Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1887, Page 5, Image 5

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_ _ _ _ _ _ T 11 H OMAHADMLY BEE : MONDAY1 DECEMBER _ 5. iss _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Who Capital City Hoiirtlly Suiporth
the Motropolla.
Tiut , Itat Tc-t Cases to He Aigumi Bc
iire the HIt1)LCflIC CoiirL-Vor
the l'uor-A tcr I tnfl.
: reLIt 1UC0r1)0L41tCL. )
; rnoM , itr. iirj : ' iicor nUHr. U.
I The sentlinctit In the capitul city In rcgnrtl
, ) to hIdltlg thu tiw < L national repuWleati eon
'cntIon In OiiuiIfl k of mit one cIiartctcr ,
utiti that tha I0)O thiit Onut1u tny ho sue
cesslul Iii ! t. effort. Mr. (1ce , edItor of thc
State Jom nal , who Is oie of the coimnittec
Kolecteti by the Ournhit pirties , ti'ts gone tc
, 'VteIi1ngtori , nttd lion. 0. i. Lmbertsoi1 , ol
this city , will be glud to ith wLatcvcL ) h (
A can on the iwt ol the cnpta1 In getting
the loentlon In Nehraslca. The ioile hert
I nienot slow lit vccogtiItig the bnelIt It wiLl
1o to Nebraska t liAvo the ccmvcntiot
vithIn the state , initi tlioro is no locul jeal
otisy in exItenee on the question , I'coiik
herb enter licartfly Into the urguinciit
wh3'tho convention i1ioahI coma west nut
vh' Ornitha I it gooti pn'e for 1t meeting
amid I ii the event 0 1 its eorim iii g t lie cmi pit a
eLty viIL liti iii hue to do its iat on liehair o
. tll ( . ? ittte eimtito in mimukimig the conventiIn I
guccc.3I4 , If mum overflow mIiou1d occur , a
of aim hour and tIiiiy nmislutem4 can vut liv
hundrel 1)eOIle ) imi Ltnc'oln fIw I mmiglmt , v1ier
tbcbem4t of necolImII0I1ItiOmN Wil I be open.
Til l It. iE : I ii'i' : et i' I.
, SevcrItl Impurtnmit cases In time Interests o
time jobiiiiig trate of Lincoln will be UP fo
, Imeuritig before time Inter.stnto comamneree COOl
ZmIl3IoI1 atVu1m ington till ) Prcseiit niomi t
anti Attorney Latnbertion Iii representing tim
JlrmnM liringitig time suits. Time tct emiso vil
imo one brought imy 1'Lumnii moe I 't'iry Sc (2(11 (
time viioleuie groects , s'1mo tooic time questin
of Cnhlfornia r&ttvs & to LIIICOIII direct to tit
colIIlIis(4Lo11 ( , pavlmmg time freight uXnctel ( 1) ) ,
the Ijimmon Pacific under prntet. 'I'111i4 tOi
ease for time cotnniisioii b L1m11omtt idemmtme
ivitim time case of Raymmitmimmi Broi. & Co. , tric
In time mllstrict court of timii city the p
VPC1C ahlmi which etided eittimeiy to time di
commmtiuro of time Union I'icmlie. The PiCl c
time Union l'mmcitit , that the state courtg 111w
no nutImrity ( , vi1l ho IlIct by the COnlifig t4
IefOlO time Immtcr-stmmto ( 'omnInIMsioll , nIh
I jUligihig front the recent ( ItCi4IO1t ! of the con
mnlsstoit in regard to time Visen'tn case ,
, verbct is very prolhliIe ) for thu Liimcoi
WllOlCshllCri4. Time gist of time controversy I
that rAfle'olml v1io1cn1ers mtsk it pro rat
I tlmrougim rate from the l'acit1m coast propo
tIOflIttO to the distance , tilC t11h1c as t1ssoui
river 1'intshhioY.
LITICO1O is flO exception to the rule that th
poor are RtWUS , with us , ntn the % 'iutc
fllOfltihi4 always give charitably disposed POt
, Pie oJprlrtulmities ) to lend a helping hand t
, stifferitig humnamilty. Tue Lincoln relief an
aiti socIety has heretofore done touch goo
, woric In this hue and been of great asslstanc
i tA3 the city mnlssinimmiry , Elder howe , vl ;
bolts after the Lincoln poor I'urmtunnt
ZtIhlIOfltICCIIIehtt Inst evening , CIII the ehureluc
10 time city united in ummoz1 services at ill
opera house In old of time relief society. 'I'li
i ' IrOgralhhIh1t1 1OC tile cvmI1ih1g V1I ( flS followm
1'4tisic , t ) the C1t)1t ) ; scrilture ) lesson , by Ito'
E. IL Curtis , of the First Presbyterimi
church iraxel , 1tcr. 0. \'IIIihuns , of til
r First Bajtist ) church rmliisk , by time dm011
I addresses by Prcstcleimt Derris , of time rcli
socIety , IJe. MUIihle. of St. Pmumi's ' M. I
church , amId lion. I'atrick Eagan ; vocal soic
* mtddress by MPs. M. I. Itoherts ; mitidress Ii
the city mnilmsiolmnry , Eiier I1owo rucitatloi
t address by lion. W. Lamising , Antireri
collection for time relief fuini ; llItllle by IL
thoemmitl commgregmttlcmn , Tim uddtesse wci
; of a high order throughout , the mmttOImthIhl (
large amid the donations lilmcral.
Articles incorporating the Knnsn , N
f braska & Decatur railroad Imave been llh
with the secretory of state. 'I'Imis 11Io1105 (
,4 road is to ( JZItCY timm state ( room time south
I Joffersoim ( 'ouhity Iliencu lroteei1immg imorti
I castwari ( tlmrouglt auge , Johnson , Otoc , Cas
! Lmumcmamtor , S&mrmy Saunders , Iou1mms , Iodg
, 'wVItShilUtOfl amid hurt couimties 1y the mc
Prmtctlemthlo lull ) to the ttwn of 1)cctmtur ,
the Ittst IfleIItIIImdi ( county on time lissoim
. river The cIItbltai stock Is ltxed at $3Ot ) (
000 , amid whoim II ) io ( coat of tue stock
I sulcribed , time orIlmmLzatlomm Is to be ; c
I feeted 1mW COmtmmmICflCOIIlCIlt of biisiiiess. Ti
it1(101m1tiI1CSS is iimmmltc totwo-thirds the tIll
; tat stock 1(11(1 C011101II1IOIm to conmimmemico Ii
ctuiiber 5. Tlm imworporators of time Pr
] ) oSt2d road are Arthur % V. Jmmlo , Cimurles
I Wilson1 Frederick Ii. Pluiner , i.ewis
\Vmmiic'r , F. E. 1\tUhlmkie , John S.'mmlte
imidV'iiIiUImm J Conmioms.
rii I : c IT V ill ) tIN (1.111' .
Judge Cimnpummmn roth 1ICi to 1 > 1 mi I I srmmnu
imturilmiy vemmimmg 1(11(1 vill he cimgnge'l ti
PmPsCltt week Iii time sessioim of 11111 dlstri
court In Cuss county. Judge Field vili cc
, tintie eIUVt ) lii this county during time vem
and the vtc1c foiiowimmg .ludge Chapmnhul w
I return to this county 00(1 Judge Field ho
cotmit Lu CaMI.
One of time llImlborIlmnt cases on the call ti
week lit tlO ) diitvlc (011(1 , is thu case of A ,
Godlecy vs. the 11. & M. ralii'oud. It I
vol.eM time lumuiher m'fltO t'i'Oli ( IIU1'liIlgtOml
Jlimeolim. . 'J'lmth cawn is i'Or the midiled io
rotc Iromim 1110 Mmsioimi'i ilver moiti
be lImteL'CStimIg ,
I I Apponiuttox Post 0. A. It. , iccted , Sntm
. day ( % 'dIhiHg , time loilowiiig officers for
eomniimg ycill' 1 P1)51 , comuImmIlIlliOl' , Charles
Gore ; senior 'rice coImhmnmuIier , , Cleorgo
) lmmrbem' ; jlIflimr Vice coniinammder , I ) .
Lilitliridgo ; quarcm'Imlaster , 0. E. Geode
I snmgt'otI , i'm. . Li Siimmdcr ; tlmapimmin , , Ia ,
F 'Ilicims ; couei1 of ldIhlilhisttlltlOmI , S.
. : t ' , tiexmuider ; delegate to sutte ( 'hIclInhilIhlel
. Imlmmjoi' N. (1 . F't'hIIIkl imm ; mu t UI'mlIIt 0 , 'l'lmou
, SeveLL ; ofLli'or of the day , N. U. Frammhll
, ' Oflh'CC ( If tile gmmrt1 , l'm'oi. George II. tAmmme.
t , sIl. . Ii. 'IV. litIbblIrli , time xt'oiimmt mumtni
lug editor of tht State ioiirmtut , joimwd I
t delegmitton or Omunimu Ime\vspmlpcr mn'mi v
Saturlmly evening to eeimu east on the B
: llmmgtom's mmes' fast trmmlmm ,
Judge 111111mt11 , Of KChhl'IIO % ' , 110(1 ( .1utgo
11. Po'mt , of Ymm'IC , % 'C'C SmiholIg ( lie 3mnJk
. vlsttot'mi to iIe state capitol limo i'mmst fev dim
Thmo miionthly m epom't fromim tIme st 1110 CLI
Sltt)1' ) s1iovs time ( IISII rcL'eiimts for No'
1)01' to be i'I.8O. which vlii imiy all time
aries nail 'oximIses ( or time mmmontlm timid ie
mmbommt Pit ( ) to be ndtied tu I he uc'dumnuihlt
stirimius that 'lht be On hand to turn Into 1
' ' ' 1.
Btatc tm'eahmUl'y Jamiuam'y
- . -
Ciim'nimie ltlicmihmmnt hsimm Cimt'ed.
' S'i'nI.3I : , N. X. , Jmmmitumry
I mun it loatnmmmn mmml mmlv1ti't1s of iii
yehli's ol ago. Duvlng time 1)mmst t
yemmes I Ints'c hlmhierc'd sovurt
fm'oii m'hetunntismn of time lovcr pttm't
mimy ! ) O'Ii , : 'm1 ' , ' bmmck ached without cc
iLl iomm , mtIt(1 ut tinmehI thought 1coi
lie lR1'111Y7'0tl. ) I iwctmretl two Allcoe
] 'OL'tlUI 1'lltstcl'S mid Put them OCCOSit
1ocer pmtt't , o my bplmme. in tu'dlt-f (
Imout's Ru 1LLfl liriti cewod. At time c
of it wuk I 1)tit ) Oil two fis1m Allcom
1'tn'008 1'ImutorI , were tlmommm tomm tin
I titemi 10(1k them oil 1111(1 vmms1metl mmy in
. 'with mt little nicohol , rlmkh t'emiios
, cveI.y trace of tilt ) 1)1mttcl' . It is ii
three months simmee time imlnstom's etli
no , nmiiI 1 feel very mummeim sttoncr r
butter tiumu over befor .
I tonitt'i' : C. Er.niit'i
- - - - - -
: Tim Qweum of Whistlers.
. . Now York .Tournmml : She whistles 1
nfl angel. 'I'mo ) v1mistiar Is mtrIm. Allot
, Siitt' , vho during limo timt yeRr , I
$ become ve1t kowim to munt or the nitu
O'ifl ( " iitmi1c of New 'York. She I
1 , v1mlst'ed lmor 'a' into popular ft
and lmtms whistled itwoy nil the old-ti
\ . projuiIces about. ii woninn wimistil
, , She l m'ecogmmized us it genius in
w1ilmtllng 1)t'OhcssmOIl , ammd hits gimimmeti
lair persvoitimeo time 1)rnlh'3 and
Pt'OVLtl or itil item' SIttttht' artists vlio ser
or 1oincutcm' SI ) tiitmt timoy have 1)11111
togctlmut' to give her a to'tiimionInI c
' ' mnisid to beam'
. 't'o tbeoltl-Insimioned ,
whistling woiitim COIl jUICU UI ) the vi
. of. mi pei't , k4ttIC' , yet clmmtrmnlng i
, plqumiiit little pemoim with conuoti
nod a bit o.tomn-boy ( Lu Imem' comr
' iltlon , v1mo votmid vuckct UI. ) imet' I :
'lips and wimbmtle In a blmitl4flcG but
tttlllc Mrs. Siitmv Is not ttt nil n
this vision. Site Is it diguIflnt1 sttmto1
: tiid lcnmmtlul wonumn v1io uses imet
rcntest tttletit to galmi a livelIhood. B
Imer cirorts she stippoi'tiin. inm'gc fanilly ol
little children . none ofsiIII1 , trtmii gc
to titu , Iittvu their munmimnut's sv1mItlImi
She wiiItled by cmtt' until mm fe % ' mnoiith
Imgo , when itite iegnn to train uiidei' tlic
tuitluit It'o1esoi' loll , nod now rcmuh
'time tiiott dihlictilt imitisid. hot' miotes mtr
, bInId to be as imut'c amid true us those of ii
hate , SImo wImitIes all of AI'IlitLl'8 , DC
( Tube s imild ? ml illiarti's iiiusle amid LLII
iiuumlet of sommgs ttimd 1inllad , mmcsv amid
"it is qucem' that mirSlimtw's inouUi
nevem' Iose its iueiem' sviieim ' 1me OIICC
begitis to % 'Ilist1c , ' ' sitd one of Item' 3'outmg
} ' ' 1''e itci' cve
tUl)1H recently. teeii ,
full of littiglitci' , and yet lice muoutim vIII
go right. cii wilibtilug. Nov , wheim f tm's
to whltlc , IIIIm1 get 11I , . mouth all mm lcel3
flxel , ii mtii one cvutm looks mtt Inc I losc
time jimiciem' and have to begin all ovem
tigititi. ' '
Next seasomi Mi's. Simaw cpects to g
abroatl atiti mrli1tlu I a London draiv'ttig
Leland hotel , Clilengo.
- _ _ _
A tIssomirInn Is Haiti to linvo I'omiimm
time Metaliti INtO.
Ileleiia IIIdeielmdetit ) : 1)mtt'ing tll (
you m'4 18 I 112 , near the town of 1Umi
home , Scotlmumd cOunts' , To. , ii vem
'l'hitnlus ? Ioiim'oe , 1'hio otm QI it fut'iiier
' .I'oiit WILt IL him imli'illO ( , ' - '
1'Oiil ( g 1111(1) , strictly honorable , but ad
dieled to hlOI'tiiIg , miCim its boise m'itclng
Chmm'ti-ittyiiIg } , ete. 110 Wtt't of teIIler ;
ate liitbit. but hitelclmig In general edti
cLttiOiI. At or ttbomit limo titini Imo at
tfli imeil Imis mnajorily tilore fell to Imi mm
fm'oni Imi fmttlieri eI mitt. , a ittlill of imbue :
ItIflotiliti ii g to mt1)out $ i , rU ( ) , vImleh it
tiItC ) titLys Wits comms'iticrctl a sting littli
fiL'ttmmle. I3eiimg of it soptiImg tliSiRSi
tiomi . at time cud of IL year or o ' 1lmnmnn
fominci Itimimsell about , it.Ot ) or $ GO ( ) in tlobt
J3elng of it lmigimsti'utig nmmd Ieuniti'l
immmturc , nimd no vny of cmmnecliiim g timi
iim(1O1)tell1OSS , uietween two dhmyI4 Thomna
took [ t'eiieIi lcmve : of his old lionmo nut
l'OLit'Ctl to parts tiui luiowim. IInhi :
% veL.o the eOlbjOettll'Ci4 Of time mmoigh
bor' us to sviumt immul becoimie of mf'j011h
'ouid tnt' ,
ICmuWiimg GildS 1ii'ctlietetl lie
Ui ) again. In IL little o'ei' IL yCtmt' tlmi
Proved to be the case. One mnoimmiui
' ' his old osso
'Phoimins it1)1)tJImI'ed Ummmohig
elates , veII tlt'essed ztimcl with plenty o
ummonoy. Upomi inquiry it was lcat'imem
tlitit he littd gone to time lead mine
ofVisco imm tiuid Illinois tiiid that hI
' 'stm'uek a 1etd,1 fromu which ho luti
mimmale commsidet'ahlti mmloimey. lie ealiel
ibm lili4 creditors , lmitll every clitimn jim ( ru
with iiiterest , and for the timne lrnimj ,
vns tL hei'o ttmnong tita PCOIl ) of his oh
t'oturiied to the sceti
home. 1-lu timunily
1)1 his mnimmlmmg OICrZttiOhIS ) 1101(1' l'hizal > etlm
tOWil , III ( ums the writer timInIs ) .lo
Iavies Cotuimty , Ihhitmoms. Amnoiig other
v1mo irccouuipttmiictl imimu were , lc
501)1k Dht'i and wife , .Joimn Cum'tiui
rmlt' . I'oole nud Timonunu Low. 'I'Iui
of IS 1 1-5
WItH ( lUring the winter -
Two good le&ul muines vet'c d h
Coveted and deveinimed by this plu't
during this winter. Iii the spritig c
1846 'l'homnas Monroe disposed of his iii
terest iii time l)1'olet'tY for quite a sur
of mnommey. Being of mt restless , miervoti
diimpoutitImm. iiimt I of a diu'mng tum'im c
mind. and lma'iuig.acquht'ctl Umirt tust
for foilmving the fortunes of ii initmerh
lommged for a more extensive field for e
plorimtloiit. As the Oregon exeitemneut
was then at its height , lie outllttud wit
( cumuli and SIl1)lliC4 , imimmi eimi'ly iii tii
' . the i'aeifl
summer of 4.i stnm'tcd for
coumst , tithing mm numimber of frieumtht rmlomm
s'il It lulium. Jumstdhmd of going to Ot'cgom
utftei mlm'l'ilmmg at the "forks of tim
i'ontl , ' ' ho directed his course to wiurt I
ubos ICImOiU ItS Cmthifcirnlrt , vhiclm vm
i eaciietl after many luir'dsIiiimi. mmdveim
lures muid tt'tUhlCS with the t'oviIig batut
of wild Indians. After tlisjO4iimg of th
goods lie loul brought with lmiiti muivam
tageously' ho umgtiii : turned pr'ospeeU
atid explorer.
lie prospected and explored time ConIfer
for 700 miles. lJeiimg a close obseu'vt
mniti havi mug been tm miner , lie lund a go
icon of the 1mm'os1ieetivo mfliuIetitl wealt
of the coummtl'.y. Duriimg these travels I
was brought iimto coimtaet with tlmoo Ii
( Iutmlh4 Iiil(1 , Icsnit futtliet'a vluo kumew I
time existemico of gold , a fuict that eu
hero so nscet'taliictl. Pot'tiouis of tl
yeuirs 1813-4 ( lie 51)Cflt ) in ) L'ospcctimmg
ht1)OVO stmttctl , iiimahiy buyiimg a lieai'd
2mlexienmi br'ommehos , with which , with
( [ tm1tmmtitV of gold dust , lie i'etrmvmmed ova
lmumcl with eight others and arrived I
Scotland eoituit , ' , MO. , iii October , 184
.1mm somtkhmmg of the eommnti'y lie in
\'iSitCl lie clesei'lbed mnumty ) ) i'OIflhiICl
mmatui'al feuttut'cs that lumi'e sluice le
itlemitified. iTo described Sutter's fet
time itviniii und other things eomneet ,
with Captain Setter's WOt'ls , where t
3'OtU's luttet' Imlmu'slmnll picked u
the miu'got imu time tail m'ac
' wluie'it irt'lmistory Is lut down us the lii
discovery of gold in California. M
Momur'oe muse stmtted tluttt ho believed thu
for ( iO ( ) oi 700 miles along the con
) 'utmm ° .e , Iii the umear' future , there vou
IX ) tire greatest gold i'oduciimg coulitl
sitico ICiuig SOlOInOIt'S dumy , amid thmoso
his frietuds svhuo were mnhimel's had bott
ht'Olitt'C ) for' the exodus to that eotmmmti
lIe tilso prOiiOSiCd that the Unit
States govoi'nmuemit vouid win the cou
' ti'.S' by the 'mIoxicmtmm var. Mm' . Ionr
500mm retut'muerl to Califorimlu , iimmt cam
lacIc to Missoui'i in 1818 om' 1819 ati
- bought a ( aria micat' St. Joseph , swhuc
Lb thid Iiot'o of ( his uttory may yet be ali
uiuid doubtless omne of tith fohiowil
ilitmell old iie1gli1iot' of Iui'or their ci
sceutinuuts are yet living amid tami cori'c
viz ' Edwmmm'cl F'i'onc
orate thtco facts , :
Elijah Ioclc , , loliti ma' .Tcsso MePIiei'tc
Smnmuol : or Ihui'rohl Cecil , Major' Gor
\Iomnihis , ? mo. ; Clumti'1oIeety , Jud
' Knott ( a relmmtlvc of i'u'octoi' Knott ) Ill
) Uoumjaumuhum Ias'ls , some of whom mrmst3
he Olive itmiti reside itt or near eltim
Edituboro ot' mIounimhis , mEo. Colonel
; G. Darby , another witness mmd a pu'on
imoimi. politicIan , t'e1t kiiomvmt to I'u'oct
' Knott , when ILt1t lmemu'd ft'oin lived
L ) Nimit City. Numpa coutmty , Cmii , Lu t
1' of iSsi Timomuins mlommt'oo mnarr'i
a luenutifmml and mtecoinplhiiicd girl wim
uuthlemi imumne , wmms Amntimmtlmt I."mmir'bamul
Time 'eddlng took lihtco itt tIme uiumt'i
S tor'i , at 1lLttbetimtovum of i
LI plctown , in the load mines of Ilhinc
S 'rhis was before 'tIt' . mtoi'oo'i Ii
LI 'i'mt to California ; Dui'ing his SI
omul triji to the Pacific const , m
m1ommi'oe explored a Imortmoti of 01
gon. Seine timno iii 1819 or IL
lie mmmid his pat'tY hmmcl it hattlo wI
the Ioguo itiver Juidiutums , and iii t
0 lIght Mm' . 1Iomuroo killed the chief , T
[ . niurruttor' of the foregoing m..i'mrI1 of Ii
s toi'y is miii liommorable , truthful old gc
. thcntmn , , vIio hits passed the thrco sct
s mmotch of lifo , nmmd for over' forty yam
L' huts been mm nhuioi. ITo Imus PI'OslCCt )
0 immmd mulimemi with 'L'Imoniuil3 Momiroc a
' hnmmriIetl trial sti1l1iiId the gold brotij
a to himmi fmwiu ChmltfoI'ula in 1810. 'i-
' iiimi'm'ntor has In Ii Is posOsi0ii 1111 tIti
I , . gm'umph letter ft'ommi linuicroft , the lu
g toi'lnn , begging tot' these ( trots , ivhi
rI Ioi' time thi'st timmue nov mmpptmar Iii Ittili
I- It'itmt. 'flic ( JtiL'Stkim of time lie t diset
oi'y of gold , in California l ot'&o intl
it Iii our histoi'y that yout' C
lb I'OSItltiU ii t liii S tmmIc a ox tea ltl : s
( I give imames , thates amid ilaccs , so ti
Ii futum'o historians emma call to their
) - timoso Imavhmig ctum1zinc , of the Ia
'V ' given Ia tlto foi'cgolng ntmvAttou
' , . . ' ' " ' ' ' , , 1
Items of Intoroet to the Mon on the
' liii.
A Tiirillliig Epcm'lcmmco--3takItig
) r'etI1elmts-1)oiiIgM OF ( lie ' .V.
' C. T. Hoat'tl-Osiialut's Iimiitlmmy
( itet-Mmtiiiplcs. '
DeCISISi)14 Oil the I'uutnmmmer ,
To thmo Editor or tile Bee'Iil : 'otm lcimmdly
give the legal .tatmms of the dt'nunincr tmmmc. If
tite tuIiiis b.iciii docIhirdi tmumcomistltutlotumt
Imow is it that mimaumy locatltics yet lmmmloso it.
Please stittcvlmcre I can dmal time decision do-
clmirimg , time tiii Illegal , A DItuitMnlt.
'l'ime sUpI'emfle coturt of time United States in
tIme ease of Itobbhmis time texing istm'let of
Siieibv cotmnty , Ieimum , , ( leCIdCl timuit time dm'uni.
imier tax s'as utmeonstitutlonal , as time license
imimiosetl % ' (15 U tu upon imitcr.state coruhimerce
nOd a ViOlation of tile comuncree clause of tue
federal contitutioui. ( See 120 U. S. 49) ) A
sinilini' casmi Vlt5 dciidm5d iii Ncs'utda i'eccmmtiy.
A conmnmet'chul trutvcicr from California was
arm'cstcd lii Nevada for soliciting inmrclmascs
without having hiect olitmhmmed : a Ihccmmse as i-c.
tjmmhrcrl by I un stmtmite , vlmicii i.tittite , niso ,
tIligdl all resitictmt uImdI'CImhtIuts to tmilte out Ii'
cemises. lie did not , npeal to time supreme
court of the stoLe mmfler hmmvlmmg been do-
fetcd our his imimilcal to time dk-
tm'iet court fi'ouii time convhctioni
h)3 time jtist ice of the peace ; Ime s'as cimimm'gi'l ,
vi tim coinmnmit I I mig a tim ist1eiirinor , , bri t up-
imlied to time slmprc'uio court cit Nevmiii upon a
writ of Ilabdlvm com'lus to be dlscimarged froit
limmpm'isoumuument out tiit rotinhl that , mms time stat-
rIte \\'itS lmIICOII'tittltlOflhul , I imt thi'tti'ict commit
lmul ; Imo jmui'isdietion to tletci'mmmiime time validity
( If tile SthltlitC. Iii this case-t'x iat't Itosemi-
btatt-timo court supi > oi'teth this coiitetml iou
' time ' fm'oiii .
ttmumi mhIsclmmm'gtid iu'isoimer custody.
'l'imo jitlge t'Imo gi'ammted time writ of habeas
Co m'ptIs , i ml rcnmdcm'i ii g li 1u omin ion , saidVe :
lutist uucCclt this decision of the United States
smmprcmue coum't iii the 'l'emmnesseo 01150 11(4 ( 05'
tumbi isim in g time tI imeOmIst I Lu I tohiLmi L ty o f the stat-
ilte ummmic , ' vIiIeIm the petitioner svas convicted.
Time statute of 'l'cuummes'ee 211111 that of timis
state ( Nevada ) do mmot nmateriLmlh differ ;
imeitimer Inmposes tm tax umion citiemms of otlmem'
stntcs wtmich tloc not ctuully 111)1)13' ) ) to Itsown
citizens , mmor Is tlmero nimr dist'i'iumuimmttioii Imi
eitimer stttttmte agaltmst other states ot tlmeir
jm'oduicts. It Is tmu'gcci hen , iuotvever
time district court imiul jum'ls'iiction ' to
iui1e , the cotmstltlmtionality of time statute , amid
and that its judgment cannot be rovinwed
111)011 it 'i'it Of IhitbeLLs corpus. But tIme dis-
trit commit cliii hot imave jtmt'isdlction , because
tIme stmmte could not lawfully iiuiiose the
ii'dimSC ( tax. 'rimcre wums , 1mm legal contoni-
lmilttlOn , no law creating the offense of
vimicii the imetitioumer vims convicted. Aim tin-
consttttmtiotiai law , says the supreme court of
the United States in cx ) mrto Siboitl (101) ( U.
S. , 37T ) , is 'old , and is ito law. Aim offense
ci'emiteti by it is no crime. A conviction uinm
tier it is umot mner't'ly ei'roncous , but Is 1lieal
timid void , aimd eami not be mm legal cittise fot' mm-
ii'Isoimuuicmmt. It is tulle , if no wi'it of em'ror
iies , the judgmeumt may ho llnmmi In the souse
that theme may be umo menus of rcvcrsitmg it ;
html , I1ci'sonhil liberty is of so gucat lumomenit in
time ovc ot' the law t Imat time Judgment of an lii-
fetter conm't affecting it Is not deemed so con-
cimisivo but timumt the qtmcsticlmi of the court's
aumthom'ity to try and inipm'immon the patty mnny
bo reviowcd omm habeas corpus Ly it suJmci'ior
court or judge having authoi'iiy to award the
writ. "
Just why certaiti autlmem'ities insist oum eui.
foi'clug , a law ms'iiich Imait so liainilY ) beau
branded as tmimr'ouustittmtional is sonmctllimq.
timey alone caim explain. It is irobumble tlnit
tll(1513 ( tvlmo insist mii'on its euifot'eeuiieumt hoic ,
tim mimuho litigation so expcns'mvo that it wilt iC
film. cheaper to 1)113' thu tic timmmmm stamid the cx
ietmscs ) of tcngtimy litigation.
- A 'I'hi'hI ii ing Uxpericutce.
ItJ0 see that young mimun standing at
tIme ticket t'imidotv I' ' i'cunurhetl a r'oiuuinercia
tm'avoller to a 13mn rcJortcn' at limo tjiuion Pa-
due tlepot Tlummrschlly flV'iiiiif. "Tinut Im
Ciuimrle , ' Dotv. mm drmmnmmncr for a Phiimdelphik
dry goods house. lie haml time muost thiriilii )
experience about fouryemirs agothat. over ( cite
to the lot of mnnumkiimd. Vhy , , that fellow oar
rowly escaped being bnt'icd alive. Coitmu
over and he vitl tell you about it. " Time cc
porter niul his conmpanioim ei'ossed the waitIng
r000i uimtt tIme Inter approuclming tile ticke
in ; i'clmnser excl.mnhicl : ' 'Cimuim'l cy , olti boy , s i
dot'iu and tell the 1ini aliout , ( lint little epi
sode of yours. ' ' "Vimat do ineam' ' ' umskc (
Ciiariey , "mmbommt that LiOcoini gut of mind'
"No , ' ' said time otimer in a tomme of disgtust. ' 'J
mnommli the time you came so mucar beimu
ilanted. ' ' "Oh , yes , " su'mml time Quaicei' Cit
iulimbi. "Vell , I1' tvo Imavo Ubout tOn cm' llfteci
immiumutes hetoi'c hue I rairm lens-cs f I vil
have tiimmo , I was tin Icnvcr when time ct'eim
beg&mit & to taice lllCC. Yea see it WInS of ( on
0I live days tlum'ationm. I had beeii wou'kinL
Colorado and Wyouuming quite succcs'.fnlly an
imuid nemmm'iy completed immy circuit witemi I WIll
talceum iclc. : i Iiildl for Denver , i'egistcu'ci
at time 'l'abom' house , vcimt to mumy i'ooun amimd scum
for it tluslciaiu. \\'hcim lIe nrr'mvcml lie said
Was U uimiglity sick mnan aimd muivisect moo to cc
immimin iJmcttY ( ItuiCt ( em' a timuic. lie needim'
lmi'C told inc that for the next unorolimg
could not. lmave liiOVCl ( If I immd wammtcd tc
\'cIi to nnalce a lommg stoi' , ' siiom't I got woes
mimd ( or thu'co dumys smmlTered all the uiuiset' . '
that a human tiotmirt eimdtmrc in that space o
t'nmme. At the cumd of tile timirti day I went t
lIbel ) , or thommght I did , num(1 when I regaulme
comiseiousmmess I ( onuid ummyscif Iyiuig on un
bmcic eu bonmetlilmig - 1. mifterwar
iOhlt'umcI timmit It t'mms an undei
tlmkol"s coolimig liommrd--witli nmy Imuumd
crossed over my breast iiy jaw proii'cd ti
with mm 1,10cc , of steel , sonmotimiimg lmemvy on in
eyelids and a dump cloth over mny fucr
Timiimks I , vlmimt coimloumided fooll'lmness is iii
this , mmimtt with that 1 tiled to uumove nmy limin
huh take time cloth ot niy face iii order thumt
might see t'imem'e I was. but to my ustonisll
moent the Imaummi i'ofuset ? to stir. Then I trie
to roil over imt could not move a imuiscilc
'i'cii , thought 1 , at 11113' iate I with cry out fo
' help , bitt mny usu mhly loose tongue rcfmuscd t
About timis tinme 1 hmeam'U ii door' ojmc
atul sonie tlmm'ce or' four inca conic lii amid
heard timemmu sit sommmetimlhg dois'mm that sotuntic
L like a big box. Thou ommo of tiucumi took tim
timings off mny ( mice timid 1 heard the vel
lOtOWul voice of time ciom'k say 'what a pit
such a youiig , good looking maim simeuid pas
iii so suddeumly' 'Yes ' said amlotinit' , 'it is to
bad , but lets. got hhn In time cofilu , ii
ommiy tvo hotmes tilt tm'ain tune. Tiucim I
whmumt Was tip. I wits supposed to be deat
S amid gentleunon , you cannot imnmtgimio wli&mt mo
S feelimugs were , I thought mill sorts of tliiumg :
' , Vliiie they tvere putting inc iii the cofihim
L imemrti time cleric tell nimotimec feitots' to be stir
mtiud see timuit time box tvmts iii'micrly marked
No. 1811 Arch street , Piuilacieiilmiu , , anti time
I hcmmow my folks had boon informed by tell
gruli of mny ostensible deumise , mnd ha
ordered toy remains home , 'rheim I tm'led I
kLclc amid imumdc an effort to shout , but
votmidii't ts'om'k. 'l'hey nut ume in time ccliii
scretved down timelid uiirl timemi ; itmt tIme coil
iii the case , fastened It muiti carried me dow
3 Maui , ioath'd flue Iii mmn eximm'oss S'llOii an
took mmmc to t lie depot.Vlmilo I or my be
iimtlmet. , wIlt sitting Ott the platormn tvaitin
- ( or time trtmln , not less tiiamm a dozen licopi
x'emmd the tag on time box. Omue.of . theta
a voting woiiumui , I shiotild judge by Imer vole
t , said to tier coinpaumion "poem' fellow , I wouuk
if Ime 'mis married nmmd wimetimet' he tvms lire
ty , ' ' imimmi otimer renu'.mrks ilko tiimmt. 'J'lmeni the
: loaded mao In cii oxpm'ess ear amid off I viiirlc
toward imonme. During the ( our days tiir
timat I is'mis aim tue road I m'otmiined conmsclou
although I was In what l'im3sidIulm '
3 wouirl term a coumutosu commditioi
3 That Is , I stmpposo I was. I vt
- immuudletl iu"ttY roughly several timmies by tt
iiaggmige nion tt'lien I Imud to be transferre
imut sooim bec4immie used to it. During nuy rid
I wondered what the folks would say au
S tvheru they would bum-y inc unit whether
would tile alter I was danted miiiil whmmt til
scuusntionim wouimi be. My thoughts tvoro amm
t timlimg but piessunmt , I assure you , amid if I lis
) been capable of so doing I don't doubt tin
I would have simivereil In my gm-are clothe
\'cii , In time , I arrived hon
mind tS'itS taken Into the iiut'h
aiitl I reaiiv dldmi't know what a iOPUIItI' miii
I ) model youth 1 was uimtil tlmmit time. Fmmtiue
- muiother amid ummy two sisters cried over mimu umr
till umy friend' , and relatives stood nm'ouuid al
- walnut case and put theim' iiimds on umy for
I ) bead and say , 'Poor imam'iie , it. doesn't see
as though Imo could be dead , 'Ain't lt.a tty
'Oh amy , oh umy , ' and suim expressions.
Li tried to sLoak and tell them I wasn't den
:3 Iut it was io go , and I laid Uuermi nil nigI
aud hoard ta- virtues otollcd anti ui cha i-it
, , '
, . , 1 , , ' -
. ' , ' ' . : ' : . '
' - - - . _ - _ - _ - - - - - - _ . . - - _
- - - - - - - - - - :
1mb acts inemitlomieti. I listened to time fellow.
I had ningieuh with as timoy told nchm other o
the serspes i had been imito with timeumi anit
tried to lammglm , bmmt couldn't. My best girl
caumo iii Iuxt morning null cried over inc mmimd
time lint teumrs fell cii tnT face iiimd I tried to
cr3' , btit muo , It. woulmlit't work timmit way.
I va about to glo myself mmii for
a goimer for titter everylxnly Immal bkldeni mao
fmmrewehi aimd the utiihei'tnkcr pmmt time lid on may
box-it iiii1 oumo of these glass tops , yotm
kumow-I nnmdo up ummy mnlmmd that it was mme use
trying iiumy more. Time 111111 bearers were nil
reimdv s'Iieui Nero , umms' big dog , cammie botiimdlmmg
1mm tIme rooium , and II believe somimeumitig muost
have told imliui I wums lii that box , for lie
jtiimmicd ) iii , on tue i'Ofluit laid bioke the gimiss.
A imiece sti-tmek time hi tile ( mice mitmil I begmmmm to
bleed a little. 'rime. utmdertmmker was
u'Iiu'mmlYzei litmt iimahngt'd to exelumiin ,
\'iuy this numtii Is alive I' Timeim my iott'cm' of
sieecii returned miii at otuce. Says I , iii its
firumi tones as I could eomnmmummimthhmmcli obilged
( cm' that stateIflOimt , ' 'I'lmeti there t'ltS ii
Pk'iuic , They lifted limo omIt of mimy wQothen
oVel.'COlmt , limit 1110 to bed , sent for
ml doetcur mmuuti itt ii ( ott' dmiys I tas mmii right
ititimough it was four weeks before I
WItS out ugimiti. MS' , best glm'l took care of inc
nimil next ( jimristnmits tsimeiu I go lmoimue site i
goiiig to bcconue Mm's Dow. You miceti not
Pm'immt that. lImit I must go , imci' Is mumytrumimi , "
ammrl ctmtciminug iils grips time tlruiimuner boam'ded
a dtiuimmmuy lot' Couiut'il Bluffs.
itimkhiig Iiiupm-ovenuents.
A Detroit drminmumiem' lmims often stoppeti t'itim
mmii old fmmrnmer ilelur ii country store , smmys time
Detroit Free Pmcss , gcttiimg supper , italgimig
iititl bm'cakfmtst , ftm tvimieii lie tvims cimnirged 7. .
cents , Oim his inst tu'ip lmc tvtms stit'it'isetl
t'iIeit he asked time mtuimouumt of his blii to bo
toiml ( limit It vas 2 , lie remmmoumst'umtecl , tvitim
the fui'uiicr and tt'umuitcci to icmmomv mm'i13' his bill
% 'mms lmtrger I i maim commi uloiu im ' &ii I , ' ' sli iii time
immimdiord , " 1 1mev been inaicin' sonm imnprovc-
iuic'iuts , ' '
'Bimt I luumil tile SUniC bed mutt tue meals
ver no 1cttor , , " replied time cutiiiuuermiith mmmii.
-I \Vlm mt inpt'ovemueimts li ave you imumdo I ' '
"Jest step out lucre an' I will shuom' you , "
i'eilied mmmc host , uuid lme led time guest ommt
oil time iiou cli amid imolmiteti to &r slgui rcuiimmg ,
"Botch. ' '
Vcstei'm Coniuiiet'eiumi Ti'uivt'
At time twemuty-ihm'st special ini'etlimg-of time
board of icrectem's of time Vcstcrim Comiumumer-
cliii Travelers' mtssociumtieii ? 1 C.Vetmmorc ,
ln'csidemtt , occupied time chair. Time foilowiumg
npiicaimts , 1mtvImig coim formed to the memluire.
unemmtm' of tlme coimstltutlomi , vem'e adnuit ted
uuiemumbem's of time ussociatlomm : Jumimues P. Litton ,
Geom'gc 'tV , OrtimVillis } . Lewis , F'erdlmuumtl
Cmmiimm , 1Vimmllclcl S. Ctmrroli , lredcm'lck II.
ShuuitimVilliIimil C. Scimmut ; Guido A. , flobymu ,
ltohem't D. rewis , 1"rank IIetlmge nuid 'J'lmeo.
tiort' i3loihi , of St. Louis ; ' ] 'read S. Aym'es ,
Litt'e.ltock , At'lc. ; hieumm'v N. Thoumsoim , Dm1-
its , 'Fax , ; JummnesV. . lim.insouu , Galveston ,
'J'cx. ; WlIhIamn IC. hiaroison , Ammstimm , 'Pox. ;
.lamuies B. lmVaiton , New Oi'ienims. La. ; Silas
K \Vchster , Loimoke , Ark. ; Ellis Nielmois ,
'J'crrc haute , Imul. ; .lanmes \ \Vailccr , St.
.EoSeilm , 1\Io. ; Alfred D. liowam'd Booacm'iiIc ,
Mo. , tumid , J. P. Ileiser , ICcokuhc , is ,
CimItugo of beumcllclimry was gramited Feeder-
Ick B. Egoliioft amid limirry Ii. ICectc.
Total nicuuubersimip to date , 1SOO.
To ( hue Vhoiesaie Houses.
Firms imavirug represemmtatives omm tue road
will thtiti it to thehi' interest to have sommie cue
iii tImeR' eluimie fum'nlsii timis colunuiu iteumis con.
eernlumg tiucim' drunmmers. , Time mi'rivais mumd
detrtmires , mntrr1umges , ' t'ieatlis , tccideumts , 1mm'
tidemits , and aimy other itemim miffectimig t helm
traveling salesimmemm mviii rt'ee'mve i'i'oummrmt atteim.
tiimm if admhi'cssed to thiej cirutnumer's depart.
muicuit ,
Onmuaha's Sunay Gmmcst.
Wlmen by hook or crook traveling mnen cmi
connive to limit In Sundms 1mm Omnihua tlmcy al
trays do so , and yesterday tlmei'c was a raft
of the fraternity in the city. Time hotei
s'crc crowded by theimauid , mm inoro genial
jovIal and contemited lotUof gemitienmen would
be hard to tlimtl. ii
At time Millard wem'o s cn : 3. Vosbnrg , St
LouIs ; .F. V. Zliimuumcripan , Cluiclmgo ; .1. P
Ulmency , Phiiamlelplmhi ; L' , Liuulcnberg , Nct
York ; J. C. bud , Cinmeago ; John Jicatty
Ogdemm , Utah ; S. M. White , New You'k ; W ,
a lenkins , New York ; 13. E. Fergimson
Cincinuiatl ; C. M. Parker , Boston ; C. Dobri
ncr , St. .ioo ; 000rgQ ICruig , SL Louis Join
Voiz , Cluicago ; G. 13. Saiter , Burllmmgtou
U. S. Illimekimuimmi. Chicago ; .Tanmes E. Ilommrke
Chicago ; ik'imrs' , Susnuiaumn , Boston ; H. C
Allen , New York ; C. J. Bracklamsim
Cimicmgo ; ; .1. A. Emlwmrds , New Yom'k
L. J. Bu'iggs , New York ; T. It. Stoekumit
CImlemgo ; U. C. Adams , Salt Lmiicc ; , Fommm ) Ji
Naylor , Chicago , II. B. Kitmie , Bum'iimmgton
Clumrles ( lastnmaui , Chicago ; George Ai'timmmm'
New York ; N. , Tmmcohisoim , Now York ; A. C
EIll'Ic , I'liiiatlelphmia . N. lfmmumter , St. Louis
Ab. l'orfzhcinmer , Now Yom'k ; M. I ) . Now
buRn , New York ; \V. Ii. Loweumsteln , Nov
York ; J. i-I. Patterson , Bostoim ; T. B. Mar
gnu , Cimicago ; James IC. Kuileum1 Cimicage ; S
'l' . lliyer , St. Louls IL C. Stewart Dem
Moines ; S. Ii. Joseplis , New York ; L. illocic
Cincinnati ; ( leorgo C. Pattem'soui , Chicago
' .1' . J. McMtster , Imidianapohis : L. . .1.'Jen. .
deli , Newark , N. .T. ; C. U. la Memia , Dayton
0. ; George S. Iloicunan , Ctmlcago ; A. Trues
thou , Peoria ; It. S. Cartem' , New York ; W'
It.Viilto , Cimicmgo : M. S. Jarmies , Chicago
Ii.V. . Dotlsoim , Cimicago ; Fl 0. Griluiths
Chicago ; . .1.V. . Ziniuncrinun , Cimicmmgo ; L. II
ileNainumra , Cimicago ; F. C. l'hmmicleimmlmnn
Nevi'orJc ; Curl Leopold , llmmi'iluigtoim ; C. I'
StaticCimicago : ; Charles Atilmuis , Nets' Yoric
. .Am'thiur . \Vumre , New Yot'ic ; (2.V. . FreItin
lnmi'g , Chicago ; \V. S. MIme Carg , Clmieago ; .1
\Toslitiug , $ t. Louts ; \V. H. Lm'ina , Chmicao
Thomilas Vm'anmdiess , Chicago ; .1. 'mV. ' Snymiem
13mltimmiore ; F't'ed S. l'mliles , Cimicago ; C. S
Humm'dy , Chicago ; A. 'V. LCiimsnuimmm , ltostoiu
1t1. J. Malommy , New York ; .1. W. Cross
Detroit ; l1 G. Chmeesobro , Chmfcago ; IV. l\I
Levimie , Now Yom'lc ; Lewis Meyers , Net
York ; C. I ) . Millem' , Ciult-umgo.
'rime mi4'm'iVitls at time otimr'r hotels tm-eec : 0
A. Javldis , Chicago ; F2. S. MeEcumney , Clii
eago : C. A. Iiumrimuumm , Neim' York ; II. C
Reed , Aubum'ui ; .1 , iI. Bullock , Kansas City
A.V , lily , Svm'acuso , ; C. A. Oboe , Nu\
York ; Lewis Ullinaim , Cimicago ; H. B , hack
maim , St. Louis ; C. E , Pitmummi'itlge , New Yoi'k
.r S. Rusk , IClilusas Citv It. B. Crotvie
New York ; Dlmmm Iliorgan , Cmiuciiunatl ; Uarr
Slinoims , Itocimester ; S. ' 1' . Leggett , ietm'oit
E. 'r. htowes , Oicaum ; J. A. Potter , Cimiclmgo
.1 . , 5 , Gm'een , Chicago ; S. Mcycm's , ChIcago
.v. C. Steveims , Chicago ; \V' . (1 , Milieu
New York ; H. Bilisomu , New York
j. 11. OlIver , Now York ; J , Clod
ummalu , New Voile ; F' . Cl. I Lcmlttcum Ohm k'ago
E. r4. Fitzgerald , Cou'thmmmmtl : J. S.'imceicm
New \'orlc ; IV. A. Iu'omis , I'hittIeij,1mIm ( , ; l. \ !
Simuisoum , New York ; C. C. 1mIitchieli , Ctmicmmgo
S. C , Aiton , Cimkuigo ; D. J , l'm'iden mmd 'IV. J
ltichirmrdsbtm , Demmver ; It. .1. Cross , Dunkirim
L. Weruiuser , Chicigo ; Ii. (2 , Micn , Net
\orIc ; .1. L. 'I'rmiuihuii , , imicmmgo ; S. E.'ai'i
ICummsas City ; P. 1msteii , 0 u'auirl Rapids ;
C. lleckwith , Evanston ; .T. (2. hlmull , Pmov
delce ; i' . L. 01dm , itaciume ; C. I" Ilaium1tn
ICaumsims Cit y ; Frammk Flut'rtt' , , Boston ; G. 'I' , 1 ,
gorsoll. New Yorlc ; ( I.W. F'reumcim , New Voi'hi
C ; . . w'ii , Buffalo ; V. A. Set'muioiim' , Gin
cage ; G. Ii. IloIgsouu , , cNnw York ; .1.
Atehmiimsomm , New Yon'k ; i , ' . Itciss , Chicago
\7 , 'i'aylou' , Toledo : \'m' . ' 1' . Tohbtims , Cii
t'ago ; U , II. Lowry , New York ; .1. 1
Strmmuss , New York ; .1. 'P. Ihlmishmmiw , Net
York ; W. V. EberohtI , Ciicimmnati , ; I
McGoodtvium , Louisvitlei It , D , Iioimth , Lotus
rub ; B. W. PenflelmI , Chicago ; II. F3'atmi
unore , Cimicago ; G. L. Osbormme. Dmvcumport
J Itcoder , CinciumnatiV. ; . ¶ 1' . itoberts Cli
cage ; .1. Norman , Ness' prlc ; 0. Id. eeit
Cimimimigo ; F. Smmuithm , Pekimi , Iii , ; C.Vigauud'
St , Louis : J. E. Neumduj , New York ; S. L
Ohijhmant , , Sjiringtlcld ,
Colonel Gordon C , Bonn , repm'esenting th
Wood Manufmmctmuriimg ewnpamuy , of St. J 0501)1
Mo. , tm'as iii the city during the fete part
last week , Coionmet Bean is one of the iluom
Popuiur amid t'cl1 Itmiowit ' 'knigimts of tit
grip. " ho iimts inaimy w rumi fm'londs as tvell e
good customers in Omah& .
One hundred and tmirty.thureo ) commerc1
travelers uppemldemi theIr signatures to Ui
Millard register during Saturday zulght an
yesterday. They formed mm merry party , aul
'betwcen thou' story telling and Practici
jokes kept themselves and theothier guests I
thai best of spirits.
- - _
lioumntng Widows's Weetls Un Sahie
Away lit a Iluuggy.
The , story ofIark Shmhimbimm'n 's mimu
adventures , his bold baui1-brcalciui
schemes , his success , his escapes tm'oi
jithi , anti hits flumal death In Behgiuumi , hi
trwakoned it flood 'of reniluiscemmec
tlii'ouglto.ut time state.
'rime story Isall time mnoi'&i Interestla
' fi'omn 'time ( mmcl. that Slilnburmm's eseal :
fm'ouu Concord , m'hm ich .wa accompi Isime
tsnty-ouie yeuLra , , ago , was the only , U
t 1
' , : ' ' , , , . , ' - ' : . . " ' : " : ' . .
: ' ,
_ _ _ : , . - ,
atttmico of a pm'tsoncr of promutnomice
escaping frboni the New linmnpshlro state
lm'Isomm. 'rime Doton Olobo gives the
following vtrtIct1hmmm's : Ito wums a good
lOoldimg , 5tvllsh inntn of dignifleti op.
penmrnluee , 1oo1tiig for nil the world In
his ordlnai'y clothes , 'itl Imis 1imighish
51(10 vIiUkers , hike wimnit lie pt'cteutrled
to be , it wealthy New York baumicer.
'l1lue cell iii ts'Imlait Ito mvmis conlitmeil
was otto of the sti'ougcst nail boost ccii-
trumi lii time pi'isoiu , wits btutlt of rock ,
auth tvo locks of time intest unproved
pottorti were emu the cell door , The hey
wheui 1)13 WIlS lit his cell , nevom'
out of the Imittids of \ Vnrdemihuiyo Di'
leputy W'ardcum 1)mmvis. If mmmiv nttetuipt
W8s ummimilo by lilmim to CSCII1)C ) It wmts 0X lie 1mm tIme ccli. but for over
mu Imue nionths he muodo no mumove or sign
but tlmimt lie expected to serve 1uI semi-
temmee , But time easy going , impparetitiy
( 'Oil ten ted mimitim s'tms nil tim is ti mime mumuth I a g
his it'elhmt'mttlouls to heave , atid cmi Dccciii-
bet' 8 , 180(1 ( , ho did , , tumcl New 1Iituumiiilrtm
lumts imi1isetl liiun evot' sitice.
The Mute pi'isoiu Iii those ( Inys was stit'-
rotmnded by it big heavy stone wail , t'itli
tmui cmiom'inotus pimmim k gate. Over the gate ,
Iii the dnvtimc , time gtbni" . stood , gun In
humid , Sumltmbmit'um , who it s'cekor so be-
fom'c I iuls tI mute hmmtl ltui'posel' cut ii is
lingem' brudly , lund been iii towed the tib-
et'ties of the ymtm'd , us was the ttustoumm lim
thuose days. Couufcclem'mites on limo out-
4ilO hmuid bored a ? um ely tim roug.Im I lie
tlmi'ec-inclm hihimtml . tvit ii luoies m'tiumui ag
into emmeli otimer for it space eighteen
luiiiei wide sititl twetmty-two Inches
bug , Thom holes IIiIIdO iiitd been hued
Ui ) tt'itlm iminstem of inmm'i. Time licuit'y , ,
tlmicft plnmui liming by mmiem'ely the tiiimi
letP on the Inside.
At tue c1oo of the afternoon's woi'k
time muon laid to take thou' miighmtlmttckets
fm'oimi I im froim t of I hm c i m' cell door , aiid I mm
siumgle file , in lock-step with the left
hmnuid out tii coumvlct's simouldem' prcct'd-
11mg1 they lund conic omit , himid emnptiei
thumu m buckets mit the fut'tlmei' cud , amid
vei.c t'ot uu'umiiug.
Now Slmimibui'iu Ptsed : time word dowmi
the hue , "lo mis , ( tin. " Bitt timey
mIld not umidem'stmuid hm'mmu. lie could mint
tell timeimi hofom'e for fear of thu mmslmitelm
( , t.s , ' ' nm those who blowcd to time w'um'-
deui were called. Suddenly its they
t'ere tui'mu lug a coi'lmer , Shiumirmm'mi thi'emc
his empty btmcket with nil his fom'ce at
time gutrd. : It hittmdcd short , thmorugh.
' , I'heuu at time to1) of his SIeel ho ( imii'tel
itcr oss time 3'mmrd toward it buhlditug.
i\lcmmntimne time line laid closcr1 mup as
though muotimiumg hind happened , ammd the
gtmai'd imot dat"iumg to leave time whole
line of mmmcmi to capture oiic unaum mntu'clied
timetim utiommg. Simiumbtirn rapidly mnumde
( ( it' time heavy t'eorIcii gate. ItVitS
closed ummud over' it time guard nmarclmeti.
As Sitinbui'mm came aloumg time gumu'd hurl-
hoed for iiiumm to stop. No heed
ts'lis paid , but Shinburn dashed on mm-
luai'mned. He reitciied time gate maid dos'e
itt it with his left simotildet' . The pvc-
1)1110(1 1)111cc fell out , leaving an itniple
hole thmi'otigii wh icit Siiiimlurn , wits
quickly oii time outside. Time alnm'un that
ii li'ISOflOt' immmtl escapeu was ringing
timrotugim time yard umnul action must be
qtiick. Foi' iiiti little tinme it close cam'-
tinge with a ( lime ioclcimig uiom'se lund beau
stmmumding it the SilCWitlk in fm'ommtof Mr.
Piilslnmm'y's elegummut m'csmdeuico. Next to
time prison \S'iiS It gmtrden nmmd iiCi'O58 this
SimI nihnit'im tied like a deem' . 'Tue emmmm'imtgo at , time smtuno tiummo. 'I'hmoy nict ;
time mmmii iii time cimrriuigc shmam'mly turned
witlitimit stoppimmg , Shiimmbtmrim jimunpad in
amid thay tcet'e oil like time wind , ETc
ttui'ned 1mm time cmtrm"mumge amid unur'ecl his
lmantl in it victom'ioriit goodhy at time mtl-
imiost ( ltmummhfounticd. gmiiird. It wums New
I-iiLtflhShi i re's niot. celebrated bmmnk rob-
hOi"it gootiby to time prisoum forever ,
Oiiti thmoiui.ammd dollars m'owurd vmts un-
mrmetliimtely olici-ed , as Shuiumbturum was the
utmost inmlortmumt coil vict they held , btmt it
has hiecum immiclrtiuned to this day. For
weeks time surt'oundiuug couiutry wt ;
semmm'ched. but lie could mmot iiimve more
cfl'et.'tively d'msappoam'ed if lie bitt ]
( im'OhleIi thmi'omugh to Cbimumm. lInt it mrp-
VOLt i'S I lint tm'iiiio time hmom'se w'mms dimslming
itt time tel ) of his s1ieed dowmm time stm'oet
of Couicot'd , Shinhum'n wits u'apidly ox-
chumumg'iiug : his commv'mct's stripes fom' r wid-
ow's weeds. Omice out iii time countis
nuid tue ciiuiumgo wits coiimploteti. At ii
little wayside station Mt' . &tnd Mt's
Merritt took tIme tiutimi for Coiucord.
I'mlm's. Itlorr'ttt wmts lii deal ) mumotml'miilbg
with it heavy veil over liar face , ( am
liar' emily semi , 'l'hioy put up at oume
of time leadiumg hotels 1mm Coucoi'd , and
time followiumg Iliotiling , mmftor a quiet
imighit jim the hotel , left fom' Boston , Nc
omme thought of commimeetimig timeni with :
the esette of Shmimiburn ( coin tIme stutc
ltisoli , over' whiclu Concord at that mo
macmit was irstommisimeti intel Item' mneim hmumit
I ng mmli tIme comuntry roimunI. But timidou
tiimit dee1) mmlourmming veil of time mtm'istm'o
ct'atic .looiciumg womnimmi thieve mt'mms thit
face of Irlimm'Ic Slmimibum'um , time most dutrimm
intuik rtilbcr and Ii'isOum breaker in Net
liii mtmIlm I t'e. 'l'hie ii rislamnci w'hms time comi
federate who Imaci waited svithm time teaumi
Time i'uinor' has beau fom' ydumi's tlmiL
Shiimmlnu rim mid betmveeum $15,000 mind 800,0th
jim bonie of time stitto baumics amid tiittt tin
state eomih'weirted it. As fiti' its caui b
uscci'taiumt'd the i'tummoi' is without foumi
tlmttiouu ,
Motr ttRFECY
Itssmmpem'Iorexeehlence proven in mhliloims mi
hoummes for mimer , , than quarter of it Cchitumiy. I
is uemI Ii ) ' time UnIted Stmmtes ( oS'orniiieiit. Eu
dorsel by tiio hiealsof , time great tuumlverstttoq a
thu , Strongest. Puireet and ! liost iioimhtimtumi. ii
Price's tin , ouiiy Baking Powder that doeiu no
contain Apiummonia , itumu , or Aimmnt , Sold oimly 1 ;
cauH , I'amCIll4Klxfl ; 1'OWmflLil Co. ,
New lork. Cimicairn. ut. t.oimi ,
Remmmnrknblmt foi'poWerful symp
Thetle ( omIt' , phlmmble mictiomi m&mmdmmb.
i'oiulti durability. 3t1 yemmr rscord ,
time host gunraimtee of time cxcii.
h'nce of these Itistrunments.
Olilalla Medi1 thspiisai
Umitier the Nauiugetnent of
Attention giveul to general prucnire anti sum
gory. Also treat vlmtonic amid private dIsea
0FYICY. * 51) 'nusi'VNSAIIY-s , w , comns'ni lit
ASh isurii , .rfti:1LTm4. :
OWc Ahvays Uieii. CiLmnultat1on Fre.
' ,
, ' ' ' ' . . ' . '
' ' '
' . -
I -
.r , - . . . . 'rri'm
fs Gene , 'ai Obeit'aiice in
Ltist Tb U it1aJ.
his Origlum Purely Aumiet-Ican-Whuat
Oimmnmhma l'eoiilo Jinit to Ho
Thmnimkrmmi For.
Tinmik-gim'Iimg , day iimt come maid goimo. in UtO.
on timmi iitim ibat' mit I ) * ceuumlmii' , t immi I 'I 1gm' ! 1mm
I'mtt hers hltmilt'i 1mm imuem'lc'I , , umimmi I mimnied liii ely
stt imsttio mm tlmty to 1t , , cImt'ut'eil tim gemmt'm'mm I
'I'imimtmksglvi mmg mmmm&i fmmsti imi. 'l'imimmmk'g it'ii mg nitty
hilts Slimee ijt'tnmuit' , mm g'mmn'rai ' lmctlkttmy iii time J. mmitcl
Sm mites , It lt'iimt , u PPItimtetl Ii tilt 1 , y tin' imcshlt'umt
by ii oelmm mmmmmt It'iu , mm ft em' tiimtciu 1 iui gor'mumoI's of
I lie se t''immi Sti I u mu iso I 'smmo timet t' 'm s'bantmi , tm'mi
to thmei m' U WO r , , imt It iteumey. 'I'imti ilt'opIo 1,1 Ni.
im'nskmi , ii mmli Imlumt ) ' I ii 1IC I iilmumk fmil tom' ; I ime t'u'.mps
( I , imImug t lie ycimi' iiim'n. , ttimm ilemit ) ' mnuimi I cii it tim Iu
110 cttleiiuiO has ( iet'hmst itt ( ' ( I I im e tnt t' , mUlti till
1-I'l lomis mmCCimll'tlt S Ii mt'o mimmirm'm'd I Imo mocnm'ml , of I lIe
t.r'mi' , tumitIt5 time tummmlmy ltt'Oiht ) , of ( Jmmmaliir imimme
lititi imioit CtillSl to 1HI tiiikti , , , , mi flint ihi' tiiaim
I imti faimmily ( if N m' , ! S'igg , rer.tilmig mit I Lw vmrmle'r ,
of Tn eni y elgiitlm multi Ihmmvdet to ut reit it. Last
J tmly Itilmiucime , it hit t it' iiv\'t'hii.'timi ii II ii imi em' nt
mti' . % 'IgMs , % mts tiktit sick tmiiu ( sCiiiit't fn't'em' ,
i-lie meom't'rcd fiomim I Ito d hst'ase , but 1mm it ft'u'
nIas nfler ) mmmi iil5C ( ' . $ fom'mmi'il , cmi her ul'tk muiIlem'
I ii t' iigimt rtmm' . mm m'tim'ouile iii m'.cess I lint tvmms t'imit 1mm.
I ill I 13' ilicimarg I hg hIltS. L'lmttmlc itisc'e's n plt'imls
ii ilier vamhmmtis muvslgmmlmt toim. mmmcii mms cuiim , $ Ct'ti'
fimloums or I mmtaiicuioims iibic , ' ' . I t Is nmn' , I hat I'm
i.lomv 1mm Its lim''gm'cs , im. fl'Igglit tmihkimug to
I lie reliorter mttolmt thu cmte. smkl : 't'lt itbeesm
In this ruse t'mm' , tile resumit of time -cimmiet fcvei' .
cim mommic mibces'm oltemu foiitm tmmg uiicim Immit' fim'mmms
of d isetist' , 'I'hio ii I'.t'il mm'ge 5 % ii t lIe mmu.t , mmfisa , ,
itt iligilt , oft rum smm I ii mmtt I mmg I lie lianmiiu ges we
w.ohm iti imli I ( tim It. 'e (1(1cm ti'cl , for It frtnm , J 1113'
uluit ii Si'pteummier , mmmiii It ItItS ccitt liumiliii3' J.iiOt % '
lag mvom'st' , mmiii is o bt'ruiliutl ( em' mmliii'umt'tI , , I
t tmt'iu mmci Iccil t ii mi iulvtm LI-emmient um of 1)u's. IIeCO3'
miimti I I eumr' , amiti t cilml iiiy sm'Ifo ilme huimmi itch ter
I mike liinnrimt' imimd go , ee I imein , i4ime diii uiumti Iii
oat' 100111 ii I ilL Immimi lmem' % veii , mis ) 'oui Sell t hii'i'e Is
ltd IlItig h'ft of it but mm Silgilt sear timuit t'hi I .ooum
is' gmnt iii 'it , . ' ' M r , ' , Vtgg'm cimi led I o ii bight mmiii
I'm ' et I ' lit t Ia gi rI mIll , , 's'ims llaytmmg w liii tIer I It II
ti't ilet' uiitti shmoweml time m'L'lmm'ter that her mieck
ismib Its tveil its evem' It tm'mms ,
Iil.A5'ciiti WIGOS.
Mr. W'Iggs resIdes lit time cormmer of Twenty
tIgimtlm fluid llturdetto streets , and wthl currobor
ate time above to ammy one doubtIng It.
Time foiiowing stmtenmemit regumi'illag Drs. Me
Coy amid Iteimry Is , umtcio upomi gootl atittiOrit3'L
"SPire tmese ? cmimIumemt pFlusfcahms lmat'e teeum 1mm tIn
tt'est. the7j hare treatea nmtt cumrol tmrer ( m thoim
timid cases of C0140Ti ? and ciiimfc ) tmrott ? aiim ! litum
troimbles. cumd of these cascs 40 er cct lied bce ,
( tecltired ( ibId l'OlOtiCCd , , ( , iimeumrabtc. "
The Symptoms Attending that Iiseasi
Which Loatt InConsimmuption.
\'iuiiu cmtarrlm has existed In tim 1it'al anl tlm
tippet. imart of tlmi timm'oat for mmumy h'nmgth of (1mm
-Inc patient llviiug 1mm a distrICt % 'lmere time pen
pie ai'e subject to cmttmmrrhaml mmtiectioii-amui , thm
elseumse hums becum left iiuiciim'ed , tim , cmtmmrrh : 1mm
vurlblv , , moimietItuie h4IoV.'l3' , 'xtemids ( iowmm ( hI
swtndiiuie aiiti Into time hruichlmml timie'm ) , s'1mIcl
tmmlns CtflVfl3 time alrimito limo diffeu'ent pumrts of till
Imiumgm. 'Vhs tuites bocmmi aitected Irma thin' swell
I mig tuid I Imt lhmUCOUS mn'lsliig fi'ommm cmmtam'rhm , anmi
In some Iti4taiiceul , becoimmes 1)liigg.l up so thta
the aIr cannot get ( mm as freely mum It houmic1
ttmtrtm1ess or breath fohiows , amid time pationi
breathi's m'Ith labor mind illimciiity.
lii either case thorn Ii us ouim4 of ci'ncklIum
aimmi mm'hmrezlng inside timu chest. At this stage 0
tlue disease tim , , hrelmtimlnmg Is usually more raptt
thmmum when Iii heaitiu. 'lime hiatleimt Imn also lie
fladme over the body.
'rime pahim tthmlch aceonipanles timls ( 'OliditiOn 1 :
of mm dull cham'acter , febi 1mm time chest. 1)ehihimd lii
breast bomb or immitler time , imouuhlm'r imiatini. ' ( 'H
palti mnay Collie miami go-imist us fus'daym mud ( item
hI ) iiiiseiit ( or sevei'mml otimetn. Time r'ouglm tlmtm
( ) ccumi.s lii time It-st stages of bronchial cimizmrrh II
dry , comes oum itt imitorvalm. ii imcklmmg In cimaractei
mmmid is mtstmumlly jimost troubiesounc iii time mnormiInm
( iii arising , or gmimi I 0 hi-it at umiglmt , itumd It nih. .
Ime Iii time first ovlUommee of the disease cxtommdlui
Into the lmumgs. ,
nmmn'tImt's timero nrc Ills of comugiming immdmicem
hiy tim touch mumctm'm so t'Ioim'imt its to cause t'oni
Itlng. Later emi time nuucmms thmmmt ii raised I
fommiitl to contaIn tumummll pimrtlcles of yellow must
tar , which lmmdicuites tlmmmt time uiiimf1 uibei ar
120w' aliccted. With this thu-c are often StroLmk
of blood mixed mt'ltim time munemis. lum solime c1uw
time path'umt becotuics m'n'ry 1)011' , hits f.'m'er , aim
' befom'u ' congim ' .
cxpectom'miICM iiflJ' appelim's.
1mm Iomumc , clues * mtmitlil iuunsses ot CilOls ) ' Slit
.tmtmmce are siIt Imp , tvhmlcimmm'lmoi , pressed ll'ttvcnN
time Itimgers. emIt im iiuui odor. lii otimet' daises pat
tItles of a iiammi , cimaik3' mmatlmm'e utro spit imp. I'lm
ralsiimg of cimt'oy or cimalky lumps lnillemttes sc
mIous imiichJet mit. work Iii time immimg'm ,
lii iouhn ? CilbIS ciitii.i'ihi mm'ilt n'xteml into tim
lii nmg hum mm t , 0' tV'Ck4 : Ihi other emit o m It hilly b
mouths , mmfltt cm''mi eItis , 1t'foro , tim tll'o'asc at
tacks the iiings tmmillclemitiy to cutmse , s'u'iotms lu
terferemmeo tvItim time getmeral ium'mithi. : 'hieum Iii
nllst'mt-e : Imam ml.vm'iopcml I o incim IL jitli imt the Iti
( lent Is iaItl to hILt'e cmmtari'imul Cmmiimiuiipthmi
t,1t ii irl umimlai cat ai'l'im timei'e IS ilIml'o ) 01' ic ,
fevem' tm'Iulch dIVers tillim tile nliiT'i'l'lit iimrts ( I
tbmm' dt'- slIght lit t lie mmuommming , hmlgluer 1mm ( Ii
aftermiooim and evemmlumg.
What It McanilJLow It Acts , ni
WIHSt II ; Ii.
You sneeze tm'hen you get up him the umornini
3'emt try to siieezn your 11050 oir evemy tlimio ye
imic m'xpoetl to tim least draft of mmli' . You imut
a fmmhiumess ovem' tim flout. of time fti'chmeimnl , an
lila flO1fl feels as if Iliero tt'as mm iilmig Iii cccii imo
trii , whmicim 3'li camimmot miIiIge , , , , You imio' , 3'oi
umoss iiimtii onm' cliii ( 'mtlek , bit it doum't (10 flit
good , mmimml mime onmy i'esimlt Is that you succeed I
getllimg tmim Ii'C ) ' u'otl umoc , mmci 3'tml 5(1 lirltal
tile htumtimg uimoinbialmO of thou orgumt tilat you itt
imimimimit' to imrt'athc , Iimrommgim It mIt miii. 'Ximls I
coi'i'ect anti imot o'i'imlr.mwii Plctmui'O of acute a
lick of catt&tm'i'Im , ( Jr "Sneezhumg Cumturrhm , " as It. :
caihm'mh ,
Now' . tt'hmAt tici's ( hitS coumliton ! imuliclite ? VIm' :
a colti timmmt ( 'alises limmicuis to lL' Polmr'l omit L
till , glands in the nose ; timemi tiioe tlI'ceasc
gianmim mom'c amttai-ked 1,3' swarmmms of little germs
tue cmttari'im gem'mn-timitt Iloat In time milr lum a I
cahity where the ( iil.'lo.O Is prum'alm'mmt. 'j'imesc , mi ,
Imutaicllile Iii t heir tO nits to ibid a loligmimeil
Irritate time semtItivn , iimeimmbrmiumi'e linIng of Ii
11050 anti imimtmimO iuimdertmtkc4 to mid hmersoif
timt'mmi by iirotimclmma , mm fit of mule'zIug.
Vhmeui tile ii0'e3 hecohumt's tlii'ii w'Itim timlckene
tll'mt'hmSi ihitidilS tim l flltt4iTmti ciummumimels ( 'ci' the Ii
I m oilmmct iou of mmliinmi o timt himmigs Is I ut ci'tem' .
with , , imuid the l'rs0hi IO rmIiectm'ti mnhmmt 1)1 oath
I tmi'oiigim miii , inutmtii mmtm1 i y siim'Im tmn'imims t I
throat lim'cznumues ll.mrCumCi uumi it'3' , humoring I'm jim'
( iiicCl , 101(1 limo c'mttlmrm'imal dIseam gutlu.m rca
access to 1110 timrOmt and lungs ,
14)10 of BelIei'iie Jlosidtal , N. Y. ,
have Othlces
Cornier ifIthi anti llnmrney Street
Ommmsima , Nebraska.
Wimere all curable cases are treateti whOm so
cess. 1"letiicumi dIseases treated sktlifuiiy , ( o
suroptiomi , Iirlgimt'mm Ilisoase , iiym.polmsln. itilO
mmimttisui. amid miii Nimmvmus 1)mssAsmmm. All dl
eases peculiar to the sexes a specialty , Ct'r.tuir
CossUi'rATiOs by nualior at 001cc , * 1.
Otlice liours-9 to Ii a. ma ; 2 to t p. ma ; 7 to B
In. tmnd U ) Inuciimde'd.
Coi'reMoumdemmco mtcctves urommmnt uttoumtloa. (
Mummy dlsenseti art' treated smmceesmnfmiily by Lr
McCoy ttiii , ilt'niy timmougim thoi uiaiis. amid It
thus logIhIit , for tiio'o tuulailin to immuke mm joti
api th obtain successfrmi Imoipltal treatment
their imoines.
NO iettn'i aumsw'vi'ed tmmmless accompanIed 1
c In titumiumps.
Aflmlress all it'ttCi' to Ors. McCoy & hleumi
Itiomn.s flO maid U1l , JLuumu hiuIidtmu. Qmuub
ebruska. .
. . . I - , - '
Who Is 'IAJL , N'ERS'OVN. flTTitLtTA.
TEl ) , sviio Iii imli I'OII.Y stil I4)ltAN'E
has TRIFIEl ) awimy iiiti 'IliOIt of IIODY ,
, I I S U 501(1 tAN1ItlI ) . n'nimsiumg cxhmnmmMlng
draIm , upotu tim I'OV41'AINN or itri.
IIEAIt'ii I , itti4AcIiE , Du'eamlflmt
tream. ) WF.AKNF.MM of hltcmtty iI4it-
FUI.N IMN : Iii NOIIE'ia , rut i' .is : impoum
limo EA'E. ninth till ( lie EI'I'E(9N lenltmmmc , to
EAUI.Y iEAT suit h''rimfli5 ( 'OSi1Mi' .
'lION or iiSANITY siiommlth eommmmit itt ouico
time ( Ei.EUutt'i'FI ) b. Cisike , Estniligin ( (
15(1. ( ir. Cisrke im minnie PEItti'N IF.
iiu.l'rY. CIRItONIE ammil cii Ihseasca of
( ito (1ENITI ) i1RtSAit 1)rgmmlu , it
ittiiiiy. It mmiskes N4) tIIicrm'ueo ( , 'JiAT you
! .tate timkeui or iIl ) has filcd to cmre , 'oii.
* -FEtA tES tiumiTerluig from nhiscmmscspevm.
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