Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1887, Image 3

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CnicJkiJo , Dec. " - [ Special Tclt'Kriun to
the Hr.K.1 Wheat values were easier this
uiornltitf without any apparent icaion why
they should bo so , except that very ninny of
the local crowd had It ( or sale mid there wcro
not many IniyliiK orders IntM. \ \ . The Mny
option opened ut Sljfc , Just when ) It clo ed
yesterday , mid full steadily to W.V < ? . Corn
opened MronK , ncllvo and higher , May Hrst
nellltiK at MVo , but the prleo brought
mil qultu free olTertriKt mid values iciu'tedu
little , goliif ? oil within llftecn minutes to
1'rovlslotiR wen ) substantially UH'
from yesterday's closing. Corn
dropped baek to MYc for May , hut mibso-
ijucntly took on decided otrutiKth and ad
vanced toM-Vwllh pretty much all the local
rrowd buying It on the strength of light ro-
eclptH and had weather. Whcntnlnniidvanced
to fiY J for May. ThlngH dropped along In u
fairly" steady way between the opening hour
mid 10 o'clock when , IIH Indicated , they began
to get stronger and the. market fooled
around STi c , but not nnv of the big
local bounce seemed to be specially
interested further than many of them
had buying orders from country points
and were Interested in helping values to firm
because of stop orders to sell at a curtain
price. Kiom the time named until noon the
market was on a steady bulge until It readied
tiio. Then it dropped baek ' 4'c again , took on
strength and walked up to to 'A"NlU/c. (
Hy tljis time it became perfectly
clear that the "country" controlled
things , that they were buying one minute and
helling stuff right baek to local scalpers the
next ( nl u prolit to the seller ) , ami that tin )
Chicago expert was very quietlybeingmilked
for all the tluid ho would give down.
Clllf'Atio , Dee. 2. [ Special Telegram to
the HKM.I CATTI.I : Trade was aetivo and
pi-lees steady on desirable stock. The mar
ket closed yesterday with a largo number of
plain and common cattle in the pens unsold ,
so that notwithslandliigtho short supply to
day , there was plenty of undesirable natives
and the demand limited. Taken altogether
there was little Or no change and no possible
chance of an improvement so long as we may
receive iiO.lMX ) to HO.WO head n week.
] 'rices look very low. Fancy ,
$ n.2.Vrifi.7fi ; shipping steers , 1.V ! ! ) to
1WM ) "Ibs , ? . | , ( Kn ) ( : ( : ! ( ) ( to l.'CM ) Ibs ,
SH.irifiJI.'i ; USD to ILMd Ibs , W.'Ji&i.'l.l ! ) . Stockers -
ers aifd feeders , $ .1.75ii.KI ( : ( ; cows , bulls and
mixed , * l. Hii2.MI ; bulk. t-lii.Viri..Ti. - Texas
steers , * 2.2. " > 0' ! ! IK' ' ! cows , Sl.'oCjiii.'O ; natives
and half-bi-eeds , $2.Sliit.S" ) ( : > .
lions Trade was briskand n nickel higher
and in smnc cases ll'o ' higher during the
boom In the morning. Host heavy made
} VKii ( , packers tfl1iif ) ! ( > .fiO and common
? "i.liiiFt.'M. ( ( Light soils were scarce and lOc.
higher , some prime lots making $ > " > " > ; 1'lgs ' ,
Niw : YORK , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram
to the Hir. . ] STOCKS The resignation of
flrevy was expected to have n depressing ef
fect on securities , but those who sold stock
when the repoit came out wished they had
not. London was not affected by the resig
nation , prices there being llrm and buying
orders were sent to Nuxv York , for Heading ,
.St. Paul and Union I'ncllle , which arc favor
ites. The heavy buying for foreigners wit
resisted to a moderate extent by the bears ,
who sold considerable stocks and Incrc'iisei :
the short interest. Koom traders who had r
prolit in yesterday's purchases took them.
Sensational news was more abundant. Ai
indefinite rumor regarding the standing of a
financial institution in Chicngo was circu
lated , but us a dilligcnt hunt fulled to locate
it , no confidence can be placed in it and it can
bo set down as the idle gossip of wreckers
The latter also predicted n money panic toi
Chicago. Hates are llrm , It is true. In the
agricultural region of the west money is 111 ®
15 per cent , but this is nothing unusual , as
that rate has been paid by borrowers for sev
eral years. The banks here have raised their
rates within the past week , but none claim to
bo asking over 8 per cent but are drawing
their discount lines closely. With a good
mercantile ] trade and satisfactory collections
and with stocks In the hands of merchants
smaller than at this season in former years ,
it Is Impossible to see what is to bring about
n panic. The market opened strong at ad
vances extending to % per cent. The heavi
est purchasers were the foreign houses. Pro
fessionals endeavored to resist the rising tide
by offering stocks sparingly , but It was a fail
ure. The market went up all the forenoon ,
although sonic short-walstcd bulls sold in
order to take in their profits. The general
temper of the room was conservatively
bullish. The foreign advices induced the
cliques to buy with confidence. The in
crease of the Union Pacific's net earnings for
October was $2110,000. It was reported that a
strong bull pool had been formed in Union
Pacille mid it was believed that the incoming
congress would bo on the bull sido. The ad
vance to ! i7@57Jf was rapid and strong. Lon
don bought that stock as well as St. Paul ,
Lake Shore and Louisville & Nashville. The
ofllcial announcement of Orevy's resignation
helped all the foreign markets. The only
trouble with the New York market was want
of snap nnd light transactions. The weak
stock to-day was Hlchmond Terminal at 2.1 '
(22 ( , " > Jf. London shows a big advance on
Americans , extending to } @ 1 per cent on
those stocks usually quoted , though the ex
treme figures of the day were not supported
to the close in all cases. The total sales weio i
Govr.uxMKX'M Government bonds' were
dull but steady.
usiiiti : > o's quoTvnovs.
IT. S. 4srcglvt-riMl ( r.4 JIJ. ( .V N.V 110
U. S. 4 * coupon. . . Wilt I doprefi'i-ii-il Ml
If.H. 4'tsrrglstrd ' 1U7 > , .O. V. O ItlT.'i
U. S 4ljs coupon. ,1IV ( , < ) . H. N Nti *
1'adtlc ( Is of 'li- , . . . .1111 O. T . . . . a ) ; .
Canada Southern Mall .7.1
( Vnlitil I'liolMo .
' '
Chicago .VAltoii. Ijl'i | l'iillmnn l'iil'act'Car'iW'8 : ;
U. , II..VQ
' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' '
1) ) . . I , . , V XV 'ifll .Hook IbluntV''Jlll
D..VU.U . i.1't ' st. i. . .vs. K : nu
Krlo . . . , . -.I I doiiivfeiivd . . . 724
iloplrtViUMl . . ISI'-J il' . . At. \ St. Paul. . 7.1' ' ,
Illinois ( Vntuil. . . . IliHt ! dopiefVm'd 1121 ;
] . . II..VW I St. I' . \ I ) . Jfi" ;
K..VT is .107
l.nkoShoiu IH'iToMis I'nclllc. . .
] . . A : N . . . . Ill rniiml'iicillc. . . . Cent ml W. , St. I. . \ 1'
Missouri I'liclllr . . f I do preforivd . . . .
.Missouri 1'uoillc : ' , \V. U , TcL-ernpli. . .
do prefer ! rd . . 1
Moxr.v On call , easy at Ifff.'iK per cent ,
List loan 4 , closed offered at H per cent.
PIUVK MGIIC\NTII.I : P.U'Ki : ( Xif $ ' ; icr
STKIII.ISO KxciHNfin Dull out steady nt
ft.SlU for ill ) ilay bills , and O4 > for de
Chicago , Dec. , ' . - - Followhitfttvo the 2 : ! ! (
closing prices : *
Flour Firm ; holders asking nn advance
of ftOflOo over former prices ; winter wtieat ,
. . IHM- bid ; spring wheat. fl.r > 0i ( <
J.MIper bbl ; rye. W,7r > ( .UI.OO IH.T bbt ; bueli
wheat , fS.50 < a . 'ja per bbl.
\VlHMt Active ; action of market generally
was a stirprlsu to operators , It opened a'l
about yes'orda.v's close , llucUmted andcloseO
XL higher ; cash , 7S'e ; .lauuary , 7 > > "fe , May ,
- . .
Corn Another day of excitement and
strongt'v feollng witnessed m this market :
op.-ned nervous and unsettled at ? „ ( < ' 4n ovei
Aestcrdav'h elosiii } . ' , advanced slighi
llr.ctuatlonh and clix-'U imOI'4C uUivo yes
teiiUiy ; CHsh , 4''a ' ' ; Jat v ry , W o ; M v
Oat * Active and Iniluenccd by hunyanrj
of other inarkuts as coniiaicd | with jester
day's I'lofo prices weie ly ij c higher ; Jiviu
ury , ! Jc , February , SV'jjc , May , S3P. .
HyaFirm at 5Sc.
11 irley Nominal nt "Co.
Pilmo Timothy-- f2.aOQS.31.
Fhu needI.3&
Pork Active and unseltloiV , Juuintr :
4ll.Wtf. ) . .
Lard Fairly active ami unsettled ; ciifh
t .87K ; January , 17 45 ; May , 17,65.
Pry Suited Meats -Sfc
short clear , ( s.n.X'lS.10 ; < short ribs , 17.0S'A
forhiiuar.\ ,
Hufter ( Julct ; creamery , 23iii')0o ) ; dairy ,
ii'Jfn U.V.
C'hee e Unchanged ; full rrenm cheddars ,
lldfll'jcj ' Hats , ll C'ill.'ve ; young America" ,
1 ! } ' ( ' ( ISi' .
Kggsrnehanged ; fresh , SUf.iQ : ) . ' .
Hides ITiichntigfd ; green hlde , CKh'nvy ;
gieen Milted , Ii 4if7ci light , do , 7e ; suited
mill , fi'ji't green do , I' e ; green milled calf ,
Hn-sUi'i dry Hint , \ ( , tiic ; ; dry ialf ; , l' . ' ( < tic : ) ;
deiicons , ! ) ( eaeli ; dry salted , I Do.
Tallow-Unchanged ; No. 1 country , nj 'c ;
No , S , . ' 1'i ' 'i c.llies , 4e.
Heceliits. Shliments. |
Flour , bbls III.IMKI 44 IKJtl
Wheat , bu 4siiKI , | lf.OiH )
Corn , hu III.IKK ) MI.IKKI
Oats , hu IKHM ) ( ) II | , ( H )
Hve , till ! i,0K , ( ) t.IKH )
Hurley , bu tKl.UXl 2"HH ( )
Mllwaiiki'i- . S. Wheat Irregular ;
cash , 7V ( ; .lanuary. TiPfc ; May , SU o.
Corn Higher ; No. it , IHc.
Oats--Stninger ; No.- white , ! WJ.'e.
Hye Advancing ; No. 1 , .W.
Harley-Huoyant ; No. i ! , 7'4'J'e. '
Provisions Firmer ; pork , December ,
$ ll.7ilj ( ! 15.00.
SI. LoiilN , Dec. 2. Wheat Higher ;
cash , rS'fn7b fe ; May , HiXc.
Corn Higher ; cash , 47Jtfi4Se. ( ( ; May , f.0 c.
Outs-Higher ; cash , IllJ e ; May , USe.
Pork * U.7r .
Cincinnati , Dec. 2. Wheat Strong
and higher ; No , 2 red,8.V/7Sle. )
Corn Stronger and higher : No. 2 , mixed ,
< " > c. '
Oats Strong and higher ; No. 2 mixed , 'M
< ViiWe. : :
liye Strong ; No. 2 , (1-ie ( ,
I'rovisions Pork , quiet , held$15,00 ; lard ,
llrm at7.IO.
Whisky Firm at f 1.0,1.
Hutter Firm ; creamery , 24@2Se ; dairy ,
1 < /'Ic.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Lower ; De
cember , 7V , nominal ; January , MHi' ) ; May ,
Nl'jC. ' Corn Weak ; December C < cJammry ; ,
May , .Kl.'fc'e. ' O.its Dull and lower ; May ,
: Xf.
New York , Dee. 2. Wheat Kceelpts.
7fiKK ( ) bu ; exports , 7itlH : : ) biiLoptions opened
a shade loweraftonvaidsadvanced l Cifl'ijC ,
closing , however , weaker with reaction of
'ijlidc ; spot lots lijO'iSiC ' better , but trading
quiet ; ungraded red , 87'Zli.V.j'c ' ( ; No. 1 red ,
nominal at'.Kl c ; No , 2 red , ! iO',6iliOlje ' in
elevator , Ul tilUJjc delivered ; January
closed at l'0 ' ! < c.
Corn-Hecelpts , 10,000 ; exports , W,100 ;
spot I,0i2 ge higher and active ; spot trad
ing light ; ungraded , HSOdKl i' ; No. ' * ,
CiOe ; No. 2 , lUC'/ii'J'fi'in store ; OIKaiill'd deliv-
eied ; January closed atlW e.
Oats Kecelpts , Ils.OOO ; exports , lUi ;
active , ; , ( ( / higher ; mixed western , i)7C"J )
It'.lc ; wlilto western , : iDC" I''u.
Coffee Spot , lair ; Ulo llrm at $17.71 ; options
20it ( Uc ) points higher and fairly active ; sales ,
12.1,000 , bags ; December , $ ir > .0.1t 'l.ri.5 : ! ; Janu-
arv , $ ll.iOCitli1.1.1 ! ; February , Ml.tKlfiJiri.lO ;
March , SI .S > 0 ( 1.1.10 ; April , $ H.Miil5.10 (
I'etrolellln-Firm ; United , 7(5e. (
Kggs Firm , with fair demand ; western
20C < i 2.1e.
Pork Steady and moderately active ; mess
pork quoted utin.2.1Q.15.75 for jiew ; ilLW
for old.
Lard Opened a shade lower and later ad
vanced 14&U5 jioints higher and closed with
homo reaction ; western steam , spot , $7.7.
7.S7' < i.
Hutter Firm ; western , 14Qlccreamery ! ! ; ,
ll/ilc. ( :
Cheese Quiet and steady ; western , O'
11'- .
Xew OrionIIM , Dec. 2. Corn Strong
and higher ; mixed , Illlc ; white , ti.1c.
O.ils- Active and llrm with market higher ;
No. 2 , 2.1'iMOe.
Cornmeal Ocncrally active and higher
at W. 7.1.
Hog Products Ciood demand and prices
tending upward ; pork , $ lt.7.1.
Lard7.12 .
Hulk Meats Shouldeis , ? 1.37)4 ) ; long clear
and clear ribs , 7.i7J .
KaiisnH City , Dee. 2.-Wheat No. 2.
soft , May MH4C bid , hOJfe asked.
Corn Higher ; No. 2 , 4.'lo bidloc , asked :
January , Me ; May. 4Se.
Oats No. 2 , cash , 2sJ , < c hid , UOc asked.
MiiiiienpollH , Dee. 2. Wheat Opened
strong and ruled active and closed le higher :
in store : No. 1 hard , December , 7.1fe ; Janu
ary. 7i.1lc ( ; May , Ntc ; No. 1 northern. De
eemlier , 72e ; January , 7Ilc ; May , Sic ; No. 2
Ueceipts Wheat , 185,000 bu.
Shipments Wheat , r.5,000 bu ; Hour , 19,000
Union Stock YnrilM , Chicago , Dec. 2.
The Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle.Kcreipts,8,000 ; market firmfancy ; ,
fo.2.'iif.r.7fi ( ) ; shipiing steers , ? 2.7.- > @ . " ) .00miock
ers and feeders , $ l.-gi.X ( : ( ) : cows , bulls and
mixed$1.10i2.bO ; through Texas cattle , $1.75
( S.'UKI ; western ToxnnsJ.Miii.t ) ( : > . ' ) .
Hogs Ueceipts , illOut ) ; market active ;
heavv lOc higher ; light Ifi ( < i20cliighorinixed ; ,
$1 ! KM5.IO ) ; hcarv , * . " > . 15i.r ( .l 5 ; light , fJ.SO fl
: > . : to ; skips , si.MKgJ.70.
Sheep Heeeipts,7,000 ; market steady : iia-
tises , ? 2.7.r > ( < < 1.75 ; western , fiIKiiUijO ; ! ( ; Tcx-
ans2.23 ( < iC50 : ; lambs , fl.7r ( r > .GO.
National Stock Yards. East St.
IjouiH , Dee. 2. Cattle Ueccipts , 2,7IK ) ;
shipments , 100 ; market [ strong ; choice
heavj native steers , $4.10(35.00 ( ; fair to good
native steers , t. ! > 0 ( < et.40 ; butchers' grades.
$ .t.OOiiUHstoekers ( ! ) ; and feeders , fair to good
$1.70 ( ,2.yo ; rangers , common to prime , $2.25
'Hog-s Heceipts , G00 , : ! ; shipments , 400 ;
uetivo and higher ; choice heavy and butch
ers' selections , * 5.40@ri.tiO ; Yorkers and pack
ers , fair to choice , $ > .10gj.SO ( ; pigs , common
to good , $4CiO't.r ' > .10.
KannaH City , Dec. 2. Cattle UccciptH ,
4,000 ; shipments , none reported ; slow and
steady at Thursday's prices.
Hogs Heceipts 11,000 ; shipments , none
repoited ; firmer ; common tocclioicc , fl.75@
5.yO ; skips nnd pigs , $3.0.X4,00. ;
The receipts of cattle were light. The
market was steady during the entire day at
Thursday's prices. The bullc of the sales
were coru-firl natives , Swift being the heavi
est purchaser.
The receipts of hogs , wl.ilo not as heavy as
on Thursday , were liberal. The market
opened at the closing prices of the day previ
ous and continued steady for nn hour or so ,
when it became evident that buyers were in
clined to bo somewhat bearich. Salesmen
resisted and nearly every buyer left the
yards , .lust before noon another train load
was received , and from that time until the
oloso sales were lively at an advance of lOc.
One loud of hogb brought $5.25. Four lortds
were lelt over.
There were 110 sheep on the market yester
Olllolul Uccelpts.
Cattle Uiiil
Hogs 7,11.55
1're-viiillns 1'rlecn.
Showing the prprulling prices paid for live
stock on the markes-
Choice steers , lil'.Ki to 1500 Ibs fl. ) ( ? 4.r > 'j
Choice steers , tllK ) to i : xi Ibs 4,00 ( < iM.40
Fat little steers , 1HX ) toK < i ) Ibs. . . . H.-.X.tU.W
Corn-fed range f-tcors , 1200 to 1500 iMVi .W )
deed to cholcucorn-fed cows 2.2.i2.75 ( !
Common to medium cows 2.00 < ii2.2.'i
Good rnngo feeders S.iKHjtiMVi
Ciood native feeders , 000 Ibs and
upwards 2."i.72.S.'i ( ;
Fair to medium native feeders , 000
Ibs and upwards S/JTiffi 2.W )
Stockers , 400 to 71X1 Ibs 2.10 ( 2.M1
Prime fat sheep a..Vifit.SO
Fair to medium sheen 2.7.r > ( ai.OO :
Common sheep 2.lX ) ( > . > .2.'i
Light and medium hops 4.7004.flO
Good to choice heavy hogs 5.lOi > 5.20
Oooil to cholcomixed hogs 4t'5'i5.05 '
Ht'iirosiMilatlvo Suloo.
> vrivu srEins.
No. Av. Pr. No. AxPr. .
4S..1221 $4.1.- , ( H..1400 Jt.'J. !
45 . . .U7l ! 4.15 21..1107 4.25
C3. . . . 015 2.S3 1..JOOO 2.0'J
1. . . . WO 2.15 a.--li'lO 2.35
07. . . . tC ! ) J.25 '
.Oo'Vi' * .
13. . . . USi 2.10 .
. .
0 , . . . 4fil 0.00
IlLl.l.H ,
1..KOO 2.00
2..20.V ) ! 1 HI
ij..iu ) : 40 n.r : >
No. Av. Shk. Pr. No. Av. Shk. Pr.
X4..17MM \ l.o ; f.7..2 > 2 2M ) ft. 10
74..2rj ( I'JO 1.70 (14..iUK ( ! N ) 5.10
7H..HK ) 120 4.7,1 lli..2'i : < i 2X ( ( 5.10
81.US * Nl 4.1NI M..27M N ) 5.10
.vi. . . . : mi KW I..H ) M ) 5.10
M..2HI 4 111 7.2lil ( ) ISO 5.10
in . . .22s 40 4.W r4. . . . : u : tie 5.10
h2 . . .2iJ : 210 4.11,1 ( K1..2J1. ) 120 5.10
711..217 120 4..I1 ) . . . .S.-,7 ISO 5,10
I1.1..2.VI 40 4.H.1 > . . . .2i ! " : 2MI 5.10
77..2.1.1 a.'O 4.11.1 52..2V. ) Ml 5.10
71..210 200 4..l.1 72..2III H ) 5.10
i5..2 : 'Ml 4.1)5" ) 55..IUI 2 < H ) 5.10
1711 . . .242 240 4.1 ) 57.UU : UXI 5.10
M..2IH Nl 4..1 ! ) (17..2(11 ( ( 120 5.10
70.2.14 200 4.U5 57..27U MM S.1SK
74'.2.111 120 4.l,1 5I..IUJ4 ISO 5.12,4
.VI..2--I Nl 4.11.1 ltl.U)5 : ) 11X1 5.12 } , ;
4i. : . . . 2(11 ( IIW 500 57.1111 200 5.15
71..247 5.00 5S..M1 ! ) 240 5.15
. . . . : ( ) LNI 5.IX ) 5S..2V. ) 240 5.15
' . ' , . . . . - : 120 5.0 ( | IIS..2D7 ! I20 5.15
l l..275 240 5.IH ) 175..2'.KI 240 5.15
IV.I.'jtO ; USD 500 ! . . . . : Wl 5.15
. , . . ' . ' 120 5IKI 50.UI1 : UXI 5.15
70..2IW 40 5.00 ' ) . . . . : ! 120 5.15
1)7..2IS ) 120 5IH ) I11..2.SI 200 5.15
72..270 200 5.00 ( . . . .2I7 ! UXI 5.15
71..2:17 : 40 5.1X1 5S.125 . ' 1211 5.15
VI..2.15 Nl 5 ( HI 57.102 120 5.15
IKI..2M2 210 5.05 r 'J..2I.H 120 5.15
( W..270 210 5.0,1 41I..21IS N ) 5.1,1
152..270 KXI 5.0.1 I17..2.VJ 240 5.15
5.1. . . , : K ) 220 5.0.1 47.ti4 : : UXI 5.15
f ) . . . .27S 120 5.55 MeU ! : 2X ( ) 5.15
M . . .275 2IH ) 5.0.1 ( , ) . . . . : ( 11X1 5.15
ii..25ii ) : iixi 50.1 ni.i : : 120 5.20
02. . . . 2MJ 5.0.1 5 < . . . . ! 2tXI 5.20
5C..2H1 ) UXI 5.07K ( U. . . . : il W ) 5.20
55..2- 2X ( ) 5.10 IX1..275 40 5.20
J8..2fM 210 5.Ill fMt.lfJ ! ( 40 5.20
1I.LM.I ! ! N ) 5.10 110.'Ml 5.20
. . . . - . " . 2so 5.10 ; . . . , : ( u i 5.20
H2..2.S1 40 5.10 r.2.r.v. : 4 0 5.20
52.ill : 120 5.10 5.1..21IS 40 5.20
72..200 bO 5.10 51..aiO iltXI 5.20
( VI..2.1 ! ) 11(0 ( 5.10 5'.l..aiH 120 5.20
7a..277 UX ) 5.10 57..aid UXI 520
411. . . . : U 200 5.10 52..a-.M SO 520
5.1. . . . 2I 2H ( ) .1.10 4cJ..Ii7 ! ; 240 5.2.1
Iilvo Slouk Sold.
Showing the number of hi ad of stock sold
on the market yesterday :
CM n.i : .
Feeders OS
(1. H. Hammond ! I2
Swift & Co 22(1 (
Local Ill
Shippers I III
Harris ft Fisher 7
Total 511 }
llOli" .
T. Corliss ! M (
Anglo-American Packing Co aa
Armour it Cudah.v Packing Co 2,71:1 :
C ! . H. Hammond t Co tls-
J. P. Squhes &Co 711
Speculators 2111) )
Jones As Stiles 115
Total . 7,050
Cattle , 7 cars , H. I . Chicago
Hogs , 1 car , H. I . Chicago
Sheep , 4 ears , Mil . Chicago
Horses , 2 cars , Mil . Chicago
ol' Prices.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for hogs , on this market dm ing the past
seven days and on the corresponding days in
1&8.1 and IbMi.
Date. I Nov. Nov. 1SNI. Nov.
iilth. 4 IK ) Ccl 1C ) II 45 < 3i fi5 a -x > < ; \ no
With. 4 Wl Gf-1 0.1 il 4,1 ( if. ! IM a 'M dt40 \
Wth. Sunihiy. : i ivi dr.t in a 17'i6CI 17'xJ '
! Mll. 4 70 ffrt IK ) Sunday. a ina < ! r/ )
21th. 4 7.1 6 ( < ( JO . ' ) 1,1 ( . ' < Ml , i fxi < ? fi 70
IXitli. 4 7.1 6' > 10 a LI ) GI : no a m riti ) 70
1st. I 4 IK ) Cul in a 2 a . - . o/a / 75
Tnvc Slock Notet ) .
Hogs higher.
Cattle steady.
D. N. Wheeler , of Ponder , marketed a loail
ot llrst-class hogs.
Loeske & Kemp , of Columbus , sold a load
of heavy hogs at j.1.20.
S. U. Terry , of Wynore , brought in live
loads of cattle yesterday.
A. H. Kmerine , of Council Bluffs , sold a
load of hogs at a good figure.
A. J. Werner , of Malvern , la. , disposed of
three ear load of steers vcsterdhy.
H. W. Wyriek , of Hed Oak , In. , disposed of
a load of good hogs on the market yesterday.
L. Aken , of Clarinda , la , , came In with : i
load of heavy hogs , which were disposed of
at n good iigurc.
Cannon & Wagner , of Hampton , sold their
load of hogs at $5.2.1 , the very highest figure.
and are happy.
Produce , KruitH , Klc.
T/ic / / ioit'Jiiore / ( / the jn-lccK ut whMt
rnunil tutu of ) iriiilurc are mid on ( Ills nnir-
fcrt. Fruit * or other line * ufaooilK rcqutrlwj
extra liilmr of ) > iirMim cttimnt always lie
MilHillcd on < inl hlciir > lcr * attlie t > ainc } > rlvcs
qiuitctl the lufal trade.
Hi'TTUH Continues in good demand , witli
receiits | light and choice lines scarce. Cream
ery , solid packed , is quoted at 22@24c ; choice
dairy , Ilji21e ) ( ; medium , ItXglSc ; low grades ,
10 ( < U2e.
1'ticia Keeeipts light , demand good am
quotations linn at 222Uc ( ; seconds and cold
storage arc sometimes worked off le lower ,
but tins cannot be given as a quotation.
Cmisi : : : Steady at yesterday's prices ,
which are as follows : Fancy full cream Ched
dars , single , 12o ; lull cream twins , 12ftiic : ;
young Americas , lac ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in
case , Lie ; Limburger , 100 Ibs In case , llc. !
In less qualities , 14i'14 ( ! } < e ; Swiss domestic ,
POUI.TUV The market was quiet yester
day , with prices easy. Quotations given :
Live chickens , $1.75@2.00 per dozen ; choice
fowls , l.MS2.25 ) ( per dozen. Dressed chick
ens , lyfc'i : per pound. Turkeys , S@10c
Ducks , UKSlle. Geese , 10(7Sllc. (
C ! \MI : The receipts of game are heavy and
the demand fairly active , but prices for quail
lower. Prairie chickens , $4.00 ; mallard ducks ,
$2.25 ; quail , $1.40 ( < tl.75 ; teal and mixed ducks ,
* 1.50-il.7.1 ( ; snipe , $1.25 ; Jack rabbits , * S.50 < $
. ' 1.7.1 per do/en ; small rabbits , $1.25 per do/ ;
deer , ! C i8e ; antelope , " ( Ji'Je ; deer saddles , ilftg
lie , antelope. 12@llc.
POTATOKB Tlio market continues quiet ,
with little , if any , homo grown stock offered.
Utah and Colorado stock Is tinner at Ji.VVJ >
fl.tx ) , with choice home giown at G57Uc ( ;
common grades. 40 < Ji50e.
Hi : INS Are in Uglit supply and good de
mand. Good stock sells rapidly at ? 2.00 ( < ; fair to good , $ l.COul.bO ( , and California
beans ut$2.15S2.20. (
SWEET POTVTOKS Arc easy , witli quota
tions for all grades ranging from 2@23 e per
ONIONS -Tlio market is dull , with prices
for homo grown quoted steady at 75@ > 5e ;
Spanish onions , per 50-lb crate , $2.00 ,
OlsTF.iis Plain standard , 25o ; plain se
lects , ! ! 0e ; standard , SOu ; extra selects , 3.V ;
New York counts , 40o .Hulk oysters , counts ,
? 1.:15 : per 100 ; selects , f2.00 per gal ; standard ,
? ! . : per gal.
Tuns i p Fair to good stock sells at 40@
50e ; rutabagas , 50f (10e. (
CAUI.IFIXJWEH Good stock sells readily at
f2.X2.SO. (
CKI.KHV Choice celery , 35J4.1o ( per dozen ;
fancy , 45@50c ; extra line Salt Lake celery ,
f l.iCitgl.SO per dozen.
Ai'ri.Es The demand for good fruit Is fair.
Prices llrm. Eastern fruit , t.XKia.2.1 ( ; fair
to choice stock , fa.25Ma.50 ; fancy Jonathans ,
t'Kii KnvUT Choice , per bbl of 3 5 gal
fS.S.IOt'.t.OO ; } f bbl , 4.Mi5.00 ( ; SU.OO per
bbl of 50 gal.
HOXEI There Is a good demand for honey
In frames. Good choice honey In 1-lb-frames
finds a ready market at 21 22o ; canned
honey 10gC12o per Ib.
CiitNiiEJiuiEi The market Is active at nn
advance in prices. Hell , t Cherry , ! ) .50 ;
Hell .t Hugle , flO.50 ; Capo Cods , $11.00 ®
11.50. Good stock is fairly active ,
CIIIEII Choice Michigan cidm-fr < > ( HX20..V ) per
bbl. of ; t2 gul.
Qi isccv- Choice California quinces scarce
nt f2.00if2,25 ( per box. There are very few on
the market.
Poi-coHN Very scarce. Choieo rice finds
ready- sale at : iQa3'e nor Ib , witli some sales
reiKirtcd at 4e ; other Ulndt. , 2i2K'o ( per Ib.
OiuNiirs-'Louihiami fruits aio about out of
the market , with last quotations at$4.lXKa4.25
.per box. Florida fruit is easier ut 3.75 < < 4.00
per bnx.
LEMONS Messina lemons , f5.PO@SfiO ;
, 'Malaga ; ? 5.00 ; . extra fine Maori scarce lit
' W.IX O.50. ,
CJu.troitsiv Tin ITS I'cnrs , Si.'fi-nlUX ) , no-
( ( inline to qniillty ,
( litAi'r.t Thcrt ! nru very few on the mar-
ltd ; MiiliiKtiH , f4l.K ( ) pt-r Mil.
lt\\sv < The uiiirkct In wvll suppllijil t
the ftillnwliiK jirk't'tt ( 'lioli o buiiiiiiiiH , $ 'i.75
; innlltllil bllflic-s , fj.U M.IKIj fOMIIMWI ,
MPT * 111 fulr ili'iniiiul. 1'oainits , TofTV ,
nnv ; Hruzll nut1 * , l.V ; nltniiniN , TurriiKnnu ,
' "Jc ; KiiKlNh wiilnulN , I.WlSi-i Jllboi ts , 1UV.
A fDimlKiilni'iit nf Itiillnn I'lii'Mmitt H i-x
licctrtl to arrivi' , unJ iiiotctl | In iiilvancu at
about ITo.
OVIIIUIIRTlicui Is it-fair tU'iniiiiil fur cab.
banu at ( Kk ; | K'f do/on lir ? MX ) I'or ' liutitlnnl.
Callfonila fiibbnpiMvllI In ; on tlin iniitkot In
a tluv or two nntl can bp yiuitcd In lulvatifu at
' c
. '
llfiill'/i" ' broakfait
bui-iin , Id fiMlc : Imooii HUlt-H , 8 ; < ( n'.l'so ' ; ilry
salt , s'lOt ' 'i ! sliinililurs , HXO1 } ! ilrlwl bii'f
lianiH , lllvMliv.driril beuf re'iilar ( , U > , 'OilJiu ( ) ;
limns , pli'iilf , 2ldfi' .
C < iKrii-Ortlliiar.v : : Kratli-s , l0 ! < riWo ; fiilr ,
WIO'JIiprlnit ; ; , aiK'i-l'-fu ; fancy Ki-cun anil
yi'llow , iSl < &i5o ; old ( ovorniiH'iit .lava , 'J.S ( ( $
: ) c ; Interior .lava , 'JX"Moolui ! , 'JSOWilu ;
Arlmcklu'H roiiHti'd , vilj.o ; Mt'I.anjlillii'
XXXX , 'Jljfc ; IMlworth'H , 'Jl'fc ; Ht'.l . Cross ,
.Mfl ! .
HmioMs-Kxtra 4-tlo. . < ; No. 1 , fi.OO ;
No. a , $ l.rr. ; heavy Htalilo , fl.iHJ.
OANDi-Mlxwl , IKTtllf Hliick. 8
Slitlll1 No. TO , 4 K H' > " ki'KH ,
Now Orleans , pur Kiilluii. IWO/KJo ; niaplo
syrup , half bbls , "old tlino , " pur million , Ntc ;
1-K'allon i-niis , per do/ , * ! ( . . " > ( ) ; half gallon
cans , per dofH.'Jfi ; iuurloiins | , * l.'Jr > .
HTAIICII Mirror nl" i , " | 1f1' ; Or.ivt-s' corn ,
fij/ii ; Oswetfo ( 'loss , Tc ; OSWORO corn , "c.
liiii.i.vNii Hr.itiiixus 7ft Wis per lu-jr.
UiticKKiis CJarneiiu'H soda , butter and pic
nic1 , r > c ; creams , 8q ; Kinder snaps , Sc ; city
ted a , To.
' ' : * .Tupiin , l20it."Mj ( ; gunpowder , 'J
CXl c ; Young Hyson , 'r. ( V > o ; Oolong , ' . '
Lorlllanl's ' Climax , 4lc ; Splen
lid , lie ; Mechanic's Delight , -lie ; Lcggett .t
Meier's star , 4.'le ; Cornerstone , : i.1c ; Drum-
nond's Horse Shoo , 44e ; J. T. , 40c ; Sorg's
Spearhead , I4c.
WOODCNWAIII : Two-hoop palls , per do/ ,
$1.45 ; throe-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No. I tub , . * ( ! 50 ;
No. 2 tub , ? 5.50 ; No. 'I tub , $4.50 ; xvnsh-
xiards , $1.40C"2.7.ri ; assorted bowls , 2.25 ;
No. 1 churns , .l ; No. 2 churns , fs ; No. It
burns. $7.00.
CA\NII : > ( loons Oysters , standard , per
ease , $ ; i.'JOiii.25 ( ; ; strawberries , 2-lb per case ,
$ : i.00ii ( : 10 ; raspberries , 2-lb , per ease , -i.00fr : < )
1.10 ; C.llifonilii pears , per case , $1.800(1.H ! ) ;
ipricots , per case , fl/J.ytfl.ttO ; ieaehes per
asc , $5 7f > ( Vi5-85 ; white cncrnes. per case ,
fii.OO ; plums" , per case , Ki.bOfcfM..N ) ; blueber
ries , per case , $ ! . : IO2.II ( ; egg plums , 2-lb ,
icrcasc , $ 'J.M ) ; pineapples , 2-11) , per case ,
$ : i.20r/5 75 ; 1-11) Hiilinon , ( per dol.7r > ( $ . ' , ) ;
Jib gooseberries , pur case , $ ; t.25ai.i5 ( : : ; 2-lb
string beans , per ease , $1 so ; 2-il ) lima beans ,
l > er case , $1.1X1 ; 2-lb murioivfat pens , $2. ( > 0it )
J.70 ; 2 Hi early .Inno peas , per e.tse , $ .J.S5 ;
l-lb tomatoes , $2.1 ( ) ( U 50 ; 2-lb corn , $ 'J MM
UiriNin : : L\iti > Tierce , 7Ho ; 10-lb siinnro
cans , 7-\c ; Ml-lb round , 7''jc ; 20-lb round ,
7' e ; 10-lb pails , 7 ; c ; 5-lb pails , he ; Il-lb
[ i.iils , . „ _ .
PICKI.I : * Medium In bbls , $7.00 ; do in half
bbls1.00 : small , in bbls , $ .S IK ) ; do in hitlf
bbls , $4.r,0 ; gerkins , in bbls , 4'J.OO ; do in half
bbls , $5.00.
Ditir.n Fut'i r Apples , newel's , - ( \y \ Cc\ \
cvnporiitfil M ) Ib ring , ! l" . ZHlc ; raspberries ,
evaoratcd ) , 27U2 ( > < c ; blackberries , evaporated ,
U'iCii'.iJfc ' , pitted ehoJTies , 20ii.21c ( ; peaches ,
ncxvj b'jOt'.ic ' ; eviiKruteil | , peeled peaches , 2'J '
0 < llOe ; evaporated , unpai-eil , ISfril'Jc ; new
currants , ilj < ( ( f7c ; prunes. % ( ? IHfe ; citron ,
25c ; raisins , London layers , $ ! . ) ( 'i.45 ; Cali
fornia loose muscatels , W.lXK/i'J.lU / , new Val
encia , S'f ( i,8Jic.
Hoi'i : Seven-sixteenths , lO Gill.
Sroui Graiiulati'd , 7'4t7lnc ; conf A , < > %
C'tdJhC ; white extra C.O'iC'HiYc ' ; extra C , I1/ !
0/li' c ; yelloxv C , B1f ( < i" > c : cut loaf , T\if >
7 c ; powdered , 7l1i % c ; New Orleans , 5)4
1)1 j , tlN.
DI-CK West T'oh.t 2'J in. 8 o/ , lO'i'e ; West
Point 20 in , 10 oz. 12't'c ; West Point ll ! in , 12
oz , 15c ; West Point 40 in , 11 oHie. . Checks
Caledonia X , UVo ; Caledonia XX , 10 > c ;
Economy , lljfe ; Otis , O e.
KnsircKY JKANS Memorial , Ific ; Canton
ISc ; Durham , 27o ; Hercules , Ibc ; Leaming
ton , 22 , 0 ; Cottswold , 25c.
Cn\sn-Stcvrns1 H , lie ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
vens' A. 7) ) < fc ; bleached , 8' ' < fc ; Stevens' "
hlfo ; bleached , ilj c ; Stevens' N. II
bleached , 10 > fe ; Stevens' S HT , 12 c.
MlscKM.ANF.oiis Table oil cloth.
plain Holland , 8c to Jc ; Dado Holland , 1'J c.
CAMIIIUCS Slater , 4 > i'c ; Woods , 4 > ic. ; Stan
dard , 4)jC ; Peacock ,
UI.ANKETO White , f 1.00@7..rjO ; colored $1.10
© 8.00.
Hi.KACiiEn SIIKUTIXO Herkeley cambric ,
No. CO , Kc ; liest Yet , 4-4 , r l4d butter
cloth OO , 4"j c ; Cabot , "K ; Karwell , 80 :
Fruit of Loom , 'Jo ; Greene O , tic ; Hope ,
7J/c ; King Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale ,
llj c ; Lonsdale. 8c : New York mills ,
lO c ; I'epperell. 4a inch , IdKc ; Pepperull ,
40 inch , \\yt \ < PepiKirell \ , 0-1 , Ific ; Pep-
percll , 84Me ; I'eiipercll , 0-4 , 'J''e ; Pep-
pcrell , 10-4 , ' . ' 4c ; Canton , 4-4 , SJ c ; Canton ,
4'J c ; Triumph , Oc ; Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley , fjc.
Fi.ANXi'.i.s Plaid Raftsman. ' 'Oe ; Goshen ,
: Kc : Clear Lake , ffJ' c ; Maple City , | ijc.
White-G H No. a % , 'Jlc ; G H No. 1 , f ,
27K ; H II No. 2 , Jf , 2-J' c ; IJ H No. 1 , J
liOe" ; Quccbco No. lJf , 4''c ; Quccbce No. 2 ,
H'Jic ; Quecliec No. 3 , Jf , ! J > 4o : Anawan ,
WKc ; Windsor , 2-Hf. Hcd-C 24-incli , I5 e ;
K , 24-inch , 21c ; GG , 24-inch , 18c ; II A F ,
Jf , S5o ; J UP , } ( , 27Kc ; CJ , { , 35c.
PIIIXTS Coi.oits Altanta , nj < ; c ;
Slater , rc ; Hcrlin Oil , Kc ; Garner Oil , C < a
7c. PIXK AXi ) Huucs Hlclimond , tic ; Allen ,
Co ; Hiverpoint , 5c ; Steel Hiver , Cc ; Hich-
mend , lie ; Pacific , ( % c. Ixnioo Ul.un Wash.
ington , ( ic ; Century Indiuo blue prints , Idc ;
American , li > jc ; Arnold , ( ijj'c ; Arnold H ,
KIKc ; Arnold A , 12c ; ArnoUHioldSeal , lO e.
IJiicsh Charter Oak , 4 > jc ; Uamapo ,
Lodl , 4J < Tc ; Allen , ft ; < fc ; Hiehtnond ,
Windsor , ( > c ; Eddystone. Oc ; Pacific , ( ic.
Uno\\N SIIUKTIXG Atlanta A , 4-4 , } { u' , A
Uantic H , 4-4 , 7c ; Atlantic D , 4-4 , ti' c ; At
lantic P , 4-4 , .We ; Aurora LL. 4-4 , 5 ( c ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4K ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , > c ;
Hoosier LL , 4-4 , rc ; Indian Head , 4-4,7 > 4'c ;
Lawrence LL , 4-4. .IJ/c ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
: > } < fc ; Pepperell H , 4-4 , 0c ; Pcpperell O , 4-4 ,
tic ; Pcppercll , 8-1 , 18c ; Pepperell , 'J-4 , 20c.
Pcpperell , 10-4 , 22c ; Utica C , 4-4 , 4J4'c ;
Waehusett , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora K , 4-4 , 0 > c ; Au
roru U , 4-4 , Oc.
HATTS Standard , 8c ; Gem , lOJ c ; Heauty ,
12 } c ; lioone , 14c ; H , cased , * 0.50.
COTTON FI.AXNEI.S 10 per cent trade dis
count LL , lij c ; CC , 7 c ; SS , Sjc ; Name
' ' " ; No. 5 , Oc ; K1C , 0 > < jc ; CiG , lOKc :
XX , 12'c" ; OO , 14c' ; NN , lOc ; 'HX.ISc ; U,20c
No10. . S'-fc ; 40 , 10' < c ; CO , 13J < e ; bO , 15c ; 'M ,
colored. lOc ; 60 , colored , 12c ; 70 , colored , 15c :
Hristol , IHKc ; Union Pacific , ISc.
CAUPCT WAiti' Hibb white , ISJ c ; colored
20' ' < Tc.
UINOIUM Plunckett checks , 7 'e ; Whit
teuton , 7'ic ; York , 7)40 ; Normandi Dress
8J < c : Calcutta Dress , b c ; Wbittcnton Dress
lie. ; Hcnfrew Dress , iKajr-J' e.
TICKS Lewiston , HO in , , 12)
33 In. , l Kc ; York , IfcTlu. , 14c ; Swift
7Kc ; Thorndlko O O , 8'jc : Thorndlko E F
b'io ; Thorndiko 120 , 11)4c ) ; Thorndlko XXX
J5c ; Cordls No. 5. 9 , ' ij ; Cordis No. 4. lie.
DENIMS Amoskcuj > ; lJ-oz. , lOc ; Ex'erctt , 7
oz. . 18c : York 7-o2V/l.c ! ; Haymaker , 8J < fc ;
JaffroyXX , ll > jfc ; Juffrey XXX , 12 > c ; Hea
ver Creek AA , 12c ; Ueuver Creek IJU , lie ;
Heaver Creek CC , lOc ,
General MarkotH.
FIAX SKI-.D Uncjiunged , Good quality
atl OS per bushel.
lUv Heceipts hardly sufllcicnt to supply
demand , xvhich Is yery active. The fol
lowing are prices quoted : Common cnaoo
hay , $7,00Tt.7.5U ( ] m'r ton , upland prairie ,
$775 < 3.00.
( iitAi.v Prices hax'o again odvanced and
are quoted us follow * ; Wheat , No. 2 , CMC ;
rye , WlOi.V-e ; oats , 2c ; i-orn , old , 40o ; corn ,
nuw , I17 c ; barley is. quoted at 52 ( < i.57e , ac
cording to quality.
COAI. The coal market is very active nt fol
lowing prices. Eng , $10.50 ; nut , SIO.M ) ;
range , $1U.M ) ; xvalnut block , $4.00 ; Iowa lump ,
St.75 ; Iowa nut , 1.00 : Illinois , $4.WXV5.00. ! "
Fi.ot'n AMI FEKD Prices on Hour remain
rteody , although uu advance on high grades
are anticipated in u bliort time. Minnesota
patents , $2.CX ) jor cwt ; Kansas and
Missouri winter fancy patents , $2 4.r > ' < 5
2.liO ; Nebraska patents , $2.2T > ( ; j2.H5 ;
lye Hour. $1 75gl.'jO ( l > cr cvxt , rye ,
Oruhain , $1.40 per cwt ; wheat , Graham , $1.75
per cwtjcornmeal , yelloxv , S0o * per cxvt : cornmeal -
meal , xvhitc , $1.00 iier cxvt ; chopped feed ,
& 0c per cxvt ; bran , $12..V ) ( < n.00 : ) per ton ;
screenings , tti,00t ( 12.00 jicr ton ,
HII > US Green btitchi-s' . .V-it' ; green cured
O'iil7c ( ; dry tliit | , Do ; dry i > ah , So ; green calf
skins , 7e ; damaged hides , txvo-tlnrds prico.
Tiilloxv 3'fc. Grease Prime xvhite , 3cv ycl-
loxv3oj Droxvn , IJ c. Sheep veils , 25 < TiCOc.
lis Uapcoon , 20ii70v ; mink , lOoi.VV ,
H.IKIfidi.lxij dry deer sltlim , 'JOt'iXV per Ib.
dry antelope , elk , moose , etc. , lf > ( ii2.V ,
SI-HUTS Cologne ! > inrits , IM proof. $1 III ;
do 101 proof , } l 12 ; HpirltK second < | Uiiltv ( , , 101
proof ? l 111 ; do | SS proof $ t.R ( . Alcohol ISS
pi-oof , $ JU ) per wine gallon , Hedlstllled
whl < < kl s , fl.Hl'MWl ( ( , Gin blended , $ lr , ( ) (
2.1X1 ; Kentucky bourbons , J'J.diH.nit IX ) ; ICe
lucky and Penn lvanhi ryes , fJ.iHKitilMi !
Golden Sheaf hoiilhon and ryiUvhlskles , J | N )
( : : t.HI. ( HnilidlcH , imixirted , K OtliH.W ) ; do-
mottle , | l.HKfii.iX : : ) . Gins , Imixuted , $4.Ntt < i
ti.lHI ; domestic , f l.'iO/ : ! ( K ) . Champ.igncH , Im
ported , per case , fJ-MIOCiZIUjK ) ; American , per
cuso , ( lO.OliniH ( ) ( ) .
HIHVV Humu.unIron : , ruti' , * i.70 ; plow
steal , special cast , 4'jc ' ; cruclblo steel , (1)40 ( ) ;
east tool * , do , lat'iino ; wagon sHkes | , per set ,
f2.KKitnr ( > 0 ; bubs , per set , t\.M \ ; fulloe.s ,
sawed ilry , tl.WI ; tongues , each , 7.V ; axles ,
each , 7" > c ; square nuts , per Ib. tlO'lili1 ; coil
chain , ) ier Ib , 0\riMc ! ; malleable , b ? IOc ; Iron
weilges , ( ! < ; crowbars. ( V ; harrow teeth , 4cj
spring steel. 4M.V ; Iliirden's hor.tu shoes ,
f4.75 ; Hurilen's mule ( dines. t"i,7r > ; barbed
wire , in car lots , ft.OO per UK ) Ibs : iron nails ,
rates , 10 to M , $2.40 ; steel nails , tJ.W.
Dry liiimhor.
us it. 18 ft.
17 .vrjtl imjl ( i l im' ' l im
17 M'M III : ! ! IM J INI > 01
, 17 MM ( ILM Kl l ( Cji : III
L'xl . 1 . 'ilai ( KIUM llf.'l III J4 ( )
No. 1 com , H 1 s.KN ) I No. ! ) com , s I s.$15 50
No. 2 com , s 1 s. 17.00 | No. 4 com , H 1 s , 1II.M )
No. 1,4 All In 12 iS : il ft. , rough fill 50
No. 1 , " " 1C , " 11) ) fill
No. 2 , " 12 14 " Ill 50
No. 2 , " " 10 " 18 ( X )
A , 12 , 14 , & Hi ft.21.50 I C , 12 , 11 ft 111 fltl. % 50
H , " " 20.50 | I > , " " 12.50
( T.II.INd AMI rUrmlO.V.
1st com Jf in White Pine Ceiling 11.00
2d " " " " 2S.IX )
' in " " .
Clear'Jf Noixvay Iil.Oo
2nd com. % In " " " 11.00
A ( ! In White Pine $25 W )
Hllin " " : it.f.O :
Cli in " " . ' (0.00 (
1)1 ! in " " ( )
Ellin " " ( Sel. Fencing ) I'.MJll
li in. Drop Siding 50c per M , extra.
SKK Kiiouins ,
A 12 inch s 1 s $15.50
H 12 " : ! ' .i.20
C 12 " IWI.OO
D 12 " 2:1.00 :
No. 1 , com , 12 in s 1 s , 12 ft 20.50
" " " 14 ft lli.OO
" " " Hi ft 1M.50
" " " 21.50
10 , Ib , 20ft
No. 2 , " " 111.00
" " " 12 & II ft lb.50
" " " 1C. ft 17.50
12 in Grooved roofing , $1 per M. moro than 12
in Stock Hoards same length.
0 in. Grooved Hoofing same price as 12 In.
Stock Hoaids.
Mill1 I. U1.
No 1 Plain Sand 10 in SI'.I.OO
No. 2 " " ' 17.MI
No. 1 , OG , Sin 1U.M )
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , 1 } < inch , s2s $51.(10 (
" " l'.J , 2 51.IX )
Id , clear , 1 inch , s2s 41.50
" 1'if , P < i , 2 inch -lii.H ( )
A , select , 1 inch , s 2 s 40.00
' " l1 , IK. 2 inch , s2s 41.00
H , " 1 inch , s2s HO.IX )
H , " 1'4' , ! ' < , ' , 2 inch , s2s 117.00
Com. I inch Flooring $17.50
Star " " 21.50
1st and 2d clear 4 Inch leering 2H.OO
Six-inch f > 0o less.
Clear } { inch Ceiling 21
Clear 54 inch Partition 25.00
Clear % inch , Paitition $2 above % inch Ceil
Clear Finish , 1 and 1 ' .f inch , s 2 s $211.00
Clear Finish , IK and 2 inch , s 2 s HO.OO
Clear Corrugated Ceiling , 4 inch 25..V1
Clear Yelloxv Pine Casing and Hasc. . . . 27,00
1 > OI'I.\U I.fMIIUK.
Cl. Poplar Hx. Hds. % in. , s 2 s ? . ' )5 ) 00
" " < , in. Panel , s 2 H 27.IH )
11 " Corrugated Ceiling , % . . 28.50
O. O. Halts , "iyt in. IMC ; kx.'l , s 1 s. - ic ) ; : i in.
Well Tubing , 1) . &M. anil Hov.$2i.OO : ; Pick
ets , D. & H. Flat , $20.50 ; D. H. Sq.$21.50.
XX clear , $ .10 ; extra * A * , $2.S5 ; A stand
ard No. 5 , No. 1 , $1.45 ; lath , J2.55.
White Cedar , C in. , } { s. 12J c ; 9 in. qrs ,
K" ' , white cedar , fiJi in. Ji s. llj c ; H in.
qrs , lOc ; white cedar , 4 in. round , lOMc ; Ten-
nessco red cedar , split , 14c ; split oak , lOc ; C
in. , 7 in and 8 in. ( each ) 8 It. , round W. C.
i.i MI : , r.TC.
Qnlncy white lime , ( best ) Me ; Louisville
cement , $1.00 ; hair , 30c ; plaster , $2.00 ; tar
board , $1.05 ; sash 50 per ct. ; doors , 40 ) > cr ct. :
blinds , f > 0 per et. ; nildgs , fid per cl. ; tarreil
felt , per cwt. , $2.05 ; straw , $1.55.
J. S. LuUirop , of Sioux City , lu. , is in
the city.
D. L. SeiibO , Grnnd LnUo , Neb. . i& in
tliu city.
H. A. Roio , of Iluldregc , Xob. , i.s in
the city.
John Shields , of Cedar Rnpids , la. , ib
in the city.
II. E. Goodrich , of Coleridge , Xeb. ,
is in the city.
II. V. Smith , of DCS Moincs , In. , is at
the Windsor.
W. E. Uriggs , Cuntcrvillc , Dak. , is at
the Millard.
H. M. Utlcy , of O'Xeil , Neb. , is at
the Millard.
C. .1. Chirk , of Beatrice , Xeb. , is at
the Windhor.
W. J. Davis , Grand Island , Neb. , is at
the Windsor.
Dr. M. W. Stone , \Vnhoo , Nob. , is
at the Millard.
A. C. Prcbcott , of Hnstings , Neb. , is-
at the Windsor.
N. R. Persiiiffer , of Central Ciiv
Neb. , is at the Millard.
C. A. Wcatheririfjlon , of Lincoln
Neb. , is at the Millard.
John Unrsley and wife , Fairmont ,
Neb. , are at the Millard.
James II. Ilolmnn , of Lincoln , Neb.
wan in the city yesteruiiy.
Mit-s Bcllo Wright , of Sidney , Neb.
is registered at the Millnrd.
J. M. Hyde , n 'ent for the Alvin Jos
lyn company , is at the. Millard.
W. F. II. Annitronjj and wife , of Nev
York , arc visiting friends iw-tho eity.
A. Christeson , huporintcndont of the
Wells , Forgo i : Co's. expreis , is in the
Governor John M. Thaycrand
A. V. Cole and II. S. Ilotehkiss are a
the Millard.
L. M. Rheem , of the A. D. T. com
tinny , is detained in Indianapolis by the
illness of his wife.
Mrs. A. L. Weinho cn , teacher o
German in the hiph school , has recov
ered from the injuries sustained by fall
inp into the cellar of her residence
and has resumed her duties in the clus. .
Helping lln * Orphans.
For the llrsl tlmo in many years , and nov
owing to pressing lireumstanees , n bcncllt i
to bo given nt Hoyd's opera bouse on Thurs
day , the l.Mh Inst , for the o ) phans under th- -
care of the Sisters of Mercy of this city. Th
entertainment will bo given by the young
ladies of St. Catherine's academy. A verv
entci mining programme will bo rendered.
The number of orphans now under the sis
tors' care Is greater than ever before , aud the
approach of winter renders necessary the
procuring of means to supiwit them.
I'or Kolililiifin Itooiii Mate.
Hobcrt Hoblnson and William CopMIn ,
arrested Thursday aiight Tor golnt ; through iho
clothes of a room mate , Charles Albin , of 1147
North Eighteenth street , and robbing him of
$1 and a lli cent plup of tobacco , were given
eight days in Jail yesterday.
AKrlculturnl Implotnonta.
icaler in Aplcnllnral Implements Wagons
, ,
C rrl j t uJ lIuRiilc. Jdiii' . Slroct llulni-iiiibth aiul
llUh.Onmlin , Nilirmlin.
' "
Agriciillnral Implements , WagonsCarriaKC3 ,
Humid , Klc. Wh.ilonlo . , Omnlm , NVIirinkn ,
' " '
Wholm'i * llvnlori In
Agricoltnral Implements , Wagons & Bnggiei
Wl.VUl.mianil ltnJniu'i i'tfrtl , Orn/vhi.
'P. P. MAST A CO.7
Kannfacturers of Bnckeye Drills , Seete ,
CXllllTnliTn. lluy llnki-v CI.IIT Mill ) mil Lillian ful'
IITIITit. | . llth anil .Mrlinlai "tn-L'ti.
Agricultural Implements , Wagons ft Boggle !
0 < irni > r llth ami Nlrhnlm hiri-oti.
Artists' Mlntorlols.
" '
"A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Artists' ' Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
Boots and Shoos.
W. V. MORSE ft CO. ,
Jobbers of Boots anfl Shoes.
Ill K rn m Mt.Onmli , Noti Mnmifacturr , Bimmet
htiect , Iliinliiii ,
( Siiiri'nnnri In lli.i-il , Junvi A Co )
Wholesale Manufacturers of Boots and Shoes
/fcnu ( or ll" lcin Itubli.-r "hofCn , llir ; , HIM A 110U
IUtiH-7 St. , OuiHliu , NvIirnihH.
CoffopOiJBplcos , Eto.
Onmlm ColTi'd nmt Hplce .MIHi.
Teas , Colfees Spices , Baking Powder.
klnvurlnx KiltncH , l.niinilrr lllnn , lnm > , Ktc. Kll lilt
llnmujr HlrcttUnmlm , Nulirnuku
Crockery nnd Clnaswaro.
Accnt fur thn .MnnuIncUlrorn nnd Irnjiorlom of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps , Chimneys ,
IHc. ( ) fllrniH. Utliftt , Omitli.i , NcbruiliH.
Commlsalon nnd Storogo.
Commission and Jobbing ,
Bolter , KZK uml I'rnliM-o ComlKfittii-nln nllclt d.
Ueatl'iimrli. for Hloiiuwriri' , llt > rry Hiiif-s and
Gin IKllHaketl. . KM Diiilni1 M , , Ollinlm.
Storage and Commission Merchants
Proflnce Commission Merchants ,
Poultry , lluttur , CIHMIP. Kntlto Ktc MU houtli nth St. ,
( hiitci'fthura to AttSliHiio .V S'hrucdcr )
Produce Commission and Cold Storage
Unnilm. Nubrujkn.
Coal , Cokojind Lima. ' _
COAL , COKE & 'uiME CO. ,
Jobbers of Hard and Soft Coal ,
XM Kouth I.IUi Struct , Omalia , Ncbrn k .
j. j. j o H N s ON&C o ,
Mannfactnrci's of Illinois White Lime ,
fcnmiilppi'rnof ( V il , rokiVrnrnt , I'lnitcr. I.Ira * ,
ijr ln Tilliiinl SI-WIT I'lpiOnirp , 1'iiilnn lluul ,
Farnain hi , OuiHliu , Nc'b. 'J't'lrplionu fell.
Shippers of Coal anil Coke ,
211 Soutli mil St. , Omaha , Nob.
Dry Coo dg _ n ml JNotl o njt.
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Nolions
1102 and 110 totislas , Cor. 11th HI. , Oniabu , Neb.
Importers and Johte in Dry GoodsNotions ,
O aU' F'unilihliiic ( iooili.L'drniT llth uiitl Harnv7 BU. ,
Omaha , Neliruika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
Faniatn BUeet , Om ha , Nebraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TX , 707,70) ) and 711 8. lOtli St. , Omaha , NeD.
McCd"RD7BRADY & Co7.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1Mb and Le % criworth htreeti , Oroahi ,
D. M. STEELE 4 CO. ,
Wholesale Grocers ,
1119 , mi and 1233 llaroer fatrtet , Omaha , Ntb.
Wholesale Grocers ,
1111 and 1110 Hartley Street , Omaha , Neb.
Johhers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnwarcbboet Iron.Klc. Aitinta for Unite Kulcs.anJ
MlitDil I'owdcr Oi , ( Juiulia , N b.
Bnilflers' ' Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanic ! ' Tools ami Iluffalo Hcnlrs. llOfi DouaU
Omaha , Nobraika.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Hartley hu. , Omaha'Neb. Western Agent *
lor Auiltn 1'uwrtrr Co , Jorrer un Htel NalU , I-iilr-
bnnk > ftandartl Scalei.
Heavy Hardware.
Heayy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
, W&ff n Htnck. Hardware Lumber , etc , UQD
aud 1211 llarner btreet , Oiimba ,
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Wagon and Carriage Wood Stock , Heafj Hardwaiv
Klc. Uii and UU Leareniturta HI. , Uuinua , Net ) .
Mats , caps , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
HOT Ilarner Street , Omaha , Nob.
and ILER & CO. ,
Importers & Johhers of FineWines &Liprs
Kail India lllttcri and Do.TiesUo Liquors. 1112 llnrnur
All lands of Building Material at Wholesale
t and Union I'adflc Track , Oinnha.
Dealer in Lumher , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doori.etc. Y rili-C rnerih and Uou lnii Corner ilk
and loufla .
C. N.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lnraher ,
13lh apd CallfornU l . , Omaha , Neb.
Lnmher Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Corner ttU and lk > UKU * kts. , Omaha.
To Dealers Only ,
Office. 1(031'lruiot Street , Omsi > i.
Wholesale Lumlier , Etc ,
cah Portland C ment. S'lta a aal
Jrdrauilc C mcut a > U ( junv7
* irTiUl * Inft * * , * ,
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber ,
tTood Carpel * and r tqurtHourliiM _ , Vth ud louU
Millinery nnd Notions. '
Importers & Jolitiers of Millinery & Notlopi
2UH , tlO and III Couth 11th Hlt l.
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing Goods
n and 106 South 10th Hlr * t , Omaha.
Notions and Gent's ' Famishing Goods ,
lllftllariK ? Htreit , Omaha.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oils ,
Alia ( Iroaip , etc. , Omaht. A. II. Illiliop , Maaaj r.
Wholesale Paper Dealers ,
Carry h nirn tlook nf printing , wrapfltif and wrltlnf
paper Special attention Klven lu iar luftd unltra.
Prlntero * Matorlnls.
Aniiliary Publishers ,
Dtalcri la tyim. | irv < i > anil nilMtt-rt' mppliei. Ml
r-Ulltll Kill Mrt-l'l , OUIKllH ,
_ .
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clothlnt ; nnd l nllii'r IliOtlnir 1 H nirimm Ktrnpt ,
Steam FlttlnRa ,
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
Mcnui , wrvIcr , rnllwar unit tulnlinj iui | | illi'ft , do. W ,
'Jtl nrxl W4 r nrniini Mn-t't , Uiimhu.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fillings ,
( tcnin ami XVnti-r SumiHc" , lli-i l < | iiiuti > ri > tor Mail
I IHIII AOi o K ( l llll l-nrnutii ft. , Omaha.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Ilallldar Wln.l Millr , VH nml .Ml Knriiuui fct. , Omaha , '
U. F. Hutu , Aitlnit Miinuiiur.
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet litin Wink , Klcam I'liinpii. kivr Mllli. 12UM31I
lx.nrii worth blri'i't , Oui'thn ' ,
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
till ami tin.lnni'i ht. , Oma'ia
, Forwordjnffjt Co nmhaalon
Storage , Forwarding and Commission ,
llnuali liiiiifii r the Huuni'T IIUKKX < V > llutitlfa a (
nhKletuluunc ) rclnll. 1 cl 110 nnd I.H2 liurd Btruet ,
OniKhii , Tcli'phonn .No. ' % 'J\ ,
Toaa and ClKaro.
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars ,
B unil Dalur llaklnif I'oiMlcr. lllii anil 1419 llan
ni-r Htreet , Omaha. '
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
John Kpeueter. I'roprUlor. Vt > D'Klue and lUlaad 101
Notth lUlh Strvi't. Omaha. *
Smoke Stacka , Boilers , Eto. '
" H7K. SAWYER ! rf
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
llrllUilnifi''lMikt mill ( icneral liiillor Itc'palrlnf. U1J
Street , Omaha , Nub ,
Iron Worka.
Wrought and Cast Iron Building Wort
KnKlnm. limit work , ifpneral foundrr , niachlo * an4
bliickriulth work. Offld ) and wrtrU , 0. V. Hr.aud
17Ui Blrevt , Omab * .
Mannfactnrers of Wire and Iron Railings
IK'&k mils , window guards , flower Ktari'la , wlmlgnf ,
vtc. , m North ICth bt. , Oiualm.
Man'frs ' of Fire & Burglar Proof Safes i
Vaulti , Jail work. Iron and wlru zVnclnit , ilicni. etc. O
Andrecn , Trop'r. Cor. llth and Jacknun Kla.
.Miniulactururi , nnd Jobber" In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc ,
( ir 'Jth ami I'n illu Mti. . o'nahu. .Ni'b.
General Aci'nla ( or Olebold Hate It I ck Co. ' )
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Time . Locks.
VuulU and Jail \Voik , llli Kurnam street , Omaha.
Manufacturers of Overalls ,
Jean 1'anli , hhlrti , Ktc. 1102 and 1101 IKiuulai Street ,
Omaha , Mcb.
8 8h , Dolors , Eto.
Wholcrule Manulatturen of
Sash , Doors , Blinds aud Mouldings ,
Ilranch onicc , 12th and Streets , Omaha , Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnm , ftalr Work and Interior Ilnrd Wood Kla-
lu. .S. . Corner Mh and lav nwortU btreeU ,
Omaha , Nvb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Doors ,
And Illlnds , Turnlnc , Stair-work. Hank and Offic *
* nn and I'nppleKjn Avuuuc.
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1W1 Nortn KlKhlcetith Street , Omalm , .Vob.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Ofllco Hoom 24 , Oppniltc r.ichnnei' Xulldlng , UnlOi
Stock Vnrd , NMith Oruabu , .S'bb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Mfirkft furnlhc-J l/o * * on ftpptlcatlon htrx ken and
f i * < 1fr Iurnl9btd m K xl t rnit , Ht-JiT nroi : Oioft *
lia ISHtlonnl Ilnnh nnd Sxith OmaUit Nattoufti , Uutua
Ktock Vitnls.NjuttiOrijtihR.
Live Stock Coiuniission ,
lUXim 11 , Eicban n n H < Iltii ; , L'nlui Slock Yard *
south c/runha , Nati.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Itnom 2) ) , Kf'ianz , ' IlulMInc l'rl n ' 'tmk Yd , , S
fMnaha Itufurrnre * trnlon .Nat'l ItanV' , Omaha ,
Union stock Ynrd llAnk , > Omaha , U , n. llowle/
l'ra > . Am. Hank \ Tru t lit , Oinahu.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Itootn V3 , rpp i iio 1'irtianiie Ilulldlni ; , Union Stod
YitnU , Soutu Ouuha , eb ,
Of Oraalia , Limited ,
John K. Bed ,
Adrun lni ; hp.i nlvnya provcc
bucccfhlul. lie fora placing unj
Kowtpupcr Ailrtliilir consult
411 * ( I A 4.u'k. lrt , CHICAGO