE , Shuwlq , Skirts nnd Knit Underwear marked down for this week's special sale , Ladies , Misses' and Children's Hosiery , Gloves and Corsets marked down lor this week's great special sale. Men's Furnishing Goods and Under wear marked down for this week's special sale. Men's , Youth's and Boy's Clothing , the largest , finest and best stock in the city to select from , for less money by 33 per cent than inferior goods are told hero in this market. Come to the Popular People's Store and buy your goods. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Send or come to ua and see how much I money you can save from ordinary I locul retail prices. I Cloaks and Suits marked down for this week's sale. Blankets , Quilts and Linens marked down for this week's special s-nlo. Wo Keep Everything. Our stock is most complete and our prices insure a sale every time. Every $2.00 sulo entitles you to A TICKKT good for ono chance in our ONI : miN1- TIMI : > ( iitAN'i ) dirrs which wo give away January 10th , 1888. Parties coining from u distance to trade , with us will get a part or all of their itAiMtOAi ) rAui : refunded , and their goods delivered to their homes free ot charge. Our monthly Butterick's catalogue sent free to any one scndinir their nanio nnd address. HENRY EISEIYIAN & CO , , 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : : IOWA. SPECIAL SALE ! OF CLOAKS , LADIES' UNDERWEAR COM FORTS , BLANKETS , ETC. , COMMENCING MONDAY , NOVEMBER 28TH , We shall offer a largo stock of Cloaks and Ladies' "Wraps , ancfi v j Ladies' Underwear at about HALF their value. You / will get your gift in the value of your yurohase and without the uncertainty of chance. This sale is to clean out this part of our stock , aa.wo . must ) have the room for other goods , $20.00 $ Cloaks at $10.00 $ $15.00 $ Cloaks at $7.50' $ ' $17.00 $ Cloaks at $8.50 $ $12.00 $ Cloaks at $6.00. $ $10.00 CLOAKS AT $5.00. PRICES CUT 111 HALF. THIT BS THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. REMEMBER THE PLAGE , HARKNESS BROS , 401 Broadway.