Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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A Long Array of Facts About Pub
lic Improvements.
Tlio Effect Uio Muynr'H Stand on the
IjIcciiHC giiRHtlon Will Have on
tlie SnlooiiN Among
the CourtH.
Hoard ol'Piihllc AVorkH.
Tlio board of. public works 1m ve mnde cstl-
Tnntcs showing Unit there Is due Murphy ,
Crelghton ft Co. , tor paving , $ luS8.Ji4 , mid
to .1. O. Corhy , for sewer repairing1 , 115.
Yesterday nn eatinmto was made
BliowhiK that the nmount duo Vunninp t
Kliiven for street Mvcepliif , ' Is ? 1OTI'J7 ; for
nwccplng the Eleventh street viaduct three
times , ? T.l9 , making n totnl ol $1,031. 75.
Thin amount is for the work of the last four
weeks , during which time the contractors
swept 1 , t 1 , 200 square yards ut the rate of
fe9 cents per 1XX ( ) yards.
This estimate Is the last that will bo al
lowed this month for street sweeping. The
weather hereafter Is expected to bo cold , and
the streets will necessarily bo In a condition
which cannot bo effected by .sweep-
ing. Tlio board of public work *
however , Is authorized to order the street
sweepers to remove snow , or slush , or mud
from the pavement as may bo required be
tween this time and next spring. To comply
with this order the contractors may hire as
many men as may seem necessary for the
work and then send in a bill of the same to
the board , charging for their supervision
one-tenth of Urn price paid for the job.
Heretofore this work has been just as pro
vided by the ordinance. The contractors
always sent in their hills for the labor In
question as alto their supervision , but no per
son knew whether these bills called for the
wapcs of men who were not employed or for
days over and above the time required to
complete the work. Such Information could
not be had without a city inspector
specter being detailed to supervise the
job. and the board of public' works had no
authority to appoint such an oftlcial. Chair
man Halcombe , however , is now considering
how this dllllculty may ho ovcrcumenlthougi |
he does not intimate that the conti actors
have been paid for labor which was not
Several complaints woio brought to a Hr.r.
reporter yesterday , that the sidewalk
contractor in extending his walks on ( Jilin-
Ing , botli east and west of Lowe avenue , has
neglected to put in crossings , and as consequence
quence , people yesterday floundered in the
mud. Some of the gallants in the neighbor
hood were compelled to carry ladies across
the yellow bogs. The defect { > attributed to
the street commissioner , and ought to bo
PAY nnt.r. .
The cost of the inspectors for last month's
services to the city was § ! , ! lli.05.
Yesterday brought to a close half a dozen con
tracts upon which men have been engaged
for some months back , among them being the
completion of the South Omaha sewer to the
brick yards below the government quarter
master's depot. This sewer is slowly making
its way to the relief of the citizens who re
side in the neighborhood of Harris & Fisher's
and other slaughter houses on the banks of
one the dirtiest little creeks which ever civili-
? atlon tolerated. The work on the sewer has
been done by Fox.
Hugh Murphy also yesterday finished
n sewer in uu alley between Davenport and
The same partv finished the paving of
Seventh street in the vicinity of Jackson and
the 1J. & M. depot.
Yesterday Whalcn & Hrennan completed n
couple of curbing contracts , which nearly
finishes their work fortho season.
r.uiNA.M STIIIIT : : I'liont.i : .
K The city engineer yesterday iilcd with
. the chairman of the board of public works the
. profile of Farnam street for the grading of
that thoroughfare from Thirty-sixth street to
the city limits. The width of the street is to
.bo sixty-six feet , and the approximated excavation -
' vation in the stieet is HlNi'.i ) ' and in embank
ments f > ! iS ! ( ) yards , for which bids will be rc-
ceccived by the noard up to December 0.
ruoricTiviTirm.i : [ : .
In laying itstiaek on Twentieth street
north of Davenport and Dodge street west of
Twentysccond , the cable company has left
these thoroughfares in such a condition that
in some places thej nro well-nigh impassible.
It was the duty of the company to put the
fiti eels in the same good condition in which
It found them , and at its own expense. It
secmshowi'vertlmt while it hasbcen bringing
thostreotsbacktograde , It has been actuated
by a desire to receive pay for the same as if
it were a body of contractors to whom the
contract had been reguhuly let. Kuril , liow-
wvor , luis not been the ease. Yet the com
pany is now vroi'klin : under a resolution of
the council which in itself is held to bo of but
little value , especially as thu Aurfl uf public
works hud advertised for bids Tor the grad
ing in question and these bids will bo opened
on the .Mh of this month. The profile of this
work Is now on file in the office of the board
anil upon the showing made In it contractors
have bid. Among the bidders is the Cable
company. If its bid should bo the lowest it
will of course continue its work.
If , however , some. other contractor
should secure the contract , the question ar
ises : Who shall nay the eablo line for the
work it has already done I When that other
contractor gets to work , ho will llml that ho
has less earth to remove than ho found speci
fied in the profile , by just the amount which
will have been removed by the cable com
pany. This also suguests the question : May
ho not send in a bill for the removal of all the
earth which the protllo showed required to be
moved * There is certainly an irregularity in
this method of proceeding which cannot fail
of being troublesome If the cable company
should fail to secure the contract on next
uowx no TIII : 7111:1:4. : :
The grading of Twentieth street , which is
referred to above , deserves some attention
from the residents on that thoroughfare. If
done at all , it must be carried out the legal
width of the street , which is one hundred
feet. The actual width now is but sixty feet
between curb and curb , thus requiring the
taking in of property now occupied bv side
walks unil lot-owners of forty feet , half of
this quantity belngon cither sliloof thostreet.
At present tlio fences on that street arc four
teen feet fron : the curb , thus leaving six feet
of the thoroughfare In tlio possession
of prtvato individuals. To grade
the street bo as to reclaim
this property would require the sacrifice In
' part of every beautiful lawn and nearly all
of the magnificent trees whichlmvo for years
ornamented that thoroughfare. This dangci
was warded on * boverul years ii o , when
Twentieth i street was graded from Dodge to
Davenport to the width of UX ) feet , but it is
likely that unless something bo done speed
ily the grading now advertised for cannot bo
averted. The proper way to proceed Is by u
petition , and that should be done immcdi
utcly bccaut.o on next Monday the bids will
be opened by the board of public works. If
the petition were to ask for the mil-rowing of
the street to seventy-two feet , the dagger of
the destruction referred to would bo averted.
A meeting of the hoard was held yestenln\
afternoon. * . { : . Mayno absent. Thofoi
lowing estimates ami bills were allowed :
Final estimate , Murphy , Crelphton
&co . $ .nsuo
Final estimate , Whalen & Hreni'an. . 1'JiVj.S"
Final estimate , C. \Vood\rortu. . . . . C , 2o.iV.
Total . fSUT.KJ
Stuht.fc Hamcl. . , . f 8,1.19.31
U. K. Fanning ft Co . STAJ !
H. D. Fitch & Co . 1,377,01.
n. F. Wmian-s . SSS4.1S '
Oeorco . M
Tolal. . . .
. .
Daniel Dolunoy & Co . ? 25rr,7.SO ,
IlyanVal l | . ; . . ! lVJ : > .7r.
. , VAVIXCI. '
Hugh Murphy . ' . . : . . . . ? 5IS7,05 !
, a.i5.niey. : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 'j-j'js. , s
' Total. . . , ; , . . . , . . , , . . . .JlJ.'tO.W
OTiir.ii 1111.1.3.
. . . .
2. E. Fanning , street sweeping for
November , flGSl.TS ,
Cdward C ! . HIley , painting guard
houRO Eleventh street viaduct. . . . Ifi.SO
n.ipectors on public works , Novem
ber pay roll 1,470.00
The KflVot Created Ily tlio Mnvor'H
Htnnd to Keouro tlio Maine.
The stand taken by Mayor Hroatch In de
manding the payment In advance of $1,000 for
every liquor license has attracted universal
attention throughout the city. Nobody dc-
lies that the stand is not In ac
cordance with law , but n number
nro disposed to feel that the move was nnt
icccssary to bo mndo at the time. The feei
ng is general that the mayor will bo upheld
> y the courts should the enforcement of the
aw require recourse to be hnd to them , mid
his feeling prompts tlio mayor to bo satifled
with the move which ho has made.
His first opposition will bo
experienced from Messrs. Hechcl and South-
iru. These , respectively , the chalrmtm of
ho city council and city clerk , are members
of the llvptim ) board. They have a right ,
with the mayor , to pass uilon the validity of
every application for a license. Provided
the statutory requirements relating to
ictltion , bonds , etc. , are complied with
mil the applicant pays ? ! i.V ) at the
line of application , these gentlemen will
vote to give him the customary receipt for the
imount , upon which they claim ho may sell
iquor. This stand is diametrically opposed
to that of the mayor and will doubtless lead
somebody to attempt * to sell liquor ,
when It is thought the case will
jo brought Into the courts. Another move
which may bo made will be the enjoinment
) f the majority of the license board from uet-
ng as above specified , while n third expedi
ent will be the arrest of any party selling
without a license , which must bo signed by
the mayor.
In some quarters a mistaken apprehension
exists that the ordinance adopted at the last
meeting of the council provides for the pay
ment of the * IHK ( ) down. This is not so. It
simply provides for the change by which all
licenses are to data from January 1 ,
and expire on December 31 , An ordinance
relating to the payment of $1,000 In advance ,
and repealing the quarter-Installment one
now in force , was introduced some time ago ,
mid referred to the committee- judiciary ,
where it still lies. If It ever comes back
there is little doubt that It
will be accompanied by an unfavorable
report , because u canvass of some of the
councilmen has demonstrated the fact that
them arc enough of the members of that body
who prefer to retain thoquartorly installment
of W,0.
The action of the mayorhairaUierannoycd
all the brewers In this city , all of whom
owned saloons in all parts of the city.
One of these institutions ran as many as
forty drinking places ; guaranteeing the rent
to householders , supplying the place with
their beer , and then paying n man a salary era
a percentage- run the business for them.
In some cases they have taken mortgages on
certain saloonkeepers1 property , furnished
the license , and then hired their men
in the same way. These brew
ers could , in a comparatively easy
manner pay quarterly installments , but when
they are expected to pay for four times as
much for a number of saloons atone time ,
it is expeeti'd that it will result in a great de
crease of the number of the latter.
Said a well-known saloonkeeper to a HIM :
reporter : ' 'There will bo one good effect from
this new stand of the major. It will prevent
fellows coming in hero , selling for a couple
of quarters during the best seasons of the
year , and then skipping out. There arc cases
too where people have got licenses in the
third quarter , and without paying a cent for
the two preceding quarters. I know of eases
where saloon men sold out , sold their license
to others , and these hawked it to third
| > arty mid made money in the sale. The
mayor's stand will reduce the number of sa
loons nearly one-half , and drive into the
heart of the city u number greater than is
hero now. "
United Slates Court.
lUr.AIU fll'lI.TY Or MATiflbAl'UllTCR. ,
The 13arada case went to the jury at 12
o'clock yesterday and at 4 p. in. they returned
with n verdict of guilty of manslaughter. It
was generally believed that Harada would bo
acquitted , but the fact that on the evening of
the quarrel ho hnd brought abottlo of alcohol
with him , of which the Ncffs and 1'eto
Dijier had partaken freely , seemed to mili
tate greatly against him. Judge Dumly
dwelt for some time on this factor in the
case , intimating that since the desperate
quarrel would not have taken place had
Dijier been sober , the person who gave him
the liquor should bo held in some degree
blamable for the results. Tlio judge said
that all things "to awaken the innate devil
in un Indian , whisky is the worst. "
District Court.
TIM : nivrwii.uiii CASK ,
The case of William E. Dctwjllcr ct al 'vs.
Mrs. Matilda Detwiller is still on trial before
Judge Wakelcy. The plaintiffs allege that
the dofendent through fraudulent represcn-
tions of J. IS. Detwiller , husband of the de
fendant , made to W. H. Detwiller , the origi
nal owner of certain parcels , became pos
sessed of the property upon the death of J.
H. Detwiller. Thr phiUitiffs state that the
transfer of propci ty in the first place was
made without any consideration being made
for the land.
Tlio answer of the dofendent is that the
original purchase was made with money be
longing to J. H. Detwillor mid that his title
to it was not obtained by fraud. Tlio case
his now been on.lriiil for three days and it is
expected that a decision will bo reached to
ciiuinmi WITH rounnnv.
James C. Smiley and Samuel Clovcngcr
filed a suit yesterday against Park ft Fowler
ler , a well known'real ' estate firm , charging
them with crookedness , and asking damages
to the extent of .N.OW. Plaintiffs allege that
they employed Messrs. Park and Fowler to
purchase real estate for them , and gave them
K ) . That they gave this amount into the
hands of one , Lewis Ivranss , an agent fortho
firm , who returned a receipt signed , "Ucorpj
AV. McDonald , " claimingtliat ho ( McDonald )
had invested the ! 00 , The signature the
plaintiffs denounce- a forgery.
sur.n ox A I'lioMissoiu XOTE.
Action was filed in tins circuit court yes
terday by the Nebraska national bank to re
cover from Samuel C. Usher , John \\r. Kus-
sell mid J. 1' . Usher , the sum of $4,407.M ) ,
claimed to bo duo on a promissory note made
by the defendants.
County Court.
Daniel 1' . Angel ] , In his complaint against
the Continental Life Insurance company of
Hnrtfurd , Conn. , says that ho held an en
dowment policy on his life in the sum of
$1,000 , wuich matured the 1st day of April
last. About that time the company paid him
? . " > 00 mid has since refused to pay him the ro-
mainlitj ; ? 3iX ) , for which sum he asks judg
A VKiinicT rou XAIUX.
Nahtin Frunko was successful yesterday in
bis action brought against Constable Stein.
It was to recover a quantity of household
goods taken from Franko on an attachment ,
or Judgment for the value of the same , all
of which Judge McCulloch conceded.
Dr. Giilliriiitli ami tin ; ConimlHsloncrH.
Dr. CiiUn-.iith will probably sue the county
commissioners to collect a bill of Jsl for ser
vices rendered to Churles Fulbcrg during the
time between August. and October 23 , 1SSO.
Falberg was struck by n H , ft M. locomotive ,
mid the amputation of one of his legs was
necessary. This operation was performed by
Dr. Galbralth. The county commissioners
refuse to pay the bill on the ground that the
railroad company should settle it. Dr. Gal-
brmth makes the cliargo that the commis-
sior.eib have paid similar bills mid uu investi
gation Is under way.
Moving SolilitTH.
Companies A , H , C and D , of the Ninth
cavalry , from Jefferson barracks , St. Loul * ,
Mo. , arrived over the Kansas City , St. Joe &
Council Hluffs yesterday , and went direct
toiiicw1 I'aul depot , whcro they took the
train for Fort Moutf.ra.
Harness Thieve * nt Work.
A valuable sot of harness was stplen from
the stables of Link & Chrlstenson , 1121 Sauu-
dors street , Thursday night.- This mak'cs the
second set of harness carried off from this plavo
wilhlu u wcx'k. . . ,
Continental Clothing House.
The contract for completing our building named September 15 as the time when we could occupy it by unforseoii delays we wore compe lied to post
pone our opening until November 19th. We had a stock of $126,000 worth of goods ready on September 15th for this Omaha store ; in consequence of this
May , wo now find it necerfHary to dispose o some surplus lots of. our FINEST OVERCOATS AND SUITS AT A GREAT SACRIFICE.
The stock manufactured for this store is the finest ever produced in our factory since we have been in business , and especially so in the highest grade of
tailor made Overcoats. Wo now propose to close out this stock of Overcoats at LOWER PRICES THAN WERE EVER BEFORE NAMED
EITHER EAST OR WEST FOR GOODS OF EQUAL QUALITY AND MERIT. This is an opportunity of a life time , do not miss it.
It was our misfortune to suffer this delay of two months in the completion of our store. It will bo your good fortune to purchase some of the finest goods
madefor _ it at about one half the early prices this season. Commencing Tuesday , Nov. 29 , we shall offer :
" " - Middlesex Mills , of Lowell , Mass. , full indgo
s , the richest and most elegant goods made in this
reasons above stated , wo offer them to close now in
regular sizes , from 35 to 44 , at the extraordinary low price of $16 Each. Wo believe this to be the most attractive bargain in a fine overcoat ever offered
west of Ne\v York city. We will send a sample overcoat from this lot by express C. O. D. to any address in the west or north-west with the understanding that
it is worth fully $3O , and to be returned at our expense if your judgment docs not correspond with otir . Remember the price , only $16 now for an
Overcoat that cost $30 in September.
Lot No. 2 AVe offer a bargain of
( goods made by the famous Worumbo
ire the new shade of London brown , wl :
front , and lined with the same quality
liavo those Overoiats in all sizes , from 33 to 44 , and offer them at the same extraordinarily low price as the Middlesex , viz : $20 AVe have no better over
coat in our stock at any price. AVe could not make a better one if you should give us $3O for it , neither could we use bettor materials or better trimmings ,
arid we do not believe that these Kerrey Overcoats , lined with satin , can be purchased outside of our store for less than $30 each. AVe will send a sample
garment by express , to be returned at our expense , if you do not consider them worth $30 each.
suits , . . _ . , 0 „ . _ . _ _ , , . . _ j „ . „ ,
$2.50 , JJ > 3 and $3.5O per suit. Suits'which early this season were "sold at an average of SO per cent more. In our Gent's
Furnishing Goods Department , and in our Hat and Cap Department we are offering equally attractive bargains. Send for
samples and prices in every department.
Send for Men's Suits. Send for Shirts.
Send for Boy's Suits. Send for Underwear.
Send for Overcoats. Send for Hosiery.
Send for Ulsters. Send for Gloves.
Send for Pantaloons. Send for Fur Caps.
Send for Samples of Custom Goods. Send for our Catalogue
Giving a. list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules' for self measurement
and you can be fitted just as well at home as here in our store. Send to us and see how much
money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
FREELAND , LOOM IS & COMPANY , Proprietors ,
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
The Largest Wholesale and Retail Clothing House West of the Mississippi River
, Xmalia , Boston , New York , Des Moines.
Itnilrond .Notes.
Tin : ni'iiMXOTo.s's KAS > T THAIS. " .
To-nlRht at 10 o'clock the UurlhiKton will
practically inaugurate their fast train sys
tem between Chicago , Omaha , Lincoln , Den
ver and points to the Paclllc slope. At the
hour specified the train will leave Denver ,
and will run as a special , as the new time
table docs not ( ? o into effect until Suiidiiynnd
will arrive in Omaha at 350 : ! Sunday after
noon , and Chicago at 8 o'clock Monday morn
ing. The flyer out of Chicago will depart at
noon Sunday , reach Omaha Monday mornhifj
and Denver-Monday night.
IOWA n.7S ! .
Word is daily expected by the general
agents in this city of 'tho establishment of
fast trains on all the Iowa roads , each now
being uwiiro thatthoofllcialsof his road in the
east are engaged with Mr. Potter in making
n time table to correspond with the proposed
change. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St.
I'aul , it is thought , will bring its train in at
about 7 o'clock in the morning. Tlio other
roads will probably come in about the same
time and this may have the effect , it is
thought of inducing the Union Pacific to
ehango its overland flyer from an evening tea
a morning train at this end of the line.
The Overland Flyer of the Union Pacific
made the run between Kvnnston and Ogden ,
u distance of seventy-Jive miles , in 1X ( ) min
utes. This is two minutes less than the time
made by .turret t Palmer's train , although
that had but two while the llj er had eight
General Passenger Agent Eustis , of the
Uurlington , left last night for Denver and
will return to Omaha Sunday on the flyer.
T. E. Morrison , general b.iggago agent of
the Hurlington , came up from Lincoln yes-
Mr. Hall , special passenger agent of the
Hurlington , will leave on tlio night train to
night in company with a party of newspaper
men to join the llrbt flyer out of Denver at
Ho AVaH Not Hurt.
Mr. James Markham , of Clarinda , Iowa ,
came to Omaha Thursday night mid endeav
ored toadmlnistcr a coat of red paint to the
town. At ) o'clock in the morning Mr. Markham -
ham started up the Union Pacific track.and
nnimiged to fall through the viaduct ut Thir
teenth direct. Ho was carried into a labor
er's house , itnd a physician called. With the
exception of a few bruises Mr. Markham was
found to bo all right , and departed for homo
in the afternoon.
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. A tnimlel of puri
fy. Btreniith nml wholesoineuess. More econom
ical than thn onUnnry kinds , and cannot be
bold In competition wllh tlie jiiiittlluao of low
cost , bhort weltfitulum or phonjihate powders.
Sold onl.i-.In catu. HoyaMJaklus VowOcr to ,
iu.1 XL'nlt Ct V \ \Vtrhr 1
Embody the highest excellencies in Slmpllness
Comfort nml Durability mid are the
In I'ashlonablo Circles. Onr name Is on every
bale. J. i T. COUSINS , NKW YOIIK.
Hay ward Brothers.
Hemurkoble for powerful symfC-
llietle lime , pllulilu action midiib-
solule durability. ! l ) ears lecurd.
tlm best gnaimilee of lliu excel-
lem i > ot UiesH Instruments.
le'ffiest !
le of a desert p-
tin Price-Hit ,
ted la colour-
'print ' , of tb
nhkh thould
bo found la
e\m fkmllr and m y b obulnul from - U Tor
dcilera , Btatlonen anil Educational DtpAU. Tbe
race-lift will be forwarded graUs on application teX
NorthWestern -
Railway Short Line.
Omaha ,
Council Bluffs
And Chicago ,
Th onlr road to take for DPS Molnei. Mnrlalllown.
Cedar lluplit > , Clinton , Dlxnn , Chlcugo , .Milwaukee
and all uolnli ca l. To tlm people of I ubratka , Cole *
rado , wjomtnir. Ulali , lilaho , Neviulii , UreiiiniVatb. -
liiKlon and California. It nnYrt tupeJlur udvanlagel
nr t poHlalo hr any oUior line.
Among a fuvr uf tuo numerous point * of iiipcrlorlty
enjoyed brllio patrons of Ihli ruad between Oinab *
and Cblc Ki. ar It' two trah-n a day of DA V COACH
ES , which are the tlnest thai unman art ami tntfeiiul *
IT can en-ale. Ut 1'AI.ACK fcl.KKl'INU CAIt , willed
are mr > del > of coinforl and eleuancu. Ill 1'AUI.OIl
IIKAWIM : ItooM UAllS , unsurpaxpd lij HUT , anil
It" wldclr relcbnled I'AlU'llAl lSINO CAM. IU.
equal of whlcli rannol ho found riiewhprp. At Coun-
ru IJluOj Iho irnlnn uf the Union 1'ailllo Hallway , con-
nrrt In srlon depot with ttmtn of the Chicago A
KorthweS'vn KrV InChlnato Ujetralni of thli Una
naku cloi'eednn > : ! ! n w"u inoie of all olb r vaslcru
For IVtrolt , Colurabui. IndIanni . Cincinnati ,
Niagara I'alli. Huthilo.nttuurir , 'loronlo , m ; 'fi'al ,
lloilun , Kcw York , 1'blladelphTa , IlaltlmorP , Wain-
, and all points In tbeeait , ask for ticket m
If TOO. wish the bestaecommodallon. All UcVet agent *
ert tickets via Ibis line.
tLllUUlUTT . . , It. P. WILSON.
( icul. I'ass'r Agent
Chicago , Ills.
v TT l ru Ajjeut '
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
N. W. Corner 13th and Dodge Streets ,
ml Di
llest facilities , appiiratuH nnd remedies for SIIPCCJIS-
fnl treatment iif every liirni of ( Ibeavc requlrlni ; Jled-
lent or Mir lcal Trentnient.
I'orty new moms for pntlcnti ; best hospital nccoin-
inodatloiiN In the nest.
WHITI : Kiuciiirri.Ans on Deformities ncd liracc * ,
rliih Feet , Ciirvaturo of the r > plni > , I11e , Ttnmirs ,
Ciinoer , Caliirrh , llrnni'liHI , Inhnlatlon , Klectilelty ,
1'anilv'lii. Kpllep y , Kidney , Hladiler. Kye , Enr , Skin ,
Uliil IIHiuil , nml all Mimleal Operations ,
Diseases of Woman a Specialty.
All lllood ll en ei < saooc fully Ireatcil. Syphilitic
Polwon removed from the t * > stein without inerctiry.
New reotoriitlvu ireatinenl for loss of Vital 1'ower.
Person1 * unable lo vIMt UH may l > n treated al homo
by curresponileiife. All coiiiiiiunlratloni * coiitlilen-
Hal. Miullclnesorln lrumenlH Rent liy mull or JC-
| iri' > , securely packed , no marks to Indicate contemn
orhemler. Ono per nnal Interview preferred. Call and
commit us or M.MII ! lil tory of jour case , and wo will
send In plain wrapper , our
I'l/on Private , Special and Nervous I > i ear , linno-
leney , Syphlllx , lileet and Varlcoiele. AiUlru-x ,
Omnliu Medical anil Surgical Iii titiito , or
Dr , McMenaiy , Cor , IStlianOoilgeSts , ' ,
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y ,
The Best Route from Omaha and Council
IMuffli to
- = = THE EAST = = = -
Clilcago , . . .AND Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis , Cedar Rapids ,
Rock Island , Freenort , Rockford ,
Clinton , Diibuquc , Davenport ,
Elfrin , Madison , Jiinesville ,
Ilclolt , Wlnona , Lu Crmsc ,
And all otber Important points East , Nurlhcust and
For through tickets call on thn tlckel agent at 1(01
Farnam stieet , ID 1'axlon llolel , oral Unloa 1'aclnc
I'uilman Pleeprra and tbn flncit Dlnlnc Cars la the
world are run on the main line of the Chicago , Mil
waukee A M. I'aul Hallway , and every attention Is
paid to pa enger > by courteous employes of tbu
U.Mir.l.KK.OenorsI Manager.
J. K. Tl'CKK.ll. Aiiliiantijeneral Manager.
A. V. H. CAIU'KNTKH , Ocneral 1'uisenger and
Ticket Agent.
UKO. K. HKArTOllD , Assistant General 1'aiscngcr
Hid Ticket Agent.
J. T. CLAIlfi , General Superintendent.
Surgeon and Physician ,
Olllce N. w Corner Hth nnil I ) < ) iik'la M. .
telenlidne , 1U5 ; llehlilencu telephone ,
Beat and iborttit item DOW ID u . CuouUri
Put. A. M. u AXfltk'a. BOS oi. I.LOUM.
UD ,
1707 Olhc Street , St. Louis , Mo.
Of the Missouri State Museum of Anatomy. St.
Louis , MIL , I'nlverslly College Hospital , I.on-
ilon , Glesen , ( iPtmsiiiy anil New York. Huvl
devoted their attention
Jlorp especially thn o arising from Impru
dence. Invite all so Milleilng to correspond Avith-
out ilelny. Diseases of Infection mill contagion
cmeil safely nml speedily \\itlumtnsoof
genius drugs. 1'aMeiithhoso rnses IniMi been
neglected , badly tieated or pronounced Incurable -
able , should not full to wrlto us concerning their
symptoms. All letters receive Immediate utten-
And will be mailed I'ltKI. to any address on re
ceipt of one --cent htunip , "Practical Observa
tions on Nervous Debility and 1'liy.slcal Exhaus
tion. " to which i& added an "lssiy ! : on Mar-
ilnge"wlth Important chapters on discuses of
the Iteproductlvo Organs , the whole forming n
valuable medical treatise uhlch should bo read
by all young men. Address
DBS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
17O7 Olive Street St. Louis , Mo.
trao n rvicqt'AiHTXD vritn THE GEOGiurnr or rmi
Tr reason of Us cenlrs.1 ponilloi .o s relation to Hues
Fast of Chlcaao , mid contlnJJai lines at terminal
points Wctt , Kirthwtst and Soatlmckt. It the true
middle link In that tr n ronlln ntM * y tem xlilch
Incites and facllltalcs tra > cl and traCla beUecn tbo
Atlantic and 1'aclflc.
The Rock l l nd main line and brancbn Inclurto Chi.
cngo.Jollot.OlUwa , LaNalle , I'eorla , < l ncsi > o , ilolln *
and lloclc Island. In IlllnoUl I > a > cnport , Muncallnc.
Waihlngton , { . 'airfield , Ottumwa.Oilaloosa. WestlJb-
rtT.Io aCltrIosMolnc > , linl noUWlnter ctAtl n-
tic , Knoirllle , Audubon , lUrlin. Outhrlo Centre and
Council lllulf , In Iowa ! Oallatln , Trenton , St..fticpli.
Cameron and Kannas City. In Missouri ! I.iaViworth
and Albert iJia.Mlniieapollii and
St. I'aul , In Minnesota i IVntcrtovrn and Bloux Falls , la
Dakota/and bundred of Intermcdlalo cities and towns.
' . 'The Great Rock Island Route" '
Guarantees ipcfd , comfort , certainty and safety. Its
a l.dlsllnirui.hrd forUseicelleneo. Is
IrldBfS are of > tone and Iron. Its Irack Is of solid
. . mtcrequlpra.nt
t el.ltsrolll/i stockperfect. Jtsp.i
b .allthesat.lyappliancc.lh.tciperleneebaspMr..l
Is u.u ir-
nieful. and for luiurlous actommod llor
vasseJ. Its Eirresi Trains con.l.t of superior Uiy
Coaches , elegantVullman I'alaco Farlor and Sleeplu *
Cars , superb Dlalna Cars. tniKUag delicious meal ,
and ( betwten Chicago and Pt. Jowph. Atchlson and City ) rs.tful Ilecllnlnif Chair Car. . IU management -
agement Is conicrrallre , Us dUclpllne eiacllnf
"The Famous Albert Lea Roi'.re"
Hetween Chicago and Minneapolis and St. Pa Is the
f "orlte. Urer thlilln * Polld Va.t Ejprc.s Trains rim
dallr lo altractlro re.orls for tonrMJ In I4va and
Mlcne.ota , and , Yla Waif rte n and Sloui FallJ , to tha
rich whratand erailnir lands of Interior DaVota. VU
lencca and Kankakee , the Hock Island offers superior
Indurtments to trartlera between Cincinnati , Indian-
JG | | . Lafayette ami Cuuncll Illulfl , St. Jonrph , Atchl-
son , Leaienworth , Kaniai City , bt. Paul.andInUrme-
dltle rointi- All pilrons ( p cliUlr ladles and chll-
drenncelTeprutectloncourtes ) amiklmlljrattention.
1'cr tickets , , foldeni , copies of WettcrnTrail , or
any deilred Information , apply to principal onlccs In
tbo Vnlled Stales and Canada , or adilrem , at Chicago ,
I.I. CAGtt , [ , IT , JOHN , I. A. HOIBHOOI ,
atitDnlaiuMii. a.m. In a rut 4 < i
CU1" ATM 13
Incomparably the Da t <
The Old Hellnhle Speclnll't nr tnnny jenrV orperi-
ireuls ivlih underfill meee -1 < nil IUN ( > .
nilnTlinr cured without pnln or hlndrancg
HUr I IlnC fr" ' " bu-lnc < H. Aliriironle licenses ,
IIUI I UIIL. iadumcoot , , ! „ „ institution In
thlseoiintry Tll'IH "ho contemplate' uolni'to Hot
tMirliiKH lor thn treatment ot nn\ Private or lllnotl
illreaiu ran lia i tired fur one-third lliu cosl Bt our
rilviilul > lri > en : iir.
liy III * treatment n Pure , Ix > ely Com
iilexlnn , free limn Millotvness , frocklc I <
blai'khvnd ! , iriiplloni , elc. , Ullllltlllt
eyf' ' anil perfect ln-altli can bo Inul.
ll * nmt "tired" feelliiKnint nil letnnln weakness *
troinptly cured. Illoatlim llcudat ben , Nerv ( u 1'ros ,
urnlori , lienenii Deullltr. Meeiile Mio , Deprei'lon
Unil IniUuesllon , Ouuiiui Iroublei , IriMiiimutltm unit
nldernti.'i. 1 nllliiK and l > l plnriMiieiit , hiiliml weiiK'
ep. H , KldnO ) lonipluliiUiiiul Clmuiioul , Consult ,
Ihuoid Doctor
PUP llin CiD Acute nr rhronlc Inll.imnm *
til" ANN PDn ! " " " " 'eKyelldi ' or lllobo
L. I l > nilU Unil nnrt KnrorNoar Mjhtcdnrs ! ,
Inversion of the I.IdH , Hcriifino..H lljeL'lieialloiu ,
liitliiinniitllniK , Alwee" . IMinnesi aS Vision of onoor
butlioyix , nml Tumors of I.Id. . , _
t VlnNiiniiiintlon of the llnr , l'lei > rntlo pr Catarrh
Interim ! or Kilurnnl liL-iifnci" . nr 1'nralysH , Slngln,1
or tuarliii/Miii r . ' 1'lilckonc'il llriini.etu.
) > , .lllltyIo , of Vital I'tmer , Slccp-
li' sne1 * ' ' , Dt' poiulency , Ix > s of
.Memory , Cciifn loii of Men' , illurs
hpfore tlio Ky
ei .
Consultation free and stilctly cnnllilantlal.
Medlclnu sent free from observation to all parts
of the. I'nited Status. Col respowlenco rcculvoi
proiSipt attention. No letters answered unless
acromiwiilml by four cents in stamps Send ten
cents In stamps for pamphlet midlist of ( pies ,
tlonsnpcm private , spednl and nervous uls-
C"r ; rJns strictly cash. Call on or address ,
DR. ,
No. : L'I tor. mil i Harney StK..Omaha. N b
Health is Wealth !
DII. i : . P. WINT'S NKHVK AMI llim.v Tin : IT.
Minr : , OKiiw'nntcpiUniTlllcfor llnti'iln ; , HU/I.
iipiM , ( iiiivuUloiw. ritH , .NVnom .SiniriilKla
Ileuiliirhe , Ncitons I'inMratloii i uncoil liy thu
iisiiof nleohol or tolinrcn. Wakefulm- " , Mental
DeineKhlon SoftenlliKOf 111" Ilinlll reuniting In
JllMinltrilllilleuilllIK lo Jill-cry , llefliy Illlll lleulll ,
I'reiiiiilnroUlil At-e , | lniri < niivss. Loss of power
in cither H X , Involuntary I.OHM" * untl r'licriiiiit.
oiihii'iiiaiisedliynver exeltlDii.uf IhuliliilliMelf'
ahnst ! nr n\cr llnllllKenci' . Knell box contains
rum niontli'fi treatment. Jl ( Kin bofor blxboxes
forW.1. tentbynmll jirepal'lon receipt of price.
ToriiiiuuiyciiPK.Vttlieach onler recelvuil bw
na for six l.o\e.s , acuiiiipanti ) I with i1. ( . Jil
K-n < l purchaser our written iruuranteo to ro
Innil tne money If tlm treatment < loen not ellott
n uiru. ( iiiiiiaiiti-i-rt lH neil only b > ' . I'IO < M )
MN , IlniL'Klst , Solo Afflil , IHO rainam Kt. ,
Umalia Nub.
'J'lilnl Judicial lI trlct.