Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 03, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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    WiiisR35S55s ?
The Malno Statesman Dlscunsoo the
Schemes For Reducing It.
Tlio Inactions mill 'J lnlr ; I'ro.lcolH He-
piibllcaiiH and tin ; TnHfT-Nuliras-
I JUX'H Soloiin \ViiHlittiKliii"IJaf ) >
Hule and the Hi
ICccd on tlio Stirplttt.
WAPIIISOTOX , Dec1. 2. ( Special TcloKi'iim
to tlio HER. ] In conversation with your cor-
rpspomlunt to-day , Hon. Thomas It , Hoed , of
Maine , Hiilil ! "I have no dcslro lo express
. any opinion nt to the proposition on legisla
tion thl * winter In rcxuid to the surplus.
1'robnbly I can BCO very tittle farther Into
tlic millstone than you ran. It would bo n
fjood tiling , however , If tlio people of the
Uhltrd States could neothc rent dinieultlcs
that mo to bo met. uiiilorttandliiK
of the situation could be luid It would
go far to Irisuro reasonable treatment of con-
preaslonal action. Kvnr.vbotly agreei that n
BUrplus of not far from 4.11)0,00(1,000 ) ( Is uimn
us and ought to bo reduced. Hut when It
nomosto the question of lioxv to do It , the
trouble begins. At the very outset the party
condition ! * uro very htr.inpc and ominous.
The rcs | > onslbllty ! is , rtf course , on the patty
in power. The democrats have at
least ten majority , and perhaps fif
teen , Hut they arc divided be
tween democrats Inclined to free trade
and democratH Inclined to protection , the free
traders bohitf In a large majority. In caucus ,
Mr. Carlisle will bo nominated. If elected
ho will appoint a committee on w.iy.s and
fiioans from his wing of the party , which will
net precisely as his other ways and means
committees have done ; that Is to say , pro
duce a bill which has only a minority hack of
It , a hill which cannot pass. On the other
hand , the majority of the house
which could pats a bill , not having
the committee of ways and meaim , can not
produce n hill. This Is a parliamentary dif-
llculty arising out of the division In the demo
cratic party.
"Hut there arc intrinsic difficulties besides.
The first man I meet says : 'Keducc the suj'ar
duty. ' That loolis very simple. Hut in IbSU
that was tried andtho wholodemocmticparty
voted apnlnst it.Vhyi The was
that it was u revenue duty. The reason was
that Louisiana WHS a democratic state. There
nro also many protectionists who would vote
to . retain the full sugar duty from
u sincere belief Justified by recent discoveries
that wo are on the verge of producing from
Horgum and other souices all the sugar the
country can consume. You will remember
that the administration In mote than one
treasury utterance has demanded the reten-
ffir tlon of the sugar duty.
r "Tho next scheme Is to reduce protective
duties. Hut would that reduce the surplus ]
What makes up u customs revenue ?
The amount of articles Imported
multiplied by the duty. If you
reduce the "duty you reduce the multiplier ,
whivh would bo all right if you did not In
crease the multiplicand. Hut when you re
duce ' the duty you necessarily Increase the
amount Imported. Indeed that must be your
very object. Why reduce duties if you don't
want more foreign goods ! Hut we are not
left to conjettuio as to results. A
Binalt example will make this plain.
Uy an interpretation of the law
of 1&53 worsted goods duties have been re
duced. With what result ! Why , the reve
nue has doubled. If wo do the same with
Dther articles wo shall have more .surplus
rather than less. What effect such changes
tvould have on the business of the country
just at this moment I leave business men to
: onjecturo and to decide. Another i reposi
tion is to take the reduction from
llio internal revenue. There Is a
rcry wide agreement * as to the
tobacco tax and if the speaker would allow a
promsition | to take that fc'Hl.OOlMHK ) off it
Would easily pass. Hut ho probably Intends
to use it as a weapon to attack protection
Under the guise of reduction of the surplus.
1'ho whole internal revenue tax. is about
"When you como to the question of reduc
tion of the ruvonuo by taking oil the whisky
tux , ono man thinks that It has the advantage
f abolishing many offices , leaving the trade of
Iho country undisturbed , and Miss Willard
representing the Woman's Christian Temper-
unco union , believes that it will release the
government from u participation in the pro-
Ills of a manufacture which no government
ought to countenance. On the other hand ,
that tax Is defended as one easily collected
hid | much tulk is made about leaving off the
tax.on liquor and putting it in clothes. Tlio
nianufactuniiH also of whisky desire the
tax continued , because it enables those of
large 'capital to absorb the business. Tlio ex
pedient of creating n free list with coal , wool ,
suit , lumber , Iroii , ere and fish thereon is , of
iourse , only Hacking protection in detail.
You can see by this slight enumeration what
thodifllc-ultle.s are. If there was a sincijra
jingle desire to reduce the surplus , which is
ivhnt the country really wants , there would
ho but little Uifnvulty , but so
many men want to use the reduction of the
surplus , which everybody agrees to , as n
lover to do something which only u free trade
minority wants to do , that the people of tlw
country nro llablo to bo deceived unless thc > j
kooiVthoir eyes on the main question , wlitcli
is the reduction of the surplus without dis.
turbaneo of the industry of the country. "
Tlio Intcr-.Stato Commerce Imw-
WASHINGTON. T > ee. 2. The first annual re
port of the inter-state commcrco1commissioi
has been laid before the secretary of the in
tcrior. After dwelling briefly upon the mag
nltudo of the interests which the act under
takes to regulate , the commission devotes i
ilo/.on pages to historic sketch of the coun
try's t'ransportation facilities ftom the pact
horse and canal of the early days to the
mammoth institutions of the present , truciiu
back to their origin all Uioso grievance :
and abuses which finally led to the passagi
of the inter-stato act. 'Tho commission sayi
snino of the railroad practices , which the uc
undertakes to bring to mi end , have beci
common among carriers by water also , and i
Wong in themselves , might justly be forbid
Oeu In their case us well. The commissioi
ls of the opinion that express business , doui
by railroad companies themselves
U within the act. Whether ex
press companies which era iiulcpondon
of the rullrssus arc within the contemplatioi
of the act Is moro doubtlul. In regard t <
Bleeping car companies , live stock car com
panics and oil companies , which transport it
tank curs , the commission say they are a
much subject to the temptation to diHcriminati
as railroads are and the fact is luid bufnn
congress for such action us It may choose ti
The long and short haul clause Is exhaust
Ively discussed , together with thu reasons o
Iho commission for lcui | > orarily biispcndlni
Its provisions In certain sections
nud they say , in plart : "Tho considerations
orations were Influential in detci
mining when these temiwrary orders shouh
be grunted weru not moro for tlio relief o
curriers from danger of loss than the proven
tlon of threatened disturbances of husinos
interests in certain localities , which , by it
reflex action , socmed liable to embarrass th
entire country. The commission takes pleat
uro in heint ; able to report that in large ice
lions of the country oVjdicrut ! to the genera
rule c ? S'iu fouith section Is without import
ant exception. "
Keviewing railway operations during th >
period whivn has elapsed since the act tool
effect , the commission says , that whllo les
has been done in the direction of bringini
freight tariffs Into conformity with the gen
erul rule prescribed by thu fourth settioi
lliun HIIUIO IW.TSOUS oxpcotcM , there has never
tholcss been u jtrul I f J ing advance in that diivc
tlon , and there is every icason to bellevotha
this will continue.
The commission , after quoting the sectb i
which emixnvoi-H it to "inqulro into the 'J ' > usl
nuisofnll common curriers , " bays : "Ulii
is an important provision , and the coininl *
aloii will , in doubt , Imvo frenuent occasion t
tuko action under It Thorn is every ivnso
to bcllevo that some of the most norions evil
\vlilch were notorious in the railway SIM
Vlro before the inmngc of the no I
nii ircrc l&leelstrtUve mindiiu rcutuot fur it
'tmctment , have now almost ceased to exist.
Ono of these was thp plying of special nnd
secret rebate * , The complaints of unjust dig-
Hmltmtlon nud giving undue prefeix-m'eo by
ivt'ii rates nio htlll ficquont , utld In existing
units theio ure iimn.V rates which
( cum to bo unfair and oppiesslve.
Con pressmen.
W.IMII.NOTO.V , Dec. 2 , [ Special Telegram
to the HII : : . | All the Nebraska delegation ,
with the exception of Congressman Laird ,
ire now hi Washington. Senator Mandor.son
irrlved last night from Philadelphia , where
10 had been In nttendanro at the funeral of
Ms father. Senator Paddock has been In the
city slnco Sunday busily engaged in work
ooking to the selection of Omaha by the
mtlonat committee as the place of holding
the next convention. . Congressman McShano
nd Congiessmun Dorscy arrived yesterday
and have Joined hands In working for the
same object. On ono point at least the dele
gation Ii united before the opening
of congress. * Congressman Sapp and
Judge Lyman of Council HluiTs ,
ire also on the ground lending a
iclplng hand. Senators Mandorson and
i iddock occupy suits of seven rooms at the
t'ortlnnd. which directly adjoin each other.
Bach will bo accompanied by tholr families
luring the session , although Mrs. Mandcrson
will I'omnin in Omaha until after the holt-
lays. Mr. Horsey and svlfo are quartered on
fourteenth and 1C streets In handson.e rooms.
Mr. McShano , who Is accompanied by his
irivnto secretary , Staples , occupies n sulto at
iresent at the Willard , where he held quite a
reception last evening of Nebraskans. He
Will shortly remove to quieter and moro
commodious quarters. Congressman Laird
will icinaln , as heretofore , nt the Uiggs. It
ivlll ho probably several days after the open-
ng of the session before the assignment of
senators to the several committees will be
announced. Senator Mundcrson , at present ,
holds the chairmanship of the committee on
irintlng , which ranks well in the list. Ho is
certain to ho retained unless ho should prefer
some other chairmanship , which is unlikely.
Senator Paddock , on account of his previous
service In the senate , is assured of good as
signments , whllo it is improbable that ho Will
eceive a chairmanship , owing to the rule
iVhlch places him among the new senators.
Ills extensive acquaintance and six years ox-
lerience will undoubtedly secure him places
on several important committees.
Army News.
WASIIIXOTOX , Dec. 2. fSiwclal Telegram
o the Him. ] Second Lieutenant Hlanton C.
Welsh , Fifteenth infantry , hits been granted
an extended leave of absence of seven days.
jeavo of absence is granted to Second Licu-
cnant William II. Wassell , Ninth infantry ,
for two months.
First Lieutenant O. M. Carter , engineer
orps , has been ordered from Savahuh , Cla. ,
.o Fort Clink , Fin. , for temporary duty.
A board of nledical nfllccrs , consisting of
Major William D. Wolverton , surgeon , and
Jnptalns Philip F. Harvey and Charles H.
.Jyrne , assistant surgeons , has been ap-
> ointed to meet at the government hospital
'or ' the insane on the Oth lust. , for the purse -
) se of examining into and reporting upon the
nental condition of KIchnrd W. Horth , late a
irivuto of the United States signal corps ,
vith a view of ascertaining if article ! ) , sec
tion 2.S43 revised statutes is applicable in his
case.The secretary of war has issued an order
reserving ( HO acres of land for a military
reservation at Camp Spokane , W. T.
The resignation of Captain Hurry L. Conn ,
' 'ourth ohns United States military academy ,
MS been accepted by the secretary of war.
Captain T. H. Hamilton , second artillery.
las been granted ono month's extension ami
> ocond Lieutenant M. O. Hollis , Fourth In-
nntry , two month's extension of leave.
The engagement of Second Lieutenant H.
{ . Adams , Twenty-filth infantry , and Miss
Uuud Loraine Gray , daughter of Captain C.
T. Gray , Into of the army , is announced. The
wedding will take place early in January.
and ( lie Tar I IV.
WASIUSIITO.V , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram
o the Hr.n. ] This evening's Star says :
"Mr. Dorsey , a republican who voted against
: he consideration of the Morrison bill in the
.ast congress , said that the republicans would
vote to make Mr. Carlisle shaker , if such a
thing were necessary. He was asked , since
they were so friendly to Mr. Carlisle , why
they did not help him get a tariff bill
through i"
" 'We he . 'Some of
will,1 replied. us mean
to do so. ' "
It is spoken of as probable that the republi
cans will , as a party decide not to oppose the
consideration of the tariff , and they may at
tempt to defeat ajiy tariff reform project by
introducing , as a substitute for the demo
cratic measure , some bill of their own with
moro of tlio essence of protection in it nnd
change it to get the vote of protectionist
Carlisle nnd tin ; Spoalccr lilp.
WASH ixo rev , Dee. 'J. [ Special Telegram
to the HUB. ] There are enough members of
congress expressing the opinion ihi.t. Mi1.
Carlisle could do the party a service by returning -
turning to tUo floor of the house , where they
need him as a leader , to give some currency
to the report that ho is really thinking of de
clining the speukership. As a matter of fact ,
however , Mr. Carlisle is not contemplating
such a thing. Ho believes , and a largo ma
jority of members believe , that ho can bo of
moro service to his party as speaker. The
time when the chairman of a committee can
control the lioiibO has pn scd , and Mr. Car
lisle would not iurreaso his usefulness In
going to the head of the way ? 3:1,1 : moans com
mittee. The principal thing that has lead to
the discussion of the subject is the fear thet
Mr. Mills , of Texas , may bo .made chairman
of the wajsand means committee , and by hh
aggressive disposition endanger the hope foi
the harmony of the party.
Congressional Arrivals.
WAsniN.Tvx ( , IJce. 2 [ Special Telegrau :
to the Hr.u. ] A great many members wen
at the capitol to-day. Groups were shakiii } :
hands in the corridors or seated in the room ;
of the ofllccrs of the house , making a general
oral reunion of old members and the iutro
duction of now. Many members on the re
publican side woru in their old scats , anil
groups of employes standing about the lobbj
made it look moro like ngathcringof congres'
than any day past. Fifty or moro member :
have registered ut the house posUiflleo sinci
yesterday. _
Tlio aiinnc2r- lloomcrs.
WASHiXoTox , Dec , a. [ Special Telogrart
to the Hr.u. Minneapolis is about to opci
: su aotivo campaign for the next re
publican convention , and with thai
end in view , Chief Clerk Johnsoi
of the senate has engaged quarters for :
committee , of thirty prominent citizens fron
Minnesota and Dakota , who will arrive nexl
Tuesday to pi-ess the claims of the twit
cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul for tin
convention. They will represent that tin
two cities together can give as good hotels
anil convention facilities as Chicago , ana uct
tor than many other cities that ask for the
convention , and that the converging rail
roads will give a bettor ratn than can bo se
cured to Chicago. The committee o :
thirty will include Governor MoGill , ex
Kuprosenlatives Wiishburn and Pillsbury uni
many other prominent men.
A Nebraska Ijnml Decision.
WAXIHXUTOX , Dec. 2. [ Special Tclogruir
to the HIE. : ] Secrctnry Lumar lus confirmee
the decision of the ofllcors In the Gram
Island land iiisliiia and the commissioner o
the general land ofllco , refusing to issue i
certlllcnto to Charles Jordan for a pro
emptlon claim on the ground that .Tordat
failed to perform any act looking Unvun
actual settlement , for several months a
least , if at any time , and that he should nebo
bo allowed to onU-r the tract and that hi
filing shall bo cancelled.
Senator Van Wj'ok'nnosl < lonc <
WASHINGTON , Dec. 2. ( Special Tclegran
to the Hui : . ] Heprosontatlvo Darlington , o
IVniisylvunlii , has leased the rcsldcaiix ! of ox
Senator Van Wyck , ut 1SOO MassachuseUi
avenue , and N Installed there with his family
licnerul and Mrs. VaU Wyck hnve tnkci
ixwuiH at the lligi i house , where they wil
roninlu fov several days.
ofOemooriUlc Bciuuor * .
Deo. 2. A caucus of dcaio
icr.utors was held to day to vrhwli tLi
informal report of the caucus commute ? was
submitted respecting the admission of Sena
tors Turplo and Faulkner , of Indiana. The
matter was dUcussed at considerable length
but as several members of the caucus 'were
absent no line of action was sketched nnd
further discussion of the subject was put
over to to-morrow at 12 o'clock , to which
hour the caucus adjourned.
Hi'crolnry J'alrolilld's Document.
WASHINOTO.V , Dec. 2 , Secretary Falrchlld
has completed the preparation of his annual
report to congress. Ho has been engaged In
this work almost exclusively for a month.
The report , all in the secretary's own hand
writing , gives his views in regard to the sur
plus and tariff at considerable length. It
will he mode public Immediately after pre
sentation to congress Wednesday afternoon ,
The president's message will be sent to con-
greJ Tuesday. _
Pensions Jsmifd.
WAMIINOTONDec. . ' . ' . [ Special Telegram'
to the HEP. . | The following Nebraska pen
sions have been granted : Mexican war-
John Huffman , Orton. Original John W.
Korrest , ( ribbon. Increase James Donnelly ,
Sutton. IJelssuo Arthur Kemp , Cams.
Iowa pensions : Ann , widow of James
Campbell , Agency : Johnathun M , , father of
James O. Loguc , Heno. Original Wallace
Hlddle , Delhi ; Francis A. Largo , La Porto.
Increase Uohert Chapman , Hastings ; J. F ,
Drown , Drancsvlllo ; Stewart Hoalty , Me-
chanlcsville ; Jacob Glascr , Mauquoketa.
Iowa Indian Claims llcjcclcd.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram
to tl.o Huu. ] Secretary Lnnmr to-day re
jected the claim of Alvln C. Leighton , of
Otlumwa , la. , for * . - > ,00 , " > on account of Sioux
Indhin raids in lb 7. The secretary found
that the losses sustained aggregated $2,500 ,
but the claim was not presented within the
limitation fixed by the law.
Jolm 11. 1 1 owe in WanliliiKton.
WAsiu.snTON , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram
to the Hui : . ] Hon. John D.Howe , formerly
of Omaha , is spending a few weeks In the
city and will leave on the approach of cold
weather for Atlanta nnd the south. Mr.
Howe's friends will bo pained to lenrn that
his health is seriously affected us the result
of overwork.
WASHINMON , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram
to the Huu.l The iwstofllee at Shirley , Pocahontas -
cahontas couuty , Iowa , was discontinued to
Kencwc'd tin1 Treaty.
13mti.iv , Dec. 2. Germany nnd Austria
have renewed their commercial treaty for a
period of six months , with the understand
ing that it shall tacitly continue after that
s and Politics.
VIINKA : , Dec. 2. All the members of the
rcichsrath who are school teachers have been
ordered to give up their schools for the whole
icrlod for which they have been elected to
ho reichsrath on the ground that education
md politics should be kept separate.
Connected AVilh the Illo Grande.
Pt uni.o , Colo. , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram
o the Hui : . ] At sunset this evening the Mis
souri Pacific railroad made connection with
ho Denver & IJio Grande in this city. Trafilc
will open Monday and tlio Missouri Pacific
ofilclals uro expected to arrive next week.
The Vnndcrliilt Yacht.
[ CV ) irf/i ) ( / ) ( IHiiliuJimffGoiiInn ficntiett. ]
LONHON , Dec. 2. fN'ew York Herald
Cable Special to the lr.i ; . | Mr. Vander-
jilt's yacht Alvu , arrived at Corfu on Nov-
vembcr 27 and left on the 2'th ' ) to continue
ler Oriental cruise.
Two Pr.uklnfrliiii.- lOmploycos Ser
iously Injured at South Onnihii.
Just as the (1 ( o'clock dummy left Omaha
for Albright last night , the engineer noticed
that the man had taken the track for n foot
path , and was proceeding in the same direc
tion as the train. Ho at once whistled down
lir.ikvs , but it was too lute , and Just us the
pedestrian was trying nt tlio last minute to
clear the truck , the engine struck him nnd lus
was hurled to one side. Ho was picked up
insensible and carried back to the station ,
where it was foumMhut his skull was frac
tured , nnd that he was otherwise seriously
injured. Some of Armour's men identified
him us an employe named John Sullivan , but
they were unable to gain his address and
nothing further could bo learned. Ho was
removed to St. Joseph hospital , where at a
late hour last night ho was still lying uncon
Ono hour later HichardGrocox , an employe
of Fowler Hros. , was miikjng his way. along
the tracks to catch the dummy bound for
Omaha. Ho was walking between the tracks
ami considered himself purfectly safe , till an
incoming train struck him. cutting him se
verely about the head and face , but other
wise doing no serious injury. He , too , was
brought to St. Josephs hospital , but us Dr.
Gilbert thought it advisable his friends re
moved him to lus homo ut the corner of
Eleventh and Dorcas streets.
Four Men Arresiot ! fr. - Holding Up
the Cowboy.
At about 5:30 : yesterday morning OfnVer
Cullen sjwtted four men who tallied with
the description giver by Fred Fields of the
gentlemanly appearing fellows who robbed
Irim. Two of the men were in a Tenth street
restaurant , and the other two outside. Tlio
latter two fled on the approach of the otH-
ccrs. The two in tlio restaurant were Frank
Jones and William Crawford. Jones is tlio
thief who pounded up Officer Horrigan so
badly a few months ago whllo Pat was try
ing to arrest him. As soon as Culleii told
these two thugs that they were under arrest
Jones drew his revolver , but it was wrested
from his grasp by the officer before ho suc
ceeded in discharging it. The two were
taken to the central station , nnd on Iwiug
arraigned for trial waived examination nnd
were bound over in the sum of $1,000 each.
In the afternoon the other u\o supposed
hhrlKynjuieM , Jonu Kdssoll and Ike McCarty ,
were arrested , and on ono of thorn was
found Hold's watch. Fields now has all hi- ,
stolen property back again , the money hav
ing been found on Jones' pel-son.
The Hoard ofClinrHloH.
The trustees of the board of charities met
yesterday afternoon at the chamber of com
merce to effect a temporary organization for
the association. Joseph Harker elected
temporary chairman of the board of trustees ,
J. J. Points , temporary secretary , and William
Wallace , temporary treasurer. A committee ,
consisting of Messrs. Glllcsplo , Powell and
Gilbert , was appointed to perfect the consti
tution and by-mws nnd prepare articles of In-
cor | > oration. Another committee , consisting
of Messrs. Tukoy , Lobeck , Newman nnd
Fred Millard , was appointed to select names
for permanent organization to bo presented
at the meeting of the committee to bo held
Tuesday , ut I p. in. , at the board of trade
building. It was also decided to call a meet
ing of the whole society to bo hold ut the city
council chamber on Monday night , November
S , at which time steps will bo taken to secura
now members , nud silss to ratify the new con
stitution and to formally orgunlzo the council
and its branches.
The Horse Itotiirnn ,
Captain Wood's horse which was stolcnlast
night together \ \ Ith u phuHon , harness and
robes returned homo yesterday. The
plueton howuvor. is still missing.
Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria.
VTh'D TUby wiu sdek , v * pay * her CaitorU.
Wbru sba wu a Child , the cried ( or Castor ) * ,
When ibo bocAine MUs , sba dune to Castor ? * ,
Alnxost every clothing house in the country is adver
tising -its methods of how and why you ought to trade at
their .especial places of business , and the amount of money -
you positively lose by not buying of them. Most of these
reasons are chestnuts and rank ones at that. Some are
positive lies , whilst others strike a happy medium a sort
of a Geo. Washington statement that falls on the ear with
an old familiar sound we heard years ago.
Are made of diiferent stuff , and thirty-one years of good ,
steady , straight business methods invite another look be
fore you let yourself be blinded by promises made only oh
paper and never to be fulfilled.
We include in our immense holiday sale of Overcoats ,
(280) ( ) two hundred and eighty styles of
These styles are confined and cannot be duplicated.
COR. F RIS M ; and lOth
Davenport's Great1 Triumph at Lloyd's
Again last evening ws Hoyd's opera house
the scene of a grand convocation of the city's
beauty and fashion. Every scat in the house ,
from gallery to panjuotto , was occupied nnd
the enthusiastic plaudits which greeted Miss
Davenport at each thriljlng crisin in the ca
reer of "Fedora" exceeded oven these of the
oitcning night. It would be folly to endeavor
to say anything additional to Miss Daven
port's credit In this her greatest role , so in
continently has she conquered criticism. Her
conception of the swiftly varying passion
now us placid as a midsummer stream flow
ing through the shadowy woods ; ho winning ,
so gentle , so lovely , and now as fierce and
hideous us a tigress in defense of her young ,
is something that defies description. So
human and intense uro her portrayals of all
the emotions that rent the heart of the ill-
starred Hussiun princess that they are shared
by each one in the audience and the great ac
tress' triumph is perfect. . As on the previous
evening the entire cast admitted themselves
witli striking effect , and itwouldboinviduons
to particuluri/o without giving each his and
her full measure , McDowell improved in
some small particulars , as Loris , whllo Cow-
per , Hurley , Hayes and Horoldo were all that
could bo desired. The audience at the close
in the urgency of their recall broke into vo
ciferous cheers.
The CrolKhton Guards Formally Ac
cepted Ily Governor Thnycr.
Last night tlio Edward Crcighton Guards
were formally mustered Into the national
guard by Govprnor Thayer , assisted by his
stuff officers , Adjutant General Cole , Muster
ing Officer and Inspector General Hotchkiss ,
and Surgeon General Stono. The regiment ,
fifty strong , appeared before his excellency
and staff , and were accepted in a manner be
coming the dignity of the military manual of
the state. Governor Thayer complimented
the officers nnd rank on their excellent ap
pearance , told them that ho had taken the
pains to inquire into their moral character ,
which ho described as becoming soldiers and
civilians , and concluded by saying that ho
was proud of them and felt that they would
prove an aecoptablo and valuable adjunct lethe
the militia of the state ,
Creighton Guards uro already sufficiently
equipped to permit of their going into
immediate ) drill and acquainting them
selves with all military tactic ? , The
members comprise many of the best , enter
prising and well known young men of the
city , and that the Cruighton guards will do
honor to themselves and Qumhu Is assured.
The commissioned officers uro : Captain , C. J.
Smyth ; first lieutenant , M. J. Scanlon ; second
end lieutenant , George J. Paul. The non
commissioned ofticurs' are : First sergeant ,
Thomas J. Downey ; quartermaster sergeant ,
William I ? . E. Shaughncssy sergeants , A. II.
Clinton , John M. Mullen , . I. C.Veetli and
Thomas Flynn ; corporals , Will Webber , H.
.1. Scnniioll , Patrick Hagley. M. T. Hurk ;
musicians , James Swift and A. J. Collins ;
company surgeon , C. I' . Harrigan.
A Tale of Ijovc and Constancy The
Happy Termination.
Misses Flora E. Lane and Evvio Nichols ar
rived hi Omaha yesterday from Harrc , Vt.
They were met at the transfer depot In Coun
cil HluiTft by Mr. Clayton A. Clark and Henry
Knight , of Ogalullu , Neb. Then the quar
tette came to Omaha and the young Indies
were taken to the Puxton where they wer
immediately deserted by the gentlemen who
made a bco line lor the t-ounty court where
licenses to wed were issued to them , At high
noon the four were married by llov. W. J.
Harsha at his residence.
There is quite a pretty little romance con
nected with this double wedding. Hoth of
the grooms are from the Green Mountain
state and are now prominent young business
men of Ogalulhi , to which city they came
about eight years ago. In the sumo village
where their childhood days were spent there
lived the two young ladies who are now : iidr-
ried to them. They were ml very young
when the L'oyo struck out west to make their
I jortuues , but through ull their struggles the
memory of their childish sweethearts has
been kept fresh and green. Dame fortune
dealt kindly with tlio two boys and the loiters
between them and their Hweothcaits were
full of love nnd conslaney. So ut lust
when the boys had gained fame and forluno
they urged an immediate marriage , but tlio
"old folks at homo" objected. Finally the
importunities of the two lovers won the day
and the girls , even as Uuth did , allowed that
they would follow their lovers. So their
love for the gallant youths of Ogalulla was
stronger Ihan parental power , and resulted
in the long journey and happy culmination ,
Storm calendar and weather fore
casts for 1888 , by Rov. Irl R. Hicks ,
witli explanations of tlio "Grout Jorum
I'orion , upon which our planet is now
ontcrinpr , mailed to tiny tiddrcss , on re
ceipt ot u two cent j)03iiiRO ) stamp. Write
plainly ygu inline , postollleo and blulo.
The Dr. J. II. McLean Medicine Co. ,
St. Louis , Mo.
The woman who edits the Douglass-
villo Industrial says she 1ms hud sixly-
four offers of murrinyo hinco the first
issue of her pnpor , and adds : "But the
plain , naked truth is Unit u few years
iifjo I actually mot u crank face to faeo
wlio had the courapo to voeali/.o his
offering. I at first positively refused ,
directly relented , shortly ucquiesced.
The fact is , I tun married and huvo
three youthful daughters iindahusbund.
Catarrh in the Head
* ji .
OrlRlnates In scrofulous Ulnt In the blood. Ilonce
the pniper method by whlrfi lo euro caUrrli , U to
I'UHiKV THE iii.oiii ) . Its.many dUuu-rocublu nymi > -
iUin * . anil the dannor of detqloi'lnK into bronchitis ,
or thut terribly fnliil ill c r , consumption , lira on-
tlruly rc'inoreil hy llood'ii' aniiipurllln , wliluli cures
cuturrli by purlfyini ; the blood. Heail thu following
' '
letter ;
"I cheerfully gtvo icyl'erprience In tlio use of
Hood's Snrsupnrllla. I lifd been troubled with
caUrrli to m > m e Wnt for a lonu ilmo , and hud used
MtrioiiH mi'.llcliio" with no good rciulu , wlion I was
10 afffcted luat
Spcucli Wu * Dlflleult
and ray voice was entirely unnatural. I then began
to u o Hood's Sarsaparlllaas a remedy , and with such
KOml eiTcct llul In a few weeks speech was easy , the
TOlce imtural , and my Kcncrnl health wan much Im
proved , homcllmes a return of the dlteuso Is In.
dtici'd by liiklnt ! cold , when I resort at once to thu use
of Homt' * barsaparllla. which I keep by mo con
stantly , and alnajra ttnd relief. I regard Hood's sw
suparllla as nnlnraluablo remedy for catarrh , and
Judging by Us rtfrcti upon myself I pnnnot say too
much lu Its praise. " J. = > CIM.UV , Jericbo , Vt.
Catarrh may alfect any portion of the body wbor
thu mucous morubrano la found , Hut catarrh of the
head Is by far thu most common , and , struniiu to say ,
the inoit liable to bu noglvcted. The wundurful sue-
tens Hood's Harsaparllla bus hnd In curlnK catarrh
warrants us In urging all who sutler with thin disease
to try the peculiar raodlctno. It renoyates and InrlK-
t > r ; ' . : tUe I'lcciJ. su'i t c S7i.-7.dsan.
N. II. If you hare decided to vet Hood's Sarsnpa-
rllla do nut be Induced to taka any other.
" 1 IIHVO been Iroubltwl with catarrh a year , causing
treat soreness of Ibo bronchial lubes and
Terrible Headache.
I rood that Hood's Sarsaparllla would cure catarrh ,
nnd utter taking only ono bottle I am much bettor.
liy catarrh Is curud , my throat Is entirely wulland my
headache has all disappeared. " 11. ( JluiiuMj , Hamil
ton , HutliT Co. . O.
"Hood's Parsnparilla cur d mo of miller's catarrh ,
and built up my gentral health , so that I am fueling
butler than for years , u Is the dm medicine I eycr
knon of which would cure miller's catarrh. " ( lEoliUE
Kimeil. Miller al Writ-Ill's Mill , Iioann , Oblo ,
Do sure lo Kel tuv 1'ecullar .MuJIdue ,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by olldrussUt-.Jii sU ( orK. Prepared onir b ; I Sold by klldruiifUti.Ht ilsfu a. PreparodODlr by
'J. ! . UCOn A CU. , Ap > 'thccarlc , l vcll. Matt. U. 1. HOOD * CO. , AU eCarl , Ix > w ll , Mat ] ,
ioo Dotrt One Hollar I 100 ftu < i Ono Dollar
Eleetro-Mapetie Belts !
The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science
Scientifically Mads and Practically Applied.
_ Ufll I f ttOtf Vmi " 3 n you I' lns In the Tloett. nip . IloBil or l.lmli. ,
II Wlbk VrUrfKl T U U Ner.oua Debility , l.umh , > , ; nrr l Prbllltr , It lieu-
realism. lar lr ls , Nrurulgl , Rclallca , Diseases of Kldiit'in , Huluttl IllMUft' * , Tortild l.lvrr ,
Uoul , Kihiustloii , KmlMlons. Asthma , llcnrl DUraw , l > ) nitp lu , Conmlpallan. Erynlpvliii.
lidlettl3S , .Vcuino * . ImpnUncy , Cilfrrlt , I'Uft , Knllrpn ) . I'umh Aauc , lllubctcst 111Jrocoli' ,
Blouit l > ltr sr Dropsy. et . , then tills brlt Just nliut you Bcctf.
Klectnctlit Inttanliu Kill C' n Im lU'pllctl _ „ _ . _ _ - _ _ _ . „ - _ . . _
tomiy part or Ihn l.i.nly. Wliuto family can Wf MEN ALL. l-LRt ? FAII _ S
It cIpctrlflHa the blood and cures Wsn I ftklU E kOKB \lbiOs
linillll C Kvery .meeuniil iinJosi-dliyrennhMon. NOTE tliofollowlnc vrlio Imvo lipcn
jnUIIIALO VUIt l > i-A. J. noairland , 1C h. l' rkcr nd J.M.IUtlitt. all on Hoard of Trade ,
ChloiL'oi A. OroRory , commlnsloiiinrrcriaiit.Hinck Vardsi lludd Dulilo.thii irrtnt liursciimn > Col. Conui'llv ,
nf thu Inter Oernn , O , W. Ucllui , U. 1) . Mormonlown , Inw i I muol Milk , KnnknkcoIll.i Judtro I. H. ; K. I. . Alibott. mipt. cltynBtt-rMorlm. South litnd.Iml i Ilolit. It. Hmniisan. chlcaeu
imstaftlcusL. 1) . UeMlrhtct , M l > , llilfliilo.K. V. ' Your licit li i cooin | > lli > hM whnt no nthi'rrvini-ilr ) m i
strady norrm upilrnmforlabla blcfp at night. " Hall. Hall , uUciman , l&u ul ai > lhMrcol.tiuw York
Aiul tliousnnils of others.
llr UnDUC'C El C Ttin llSnEJCTIr1 RPI T lsrnp rlortnallothoni-currentiinfoloctrlcl'
Uri nUHNt 9 ELKlliHU InNUntllw DELI tyamhtroiiB or tiilMnstliowvuicriiiay da-
sire ; | > ruducv9 a continuous currvnti courojs cluvtrlclty through tliascTiy on tlic IUTIC . It curasdlncaiius
liy icnr rating A continuous current of cloctriclty (10 ( ur 1 a hours nut cf 24) thruimhmit the human nyiitnm ,
Allaying all ncrToiienr a Immediately , nnd pi-odiolnir - anew circulation nf HIH " ' lifu " foicon the ' blood , liu-
ilruggtsts ,
Chtcaffo ,
A magnificent display af everything useful
ornamental in the furniture maker's art ,
at reasonable prices.
ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope ,
Buffalo Scales ,
Plows Markers , , Scale Repair Shop.
Hooks ,
Grapples , OMAHA.
Slide Iron.
(3uccr ( r.07 TO Jolm O. Jacob ] , )
At the old oluud. MOT Farnam St. OitleiA fey tele.
ir.pb solicttud iiml promptly nUcnflia to.
' o. " *
"llr a tlKirouuli kncmlixlnu of the iihtural lawi
nliku votcrn thii < jitnilliin | ! > nf ilU'isli'm ' nn.lnulil-
tlon , Hinl l > r curi'fiil Hiillrntlon | | nf Ihu lln pnMM'rllfl
nf Cum. ! , Air. KIII | * tin * proylilo.l . uuf
Lri'iiklu t tulilci with n ilHlnilt'ly Iliivcirwl liuTurniiii
which tuny ny in niBiiy hi'ttvy ilurlurn lilin. Itu
liy the Jiidloloui u u ol utli nrtlclo of illi'l Iliulu
ronilltutlun inur U > iirmlUHlly Imlll l > until ininij
unuuiih In tftlit > iviT ) lruluMuy In iliM'itiu. Hun.
ilrcdt of ill litln niKlHdlcn iiru lli.nllnp nruuinl uj remit
luiilluck wliuroTfr Iliurn l H wi'itk imlnt Wuniny
ficnt > a HI ii n y a InlHl ihult liy kufMlnv oui i-lvu wuf
fotllllcil Kith | iur hliiiul ninl n ( iMin'My nuurldiud
lralSSi\lWWY . ' , ? * , . , , Hold D..I . . ,
In hull puund linn liy ( inirorn InUolBU Unit -
" " " "i-cattiloai'iuUli