THE SUNDAY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OI-TIGK NO. 11 ! , l > KAIUj KTltKKT Delivered by cnrrlfr In nny pnrt of the city tit tw i-iity cents per w eck. II. W TII.TOV , Mutineer. Orn < T. No. t'J. NKIIIT llniTOHj.N'o. SI. MIXOlt MKXTIO.V. ' N. Y. Plumbing Co. Jtcltcr , tailor , Full poods clicnp. Sco Clinptnnn's plcturca for Christtnns. Colonel Hepburn , of Cliiriiitlti , was in the city yesterday. T. II. Baldwin 1ms removed his real estate olllce into the Brown blook. The next Royal Arcanum party will bo given Tuesday evonintf , December la. la.The The city marshal hntl three men busy yesterday serving special assessment notices. The board of trustees of the deaf and dumb institute will hold their regular meeting to-morrow. The waterworks were placed in the telephone circuit yesterday and u gong put in the pump house. A nowbon gladdened the homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Walker , on Lincoln avenue , yesterday morning. Workmen wore busy yesterday inak- ing jfUH pipe connection betweofi the city jail and the new patrol house. Green grass is springing up in the parks about the city , which is not often been oven in this "garden of the earth. " The city will within a week or to bo in nil its electric light beauty. A foot traveler can then fcco where the street cleaning Is most needed. The W. C. A. will meet with Mrs. C. L. Shugart to-morrow afternoon at - ' : ! ! ( ) o'clock sharp. .Members are especially requested to bo present. A marriage license was yesterday is sued to Stephen A. Fox , aged twenty- fcoven , and C'ynthia S. Mace , aged bovcntcen , both of this county. A now council of the Itoyal Arcanum will bo instituted Monday evening at the R. A. parlors. All members of Fidelity council are requested to bo present. Several of the alloys of the city are o filled with lllth that the property is liable to bo condemned as a nuisance. They should 1)0 cleaned , and that right away. The family and friends of the late S. A. Anderson desire to express their thanks to the Masons , the Switchmen's association and the other friends , for their kindliness and sympathy. F. M. Ballard has recently purchased of Mayno & Ila/elton through the agency of S. G. Ttpton , "Tho Heal Estate Broker , " fonr'lots in Piorco's ad dition , uiioii which he will build at once a comfortable dwelling. The grand jury concluded its labors yesterday afternoon and adjourned last evening. The gambling rooms w < reopen open ready for trade and in two of them poker games were running. Wonder if there is any logical connection between the two factsV Mr. .1. S. .ludd has just completed and occupied a beautiful cottage on the east sidoof BlnlT street , near Willow nvemio. Ho is employed in the Union 1'aeilie freight department and found this side of the river a more convenient location for his family ; hence his change. It is usual to sentence vagrants to hard labor , but the only hard labor the city seems to furnish is the labor of eat ing three big meals a day and growing fat. A little of this idle muscle put at the end of a shovel and used in street cleaning would cause the paving to be come visible. The workmen are engaged on the dining room and kitchen of the Ogdcn house , which are being entirely reno vated and Improved in many ways. The kitchen is practically made over. The hotel is being put in condition with the evident intention of making it a ilrst- class hotel in every respect. Concordia lodge , K. of P. , which em braces a largo number of loading Ger man citl/.ens , worked in the first and third degrees Friday night , there being two candidates in the third de gree. This lodge is growing and pros pering in all wavs. Their work is ex cellent and is all in German. The city council meets to-morrow evening to pass upon completed esti mates of work done during the past season , and to cIToet settlement with contractors. This will bo the chief feature of the evening , besides the allowance of bills , and such routine business as always comes up at each reg ular monthly meeting. Several daps ago Mrs. Martin Gault lied at her homo in Farragut , la. On account of the dangerous character of the disease diphtheria the remains wore immediately interred and the funeral services postponed until to-day. Mr. Gault was quite widely known in this city and through the county , and in his sere allliction ho will have the sympathy of all friends. The Council BhilTs Hcflcctor is the name of the now society paper which made its appearance yesterday , the pub lishers being Lecns & Waterman , the latter having editorial chaago. There Eooms to bo a good llulfl for a society paper hero , and the young men who venture upon it are evidently fully capable of working it successfully. The now paper make a very fair debut and promises much better with the forming of acquaintanceship. The People's store is just now displayIng - Ing some special bargains. The an nouncement made in another column is one of practical interest to everybody. While securing goods at remarkably low figures , the customers secure likewise - wise an opportunity of winning costly prizes. Kisoman & Co. give their cus tomers no oxcui-o for going away from homo to got bargains , and they draw here a largo business from all points o ! the compass. _ \\l\y Is It ? Why is it that the "Hoal Estate of. flco" of J. G. Tipton is full of peopk from morning until night ? Because everybody knows that his whole nmbl ticm is centered in the Heal Estate trade , and that anything they want ir the Heal Estate line thev can got fron him. Ho has n largo list of property to select from , and hence ho can suit anyone , cither rich or poor. People lisi their property with him wisely , because they know that if ho don't self real cs' tate the weather is very cold for the other boys. The Council BlutTs Carpet Co. have struck the key-note for jwpular adver tising. Thov give a handsome presen with every $10 purchase , Sco them. . Dirt Movliitf. Mitchell ft Sweeney's tramway ii running right along. Over thrci hundred yards of dirt daily are bcinj moved. The tilling is now along Nintl avenue between Ninth and Tcntl btrcots. It is an eaVy way of doing till ing und much less expensive than all b ; team , although the plant U ralhei costly. ' , If you Wish to-'buy lot. , cheap go ti Jt > > nMou & .Vun Puttcii , 3 'MuiU at. COUNCIL BLUFFS CHURCHES. The Day of Rest For All BUt Preachers and Reporters. THE DISTRICT COURT DOINGS. Many Motions 15ul Few Decisions Tim Mnyor'H Snow Hwrepln/t / 1'roc * Iniiinl Ion Sprtjlnl Appc Notices A lloyal IJIcetlon. Hie Cliurolipi. The following announcements are * made of church services to bo held to-day : The pastor's theme at the Presby terian church in the morning will bo "Christ as a Prophet , " and in the even ing , the associated theme , "Jesus as a Preacher. " Strangers and others cordially invited. Services in the Congregational church to-day as usual. The pastor will preach , morning subject , "Things Now and Old. " Evening , "How to Live. " A general and cordial invitation is ex tended. At the Methodist Episcopal church there will bo preaching by the pastor , W. II. Wi Hoes at 10UO : a. m. and 7tt : ! ) p. m. Morning subject , "Tho Divinity of Man. "Evening theme , "Tho Great Weighing. " Sunday school at 12 in. Scats free. Strangers made welcome. Preaching by the pastor at the First Baptist church at 10 : ; > 0 a. m. At 7S : ( ) p. m. here will bo a missionary meet ing conducted by the temple builders of the church. The exercises will consist of a paper on Japan , an address , reci tations , etc. All are invited. Hev. Mills is now in the city , arrived from Plattsmouth , Nob. . He has been orcctinga new church out there. There will ho a mooting at North Main street at Mount /ion church. Preaching at l ( ) : : l o'clock by Hev. Mills. Meeting at 7 o'clock in the ovening. Sunday s-ceool at the usual hour. Regular meeting of the Y. M. C. A. at 1 o'clock this afternoon. All young men invited. At St.Francis Xavicr's Catholic church , mass at ( I , 8 , and ! ) o'clock- . Ves pers and benediction of the blessed sacramcntattiOo'clock. : : ! B. P. McMen- omy pastor. Morning preaching service at the Overtoil Mission , Fourth nvunuc , at 11 o'clock. Sunday school at 3 o'clock. Services at Harmony Mission at 3 o'clock this afternoon , conducted by Mr. Harry Curtis , secretary of the Y. M. C. A. Sabbath school at 4 o'clock. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Subject : 'Ailliction. " "When the Lord loveth , Ic chastoncth. " IIeb.12-O. The ladies of the Scandinavian Ban jul church gave , Friday night , an oys- er supper at the lecture room of the hurcli , which was si grand success both inancial and socially. Much credit is Ino to the ladies for the manner in ivhich they entertained all. The Methodist church improvements ire drawing to completion , and the mlitorium will soon present a pleasing ippearancc. Electric lights are to bo ised. The pastors of the city have a union , r club , of their own. Their meetings mvc been held weekly , and interesting ; onfereiiccs have been had with cx- jhango of sentiments and experiences. 't is understood that there has been OHIO little chafing , however , and that omo of the pastors will drop out quietly. t seems that there should bo enough ; hristian unity for the pastors to unite it least one a week. If the preachers cannot keep in harmony for one hour once a week , how can the sinners of the congregations do so every day the week. i\ . few ' 'the moro sermons on greatest of these is charity , " and a few less on the iinfulness of theater going , might bring nbout a reform. The now Gorman Catholic church will irobably bo dedicated about New Year's. There scorns to bo little change in the street parades of the Salvation army , erin in the quality of the so-called music of their band. ' The number who join in the parade has diminished , if anything , since a year ago. No one has been elected to fill the va cancy caused by the departure of U. A. Judd , superintendent of the Congrega tional Sunday rchool , who has gone to California. 'A. W. Cowlcs , the assist ant , will scrvountilthercgularelection , which takes place soon. Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. - Don't Freeze Up ! We arc bound to close out our largo line overcoatings. Will make them up at greatly reduced figures. This is the oportunily of a lifetime. A. HKITKK , _ 310 Broadway. Tlio Klrctric UjlitH. There seems to bo an evil genius presiding over the introduction of the tower lights. During the whole course of erection there has been a constant scries of hitches , attributable to no one particular source , that has been con tinually postponing their completion. In the first place the now machinery necessary to run the additional lights , s a most unreasonable length of time in getting hero. After a vexatious delay it arrived , only to find that a mis take had been made , and the dynamo had to bo shipped back and a larger ono sent. The now engine was placed in position and everything looked favor able for a specify completion of the change , when an armature was burneel out , and the tower light dynamo had to be connected with the 12 o'clock lights. A now arinaluro was ordered by tele graph , and arrived in an unusually short time. Yesterday it was placed in the dynamo , when it was found to bo larger than ordered , and the same pro gramme gone through with in regard to the largo dynamo will have to bo re peated. Aside from the armature , everything at the station will be in readiness Monday nigh ! . The wires we're run to the tops of the towers yes terday , and the lamps are waiting to bo hung in their places. If another arma ture can bovcceivcel in as short a time as was the last , there is no apparent reason why the tower lights should not bo in operation Thursday night , but the aforesaid avil genius may still hold n few trump cards , and tauo an active part in the game for some time to come. - Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Every one making a cash p urchnse c 25 cents at T. D. King , t Co.'u cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prices. Clear ( ho Sidewalks. Mayor Gronowcg is" out with a procla- nation to the effect that the ordinance requiring the clearing of sidewalks will bo enforced strictly. Snow shovels arc expected to bo in the hands of cvorj property owner or tenant , so that whci snow comes , it will go again. This is as it should bo. There is'iio excuses foi the shiftle > ssnbss in neglecting to cleai oil sidewalks1. While the1 mayor is thus indulging i.u uroclauiutiona' ho fihaule go n little further ami enforce the re moval of other obstructions froin the sidewalks. Thorn are barrclsand boxes allowed to remain on the sidewalks of principal strc'ots. Pearl street is espec ially needing the mayor's attentionand then there are one or two wholesale houses on Main street which might possibly get in some of their barrels out of the way of pedestrians , who Cannot vcr ywell take to the streets , as the mud has been allowed to accumulate too long there. The street croisings , too , are needing a proclamation. Mn.vor Grone- wcg , in starting in on this clearing up reform will bo heartily supported by many , and the appearance ol the city will 'doubtless bo greatly improved. A Co-Opcrato Commonwealth. Free lecture this afternoon at Grand Army hall. Pearl st , at 20. : ! ! Subject : Its plan , principle1 * , climate and re sources , by T. .1. McArdle , traveling agent and organizer for the colony. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. You Want Tlicin. Domestic patterns and patterns for stamping and embroidery. Latest styles and finest designs. "Domestic" oflice , 10.5 Main street. I'ci'Honal Notices. The decision in the case of Congress man Lyman against the city has caused a change in the method of serving no tices of special assessments. Heretofore it has been customary to publish the as sessments , and if a property owner did not chance to sec it he knew nothing about it , or , at least , was not supposed to know anything about it. In the case referred to Major Lyman claimed that ho had received no personal notification that his property had been assessed for a new sidewalk and curbing , and that the publication in the "otllcial organ of the city was not sufllcient. To save any ' further trouble on this point the city i's now serving personal notices , the mar shal having the papers. This , is to do away with any- possible claim that the property owner was not given notice and an opportunity to present any pro test to the council before the assessment was entoreel on the tax books. This ne cessitates much extra labor on the part of the citv , for property is constantly changing hands , and personal service at the best is quite troublesome. In the case of non-residcets , where their agent cannot bo found bore , the notice by publication will probably sullicc. HUBS ! Have you investigated the Council BlulTs Carpet Go's great rug olTer ? If not , do so first time you are up town. E. II. Shcafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Ofilco 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. Grecnamaycr , 023 Mynstcr st. telephone 121. Dcntli of Isaac Cooper. H. II. Field received a telegram from Glonwood Springs , Col. , yesterday morning , announcing the death of his nephew Mr. Isaac Coopcv Mr. Cooper formerly lived in Mills county , this state , and went to Colorado about twelve years ago. He was one of the founders of Glenwood Springs , which ho named after his old homo in Iowa. He was ex tensively engaged in minincr. and had accumulated a good shuro of the world's goods , He has several relatives in this vicinity , among them a sister , Mrs. Em- mctt , of Hazel Doll. Ho leaves a wife and three children in Denver , where he will bo buried. Ho was forty-five years of age , and died after a short illness of pneumonia. He served in the army during the war and held several important positions. Ho was a prominent and energetic busi ness man , and leaves a largo circle of friends , both business and social , who sincerely mourn his death. J.G. Tipton , "tho real estate broker , " 527 Broadway , has a good now house to rent for $18 per month , an el another dandy with a good barn for Silo. Wadsworth , Etnyro &Co. loan money lloyal Arcniiiini Kindlons. At a regular meeting of the Fidelity Council No. 150 Royal Arcanum , the fol lowing olliccrs wore elected for the en suing year : Regent , W. A. Groncwcg. Vice Regent , B. S. Jossolyn. Orator , . ! . II. Arthur. Peist Regent , T. J. Mackay. Secretary , . ! . T. Tidd. Collector , M. Brennan. Treasurer , A. W. Riokman. Chaplain , F. B. Warner. Guide , J. Bolingcr. Warden , Charles Bono. Secretary , F. Borncnrdi. Trustees , J. Patterson , T ; E. Cavin , W. H. Robinson. Robinson.W. W. A. GuoNKWicn , Secretary. . Notice. Taken up , an estray marc ; bay , with white hi nil feet , scar on forehead , long mane and tail ; has sadulo marks. Ani mal in good order. Owner must prove property and pay charges of keeping and notice. S. SUIT , 9th avenue , Burns'addition. . Weather strips for doors and windows at Odell & Bryant's , 504 Main st. Few Bail OIIPH. A single lonesome vag looked Judge Aylcsworth in the eye at the police court yesterday morning. He did not seem anxious to accept the hospitality of the city and was discharged. Some of the tra'yolers who had stopped with Landlord Barhyto on Thursday night wore to well pleased with his accommo dations that they returned the next night to stay with him again. John would do well anywhere but in the city jail. Ho holds trade too well for the public exchequer. For best quality coal and wood , call on Gleason , 20 Pearl street. Itcnl Kstnto Moves. The record of yesterday shows quite an activity in real estate matters. M. D. Eckles purchased of Erastus Benson lots 7 , S , 0 , 10 and 14 , in Benson's ad dition for $800. Christian Christiansen bold two lots in Howard's addition to M. E. Fuller for 8450. J. M. Palmer bought a lot in Hanghunn bub-division of Mrs. Mary A. Kirklnnd for $000. The most important deal was the sale by Gco. Wright to Omaha parties of thirty lots in Ferry's addition. The price paid was 8200 per lot , or 80,000. Private parties are the purchasers , butte to what use the land will bo put , re mains for the future to develop. A Curd of TliankH. Wo wish to thank our many friends for the kindness and attention shown to us in our 'recent sad bereavement and. to invoke the. ' blessings of a dlvinu provi dence to rest upon and attend them in their future' . -MU./ANU Mus. S , S. BKNEPICT. FREE ! n Until January 15 We Give A Valuable Present. With Every Purchase of $10 and Upwards. . MAIL ORDERS INCLUDED. Council Bluffs Carpel Co. Personal ParngrnpliH. Colonel Charles E. Eaton is visiting in the city. D. S. Kinsclla , at Pmlnina , was in the city yesterday. L. L.Hendersonof Macedonia , visited the Blulls yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Hawcy have returned from their wedding trip. Mrs. S. J. Swanson lw returned homo from her visit with relatives at Creston , Iowa. Mr. Stcll , of Lincoln , is spending Sunday in this city with Mr. Frank Cook. Mr. and Mrs. DoBevois of Omaha , were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Chapman yesterday. Jerome McClintock , assistant general agent o * the Rock Island , left for Chicago cage yesterday morning. John O'Brien , of Castalia , Dak. , is visiting with his brother , Captain Nick' O'Brien , of the police force. Mr. A. C. Vronian of Illinois was in the city yesterday and was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. S. B. Wadsworth. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Dickey have gone to Farragut , Iowa , to attend the funeral of Mrs. Martin Gault which occurs to day.Mr. Mr. and Irs. B. Zevorly did not start for California ycsterday ? as they had planned , but will go during the present week. , T. T. Hart , who is now heavily inter ested in mining enterprises in the Leael- villo region , is back to liis old home hero for a brief stay. ' The condition of Mrp. Frank Yena- wino grows steadily worse. She has been sinking during the , pasl twenty- four hours and her death is expected at any time. A. J. Mandul is confined at homo by an allliclion of boils. This will account for the disfigurement of his countenance when he appears , for they arc squarely upon his nose. Mrs. N. II. Meeker , of Greenwood , Neb.j accompanieil by her two interest ing little daughters.'arrived yesterday , and together with Mrs. L. C. Ramsey , of Farmington , 111. , will bo the guests for a few days of their brother , J. G. Tipton. District Attorney Dailey and Judge 'arson ' returneel to the Bluffs yesterday ovening. They will return to Atlantic Monday morning. The Donahue mur der case , upon which the colonel is en gaged , will hardly get to the jury before next Thursday. Mi&s Helen Culver , of Creston , Iowa , is in the city the guest of Rev. and Mrs. W. H. W. Ccese. Miss Culver is a highly cultured pianist , anil is certainly one of the best performers in the west. She is contemplating the organization of a class in instrumental music. II. D. Knight has returned from Sioux City. Ho has just completed a $12,000 contract with the Chicago , Mil waukee & St. Paul railroad company. Ho painted all their depots , section houses , tanks , switch targets and other property between Sioux City and Ma nilla Junction. J. C. Brodgctt , W. S. Chenoworth , Davenport , H. G. Cilly , Glenwood , Ed Dorr , A. K. Decker , Creston , A. C. Decker , Kcokuk , H. Case , DCS Moincs , D. I. Elliott , Sioux City. E. A. Holm. Cedar Rapids , W. M. Carlisle , Missouri Valley , II. E. Klein , Burlington , were the registered lowans at the Bechtelo yesterelay. Charles Price , the detective of the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul , whohas been located hero for some time , lias been transferred to Kansas City. Ho is succeeded by J. F. Council , an experi enced and trusty olllcor , who will doubt- lets prove a worthy successor to so worthy a man. Mr. Price has made an excellent record hero , and the Bluffs folks do not like to see him go. Lieutenant and Mrs Gallagher , nco Amelia Paschcl , arrived yesterday morning from Port Lewis , Col. They will spend the holidays hero , Lieuten ant Gallagher having a two months leave of absence. They bring with them the little daughter , this being her first visit to her grand parents. They are heartily welcomed hero by many friends besides their immediate rela tives. I will open to the public and my friends the Egyptian restaurant , No. SHI Broadway , to-day at dinner. Remem ber the number , next house to Broad way depot. Respectfully , J. W. Merrill. T. B. Baldwin sells lots. For Sale Cheap Lots hear the bridge to parties whowill build at once. Ad dress or call on J. R. .Rico , No. 110 Main street , CoimciHJlUtTa. DiHtrlct Coiift. Yesterday being motion day and the docket being well filled , the Carrisrg case was not taken up. fDecisions were given by the court in thicaso of Everett vs. Bartlett for plaintiff ; " Keenan vs. Wagner , for plaintiff with eots taxed to defendant. Motion in the case of A. Overtoil vs. Geiso and Lindcr over ruled. In the case of Deere , Wells & Co. vs. Caglov , from Mills county , recently de cided'in favor of the plaintiff , a motion for a now trial was argued at length and taken under advisement. For an elegant birthday gift or Christ mas present , a Domestic bowing machine leads them all. _ Cured I\y MuilMone. Memphis Avalanche : A day or two ago B. L. Milan , an old and respected citizen of Waterford , Mis * , . , called at the Avalanche olllce and exhibited a mtidstono that has a history. It was brought to Alabama from China in 1810 by Dr. William Barker , who ubcd it with success , lor suvenilyenvs. 'At bib death it'was bold to Jarvis Milan , father ' . ' of the ' Avalanche's visitor , and four others. Milam moved to Mississippi in 1835 and took the stone with him , having bought out the interest of his partners , lie died in 181 ! ) and left the stone to his son. The present proprietor has used it in 12811 cases for bites of rabid dogs , cows and horses , besides spiders and snake bites , and ho asserts that it did not fail to effect a cure in a single instance when applied before paroxysms had set in. The stone is porous , of a light cream color , H inches in diameter ; and weighs one ounce. It has been broken in live places and is mended with silver bands. When a person is bitten the wound is first Carefully washed with warm water , a mop being used to guard against dan ger to the operator from infected bleeder or pus. The stone is then bound tightly upon the affected part and left there from two-to fifteen hours , accord ing to the freshness of the bite the older it is the longer the time necessary. When removed it is found to have absorbed a quantity of blood or pus from the wound , it is then washed clean in warm water and dried before a fire or stove. Mr. Milan has been of fered $ > * > ,000 for his treasure , but refuses to sell. lie gets a good revenue from it , charging those patients who arc able to pay , but its virtues are moro fre quently called into play to save the lives of unfortunates who have nothing to give in return. It is to Mr. Milan's credit that these are never refused , and that ho values the stone most for the good it does to suffering humanity. Ho is greatly troubled lest at his death his children should divide it up and thus destroy its virtue. SPECIALNOTICES. NOTICE. S ndrcrtispmontSRucliaq TjO tFouml. To I.onn , 1'or Sale , To llcnt , Wants ) , Hoarding , etc. , will lie iiHt'rti'il In tills column at tlip low rate of TEN CKSTS mil hlNKfor the ( Irut in- sertlon and Five Cents 1'er l.lui for ouch sub c- quont Inseitlon. I.PUVO advert ihuiucnto at our olllro No. K I'uarl Street , ueur Uroadwiiy , Coun cil IU.UUK , Iowa. v WANTS. FOH SAI n A largo hard real stove , self- feeder , rhe.ip , in Kood condition. Apply to Hoc olllce , Council Illufls. FU HI2NT Farms The land heretofore known us Tim 1'oley's , near Mlnclen , for the bpasonof 18X8 , In tracts of Hi ) , KiO or M ) acre . All choice luudb and well improved. Horace Kverett. Fou SAM : ou ixjiiANTnn-K : < niitynf i'j ' chares In Jetlrles byndlcate. Imiulio of Odell Dros. & Co. WANTKD All kinns of sewing machines to repair. Woik promptly and honeatlv done. Charges reasonable. Domestic olllce IDA Main st II10H HUNT Five furnished rooms , cheap. C Mrx.Ucn. Marshall , SK ) Fourth live. , city. OIl BALK Very cheap for c.i li , orould exchange for Council IthilFh or Omaha piop- erty , a retal stock of boots und shoes valued at about $ lne ) . Call nt store , Xo. MS Hrondway , or address It , Martin , bamo number , Council lilnlls , la. fiTOK ltiNT : Houses In all parts of the city by J ? Johnston & Van I'atten , : Main t. "C1OH KENT Houses and furnished rooms. J. JD It. DuvldRnn .ira Fifth avenue. FOU SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle very cheap , KJ-inch , at lleo oflice. BUILDING lols and aero property for bale by F.J.DnyRII'earlst. : neil HUNT A finely furnished front room , nrst lloor , in private residence near court house. Water in room , lighted und heated , l.aruo clospt. Iteferenres required. Address II. 12. llee olllce. Council Illutrrt. IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT THC St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached. W. R. IRWIN , Prop. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SAlE CHEAP ! * STANDAUU. UNDKU HUI.K 6. TOECARY. Council Btt. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! ! Hall , 1'iirlor , Kitchen , Store und Office , Lumps. Crockery , Glassware and Plated Ware , Largo Assortment at liotton Prices. W , S , HOMER & CO , , No , S3 Main St. , Council UUilIfi , Iowa. PAINI KSS ALCOHOL , OPIUM AND MORPHINE CURE ! The Alcohol , Morphine and Opium habit Ab soliitt'lv Ciiri'tl without Inturferlnu with the patient's dully nvocatlon. Coirespond with or cell on DR. F. P. BELLINfJER. U Ilrmiclwuy , Council Ulutls , la. All correspondence confidential. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS STREET. ' - - - OMAHA A CLEAN SWEEP FOR DECEMBER GREAT REDU9TIONS WILL BE MADE AND A SAVING FROM 15 TO 33 PER GENT GUARANTEED ON ALL PURCHASES AT HENRY EISEMAN & CO.'S PEOPLE'S STORE I Shawlg , Skirts and Knit Underwear marked down for this week's special sale , Ladies , Miscs' and Children's Ho-ficry , Gloves anil Corsets marked down lor * this week's great special sale. Men's Furnishing Goods and Under wear marked down for this week's special sale. Men's , Youth's and Boy's Clothing , the largest , finest and best stock in the city to select from , for less money by 33 per cent than inferior goods are sold hero in this market. Come 16 the Popular People's Store and buy your goods. Cloaks and Suits marked down for thtt week's tale. Blankets , Quilts and Linens marked down for this week's special sale. j Wo Keep Everything. Our stock ia moat complete and our prices insure n sale every timo. i Every * 2.00 sale entitles you to A TICKKU good for ono chance in our ONI ; UfX * iitii : ) ciitAXit airrs which wo give away January Iflth , 1SSS. Parties coming from a distance to tratio with us will get a part or all of their1 HAiut ( > At > I'AUi : refunded , and thole gexnls delivered to their homes free (4 charge. MAIL ORDERS RECEIVE PROMPT AND CAREFUL ATTENTION. Send or come to us and see how much money you can save from ordinary local retail prices. Our monthly Buttorick's catalogue sent i free to any one bending their naii)9 and address. HENRY EISEMANl CO. , PEOPLE'S ' STORE , 314 , 316 , 318 & 320 BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , : : ! IOWA. SPECIAL SALE ! OP CLOAKS , LADIES' UNDERWEAR COMFORTS - FORTS , BLANKETS , ETC. , COMMENCING MONDAY , NOVEMBER 28TH. . 4. We shall offer a large .stock of Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps , and Ladies' Underwear at about HALF their value. You will get your gift in the value of your ynrohase . and without the uncertainty of chance. This sale is to clean out this part of our stock , asvo must have the room for other goods , $20.00 $ Cloaks at-$10.00 $ $15.00 $ Cloaks at $7.50 $ j $17.00 $ Cloaks at $8.50 $ $12.00 $ Cloaks at $6.00 $ $10.00 CLOAKS AT $5.00. PRICES CUT IN HALF. THIT IS THE OPPORTUNITY YOU HAVE BEEN WAITING FOR. REMEMBER THE PLAGE , HARKNESS BROS. , 401 Broadway , . ' - ' - , . : . . " : . . - . ? - ' ' ' ' - ; ' * ' . . ; ' ; . : : . ' . . " - . " -