Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1887, Page 7, Image 7

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Advcrtlnemcnti nmt-r this licnil , 1(1 ( cents per
line for the Unit insertion. "cent * for rnch Atiln
fMiicnt | Insertion , und t\jfy \ a line per month.
No advertisement taken for lens thnn 2.1 ci-nts
for the first Incirtlon. Seven words will bo
counted to the llti > ! thi-y must run consecu
tively mid must licpuld In udvnnn ? , All nil.
vcrtlhemcntH must IHI linnilcil In Before ln : :
o'clock p.m. , end under nu clicumMnnciM will
they IK- taken or dlAcontlniKMl by tolcphnne.
1'nrtlts advertising In thnt > e column * ntiil hav
ing the answers nddresucd In euro of the UPC.
vlll plenuM ask for a check toenablo them tenet
net their letters , an none will be delivered ex
cept on presentation of dieck. All unworn to
adVcrtlscmentf ) should IKI enclosed In onvolopos.
All ndvdtlM'mcnts In these 00111111111 nro pntn
llc lied In both morning and evening editions of
the HIT , thfl circulation of which nggri'gntn
moretlum H.WII pnpers dully , and gtv c the nd-
vortl- < ers the IH > IH lit , not only of the city circu
lation of the lire. but nlso of Council HIufTs ,
Lincoln Hiid other cities nnd towns throughout
thlspnrtof thu went.
VfANTIU ) A young man of good hnbltsfoiio
living with his pnretitM ) who Is willing to
work. In wholesale prodiiro store , wages tsn to
82.1 first month. Address , \ \ ith reference ( ) fi-J ,
Ilee olllce , " 740'J *
W ANTED Situation by n young man In n
wugon or carriage shop. Address OH ! Ilee.
7M .V
rANTKM-Pltiiatlnn by anexberlenceifbook
keeper , rapid penman , ( | Ulck at figures.
Bent of referent PI. Address ( ) el. Ilee. 7.11IJ
WAN'IT.n-HItnation by 'i .sisters , uiu good
cook nnd caimble Women : could do the. en-
tlruvorkof Hinall bouidlng house , thus lellev-
' Ing landlady of all trouble. Sirs. Htegn&Soii ,
IIIOB. Kith t. 7 1 2J
SIllt'l'rNf } clerk wants situation , either In
wholesale hoima or factory ; good iefer-
1'nce.s. ' Address ( ) f.fl , lice. fi87 a *
WANTIll ) My registered pharmacist of
seven vears' experience , a po ltlon In
drug store that can pav good alerv to compe
tent and tollable man. Addressbox IWi , I'remont ,
Neb. C'Hl 3 *
WANTKD-Posltlon In a \ \ estern city by lady
of experience ns corresponding clerk ,
Stenographer and typewriter , or gnueiat olllce
NvorK. licfeieucesgnen. Address Stenogrnpher ,
170 Prospect Ht. , Cleveland , Ohio. ti'PJ ! l *
_ .
LrANTUD-SewIng In private families. C.iH
Ml Pierre st. IVsl3
A MAN and team want work. Address \ ' )
l-'ainamst. 57S2 *
WANTUD-Ire.s.smaklngtodoat 507 S. intli
street , three blocks from Itovd's ' opera-
house. i/W)3 / ) *
' \7ANTED Shorthand work or bookkeeping
T to do evenings , dm put In an hour dur
ing the day If necass.iry. Address O 4S Ilee of-
lice. Ml 5 *
"l\r.VNTiil ; 2 experienced fJcrman coadimen ;
> must ha\o good city loferences. Cutiadlan
Kmp. olllce , Mrs. Ilerga At Sou , 31(1 ( 8. 15th. Tel.
BH4. 752 2 *
V\7"ANTF.D-At the City Intelligence olllce ,
T ? room I Crelghton blk , . 100 salesmen to reg
ister for extra work during the holiday * .
\\MNTUI-Travellug liquor and clothing
TT salesmen for Jillwankeo , grocery tiavel-
Inglnen forSt. Paul house , dry goods * nud laces
PnlcsiiH'ti lor Plilliidelplila and Hoston houses.
Ureut Western lltiroau , UJtfJ Furnam , room II.
( I5ii 3J
WANT ! ' , ! ) tierman butt her , Kluglo man
with city refeienceH. to take care of
homeland dil\encouple ; of mouldms ; cabinet
makeiH lor ( Ity ; colfee and tea bales-
men. HeudiiuartLis ItOU Faiiiam , room U.
050 3J
° \\r ANTED My ri wholesale IIOUSH a boy to
TTorkln olllie and do collecting. Address ,
with i eference and salary expected , P. O. box
4-ci , citv. 7y-2j ;
"l\TANTII ! > Oood boy , well lecommemled , to
TT lake emu of here and cow. Iniinlni 17-'l
Dodge. T2I 2
UD A good , tellaTjieoung ilTiin "or
TT boy deslious of le. lining the .utof'pho
togrnphy. Call nt 20"i N. 7.3 3 *
ami Jobbus , just pat
TT i ntid. quickest helling , most useful aillclo
on earth. Exclusive tenltoiy. Addiens ( ' I , .
Noiils. IlayClty , Mich. I..fi2'
WANTUD-Oue rthst-clnss white limber.
TT First-class wagesgiuuanteed. Addiess P.
O. llox nil. ( .mud Island. DIM 2 *
* V\rA"NTIl ! ) Thieii"jiersous to Instruct 111 lunik
keeping , ultuallous. .1. II. Smith , li
Chicago st. 5IU 2 *
WANTED Ten good csinvii-sers to canvass
for enlarged work ; good commission
paid. Csill at the Omaha Western Copying
llouhe , Uirj S. Uth st. 528 4 *
T' ; ! ) At once , piano player , male or
female , good wages. Apply I.ulu Hogcrs ,
101 N. lull Ht. . 347
T17AN'1'KI Men for railroad vvoik. Al-
TT blight .s Labor Agency. 11-0 Kariuiin.
" \\fANTii : ) ( ii'iiernl ai'ents for pottlous of
T * NebrasUn , IcHva , Kansas and Missouri.
7lpf'rEnce required. Address , Climax Window
Bbucle Co. , .Ml and 'Ml N. M ht. , St. Joseph , Mo.
"VV'ANTIID 1IK ) men of good npponrnncoto
TT tivour lJc ! meals at iSouitt restaurant , 311
nnd mil South Uth htieet. ( old l.lvu nud Let
Uve ) fi'JI '
WANTKD-Oooil cook for hotel ; 10 good Hist
and second ilrls for prlvuto finnllle * .
CiUl nt City Intelligence Olllco.ioum 4 , C'lvlg'utou
lilock. 7M
t\7ANTKI-1eiid ! wiil'iVss fo7tlrnt clnss
TT hotel , $ -.5 ; secov.ii cook nnd vvaltuws for
North l.oup : U girl' for olllcer'H fnmlly of a In
Wyoming , Sll , each fares paid ; womun cook out
ofcitV , Wi'i ; gills 111 boarding houses ; 2 nlrls ,
Hinnll vUix , to assist In housework , and fiUghls
for > : ( neriil housework. Mrs , 111I'uu & Son,31(1 (
B 15th , tel. hSl. 7W3J
YOUNCI gill wanted to take caiO of 3-yenr-old
child nt 1IH Doilglus. 7iiO 3
ANTr.U-l llrst-chiHS .shirt Ironer to take
charge of laundry , also statelier ( female ) .
None other need apply. Liberal wages paid for
the right party , tall from ' > to 11 u. m.ut Windsor
ser hotel. 7r ( 2 *
\\rANtii-llrl : for general housevvoik. 1(110 (
T > C'ullfurnla tit. "lt'31 '
* "t\rANTKl-At ) the City Intidllgenco Olllce.
TT loom 4 Ciulghton blk , IIX ) h.i'.OHhtilk's to
register for extra woikduilngthoholidays. Alsi )
Klrls for hotels , i entuurunts , mid priviitu
. . . . _ . ) " wcjiicn cookM for Chulllii , Ida ,
{ T.aiconk ; for boarding honso ; ,1
OKhes for Wyoming , fJOs glrln for rn'inunt
and Aiupahoe , and 'M good gills for guu-ial
liouHchoubu work , Mr. liiogu \ Son , 31fi S. 1'itli
ut. 7SIS *
* iANTlI ! ) - J women COOKS ( Ceiiuanl ; 3 dTii
TT Ing room gliU ( Swede ) ; 2 kitchen girls
( Swede ) ; 3 lauiidiess ; " girls , private family
( ( ionium3glils ) ; , work outnldoof city ; -uujift
hevveis ; 1 llrst-cliiss dicssmnkei. UateClty Em-
ploynifin olnce.114'a S. 1Mb ht. 7IUJ'
* \\r A NTKIIII ) ) Tor j { noiiiT noui > o work ; Ap-
TT ply nt once. Hoom 3 Crelghton block.
\\TANT I ID A rcllablo xervnnt girl for family
TT of thrve , attidy work and good pay. Mis.
\f. U. Clark , shiil nnd Cupltol avenue. 7Uc ; 5 *
'I'liT'A'N ' KI ) A gTrT f or genei nl Housework ,
TT the best of wages paid und refcieiices re
quired. Mrs , O , N. Wltlincll , ici ! boutli LiMn.
7104 *
1\rANTKI-At girl for uenernl house work nt
TT H'J Soil th' .t list. ( i79-l
T\f ANTUD-A young girl iiiiout'hlxteen years
TT old , willing to lenrn to do generul hoiue-
iiiBiiuill tumlly. ImiulietlJOColtux st.
irANTIID-tllrl for general housework .1)2 ) B.
IMh. small family. \M \ a
\ \ fANTKD-Ulrlutullco. tat N. I'Jth 647 ktieut. a
TTrANTr.l ) Ulil. IMb'Siic'iiiianuve. Mrs.J.
'S | ' ( ' "ull'"t"r > l
\ \ TANTUIilil for general housevvoik. J.
TT llurrKail S , 10th at. C0 (
kp AIlT..SuHMiTn ) > r - l plain n edli-Work til Ihflr
JI i own homes now nor country ) liy a wholesale
JIOIIM * . I'rontubli * , gt-nulno. ( lood pay ran bo
iiiiule. Kvvrytldim fiiint ht l. I'liriUuluiK freo-
Aildivus ArtUtlv Ni-vdlevvorkCo. , W mh bt. ,
New Voik City , an
\\TANTHI ) l.ndles in city or fount i y , for out
T1 holiday tiade , to take light , pleas ml vvoik
at tluilrmvn Immo * . JI to . ! per iUy can l'u
MUli tly mtwle. Work sent ; , „ „ „ „ . . ( u > tiinco"
I'mtlCUlni4 - * _ . , fit , c inx as-slng. Addivss til
.iice , Cescent Art Co. , 117 A Milk bt. , Hoston ,
Mam. P. 0. box.1170. ! M
'XVA.NTUn W ladles totiy our IV. meals HI
> Neil is' restaurant old Live .mil Let I.lvei
811 ami 311 S. llth Mt. .m
" \\rANTKD-A purchaser"fo7us line u piece 01
' ' trarkuuo J * there la In tnu city. W. ( J
Albiluht. aibSlStlist. _ 741 5 _
" \ \ r.XTKDKvn l > o < l ) ' 'l > know that house :
' ' w III be built to suit puivhaserand hold 01
e.i\v teinu , on Allirlght'H Choice , South Omaha
by W. U , Albrlilht. 318 H Mill M. 7415
WANTED -.Twogooil lunch counter- , for lei
Kkattng pavilion. 2.M and Harney. Appl ;
to Muukcvr. SAM F.iiuauitt. , . . - Ml
ANAD1AN Kmploymelit odlco. the bc t
pljico In nmnhn to get help or situations.
llefon'tici" , Omnhn National bunk , Mix , lltrga
&joll , i)10 ) So. IMh. Tel. 881 7M 6 * _
" \\r.\NTIJD ' > f'lrlH genpinl housework , 1
T T chiuubemuitd. < illnlmr. room girls , I pastry -
try cook , 1 cook for hotel , U for boarding house ,
1 for private family. Umiiha limp Itureun , lla
N I'.th St. ' > S
_ _ _ _ _ "
\VANTii : ) 10 coul miners. $1.7 : . per "day.
T T steady work ; lUshovelers.nll winter work :
1 upholsterer , { .i.fiO jx-r day ; 1 coat maker for
Norfolk , steady work , faro paid ! - cooks.MU nud
f lApor month ; 1 second cook , W3 per month ,
Omulm Kmploymeiit Hurouu , 111) ) N 16th. 7CoU
Mr.HCIIANTS , hotel nnd restaurant men
wanting exit a help for holidays can have
thrlr orders tilled at tlm City Intelligence olllce ,
Creltthtou block. No fee. 74U
\\rANTRD-At K J California , one gentli-ninn
TT t HUH der ; front room ; homo comforts ; 8S
per week. JK. <
_ _
" 13OAUO with room * for four at 2118 Iurt st.
I.ASrf table board , served In home
Mtyle , for 3 or 4 gentlemen. 1114 Dodge. Mil
" \\7ANTIJD A small furnished cottage or two
T T or tutc > o fuinltihtd rooms on llr t floor fan
light housekeeping , convcnleiit to car line. Ad-
die.ssOll.1 , lieu olllce. 7ft"
rpwo gonllcmeti will pay ? lfl for a futnlshcd
JL room , with heat nd bathwithin B blocks
of postolllco : iefcrenccs exchanged. Address O
(0. Heeolliee. r7 i *
Fffi HUNT A ft-room house , 2410 Dougla1 ? st ,
111 good lep ilr. 715 M *
Foil lir.NT A new ten-room house with nil
modem Improvements , laigo attic , Douglas
nnilaistKtlveti. Not u basement house. Ap
ply Moritii Meyer , cor ] 1 und I'm mint. 747
"IPOU HUNT 0-iiiom house , good locality , -
J month. Hi ennanXCo. . , Chamber of Com
merce. 7V ) a
FHl 1IKNT 8-room house , corner inth and
Joue.s , or apply to A. C. I'owell.lW ) Farniun.
Olt TtENT-Klat of 4 rooinn partially fmnlsh-
eilfor lluhthouse-kecplnaor will rent sep-
HKNT A live-room hoii'o. Inriulie
Hurt st. 7i ; t
HUNT S-room house.Ciipltol ave. . W n
outh. Itrenmin \ Co. , Chamber ( ifCom- _
I'-HOOM tlat on llth St. , near rnrnnm , W > : fur-
" iiltuie tiii > , fimirjHli , balance W > per mouth.
Co-OpciutUu Lund A. Lot Co. , WiNoith Kith Bt.
700 y
FOH IllINT-S-room house with b.irn at TL'ii
Sherman ave. Imiulte at Windsor hotel.
HM 2 *
FOH HUNT A7-ioom Hat , and fmnlturo for
MIP ! , within .1 blocks of lloyd'sopernhouse.
\ddiess O r.l Ilee ollico. 7H 2'
HUNT House of T. looms , etc. . on S. 21st
u Hiuull good family. Address O Bl. Heo
Jlllco. ' 070 4'
ITIOIt HKNT New 4-room cottage , 12 ] ier
JL ? month. Apply loom 2ii , ] "ill Dodge ht. 7.VT
FOIIHFNT < Monmtlatou Kith Ht near Cum-
lug , f-W , fuinlturo 8Mi , ViO cash , balance In )
.irfin ihiyH , s room boaidliig house tunilshed
compliite on 13th st near Capitol n\e , lent Wi.
Co-operutlvo Lund and lAt Co.,20"i Notth Ifitli st.
1135 2
FOR HKNT New house , fi rooms , etc. , largo
gioimd- , coiner 28th nnd Capitol avenue ,
Illiulie2itl ( ! Dodge st. 5S7
. . Hl'.NT 5-ioom cottage , Virtnklln st. , be-
tweeu2fth and 27th at * . Noitli&lde. Oil 4"
FOH HUNT One3 room'cottage on Centie st.
lienraoth , IiKiulruut olllce King's bieweiv. '
Poll HUNT One new IMooin hoiibe with
li.uu , on Ciantst bet 2Uth and 21st , boulh
fiont , fC > .
ll-room house No. ill'l ' N 10th St. , $ .10.
Ill-loom houses luth si , $ . " . < > .
ti room cottage with bum , 21st and Ohio , ? .V > .
NIISOII , Ml , " ) I'ainam. MH.'l
"filOlt HUNT II. K. Cole. 3 IB S. I'.th , upsUlid.
JL1 11 looms Dorcas nud llth. JI5.
If ) rooms Hint mid 2Mb , H"i.
10 looms Claik nnd Isth , f.V ) .
in looms ( iraut nnd 21st , fin
1(1 ( looms ChaiU-s nnd 17tb , 141.
10looms I'lirnam and 2Ith , { 70.
10 looms Mtl'lcnsaiit tuiUu'jth , fuinlshcd.barn
III rooms Charles nnd IHth. J.V ) .
Ill looni'i Ohio nnd 17th , fill ,
in looms Hint nnd Jsth , jij5.
10 looms Claik and IMh , MI.
Ill looms ( limit and 22d , sfttt.
Ill moms Ohio nud 17th. fid.
in rooms ( iiant and 21st , 110.
Ill looms Coibv and 17th. Till.
! i rooms I'ncltlr luul.tld , Imin , til ) .
11 looms Lincoln I'lncv , barn , f-'l ) .
H looms Sherman ave , Jill
8 looms Chicago nnd JSiid. ? V , .
7 looms St. Mm y'Hiivii nnd 23d , $10.
7 looms Iruul and 2Jd , Mi.
I ) looms Illildette and 27th. $20.
H looms Spruce and Ilitli , t .
(1 ( nioins Walnut Hill. Jin.
( ! rooms Cnldw ell mid 2.1th , $ . " > .
( I t oems M ui ey nnd 2.1. J20.
n rooms Sewnul and -'til ' , $18.
n looms Omnhn View , * ls ,
r > looms 1'nrker nnd fistli , tin.
n looms Cliiirlc- , and I'i'Kh. ' ? r > .
Tiiooiiis , Ilnmllton H-'r.Hn ! ; : , J15.
n rooms , ( iiiii' ' 21st. J'M
Ti looms , ( hailesund 2th. . ijVi'i ,
i ifioms. Hickory and llth. $15.
1 looms , Cinnt nndM 1 , * - " > .
t rooms , I.eavi'iiwoith nndild , $ W.
3 looms , Kranklln aiidiuitli , t * .
2 rooms , Jones and 21th , f 10.
2 looms , Webster nud Ilitli. $18.
X ! looms , Lake 11110 Hltli. $12 ,
Many of above hnvti all modern convenlenrns.
Albo n Inign list of I'm nlsied looms liom t > to
} IO ench. II. 1' . Cole , illil S llth , up stulis , W3
Foil HUNT Cottngu with 3 looms iTui cellar ,
1'J ' per month , UUtli and Uvuitur sitsi. . No. 11.14.
540 : )
A HOOMS , cellar und well , 1 ranklln bt tlO.OO
4 " " " Deal horn ( > t. . . 10 00
4 " " " KiiinUln bt. . . 1200
5 " " " " . . . r- " )
5 " " " No.Sflthut . . l .Oil
U " " " llUlllol.t Ht. . . , 21)00
0 " cellar , city water. No.thst 2200
7 ' Miami ht. . . . S1WI
7 " cellar , well , cistern , No. 27th st. 23 WI
8 " b.Uli , nan , water , Coibywt .WM (
7 llmtst : i'.oo
n " " " " ( Jrantst toot
10 " nil conveniences , Seward . . 55 m
10 " " Woolworth , , , 00 DO
1 j " and buth lu block ot 3 houses cor
ner Woolworth and 30th. Funmce , city
watel , gassieaktog tiilxiMc - , nil new
and well built , only 1 blk from t car
lliu-s . ' . - . 4"-00
F , i , , tin-goty. leutul agt , : iQ ! ) PP. ir t. 4.11
Foil ItlWJVH elegant brick residences with
all modern Impnivements , 12 and It rooms
each , pleasant and coin cnltmt location , O. F.
Idvl ) company , 1502 Putnam st. 112
FOIt HUNT H-ioom hoube , HWS 2'ith avenue ,
1 block south ot lA-aveiiwoith , J. 1) . Cowlc ,
at Falconer's. WU
F 1)11 HENT.rroom hoiibe u w ror , Seward
mid 27th st.s. v > Vl
FU KENT a now handsome 0 room cottages
well , cisterns , etc.(17 pur month 32d and
California. A. C. Wukeiey , Omaha Nut ! bank
bid. W7
) H HKNT-llousB II rooms. W. M. Hush-
man. N E comer luth and Douglas. 840
17UH ) HKNT 2 liousies and four rooms. Ku-
-LA unlru of Cunningham & ller.rooms U uud 7 ,
Arlington block , 1511 and IMS Dodge at. H.V )
* C1OU HENT 2rt > om housuraar 1711 Douglas ,
JC tlU per month , Not ultabla fur housekeep
ing. Apply nt premises , HI
Foil HEN'lVSdv ra new 7 room iiuuaoi
block from stieet car , ready for occupancy
November 1 ( ! . V. Harrison 41 S. Mill st. 5't.l '
F OH HKNT Largo pulior nicely fuinhheil !
bath , etc , , etc , 1KB N. ITtli , 1'rlce 111 nioiith.
H HKNT 3 furnlxhed rooms M a mouth ;
S ill , ft 1J r
F OH HKNT-l iii nlshed rooms , 13J.4 Dodg sti
711 J 1
TJJTU IINISIIKI * flout mom , 1411 California ft.
lr. nH. rmuUheil for light
ji nousckiH'pliifr , one nnfurnls-bcMl room , tur-
nlshed ski-plus rooms. 110 ; HT montli. W How-
aiil ht. 712 J'
T7OH lir.NT-Nicoly nunlshed room , 1112
JL ; nrd. 7oti8
1" > OOMS nnd lionrd In prlvnto ramlly. Inquire
IV IftiaiMh. 657V
TpOH HKNT Funushed front rooms , well
JJ he.iteil und lighted. Ill S IMh. OM 2 *
IWO I furnished ruom-rtoTetT W andTl2. 1821
Doliglaa .ht. . U02
11 HUNT Nicely furnished room with all
modern conveniences for on or two gentle
men , Hsl'J Caplt'.l ave.
TOH I HUNT -A lara.-aart pleasant room.nlcelj
I ? fi . , for l n or tare * gentlemen.
8.1.1th st. luqulreuu-ataira. ' . HT
' ' '
' ' ' ' ' ' '
' ' '
. ' * ' : ' ' ' ' * * * '
; - . - , ' . .
' ' ' " '
* V * * ' * * ' '
. . . . , ,
ICEI.V fnrnl ? i ( > n front room'Trttli dr with-
L > outboard. 1812 Dodge st , 67U
_ _
FOH HENT FurnlshcdYoom , all nindcrn con
veniences , large enough for two. "AMI lmv
cnport. 5.17
17rojriU'.N'T-l'uriil hed room.W.'I rnrnnm st.
J } 741 4
niwoliindsomeioim fuintihedorunfnrnlsli-
.L l hod with all modrrn convoileiiivs In n pri
vate tumUf , best location , two car Hues piss the
house , 11) ) fu I a a st. fi 32J
rpWO rooms furnlsheilorunfuinlshed suitable
Jl for gentleman uud wife or tw o slnglo gentle
men In u private family w here Ilieru are no other
rootuern , near two stieet car lines , 1 17 Web-
sit r st. _ ivq 3J J
FOH HENT Newly fiunUhpd eust fi-olit loom
with alcove nud bay window. All modern
Improvements. Hoard it Uesdtcd. 022 Georgia
avenue. ? i ) 4 *
IJ10H HE.NT-One large , well finnjshed front
JL ? room with alcove b y window and closet ,
gas , bath , hot and cold w ater on sumo lloor , fur
nace hetit , for 2 gentlemen or man and wife , 207
S. 21th , bet. Furuam nnd Douglas , trijtor month.
TjflOH HI ! XT Two handsomely furnished
JL ; rooms In bllck residence , bteaiu heat. KIM
Douglas. KII : i *
Poll HENT Nicely furnished room suitable
for 2 gentlemen , cliiqulre-lill St , Maiy'snVc.
FOH HENT-Nlcely furnished , rooms all
modern Improvements with llrst-class board
If deslied. Mrs. Wm. Young , 220U Douglas st ,
AUHNlSHCDroomi wttn board , MM rurnam.
FOH HKNT 1'onr rooms , pmtlally furnished ,
fliiltabln for light housekeeping , rent reas
onable. Incjulru of II , II. Miller , I5S-J Douglas .st. ,
rooih 3. Mi
FUltNlSlli : ! ) rooms , a large and 1 niiiall , $10
and V , per month. 814 N. 17th it. : rjl-ij
F I OH 11KNT Furuisliccl rooms. a Dodgo.
F I OH HUNT Nice furnished rooms. 1B11 Dodge.
5204 *
TJ1OH HUNT Furnished room , with or with-
JD outboard. 254. Capitol avn. W)7 4 *
TJ1OK HUNT Nicely furnished front room ,
JD warmed and lighted. 1'rice veiy reason
able. 2210 Cap. ave. All ) d 2
FOH HKNT I'loiiHimt furnished room , chenp1
Hefeiences icmilied. 1U10 Webster st ,
"IJ10H HUNT Kurnlshed rooms ; gas , furnace
JL ? heat , modern conveniences ) , 1MM rnrnniu.3S3
T71OH lir.NT Two furnished rooms , 1017 How-
Jard st , , with board If desired , Hoferences
required. KM
KOOMS for rent , No. 004 S 12th st.CT
! CT d "S *
1I ) H UP.NT Nlcelv fmnlshed looms at 2i-7
JL. Dodgo. ( las , bath nud furnace heat. fi2a
I71OH HUNT 2 nlco trout looms. In single or
L suite , with modii.-ii conveniences , for 1 or
J gentlemen. Cor. St. Mu : > 's live , und 20th st , ,
or 1)20 S. 20th. U.
t\WO \ nicely furnished rooms , single or en suite
2 blocks hottth LT. I1 , depot , 1112 S. 8th street.
477 2 ! )
TTOIt HUNT Kuinlshcd looms w 1th or w Ithout
JL7 board. (3as , bath. 21) S. 21th st.4rill 2
Tj OH HUNT Tinee furnished ana one unfur-
JL nlshedrooms , with bay window , furnace ,
bath and gas , eust front , at ( EM S. 17th st. MO
FOH Hl'.NT Furnished rooms , private fam
ily , Al'i 1'leasunt ht. 44Id I *
FOH HKNT-Neatly furnished looms , heated
2421) ) Kai liam. 442dG"
LA HOE south front room , all modern conven
iences , suitable for two gentlemen ; also tubln board lor three or four ; refer-
elices. IhH Dodge st. 7C4
AI.OVKIA' , lugo front loom heated , beaiitl-
ful location , w Ith all modern conveniences
on Bt car line , KH7 Cass. 6H1 !
FOH HUNT nil nlshed looms In ( lieunlgblk ,
cor. llltli and Dodgt ) hts. Imiulro of Uco. U.
lJ.uls-MilIaid hotel bllllHrd loom. OT7
B1UHN1SHUD looms , bteum heat , 201 S.aith.
* VTICIliV ! fmnlshed alcove and single rooms ,
-l- > and Uirultuiu new. Mrs. Ilaibcr , 812 N.
liilli st. 10S d 17J
FOH HKNT I'mnlshcd looms , fuinace , bath , P'bldu ot LcM > enwoith st. bet ,
17th nnd isth. 4.-.T2J
HUNT-llooms ; Ili2a Dodgo.
H HUNT Fui nl hed looms flO'per month
orcleaubedsatfl.UOto1.50pcr week. 502
POH HKNT Furnished rooms , also table
bouid if desired , 1911 Fariiain st.
440(12 *
FOH KENT Furnished rooms In all parts of
the city , by the day , week ormoign. City
Intelligence olllce , Crelghton block. 698
FOK HKNT Three desirable unfurnished
looms , suitable for housekeeping , city
water , cistern , privilege of piemUes , no annoy-
nniB from otucr ociupants , llfteeu minutes
from pontolHce. Appl ) 8,12 S 1'Jth. ' 741 yj
POll HUNT 3 big looms at No. JllBpiuceat
Foil HUNT Tin eo imf in nlshed rooms , hull
able for housekeeping , at Wil Noith 21st st.
FH HKNT 'I unfurnished looms suitable for
houneluoplng , li l N aith bt. ffV )
IflOH HKNT 1'our (4) ( ) . .urUrulsliBd rooms , 413
Smith llitlist. , containing all modern * con-
\onleilCES. 541
"I710H HUNT 3 rooms bultable for house keen-
JL ? Ing , N. W. cor. llth and Pierce st. Apply
to 310 S. Kith st. ( A )
1JHMI HUNT 3 tmfurnlshed rooms suitable for
JO housnkeeplng , 7 PnclllcSt. 801
HENT Hiihlness room on Karnam St. ,
between Ifith and l th bts. Stc-venn llros. ,
151 72ti t
TOH HKNT Stern loom l ia , basement J.W.
J-1 ( i. U. Thompson. 314 B. luth fet. Wl
FOH HUNT-llasement stoies and Hats with
all mcideinlmptovements , coiner 13th and
Jackson sts. OSHJ
"filOI { HKST Tlireo-Btory and basement bilck
.1 ? building. 44\M feet , suitable for n hotel or !
stores and Huts , cot ner 13th and Pacltlc sts. Apply - <
ply ut 1112 S. 1 Jth bt. J 8.-/1
BAKUH and Confectioner wanting to open n
ttore In good location bhould w rite or call
on me. Largo new htoro-room with cellar , gas
mid city water. Cheap rent.
F. L. OroBory , Hental Agt. , SOU 3.18th st.
T71OH HKNT Oround floor offlcn room , -con-
I ? triilly located , heated and lighted , O. F.
Harrison , 418 H. IMh st. Cue !
Foil KENT 2nd nnd 3d floors at 1417 Douglas
St. , with lease of three years. Kennedy &
lllbblnx , 1100 Douglas at. UK )
A HI ) WA It U .storeroom for rent on Park
ave. New building. City water and K S.
1' . L. Gregory , Hental Agt. , UOO B. 10th Bt.
it. ' I
T71OH HUNT-Offlces on Farnam st. at * 10 to .W
JL ? per month. One ollico furnished. PiU ! Fur-
iiaiu. 18H
FOH ilKNT-Offlco room , dr t tloor , at31dS.
IMh si. COl
"TJIOH ItKNT Ilaseiueiit. toreaonil Hats , cor ,
JL ? Uth aiulJackson , Uiumlre Mrs * F. I.aug < '
F I , . ( JHEOOHV'rental "agent.'iwsfa. 10th'Ht. ,
- ground tloor. Telephone 854. 481
LIST houses , furnished and unfurnished
rooms with us , We vv111 rent them. Ollico
open evening ! ! , H. E. Cole 31(18.15th ( sit. UOU
FOH HENT If you wish to rent arouse call
on Ucnavru i Co. , 151U t. , opposite P. O.
S . - cr furniture. Little
it Wtlliumi , UU7 Doug'as ' bt. too d 29.
"Vrnw YOHK Storage Co. have most extensive
J- > facilities for storage of fuiutture , pianos ,
buggies , general merchandise , west of New-
York. Cash advances to any amount ; ware
house receipts given ; goods Insured ; brick
building tire-proof ; special arrangements for
commission merchant * . Call New York Storage
Co. , Capital ave and X. 15th St. , Dennett's block.
FIHST-CLAS3 storage at 110 K. 13th it. COT
STOllAOK Furnltnrf. boxedenn , etc terms
reasonable. TU l'ivcJft . " uiO
PKltSONAL Mme. Alula , ot Ciilcaga , wives
' maguetlo ' and massage treatments , 444 NTietli
- . vM 3
' ' \ * *
T > EHfKNAIThP IndleJ'will find H convenient
JL when In nted of domestic help to haVe a
room full of girls to select from. Thus avoiding
all delays and tending to1 hotter Ritlsfiictlon ,
such Is the case at the ( iiinadlnn Ump. olllce ,
.Mrs , llrcgn & Bon , nil ) So. 15lh. _ 'IV1. y. 4. _ 7fi8 V _
T > liHSON"ATPni ynVliite t MOWS of omaha ,
J including nil principle bulldlncs.blrd'o-eyo
view show lint the city to uu ) best advantage for
( ale at Heyn'H gallery and \atilfleld'n book store.
" „ _ _ _ _ u -L10 " 1" ' -
> UilSONAL Private hgnie for Indies during
conlluement , strictly confidential. Infants
adopted. Address E 43 IjCC blllce. 107 n 8 *
TjIlOPUSSlONAfrNurse. ifrs. Pctprwiti , " 271J T
JL Ohio st. , - , , 3w ) U 4
LOST-f2,1 Hovvnrd-On lith stfce
nrd nud Douglas or I'suiiim bet. llth nnd
J.'lli . or Douglas bet. 13th arid 15th , one diamond ,
weight , f ruction over karrtt , ' et in combination
sciew letting. Finder please leave ut Hay-
inftnd's or Max Meyer's Jewelry store und ic-
celve rewurd. 70I-3J
r OST lletwcen 11th nnd llth on the south
JLJ side of Davenport st n pocketbook con
taining { .M on Monday "utti. about3p.m. Old
fashioned leather pocket book , contained beside-
$ . " In money ono paid note. Party llndlng please
return to Ulla Jat kman , 111J IJuvenport , and re
ceive liberal rewind , 74.1 3 *
LOST At Mtlt nnil Farnam or on Sniinders
stieet car. u bunch ot Small keys. Pluaso
.leave nt lice olllce. 7052
T ) ST Small bay pouv. black mnno and tall ;
J-J leather halter , i Hctitrn to A. Forman , 1511
S.Oth at , telephone WO und rcclevc reword.
715 3
LOST Very Inrgo blnck dog , white patch on
breast ; reward for return , H. E. McKel-
vy , 252U Charles st. (177 ( 3 *
r OST Yellow pony , blncn mane , tall andle
U Heturntollll So.2 thst. tfii
STHAYKD or stolen fiom my lesldence.coiner
of Hoed and Francis streets , Windsor Place ,
one chestnut mate , on Nov. ID. A snltnble ie-
ward for her recovery. John I loss , telephone
lo" : fo ,
LOST Or stolen , near Iluscall's pai-K. a med
ium size dark bny mare , with harness Dn ,
mail white spot on face , largo hind legs. T.
Mm ray. 120
FOH SAIiK Or exchange , nice assortment
English woolen cloth , pin chased this year
In Chicago , all new nnd Hrst chi'-s. for good
horse orpony. _ Address OJil , Ilee ollie. 751 3 *
"iJlOirSALE A NTTlTrangelirpeifect order.wlll
JU sell cheap , J. P. Lewis , 1412 N. 2-Stli st.
73.13 *
F OH SALE-IIousehold tuiltlture.
"IT OH SALE Second-hand buggv In excellent
-I ? lepalr. Neatly now. Will bell cheap. 1U22
Callfoiuiast. 6MJ 2
FOH SA LE-ood No. H cook stove w 1th leser-
volr mid oven , very cheap. KM N. llith st.
(14 ( J 2-
IIOHSALR-Three billiard nnd two pool ta
bles , cheap. Nuson , Kil.1 Farnam st. CO III
OH SALU-Cattle ; 200 head. 100 j earllngs , 50
two-year-olds , 50 three-year-olds ; all good
grade short boms' . Address Geoigo P. Stever ,
Kulilleld , Iowa , lto278. . KB 4J
] DUO Dogs For Sale Fine English pugs and
Italian greyhound puppies for sale. For
pi Ices mid descilptlon address 110X200 , Topeka ,
Kansas. 531 4 *
BILLAHD Table at half price , Hrunswick
Hulko Co.'h make. Inquire Leslie & Leslie ,
Ifitli nnd Dodge sts. 21(1 (
OHGANS at wholesale prices , on easypiy-
nients. New York Piano Co. , cor Capitol
nv e and Htli st. WS
OISl'UHNS , cospools : BBjl cellars dug and
cleaned. 1 list-class wink guaranteed , and
2.1 per cent cheaper than by anyone eNc. liefer-
ence given if leiiulied. J. D. Viindetbcrg. 2llfl
Caldwellbt. ' - ' 7I'I3 *
(1 3.00 to J.I 00 ) ) er dny ensllvjiiiuto by eneigctlc
T men and women. No humbug , imtnieady
selling hoii'-ehold article o ( met It Capital 10-
quired $ * l 00. Wanted Agents in every town
und city also a geneial uguiit In huge cities. E.
1' . Dexter A : Co. . 10 OulliiyjjitChicago. . 7-.l 4 *
TJJOHSU clipping by W.A.T.iggnitat Henham's
I 1 .stables , coiner 17th Tind D.iveniwit bts.
Tel 217. 010 d."J *
TAD1US diess < uttlnghcUool , U \ North 1Mb ;
J garments of all kinds made to older .Inmes
McClullle. meichant lalloi. p 4'tldlJ '
LI , agents are herein- notified to wlthdinw
. _ my property for bale on UJnd bt Nelson
; luvo. 415
] \I UThall.TlO 9 I0th st liaiTljeen remo < lel7o\
J.'l > i enlarged , now dauclug lloor , new decoia-
tlons and Mipper rooms , UiUrance on HRh st. ;
pintles , lodges and " -ocletii's anticipating giving
balls or .sociables call on lions & Muinm. Mutz
hall. 412 d t
PINE shirts made to older nt } 1 cacti. Omaha
bhlrt Factory , 30S N luth. M ) d 4
DH. N ; ANNIE V. Wurieii , clalrvovant. MeiU
leal , business and test medium. Diagnosis
free. . Female diseases u s-peclalty. ll'J ' N. Kith
M. . llooms 2 & n , Tel. 1)14. ) ( Ill
WANTED To buy the furniture of a small
or huge house centrally located , Cooperative
tive Land A. Lot Co. . 205 N ICtli St. l.H
To im.v nhort tlm iiaper , .1. W
Oioss , at C. E. Majne'.s olllce , 15th and
Harney. . & ' >
\\rANTI.D To buy IHo thousniid to ten
T T thousand lloone county lauds. n.vincn
quality , at 510 per acre and less. AtirU'es Ho.x 3S ,
Omaha. ll4 !
A Special fund of tl.WX ) and also ot WOO to
-rv. loan on improved city propel ty. Loans
niadoon farm laiidn lu west em Iowa and east
ern Nebraska. Flist mortgage notes bought and
sold. Odell llros. .V ColU ) Fin nam st , tMJ
MONIlYloToiiiiTcaTi now ptacb" sonic first
class city loans Immediately , Callntoiuo
Jf you desire to bo accommodated. I ) . V. Slioli-s ,
loom I Harker block , entrant. * ; In alley. SiU
MONlSV to lonu on Improved leal ustnte ; no
commission chaiged. Leavltt Uurnhnu : ,
room 1. Cielghtoii block. I2
fpO LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m-
JI proved real estate Ji city or county for
New IJug'miKl Loan & Tnibt 'Co. , by Douglas
Counfy bank , Ibth and Chicago sts , ( ill
MUNKV To loan on chattels. Co-opc'intlve
Land and Lot Co. , 205 No. Kith street.
Y OANS made on leal i".Uti anil moitgnges
JLJ bought. Le\vis S. Heed & Co. , 1521 Farnam.
U.riJOioo ( To loan on Omuliu city pi-operiy ut U
P per cent. O. W. Day , S. E. cor. Ex. Hid.
1Mom to lonn utr per ctnt. Ltnuhun & Mahoney -
honey , Itoii rarnnm. ( i21
$500,000 to loan In any amount ut lowest rate of
Interest. II. 11. Irey. Fienzer block. 022
MONEY LOANED at C. P. Heed & Co M Loan
Olncn. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons ,
peibouul pioperty ot all kinds , und all other ar
ticles of value Hlthout removal , 311) S , llth ,
over Illngham's commission store. All bust-
ness strictly conlldentlal. ( V3
"VTEW Vork StoraE Co. Corner Capital
-L > av. * 1.1th st. , have money to loan on
household goods , merchandise of eveiy de
scription nt lowest rates. Special facilities for
merchant' ) , goods moved , packed and shipped.
All charges advanced. Fireproof brick block ,
M ON KY loaned on furniture , pianos , orgaas ,
horses , etc , low rates.f/J. J. Wilkinson *
Co. , 1324 Farnam , over Uurlugton ticket olllce.
M ONEY to Loan-O. F. imvlsCo. , real estate
and loan agents , 1506 Furnam bt. fll'J
6PEH CENT Money.
Patterson A. FawcattlSUi and Harney. 018
MONEY to Loan-Sums of IS.OOO and upwards.
First Mortgages. Improved city property.
E. 8. lllsbee. 4V > Itamge building , Omaha.
" KM dec3 *
SHOUT time loans innttp on any available
security , in reasonable amounts. Secured
notes bought , bold or fldiangod. ( Jem-nil
financial business of niryi kind t transacted
promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi
nancial Exchange. N. W. , opt , mh and Har
ney sts. . ovs ? SUU NatlAriil band , t'orbutt.
ITmnager. Ii2j
MONEY to Loan lly tnfe undersigned , who
lins the only properly organized loan
agency in Omahn. Loans off 10 to duo made on
furnltuie , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma
chinery , etc. , without removal. No delays. All
business strictly umtldentlal. Loans so made
that any part can be paid at any time , each pay
ment reducing the cost pro rata. Advances
made on fine watches and diamonds. 1'ersons
should carefully consider who they are dealing
with , as many new concerns are dally coming
into existence. Should you need money call nnd
( .MI me. w. It. Croft , room 4 Withnell building ,
IMh and Harney. 620
MONKY To loan. Lowest rates. No delay ,
J. L. Hlce & Co. , over Comnisrcioi Na
tional bank " 27
MONEY to loan cify"property , and also
fa.r r4 rtVibranl.a anrt low a. Oddll Bros.
* 'JK. loan , real estate and Insurance agents. 10(1 (
Pearl street. Council JJlufJs , la. ; 1523 Farnam
street. Omaha. 2 < W
MONEY to loan. Notes nna it. 11. ticket ,
bought uhd sold. A. Forman , t\S \ S 13th sts
M UN KV to Man , cn li on Untul , no rtelny. J.
W. and K. L. Squire. 141.11'arnkm .ht. r-ax-
ton Uottl bulldlns. esa
\HI'(1 store for sale , Mnn , doing n
Jliuslnpys. . Pnrtles deilrlng such n huxlni'4
v 111 dii well to call on us. Co-operative I.tmd
and ttot io. , a N. lutii M. ? ; .n t
171011 general More or "miy kind of lm lness.
JL' KoVenty-llvn miles n vv of Omiiha Is the
hest place roriv live liuslnessmiili tostuit. Stoic
Is nil complete , the hest location lu town , aiul
rout low. Write to ( tt Heo olllce. r > ' ' .M *
\\ANTr.l-l'nrtnor , joung nirtti with
T w ould like p irtlier to eiiguce lu omo
honoraulo liusluess. Address .1. K. AMilre ,
rrcmout , Neh. C9.I 4'
TToiHAU- : market In Wlllicr. cjunty
JL peat of Sillue county , Neh. : good dinner ;
tcims reasonable. Address 1) , Meltellbacluv. Son.
b'J7 '
\\rANTKO ( lood , houornhle mall us pnitner
TT tolmndlohiirdvviitoaud estnldlsh agents
through Iowa , for which I will pay JUW nnd cv
; must hiivej. * " ) cash. None liut trlctly
business men need apply. Address U HI Hoe.
470 'I
FOH SAIiIj < ) r oxchnnge , anew combined " >
bid. roller nud liurr mill with complete
modem outfit of miichlm-ry , dolmi u good liusl-
ness , with unlimited vv liter power on l.lttlo Illun
river , In Tliayer county. Neb. Will tnke JU ( I
or upward In cash , Imliiuce on on y teims , or
city property or hinds In w hole or in p.irt. Ad
dress , A. H. Collins. Hebron. Neh. It.ilB !
Sl opCuliiR for Hour and feed store
in li.-st residence portion of Omahn.
F. TJ. Gregory , Heiitnl Agt. , IW.tS. Iflth st.
FOH S.\IK-Ono hotel II stoiles high , good
Rtand , Imsement with vvnter running alt
through the building and aUo to the linrn ; burn
Htalillng.bO nend of horses nnd 75 tons of hny and
water In It ! will wll or tiudo foii real estnto or
fitock. for further liifoiinatlou vvilte to I ) .
lllll & Son Diinlmr , iVeb. HUMID
\\rilOLE3ALK confectionery liiisllieyt for
TT sale. 1'nvlng trndo estubllshed. Look
thUup. Apply ! 7 .13thBt. _ ' .f-'l
A South Omaha lot In exchange ,
TT for a 6 room house , J. F. Lewis , 1412 N ,
SStll ht. 7,14 3 *
LIVKHV barn and Muck to exchange for Jl.iKW
In property and balance cash , limber shop ,
best in Omaha , to exchange for lauds or city
property , no cash required. Small barbershop.
Will exchange for u lot or small farm. Co oper
ative Land & Lot Co. , 201 N Ifith st. 7013
Foil THADE A heavy transfer wagon for a
good joungmllcli cow. Address O.17 this
ollico. 70113 *
"I71OH Sale or Exchange Fifty elegant lots
Ji near Dundee place. In West Omaha ; every
lot perfect for grade on a main street within
eight blocks ot street car line ; licit Line H'y Is
only two blocks away. This propel ty Is witliln
a few blocks ot the two bundled acres icccntlv
puichased by the C. * N. W. H'y lor lallioml
purposes , nnd the new- Hue ol the C. \ N. W.
now hullillni ; runs within n hhoit dlslnncr1 of
these lots. This property oilers ono of the tluest
thnift'es for an Investment now on the mat ket I
can offer these llftylots for $17,000 , $7,000 cash ,
tnke mortgage for $ .1.000 or $4,000 on piopeity ,
nnd the balance In llrst-class farm pinporty.
Oeo. II. I licks , 211 S llth. HH 3
\\rANTIJD -To exchange Ill-it class Omaha
TT nnd South Omahn piopeitv lor good Ne
braska and low a laud. W. U , Albright. 2s | S.
llth st. 74. ) B
CHKAl' Laiurs Orcat bargains , long time ,
low Interest and no taxes. We Imve Just
lerelved u largo list of choice enstein Nebraska
nchool hinds , vv hull we put on the market for
exeh.ingo ; will accept meichnndlse of any kind ,
fuiultmo , household goods , buggies , nninoss ,
hor.sos , cuttle , e.ihtern hind or town propel ty ,
anything merchantable and good. Thew hinds
nanhonvv cl.iy , nud nro among the llnest
grnsHnnd guilu piodticlug hinds In the suite. S.
K. Campbell ami ( J. W. Ilervey , 1110. Hoaid of
Trade. f.lfi
FOH llxclinnge 1'or Improved orunlmpioved
land ID choice lots , near Mutt ) iii-utute ,
and'1 lnt"rcit In llolinont I'urk. This Is thu
besMiargain in Omnhn excliangi" pronerty ; In-
vpsllg.ito this S S. C.impbelKV 0. W. lleivey ,
: iIO , lloiudof Trndo ( ! 7'1
DHUO Store lu first-class condition In Hast
ings , Neb. , for trade for tiding stoio In
hinaller town. C. K. Smith , Mienau-
doah , low a. Kil ) 4 *
TTIOH exchange 170 ft on .12nd between Cnl-
I ? Ifoiula nud Hint , with-houses , no liiciim-
ber.ince , will exchange for good Improved fntm
Miiithwost lownorsoiitheiist Nebruskn. Clmiles
C. Spootsvvood , SO.V.i S 10th bt. ftW
VACANT lots , liouses , nnn lot.H to trade for
hnrs < es , luu ness , buggies or ] > aper. H. A.
Mc1 ichrou , Hoom 11 , rrenzer llloclc. "
FOH r.XCIIANCIE Oil ) ncres , IT. I' , coutiact
land-at 14. for Omuliapiiipeity. Mv equity
M.OOO , only } MO back. A. 1' . Tukey , IIKI I'm liam ,
U ) rnrm lands In c\cliango for
stocks of merchnndlso. St. John .V Kly ,
Hoom U , 1'ienzer block , o [ p. I'.O 0.1'
TIIAVK for trade Impioved faun In Cass Co ,
near I'lntlsmouth. will trndo for Impioved
nslde property. Address M 'M , lice olllce.
WANTHD I'nrm lands In exchange for city
propel ty , fat. John & Uly , Hoom U , I'l en-
yer bjock. _ _ _ ( UJ
Ol'"ljT ) 1,1ICP to excuniigo a lot InKruin
dcis\-Illmebuiigh s addition to Walnut
Hill for a good sleigh und light two-seated
Miny ; would alco take a good lioise and pluu-
ton. Addieh-ibo\4J- . O. 4'iO
ANTED ( lood farms Tn escliauge for
Omaha property , C. C. Ppotswood. my
S Ifitlufr ' " "
\ \T A VTl'MI -Vrmmrt / , tr nil kinds tn exchange i
TT Sys-.ial attention given to trading. C. C.
Sport w oed , iffiH S Kith. ( ! tl
TlTADIiTn'ldo'propert.v for go'od hims < \
eight or nine rooms , and full lot. McCul-
loch i C < > . , cor luth and Farmim. ( Ut
( 'you have nnjtlilng to exchange , wilte us.
We h.ive Impioved and unlmpioved Nebraska -
braska , Kansas and Iowa hinds , coal mines , ho
tcls , storks of iiii-rcliiind sc , homos , rattle , hogsl
sheep , etc , , to exchanijo. S. S. Campbell and U
W. lleivey. ! IIO llo.tidot Trndo. ( ill
rilO THADK 'Hxo Impioved farms In Iowa for
J Omaha pioperty or Nebraska lands. Me-
Culloch i , Co. , cor ; liith and Fuiiium. . " 4
Poll TH.A.I > K roXl ( ncres of choice western
lsril to exdiangn for peneiulmeichandlbo.
.Ino. F. Toft. U24 N. nth st. al ! )
o FXCHANaE-iooa cast trout lot In Hans-
com Place to exchange for clean stock of
dry goods or clothing. C. F. Huirlsoii,4lb S. nth.
l > 02
" 1X7ANTED Oood family hoiso ; n exchange
T T for lot , McCtilloch & Co. , cor 15th and 057
rpo EXCIIANOE Impiovett In Iowa
J for Omaha lesldcuce property. J.J.V11 -
I'tl ! Farnam. ( Wl
MIDLAND Guarantee and Tiust Co. , 1505
Farnam street Complete abbtructs fur-
nl hed , nnd titles to real estate jxamlned , per
fected and guaranteed. 'Ml
BENSON &CAHMICHAEL fmiiMi complete
and guaranteed nbotiacts of title to any
leal estate. In Omaha and Douglas conntv upon
fliort notice , Thu most complete net of abstract
books In the city. No. iniu rarnum st. U7B
FOH SALE An HUB apiece of trackage as
there U lu the city. W , U. Albright , 218 S
151 list. 74,15
ny M.A.Upton A-Co.
Three pieces property,20 per cent below actual
I/it 27 , Fall-mount , W.500. 1,1W ( rash ,
Illock H , Hovd'st addition , 10 lots on State st , ;
track from line guaranteed , J7.0UO. $2,500
ICock 23 , Hoyd's addition , 10 Jots. IC&QQ , tSJM
M. A. Upton & Co. , ICtli street , opposite Cham
ber of Commerce , 551
FOK 8AI/-A handsome east front lot with
good 7-room cottage , near Park ave. , north
of Leavenworth ; price $4,700. A bargain. Evans
& Hlackburn , 151U lodge st. C43 2
OIl SALE In South Omaha , 5 houses on 2
corner lotH , for # 4aU ( ) , H cash , which lent
for W75 per ) ear , onLst. U. D. Hmeaton. IMM
Dodge bt.
FOH SALE Five , ten , fifteen and twenty aero
tracts near South Omaha fromtJIoto J.IW
per acre. Look tuU up and compare prices with
adjoining property. Potter icCobb , IfiOl Fur-
liam bt. Ma 12
/1OHNKH lot and one next In Ilurllngton Cen-
Vter. . South Omaha , for sulii this week at
} 1:150 : ; worth tl.NJO ; H cash , bulunco easy. D. D ,
bmeaton. 1WI Uodgo st. txa 4
n YPKWlUTEHS bought and sold on comniU-
JL sion. Shorthand and tyiwwriling work
done. Address J , Henry Wood , 7H Pacltle btreet ,
Omalaa. Telephone 70o. UlldlOJ
UIlll urai iKtllia in 1110 viijf . uub iiifciu VMDU ( u-
quired ; long time , low Interest and easy pay
ments ; other real estate for sale. AddressJ , | I ,
Woolloy , attorney at law , Urand Island , Neb ,
1T10H SALE-Husliifss property In South
JJ Omaha. W. Ci. Albrljiht. 218 B Ifitliat. 7JJ5
* | j\OH SALE Tvyo east fronts one mile from
JL ? pontonice , just off of Cumlug , on Montana
st , ; low W and fc , Nelson's add fine place for
MX "lints1 ; ! high , dry , healthy , anil at low tig-
uro. > P.Tukey , li'l JTamam et. .SJT
$2,1OOiUMcash vvnnted Inn JAIftVdenl ; some
of Omaha s best realty ; object , cash : will
yield largo prollt. Address 0.1 Ilee. 277 itM
IF yon II.-IYP anything to soil or exchnnao list
HwlthC , C.SpotsvvtK > d.iojiS ; ( 10th. 0,14
. * A. s Pntirck's iid
c'ltion , will sell for fjvv da ) s nt il.tiyi , J72.1
cash , balance eusy. Jl 3 ; Ilee olllce. W7
I7IOlts.\LE-U > oknxiokI Ixitfl , blk'jcX'ixu '
J on Cass between 22nd and SM sts. only
' , fjs'iO cnsh. A bai'Knln , nud no mistake ,
10uxl5,1 east fiout corner , on iHth nnd Jones
fts. , just south of tlm line residences of Eassou ,
Ilrady and others. Can sell this , if taken ut
once , for l\tw. ( An elegant teMilonco comer.
Nothing In the vicinity so cheap. M. A. I'tttou
A. Co. 16th Mt. emi Chamber of Commeixo. Hi
" 71011 SAI.U-Some of the llne t business
JL' lots tu South Omaha , corner M und 27th
streets , only half block fiom new r. P. depot.
Call and get pilce and tcims. Uco. N. Hicks.
215 S. 15th st , 7013
\7\b \ H SALE- Lots In Lincoln Place , fronting
E on the Metropolitan cable , ! > 00 each , V
Corner lot on Lowe nvctmo nnd California
cable line , JI.'M , * 4 cash.
Some choice lots in West Ctimlnpnddltlon. 1 % )
to * I,2HU , easy terms. These lots are on or near
the cable now being built on California st. Huy
now ut old prices.
A tine business corner at 10th and Uatmlns ,
W.OOU , 4 cash.
Acres lu Solomon's ndd , W ) . WOO cash.
Acies tn Spring Valley with truckage , KOO , H
lii-tts in Lobeek's sub , near South Omahn , on
K. W , Hy , VOO each , 1-5 civth. These at A the
cheapest olTerlugs In their respective neighbor
hoods. Marshall Lobeck , room u , chamber of
commerce. 414
SOl'TII Omaha llargatns-Splendld coiner lot
South Omaha , near U. P. depot , OOxl.VJ
feet , ( l.aV ) . only MOO cash.
Nice business block , South Omaha , only Imlf
block from passenger depot , & ! ,200 , only $700
cash required.
Coiner lot M and Twenty-seventh street. South
Omaliii. W,700. This Is one of the best points tu
South Omaha to stint a retail business , or to put
up building tor rental purposes.
One of the llnext lots on Ilelleviie street. South
Omaha , east front uOxl50 , Just right for grade ,
only JI.570.
Coiner 1)0 ) feet east front on Ili'llevuo street ;
Will muko six good business lots , $4,200.
Corner 72x150 feet on Ilelleviie "tree ! , South
South Omahn , ifJ.OOO. only INI ) cash required.
Fine residence lot South Omnhii , live blocks
this side of depot ; price MK' ' , only * .ljO cash , bal
ance 1 and 2 v ears.
Sevetal choice lots In floyd V Sharps , Fowler
place und Iltown's park , at low prices and easy
terms. Oeo , N. Hicks , 215 South 1.1th street.
708 3
FOH S A 1,1 J 160 acres of land four miles from
stock yards , at { 121 per acre ; this Is n bar
gain. McCnguo , Opp. I1. 0. ( )
T71OH SALU A good lotfH feet ) on Park uv-
JL ! enue. low jirlco If sold soon. McCulIoch , V
Co. . cor llth und Farnam. OTT
TTWHMALE-A furnished Mat of rooms with
JL. steam und buth , centialy located. Call 22,1
NoithHth. H10.
"I ? ' M SI'ICKNEY * CO. make a specialty of
JLl .piopeily In Ninth Omaha , for sale or rent
ut jxitlzeiis1 bankjUH Ciuning bt. 73.1
milOMPSON , 314 S. llth st. , buys and sells ren
J estate , loans money , purchases seciultlei ;
has n good list of in opeity for sale nnd wants
more. Notary public. S5I
I71OH SALE Finest location for a homo lu
JL' West Omaha , adjoining the mansion homes
of Klrkeudall , Coe , Hr.uly , I'-ISMMI and othei.s.
Nothing liner In the city. Can se 1 liVixls" or
less ; for pi Ices and terms see S. A. Slomau , 1301
Farnam st. Mi
T71OH HA LU Nineteen and one thlid IICUH
JL1 within two blocks of Swift's packing housu
with I.'lliO feet tiackage on L'nlon Paclllo track ,
iiIcef.l.omt per ucie : will sull In small tracts It
mrcha er desires. This Is the llnest and tlosost
ere property on the nunket In South Omaha.
ottei-cVCobb. Illol F.iinam. 5Gti U
131011 SALU Hesidenc.i propcity In South
J1 Omaha. W.O. Albright , 2188 llth st. 7IJ 5
WHY pay lent when you can buy a tunilshed
house on a nice huge lot , 50x110 , lu the
Incst leslucnce pint of Omaha , near the stteet
ars and within one block of whore the Metro-
lolltau cable will inn , by paving a small sum
own and the balance monthly. Address ( I 111 ,
lee. 357
FOK SA LEWe offer as n special bargain 1V ( )
ucios of laud four miles from stock yards ,
it JI21 per ucie , on line of U. P. It. H. MeCagtio
Jpp P.O. ( > 'll
r 1ST your property for sals with Charles C.
JSpotswood. iAv , Slhth at KM
HOUSU FOH SALU-On Dth , between Capitol
ave. nud Dodge. Must bo bold at once.
Apply al Hyrou , Heed & ( > ) . ' . 2.VI
Have the /rtiy/est / and mo t complete
Fire Place Furnishings
One Hundred & Seventy-Fve
designs of fin1 places can
be seen all net up in inir show
? -rfnitB. Also complete
Bath & Toilet
Itooms all titled up with Tiles.
Brass Goods
Of all the choicest and most oriyinal
Headers of this paper requiring
goods In our line should call upon
or communicate.
to competent lluslncss Men nccr.tlng oxcuslvo
city agencies for s > ale of our NATIONAL At'-
( lulled by all gas ( yubumers. ti.vvx Kj I'KI ; CH.NT
IN ( > Ab HII.I.S. 'Ihoy equalize the presMji oat me
ter. Hectiru u hteudy uud lncruasud lllunln.itloii | ,
Insuring perfect combustion of tlio gaies , ami u
pur nn- ' h-li7 ! atir.nsYdtcw i'revrnt-itlin dls-
ugreeaiile whistling , blowing and smoking of
Imini'iH , iomedUngfieiuent danger from tne ,
and expense of broken globes. Over H.OOO In ser-
Nice l-.n > loit > ed by highest morcimtllu , coriio-
ute and t-xpei t Authoutles. Agents uluurlug
600 ptr month Addiois ,
lU.l.tVKIIl.11 TO
-iiv o.uuiiiai I'ou-
20 Cents a Week.
Savcn papers a week. Send your order to the
olllce ,
1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building
* o f U ttthtt e l iti < -1y
nciwa la ui la ( joaviifc i
* * < * ti t ,
ai r > outd ! u u > t"TT | &M contUif.
8Mj ) > 9Bi n M tMft ndin every cavt It
n fctul ctiifl.
HuJua. N. Y.
SoU bjr DrufgliU ,
! > . i.g .
Who Is WI'AK , NP.UVOrN. 1 > F.IIII,1TA >
Tii > , wholnhl9FOM < VnndI4)NORANI'tR
hniTKI 'lii : nvTnvhlsTIai''tor IMHIY ,
M I M II nnil M \ Ti U OO l > . CftUMni ; cxlmti tlni |
drains upon the. r4 rNTAI > N of 1.1 FK ,
1IKA1 A ) IIK. IIA tKA 'IIK , Drendml
llrenms , M'KAMXKSS ( if Memory , HAN1I.
rui. Kssin HOCIITY : , i'iMi'i.f. uiHiti
the KA 'K , nnd nil the KFfK.4'lN lendlnc to
t'.tlll.Y IIKOAVnnd perhnpj CO. > NirMI > .
TION or I INSANITY , nhould coilMilt nt once
the rt'.I.KnU.VTF.I ) Ilr. Clnrke. ! MnMI he4
ISM. Ilr Clutke haR nmde NI'UVOIIH II t >
1III.1TY , C11UOM ) nnd all Dlsciuct of
the UE.MTO HKIXAKY Orirniii K 1,1 fo
lUlldy. U tnakci NO dlllerenco WHAT you
. jnve token or WIKI has fulled to euro you.
llnr to their mx can consult with the imurnnco
of ipeedy relief nnd cur < > . Bond ! 2 cents postage
for works on your ( Uncases.
Aa8cnd 4 cents ptutflge for t'olcbrnlKl
Work * on Chruiilo. Noruuii and licit *
rule Disease * . Coniultatlon , re t' ' * 1ly f " 7
letter , frpp. Consult the old llorlor.
TlioimnuilH cured. OHtrrnnnd porlnra
prltnte. 9Thrxo coutcmplntliiR MarrldKO
Rend for Ilr. rinrlte'ii celebrated guldo
Male and Frninli * . each l&c. , lioth UAc ,
( itainpii ) . llofore confldlne your case , coniult
nr. CI.AHKK. A friendly letter or call may
MVO future Mitlerlngnnd shame , and add rolden
yearn to life.Iook ) liiro' * ( ? cerct ) Kr-
rorn , " &oc. ( tam | ) . Medicine and writing *
tent everywhere , tecure from rxpoiuro.
Hours , 8 to ft ; Bundnv s , u to 12. Addrci * ,
P. D. CLARKE , M. D.
108 So. Clark St. . CHIOAGO. ILL.
Proprietor Omaha Businost College ,
Book-Keeping , Penmanship ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telegraphing
and Typewriting.
Send lor Colleeo Journal.
S. K. Cor. Kith mul Cnpitnl AVB.
Wonllon the Om.ihtiltee
Nebraska National Bank.
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOO
Surplus , - BO.OOO
U W. VATRO. I'lesldelitT
Livvis S. HKKD , Vlce-I'resldent.
A. U. TOUZAI.I.V , ! M Vlce-l'resldcnt.
W. It. S. lluuilKd , Ciishlor
\V. V. MnnsK , JOHN S. COM.INS ,
II , W. YATIJ- ) , l.fcvv is S. HKKU ,
A. E.TotirAMlf.
Huiiklng Olllce
Cor. 12th and l-'niniim Sts.
A General Hanking
031A HA.
Hunnlng lletween Council IlliifTs and Albright
In addition to tlm btiitlnns mentioned , tialns
btoi ) at Twentieth uud Twenty-fouith s trejtal ;
undut thu Huinmit In Omaha ,