Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1887, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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During the coming week wo will offer
Home special bargains In our carpet de
partment , on third floor. It is generally
conceded that our patterns are the finest
in Omaha , and wo extend to purchasers uf
rnrpets the full benefit of far lower prices
and ( better selections than are usually
offered them ; this special sale will include
1 some of the newest.
Wilton Velvets , Moquettes , Ax-
minsters , Ingrains , Rugs ,
Art Squares , Etc ,
Wo luivo received another lot of
New Hassocks
Actual value $1 to $1.25 ; on sale Mon
day morning.
Corset Covers
Monday , we will offer 25 dozen extra
quality , perfect fitting , , good cambric
muslin , Corset Covers , usually sold for
C > 0c. 25c each. Muslin underwear de
partment , 2nd floor.
S , P , MORSE & CO
Augusta Solffort's Cruel Murder to
Bo Avenged.
Ho Complains That the Kvciiuttoii is
Ton IIOIIK Deferred antl Calmly
a Clicnr Other
Lincoln News.
Iu the district court yesterday the motion
for a rcheaiing in the Ucers murder trial was
argued before Judge Chapman by Mr. J. B.
Strode , attorney for Ueers. Mr. Strode
brought up n number of points on which he
claimed the was entitled to a now
trial. One of these questioned the compe-
.toncy of certain jurors who were challenged
for cause but admitted. Especial attention
was given to ono of the court's instructions
in the case which was in effect that unless
the defense proved beyond a reasonable
doubt that the prisoner was insane , the jury
should find for the state. Judge Chapman
overt tiled the motion for a new trial and
Beers was called into court to receive his sen-
tcnco. He appeared before the bar calm nnd
Indifferent , without being apparently affected
by the solemn , surroundings. When ques
tioned in the jail a few days ago he stated his
willingness to die , avcring that ho would bo
till the sooner in the pioscnco of the girl J.hat
he loved and had Killed. In response to'tho
question ot the judge if ho had anylhing to
say \ > by sentence should not bo pronounced ,
Hoers replied In a firm voice , " 1 have noth
ing to say. " Judge Chapman then said :
"You have been convicted of the crime of
murder in the first degree , and It becomes
my duty to pronounce the sentence of the law
upon you. You doubtless by this time leal-
izp the enormity of jour crime , oven if yon
did not contemplate It.s fearful consequences
at the time you dcstrojed the life of jour in
nocent victim. 1 would it wcro possible ,
sitting hoio as Judge of this court , with this
fearful responsibility resting upon me , to
know the motive which piomptedyou to com
mit this crime , but it is not permitted mo to
open the closed book of your life and read
Irom that ilitiU chapter known only to your
self. I can only know what eye witnesses of
thu Iragecy lolato under the solemnitj of an
oath. How you beat down an innocent , de
fenseless young woman without cause , ami
there bend ing over her prostrate feint , with
a pistol pressed agalnsl her head , sent its
deadly contents cr.isnlng through her brain.
I have only the story of these witnesses and
your own substqucnt admissions as my gnido
to read your purjioso and know your motive.
That your crime was premeditated , jou
admit. That jou purchased the revolver
with the intention to kill and murder
/ Johanna Augusta SoitToit iou have
admitted to several IMMSOIIS ; that
you. deliberately selected the Oc
eanian mu\ enticed your victim from the
place of her employer by the means of a letter
written by youisulf nnd to which you signed
her old mother's name , you also admit ; that
you watched for her and intercepted her on
her return from that visit , Is iu pioof ; and
that you then * , liken very fiend , assaulted
and murdered her whom jou professed to love
seems incredible , yet such Is the fact. You
may have Imagined she had wionged sou by
refusing to become jour wife , yet the evi
dence shows you hud seduced her In her Inno
cent girlhood days anil cast a blight upon her
humble name which would ever bo a re-
in-oach. You had wronged her , and hero In
her adopted home , when she was earning a
livelihood by honest labor , you have bet
added to jour sin by Hiking her life. In view
of those admitted fuels , yourcrhiiobut grows
iu lw enormity. You have had ublo counsel
who have Interposed every defense
within their fcach In your behalf. Coun-
el for. the state has been liberal
In allowing you to offer testimony which It
was ! u > ] ved would 'end ' to establish some legal
oiru&o for your crime , yet It falls far short else
so doing. - . An intelligent and honest jury hui
; . lUroned to all the testimony , oud , lion
' '
' ' ' ' '
' '
, ' . ' . ' . . . ' " : V' , ' ' ) ' - ' ' ' :
Dress Goods ,
Dress Goods
Combination Suits , $15 $
Next week we will offer 25 neat plain
color suit * ; cncli suit contains sufficient
plain material anil3 yards of uncut plush
iiiirelty , for a full suit , reduced from $25
down to # 15.
French Serges , 98c
We purchased the entire stock of One
CO- inch French 1'oule Serges , from Messrs
diaries Harry & Co. , New lurk , they cost
$ l. " > 0a jaid to import and lisnc usually
sold for $2 a j ard. Monday we offer them
at 1)8c. ) All the new colors in tills lot.
Mixtures ,
Monday morning we will offer 50 piece1
new double width , all wool mixed suit
ings , usual price "iOc a yard , . ' ! 8 to 40
inches wide , reduced to : i5c.
We have a magnificent assortment of
Photograph Albums , ranging from 50c
to $25 each.
estly and patiently considered the
same , and upon that evidence
have found j'ou guilty of murder. The evi
dence in this cnno unquestionably sustains
the verdict , nnd no one , I think , interested in
the personal welfare of the clti/cn nnd the
ptcscrvation of human life can remain in
different in the presence of a crime such as
you stand convicted of in this community.
Painful as the duty is , however much I
would that it had fallen to the lot of another ,
that duty cannot bo now evaded by mvsclf ,
nnd all that now remains for mo to do in
currying out the plain letter of the law is to
pronounce the sentence ' of death upon j'ou.
The time of sontc'nco I have placed at u
jwriod beyond the limit llxed by the law , and
mj earnest hope is that j'ou may Improve the
few days so given you In preparation for the
great change which so soon awaits you.
The sentence of the court is , "that you ,
Henry Beers , be taken from hence and kept
in solitary confinement in the county Jail of
Lam-aster county until Friday , the lilth day
ol April , lbt > 8 , on which day , between the
hours of 10 o'clock a. m. and II o'clock p. in.
of said day , j on bo taken from thence by the
sheriff of Lancaster county to a place pre
pared bj' him , and that you there bo hanged
by the nock until you nro dead , and that you
pay the costs of this prosecution. "
Thu large number in the couit room lis
tened with the closest attention to the words
of the judge. Following the sentence Hceis
retired with the sheriff to the ante-room ,
where ho eulinlj' lighted a cigar and pi o-
eecded to smoke with all the coolness and indifference -
difference that he has manifested throughout
the case. He was visited at the Jail after his
leturn to that place , but he had nothing
whatever to saj' .
The argument , on the facts in the order of
rates made by the board of transportation
lURilnst the Fremont , Elkhorn it Missouil
Valley railroad wiis made yesterday before
the supreme court.Attorney General Leeso
appearing.for the board of transportation
and .1. H. Hawley , of Fremont , and T. M.
Mat-quite , ot Lincoln , for the Elkhorn roan.
The argument was hugely of the tenor of ar
guments herctofoio in this case befoio the
board of transpoitution , except on the fact of
Juiisdiction , jvhich the court has compelled
the raihoad atlornojs to admit. A decision
will probably bo i cached when the court con
venes in January.
TIII : suniBMr. conrr.
In the supreme couit yestetduy the follow
ing causes were argued and submitted State
ex i el. Crawfoid vs. Cirahum ; State ex i el.
Clarke vs. Webster county ; State ex icl.
Hoard of Transportation vs. 1II. . & M. V.
U. U.'o. . Court adjourned nine die. The
next term will begin January . * , lbi > S.
The present term commenced September
20 , ISsT. There wcro 1X1 causes argued and
submitted , besides motions and Intellocutory
orders. The entire docket was called and all
cases whet o parties were ready were heard
and will have a decision , with very few ex
ceptions , by the January term , ls.y > .
Seventy-eight causes were decided nnd
opinions written , thirty-ilvo cases dismissed
without opinions , and cightj'-elght cases con
tinued. This showing is very creditable for
industry , and thu court is maintaining its
record of cfticient work iu causes coming be
fore it.
Friday evening Henry Veith , one of the
prospcious florman cili/cns of this city , colc-
mated his forty-first bitthday at his resi
dence on J street , surrounded by IrlctuU and
neighbour * The spread picpured for the
guests was all that could bo desired , and before -
fore tho.festivities broke up Mr. Velth was
presented with an elegant gold-hc.uted cano
bv the following filends at the gathering :
Major Klcutsch , County Treasurer loelo { ; , H.
Waltemade , Charles Meyer , John Km ten ,
Louis Veith , Claus 1'eters and Henry Druse.
The host of the evening i * the picsident of
the Herman Harmonic society , and the
donors of the cano wuro all members of that
A Now Secretary.
There was a vury Impoitaut meeting of
the John Diorks1 manufacturing company
Filday night , at which the resignation of
0. n. Holt , the secretary was accepted. W.
J , Carter , tl > 3 well-known expert accountant ,
was elected a * his successor. The works are
in cxcollent condition , having recently boon
moved hero from Council Hluffs , are now en
gaged on the belt line in thn inanufucturo of
agricultural Implements. Mr. Cat tor's ac
cession to the company will bo productive of
considerable advantage before Jong.
Of a Sealskin Sacque is by far the richest pres
ent a gentleman can give to a lady , as it takes
from 1O to 15 days to make one , gentlemen
should leave their orders with us this week ,
Sealskin Jackets , $100.
Sealskin Sacques , $175
Sealskin Sacques , $200
Sealskin Sacques , $225
Sealskin Sacques , $250
Sealskin Sacques , $275
We sell only genuine Alaska seal gar
ments , of the1 best London dye , every
sacque warranted ,
Next week we call attention to n new lot
of black nil wool Camels Hair Circulars ,
lined with Itiisslan squirrel , fur collar ,
edged with same nil round. Usual price
$30 , reduced to $20.
Made of Black Sicllllan silk , lined with
Ilnssinn'Sqnlrrcl , black hare collar and
edge , worth $115 , reduced to $25.
Bolossy Kiralfy's grand dramatic spec
tacle , "Dolores , " by M. Victoricn Sardou ,
which played to enormous businessin Kansas
City last week , will be presented at Hoyd's
oi > cra house , " every evening this week , with
mutineer Wednesday and Saturday. The
spectacle is said to be the grandest that has
ever been seen on the American stage. The
ballets led by the Antinella Holla , the star
dnnscuso , and Mile. Pans , are said to surpass
everything yet attempted. Nearly one
hundred people are engaged in the perform
Thursday , Friday and Saturday matinee
and evening. Charles L. Davis , m "Alviu
Joslin. "
Frank Linden opens this afternoon with a
2 o'clock matinee , presenting "Hazol Kiike , "
and in the evening "Monte Cnsto. " which
will continue during the week until further
TIIK cr.itMVN TiinvTr.n.
' Duureis & Puls'
This evening at Hoyd's ,
German company appear iu the musical com
edy , "Dor Lowe des Tuges , " with all the
favorites oi the company m the cast.
The magnificent organi/ation , the most
complete that ever traveled in the number of
its ai lists , the sio of its chorus , thoeflicicncy
of its ballet , the ability of its orchestra , the
variety and richness of Its costumes and the
grandeur of it.s scenery and mechanical
ctlccts , will sing four operas In the Grand
opera house commencing Thursday evening ,
December 15. On that night it will appear in
"Aida ; " Friday , in "Nero ; " Saturday
matinee , " Queen of Sheba " and Saturday
night , "Faust. "
HIT cvnxixoS rmtroiiMAXcn.
* FannyDdVcnpoit closed her engagement
at Hovd's last evening as Pauline In the
"Lady of Lvons. " The audience was again
very large , but the play was decidedly below
the standard nt the two piovious perform
ances. McDowell , as Claude Melnotle ,
stumbled through his lines like the veriest
amateur , while almost the entire cast was in
different , innitistic , bad. This is hard to
rcnll/o after the two magnificent renditions
of "Fedora" by the same company , atlll it is
true. _
Death of an Kstiiunhlc Lady.
Mrs. Anna C. Frcdrlcksen died at her
residence , Twenty-fourth and Pierce streets ,
last Wednesday after u long and patient
struggle with that dread disease consump
tion. Mrs. Fredricksen was born in Maquo-
kola , la. , in lb. > 3. She formerly held a po
sition in the millinery department of a piomi-
nenUilry goods stoic in Hiis city. Mrs. Ficd-
i ickscn had a wide circle of Inends , who i o-
spectcd her most highly. The interment
took place in Piospect Hill cemetery.
* M < 'ons-p < l to Wart.
The followimg licenses to marry were issued
yesterday by Judge McCullough :
Name and residence. Age ,
( Warren L. Wingro vo , Omaha . 2 < I
j Clara H. no\Uby , Omaha . 2t
Homer A. Dcbcon , Omaha . 20
K'la ' Allen , Omaha. . . . . 2'J '
Kdwaul Simpson was unestod nt 2 o'clock
ycatcrdny afternoon charged witli having
stolen n pair of boots fiom the store of Isaac
Hcubcn on Tenth street. He was arraigned ,
pleaded gniltj and was sent over the hill fet
eniy-fivo days.
Chi'cnK ° Huckct Kliopers Indicted.
CniciGO , Dec. 3. [ Special Telegram to the
IKK. ] The grand Jury , to which was pro-
ccntod the much talked of bucket shop cases ,
finished its Juliors this afternoon and was
discharged after making its report to Judge
li. iltor , ot the criminal court. Under an old
statute \\hlch has ncVer before been enforced ,
the couit fixed thu bail in each case whcio an
indictment had been found so that in case of
arrest , while cqurt was not In session , the
shei iff mighl accent bail. This was signifi
cant as bolug especially intended for the
bucket-shop people. Lata in .the afternoon
some of the eanluscs wore Issued nnd tlio
clerk worked lulu ou others , but it is iraprob-
tblo that uny arif.sts will be made before
Made of host Slemian Silk , lined flith
Siberian Squirrel , header collar and edge ,
worth $75. Our price $45.
Ranging 4 to 10 years. Haveloeks ,
Coats and Grctclien's. Best bargains ever
offered , at $ l.t8 ! , $2.50 , $ S1.85 , $5.88 ,
$ .1 > 5.
Monday. It was learned that seven bucket
shop indictments were found containing the
names of seventeen persons of whom four
are members of the board of trade and the
rest uro the prominet bucket shop men who
have been doing a regular business. Among
the "victims" arc Leo Hunt , William E.
Aiken , H. 1J. Wiley , James L. Starbuck , F.
E. Shciana , George W. Wiggtf , William
Shakel , James A. Murphy , William Hilcy ,
David Pulsifer , Adolph Lickstern John H.
Weaver , H. C. Winchester and Kennedy K.
Continuation of the Trial of Fidelity
Fraud Hnrpcr.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 3. In the E. L. Harper
trial to-day President Swift was rc-cxum-
incd , but made no new points.
W. H. Chatflcld and Sol. P. Kincon , di
rectors of the bank , testified that the board
did not authorize the issue of certificates of
deposit to the Chemical National bank of
New York nor the payment of drafts of Chicago
cage grain brokers. The board had never
been consulted with reference to the Issue of
certificates of deposit.
Albert P. Gahr testified that ho was secre
tary of Sift's Iron and Steel company and
secretary and treasurer of the IIIversidoIron
and Steel company. Ho detailed the circum
stances of his trip to Chicago June 14 in com
pany with Wiltshiie. Ho said ho was in
structed by Harper to go and was told that
Wiltshire wou'd ' get aboard at Cumminsvillo
with ? iOO,000 , which witness was to take
charge of and deliver to Wiltshire in Chicago
cage , if Wiltshire could make arrangements
with Chicago parties. He gave the package
to Wiltshire in Chicago.
Kichard Smith , of the Commercial Gazette ,
testifies that ho went with Hriggs Swift ,
president , to see Harper and to askhim about
the wheat deal. Ho said ho was not in the
deal , that ho was not using the lunds of the
bank in the deal and that ho was not dis
counting notes to raise funds. "Thereupon
1 wrote an editorial , published in the Com
mercial Gazette , saj ing that the oftieers of
the Fidelity gave assurance of the soundness
of the bank.11
J. H. Stewart , trustee In the assignment of
E. L. Harper , tcstitied that ho lound assets
values at HIX,000. ) Haiper's liabilities were
over > ,00X,000. ( )
J. H. Harper , general bookkeeper , told of a
New York draft that put fc00,000 ! to Harper's
credit. Ho was ordeicd by Harper to con
ceal this fact. June 14 ho ordered him to
put out $1,000,000 to the Chemical National
bank to discount. '
The coutt adjourned till Monday before the
book-keeper's testimony was all in.
Lieutenant CJrajdon'n Invention Suc
cessfully Tested at Sandy Hook.
NKW YoiiK''Dec ; . . ; ) . The second test of the
new dj nnmltfl sjujll invented by Lieutenant
Grajdon wai , jimdt ) at Sandy Hook yester
day. Five steel shells were fired. The first
penetrated a fiftwen-inch turret target and
exploded , demolishing the target. Four wore
then fired to dcUirinino the range and demonstrate -
onstrato by ttraydon's metliods the dyna- propelled by ordinary
black | K > wdcr froju * , service guns , so ns to ob
tain satisfactory penetration and destructive
power. Thd ordnance board was much
pleased with tho'icsult ' of the test.
Lake Krio General OIlieeH Moved.
HI.OOMIXQTOX , 111. , Dee. n. The general
offices of the Luke Erie & Western railway
will bo removed from this city to Indlanajiolis
this evening. They were moved from La
fayette to this city in December , ' Ib&J , and
their transfer to-day takes awaj thirty fam
ilies. The books , records , effects , etc , will
bo placed on a sp-'cialtrain , and the employes
will occupy two chair cm s , the train teaching
Indianaiwlis Sunday morning.
An Aristocratic Shoplifter.
CIIIIMOO , Dec. a. [ Sixrial Telegram to the
UKK. ] Mrs. Amelia Ticknor , the wlfo of a
well-known board pf trade man , was indicted
for shoplifting in u down-town dry goods
store. ' Itis aid flint'Mrs. Ticknor } s ad
dicted to the opium habit , anil that this la responsible -
sponsible fpr her troubles. ' , '
Made of good heavy checked Milton with
welt seams , usual prlco $4 , Monday at
$2. 0.
Ladies' and Misses'
Made of heavy fine quality brow u striped
Scotch Cheviot , $5.
Made of English striped Kcrsejplush
lined hood.
Ending ; of a Young Denver
Cent's Folly.
Dcxvcn , Colo. , Dec. 3. Special Telegram
to the BUE. Another horrible abortion and
death was brought to light this afternoon
which promises to throw into insignificance
the celebrated Minnie Davis tragedy. The
victim is a handsome girl of twenty-two ,
named Minnie Liebrand. She died at 111"
Welton street Thursday night , in terrible
agony , and it was given out that the death
was from typhoid fever , but the physician , at
the last moment , refused to give a death
certificate and notified the police , who im
mediately went to work and , late this after
noon , arrested W. H. Stewart , a stone cutter
of the Union Pacific , for seduction , ho being
the acknowledged lover of the dead girl. At
the county jail ho acknowledged ho was the
one guilty of the girl's ruin. A few minutes
alter Stewart's arrest , a white woman
named Jane Johns and her colored husband ,
who live at 1117 Welton street , Mrs. Sturgis ,
the dead girl's aunt , and u Mrs. Green were
arrested as accomplices and lodged in jail.
The remains of an infant were found in the
coat shed on Welton street , where they wcro
placed by Stewart at midnight , Thursday.
The deceased has several sistei s living hero
who nro very respectable and with whom she
lived until recently , when her condition be
coming known , she removed to the Johns
The Trouble Hctwqcn Contractors
Still Continues. , Col. , Dec 3. [ Special Telegram
the 13iu. : ] Matters at the state capital do
not seem to bo ncaring a solution. Tito
sheriff is watching the building material for
the contractor's creditors and Superintendent
Gciney and Inspector Miller arc watching it
in the interests of the state. Contractor
Hichardson went to Omaha yesterday to try
to get some understanding for settlement
with the Union Pacific on their claim for
hauling stone which is in the neighborhood of
f2'XX ) ( ) . Ho says that the manager of the
Union Pacific stone departmenttoldhiinsomo
years ago that they must have the contract to
furnish the capitol building stone and inti
mated u low offer to get it ; also that the
contractor based his estimates on this
offer and was thereby enabled to
get the contract. A talk with one or two of
the capitol manageis discovers Mr. Uiclmrd-
son to bo in an unpleasant situation finan
cially , and the holding of his bondsmen to
complete the contract at the price agreed.
They cannot help the contractor beyond liv
ing up to the agreement of the state , and are
not disposed to assume any lespousibility for
his shortsightedness in the contract. The
board is trying to avoid all trouble and scan
dal and to facilitate the work. It is said that
if Mr. Hichardson cannot secure financial aid
he is bankrupted.
No Apprehension in Mexico Over a Iln-
vic\v of the CUHC.
CITY op MI\ICO : ( via Galveston ) , Dec. 3.
In government circles there Is no appiehon-
sion of difficulties with the United States over
a review of the .Cutting ccse. The United
States made a demand on the Mexican gov
ernment several weeks ago in a friendly man
ner , suggesting , in order tn prevent fuluro
entanglement and the rupturing of the good
relations at present existing between the two
countries , that Chihuahua and ether states of
this republlo maintaining the doctrine of extra
territorial Jurisdiction , should repeal the law
us In conflict with the established principle of
international law. Indemnity in the Cutting
C.HO was also suggested without a specific
sum being mentioned. The question is ono
devoid of personal considerations. Mexico
showed no disposition to avoid a fi loudly dis
cussion of thu point of international law In
volved. The matter , it. is said , will po
tluough the diplomatic channels. Sutl.sfuo
tion loxineBs l with \vuyDa.V4irdhnd- -
dlod the ease so a to avoid placing Mexico In
an embarrassing ixiiition.The press .is very
likely V > deal with thomatter , in U difforcat
In our basement salesroom Me display
the finest and largest assortment of
Dolls , Dolls
Ever brought to Omaha. All our Dolls
are new. Wo import them direct and
show only this year's stjles and manufac
We have some very pretty. I'nris made
Jnnicun Itcbc Dolls , besides a complete as
sortment of Dolls' HeadDolls' Hodles ,
Dolls' Shoes , Dolls' Stockings.
Toilet Cases ,
We call the attention of ladles to our
full assortment of
j r
i s * ' I V * A rr
and Toilet Cases.
The finest ever shown in America.
Boys' Sleds , 50c ,
WeoTur a splint liir ? tti iu biyV slots
Monday , actually worth 85e , 50c each.
spirit from the goveinmcnt , the real position
of the case not being understood by the news
papers , and some heated declamation is
probable. Friends of President Diaz , who is
a candidate for re-election , say his opponents
will endeavor to show that ho is overfricndly
to Americans.
Hnydcu Ilros.
Wo nro receiving the handsomest
stock of holiday goods which was ever
brought to Omaha. Wo need more
opsvco to display them and have it.
All bulky goods , such as blankets , flan
nels , pillows and cotton batting must
go. 'tj-lb feather pillows reduced to
68e , ttoo , Sl.'Jo ami Sl..r > 8 u piece.
600 bed comforters at 60c , We , $1.2-5 ,
81.50 , $2.Ot ) , 82.2-5 u piece. Best sateen
comforts $3.00 each.
Wo are offering the bent bargains in
blankets. Look over our prices and ox-
nmine the quality , and you will admit
that our prices are from 10 to 40 per
cent lower than any other hou o in this
city. We have blankets in white , red ,
blue grey , silver grey , steel mix , pink
mix , &c , : it 7. " > e , $1.00 , $1.2.5 , $ l.-5 : ! , < il.60 ,
$ l.ti-5 , $1.75 , $2.00 , $2.25 , $2. JO , $2.50 ,
$2.75 , $2.90 , $2.)5 ! , Slt.OO , $11.115 , $ ; U5 ,
SH.05 , f..7o ! , $ 't.85 , $4.00 , $4.2-5 , $4.5 : ! ,
$4.50 , $4.75 , $1.88 , $5.00 , $3.35 , $5.50 ,
$ 5.8-5 anil $ ( > .50 a pair.
Grey mixed sinil brown mixed dress
llnnnclb at ] 2Ju a yard.
White shaker tUinnel 5e a yard , 20
yards for $1.00.
White silk-embroidered flannel 75o ,
85c , $1.00 and $1.25.
Great bargain in navy blue flannel , nil
wool twilled , at lOc , 2Ju ( , 22o , 25e , UOo ,
Hots and lOc a yard. .
2-yaid-wido } skirting ilnnnol reduced
to $1.25 a yard. blankets nl $1.00 , $2.00 and $3.50
10 cases gt ease batting at lOo a roll or
3 for 25o. This batting lakes the cake ;
the best til ing cvorollored by any bouse ,
3 rolls for 25u.
Remember our remnant sale on Tues
day , Doiiombcr ( i , 18S7.
110 ami 11SS. Kith st. ,
Omaha , Mob.
Heal Kstato Ti-uiHl > rs.
JasW Savage and wifu to L W Tul-
ley.x , lots ii : and 11 , nlk U , Saimders
& Himebaugh'.s add , w d $ Ij.lOO
L Y Sikeset nl to Homu Trust com
pany , n 140 ft of o 5,1 ft lot 10 , blk 5 ,
Park place , w d i , 100
Snm'l T Hnldridgo and wife to Sam'l
DT Potter , lot ! U , blk 5 , Kllby place ,
r wd l.SOO
Chan Harkcisor and wife to Wm Duck.
lot 11 , Darker1 * sub dlv , wd 1,400
J J Mahoney ot al to Uichard M Gen
ius ot al , c 25 ftof w 50 it lot 1 , blk
? ! > , South Omaha , wd 1,000
Johti J Hardln to the public , dedica
tion , 14 ft sttip for alley thiou'gh lot
IB , Johnsons add.
Mattie E Council to the public , dedica
tion. II ft strip for alloy through lot
11 , Johnson's add.
E A Benson and wife to W M Halston ,
blks IU and 03 , Henson , w d 0,000
FJ Hotchkiss and wlfo to Anthony
T Jiihnson , w If lots i ) mid II ) , blk t > ,
DCuntralpaik , wd 2,200
Wm K Huwley and wife to G A Liml-
quest , lot' ' , blk , Hillside add No 2 ,
i\- ( i I * . . . . . . . . * . . . . * . . . . . . . . . o MOvU ,
Catherine M Smith and husband to
Gcorgu Canipboll , lot S and 'J blk 1
Waterloo , w 1 4"0
Lewi * S Smith and wife to George
Canipboll , lot 10 blk 1 Waterloo , w d 100
Peter J Corrigan to Murgarotha O
Wear , lot 1 and 2 blk 3 Corrigan
place , wil 720
John A Milioyto William U Drum-
moml , lot 2 blk 2 Potter A : Cobb's
add , w d -JIO
George S Gage to M L Walworth ,
lot U and 12 blk .i Kush & Selby's
udd.wd , fl/iOO
George W Ames and wife to James
McTorimn , lot , 13 and H blk 5 Ames'
place , wd , > , . r.oo
10 transfers , total. . . . ' . rJ5,820
We purchased sonio extra quality London
dyed Alaska seal raps. These arc inlbi
Tiirliitn mill Helmet style , nndnsuAllj
sold for $ ir > . Our price is * 12.
We will offer the Huest quality sealskin
made raps , all the. desirable shapes , Tur
ban * , Helmets , Visor caps , etc. Hegular
price $20 , our price $15.
Smoking Jackets
.We hare received our new importation !
of men's silk lounging jackets , and offer
them ut the extremely low price of $7.50
Men's ' Initial Handkerchief
33 l-3c.
We offer 100 do/en mens' hemstitched
initial handkerchiefs. UMIU ! price 50c.
One-half do/en in a package ut 3 ! ) l-3c.
A Collation ol' Views I'Voni Several
IjeailiiiK Congressmen.
Toi.r.Do , O. , tee. U. This evening's Blade
published letters from cightj' members of
congiessin reply to queries about revenue
reform. Neat lj'all the answers admit the
necessity of revenue reduction bj" from
$ . - > ( ) , < X)0lH)0 ) ) to $ H ) ( ) , < XX,000 ) , but there is great
diversity as to how it is to bo effected. The
democratic revenue reformers strongly urge
the i eduction of the tariff on all articles that
can be called necessaries of llfo and generally -
orally favor the i etentlon of internal revenue
taxes , with the exception of tobacco.
Republicans ami liundall u rule ,
insist upon the letontiolinf lr tariff cxcopjt
upon sugar , and advocate un abolition oi
neaily all international revenue taxation , the
most common exception buing whisky. The
moio pronounced protectionists advocate the
entire reiwal of the sugar duty and the pay
ment of bounties to sugar-growers. There is
a general expression among republicans and
some western democrats in favor of enlarged
expenditures for coast defenses ana new
navy , river and harbor improvements. The
postal telegraph also has inuny supporters.
A UlK Sale.
On Mondny December , " > wo will offer
the bargains in fine colored drose
ever .sold in any city. The entire Block
will be otTorud in three lots.
iMc LOT I , li-Mj.
This lot includes all KntrUiih body anil
American casliinoro , Atlantic P. I1' . , all
plain and fancy Kn libh novelties , all
( iouilo\vidthnnd Union .suitin nndilrcHri
llatiiul ! , 3 ( > \ 10 , in Tricot , iinil all ether
goods usually sold from J-'io to 76e per
yard , and at these prices would bo re
garded at > good Milui' .
l-lo LOT II , loo.
In this lot you will Ilnd all that is de
sirable iu all wool double width German
and American dress goods , fancy plaids
and now di'iigns in figures and plain
goodn in the shmle.s and the moHt
improved wtyles. The usual price of
this lot of goods are fromTou to 81.25 per
yard , and at thews figures would bo con
sidered elicap.
Too LOT m , 75o ,
This lot includes all the finest all
wool imported Krencli fabrics , nil
the lutot patterns and no\\ii'oloriiigsnU
Unit rieli , now and novel , not a Hinglo
undesirable piece in this lot. TWOCIIHCH
of now goods sent us by a Nnw York im
porter who received them too Into for
I'ontrncUlolivtM'.y hns instructed us to soil
thorn for what they will bring.
Our present stock including these
goods will bo sold Monday at 7Gc per
yard , usual prlco of tills class of goods
run from 91.60 to $ . 2pur yard. To
show our oariie.stne H in this sale , if any
person will bring snmplcH of this class
of goods wo will ugreo to match it in
quality for less than one-half the best
pricos'nnined. \Vo have a hnndsoma
line of I'Yanch dress patterns in oboica
shades , richly embroidered in silk ,
regular price JJlH.oO to 8211. Monday our
price will be 97.50. Monday and during
next week we will olTur black and col
ored pro-grain silks , fully warrantedat
( He , 8Sc and SI per yard , worth nearly
Satins iu nil shades 2oo to fifio per
yard. The best silk velvet , all colors ,
iit .V o to 75c. Others ask double for the
same goods.
TUESDAY , DUG. 0 , 1887.
The greatest bargains over offered in
remnants , romnnnts of silks nnd satins ,
remnants of double-width all wool dresH
goods , remnants of cheap dress goods ,
remnants of giiigliiuns , cretonnes and
calico' ' , remuiinls of table linen and
crashes , remnanlb of flannels ) remnants
of I'.idor down and Jersey llannel , Don't
fail to visit our store on Tuesday for
you will bo surprised at the low prices
which wo have made on remnants.
They must bo sold regardless of cost or
value. HAYDKNHHO.S. ,
110and 118 So. IGth'st , Omaha , N b.