/4 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , DECEMBER 3 , 1887 THE DAILY BEE. KV1JKV MOUSING. OF Dully ( Morning Kdlllon ) liRludlng Hinnlny lllK.Otio rear. . . , . * . . , .finoo 1'or Six Month * . . . - * ' " > I'm Thrco Monthi . - W The Utmilm Sumlny Ilr.r , mailed to ntiy nd * " drcvi , ( Inn Viar . "CO . , rAII.V\Mi < TlliKT. : VniiKUmcK. HOOMW. TIIIIIUM : lii'ii.n- IMI. WAHIIIMIIO.V OtilU' , No. OU loun TKKMII . COHHnSI'ONDKNCK. All rommuntcntloiiH relating news mid editorial matter Mionld be addressed to the KtilTuuuf TIM : ULP. nrsiNuss r.irrrr.nsi All Im-ilnest letteiHiind remittances should 1 > e nddtcio-iMi to 'I i IK llr.K I'i'iii.isiiiMi COMIV ! , ( IMMIA. Drafts , checks und postolllce orders to be made ji.ijablu to the older of tliu ( .uiiiiMti ) ' . The Bee PnWisWBEQipy , Proprietors , K. HOSBWATKK , KIHTOII. I TJIK DAILY KK. , " Bwnrii Stntcinrnt of Circulation. Btateof Netornbkn , I. . County of Douglas , f" ' ' Oeo.JI.'IZbchutk , cccrctary of Tlio Dee I'nto- llMiIng roini > : inydocn solemnly xwenr that the netiinl ctruilutltm of the Dally lleo for thu w eek i-mllng Nov. Si. 1C87 , was as follows : Hntiirday , Nov. Ill I.VOTO Sunday , Nor. 9) ) 1 . : HI Monday , Nov.-l l.i. : * > Tne-oday , Nor. ! , , , ILffft Wednesday. Nov. 21 14.7HI Tlinisdav. Nor.Ul U.7X ( ) I'riday , Nov. S3 H.UiO * Average , 11.770 OKO. U. T/SCIIL'LI . Hwornlonnd nnbscrltovtl In invpieHeniollils SCth cluy of No\ ember , A. D. IStfil N.P. IT.TI. . ( SKA I , . ) Notary I'utollc Btntcof Nebraska , I . fB-a * Comity of Douglas. Oeo. Il-Tzschnck , beliiR first rttilv sworn , do- * rofes und HIJK that he is secretary of The lleo I'ubllshlng company , Hint the nctual nverago daily circulation of the Dally lleo for the month of November , IN * ) , IH.IIJS ini coiifeH ! for September , ! Wi7,14UU ; copies ; for October , 1887 , H.iJW. (1KO. I1.T7.SCHUCK. Bworn to mid hutoscrlbed in my prcM-nt n this Ith rtny of October , A. D. 18H7. K. 1 > . Till I , . ( SllAIj. ) Notiuvrubllc. Sn.VATOii MANDKUSOX is giviii" ; Iho Philuclolphiu jmpoi- grout chunks of nutionul und Nohruska jiolitict ) . Dit. MAIIY WALKKII hns ut lust found the "Hphorc" which she IIUH so long been heckln" ; . She is now un uttruotion in n ilimo inuscuin in Cincinnati. Now wo arc to have another railroad. TliiH time it in the Omaha & Mexican Air Line. Most of the roads planned to this city the last three years have bean nir lines. THK clearance record of Omaha's foot- pada would make an interesting exhibit. "The foot-pad business hub not been af fected by the recent clonuncbs of the money markets. TIIK postmaster-general's report , .shew * that thirteen thousand postolllcc ap pointments were made during the past year. And btill there tire doinocrate who tire not happy. FUAXK SIIKUIDAK , a private soldier , has been arrested in New York for pub lishing some military criticism in one .of the metropolitan papers. Ho evi dently labored under the doltibion that n military article would be tolerated outside of the "great" magazines and written by ' 'great" soldiers. HMD Wixa , Minnesota , has some people ple that can not now bo touched with a ton-foot polo. They have just received mi autograph letter from Mrs. Clnvo- land thanking them for a present she received while passing through that town during the late "swing. " Tin : Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul railroad now heats its ears running be tween Chicago and MinnoPaul with bteam. The Now York Central does the saino. What these two roads can do all roads can accomplish. The deadly car Move will soon bo out of u&e , TllK Standard Oil company proposes to lay a grand trunk pipe line from GUI cage to New York by way of the Ohie nntl Pennsylvania oil Holds. The interference foronco of the intor-statu commerce lav makes this stop necessary , and while the cost of the line will bo $5 , < X)0,0X ) ( ) , i will also bo prolltablo. This shows hov enormous the rebates received by tin Standard have. boon. Tin : coal barons have no respect fo laws if by disregarding them they cai add to their illgotten gains. The Le high operators have engaged two thou Band miners in Belgium to take tin plucOH of the mon now on strike am bloodshed is feared. The mine owners by disregarding the contract labor law will bo just as much criminals as th poor strikers if the hitter attempt t nvongo their wrongs by force. THKHE are a few rules which the po lice commission could prolltably add t those already adopted. One is that n policeman or police oillcor should b allowed to leave the city withou special permission from the board. W neoil every policeman and i > oliee ofllco in Omaha. The business ot followin up criminals to remote places , and th escorting of convicts to the ponltontlan should bo left entirely to the sheri * and his deputies. GOULD and Sago are charged wit criminal management of the Kansas , Pacific. Complaints have been llled i the district attorney' * olllco , Now Yorl asking for the indictment of thes wreckers. The olllcial announces tin the case will go to thu grand jury soot If the charges are sustained Itoulil L interesting to sou * Gould occupy in quarters with Juke Sharp. The chanct are , however , that no iiuliutmunt wi bo returned. TIIK Iowa btato railroad commisiioi ors have made their annual report an it is an interesting document. Tli board , it would seem , fully realizes tli shortcomings of the state ln\v goveri ing" the railroads , and a number < recommendations are made in the way i modillcatlons and amendments. One i these is that the legislature skull JKV un net prohibiting the watering of btoc without'u corresponding outlay of cap tal. This is only just , but it is also su prising that un Iowa state olHciul Uioul oliiect to water iti tiny forth. . ' . . A Dcninnd Tor CncUbono. Democratic organs are "becoming very earnest and urgent in their appeals to .ho representatives of the party in congress - gross to brace up their spinal columns ind ( iftitimu mi aggressive nlttlude. The admonition to do this is especially ad dressed to the majority with reference o dealing with the faction which N ox- icctcd to again obstruct the way to revenue - onue reform , and is designed to apply mrttculnrly to the louder of that fac- lon. That the Bituntlon is full of dllll- cully Is frankly admitted. At most the lemocratlu mnjority in the house will > o u narrow otic , and there Is considera te new limber that will take s-omo limo o huasoti , and which will not bo ot nueh value until It is seasoned , t is apparent that great care must jo taken In shaping matters , both bc- ere organization and in completing Hal work , so that existing dilferont'es nay not bo aggravated to the detriment if the party. The pioblem of how to do his moil wisely is at this moment a ourcc of distressing study to the demo cratic mind. Shall the majority , with Mr. Carlisle at its head , send the ob- tructivo faction and its leader to the ear , or will it bo bettor to continue to ccognizo them and make another trial > f the policy of placatlon' : ' It is a perplexing situation , pregnant vith danger in whatever way it shall bo rented , the question being as to which vay is the more dangerous. The nore courageous advisers insist that he only proper thing for the Min ority to do is to ignore those who are iot in sympathy with its purposes. Says in organ of this class : "What is needed low at Washington is a lilllo Jackson- an backbone. The policy of plaeation ind of timidity has disastrously failed wiee , and would fail twice nero if it should be tried. " I'lio country will soon have an op- xirtunity to see to what extent this sentiment or one of a less radical char- u'tor prevails in democratic cir cles at Washington , and meanwhile it s noteworthy that the individual who s the chief object of all this profound ind exasperating attention io going ibout the national capital up- mronlly unmindful of the ngitti- .ion that is tearing the breasts of ils opponents , but undoubtedly with his plans and policy fully settled. And it is needless to say that when the ) ccasion demands he will not bo at all timid or backward in promulgating them. A nnllromt of TholiOwn. . Notice has been served upon the jreal trunk lines , which control No- > raska railway truffle that the citizens of Lincoln are about to build a railroad jf their own to Chicago , in order to get Missouri river rates from the east to the capital city. This is a very creditable exhibition of enterprise on the part of , he business men of Lincoln. But it shows lamentable ignorance of the in evitable results of ruilroud rivalry. They seem to overlook the fact that competition for railroad tratlle is al ways followed by combination. When iho Burlington road hud the monopoly of the Lincoln truffle competition was stimulated by a liberal donation of sends lethe Atchison & Nebraska and .ho Midland railroads , but in i very short time combination defeated competition by the consolidu- .ion of those roads with the Burling- -on. Then the Union Pacific was given i bonus to take its Republican Valley n-uieh into Lincoln. But the Union rticitlc and the Burlington agreed upon i joint high tariff. Combination again defeated competition. Then came the proposals for aid to break this pool , and Lincoln again bonded herself heavily to the Missouri Pacific and the North western railroads. When these com- lioting lines were completed to Lincoln then they vorjyiatuually had to come tc an understanding as to rates. Instead of ono road having a monopoly the truffle is divided among four trunk lines and as a consequence active com petition , which would bo ruinous , h again followed by combination. None of them can nflord to grant Lincoln special favors , flrst , bo- cauao the divided trullio doe : not warrant heavy reductions and seeonrtnecuuso any concessions grantct ut Lincoln would have to bo made tc shippers at common points west of tin Missouri. In other words while rival lines afford bettor facilities for truffle combinntiou always does away will competition. It is u fundamental luwo railroading which always will continue and must bo recognized in dealing will the railroad problem. But Lincoln proposes to build a rail road of her own , and that of course wil not bo governed by the law of combina lion or any other of the laws to whlcl railwuysuro subject. Suppose that such i railroad was completed to-dayhow loiif could it maintain its independence Where would its feeders bo if it wen into a rate war with all the other roads Suppose it could monopolize the ontin business of Lincoln , would that supper the road unless it had coimccd'iir/ / as sured tratlle at Chicago and Lincoli from other lines11 ! If such u road couh bo maintained how long would it re main in the hands of Lincoln capitaliats \Vo remember years ago Omaha startei to build a railroad of her own into south west Nebraska , but by the time i reached the Plntto river it was swal lowed bodily by the Burlington ami condn. Then Omaha started to bull another road of her own to the north west. She voted $200,000 in bonds t this enterprise , but in duo time thu "railroad of her own" was absorbed b , the Chicago & Northwestern. Ii those days there was Htot orally no rival line to th north or southwest , and Omaha' pioneer roads wore an absolute nccessitj But with two competing lines to Chicago cage that are not likely ever to consolidate idato , and indirect lines lending to th east , that projected "railroad of ho own " would prove Itself ti very costl ; enterprise , which in the end must sue cumb to the inevitable force of comblr ution. Lop Thorn Off. In the Interest of economy in the mat : ugomont of city affairs the city counc should , without delay , lop oil nil sine cures ) id leeches , There is no us whatever for a post house keeper , who there Is no contagious disease , and the so-called pest house is a worthless empty shell. There Is no use of paying 8100 a month for a sidewalk inspector who does not Inspect anything , nml has nothing to do In the winter monthseven if ho was disposed ( o oversee the build ing and keeping up of good sidewalks. There Is no use for any of the four mon who are attached to the street commis sioner's caravan. Until spring the street commissioner can personally han dle all the men under his charge. There la no excuse for paying enormous salaries for deputies and as-jl-stants to the city clerk , and pensioning the sons of councilmen just to help them along. The city clerk ought to bo able to perform till his du ties with a seventy-live dollar clerk. Tliero Is no reason why the city should pay for three deputies to the city treas urer when the charter provides for only one. These and other leakages can and should bo stopped. While wo have al ways favored liberal salaries to city otllcials and employes , wo do not believe it justifiable to Keep men on the city pay-roll who ura doing no service , or doing work which others are paid to do. Tun Austrian parliament has pro mulgated an order thai education and politics must bo divorced. This coun try needs no such law that state of af fairs exists1 to a great extent already. A OOI.D mine of fabulous wealth has been discovered near Washington. This will fill a long fell want on the part of our millionaire senators. Other ImiidH Thun Ours. There are promising indications that the Salisbury ministry may go to pieces on some other it-sue than ils Irish policy. There are several English questions o ( more or less urgency upon which there is a wide divergence of opinion among the leaders of the factions that are sup porting the government in its course to ward Ireland , and upon which the mem bers of the ministry are not a unit. Not Iho least of those is the question of "fail trade , " which has a strong , support among the farmers , the working classes and the tradespeople. Salisbury is be lieved to favor the policy , and it is known to have the approval of several of the ministry , but it is uncompromis ingly opposed by the liberal unionists , John Bright und others believ ing that it means a re turn to the old corn laws. Jt would seem to bo inevitable that this question must be brought forward vcrj early in the session of parliament anil the government be compelled to take si position on it. The situation of trade in Grrcat Britain is such that the demand for some change out of which relief maybe bo possible will not bo satisfied witli theories , promises or references to the traditional policy of the nation. The elements which believe that the present fiscal system is chiefly the cause of busi ness depression are sufficiently strong to make themselves felt and so much ir earnest that they will not bo trillet with. The sentiment favorable to "fail trade , " which means a moderate formo protection , has experienced u decidct growth during the past year or twouni it now proposes to bo fairly heard une considered. If Salisbury favors the policj and insists on a measure to carry it int < effect it is hardly possible that the pres enl ministry can remain unbroken , and' ono foimed favorable to the policy wouli very likely encounter defeat in parlla mont. Other questions upon whicl there is disagreement between Salis bury and other leaders are an Englisl : local government bill and a reform o the house of lords , strenuously cham pioned by Lord Randolph Churchill and Welsh disestablishment , urged bj Lord Hartington and his whig follow crs. It will thus be seen that the Irisl question is not the only ono that men aces the continuance of tory power. Th ( policy of the government in Irelani is maintained withtmrolaxed vl gor , ant its promoters profess to be entirely satisllcd with the results. Mean while the patriotism of the Irisl people is not permitted to wane , tin leaders being all the time active ii keeping alive the popular confidence in ultimate victory. * * * The Hituation in Franco is still one o grave uncertainty , with almost any out come possible. After several change ; of purpose , President Grcvy finally sen to the chambers yesterday afternoon hi : resignation. This action of the vetorai statesman , taken after the most cnrefu deliberation , is doubtless in obedicnci to a patriotic conviction that in Ihi way ho could in the present tryinf juncture best cbnserve the pence am welfare of the country , but it is by m means assured that such will bo tin effect. The election of his sue cessor promises to bo a tasl hedged about by many ditllcullies ant dangers. None of those prominent a possible successors Ferry , DoFreycinot Floquot , Clomcnccau , Brisson cat count upon a majority in the chambers and the factions opposed to them an bitter and irreconcilable. Each wil struggle for its favorite with intonsi zeal , and unless a "dark horse" shall b found who can draw support from th' ' several factions the crisis may assume : more serious aspcel than it has yet pro seated. The monarchists on the oni hand and the radicals on the other nr the elements most to bo feared , und th' ' aim of both is the overthrow of the re public. Safety may lie in the inubilit , of these extremists to agree upoi any practical plan of campaign , bu they may bo depended upon t employ every means at their commani to increase the complications and ag gruvato the difficulties of the situation The Orlcunist princes are watching th progress of events with hope and cage desire. Their agents are doubtless n work in Paris , and with them is th sympathy of every monarch and &uppoi tor of monarchy in Europe. The radi culs would destroy the constitution un til ollsh the presidency , setting up in stead of the republic with its restric lions and safeguards a socialistic gov eminent in which every man would b a law unto himself. Jt is to bo hopeC however , that the great majority of th people can bo promptly brought to realization of the paramount duty the now confronts them of innintaiii ing the republican form. ' n it is until the crisis Is passed , leaving t the future the determination of what changes may bo Ji6 ossary to obviate a reeurronro of such polltlciil upheavals. Under the Frenjch constitution the president of thclM itiblio Is chosen by the initlonul iisboni jly for bcven years- und is rc-ollglblij. ' , In case of vacancy by deiitli or otherwise , the assembly proceeds to choose n now president , the council of ministers exercising the ex ecutive power in ( he interim. Under nrliule hlx nnd the law of July , 1375 , ho cnn be itnpcuchod by the deputies und tried by the semite , und in the articles prescribing his duties tiud dolln- ing his powers' und responsibilities the American constitution is closely fol lowed. The cabinet system which gives the minister a voice in the assembly und the custom of cabinet resignations on the defeat of government measures is borrowed fiom England , as is also the clause under which the president can dissolve the chamber of deputies. The nmteriul dilloreneo is that under the French constitution this cannot be done without the con&ont of the senate. The presidential election must take place in joint .session , and nn abboluto ma jority of all votes is required to elect. . * * * The destitution of the London poor increases us the winter advances , and for weeks thousands of homeless men , women and children have been sleeping in the open air. It is ti puthotie : and deplorable story the correspondents toll of these forlorn outcasts becking shelter wherever they cun find it in every qunrtcr of London , ami one that is a disgrace to English civih/ation. Poverty exists everywhere , but there tire few christiun cities where syste matic nrrungemcnts are not made foi providing lodgings for the unemployed. In American cities iiccommodations can always bo found in station-houses if no where else. In London when a police man espies a sleeping liguro e-owcriii" , in a doorway or prostrate on the oolel pavement of a public square , ho passe > by without offering aid or shel ter. Of the thousands encumpeel under the cheerless December faky , many are shiftless vagrants whose extremity is duo to laziness and vicious habits , but a very large proportion belong to another class , They have been industrious , and arc now without food and homeless owing to lack of employment. Their demand for work is not a fictitious oue--a plol on the part of bchoming ugitators. They would not lie down in the door ways of shops nnd on the pavement of Trafalgar Square , covcrcel only by tat tered blankets and newspapers , if thoj could find anywhere indoors a sheltered spot or if they couig get work of nnj kind lo do. Thole destitution is real' Their mibory is abject. Their cry foi help is heard morning and night , tint London does notlrfrfg for their relief. K * * The difficulties between Guntemalr and Mexico , which at one time promisee' a grave ISMJO , arc in a * fair way to bt adjusted. On tho.lSth of September t convention was signed by the ilexicat minister and the secretary of state o Guatemulu , providing for the ncgotia tion , at. the earliest day possible-of , i treaty between the twocountrios , whicl is to look to the establishment of i mixed commission to try all cases arising out of claims again&t either gov eminent. The convention also call for a modilicatiem of the tnrif laws so that the r.iw materials o cither country may bo imported fret of duty into the other. Tli is ami cable agreement was followed by : formal apology on the part of Guatc mala for the failure of justice in tin case of the assaulted ulluclio of the Mcx icun legation , and thus nil causes of 511 feeling woulel so cm to bo removed. I is of interest to note in this conncctioi that President Barillas , who pro claimed the dictatorship on the 20th o lust Juno , almost immediately sum inoned a constituent assembly to rcvibt the constitution and consult for the bcs interests of Guatemulu. That bodi opened its session on the 1st of Octo her , when it listened to a long messnge from President Bnrillus , justifying hi : course and recounting the meusurei adopted by him during the time of hii absolute power. * The cnso of Prince Ferdinand prove : that to bo everybody's enemy is some times us fortunate as to bo everybody' ] friend. When the prince made his au dacious movement into Bulgaria with out saying "by your letivo" to the greal potentates of Europe , every ono faup posed that his stay would bo short am would end in ridicule and disgrace But the balance of power of conflicting jealousies has made his position u strong as if ho hud ontcree Sofia with the introduction of over ; monarch in Europe and with the com mission of an international congress The secret of his strength lies in hi popularity with the Bulgarians , win wanted a sovereign of their own am saw in the independent position of For dinand an opportunity of having ono Little Bulguria is" too important to al sides in the continental contention ti bo allowed to pass uiidor the control o any of the great powers without soriou opposition from the others. So Fordl mind goes on safoli * Jin that middle jratl that lies between contending extremes 9 % Another mombo ty the Gorman 1m poriul family , Princqi William , bon o the crown prince aliu the next heir ti the throne , is repotted to have an afllic tion. His disease Jin that of constiin ' abscesses In the hoflt'V , which break nm discharge through ihe car. Ills righ car is kept wuddodl'JKilh cotton to receive coivo nnd absorb thirfdi&chargonnd thi discolored pledget does not in uny ele groo improve his appearance. Tin disease ia steadily growing mon serious , in fapito of all tha the learned physicians of Gorman ; can do to arrest it , and if ho sliouli come to the imperial throne of German ; in the next three months , on the tlcatl of his grandfather und father , ho wil not long occupy it. It is further btatoi that his general health is delicate , am he has the additional misfortune of i left arm withered from birth. The nox hair to him is his BOH , now four year old. A long regency always u dilllcul nnd dangerous condition in nn empiri or , kingdom , Is one of the coutingenclc that the Germans arc called upon to contemplate ami no ono caji tell who the regent ought to bo. * * * The argument of n Russian ofllcci that Houmnnia would gain more by cast ing In her lot with Uussla than with Austria in u war between those countries deals with a question that Itoumunhi has been obliged to seriously considei of lute. Perhaps ! no country in Europe is in a greater dilemma us to her future course , since either the friendship en the enmity of her great neighbor at the north might bo fatal to her , while neu trality , if possible in a war of Uussln with Austria alone , would be dlfficull should Bulgaria become Involved. It Is said that M. Stumbuloll has been seek ing to arrange a mooting between Kiiip Charles , Prince Ferdinand and Kinp Milan with a view to forming a littli triple nlliancu between them on the model of the greater ono established bj the powers of Central Europe. But the government at Biu'lmrest Is cautious about pulling Itself in Iho same boa' with Bulgaria. * * * The death of M. KatkofTin Russia bids fair to close the career of anything like independent journalism in that country The Moscow Gazette , of which M. Kat koff was editor , was ono of Iho three principal newspapers of Russia. The other two wore the recognized organs o the minister of the interior and the minister of foreign uffuirs while M. KutkolT , by his enorgj and determination , kept his pupoi practically free 'from udministrulive control. The czar has , however , rec ently appointed a committee , consisting of Iho minister * of finance and the im perial domains , together with two mem bers of the council of the empire , in or dcr to examine the question ef the sue ces.-or to bo appointed to thu late editor The composition of the committee am the object of the inquiry augur ill foi the future independence of the paper. STATE AND TKIIIUTORV. NchrnNka ilottltiK * . Huslings is on the beet root to pros perity. Lincoln promises in lime lo bocomt the Waterbury of the west. The court rules ami the government o Lincoln still lives in jail. The Lincoln councilmen are stuck 01 Omaha hospitality , and threaten to settle tlo in the metropolis permanently. A local reporter , filled with jail ba : enthusiasm , remarked that the con demned of Lincoln were the salt of tin earth because they were always dry. The changes in the B. & M. train next week will give Schuyler pcoph first class facilities for reaching Omaha starting at G a. in. and returning at 1 p. m. The Sqhuylor fleluld reports that tin "Overland Flyer" is a goose with clippci wings. It arrives there in a majority o instances from ono to three hours late und if any more changes are'miido i will rcuch town next day. Dodge county's shoritf , with a loud o sour mash aboard , attempted to brusl the beak of Johnny Boyle in a saloon Johnny proved to be a first class ham painter and diel the sheriff a tasly job The official is drying up in jail. The city of Holdrege is just brcaklnj the shell of her infancy , nnd threaten : to unfold a tale of future greatness tha will shock the liveliest imagination Four railroads arc yolked to her des liny , und figuratively determined t plant her second on the list of slat towns. The Schuyler Herald notes tha "Armour bus his immense pnckiiif house at South Omaha in ruuniiij order. The numerous packing eslab lislnncnts ut that place makes il ono o Iho very best live markets in the went orn alales. A good murkol so close a homo . is worth hundreds of thousand of dollars to the slock raisers of thi state. " BobEdmunson , of Harvard , tumblci out of his wagon and died Tuesday III life ho was ovorwholmei with liquor and poverty am died in the arms of both. An olt settler of Ony county , once well-to-elo his appetite run to rum in till grade and colors , and every energy and della wore squeezed to satisfy it. Having ccured all his moans , the saloon moi purchased a lot und planted the last o their old patron. Iowa Items. Stic City has organized an improve incut association. Corn In Washington county average fifty bushels to the acre. Iowa City has a young men's busines club to pound life into the mossbacks. , Major Whittle , of Chicago , is whit tling the hosts of darkness in Kookuls Sioux City bus orgnnized a modes little "trust" with $25,000 to loun ut 1 per cent. Low grade coal for munufucturin ) purposes is landed in Burlington for C cents a ton. Three traveling mon nt DCS Maine were fined for gambling and drinking beer in a private room at a hotel in thu city Monday. A ; "baby convention" is the lates social freak of Dubuque upportendom The display of cherubs ia limited , bu of linen and lace there are miles. The notorious Pierce , Potts and otho prohibition spies and constables in Do Moines are now before the grand jur ' on the charge of accepting bribes t' overlook the methods of certain whisk men and raid others. DCS Moines hotel keepers report bus ! ness exceedingly dull and Iho prospec gloomy. A leading manager says "tha prohibition nnd the inter-state law havi Knocked the life out of Iowa hotels am reduced most of thorn to a point whcr they are constantly losing money. " Dakota. DeSmel has a now hotel. The land olllco at Aberdeen took ii 81,059 lust week. Huron goes into winter quarters will a population of Ht.OOO and a 350,000 hotel Three railroads are surveyed to Dead wood and asking for right of wu1 through the gulch. A new and inexpensive mode of treat ing tin ore in the mountains near Cus tor City has been found , and u compnn , has b.een formed to work it. The ahlorninnio proportions ot th duels of Aberdeen tire modeled after i mammoth pumpkin on exhibition there Its waistband measures five feet. G. W. Lewis , a brnkeman on the Fremont mont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road fell from an engine at Rapid City Mon day evening and broke Ills leg. Cuss county has $30,000 illegally col Icctcd taxes from the railroads that mua bo returned this year. She ul&o lose 820,000 saloon licenses. The extra la ; levy is only $12MH ( ) , which leaves a do licit of $ M,000 for the current year : Colorado. There are 0.500 children attcudini ' . ' ' * ' ' - the public se-hools of the state , nn in crease of 2,500 over last year , A Pittuburg syndicate proposes to bore for natural gas in Denver. Surface in dications are uncommonly strong. The contract tobttild the state capital in Denver bus been practically abandoned by Contractor Richardson'an imported Iloosler. He has boon paid $ ! M ) , ( > 00 for work done. The contract price is ono oven dollar lens than a million. Charles T. Snyder , a Denver real estate man , added religion to his busi- ncss.methoels , and is now hopelessly In- ano. Ho bolluvesthat the devil wont out of him when he was converted , and bankruptcy , financial and mental , promptly followed. A now coal field is reported on the Cheyenne line of the Burlington road , fifty miles from Sterling. The find in said to bo fifty miles square. There seems to bo two veins , ono fifteen feet below the surface two and a half feet thick ; the other \ $ thirty-throe feet down and three feet in thickness. The coal is said to bo of excellent quality nnd burns us well us Rook Springs 01 Canon City coal. There are . " 10 licensed saloons in Denver. They are divided inio throe grades. Ten rank ilrst grade nnd pay $ MM ) a year , opotr day and night ; thirty- five in the second grade. $500 a year , and open from 6 a. m. till U a. in. ; lil5 ( in the third , .WOO , und open from 5 a. m. till midnight. The total revenue from this source is $103,000 a year. Their average dully business is estimated at Sl.'l.lUO or $ ,781r)00 , per annum. MATlUMOXIAfr. Murriiigc ofMlnH Sophie Cooku to Mr. A W. Kins-iimn. The innrriiipo ceremony of Miss Soplilo Coolto to Mr. A. W. Klnsmun.wassok'innlrcel at the residence of thu biido's mother lit No. 1'JT South Twcnty-llfth avenue , at fi:30 : o'clock. The guests wore received by Mrs. Dr. Purler , Mrs. .1. C. Whlnnery , Mrs. Clinvles Coleman mid Miss Kittle Kuhii. Prof. Dwoiv.ak fnrni.slieil the music * . The coioniony was parfoinicd by Dunn Giirdnor , of Trinity cutlmdr.il. The bridu wore a ihess of white corded sill ; en train , pearls anil flowers , mill was -ivon away by Dr. Kuhn. Messrs. Norman Kulni and It. F. Simpson acted as ushe-is. The ile.in was Ilrst es corted to his place by the ushers , who returned - turned ami met the brulnl party nt the fool of the stairs , with Mr. .1. Douglas , host man , nnd Miss Coolie , who led the way to the front parlor , doscl.\ followed by Mr. Kinsman , Mrs. Coolto uni ! Dr. Kuhn , who eseortuil the bride. The ror cinony was very Impressive , nntl was wit nessed by n host of intimate friends. Aftei hearty congratulations ) , the bridal nm ty nml friends repaired to the dlnlnff room , when an elaborate collation was served. The briile was the recipient of a larfro number of valu able presents , as tokens of the high cstceii In whteh Miss Cooke is held by her miuij friends. Mr. and Mrs. Kinsman left on the Stfil train for a southern trip , nnd will malc < Omaha their home when they return In thi pi ing. Mr. Kiiism.m is connected with tin Bancroft's law publishing house of Sai Francisco. lie is a young man of sterling business qiullticsnnd n K\vt\l \ fnvifrito nmonj those who have had the pleasure of his ae inmintancc In this rlty. There was present from Phllatlclptih James Kinsuinii , nnd from Lincoln , Neb. John E. Douglas , both relatives of the groom : nlso Dr. nml Mrs. 10. Stone , Miss HtittcHiehl , Mr. uml Mrs. Ailolph Meyer , Airs. A. Fuller , Miss Emily Fuller , Mr. nnd Mrs. John Howard - ard , Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Fuller , Mr. and Mrs. A , P. Wood , Miss Wood , Mr. nntl Mrs. F. Col pother , Miss F. Metcnlf , Mrs. Duttons , Mr , nnd Mrs. Lewis Mcndullsoliu , Dr. and Mis , A. Parker , Mr. uml Mrs. E. .lamieson , Mr , and Mrs. F. Troxcll. Mr. mid Mrs. J. Wnke Held , Mr. und Mrs. J. Vnn Nostraml , Dr. ami Mrs. Kuhn , Miss Kittio Kuhn , Mr. Normni A. Kuhn , Miss Maggie Boulter , Miss Georgit Boulter , Mr. nnd Mis. Wool worth , Miss Minnie Woolwortli , Mrs Clarkson. Mr. uml Mrs. F. Davis , Mr. am Mrs. G. Poor , Mrs. Chninbcrhiin , Mr. nm Mrs. Gaylord , Bishop Wortliingtou , Mis : Worthiugton , Mrs. Collins , Dr. uml Mrn Dohorty. Mrs. Windsor , Colonel nnd Mrs Dickey , Miss Belle Dickey , Mr. H. Jordnn Mr. nnd Mrs. T. Creigh.Mr. and C. Colcmnn Mrs. Nicholas , Mrs. Wituiorc , Mr. anil Mrs Clayton , Mr. nnd Mrs. N. Shelton , Mr. am Mrs. Nixon , Mrs. Meredith , Dr. and Mrs Dcnlsc , Dean nnd Mis. Gardner , Mrs. Ham moml , Mr. and Mrs. Philo Corning , Dr. am Mrs. Oscar Hoffman , Mr. and Airs. AVhity horn , Air. nnd Airs. J. Dcntly , Air. nnd Mrs Comnns , Dr. nnd Mrs. Whinnery , Dr. Kwiui Brown , Mrs. C. Martin , Alr.T. IJ. WiMo.Mr V. L. McCoy , Mr. C. Loouiis , Air. G. O. Orr Mr. D. M. Juy. The Lincoln .1ml Birds. The impi Isoned city fathers from Lincoh are still in the best of spirits. The gre.it ma jority of them went down town yestonlnj for it-creation nnd returned shortly befon noon. Several letters accompanied by gift' of "wet goods" were received nnd Air. Wai Alnson , the Lincoln Journal correspondent gave each alderinnn a sitting nnd the po traits produced by him grace the wull. Each one is represented as being t-lnd in Rtripci garments with a ponderous iron ball nttaeliet to his uuklo by mo.uis of ti massive chain. A1 yet they have heard nothing from Washing ton , but live in hopes tlint their attorney wil secure their release In time for them to at tcuel divine services nt homo next Sunday Among the visitors this morning wcro thi following- . H. Alillcr , Lincoln ; 1) . P Newcomer , Hhio Hill ; A. II. Ball , Lincoln A. H. Uowcn und J. Laird , of Hastings Charles Price , of Hlghmoro , Dak. , und nninj prominent eltueiis of Omaha. In the afternoon the prisoners were in formed through the medium of the Iiii : ; o the grunting of nJicarlng ot tlu-lr ea.se by tin United States supreme court , on the lath in stunt. Hut the announcement was lutuivee With but little unusunl demonstration. INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES Our oiliest child , now six years of age , whei an Infant al-c months old was uttat-keil with ! virulent , malignant skin dbe.isi * . All ordinal ) lenu-ilhM falling , wo called our family physician who attempted to uno it ; tout II spread with al mint Incredible rapidity , until tlm lowerportloi of the UUlii lolltm spenon , irom the middle ol his back ( low n to his knees , was ono solid rash ngly , painful , blotched , und malicious. We hail no lest at night , no peuco by day , 1'lnally , wt werendvlsid to try the CITTICDII i UKMFIIIIS The effect was simply mimellons. In thiot ot fourwtoksa tomnletp euro was \M ought , leav ing the llttlo lellow'H psrton as white uml luuUhy an though hu had never been attacked , In my opinion you valuable loineilles HI veil Ills llfo anil to day ho Is a Ktiong , healthy child , pel lectly well , no lepelltUmof tliu dlae.iso h.iv- ing ever occurud. oio ; „ i Att'y at Law nml IX-l'ros. Alt' ) ' , Ashlanil , O. llcferente : J. G. Welst , Ihugclst , Ashlaml , O. THOUSANDS OK CJill-DItKN Are born Into the world every tiny with pome ecztinatoiu ulTectlon , Hiith n milk crust , bcall head , scurf , or dandruff , smo to develop Into an Huonlzlng eczema , the itching , limning and ills- llKUiatlon of Hhiili makit llteapioluiu'ed toi- turo unless properly tivated. A warm bitth with CiiilOl'uA SOAP , nn iixiinls- ite Skin lleanllller. nml a single nppllialioii of Cimuuiu. thu ( Heat SWu ( 'me. with ii llttlo CUTICUIIA III SOI.VI.NT. : the Now Wood i'liill t-r , nro often Milllili-iit to aiitfst the piOKioib ot tlm illseabe , and point to a speedy aud permanent C"l1e'ncfl , no mother who loves her children. who takes pi Ide. In thulr beaulj ; . purity iiiid health , nml In bestowing upon them u clilltl M greatest Inlioillitnce.-a skin without a bloiiiU i. mid a body unurlslittl toy pure blood.-Biioilld fall to nuku trUl of the L'UIH.UII.V HKSIMUKH. Hold every wlieio. Trice. CliTiCTiiA. KOo. ; Ko U- . 2'.c ; KI.SOI.VKM. * l IVi-jMiPtl toy tlm 1'om.it Jjiii'ti AM > niiuii-Ai. : CD , llosum. .Mass. t < r.send fur "How to C'lllo hkln Diseases , " Gl pages , W Illustiatlons , and JO ) testlmoulals. _ f klnand Hcalp pit'seivtid and beantl- tied by Uinium v M HOrV MY SIDE ACHESI Aching Sides and IlacV , II'p ' , Kidney olid I'lerlnu I'alns , llhqumallc , Kdatlc , Neunilulc , Fliuip Knd bhootllig I'aliiH , , . . .JUhl.lKll'llltiOMi MIMHK by thU ( JHTI- CBIMMir. . .u 1'i.ii.i-Kii. The ilrst aud only it ; plaster. 19 ceuts. 11 * General Olntci-fiinco til Oinalut Lant It * Orlulu Purely Aiuct-loan What | Omulin People Unit to Ilo I | Tliatiknil Tor , I ThmiK < glvlnp ilny lint come and gone , lu IflM. on the IMth day of December , thu Pilgrim 1'athers landetl hi Ainerlea , and Immediately -el iHlile n d.iy to too obseneil In geneial Tlmnk gl.liig anil fnstinir. Thnnki'glvlng tlnv has since become n general holiday In the United tttutiM , It toeing nppolnletl lint by the jirc liU < ut tov prorl.imntlou after which Hie go\ernors of the soveinl stnte also Nsno their prurJamntUin to their own eonstltnenev. The people of Nc- liiaska had plenty to bo thankful for ; the crops during the j ear have been plenty unit fruitful ; llo epidemic has ileMistulcd the Mates nnd no j-eiIons accidents lu\o marred thotecord of the je\r. Among the many people of tlmnlmnono had moro cause to lie thankful nn th.it day than the family of Ml. Wlgg-t. residing at the corner of Twenty-eighth nml llnrdetto HtreeM. ljut .Inly Illanchc , n little ll\e-year-old clnuglitur of Mr. Wlggs , was tiikiu sltk with xcnrlet fever. Mie rcroM'icil fitim the disease , tout In u few days afUer nn nlscess formetl on her neck under tlm light ear , n t lironlc abscess that was contin ual ! vitl i hat glng pus. ChiolilcnlHcessnlipenrs under Mirloustlesfgti.itloiis , such UH cold , .scro fulous or tnbeii'Ulou.s abscess. It Is one that Ji Mlo\v In Its progress. Jlr. Wlggx , in talking to the reporter about the case , suld ; "Tho ube-ess In this ease was the icsnlt of the scarlet fever , clnonlcnbcessoften following such lowfouns of disease. 'Iho dlsfhaige was the mo t piofuso nt night , often Hntutatlng the toindiiges wo would put on It. Wodoctoied for it fiom .Inly until Hcptemtoor , nnd It was continually grow ing woise , nnd we became seriously nlumiod. I then noticed the advertisements of li ) . McCoy and Henry , and told my wife she hud better take Ilium ho nnd go see them. She tlld nnd In one month they had her well , as jou see theie Is nothing left of It tout a Might HI ar that w 111 soon toe none also. " Mr. Wlggs tailed ton bright and pretty llttlo glil who was playing with her llttlo In-other and showed the lepoiter that her > w ay t s well as eer it w as , 11IAM-IIK WII1O1. Mr Wlues re-ldoi nt the corner of Twenty- eighth and llurdctto stieels. and will loiiobor- ate the nbo\e to any one doubting It. owlriws dfctitanli nml clntmlc throat nml luno fiimlitcii , dinn / time cases J' ) ) r cent had betn tlcclaitd and uunuiincn ! inciuablt. " CATARRH DESCRIBED. ' 1 ho Symptoms AlteiieliiiK that Dlsenso AVhiuh Ijputlx to CoiiHiiniptiun. Whim calnnh 1ms oxlstfd In the honil ami tha njiji'-r iHittof the tluont lor uny length of time tlic imllt-nt living In u dNttlctln > in thu pco- pli1 aic subject to ratairlml utrectloii - uml tlio illsi'iiw has lit-on left nnnireil , the catarrh In. vnrllily , hnmutinu * * lo\\ly , extends tlo\ni the wliiilpipti nuil Into thu bronchial tulio * , uhlch tnlit'scoincrtlipalrlntothoilin'cipntjittrtsoftlio lungi. Th tiibeH 1 ormu nirciU-il fiom thu swellIng - Ing nml the mucous iirlslnK fiom cntnrrli , nml , lu KOino liihtuncf s , becomes iilnxgcil up so tlmt the air cannot gel In as freely ns it should. Slicu-tnesH of breath follow s. nml the patient breathes with Inl or ami illlllcnlty. In cither case there Is a Houml of craoXHtifr amiheezliiK insult * the chest. At this singe ot the tlhca'-e the liieatlilngls u unlly moro nijilil than when In health. The patJcnt has nl.M ) not Hushes nver thu body. ThupiiluMlikli mrimipanlos tills condition Is of atlnll character , felt lathe tluat. behind the bieast iMJiiuiir undeillm Hhnnlder bUilt * . Tint iii'ln may eoniu and go- lust n fe.\ * . tl.iys and then ho absent fur su\eral others. 'I he eonRli that occurs iu the llr-l stngct of hitmthlal ruturrli in dry , umios on ut InteivaK hacking in clmiactcr , and Is usually most troublesome In the morning on arising , or going to bed at night , ami It may be In the Ilrst evidence of the disease cxtomllng Into the lungs. Sometimes there are fits of roughing induced toy the tough mucus M > violent us to i-anio rinu * lung. Later on the niiicns that is lalsetl H found to contain small p utlcles of vi'llow mat ter , which luillrutoi that the mnall tubes lira now allfUi'il. With this thcie tuo often Htre iks of blood niKedwltli the mucus. InsomocnseH thopHtlont bfomnesery pnlo , has fever , and expectoiatoi Iitifoiu any tough appear.s. In fomo cases .small IUII > > MM of cheesy aub- fitnuci ! aio spit up , which , wlicn pressed between tint llncers , emit a bad otlor. In other cases par ticles of a haul , chalky nutnro aio spit up. The nils-ingot cheesy or chalk ) lumps Indicates HOi - i ImiH mischief atunk In the lungs- . In Koran cases tutaiiU will extend Into the lungs Ina fo - weeks ; In other caso-t It may bo mouth * * , nml even innrx , befino the dlsna < ORt- talks the Innus Milllclently to cause t-ei Ions In tel fctciiue with Uin geneial health. When the tllseaso lias developed to such a point the pa tient is haltl to haxo lataiilml consumption. With bromhl.il tatairh them H mine or lews fever \\lilchdlllerH with the tllllVrent parts of the day- slight in tlm moinlng , higher in the af tviuoou iiml uonlng. . _ SNEEZINTCATARRH. ( What It Means , How It Acts , anil \Vnt | It Is. You Miecyov. lion you get up In the moinlng , youtry toBiieo/oyoiir nose elf t < \ cry I line you itrn exposed to thti least dintt of air. Von Imvo n. fullness over thu fiout of the forehead , ami the nose ttiels as It lltero was a plug In e.icli nos- till. which jon cannot ilModge. \ on blow your nose until . Mini- eui.stiaek , but It don't doiiiiy Kooil. and the only iisult Is th.it yon biictoi-il lu ( ettlniiilpn veiy red nose , und .Mill HO lirltntit tinllnlm , ' membiaiio of that oigun Hint yon am unable to bi eathe tliumxh It at all. 'Ihls Is a lonert and not oveulr.iwn pictnreof acute at tack of catanh , or "sneezing C.itnrrh , " us Ills "NOW. wlmt does this condition Indicate ? I'lrnt n cold that causes mm us to p pouu-il out by the glumlx In the nose ; then those diseased glands ait * attacked by HW aims of little m-rins the cutanli germ-that llo.it In the air inn lo- nillty wheiethn illheaso Ispieviilent. Ilii-so an- liimlcuhf. In their itlloits to llnd a lodgment. Inlluti ) tlm HtinsltlMi meinbiaiiie lining of the iio-n ami nntiirt * nndeilakes to iltl heiselt ot thrill to ) plodllclllltll lit of Hliee/lllg. When thf nose becomes tilled with Ihlckeneil dlM-ased imicns the imtui.il i h.iniith tor tlm la- tro'lnclion of air Into tlm InngK Is liit ifered with , and tlm PCI will MI ai | ] > ited miiHtbrettlm thiounh Iho mouth , ini'l bmich means tin ) thro.it beciinieap.il i hfd and tin. Mini lug H pro duced , nml the talarihiil disease gains , icady acteto ! iho tlaoiit and Inuijs. DOCTOR J , CRESAP IfCOY , Lullof ISrllnno Hospital , X. V. , AND DOCTOR COSMBUS HENRY , Have Olllcea 310-311 RANGE BUILDING , Coruur Ifitti anil Hnrni-y Mreots , Oinnhii , Nulirnska. Where nil ciirablij casoi nro ( rented with ( iiic. less. MedliultllSe.isen treated hUlltnlly. Uin- mnmillon , Ilright's DlM-asu , IM.t"U . > | , Hhmi. inullMii. uml all NKiiMifh Initi.hs. ; AlltlU- t asm peculiar to thobcxca n specialty. U ITAIIIIII Co.-sHi'i.TATiov toy mall or at olllco , } 1 , ( Jlllt'o llonrs iitu 11 a , in ; "tu4p.m ; itoup. m. Huntlny included. rorresnimdencu recel\es iiromnt fittentlon. Mnii ) diseases- are treated Biitcessfiilly liy llrs. .McCoy and Henry through thu mallx , mid It Is tlm-i iio-islblt ) tor thosii unable to makti n jour ney to obtain successful hospital treatment ut their homes. , . . . No letteis answered unless accompanied by ll JettorH to Jrs. ) McCoy & Henry , Itoomi .110 and till Uufnuu Uullulutf , OiUkU * Nebraska. - . - . - : . . - ' . ' . - i. . . - .