Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 05, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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AWano Citizen's Statement oftho
Oauoo of the Trouble.
Growtli mid llrlglit 1'rospeclM of
Illtclicnck Comity's Capital An
yericitccs In Woiuliif ; >
t/nlrotlicr1y Knnsniis.
WAO , Kan. , IJce. 3. [ Correspondence of
the HiiK.J There appeared In your paper of
the 25th ult. n'special from Bird City , bf this
county , contradicting n telegram from Hen-
kclmuti which appeared In your paper of the
SfHt ult. , to which I wish to reply. Hlrd City
IK within ftlx miles of the cast liu.o .ot the
comity nnd twenty-eight miles fi-oni the west
line ; eighteen miles from the north linu-nml
twelve miles from the south line. Wnno is
in the bxact center north' nnd south , nnd four
teen miles from the west line mid twenty
miles from the east lino. Hlrd City in
March , Ibbti , got up n secret petition com
posed principally of fictitious names , pre
sented it to the governor nnd got the temper-
nry county seat. She had two commissioners
nt > i > ointcd and the county clerk , while Wuno
got one commissioner. The llith of May was
Bet for election , und only thrco polling plat-en
were given the whole county one nt Hird
City , one at Wane und one nt Hour-glass.
Wuno received 7SS votes nud Hird City 405.
Uird City. however , wquld not
BCU ! mid sign her poll books when the count
was finished , but deposited the poll-boohs
in u safe without being signed or sealed ,
Htatltig that they , the Judges of election ,
had two days to do that in. The election wus
held on Saturday nnd on the following Friday
the commissioners met to canvass the votes
on permanent county scat and county o niters.
When the Hlrd City poll-books were oiKmcd
the tally sheets showed , instead of 477 votes ,
that 1U&9 votes had been cast In that pre
cinct , aud nuhscqucnt Investigations showed
that 012 fictitious names were added to the
list , nnd In the face of nil this bruren fraud
Hlrd City's two commissioners counted this ,
which gave that town the permanent county
seal nnd nil the county oftlcers hut one com
missioner. The names of the two commis
sioners who did the counting were John F.
Murray und J. M. Ketclimn , Wano's com
missioner , W. W. McKay , withdrew and
would have nothing to do with the count.
Wuno immediately urrebted all the election
board und issued u writ of mandamus un the
district clerk to move his office to Wano. The
case was heard by Judge TJ. 1C. Pratt on the
10th day of August , 18SO , and ho decided there
wus .no election for permanent county neat
for thu reason that the commissioners ordered
no registration , as rcimircd by law. Uird
City appealed the case on the 12th of Ootolwr ,
18SO , to the supreme court , which heard the
appeal on the 'Id day of May , 1S87 , and throw
it out because it cunio up one day too lute.
In consequence Hird City still holds the In November , IbSO ,
t vo had u general election again for county
olllcers anil at this election wo got one com
missioner , one county attorney and district
elork and Hird City hud the returning board
and counted in tlio remaining eleven officers
for hoi-Milf. This fall Wuno caw lit to run
strictly n west side ticket and Hird City a
full east side ticket. When the returns came
In on Wednesday uflur election the west .side
ticket was elected. This is the ticket that
was rightfully elected , but on Friday , the
llth , when the commissioners .not to canvass
the votes they found three fraudulent pre
cincts made up and manufactured out of
some moro fietielous names and thrown in
with the other poll books. Two of the com
missioners. Long and Cutlult , who desired to
see right prevail , adjourned their session on
Friday afternoon and wont to the
houses where these three fraudulent
polls were supposed to \m held !
At these polling jmiccs there were east ! U3
votes , which , if counted , would count out till
tbo west side ticket except treasurer. Theo
t -o commissioners who represent the west
nud south sides of the county , upon reaching
these three houses , found from the men
themselves owning the premises that no
, election was held nt their houses , mid so
stated to the board , nnd when they looked nt
the supposed list they were indignant , and
said they were fictitious nnd not n name was
known to anyone in the country. The com
missioners , on reassembling on Saturday ,
the 12th , wrote to the attorney general for
advice , nnd adjourned in the meantime. The
two commissioners eama to Wnno and told
our people that the people would have to help
them out , ns their lives were thre.itane d by
Hird City'lf they did not count in these thre'e
fraudulent precincts. So on the llith , not
having henvd from Attorney General Hrnd-
ford , the people from nil parts of the countv ,
the east ns well us the west , went with two
of the board to Hird , mid at the sumo time
they sent for the other commissioners and
county clerk , but Hird City captured these
two ollk'iuls. They were not seen that day
by the boaiil. At 13 o'clock the
commissioners convened , appointed
a deputy county clerk , and proceeded with
the count nnd declared all the west side
ticket nnd the east side commissioners
elected , and issued certificates accordingly.
Since then the county clerk and one. commis
sioner issued certificates to the east side
ticket. There are about twenty-five persons
In Hlrd City who uro entirely alone in thin
ballot box stuffing and ihuking fictitious poll
bonks , while the country people on the cast
Bide are Joining in with the west side to seat
those who are rightfully elected. Hird Citv
lius scut to the governor for aid. . Cheyenne
county is amply able to tnko care of herself
without uny-milltia , und if anybody-is hurt it
will bo only u few ballot box stuffcrs ot Hird
City that the world und Cheyenne county can
dispense with anyway.
Ciilbertson'N Advantages.
CuuiuirrsoNNeb. . , Dec. 2. [ Correspond
ence ot the Hui : . ] Early In the 700 a com
pany ot H. & M , surveyors , who were look-
lug up a route to Denver , p.issed up the Re
publican valley and camped where the beau
tiful und never-changing Frenchman Hews
Into Iho river from which the valley lakes its
name. Tlio beauty and natural aitvuutages
of the spot for a city ut once attracted their
attention and shortly after U. N. Smith and
George W. Frank , then of Corning , la , lo
cated the hind where Culbortson is now situ
ated. About a year later the county of Ilitch-
vock was orpinized and Culbertson was se
lected us the seat of county government
Among the early settlers who took part in
the affairs of the county at that time , and
who are yet living in It , are W./ , Taylor ,
who was county clerk for ten yours following
the organisation of thu county , aud later rep
resentative to the state legislature twc
terms ; G. K. Haldwin , a typical frontiers-
nmn , for many years sheriff of the county ,
nnd Charley Gesselman , the first man to fol <
low the plow In the county ns u means ol
livelihood. For a number of years little 01
no uttentionwas pursuits ,
nud Iho cattlemen had complete possession o ;
the fertile nnd boundless plains. In 1S7S U {
considerable number of new settlers ciinu
Into the county , but for several years nftei
Uils thu immigration wit. light and the festivi
cowboy was the most prominent cliaractoi
met in the sparsely bottle * ! region. In the
spring and summer of ' 84 the homesteader :
crowded the cattlemen westward und sooi
after hud possession of every available quur
tor bection of government land in the county.
Sineo then Iho settlement of the county hu >
boon rapid and to-day It contains u populutioi
017,51X1. For a number of years Culbortson
wus thu principal trading nluoo for tlio ranchmen -
men of Hie Upper Uupubhcuu und French-
luuu valleys. With Uio udveut of the home
s.uulcr commenced u becson of prosiH-rit.v
lor Cnlbortson that has continued uninter
rupted ever since. WJillo she has ut no tiuui
hud what might bo termed n "boom , " hoi
growth has been steady and of the most
healthful character.
At Iho commencement of this growth , Just
thveo years ugo , the town contalnpil less
than n hulf-dozen respectable buildings nnd u
few sod shinnies ami dugouts , Now it bus n
l < ot > ulution of fully eight hundred as1 tun-
tains a number of WUBUICSS houses that wouhl
bo u credit to any town of triple its blzo.
The oriole block of G. W. Danluls & Co. , and
tip new * 10WH > briok school house erected
this soiibon would iimUo a vyi'y cieditnblu
showing In thu uity of .Hustings or any other
I'ity of lts > size. A brick hotel , u brick opury
house , nnd n half brick residences
have been completed thl season. A $10.000
roller flouring mill , the finest iir western Ne
braska , Is trenrly.compleU'd and will bo ready
for business before the 1st of January , 13HS.
A number of frame business houses nnd n
score or more of roomy and substantial
frame dwelling houses were built during the
mtmmer-.iml full of IS1) ) ? , and a numl ermoro
nro now under process of construction.
Four largo brick blocks will bo com
menced in the spring , the plans and
preliminary .arrangements having al
ready been tnado for the samo.
The season of 13S3 will bean
an unusually lively ono for Culbcrt ,
son and promises to bo the most prosperous
ono so far in the history of the town. Sev
eral great public improvements are in con
templation , not the least umoiig which Is the
Culbertson canal. The route for this canal
has already .boon surveyed by the projectors
of the great Kearney canal , and-tho report of
the engineers who had t'linrgo of the work is
very encouraging. At u cost not to exceed
JO,000 n canal twenty foot wide at the bottom
tom and thirty feet wide on top , having an
average width of twenty-five feet and n
depot of five feet , with a fall of one foot nnd
six-tenths to the mile , will bo dug from n
point seven miles northwest on the French
man river , the watcrs of which will bo con
ducted In the canal to u point north of the
town , where a direct fall pf thirty-six and a
half feet will bo obtained. Uixm n liberal
calculation it.uai been found that the total
water fall thus gullied would afford 1,54(1 (
horse power , or twenty-four mill powers of
the standard capacity. The citizens
of Culbertson and vicinity stand
ready to vote $15,000. , In aid of the
enterprise ns soon ns n company is organized
and the proper obligation entered into to
faithfully perform the work. With this
water power Cnlbortson will soon bo n man
ufacturing city second to noiru in the state.
With a splendid agricultural country sur
rounding her nnd with umplo railroad facili
ties her locution and water jwwer will com
mand the attention of the manufacturer seek
ing investment in this'westcrn country. The
location of the town nt the Juncture of the
Republican nnd Frenchmen rivers , two of the
most beautiful streams in the stato. llowjng
throuL'h valleys of unequalled fertility , i.s
most advantageous. The Frenchman , a
stream fed by numerous springs , is seldom
affected by periods of dry weather , ( lowing
about the same amount of water all the
year around. The now Frenchman Valley
& Wyoming railroad , running from thisplaco
to Cheyenne , n distance of y. > 0 miles , will bo
completed in the bpring. It will bo the
B. & M.'s main line to the
capitolof Wyoming. The throocnpitol cities
Lincoln , Denver mid Cheyenne are equi
distant from Ciflbcrtson and each is reached
by a direct line of road. With the contem
plated road from the south the railroad facul
ties of Culbcrlsoh will not bo equalled by
another town in the western part of the state
and her location guarantees her this position
for many years to come. The indications are
that the B. & M. line to Denver up the Re
publican valley will bo puralolled soon by the
Rock Island or the Kansas it Oinnha com
pany , nnd that Culbertson will bo made the
division station on this new line. It Is also
believed by many that the H. it M. company
will move their division station from McCook
to this place , The reasons assigned for this
belief are plausible. It is reliably stated that
the water at McCook is strongly alkaline and
is very destructive on the boilers of engines ,
which is not so with the water of Culbertson.
The H. it M. company is not apt after its
business increases on the Frenchman
line , to run its trains twclvo miles
between this place and McCook , for nothing
but to reach a division station. Witli the
division station at Culbertson , the cost at
tending this run of twelve miles amounting
to a largo sum of money in a series of years
would bo saved. The money thus saved
would boon build a good round house and
machine shops. Culbertson was the place
holcctcd for the division station by the H. &
M people when the line was build through
here , and for a year or more was the end of
division , but when the Lincoln Land com
pany failed to get control of the townsito it
was moved to McCook , where the company
had purchased a section or moro of lunO. .
When the company 1ms dlsposiji , - , this laud
at hip figures they will move back to Cul-
b'jrtsm , Which will bo the chief city of the
valley. What Culbertson now needs moro
than anything else is moro live , energetic
businessmen. Men of means. Men who lire
not too near-sighted to recogni/b the mani
fold advantages by which Culbcrtsoii
is surrounded. Men who , seeing her
opportunities , will lend a helping hand
and push thp rising young city to the front
position which nature has destined her to oc
cupy. Culbertson has a number of live nnd
progressive citizens and moro nro constantly
locating here. On these depends the future ,
in a largo measure , bf ono of the prettiest
towns in the great Republican Valley.
District Court nt Wahoo.
WAHOO , Neb. , Dee. 4. [ Special to the
BUR. ] District court bus disposed of a largo
amount of business this week , of v/'aich only
the railroad case * nro of general interest.
Fred Hemnilg , in his suit against the Fre
mont , Klkhorn it Missouri Valley railway
company , for damages to bin lots abutting on
the defendant's right of way , lecovercd a
verdlet of § 47fi , und the Jury in the case of II.
II. Horsey against , the same railroad company
similar to the llrst case rendeicd a verdict of
* liK ! ( > for the plumtilT. The motion for a new
trial in the $ -'D,000 damage case of McClegli-
niihan agaiiibt the Omaha & Republican Val
ley railroad was argued by Messrs. Gray it
Mungcr , of Fremont , ami IColloy , of Lincoln ,
nnd taken under advisement by the court.
"Wyoming Xc\t.
UIWMSS , Wyo. , Nov. 27. To the Editor of
the BRK : If jou consider a few remarks
gathered from personal observation on this
land of "Large Plains , " ns I understand the
word Wyoming to mean , can interest the
readers of Omaha's leading paper , 1 shall
fcei pleased by an insertion giving cursorily
nn exDoricnco of two months' rcsidcnco
among the Rocky mountains. A foreigner
by birth , pursuit of health by medical ad
vice drove mo across the Atlantic. Two
years have been spent visiting eastern and
midland cities between the day I landed in
New York and last September , when I arrived -
rived in Wyoming. During these two
yours I cxiwrienred no improvement
in health , and lor the first few weeks hero I
felt a tension of the nerves , a shortness of
breath , and an unaccountable excitement of
spirits , without the strength necessary to
take that exercise that induces sleep which
is the great soother of nervous irritability.
The third week a change set in and every day
since there is a marked improvement. I can
now take my gun and walk without fatigue
for six continuous haul's across tlm country
in pursuit of game , returning with some
trophies , nnd an upixitlto that winks nt de
cency. Thanks to the pure und invigorating
air of this high altitude. Wyoming has a
scenery of its own ; it is not relined , it is
nature's mdo production mighty plains ,
hugo mountains , and winding can.wns. Hut
It is not the aspect of the country
that will most interest readers , it is
its natural resources. Not long nnd Wyo
ming must come to the front. Already capi-
ihil is pouring into it , and capital that whilst
it will remain in the land will increase itself
tenfold. Tlio coal , precious metals , and oil
mines of Wyoming can no longer remain a
"hidden troiisnm" The great Rattlesnake
and Natronu districts , sonic UK ) miles north
from Rawlins , H nourishing cityon thu Union
1'aeillo railroad , have hud overr ; > , lXX ) now oil
claims located upon them this year. Many
of these claims have natural Mowing wells ,
that if not plugged , the subterranean curient
of gas would foi-eo the oil from .sevciity-dvo
to UK ) feet Into the air. So gnut has been
the rush into these districts
during this year that tlio same
ground has been located upon as often
as from live to ten times by different
parties , but of coniho the lira locator- , com
plying with tlio laws have the title. Some
of thaso claims have already changed hands
for considerable sums. 1 met u party ot live
who made locations last year. This year
thev sold some of their claims , and lor un in
dividual expenditure of less than f."iO they
each netted f l.Ooo. If I hud an intention to
remain In this country nud un ambition to
speculate on a sure thin ; ? . I cannot imagine
anything moro tangible than the oil Holds of
Wyoming. The development of those liclds
is only retarded by a wunt of trunsiwrtation
which will soon be biipplliM , The Chicago .t
Northwestern is Just about completed into the
very heart of these districts , and two
other roads are spoken of us tmlnir j' ojwtiul ,
A i-uuiilry producing oil t-oal , natural gas ,
gold , silver , pnl J , 'eTc. , will hardly go bog-
gincforu | H > | iulatk > ! i. Jf the casturn citioa
of America could persuade their wjeiii'.ists ,
nihilists , communists , uuajvliUts uu.l nil tuulr
other VlsuvJun-Nts. with their follower * , to
come west thu immiu domain of 'this grout
las 1 would b " "QvoloircJ , aud u speedy uud
happy relief would bo found from.thc dis
tress which these Illusionists tirctend to
remedy. I do not seek to crowd the columns
of your influential journal. I merely wish to
express my gratitude to Wyoming for the re
storation It has ciTcctcd In a comparatively
shattered constitution , hoping that the Information
mation may-bo of use to some other iioor vic
tim of feeble health. This is n thriving town
of some 11,000 inhabitants , with nil
the conveniences , city water , etc. , that
may bo found in many nn eastern
city of a population of 10,000. The proprie
tor , Mr. John Shelter , of the Brunswick
hotel , which I have mode my headquarters
whilst here , will cater to the taste of the
most fastidious , setting up a table and pro-
vldlng llrst-cluss beds that can favorably
compare with the accommodation nlTonkxl
at more pretentious centers. ' '
AI.FIIRD Tnnimi : ,
Windermere , Eug.
City Ijlfo ns AtTcctliiK Iialior. '
Rev. W. J. Hurshn Is preaching n series of
Sunday evening discourses on tlio labor
problem. Synopses ot them will appear In
the Hun. Ho took for his text last night
Daniel 4 : as. "Is not this great Babylon
which I have built ) " Ho began by givinun
description of the remarkable growth of
cities. Tlio whole population of the world
seems to bo tending In their direction , if swo
could take wings nnd fly nround the earth wo
would find seventeen great centers of popula
tion each with moro than < > 00,000 inhabitants.
They nro London , Paris. Canton , Novy , York ,
Berlin. Vienna. PeklmSIngun Faiu S&ngtun ,
Tlcntslng , St. PctersbUrfT , - Vhlla-
dolphin , Tschlngtu , Moscow , Cal
cutta , Bombay and Constantinople.
In these you will ilml samples of all the
splendor , wealth , mugnlllcciico and misery
of the world.
There Is a new word being used now. Wo
say a man is an Erostratus. Wo mean by
that that he has a mud hope to nmko himself
famous. This Jh-ostratus was un ancient
fanatic who sot fire to the temple of Diunu in
Ephesus on the night that Alexander the
Great was born. When the magis
trates asked him why ho had done this
ho replied : "Hecutlso 1 wunt my numa tp bo
known to all the earth. " And tbjJ magistrates
iiasscd a decree consigning his nauio to ob
livion. Hut that very decree inndo him
famous. Now 1 am not nn Erdstratus. " I
have no now theory to advance. I have no
torch to apply to the temple of well-tried
truth. I wunt to help tlio worklngmcn. 1
have tolled in the fields as a laboring man
myself. I received wages nnd by them I
helped to put myself through college. My
sympathies nro with the toilers.
What then is city life ) I might take you
through Omaha and show you practically
two distinct cities. I might take you to the
homos of the wealthy. You would trend
Ux | > u velvets. You would sit in elegantly
upholstered chairs. Yon might moot tlm finest
and most cultured people of the city. A id
you would go away and say "Omaha is ono
of the most huppy nnd cultured cities I have
over been in. " Or I might take you only to
the hovels and slums. There you wouhl see
misery and wretchedness and sin. Crime
would biiurl ut you und ribaldry would mock
nt you and poverty would weep in its rags.
Then you would say , "Omaha is u most
wretched place. "
Now in studying city life wo arc met with
the difficulty Unit somrfobservers have soon
only the gooiJ and some only the bad in cities.
Lot us take a wider viuw. There are some
advantages , there uro many disadvantages
in it.
The advantages are as follows : A city Is a
convenient business center. The railroads
converge there. The ( treat retail and whole
sale stores are there. The pleasant hotels uro
thero. Husine&b men como in from tlio coun
try and can buy all they want , as they could
not do in a small place. Then there uro intel
lectual advantages. A city is the place of
brightest minds. I do not mean that there
nro not Emersons and Whittlers and Haw
thorns who develop in the solitudes of the
country , but by coming inor.tfict with other
bright ininils a man is sharpened and
improved. He has the benefits of the
great libraries in the cities. Then there are
aesthetic advantages. The arts mid sciences ,
the pleasures of music and literature all cen
ter in tlio cities. If New York is the publish
ing center of the world Hoston is the ( esthetic
center of the country. And then there nro
advantages to religion in u city. Dr. Guthrie
contends that the highest type of piety is
to be lonnd in cities. It is certain thht
in cities the lines airo , more 'strictly" drawn'
nnd men who believe are forced to stand > np
more.firmly in their beliefs , and .this gives us
an aggressive Christianity that is very valu
able. "
Hut what are the disadvantages of cities !
The first city was built by Cam ; a murderer.
It was founded in blood. S6 , ever since that
time wo have had the principle crime UK.l
wiHstchedness in cities.
One of the bad. thiligft in cities is extrava
gance , ilftny a young man lives beyond his
Salary. Many a working man spends all his
wages and saves nothing for a rainy day.
The reformation was precipitated by the ex
travagance of the Roimin Catholic ; pope , and
many a homo has been darkened
by the same means. AjiOtlfcr bad"
thing is the saloon. Workingmen spend their
money there instead of taking it homo to
support their families. Of course , when the
pinch comes such u man is thrown out of
employment , and having nothing laid up for
a rainy day , ho howls for anarchy.
I cannot go further into the subject to
night. By being industrious , frugal nnd
temperate , the mini who has work can ut
least get along comfortably. That conclu
sion we have surely , reached. Xext/Subbatlt
evening I hope to go further into the mibjcet
by discussing "The Working Classes Their
Demands uml Needs , "
I'vrsonnl I'
F , A. Lyons , of Dunlup , la. , is at the Wind
D. G. Jasmer , of Crcighton , Neb. , is in the
W. E. Andrews , Dos Moines , In. , is in the
city.P. .
P. Martcl , Cedar Rapids , la. , Is visiting in
the city.
.T. L. Knvanaugh , David City , Neb. , Is in
the city. '
.1. N. Rico , of Des Molnes , In. , is at the
R. E. Harris , of Des Moines , la. , is at the
H. D. Travis , of Lincoln , Neb. , is nt the
J. I. Sullivan , of Beatrice , Neb. , is at the
Windsor. +
H. Husklns , of Rapid City , Dole. , is at the
Windsor. , <
F. H. Xlcbach , of Plnttsmouth , Nob. , is at
the Windsor.
A part of the Kirnlfy company is registered
ut the Cozzens.
W. E. Burtlett , of the B. & M. railroad , is
nt the Windsor.
Lawyer W. J. Thompson , of Benkleman ,
Neb. , is in the city.
Charles O. Taylor , U. S. A. , of Robinson ,
Neb. , isatthoMillard.
Miss Emma Jones , of Beatrice , Neb. , is
registered ut the Windsor.
W. H. Ray , St. Cloud , Neb. , is among the
many arrivals utrtho Cozzens.
J. D. ICilpntriek und wife anil Miss
Gregory , of Heutricc , Neb. , are visiting in
the city.
Joseph Mclnrath bus returned from Hoston
with his bride und taken tcmi > orury iiuurtors
at , the Millurd.
John Heatty , Jr. , western agont.for Klrlten-
dull , Jones it Co. , located at Ogdcn , Utuh.
has arrived In the city.
Messrs. E. F. Warren. J. C. Watson , F. T ,
Ransom , W. T. Camilu and Henry Hlum
represented Nebraska City in the city yes
terday. _
FOP sale Five , ton , fifteen and twenty
nero triiets near South Onmlin from $210
to &J50 i > er aero. Look this up and coin-
pnro prices with adjoining property.
Potter & C'obb , 1001 r'aruntn st.
iitciy wli'i cli-iuea irl < clion In style md forin
should , x r Ihcm. Manufactured only l > r the
* * 1" * J U' > iuk t tucil , Cuiu
u n
Chances For Ofcrqat Sport nt the
Middle-Wai ht Contests.
\Vlmt Ho ThlnkMtif the 1'rosppcts
For Huso Hall Next Hen.sou
la Omutm-i-Othcr Hport-
) ! ' "A
The MhMlo-VolKhl Contest * .
Sporting circles nre'itll ago over the middle *
weight championship contest to como off ut
the grand opera house this evening , nnd
It Is n very general tiicme of eoversutlon.
Such a lengthy period bus elapsed since an
opportunity has been offered to witness any
sport of this character , thatj the- event makes
n very extensive revival of enthusiasm , and
the sports everywhere nro on tip-too of ex
pectation for a regular fistic imitlncc. The
prosiK-'cts are for an Imntcnso attendance us
the management nro in receipt of any number
of letters from the sporting-brethren of Kan
sas City , DCS Moines , Sloxix City , Minne
apolis , St. Paul and most all of the Nebraska
towns , signifying their Intention to been
on hnnd. And , Indeed , so fur us
their anticipations of a real lively
Evening goes , they will jiot bo disappointed ,
If anything like the very full and attractive
programme is carried out. Among the
notables who have spoken for reserved seats
nro George Forbes , the well-known turfman ,
and n brother to Colonel A. H. Forbes , of
this city , who is cnrouto to California with a
string of miners from Cleveland , O. Ho
arrived hero last evening , accompanied by
Reddy Gallagher , n pugilist of national
reputation. John 1' . Clew and Putsey Curdltt
will be down from St. Puul , Tommy Chandler
of Chicago , Tommy Hurst of St. Louis , Jem
Hurko of Cheyenne , Pat Murphy of Fre
mont , Prof. McMillan of Utlcu. Nob. , with
many others. McMillan is teaching a boxing
class in Utlcn , nnd ho intends to bring along
n couple of his pupils mid enter thorn for
the medal. Ho says they nro good 'uns. Pat
Murphy , of Fremont , who has been a winner
In several good contests' , will nlso enter ,
nnd confidently expects to carry the
medal back homo with him. The opinion
among the knowing onus is , however , that
ono of the dark horses of the several that uro
In tlio field , will multo nil the entries hustle
to wrest the title and trophy away from them.
There will bo some half dozen prominent
sporting men on bund witn unknowns to ring
in ut the eleventh hour , nnd each ono evi
dently is congratulating himself upon having
the winner. Hooks are being made ut the
Diamond pool rooms , and thus far , among the
regular entries , Johnny Klllott und Jimmy
Lindsay , localities , uro selling nt iibout the
same rates us favorites. All arrangements
for the contest have ut lust been completed ,
und there seems to bo but little prospect of
anything but n success. Rothory is urgently
spoken ot on till sides us the proper soloution
for master of coremonle-s , but there is every
ussurunce that all these minor details will be
Hutisfuctorlly ugrccd upon.
The New Manager Interviewed.
Mr. Frank S. Sclcc,1 , lfho new manager of
the Omaha base ball cMb , was seen in the
rotunda of the Millnrd last evening and
talked interestingly on tlio local oatlook , the
new teim ; and base ball affairs generally. Mr.
Selee is a rather handsome young man of
about thirty-five. Hojs cominunk'ativo , yob
weighs carefully evoi'ything ho says , is
couH.sptis , affable nnd Intelligent. Ho comes
with a' reputation of uyaro disciplinarian , lias
had the managerial roln.s long in hand , and
will surely respond to all that is expected of
"Well , what nro our' prospects anyway ,
Manager Seleo ? " asked the reporter.
"Our prospects are fine. From what I can
judge already since' my arrival here ,
I have no heiii\uncy \ In saying
that I consider tho' outlook for
Omaha most flattering. This is certainly a
splendid ball town , there is n wide spre.Kl1
enthusiasm over the game , your best men
uro interested und we have a magnificent
team to do us battle on the. diamond next
year. What moro could , n rnr.n ask ! "
"Not much , that's certain. Rut the team ,
tell something about them who have you
aetuiHysigned ! "
"Well , in the first place , wo hnvo Lovctt ,
Burdlck and Cassiun , pitchers , and a strong
trio they are , too. To toll you the truth , I
consider Lovctt ono of the best pitchers in
the business. Ho is inapproachable ns u
fielder in his position , has all the cm ves and
drops and shoots , Is a swift , accurate thrower
a great man. Hoston was willing to give
$ ! i , ! > 00 for him , and that is guaranty enough
that ho is a valuable man. I expect great
work from Hurdiok , too. In 1&SO
ho was considered the best pitcher in
the northwestern leaguo. Ho has velocity ,
the finest of drop balls , and is n head-worker
of the most reliable , description. Cassinn ,
too , will not be found wanting. I have been
exceedingly careful and circumspect in my
engagement of pitchers. For catchers wo
have \ViUon and Coonoy. Wilson is n big
man , weighs 190 , can catch every day in tlio
week and is a tremendous hitter. Cooney , is.
rather small. O'Conncll , first base , Is a good
ono. Ho covers lots of ground , and bats like
n Trojan. Ho is a sure catch high or low
balls , and one of the most honest , conscien
tious payers in the field to-day. For second
we have both Miller and Shannon , fine men.
and it will bo difficult to determine on which
wo will depend ns the regular. Doran will
occupy third , nnd I tell you ho is a good imi
tation of the famous Denny. AValsh , at short ,
you nro familiar with. I know noth
ing of him , but ho is well
recommended. Our field will bo the outfield
of the Western association. Why Just look
at it , Burns , Annis und Cumpunn , 1 toll you
they can't bo beat. Messitt will bo used as
general utility man , at least until the capac
ity of each individual player has been thor
oughly tested. "
"Then you are fully satisfied with your
men ? "
"Yes , moro than satisfied. They nro pen
nant winners under anything like auspicious
circumstances. In any event , they cannot
fall lower than second or third. "
"Your enthusiasm is encouraging , to say
the least. Where are these meii now ! "
"Most of them in tbo East. Wilson is in
Brooklyn ; Uoonoy in Cranston , R. I. ; Hur-
dick and Doran in Janesvillo , 111. ; Cassinn ,
New Briton , Conn. ; O'Connoll , Lewiston ,
Mo. ; Miller , Hot Spiings ; Lovctt , Provi
dence , R. 1. ; Shannon and Campnna , Hridgo-
port , Conn. ; Burns , Quincy , 111. ; Annis.
Slinohum , Mass. ; Messett , Troy , N. Y. , und
Walsh , I believe , in this city. "
The officers of the Onmhu Huso Hall asso
ciation , together with Manager Seleo , held u
meeting in the olllco ofillroidcnt MeCormiek
in tlio afternoon. Wlijlo there wasn't any
actual business trausau d , u vast amount of
good wus accomplished. Vy a thorough und
exhausted discussion of the situation und an
arrival nt n complete "Understanding as to
the settling up of manv'small ' details and
policy to be observed throughout tlio approaching
preaching season. It mar be safely said now
that Omuhu'rt base ball affairs ure upen a
solid foundation , und ul tdungor of furtlTcr
.squabbling und u'noertujnty is at
an end. The directory and manager
liuvo held their advisory conference , and
are upon established terms with each other ,
und no amount of effort on the part of dis
turbers , disintegrators nnd disorganizes can
weaken or shako him , , iMunngor Seleo ex
presses unbounded KutUf.vctiou with Omaha
and her base-bull dovOfets , so far us ho hus
met them , and prophesies untold sport for
the coming season. The directors nnd
officers nro immensely pleased with their
now manager , und consider themselves
lucky in his cngugompnl. Ho talks buslncsi
in n business way , displays admirably noWl-
edge of the gumo and player- , und exhibits
rare executive ability pverything ho does
and says. In cQU. iionco there is nought
but Jubilation within the base ball camp.
WiirnrthoVfntern IietiKuo.
Ktysttf CITV , Mo. , Dee. 4. [ Special Tole-
grain to the Hui.J The war between the
new Western association and the old Western
league has broken out in earnest , and a meet
ing of Uio representatives of the latter will
bo held In this city to-morrow. Representa
tives will be present from Denver , Topeka ,
Lincoln , Pueblo , St. Joseph ' , Kaunas CUy ,
and , it is slated , Omaha. The object of the
meeting Is to pr.cservo the exlslcncp of the
Western , league. Several of thg stocklio Jders
of the Kansas City club niscrt that C. E.
Mcngci v now prominent In the
Western association , Will bo de
posed from the presidency of the old
league nnd expelled from Its membership.
New officers' will bo elected and represeiita-
tlves-probubly W. H. McCllntock , of
Denver , and James Whltfiehl , of Kansas
City lie sent to the meeting of the arbitra
tion committee of the national agreement ,
wlch occurs at Cincinnati December 7 , the
first from the league und the second from
the Kansas City club. They will demand
that the ICiiiistns City Western association
club , of which Menges is the hctid , bo pro
hibited from establishing grounds uud play
ing games in Kansas City during the season
of 1 7. '
In the written document which will bo
presented to the committee , the statement
that the western league was disbanded will
be emnhuticully denied. In support of the
assertion that the league still exists , refer
ence will bo made to the fact that when the
Western league association was admitted
under the protection of the national agree
ment a protest was filed by Seoretarv
Marshall , of the Western league ,
to which Mr. Byrne , chairman df thenrbltra-
lion committee , replied that the matter
would bo inquired into at the annual meet
ing of the committee in Cincinnati. It is
also claimed Lby the Western league that
under the national agreement , whlciioxtcnds
over nil of the leagues In the country , any
league club had the right to prohibit another
club from onmlng Into its territory and playIng -
Ing ball without Us permission. Under this
clause of thd agreement the adherents of the
old Kansas City club will claim that the ar
bitration committee must debar the West
ern association club from playing here. It is
the intention of those composing the meeting
lo bo hold to-morrow to declare the Western
league still Intact and to provide for the or
ganization of teams to represent the cities
composing it.
Klllcn niul the "Kid. "
DuMmi , Minn. . Dec. 4. [ Special TVle-
tfrnm to the Hni : . ] Pat Klllcn nnd the St.
Joseph "Kid , " have nrnlngcd n ten-round
mutch to take place hero inside of two weeks.
Killen [ 4 to stop the , "Kid" Inside of the speci
fied rounds' for a purse of K > 00.
Mo/VuliflTe Paralyzed Hut Plucky.
NEW YOIIK , Dee. 4. [ Special Telegram to
the HIH. : ] .lace MeAuliffe , who fought Jem
[ Jarney , the Englishman , near Hoston re-
. cutly received such a blow in the tenth
round that , us ho himself admits , his loft
Ode is paralyxed , but no one knew it but his
loctor. Ho will not surrender the f.VKH ( )
itukos , but toys ho will fight again for
How a .lUO.OOO Uein Shot Around on
n Hotel Floor.
Now York SUII'H "Washiiiulon corrcs-
| ) oiuloneo : The diamond merchant hus
L'oturnud to town , and is prepared for
mother campaign. Last night ho hud
: in tidvunturo in the Ehbitt house that
made his hair curl. Ho ia noted for
Resiling in poms of extraordinary slxo
nnd vuluo , and is intrusted with the
ale of such gems by Kuropcun and Now
York dealers. Ho took a friend into
Iho reading room of the hotel to show
him an extraordinary opal , olaimed to
bo tlio largest and lines ! In America ,
sot in diamonds. Ho spread out the
stones on n table , anil they made a bril
liant and dir/.xling display. The opal ,
whioh is over an ineh long and wonder
fully iridescent , was admired , together
with a big amethyst sot in brilliants ,
and a handful of diamonds of dilTerent
values , some of them , as tlio saying
goes , worth a king'b ransom. At length
ho carefully produced the star of the
collection , a diamond of fifteen carats ,
which he says is the iine&t in the world ,
which is for sale and valued at $2(1,000. (
Ho put the great stone in his tweezers
and ptibsed it over to his friend ,
against the usual custom , which
is always to hold the stone in
his own hand when enclosed
in the tweezers , .fust as the stone was
( . hanging hands , and the diamond
merchant was saying , ' 'Hold it firmly , "
there was a snap , a streak of light , a
oliuk on the marble floor , and the diamond
mend was gone. The party of men were
sitting ut the end of the writing table
near the windows opening on F street ,
and the slone shot toward the other end
of the largo room , from which doors
open into the general olllce near the
wash room and the news .stand. The
two or three other gentlemen in the
room sprang for the $20,000 diamond ,
and everybody went down on hands and
knees in : i search for it. The doors
were hurriedly closed , and Mr. Biirch ,
the head clerk , summoned. Hero was a
fortune in one little stone lying some
where about the hotel floors , and crowds
of persons , servants , etc. , passing ti/id
re-paying. The stone seemed to shoot
into the corner of the room behind the
door lead ing into the general oflicoand
search vas made there.
"If the stone is in sight you cannot
miss it , " said the diamond merchant.
"You might as well try to hide a coal of
fire. "
It was fqnnd that in that particular
corner there were two holes in the
floor , where formerly heating pipes had
passed. When the diamond merchant
saw them he put his hands over his
white face , from which the perspiration
was pouring , and muttered :
"My God1. What have I done ? "
Meanwhile a negro had been brought
in and ordered tosweop the floor. There
had been no thought that the diamond
had gone out of the room into the gen
eral olllco. The rumor of some great
loss spread about , and the people stand
ing about the lobby came crowding
about the guarded doors of the reading
room. Just at this point Dr. S. F.
Cones , of the United Suites navy , came
out of , the wash-room , and , seeing the
crowd and the people inside the reading
room creeping and searching , ho
stepped in and said to tlio negro with
the broom :
"What's the matter ? Something
lost ? "
"Yes , sab , " was the reply.
"What is ItV" asked the doctor.
" 'Deed I don't know , sab. There is
the man that .lost it , " pointing to the
"What have you lost ? " asked Dr.
"A diamond , " wan the answer.
"Well , I guess 1 found it. " said the
doctor , and ho pulled the $20,000 gam
from his pocked and placed it in
the hand of the diamond merchant.
The merchant's trained eye recog
nized it at once , and lie threw his arm
nround the doctor's neck , and there was
11 sigh of relief all around. The doctor
had picked it up in the door of the wash
room where it had been shot by a car-
rom on tlio wall inside the reading
room , and put it in his vest pocket
with the intention of handing it in at
the ollico.
' I had no idea about the UiJng , " lie
wiid afterward. "I tlmuu'nt it was tome
brilliant or Oregoa diamond , ami then
concluded Ui < it ft came oil from ono of
tlio- ; " { j'mss pendants on the chandeliers.
In fact , I came near not picking it up at
all , and would not have done t > o except
for its exceptional brilliancy. Kvou In
the dark where it lay , it was like iv
star. "
It is probable that Dr. Coues by this
time in not without a souvenir of the oc
casion , and that hereafter thu diamond
merchant will hold his tweezers with nn
iron grip.
Holiday AVork on Time.
Fii'o watch repairing carefully done ,
All kind * of jewelry manufactured by
competent workmen. All holiday worlc
done promptly aud well. Elegant stock
uud rciu > onublo prices.
O. L. Emt'KSON < t Co. ,
5il2 N. 10th St.
Romlutsconco by an Old Express
Oixiippcnrnncc ol' the Old Knnln Fo
Stage omce-Tlu-lllltitt Kvper-
leiico Along tlio Iilnc
Indians and Hobbern.
Kansas City Journal : 'Workmen two
days ago bognn tearing down the foun
dations of what was known ns the
"Santa Fe stage ofllco. " Thu building
proper , which was of briclc and two
stnrlcs in height , was demolished by the
cyclone of May II , 1800. Hut few build
ings in Kansas City were moro widely
known. A. L. Carpenter , who at pres
ent resides in Independence , and who
had charge of the stage companp's ex
press business in Kansas City from
early in the spring of 18ll ( ! to 180(1 ( , wlion
tlie station hero was abandoned , fur-
niches the following account of tlio lo
cation of the stations upon the trail , the
rates of faro charged and other matters
of interest. JIo said :
"Tlio Overland Mull nnd Express
company , the hcndquurtors of which
were in Kansas City , moved in the
Bpring of 1801 from a little office located
at the junction of Delaware street und
Commercial alley , a small street just
back of the Gillis house , which still
stands on the level at the foot of Dela
ware stroot. Tholino was then run by
J. D. Sanderson and Hraillcy Barlow' ,
who was formerly a resident bf St. Al-
bans , Vt. It was managed by J. H.
Grillln. and extended from Kun'sus City
to Santa Fo. N. M. , thence-smith loTus-
ron , A. T. Tlio route to Santa Fe was
000 miles by stage road. Tlio principal
stations wast of Kansas City were Shaw-
neotown. One Hundred and Ton Mile
Crook. Hlaok .Tuck , Council Grove , Fort
Sarah , Fort Dodge , Kas. , old Fort Lynn ,
Bent's Old FortIron Springs , Oucharns ,
Trinidiul. Uncle Dick IToullon'ti ranch
on top of the Haton mountains , Col. ;
Rod River station , Cimarron ,
Fort Union , Las Vegas , Santa
Fo , N. M. At Fort Zarah ,
what was called the 'Long
Route' was struck. That route extended
100 miles , extending to Fort Dodge , and
it was made without changing hornes.
After leaving Fort Xnrah we had to
carry provisions for the driver and pas
sengers and feed and water for the
stock. A wagon drawn by two mules
followed in the rear of each coach
loaded with the necessary articles. The
'Long Route' was considered very clan
gorous on account of Iho hostile Indians
who infested the country through which
it passed. Many a hard light did the
drivers and passengers have with tlio
bloody Cheyonnos , Arupuhocs and
Conianchos , who would circle tlio
conches and compel them to corral their
stock and engage in bailie. It was
necessary lo keep two men as stock
tenders at each Htation south west of C'on
crook. They did their own cooking
and washing. The htations were in
what are called 'dug outs , ' which were
half out of the ground with sod roofs.
In these the men , horses and dogs
lived. They were very ingeniously con
structed , a tunnqlrunning underground
sixty feet on each side of each 'dug out. '
At the ends of each tunnel was a sod
turret about two nnd a half feet above
ground , pierced with portholes. During
hostilities , when raids were expected
from the Indians , one man always acted
as lookout , altonmliii ! . ' between the two
turrets , while the other man attended
to the animals , the cooking , and other
household duties. When Indians ap
peared both men would take positions in
the luiTotsand with their rifiesproceed
to drop them from their ponies. After
two or three unsuccessful and disastrous
attempts to ( lioloiijje the occupants of
the turrets the Indians thereafter gave
them a wide berth , and contented them
selves with attacking the coaches be
tween stations. It required a very
bravo man to hold the dangerous posi
tion of stock tender at a station , and lie
was paid high wages. The turrets were
the only fortifications at Iho stations'
Tlio faro for each passenger from
Kansas City to Santa Fe was $175 in
gold , including forty pounds of baggage
and a pair of blankets. Extra baggage
and express matter was charged for at
the rate of 81 pca % pound. Money .rates
were $2" for carrying $1,000 currency by
express. Gold imd silver were carried
ntl per pound and $2-3 per SI .000 , mak
ing the total cost $85 per $1,000 to Santa
Fe for silver , it , weighing sixty pounds
to the $1,000. Vast amounts of money
were carried over , the line to and from
Kansas City and Santa Fe. Frequently
one stage would bring in $2" 0,0n ( ) in
gold dust from the mines of New Mexico
and Colorado. The money was always
in charge of a conductor and messenger ,
who traveled with every stiure. They
made the round trip from Kansas City
to Santa Fo and return. The schedule
time from Kansas City to Santa Fo was
thirteen days and six hours constant
traveling day and night. This time was
always made , except in case the
coaches were captured or the horses
disabled by Indians. In < w-o a passen
ger got into a stage bound for either
Kansas City or Santa Fo , ho was obliged
to remain there until he reached his
destination as , in the event of his get
ting oil at a station with the intention
of stopping over , ho was liable to fail to
got a seat in the uext coach and be coin-
pulled to remain there several weeks
before ho could strike a coach in which
there was a vacant scat. Each coach
had seats for nine passengers inside
and for five outside , and many times
were loaded down lo their utmost ca
pacity. Going between Kansas City
and 'Council Grove the coaches wore
drawn by six horses , and west of Coun
cil Grove by llvo inuleo , two of which
were on the wheel and three in the
lead , bide by side , hitched to what was
called 'triple bars. ' Passengers were
obliged to sit up straight and do their
sleeping en route. Some of thorn would
go upon tlio roof , Ho down and covorf
themselves with buffalo robes if tlio
weather wus cool , and strap themselves
to the guard rail , to keep from rolling
olT. At the stations the horses and
mules were changed and an hour given
the passengers to got out and Hlretoh
their legs and oat their mculs , which
were served nt the uniform priceof $1.
Each meal on the plains consisted of
colTco. "clap jack , ' bread baked in a
Dutch oven ; corn bread , bulTalo Bleak ,
antelope steak , witli dried apple plu mm
prunes for dessert. Tlio dried apple piu
was considered by the employes of thu
company a luxury. After reaching New
Mexico , cliillo Colorado ( improperly
syplloil cliille oolorow ) , whicli consistcil
of hashed meat und red popner made
iutoa stowwas added to the billet fare ;
also Mexican frejollcs , which nro largo
black beans , that grow in Now Mexico ,
and uro staples of diet thoro. A largo
supply of provisions wus always kept lit
each station. They were transported
from Kansas City by wagons.
"Each driver was required to drive
100 milcH. Ho was then relieved and re- / .1
turned to thu homo station as driver ol f
tlio next coach going tlio other way. . ,
Twenty drivers were constantly em
ployed between Santa Fe und Kunsns
Cily up to the time when , in 1SI4 ( , the
line WIIH changed from weekly to t'-i-
weokly. From that time on there were
at least 160 men In the employ of the
company in various capacitie's nt sal
aries ranging from $7o to $150 per
"The revenue derived from tlio trans
portation of passengers , express matter
and mail matter wus very great , tlio
government alone during tbo tri-weekly
service paying $172,000 , a year for curry
ing the mail between Kansas City and
Santa Fe. Frequently the receipts from
passengers , mall and express from one
trip between the two terminal points
Would run us high ns $0.000. Many
merchants in Santa Fo used lo got their
silk goods from Kansas City , wrapped
in oiled silk , and various oilier valuable
articles , which added a great deaUothu
revenues of the company , were supplied
to them at the rale of $1 per pound ,
This amount they could alToid to pay , us
they sold tlio goods to the Mexicans at
fabulous prices ,
"in the year 1RV5 ( a man named West
was sent to a station called Hig Timber ,
in Kansas , to tend stock. He had been
there about a week , when ono daywhile
washing harness outside , a party ol
Cheycnncs surrounded the staiion.
They lired upon West. One of tlioit
bullets hit him in the leg , breaking it.
His companion , who was in the barn ,
heard the shots und ran of the buck door
und crawled into the manure pile , com
pletely hiding himself from view. The
Indians picked un West , stripped him
of his olothes and ticil him to a cottonwood -
wood tree , cout out his entrails and
hung them around his neck. Thov left
taking twelve head of mules with them ,
and setting lire to tlm burn. They headed
for the Indian country in the vicinity of
Cam ) ) Supply. The 'barn and station
were consumed , together with all their
contents. West's comiiiinion did
not dare to leave tun manure
pile until it was almost con
sumed , and the soles hud been burned
from his shoes , llo then , for the first
time , ascertained that the rcdoldns had
gone and that West was dead. During
the night he followed the trail lo tlio
station at Fort Xnrah , which ho readied
shortly after daylight. His feet were
burned and blistered , and ho snll'orcd
intense pain during his lonely walk be
neath the star spangled canopy over the
plains. A eompanj of soldiers was sent
from Fort Xarah. which was an udobo
structure , but they wore unable to over
take the hostilcs. Hig Timber , which
was not then a fortified station , was sub
sequently lilted out with a tunnel and
sod-covered turrets.
"Wo frequently had trouble with
road agents in New Mexico , in the vi
cinity of Cimarron. They did not infest
the p'lains owing to the presence of the
Indians there , and the poor facilities
for hiding and obtaining provisions. A
party of five desperadoes had their habi
tation in the Cimarron mountains , near
Kliziibolhtown , N. M. The leaders \yoro
known by the euphonious cognuiiions o (
'Coal Oil Johnnie'and 'Hi ; ? , hm. '
"Tlio band frc'ou.-ntly stopped the
stngo ut what war , called the 'Point of
] locks , ' three miles from Maxwell's
ranch. They carried long -IB-caliber
Colt's revolvers aud double barrel shot
guns loaded with slugs. Three of them
would sland with their weapons cover
ing the driver and pass-lingers , while
'Coal Oil Johnnie' and 'Hig .1 im' would
compel them to alight and would
go through their pockels and
baggage and the _ company's
safe. They succeeded in robbing
tlio slago at this point throe times , and
on several occasions were put to flight
without obtaining any booty. When
they were not attempting to rob the
stage they were engaged in stealing
horses and cattle from the Maxwell
Land company. They were HO high
handed in their desperate undertakings ,
that in 1 71 the stage company and the
Maxwell company ollcrcd u reward of
$1.000 for each 'of the two lenders ,
dead or alive. An agreement was made
by one of the stage company's division
agents with two of the band , by the
terms of which they were to assassinate
' ' ' Jim' and
'Coal Oil Johnnie' and 'Hig
obtain the reward. Ono day the baud
planned to rob an old ranclioro near the
boom of the Merino mine. One of thorn
was absent ut the time. While in the
mountains on their way to porpolrulo
the robbery , the four men camped in a
mountain gulch. About midnight , while
thov wore nslcup their two co-partners
in Vrimo shot and killed 'Coal Oil
Johnnie' and 'Hig Jim. ' The two men
came into Cimarron next day with the
bodies of their dead lenders strapped
upon the backs of burros. They de
manded their rewards , whicli were
paid , and they were given free passage
upon the route of tlio company to Kit
Curson. They immedirtuly loft the
count rv nnd have not been seen or heard
from since. There was no more stage
robbing done in that vicinity.
Eves Ears SMose
Arc all more or less affected l > r < ' , ! ( rt. The eywt l > o
couiu Iratliinuul , ml nn MntOry , with dull , hi'Hvy
pain tctHi-un Uie-iMtiero uro ronrlnit , luutliiK nnl i'
In tlm 9J ; . nhil unirthnp tlio lii'HrlnftlMiffi'Cli'iJ
IU no o U u nevvro nuflvrur , nlll' llmim liiiit < m
comfurtiil'lo discharge , Lml Ijrcnlli , and !
of Uio cn o of smell. .Ml of llicsit Ulnufrecn
tiesyinptonii ill | ipenr when tint ill i-ni li curi'il l > f
Jlouil'a SJi iimrlln. | ! which upul * froul tllu M"1 tlu |
Impurity from wliltlf mtnrrU nrlscj , tone uml re-
Moru tlio < ll eii udorKuiislu health , unJ builds u | )
tlm whulunystcm.
llo surowel llood'n Hassapnrllhi.
Catarrh In the Houd.
"J lined JJooil's Knr ai > rlll for rutnrrh , niKl r > > -
celved eteat tellef nnil 1'em-tlt ' from It. The ciitiirrh
> In tlm winter , rims-
ai tryill nKreeatle , i | > ccliilljr
IniMonttHntillsrliaivufrnniinr nose , rlnuliii ; noUei
In tor ears , mul pains In the liuck of mr hciul. The
effort toclearmy hcailln tlm inornlnii l > y liawkln ?
and cplttlnn painful. Jlnod' * t-ursnpurllhi KHIO
mo ruiUsflniniedleteljr.wlillu In time I was entlriuy
ruri'il. I am never without the iiiolldim In nif li < m o
in 1 think It l worth Hi wolisht In Bold , " Mrs. o It.
ami ) , Ut Klehtli rHrt-et , N.W. , Washington , U. U ,
"I Imni f uflnriM with ciilurrh In nif head for '
niul palil out hunilri'il uf dollar * ( or medltlne ) . I
wufl Hpitk , < fn > ( | iiiynye * were ao ron ) ( hat I could nut
Butr or Taj imuh. I lenan ! p lakulIood'aSarpaptt
rllla and now my tutiirrli l nearly cured , the ncalc
nesiof my hod ) iHulluone. my up | > etlto ISKnnd In
liict , I feel Ilko another person. Hood's Sareaparllla
Is the only nmdlcliio that hat ilono mo
K < mi | . " JlHS. A.Cl'.NNIMiil.ui , I' I
"llood'n Siria | > arllla has helped mo morn f < vr fit
tarrh nnd Impure 1 > ! oed Him uuythliu else 1 orct
used. " A. 1IAI.I. , Hynirurp , N. V.
RlnyiiiK Noises
In the cars. ouiellme ii ro.irlnu' . l ir luii sound ni
mappliiK Ilko Inn report of apl lol. nro uintud li
ciit.irfh.tlmt iwivodliiKlyilli'.il.'roi.'alilp imd very ni
tnondlsensu , llood'n Sar < npnrllla , Iho ureal hlooj
I > urHer. | l a peculiarly > iicepi fiil remedy lor Dili
illM-asp. It i-iiret hy purifying the blood. If you
suffer Irom catarrh , try Hood s sar aiarllla ; , the pecu
liar medicine.
"I lm\otaken Hood's San pnrllU forfaturrli and
It has done mo a great deal of Kouil. I rei'ummcn U
lo all within my reach. " I.urilMi l > . Urniiil.NS , Hiul
Thompson , Ct.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Hold by all driik'tfiitf. II ) U for 1.1. Prepared duly tiy
C. 1. llOOIr & CO. , A'polhrearlta , JxjWell , Alms.
1OO Doses Ono Dollar.
bold hy nil dnUKlsU. fl ) six furll. Prepared on ) y |
O. IUGOI > A -Apothecaries , Iowc : | | . Mus.
' 1QO Doses Ono Dollar