I THE OMAHA-DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , PEOE1VIBEH' J. ' . 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. ECHOES FROM THE ASTE-ROOJl Various Secret Orders Select t ) Their Servants For Next Ycnr. 4 . RESULT OF THE ELECTIONS. Masonic News It'cuin Prom tlio Otltl Fellows The A. O. U. AV. KnlKlits of Honor General I'ythltui XewH. AT Tiir regular meeting of Omaha Lcplon No. li , H. 1C. . A. O. U. W. , lie-Id Occcinher ! J. 1&VT , the following officers \vcro clouted for thn coming ycnr : K U. Ayer , cotnnmnilcr ; M , II. liecbo , vlco romtiiiindnr ; W. | , I. C. Putnam Cramer , HuutiMinnt cnninuuiilcr ; ( ! . Weber , standard huurur ; C. O. Knciiicr , Jlt'cordcr ; Ij. I ) . Holmes , recording { treas urer ; .1. O. Lunciulst , senior workman ; ( J. K. Koj'nolds , junior workman ; -W. Turner , Kiinrd , It WUH nlso decided tliut nftcr .Inn ; nary 1 , ItoS , tlio regular meeting nights would bo the Jlrst uiul third Mondays of each month. * * Nr.mtASKA No. ltho mother Pythian lodge In this btuti' IIHH elected new ofllcorH as follows : C. C. , C. W. ninsmoro ; V. C. , \V. S. Spencer ; ! . , . ! . K. McDonald ; Iv. of K. mid S. . C. A. I'ottor : Al. of R , II. H. Ircy ; M. of I- ' . , .1. H. Smith ; M. at A. , H. J. Saw yer. This ledge Is u prosperous one and Its now ofllcPi'H liavo been well and carefully chosen. Tim selection of Dr. Ulnsmoro at O. C. Is ti titling tribute to the great interest the doctor has taken In the order. This pen- tliinmn has been u member of the order but lltllu moru than eighteen months , but he Is regarded as an able expounder of 1'ythian law as well as a close adhcrintto Its precepts. He will ( ill the chair with a dignity that becomes - comes the ehlnf ofllccr of the first Nebraska lodge. Captain Spencer's election tojlio next lilghi'.st position is a wise selection. In every jiosition Captain Spencer has occupied In the order ho has proven himself a. valuable official and in his new position the same zeal and fidelity to I'ythian interest will mark his earnest efforts. * / Tnr iiAXxnu prcRcntiitlon to Star Lodge of Ashland has not as yet taken place. The beautiful emblem is ready and the Omaha brethren will carry it tp the victors as soon nu they announce their readiness to receive it. * Tin : ruixTnn journal of the proceedings of the last session of thu Nebraska Grand Lodge K. of I1. is being distributed. It is' a volume of ITS pages and its typographical feature is a decided credit to the printer. Mr. K. K. French , G. 1C. of U. and S. is the editor of the Journal and ho has labored earnestly to prepare the proceedings speedily , and In a manner at once interesting nnd convenient , LOIKII : AO. U. W. will glvo a second annual ball shortly. * Tun On FKU.OWH ofMcCook have elected the following olllcers : H. H. Hcrry , N. G. : U. H. Williams , V. ( ! . ; ! ! . Trowbridgo , sec retary : II. K 1'ade , permanent secretary ; V. Franklin , treasurer ; C. T. Hrewer , 15. F. Olcott and W. O. Kussell , trustees. A i.r.mox of Select Icfilghts of the A. O. U. W. Is shortly to be instituted at Plum Creek. # Wnnxr.snAY XIOIIT the new officers of Occi dental Lodge No. Ul , Knights of Pythias , of Columbus , were elected as follows : C. C. Miller , C. C. ; W. N. Hcnslev , Ar. C. ; U M. Hoag , P. : O. A. Schroodcr , M. of 12. ; H. Ful ler , M. of F. ; W. K. Dale , 1C. It. and S. ; David Dowty , M. A. The lodge is In a flour ishing condition , and has just moved into a neWand commodious hull. vf Tun xn\v ofllccrs ofcfauntlet Lodge 47 1C. of P. ut Plattsmouth are as follows : W. W. Druinmond , C. C. ; F. A. Murphy , V. C. ; Dr. T. P. Livingston , P. ; , L W. Outright , 1C. of U. and * . ; Dr. C. A. Marshal , M. at A. ; H. Klfton , M. of E. ; .1. C. Peterson , M. ofF. ; C. C. Parmele , I. G. ; 11. F. Hillary , O. G. * Tun orncnns elected by Eureka Ledge No. 7 1C. of P. , Nebraska' City , for the ensuing ycnr n ro : J. K. Conley , C. C. ; K. L. Has- ford , V. C. ; F. M. Turner , 1C. of U. and S. ; J. Tempest , I * . ; J. Anderson , M. at A. : E. McCallum , M. of E. ; ,1. M. Taylor , M. of F. ; M. S. Campbol , I. G. ; I. W. McDaiilels , O. G. * * Tnr. Onn Fr.u.owsf Norfolk will dedi cate their new hall on the loth of this month. I'hs building uiul lot is valued at 57,000. * * Noitrot.u Lonnn , No.40 , 1. O. O. F. . has elected the following olllcers : Hurt Mapes , N. G.N. ; C. Story , V. G. ; P. F. Spreehcr , U. S.N. ; C. Geddis , P. S. ; C. E. Doughty , treasurer ; George N. Heels , M. W. Crabtrco and W. II. Livingston , trustees. GiiAXn CiiAXcni.i.ou 6'Ncll , of the K. of P. , has approved the petition for a now lodge , ( No. I'J ) ) at Shclton , HutTalo county , which will bo instituted this week by O. L. Green , D. D. G. C. , of Kearney. Ciir.scnxT LODGE , No 01 , 1C. of P. , was in- Rtltutcd at Elmwood , Cass county , on Tues day evening , November 29 , by Fred Vf. Hace , U. D. G. C. , assisted by members of Ever green lodge , No. 50 , of Weeping Water. Tiir. MASOXS of HutTuTo , N. Y. , liavo been burned out twice In rented quarters , and liavo determined to build a homo of their own. At a recent meeting held for the pur pose $ r > 0,000 was subscribsd. AT A recent meeting Nebraska Ledge No. 1 , 1C. of P. , appointed a committee of confcr- cnco with other lodges in the city , with a View to uniformity in initiation fees. AOWAT LODOC No. ! M,1c. ) of P. , was recently Instituted nt Ponca , Dixon county , with fif teen charter members. The work was done by U. M. Goshcn , D. D. G.C. , with assistance 1 > f members of the lodge at Wayne. * PAIIK Lonou , 1C. of P. , of this city , has elected the following ofllccrs : A. A. .Weadeinyer , C. C. ; G. W. Robinson , V. C. ; W. W. Cox , P. ; E. H. Martin , M. E. ; Bradley , M. F. ; E. J. Pollack , K. U. & S. ; Parsons , M. A. * SAMUCI. nnr.D , the first supreme chancellor nf the order of 1C. of P. . has been quite sick. He Is seventy years of nge , but still feels a Beep Interest in the order. k Tun xr.w ollli'crs of"tlio West Point louVre Ko. J.M , 1C. of P. , are : U.S. Miller , P. C ; . Mf.Kartfelt $ , 0.0. ; Wc.tlcr Fetter. V. C , ; W. H. MeKee. V ; ; L. n. Hlcy , M. E. ; Julius. Tlilele , M. F. : 1C. Harothy , M. A. ; C. S. Dctnory , 1C. tif U. und 8 , A TIV ; Tiiot' ANti".i > oi.i.AH linll for Masons Is to bo built at EastjKjrt , Mo. * Tiir. Out ) FOLLOWS of Ncllgh gave n ball Wednesday evening which was ono of the pleasant events of the season. The attend ance was large. TnnMoxs of the state of Arkansas at the grand lodge Which adjourned November 1M. decided to build a MuM > nlu temple. It will probably be of granite , and will cost upward of i.V,000. ) , Kx-Poi.icn .lunon A. L. PAn ox * , ot Lin coln , l < tlio chancellor commander of Capital City ledge No. OS , 1C. of P. , of Lincoln. C. ( J. KICIMUI > O'Nnif of the 1C. of P. , was quietly murrlcd to Miss Anna Vanderpoel , of Lincoln. J. E. SMITH has neon rcnppointcd D. D. G. C. of the 1C. of P. for Douglas county. O.v.Uxt'Aiir 5 Orloiolodgo 1C. of P. will publicly limtall its recently elected olllcers nnd will give a social ut Its hall on thu occasion. * Tun xmv officers otAv | > llo lodge 1C. of P. nt Lincoln tire : C. 0. Cut-other , C. C. ; W. K. Churchill , V. C. ; T. C. Mungcr , prelate ; U. W. Kelley , M. of E. ; Jacob North , M. of F. ; C. K. Waite , 1C. of U. nnd S. ; C. H. Foxwor- tliy , M. at A. ; Dr. K. T. Holyokc , master. A. D. Marshall lodge * k. of P. at Lincoln , has elected the following officers : W. H. Merger , C. C. ; L. T. Guylord , V. C. ; Charles True , prelate ; II. F. Downs. 1C. of K. nnd S. ; Euos Johnson , M. of F. ; J. F. Hayden , M. of K. ; J. Duvis , M. ut A. ; Frank H. ISohatinan , master. * * Enterprise lodge No.iO 1C. of P. at South Omaha held their nnniial meeting Thursday night uiul elected the following officers : J. II. Johnston , C. C. ; ( leorgcBall , V. C. ; E. 1C. Wells. 1C. of H. and S. ; .1. P. Hayes , M. at A. ; C ! . Hcuthcr , M. of E. ; W. H. Luughlln , M. of F. ; E. C. Marsh , P. ; J. F. Kltclmrdt , John Hobinson and S. W. Dennis , trustees. * * Capital City lodge lC.of P. at Lincoln has elected-the following officers : F. F. Hoose , C. U. ; U. W.Johnson , V. C. ; Nell Johnson , prelate ! J. H. Mlnir. 1C. of U. and S. ; C. W. Hoxie , M. of E. ; U. Mueucrhagcn , M. of F. ; George S. Foxworthy , M. at A. Supreme Hecorder fcTnekett , of the A. O. U. W. , reports tlio total number of members in peed standing October 1 , 1SST , 1KIS'J ! ) ! , a gain of b'J'J for the month. New York stands at the head , with 25,1170 members , a gain of l.'i'i. Illinois and Missouri arc close together ; Illi nois reports 1 ! > ,575 , a gain of 100 ; Missouri is very near , with I'.i.MM , a gain of ail ) . Cali fornia is next , with 17i70. ( Albert H. Snvneo , of Lewlston , Mo. , supreme premo assistant dictator , lias been appointed by Supreme Dictator L. A. Gratz to tlio ofllcc of supreme vice-dictator of the Knights of Honor , imulo vacant by the resignation of John T. Millburn , of Louisville , ICy. TIIR jinMimus of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Kite in Now York have purchased for . ' ( the Ucformcd Sli.l,000 Kutgcrs Presby terian church , corner of Madison avenue and Twenty-third street , and will occupy it in u few months. * AT tun last session of the supreme lodge of the Knights of Honor , held in May , ! Ss7 , nt Philadelphia , Pn. , it was ordered that alt lodges shall bo required to pay , on or before August 1 , ISb" , nil sums duo the supreme ledge for rituals aud assessment report blanks ; failing therein , they shall stand sus pended. In accordance with the above ac tion , the following , nmongothcr lodges , stand suspended for the non-payment of assess ment report blanks and rituals : Nebraska , Nos. 9J5 : und WW , and'Iowu No. 1177. Tnr. roi.i.owixo have been elected C. C. of their respective lodges : George 13. StryUor , of Pythagoras Ledge No. Ml ; James A. Hrown , of Oriole Ledge No. 7(1 ( ; AV. T. P. AVootl , of A'iolu Ledge No. SO ; H. M. Shaeffcr , of Lincoln Ledge No. 10 ; Dave Kaufman , of Myrtle Ledge No. ! ! , of Omaha : H. L. Howe , of Triangle Lodge No. 54 , of Omaha. 4 Gnxr.iiAi , J. E. SMITH , D. D. G. C. for Doug las county , has decided to spend the winter in Washington , D. C. , accompanied by his family. Nr.BiiASKA Lonr.n No ! * ! , 1C. of P. , renewed its lease of Central hall at an advance in rent of 100 per cent. ADJUTANT J. E. DOUGLAS , of the First regiment of the Uniform Hank in Nebraska , visited Omnhu on Thursday and Friday of last week. Timlin Ann no HoboKah lodges in British Columbia , Chili , Florida , Manitoba , Missis sippi , Quebec , Switzerland and Utah. I. C. SMITH , of Illinois , Harrison Sorule , of Michigan , and E. P. Palmer , of Massachusetts , have tendered their resigna tions in the Patriarchs Militant. * * * ELKHOUX VALLEY Ledge I. O. O. F. , has elected oniccrs for the coming term as fol lows : N. G. , Charles Pond ; V. G. , Dr. Shore ; recording secretary , J. H. Meredith ; permanent sccrotaryjJJ. L. Darr ; treasurer , C. Schram ; trustees S. Wolf , E. W. Adams and H. M. Uttley. Shiloh Post No. l5o * G. A. U. , of Sioux City , has elected the following officers for the ensuing year : J. Hcntf row , commander ; L. Williams , senior vico-commandcr ; W. Moon , junior vice-commander : G. W. Kittell , sur geon : S. S. Wox , chaplain ; EJlrewcr , Q. M. ; J. Winklcman , O. D.L. ; BcThthold , O. G. ; W. T. Owens , Adj , It has been decided to hold a camp lire December 9. _ i Tlio Ilcalty Market. The movement in real estate during tno past week has not been very active. This is undoubtedly duo to the inclement weather which debarred many would-bp purchaser * "prescribed" by from making the journeys the brokers. The following table shows the state of the trade according to the deeds lllcil with the county clerk : I Monday . . . ? 2r-00 Tuesday . -t Wednesday . Thursday . I Friday . 2V > 0 Saturday . " i.5 ! ; ' ) i 1 Total . . S273iOO : VT CAP ! AT iM outlAL Doings of the Week Among the Society People. THE KINSMAN-COOKE NUPTIALS. Ml us Killth MuKciizle's Liineliron A Donkey Parly General Soolul 1 GoHMlp OT tllO Cliilis-I Kinsman CooUe. The marriage ceremony of Miss Sophie Cooke to Mr. A. W. Kinsman was solem nized at the residence of the bride's mother at No. 111 ! South Twenty-fifth avenue on Thursday evening , December 1 , at fiiliO o'clock. This event was preceded by u bridal supper , given In honor of the bride and groom by Mrs. J. H. Daniels , at her residence cor ner of California nntl Twenty-third streets , on Monday evening , November 23 , hi a style that reflected great credit on the hostess. Tlio supper was superb und consisted of eleven courses. Those present were : Miss Sophlo Cooke. Mr. A. W. Kinsman , Miss Helen Cooke , Mr. J. Doughm. Mrs. Cooke , Dr. and Mrs. Kuhn. Mr. and Mrs. Coinun , Mr. N. A. Kuhn and Mr. U. F. Simpson. At the marriage the guests were received by Mrs. Dr. Parker , Mrs. J. C. Wlnncry , Mrs. Charles Colcman and Miss Kittle Kuhn. Music was furnished by Prof. Dworzak. The ceremony was performed by Dean Gard ner of Trinity cathedral. The bride wore a dress of white corded silk en train , pcarls and flowers , und was given away in a most impressive manner by Dr. Kuhn , Messrs. Norman Kuhn and H. F. Simpson acted as ushers. The dean was escorted to his place by the ushers , who returned and met the bridal party at the foot of the stairs with Mr. J. Douglas as best man and Miss Cooke , sister to the bride , who , led tlio way to the parlor closely followed by Mr. Kinsman , Mrs. Cook and Dr. Kuhn , who escorted the bride. The ceremony was witnessed by a host of Intimate friends. After hearty con gratulations , the party % nd friends repaired to the dining room , where elaborate refresh ments were served. The bride was the re cipient of a larpo number of valuable pres ents as tokens of the high esteem in which she Is held by her many friends. Mr. und Mrs. Kinsman left on the S no train for a southern trip and will return to Omaha in the spring. Mr. Kinsman is con nected with the firm of Bancroft , Whiting & Co. , law publishing house , of San Francisco. Ho is n young man of sterling busi ness qualities and a great favorite among these who have had the pleas ure of his acquaintance in this city. Among the many handsome costumes the fol lowing were particularly noticeable : Miss Helen Cook , pearl Ottoman silk ; Mrs. Cook , black velvet en train , pointo lace ; Mrs. Col- pctzer , palo green satin draperies of brocaded satin and bronze crepe , diamonds ; Mrs. H. Nicolas , wine satin nicrveillcux , duchess lace ; Mrs. Howard , cream suruh und lace ; Mrs. J. H. Daniels , white satin en train , pearl passe menterie : Mrs. Whinncry , black silk and lace , bows of palo yellow ribbon , corsage bouquet , roses ; Mrs. Shclton , peacock satin , diamonds ; Mrs. Adolph Meyer , heliotrope Ottoman silk , passementerie ostrich aigrette , diamonds ; Airs. Van Nostrand , black silk , Dointe lace ; Airs. Dr. Dcnise. red satin and velvet ; Airs. Cornan , heavy black Bilk , duch ess luce ; Airs. Dr. Parker , light brown satin and lace ; Mrs. Colenmn , black Ottoman silk , plaiting * of white satin , bouquet white roses and hyacinths. Gossip of the Clubs. The well known tendency of Omaha to clubs of late years has been illustrated by the new departure of the social organization known as the Metropolitan club. For several years it has thrived under its present man agement aud object , but it has realized the idea of many member who desired some thing besides a mere hull in which to hold monthly dances. The club has now secured the two top floors in Kuony's building , on the southwest corner of Fourteenth nnd Dodge streets , for a number of years. These they will change in the most approved style of club rooms , according to plans suggested by Mendelssohn & Lawriennd based upon Ideas suggested by some of tlio handsomest quar ters in Chicago. These will bo elaborately furnished at an expense of not less tlmn S-1,000. The Alctropolitan club has always been one of the strongest social organizations in the city , and the new departure will give its members greater facility to enjoy them selves in a metropolitan manner. A Imnelieoii. Aliss Edith AIcKcnzio yesterday afternoon entertained a few of her little friends at a luncheon at the residence of her parents , Mr. and Alr.s. Alexander McICcnzie , No. liioO North Eighteenth street. Among these present were Hcrberta Jnyncs , Alice Fer- puson , Bernlcc Alills , Edith Souor , Blanche Sorensen , Grace Sorensen , Arthur Sorensen , Leon McICenzic , Norinu AlcICenzIc , and Kutlo Havens. A Donkey Party. At the Millard hotel last Tuesday evening a very interesting event occurred. It was a "donkey party. " It was gotten up by the ladies of the hotel , the principals in the affair being Airs. Swobe , Airs. Hunt , Airs. Babcock , Mrs. Soiglo and Aliss Johnson. The two prizes were carried off by Airs. Swobo and C. N. Dictz. Tlio boobies were awarded to Aliss Bently , of North Platte , and Alujor Tcrrill , of Omaha. MKS. Gr.oitOE Ciiuncii gave a birthday party at her pleasant homo Alonday evening. These present were Mrs. C. H. Huthven , Airs. A. Beam , Mrs. C , Buchanan , Airs. AI. Witthite , Airs. G. Farrell , Air. and Airs. ICahnibach and daughter. All spent a de lightful evening. A HOP was given Wednesday by the Capitol Hill German club ut the residence of Air. J. J. Dickey.Alias Dickey received the guests , assisted by Aliss Alargarct Wilson and Miss Lelia Shears. The dancers were the Alisses AI. Aliller , V. Alillor , Gertrude Chambers , Gertrude Wilson , Alargaret Wil son , Alary Lake , Maggie Dixon , Keuhnen , Davenport , la. : Kennedy , Lelia Shears , Floy Yates , Alice Thrall , Clara Brown , Carrie Stevens of Council Bluffs , Belle Dickey , Airs. W. L. Dickey , | .Messrs. Doanc , Poppleton , Jordan , Heed , Beaver , Arthur Smith of Council Bluffs , Dr. Smith , AIcCaguePaxton | , Hartoji , Murrnv , H. Brail find C. Ucoll , Pike , Hlngwalt , W. L. DJoT y. A TAi.t.vno wwr ttfe programme Monday evening among a number of our young folks. The young hidUfHof the party were Miss Uustln , Miss Balcflmbc , Miss Hnnnoy , Miss Boyd , Miss Chamber ! " . Miss Ulchardson nnd Miss Wakcley , M s. ICcnnon accompanied by Mr. Wakeley , Mr 'Charles Wilson , Dr. Sum- mere , Mr. H. S. 1 l-rlln and Lieutenant Ken- non. The party \ jimtf to Fort Omahu nnd were entertained iy Jlrs. Dr. Brown. V * Tun Mines of the First Congregational church have arranged for u concert to bo given next Tuesday , nnd Wednesday eve nings , lilliul Hoove , the negro musical pro- illfc'y. ' < , , Licutennnt nnd Mi . tcinzle gave n pat ty nt Fort Omaha on Wednesday evening. It was largely attended by garrison folks and thor oughly enjoyed. Miss Amelia Hlumvo gave a party nt her residence on north Twenty-eighth street Wednesday evening. Card playing and music was tlio programme nnd a most enjoyable time was spent by the participants. Tuesday evening Mr. nnd Mrs. Loarltt Hurnlmm gave a reception to Mr. nnd Mrs. G. W , THNon ut their residence. Mrs. Burn- hain was assisted by Mrs. C. E. Squires , Mrs. H. 1) . Estnbrooh , Mrs. W. M. Putnam , Miss Knight und Miss Mary Knight. The utfuir was a decidedly pleasant one. Mr. nnd Mrs. -Tillson will no at homo Wednesdays In Decem ber , nt ( XI5 South Twenty-eighth street. Mrs. Burnbam will be nt home Fridays in Decem ber , atl'J4 North Twenty-first street. Mil. Gnor.cic S. MH.I.F.II , one of the popular young men of this city , w < married in Brooklyn , N. Y. , to Miss Janeh Ueo , u beau tiful and amiable young lady of that city. The ceremony took mace ono week ago AVedncsday at the residence of the brido's mother , : < l Second street , Hrooklyu , N. Y. Only Intimnto friends worn present. Mrs. Miller will bo a valuable acquisition to Omaha society. Mr. and Mrs. Miller have nicely located nt 1012 Webster street , where they will be at home to their friends nftcr Decem ber 23. Huim Bnxsox , assisted by the ladies of his congregation will shortly give a children's entertainment. The sumo will probably take on the ISth inst. , the da.v. being the eighth day of the Jewish feast of Cnanuckah , which commences on the evening ot the 10th inst. - Tun rinsT of n series of monthly socials to bo given by Mrs. Magrunu'sdancingelnss will take place Tuesday evening , December 0. A nncr.pTiox was given Friday by Mrs. John S. Brady , Mrs. F. P. Kirkendull nnd Mrs. Charles S. Coe from H until li o'clock , at the residence of Mrs. Brady. The reception was u pleasant one. MONDAY EVDXIXO Miss Lake entertained a number of friends nt drive whist. Tlio win ners were Mr. Heed and Miss Cook , of Ohio , a sister of Mrs. D. J. Collins. Personal. Mr. nnd Mrs. Thomas Swobo left yester day for the east. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Peyeko and their child leave next week for Germany. Mr. nnd Mrs. George S Bogcs nnd Mrs. D. Kendall , left on Monday afternoon for Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Hoscwatcr have re turned from u trip to Boston , Cleveland and Cincinnati. Miss Kato Bcnily , of North Plattc , the guiwt of Mrs. Thomas Swobe , returned to her home Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Joscjjh Mcinrath returned this morning froui their bridal tour and nro now nt the Millard. Miss Minnie A\'illhito left with Mrs. AVil- Ham lichm during thq past week to spend the winter in California. The Misses Oakley , of Lincoln , were for n few days lust week the guests of Mrs. George W. Cook , of222S Dodge street. Mrs. J. M. Bishop and Mrs. B. AV. Dickin son , who have been the guests of Mrs. W. F. Allen for a fortnight past , have returned to their homo in Quincy , 111. Miss Nellie Bnuia/ Lincoln , nnd her cousin , Mr. Edgar Edwards , spent Sunday In Omaha. They , will entertain the old Pleasant Hour club , at their holiday hop , on the 28th. Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Hothholz nnd their daughter Miss Sarah , all from New York have made this city their permanent home. For the present they are the guests of Mr. und Mrs. Joseph Hothholz on Tenth street. Mr. nnd Mrs. Graetz , parents of Mrs. L. Hubin , have removed from their former homo ut New York and will locate here. They are the guests of their son Mr. Henry Graetz at 1217 Chicago street. Puget Sound Colony. Members arc requested to bo present nt to day's special meeting at No. 1114 Fnrnnm street. Members should do cvcrythln g they can to make our sociable and ball a success. November Stamp Snlcs. No. Amount. Ono cent stamps 108,710 . $1,087,10 Two cent " 4 1 11,333 . 8.3W.04 Four cent " 3,000 . 120.00 Five cent " .0,813 . 340.05 Ten cent " 3,011) ) . 301.00 Fifteen cent" 400 . 00.00 Ten c't spc'l dcliv'ry 208 . 20.80 Stamped en vclopes . 2,850.74 Newspaper stamps 743 . 1,000.39 Postage duo 1,301 . T0.08 Postal cards 140,221 . 1,402.21 Total amount . $12,088.43 Presbyterian , Church Pair. Friday night witnessed the closing of the fair of the First Presbyterian church at the edifice on the cornerof Dodge and Seventeenth streets. The attendance was not very large owing to the disagreeable state of the weather , but these that did turn out were liberal in their purchases of the many use ful und ornamental articles exhibited for sale by pretty and pleasing ladies. Home Itiilc Mass Meeting. A massmccting of Irishmen and friends of the struggle for homo rule in Ireland , will be held in the city council chambers this , Sun day , afternoon nt 2 o'clock for the pur ] > ese of hearing the report of the committee on sub scriptions and forwarding the amount on hand to the general treasury. It is hoped all interested in the cause will attend. ciitmcii NOTICES , COXOIir.O tTIONAt * First , Nineteenth nnd Davenport streets Her A. F. Shorrill. D. D. , pastor. Services nt 10:30 : nnd 7IO : ! o'clock. Sunday chool at noon. Church prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting Fri day evening. St. Mary's Avenue , St. Alury's nnd Twen ty-sixth avenues Kev. Wlllard Scott , pas tor. Services at 10:30 : and 730 ; o'clock. Sun day school nr noon. Young people's choir In thocvcninp * Y. S. P. C. E. prayer meeting Alonday evening. Church prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Bethlehem Chapel , Sixteenth nnd Hickory streets Hov. M. J. P. Tiling , pastor. Sun day school nt 3 o'clock. Sewing school on Saturday , 10 a. in. Parkvalo Chapel. Twenty-ninth nnd Mar tha streets Kuv. T. H. Taylor , supterlntcn- dent. Sunday school at ! ) o'clock. Third , Nineteenth and Spruce streets A. B. Pennlmaii , paMor. Services nt 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school at noon. Y. P. B.C. E. prayer meeting "Sunday , 0:30 : p. in. Church prayer meeting Wednesday evening. Saratoga , Ames avenue nnd Twenty-lift ! ! street Hev. J. A. Mllligan , pastor. Sunday evening service nt 7:00 : o'clock. Sunday sdhool at 2:30 : o'clock. Free Evanirellcan German , Twelfth nnd Dorcas streets Hev. F. W. H. Hcncchert , pastor. Services at 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school at 2:30 : o'clock. Prnyor meet ing Wednesday evening. Cherry Hill , Central park addition Rev. J. H. Mllligan , pastor. Services at 11 and 7 o'clock. Sunday school nt noon. Young people's meeting at 0 o'clock. Hillside , Omaha View Hev. H. C. Crane , pastor. Services at 10 : ! U ) and 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school ut noon. Y. P. S. C. E. prayer meeting Sunday evening. Park Place , California mid Thirtieth streets Hev. AI. L. Holt , pastor. Services ht 10:30 : and 7 o'clock. Sunday school at noon. I.UTIICUAN. German Lutheran church , 1005 South Twentieth street E. J. Frese , pastor. Ser vice every Sunday at 10 a. in. Sunday school at 2 p. in. St. Alyrk's Evangelical Lutheran church , corner 'North Twenty-first and Burdetto streets Uev. George H. Schnur. pastor. Church service and preaching by tno pastor at 10:30 : a. in. and 7iO : : p. in. Kountzo Aleinorinl Evangelical Lutheran cornerof Sixteenth and Harney streets Hev. J. S. Detwciler , pastor. Church ser vices and preaching by the pastor nt 10:30 : n. in. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Alorning subject : "Likcmimlcdiiess.11 Evening bubject : ' 'A Young Alan Dead. " . UNITA1UAN. Unity church , Seventeenth and Cass streets Hov. W. E. Copeland pastor. Ser vices at 11 n. m. and 7:00 : p. m. Sunday school at 12:15. : Subject of sermon Sunday morning : "Thought Alakes the Alan. " Sub ject of evening conversation : "Tho Dru ids and the Vikings. " I'ltr.SIlYTF.UIAX. First United Presbyterian , M3 North Eighteenth street. Hev , E. B. Graham , pas tor. Public worship at 10:30 : a. in. nnd 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at noon. Subject of the evening sermon : "OncCurso of Omaha. " Park Avenue United Presbyterian church Hov. J. A. Henderson , pastor. Corner Park avenue and Grant street. Preaching by the pastor at 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p. m. Sabbath school at noon. You are invited. Southwest Presbyterian church , corner Twentieth and Leiivenworth streets. D. H. Kerr , Pastor. Alorning service 11 n. in. Evening service 7:30 : p.m. Sabbnth school at 12:15 : p. m. Young people's meeting , 0:45 : p. m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening nt 7:30. : Teachers' meeting 8:30 : u. in. Wednesday evening. First German Presbyterian church On Eighteenth and Cuming streets. , r. G. Schaible , pastor. Divine service ut 10:30 : a. in. and 7:30 : p. m. At 3 p. m. on Fourth nnd Center streets at the residence of Alax Boch- nokc. Sabbath school at 12 in. Bible and prayer meeting every Wednesday evening at 7:30. : Germans are invited. Strangers made welcome. North Presbyterian churchSaunders street. Hev. Wm. H. Henderson , pastor. Services at 10:30 : and 7:30 : o'clock. Sabbath school at noon. Prayer meeting AVcdncsday 7:30 : p. m. Welsh Presbyterian , services held at 055 North Twenty-eighth street. Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. Praise service at 7:30 : p. m. Castellar street Presbyterian church. Six teenth and Castellar streets. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. by the pastor , Ucv. J , Al. Wilson. Sunday school at 3 p. m. Young people's union at 0:45. : WostminstcrPresbyterian Church Troicll's Hall , 2700 Leavcnworth street Preaching by the pnitor , Key. John Gordon , nt 1030 ; a. m. and 7:3U : p. in. Sunday school at 12m. Hamilton street Presbyterian church , Hamilton street near LoWc avenue. William J. Palm , vaMor. Sabbath services nt IOW ; ! n. m. and 7)0 : ! ) p. in. Snbbath school at 12 m. Wednesday prayer meeting nt 7:30. : Ambler Plaoo Presbyterian church , Hev. G. N. Lodge , pastor. Services ut230 ; o'clock. Sunday school at 3:30. : Central United Presbyterian church , Sev- entivnth street between Dodge nnd Capitol nvo. Hov. John Williamson , pastor. Services nt 10:30 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Subject In tlio morning , "Growth , " in the evening "Man hood. " Ttho sermon In the evening will be for young men. Sabbath school at 13 m. Young People's prayer meeting nt 0:45 : on Sabbath evenings All are Invited , South Omaha Presbyterian church , cor ner Twenty-fifth anil Q streets , South Omaha. Hov. G. N Lodge , pastor. Ser vices at 10:45 : n. m. Sunday school at 12 m. Presbyterian church , No. 1010 Lake street. Sabbath school at 2:30 : and preaching service at 4 o'clock p. m. First Presbyterian church , corner Dodge nnd Seventeenth streets. Hev. W. J. Harsha pastor. Services at 10:30 : and 7:45. : Young Peoples' meeting at 7. Sabbath school at 12 m. MmnowsT. Services of Trinity AI. E. church will beheld held at the corner of Snunders and Binney streets 1'rcaehlng nt 10:30 : a. m , and 7:30 : p. m. Sunday school at 20 : ! ! p. m. Young people's meeting ut 7:30 : p. m. Alfred 11. Henry , imstor. Scwnrd Street AI. E. church Hev. Charles W. Savldgo will preach in the morning upon "The Sunday School. " In thu evening his subject will bo "Domestic Servants. " llAl'TIST. North Omnhn Baptist 2400 Saun ders street Hev. F. W. Foster , pas tor. Preaching on Sunday nt 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. in. Sunday school at 12 in. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening. The public cordially Invited. * The Sunday school will arrange for a Christmas entertainment to-morrow. First Baptist church , Strangers' Sabbath home , corner Fifteenth and Davenport streets Hev. A. W. Liniuir , pastor. Preach ing at 10:30 : a. m. , and 7lO : ! p. in. Young people's meeting at 0:45 : p. m. Morning theme : "Personal Love for a Persodal Sav ior. " Evening theme : "A Fatal Decision. " Sabbath school at 12 m. Prayer meeting Wednesday evening at 7.UO. All are cor dially invited. Scats free. HIMSCOPAL. Trinity cathedral , Capitol nvoniio nnd Eighteenth streets Services at S nnd 10:30 : n. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Strangers and others are always welcome. In the evening nil seats are free. Beautiful Advent music will bo rendered both morning and evening by tlio surpliced choir , assisted by the Mendelssohn quartette and u large chorus. St. Hanmbas Free church , Nineteenth and California streets John Williams , rec tor. Plain celebration of the Holy Euchar ist at 7:30 : n. in. ; litany and choral celebration at 11 n. m. Choral even song at 4 p. m. Sunday school at 12:30 : p. m. Strangers cordially wel comed. St. Philip's Free church ( colored ) 813 North Nineteenth street John Williams , pastor. Celebration of ttio Holy Communion nt 0:30 : i ) . m. Sunday school at 2:30 : p. m. Even song at 8 p. m. Strangers always welcome. Alisslon services of the Episcopal church will bo held at Walnut Hill on Friday evening at the residence of Mr. Epencler , at 7:30 : o'clock. John Williams , pastor , xcvrns. Hev. Wlllard Scott will preach In the morning on "Ideals and Experiences , " and in the evening on ' 'Mistakes. " At the Southwest Presbyterian church , the Hev. David H. Kerr. pastor , will preach Sab bath morning on "How to Keep Sunday ; " and in the evening on "Pilgrim Losing his Burden , " and will exhibit six or more largo paintings illustrating Pilgrim's progress. Hev. W. J. Harsha will preach Sabbath afternoon at 4 o'clock for tlio Luke street Presbyterian church. Kov. W. J. Harsha will begin n series of lectures " Life" Sunday Sunday evening on "City day evening , lie will read a communication from one of the Knights of Labor of this city. All workinir men and women arc invited. "Social Comprichicas" is HcV. Alfred H. Henry's subject for Sunday evening at. Trin ity AI.'E. Church , corner Saunders and Uir- noy streets. It was suggested by rending Victor Hugo's "Tho Alan Who Laughs. " Started For WnNhlngton. Last evening the delegates appointed to go to Washington and present to the national committee the claims of Omaha as an ac ceptable place for the holding of the republi can national rbnvrntton next started on their mission. They Governor John M. Thfiyer , D. MeH leJohu , speaker of the lastj stuto senate ; ox-Congressman E. 1C , YitliiiJ tlmv , O. II. Gen- , editor , ot tha Lincoln State Journal ; G. M. HitchcoeV. editor of the World : Cadet Taylor , of tha Omulm Hopubllcan : Edward Ko owrttcr , of the Omaha Bin : ; Thomas Swobo. of the Millard hotel ; ex-Mayor James E. Boyili I'x-Conirrcssmau Loreiuo Crounso , ami Colonel . F Snm , of Council Bluffs. Tha money subscribed to offer us a bonus to tha national committee amounts to fU dO , and the gentlemen having In charge the sub * script Ions have not yet eonnleted thclrlnlwrtf ; They expect to add several more thousuudc to that already secured. Attacked by Koolimilx. i Mlko McCarthy , John Hussell , Jaclc CAt * ivtt , John Carney and Charles Baxter , foul toughs , am looked up for attaching Fred Gross at the corner of Fifteenth nnd UavciW port streets and relieving him of twclVw cents. The Duke at Home. , Tjoxnox , Dec. 11. The Duke of MorlbOW who has been visiting the United State * arrived at ( Juecnstown this morning , . ' The best and sorest Remedy for Cue ot nil diseases caused by any derangement of tbo Liver , Kidneys , Stomach and Dowel * . Dyspepsia , Sick Headache , Constipation , Billons Complaints and Malaria of all kind * yield readily to the beneficent influence of It la pleasant to the taste , tones op the system , restores nnd preserves health. It U purely Vegetable , and cannot fall to prove beneficial , both to old and yonng. Afl a Blood Purifier It Is superior to all other * . Sold everywhere at 11.00 a bottle. CHANDLER & LOGAN , VETERINARY DENTISTS. Will make the-lr headquarters for a fi'W week * nt .Uox llcnliiim's new Muble , corner Davenport und b'cvuntuvuth hta. 12.\unilmitlou ficc. Many dl'cnRos can be cured nnd dlsngrceabl * Imblts overcame by our operation on thu horwcfA teeth.V Imvo cured them of roughing , ilrooty Ing. stop ' tort , sturtlng Wenly , frothing : of ilefih , weak eyes , lihil especially from ] driving on one rein nml pulling , wo remove all rough edges from their molars and level tha mouth , theioby i-nulillng thu horsu to vropcrlsj innstlcntohis food , linpiopcr grinding of food iniiduccri Indigestion , and Indigestion ( traduces lildo bound , .swollen llmlm , .staring or deud-llkcv oatof hiilr , nnd loss of appetite. VoungaaWCU s old hur bcs require this operation. ' I CHINA and ART GOODS Just Arrived We Invite Your Inspection of the Finest Line of Goods in the West. ChinaGlasswareBrass& , Bronze Silverware and Cut Glass in Great Variety. PERKINS , GATCH & LAUMAN , , . 1514 Farnam Street New Paxton Building. MUST BE SOLD ; The Polack Clothing stock , after having been .closed seven weeks , the entire bankrupt clothing stock of A. POLACK , is now offered for sale. It comprises all this season's goods , and MUST BE CLOSED OUT as soon as possible. In order to push the sale the goods have beerj. marked way down in plain figures , such as are bound to sell them. Every one knows the history of the forced closing of Polack's store , and in consequence are assured that the goods are offered at prices such as were never before heard of in this city. Now is the time to buy Men's , Boys' and Children's clothing , cheap , at Receiver's Sale , POLACK'S OLD STAND. = = = = _ _ _ _ _ DOllars Saved are Dollars Made