Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 06, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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    ir ij
'flLlncoln Oltlzona Wnklna Up Over
the Dos Molnoa Road.
Jilvoly Doninnil I'op Porkera In the
AVrst Ijliioolti Market Notaries
Plilillc CoiiunlHslniiud Htnto
House Notes I'ei'Honnl
( rnoM TIII : nr.r.'s r.txcnr.x
Thu discussion ruKiiKlliiK ' " proposed
Lincoln , Hed Ouk fi Uo Molnos nillroud ami
lit promised liuneflts Is IK-CO ml rig general ,
nml , li.v HID llmi ! tlio bond election Is held on
the " 'Id of tliu present month , u nettled
opinion will bu reached. The bcnelltn piuin *
ised iiro aunieient to answer any argument
ii ulnst the bond , providing they vuu bu us-
mired , and It Is to the sissuranco tflvon in the
proposition that the consurvittivo men of
inonim motiving their iittentlon. The city
lias had experience enough In Its uttempts to
Boouro eompetltlon tlmt eompetcs , for a city
u huiidrcil .yearn old , Instead of n place not
> fet qulto hi Its majority , und that men who
liavo pnsscd through tlloso many experiences
tire wary Is but n 'natural consequence. In
discussing the roud and Its piomlsed bcncllts
there It * now undoubtedly n majority of the
dtl/ciiB fulrlv favoring it. Many support it
us they would any other means that would
continue the boom that the city has enjoyed
the pint your. Many potothpextontof saying
Ihnt even If the reduced rules and rompeti-
tlon should fail that the city would Kiiln In
tuxublo piopurly fiom tlio new corporations
nil tlio bonds would cost , and the statement
is iniiilo that th other roads secured through
lionds hiivo done that much for the city.
.I'hpio arc ninny , however , who will take tlio
Htatcmcht with ii Kniln of allowance , but lu
the present ago of pooling mid transfers 6f
block legally nml Illegally tlmt Is about tlio
only premise to figure upon.
A well known cill/on who favors the bonds
nnd who is In no way interested as tin Incor-
| Mjrutoi'br piospcctivo fltoekholdcr , statca
that the guarantee is without weight Hi caus
ing him to nilvociitc the new road , but that
lie believes that If a new Chicago line is se
cured it is worth to Lincoln nil it costs , re-
pnrdless of the question of lower intes. It
looks as though conclusions of this character
\villdeeido the question when the vote is
taken. As utterly opposed to voting aid lliu
iiumbcis thus far developed nro so few us
to exclto little or no attention.
The projectors of the road evidently
except to win the election on the representa
tions of an assured river rate , but lu the long
luturo the parties who will not bo disap
pointed will bo those who will extend aid for
u new road to the city , simply us another
railroad , and nothing more , The guarantees
nro truly great , but n guarantee of such
strength on paper never yet has been ful-
Illlcd to the letter in Lincoln or in any other
place , nnd history has n habit of repetition
unmarked by n single line of dcmarkation.
wtsr MScor.x MAKKCT.
There was n noticeable Increase in hogs on
the West Lincoln market the past week and
the price was gilt edged on account of the
Bcarcity prevailing. Tlio receipts for the
tvcok were about live thousand head and the
demand was strong. Yesterday the receipts
veto 100 and they were quickly sold nt prices
ranging from $1.85 to $ . " 5.-0. In conversation
vitn one of the stockmen nt the West Lin
coln yards ho stated that the packers wanted
at least lr , > ( X ) head per dav and that ! > , OUO each
week on the market would commaud gilt
cdgo prices.
The following notaries public were commis
sioned yesterday : George W. Whltcaker ,
Kearney ; JJ. S. Riimsoy and William L.
Browne. Plattsmouth ; Christian Hirschman ,
West Point ; James fl. Miner , Omaha ;
Stephen Scott Lewis , Foirbury ; Henry E.
Lewis and John Qclslor , Lincoln ; Martin V.
Bcott , Central City ; S. L. Caldwcll , Tal-
tnadgo , Otoo county ; Hen Stetson , Phitnview ,
Plorco county : James 1C. Loggitt , Humboldt ,
Klclmnlson county ; Preston H. Snowdon ,
Jilerrlnm , Cherry county ; Jennie L. Fruitier ,
The board of public hinds und buildings
! > ejd H regular" session yesterday for the
Transaction of the business accumulated the
| > ast month. The claims against the different
etuto Institutions wcro and allowed
nnd other routine business transacted.
December 1 Is the time tlxod for opening
the bids for the construction of the industrial
homo ut Milford. Thus far but very little
attention seems to hnvo been given to the
work by contractors and the inquiries to sco
bnd examine plans nro limited to n very few
persons. *
The articles of incorporation of the Ne
braska Savings bank , of Omaha , mid of the.
I'oyeko Hros. company , also of Omaha , have
Jieon received by the secretary of state ant
placed on 1110.
During the absence of the governor In the
cast , Captain J. R. Hill will welcome visitors
nvltii liis customary nflability. Lieutenant
Governor Shcdd will visit the executive of
fice occasionally nnd nulx his signature a
tiding governor to documents requiring 1m-
kiicdlutu attention.
Tlio Ueatrico Paper Manufacturing com
liany has tiled Us articles of incorporatloi
Ivltli the secretary of Mate. The capital stocl
laWO.UOO. The following well-known busi
ness uen and capitalists of Ueatrico ere the
Iho lncorporutors : J. E. Smith , S. C , Smith
II. L. Klmorc , Jacob Klein , D. W. Leak
William O. Washburn , C. O. Dorsoy , K. O
| ) rake , Lewis Werner , ICmil Lang , Chnrli"
Marshall. F. D. Kees , H. C. D.ivis , H. W
JPurkor , A. L. Green and J. II. Aldcn.
rnifoxAi , iinvt * .
Fanny Davenpoit , who patented "Fedora'
to Lincoln people lust , evening , occupied r
unite of rooms ut the Capital hotel while it
The celebrated Schubert quartette , who
flolightcd the thousands of visitors nt tin
'Crete ' assembly lust summer were in Llncoli
Sunday at the O'Pflt hotel.
Ren R. Cowdry'deputy scerctnry.of state
enjoyed n I iiht ride in from Hastings on th
' 'Ilyor" Sunday afternoon ,
Land Commissioner Scott , who visltei
Kearney last week , returned homo Sundaj
and was nt hls csk yesterday.
Captain H. K. Palmer , of PhUtsmouth
$ nd Governor 1J. C. Carnes , ot Seward , wen
nmont'tho parties well known in politics
"Kim " wcro at the stnto capital vcsterdny.
O. Spccht , Hugh Murphy. W. F. Swccsy
mid l'S. . Gergln wore Omntia parties recre
ating at the capital city jcstorday.
W. H. Shryock nnd J. A. llasscmelr , Louis
ville ; A. S. McKay , Friend ; .1. H. Doty ,
Jity ; II. H. Knowltou , Hustings ami
II. H. Hunker , Mindcn , wcro Lincoln arrivals
D.xvo Kowo , Into mnnngcr of tlio .Lincoln
buse ball i-lnb , lias gene to Kansas ( Jity to
nttonil u bull meeting.
Hov. Kolicrt Dohoily , of Omolin , rctnrncil
< o that city ycstonlay ufior holilliiK services
in the Uplsi'opal church this city on Sunday.
Jolin U.Vrit'lit , ox-mayor ot Lincoln , con
templates a ilejmi'tnro for tlio Paclllc coast at
nn early day , where ho will enjoy the winter
mouths in u congenial climo.
One 1'aot
la worth n column of rhetoric , said na
AiniM'lcnn dttttcsmun. It is a fnct , es-
Inbllt-liod hy Iho testimony of thousands
of people , that Hood'fi SarsaparilUv docs
euro t-crofula , Kilt rhmim'aml other dis-
I'aport and alloetioiiB arising from impure
Ptato or low condition of tlio
blood. It nls-o overcomes tlmt tired fool
ing crouton a good appetite , and gives
strength to every part of the PVbtom"
Try it
Xho Slto for It AVI11 l'robnlly lie Par-
iiniu ttntl Nlnelociitli Strvcts.
Tlio HEK some weelts IIRO announced that
the hull now under consideration by the local
Knights of I'ytlilas would bo erected on tlio
noitheast corner of Sixteenth nnd Davenpoit
streets. Slni-o tlmt time , however , the
Vi'thian conlniittees , who have been drcu
latins lists for subscription to htoclc , huvc
found that , with thu exception
of Ed Moadliuber , one of the
I > roporty-o\vnei8 near tlio proliosed site on
KUtcenth on 0110 will subscribe ti the sumo.
AH soon as this became known , a liuurnl otYci
for stock was imido by n number of Kurnnui
Btroet pi-ojicrty holder' * , und the site nevi
/'lost favorably coiiBldurod and thut , whlcti
will very llkoly bo ncrcp < o < l , t * on ono of the
corners Of fanmm nn < i Nlnot' Jiith streeU.
It Is nn excellent location , mul the boAutlful
liufldlntf contemplated would bo nn excellent
contribution to the line of ornate and tiumlyc
structures which extend otithnt street almost
rrom Fourteenth. Mr. Henson , whb has vol
unteered to furnish the money to buy the. lot
nnd erect the building said to n Hi ) re.
porter tills mornlnu that lie did not make his
proposition to the knights with that lot In
view. Nevertheless , ho was not wedded to
the Sixteenth property , and that ho felt fav
orably disposed with reference to
the property on Fnrnnm street. Ho had been
plvcn nn option on the Sixteenth street lot ,
but he did not know tlmt the optlon'stlll held
Rood because he had done nothing In the
premises , bccutisu of the Inability of the
Knights to scctae assistance on that thor
BV AsTuinrr OAH.
diaries GarUncr'H Drunken I-'rnik He-
HiiliH In HlH Dentil.
The most sickening of the numerous acci
dents that have happened on the street car
line near the loot of the hill of St. Mar.v's
avenue , occurred about 0 o'clock last evening ,
and icsulted In the almost Instant de.ith of a
teamster named Charles flardner. Gardner
was intoxicated at the time , nnd when ho
saw car No. Sri coming at a'brlsk rate down
the hill , ho conceived the mad Idea of rush
ing up and stopping It. Ho llrst throw up his
hands and shouted to the horses , nnd as they
did not Immediately stop , he scired them by
the bits and yelled like a crazy man. This
frightened the animals and they broke into n
run , dragging Gardner , between them still
hanging on to the bits. After being dragged
about a block , Gardner's grip weakened and
ho fell under the horses' feet , and before tlio
car could 'be stopped the front and hind
wheels had passed over his body , crushing
his chest and breaking an arm. The car ,
which was nearly upset , was finally stopped ,
mid barely escaped colliding with car No. fl ,
coming from tlm cast. When the driver and
passengers got off the car to go to the
wounded man ho was found to bo uncon
scious and was lifted and carried over to the
sldowalk. IIo opened his eyes a fuw times ,
but said nothing , and in about five minutes
ho was dead.
The coroner was summoned nnd a jury Im
paneled , who rendered a verdict of death by
tlio victim's own recklessness while under
the Inllurnco of lluor. ] No blnmo whatever
was attached to O. L. Turgeou , the driver of
tlio car.
The deceased was a man of about thirty
and was In the employ of Coutnnt < & Squires ,
coal dealers. Ho was unmarried and has no
friends or relatives huro so far as known.
IIo had been In Omaha only n few months.
and , although industrious , had never saved
any money , and will probably have to bo
buried ut the expense of the county. IIo was
a man of about medium height , of strongly
knit frame , and had dark hair , sandy mus
tache and blue eyes. Ills remains are at the
morpne awaiting the orders of any friends or
relatives who may happen to learn of his
nnd Coltls. Those who nro
sufferlnfr from Coughs. Col ds , Sere Throat
etc. , should try HHOWN'S 13noxciiur <
TILOCHIS. : Sold only In bores.
Incensed to Wed.
The following licenses to marry were Issued
yesterday by Judge McCullough :
Name and residence. Age.
Robert II. Marplo , Omaha . -"J
Sadlo E. UeaeraftfHlaIr , , Neb . 'Jl
William A. Roth , Omaha . 1
Nellie K. Fay , Omaha . ' i
David M. llaudcr , South Omaha . 'Ji (
Augusta Opcrman , South Omaha . 10
Prickly Asli Bitters warm tip and in
vigorate' the stomach , improves and
strengthens the digestive organs , oneim
the pores , promotes respiration , mid
equalizes tlio circulation. As a correc
tor of disordered syt > tom there is noth
ing to equal it.
National Republican Committee.
The names of the members of the national
republican committee are given below. II ,
F. Jones , of 1'ittsburg , Pa. , Is chairman and
treasurer cx-oflleio , nnd Samuel Fesscnden ,
of Stanford , Conn. , is secretary.
State and Tonl-
toiy. Name Address
Alabama . T. VonnRliloorl.nnlon Pprlacs
Arkansas. . , , . Powell rlnyton.Karoka Sp'ts
California . Horace Diivls , San ( Francisco
t'olorudo . * J. 1 > . ClmlTeo . Denver
Connecticut . Samuel resM-nrteu .Stamford
Delaware . Daniel J. Inyton.lcorK < ! tnuii
Vloililtt . JOSM ) D. Cole . Montlrollo
Georgia . F. H. I'nfner . llarduway
Illinois . Dntldl ) . T.lttlo r Kprlmllolil
Indiana . , lolinJ. ( NHW . limluiinpolls
Iowa . J. H.CUirksoi . Des Molnes
Knnsiis . Cykns Jr . Tioy
Kentucky . .1. II. Moore . Owcnsboni
lioulslnnu . Finnic Moroy . Daltoii
Mnino . J.M. Hayue-i. . . . , . Augustn
Man land . .Tames A. Oary . IIMtlmorr
Maisaclmsptts . Wm. W. Ornpo New ncdfon !
Mlublgiui . lolml' ' Siuiboru .1'ort Huron
Minnesota . M.O. Motion . Winona
Mississippi . .Tolmlt. Mnrli . f.'ut. . ; n
Missouri . K.T , Van lloin .Kansas City
Nebraska . Chinch Il < mo . Anbuii :
Nevada . 'Ihonnis Wien , . Kuieto
Now Hampslilio IMword H. Uhllln-i. . Dnvoi
New .lorsoy . Cnrret II. ilobirt..1ers r City
Now York . I. D. Ian sun .Nuw Voik City
Noitli Carolina. . .11. W. llumplui-y. Uoldsboro
Ohio . A. Ii. Conger . . Akron
OroRon . J , T. Appi-mm. . Oregon City
Pennsylvania . U.K. Jones . I'lHsbnr
llhudu Inland . Horaro A. Jcnks 1'iovliloni.i
South Carolina. . . .Tolm n. Johnson. . . .Sutnptei
TimiiPS'-ee . W. P. Ilrownlow. . Jone-bor (
Texas . ( J. U. llluckli-y . Stieimiir
Veiinont . ( lio.V. . Hooker . .Iliattlebun
Vtrelnla . 1'innkS. Illalr . . . Itlchmon
Wi-jt Virginia . John W. Mawn. . ( Inifton
\VUeonsln . Kd. Sitiuleisim . . . Mllunukui
Ali/ona . Clark Churchill . . . 1'n-si.ot
Dnkota . John II. Ileanett , Dead\\ooi
DN't of Columbia. Perry H. Cm son Washlimtnr
Malm . Sherman M.Collln . . .Calilwel
Montana . Jiiiues A , Smith . Helen
Nuw Mexico . S. II. IUkm.s..Now Vork Clt.
Utah . (1.V. . llennett Salt I.nko Clt ,
Wiibhlngton . Thus. T. Miner. . Pt. To\t usi-iv
Wyoming. . . , . Joseph M. Carey . Che
Docea ted.
IVlways AccoptnUlo
ns : x Xmaa present for n. laity or gentle
man. is an assortment of Colgate's un
rivalled toilet boups mid'perfumery. .
A man named Abrahams died at St. Jos
eph's hospital Sunday night , his remains lie
nt IJarrct & He.ify'.s.
S. H. Hathaway , for a number of years a
moulder in the Union Pacillc shops of this
city , died Sunday at his late residence ,
Hurdetto and Twenty-seventh streets. No
tice of his funeral will b'e given hereafter.
ItssuparlorcTccUencs proven In millions ot
lionif s for inprrt thun a nimrfr of a crnttin' . It
1 U30d liythii ITolti-a stuUM ( iov rninctit. ' lln-
il by th lie.uli of tli uro it nuU eralttox , as
ronirfht , I'nrcot anil i Mont Healthful. Dr.
1'rlro'H the only linking 1'owiti'r tint does nnt
contnlii Awmonlti , l.lnu * * > r Alum , fold only In
emu. 1'ntriillKJNfl Towutn Co.
, New Vork , . . CUlcao. . . , St. Louis.
Of our customers , after seeing incomparable bargains we offered during the last two
weeks express astonishment at the prices. The secret is simrjly this. The warm weather and
late season have had a very depressing effect upon the wholesale trade. Manufacturers are
overstocked and discouraged and the same goods which a few weeks ago they intended and
expected should bring them a fair profit , they are now ready to sacrifice at almost any price.
This is the chance .for the retailer. It is merely a question of who can use the quantities. The
firm that does a large business can take advantage of such opportunities. We are in this hap
py position. Our ample resources enables us to buy in enormous quantities for cash ; we sell
on same terms and the quick return of the money makes the smallest profit satisfactory. Any
one can seethe torce of these remarks by coming and pricing our goods.
Another lot of these fine Chinchilla Satin Lined Overcoats at $14.50. The first lot sold so quick that during
the past few clays wo had to disappoint many customers , who called for that coat. Wo are now pleased to say that wo have
received another supply of these same coats , only with this difteience , that the first ones wore velvet piped while these open
ed now are with corded edges ; otherwise in every respect the same first class garment , the like of which was never offered
for less than twice what we ask for it , $14.50.
Another lot of Overcoats to which wo call attention is a splendid Shetland , lined with double warp Italian satin
sleeve lining , silk velvet colar and corded edge. These wo have in blue and Oxford colors , sizes 33 to 38. It is an elegant
coat for a young man , very nobby and of splendid cut. "We oifer it at $8.90 and guarantee the real retail value of it to bo
at least $15.
In Single Pants , we make for this week the following remarkable offers :
One lot strictly all wool , heavy winter weight , grey striped Cassimere Pants , well made at $1.5O , fully worth $3.
One lot heavy all wool Fine Cassimere Pants , in dark neat striped patterns at $2.10 , worth $4
One lot very flue silk mixed Cassimere Pants at $3.50 , worth $5.50.
One lot of elegant Worsted Goods , in choice patterns , at $3.90. These last are equal to any custom-made pants and
have never been offered for less than $6 to § 7.
Remember that in our Boys'and Children's department can be found suits and overcoats at
about one half their real value and for which we challenge comparison.
In our Hat and Cap department , we offer a large assortment of fur and other winter caps , far
below the prices of others. Genuine imported Scotch caps , high crown , at 35c ; sold everywhere
at 60c to 75c , Good heavy knit caps , turban style , men's and boys' sizes at 3Oc. Jersej/ caps ,
silk lined , men's and boys' sizes at 4Oc , which cannot be bought elsewhere for less than 7oc to $1.
In our Glove department , we carry the largest assortment of winter gloves and mitts and offer
some big drives.
Good heavy knit wool mitts , men's sizes 2Oc , boys' sizes 15c.
Very heavy best fulled wool mitts at 4Oc and 45c ; sold by other dealers for 75c.
Good lamb lined kid gloves at 5Oc , which would be cheap at $1.
Good fur top gloves at 50c , worth 75c.
All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price.
Company ,
Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha.
The best and surest EeraeJy for Core of
all diseases caused l > y any derangement of
the Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Bowels.
Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Billons Conplaiots ted Malaria of nil kinds
yield readily to the beneficent Inflaence of
It la pleasant to the taste , tones up the
| system , restores and preserves health.
It U purely Vegetable , nnd cannot fall to
I prove beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier it la superior to nil
others. Sold everywhere at $1.00 a bottle.
Embody the highest excellencies In Shapllncss
Comfoit mill Durability und lire tilt )
In Fashlnunhlo Circles. Our name is on every
sale , J. iT. . Cousin , NEW YOIIK.
Hayward Brothers.
Heal is Wealiii !
DII. 15. C ; Wrsx's NKIIVK AMI Hints TIIEAT-
> M Kr , a Biiarantoed specillo for Hysteria , Dtzzl-
ness. Convulsions , lits , Nervous Neuralgia
lleailaclio , . \er\ous Prostration caused by the
use of alcohol or tobacco , Wiikofnlnesd , Mental
Ih'in-oshlou hot teulug of the llraln ro.sultliig in
Insanity and lending to misery , decay and death ,
I'rcihatiueOldBe , Harrenness , Loss of power
In either sov. Involuntary I os es nnd t-permat-
ou huea caused by over exertion , of the brain self-
abuse or over Indulgence. Kadi box i ontnlns
one month's tie , it wont , * 1 WJa box , or six bo\es
for J5.W. tent by mull prepaid ou lecelpt of price.
Tocuroanycaso. With each order received by
us for six 110x03 , nc 'oinpaulolith IVW , \\Q\lil
Bend the purchaser < mrittcn Riiarniitco to ro
land tno money If the. treatment does not direct
n euro. ( luarnntees lisacd only by C. r. CUUD-
MAN. Druggist , Solo Agent , 111U Tarnam bt. ,
umaha Neb.
The l > c t known nml roe < t foimlar Ilotel In the
lato. Ixicnllon central , atinolntmunu IIr < l-tlan.
llenaqimrlon lor commurclttl men nnd all political
ami public tatberlni-s.
K.I' llOtiUKN' Proprietor ,
t Frlui
a r ntecd.
. i nt < Vee.
FOR the year 1838 FRANK LESLIE'S
" POPULAR MONTHLY , " which has
been aptly styled "TUB MONARCH OF
TIII : MONTHLIES. , " will be better than
ever. Articles upon topics of current
public interest , sketches of eminent per
sons , stiong and brilliant stories , and
poetry of a high order , profusely illus
trated by the best artists , und all by
writers of recognised merit , will fill its
patrc's , Tc the old and favorite corps
of contributors will be added writers ot
promise , and no effort will he spared to
keep the magazine ill the foremost rank.
In the Not ember number was begun an
earnest and powerful tae ! ,
"PRINCE LUCIFER , " DyEtiaW , Pierce ,
which lias already attracted widespread
a tcntion and cliaiimd multitudes
readers. Subscriptions may begin , if de
sired , with the November number.
Each issue contains a
Full-Page Picture in Colors ,
the sei ies of twelve forming for the year
a beautiful collection of geim of modern
The "Popular Monthly" contains 128 large
octavo pages , nearly twice the matter of
similar publications , and is not only the
bes > t , but by far the cheapest , of any o (
the of magazines for the people.
per year ; 25 cts per copy
Specimen copies , 15 cents.
53 , Co and 57 Park Place , New York
Epps's Cocoa
"Br ft tlioroniili knowledge of Iho natural Inwi
vnlrli govern the operations of illccittlun nnd nutrl
tluii , anilif \ earwfnl application of HIP flno propcrtloi
of well sek'dfil L'oco.i , Mr. Kpps has provided our
breakfa l tahlt1 wltlia uollratilr H orml liuvcraxo
whlilimiiv 8 T u ? inunr , lii'uvy d ctir' bills. It U
liy fliii Judicious nsa of Slirli urtlclfH of < llpt that n
cuiiHtitutlun mar ba ifroilinillr built up until Mruni ,
I'luiuKh to resist oTcrjr tcmluucy to illsi'iiir. Hun
uri'il ot nulitln nialmllus nro tluallnK arounil u n-aily
tonttatlt nlicroM-r Ihoru H H vri'nk point , \\einar
o ra | > ninny a fatal sliHttljr kccplnir ourselvei wol
fortltlnl wttli pure lilooit unit a properly nourished
trtiniH. " civil Sorvlcudaivtte.
.MailoKlniply with bollliik' wnteror milk. Sold only
In half pound tln by ( Jrocura loboleit thus :
ThlrilJiiiUclal District. ' ' '
ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope ,
Buffalo Scales
Plows ,
Markers , Scale Repair Shop.
Hooks ,
Grapples , OMAHA.
Slide Iron. .
Electro-Magnetic Belts !
The Grandest Triumph ot Electric Science-
CentleniHi'sBelt Best Si-hnf'fh Sc'cn'ifica"y ' ' Made and Practically Applied.
* llfll I f 9IE9B VmB Wave yo Palm In theH V , HlpmITcud or tlmbt ,
II lrVIL.1sUlTC. . Y4/SJ Serious Uckllllr , l.umbocu , IliWTnl Wjbllltr , Uhcu-
mitUm. 1'aralriU. Nrtiralgla , HrlmUri , nlMiuu of Kidneys , Mutual IIUmv , 'lornld Liter ,
( .out , Kihau.iloD , Emlwlunt , AHhraa , Hcr > Ulltutf , llysoepsla. tJon.Upotlon , Krynlpclu ,
-jdlimtlon. WrakiiFM , Impofeney , Caturr ] , Pll Epilepsy ; Dumb A uc , Diabetes , illdrooele ,
Hiond lMAca e nrontr. vlp. . then thU rlt I * t what you need.
Kteetrtcity Inttantlv ftlll Can bo applied
to any part of the body. Whole family can WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS.
near It. It elertrlOki thu blood and cure *
Ion. NOTE the following who hum been
er and J. M , Ilailett , all on Hoard of Trade ,
d Do bio. thn treat borteman i Col. Conuollr ,
_ . , _ . it Lomuul Mlllt , Kankakoe.Ill.i Judge I. K.
Uu vlllc. III i E.I. Abbott , t pt.cltywatorwork . South liend.Ind i Itobt. II. Simpion , Chicago
[ > . McMlcliacl. H. U , Bulfalo.N. V. " Youtbiltnaaaccninpllihed what no other reireiljr but
t * dV nerrfu"iind'coinf6ftablo'ilc > p at uiglit. ' IIo bt. Ilall , oJderuiau , ICO 12ait lh Street , Mow Xork-
aad thouuuidji of otherit.
< linRLIC'C C ) CATDn UlCIICTIf * RCI T l euperlorto lloth -currontiof clectrlol
_ . nUilNt a CLCwInU MHUnCllW Dtl.I tyorotron or nHldaitlio arcrmay do
ilroi producui a cortlnuoas current ) convoys electricity through the body on the nerve * . . It cures dltt-ancs
br RrnoratlnR a contlnnous current of elecmclty (1O ( or 18 hours out of 84) throughout the human system ,
allaying ; all nervousness Iniinedlautlr , an < l produclnranuw circulation of the life forces the blood. lm >
nartlnirvlKorstrenilhenor andIioalth , whenallothcrtreatmenth aliod."Tb.omerits of lblsaclim <
tlllo Kelt are helm ; rfcoffntsed ] and Indorsed by thousands whom It has cured.
IlErCUtNCESi Any bank , commercial agency or wholesale house In Chlcagoi wholesale druggist * ,
Ban Francisco and Chlcapn nr Fcr.1 utarap for 111 p r lllu > trat d pamphlet.
1W. y. XXOXUVX ) , Inventor and Manufacturer , 1UI W bMb Avenue Chicago
A magnificent display af everything useful and
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
-1IV CAlllUKll Fdlt-
20 Cents a Week ,
Seven papers a week. Feiul your onler to the
onicc ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
w. J. a.iL
' Surgeon and Physician ,
Ofllce N. W Corner 14th anil luuBlns'S& Onice ,
_ teleptiono , 40ille3iairijcetclotilione ; , COJ.
ted la colour *
'print ' , of lfc
iioiitG m ,
which iboold
U fgunrt In
crrrr famlljr and ta j b * obt&lnnl from U Toy
dn.len , ltli > Dcn end KductUjn&l DtpSU.
ldce-llit Kill be forwarded pt.Ui oa trplta
' '
F' At ) . RICHTER & Co.
. . -
iiu ncc.srrvoui ! [ > cbllUvcuuficd
tliroiiKh urrora und bud piiicttcog CURED.
UOLI M HCAt , CO , 1'Jtocustet. st.LouU
Owing to llio lateness ofllis season we
find ourselves overstocked with fine and
medium priced overcoats , and in order
to reduce tlie panttty we propose to sell
most of them within the next 10 days ,
and have made prices that will insure a
speedy sale :
Our $ 5 overcoats now go ( or $ 3.00
11 8 it 5,00
11 9 6,00
11 10 n 7.50
11 15 uu n 10.00
11 u it
20 itu 14,00
11 25 u 18,00
H'c have reduced In the sumo ratio
all our
Fur and Fnr Trimmed
Overcoats ,
and if you need one yon ivillfliul
tltli ) the best opportunity yet offercil\ \
tliix seasonWe have had such < f\ \
grand success of ottr
Sale that we tiavejunt added a fcto
more styles of desirable suits f/krt
are selling at other stoves all the way
from fl-A to $18. JFeplace them alt
in one lot and sell them at one pr
> i
We also have a fine and large aa <
sorlmcnt of nobby styles In ttultnj
which we are offering at cut prices. ' <
We Really Hare Ho Competition
in Our Boys' ' and Childrcns1
For ottr line of
Boy's Suits & Over *
coats ,
Is very complete and our price oj
$1 for a nobby boy's 'Ja'chct anil
pants , in ages from 4 to 13 years , i *
hard to beat anywhere ,
New York& Omaha
For Men and Boys '
1308 FarnamSt.