Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1887, Part II, Page 12, Image 12

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    I 72 THE 6DitiHA DAILY BCE : SL\TllAY , DEdE\LBIvIt 4 , 183-STRT1EN' ? ' . :1 ( L S.
: '
, Boyd f s Opera House ,
' i Commencing , Dee , 5th
? _ . . _ _ . , , . - _ _ .
8y Sardou , author of the Reigning Parisian
Success , La TCSCA ,
. TirE
KIRAIFYr'J ' ' ' ' i'm c"yt
. i ncl ud es
i Newton Gotthold ,
John Malone ,
J. 11 , Fitzpatrick ,
_ Miss Eleanor Carey ,
and other eudnent trusts ,
- - - - - - /
flee the nyorld s ( h utst I'iemler
l lnil eae9
lfIi ; , ,
: . ,
Not only Iolossy
k _ IIrnlfy's Greatest
5pcctaculnr Prn
duction , but n
1(11t.tLFY'FatA'PEST ( noble plug tvlthal ,
AcnIEwEMEN't ' KIRAIFYr KIRAIFYt rnstcad of if IR
2 Grand Ballets 2
-Pldin Ledger' usual vehicle for
sccnlo and Eno
chanical efrcets.
- -
0- - I -N. Y. Tribune ,
aenoral Brisbin Gives a Clraphlo
Description of Old Julosbur'g.
Hen's nod Lncldetts of the
Days When time Uuion
i'aclile Was Beiog
Constructed ,
row7' MUKINNIsV , Wyo. , Nov. 2s.-
[ Co'respondeuce of the BEP-Old
Julcsburg ! llnv many memories that
l nine recalls in NelraSl(11t15 of the tine
"t when tiley were young mutl the country
F ) wits young tumid the great Union Pacific
railroad tt asbuiIdIng across the continent -
nent to California.
( Y- ' ! lieu had his ctbiu ; nn the bank of the
Platte and lived liku a hermit. Nobody -
body Illely him LS Ah' . iluutrd , only as
Old Jules ; and ho would hardly have
known himsoilf if somebody had calud
him Air. flu iird. Ills 01(1 cabin built
tram suds cut iron ) the river haul was
still standing only a few years ago mad
is still there yet , if some vandal has not
destroyed it. how ho lived on one
segued to kmmflhut lie nuutuged to sub-
silt sonehow on shut fish he could catch
with an occasiomtl rabbit o grouse ,
trout the mills. lie was ono .of those
' advOntCOUS french pioneers , who oc-
F atsionally pulutritted far beyond tire
borders of civilization and led lives of
isolutiou and solitudo. only a few years
ago our country' ube inled with thcsu
111011 two tve'o scattered alt over the
west but they uro ncarly all daul now
and I know porsonnlly of but two 'vlic
am'O loft , Tulcs Lamnoroux and Peter
Banned svus troll born , educated , and
it 'entlenami. Some early misfortune
dnrrkened his life and ho fled froneivili
atioi to bury himself in the tlieu wilds
of Nebraska. lie seemed oily anxious ;
to escape the free of his fellow Bien and
nurse his great sorrow whtttcvor it wa ,
it silence.
l Whet gold was discuvored in Call'
Iornia anti the rush overland took place ,
it brought thousands of travelers neat
his lonely cable. Ills but stood of the
Pltdto river , non' the Call torn la cross'
fug , just below Julcsburg. The old tout
was Icimilhcnrted and honorable , but he
did lint rolleh the hl1 LISUnll of his re'
treat. Still ho stuck to his home and
treated everyone with lindIiCSsund lies
pitnUly who cane to Ilis rude cabin. IIc
hutted a genii dent mud sold gamine and
furs to travelers in exchange for Ilunt
mid cornmeal. One day a ) old friend
who chancel to call on lienard wits uston-
ishel to Ihul In his house sonic
ChRtrs and a tamp. Sohn ttftuttvards it
vas reported that the old nuut 1111(1 been
induced to accept a position of trust
with the Overland Stage company us it
agutt. Thu hermit nits uow about t (
become a man of business and his in.
telIIgoneo , Ii HIesty acrd pnliten'S :
charmed every one with whom he cool
in contact. \ inure hind hearted mutei
hut'ndcss creature than IlCmrd conk
not be Inriit Iot 1. Even the In-
dines loved mid respeeted the good eli
man , In t4tose days there was of tin
who , with his band of cut
throats , had overrun the tvhoh
of the Plntto Valley. Sled )
jl'npo ) ,111 to 1litntrl tl to 1ofr his handnui
us might have boon expcetedhe refrsei
to do so. Deeply ticeased at his refuse
Slade and his cutthroats
Stl'OItt 1'111:1' WULI ) laidUIM. .
Jules wits ivaracd , but disdained to fly
Oue eight the bandits vent and , sur
rouudiug the cud mar's house , boom
hint hand amid foot. 'l'Iruy then , with t
ferocity unhnownt to any but sa uges
nitdilnt'd hid bn(1V lirst by art
liug oft his cars , thou his toes
then his , Ihrgers and nose
1111(1 so co tInuing to mutilate aid sep
aralo hie joint by joint until he died
; Shade , it is said , Ihurll 5 stet hti
through time hCuI to cud his sutlorings
The desperado
n.u ) JL'las' IcAlts Dntl n
and he carried thou In his jiockct. AI
tom' taking a drink at the bar Shad
synuld olTur the ) torrlfled bau kcopcr hl
victim's oars In pay for the drinks , For
Innately for Imuutludty Hindu sveot t
tlont11ut , where ho met two old frleud
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
of mice , Wilbur F. Sauders and Beidler ,
i1Nmi u IiDI.
\Vhcn their chief was dead the des-
pet'acloes fled fretn the rigilnnles of
Motitmuia mid tonic refuge in Colorndo ,
bat iii less thami two ycais the terrible
Sanders and his vigilantes had hunted
down and shot or hmanged mieaely every
one of them. 'rhe few v1io survuvee
abamidouod the read turd becunic quiet
and law-abiding citizens.
tvas mmned after .Tules 13enurd , and like
its progenitor was destined to suffer
great ehitngos. In the winter of 1815 ;
the Tudimnts undot the noted warrior ,
Little Dog , hurncl the place , turd several -
eral United States soldiers some say as
many Its ttveuty-fivo ) wore killed while
tying to d0fetd the town. It was rc-
built , but did not amount to much until
the wvinter and suniuue of 18U7when , the
TJuion Pacific railroad was completed
to a point of the opposite silo
of the river. here nt the terminus of
the road a town Spring up that cotmi-
pletely eclipsed the aid Julcsburg. 'flue
new city , as it was called , had a tvondet'-
ful growth. In ore year , 18i7 ( , it grew
from nothing to 4,000 inhabitants.
\\rithin the space of six weeks 1,160
buildings wore put up 1111(1 the city
speoad over an area of 300 acres , It ss at
'n1115 WICRiSDES'P CI'T'Y EVi It In111.'t'
on this continent , tts tales of trine
would 1111 a volume , and are still rolatol :
all over the west. Out of 1,200 lmousc :
in the place 000 wcro saloons , gambling
houses , or dons of prostitution. Of the
4,00(1 ( inhabitants 01)0 ) were woven of bad
reputation. The roughs front all over
the United States amid Canada
flocked to Julcsburg , amid it be'
ciune a prodigy of energy and
wickedness. A desperado said of it
that it was the only place he over lived
iii where they had a now minu dcr lot
breakfast every morning. " Eeei'gbody
went ut'aed , munl "the soft note of tin
pistol" o- ' tlto , clashing of bouvl0
knives" could bo Iteiu'd at all hours of
the night. There wits no law , not ever
vigilantes , amid only ocensionully whet
time nthlitnry interfered to pot , down r
11101) WUS there anything like order
Fmuieicd insults were tvipcd out in blood
nod horrible tragedies were o
daily occurrence. Every dovic (
bywhich ulo1Cy could be nuul (
lost or squumido'Cd wits rife , amid reek
lessuess mid prodigality reigned every
where sup-Nile. Fortunes were los' '
nigiitly and neon driven to desperutiom
by their losses committed the most her
ruble crimes. Laud rose to ftbulom
values mind a for Icct on one of thi
prtnoIintl streets would brlug thoustutd
of dollars , only to b0 sold next day a
all advance of $5 or 40 ie cent. Lunn
ber brought $100 , $200 , tumid even $ , i0 (
per thousand , and cnmius tents uvnuli
sd1I for as nuielt its good houses wouli
bring in ordluu'y times. Ouu younf
1111111 routed a building foi
$1,000 par mouth , and 1)001)11
thought he was crazy but he , ) tit fur (
tables in it and rented thorn by th1
night. Ills profits on the bulldiug w erl
over $2,000 or mouth. Another for m
foty dullius ought seine tents at a gov
canntott stile and rented tltoiU out a
$100 )0r tiny , Food of all kinds was cor
respoudingly high ; potatoes sold at 2
cents a pond o $15 a bushel ; flour wm
$15 tumid ff ) pot' hiundred ; ecru $10 tau
$12 pot bushel ; beef 60 cents per 1)oun (
and ] nuns 50 cents per poem. Servun
girls Lot $10 and $15 pr week mind ine
calnuics would not work for less than $
per day. Out of these disorders mnu
wild speculations grow an organizatio
the like of which was micvee before seem
on this continent. A band of ale
leagued themselves together under ti
iretotso of preserving eider , but reull ;
for the purpose of robbery and murder
log their fellow citizens. Bogus court
woeo setup with the power of life tun
death ht thick- hands ; onerous taxu
were levied and collected by force ant
crimes of robbery and murder wort
wimiked at when the authentic :
could divide the spoils. Iloncs
labor and , legithnato'bpsiness wart
grievinusly burdened and licentious
11055 nod gambling permitted to gi
scot free , Drugged liquors wear sold ti
soldiers , teamsters tumid ell ) loves eve ! "
time they were haul OIT , mitt the ' wet i
drugged into dens of prOStitUlun alit
there robbed of thoil hard cannel
money. If they sought redress at ti
hails of the civil authorities , so called
they were hued and locked up as pets
0110.5 and kept there until their fine
were paid. Theatres , hu'dygurdiee
and dance houses w elo kept open al
night , nntl real as swell as mock t ngo
( Iles were hourly ouacted. Tute Indlmum
of thc.pluns } hearing of the tumu puma
wonders of the while mnau's civili atioi
mit J ulesbu'g came by lrumidreds to took
upon them , and their surprise can well
he un uuined when they found there u
1)001)10 Itlnfe savage than themselves.
They looked with wonder at the rows of
buildings and streets a'hcru only a few
months before that ptttlrs in the wilderness -
ness Eau.Vhoii they laud , gone out to
hunt in the spring mint a living white
nltu ) except old Jules BcUar(1 inns on
that sandy pluimi of the desert ,
mind whet they rcturned the next
fall they saw a city teeming
uvitll hutnltn beings and coitninlog
thousands of things which were new and
curious to them , and of course they
Iue v tint the use. IIundretisof government -
ment wagons tiled through the streets
going tv'estwttrd , with supplies for the
frontier posts ; long lines of railroad
tmttns loaded with inlplenteutS and uta-
torial nliu ( hcd amid countermarched ;
emigrants , gold seekers and nerchamits
jostled each other , amid mull day nmid night
long bull-whackers shouted with brazl.'u
lungs to their toiling and patIeut oxen
01 oxlloded their long whis with a
noise so ntuelt like the crack of a revel-
von that strangers stopped and turned
elatuud to see svho had been shot or took
refuge in nlurm iii the nearest open
doorway. An Englishtnau who wvtis
vlbitiog our country went to see Jules-
burg atud learn
Ile 1ICC' could learn to distinguish the
ditTeeo11ee hotweeu the noise trade by a
revolver and the popper of a biul-
svluucker's whip. 1'wo or three times lie
bud h0en startled by the explosion of an
ox-gad and had darted into the nearest
saloon to 1)e out of the way of what ho
thought was coming bullets. His friends
ind rallied hint on his no'vousmiess and
ho made up his mind that next tune he
would stamid his { * , rouud. The next day
lie was tvalkimig down thin street when
ho heard a iwp , pop behund hint , but
k0pt 011 straight ahead , when presently
lie felt a sharp 1)1111) tin his leg , and look-
11mg around was sln in ised to see two fellows -
lows pegging away at each other with
revolvers , lie was seriously wounded
amid laid up for weeks with a sere leg.
It is needless to say 'Lett lie got wall
he never again attenptedtodistinguish
the difference between a hull-whacker's
whip antl the pack of mu revolver , but
took cove' at the first sound of either.
Aim English lord svho sous in New
York heard of .Tulesburgand h0 wanted
to see "some of that sort of thing , you
know' . " So lie carne out , and was soon
at the famous little city. Writing to a
munber of the British piuiiuntont ,
le said : 'Here , in the heart
of the Anmericau desert , I
have found a city only n few inonths
old that 1)0115 4,001) totes , amid is a s Iy
city 111(100(1 All languages are spoken ,
all kinds of business carried 011 , nud
Cyey conceivable lash iou of dress wont.
' 1'ho buckskin-eladfrontiesalai amid time
aborigines interest maw most , load t shall
have nuuty a god story to tell you of
those ( Iueen people whomi I return. "
\Vhtlo thus English lord was visiting
Julcsburg the Indian chiefs , Spotted
'fail and Big Mouth , attracted by
the fiuue of the city euuto to see it as
well its his lordship. Time Euglishmnn
made thieul Inm111 ' presorts and suns mint
cordially invited to visit the Indian env
cuupmeut noc by , Curious to learn
nun o of the red men he tvent with nn
interpreter and au escort. 'i'he chiefs
received ilia with very great honor ,
and learning lie ! vans a great Imili free a
f11 oil country lavished upon him every
uistinction in their povee.Vlten he
vats about to depart Big Alouth
said he wished to matte his
lordship a suitable presort in rotunn for
the presents he had nnade then , and the
voy great honer ho had done them in
visiting their cant ) . lie thou led on-
A ltl0 , IIUXOM SQUA\t' ,
whout ho gave to hint as a wife , and
asked hint to take lien buck to Eugland
with hint. 'rho Englishman syits herri-
fled. IIe already had a wife and lunge
faintly ill Englund , and he knew not
what to do. lie was afraid to
refuse his present lest ho should
ollemid the Imidhums , timid lie sought
time Iiitoepretei s advice nod
hogged hint to ext icalo ImUn from hit
Time intor-
tilt pleusant prcdfcament.
ureter saki it would never do to refuse
so valttable a presontund otTe ed for 8l0 (
to take the girl ott his humids , which hl
lo'dsliip gladly ) aid , and fled back tc
Julcsburg anti loft iho country. lic
said that ho hind no further desire to sec
limo Indians in their lodge amid would
mioyor again visit an Indian oircuntnenl
if ho lived to he a thousand years old.
TIl1 ( I 1.91W OP' JULEi4JIUItO
Scott dcpateL ; It Wits , of all other
the wphelnoral city' of the plUlii and 1t
Opera floiise.
l . FESTER M. CRAWFORD , Lessee and Manager.
Thursdaylrriday , ! 15th , 16th aiid I71h i
CHARLES E , LO CKE ) Proprietor gild Manager.
Four Perfornlfnlces of
The strength of the list of Principal Singers , etc , , will be seen front the following 1lltlunulcenletlt-
Altd 1. ulMA .113011.
711 Voices. 40 Donccus.
PRINCIPAL DANCERS-Amelia FranchI , (1loymruimI Cain tncrnno „ . ( 'icon dine Cappelletti , Uivtt , Cnls'agho , foot' SCC
amid Dancers , tsvettyfouu' ) Corypltecs amid eight Mule 1'uutotuunists.
Thursday Evening , 1)ea. 15th ,
Ulabraate l'reseuttttfon of Ycrdl's Orated Opera in I acts ,
VriIay Eventog , Iec. ) ldh ,
ltubinstein's Giand Opera In 1 acts ,
ET.OI S1'LV,1 ,
UIIAULES ilAS4l'r : ] ' ,
11 LtiS1s5.1 1) 1i.tILIJ'0x1S.
QUS'I'AV 111\Iill'IIS,1uicttlCunductor [ ;
II mSTPA , neco'dimig to location . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2.00 , $ . ' .511 , $ ,1.00 ,
BALCoNY , tt , . . . . $1.50 , $ s.oo ; CALLisRY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00
PlI\'A11l UOXES , each sent. . , . . , . , : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ x,011
i 5 rho Sale of Seats will commence on MONDAY , DEC , 12th , at 0 A. M.
Orders bynInttshould honccontuwdedbytusllan0directed ; to L. M. (1tass'IOIt1)flex ) 0111ce , Crand opera ) lou'ewhikltwilt beprougdly
attended to ht lute ortit r teec ived , nun ! ti , . ' ttckets mnltwl mar ilrll , to order , us reluested , ,
ItAII , 'i AIIItAM1EIEN'1'S wilt hr made to have all the late trains held every eyeutlig tlurlug the season , allowing aoiple thno to reach
depots alter the opert perforuutuce.
decay seas altno t as rapid its its build
ing.Vhen time railroad was built be
yond to Clteyeuue the thousands of mud-
venturersamid advemitpressosfollowed time
truck tumid twat to ( : eyenrio mind Lara-
ntle. As the bui ings were pulled
down time sandy phtiti itguimi nppeane(1 ,
timid 50011 it tuns hnost mis silent and deserted -
serted its if it hnd ugver been time abode
of 4,00 ( hutnnt ( beings.
\Vhon I visited ,1II1eshurg last , with
Siutdy Lane an l Stu teeing Brown only
mu few old huildiugIt' remaimied. 'T'hey
hat ! Sent Julesburgin its palnmiest days
of slit tumid excite ieij , amid lntety every
foot of it.i'o rode through its deserted
streets mind saw hundreds of old chiin-
ney's and ruined adobe walls. The chip-
muck ran ham kung to his hole , amid an
owl frightened at our npproval flew
from his perch in time old bauh as
though we were Uiciitst visitors he had
ovo'seom II ) the 1)1800. here a great
real estate agent had flourished , theme
a famous courtesan had lived maid Iteld
high carnival every night ; yonder .Trek
Slide tutu his bandits unit at
eight to plot their deeds of blood tumid
robbery ; beyond the withh tuns the OIIee
gilded clot of infuuy where $ 50,000 had
been lost in n single night , amid over
thuo stood the house whore eight tot
at one time had been killed in a bloody
row. So it went en for hours until , tit cal ,
we turned away from the ltrace ) tout had
witnessed such horrible deeds of blood ;
whu'e , if honesty amid inorality over
carne , they must at once have clasped
hands and de ru'ted forever fromn time
'dcitd city of the plains. "
It is a good thing for n man to belong to the
church , but a poor thing for n man to tllinlt
that the eunuch t belongs to Itiut.
A Dearer clergyman hits preached n scr-
mint to barbers. Ills text Probably was ;
"This Is time hairconlb ; lot us hill
hie ) . "
The man svho ctut hunt a hymn while loin
hug a steve pipe is good enough to w mdk right
into full ntenbcrship into any chuichwithout
Comstaclt-Is this Ilcnvctf St , Peter-
1 es. Comstock-Well , I have a ivarraut
ugidmist your Almuster tot' allowing peoliie to
be born naked.
Time utinister asked all who were trying to
llvo u better life to stay after the regular
se'vice for a short soasolt of special prayer ,
mid consequcittly he bud no reason to be surprised -
prised when u couple of well lutovtt poker
pluye s walked foi ward and toots the front
scat.No canipmeethog can be successfully held
in the neighborhood of good tlslming , according -
ing to the tcstiinouy of a vene'uble Methodist -
odist bishop ; mmmil } yet if theme is mummy class of
liars that especially need the converting in-
fltmeneeof the gospel It Is the class that
catches a fish so long
and tells the neighbors tluttt it. is so long
- ' - - - - -
Clare's iutpa snnretinies iuscd n "big D , "
mud it bad fruit iii this wise ; Aunmt Eve took
the baby ( or n row on time hiue in Central
Paris ' ! 'hero were several ladies in the bout
vhio looked dreadfully print. After a long
silclce , the lotto smite suddenly pointed n
chubby Iinger at a beautiful tvhilo swum , amid
said hm a great big voice : "Oh I look at that
damn bird ! "
Consteruatton ,
\Vhlle on his way to a fmieral at a neigh ,
bm'iug town a few days film 1ov. It. 7' , lJeck-
of Ctulislo , Pu , , was stepped by four foot ,
pads , one of when sprang. Into the carriage-
\\'Ith n strictly scri ) turaltexplctlvo the icy
ereud gentientat quickly eaclied tinder ono
of huts coat tails us If to draw a revolver , of
at least seven cluunbe's , ( noun his till pocket ,
when thin fellow lit the carriage jumped amid
ran , quleicly followed b his tough wngnuu-
tons ,
" . \s course , ' said 111eity Doolan as he
cane lit ( rout a hunting eypeditlon , 'tit lsn't
for ine to be ' charaektors
an' their aetlolls , au' ' Its utore than likely
that Noah kuCv what' ' ho was about , but I
ruluy can't help tldnkin' Ivan thing , "
" \Vhat time divil be yezfalkIu about now f
itqulred hits iv ! fo. "I cami't ' ltolp lhitkin' wuu
thing , " he'tvcnt on , 'alt' that Is that Noah
tvud'ave conferred an oyerlostht' boon on
lmumiuiitw , nu' hove than likely saved 'imself
mm grout dale of bother , , if he'd left all the
mlcc.tts . outside of the acruk to he drowmied
Iutiroly , "
Time Dallas Tinies doesn't like time theology
of the cowboy evangelist tvlto is wrestling
with time 'rexas slttnlrs , and takes him to
task for saying that "hell is full of Citmphcl
bites amid Methodists , " It says ; "Ceno out
of that , cowboy I Conic up out of time (101)1115
of such btvharisut I Preach good will ; preach
boo ; prcuclm Rapti I'ut away time -
memts of torture ; till up your awful chasm
of eve burning tire ) Bush the shrieks of
lost souls , cud lullaby into quiet the moans
of the dauumedI 1'reaClr Imeavet ; prcactu that
there is a place where preachers , cowboys ,
C.vapbcllites , Jlctltodists , Baptists , till muay
reach , if the great and leasaltt toad of jus.
tire amid love and fair plug to non is allowed
here on earth , "
Time willow ware of every description
slmown 11 so mamiy windows offers a choice
for presents that , touse , a shot ) worn oxpreo
sloe , must suit every taste.
Saturday .1fte'nomt. Doc.lilt ; ,
Coldtutu- traud , lqera ht , acts , the
ueen O ± Sheba
SntuvlnyEveutag , Ihe. tth ,
E1abarato producttarm of Oounod's Craud Opera hum 5 acts ,
PAT.7r ST.
If Women Are Jealous the Mon Are
to Blame.
111frerent. Tgpe5 or W'omrn WIto Arc
Never Susceptible to Jealous Feel-
inQs-1Vounn 1faie to lleLoved
and Approcintcd by Mau.
iIiftct ) ferRte Ilcc CoppI1iFI J ,
Vety four people make a proper distinction -
tinction between jealousy and envy.
't'hey mute used as synonymous tcrmsund
coil tout mded every duty by able rpcmtkcrs
tumid writers. Yet they mire as unlike as
a wild nnim utl amid an insect.
Jealousy is oftemu time mumisbehaved
eltild of noble parmtimtge. Envy is
ill ivays buso 1)0111 and ) leboin. .feul-
ousy often suiTors untold ngouics in
silence , or strikes bold blows in the
face. Envy stabs in the darkness and
bohiud the butch. Jealously to be , mums
first look in time face of love. Envy can
exist without eve' lmaviug looked he-
yond its owum retleetion. Jealousy tnay
spring front self-dopreciation ; envy
utrust spring fruit self-udululion.
T heard it once ronarkul of a worl(1Iy
belle svho courted admiminatioim , butt
laughed at love , that she was a stumtnge
paradox ; site could not love , yet she ox-
lmibited intense 'choosy if mummy of lien
nunteous dturirm s flealnwwed the least
attention upon otho ladies. 't'his was
but another illust atinu of the misuse of
time word. 'Plus selfish belle had never
knot se lore , therefore she could ant
know jealously. She was simply en iuus
of time poiver which any wonmiun pos..cssud
to ( ! rats' lieu adnltems from her side.
She desired to he a monopolist in the
af'airs of the heart-a Jimy Gouldes , in
time afi'cctioual nitu kot , and she resented
the Iuterfaruuce of umiy small dealer o'
dabbler ion the stock of Love.
Mer oxhihit this sort of feeling to a
degree , though thou' broad amid busy
lives prevent tlmeut front carrying it to
the extent which macs time progress of
wneuul everywhere.
I have heard plmysieiuns of excellent
stuumding decry eaclm other with rancor :
mmsieians time notoiously eumvtous of
ono uuumotier ; authors , ucturs and even
btmsl11ess nmelt oltoml forget tflitt tte }
world is hinge enough for mull , nod that
success was never obtained by pulling
down mnother nun.
But this feeling which tulles root in
self and directs its venom toward other
people's aelmioy'cmiouis tumid posscic Ions
us not jealousy. It i' only foolish envy
-the mottneS't ' atlir'Uutu of time huurn n
mind , the little fox ivimieh spoils time
vunes , time rut tvhieh undernnnes the
wall of a noble character , time niothu
which destroys time beautiful ftbrie of
time soul. It is time child at selfishness
and time contpiumion of hulc. Jealousy in
time ums orthy child of love-mu bud child
uvho ought to h0 gnycrmicd mad chastised
bolero lie works h11rat to his mareimt.
Love nutty exist withcut jealousy , as a
mina may live without ohispriug. liut
jeuulousy cuumuot live without love. amy
more them mum 1efaut can be born without -
out pnromis. As time rule of the world
is that 1)001)10 begot oll'spling , se it is
the ruin that love 1)cgets ) ettlotlsy.
If women arc moro jealous thou nten ,
it is only becumsu they lieu more wholly
in tjme utnosplmoro of love.
Theo mute tuwe rare types of wolneui
who tu'e never susceptible to jealousy.
One is time perfectly ltuiublo betug , utterly -
terly devoid of individuality , who lives
ht u state of wondering unmzemnemit that
she should be the recipient of lion lov-
er's least regard. Sloe is grateful for a
smimilo , and ovo'wholmed at a word of
praise. She linds greulet joy in loving
than iii being loved , and is u
ftulnt echo of the masculiuu
mind iii uulf lien ophmious amid
idemrs. She is willing to be the tnat beneath -
neath his feet , to eat the crumbs which
full trout juts tabloto do his most 111011 ml
luhot' . She has time nature of a serf , the
dovotloi of a dog , and if lie deserts lice
for other wonnen fjts lee usually does ) site
hover con ) lulms , us in lmis mvill she Bads
her only ptemtsuo , lien nmuturo is mild ,
uutfont amid constutt , amd devoid of pas-
slom and intoudity.
The other typo of woman sviun knows
no jeulousy Is into loin opposite , Site.
Is a rudiutntly ilnp } ) } emeata o , full of
soli-cotldoncoegotism , and sntlsimctimi.
Sue is pleased with life , amid with her-
self. She loved deeply , and demnutids a is
minu'lt as she gives. She expects to he
tol(1 every day that she i5 the most udor-
nhlu svou uut on en rth , mid she is sure to
couvtuco n maul of the fact. It never
cuter , lien happy bend ! hut anotlmem
wvuuium could he us elutt wring its herself ,
or that , she could he displaced iu the
utlectiots of any until she loves. She is
it tt'ouiOmt who huts becu uccustouuvl to
love and ntimiratiou till her lift' , mud she
kuovs how to 1001) her lure int nistt'd
turd uumseL She is sure that flu finds
other w oulCIt dull iu coulpuriou with
herself , tumid she loins hint freely to lien
friends , certain that he will return
gladly to her.
' 'ime nmajority of women who lead n
niouotenOus existence live in then' iur-
ttginutiousaud grow morbtdly sensitive.
Itituty a uuut ruins the peace of his
hotuselioll foroverby 11eglectmmm g 1o speult
the word of praise which his hungry-
hearted wife has yearned all tlay to
hcanaud bostoving it ttpon some chmutcu
collet' or stranger.
' 1'he nrau svho fails to notice the careful -
ful toilet his wife has mttdo fur his sake
and conplinmemmts the good taste iii dress
exhibited by some neighbor , sows time
Seed of jealousy in albIsap oiiited heart.
Wommtu was node to be loved , putted
tumid uppreeinted by non , \Vhatcver
else site may achieve in life , she feels
herself chatted out of lien birthright
unless this happiness huts cone to lice.
She is jealous of whatever tau } whoovel
uley stand bettveeu huen mind Mutt desired -
sired joy , I have known two mothers
wino were jealous of their ova t'bildeen.
Unntutu rmtl ammI ( tC'1 ible as this clay
soot , I felt time greatest syuiputhy for
both woltem. lit ouch case thme 1lasbmlm111
utterly ignored the wife for lion oil-
sprmng. She svus mu seeouduy couside'-
uttou , neglectel tuud rebutted w hero
the childreim were euecsscd and apprc-
I liettrd a wonan w 1io wits mu geamid-
motltcr remierk one day that she would
never have lived tvitlt her Intshumid tut
hour if ho had once told her shut lie
thought another tvotun beautiful or
iuleresthtg. I'oor ) nau ! Of course such
thoughts loud entered his mind , uuul
witlm swut secrecy aunt lie huvu guarded
tliet all these yeat : , !
Jealousy of such mu potty typo as lieu's
is surely the tiwuefed amid Iunheciie
child of its parent. 'l'ime w oWtui w11me
life is lull of sensiblu amid noble ditties
is less given to uut'cusoning jcnlousy
thus tilt idler w'ho dwells in a w o'lti of
ltue ova iunagittimg.
And the woumiur who receives the love
811(1 duvotion which is lieu' birthright
seldom feels the pangs of jealousy.
1L1.tViim ur \Vmm.cox. .
- + - - -
1tIi4lGl0US ,
Battle Mountaht , Nov , , wattls a parson.
The town huts 7O0 inhubitmtnts , mostly miners ,
Illinois has n Preshytemitium Church ( omi-
posed ivholly of nanet , 'T'hey hmtve lust
built a neat cdilice muul laud for it ,
Time full text of time ivmvrmutt , for thr arrest
of John liuuynn bus recedly been discovered -
ered tmd is a doctanett of great harvest ,
'There is a coil gregatiet fu Siut Fraticisco-
that of time First l'rt'sbt tem'ian eluu eit-w iuicfl
is noted foronopeculiurity-two thirds of the
1111111 till' itt'e 11)P)1.
It is said lhtat closet ministers are grcatiy
needed in till Presbytery of iloutuna fur that
uuuibcr of varmint cltuechesVliile the ccu
tens of populutiou are nverurow ded time outposts -
posts aO poorly supplied ,
It is reported that time Emigllsh 1 inu ch es.
talhi511mumeitt m'ecelves venm'iy iii tltlas about
r'l0,00,000. , Of thisI5JUo,000 , goesfor'saltt
i Ies of clc gymel , and time reruhider goes to
Imospitals , schools , church huihlhtgs aunt time
111 ( .
'l'ime minutes of limo geuerai nssorhttton of
time congrcgatlounlists of Ioss'u report 2.9
elmurcbes , lit with pastes mid 11t ; watt neting
pastes , la miev churches orguniied , 8d11is-
tc1 s , 219 ; church in nubes , IJJ77 ; udditlouii
by confcssiel , SiS ; total 1,951 ,
Atr. Spurgceiretfreilout time ground Ihat
time minion enbtaces mum litislCS w ho deny mu mm
duumi uttutl doctrines-tlio potsou of the Iloiy
Sph'It , llmlost condttlon of unarm mm u'edemued ,
time need tuud reality of regent'ratot , the
utoucnlcnt , the utcrnity of retnibutiou.
Time nmuvenent to restore the Old Ihlck
church tit SuiiUUleid , A"mm. , tvhieh is 5ulp05eli
to ho time oldest church \'irghiia , has been
sticces4ul amid time r'sieintiet is ncarly
cmupletC , 't'his church nits built in Iliac
and wus occupled ceutinually for taro ccu
tuu-los ,
\Vlthin time bust year a number of Jrelund-
015 huvu found their tt .ty t0 noltben Aumo- [
seta , 1)akott ) aunt dl + tuitoba , until other are
rutpidiy ( driven front then' Ishtnd by
fandnoand uyant , Vhio Jcoluoles uro nil
Luthe aims , and befoag to time best of Scandi
nnvluu Lln ktiaudom.
Iu'Nuty fork there is oan 1lethodist Epis
copal church tO cacti 25,1)4)1 ) of , inpuiatlnn ; iii
tOo Lhalnuntii o1 a o i .
t o cant .5 , ) Iii t each le ,
500 ; in Sau 1'ramclsco , ouu to each 17rN ( ) ; in
Cleveluud , emmo to cucli 18s5Q ; in I'lttcbnrg
mod Allcgheny , emu to each 7t75 ; In Jsllluvau
kee , moo to eachm 10,500 ; ! n Dctrolt , ouu to
each S75i ; ; In Iadfannpoits , ouo to cacti 0,000 , ,
and ht ( jolumbua , ouuW , eagh Oh , d.
fillED --STOCK
- -
Os'ill n to Ilic latcacss of the season wo
tied oarsclvcs oycrs1ockcd with tlhc aid
111CdlllI IriCcd overcoat s , and ill ordct'
to I'cdlioo the ltaalltity we ! impose to sell '
most of 1hClll witlilll t1iC 11CXt 10 days 1
alhd have lhladC pl'iccs t1hat Wi1I inSliro a
sllcdy salt
Our $ 5 overcoats now go tor $ 3100
I " i
B 5t00
' 9 " ' ' 6,00
fi 10 ( I " 1,50
Ii f/ /I /
15 10 + 00
" 20 " I lot 00
I 25 " I 18,00
lie 1Iat'c 1'edaced Al ( ht' 8Olie ralfu
N ow'
1 1
Overcoats , ,
algal IJ' unit rlec(1 our f/ott tofu JIUll
this the first opm'tauItu ucl oJJercd
this season. 11'0 have had such ' ' ;
{ /rantt success of our
$10 /
titte that 11'0 ltareinst added a fetu u
ttto ) ( , slob's of dc.irablc stilts that
are scltiieg at otltr ) ' + toresIll the vine
froat$14 to $18. JVip1u'c them (111
ill mac lot gild sell them at one ln'ice
11'c also ] lave ( t lilac attl IlI'ge as-
sm'tJleltt mil' rtobbf/ stints ill suits ,
alicll lee tore o/Jcl'iuy It cut t Vices.
Yo ea auto 0 om o „ i ioo
in of Days' ' and ChIdros' '
Poi' mum' Ihic of
Bo's Suits & Overcoats -
coats ,
1s rcru eoulpletc (1,1(1 our pisec of ,
$1 Jbt' ( t laobbtboj's , fach'l and f
putts , it a/r + J'onl 1 to 1:1 yCrs , it
he'd to bct ( uluuito'c.
For Men and Boys
1308 Farnam St , i ,