> ' THE SUNDAY BEE PART I PAGES 1-8 to 1 1 SEVENTEENTH YEAH. OMAHA SUNDAY. MOENING , DECEMBER 4 , 1887-SlXTEEN PAGES. NUMBER 109. Sadl-Carnot Soloctcd ns Gravy's Successor. DELIBERATIONS OFTHE DEPUTIES f . Ohoson As Hond of the Republic on the Second Ballot. SKETCH OF THE NEW PRESIDENT. A Scholarly Qontloman With a Distinguished Career. PARIS POPULACE ON PARADE. The Streets nml HoitlcvnrdH Thronged With ViiNt Crowdsof I-\elte ; < l I'i'oiile1Ample Military 1'rc- cautloiiH Prevent Hloting. President Cnrnnt. tC < > i j/i/iMf / ; < Ua.r by Jitincn ntintnn llcnndt. ] Vjiis.Mi.i.r.-i : , Dee. 3. [ New York Honilil Cubic-Special to tlio Hii : : . ] The iiutloual congress held to-day In the palace at Vcr- rallh > s proves Unit Franco is herself again nnil following In tlio footsteps of the Ameri can republic. It also proves tlmt the French republic Is no longer hi swaddling clothes , but has attained her majority. The elec tion of Sadl Cut not Is the outcome of the sound common sense anil patriotism of French republicans and not the victory of any faction of parliament or any particular politi cal faction. It la a Jinn and deliberate resolve - solve to maintain and accentuate the dig nity and strength of the llrst magistrate of the nation. The scene lit the famous Hotel dcs Reservoir was highly picturesque at nboutnoon , the dining room being tilled with over a hundred of the most distinguished public men of Fancc. Tlio waiters wcro un- nblo to servo them , and senators , deputies nnd journalists nil rushed about In the utmost confusion , ovcrbody helping himself. Leroycr , president of the KCimtc , was been drawing the cork of a bottle of Burgundy , Clomenccau vainly seeking for forks and spoons and Jules Perry grasping fr.intlcnlly at a dish of lobster salad. Frcycinet was breakfasting in a cor ner with Goblet and Douville. Muillefeu , the comic radical deputy nnd dagucrre , the fierce young radical , came in during break fast. Frcycinet , who had been eating scrambled eggs and mushrooms , looked up nnd said : "This is what wo have got to do. \Vo must vote for anybody but Furry , for Ferry means civil war. Ferry will retire and uiuli tliia more easy for him. I nm willing to retire from the candidature. Also , let us all unite and vote for Sadl-Car not. " "No , don't retire , " exclaimed the young radical , "wo can all unitoon yourself. " Freyclnet's face , whiter than his hair , Blightly increased with a knowing flush. In another corner was Sndl-C'arnot helping himself to bunches of grapes and duchcsso pears. Gallic and Parisian gaiety ( lowed unceasingly in spite of the cold , boggy weather , that would have clone Justice to the city of London. Hut towards 2 o'clock all this apparent levity ceabcd and everybody walked slowly toward the congress hall , passing through the gate into tlio magnificent square dedicated to all the glories of France , walking beneath the broiuo equestrian statue of Louis Quatorz. The statue and streets were lined with de tachments of infantry of the Eleventh anil Twelfth raglmcnts , artillery , and the First regiment of engineers. At 'J o'clock the vast hall in the palaeo was tilled to overflowing , It is an oblong square , decorated with aubus son tnucstry and a largo picture of the first assembly of the states. In nn adjoining logo sat , calm and sphinx like , Mr. Blaine , who watched all the pro ceedings with lynx-eyed attention. At live minutes past 2 M. lo Hoycr , president of th < senate and ex-ofllclo president of the congress gross , mounted slowly the steps of the im posing presidential ill.ii , rang the bcl nnd silence at once ensued ns i by magic. Lo Iloycr read , ivUltcr in distinctly , it verso of constitutiona law concerning the way preseiibed to 1111 i vacancy in the presidency and declared tin national assembly duly constituted. This be { pin I glanced at Mr. Blulno and noticed tha ho rose , took off his overcoat and settled hin Belt down for a long session. . Then LeRoye put his hand into a largo green urn tilled will the names of senators and deputies ant pulled out ten at random. These wcro the vote revisions. By a singu la1- irony of fate , the names of M Albert Grcvy , tlmox-prr-sldcnt'sbrothor , am M. Charles Ftrry , brother of Jules Ferr\ wcro pulled out. This incident caused con slcjcrublo merriment. Thin the vol ing bcjjnn , Lo Hoycr culling put CM. of the forty-two mines , beglnnln nt the letter "P. " Tlio Jlrst man wh voted was named Papinot , then the other followed. This process lasted nn hour , cue ! voter stepping up to the tribune where i ' little uuirhlo was handed him from i basket. Then the voter puts a card wit the name of the person voted for on i ! into the largo green urn. Then , a few step further , he drops a HUle marblu Into nnothc large green urn labelled "control. " Thcs marbles being counted afterward are a choc on the voters. TJ.o Jlrst tour resulted In 30 for Sadl-Curnot , 213 for Ferry , 145 fo Sausslcr , and nnalnslgnlflcnut scattering fc Frcycinet , Appcit , Brlsson , Pasteur an others. As no ono secure. . ! tha required m : Jorlty a recess was taken 'till 3 o'clock , durin which Ferry stood In the midst of the grou nnd declared : "I am perfectly willing t withdraw my candidature. It is on the who ! the best thing for Franco , for 1 never wls to have it on iny conscience that I should i uiylhlns likely to plunge France Into civ trar or to cause bloodshed ! n Paris. 1 eat it ; that all my political friends will not vote for me , but transfer their votes to Sadl-Curnot. Wo ought , till of us , to sink our petty jeal ousies , and become simply Frenchmen. " Freycinot then stepped up , and briefly shook hands with Ferry. The result was loud cheers and remarks. "Bravo , Ferry I Brnro , Frcycinet 1" resounded on all sides. Then It became certain that Sadl Carnet would be elected president of the republic. Congress then resumed Its session , and the voting continued ns before , the result of the second voting being Sadl Carnet 01(1 ( , General Saus&lor IbS , Ferry 11 , Freyclnct 5 , Felix Pyatt 10. The result was announced by Croycr at ten minutes' before 7. Then , after loud cheers , everybody went back to Paris. Hlalnc , as ho watched this incident , seemed to get excited. Ho moved about in. his chair and it must have reminded him of an anal ogous incident when ho was before the coun try as Ferry was to-day , the country deciding It best ho should be nominated and going be fore the nominating body with a strength that seemed to make it likely that his ambi tions would bo gratified at the expense of the good of his country. Bliilne saw too the French causing trouble at home and complications abroad , should the political scheme be car ried through. Blaliio s.iw , too , Ferry retire as Blnlne was forced to , and the unexpected happen in the selection of a mnu whoso btrength was apparently Inferior to his" . In fact that the nation preferred Doace and him In preference to the political favorite who would Imperil the country. Although Bluino did not go up to Ferry to congratulate him as hundreds did , he might have gone nnd sym pathized with him saying , "My dear boy , I know how It Is myself. " How Paris Itcccivctl the News. fCVij/i/uM ) | / / 1(37 I'll Jtlinti Giniliill licillictl , ' ] PA ins ( via Havre ) , Dec. 3. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Bin. : ] An other great day for Franco and for the re public. At the second tcour vote In congress at Versailles , M. Lo Iloycr , speaker , an nounced the result that Sadi-Curnot had been elected president by 010 out of a total of 843 votes. At n quarter to 7 this evening all the deputies of the extreme left , left and cen ter all , In fact , except the reactionaries stood up and greeted the announcement with tremendous cheers and clapping of hands , do/ens deputies shouting , "Vivo la Carnet 1" "Vivo laltcpubliijuc ! " two or three shout ing , "Vivo In Victolrcl" alluding to Carnet as the gandson of the gieat organizer of vic tory. Among those who applauded the most vigorously wcro Floquct and Frcycinet. Sadl-Carnot , a tall , lithe , wiry-looking man , with a dark olive complexion , nnd , in spite of near-sightedness , black , piercing eyes , had retired from the congress half an hour before the votes were counted. He got into a brougham drawn by two flrey bay horses and with Ror.yier mid General Ferron drove back to Paris , where the Elysce was illuminated. The president arrived at the presidential mansion at 10 o'clock in the evening , the soldiers presented arms , and was received at the steps by Gen eral Brugcro and the officers of the presi dent's military household. Palis to-night is perfectly quiet , everybody drawing breaths. There is great satisfaction that the imme diate danger of revolt , anarchy and civil war , for the moment at least , Is avoided. STiiuuT scr.xcs. People generally predicted trouble in the streets during the day. Early in the after noon an American gentleman driving on the Champs Elyhco stopped to admire the Palais do I1 Industrc. Ho noticed some ambulances being wheeled in and caught sight of soldiers within. "What docs it mean ! " ho asked a man in a blouse. "I thought this was where they held the Pat is salon and fairs and exhibitions. " The man in the blouse grunted : "They are filling the largo court with ambulances for the wounded in case of n riot. " This looked omlnou's. They were getting ready to put the rioters into ambulances on the boulevard. Thcro was that particular hurry and activity and universal buof con versation as of something exciting In the air. It was a political electric current running strong. Groups collected at every convenient point , and if two men chanced to look hur riedly down tlio street a hun dred calhcrcd to see. what they 1 | wcro loo.Ing at. Men earnestly ami f emphatically , sometimes angry , advocated on street corners ono or the other of the candi dates. Coachmen of public vehicles forget to book fares in order to discuss the situation , or drive down the boulevards slug' Ing political ditties. At tlio gnro St. Lozarc , when the trains from Versailles arrived , largo crowds col lected awaiting news or prominent arrival ? , Every street approaching the station was guarded nt intervals by cordons ol republican guards. A rope was stretched across the street to prevent Ingress to nil except those il business. A Herald correspondent pressee through the military lines found bodies o : cuirassiers' horses picketed , icady foi trompcnsc , reminding Americans of tin sccno around Madison square In the carlj part of the war during the exciting days o : the riots. General Saussiere , governor o. Paris , had done ills work well to in sun peace. St. Luzaro was Impregnable. Al the steps Inside the station wcro lined will gcnd'arincs , nnd every person mounting tin steps was scrutinized vigilantly. Ncverthe less , n largo and much excited crowd wai waiting hour after hour the return of thi representatives. On the Boulevard des Vitllcn , as the elaj wore away the excitement Increased visibly The evening newspapers , with the latcs news , wcro almost torn front the hands o venders mid the kiosques wcro virtually In ; state of siege. The woid Ferry was 01 every tongue , At the rumor that ho wa elected or likely to be the blouses began i Irok ugly. "A baa Ferry" was constant ) , heard. HIIRO crowds waited outside the FJgarc ' , clamoring for bulletins. Kdltio after edition was UsuoJ. At 2 o'clock the name of Sadl-Cnrnol Vega to circulate and the air was filled with th' ' loud roar of a thousand newsboys shouting , "Le president do lit Rcpubllque. " At the Hotel do Vlllo crowds In the mean time had assembled in expectation of a disturbance. Louise Michel and Derouledc were expected. It was said that Ferry had been elected , but Cnrnot's election utterly snuffed them out. The older nnd noisier tones of the young New York rowdy striplings who ste l barrels on election night and run when cia ed by the police became noisy young roughs in Paris , who arc aboard and howling in all times of public excite ment , for ugly rushes were made by them near the St. La/arc to-night , resulting in many lost canes and halsbut the gcnd'arincs speedily put them to flight. As dusk tict in the crowds rapidly dls- . pcrscd. True Frenchmen love dinner even In revolutionary times. Politics must give way always to the attractions of n cordon bleu lo president est inert vivo lo president and the Parisian sat down to his meal to "peace instead of riot,1' while the newsboys outside intone "Sadl-Carnot cst president. " KXCr.U.KXT MU.ITAUY M IXAOKMHNT. General Sausslcr has proved himself n splendid governor of Paris. Ho held 50,000 troops all in hand ready to sweep all anarchists and rioters and yet not a police man was visible to Irritate tiio Parisiiincrs or interfere with the harmless amusements and gaiety gatherings. Miltrcuscs and twenty batteries of field artillery were stationed at fortifications , in fact everything that modern military science could do to eopo with and crush In the bud any attempt to proclaim commune was done and nil this without irritating or exciting anybody. AM. PAUIS ox mimic. At 0 o'clock everyone has dined and a good many wined , and all Paris is in the streets under bright lights. Tlio great boulevards arc sought and the great plazas arc generally crammed with people. In front nnd around the Grand opera house , where "Faust" is Being sung , are 10,000 , people standing. Hun dreds of electric lights nnd gas Jets shone. The "Marseilles" and the revolutionary "Carmagolo" now nnd then go up from a chorus of nl least . " ,000 voices , while occasion ally battallions of soldiers and troops of cav alry go past the Herald oftlcc on the way back to their barracks. CAUXOT'S COMl'MMn.NTS. Paris to-night Is overflowing with delight and republican enthusiasm. All feel con vinced that the election of Bad ! Carnet means peace. The new president , after n stay of only a few minutes tit the Elysce , drove off to his private residence in the Hue do Bassino , near the Arc Triomphc , Which he reached at 10 o'clock. Half an hour later a crowd of some five hundred people marched up to the house shouting , "Vive Carnot. " "Vivo la Re- publiquc. " i Carnet came out and expressed his thanks. ! Hc&uid : "I thank you my fellow citizens , for this demonstration and for your acclamation. Like yourselves , I am warmly grateful to the republic. Now , show that you nro good citi zens and go homo quietly. , ' ' The men waved tneir hats and frantically applauded the first public speech made by the new president. One of them presented him with a bouquet , saying : "It is in the name of France. " Then they unfurled the tri-color flag nnd marched off merrily towards the Champs Elyse , singing the "Marseilles. " While this demonstration was taking place I was received most cordially by the presi dent-elect , who , in reply to my congratula tions , turned to me nnd said : "I deeply appreciate the congratulations that conic to me from the United States. I feel almost sure that during my tenure of office wo shall entertain the mos > t friendly relations with all foreign countries. " Ufo Sketch of Siull Cnrnot. 1SS liy Jiimrs Cordon Jlcnnctt. ] PAHIS , Dec. 3. ( New York Herald Cable Special to the BEE. ] Marie Fran cois Sadi Carnet was Dborn nt Limoges , August 11 , 1 SOT , and is a grandson of the great Carnet , the member of the committee of public safety and national condon , who is known to history as the 'organizer of vic tory , " and who was made Carnet ol the empire , nnd defended Antwerp against the allies in 1S14. His father was a senator and was minister of public instruction in IStS. Sadl Carnet is an engineer by pro fession , entered Ecolo Polytechniquo at the ago of twenty , and subsequently Ecolo dcs Pouts ct Chasses , where ho obtained the highest position in the school. Thus one great clan or family polytechnic-tons will whom Boulangcr is in a state of open warfare faro and whoso followers therefore look upon with anything but extreme frcndMncss. . Sadl Carnot's first appointment was as government engineer at An- nccy , and ho remained in Pontc ct Chasses department until the fall of the empire , January , 1S71. He was appointee Prefect Seine infcricuro and commissioner ol national defence for the department of Eur < nnd Colvados , Ho first entered parliament as a member for Cote D , Or , nnd has no\\ represented the national assembly am chamber since 1S71. Ho occupied successively a position under the secretary ani minister of public works and h the cabinet of DC Frcycinet nnd Brlsson holt the portfolio of finance as minister of finance Sadi Carnet displayed remarkable foreslgh courage In disclosing to parliament the dim cultlcs oljlio financialjwsitIon of the country nnd In suggesting the means of ovcrcomlui them , another quality of fit nines that went n long way towards sccut Ing to Carnet the suffrages of tin national assembly yesterday , for ho cxcrcisei It all along by opposing the Elysct favoritism of Grevy and Wilson. As a ills tlngulshcd Frenchmen observed to-day "Congress has elected an honest man. " Physically the now prcsldsnt is a thin man of more than the average height , regulu features , slightly overo and hard hi cxprcs slon , hair and beard black. Ho is u little h : cllncd to verbosity. The ueiv lioslesi o ( the Elysc is u ( laughter of Mr. Dupont the ' wc'1-kr.cwn. "political economist who , lliic. Ills sourin-l&Wi' is 'a-'follower an translator of John Stuart Mill. Her recep tions at the Louvre wcro always well at tended and conducted with grace and ele gance which promise much for the future and entertainments at the Elysce. The peculiar middle name , " Sadl , " the president Inherits from his uoblo nnd peed father who was born under the revolution when extra ordinary appellations wcro In vogue. Sevcrnl Exquisite Gowns f c [ Copi/r/uM / ISS7 Jiu Jumc * Gordon PAIIIS , Dec * 3. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Ben. ] Duke and 'Grand Duchess do Mccklenbcrg Schwcrein left here last night for Cannes. The duchess took away with her seven exquisite gowns and five more are in preparation at Worth's. ' SIv of those sent yesterday wcro from Morln and Blosslcr. A tea gown of pale blue silk was especially becoming to a tall , slender brunette. The style of her gown was Turkish long palo blue silk with a train with long pleated front of pink crepe de chcno with rows of Turkish embroidery. A street gown was of dark blue cloth , very plain with long gracefuldrai > cry embroidered in gold. A short outside jacket , embroidered with gold , went with the costume. Another dress is of cream jersey cloth , em broidered with delicate designs of gold and an inexpensive co'lumo but very effective. An evening gown of plain yellow silk was exquisite , with princess back of yellow silk and front of yellow gauze with narrow yellow ribbon stitched all over the gau/e. Another was a rich black velvet , long velvet train with brocaded silk front , corsage delcol ] letc and made of velvet. The visiting gown was of black chanlilly lace , with black velvet insertion , a long waisto of black lace and velvet front , fitting high in the neck and.making a striking effect of the length of the walstc. One evening gown by Worth was of ex quisite shade , old rose crepe and tulle. The back is of rose tulle , dcmi-traln , with rose crepe bnyadcro band. A crepe evening dress hung in front over the pleats of tulle nud crepe bayadere. On the left side of the skirt . were two palo blue ribbon sashes fastened by large bows of ribbon in the middle of the skirt and nt the bejttom. The corsace was decollete and sleeveless , made of crepe and tulle and the right .shoulder was of largo palo blue moire antique1 ribbon bow. For Countess Flewry was an evening gown trimmed with tulle with satin slips , the skirt front and side panels of white satin with large gold stars and around the edge was a border of narrow gold fringe. Beneath the panels were pleats nnd on the right side of skirt were two long garlands , palo pink roses finished end to ends nt the bottom of the skirt by pale pink batin ribbon bows. Paris. ( Copyright 1&S7 ytrriCM Gordon HciwcU. ) . - _ PARIS Dec. 3. [ 1VJW York Herald-Qabie- Special to the BEE.J Mr. Joe Emery , of Cincinnati , will leave for Nice in a few days. Edward Goephcr is hero at the Grand hotel. Colonel William F. Coily , Buffalo Bill , and Miss Cody arc at the Hotel Normandy for a 'day or two. Corolus Durand is painting portraits of A. C. Barney's children. Madam Pattl will arrive in Paris Thursday next to sing In a concert on the Oth. Lord Randolph Churchill returned to Lon don hist night. Mr. nnjl Mrs. W. 1C. Hands , New York , ar rived at the Hotel Meurlco yesterday. Mrs. Ed Furrington has abandoned her southern trip nnd taken apartments in Paris until next summer. Mrs. Courtland Hoppf and family , Provi dence , have gone to Dresden. George C. Lyman and family , New York , will leave the hotel Bellvno to-day for Berlin. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Bernham , H. Havc- mcycr , of New York , nnd Miss Chapman , of Hartford , will leave hero Monday for Dres den. den.Lev Lev ! P. I. Martin has returned from Lon don. Morton and Blainewero among the visitors to Versailles yesterday. Ex-Congressman W. H. H. Stowcll , Mrs. Stowcll and sister , Miss Avonill , of Appleton , Wis. , nro at 59 Rue Des Matthews. Mr. and Mrs. Balubrldgo Clark will leave Monday for Marseilles and Rome. Mr. nnd Mrs. Blaluc will await the arrival of some friends. Mrs. Eliza Greatorox has completed nnd sent to the Boston exhibition of work of women sketches of America and some exqui site sketches of Italy. Among the views are Saint Male and Rocky Island , where Chateau briund's tomb faces. The Arcnsilorf Cases. Sioux Cirv , Iu. , Dec. 2. [ Special Tele gram to the Bnn. ] During the forenoon the state announced that it would rest its case and the defense in the Arcnsdorf trial have occupied the remainder of the day in Introducing siir-rebuttui testimony. Two wit nesses from Canton , Dak. , testified that Hagcnous , witness for the alibi defense , has made exactly opjiosHo statements to these which ho swore toj on the witness stand. The Bur-rebuttal testimony was simply six witnesses to testify to the good character of Gus Schmidt , who } s ono of the principal witnesses for the defense. The defense re served the right to call witnesses Monday to testify to the character of its witness. Mrs. Potter , nnd rested Just before the adjourn ment of court this evening. Up to noon to day almost ono hundred and fifty witnesses had been examined and fourteen new wit nesses were subixunaed this afternoon. , A Cntholiu Temperance Organization , DUIIUQUK , la. , Dec. 3. [ Special Telegram to the BKK. ] An imponant meeting will be held hero to-morrow in tlio Catholic cathe dral for the purpose of organizing a Rtatt Catholic temperance association , the clergy of the diocese have manifested great Interest In the success of the project and as the prin cipal Catholic associations of the city Jfavs espoused the movement. The new organiza tion will have u very large membership from the start. The objects of the association will bo to redeem drunkards and to prevent young men from fulling into drunken habits , i- Tito Fire Ilcoord. Guni.ni , Ont. , Dec. 8. The Commercial hotel burned this morning. Tno guests food to Jump frfim the sccondand third story win dows. Kcvcral wcit } injured , but none scri ou4ly. . . , ONLY A TRADESMAN , The Election of n Fumlturo Donlcr to Parliament. NOT WITHOUT MANY PRECEDENTS The Very Humble Origin of Several Noble Members. OLD FAMILIES FAST DYING OUT. Comparatively Pew Descendants of the Barons of Runnimodo. ARISTOCRATIC SHOP-KEEPERS. The GluilstonlniiN Not Gaining Grou ml At n Kapltl I'uce Tenacity of the CoiiHcrviitlves KiiKltah Affairs Shrewdly Dlscussetl. Commoner Maples' Case , M 1647 bj ; Jiimw b'oidem LONDON , Dee. 3. [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Bii : : . | Comments have been made on Mr. Maples' election us though ho wcro the first man in trade returned to ho present house of commons. Such reprc- icntativcs nro not so numerous on the con- icrvativo as on the opposition side , but ex amples may be found even among tlio old rlstocracy party. I may mention Stephen , i maker and seller of ink , nnd General Dais - , -is , a distiller of acid , n contract rcry shaky on the letter "H. " There are five or six brewers nd several stock brokers. The conservatives can also boast of Newncs , pro prietor of a paper which would bo cast out ivlth scorn from gilded saloons' The present secretary of the treasury , like General Grant , ivas a tanner. The president of the local government bo.ml Ritchie is in the jute .rnde. Is not the leader of the house a news- render and what was Lord Salisbury for many years but a journalist ) But perhaps journalist docs not look upon : iimself as in trade. There is no great branch of business which has not sent a conservative delegate to the house of commons. On the oihcr side we can boast among the Irish representatives of Blane , a : uilor , ono of < the worbt dressed ncn in the house of commons. We have also Mat Harris , a bricklayer , now described as n builder ; Gilhooly , a dry gooels dealer ; Jordan , n cattle driver ; Lane , a salesman ; McDonald , n whisky distiller ; Bernard Kcclcr , a grocer's assistant ; two .public house keepers , a watch maker and any number of unknown Volirndllsts , besides some famous ones , like McCarty , O'Kclly , and ; iinong the Gladstonians wo have n flower seed elcalcr , two workingmen , much re spected , n mason , a schoolmaster and a car penter. Thcro arc several brewers and no end of lawyers. Altogether wo have 135 law yers in the house and sixty-two railroad di rectors. The latter contingent take good care thai the railroads shall never suffer , no matter which party maybe bo in power. You 'will see then that Maples is not likely to bo boycotted be cause ho sells goods , when the aristocrats themselves are only too glad to find an open ing in trade. The ordinary storekeeper holds himself quite as good as they perhaps bet ter , [ because he is in a position to pay his debts. I could scarcely reckon up the number of swells who have gone into business near Alexandria hotel , opposite Hyde park. There is a ladies' dressmaker , with n foreign name , over the door. It is really kept by an ex-masher , Bertie Stopford , cousin to General the Earl of Courton. Another of the well-known ladies is Mmc. Isebells. Her husband was an officer in ono of England's crack regiments , the Fourteenth hassars. A sister-in-law of the eleventh Marquis of Huntley keeps a baby linen shop. A son of the Duke of Rigg'o is in the wine trade and another is a broker. After all , most of these people are only re turning to the level from which they sprung1. Was not the ancestor of the Earl of Essex a tailor , and of the proud Earl of Warwick a wool stapler ? The Earl of Ducio also owes his origin to a tailor. Lord Tankcrvillc traces his blue blood to a Silk mercer , Lord Dartmouth to a skinner , Lord Annally to n money-lender. Not u single male descend ant now remains in the British aristocracy of any of the carls or barons created by the Norman kings nor of any ot the Runnimcade , and out of the sixty Eng lish peerage surviving down to Elizabeth , forty-one are now extinct. It would never do to inquire too curiously into the exact causes for which existing peerages were granted. Maples , the furniture man , may well keep up a good countenance tliough he finds himself associated with aristocracy. Ho will doubtless ho elected to the Carlcton , Why not ! I think the people are there whc have no better right to membership. Every body in London would agree with this re mark if I wcro only free to mention names Maples may not bo so polished as his tablc < but ho _ cannot bo a moro vulgar mar or a greater bore than some of hi * "party associates. Ho will now b ( introduced at court and go to the queen's garden parties and balls. Ho will bt uo moro out of place than many others whose hands are not quite BO clean as Maples. " Lei us hope ho will soon bo joined In parliament by Wirtloy , the universal provider , by Pears soap nnd Epp's cocoa. Coletnan's mustard Is already there. The only man we really wani * iiow sn funeral furnisher. Ho might dot roaring trade next session if the hours line the work resembles 1st session's. Meanwhile , it Is very noticeable that ever among the stoutest Gladstonians a forecast of parliament begins to bo accepted simUai to that I have long laid before you. The ) see that the Gladstone bills will never do 1 Moreover , ttiey bet-in to doubt whether Uili ministry Is not safe beyond the reach of at tack. Lubouchere admits this week that the government may remain in three or four years more. Cast up the numbers of the respective parties and the conclusion Is unavoidably the conservatives have n majority of 101. The home rulers have Rained four seats in one year ; ergo It would take them , nt this rate , sixty-ouo jcnrs to efface the con servatives. This parliament will expire In ISM , accord- jug to recent usage. Its full term of seven years not being up till ISM , no conservative minister would dream of dissolution , oven if pravo difficulties In public nffuits arose. The present government might , It Is conceivable , resign , but another union ist government would Immediately bo formed. Hartliigton or Churchill would bo went for by the iniccn , not Gladstone be cause tlio party with a clear majority would have aright to claim the trial of an alternative ministry. All hopes therefore of driving the onservatives from office nro mere delusions , t is better to look at the facts ns they arc. This parliament , barring earthquakes and ithcr abnormal convulsion * , will last nearly live years more. Many people dislike that : trospeet and they try to boften it by building . astlcs in the air , but the big battalions are with the unionists and they win in politics. If , indeed , Gladstone were to die and a Hurt- ngton-Cliamberlain government bo formed .hero Is no telling what might be the cense quences. A MIMIIIII : or PAIII.MMINT. ; THE BtiHMN BUDGET. How Germany H Kimls Carnot'n Elec tion Her HclatloiiH With KiiMHlu. [ Copi/i lylit Its ? luXcw I'wls associated J'Kts.l BniiUK , Dec. 3. Official nnd diplomatic circles in Berlin were absoibed in to-day's developments in Paris but public interest was not ut all strained. An unceasing btrcam of telegrams ponied into the foreign office and the details of voting at Versailles were , without delay , telegraphed to Friedrichruhc. The election of Saidi-Carnot is better re ceived in official circles than would have been that of DC Frcycinet or Ferry. The new president is considered to bo a feeble man and ono who would bo unwilling to consent to the complications which might bring about European war. It is also bellcveil he will be unable to make alliances against Germany. His personal preferences nro for a neutral Pacific policy , and he will try to govern through a ministry with the same tendencies. Telegrams re ccived hero from the German embassy at Paris record the gratifying fact that , though it was considered necessary to guard the approaches preaches to the embassy , everything was peaceful during the excitement. The utter absence of any anti-German demonstration , the efforts of Deroulcde and others to provoke voko a patriotic ebullition finding no responses ponsos , is raising hoops of a prolonged as suagement of the revanche sentiment. On the sldo of Russia the situation still continues grave. The c/nr has failed to gain control of the anti-Teutonic party , nnd if ho himself is convinced of the friendly inten tions of the German government he has been unable to pursuado the majority in the imperial council that some practical measures are necessary to restore an entente. In the meantime the anti-Ger man personnel in the ministry remains in power and an order of Do Gicrs in structing the press to cease attacking Germany - many IB defied. The severest contest during the session of the relchstag will bo that over the bill mak ing the legislative period five instead of tlirco years. The bill la practically a government affair. Tlio official organs support the pro posal strongly on the ground that it will relieve the people of the disturbing influences of often recurring elections , while giving greater moval independence to the parliament.T'hcro will bo a flcrco and a vcnomed fight before the measure passes , but it will pass with u solid majority equalling the scptcnnato vote. No combination can defeat any bill having the support of the gov ernment groups. The project to organbo the landwchr and landstrum Is still before the bundcsrath , but some of Its provisions were made known to-night. No official estimates have yet been Issued as to what result the project will have in strengthening the reserve , but it Is reported that it will increase the defensive force of the empire by100,000 men. The latest bulletin from San Rcmo an nounces that the crown prince drove out to day In a close carriage , the weather being wet. There has been a decided diminution of the congestion of the larynx in the lar.t few days , and nothing iildl'jntcs the return of the serious symptoms which appeared at the end of October. AN IOWA MASTODOX. _ Explanation nf the Finding of the Marlon Comity Wonder. Dr.s MOISIIS , la. , Dee. a. [ Special Tele gram to the Bii : : . ] S. H. Duwson , of Percy , Marion county , who claims to have di'-cov- creel the petrified remains of some huge mon ster near tlmt p'.acc ' .v.-as interviewed to-dr.y respecting his discovery. Hn cayi : that his attention was attracted to it when passing senvr.il rods distant from \ \ hero It lies on a bank , almost in the bed of tlio Des Moincs river. IIo has mudu frcshmeuvtuon'.eittsaiul gives us tlio total length of the body without the head , forty foot. At nlno fret froi-i the tail ho describes it as four feet six inches wide. The head seems to Irnvo been detached from the body and lies about Inity-tivo feet distant up the river. Mr. I ) iwf-on sa.vs In i.upport of his theory that It is tlio poll I fled remains of some extinct monster , Hint it is unlike the stone formation hi that vicinity nnd is not the bamc all way through. Ho hays that bu finds u r.par of quaitzite formation where the intes tinal canal and blood vessels should be , wlilln a dllTei cut formation is seen in other p.irtn. Tlio general app'-arance of the dcpmit is that of u ttarkinh bine stone , turning grayish nn the outside. It is placed on the Mnpo of n dip that lies nt an angle of about twenty-night dogrecB , dlping to the pmithwcst , He Is vcrv confident Hint it is really the stone remains of some huge amphibian of the carboiilfeious ago. No effort has been made to Ret a scien- tillc analysis of ttio find , though the attention of the state geologist will bo called to it and it Is hemcd that IH ( Identity and antecedents will be established. A Hosiery Mnnul'ucturr > r IxniAXArOus , Dec. 3. K. L. Ifeatlry , u hosiery manufacturer nt ConnorsvlUe , us- signed to-day. Liabilities , MO.VXt j usue'.s the KILRAIN AJiD SMITH , Viults Palel to the American nnd English Gladiators. HERCULES OF TWO HEMISPHERES Jake and Jom Engaged in JnggUntf Sandbags. VARIED PROGRAMMEOFTRAININQ The Former Taking Occasional Splna With Pedestrian Rowoll. JOHN L. AND CHHARLEY MITCHELW Different Opinions AH to the Coining FlKht Between Them , With the Oilels in Favor of tlio Bin Champion. tlio Fighter * . iS71iu Jamtt d'oretnu llciuirtt. ] LONDON , Dec. 3 , [ New York Herald Cable Special to the Bii.J : : Jake Kilrain is training for his coming fight at a tranquil seaside spot on the southeast coast of Engi land , the exact locality being for vnrioui reasons kept quiet. It was made ready by his filends and by request the Herald cor respondent visited it to-day. After two anej a half hours of mountainous railway ride 1 arrived nt a small seaport town , where , iu q respectable-looking cottage fronting thd beach , I found Kilrain nnd Mitchell residing , and on inquiring for Kilrain or Mitchell and presenting a Herald card , I was shown into the billiard room of the residence. I found Mitchell nnd Clttrley Rowcll over a game , they talking freely while proceeding with it , while Kilrain came in just before tha finish and when the game was' over , to my questions us to Kilraln's methods and habits here , Mitchell gave this narrative : "Jako iv rises about 0:80 : every morning and goes out for a long walk with Rowcll along the scat shore until 8:30 : , then back to breakfast , which consists of cither beefsteak , mutton chops and fish or grilled fowl , as ho wishes , and which is varied dally. Ho then rests fo ? an hour and goes out again nt 10 a. in. , wearing heavy sweaters , and docs from fif teen to twenty miles running and walking in company with Rowcll. This ho varies with bouts with a twenty-pound air bag. When ho comes back to tlio house ho 1ms a bath In sea water , followed by ono hour's good rubbing with Irish whisky for his body nnd liniment for his legs. Then Jake takes light recreat ing , such as billiards , until dinner , which is at 1:30 : p. m. , consisting of roast beef or mutton , a little greens nnd sale ( bread , but no potatoes nnd half a pint of old nlo after dinner. Ho pickles hla hands to toughen the skin. The ingredients' arc vinegar , horse radish and rock salt. Then follows Indian club exercise , dumb bolls and punching the heavy bag for an hour. Ho is next rubbed down with whisky all ovci * nnd this performance takes till supper or tea time , ' which consists of anything light that ho fan cies devoid of fat. He sometimes has a llttld isinglass , then rests for about thrco-qutrtora of an hour , when ho takes an easy stroll for about an hour , comes home , writes his corre spondence for tlio day and gees to bed tt 0:30 : after a good rub down. i Turning to Mitchell T asked him about hla own coming light with Sullivan , when ha said : "I have plenty of time to get In fightingconx dltion to meet him after Kllrain's light is over , when I shall make similar training to what Kilrain is doing now , bet I feel so welj now that I am sure I can get myself fit to fight Sullivan in three weeks. . I am very much pleased that the match has been made and especially for some time ahead , so that Sullivan can get himself fit and ( hero cannot bo any excuse for his being out of condition when he meets me , when I hope and feel cer tain of showing to the American , as well as * the English people , that Sullivan is nothing but a wind-bag. " Jake Kilrain , who had been out of the room for a few moments , came back now , attired In a dark-blue flannel sliiit , with white swelter underneath , nnd fnne-y Turn O'Shantcr cap. It was now I noticed bis altered appearance since I described his debut in St. .lames hall. Ho had hs ! moustueho shaved , or , as ho himself said , "My point of beauty has gone. " Ho looks quite contradictory lo his pictures , which are frocly sold here ) now , and said as regards " Smith : _ "I have only met him for a nvomcni , TThS- I merely shook hands with him. 1 then , found him a plcanant fellow to talk to. Oh , yes , I feel confident that I shall win my fight with Smith. Iflwmlshallgivoovcrflghtlnir altogether. It is too much work to keep In training while you and other people stay In London seeing the sights , and I am almoVt bui led allvo hero. lam about twenty-eight pounds lighter than when I left America , and I feel all the better for it , only they won't let mo cat and drink enough. " "No " added Mitchell " ! , , , e wants to drink too much tea. " "Perhaps arc right Charley " said you , , KlI- raln , laughing , and added , "as for Sullivan , if ho means to light ho had several chances In Anicrl'a of earning moro money than ever ho did hat ! ha fought met , which 1 wanted him to do and still v.isii. As regards Mitchell's match with Sullivan , I think Mitchell is twk'O as clever as Sullivan and live times as unxious to fii'ht him , and I think in aknuckla tight Mitchell will win and I hope ho will win when , unlike Sullivan , 1 shall ncvci * * c'.ewy .saying so. " I now turned to Charley Rowcll , who bed Just finished a game of billiards with WlUle Mitchell , Charley's brother , when ho said : "Kllraln could nut possibly bo bettor thaa .ho Is at picscnt , and I know , , undoubtedly fu'iu experience , ho can hit awfully nurd , and I think ho will beat Smith. " , U'c : > ! 1 now ailJu'jruM to a silting