Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Adiertiscmeiitfiitn'l-r llilx nend , 10 cents per
line for the Urn insertion , 7 cents for each Riih-
itrfiurnt liitcrtlon. niul a line per month ,
No advertisement tnken for ICPB than 2,1 cents
tat the first insertion. Beu-n words w 111 bo
counted to 1hf > llnetthey mint run consecu-
lively nnd must bopnld In ndvnncc. AUnil-
Vfrtl ements must bo handed In before l _ l
o'clock p. m. , nndindcr no c Irctnmtnnccs will
they be token or discontinued by telephone.
Turtles nih crtlnlni ! In these colnmnti nnd hnv-
flu : the answers nddicssed In care of the Hoc ,
will plcnse nsk for n check tncnnbln them to
pet th lr letters , as none will be delivered ex
cept on fre.'entnt Ion of check. All nnswors to
advertisements Miould be enclosed in enveloped.
All advertisements In these column ! ) nrd pub
lished In l > nth morning and ctcnlng edition * of
the lien , tlm circulation of which aggregates
more thnn 14.fO papers daily , nnd gives the ml-
vertHcrH the benefit , not only of the city circu
lation of tbo lice , but also of Council lllufT ,
Lincoln nnd other cltled and towns throughout
till * part of the west.
WANTEI ) 3ltuntlou for shorthand work ;
reference furnished , E. J. Trot ' er , Lin
coln , Neb. " 10 *
WANTED Situation by a young colored
man us porter or Janitor , flood , reference.
Address "P 4"'lleo oliico. , EM/ > '
WANrElP-'pTnces to work for board by stu
dents nt Omulm Commercial College. 1111
nnd 1110 Fnrunin , Hdiirbougli Hros. HI418
WANTED A Rood portion. wholesale or
manufacturing hou.s-o preferred , 6 ) ears
experience us bookkeeper and salesman , Her-
rrcnoes furnished from former uruplo } IT. Ad
dress OB7 Ileo. 7G15J
TfYl ) Situations for 17 domesticgirl's in
orout'of city , cooks , gonernl hoiisemnld' ,
waitresses , laundry. nursing HIM ! sewing gills ,
also 1 hiirdwme clerk , i man. 1 apprentice ma
chinist. I nrenmn with Ilcen enna2 worthy lady
clerks. Now Is the proper tlniii to secure help.
Call nt 1417 Karuamst , loom II , State Employ-
incut 1'arloia. E23 : ! J
Situation by a young man In n
WANTED or cart Inge shop. Address Ofi4 lice.
"IXfANTKD Situation by nnexhorieuced book
> kpeier. rapid per.niun , quick nt figures.
Best of refiTeiu es. Address ( ) ( II. llec. 7.I1-3J
WANTKI ) lly regtstcicd phurniarist of
seven yoms' experience , n po'ltlon lu
drugstore that can pay good snlerv to compe
tent and rollublo inuii. Allures * box 1OT , l'i emont ,
Neb. CM ! l *
\\TANT12D Position In a western i Ityby lady
TT of experience as corresponding clerk ,
ntonoginphcr nnd tvpowHtu' , ongeneral olllcn
worK. Hcferemes given. Address Stenographer ,
170 Prospect St. , Cleveland , Ohio. rttt.V
" " " "
TA/'ANTKD bewTng iu"prTviito""fnmiiie"s. Ciill
W noi Pioico st. Mil *
WANTED Shorthand work or bookkeeping
to do evenings , Can put In uu hour dur
ing the day if ueinssury. Addiess O 4Hlro ! of
fice. Ml ft *
" WATmrp--N AI.E HELP.
\S7ANTED Meifto lpir n. specialty of great
T > merit , 100 per cent prollt. Call N. K. cor.
10th ami Masoiutnd got un out lit. hi ! ) 3j
WANTED A thorough business man wit'1 '
$ ! , fi)0 ) to tuko general ngency for 3 speci
alties for the PailllcHlopo , yith headounrteis
ut Ban rruuelbi.olii < mlre N K cor Ifith und Mason
WAN T E fi TFavfllng IV-puirnud clothing
hiilesinon for Mllwnilkeo , grocery tnnel-
Ing men for St. Paul honm' , diy goods nnd laces
unlesmeii for Philadelphia and Huston houses ,
Great Western Huieuii , 1509 Furnam , room ! ) .
050 3J
WANTEDMiermnn butcher , single man
with city lefeienu'S , to take cmo of
boisosmid dil\oacouilo of mouldeis ; cabinet
makers for ICuusus ( iiy : colleo and tea bales-
men. lleadimurters If09 Farnam , room U.M
A good , reliable young man or
T boy desirous of leniiiing the nrt of pho
tography. Call at 205 N. Kith bt. 73 * 3 *
" | XTA"NTEli Sober , cleitn , hllck train limner
11 for Giand Coutiul hotel , Heutllce , Neb ,
with ivfei once. WIG.
"MfANTED A tlrstclnss baker. Ad-
T > dices JiU , Hlipids City , D.IK. H5.K. *
TED Man or man and wife to run n
T ? llrpt class laundry , good wages. Mis.
llicgu i : Son , 310 8.15th ht. B."J 5
\\TANTED An o\perloncd collector , one who
> < an give senility and is willing to woik
hard for modelnto wages ; woik mostly collect
ing rents. Addiess P.O. boxran. city , staling
experience , salary expected , when ) lust tin-
ployed , ugo , etc. B1J
WANTED At the City liitulllKPUiu olTIcTs
loom 4 ( 'lulghtou blk , 100 salesmen to ieg-
Isler for o.xtiu woik ( Uulii the holidays ,
WANTED At ouie , pluuo irlajer. male or
female , good \ \ ii eb. Apply Lulu Hogcrs ,
JOI NMitli st. U17
\\rANTr.D-Men for railroad wott. Ai-
Jr T _ _ bi Ight'H Labor Agency.Jlgn I'm mini. f. l
'lIT'ANTED-Goneru. ' , nuciits for ponlons of
Tf Muni's it , lowit , Knnsuh mm Mlssouil ,
Jtefercnco retuiliod. Addros * , Climax Window
ohado Co. , 201 nu l 203 N. 2d kt. . St. Ju9ph , Mo.
\\rANTED-100 men of good appcnrancoTo"
T tiyour Ifc mcjils ut Noirist ii'stuunuit , ; ) ! !
and XW South 14th bticct. ( old 1,1 vo nnd Lot
Live ) f > <
_ _ _
' \1TANTIin ! 1 illnlng loom girls , 2 rooks , r
T buindrestj , l senmsti e s , ( ( leimuii family
Hist class diess niuker , 2 gills forpimittirumll )
cult of tlty , 10 gills for huiisuvtoik in city , boy tc
rte chines uud gn to school , 2 good canvassers ,
new nrticlu sell to business houses , 25
inlneis. GatoCity Umploymuiit otllte , IU1VS
Ifith streot. Wi Cp
lTTlSI Glilsl ( llrlsl Call nt J417 Taimiu
st , room 11 , up stalls. Only good and re
lined girls cun leglster. "Stale ' Umplnvmeiii
I'arlors. tail ; ij
YOUNG girl w niited to take caio of a-j our-olt
child ut 23ia Douglas. 700 ! !
NTuD-Ghllor geneinl hoiisewmk. 101
Cullfoiulast. 7IHU *
WANTl'.D girl tor general Jiouso wmTTii
MKIS-'oilth'-Mthst. ( j71)-l )
TjyANTED-Gqod girl , 1017 Howurd. WU
W competent Blil7T701 Cup
u > e. 775 O'
T\7"ANTiD-Good : cook for hotel ; 10 good tti
T * und second Kit Is tor piluito iamlliei
Call at City Intelligence Ollice , room 4 , Cieightoi
block. 758
WANTED At thu City Intelligence Oiliee
room 4 fielghton blk , KX ) snleslaiUes ti
register for ottiu workdiuiugtlieholidays. AUi
pltlb for hotels , lestuUDiuts , uud prl\uto imul
U s. 737
\\rANTED-A reliable servant gill for famll
ottluee , Ktciuly woik nnd good p.ij. Mrs
W. G. Cluk , ; 2iul and Capitol avenue. 7tt'5 >
1\rANTiil-Glrl. ; 154s Sliotman avo. Mis. J
T * M. Gouu-sman. f > 53
TTSrANTED Gill lor general housowoik. J
T > Hauls. 511 S.lOtli Bt. 604
Y AD1ES ro < illieml plain needlworfc ut theT
AJ own honienitown or country }
bouse. Piotltablo , genuine. Good pav can bi
nuule. Hver.MhlngfuinUhed. Pmtlcumrs free
Address Artistic Ncedlowork Co. , 1J5 bth st
KewYoik City , 74
iby mall r.ny
i' is flee. NII canxusslng. Adilioss u
" . . > -o. CUM tut Art Co. , 117 A Milk t. , llogtui
Jlnss. I' . O. box 5170. 0U
WihulU's totiv mil l'io meals i
WANTED restaurnnt old I.heundLvt I.lvo
811 nnd I1I.IS. 14th st ! M\ \
* \\rK wnnt n Hour nnd feed store nnd iT1 > ki > f
IT or huidwuui Moi ( < opened ut once in 1'iti
Mock , Talk uve. Splendid rooms und vei
cJicnp ront. Uiuc store , muntiuarket uud gn
cety now in the block , und doing well.
V. L. Giegory , Himtal Agent. WJ 8 lllth st.
\\TANTr.l ) A puiUiast-r for us line u piece i
. , ? . * " 'lwUottst'1 ' * > ols In the city.V. . (
Alright , 218 8 15th „ „ 741 5
WfiUii Two gentlemen to loom an
Iwaidiu piljato tuuilly ; telliu . ani i
able. No. M2 8.22d St. tCi V
STATK UmplOiiuvut 1'tirlms , 111" 1'arnnm s
loom 11. bco _ d\eitU > uiU'iit.s. illi ; rus
Bow ; call. SSI : tj
"liirANTF. ! ) 11 teamsters mid Mioveloi
T ? city at one * , also good nijent
Apply to Stuto r.miilo ) lucnt I'urlor.s , 1417 I'n
nunijit , jooiu II , iipjlulrs. KS1 3J
° \\rA NTEir-IIveri iMidym know that honsi
VI wilt bi ; built to Milt purch iserund M < ld c
easy terms on Albright's J'holcc , youth Oman
by W. ( I. AHn-lghti2ls S 1.1th t. 7 ( I fi _
" " "
AN'ADIAN Kmploymeiit olllre. Jho b-
- ' place In Omalm to get help pr Ritunlloii
ItctiiU'iire. Omaha National bank , Mi's. III ? )
A. Bon , 310 So. Ibth. T l. K4 752 6 *
"pff iTltTcffANTS. hotel nrd reMi\utnut iul
J-'L wanting extra help for holldajb tan lur
tuelr onlcrs ililvil at thu City lntoli ! MK3 nil'c
Cielghtonldock. No fee. 710
. * ' ' * ' ' *
. ' . ' "i . , >
WANTKO-At 22n California , one gentleman
boaider ; front room ; home comfort * ! M
pwr week1. i sa 0 *
IJlTllSivcTlABH table board , served Tn homo
J-1 style , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. Itll Dotlge. Ml
rANTED T want to rent house 7
near Fort Omaha. C , 30U 8 < lCth st.
T\ MNTKD-A small furnished cottage or two
1 or tlneo filinlshtd rooms tin llrst lloor for
light housekeeping' , convenient to cur line. Ad-
drfss ( ) ( > l , Hoo6nce. ! * 757
* UVMI HENT-A house of lloi 12roomshealedby
J-1 steam with all the modern linptnteinptitii.
Stable for H horses , cm rlaizo home and nil con
veniences. On Harney between billi and 17th
sis. lliqulidof EP. Nn h. smelting works , or
Thos. Swift. 401 Noilll l th St. S43.3
* E10lt | HI'.NT-A 6-loom house , 24lil Douglas st ,
JL lu good repair. 7413'
FOH HENT A five-room house , tmiulro
i 07 Hurt st ; , , f _ 711)3' )
G-HOOM llaton Ilthst. . near I'aitiatn , 133 ; fur-
nltiire ( .100 , f 150 ru n , balance til per month ,
Co Operative Land St. Lot Co. , 201 North llith ht.
, _ - ; , 7003
Fill HENTOno newnrqom house with
burn , on Grant st. bet 20th nnd 21st , south
front , $41.
ll-loom house No. flll ) N liHh St. , $50.
10-loom house 8 10th st. I Til ,
li-roolu cotJnfrolth bain , Slst and. Ohio , * .Ti.
N&.SOU , 1015 I'uru.'im. MM 3
v < s
FOH-HENT-1 tint. 6roouw } with all moilern
ImpiovcmentK. street car passing the door.
( 'nll west end Manse building , M > r.20th and Cum-
ing st. " f MVS *
Foil HENT Cattugo of 5 neat rooms near car
line. 2723 lllgndo St. . E27 0 *
" 1710H HENT New cottage of 0 rooms built
JL1 last pilng. city water , latgo yuid , und fur-
ulluro for sale on liberal terms ; good oppoitu-
ulty. Fiedi'icUson At Co , MlSt. ! ) Maiy's ave.
"T710H HENT S-room house , fmnlshed , rent
-L1 * 41. Co-operntivc Laud i Lot Co. 20.1 N ICth
. Wt 5
FOH HENT 3 Five-room houses In Omaha
View , * 11 per month.
I'hei oem housu ou Saunders st. near Oincc ,
$20 per month.
Two-story eight loom house , city water , cor.
Lowe avo. mid Hurt st. . &K > per month.
Eight room house In Sunuybldo uddn. J25 per
SIvioom house cor 25th nnd Poppleton ave .
J2i ) per month.
Two sK room houses , u. e. cor. 32ud und Call-
foinlu , now , $11 per month each.
Potter & L'nhli , 1(101 ( rnrunm t ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ 7b9 fi
FOH HUNT Now nine loom house , Grant
bot2lst nnd22d , vciy cheap If taken qukk.
Nason , HIM Taniam. fWJ D
rpll I HT V-ONT houses for rent , all pai ts of the
JL cltv. nt fiom J10 to J75 per month.
F. L. Oicgory , Heutal Agent.ai9 : S ICth st-
Ground lloor. telephone Ml.
FOH KFNT I loom house $ U ] ier month , lur-
nltnie ! ! iiO : in-ioom bonullng house In Souih
Oinnba , lent * MI , furniture J7H ) , * . K ) cash , bnl-
mae to hiilt ; leasi * ou u brick building suitable
for n commission house , $75 per month ; U loom
lint J.W pur month ; 7 loom house $40 , fmnltiiie
find ; 7ioom Hat , furniture N > 50i II loom boiud-
lug house * 0i1 jier month , JWIOworth offuriiltuie ;
two.S loom houses ; 7iotjm boaullng honsc ou
Vllhst , lent. M ) , furniture $51 . This is u bar
gain and w 111 pay you to investigate. 7 room Hat
1.1 pur month. Imnllme $1011 , bath loom , water
n lloor , gus uud nil com piitoiicp * . Houses und
ots for rent or .sale In nil parts of the city ,
itot ks of goods for Milo mid store rooms for
out. All kinds of piopeity for sale or trade.
, ook under business i bailees and exchange.
Co operatU o Land mid Lot Co.,2U1 North Ifith st.
bOS 5
TTlOlt 1IEXT-n room house , S.T. . cor. 27lh and
-E Dodge.$17.00. J. 11. Klnmvult , 218 So. Ifith
t. 7M )
"ITIOIt IH'.NT A new ten-room lionsowlth nil
1. modem IniDro'.eincntB , huge attic , Douglas
nnd 21st stlects. Not u iMM'iuetit hoube. Ap-
.ily Moi Hz Meyer , tor 11 ami Furnaui. 717
ITIOH KENT S-room house , comer 15th nnd
XJ Jones , or apply to A. C. I'owull.lCOo Funmm.
HUNT New 4-room cottugo , $ U pel-
month. Apply 1001112' ' ! , 1511 Doilgo st. 75.1
fJlOIt HUNT-New house. 0 looms , etc. , luigu
J1 gionnds. corner 2Sth und Capitol uveiuu- ,
miulieKS'14 Dodge st. fy
FOH HUNT-II. n. Cole.nms Kith , uptuird.
11 rooms und 1'ith. $1" ) .
10 looms Unit nnd2sth , fir. .
10 looms CHik mill 1Mb , JV ) .
11) ) looms ( hunt und 21st. JID.
10 looms ChirlC2 . .mi iith , W.
10 rooms rnmam and 21th , $70.
10 looms Mt Pleasant uud Il'Jth , fiunUhed.bam
" > .
! ! ! rooms Charles and ISth. ? jO.
HI i oems I Hilo und 171 u , .140.
Ill moms lliut and Isth , fin.
10 looms Claik uml ISth , ? . " > 0.
10 rooms Ornnt.und 22d , $ J5.
10 looms Ohio and.17th , $10.
HI rooms ( und _ l t , J10.
Ill looms Corby und 17th. $10.
Oiooms I'acltli'undJlid , bam , MO.
11 moms l.tiicolu Place , burn , 20.
h looms Sheimun uvo. WJ
S moms Chk.igo mid 22nd , $55.
7 rooms St. Mnr > 's uve and Sd ! , f 10.
TiiKiins liuid aid , $ ' & .
I ! looms litirdettc tiiiu 27th. i'.U
( i looms Sr.iieo and JHth. J-ft ) .
II rooms Vt nlnnt 11 111. ? W.
( i rooms t'nldwull uud 2"ith , $25.
Illooms Mmcy and2" > , ? . ! ) .
n rooms i-ewuid and 2Mb , J18.
n looms Dinuhii View , If IS ,
i > looms I'uikni und 2Mb , fid.
fi looms chatles uud lioth 'M'l.
nioom" , ll.tmlltou and iioth. $18.
It looms , (5i ant ami 'ilst. T-U
fi looms , Chiirk's nnd 2iith , i" > ,
1 looms. Illekoiy nml llth , JH.
4 looms , ( iinnt und SUd , $2" > .
1 looms , l.c.wi'nworth nnd 2nd , tM.
! I looms , rinnkllu nnd ! Mh , 15S.
2 looms , .Tones nndlMlh , ? 10
"rooms , Wob'ter nnd 1'itli. ' Hri.
2 looms , I.iki > mio 1Mb. ? 1' . ' . of ubiivu huvo all mndciii convenlenrei
Also n lai i ! list of I'ninlslied rooms fiom $ " > U
$10 ea < h. 11. Ii. Cole , JJl'J S 1'lh , up stairs ' > '
7Ull ) I'.fiX'l' S elegant brick residences will
- all uiodKi'U Imt'iovtmionts , ] . ' und U room !
each , pleasant nnd i onenient locution. O. F
b coiiipunyM ! 1'unuuu bt. 112
rOH HKNT .Vroom house , tKXIS 2 , ' > th nveime
I block south of L . .iouw ortli. J. D. Cow tent
nt 1'nlcouer'n. ! * * i
1OH HUNT fi-ioom house u w cor. Sewim
and 27th hts. i 'J.VI '
FOH HUNT - " new h.mdsoiiip ft room cottage1
well , cisterns , etc.-S17 per month aw uiu
CultfornU. A. C. Wuktley , Ouiuha Natl baiil
bid. W
( THr.N'T-lloiise II looms.V. . \lT I lush
. man , N 15 corner Ibth und Douglas , MO
FOH HUNT 2 Houses nud four rooms , fin
iinlro of Cunningham i. Iler.iooms 0 nml 7
Arlington blOLk , 15U uiid 151 ! ) Uodgo st. b.Vl
TTIilH HIINT-S room house rear 1711 Donglm
JL1 ipj IH.T mouth. Not suitable for liousokeep
lug. Apply ut premises. 81,1
FOH HKNT Soverj nuw 7 room IIOUSBI
) > lojk/n > ni .street ir , lendy for occupanc ;
November 1 0. K. Harrison 41 * S. 15th st. > ;
HUNT ( iroontatFiunlturd fir sale
a looms pay rent. ISIS1 , St. Mary's uve.
FOR HKNT A pleasant tnriiUhfdiuoui , $5 i
month , utwi ) N. 17th sticut. Nioa *
FOH UI'iKT Fiunishvil loom , 1017 Howard.
HIiST I'leasnntost new furnished un <
cluapi t moms In piivuttfhoiihuiu clly. Al
ccu\enkutc.s. Near biislaeos. 1UU Capitol avi
247 d 25J
lUU'NTKninlshed looms , 1110 llnraey s
Uefereuresicqulied. Mac *
" \J"1'IXY ( fiunlshed fiout loom for two goiitli
i. men , wlthlneaVfast and supper lu prlvut
family , splendidly located mi two best car llni
In cltv , leiisnuabln tcims , letumict'S ieiillu-i |
AtldllM 1' . ' , Bcu uillu' . Kia 5
luo'.r.sfoi rout , IM'I rarnamsl
810.1 aj
IOH HUNT i'mnUhdl rooms 221TJ Doilpp.
Fuu hlltij
Fp\VO furnlblied front rooms , 1,118 Cab * .
1. 7 l r ,
TMOU ItUNT-rurnUbeil lOJlus , lltl Dod s
LAHGE Frnnt livjrn , also bide rooms , heatei
nil model u , 111 yoiuU llth ct.
7i > X3J
Flll nr.S'N.2 fiirulVhetl rooms n moiitl
a ut ft , nt MX Pkrco it. f * 3
I'D fioiit loom , UU CuUfjriiU bt.
W 3
IjlOli JIKST-2 rooms , TuruUhed for ligl
-L' housekeepliiB. ou uufurnUlK'd loom , fu
niihed bleepiin ; rooms , IO per MM Ho\
tmUi , 7133 *
ri WO looms tiniiriTedorimfiunished sultnb
JL for gCHt k'lllUll Jll.l W IfO l > r IWll lilUglll guilt )
men In u prhktu family whcie there are no oth
r Mmei-s , nsrur two streetcar lines. 1917 We
titr bt. _ _ | _ _ . feji ; ij
FOH HBNT-aMo hnudsomely furnlsht
room * ia Vrtck reslUenco , ttuunt heat. ID
. , . 633 _
. , . . . . HENT Pleasant furn ! h < > it roomcheap.
JL1 lleferenccs required. 1DIO Webster ft ,
flWO nicely furnished rooms , single or eti unite
JL 2 blocks south U * P. depot , 1112 S , Stli street.
477 W
T7U7HNISHED rooms to ladles or gentlemen.
-T 311 North 12th st. 771 RJ
plUHNlsTlED Hoom , 117 817th st. 704 Cj-
FOH IIENT I.nrge pallor nicely furnished ,
bath , etc. , etc. , UN N. 17th. Price 115 intmth.
AT 1CKI.Y furnished front room with or wltu-
-L > out bom d. leU Dodge st , _ j' ! ? _
FOH HENT Nicely rodm , f412 How'-
nrd , ' , ( t TuO 8 *
ROOMS nnd board In private family. Inmilic
103815th. ' ' fif.7 ) >
HENT Nicely furnUhed front room ,
With or without board ; 2210 Fariinm stieet.
"VTlCEIiY furnM'ol looms : biith. gns , stenm
i > heat , etc. ! board If desired , -
ONE large furuUhed room on first flour , 1701
Capitol nve. c'774 6 *
OH HUNT-Nicely "furnished ; Jrbnt room/
gas , steam heat , and use of bath loom , ou
street car line , 2317 Dontjlas. 7S15'
" '
HALL bedroom for oiie geutfemnii.1023
Dodge. ' 782
"plQH HENT 3 front rooms , furnished , for 4
JP gentlemen. Inmilre at 171 ! J Cuming- ,
cor. Uth. 7IM oi
FOH HENT Nice furnished room , W per mo.
S. W. cor. 1Mb and .lacksoii. 7 8
FOH HENT Fiunlshed looms single nnd
double , fuinace heat und bath , IM 810th ,
_ _ , . -gft7fij.l I
PLEASANT looms , now furniture , bnth , gas
and heat , w Ith first chiix table board , ( homo
cooking ) , ,213 BMl , cor. 24th and Fariinm ,
7H7 nj
T710H HENlV-I'iirnlslicd room , all modern con-
J3 venlences , large enough for tw o. 2000 Dnv-
enpoi t , 557
1J10H HKNT Ono laige , well fmnlshed front
J room with nlcovo bay window und closeti
gas , bath , hot and cold water onsamo Door , fur
nace heat , for 2 gentlemen or man mid wife , 207
8.21th , bet. 1'uruum and Douglas , $22 per mouth ,
483 6J
Foil HENT Nicely furnished room suitable
for2 gentlemen , clnqulie2011 St , Mmy'save.
FUHN1SHED rooms witu boaul. WO ! ) Farnam.
FOH rooms ; gns , furuaco
heat , modern convculeuces , l 2t Farnaiu.
TTIOH HENT-Two furnished rooms. 1017 How-
J2 ardst , , wlthboaid if desiied. Hoferences
lequlicd. 520
T OOMSf6r lent , No. 901 8 12th st.
At a2 ! ) (122 *
FOH HKNT Nicely furnished rooms nt 2227
Dodge , tins , bath ami furn.i heat. ( j29
FOH HENT 2 nice nont rooms , In single or
suite , with modo/n conveniences , for 1 or
-gentlemen. Cor. St. Jluiy'a uve. and 80th fit. .
01 U. 08.30111. 4U.
fJIOK HENT Three furnished and one unfur-
JL' ulslied looms , with biy window , furnnce ,
bath und , east riont , at 2 S. 17tli st. ! ) ltl
FOH HENT Neatly furnished rooms , heuted
2421 Fill liam. 442d6 *
south tiout room , all modern tonveu-
J iences , .sultablo for two gentlemen ; also table bond for throe or four ; lefer-
chces. Ml Dodge st. 7G4
A LOVELY , Urge front room heated , be.iutl-
ful locution , with all modern conveniences
on st car line , 1917 Cuss , 590
FOH Iir.NT ruinlshed rooms In Grennlgblk ,
cor. 1,1th nnd Dodge sts. limulreot Geo. H.
' vis , Mlllaul hotel billiard loom. 547
FUHNISHEO looms , steam heat , 201 S.2th.
"VTICELY finnUhcd alco\o nnd single looms ,
-I- > and fuinltuie now. Mis. limber , SUN.
" .Mh at. HWd 17.1
U HENT Km nlshod looms $10 per month
oi-.le.inbcd ttt$1.00toifl.50per week. 502
17IOH HENT I'urnishod looms In all putts of
J tlm city , liytllo ilav , week or month. Oity
'cill euce ollice , Creighton block. 59S
KENT 3 unfurnished looms on Lcuvcni
worth between VligluluundOfOigUii\u. _
T710H HENT Tlueo desirable unfurnished
JL1 looms , Miltnble for housekeeping , city
water , clstein , privilege of premises , no unnoy-
nnu ) fiom other oiLUpants , llftuen minutes
liom postolllce. Apply bJ2S WtU. . . 741 bj
BWHHENT-3 big looms ntNo. 311 Spruce st.
TTIOIt HJ'.NT 'llu-eo uufurnlshedlooms , suit-
J ablu tor housekeeping , at 1024 North 21st st ;
FOH HKNT It iiufmnlshed rooms suitable tor
honsekt'oplng , liei N 20th st. 6lK >
FOIt Iir.NT Tour (1) ( ) unfunilshcd room , Hi
Suiitlf 14th st. , contalulug ull modoin con.
71011 lIKNT rooms .suitable for house keep.
- in ? . N.V , cor. llthtind I'ierco Bt. Apply
to SIRS. 15th ht. - dOe
"C1OH KENT ! ! mifnrnlshed roomsiultable fetE
-E houh keeplng , 7 I'ncilicSt. 601
BASUMl'.NT. htoies nud flats , 13th and Jack
son ; steam heat. Enquire. Mrs. F. I < ungc. W'
BAK11HY nud confectionery store wanted 01
I'uik uve. Good room , gas , water um
J" . L. Gregoiy , Hental Ageut , WO S. 10th st.
TJIOH KENT Stoio room $10 , basement $30
JL1 G.K.'I hompson , U14 S. 15th kt. 721
FOH KENT llascmont stores and Hats will
nil modvruiinpiovumeuts , coiner Uth uiu
luck&oubts. uuo
FH HUNT Three-story and basement brlcl
building , ItxiHl feet , sultublu fora hotel 01
stores and Hats , corner 1 Jth nnd Pncillc sts. Ap
plyutlll'-'S. llth st. 854
"I71OH HENT ( Iround lloor ollico room , cen
-lv trally located , heated anil lighted. C. 1'
Ilnnlsou , 418 S. 15th bt. C02
FOH KUST 2nd amind Iloors nt 1417 DougUi
st. , with lease of three years. Keuuedy t
lllbblns , laoy Douglas st. 003
TflOIl HUNT Ollices on rurnam st. ut $10 to7
J. per mouth. Olio office f urnlbhcd. 1812 Far
nam. Ibii
TJ1OK ill'.NT Ollice room , first lloor , at.110 S
JD } 5th st. - - U04
FL. GltKGOItV , rental agent. aWB.lCth st ,
ground lloor. Telephone 854. iSl
I 1ST houses , furnished * sd unfurnlshei
J rooms with us.V win rent them , ortic
opeiieeiiings. U. K. Cole ill ! ) 8.15th st. 000
l OH HENT If you \vish to rent a house cal
1 on Uenawa & Co. , 15th bt. , opposite P. O.
STOHAOE-Merchiindlfetr furniture. Littl
& Williams , 14U7 Eougias st. U o d 20.
NEW YOHK Storage Co. have most oxtenslv
facllltlra for storage of furniture , pianos
buggies , general merclumdlse , west of Nei
York , Cash advances to any amount ; wari
house receipts given ; goods insured ; brie
building fire-proof ; special arrangements fn
commission merchants. Call New York Storag
Co. , Capitol ave and K , 15th bt. , Hennett's bloc !
TCUHST-CLASd storage at 110 N. 13th st.
S" TOKAGE Furniture , boxed goods , etc.tcnr
ii-a enable , 714 Pacific. BIO
"IJiHSONAL-Mme. : Anile , of Chicago , glvt
J. imgnetlc and massage treatments , 4.4 N. lilt
st.up ttalrs. Ktn 3 *
33EP.SONAI.-AV. Gordon , practical carpi
. lajcr and litter. Cull ouoraddrens 20 :
Htirney st , 84 lu
-Mra. K. M. Post , profession !
4iure , hns ifturned from the east. Mnssat
and ladles hair tn-nttiit-nt a bpeclulty , 8. 1
Our. Suward and 2ath bts. 847 C
I ) EIU > ONAL George : Meet me at the Bout
faido tnnsqueradt ) at Forest Hill , cor 6th ur
Pierce , Monday evening. Doc 6. Am going w n
llrothcr. Don t forget-plnk Domino. He sur
K , V. A. 8046 *
PEHSONAL-O. W.Cody is superintendent i
furniture department for New Yoik Sto
, nge > Cocpr , Cap , nvo nnd 15th st. 7t3 !
tor ladies rttirlr
confinement , strictly confidential , infan
adopted. Address K Hi lie offlc * . , 107 uS
PKHSONATr-tlcyn'n InteXT views of Omaha.
Including all prlnclpJflmlldlniM.blrd's-eyo
\ lewsphowlng the city tw raw best advantage for
sato at lleyu'a gallery end Caullleld's book store.
3".iO d 2t
Small yellow satchel cotitnlnlnn
LOST , forks , a silver cup , child's plush
bonnet , etc. , either on Sauiwk'rs , Cunnings or ou
the street In the city. VU-nio return to C. E.
Mayue'ft real e'tuto ollico nht reecho a reward.
Mis..lanetMayiic. \J KM 7 *
IOST Yellow ponv , Wncic mane , tnll nnd legs
Itetutn to 1111 bo. 8Mb st. iKI
or stolen froifrniy le-ildence.corner
of Heed mid Frunols streets , Windsor Place ,
one chestnut mnre , on Nfjv. 19. A suitable re
ward for her rewery. Jliu Hess , telephone
1C9. S43 _ _
IOST-i1Hewaid-Onirlh street bft. How.
mil nnd Douglnsor Farnnm bet. 13th and
15th or Douglas bet. 13th and llth , one diamond ,
weight , f rat turnover karat , set In combination
herow setting. Finder please leave at Hny-
inond's or Max Mejer'a Jewelry store nnd re-
celyjrewnril. 70UI ]
T.OriT Hetween llth and Uth on the south
- -J side of Dnvenport st a pocketbook con
taining $55on Monday 2fUh , nbout.lp. m. Old
fashioned leather pocketWiok , contnlued besldo
$ .15 in money 0110 paid note. Party finding please
return to Ella Jacknuin , 1113 Davenport , and re
ceive liberal reward. 74,1 3 *
LOW Small bay pony , black mane and tnll ;
leather halter. ilteturntoA. Formnii , 1514
8.5th st , telephone 030 uud recleve toward.
, , 715 3
O.sT Very largo black dog , white nntclron
In east ! reward for return. U. K. McKel-
vy , 2520 Charles st. 677 3'
LOST Or stolen , near Hascall's pane , a med
ium size dark bay mare , with harness 311 ,
mall white spot on face , large , bind legs. T.
Murray. 128
FH SAliE Or exchnnge , nice assoitment
English woolen cloth , purchased this year
in Chicago , all new and first cla s. for good
horse or pony. Address 0 05. Hee offle. 751 3 *
OH SALE-A No H range In perfect order.wlll
sell cheap , J. lJ.owls , 1412 N. 28th _ st.
OH SALU-Household fmuitute. 833 P , inth.
OH SALE Three billiard nnd two pool tables -
bles , cheap. Nason , 1(115 ( Farnnm st , MM 3
T7IOH BALE-Stute rights for a patent just out.
JJ This Is a No. 1 chance to build up a large , per
manent manufacturing business. Machine line ,
entirely new. Costs , sells for $115.00.
Paitly obtubllshcd. Addiess "P 0" Hee ollico.
OH SALE-At n bargain , 2 billiard and 3
pool tables. Nnsoti , 1015 Farnam. 803 0
TJHH SALE One of the best family horses in
JC the city with phaeton , cutter , harness mid
robe ; theap for cash. Also a splendid new style
square stox e. 1'or pal tlculais apply ut Kllfi Fin-
nam st. 773
. FINE-Don't read , must be sold to pav
storage charges , an elegant organ w 1th full
set of leeds , solid black wiihmt case and con-
talus 7 stops , cost $121 , Is good as now and J.J7
buys It , ou easy payments. Sold for storage
charges by New folk Storage Co. , cor Cap. ave
and llth. 707
Table at half price , Hruuswlck
llalke fo.'b mako. Inquire Leslie & Leslie ,
ICth and Dodge hts. [ 210
ORGANS at wholesale prices , on easy pay
ments. New York Pluno Co. , cor Capitol
nve nnd 15th st. 608.
/11STERNS , cesspools and cellars dug nnd
\J cleaned , first-class work guaranteed , mid
21 per cent cheaper tnun byianvoiio else. Hofer-
eiice given If icciulicd. J. I ) . Vuuderbeig. 2 < > H
Culdwellbt. WJ3 *
F'OH miNT-H ) ncresueatilmalia , with good
Improvements. Sthlcblugcr llios , 014 So.
Oth bt. ] ) f 7D4 S
iJj.lOOOHKWAHD And uofnuesttous tulied , to
P uny poison who will calliund buy a better
) iauo torfcljO than wue/an sell , \ou lor j-,7) . Ho
, our own Judge uud buy Hit wholesale piices.
S'ew York Stoiugo Co. , cur Cap. nvo uud llth.
HOUSE clipping by W.A.TnggHi tut lienham'.s
htnbles , coiner 17th and Da\enpoit &ts.
Tel. 217. „ WUjUW
OllOANS 1'or 10 davs , ntu trreat sacrlllco to
_ inuku loom for Chi Mums goods , stornge
chniges must b ji.ild. Call and .seo what you
cmi buy tor M7 Is as good | IK new and co t ? 12' > .
New Yoik Storage Co. , cor. Cup. ave and Ifith ht.
7W !
METhall. . 510 S 10th st has been remodeled ,
Yt Uulnrged. new dancing lloor , new decora
tions und supper rooms. Entianco on 10th st. ;
parties , lodges and hoeiutles uutlclpatlug giving
balls or sociables call on lions & Mumm. Mutz
" .mil. 4r.'d21
MKS. DtTUANT-CLilrvoyanf from Ho-ton 1s1
reliable In nil uHnlr.s of life , unites
rated lovois. 32J : N Kith st. room 1. VCO
Dll. NANNIE V. Warren , clalrrovunt. M.cil.
leal , busiuesa und test medium. Dlagno'sis
free. I'emale diseases a specloltj" . Hy N. 10th
St. , Koomb2& ; ) , Tel. Wit. " Cll
) To buy the furniture of u smaller
WANTE1) house centrally located , Co-opera-
tlvo Land & Lot Co. , 20.1 N lllth st. 1.13
T\7"XNTID To nuy llort time paper. J. W.
TT Gross , nt C. E. Muyne's otlke , Ifith und
Ilnrney. 2h3
WANTED To buy live thousand to ten
thousand lloono county lands , average
uallty , ut J10 per acre and less. Addros Hex 3 $ ,
ni.ilui. llil
Special fund of $1,500 und also otJOOOto
loan on impioved city property. Loans
Inudeon farm lands In western Iowa and east
ern Nebraska. Fiist moitgago notes bought and
sold. Odell ilros. A : Co1583 Farnam st. UflO
TO LOAN On furniture , horses ,
wagons other personal property , without
change of possession $ r on approved colluterul
Beciulty. lluslness condentlui. John W. Kob-
blus , btreet. 843
LOANS made on real estate and'mortgage'
bought. Lew Is S. Heed & Co. , 1121 Tainam ,
U > 500,000 To loan on Omaha city property at (
P per cent. G , W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.OJO
2750,000 to loan nt C per cent. Llnahan & Ma
J honey , 1COU Fumum. 8 1
$ 1ri(10NX ) to loan In uny nmount ut lowest rate ol
Interest. 11.11. Ircy , Fieuzer block. 82S
TO J/AN Money Jjoans placed on im
proved rsal rstnto in city or county foi
New England Iioan S ; Trust Co. , by Dougliu
County bank , ICth und Chicago pts. ( Illi
MONKY To loan on chattels. Co-operntlvi
Lund and lx > t Co. , 205 No. 10th street.
M ONKY to I.oan-O. F.Davis Co. , real estati
nnd loan agents , 1505 Farnnm st. Gil )
61'EH CENT Money.
1'attei son & Faw cett 15th nnd Harney. 018
MONEY to loan I can now place some firs
class city loans immediately. Cull at onci
If you desire to be accommodated. D. V. Bholes
room 1 Harker block , entrance lu alley. h94
M ONEY to loan on Improved real estate ; m
. commission charged , „ .Leitvitt Uumham
room 1. Creighton block.n U12
time loans maiie on any uvunnbl
fcecurlty. In reasonable iirnounts. Secure !
notes bougnt , sold or exijmnged. Genera
financial business of nny kind transactei
promptly , quietly und falrliat the Omaha FI
nanclul Exchange , NW. . Icor. llth and Hat
ney eta. , oreriitatQ Natlolial band. Corlxrtt
manager. | ( .25
ONKY LOANKDatC. KUteed * Co.'s Ioai
OfllcB. on furniture , pIMoshorses , wagons
personnl property of nil klfufr. and all other ai
tides ofalne without reitoval. lill ) H. IStli
over Itlnghain's commlsslK etoie. All busl
ness btrlctly conndentlal. > g ( iSl
"VTEW York Stoiago OK Corner" Capita
. 'i BV. tc ir > th st. , hnvo JKoney to lonn o :
household goods , of every df
Bcrlptlon at lowest rates. jKeelnl facilities fo
merchants , goods moved , kicked nnd shipped
All charges advanced. KllMiroot brick block
Capitol uv.JcJMhst. Ty * i'5- '
MCfNEY loaned on furniture , plunos , organ-
horses , etc. low rntes. J. J. Wilkinson i
Co. , 1U24 1'urnaiu , 01 or llurllngton ticket oflice.
MONKY to Loan lly the undersigned , w h
has the only properly organized loa
agency in Omaha. Loans of 110 to fioomadeo
furniture , pianos , organs , borne * , wrgons , mr
chlncry , etc. , without removal. No delays. Al
business strictly confidential. Loans so mad
that any part can be paid at any time , each paj
ment reducing tlm coat pro rata. Advance
made on flne watches and diamonds. 1'erson
should carefully consider who they are denlln
with , as many new concerns are dally coniln
Into existence. Should you need money call an
see ine. W. H. Croft , room i Wlthnell buildliu
15th and Harney. G2U
MONEY To loan , lowest rates. No dela ;
J. L. Hlco & Co. , over Commercial Ni
tlnnalbank ysj
MONEY to loan on city property , and nls
farms in Nebraska amllow a. OdeUJlro1
* Co. , loan , real estate and Insurance agents. 1C
Pearl street. Council Bluffs , Ja. ; 152U Farnai
street , Omaha. _ . aw ,
MONKY lo loan. Nolen nna ft. n. ticket.
bought ahd sold , A. Funuau , 213 S l.ith st.s
_ _ _ U24
"l\f ONKY to loan , rash on hnnrt , no delay. J.
1 L W. nnd K. J , . Squire , 1413 Farnam Ft. Paxton -
ton litftel building. itiu
' - "
T710H SALU Cheap for cash , saloon centrnllv
J.1'1 locntedi ill health .rensom. Address o 71
Ileo olllcn. _ 7U5 yj
" 1710H general store or ftnyklnd of business ,
J f Sovcnty-llvo miles n w of Omaha is the
best place for u live Imilncssmau tostait. Store
Is all complete , the bfst location in town , nnd
rent low. Write to OVH Ileo ollice. OW a *
\\fANTKO Oood , honornblo man ns partner
M tuJjjindlehardwaio and establish ugciitd
through low n , for which I will pay flW nnd cx
penses ; must huve .v . ) cash. None but strictly
business men need apply. Address O 31 lice.
_ _
VtfANTRl ) A pitrtn r In good paying bust-
ness w 1th from 11.000 lo f 1.500 capltnl , ic-
fcrencesremilrcd. Address 1' 2 Ileo ollico. f 15 B *
FOU SAfiK A tlriif-class grocery with meat
market In connection , doing a nice business.
About 11,000 cash , balance easy. A good ( .banco
for right party. Addiess " ! ' 7" Ileo ollice. Ml
d5.000 Invested In nn cntlrelv new article will
P make from J20.000 to J50.0ifo per year. This
la no bubble but nctunl reality. C.Ul and Im es-
llgnl nad > ou will bo cnuvlnccd , Ca-opciatl\o
Land A. IM Co , , 2U1 N 10th st. _ tU3 fi
A LIVE man opening Hour nnd feed store In
Fitch block la sine to make it p.\y Hlg
Inducement to open nt once.
F , L. ( jtcgory , Hental Agents , 309 8 ICth 8t.S
KKSTAUHANT on ICth st doing a good busi
ness , rent 850. nilco JJOO , Co-opei all vo I/and
& Lot Co. . aa N inth st. _ Hia r >
BKSTAUHANT on Harney st. for sale , doing
n good business. $1,000ortlioffnrtilturo
forrt.)0. Terms ] ' , cash. Co-operntlvo Land 4 ;
Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. bOS ft
A STOCK of fancy goods on ICth st. for sale ;
splendid opportunity to those desiring siuh
n choice. l'i leu according to Invoice. Co opcru-
tlvo Land lc Lot Co . 205 N. ICth St. b08 5
KSTAUHANT for sale , llith st. . doing n
splendid business ; rent * IW ; llxtures nnd
furniture $ f > < " > 0 : terms ensy. This is u llist-cluss
location , and w ill pay to inve'tlgiite. Co opcui-
tlc Land & Lot Co . 205 N. 16th St. TO3 5
OH BALK Meat murkot In Wllber , county
seat of Slllno county , Neb. ; good clmnce ;
terms lonsouablo. Address D. Meisenbaeh & Son.
7 *
_ _
TJ1OH SALE A stock of confectloneiy , tine to-
X1 cation. Co-opetutlvo J.aud .V Lot ( "o , 205
N llith st. _ _ _ K)3 ) 5
KESTAIIHANT on Ifltb st. for sale ; lent $00 ;
pilce. J..WX ) ; terms , Jl.OOO cash , balance
time ; feeding over 100 per tiny. I'm ties going to
leave the city cau o for selling. Co-opeiatlve
l.und A. Lot Co. , 205 N. 10th st. WJ8 5
FOH SALT. Or exchange , a now combined 35
bbl.i oiler and burr mill with complete
modern outllt of machinery , doing n Rood busi
ness , with unlimited water power on Little Illuo
river , in Thaj er comity. Neb. Will tuko $ . ' ,000
or upwards In cash , balance on cnsy < _ tct ms , or
city piopcity or lands in wholeoi lu part. Address -
dross , A. G. Collins , Hobion , Neb. 3J2 d22
OIGAIthtoroon 10th st for sale , doing $ . ! ( )
woithof business JIO.stocK
and flxtuiesSOO. Co-opeiativo Laud S : Lot Co ,
2lVi N llilh st. _ . -OS 6
FOH SALE Ouo hotel .1 stories high , good
stand , basement with water i tinning all
through the building und also to the barn ; baiu
stabling ( ft tiend of horses und 70 tons of liny nnd
water In it ; will sell or tiado for leal estate or
stock. For further Infoiuiatlon write to 1) .
lllll&SonPunbar.Neb. tllSdIC
" \\niOLr.SALK confectloneiy business for
T > sale. Paying trade established. Look
this up. Apply ! m S. Kith st. _ ! I21
T1VEHY b.nn and stock to exchange for $1,100
J In piopeity and balance cash , llai her shop.
best lu Omaha , to exchange for lands or city
in opei ty. no cash lequliiHl. Small baibershop.
Will exchange for a lot or small farm. Co oper-
ntlve Land A. Lot Co. . 201 N 10th st. 8110
FOH Exchange All kinds of muichnndlse ,
w lid and imnrocd lands , houses und lots ,
In clly and Nebraska towns. Co-Operatlve
Lund & I.Ot Co , 205 N. 18th st. Ma 5
TJ10H SALE Or exchange , good Omaha iiiop-
J city for good stock of boots uml Mines ,
clothing , Imnislilug goods or hmdwuie. Sthlo-
singer Ilros. , (114 ( S 10th st. 791 J 2
WANTED To exchange first tlasa Omaha
nud South Omnhn , propcitv for good Nu-
brnska nnd low n laud , W. G , Albright , 218 S.
nth st. _ 743 5
YACANT lots , houses , mm lots to trade for
horses , harness , buggies or paper. H. A.
McEac broil , Itoom 11 , Fieuzer Illock. DM 5 *
OH KXCHANGE-Clfl acres , U. P. couti.ict
hind , nt JO.for Omaha piopcrty. Mv < 'rVity
43.000 , only b40 back. A.I' . Tukijy , j j.'l Tiii num.
'AJJTKP Varm lands In evchaugo for
Mocks of morchniullse. St. John Ik ,
Itooru 13 , Fiqnzcr block , oj-p. P.O OJ2
I IIAVE for Undo improved fai mill Cass Co ,
Dear Plattsmouth , will ti.itle for improved
inside piopeity. Aduicbs M 3i , Itee ollice.D8S
\\7OUL1J LIKE to excjinugo u loiinSami-
TT tiers 4 : lllmebaugh's addition to Walnut
Hill for u good .sleigh und light two-scatcil
surry ; would also taku u good hoi so und viluv-
ton. Address box 4251' . O , 4 > 0
WANTED Good faims In exchange foi
Omaha propelIj , C. C. Spotswood. JiOj
smth. i > ai
" \\7 ANTED-Property of all kinds to exchange
TT Special attention given to tiadlng. C. C ,
Spotsw ood. 30T8 S 16th. CW
rilO r.XrilANGr Good cast Mont lot in linns
Jcom I'lnqe to exchnueo for clean stock ol
diy goods or clothing. C. 1' . IIuuisou,418 S. IDth
TtO THAIIK Inside property for good house
Jeight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul
loth H Co. , cor 15th nud Faiuam. n.l
TO THADE Two Impioved farms In lown foi
Omaha property or Nebraska lands. Me
Culloch & Co. , cor ; 15th and rurnam. 0,14
FOH THADK (1,000 acres of choice wcsterr
laud to exchnngo for general nieichnndlse
Jno. F. Toft , SH N. 15th st. ( HO
WANTED Good family horse in evchangt
for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor llth am
rarnaiu. Ml
mo EXCHANGE Improved faun in lowi
-L for Omuha rosideucu pioperty. J.J. Wil
kinsou , 11121 Farnaiu , CSl
MIDLAND Guarantee nnd Trust Co. , 1101
Fornnm street Compute abstracts fur
nished , and titles to real estate ixumiuud , per
fected nnd guaranteed. W
BENSON * CAHMICHAKL furnish compluti
fnd guaranteed abstracts of title to nn ;
real estate In Omaha nnd Douglas countv upoi
short notice. The most complete setof abstiuc
books In the city. No. 1519 Fainmn st. 070
SALE Two east fronts one mile fron
4 postofflce , Just off of Ciimlng. on Montam
st. ; lots N ) and K2 , Nelson's ndd line place fo
six "Hats ; " high , clrj' , healthy , and nt low tic
ure. A. P. Tukey , 1324 Tarnam st. 207
$21,000 00 cash wanted inn f35 OOP deal ; Bom
of Omaha's best realtv ; object , cash : wll
yield large profit. Address O.I Itee. 277 d3 > *
IF you have anything to sell or exchange Us
It w ith C. G Spotswood , 3051't S luth. 051
FOH SALK-Lot fi blot k 8 , A. S. Patrick's ml
eltlon , will sell for few days at $1 , 50 , 872
cash , balance ensy , M 37 lice ollico , U37
FOH SALE-LooklLook ! Lota. blk43-Gfixl1
on Cass between 22nd ami 23d bts. Onl
15,500 , t2KX ) cash. A t > argnln , nnd no mistake. '
lOuxinri east fnuit corner , on IMh and Jone
sts , Just south of the line residences of Enssor
Ilrady and others. Can soil this , If taken n
once , for J5.000. An elegant residence cornel
Nothing in the vicinity so cheap. M. A. Upto :
& Co. JClli st. ow > chumbei ot Commerce. 18J
-C Ily M. A. Upton A Co.
Three pieces property,20 per cent below actut
I/t 27. Fulrmount , W.ISOO , JI.100 cash.
Illock 8 , llovd'H nddltlon , 10 lots on State st.
track fiom licit line guaranteed , 17,000. } J,5C
Illock 23 , Iloyd's addition , 10 lots , 18,500 , $ JOC
M. A. JTpton A Co. , 16th street , opposite Chnn
ber of Commerce. 054
FOH BALK In Bouth Omaha , 5 houses on
corner lots , for $4.300 , Jj cash , which let
for W75 per year , on L bt. I ) . D. Bmoaton , lu.
Dodge st. aVj
FOIl 8ALK ICO acres ot land four miles froi
stock yards , at J125 per acre ; thM Isabai
gain. Met/ague , Opp. P.O. mi '
" 171OR BALE Agooillotlill f ( t ) on Park a\ \
JU enue. low prlco If sold eooa. McCulloch
Co. . cor 15th and Farnam. OJ7
TTIOH SALK-A furnished flat of u rooms wit
X ? steam and bath , centraly located. Call 2 :
North 14th. mo.
EM ST1CKNEY It CO. maxe HpecltiuTc
.prniwrty In North Omaha , for sala or ret
t Citizens' bauk , 2W3 Cumlng it. 731
AMES Heal Kstnto Agency ,
Ollico ) , 'i07 Fnrtiam ,
Wi Very flue rottdence lot OUxl.'UonCass
Bt near 22d ( this is offered for n few
tlnys at 25 per cent less.than uny sur
rounding property ( C.ROO
1003 Kino corner lu llnwthoruo WX122
only I block from 11. W. Ynte'rt no > \ '
residence , very chenp , , . , . 1,500
POT JMost dfsimblc lot In Sulphur Spring
nt less than mine 2,000
115 South tilth st lot 01x140 , small house ,
n bargain , on grade
140 On N 17th st lot MJxlU ) , small house ,
near Nicholas st. . , S00
11(1 ( South Omaha lot nud 3 stoics , lent
for lWper year „ 10,000
1J7 On 14th st near Jones 4 < XWJ feet.good
bmluejs location. . . . , 7,700
135 I'm mini coiner , lot 115x125 with two
houses ( rented ) . . , . . .4 2LO.X )
472 Miami bet. 3M und 31thsts. , 4-room
bouse , full lot 1,1100
4Cfl Corner east nud south front , near
licit Line depot. Oak Chatham 2,600
410 Sewardst. , near 25th , 7-room house ,
iilot , aMO
427 On Ilnrney st , near aid , 6-1 oem new
house , lot Ml.x70 , price 1,500
143 Cummlngs. st. , HUP location , near
27th st. , i.Mfovt front by UI feet rteop.
This Is chenp J110 i foot.
H2 Cass st. near llth , 6 ? * 132 , with good
coodl-ioom ) house , price t 13,000
05 Chicago ht. near loth bt. , Cdxl.C. . w UH
3 houses , rents ( nrfsoper month , , . , 14,000
13U 21st st. roiuer , If ! feet sqnaie ; excel
lent waiehouso locution , tiackage.
llilslsa bargain nt 21,000
490 On llth st , near Muitha , tlrst-clius U-
room hou e , lot ui\l4i ) , . . . , 0,000
4 9 Oil Spunostj near I'.Mh ! ltuv)5- )
loom house , lot 40 ieet flout 2.600
453 On Popiiletou , near Park uve , good
IM oem house , rents forMO 0,250
487 On Ohio st , block tiom cms , ft-room
house , full lot , for 3,300
4SI On 8. Ibth st , good U-room house ,
small lot , pi Ice . . . , , 3.500
4 < 1 On N.2lbtbt , 4loom , full lot 2,000
478 South Oninhu. 1(1 ( loom hotel nnd full
lot 4,000
477 On llth st , toiller , 5-100111 house , lot
UlxlAT , 6,500
470 on 15th st , near Muithu , o-ioom
house , full lot 8fOO
4U ! In Plaln\iew , on 21st st. 4 rooms ,
bain and full lot , 1,000
450 On25th st. near l.ea\enwoith , I ! lots , .
each 1,11x124 , one u corner , goodO-
room house , line shrubbery , pi Ice. . . 6,000
454 On 30th st , near Poppleton live , a
uew.modeilib loom house , lull lot ,
cast front , good shade tiecs 7,600
448 On Parku\enue , full lot , moderns-
room bouse , deslinblo 8,500
429 East fi out , Vliglnla nve , near Hick
ory , U mom tottnge , now 4,000
4JO Vliginlauve , near Popploton , A 1 8-
room honso , modoin , good bain (1,250
414 Geoigln ue , near Hko st , full lot , 0-
room cottage 2,500
431 Georgia nve , coiner , 2 full lots nn.t
U-room house 3,000
130 Paclllc near 10th st , , l , . This Is n
waiehouso and bus splendid tiacU-
ge fauillltlcs 15,000
127 S.imulei.s st. neur Puikci coiner , ujx
120price : . . . . . . . . y,250
122 Tenth M. near Paeillc coineis on
Mil squ.ue , ulley tuukrtgi ) 13,200
10S . u 101 nor splendidly lo-
ratedTOxNf , veiy desliaWe 25,000
107 24th st. neai Cumlug bt. , 47x201 , LOI-
ui'isoiinlly 5,000
101 UU ft on Lemciiwoith by 112 ft deep ,
u coiner , will M > | | fiom2.J It iipwauis
at 470 per front It or will boll whole
iilete lor . . . . . 8,5W
93 r'.n uam ht. iie.u .Mst , bTxl.L' , ut < M50
per Hunt foot
05 I'ouitienlh .stiect , coiner , fi houses ,
lent $1 > a mouth ; has double tiuck-
ngo ; pike 20,000
UI 1,1. I ret Miuuie , LOI lie r on 14th ht. ,
buildings lent lor tl50 per mouth ,
pilio 50,000
997 l.lth stieet , near lKiucioft,7 full lots
lor , . 7r,00
M7 MiamiMioot , licai 3Uth , full lot. . l.UjO
yjl 2nlh ineiini1 , near tit. Mary's , lull
lot , .IM4'J . . . . . . . 0,500
OS9 Webstt-i st , near just east yf the
convent , 10\174 | 4,600
flea I'm kuvuiuiu. near I'm nam st. , uist
lionl , 67x140 , fiom street to stuut ,
double fiontage. Call ut olllte for
937 Paclllc st. , neur Phil .Sheridan st. ,
lot 4UX110 , flouts _ Ktioets Ib75
U77 nve.bOUth \Vuolwoith , & 0x
IM . . . 3,500
72 On 201 h n Venue , near St.jMary'b nve ,
full lot . . . . 0,100
1171 Pmktuoune , 2 lull lots , lOJxllO. tor. . lO.tWO
171 Paclllc st und .Will st , imnu , 2 tull
lots. lUKlV ) 7.50U
I'm k u venue , HMxl4. ' , to un ulley , tor
? likl ] ier I lout loot
XI WuJnut 11111,2 lllst-i.lass lots for $ U10
79 Georgiauvuuuo. coiner. lOOxl'iO , for. . 7.500
Ml Vliglnliave. vciy choice cast ii out ,
100.sJ.10 . 4.500
Thoubovopixipeitvian all bo bought on full-
elms. Also call iittuiitluu to2gooil biick > aitl
sites on I'allw ay mid near town. Also 22 feet
"ots on Loaxeiiworth st , near 21th st.
Amos' Heal llslate Agency ,
IWr.uuam st. 781 9
17IOH SALE-Lot 2 block s , H.V. Smlth't add'n ,
J1 J7.MIO.
Lots 7 nud h block 2,1oic& Suldvu' * ) ndd'n ,
it unlock 8 , Isaac Soldeu'tj ndd'n. $2,000 ;
Lot U2 , Sunnvsidc , S2.500 ; ensh $5110 : bal. ensy.
Illock 2 , Myeih , Kichnids A : Tildtu's udd'n
$ , " .200 ; terms
Lot 8 block Ni , South Omnhn , f.lXX ( ) ; a toinov.
Lot 2 block 77 , South Omaha , fl.iKHI ; Jj cash.
Lot 1 block 2,1'iist udil'uSouth Oiuuliii , $ JWX ) ;
cash 'i.
Lot-12 block 7,1'lrst add'n SouthOnmha , Sl.fcOO ;
cash ItblKl.
I/ot 4 block 7 , rilbt udd'n South Omaha. Sl.bOO ;
cash J'XXI.
Lot 1 block" , I'hst udd'n South Omahn , $2,200 ;
cash ! S.
Lot 11 block 8 , First iidd'u South OmnbnltOO ;
ensh $1,1100.
Loth il mid n blk I , Jett jrs nddlrlon , f.i 5011 each ,
llnlldlngsonlot : ) lent tm &V > pel month , nnd on
lot Gloi $21 per month ; inopcily.
Noith r.O . Ieet of lots a uml U blk 1 , Jotters nd-
ditlon , $1,81U : cnshJiiOO.
Trtelvo lots within few blocks of Swift's pack
ing house , from SUM to S4"iO each 'ihi'suuic
Iioni $10 to $101) cheaper than lotn in adjoining
nildltions uro .selling 101.
Nineteen uml oue-thlid ncios within twn
blocks of Swift's packing IIOIIM ) , with 1 , : JO Ieet
tiuckugo on Union Pacific tlnrk ; in ice J1.IKIC
per acre ; will bell in small tmrth If pniLhasci
deslleh. This is the llnest und closest
piopeity ou the maiki-t lu South Onmha.
1'ivo , ten. ( Ifteeiim.d twentv-acie tracts neai
Pouth Omuhu. fiom s.210 toWiO per ntie. adjoin
ing pioperty held much highci. Pottei A. Cobb
iwi rmnnmst. 7M5
rilllOMPSON. 314 S. llth st. buys nnd sells reaL
-L estate , loans motwy. purchases securities ;
has a good list of property for uule and WAIL'S
more. Notary public. 5t
17IOH SALK-lliiblnras piopeity In Soutl
JU Omalm. V , ' . G. Albiight , 2188 luth ht. 7H !
FOH BALI' As ( Inn npleie of trackage a1
theiels 111 the city. W , G. Albiight , 218 i
1Mb ht. 74J 5
rpYPEWHlTEHS bought nndsold on commls
X slon. Phoithand nnd typewriting worl
flout * . Addiess.1 , lleniy Wood , 711 Puclllcstitet
Omaha. Tolcphoiie 701. OUdli.J
WAITED A Soufh Omalm lot In cxchangt
for uDioom houst' , J. F. Lewis , 141 ! N
2bthf > t , 7313 *
FOH THADE A heavy tiansfer wagon for i
good } omig milch cow. Addiess O57 thl' '
ollice. 70U 3 *
" 1710H Sale or Kxrhnngo-I'lfty elegant lot
Jnear Dundee place , in West Omalm ; ever
lot perfect for giado on n main stieet wlthli
eight blocksot street cnr line ; llelt Line H'y i
only two blocks away. This property Is wlthli
n few blocks of the two hundred arms lecentl' '
purchased by the ( J. & N. W. H'y for lallio.u
purposes , nnd the new line of the ( ) . .V N , W
now building runs within a shoit distance o
these lots. This property olfei s olio of the tines
chances for an investment now on the market ,
cmioirer these fifty lots for * l7miO , $7,000 ciisli
take mortgage for $5,000 or $ iUOO ! on propel t }
and the balance in llrst-clnss farm propertj
Oeo. II. Hicks , 215 8 15th. tittl ! I
" 1710H BALE-Somo of the tiuost buslnei
J lots in South Omaha , corner M nnd 27t
streets , only half block fiom new IJ. P. depot
Cull nnd get price and tcims. Geo. N" . Mick1
SIS H , luth bt. 70111
171OH BALE-Lots lu Lincoln Plat P , frontln
J. on the Metropolitan eablo , iSOO each , !
cash ,
Corner lot on Lowe avenue andCnllfoinl
cable line , 11,710 , Jj ciish.
Some thulcolots In West Cumlng addition , M
to $ l,2i)0 ) , easy teims. Tlii'bu lots aru ouor nea
the cable now being built oil California bt. Hu
now at old prices.
A flno business corner at 10th and Djiml.u
f JO.OOO , j cash.
Acies In Solomon's add , IWO. $ j > l rash.
Acies In Sprint * Valley with tiar.kagu , $10) , >
Ix > N In Lobeek's sub , near Bouth Omnha , o
K. W. Hy , $ JOd each , M cash. These ninth
cheftpesloiierlngs In their te pectUo nelghboi
hoods. Marshall & Lobeck , room a , cliamberu
coinmeice , 414
T710H SALE Finest location for n homo i
X1 West Omaha , adjoining the mansion home
of Klrkendnll , Coe , Ilrady , l"\sson and other
Nothing finer In the city. Can BO 1 HR."iKltf7 o
less ; for prices und terms sco 8. A. Slonun , 130
Farnam ut. CIS
FOH SALE Hesldenca , property In Bout
Omaha. W. G. Albright. 218 8 16th st. 7H
FOH SALE Good brick business property I
centre of Gland Island ; greatest bmgal
and best terms in the city ; but little ensh r
quired ; long time , low interest and ensyp.r
mentu ; other real estate ftir sale. Addiess.l. I
Woolley , attorney at law , Grand Island , Nob.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
TXTH Y phy rent when you can buy a fitr'nlshe
VT house on a nlcu large lot , 5'JxllU ' , In th
finest residence parVof Omaha , near the stre >
car and within one block ot wlieru the Metn
polltiin cable will run , by paying a small im
flov n and the balance monthly. Address O 1
B e. 357
" - * " - * - *
FOH SAI.KWe offer ns n special bargain IM
ncres of liwid four nillesi from stock ynnK
nt $121 per acre , ou line of U. P. It. It , McOngu.j
Opp.T.O. KH
T 1ST your property for sale with Charles C.
JUspOtsw ood. 305H Slflttl St C.CI
1J1011 8Al.r.-lly F. K. Darlinganother rtuo
J. ' cast front lot In Haw thorno on 35tli st , for
only JI.WX ) . tin ) cash.
1'or Bouth Omaha bargnlus see mo , at corner
1Mb and Howard. 8006
NAE-J1 lots , 4 xltt. llrlstol st. near a b , $ ix * )
each ; $100 rnshj linliinrnerv easy. F. L.
Gregory , leal estate ng't , ; H. . t. H2t
R OUSi : I'OH SALE-On nth , between Capitol
n\e. nnd Dodge. Must be sold nt onctt.
Apply nt llyron , Heetl & Co.'s. 250
Hunnlng Hetween Council HlulTs nnd Albright
In addition to the still Ions mentioned , trains
Htop ut Twentieth und Twenty-foul Hi street * '
und ut the Summit in O in aim.
Al- Stock Shee- Omnllu 'l'i mis- llroail
blight. Yiuds. depot. fcr. way.
A. .M. A. M. A.JI. A.M. A. H.
5:45 : fi:5 : ii-.ui
(1:10 : 0:21 : U.IIO 0:4,1 : 0M :
7:00 : 7:15 : 7:20 : 7 : : 7:40 :
1M : 7.M K.07 .SI5 : 8:28 : 8H1 :
H-M 8Vi ( i:07 : :2S : W:31 :
:5U : Jili 10.07 10:28 : 10:3.1 :
10.50 10:5T : ) 11:07 : 111:15 : 11:28 11:35 :
11:50 : 11:5.1 : P. M. P. M. P. M. P.M.
1' . M. I1 , n. 12.07 12:11 : 12:2 : 12:33 :
12:50 : l'J.V : , 1:07 : : an'l'i 1:23 1:3.1 :
1V ; ) 1 :5i ! 8.07 2:11 : 2:28 : 8A1
8.50 8M : , 3:07 : 3:15 : 3:28 : 8:31 :
3/X ) 3:5.1 : 4:07 : 4:11 : 4:28 : 4:3.1 :
4:51) : 4 : t * > 5 6,07 5J1 5:23 : f.:31 :
5:50 : r.iM 0:07 : 0:11 : 0:28 : 0tt ; :
(1:60 ( : 11:5.1 : 7:07 : 7:11 : 7:28 : 7JB
7r.O . 7:1.1 : :07 : 8:15 : Hil5
HfO 1I.07 ! l:15 : : :
' .l.fiO 10.07 10:11 : 10:11.1 :
10:51 : 11:07 : aril ill 11 ; M 11 : W
11:59 : lv 11:30 > an
Notice to ConlrnctopN.
The board of public lands nnd buildings will
delve bICh at any time befoio Dttomber 10th.
1K < 7 , nt 2 o'c lock p. m , lur all work und material
toconnileto buildings tor the "Nebiusku Indus-
tilul llonitt" ut Mlltoid , Nebraska , Including
U'uin , he itlng. plumblug , sewoiugo mid water
NCI vice , uci'ording to lilaus , speellliatlous uuil
letnilcd di aw fugs on lllo with tlu < cymmlbsloner
ot imhllc InuJs hud bulldtugs , also with Dluko
io : , aiduuvts , in Omaha. Puyinc'iits to bo
made on monthly estimates and 1" > per cent to
be rcM'iStil tolnsiiie thi < compliilion ot , tou-
tintl. \ \ ork tit bo completed by September 1st ,
SH. Usual lights lusiuveil.
lly onlcr of Hoard of I'ubllP Ijiu 3s nnd Uulld-
Ings. 0. L. LAWS , dietary.
ov.MtoDec.10. Nov. 231 d , 1M7.
i\ii Intei'c.stiiifj 1'ioei'sH Not Generally
Undo rHtnoil.
Snn Frnncisco Clu'oiiielo : Tlioro nro
many thingsof interest to ho boon ut , the
United Slutos mint on Fifth street. It
it , not generally known thut this ia the
largest institution of thb land in the
world , yet it is u fact , und its facilities
[ of tlio rapid und perfect coinage of
iiKinoy the San Francisco mint is con
ceded to bo much superior tnUicltoynl
mint of London , which is generally sup
posed to ho thu largest und moat com-
pluto mint on earth.
A Chronicle rppoi'tor Called , yesterday
nnd througli the courtesy of Coiner
Jumea J.I. ( j'orham was permitted to wit
ness the manner in which dollars and
dimes uro turned out by the bushol.
, ] u t ut present thei'u is n lively do-
mund till over the country for silver
dimes , und hundreds ot thousands of
dollars of thorn arc being , shipped to
New York , Chicago , Cincinnati , St.
Louis and other eastern cities. Two of
the money proses uro und huvo boon
for some time running exclusively on
this coin. The dcmund in so great Unit
these machines nro not oven stopped On
Sundays und will bo run on thut day
throughout the present month.
The process of dime-making is an in
teresting one. The silver bullion ifi first
molted und run into two-pound baits.
These in turn uro run through immense
rollers und flattened out to the thick
ness of thocoin. These silverstHps uro
then passed through u machine whlclt
cuts thorn into the proper Bizu
for the presses , thh strips tlrst hav
ing boon treated with a kind
of tallow to prevent thoh- being
scratched in their pussage through the
cutters. The silver pieces uro then put
into the feeder of the printing iirc.ss6s
and nro fed to the die by anlonmtic ma
chinery ut the ruto of 100 per minute ,
48,000 dimes being turned out in u reg
ular working day of eight hours. As i
the smooth pieces are pressed llotwcdu * t
the ponderous printing dies they receive - X
coivo the lettered and llgnred impres
sion in u manner similur to that of a
paper pressed upon a form of typo ; at
thu HIUIIU time tlio picco is expanded
in u slight degree and the smnll corru
gations uro cut into its rim. Tlio ma
chine drops tin ; completed coin into a
receiver und it is ready for the counter's
The instrument * uiod by the counter is
not a coinpUcat"d muchino by any
mentis , oni' might suppose. It is a
simple coppor-covorcd truy having
raised ridgt'8 ni'ining ucro 8 Us sili-fnco
at u dlstanco apart the exact width of
a dime. From the receiver the inonqy
is dumped on lo tliis board or tray nnd
a * it is slmkon rapidly by the counter
the pieces bettle down into the spuecs
bolwcon the riogos. All thcHi spacer
being ( lllcd Die surplus coin is brushed
buck into tlm rucolvcr and the counter
has oxuctlv 1-jO silver dimes , or 812-5 , qu
his tray , which number is required to
till the spaces. The truy is then emptied
into boxes and the money is reudy for
HiiGunmtUm is cnuscd by lactic acid
in the bhxid , which Hood's Savenpririllt
ncntrull.cs , und thub euros rheuiaa-
tUip. i