SiWW. fr * : ! 1 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 3 , 1887 ; THE DAILY. BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. OFPICK NO. IB , I'KAllIj BTHKKT liy rnrrlcr In nny part nf tlic city at twrnty c 'iilH IHT'Veric. II. W Tll/niN , Manager. Tl'.I.KI'HONKSJ HfMNFfw OITKT , No. 4. ) . NKHIT Jiimim1 NO. an. MIXOIt MKXTIU.V. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Iloltcr , tailor , Fall ( foods cheap. See Chapmun'H pictures for Chrlntnms. 11 "The Reflector , " the now poclety paper , makes ) HH ilebut tills afternoon. Not an arrcHt inmlo in the city ycstor- tliiy. The policemen's occupation scums gone. A IIUM Hurt , ' has hold hisintoroht in tno laundry at 7U4 Hroadway , to William H. Leather , for $ tW ) . The Royal Arcanum party to have been hold' December (1 ( has been post poned to December 13. A test was made yesterday morning of the new Uaboook chemical lire ex- tiiitfiiinhert < , at the Uroadwavllre house , and the result was very natiufuetory. " * All members of the Harmony Chap ter , O. K. H. , are requested to meet at the residence of K. HuntingUm , at 7 o'clock this evening. Hv order of W. M. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the Harmony Mission social did not take place Thurhday owning , but was postponed until next Friday evening , when the entertainment will bo given with the original programme. The city jail will teen bo doing the largest hotel busine.-s in the city. There were fourteen lodgers Thursday night , representing nearly every section - tion of the country. Hnsiness in this line always improves with cold weather. The Council HluJTs ( Juaraiity and Ab- Hlract company are getting their books ready for business. For the past two days they have had four men at worlc in the recorder's ollleo , and find tlmt there are 167,000 real estate instruments on record. The grand jury will conclude its labors to-day and adjourn until Janu ary. That body has listened to a vast amount of testimony and done good work during this session , the full meas ure of which will bo revealed after ad journment. The counters and book ca os for the now court house are arriving daily. The counters and desks are marvels of the joiner's art , and very beautiful. The worlc throughout is to bo strictly in keeping with the high standard thus far maintained. The operatta , "Under the Palms1 will bo rendered on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings , December liO and 21. It wi'll bo fully costumed. The principal parts will bo taken by some of the best singers in the city , and the affair promises to be ono of unusual ex cellence. The large gilded cross was yesterday placed upon the spire of Ht. Peters Catholic church , and that part of the handsome edifice is now complete. The scalTolding yet remains , but will soon be removed , and give an unobstructed view of the worlc that has been progress ing for several \\eoks. The slating of the north end of the roof will occupy two or three days yet , and the building will then bo outwardly complete. If you wish to" buy a lot cheap go to Johnston & Van 1'alien , ; t ; { Main si. I'crsonal l'nrifraj > lin. Colonel Charles K. ICaton is , visiting friends in the 1 Hull's. T. H. Baldwin has removed his oflico to the Brown block. Mrs. M. F. Rohrer gave a 6 o'clock tea to a few friends last evening. C. A. Wcathorington , of Lincoln , Neb. , was a visitor in the city yester day.Colonel Colonel Hepburn , of Clarinda , was in the city yesterday. lie left at noon for Omaha. W. .1. Hancock , superintendent of the Wolls-Fargo express company , is in Chicago. R II Orcutt , of the Council Bluffs Carpet company , is back from a long trip on the road. Dr. Mosor , a late practitioner in New York City , has removed to this city and will bo associated in .practice with Dr. Doetkon. E. J. Strew returned homo yesterday , concluding u four months' trip on the road in the interest of the Mueller Music company. fell Jeff Phillips , of the Pullman hotel , Cedar Rapids , is in the city shaking hands with old friends. Ho leaver to-day for Watertown , Dak. T. W. Harford and , T. II. Purcell , Davenport ; E. A. King , Ida Grove , and James S. Page , Sioux City , were at the Bechtele yesterday. D. T. Elliott , Sioux City J. W. Yatcs , Logan ; George W. Cole and wife , Pa- cillc Junction ; H. Woods , Enlleld , wore the lowans registered at the Pacific house yesterday. For best quality coal and wood , call on Gleason , till Pearl street. Tlio 1'trilun Kccoril. Judge Aylesworth transacted the usual amount of business at the police court yesterday. John Miller , a nine teen-year-old prodigal , said that ho was his mother's pot , and was considerably unnerved at being charged with va grancy. Ho readily promised whalovor the court wished , and was much re lieved when the judge said : ' 'Well , Johnnie , you can go back to your ma. William Smith and Jack' Brennan were not so fortunate , and wore lined 57.00 and $8.10 respectively , for a lively boo/.o whirl. Ed Miller convinced the court that ho had done a little work during the past year , and was released. . Al , Warner was charged with being a vag , and nearly ovor.v ofllcor on the force testillcd to his being a frequentei of the gambling houses and dives of the eity * . Settled SiitlHftiotorlly. The jewelry block of Mr. Voss , whicl it : was taken possession of by the sheriff Thursday has boon purchased by C. Deetkin , M. 1) . , who will run the store as heretofore , and employ Mr. Voss as manager. Mr. Deetkin has salisllc ( " the claims of all the creditors , and holds the unoxpired lease of the building foi three years. Ho has not yet dolor mined whether to continue the business at the old location or remove to a store Main street. A Novel Social. The Married Ladles' Knitting club is ono of the recent organizations of this city. They meet weekly and have verj pleasant gatherings. Gentlemen arc permitted to attend only oneuieotin } , in each month. The ilrst social to which their lords and masters were in vlted was hokl at the 'residence of Mrs W. U. Young , Thursday evening , and . was very enjoyable. A collection wu taken among the ludios for churitablo uurpoooa. ; ' ' ' , , ' . , , * * i * i " § ! * ' fc \ll \ ABOUT THE BLUFFS , Can the City Road Its Title Clear to Fnirmount Park ? FAILURE OF NAT SHEPARD. A Newspaper Man Complains Itccansc u Teacher Whipped Ills Hey Car- r\KK'H \ Con tempt Case Funeral of Samuel Anderson. Title to the Park. The Bii : : yesterday morning called ittention to an apparent move to wre&t rom the city , if possible , the beautiful "iiirmuunt park. The article caused no ittle stir , and there are numerous in- liiiries as to what move is lobe made on ho part of those who , by the record , ippoar to be securing at least a color of itlo to this valuable tract. It is ru- norcd that ere long there will bo no tices of suit and that the chief claim will est upon tin ) technical defects in the condemnation proceedings by which the ity came into po esMon of this park. No one seems to know , or at least to bo willing to make public , the plans and Nirposes. There have boon several leeds passed lately , by which it appears nat the foundation is being laid for a egal light. A deed has gone on record conveying to Mr. C. Ilaldane , of the law inn of Wright , Baldwin & Ilaldauc , all if E. S. Williams' interest in the park. \Tow there appears a deed by which Mr. Inlduno conveys it to Jason Walker , of Wichita , Kan. There is a good deal of nystery attending the affair , but it is M'cating considerable alarm , the atten- ion of the public being now directed to ovorv move which can possibly tilTcct be title of the city. There being a 'feeling that the move jad for a center the law ollleo of the inn named , inquiry u as yesterday made if Mr. John N. lialdwin , with the hope that he might throw some light upon it. Mr. Baldwin smiled as ho denied mowing anything about it. It was ) iio of those smiles which could not but > o interpreted , ' 'Well , young man , I could toll you a good 'deal , but it's eally none of your business just yet. don't want to lie to you , but I don't want to toll. " His words were much in accord with lis smile. "There is nothing for you lo earn about it so far as wo arc con- erned. It is simply a business matter jolonging to the lirm of Wright , Bald win \ Ilaldane , and not to the public , i'ho statements that suits are to bo eom- neneed are certainly not made by any- nio having authority to speak in the matter , and are not made by any one ' ' who knows anything about it. I 'don't are to have our private business mat ters made public. When the time comes when there is anything which the pub ic ought to know , I will see to it that the BKI : lyis the information soooii as ny paper. Of course you newspaper L-llow-5 feel at liberty to give your read- rs all sorts of news , and that is all right , but you'll have to wait awhile bo- 'oroyou can got anything authoritative in regard to this matter. " The park commissioners are never theless liable to be put to sonic trouble , for the recent deeds show there is some thing going on which points to the jeopardizing of the city's title to the park. Whether any claim can bo main tained is a question , but that there will be an attempt made to either wrest the park from the city or force a compro mise is quilo evident , despite Mr. Bald win's reticence in regard to the private business of his lirin. For an elegant birthday giftor Christ mas present , a Domestic sewing machine leads them all. Wadsworth , Elnyro &Co. loan money District Court. Yesterday morning the case of the State vs Carrigg was called. Before this was proceeded with ono of the at torneys for the defense in the contempt case of the State vs Heitman asked that the case go over to the next term as Colonel Sapp , his associate , was away. The court thought the other counsel ought to familiarize themselves with the case and to allow time for this , the hearing was postponed for ono week. The State vs Carrigg was resumed. Defendant's attorney demurred to Mr. Sims' appearance as counsel for the state and entered a motion to showeauso why ho so appeared. The ground was taken that the case was a criminal pros ecution and the-district attorney was the only person authorized by the state to prosecute. The motion as to showing cause was inaintniticcl. Mr. Sims was sworn and deposed , giving his employ ment by the "Law and Order League" and his authority frrtm District Attorney ThorneU in December 1SSO. The de fense objected to the insufliciency of this employment , and assumed the po sition that t'ho present district attorney , Colonel Dailoy , and ho nlono should prosecute , in the name of the statocrim- innl proceedings. The state attempts to show the own ership of Carrigg to the property wherein the saloon is located and that liquor has boon sold and drank there since the enjoinment of the place. About half a do/en witnesses were ex amined and probably as many more will yet appear on behalf of the state. The case is being hotly contcsled and will probably consume so\'eral days. Notice. Taken up. an ostray mare ; bay , with white hind fool , sear on forehead , long mane and tail ; has sadale murks. Ani mal in good order. Owner must prove property and pay charges of keeping and notice. S. SUIT , 9th avonuoj Burns' addition. E. II. Sheafo loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Oflico 500 Broadway , cor ner Main slrcot , up-stairs. A Hey There was qnito a little stir made among tlio educational circles ye.stor- day by charges made by Mr. Lynclmrd , of the Council Hlntls Herald , tluit his ton , Perry Howard , had been un mercifully Hogged by two of the lady teachers in the Pierce street school. Tlio matter is being inquired into , and until tome dellnite report is made 01 formal action taken by those who have charge of the schoolh , it is hardly just to pass judgment upon the action of the young ladies , \vho o reputation as teachers are , to a certain extent , in volved. On the part of the family it is claimed that the boy committed a trivia offense , failing to prepare n , declama tion , and'that aftor'school ho was made to kneel on tv bench with a low back mid bend forward , while ono of the teachers hold his arms and the other applied the rod M > unmercifully as to give the bo\ lreat pain and leave bruises which wil keep him in the hou o hovoral days The teachet-b * uy that they only . pun- shed the boy as usual in such cases , and that they ba'd no idea that he was being flvun any more pain than was to bo ex- iccted , and without \\hich the punish- nent would only be a farce. Superin tendent MeNaughton examined the boy , 'esterday and found there were some > lack and blue spots , but it is claimed that these are very easily made on a 'hild's flesh. The boy was not injured n any respect and the marks indicated simply that ho had been given a good rouncing. The fact of there being two teachers concerned in the atTalr is ex- ilainod by the rule of the board which equires that any teacher whipping a inpll shall have another teacher present is n , witness , this beingdcemed as much i protection to the pupil as to the eacbcr. The purpose of this rule is to ivoid any trouble , cither from the undue severity of the teacher in anger or the Misrepresentations of u pupil as to what , he punishment was. The instrument used in this case was just what has been ii od in the Pierce street and oilier schools for some time it being a piece of hickory , three feet long , about three- quarters of an inch wide and an inch .hick. This seems a pretty solid strik- ng machine , but when it comes to the -ottlement of what sort of an instrument s to be used there is Held for wide dif- 'orcnce of opinion. The board has ilaccd this weapon in the hands of eachers , and must bear the responsi- lility of this. The teachers are re sponsible for the way they use it. The aso seems to bo simply a question vbethor the boy was whipped too se verely. The board seems inclined to the belief that he was not. Ono thousand head of one , two and hreo-ycar-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. Groennmayer , 028 Mynster st. lelophone 121. J. W. and E. L. Squire lend money. Financial Distress. There was much surprise caused yes terday by the announcement in business circles that Nat Shepard , the druggist at No. 122 Main street , had made an assign- nont. Mr. Shejmrd has been in busi- less here for about seven years , having sold out at Woodbine and removed icre. Ho has the confidence of the niblic and despite his financial troubles lis heaviest creditors have no less faith , n his integrity of intention limn before. [ lis assignment was to W. A. Wood , who was formerly in the hardware bus- ness hero. The assignment embraces everything and is for the benefit of all lis creditors , there being none pre ferred. The liabilities are estimated it $2,000. The stock of goods is thought to amount to about 12,0(10 ( and the book iccounls to about as much more. There will be some shrinkage probably on the islets and there is little prospect for the liabilities to diminish. His heaviest creditors are right in the city and they liavc not been pressing him. In fact there has been no intimation or any fear but that ho would bo able to pul'l through all right , so that his assign ment eaino unexpectedly. It is be lieved that no creditor will loio a dollar lar and that theio will bo a margin bo- sides. It is surely so hoped , for Mr. Shcpard is a most honest aad worthy citizen. Von AVant Them. Domestic patterns and patterns for stamping and embroidery. Latest styles and finest designs. "Domestic" olilce , 105 Main street. Money to loan. Cooper & Jud.son. Funeral of S. A. Anderson. . The funeral of Samuel A. Anderson , who was killed in the Northwestern yards Wonnesday morning , took place at 2:110 : o'clock yesterday afternoon , from his late residence , 1108 Avenue B. Rev. T. J. Mnckay , of the Episcopal church , officiated. At the close of the services at the church the burial was conducted by Excelsior lodge No. 250 A. F. and A. M. , of which order Mr. Anderson has been a worthy member. The attend ance was very large as the Switchmen's Mutual Aid association , of which he was also a member , had engaged Daily's Fifth regiment band and attended in a body , acting as escort to Excelsior lodge. There were were a largo number of car riages containing friends which fol lowed to Fail-mount cemetery , where the body was laid at rest according to the impressive Masonic ritual. The floral ollerings were many and beauti ful , testifying to the high esteem in which the deceased had been held. Every ono making a cash p urchaso o 25 cents at T. D. King k. Co.'s cigar store gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyrc & Co. The City'H Wallet. City Auditor Kinnchan has completed the report of the city's expenses for the month of November , 1887 , and is a& fol lows : Fire department . ? l,0ii.Sr : > Police uiitl marshal department . lti21.f > S Streets mill nllc.vs . UT-.H7 City engineer's ilep.irtment . Printing uiul supplies . U'J.'J.'i ( iiib and street lamps . iTO..V ; > Salaries of ofllecrs . ! 2s".4'.i Election expenses . ' . ' 20.00 Miscellaneous . ! 2.M.'J Total general expenses . $ I5,0H.21 : Sl'KCHl , l.KVV. Public library . 5 'IWi.ilS Public park . KiMIl Intersection sewers . 71K ! ) ( ) Intersection paving . till.OO Special assessment KradiiiR boiuls. . 4HK ( ) ( ) Special assessment sewerage- bonds 1 1i00.00 ! Oau-liftb special assessment sewer age certificates . 2,8SS.70 Total special levy ? lcJ , y.V.M Don't Free/.e Up ! Wo are bound to close out our largo line overcoatings. Will make them up at greatly reduced figures. Tliis is the oportunity of a lifetime. A. RKITKU , HIP Broadway. A Now Departure. Messrs. Powell , Gould and Carter , of Omaha , members of St. Andrews' Broth erhood , have kindly consented to ad dress the congregation of St. Paul's Episcopal church to-morrow evening. Their subject will bo "Work Among YoungMon"and an effort will bo made to olToct an organization of St. Andrews' Brotherhood in this city. This ih de cidedly a now departure in the Episco pal church , and is evidence that this old historic organization is aroused to the necessity for more vigorous efforts in this line and is possessed of the neces sary machinery to reach the young men who are so hard to reach by the old- time methods. A 1'uget Sound Co-Operative Colony , San Francisco Chronicle : About two yearsagoafow lirin believers in cooperation ation determined to establish a colony on the Pacific coast where all should bo workers and all should alike reap the bonolltsof their toil. They teen secured a number ol followers , and as aresult , in May , 18\SO , the Puget Sound Co-oper- utivo Colony \Vus incorporated , and im mediately afterward purchased u piece of timber land at Port Angolesf seven teen mllns from Victoria. H. C. . on the AmorieanJ-Ido of Iho Straits of .Tuan do Fuca. A few energetic colonists started to build houses , and from that time up to the present the colony has continued to grow ptcadilv , and is now reported to bo in a nourishing condition , numbering 2.600 people. They own ! ? ,000 acres of line timber land'ano have n saw mill running in full blast , which cuts -10.000 'cot of lumber in en hours , and are put- ing up a large bhluglo mill. A shoo 'uctorv is in operation , and will evont- mlly lo ) one ot th < J leading industries , in addition to these there are tin , black smith and machine shops , a tannery , ind n brickyard which turned out JoO.OOO excellent brick * from the lirst din. A newspaper devoted to the doc trines of co-operation , etc. , is published it the colonv , and a tramway is being juilt from the saw mill into the center ) f the timber land to convey the logs to the saw. The harbor is said to be the best on .he sound , and is three miles long by two and a half wide , with good inchorage. A survey for an ovor- 'and railroad has been made , lead- ng through the colony's land. Kvory person , from the president down to the commonest laborer , works eight hour * a day and receives a regular salary , which runs from S12.76 to $ H a day , and at the end of each year th net iH-ollts of the entire colony are divided into two partSj one-half being sot aside 'or general improvements , and tlio Hher half divided among the workots , , n proportion to the amount of wages received during the year. Tlio town property is divided into 3,000 lots , and no member is allowed more than forty-eight lots , which lie . an only use for his own purposes , there ijeiug no such thing as rent allowed. The maximum value of a lot is li.xod at $2."iO. „ X < > churches can be built in the com munity , but. theio is a free hall , where : iny person can advocate whatever civil or religious doctrines he may choose. Gout has various names according too . ' } \o \ parts afllicled , as podagra , when in the feet ; ehiragra , when in the hands , fee. ; but whether the attack is llrat felt in tlie feet or.the hands , rub with Sal vation Oil at once. It annihilates pain. Price 2oe. Popular trial shows the worth of every .irticlo. and ! years' constant use has proven the great elllcacy of Dr. Hull's Jough Syrup ; it has no superior. FURNITURE ! We arc now prepared for tlio HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our immense builiUaps arc. packed full of the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In our line , anil at prices that will defy com petition.Vc ( 'iiarunteo our floods to bo just as we represent thorn. Please nive us n eiill whether you wish to liny or not , mid brniK jour friends with yon. It is no trouble to how our Koods. UcHpcctfully , C. A. BEEBE & CO. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. SPECIAL advertisements , suelini To tFound , To 1,01111 , For Sulf.To Kent , Wnnts , IlnarilliiK. etc. , will lie Inserted In this mliimn nt the low rnteofTUN CKNTS 1'IJH UN U for the llrct in sertion and I'lve Cents 1'er Mile for eueh HHU-H- cjuent Insertion. J.envo advertisement * at our olllre No. 12 I'earl Street , near llroudwny. Coun cil Illutrs , hmn. WANTS. Fill SAM : A largo hard coal htove. Helf- feeder , eheai > . Iu jrood condition. Apply to lice olllre , Council lllulfs. FOU HKNT Farms The laud heretofore kmmu as Tim 1'oley's , near Mludeii. for the season of INS * , ju tracts of N ) , Ihll or IKK1 acres. All choice lands and well Improved , lloiacu Kverett. Fou SAM ; on ixciiANCii-i : : : < iuity of iu shareH in Jellrles Hyndlcatu. Inquire W Odell llros. & Co. " \\TANTED All klnns of xewluc machines to T repair. Work promptly and honoitlv done. Charges re.ibonnlile. Domestic ollleo 1U5 Main st FOH SAIiK Verv cheap for cash , orould exchange for Council llhilTx or Omaha prop erty , a retal stock of boots and shoes valued at about ll.UU ) . Call at store. No. MS Ilroadu ay , or addiess U. Martin , .sumo number , Council llhills , la. CIO 11 HKNT-Hoiiscs In nil parts of the city by -T Johnston * Van I'atten.iCIMaln ht. J10H HK.N'T Honshu and furnished IOOIIH. J. ' 11. Unvlilfcoii .033 Klfth urcnuu. FOR SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle very cheap , .Y-Mmh , at lieu ofllcu. hundred thousand dollars to loan on ONK real estate and chattels by F. J. Hay , : realist. ' lots and acre property for salu by BL'IUHNU F. .T. Hay , ! Ri I'earl st. T1OH HUNT V llnely furnished front room. Ilrst floor , in private residence near court house. Water In room , lighted and heated. I.aree closut. References required. Addiess II , IS , llee olilce. Council Illulfs. RARE CHANCE ! MUST BE SOLD ! The desirable residence or business property known as tlio I'owets 1'larp. on Upper llroucl- way opposite the M , K. church , will positively beol : < l ulthln the ne.\t thhty days. Terms' : One thhd r.inh , balance in oiiu und tuu years. Address bids to GEORGE R. BEARD. Omahii , Neb. , 11117 and Ml' ) Douglas Ht. LAMPS ! LAMPS ! ! Hull , Parlor , Kitchen , Store and Office Lamps. Crockery , Glassware and Plated Ware , Large Assortment at Holt on Prices. W , S , HOMER & CO , , No , 3 Main St. , Council Illutrs , Iowa. CRESTON HOUSE , Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel In tho' City with Flro Es cape. Electric Call Bells. Accommodations First Class , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE .CHEAP ! STANIMUU. UNUUIi ItUI.K 0. WADE GARY-1 . - : 'Council Bluffs , PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. PINTFY RIIRO Attornpy-at-Lnvr , Second Floor Hrown IlllLIil DUA&D , Building , 115 Pearl Street , Council Bluffs , Iowa. NQfUTTD7 | Justice of the Peace. Otfloo over American , UVmUlia , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , lovra. & QIHITC Attornoydat-Law , practice in the State OL OlilllJ , , lllc | Federal Courts. Ollico Hooms 7 and 8 , ShugartBeno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. EO RADNRTT Justice of the Peace , 415 Broadway , , , 0 IJAIUlDll , Council Bluffs. Kefers to any banker business house in the city. Collections a specialty. DRS. WOODBURY & SONS , and Oflico First corn Avenue or o FINK GOLD WOKK A SIMCIALTV. : . RINK , : No. 201 Main Street , Council BluifsIowa A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both. Domestic and Foreign. . DR. C. B. JUDD , M'PG'R ' , ELECTRIC BELTS AND TRUSSES , \O. tiOO ItltOAIMVAY , COU.VCir , IIMJFF.S : ; : ! : ; IOWA. WANTED GOOD SALESMEN ON LARGE COMMISSION OR SALARY. Ten Per Cent Profit WILL PRODUCE A FORTUNE In a few years , even on a Hinull investment. You can save that amount by purchasing your Groceries of Gasli Grocers , No. 345 BROADWAY , We kee.p no book accounts , coiibcciucntly wo have no bad debts which the balance of our trade has to pay. This ib the reason we are able to sell bo cheap Remember the place. Give us a call. FREE ! Until January 1 5 We Give A Valuable Present. With Every Purchase of $10 and Upwards. ON Every One Gets a Prize. MAIL ORDERS INCLUDED. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. Ogden Boiler Works CARTER & SON , Prop's. Mnnufacturcrf ot AIMS Of STEAM BOILEIS AND SHEET IRON WORK. Orders by mall for repairs promptly attended to. Satisfaction Kiwranteed. Iflth Avenue. Ad dress Ogden lion Woiks .Council Itluds , Iowa. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS MOUroodway Council Illuffu , Iowa. Kbtabllihcd 18J7. O.H.MCDANELO& co. , Hides , Tallow , Pelts , Wool and Furs. Highest Market Prices. Prompt Returns. KO ami K2 Main Strect.Councll Illuirf.Iown. IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOI' AT THU St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Hooms Attached. . ' . . W. U. H < WIN , Prop. I , . , ' ' . ' ' , , ' / ' . ' ' . " ' ' ' ' . . ' ' . WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line. OFI-'IOK lfi SOUTH MAIN ST. Telephone No , U.I. All calls fiom Dlstiltt Telegraph Olllro piomptly attended to. PAINUHS : OPIUM AND MORPHINE CURE ! The AUobol , Moiphlue and Opium habit Ab solutely Cured without Inteiferlim with the patient's dally axocatlou. Correspond ullli or ( till on DR. F. P. BELLINGER. 014 llroaduay. Council lllutls , la. All correspondence tonlldenttal. Star Stables and Mule Yards Uiouclsuiy , Council Illuffs , Opp. Dummy Depot. Horses nml mulct ron-itnntly on hand , for tal at retail or In c iir load lots. Orders promptly Illled by contract on short notice. Mock * ol < l on commission. Telephone 111. K'lll.IJTnit * llOl.nV. Oppoilto Dummy Depot. Council UluUs. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 1514 DOUGLAS STREET , - - - . OMAHA. 100 GRAND FREE GIFTS Worth $2OOO to bo Olvon Awny by Henry Eiscinnnn & Oo.'s Pooplo'a Store , 3M , 31C , 31O nnd 32O Brondwuy , Council Bluffs , lown. READ , READ , READ , READ With Kvory Two Dollars' Worth of GoodMl'iirohiiNcd You Will Itreclvo n Coupon Ticket Good For Uito rimnec In the Following Grand I'rcNcntH to Ho Given Awny Hy UN on Monday , January Kith , 1HHH. Every $2 purchase receives one ticket and every additional $2 the same. Hold your tickets until the above men tioned date , when the lucky numbers will bo announced and the holders in vited to call for their presents. Remember you will have to pay noth * ing extra on your purchases. Wo guarantee to sell you goods cheaper than you can buy at any other house iu the west , and give you the largest , lines ! and best stock west of Chicago to select from. from.CALL CALL AND HK CONVINCED ! All mail orders receive prompt atten tion and tickets for the free gifts for warded with the orders the same as If you were here in person. These listribulions will bo made with every fairness , and customers may de pend on the lucky numbers receiving their reward. No tickets will be given to employes of our house , customers only receiving the bcnelit of the prizes. I.IT oi > rui/.r..s. No. of prize. 1 Ono elegant parlor set consisting of sofa , divan and 4 large easv chairs , purchased from S. S. Keller of this city. 2 One elegant cherry bed room sot. consisting of bedstead , dresser and wash stand. Have largo bevell French plate mirrors. Purchased from C. A. Heche & Co. . city. ! i One elegant silver tea set , consist ing of extra largo and very heavy waiter , colToe pot , tea pot , sugar howl , creamer and spoon holder. Must bo seen to be fully appreciated. Hought from C. H. .lacqucmin & Co. , city. 1 One very handsome water s'etcom- prising pitcher stand goblets and wash bowl of the very largest design. An elegant piece of goods. Purchased from Hobinson Uros. , eity. 5 Decorated China dinner set of 130 pieces. Purchased from W. A. Maurcr , city. ( i Elegant decorated China tea sot of 50 pieces. 7 Very handsome blue satin water set , consisting of ( i tumblers , 1 pitcher and one hammered brass tray. 8 One Venetian water set , comprising H tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass tray. ! ) Lustre amber water set , compris ing 0 tumblers , J pitcher and 1 elegant brass tray. 10 One ruby water set , consisting of ( i tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 brass tray. 11 20 yds best black Ciuinett bilk tljg best silks made. 12 1 pair Japanese portiere. 18 1 gentleman's smoking jacket. 14 1 very elegant Paisley shawl. 15 1 set beaver furs. Hi 1 gentleman's dress suit. 17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat. 18 1 boy's or youth's suit. lit 1 boy's or .lou'li's ' overcoat. . 20 1 pair sealskin gloves. 21 1 pair California white blankets. 22 1 combination nobility dress p jV tern , worth $50. 2U 1 Mis-es cloak. 24 1 piece Loncsdalo muslin. 25 1 pair men's boots or shoos. 2'i ' 1 C. P. corset any si/.o. 27 1 pair Misses shoes. 28 I Dr. Warner's corset. 20 1 very line Marsaillon bed spread , HO 1 elegant album. ! U 1 toboggan cap. . ' 52 1 infant's cloak. HH 1 sashmero dress. ; < 4 1 set furs. . ' ! " > 1 line largo doll. 'Ill 1 autograph album. I ! " i do/en ladies' line wool fast black hose. :58 : } do/en Misses fine wool fast black hose. It ! ) 1 gingham dress pattern. 40 1 do/.en gentslinen handkerchiefs. 41 1 do/.en ladicslinen handkerchief 42 0 linen table cloths. 41 ! 1 doxen linen napkins. 44 1 do/.on line linen towels. 45 1 fancy stand cover. 4(1 ( 1 table cover. 47 1 Marsailles quilt. 48 1 line largo doll. 4t ! 1 largo album. / > ( ) 1 toboggan cap. fil 1 child's hood. 52 1 piece "fruit of loom'1 muslin. OT 1 fancy stand cover. 54 1 pair elegant Japanese portierf , 55 1 album. 5(1 ( 1 largo doll. 57 1 autograph album. 58 1 seal skin hand bag. 5 ! ) 1 toilet set. 110 1 Long pocket book. ( il 1 line silk inufller. 02 1 shopping bag. CM I elegant lace handkerchief. (51 ( 1 largo bottle line perfume. 05 1 pair kid gloves. ( iO 1 pair silk suspenders. 07 1 pair ladies' ear rings. (18 ( 1 pair ladies' cull button1) . 09 1 line lace pin. 70 1 Madam Warner's corset. 71 1 line hand bag. 72 1 large album. 7.'t 1 large wax doll. 74 1 gents' scarf. 75 1 line silk mulllcr. 70 1 pair hid ion line shoes 77 1 autograph album. 78 1 pair silk mils. 70 1 gent's fur cap. 80 1 gents' silk smoking jnclco * , 81 1 gents' hat. 82 1 pair men's arctic overshoes. 8't 1 pair ladies' overshoes. hi 1 line album. So 1 hammered brass umbrella sin-id- 80 1 pair line silk suspenders. 7 1 largo doll. i W > 1 large shopping bag. h ! ) 1 silk umbrella. I ! )0 ) I line lace handkerchief. 1)1 ) 1 olcgant evening Hhawl , 112 1 gmit's traveling bag. 'M 1 toboggan cap. 91-1 child's hood. Oo 1 pair kid gloves. ! )0 ) 1 ladies' line Jersey. ! )7 ) 1 elegant lace handkerchief. ' , tS I hill ; munior. ! IO 1 per ladies' line shoes. 100 1 set ladies' furs. Total value of the above 100 presents , two thousand dollars. Sue them exhibited in our store. The drawing will bo conducted under the management of a committee of aix. eUi/ons. and the utmost fairness will bo had so the prcMMits will go to the por- fconri who holdsthy lucky numbers. Now is the time for everybody to take advantage of this1 great gift olloring. Huy your goods-at the People's store , MIVO'money thereby and got a present in the bargain , Henry Kinwrinn & Co. People's store , ! I14 , iilO , iU8 and 32 Uroudway , Council IJlufTs , Iu. ' .