v * v t PHE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SEVENTEENTH YEAR OMAHA , SATURDAY &IQKNING DECEMBER 3 , 1887. NUMBER 108 Grovy Resigns the Presidency of the Republic. HIS MESSAGE TO THE DEPUTIES. Wild HCCIICH of Disorder In the BtrcutH ol'I'aiiH Tlio Molts Charged Hy the Police and Soldloin rorclijn NPWH. Crpvy OOPS. . (667 ( till Jilincn ( liinlnn ffcinie't.l ' PAIIIS , Dec. 'J. [ Xcw Yoik Hciald Cable Special to the Hrr. ] 'iho second end of Dei ember is again destined to go down in bistoiy as a ( lav memoiablo in the annals of Pi ante. At nn eaily hour this mot ning thousands of Puilslans Unonged to the PI ice do la Con- cotdo and peidied themselves like c'tows on the benches and stone balustiadcs beneath the statues Stinssboutg , L-vons and Mar seilles. At I o'clock Genci.il Soussicr and bis aide dc camp lode slowly down the Champs Hljsces , a sqtiudion of tlio guide lojmhlicuiiio cheval dealing the giound. The eiowd vvns peifectly good natuied , shouting "A bus Pel i yl" At 2 o'clock the deputies all thtonged Into the Palais Houibon like sthoolbojs , quid 10- publlc.ilno on foot funning burners to enable them to push thiough. Inside tlie ehinnbei itself the hccno was vorj'impiessive. Hun dreds of ladles filled the gnlleiies. In tlio diplomatic logo weio Mr. MoLuuo , Count Munstei mid nil the attaches. M. Ploquct , ut u ( pun ttr past 2 o'clock , brought his ivoiy hammer down with a vvhiiik and in a stcnto- lian voice shouted : "I invite jou to piescivp thomost piofound silence out of icspcct for join selves and for the nation that jou i epic-sent. " All the deputies at once became as still as mice and Floquct lead slowlj' and distinctly the president's message. When bo caino to the pusnugo "Mon devoir et mon droit scr- iilent do icsistet , " thoio W'us a loud muimcr of dlsappiobiition. The i est of the message was listened to in told silence I happened to bo seated in the galleij- next to the Mar quis do Heanvoir , who is the official tcpio- sentulivo of the ComtodoP.nis Do Hcau- vuir exclaimed us soon as the leading of tlio message ended : ' I'll , bitnoila. . It is a vet j dignified mes sage and is as thoiough ndenunciation of the icpubllo as could have been wiitten bj'the most reactionaiy coiibciv.itivo. " M , Clovis Hugucs , the excitable deputy fiom Marseilles , exclaimed , in an undei- tone : "Oil , II est bitn moit inuintcnnnt. " Evoijbody then t nulled Into tlio lobbies to discuss tlio chances of candidates at the Vci- sailles congicss to moilow and the wildest chattel Ing and hullabaloo ensued. At the coiner lobby , near the statue of Liocoon , Loid Kundolph stood cugoilj' discussing the situation with Ploquct At II o'clock I found the eiowds outside the Palais Houibon being diiven off by detach ments of soldieis mid police , the eiowd shout ing nlvvujs , "Abas Peiij ! " "Moht a Perry 1" The mob was a good naturcd one and sang tbo "Mmsollles" and "Carmagnole. " Mean while U few bundled hot-headed joungsteis inmchcd fiom the Place do la Concorde down the avenue Uivoli to the Hotel dtt vLouvic , wheio Hoiilangcr lives , singing "Kovcnantdola Kcvuo" and bowling out "Vivo Houlungerl" but Houlanger had al- icady quietly loft Pans bj garo d'Oi leans for Cleimoiit-Poiiand to letako' command of his thiitcenth in my coips. At the Hotel do Villu wcikmpii stood about In gionps , but offei eel no tin eat or 10- slstance to the tioops At 5 o'clock , however - over , gangs of about six bundled joungsteis mid gamins headed by Cumelin.it , Quoicj and Haslj- , with led , white mid blue banncis , tame mm thing over the Pont do la Concoido , singing "Cinimignolo , " and United down the Hue Hlvoli en Kouto for the Hotel do Villo When they got opposite the eimcsti Ittn statue of Joanne d'Aro a squndion of gnaids repubbcuino f011 ed u passage , The emoutieis tiled to lush thiough the tanks , and the oflicci indo command teceived the but of a cigar in the diook that some mischievous gavtoeho hud thrown at him. Tlio officer dtow his saber , tind as ho did so a dozen stones wci 0 tinow a at soldieis , several of them sinking the hi ass helmets with a sound like a spoon dioppcd into tin empty saucepan. The gaulo republi- toino then , at the woidof command , diew their sabtes and n tiuinpet sounded the chaigo. Tlio tioopois , on lulg-j horses , ttotted and then gallojied at the eiowd , tiding down ten or twenty of them and hltUnirtight and left with the flat of sables Hasley himself was bit in the jaw by a sabto and fell on the pa\ement howling with i.ige. The eiowd in live minutes melted nwuy , leav ing no dace behind it except a dozen men and bojs sllghtlj biuiseiland limping about sweating vengeance. Almost at the same moment two similar lows took place on the place do la Concoidu and tile Hojale , the mob dlsnppcaiing like magic. Hut in the tuo Kojitlo si'iiinm.igo a hot-headed I joungstor ( lied a tovoher ut the euv.ili.v. The ball stuukouo of the soldieis on the hel met. This vuis followed bj a volley of stones , the oflli or In command being hit on the cheek and the i ight ej o w ifli a stone The ti umpet at once bounded a chatgo and tiot , and the rue Uoyalo w as sw opt clear of all the crow d na if with u biooni. Suddenlv another gang of t evolutionists appealed opposite the Muddoino. Throe or four icvolver shots weio Hied bj them at the troops. One of these shots bit the glazed hat of a ooeher dtiving a jellow cab number 7720. This cochor , whoso name is Paul Viitor , tinned bis horses at the ctowd , and , whip in hand , shouting featful oaths , this Jehu diovo full tilt at the crowd , i mining over an old woman , and the cab , driving up against a lamp post , tuinod o\ oren on its side Tlio ctowd smashed the tab to pieces , but the cabman , whose whip was toin fiom his band , seized ulaigowicndi that all Pat islnn cabmen carry under their box beat , and wounded six people on the head with It , knocking two senseless. Several moio vollojs of htonosand a fowhuimlebsievolver shots wore Hied ut the tioops. The cavalry clnngcd again , leaping over the cab , and at the foot of the steps of tlio Madeleine about llfty persons weio wounded bv kicks from the hotses and blows from the backs of uies. Nobodj' dui hip the set immago , how- in or , w as K Jllr'or tn e" m ouy w ounded. A few tovolvcr shots vTC' * also filed at the troop * , fi om the place do la Concorde , but a. vigoious chat go of cavalry nvvopt the stieets clear. At 0 o'clock all Pat Is was quiet again. At u mcctinc held this evening at the Hotel do Vlllo the municipal council of Pat is , In foimal session , passed a icsolullon byM volts to 15 cxptossliiK the conviction of the council thut if Jules Feiiy bo rlocted picsl- dent Unit ci ave troubles would bo Inevitable , tnd not only would thesticcts ofPanstlow With blood , but U would bo u sign of civil war throughout Prance , This resolution was puB ed as nn offs < t to tbo opinion ex- picsscd in the lobbies of tbo chamber to-day that Ferry has the best chance of election. Paris to night is ( pilot , but long after mid night people stand on the boulevards and sit in ( afcs sipping vermouth , smoking cigarettes and betting on the c hances of the candidates to-moiiow in congi cst. At Versailles considerable Indignation is expressed that Wilson bus not followed his beau pcio's suite and resigned his beat as a deputy. Quito n touching little domestic scene oc curred this morning at the Kl\sce when Gicvy announced his decision to resign. Mme. Wilson , who bus been In a very nervous ! and excitable state of health the p.ist 1 few dajs , tbiow hctsclf on the lloor at her 1 fathers feet , begging mid imploring him to i cumin president , and concluding with the ' wends : "Mon Mini ; ser.iit perdu. " To-night th" ttoops remain In the barracks under ' aims , Genoial Sailssler , who now holds ' in his hands the destiny and public oidoi of Pianc o , is omnipotent and shows Inc ! teasing vigilance. Ho lides thiough the ! sticets in an elegant dash ing undicss uniform of a gen eral oflltcr. Hy bis side tides nn aides- do camp , also In campaign unifoim , and be hind two or Unee mounted oidei lies Saus- slci is in fact all that remains of the govem inent Ho is nil povvcilul and is fully com petent to quell w itli iron cnergj * anj' attempt to utuip the gov eminent or effect a coup d'etat. Gievy left the Klvsoe at 5 2" > this after noon in a poupo di awn bv two black hoises. All the oflUois of tlio piesidcnt's household stood uncovered as Grevj' stepped into the cimlago. Gicvj wore a double-In castcd black coat , n tall silk lint mid dailc tiouscis. Ho looked tboioughly tiled out. The weather is cold nnd foggy and ho closed the windows of the coupe and diovc i.ipidly to bis mansion on the avenue bonu , whither Wilson and his fmnllj had pi deeded bun. At ! ) o'clock all the mnbassadois called ut the mansion on the uvenvc Sena and loft their cauls. A few gamins in fiont ot the Sena ahoutcd "abas Fcny ; u 1'eau Poirj. " PAIIIS , i ! > m , DQO 2 Evcijth'ng is quiet throughout the city thus fur. The police do- c'me that thev aricstcdDotbuleteand Louise Michel vesteicluv to save them fiom tne violence lence ol the eiowd. Tin1 papeisj'.enerullj aic of the opinion that after the evtntsof jestci- daj' Picsidcnt Giovy cannot postpone his lesignation. Thej' approve tbo attitude of the thu.nbois as calm and dignified. Lo Soleil declines Unit Piesident Gievj's acton in dofeiiing his lesignation was especially aimed at Pen v. 1 , iO p m Picsidcnt GIPVJ'S lesignation has been sent to the ptcsidcnts of the bcnato and ehambei of deputies , and will bo lead at the opening of the sittings of the ehmnbeis. Atl.2"ip m ciowds woio in fiont of the chamber of deputies The pollt o have elcuicdtho uppioadics to the building and have stoppe-d tiafllo in the vicinity. At 1 .1" ) Piesident Glow's message to- signing the piosldomy ot the icpublio was lead in tbo e hambci of deputies. In it Gievy s'atcd the votes taken in the senate and cham ber of deputies jcbteidiiv weic decisive dc- monstiations necessitating his lesignation. After lecallinghis seiv ices to the country which assuied tianqililitv at homo and peace ubio id , bo declines that ho leaves the ofllec with a feeling of sadness , while declining to bo lesponsiblo for future events The deputies icceived tbo message with piofouud silence. Floquet lead a letter from the picsident of the senate summoning n congiess of the two ehmnbeis at Veisallles for the puipobo of electing a new piesident. Tlio sitting was dosed with cues of "Vivo la icpubhquo ! " The text of Gievj's message of lesignation w as as follow s. "So long as I had only to contend with the difficulties in mj path of the attacks of the pi ess , absentation of the men whom the pub lic voice called to mj side anil the met casing ii : > [ 'j ii > nty ! to foi 111 u minlstij' , I struggled on and lorn lined wheiodutj' leu inc. Hut at the moment when publio opinion , better 111- foimed , mmked a change which gave mo hope ol loiming a gov eminent , the senate and chumboi of deputies voted a double leso- lution , which , under the foi m of adjournment to fix nn hour to await the picsi- deut's piomised message , is tantamount to summoning lUc piesidcnt to icsign. It would be mv dutj nuil light to icsist a little under the oilcunistauces in which wo aio placed , but wisdom and patiiotism command mo to j lelcl 1 leav o to those w ho assume it UiPi expansibility ful1 Si'jh > weceuctit and tlio events that m.ij' ensue. I ichnquiyi w ithout icgtet , but not w ithout sadness , the dighitj to which 1 have been twice laised without solicitation , mid In the cxeicismg of which I tool confident Ihiivo douo mj' ilutj- . To this 1 call Plane e to witness. Pi.nico will saj Unit foi ninojeais mv government bus seemed to the countij' peace , oidei mid libei tj" has made Fiunco le-spocted thiough- outthewoild ; has woikeel unieniittingly to laise her , and in the midst of nn at mod Eu- lopoleuveb her in condition to defend her honor mid light ; and , fuither , thut it has been able to keep tlio tepublle in the wise in ternal com so mm ked out bv the interests and wishes of the couutij' . Fiance will saj' that in ictuiii for this I have been lemoved fiom a post wheio her confidence placed in mo. In leaving po litical litt'iroiin but ono wish. It is that the icpublic niaj not bo sttuck the blows aimed at mjsi'lf. but that it inuj issue tmimphant honi'Uio tiangeis it is made to incur. I pluco on the buieau ot the chumbei of deputies my lesignation of the functions of piebidcnt of the Pi one h lepublic. " At 4 , . )0 ) p. m. gioups of people had begun to assemble in tiout ot the Palais Houibon , A numbei of membeis of UIP two ehnmbcis held u session in the Puluis Houibon this uf- tcinoon for the puiposo of balloting for pies idcnt piep.nutoiy to an election by the con- gi ess at Vc i Millies to-moi low. The icsult of the tiist bidlut was : Flouquet , 101 , Do Pioj- ciiK't.UI ; Hiisbon.Ti ; Sadl Cai not , 4U ; Peiij , ID ; Pellleus , it. Gicvy , i ! . In those onil Valiol Mssonatois and depu tes voted. The ip-ult was : M. do Piejcmet , 11)0 ) ; M. Hilton , si ; M. Sadicarnot , 27 ; M. Floqiict , 'M ; M. Peiij' , U. Oulv inemlioi-s of the upublkun gioups took pait in the bal lots. lots.I.outso I.outso Michel attempted to foice mi en- ttanco into the building and was again placed under an ebt. In the evening , on the pretext that the re public w us thii atoned , humlicds of i evolu tionists and so 'ialists , followed by a big eiowd composed of all elements , stinted for the Hotel do Villo. The police and cavaliy ehaigcd the mob , which ictaliatul with a volloj of s.oncs. A number of peisonsweio oiintU d , The mob w as dispoi sod. Cumellnat and Lnquou\v , extremist dep uties , with UiniiPst Kocho , of Intian- slgcunt , tiled to hautnguo u eiowd In fiout of the 1'alais JJoui- bon , but woio pioventod by tUo polici1. Aftciwaids they pioavdcd to the Hotel do Ville The mutiicipal council w as dis'-ussing the pioposal to ptoocd tothoPalais Houtbcn to moitovv to dcmuad thut the chamber save the tepublic' . Cttinellnat obtained a feivynt healing. The municipal council ngicedbyn vote of .14 to is to ask an audience with the chamber. Midnlglit Tlieiowas much less excitement in this citj to night than on the piovious night. Knots of cutious people collected fiom time io time , but wote easily dlsneiscd. A few pet sons teceived slight injiniesln scuf- Iles with the polico. Louis MIdiol was foicl- blj removed fiom the enti anc oof tbo Palais 1501111)011.11111 was then liberated. Deputy HcU'.jy was aucstod. bonatora and modct- ate deputies Kcneiallv abstaine-d from taking ll.'r' 'a ' tod.tv's test balloting. The plcnaij meeting to lw < held at Veit-adles to-moiiow inoi ning will atTou" : : bcttci indication of the Haul tcsult , to Convict. DUUIIV. Doe. ! i The til.il of Lord Major Sallivan foi puutlug in UF-s papcriho Nation , icpotthof bul'inciised biiiachcs of the Na tloual U'ugue , took place to clay and lesultci in i onvietlon. Sullivan Was bculonc dto tv.vo monthb'iuiV'tisoinncnt , but v < Ithout later. I IMP Al V'C ' HVT Ilflc V TFC \ LliMULi > o tiUUllu lAUo ) , The Cnso of the Councllmon Be fore the Suprouio Court. SEVERAL MORE DAYS OF A Hull- Made Huturnnhlc on the 12th lust. Attorney Iminhertson TnkcH a Hoppful View of the Situation. The Ijincoln Council Cnse. WisiiisoTov , Deo. 2. [ Special Telegiam to the Hi r.i The supreme court has granted a rule i etui liable on December 12 , in the Lincoln council case. The decision was announced by Chief Jus tice Waite and was vei bid. He suit ! : "Wo have decided to grunt uiulo in the applica tion fiom Lincoln , Neb , made bj' Andiow J. Savvjer andothcts for a vvnt of habeas cor pus , but do j ou pi efer u rule or n wi it of ha beas coipus I" addtessing Mr. Lambcitson , w ho stood at the bar , " 1 pi efer a iule , " was the teplj' . "When shall it bo i etui liable i" the chief justice asked. "I can miange , " said Mi. Lumbcrtson , "to have it ictinliable at once I will telegraph the mmshal. " "Wo weic thinking of making it t etui liable on December 111. " "That Is a longer time , " said Mr. Lambert- son , "than is ncccssaij' . I should saj the bth would give ample time. " "We'll make it the 12th , " suid Justice Mil ler. ler."On "On the Uth thoiulo will bo returnable , " said the chief justice. "Then If we deem it advisable , the date can bo changed to suit convenience. " "Can j on not i olcaso the pi isonci s on baili" inquned Mr. Lambcitson. " "No , " said the chief justice , "we could not do that If jou dosiio , howevci , wo will grant j'ou a wi it. " "No , I picfer u ittle"replied Mr. Lambeit son , "but I w ant to get these men out of jail as soon as possible. " "The piisoneis mo in the charge of the United States maishal , " intciposed Justice Miller , "and I suppose they aio not buffer- Ing. " "Probably not suffering , but they do not want to languish by the grate anj' longer than is absolutelj' necessary , " icspondcd Mr. Lambeitson. Again the chief justice said the piisoneis could not bo icleased on bail. Ho added : "Now , Mr. Lambertson , if jou conclude that jou would picfci a vvnt of habeas coipus toi | iule , wo will giant H. " Mr. Lambcitson did not desire that , as the expense of biingmg the piisoneishcie would be considerable and the journey would be no moio pleasant than to remain where thej'urc. If a wilt of habeas corpus was granted the piisoneis would in poison be bi ought before the court heic , when the argument for iclief would bo made in their presence. The mlo simplj' icquircs the United States marshal to show cause vvhj the piisoneis aic held and the argument will take place without the picscnco of the piisoncrs heie , thus saving the expense of their tiip. Mi. Lambcitson believes that if Judge Hrcwer had been piescnt to-daj' and heai d tbo dialogue above outlined , that he would have been willing to reduce the mi- piisonmcnt of the pt isonci s to simple cus todj of the United States maishal Hobo licvedalso that the time for loturning tbo nilowould be i educed to the 7th 01 bth , and ho is vcij' favoiablj' nnpiesbcd with the turn the case has taken. Mr. Lainbcitson's biief is spoken of as a model of tetseness and sttong in its mgumcnt. Should the United States court of Ncbiaska icfuse to admit the Lincoln pilsoncrs to bail , Mr. Lainbei taott Will to-moiiow ask the su piemceouit of the United States to issue a w t it of habeas coi pus , which w ill bung them heio. Once here , they will bo icleased on bail , as Chief Justice Waite has so stated. Mr. Lambeitson , Senator Paddock and Hep- lescntativo McShanc mid othcis in Washing ton expect the couit in Nebuiska to admit he piiscr0' ' s to bail. The couit bcie to day expi cssccl gi cat sui pi iso \i\vr \ 'paming ' that ho Lincoln men wore actually in jail. Jus tice field said to Mr. Lambei tbon : "These n"ii mo onlj' nominallv in the eustodj' of the inaishal , mo tboj' not I" "No , indeed , " leplied Mr. Lambcitson , 'they mo actually m jail , and aio kept in close confinement. When thev w 01 o 01 del oil n the custody of the maishal the couit di- ictted that they should bo confined in jail Thut mount confinement for all the vvotds moan. " When Mr. Lambcrtson asked Chief Justice Waitc to admit the piisoneis to bail the latter leplied : "Wo huvo no authoiity to admit them to bail unless the-j' aio before us. If jou want it wo will issue a writ bunging them heio and then wo may admit them to bail. " "No , " leplied Mr. Lambcitson , "I picfer to save the expense their coming heio would make , cspcciallj'when thev can just as well be admitted to bail at Omaha. " "Peihups , " said Justice Miller , "that the eouit at Omaha will icleaso them on bail when it loams that wo have issued nwiit and mo willing to giant avviit of habeas coipus. " After such plain talk us this talk which means u suggestion that the piisoners ought to be on bail the Ncbiaska people and all who aio familiar w itli today's pioceedings anticipate thut the couit bus all cad j admitted the piisoneis to bail. Hofoio asking for u wilt of habeas corpus to-moriow , in tlio event tbo touit at Omaha does not admit the piisoiiets to bail , Mr. Lmnbcitson will propose to deposit a bond hero in any sum which may bo named for the bail of the prisoners , thus making unneces sary their trip to Washington. Ueprescntutivo McShuno , who is very in dignant at their impiisonmcnt , is anxious to suppl.v anj'bond the court muv lequire. It is sate to piedict that the piisoneis will not be In jail long , Mr. Lamboitson met Judge Dillon , of Now Yoik , in the snptemo couit loom to day and the judge , who is the highest authority in the tommy on tha subject of habeas coi pus , having w ritten stundaid decisions on it , ox- pi ess'ed gic.it binpjiso thut tno Lincoln men weio in Jutland thut in fuct they hud been lined for contempt. Judge Dillon is high uuthoiityon the question of fcdcial juiis- etiction I'U'l ho declined that the fedei al coin t had no light to attempt anj' inteifoience. as it did at Lincoln. Ho is of tbo decided opinion that Mr. Lambeitson has uliendj' won hU case. The supiemo couit of the United States bus done evcijthlng asked except to flbail , which , it s.ijs , it has no iicht to do unless the piisoneis will como bcic. Then thej' will bo within ioaeb. Mr. Lnmbertson is lu constant anticipation of the announcement fiom Omahu , that the piisoneis ate out of Jail , and ho expects to have . \ ictuinoftho i ulo in time to get a healing befoto Decem ber I',1 , tlio time ilxed to day. Mr. Lambcitson received a te'ojrram fiom Omahu to nlcht , stating that the couit theio bad intimated that It would admit the prison- 01 b to bail ujKin the iccommendatlon of the biipierne couit bete , and to-moirow ho will ask for the lotonunendaUon , which ho be lieves will bo mado. Mr. Lambeitson and ConejC'sninn Mo- Shane called on Justice Miller- late to night t amkcd : him to iccomnicml 10 Mnishai Him bower Tu r wso the. prlsmiooi on pinole. The Justice said ho cu2l Uu > .t do this , but ho i > ad ! the action of the sumeCS'-QUit to day ought to be sufficient to Induce the msr-'ia ' to do this , or to lead the eouit to admit th uilsoners to ball. , , . . T1II3 I'UKHIDKNT'H MIISSAGK. The Topic * Treated In Cleveland's Third , Annual. Nrvv YOIIK , Dec. 2. [ Special Telegram to the Hm : . ] The Trtbuno's Washington special saj s : "Tho praidcnt at the cabinet meeting jcstordoj' , stibmlttcd n rough draft of his forthcoming annual message to con- gioss. It was fully anfl ftcoly discussed for nearly four houis and will again bo sub mitted on Friday to the cabinet in the form in which It will be sent to congiess. Mean- w bile speculation is t ifo as to the contents of what will probably bo one of the longest ofHcial documents ever1 wiittcn by Cleve land. Those who know say it will contain approximate ' 22OJK ) welds Unusual pre cautions seem to huvo been takan to prevent Its publication bcfototho pioper timo. It will not be sent to the public pi inter until at the lust moment. Viom cxeclknt source-sit is asccttaincd that Ua\aid's ' department will ubsoib the lion's share of the message. Ho vvirt announce In the flist place cither the icsult of the labois of the Jlsherles commission or the fact that they mo still at work. Tlieie is an impres sion pi availing today that the commission will sit for the lust time on Saturduj' next. It is based upon the icpoit that one of the Ca nadian commlssioncts asserted atone of the dinneis iccontlj' given to them that all of the commissioners , Chambcilain Included , will cat their Clnistmas dinners at homo. It in dicates , too , that the negotiation of n now ticatj' has been found impiacticable , a result said to bo favoied bj'.Uavaid , who js icpic- sented as despaiilng of getting a ticatj' acted ' the senate in its upon bj' present tem per. What the president will piobablj' bo able to announce in bis message is that the commission has agreed upon an intciprcta- tion of the treaty of 1818 Ho will not allude to the appointment of Angel and Putnam , "negotiatois , " nor is it expected that the names of lUiose two gentlemen will bo sent to the senate , if the commission should still bo in session after the meeting of congress. The latitlcation ot unextiadition ttcuty with Gieat Hiituin is to bo urged. Aieqiiestls made that suitable legislation bo passed bj' congress to eatij into effect the convention of ISSOCOVPI ing the opium traffic with China , and m connection with this , it is rumoicd that the piesident will lead a mild seA of lectuio to congress on account of its pi ociastination in such m.it- teis , while he will conti.ist with it tbo piompt action of China in ictuinlng part of the unused indemnity voted by ( ongicss on account of the Hock Spt ings outi ages A 10- Mslon of the initialization laws , establish ment of a central lubot buican for registia- tion of nntuiahml citizens , and a hint us to the iidvisubilitj' of lestncting by fed eral statute nnmlgiation ot an 1111- desiiable kind aio among the topics discussed bv the piesident in view of the re cent anau lusts' depionstrutioiis in rations naits of the eountij * ; A letter leeched fiom Geoi go William Curtis is said to have insuted the inseition of n fcirqiblo uigument in the piesulent's message in behulf of the adoption of some measuie coveimg the cop\light question. The abel itlon of the tax on vvoiks of ait is again urged. Apleaforlibei.il uppio pi mt Ions lor the consular sei vice also iiguies latgolj in this pait of the piesidcnt's mes sage. lieguiding thotnrift and other ques tions of tinancc the bresidcnt will huve little to saj , the picscnt plan beingit is said , to let the bccictaij of the ttcusui j deal with both questions me.xtcnso in his annual tepoit In a general and veiy guuided way tto piesidcnt lecom- mends , it is \ undei stood , libeiul enlaigement of tbd fiec list , mentioning , however , bj1 name uone of the uiticlcs to bo placed thcie. Itiis vd'll known , though , th.it wool , salt and lunuWiuro among the ai tides which , in his opiniokjnuiiht to be on the list. Gicat sticss is laid xii-nii the fact that the question of the constnntlv Inci casing suiplus still icmams unsolved , though by the effoits of the seeictiuj'of > he tieasury the money has been kept as mCdi as possible in en dila tion bv extending tljc svstem of public deposi itoi ics As to the purchase of .i ) per cent bonds bj' the government in the open niaiket the piesident is satd to have veij' decided view s in fav or of u plan on a lai ger sealo than has jet beetf attempted bv the tic.isui.v , though it is doubtful whcthci he will have anj thing to sav on the subject in his ucssajje. Ho will , however , again asic coiigvc a to ic- peal the act making the coinage of silver clollais compnlsorji and iccomnicnd instead that dlsciotionaiy poweis bo given the SOP- tetaiyof the trcasurj' . Tlio Paoilie iiiihoads come in foi a fair t-haie of tbo piesidcnt's at tention. Though IIP has , it is believed , no suggestions to makl ; ieg.il ding the question of bettlcnient of theii indebtedness to the go\ eminent , it is understood that tins will be the subject of a'special ' iness.igc to bosent to congicbs later on. A Talk With Don DIcIcpnHon. Cjlc\r.o ! , Dec. p. [ Special Telegiam to the HEI : j De:1 M. Dickcnson , the probable successor of L 1111.15 as seciet ry < ? f the in tenor , .11 lived in Chicago last evening fiom Detroit and on his way to Washington. Dickcnson was tircjd and dibindmed to talk about political affairs. He was not inclined to think , however , that Cleveland had ap pointed him to a cabinet position with anj idea that ho could tairy Michigan in his in terests in 1&S8. Of eoutso ho would do what ho could and when noses wcic counted it might be found that Michigan was not ate- publican state after all , but to attempt to prognosticate tcsults would &eem like gas- c omidmg , and , as that was not m his line ho declined to pose us a pi ophet. All ho knew was that the ontneeountij' was satisfied with Cleveland's adminlsttation , and he did not think that the average and lesponsiblociti/cn desiied a change in administiation of national offans. Gladstone and the Dissident * : . LONDON , Dec. 2. Gladstone , in a letter , contends that the dissidents departed fiom whig tiadltionb in opposing constitutional tc- foims in It eland and have nat i owed the spii it mid aims of the liberal paitjbieaking the old and invaluable habit of the liboi al pat ty in England which berctofoio legaidcd the libet.il at ibtoeracj ; and Ubeial leisuto class as the natuial leaders of the llbctal movement. Thus the dissidents have separated the classes ftoui the masses , and ho fears a peimanout weakening of the paitv unless the higher class of dissidents return to their allegiance to Iho old principles , Importing Belgian Miners. CunioNpii.K , Pa. , Dec. 2. The latest news of the Lehigh strike jreceived hot o is thut two thousand Belgian miners have been emploj cd hi the old country tocome ! to this eountrj' for the pin pose of working in the mines of Kck- lej" H , Coxe. If tlicHclgianscomothoio will bo bloodshed in the Lehigh ic-gion , for th * men theio feel they might as well die fight ing us to starve to death. Homo ltu ! and the Jail. Dunns , Dec. 8.1 Timothy Harrington , member of parliament fiom the huibor di vision of Dublin , was arrested to day In this citj' . Ho is a bi other of Edvv aid Han ington. member of parliament , who was anested jesteidav. DUIIMN , Dec. 2. The Hurington bi others are both charged with publishing icports of meetings of suppressed blanches of the the National league in their paper at Tuilto , and they will bo tried in thut town. MliilihtH Huidcd. Hrni IN , Dec. 2 , A dispatch to the Hacrscn Counlcr from St , Petersburg sajs the police suiprised u nihilist rendezvous ami factories for tlio manufuctuio of djnamito in the Wassili , OstionandPcskiauaitPis , In ono case theio was iv despciato encounter , in which tbcie was sciious bloodshed. . . . .1 Sale. Lo\iOMDoc. 2 Lord Sallsbuiy'&old thn Picchold property , on Cecil and Salisbury ! S' ' cts , Strand , compris'iis 60,000 squ.nc ' j Icet , 1ST i'WtLooO. . . . THE MILITIA CALLED FOR , Further Trouble Thrtmtonod lu Ohoyonno County , Kansas. TWO RIVAL CITIES UNDER ARMS. A AVrock nn tlio Vnllo ) llo.ul Xoar Vale - o Ttirnei.s Dcdlcnto u Hall at ricinont Uthpr Ne- briinka Ne\\n. Threntpiis to Hi oak Out Hi'SHi rvt\x , Neb , Dec 2 [ S | > eclal 'I'elo- giam to the Hi r. ] Yestotday Honklemun was again visited by cltlrcns of Hlid City , Kan , foi aims and ammunition to c.iuy on tlie Chejenne count j' seat war with Wiino. It is t cpoi ted that the Wuno people nre aiming for nnotlier Invasion , Having successfully cnptutcd the election ictuius , It is now said they Intend to t etui n , take pos session of the couit house , lemovo all the iccotds to Wane and instal the officers to w horn thev huve issued ceitltlcutes of elec tion. Hlid Cltj * has telcgiaphed the state of iiffuiis to Topeku and asked that a detachment mentof militia bo sent for inotectiou. At- totnoy Gcnoiul Hiadfoid v\ill go to Chey- cnno county to investigate the tiouble , aftei w hizh the election contest w ill bo decided In the supicme couit. A Wreck on the Valley llond. VAI.PUUISO , Neb , Dec. 2 [ Special to the Hi i ] At 't o'clock this morning , as fiolght tniln No. fil , with two engines attached , was coining clew n the gi ado f 10111 the east , about two miles fiom town , a btokoa tiuck lot ono end of the car diop on the track and cling" about loitj1 rods At this point four ems near the middle of the tiain jumped clear off tlio tiack , letting the balance of the tiain pass to u point about foity or llfty lods fnithci on , when two cais in the lead jumped fiom the tails and stopped tlio test. As soon as the tngineeis suw theio was tiouble and that the tiain had biokon into scp.itato sec tions , they pulled ahead to keep out of the woj still dtagging the InoUen cat which was near the engine , and stopping after going about half a mile. To clay a huge gang ot mon have been rcpaiiing the tiaek in which ncni lj * everj' tic foi a mile or moio Is splintered - terod and twisted up At 1 o'clock the wuv was cleui and tiaina passed. The tiain men wete in the caboose and knew nothing of the tioublc until they came to a stop. No blame is attached to anj ono. A Successful Muslcalo. FIHNKUS , Neb , Dec. 2. [ Special totho Hn- . ] The liist public icheaiRal of the Nolmisku conservatoij of music located hcie , occuiied last evening. The laigo and uppic- ciativc audience icceivcd with ficquont and continued applause eveiy pait of the classic piogiammo. Tlio opening seiciiado bj- the academy oiebcstia was atiiumphof achievement bv bojs who , Unco months ago , had novel handled n bow. The violin solo "Oberlander , " bv Pi of. Hloso , and the comet duct liom "Noinm"bj Misses Piubbla and Zedikor and other membeis , were encoied The ti ustcc s ate considei ing the expediency of electing a new building to accoirn.ouato the growing need of pi actiec and lesson looms for the eonsei vatoij' . * The Hcinoval of matron Hulbpft. NOIUOI.K , Neb , Dec. 2 [ Special to tbo BPE. ] Theicis aiipplcof intciest in social ciiclcs hero over tlio removal of Mrs. Hul- bett ns matron of the new insane asj'lum. She received a lettci fiom the goveinor saj'- ing that her scivices would not bo needed after November DO. She is a widow and a prominent member of the local ladies' Tcm- pcianco union and secuicd her appointment thiough the endoiscmont of citizens and bv pet sonal application to the govoi nor. As slio had not commenced active duty because the usvlum Is not jet leadj for patients , the icusoii foi the disehaigo docs not appear , but it is quietlv intimated that theio was a want of hat mon v between her and one of the chief officcib and that this c.iuscd bet dismissal. Otoc County Disli icl Com t Ad.jonriiH. NrniiASKCm , Neb , Dec. 2 [ Special Telegi-am to the Hi r T Disttlet couit ad- jomncd to nipht. The case of J. K. Young , for selling a Cass county fariu to v , l.jh : he ha'1 no title , w as concluded to d.tj' . Young was found guilty. Ho was aiiested again to night bj' his victims foi obtaining money under false pietcnses Theio weio sixteen applications for divoico befoio the conit , fouitecn of which weio gi anted and two withdiawn The ( debrated Second togimcnt band to dav disbanded , as the easiest way out ol a biudcnbomo debt. ricmont'H Turner Iial ! Dedicated. Fiti'MONT , Neb , Dee. 2. [ Special Teie- laiii to the Hi i : ] She Fremont Tin nver- ein to night dedicated th ir new hall , just completed at a cost of $1,000. A gi and clanco was indulged in and gjmmistie exhibition were given. Delegations weic piesent fiom a number of suiioumling towns , including some twcntj' of the best Omaha Tinners It was the big event of the season among Fio- mont'b Get man citi/ens. A ConstPnationul Chinch Organized. GI-ANT , Neb , Dee. 2. [ Special Tolegiair to the Hi.r J A Congicgation.il chinch wti < oigaimcd heio jcsteidaj' . The Ucv. J. T Waitc , of Omaha , was picscnt , assisted bv HPV , Lindsuj- Yoik , and Pastor Thole , of this place. Committees weio appointed to make niiangcmcnts to build a ehutch at once. The Tire JU-cord. Lonsviiir , Dec. 2 News was teccivec" earlj' this moinlngof the paitiul destinetior of Imminence , Ky. , by fire. The mimes wen still i aging at last accounts , about ono-thlic of the business poition being ulieudy con sunied. No chance of checking the confla gi.ition existed , the only hope being that tin wind might not change and cai i j tlio flame bejond the block that was buining. Thi couit house , lumber and coal juid , cuttiagc factory and scvcial hloies woio puitltilly do btiojed. No Cbtiinato of the lobs can given. SriiivoriFiD , Mass , Dep. 2 The Klik- ham & Olmstcud block binned this mottling Loss 1100,000. A Shoot AVIth Oiualiauw Arrnngod. Sr. Joii.rii , Mo , , Dec. 2. [ Special Tele gram to the Hi E. ] An Intciesting shootin maeh has been aitanged bv local spoils be tween Penioso and Hindin , of Omaha , and Swiggeit and Williams , of Towanda , Kan. Ono bundled blue took pigeons will bo allowed to each man and the shoot will bo for ? i50 u side. The exact date has not jet been determined , but thobhoot will ocuir about the first of the v car. Fifty dollars foifnit has been deposited with the American Field bj each side. _ Ilcnch llpslKiis the Championship. LoMion , Dec. 2. Advices fiom Melboutno say thut Heucb , the oatsman , has tesigncd the chumiilonship and retired from aquatics and that Hunlun has challenged Kemp. A Cra/y Mother' * Crlinf. SCIHMON , Pa. , Dec. 2. Mis. John Evans , of Hampton sttcot , this city , wife of an in dustrious miner , killed her Jlvo-jcni-old boy with a hatchet this motnlng , literally | cut ting his head to pieces She then tiled to kill her four-jeai-old daughter , but- was prevented - vented by the timely Jnteiruptlon of nclgli. bois. Mrs. Evans is Insane. * finfl'ocuted Ity Coal Gas. A = ijrfiN' , Dak. , Dec. 2. Daniel McCIol- lan and D. J. Jor.es two Noung men of bit aubv lllc , wci e * ufocatcd ( by coal gas j cst - t 'day. Mnttci-H ( ietltiiK WIIINP Tor the 1 Idol- it ) Hank I'mutl. CiNCiNWTi. Deo. 2. In the Hinpor tilal this moinlng Scholleld , of the Flist National bank of Now Yoik , explained the accounts of his bank with the Fidelity , stating , among other tilings , that the Fidelity's geneiul uc- count showed n ei edit of i.VWHH ( > , whllo their special account showed a detleit of r.MHlXH ) ) . Ho told tlio couit it was the agu'cmcnt that the special m count was iiottobodiuwniipon. Hunk Hxamlticr Powell , the goveinment's agent in closing the cloois of the Fidelity last Juno , told bow ho was begged bv Hinpcr to puss the examination and was then asked to tolcgiuph to the coinptiollci lor iiutlioiltj'tiot to inulu' the oxiimlmitlon , which ho icfused to do. Ho then found the tell-tale mcmoian- cliuii checks us cash , icpieseiitlng f ilHKK ) ( ) , which Picsident Switt said ho knew nothing about , and which Hat per would sav nothing about. Powell , the discount ih'ik , showed that discounts to tlio umoiint of $1-UINH ) woto Hindu between Jiinuaij' and June , but most of them lemalned uncollected. Paul D. Ashbtook , individual bookkeeper of the Fldolitv Niitlonal bunk , said Hnipei's account was liequenUj'ovcidtiiVMi. At one time in May it was oveidiawn lillKH , ) Wit ness tend the llnetiiatlons of Haipel's and other accounts in which he was Intelestcd fiom Januuiy to Juno. Neaily all weie ovei- di aw n at some time. WhenHiiggs Smitli , president of Iho Fi- dclitj bank , caine to the stand howasiisKcd if ho knew bis bank was engageil in the wheat deal , "I did not , " was his blunt ans wer. "I asked H.npc r in Jantiai v hist if ho was in the wheat deal , and HinpiT s iid ho bud not u dollai in it. Later I sent him a letter asking him some questions and he te- pbed bv lettci saving ho hud no Intel est whatever in the matter mid If unv man said ho hud be vuis u liar. Altoiwauls 1 otten spoke to him about It and he alwuvs contiacliited the Illinois thut ho was in tlio deal. When the public * began to suspect the Fidclltj' bank ami 1 wanted to icstoio confi dence 1 went , to the bank with Hichind Smith , of tlio Ga/ctto , who bus known mo foi j PHI ft , and togcthei wo cutechiml Ilinpct on the subject. Wo put him on the sUind and he denied It. Then Mr Smith , upon mv nssuianco and upon Hnipcr'1) ) cxpiess state ment , wioto an c'ditonal dcnjing Unit the Fidelity bink was mixed up in thoafluit , This was but a few clujs befoio the fuiluie. " A viLiiAix roiui ; ) . An Attempt to Jlnrdei1 n VOIIIIK Mis- honrl lately l-'i uslr.ilcd. LvPiMMo , Dec1. 2 [ Spcual Tele giam to the Hl.i : ] A dating attempt at as- saslnation oc-cuiied heio at 2 o'clock this 101 ning. A highly respected widow luclj ills. L Ncttleton , and her two daughtois , sos Eli/a and Giaco tesido at the noith- 'ast ' limit of this town , near the now Santa 'e ' load. At the above hour Miss lili/u loused the inmates of the house bj a mothcicd sci cam , whidi bi ought her nothei to the loom mid tcinblv seated Miss iiace , who was bj hoi side in betl , The uiiboof the excitement was a heavj-sct man ta'iding bj- the bed , who was using his tiongtb in an cffoit to ehoko l ll/.i to death L'ho dating assassin held on for a loincnt after the inmates weie loused , but let go in time to make rood his escape , while all was lines inside. Ho wanted nothing but suc- 'ess m bib attempt to minder thojoung ludv , s ho molested no ono else and passed a pin so f mnncv. He know the house , as hf > enl - l ! ied thiough the cellar , passed thiough the ppcr part and unlocked the fiont door foi ls escape bofoic ho began his woik Hud ho not sueuniPd his woik would have been .holt . , us ho was bound to kill her. Time ivcto boarders in the house and that pcihaps ircvented the man fiom making a wholesale laughter t other than fail in his oilginal pur lose to kill the joung lady. Thcto HIP hiis- ilcions , but no positive pi oof as to the guilty 'lie. ' orilnllioad ST. Josi'i'ii , Mo , Dec. 2 [ Special Tele 'imu to the Hi i. ] The singcons of the St. oe & Giand Island mid the Kansas Citv \ , Omaha imlio.ids met in this cit.v this evening iiid effected a pelmmiont oiguni/ation The ibjcct of the societj' , which is known as the society of Hmlioad Suigcons , is to make a hoiough examination of these aicidcnts vhieh aio peculiir to i.nlio.ul disisteis All f the local sin goons connected with the two oaels woie piesent. The election of oflleeis esultcd as follows : Piesident , Dr. H. S jinner , of St .loo ; vice piesidcnt , Dr. A J. "iwr.iils , MaiVbVillo , Kan. ; societal j , Dr. N. Haves , Sencia , Kail. A numbei ot inter esting impels weio lead and the sOCJ"tv ad- oumtd to meet in Mm ch at Hastings , Nee Steamship Aiilvals. Ni vv Yoi'K , Dee. 2 [ Special Toleciam o the Hi r ] Aimed The State of Indiana , 'lorn Glasgow. Qn I.NSTOWX , Doc 2. Aiiivcd Tlio Wil cousin , fiom Now Yoik. PHI i. u > r i m it , Dee. 2. Aimed The1 to .t.'tll'ind. ! ' fiom Antwcip. Sol \MITON , DtP 2. Ai lived , The Saulo , fiom New Yoik foi HieinPn. Ni \ \ Yom. , Dec. 2 Aimed The City ol lilthmond , liom Liveiiool | ; the Hlnncland , ft om Antwct ] > ; the Erne , fiom HiPinen. PMMOI in , Dec. 2 Aimed The Vater- lund , fiom Now Yoik lor Antwcip. Gi.Asuovv , Dec. 2. Aimed The Sibeiian fi om Hoston. Dpcldpd AK > iiiiht the City. Ciuetoo , Dee. 2 Judge Tuloy this mom ing clodded the ease between the city of Chicago and Km ight & Kelly , wholesale liquor dcalet s , w liicli , it has been stipulated w ill govcin all the wholesale dealcis in the v us to tbo pajment of citj' license fton 1 ! to 1SST , under the otdlminco of tlio foi mer date. Km ight ti Kollj ( ai i led on wholesale liquor business and the questioi then was asked whether the i itj ( ould 10- cover fees lei that pet led , no llcciibO having been issued bj * the citj under the oidinance No questions aio taiscd us to the validity ol thooidinunco itself , onlw bother thostaluto of limitations was appluublo to the case Judge Tuloy dot ided against the eitj. Milwaukee IMalstcis' strike ; MII.VV tt'M.1 , Dec. 'i.Tho maltstois' sttiko is pr.tcttc.illj' at an end , the local' union hav ing given pot mission to the men to get to woik whci over thoj can Jlnd it. A number buvobcen leinstated in then old plates and have appaientlj' lenoiinced the union. Qninn's Ti iul Adjourned. Nr.w YOIIK , Dec , 2. Jann s Qulnn , master woikman of the Knights of Labor , who was aiicbted on the chaigo of assaulting Hallaid , a Tiibuno i ( .potter , was aiiaigncd In the Tombs to day. After a shot t oxumination it was adjourned till the ] 2lb lust , and Qiilnn's bond of J")00 w as i ( coiv cd. Killed Hy a LocomotiveKxplosion. . POTTSV il i r , P.i , Dee 2 The lo ( omotlvo of u f i eight train on the Philadelphia & Heading exploded tally this , moining near Kast Miihonpy Junction The engineer was instantly killed and tlio llieman and two brukemen so setiouslj' injuicd that tliej died while being taken homo. . A Colored Mmdoror Ciuni nsTov , S. C , Dee. 2 Jack Nimons , colotccl , was liangi d at Mt. Pleas ml , Heiko- loycountj' , this mot ning , for the mmduof MiUo Plottkinn , a Jewish mcichunt , at Holly Hill last Fttmmiy. , - The Gt'iiiiiin Ccical nill.a Hniu , Dec , 2 , Tlio debate 01. the cm pal duties bill was continued In the i-e'Uibtag to day and the bill finally lofciioel to the com mittee. Gilhooly Dunux , Dec. S. A Kcntlrman uppo eto , be Jatnes. Ollhoolj' , nationalist , mcmbur of h was uu tc.a al Ccrk ; p day. IOWA'S ' RAILROAD SYSTEM , The Stnto Commissioners Submit Tholr Anntittl Report. IMPORTANT RECOMMENDATIONS. The tjpKlNlntiuu Advised to Tnkf I'toinpt Ac'lton Against the IJx- ; os > * lvp AVatpt Inn cil * Stock Hawkcjp XOMH. A fSood DocMiinent. Dis Moixi s , lu. , Dec. 2.Spevlul [ Tele gram to the Hi r.j The iiitltoad commis sioners filed their minimi u-poit with the gov ernor to chij' . It is v 01 j'complete , showing in detail the i onditlcm of the lowu niilioads and the business thej mo doing. It also contains some intciesting leiommciuliitions by the commission , among othcis against a uniform * ' . t ate of 2 cents fat o , but it fav 01 s reduced local ficlght lutes , also In fuvoi of the malnten- tenant o of a cai load into , against disci imina- tlons in fav01 of competitive points and against wutoiiiif stock , the commissioners on tills point leeoinmonding thut a limit bo placed bj law upon tlio issue of stock and yi bonds us a safegumd against the . 11 enluiKcment of capital without a eotiespond- ing outlay. ' 1 lie.v also ice ommend legislation iiiakmi ; It a penal offense to walk upon the track mid absolutelj ptohlhitlttg the tians- poitution of tljnamito mid ecitiiin other ex- * plosives. Thev mommcnd also thut state authoiitj bo invoked to dcteimino whether the pioposed now loads mo netessinj' bofoio the power of eminent domain bo cxciciscd to condemn pilvato piopoeitj ; also that tholnvv iiuthoii/ing the majoiitv to vote railroad taxes foi the puiposo of assisting in building now loads be H pealed ; also that all niilioads bo fenced within n jour. Tlio number of miles of i.illioad in the state now in operation is given us 7'i 17's ' mid the amount of stock upiobcntingtho loads entirely in Iowa $147- : r.OM74s1. Of the eittno number of stockholdets inteiestcd in toads withiiior partlj within Iho state , UH , or 1 in 10 , llvo in Iowa The Iowa stoe-kholdois hold stock to the amount of $ ( ! , OibM > l bJ , or neatly ono sh.no in 70 The debt icpioscntcd by the mads ontiiclv in low a is < ir > l,2'.Mill ) ' ) ! ) b7. 'J'he entile ( Minings of the loads in lowu aie 10101 tid foi thejeai as follows : Passen ger , mail mid expioss , j-10,703tbti 7J ; height mid miscellaneous , bJ7.Ul , ( > 4l W. The incicnsc in tin * total earnings over the pievious join is e-1,4 id , ! ) . ' ! Os The expenses foi the jear me- placed at ffi..li'Hl.Wt ' bJ. or t J"is7 ni iici mile of toad opciuted. ( The total amount of taxes paid in the state by niilioads dining the jear was 1,011,2111 Ml. u slight int lease over the piovious jour. Tlio Impost amount piid bv anj louel was liy tlio. Hod ; Island , vvlndi paid in Iowa duiing thot jear MS1,11M7. Thcio are at pit-sent 7,778. miles of feni ing in the state und ! l,417 miles , mm o mo needed to make the fencing com plete The iivi't.igo distunco tntveled by- cadi passuigei was ; to U miles mid the. i uvor.iuo , amount ot fuio paiel bj' each \ passenger w us * i7 c cuts. The number of per sons icpoited as legnhir omplojos engaged in opoiating the Kinds in Iowa is 20,078 and the amount paid them for pcisonnl soiviccs wus * ? ir > ,14r.,2l4 St , or neailj' 41 per cent of the ontne eumings. Duiing the jear llfii poisons weio killed on Iowa rmliouds , of whom S VVPIO pusscngcis. WI cmplojes and 05. otheis not i-omiectod with the operation of the ttnln'OMl ) poisons "being Injured bytbei cai s during the same timo. Of these 28 vvote passengers , : iTl emplojes and 68others. The Hnhinnn Mnrdpr Ti'lal Opened W mm oo. In , Dec 2--Tlio Huhimni mm dor case , now being hold at Toledo , was oppucd bv the state's attorney jestoidny. Ho outlined biiplly the case , stilting that Huhman had thicatencd the life of deceased two mouths beloio the killing and again on the daj of the iiuiicicr. Ho also announced that evidei'co was in their possession show ing the mmdoi to have been the icsult of u conspiiacy between William and John Huh man Attomev Stinbln , in defcnso , stated that Hi own was a dangoi ous dimucter and v\.is in the act ol assaulting Hnhmmi when shot. The witnesses lei the defense were : Gustav Hangen , ( leik in a stole opposite the see-no of the minder , mid Gtoigc Hmnlin , an eve witness Tlicii testimonj was slibstan- ti illv the same us the stati'inent of County A"ninoj Ciildwdl. The widow of the mm- cleted mil ; : vvus piesent dm ing tlio ufteinoon. The Hnddni'k Tilnl. SiouCm , la , Dee 2. To daj' has boon ono of tlio most impoitant dajs in the tiiiilof John Aiensdoif foi the mm dor of I lev. Gcoigo C. Haddock. A huge number of witiicssi'S were examined , contiadictlng and impeaching the main witnesses for the de fense. The climax was icached when Hon. Hjion Webster , of Dubuque , United States lovonue colic etot , took the stand and testified that fiom about 10 o'clock until the fatal shot was Hied on the night of the imndor ho was in the Shop- heid saloon undistain ant , that ho got his supper theio and that Aiensdoif was not tlieie. The evidence was positive. The lin * pot tune o of this evidence consists of tbo fact ! the Shtpheid saloon is tlio place where ] Aiensdoif locates himself nt the moment ot the minder and some time bcfoio , mid is tha fatal point of the alibi. Itpllcvcd to He Sane. WvTi'iiioo , lu , Dec. 2. Uopoits fiom Ch.nlesCitj contiadut the btatemont that it jmj do lunatic o inqunendp is to bo convened in UIP ( .iso of Chat Ics Hollow h , senteiued to bc < hanged on the Kith for the nun dor of AHco \VutiM m.m It is also stated th.it the officials at the pemtPiitiaij had watched him closolj' , mid mo satlslli d as to bis siinitj' . Pioparu- tions for the hanging in o said to bo ulicudy undei v\.ij. AguliiHt Sllnisfpr' ' Mo , Dec2. . - [ Special Tolev gi am to the Hi i. ] John G. Joins , a ( oloicd attorney of Chicago , uilived in the city jesteidaj and to daj w as busily engaged la i ncnluting petitions ngalitit tlio t onihmutioa ofC. H J.Tujlor , whom President Clove- laud appointed minister to Libeilu , Taylo * icccntlj ictumtd fiom that countij' , claiming - ing to bo weaiy of It It is now loaned , how ov ti , Unit Taj lor w as i eeallod by Socro- tmj Haj aid to answer ch.ngcs prefei led by coloied usidtnts of Palmjia , Mo , and Chicago cage 'Iho principal of these dmigcs is doinmcntiiiy evidcnco to show that .Tuvloi's stiitemcnt in his application * fou iipointment | ) that ho had been admitted to the bar in Miami countv , Missouti , is lalse , this being U stilled to by Hon. Tlicodoro Hiucp , now on the Missouii supieme bench. Tlio other dimges mo to the cftect thut Tay lor's cl"irae tci is not ot that degieo desirable in tlio minister to Libeiia. The iccoliit of this IntelligciKo heio meets with a good deal of giutilication bj Iho colon d people of this vicmitj' , to the majoiity of whom his apuohit- ment wut dibtasteiul Tiled of MI'P. Su Hit , Cai , Dee. 2 [ Special Tclegratnta the HI.I : ] Ida H Gdser , aged tlilily , who has been a widow about two .VC.IIH , suicided , evidently taking poison of some violent na * . Hup , which caused sevcio vomiting. The boclj was fcui.d i't the foot of the bed diessed In night c lollies. She liitil left a uoto to Mjr. Holler , I' quoting him to tnko chnigo of hot/ aftalis. and send her body to her muter , Mrs , Snlv'plv , In Pennsylvania. In the note sno stated tint she look this step because shq was Ui cd and -llseoui age d. Mrs. Geiscr wan a pioni'iicnt and will Itnovvn lady , pultp good looking , a-.t ) much i ejected in j&Uila.