14 _ _ THE OMAHA DAILY BEJ4 : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 1887.-SIXTEEN PAGES. _ _ _ This Means A Great Deal to You , IT MEANS That We Have EIGHT LINES OF IN Browns , Blues , Blacks am Grays , Lined With Lasting , Serge Flan nel and Satin , These are very fine Tailor-math equal to best Custom-make and SAVES YOU Fr On a Goat , We have .these in all size : If you want a First Clas Coat , COME AND SEE US 1311 Farnam St , nrvtin it t Tni itnvt t T Titian SOME MATRIMONIAL TALES' The Mothor-ln-Law in Ronl Life Marringo Superstition. MISS HOOKER'S ROMANCE- He Intended t < Mnrry Her PorRot HlH AVed < lliiK Day An Tiitlliin llrlclc An AliHi'tttOIImlrit Groom. Curlcnis TalcH. ThcMolher-ln-lmw In Itcnl li\fc \ , limit/in ( 'iiirfr. Who was It , when I wed my wife , Wished mo u IOHK nml happy life , from trouble frcu , imvexed by strlfcl My mothur-ln-luw. Wlio was It taught my wife to bnko A loaf of bread or finicy cnko And npputlrltiK dishes imiketl My mother-iu-lnw. Who pnvo us rounscl when we wont HoUM'kuupIng , money freely spent On things for use imd ornament ! My inother-in-liiw. Who tmiRht my wife to tuko delight In making all around her bright , And meet me with a Hindu at nightl My mother-in-law. Who was it when my wife was ill Hcntowed upon her care and skill , iVml saved to mo a nurse's bill ! My niothrr-lii'luw. Who when my little ones prepared Kiirh mom for school , who for them cared , And all their little sorrows shaiedj My mother-in-law. Who wat , it , when their praycis was said , Ho imugly tucked them Into bed , And , till they slept , beside them stayed I My mother-in-luw. Who of my clothing then took caiei Who overlooked my underwear And kept each KIII ment in i epalrl My mother-in-law. Who comes the 111 st to soothe iiij' woes ! Who loves my friends and hatis my foesl Who buys my children lots of clothes ! My mother-in-law. Who oft to mo her aid has lent To buy the coal and pay the lentl Who'd gladly see mo pipsidentl My mother-in-law. A loving grandmother is she , A generous fi lend she's been to mo , Foieverhonoied let her lie. My mother-in-law. Ktipci'htltloiiH Aliout rim-ago Tribune : Three young bo- cicty ladies \vho o weddings hail been aimounet'd to taK'o place recently , were obliged to liiivo tbo proposed ceremony indefinitely postponed , on account of their illness. It ii no wonder that many you up ladies become ill an the ' great day for them draws near. us the amount of work they hnvo to do in lirciwving for the event is enough to wear them out entirely. The worry and bother of dres-hinakinir and eons-taut hliopping and the ineidential excite ment might well jirostrato a delicat" bride. Just think of the drewjOb the younpoinon of moderate ideas genor- ully blurt oil with. Of course , there's the wedding go'vn. upon \Vhieh an end of work ih expended , then the traveling frock of the tour , and , say four morning drebsen , with a like number of tei- gowns uiid reception toilets , then hoiisc- dres u * and tailor mudo walking suits , with one slightly more elaborate for Huuuiiil occabions. This is only a part of the outfit , for undergarments , house hold linen , aild the thousand and one etceteras must bo prepared. As the fall is the rushing ' eabon in the marriage mart , it is well to recall OIKS or two interesting superstitions that were religiously noted in the time of our grandmothers. In the first place , according to an ancient and reliable chronicle , there are thirty-two days in the year that are especially unlucky for marriages and journeys. They are as follows : January 1 , 2 , 4 , r , , 7 , 10 and 15 ; February ( ! , 7 and 18 ; March 1,0 and 8 ; April ( i and 11 ; Mayo , 0 and 7 ; June 7 and 15 ; July 5 and 10 ; August 15 and 19 ; September (1 ( and 7 ; October 7 ; Novem ber 15 and li ( ; and December 15 , Hi and 17. Everybody knows that Friday is- the most 'unlucky day for a wedding , while Wednesday and Thurfcday are the luckiest. Our grandmothers believed that it was a. most unfortunate thing if the bride , after finishing her toilet and leaving her looking glass , should turn around again for : i last glnueo at her self. It was also bad for her to see the man she was about to marry after dress ing tind before the time had come foi the ceremony. Hooker's Homnncc. Chicago Tribune : Among the vie' tims of the great Chicago lire in 1871 was a gentleman by the name of Hooker He was a a wealthy merchant at the time , but , like many otherb of his class , wab utterly ruined by the great fire. Af ter this calamity the family was feup ported by keeping boarders. Three 01 four years ago there came into the fnnv ily to board two handsome youiif Swedes , polished , well educated , am' apparently the possessors of money , on < called Swen and the other Olaf. Mr Hooker's family is American. Tha makes no ditTorence. The Swedish vis itors were well pleased with their board ing house , and the reason for the gen nine satisfaction they displayed eve the matter will bo better realized wlioi it is told how they were both singli gentlemen , and how in the Hooke household there was at least one unmar ricd daughter , a fresh , pretty , vivaciou young lady , > yho flitted about the hall and parlors like an angel , occabionall ; pausing to illuminate some dark corne with her bright smile. That bright smile it was that huuntei one of the the atTablo young Swedes- young Olaf. The Swedish gontlcmci in the meantime did not seem to care ti engage in any regular business occupa lion. They gave it out that they Inn come to America , to study the manner * customs , and language of the country in the latter pursuit they wore assistei greatly by the Hookers , and esneciall by that daughto.- the household , An nolle , who , by her careful attention l < Olaf particularly , had him in a fo\ \ months so that ho could speak Unite' ' States like a native. Of course there could ho only one sr quel to all this mutuality of feeling , thi kindly regard. lt\\as announced thn Annette ami Olaf were engaged , and i the early fall of 1585 the twain wer made one. Their wedding trip include * a visit to Lake Minnetonka , where the staid two weeks enjoying llieir honoj moon. From Minnetonka they ro tunic to Chicago , and bidding an atTcclionat farewell to the old folks bet out for Olaf native land , where Olaf had propose they should spend the remainder of Ihei ilajs. After u brief stay in Londoi they sped across to C'hristiania. Muc lo her surprise Iho bride found a elegant equipage fitted out wit liveried driver and with footma awaiting them at the steamship docl and she hoard her husband gi\o bom directions to the coachman by wluc she inferred that the equipage was h ! own. She asked no questions. Th pair were driven through the city int an aristocratic suburb , ornamented wit the line residences of wealthy peon ! and with the grounds and palaces of tli nobility. When the most oxtei hive and most magnigcent of all tli palaces was reached the coachma wheeled hi steeds in upon the ground " Now , " .said Ohuf , "wo will alight ; * untyou to come , in und look over th palnco . and sco how the great of the land live. ' ' Annette pared with ( two upon the noble pile. At first she exhib ited HhyncsH ut the thought of going in and meeting the great people. Hut her husband finally induced her to take a walk through its halls. When they came out ho asked her what she thought of it. The young bride expressed her admiration for what was really the finest iialaeo in the vicinity of the great city of Christiana. Ho listened to the rapturous compliments that poured from her lips. "Annette. " he said slowly , "this is your future home. ' ' It was afterwards explained to her that her husband was the son of a nobleman with a fortune of $1U.OX,000. ( ) Olaf and his bride are now living happily together in the great palace in the suburbs of Christiana. Jlo Intruded to Mnrry Her. Kast Iladdam , Conn. , Corespondenco Now York World : Hurt A. Ray , wealthy collln-trimming manufacturer of this place , is the defendant in a $15,000 breach of promise suit instituted by the father of a society belle of Isiuntie , to whom Mr. Kay had been assiduously paying his attentions for the past two or three years. Although a sheriff is said to have made an attach ment for the above sum on Mr. Hay's mill , an attempt has been made to keep the affair as secrctas possible , and even the busiest gossip in town is unable lo loll Iho name of Iho lady concerned. The ease , however , will come to trial at Middlotown next month. Mr. Hay , who isa very handsome young manbegan to ignore the beauties of Hast Hnddam about three years ago and turned his attention towards this young Niantic lady. After months had passed the gossips had it that the gentle man had proposed and had been ac cepted. Still no marriage announce ment was made , which caused some little talk. The pair were seen together 'n October. Shortly after , iyt itu aid , the young lady's father sent otter to Mr. Hay , commanding him o "marry my darter or I'll .sue e. " ' Sir. Hay was astonished , because it was lust what he had been intending to do , nit ho resented the insult , lie re- eived a letter from hisalllanced which , bough full of love , did not refer to Iho ild man's letter. Hardly a day has ' ' : > asscd after the young' lady's 'letter Jnmo when into Mr. Hay's olllcor niirchcd Sheritl Cone with the papers nthe suit. A reporter for Ihe Hartford Telegram aw Mr. Kay about the matter. Said the defendant in the suil : "The simple facts of the case are heso : 1 have been engaged for some hue to a certain young lady living in Niantic ; I have never said I would not narry her , but her impetuous father ms now instituted a breach of promise buil against mo for $15,000. It looks very much as though my prospective 'ather-in-law is working a gigantic jlackmailing scheme and wants to live n allluonee for Iho rest of his life. ' ' 'Then I suppo-o you will marry the ' / " queried Iho reporter. "It looks very likely under Iho cxist- ng circumstances , " \\astjie reply. "But what do you intend lo do about tV"I "I will appear in the court at Middle- own and fight it put. This breach of iromibo suit is a big surprise to me , for I intended to marry the ioung lady.1 Forgot His Wedding Day. Newark , N. .7. , Correspondence St. LouisGlobe-Doinoeiat : When the 7lj : ( rain from New York , on the Delaware , Liickawanna & Western railroad , came "nto the Mont Clair depot this morning leveral people alighted , one of thorn u UN Fountain Scoot , who disappointed bin iweetheart , Klta Jackson , on Tuesday night , by failing to arrive in time for their wedding. Yesterday morning the .mfoi'tunatc girl's brother and two cousins had gone to Long Branch , and ivt the West lind hotel had found the ccreant lover dusting the furniture. "Vou rascal , " the brother said , " 1 vill show you who I am so quick that you won't know it. " After the brother had had his bay , Scott1 replied that ho thought his wed ding was to take place on Thursdayand had meant to come to Mont Clair to-day , "That don't suit all " us at , replied the indignant brother , "and if you don't come with us now and marry Etta we will put you in the jug. " Scott almost turned white at this re mark , and , throwing down his duster al once , dressed himself in his Sunday clothes and putting on a high hat an ! ] a while necklio decided lo go with the men. They look the train to Newark where they were met by the disap pointed bride , who gave poor Scott r talking to. He said he thought the ar rangements were for this Thurbdaj evening. The girl's parents wore greatly opposed to the wedding owbu ! the brothers thought differently , ant said that if Scott could court Ktta lu could also marry her. Scott is nov in Mont Clair under guard of the girl'i friends. The wedding took place lab night at the Union Baptist church Scott says that he likes Ktlaand though for sure it was on Thursday night the ) were to bo married. An Indian Itridc. A novel marriage ceremony was per formed by Justice Huff , Florence , Wis. a day or two ago , a young white man named Joseph Bauer , whoso parents re side at Green Bay , being united in marriage riago lo a full-blooded Indian maiden o sevonleon summers. The bride's nann is Checota , Iho daughter of Kgonesic chief of the Indian village of Badwater feoven miles from Florence , on tin Menomanee river. Mr. Baker and hi bride will reside in Iron Mountain where Ihc groom is employed as i miner. Asked by Iho Wisconsin cor respondent as to whether the couph would have to bo re-married accordini lo Iho usual Indian custom , Kgnosic who is belter known to white people a Old Negauneo , replied : "Umphl Nc guebs not. If Injun marry InjiuM , mils marry Injun way. If white marry In jun , must marry white man's ; way. Checota was born at Badwater villegc and is well known to Florence people. A Southern Jourimlist'H Sentiment Talbottom ( Ga. ) Now Era : It i twelve years last Friday night since w and the little woman up yonder on th hill plighted our troth. Those do/o years have brought with thorn burden and blessings and the latter outweigh the former. Four lovely children clus tcr about the roof tree and kneel nigh and morning around the family altar , and life is brighter and happier IK cause of their presence. Love beam brightly in every eye and sweot-wingc peace sits day by day on the door btej Time has wrought her changes and th bridoof nineteen has become the matro of thirty-one , but growing fonder an dearer each moment. Husband an father has not been all that ho migli Imvo been , but wife and mother an children could find no one to take hi placet in llioir hearts. "With all hi faults they love him still. " No turkej graced tlus boav < ] of the anniversary , n dainty feast was spread Nothing sav a table for six and "plain homo faro , and the bright oyc.s , chubby faces , din pled cheeks and hands , kis-es and lov words , together with blncerc trust i God for all time ! What grander billi fare could bo furnished for nny anniye God bless all hubbuudb and wiv < and children and homes ! This is our. anniversary all-tllo-ycar-round prayer. An Alifient-Mintled Groom. Charlie Moore , of Springfield , Ky. , a well dressed young man of considerable means , arrived in this city on last Sun day morning , says the Louisville Com mercial , at an early hour , having made all nece-sary arrangements to bo a prin cipal in a wedding which wnstolmvo taken place on Sunday afternoon. In the front room of an up-town con- feclionery store on Sunday afternoon the front blinds were closed and day light was shut out , the gas was lighted and everything about the apartment put in order for a wedding ceremony , which was announced. The bride , Miss Sallie Green , was in readiness , and her friejids who had been invited lo witness the nuptials wore on hand. They waited and waited , and it was late in the evening when the company dis persed the groom failed to ap pear. Where ho was or what was the matter was a prob lem no one could solve. The won Id- bo bride , sick with disappointment and completely broken down over the fail ure of her lover to put in an appear ance , was forced to tuko to her bed. On coming to the city from his homo Moore , in some way , lost some papers from liis overcoat pocket , among them the address of the young lady ho was to narry. Arriving in the city ho looked 'or the missing paper , but to no pur- ) ese ; no one know or had ever heard ell of the woman or her place of resi- "ence. In despair lie was about to give p Ihe search when ho ran IKTO--S an old riend , and the two with renewed cour- go set out to find the -place. Procur- ng a carriage they started , and about 0 o'clock the couiilo were reunited and satisfactory explanation made. Mr. ml Mrs. Moore left for Springfield Her Ihe marriage ceremony was per- 'ormcd. ' _ Married in HlH Hat. Chicago Tribune : It was the Gor man's turn to relate his _ marriage ex- ) orience , a ceremony which occurred in , he Black Forest. "I was ready , " ho jcgan. "My bride looked rosy and beau- .iful in her weddidg garments , and I md doffed the green forester's jacket or a splendid black coat of broadcloth ind my soft felt hat for a high silk one. Wo drove in a closed carriage lo hurch , and on the road I was getting , ip from my seat to open Ihe window , 'orgelting that I am over six feet high. My tall hat came with u tremendous ? r'ash against the roof of the carriage md in a second all was dark , the hat md gone down over my face and my neap stuck tightly in it. 1 pulled and .honied and screamed and groaned. The bridey weeping and terrified , as- < isted wish all her power. We got out iind got the driver to assist. It was all in vain ; the hat stuck fast. At the church door our friends had each u pull : jut the clorgymaii arrived and the hat still held mo in bondage. ' 'I cannot marry you without seeing your face ! " he shouted through the hat "nto my car , and after one moro long uul desperate struggle I decided to nake an end of it. " 'Take a sharp knife , ' I shouted to a 'riend , 'and cut a hole around my face nto the hat ; but see that you do it well , 'or I cannot allow this expensive hat to bo spoiled. ' "The hole was cut , the clergyman saw- that I was the right manand I was mar ried with the hat over my face. After wards , when I got cooler , I managed to jctoutofit. My wife sewed the piece n again , and I have worn it for many a . " year. _ Wedded In a Show Window. Sometime ago the enterprising man ager of a l.irgo clothing house in New- : irk avenue , directly opposite the city 'mil in Jersey City , struck a happy .bought and proceeded at once to ad vertise it. His store has two hand some show windows with great French ilate glass fronts and a broad area be hind them for u display. It occurred to him that that would bo the place for a public wedding , and ho gave it out in ill quarters that ho would present to room who would consent to wed his bride in one of the windows a hand- iOme suit to bo married in , and to the groom and bride after the wedding , a handsome suit of parlor furniture. Ho received eleven applications from per sons anxious to avail themselves of the : > ffer. Two were from Patterson , one from Newark and otherb were from more distant points. But Manager Mot'/.lor was not entirely satisfied with any of them. Last Mon day a handsome young follow called at the store to make inquiries. Mr. Met/- ler desired a Jorsoyman. The btrangci said ho was not u Jersoyito himself , but that his proposcd _ other and better half was. Ho gave his name and address us James Henry Wallace , Oxford- street , Brooklyn. The bride whom he proposed to wed 'was Ida Belle .Tohne > on , of Ilack- onsaek. Mr. Mot/lor made inquiries concerning them , and gave them notice that he would accept them , and that the wedding would bo performed at 11 o'clock Thanksgiving morning. No marriage that has occurred in .Tor- soy City in years has attracted such r concourse of people. The streets won crowded with a struggling mass of hum unity. The windows of all the storci commanding a view of Iho window won nlivo with people , and the steps of the city hall served as places of view. Hopes were strung across to keep the throiif. back , and die police were called out tc preserve order. At 11 o'clock a coacl drove up to the store front , and the bride dressed in white moire , was hamlet" into the slore ry Doloclivo John Clos The bridegroom had made his appearance anco earlier , and arrayed himself foi Iho occasion in the wedding suit will which Mr. Metzlor had provided him. The more westerly of the two window ! had been arranged for the weddinf ceremony. A floral wedding bell luu been suspended from the middle of tin inclosiire. Following the justice cami the bride leaning on the arm of Manage ; Met/lor , and then came the groom sup porting Mrs. Metzlor. The bride win beautiful in her wedding raiment. Tin groom took his position by her sidi under Iho floral belle. Ho had dis gained himself with a pair of fal& < whiskers to escap6 being pointed out b ; the crowd after the ceremony. The officiating justice performed tin ceremony , and the marriage cortillcati was written by him and handed lolhem They then entered Iho coach and drovi off amid Iho chcoi's of Iho crowd to tin residence of Mr. Metzlor , on Jersey avenue nuo , where they ale dinner. The bridi gave her ago as twenty-two years ; tin groom said ho was twenty-six. CONNUHIAMTIES. It h gossiped that Nut Goodwin la shoi tl , to bo man led to a local soubrctto. At Gat diner , Mo. , at a recent wedding th groom was but nineteen j ears of age , whil Ills bride was sixty. Sonoritn Po Oma , the bride of Seno Cauiras del Castillo , the Spanish ex-promiei received murruigo gifta to the value c Annie Hart , the dashing sei-io-comlc singei and Hilly Lester , of Lester aid ; Allen , comi dlans , were married ijuietly in liumilo , J > Y , recently. Uafel Lun after reaching the uncommo ago of nhiety-nino jears , Is now cnjoyin his moon with 1'ctr.i rscgrotp , a young w < man of twenty-live , whom ho has lately nm rfed in Guamijuanu A wedding parly asscmble'd , at Hr ? il , Im ) ufew urenings. ago. Iho Jiiinlater' was tht'i and nil thine * randy , when it was Mtddenlv discovered thut the brlilo hud dlsappj.ired. U was learned Unit she hud married nnolhcr mini three diiy previous. When u sefilcr In the noithwcst territory wants to get back to Ontario to bo married the Canadian Pacific railroad sells him a matrimonial ticket at the usual rale , and on presenting the return couiran and a marriage certificate he Is entitled to free tiansporta- for his bride. An Illinois clergyman who went out Into Ihc country to marry n couple and was put to the trouble of hiring a horse for the occasion received from the gloom a coin carefully done up In u piece 01 paper. On opening It when ho reached homo he found within a sil ver mnirter. A husband has been sold for (50,000 to another woman. The transaction took place In New York , of course. Such u thing could not happen In Massachusetts , where , when a woman gets u husband , she holds on for dear life. That sixty thousand surplus bears the matrimonial market. "So you've got u wife , " said .Tones to n newly married man. "Don't know , don't know , " responded the man , with evident hesitation : "sometimes I think I've got her. and sometimes I think she's got me. You pec , I've only been married u few months , and I can't tell Just how the blamed combina tion Is going to turn out. " The iwstnmater of Alrwnln , England , who refused to marry n widow aged oightv-fourto whom ho was engaged on account of an ex hibition of her temper shortly before pro ceeding to church , was early In the morning a few days afterward taken In a brougham by the villagers to the church where he met his bride , brought in the s.tmo manner , and the knot was tied. They were then drawn home , accompanied by u largo crowd. Hulvn Loekwood has added u new feature to her business enterprises. She has annexed to her law oftleo at Washington a bureau for finding wives for men who nro too busy to spend their time In courting. Mis. Lock- wood's latest client is a banker of Denver , Col. Ho is somewhat exacting in his de mands. He wants Iho widow of u banker for his wife , a woman who is both handsome and amiable. Mrs. Loekwood is convinced that she has found Just the woman he wants. William II. Dunn and Graelo Powell , of Los Alamos , Cal. , being of a romantic turn of mind , thought itwotild bo nice to be mar ried on the bounding billows. So they boarded the coast steamer Santa Hosa , anil told the captain what they wanted. He thought of his own romantic youth , and put ting the ste.imer out to sea , so that slio might be at least tineo miles from land , and the ceremony therefore legal , tied the knot him self , thoroughly , shipshape and sailor fash ion. I-'ANCIKS IN FUKXITUni ; . a Mahogany is the popular wood for this sea son. son.Fouitccnth century chads arc icturnlnjj to favor. A carved fool stool has its sides in em bossed brass. Cabinets and toilet tables of papier mache arc once moro in use. Parlor suits of six pieces , no two alike , are in fashion and in favor. Desks for oflic.es and looms arc made to contain a concealed washstuml Furniture carvers should bo caicful not lo make their cutting too deep. A hat rack is provided with protruding and erect ovals of nickel-plated wear for silk lnitn. lnitn.Dwarf Dwarf book cases , elaborately carved and gilded , arc to bo seen in the most fashionable houses. A dressing table has a double top , the up per divided in the middle , and opening to right and left on hinges. Urass cabinets are < iulto pretty and quite stylish ; pillars have Iterated capitals , panels of antique design , etc. Furniture may bo painted the most effec tively by rubbing down each | cout , as is done in carriugo painting. Fauteulls of the toniest quality are made from locust wood and upholstered in pink and blue , with golden fringe. Drawing room tables of unique appearance arc made from coarse stalks of light green ish yellow and bound by withes ot red. A parlor screen seen recently in an uptown store has a heap of fiowcrs indiscriminately thrown together massed in one corner , with a rich shade of blue hike extending toward Iho background. A new color to stain wood is a rich violet , and the stain is thus made : The wood is heated with u bath ot four and one half ounces olive oil , same us soda ash und two and one-half pints of boiling water. It is then dyed with magnets , r Folding bcdsuro selling well about the holi day season. There Is considerable mechani cal ingenuity displayed in their construction , Ouo house , well known us the residence of a wealthy gentleman has n folding bed in every department thus making each room a parlor. Pope IJCO'H Family. Philadelphia Times : In the great hall of the palace at Carpineto hangs Iho portrait of a beautiful and noble looking lady. The picture was painted about 1810 , soon after the birth of her fourth son , destined to be one day Leo XIII. From this mother. Countess Anna 1'ecci , the child received his first instructions in the principles of purity and upright ness which have marked his life. When Monsignor O'Reilly was visiting the Pceei family the third son of the family said to him : "She was the soul of every good work of piety and benilicence that was .set on foot in the town. Indeed , she started many of them herself , bill till this active outside charily never made her neglect her homo duties. She lavished on us all a moth er's most devoted tenderness. " Of the youth and early manhood of Leo XIII. Mousignor O'Reillv tells us much lhat is entirely new and full of interest , but space forbids quotations from this portion tion of the work. The story is tola ol hib being led lo a choice of Iho priest hood , with all the incidents which affected Iho young Italian noble , whr was finally ordained in 1837 , and passed through various missions , which from the stjirt gave him a keen insight intc Iho needs of Italy , us well as the church , In 1841 began the first powerful diplo matic service Leo , then Monsignoi Pecci , was called upon to render the church , anil whether read from a Pro testant or Catholic point of view , the chapters which tell of this part of tin story are full of instruction and charm 3 SPECIAL BARGAINS IN Ribbons &Laees faletobeilnttatunla/t ; ) December : i < 1 , anil continue until till arc noltt. Lot Ala. 7. Contain * about XO cartoon * of Fine all Pure SHU , CfltOS GHAIX NATIX AXD GJtOS ( IRAfX AM ) n'ATKRKIt Jlllt- 11OXJS , In iniinliffn 12 , Hi anting , with i lcot and crown rcft/ivi. 77ir.sc are froth , perffrt floods , lit all f/ic new and most tlmlntMe simile * ; hare been sold all the season and were cheap at 2 < ic , , 'Wc , . 'tticund 40c. Special price for this lot , Jih : a yard. Lot Ao. 2. Coiinirtt * of Fancy Striped and Kinbrultlered Jlibboni , In < t ( food line of color I mis. Farmer pi-Ice Iticand VOc. mil iilinte this lot at Just one half price , Vr per yard. Lot2fo.t. Contain * about two thnnsand j/nrds of 11KAL jrAXjy MADK MKD1VI A\l > l'O/f C//OA' LACKS , from fto \ 4 inches wldcaro worth 25c to tf,5 < ; a i/ard. Knllre lot at JOc per nurd. Ladles ii'antiny fine Itlbbon * for fancu work or flood durable TMCCS for family use at fcsi fni half actual mine should malic a note of this. THOMPSON , BELDEN & CO , , 1319 FABNAM STREET. EL & YOIG , 1211 and 1213 Farnam Street Carpets , Stoves , WEEKLY AND MONTHLY PAY MENTS , Family Bibles , Photograph and Scrap Albums , Books for Children and Adults , Writing Desks , Fancy and Office Baskets , And a Large Assortment of Xmas Cards and Novelties , for sale by HJ.&S.W. Jones . . . , 1522Douglas HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOB , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales , Plows , Markers , Scale Repair Shop. Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. Slide Iron. T. N. PAKKER , FLORIST , Collection of Rare & Ornamental Plants West of New York City. Office , 1422 FARNAM STBEET , 1 0. ( Uoyd's Oiiern House. ) FIVE HUNDRED MILLIONS OF DOLLARS Are now held by the Life [ nsunmco Companies of the United Slates ns banking or investment portion of premiums paid by the policy holders of these institutions. A large part ot which sum , says Commissioner Tarhox , of Massa chusetts , in report for 1884 , "has no just relations to lif insurance , " and further says , "if insurance and investment are the object , each can better bo got in its separate place than by a combination which impoverishes the investment and does not IMPROVE or CHEAPEN' the insurance. THE PROVIDENT SAVINGS LIFE INSURANCE CO. , OF NEW YORK. SHEPARD ROMANS , President. ( Klahtcen Years Aituary of the Mutual Life Insurance Co. , of New Yorli. ) Is the only regularly incorporated company in the lTnitod Stales that docs n strictly life insurance business unmixed with investment features ; it is thus enab'ed and does furnish life insurance at more than 50 per cent less than it r ratio of a els lo liabilities. 1 ho in the world showing as large competitors. The security i unequalled , no company company is endor.-ed by the lending actuaries in the country , and its popularity is attested by the fact that only four of its competitors wrolo as large a business in 1SSO , three of the.e do not confine llieir business to the United { states. For further particulars call on or addrc , E. B. HALL , General Agent , 211 S. 15lh Slrcet , Koom 5t Omaha. A few good agents wanted for city and Country work. '