Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 02, 1887, Page 2, Image 2

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tun imuws oi' ' st , w ,
fcflonn of Ui8 tfrttldtlhi Prohibition
fa fiAISE A
iffli ( H'lrteuflriifl , fitjiiM n < HI *
trB in WffiF fi PhirH-
11 } Minimi li. f-i ! c
inn , JJpc -The I tirttloiml prohibition
Jtir-l UiH ninriilntf nl hnlfory 1
Inning nf the liiillomil eonimlUert wni
lief rill frmis'itrled yPs'lf-fdnv , Itnil the stlbjecl
llfldfirliMrtitfltm \fH ill1 * iiiiiilliliiPht | | ( o :
d ii < lrl r > : IB Ihfi linmlimtliiR convention. A
lr DluinlitH | \ ( titled , " 'Mint It-presohtalloi
In Mi' ' iitiMotirtl Htiivcnlloll of IW shntl bo of
HIP hiil4 ; of ttfleo" M tunny delegate * from
P-t'li Mrtffi Ithd iPH-llory ns retirement III !
ihh'ip { ' ,4 Thf-So dlMti * nie4 I't lie fleeted hi
Kllrll IliriHiniH rt * . itlny bft decided tl | * II 1 $ tin
Rlrtflt iidiirttlMPM The enllfo ilriy wn
IrtlfMi | i ttllfllfctMllseilMlnliOf fnrlou toiles )
jlinonlf Illt'ldMllof ( 'Nlrhd Ilitpretl ttM i
llMlpi ! llUell'Mlnli liPtwi'ftl Mh ( .Ilirtplll , o
\YMfnti4lfl \ , find III ! ) ( inltoilnf t'oitlinlKoc m
Km itir | > .tlriii of H'irP | Phlrtlloil hi Hid iinllonn
I'Mlu.'illloll lliMVlnh'Ml ' llm liuil ( d liu oni
fMiiiMt > lirnflr4'e4 ' < ibmill < 1l < tM ( < tiili < ( ono foi
t'Hf li liU ( ) tnlPM , 'iliU WiWfi'jt'elt'd ' ' , nnd tin
IrliitilllA rtH ill flht nilotiietl. Uluiili |
tlllr'tileliil ' lo tfinlto m
to linVH tlid rrtnlt nnd Mi
'I ' tlilllfl rtnd t-lPi'f Ilieltdolertnlei on th
/ ! ( M4U 4IIA r > < tl { d It.V hlirl. Ills Idrjii li ( lint tli
llpf | iHH Unit ( < lofctt ( should wittost tin
fi'-flffl of th'i | n-l ! Mlt oflk'lrtls whuil ( ho tin
llfilirtl t'OlKrMillotl ili'itiliililet , Tlid eoiifer
HliVrt4 ltoltffil ) ( tori eloin lo-iilBht by i
RHtnd lililM liifellng nl Intllery I' ' . < ) > It
llohtw , tvlio niifn t-nti for1 governor of llllnol
lirl HiriiNilllllllmt | ) Ili'ltfl ) l"'ld ' < ti1 , Ueiiorn
t'lliil-ni ' II FMK , of NtnV .lfr "y , wni Ilia flit
HK'iilif | r Ml1 Mid ! "Onrt Witt iitieitlotl U tii
iHit-iinml In lliti Ihlnd of nvery thoughtful IIH ;
lillilll/iliMf / , I low enil WO Iliinleit ( ho dny of th
lltli'i'iiVnrilfliMVuf ' ( lid llillor | trnnln In thi
( fiimllt lilhd of olicil U'o ntd KriHvltij , ' lin | i
ll"til nl Hid fllwv ( iroKreii wo nro niiiltln
loWitfil Unit dny of triiliiili. ( | Wo Wtnitio
ttliv t'Vi't.v ( ( neil limn nnd wotimn Is not I
ImMlii idMlyvltli \ Us , Jivcry cnrcftil uttiilcn
( if Hid MtlinlloM dlifoveH Mint now , ns nova
l 'fiJM1 , llieio U r * iniiuntli'ittnl stir In uvcir.
t'l'vi ' ' town nnd liilinlet In tlio country on thi
( Hip vllnt ill | i llHH. In the inenntlino thosit
0011 Nils sniiienio In th ( > iiolllli i of the ronti
llV , OVOhlililu In t'lineils , fohvunllon nnil eiin
Vn s Movi'iil.V iieri'Uilt of the jirlnntrloH i
both of lint ilotnhmnt imlltienl pnitlet itr
eonveiird In itllili'd mitoolis or iiroKt-roinl tnv
Mtm In HHI uiout elites of thrj hind when
fiowdwKll iiiot-i' Ihnii lirtecn inllllon or nn
| it' < ii' ) ! | , the million is thi ! rhlof inRiinitlon | i
( inlltlis , Hmiiiistfiry over Ktuntntntosh n |
I'iilllH ' 'I'hn ' soitnn | ( iiifsllon | of the hour 1-
How slinll we ilcthiono Klnw lltini mid u
Hi ore Dm KOVPihineiil to pemol How Him !
Wit ntollso jnihlk1 eiiiiHelenee , whleh tioWMhi ) <
linder liillnD.v of hi.Viilty ( u p.irt.vl Th
Hjleiilter nsseited thiittheso qiit'stlons cinil
hot ho ( irnrtlciilly nnswoii.'d liyellhor th
delnoi rntloor teiiiihlli'iin p.iil.v , "Thu dun :
niTiii v Mlnniht ii | > fiolilly nnil suyn :
11 mi Will hnVo nothllin to tin with prohlh
lion , we mo iitriiiimt nil HUiniitnnry lawn , \V
Illtn the I'ttihlhltlonlsln ' to l < -jMii | n troi
juiity hfi'iiiiHO Iho.v innko liirgor limits npo
I no lepiihllennfi limn ninm IIH.
"Thi ! leiilhllrnn | pinly IIII.VHVo . : enn't ii
it Jilst tinwj why ilon't ' .Mill lloup quiet lint
no Ruin Kiiod rend.vl Wo Itniiw tlmt In on
limits inn the hrit men or thu countrymulw
wuitl lo hnsunieluiilly ojitiiixikeii iiKitlimt th
niiloon In relitln them , mill not Hiinielt'ntl
trtil'liotU'ii Jti nllonntit the snlotm Interest
MAil the leiinhlleati ( nirty tiikoii up the Issu
ImUlly nlnl tiihen sueh | io.4ltlon 111 to liuv
dilven the lliitor | Intim-Ht fiinn Its i-nnkn ,
tfoillil hnvO stoiied | | the exnilni or the hcc
oltinieiits nl the turty , eitlleil lutck thonti wh
luU'lt rehelled npilnnt lonni'i' fltihiulHHlon t
XtfinlooiMllcl/itloii / , ilinwn Ihu eoiiAeieniu froi
Iho deinotT.ithi rntiUs nnd wotihl now hnv
lieen WnVhiK Its hnnners In trlutuiih over hot
tinds or I'enns.vlvniiln nvi'imo. There Is n
Miroty In nnyroiiiproinUa with this iimnstrou
Wfonir Wo intiKt i Ins troy It. No sj'Htein c
lleensti or ri'KUliitlvn tnxntlon or restrh
( Ion will iiviill. Tliu prolilljltloii pnrt
! uH ( nit Ono remedy , and tht
Is prohibition , A hair mllllo
Innii nrit ready tti dny to nmiTh to the polls t
I'imilifislfft their oplnloim with prohlhltlo
Iliillols , Ahothur linlf million are nluio'
prrsnndeil to eomo with us , nnil n inllllon t
women , ( lot ! bless them , are marching h
our slilo " TIlu iitldro s wni iceolved wit
pi-enl npplanso. Kx-llovcrnor St. John the
"Tor iH-rtrlv forty ycari this coitntry hn
lircii tindi-r the control of the two old pnrtlc-
mid what li the Icirnl , loclal , moral and polli
lent condition of lito da. ? I Lot Us soo. W
hnn and Imprison amnchlts , and at th
Killno tllno loi'nli/o , protect and porpotnat
'J KKVKH ) ftalooni , the hot licds whcro tinarch
h propaKiitcd , thrlrrs nnd fattenVhll
the drunkard ROCS to ponlltloif , the drnnl <
nrd maker ROM totholeulslatuiotoenact law
for Hw peoploj The child run cry for hrcai
nnd tholr father In sent homo penniless an
drunk U'hllotlio nidthcr Is i n\crlosi I
protect her homo' and her boy wit
n ballot , the xaloon-kcnpor dcMio.vs liot
With his ballot. As the Mahlmth hulls Invlt
the people to the htiiisd of ( led , the bra
blind leads n way Jo the , Kimdaj' horse rac <
t'fbo tljfht , biso ( rill and bi or garden. Ju
liivl ) , In his df it u ire , without a ballot , di
nonnccd as an ox-rebol nurrllhi , was , in tli
prlmoof his manhood [ with a ballot ) , lvc
u fort Ijrn inKsloii. The rlsht of a free bulU
Is doiuanded for the hhiok man of the soutl
whllo whllti men are huriiod and huiiff i
1'fllj.n for 1'xerclnliiK that rljjht In the nortl
Mlnlstorsof the Rospel were pciMeciltcd an
driven from tholr pulpits for preaching an
voting npalnsj African slavery forty yciu
tltro , unit they have been ) ior eeutL'd , bo ;
cotted and driven from tholr pulpits fo
.Ulrnflillitf and votlni ; nirnltiit the ru
shtVorv of to day Ixivojoy fell n martyr I
freedom in the flcht against the slavct
cnnso , lladdoek * ( liimrill nnd four othni
IMVO fnllen nlarlyrs to our hoim
In this strUp lo a amst thq si
loon witiso Iti the fac-o of | Xlltlei
limtfoitns dcolarliiK for a "fair count , " tl
lilnrk niiiti Is counted out In MlwtNslppI an
North Cii roll mi , In his i"aco for coiiKrets , an
th i wlillrt limn Is counted out in Michigan an
Ohio , In his Ill-lit fur nrohlbltlon , Will
lffliKirtiliillHnrppiHrM tiinm fort-Is
, the scum of foreign labor enters fre <
tloil for the bhiehiiuHh's hammer -bi
fft'fl trndtt for the lilnekmnltli'i mtisel
American ships nro practically drlvrii fro
Iho s < M A country without a mivy , the IH-
pit's money locked IIP In the vaults of tl
treasury , and ft half do/en monopolists ( .0
If'-H'tii } our IilKlnviiVH to the markets of tl
wocl'l For fvory dollar exucmledto cduca
aivl m vlto HtroiiR foi' ' right , tluoush the I
lull lenep Of our publlu schools , $ ir > nro c
iHMtdpil to tear down and destroy tli-nujI | > tl
itidiunuo Of the public xnlnons , Ipuunu
Vile ptofano , vlclons , blear i-yed , tlrunki
buniiut'rs and tramps arc allowed to vote , t
( iuis ( > they tin * men. HUt our toothers , wlv
mid daupiiH-M , educutcd , rt-tliifd. IIOIIL"
Juirt' , uoblo and true , uro not allow i
lovoto liiVmHo they nrootncii. . While
out breuth bHUe tnlsinx Is i-cmdemncd , In t !
nox a bribery bureau , with n iKilltlriil aim
Chlst ut the head. Is untduMiliiKb' aihnltted
bf > ; \ part of the | > ( .litk'ul . muehlnvry of a ir
l > aily While u ix > or wonu'n Is lined hruvl
for i > la > fullj pltthiii | { a pancuko at the pie
iK'iillai party , nn H\H ) dlamonJ mount
. , i ii HI , , . | Vt , | , to John L , , 8ulliv.ui as t
slu > ! > n-r of Ui6 Wftrtn ; nnn
plo are nuked to peipctnato the iiolliU
lurttis under trhoso Uito this i-oiulltloii
llii"W-i hiiH IKH-II In-nu ht about And wh
Hiui'ljr not becausp cither of them Ma
pledged In n hlnhur standnid of morality ; t
ui'pit" si in nf the liquor litifhV , and t
KH'Htci1 protection to our homi"i mid ourlioi
f i r -Mich | Udifes arw nuulu by them , Th
Whut is the i-vault uf voting for such panic
Why. simply tu contlnuo the old ord
of thliiBs , nnd pprputuuto the section
politu nl , nnd ir.ce prejudNvsof the two f
JMrllcnTlui hl\o | no issue Iwtwccn them , i
ti'pt ' to di-icritiino which Mmll Imvo thoofiu
und iuutiol ptibllu plunder The Chlcti
Tribune plainly tolls n this inornlnit that t
llfnwi stnU to txj itNillnXinl anil
tlnmtftt that ( ho pnihibltloiiKts uru r < * dy
c.iiiuunni o with th li < iuor tranio.Ve
kl tlioTrlbunu und lu party tlmt the p
hlbitlon party lias no cotnpromlna wltl
wrmiR Inscribed upoh Its bsinnur. nnd wi
prniiose to flRht It out UKM | tbnt line , Until
iindor Ood's Rilldnnce , evnry snloon hiw beer
driven from our land and the homos of tht
people inrtdo frco , And In IHH * , as hereto
fore , we jimposo to appeal to reason nnd s <
nrou o the hcHrtnnd conscience of the | > ooplo
thnt from within Urn yenrs from now. tin
'j'llbuncand Its followers will bo forcd Inti
the dcmocrntlc cnniji or compelled to Join llu
prohibition pnrty. will bo no othoi
place for them to co. And In this ciimpalRt
thu man who shall lend us to plonous trltunpl
U thftlhonost patriot nnd chriHthm statesman
Ucncrnl Clinton H , Flok , of Now Jorsoy.
R I Uli1 j-o" ! ) lf/Vi'1 1 .
( ) ttn Ijnliin-cr Attti-tlorft Antitlier In Colt
Mliititl at Wynn < litl , KIUI.
( JlTr ( Mo. , OetJ. l.-Speelal | Tola
to the Hnc. . ] llnrrlson TutlwasfatiUl ;
hot t l Wynndottt1) ) Knn. , this mornlnff b ;
, lnmcs Woltlotii Moth men wcro olrtployod a
ftliect Rftderi , ' 11111 has been employed li
cm lliiR dirt nwny from the grading bclni
crtfrlcd on on Ann street , near whcro tin
tronlilo ( oolt plnM Hobwiiedntenm. Wul
don dr6Vo n tenln In the salnd work for n Mr
I' lultliei' . Wlieh the ( vanlsterH and workmei
nrrlvcd this mornlnpr It WM decided that tin
tnild WfiMn such n condition thnt Uio Vforl
tottld not bd Wi fried on. Wcldoli wns bblstor
ous nnd Insuttlii ) ; . Tult remonstrated wltl
him , They oxchanpcd epithets nm
tlnally Tult cnllcd Wcldon u vil' '
niiiiio. The latter dived In n ten
lii-Hi1 by and ho ran toward It. A man knowi
us "Hhorty" was standing near the tent. Ai
Wcldon entered it ho snidi
"Hhorl.V ) now you'll see some fun , "
lh n moment ho emorpcd from the tent
holding In his hahd n 49 enllbro Koitilnetni
revolver. Ho stalled In the direction ofTutt
who took refund lit the opposlto aide of hi
team front-that by which Wcldon was np
tiroflclilitp , The latter , when within ten o
twelvoyards of Tutt , II red three shots a
him , Ono of them took effeet In the nhdo
Inen , nnd the other entered the right shoulder
Kubseiicntly ( | Wotdon tired three more shots
nil of which took cffecli
Wcldou then lied , but after half nn hour'i
search wan discovered hldltif ; In u ravine
half a mile west of the scene of the shooting
llo .submitted to arrest nnd was taken to tin
police stnllom A crowd of several liundrci
jieoplo , mostly colored , gathered In the vicln
lly , nnd threats of lynching wcro freely In
dultfod In. Vor wnfo kccpmtr the prlsone
Wns iciliovcd to the county jail. A coroner'
Jury this aflenloon returned n verdict charfj
Ing Weltlou with pf ontedltatod mlirdcr.
A TjdiKton Ornanl/ntloti to I't-oinoti
Houinl IntcrcotifRn.
Nr.w YOIIK , Dec. 1. [ Special Telegram t
the HII : : . ] A new club 1m * boon cstabllshei
in London cnllcd the Aihorlcnn club , th
primary object of which is declared to bo tli
piomotion of social Intercourse bctwcci
these Who have been , or arc still , cdnncetei
with the western hemisphere. It hus bcoi
founded upon a non-pollticfd basis and wil
Inuludo residents especially of the Unltci
KhiKilom and of North and Bouth Americ ;
and the West Indies , Among tiie member
of the committee nro Count Ferdinand d
Lesseps , Sir Evollyn faring , Lord Clmrle
liuresford , Captain F. E. Chadwick of th
United Stntesunvy , Ijleutennnt General Si
Ueruld Oruhatn , Urot Haito. 1'iofessor IIux
ley , Henr.V .Talnes , Sir Frederick Lcighton
Sir Morell MacKen/io. C. .f. Phelps of tin
United States location , Howard Potter , Si
John Puleston , the eurl of Uonslyn , O.V
Smulloy , Sir KdWnrd Thornton nnd I'rofo M >
Tyndall. The commlttco's desire as an
nounced , is the formation Of n recogni/ed it
sort of thohlRhest Htanding whcro gcntlcinci
from America visiting England may bo re
coivcd with that wulcome , courtesy am
frlcndsliip that bus lurarlubly been uccordci
to ICnglishincn when visiting tlio contlnen
of America. The club is limited to 1,1)0 )
members , exclusive of honorary nnd supernumerary
numorary members.
Terrible l-'alallty at n Flro iii Brook
villc , Kan.
HnooKVM.i.R , Kan. , Deo. 1. [ Special Tck
gram to the UBK. ] At 1 o'clock this montin
the Lawrence house , six business houses an
thruo dwellings burned. All wcro fruui
buildings. The spread of the flames wa
stopped by u brick building. Four men , Fin
man llrlmer nnd llrakcmum Harrlgm ;
of Wamojjo , Kan. ; Mr. Farnsworth , Lit :
coin , Knn. , and nn unknown man wor
burned to death. The remains were found i
the ruins. Charles Moss , of Tower Springs
Kan. , was budly burned about the head nn
hands , and internally , anil will probably die
A lady with a child in her arms Jumped frou
the nwiiing to the ground mifoly ; All th
guests Who got out Hid so by jumping froi
the windows in the second story. The caiih
of the flio Is unknown. The loss is § 20.000 t
$2riHX ( ) . The houses burned wcro those c
J. Hlrsch , dry goods ; J. Stmibor , hardware
.1 , Sclchrlst , hotel ; Ralph Walter , boots nn
shoes ; Kalph Wultuivjr. , bakery ; F. M
Hedge , billiards ; .T. Guiles , meat market ; 'J
.1. Losing , dwelling ; K. Walter , dwelling
H. Walter , jr. , dwelling. The total insuranc
is about e.1,000.
No Fiirtlier Atlcinpts ttr llo KInilo t
Convict Them.
Kvx-us CITY , Mo. , Doe.- . [ Special Tcli
gram to the IJii ; : . ] The case of Itobcrt Gcen
the Wynndotto train wrtJcker , 'viaa to liuv
been brought up in the Wyandotte distrii
court In that city on Monday next. Prosecti
ing Attorney Creo , of Wy.mdotto county ,
to day that the CUBO would not bo tried , i
the .itato recognized the imiKis-sibility of eoi
vlctlng tlm man In Wyandotte county. I ]
said : "ThorO are not enough voters in tl
county from which to sccuro a compete !
Jury , Us the former .examination of th
man on similar cnusoa Bhowcd tin
only ono out of every forty me
Is c.ipablo of snrvlni ? . Another thing that
in favor of HCCI-H Is the law that prohlhll
the holding of prisoner without trial ovt
tluoo terms of court. ( Scots. Gary and Lloy
have now been awaiting trial forthrco torn
ai'd us tholr cases cannot como un at tli
present December term , they will be di
misxed. The Missouri ! 'aeiflr railroad eon has spent a small fortnno In trying I
piovo the men Riillty of the crime with whit
they .stand licensed , but no moro hionoy wl
be spent In endeavoring to tonvlct them. "
Anlioro In a ( lalo.
JR Snn-icii , Muss. , Deo. 1. A north castorl
gale prcvailetl over Capo Cod all night hv
night , accompanied by moro or less snow. .
southern brig Is ushoro east of Sandwlcl
Mho cnu only bo seen at Intervals on uccoui
of the snow. Slip lies In shore and apparent !
cannot bo managed. Her s.iils. are terrib :
torn. No assistance has been rendered yc
She cannot bo reached on account of the ga
and RIIIIW stoi m. She will go to pieces If tl
wind continues.
CimnvM , Mass. , , Dee. I. A heavy ga
tircvullcil last night , amimpanlcd by a blln
Ing sng\v storm. An unknown steamer
ashore oft I'ollacks Kill , but her n.Uiiu uunin
bo rearlcd. The crew are In the rigging ai
must suffer greatly as the water Is living o
over them and the vessel la covered with Ic
Iioynl Ii , and IJIHVJ- .
CHICAGO , Uee. -Special [ Telegram '
the nr.n.-ludgo ] Hortoa grantwl a ehaui
of venue to Haliuan I owy nnd Louis Col
iU f'.U ; . " . - ! " ? - " bil [ bv U. 1C. Tenney
JudKV Janiicson. Unvy filed on nntitax
charging Judges Horton , Tuluy nnd Collli
with prejudice. The suit Is to rocovcr claln
against Loyal L. Smith , the Omaha goner
storukcex | > r who tied to Canada. A writ
n tieat is out for Lowy , who cannot bo n
rested until u ease on trial buforo Jud
1'ivndergast U concluded. A conclusion
looked for to-morrow.
A Itlooily Imnntlo.
XKMO , Doc. J Last ovenlng Samu
Harding , who has boon sick for several din
sprang from his bed and tried to jump nut
a window. Ills father-in-law and ncighb
seized him but suddenly ho cut both tin
throats , then cut his wifo'n throut and t
e | MHl. Ho was oupturcil sinuo hours lat <
U u thoueht all of the wounded will die.
A Lawyer's Blttor LanguageIn t
Chicago Dlvorco Oaso.
Soiisntlonnl hoitnl Contest notwcci
Two 1'rtiinlnciit Members * of Upper
Tcmlom In the Crriun Cltjr
In Him Jnsiuie ?
Tlio Cnrtcr Divorce Cane.
Ciiit'Aoo , Dec. l. [ Special Telegram lo tin
Hr.i : . ] There-was a hip nrrny Of bright legn
lights waiting for Jtulgo Jatuleson to opei
court this morning. They represented boll
sides of the already famous Carter dlvorei
wise. The defendant , Leslie Carter , was no
present In court , but his end of the fight wa
uphold by Attorneys Melvlllo E. Fuller
Walker und Locseh , while the colnplntnnn
wns represented by cx-Judgcs Sidney Smltl
mill Doollttle , Mr. Wlrt Dexter and Mr. 151
bi Idgo llatiecy. The case enmo up this morn
Ing on rt niolloit to dissolve the Injunction rd
straining the defendant from Interfering wltl
the custody of the child , nt present vestei
In the mother , on the groum
of the hitter's Insanity. Owing to the sciisil
tlonal nnd extraordinary charges proferrel
by the Wlfo In the bill of complaint nnd tin
high soeinl position of tlioCartors in Chicago
thO court wns well filled. Judge Smltl
nroso when court opened and promptly fllci
u cross motion , asking n postponement Of tin
hearing of the defendant's ' motion , mid ii
support of Unit application Wlrt Dexter rent
.hreo iiftldnvits. The llrst Was that of tin
eomphiinant , Louise Carter. She uVerret
that she icsided in tlio family of Dr. Oseai
A. King , nt Lake Geneva , i
lumber of months borore he
jill of complaint was fllei
nnd that on November 4 she cnmo tl
Jhicago , lllod her bill , nnd returned to tin
family of Dr. King , who wns still at Laki
tirntmi , nnd remained in eomp.iny with he :
-iiother nnd child until November 17. 1 hci
she went on u trip to New York and Phil
idelphia on business. When ut Phlhidelphh
: o see u friend she wns taken into custody bj
L'lnkcrton detectives on a'charge of abduc
lion and wns kept a , iirisoncr until her eoun
sel from New York arrived and obtained he
release. She was subjected , sin
eliiims , to Indignities by the friend ;
of her husbnnd , and was forced ti
lenve her business nnd return t <
_ hiengo to answer tno rule of thocdurts. Shi
claims to bo wholly restored to henlth am
strength of mind , and buys that she sleep ;
without the aid of narcotics and intends ti
irovo this. She further asserts that horhus
band removed her child for weeks from tin
city to prevent her from seeing him. Shi
iiiys she wanted to keep the child becnuso sin
: md learned that her husband intended ti
iteep them apart. She hoped that the nrgn
incnts to dissolve the injunction would bi
lostponcd nnd said thnt she tvould offc
imple proof of her ability and sanity.
Attorney Wlrt Dexter read the affidavit o
Mrs. Carter's mother , which stated that tin
child had always been under the persona
euro of herself und daughter. She says tlm
While Mrs. Carter was in Europe for he
health In 1SSC. the child fell ill and the father
who wns in Chicago , never came to see hln
u Now York. The sister and aunt of Mr
Jartor , she says , never took good care of tin
During the course of the proceeding
to-day , as Judge Smith said : "If , you
lionor , the allegations in the bill of complain
in the c.iso arc true , and wo expect to provi
[ heir truth , thmi this man is not a propc
liaity to have tlio custody of the t'lillt
or any other human being , and
assort that , notwithstanding the impudcn
stare of his brother [ hero Judge Smith facci
ubout to Ernest Cai tor , who sat among thi
defendant's counsel , and who wOre a vor ;
red face just then , while the llory" old lawye
| ) ointed his index linger at him ] , ah immidon
stare , your honor. Unit is seemingly lor tin
purpose of intimidation , but it won't do sni
ai it may be , the frightful Offenses , th
crimes with which the defendant stand
charged are becoming alarmingly-common
and It will not do for this man to arlso am
say : 'I move in high circles of society ,
Your honor , whitcd sepulchers date back t
n very early period White on the outside
within , filled with dead men's bones and al
unclciinllncss. "
After considerable farther discussion th
decided that the llrat tpiestinn ho should lira
was that of the sanity of Mrs , Carter , and h
fixed next Saturday to hear that phase of th
case. The whole affair creates the greatc. '
sensation in Chicago and sympathy is cutirul ,
with Mr. Carter , who has lived hero sine
boyhood nnd has always been highly re
The Strowltrlilftc IjlthogrniitiliiK Slio ]
in Cincinnati Utilnutl.
CINCINNATI , Doc. 1. At 1:30 : this morr
ing u general alarm was sounded and callc
the entire fire department to thaStrov
bridge Lithographing company's great built
Ing , corner of Elm and Canal streets. Th
Humes devoured the entire building mid i
less than forty minutes the walls fell in. Th
loss is total and will not bo less than $200,001
but it is estimated as high as $ .100,000 , o
Which there is liisuninco of $150,000. Th
lire started in the second story , and as none
ono knows how , there is suspicion of incei
tliarism. Tlio building was a flno struetun
llvo stories in height and fronting qver on
hundred feet on the north side of Canul. J
was llllcd with costly machinery. Its stoc
of paper and partly linishcd woik was vcr
large , estimated at $100,000. Most of th
winter work for theatrical companies wn
ilnlshoil , but n largo poitlon was still lu th
Fireman John Shulor , who was on a laddt
thirty-iivo feet from the ground missed h
footing and fell to the ground. Ho wns take
to the hospital with injuries which ma
prove fatal. The firm was probably Ui
largest of the kind , employing 125 men. Tw
other linns in thu buildinglose $10,000 uplcci
The bfnt estimate that can bo made of tli
total loss Is * UUO,000 , and half that amour
A Scorch in St. I'nul.
ST. PAUL , Dec. 1,10U : : ) . The large Wlm
ser hotel is uilro and with a * heavy wind an
snow storm raging the flro promises to ci
vclopc the whole building. A general alun
has been sounded.
LATKII The tire In the Windsor hotel th
morning was not serious nnd was soon gottc
under control with small loss.
Completion oftho ItnrllnRton'H Kxtct
Nloii From lloldrene , Net ) .
CiiRYKN'SB , Dec. 1. [ Special Telegram to tl
linn. ] The Cheyennitcs have been rejolch
to-day over the completion to this city of tl
Cheyenne & Northern railroad , an oxtensic
of the llurlington system from Holdreg
Neb. The work of laying the track throng
the city to the line building purchased by tl
nurlington company for its depot , excite
much attention and admiration from crowi
of sightseers , and when the road reached I
termination several thousand people we
gathered to witness the closing of the wor
Locomotive whistles , bells and cannon and
brass band furnished ample noise to demo
strata the welcome extended to the new ru
road , Ono rail was left uusplki
as the formal opening of the road W
not take place until December 1
when it will bo fastened down with eonsi
crablo ceremony and a silver spike driven
complete the work. An excursion party i
oftlehils of the road will reach hero on th
day , and will bo tendered n nubile rceeptlo
The worft of building the Cheyenne
Northern has been unusually rapid. Gnulh
was commenced on It , 'Jtio miles east of her
oiio year ago , and track laying ami bridi
building | n April last. Kilp.itrick Hros.
Collins , of Hcatricc , Neb. , have had the ge
cral contract , and liuVo wmpleted the woi
sooner than expected by the company. U
confidently expected that the JJurllngtou w
push north from hero Curing the conih
j-enr , and will llnally bo extended entire
across to Wyoming , by way of the Platte ai
Kwuetwater vallu\s , to lorui u conncctii
with the Central Pacific.
An Air Line to Mcxtdo Incorporated
In KAnsas.
TorfcKA , Kan. , Dec. lj The charter of tht
Omaha it Mexican Air J luo railway com
liany , capital stock $10,000,000 , was tiled h
the oflieo of the secriitnty of1 state to-day
rho line of the proposed railroad begins al
Omaha , Neb. , runnlnfjjthcnee soutnwcsterlj
through the counties ot Jewell , Smith , Phil
lips , Uooks , Graham'I'feffo ' , Lane , Scott
Wichita and Hamilton' , liilliestntoof Kansas
thence through NcwMo0 to El Paso , Tox.
which is to bo the terminus of the railroad litho
the United States ; thence to the City of Mox
ico. The principal ofm-cfc'nnd jinrcs , Of busl
ness of the company'art ! to bo located a
Syracuse , Knn. . nnd Oirlillm , Neb. The dl
rectors nro W. F. Cleveland. Hurlan , la. : W
H. McGorrlsk , DcsMolne.i. la. ; C. C. Free
Charles Coc. Gedrgo Getty nnd Thouipsol
Overtoil , Syracuse , Kan.
News From Nebraska City.
NnmiASKA. CITV , Neb. , Dec. 1. [ S ] > ccin
Telegram to the Unii.l Mrs. Murgurc
Cooper , of Tulluage , to-day had a warran
sword out against James D. Kirk , a Talmagi
saloon-keeper , for selling liquor to minor !
nnd habitual drunkards and selling on Sun
day. and will also bring civil action agalns
James F. Browncl ! was brought In fron
Syracuse to-day , arrested foi1 wife-beating
Jt is said ho beat his wife shamefully. Mrs
Hrownell entered suit for divorce some tlnn
ago on the ground of Inhuman treatment , bu
he persuaded her to return to him.
Nbws reaches the city to-day from Pnlmyn
of the mysterious disappearance of Mrs. K
JJ. Newton , the young nnd hnndsomo wife o
the editor of the Pilot. The lady's friends saj
she left because of abuse at her husband'i
hands , while others say there Is considerabli
mystery connected with her disappearance
and Palmyra is consequently excited.
A Hnllroatl Change.
FKHMOMT , Nob. , Doc. 1. [ Special Telegran
to the HEI : . ] D. M. Phllbin , from Ashland
Wls. , assumed the position to-day of suporiil
tendcnt of the eastern division of the Fro
inont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley road , fron
Long Pine to Missouri Valley. E. T. Hon
remains superintendent of the thrco line
soutli of the Platte river.
Coal Disctivcrtul nt Ilnincr.
Sioux Cur , la , , Dec. 1. [ Special Tolfl
ijram to the HEE. ] Word was brought ti
Sioux City to-day that n valuable vein of cou
IIOH been discovered cast of Hamer , in Dakoti
county , Nebraska , near tills city. The veil
is said to bo four foot thick and the coa
equals that mined nt Fort Dodge. Activi
operations to mine nro to commence at oucu
Itewnrtl Vor an Incendiary.
Fni'.voNT , Neb. , Dec. 1. [ Special Telogrnn
Lo the UiiK.j The Dodge countv supervisor *
in session to-day passed n resolution offcrlnj
a reward of $ ' 200 for the apprehension nm
conviction of the man who set fire to tin
Platte river bridge on the night of Novcm
ber 4. _
Death of an Oltl Ncinaha Cltlzon.
UHOWNVILLI : , Neb. , Dec. 1. [ Special Tola
gram to the Hci : . ] Henjamin U. Thompson
of this city , died this evening at 7 o'clock
He Was ono of thooldcstre'sidents ' of N cumin
county and also of the st'ato.
Made Plain lly ihfe Testimony 01
lirokcr AVIlshlre.
CINCINNATI , O. , Dec. 1 ? The Harper trla
was resumed this morning ) with J. A. Wilt
sliiro on the stand. His -testimony showct
ho had purchased for Harper on the Chicagi
market about twenty million bushels o
wheat , of which they W ro holding 14,000 ,
900 bushels when the crush came last Juno
The loss represented b 'tho break of the !
corner was from 5,000,900 -1,000,000. . Ii
every way ho ijmdo it clca
that * Harpar was , , IMSI'
that hit checks on the Fidelity bank won
not against any balance to his credit , ant
that ho" was given to understand they wen
to ho protected by Harper. On cross
examination the fact 'was ellcitc <
that Wiltshire had deposited check !
aggregating WOO.OOO on the First nationn
bank of this city and $0. > ,000onthoMerchant :
bank , with the Fidelity , whore they wen
treated as cash , Ho had not that amount o
money in thcso banks at the tinio tin
checks wore drawn , but ho did i
because ho was instructed so to do b ;
Harper , whom he supposed to bo abundantly
able to take care of the Chocks. A reccs
was then taken till the afternoon.
Harper is still attended by his wife , am
gives clo'jo ' attention to all that transpires
Ho has watched vyith eager interest the faci
of tills witness , his broker , who has , in plaii
words , laid bare the entire transaction.
On cross-examination in the afternoon Wil
shire said ho believed the checks alread ;
named were about all ho had deposited will
the Fidelity bank. Ho had given checks ti
Harper to take up others , , ho did not know t <
what amount. On the ovcuing.of Juno 14 In
saw Harper at the bank and got the packagi
to take to Chicago. A. L. Galir , Harper'
brother-in-law , went with him to Clucugi
and took possession of the envelope Harpe
had given him , saying ft contained $ tiOOOOC ,
When ho arrived in Chicago he went to tht
bank of Kcrshaw , and Hoyt nccompaniei
him. Hs Instructions wore based on a tele
gram from Harper to the American Nationn
Exchange bank. If the bank would agree ti
take this package and see that the broker
representing the deal . .therewcro amply pro
tected and luriiishetl them such nccommodn
tion as would carry it out , ho was to leav
the package. He acted under instruction
and did not think it anything unusual.
The government's counsel then took the wil
ness and showed by bun that several order
for wheat were signotl by Hurior | with hi
own initials. In reply to a question the wil
ness said checks on the First National wer
met by deposits by the Fidelitj
So far as ho know all th
money eamo from the Fidelity. Ebencze
Schoiield , cashier of the First Notional ban
of New York , and Juntos A , Quinlan Jr. .
cashier of the Chemical Notional band , test
lied regarding lo.ins of fciOO.OOO . and S-500OD
made i cspcctively to Hnrpor. They else gav
a list of the colhiteralsifor the loan , inoludln
the notes of the various companies in whiv
Harper was inteiestcd. The testimony of th
witnesses was introduced to show that Hurpc
was insolvent at the time that the money li
used was drawn from the bonk , while th
special I'lTOiint ' was kept for the purpose c
giving him a lictitious credit.
Oponetl In Their NtwLocution Wit
Improved Facilities.
ST. JOHKIMI , Mo. , DeJ. ( ' ! . [ Special Teh
gram to the Hun. ] The sfpek yards locate
two miles southwest of i union depot wor
formally opened to-day > AnA the old yard
abandoned. The Stock Yards company ow
440 acres in ono Ixidy , iirtlTo center of whic
is seventeen acres devou-tfto the stork yard :
The entire surface is ballasted with Inin
clay to a depth of seven inches and the built
ings are very substantial , ' 'f ho hog i > ens cot
sist of four blocks , containing clchty pen
with a capacity for 11.2 ( 1 "RogH. The cattl
pens accommodate a'Jtl cat loads of cattle , an
both hog and cattle pcnijUru floored wit
three-Inch pine siiiked to ! 'cypress mud sill
bedded In seven inches o.t flurnt clay ballas
The horse and mule department is soparut
and distinct. The barn/ia. ' lOOxiiOO feet an
two stories in height , nM hus stalls for U
horses and pens for 'J10 mules. The oxchunu
building is WixiUV feet , thrco stories high , coi
tabling twenty-one rooms and cost f'.ll.lKX .
The drnlnngo is perfect , the main ditch hi
ing 8,000 feet long , running northerly to th
river. A new town has boon laid off nen
the yards , and a hotel and several otht
houses are being erected. Work on thoyani
was commenced last spring , and the co <
will bo upwards of ? 'I < X > ,0 < )0. )
AroiiMlorf ItOHls His Case.
Sioux ClTV , la , , Dec. 1. [ Spsclal Teh
gram to the Hr.c. ] The defense In th
Arciisdorf trial rested to-day , reserving tli
fight , by agreement , to call another wanes' '
said to bo an eyo-withess to the murder an
Who will testify tlmt Lcavltt lircd the fati
shot. Arciisdorf was on tlm stand lids uteri
Ing and testified to altout the same facts as < i
the previous trial , claimlng'not to luivo bee
lu the crowd or at the murderat ill. Ho wt
subjected to a very rigid
The remainder of the day has been occupied
by thu state in rebuttal. Judge Wakctleld
decided this morning that the. cases against
the rest of the defendants would eomo up for
assignment on the llrul dny of the Jummr.v
term , Attorney Erwln , of the defense , anil
Attorney O'Conncll , of the prosecution , hail
a wordy nnd bitter tilt to-day , in which the
court nad to Interfere. Arguments lu thi
ease will likely commence Saturday.
On TrlnlTo1 Mimlor. , In. , Dec. 1. William J , Huhmnu
who killed John Hrown at Gladbrook , Tumi
county , on October 1 , Is on trial hero for tin
crlmo. The two men had quarreled over ovl
dcnco which Urown had given before th <
grand jury , which resulted In the couvlctlot
of Hulnnaii for selling liquors. On the 1st o
October last the two men met with some o
their friends in frontof liuhman'srcstaurdii' '
at Gladbrook. Ono of Hrowii's party Ihrcv
an old brooui. which struck ono of the Huh
mans. At flint William Huhman went Inti
his place , got a revolver , came out
Ing It nnd threatened to shoot. The quarrc
was begun between Utihuian and IJrown
when Huhman shot the latter lu the ucck
IJrown lived until the following Monday
Huhmun was arrested and taken to Tolcai
for fear of being lynched. Ho nnd his brothe :
John were Indicted for tlio crime. The trio1
of William was begun yesterday , but ut las
reports no Jury had been secured.
A IlufKlni4 Breaks Jnll.
MoNTF./a-MA , Ia.Dcc. , 1. [ Special Tolcgran
to the Br.n. ] A mulatto named Roblusoi
broke out of Jail hero Tuesday night and tin
supposition is that he stole 1111 Indian pan :
nnd a brown colt from n farmer north 0
town. The fellow is described as about ! 3
years of age , height 5 feet 10 Indies , nm
weight 103 pounds. Ho was Jailed for house
breaking in Grlnnoll and his trial was set fo ;
next week. The sheriff offers u liberal reward
ward for his recovery.
Snlcltlctl For Ills Insurance.
OTTUMWA , lu. , Dec. 1. [ Special Telcgron
to the Hen. ] Clmrlos Miller , a painter , sul
elded in this city by taking over forty-grain
of morphine. He had a wlfo and tliroo chll
drcn living nl Queen City , Mo. His life wa
insured for $ -1,000 and ills self-destruction wn
for the avowed purpose of securing tlm
amount to his family.
They Finally KfTcut nil Orgaitlzntioi
anil A rco to Ailvnnuo Union.
CIIICAOO , Dec. 1. The transcontinonta
oillcials to-day succeeded in agreeing upoi
the formation of an association. The head
quarters are fixed at Denver and J. F. Leeds
now general freight agent of the Atchisoi
road , will bo chairman. Tlio Pacific Mul
Stuamship company is to receive a montlil ;
subsidy equal to $ t'i3,000 , but It is not yet sot
tied how it will be paid. An nrrangomen
has been made with the Canadian Paeilli
whereby it will bo allowed to charge a les (
rate on trafllo to San Francisco and will in
torclmngo business ut Portland with tin
Northern and Union Pacific. First-clas
freight will bo advanced from New York t <
San Francisco from W to ? 4 per hundred , ant
other rates in proportion. The now arrange
nicnt will probably begin on January 1.
He IntcntlH Instituting Criminal Pro
Against Corrlgnn.
CITY , Mo. , Dec. 1. [ Special Tele
gram to the Ben. ] Thomas J. Mosier , th
Times reporter who wiw so badly beaten b ;
Ed Corrigan , the turfman , at Waldo parl
several weeks ago , is convalescing. Tin
doctors are of the opinion that the bones tha
were broken In his face will knit withou
leaving the usual disfiguration. Mr. Mosie
said to-day that criminal proceedings agalns
Corrigan would bo commenced as soon as In
was able to leave the hospital.
The Wenthor To-Day.
For Nebraska : Colder , followed b ;
warmer , generally fair weather ; light ti
fresh variable winds.
Iowa : Generally colder , fair weather , preceded
ceded in the eastern and central portions b ;
rain ; light to fresh variable winds.
Exploded An Old RlnHt. , Wis. , Dec 1. News of an ex
plosion on the work of the F. E. & N. road
two miles south of here , liaa been received
Ono man and two horses wcio killed out
right , and live men burned. Laborers wen
boring out an uncxploded blast.
The Fisheries' .Negotiations.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 1. The next session o
the fishery negotiators will bo held Saturda ;
A Court-Mart Inl Ordered.
A general court-martial has been appolntci
to meet at Fort Hobinson , at 10 o'clock a m.
on Thursday , Dcccmbor 8 , for the trial o
such persons us may bo properly brough
before it.
The detail for the court is Captain Worth
Captain Hailoy , Captain Hughes , Captah
Stcdnian , Captain Conllno , First Licutcnan
Garrard , First Lieutenant Wright , Firs
Lieutenant Tcrrett , Second Lieutcnan
Stevens , Second Lieutenant Hettcns , Secom
Lieutenant Owen , Second Lieutenant II
Alexander , First Lieutenant Wilson , Eight !
infantry , Judge advocate.
Licensed to Wed.
The following licenses tomarry were issuci
yesterday by Judge McCullough :
Name and residence. Age
I Joseph A. Sanish , Omaha . ! !
] Kittle Flues , Council Hluffa . 1
j Frank Hcinis , Omaha . ! i
I Caroline Pcttcrson , Omaha . : . 'J
( Hugh H. Dalyliesh , Omaha . 2
1 Mary Hopkins , Omaha . 2
j Albcat w. Kinsman , Omaha . ; <
I SophioM. Coolte , Omaha . If
j Anton H. Hnehmunn , Omaha . 2
| Liz/ie Ejjgcrs , Omaha . 1
Moro Ground.
The First Presbyterian church is nepfotlal
ing for a lot on which to build un ndditioirt
their church. The latter now does not al
ford room for the sittings of its mcmbcrshir.
l > o Not Think Fora Moment
thnt catarrh will in time wear out. Tin
theory is false. Men try to bolicvo i
bccnuso if would bo ulcubiint if true , bu
it is not , us all know. Do not let in
acute attack of cold in the head rumaii
unsubdued. It in Liable to develop inti
catarrh. You can rid yourself of tin
cold nnd : vvoid all cliunco of catarrh b' '
\\Ang \ \ Dr. Sapcvs catarrh remedy. If "i
ready nllHclcil rid youroclf of tnfu troti
hlu.somo discabo fipoctlily by the
moans. At nil dr
A Kansas City jjlrl iusistco ! upon boinj
marrictl to a pvlbonor In jiiil under :
live-year . eutcnco for asauult with iiilon
to kill. The prisoner's hnndoulTs luu
tojjo roniovud in order to perform th
Pleasant to the tnsto nnd
ly quickin roliovint ; coughs nm
colds it is not at nil Btrungo that Di
Uull'ri cough syrup ulwnyH succeeds.
Salvation oil , the greatest pain cur
on earth. IH gKmmtccil to oflcct a cure
where it is possible for the sent of th
dirtcabo to ho reached by a liniment
I'rice ii-3 cents a bottlo.
"Why do you drink MI much ? " said
clergyman to u hopoloHsdrunkard. "T
drown my troubles. " "And do you sue
ceetl in drowning thorny" , 'N.o , luini
'cm ! they can swim. "
"Wo PoTiit With I'i'lilo"
To thu "good name at homo , " won b ,
Hood's Uiu'bnpiii'illiu In Lowell , Mn s !
where it is prepared , there Jy moro o
Iloud'n Sarniipnrilhi bold than of nl
other medicine. * , und it has glvmi tli
of Mitlhfuolion Milieu iU introdtic
tion ten yonra ago. Thi'i ooulil not h
if the inodiolno did not jron csri inoi'il
If you btilfor from impure llood tr ,
IloodVSurdiiparnia and roit'.l/.u its po
cullai- curative powoi1 ,
A Gonovn. Now York correspondent
of the New \ ork Sun tniyn : OeTirgo W.
1 'attcrxon and Andrew 1J. Catlln , youno
farmers in tlu to\yn of ihitihm , roturneil
yesterday from a ton days' hunt ton oi
twclvo miles from the village of Glzzriu ,
t'lcarllold county , in northern 1'onnH.vt-
viuiia. Mr. Cntlin carries his left bro
ken arm In u t > ling < und bin face , ncnlp
ni'ina and hntitla are covered witli
sorntehcs and drop cuts mmlo by tht
claws of a HIO boar. Ilia right onr wh'
nearly torn nwny , and ha > boon sewed
to hlH head. Mi'i 1'alturHua also boar :
Bcfatohcs mid Inuuratlotm upon hirf nnn ;
and hand from thu t < amu cause , llotl
inon BUlTor severely from tholr initirles
Patlorpon and Catllu hntl nearly Ilii'
Ishod their hunting and trapping
Benson in the WOOUH , anil Inloiulci
quilling tholr homo in the woodB Ins' '
Saturday nflurnoon , On Saturdaj
morning Pattort-on alnrted oft with hii
gun on his Bhoilldcr to take up the foj
traps about the forest in which thoj
wcro camping. Cntlin was loft aloiio a
the camp , and a little later wont out fo :
a stroll about the woods , carrying hii
rlllo with him. Tho- morning wa :
plcuwuit , ami llmling a recent loltei
from hla wifu in his pocket hu * nt tlowl
on n stump to read it ngalm Ho hat
boon rending but a few minutes who !
ho hoardJtho sound of snapping twig
upon the ground and rustling of dcat
loaves , as if bomu oao were clumsily up
Drenching. He carelessly looked u ]
from his letter , and wasjwnilyhcil to NOI
il largo female bear within 101) feet 6
him."i shall never forgot how 1 > ig tha1
bear looked to mo at that moment,1
saitl Farmer Ctitlin. "I novt'r saw i
boar out of captivity before. I had rcat
all about their quiet ways and how the ;
would avoid a tussle with a man. Now
thought I. hero's a chance to astonish
Patterson when ho comes back from dill
nor , I'll kill that bear in about llvi
seconds , anil with that I up nnd tool
what 1 thought was the most duliborati
aim at old Bruin's head. The aim wa
poor , for instead of the beast dropping
tloatl she gave a resounding grunt am
leaped n , foot , or- two in the air. Tin
.bullet had taken cIToot in tlio hour1 !
nose and wns very painful. In a sccom
more the animal dashed toward mo
swinging her head from side to side
and showing the largest and sharpos
teeth I over sa\v. I reached in
slantly foi' another cartridge urn
found 1 hntl forgotten to take m ;
cartridge box with mo. The f-onsa
tion windreadful. Perspiration starlet
from every pore. I had no time to think
but everything Hashed through m.i
mind. I hud nothing about mo bull
long and very Miarp two-etlgcil dirl
knife with wihch to defend mj-holf , ant
there was that infuriated and hungry
powerful bear almost upon me. j
reached for my knife and it drew Iron
its sheath , and at Iho.fcamo moment run
ning forward a few feet to strike IIH pow
erful blow as possible with my weapon
The beast struck against my log , and . '
nearly fell to the ground. I turned am
in my haste I gave the animal a tmviigt
cut across the back. At that the beai
turned upon mo moro fiercely than over
I had got upon my feel , niitl the bcni
struck mo a powerful blow upon tin
breast. If I had not been prepared foi
it I would have fallen beneath lh <
beast. I was then more than cvei
alarmed. It seemed as if that was mi
last day on earth. The next move . '
mli do wan to attempt to pu
my long knife into bruin'H breast
My body , however , was .so clo-
to that of the bear that the knife blntlt
struck too closely to thobeabt's shouldei
to do any injury. Old Bruin wns mort
enraged than ever , and dealt mo a blow
with one of her great pawn that soomet
lilco a hletlgo hammer , on my brcu t. J
fell backward upon the ground. ]
thought then I wns hurely a goner. In
an instant the animal was upon mv
again with her fore paws , and I reach
ing up gnvo her a great slash across the
breast , from which great quantities ol
hot blood poured down upon me. Then
we had a close embrace , during which
my face nnd hands , as you see , wore sc
terribly scratched and torn. I foughl
like a demon and managed to keen the
bear's awful jaws from closing upon me ,
I did not fear any severe hugs from tht
animal. I don't know how 1 did it , but
I managed to hold on to my knife , witli
which I had given the old bear three
deep digs and at the .same time to grlis ] ;
her about the waist. Then we rolled
over twice , during which my henv.y
clothing was nearly torn oil and my leg *
were terribly lacerated by the bear' *
hind imw.s , and 1 still warded olT those
fatal jaws and hugs. My strength wnt
beginninng to fail , n > id I realized thai
I could not contimio at this rate murl
longer. Hy almost superhuman ntrongtl
I rolled upon my side , and , getting mj
right arm and hand free for an iiintant
I made a lunge at Bruin which I mean
should finish the boast. I struck exactly
whcro I wished , under the left forepaw
That blow did not strike tlio heart , bu
it struck in a pretty tender spot , for tin
bear foil upon mo like a hoof. My lot
arm. as you see hero in a sling , was hro
ken by the fall. The bear was hclplux
for a moment , and you can hotter bo
Hove I freed myself from the beast in i
second. Once on my feet I ran , drip
ping with blood from my own nnd tn <
bear's wounds , to our camp , for a gun
Pnttor.-on arrived there at the same
moment that I did , ami wn
dumbfounded at my sanguinary appear
unco. I could bca'rcoly peak boeuusi
of my intense excitement , but told hin
in a few words of my awful experience
I could not return to the bearbecnusi
of my broken arm , but Patterson sei/oi
a rillo and instantly win to the disablei
beast. Upon approaching bruin Pal
torhon thought lior already dead. Shi
lay in a great pool of her own blood ant
di'tl not move a muscle. Incautiousli
ho approached nnd in curiosity over
turned the bear with the stock of hi :
rillo. At that moment she oiMmcd he
her eyes , and before you could say .Tad
Hobinson she , had given Patterson tlirei
or four scratches with the claws of botl
her front and liind paws. Some of tin
claws actually sunk over mi inch ii
Patterson's hands and arms , which an
marked for life. Those were the las
la t scratches of bruin , for the next moment
mont Patterson had jumped away fron
the infuriated but wounded animal ant
hunt two big bullets into thu beast'i
bond. We walked four mill's * for a phy
hicmn , who set my arm nnd spent tw <
hours plastering up our wounds. Thoi
wo hired two men to skin tlio boast. I
weighed just HOe pounds , and its nkin
which ! > in that box over there for youi
inspection , in live foot and three inches
long. It wnb found that my knife cm
the bcarV jugular vein , mid HIO wouh
have bled to death in half an hour. I
my knife had been oven an inch hhortoi
there Is no doubt of my death then am
there. Ves , we're going to have tht
old bear skin stalled und not up at homt
on the farm as a t-ouvouirof our first am
hist ivimbat with a bcitr. The doctoi
hsvy.s there are fifty-two deep scratohei
and lacerations iix | > n mo , and about hul
that number upon Patterson. They an
very painful , and I expect that nolthei
of jis will bo any good about our farm1
for several weeks. For myself , I an
only too glnd to get away from old bruli
with my life.
_ _ _
A blacksmith In Lou-lslon , Mo , , ii
making money by hnmmorlng out Inn
Und htoel linger rings , for which hi
finds a ready sale at SO cents each. lit
warrants them to euro rheumatism.
The govern incut experiments this year
In making sugar from sorghum are said
tb have Iwoti very successful. " On fair
soil the yield of cano wns an average of
twelve tons. The average yield of sugav
per acre wns about fifteen hundred
pcxt'ids * and of syrup 180 gallons. It la
claimed that at this rate , oven nt the
present low price of sugar , the lumlitOHa
of making HUgar from sorghum would
bo very profitable.
Prlokly Ash lllltur.s warm up ami In-
vlgornto I ho stomnch. improves and
strengthens the digestive organs , opoim
thu pores , promotes prOsplrntlon , and
ciiualir.cs thu circulation. As a correc
tor of disordered system there Is noth
ing to cqittil it.
Secretary Fail-child has decided that
electricity , being an invisible subtle
agent or power , possessing no substance
as a merchantable commodity , is not
liablu to ditty.
MANY suitor from irrilallon of the
kidneys and bladder , without knowing
what is the matter with them , thu con-
slant desire to , Urinate and cannot ,
causing pain. Dr. J. II. McLean's Li vor
and Kidney Halm will give relief.
The test nod Barest Remedy for CUT * of
all disease ! caused by any derangement el
the Liver , Kidney * , Stomach and Boweti.
Dynpepila , Sick Headache , Constipation ,
Dillons Complaints and Italariaof ntlktndd
yield readily to the beneficent Influence of
It IB pleasant to the taste , tones up the
system , restores anil preserves health.
It Is partly Vegetable , and cannot fall to
prore beneficial , both to old and young.
As a Blood Purifier U is superior to all
others. Sold everywhere n 11.00 a bottle ,
Kmtintly tlir lilghrat e&rrltm *
riff tHalnii > clltn.iiri > i forlaiil
durability it ml arc tttrrflgnlng
favorites In ft'tliloiiiililrrlrrl' .
Our name U I J.iT.COUSlNS ,
on every sole. ( NEW YORK.
For Sale by
Haward Brothers.
Paid Up Capital , - $2BOOOQ
Surplus , - 8OOOO
II .W. YATES. Presldont.
iiDHls S. ItKED , Ice-PresMent.
A. K. TOL'ZAMN , 2ii Vlce-I'rt'Rlilent.
W. U.S. IlL'tlilKS. CMshler
Tor. lith und Kfirnum Sts.
A CJcnorul llnnking Husln ss Transacted.
very lady wlm desires [ icrfcclion In style and form
_ .ioum wear them. Manufactured only hylho
Worcester , Mat , : * . , and 21 $ Mattel sited , ClilcagOt
mo is rxicqcAisiXD WITH THIS or.oor.tnir etr ran
lly reason of It. c ntr l iioiltloT 1.0" relation to llnci
tu > t uf Clil : > eo , nml contlrunui lmo t tarralnal .
point ! West , Morthw it and Doathwu.t. It tli * tro.
jnlJiIlo link In Kat tMnioontlntntii cjritfm wliltn
Invlto * nml faallltatai tr rol nd trafflo bttwi > cn tba
Atlintlo nnJ 1'arlflc.
7he Hock JiUml m ln line i > mt liranchMlncludn Chi.
e icu.Jollot , Ottawa , I. Halle , Ifeart * , O nnoo , Molina
anil Knelt I l nJ , In llllnol | Jlaipnport , MuKAtln. .
Waililngton.i-ali-ni W , otuin * , Oil > looiii , W < ut Ub-
tic , Knnirlllo , Aoiluhon , Tlarlon , llutlirla Centra anil
Council Illurfi. In lowai ( lallalln , Trrnton , Ut. * ftt\it \ > ,
Cameron ami Kaniag Cltjr. In ll ourli Leai.'iwortk
and Atchlion , InKaiMMi Allwrl I.cii , > tlnneapoll anil
Kt. I'aal , InUlnneiotai Wntertmrii anil Hloux
Dakota , ami hundrodi of liiUmnixllate clli nnd towna.
' . 'The Great Rook Island Route"
Oaaranteri ipeod , comfort , certainty nnil lafetr. Iti
pomtantnt war I * dlitlntrulihrd for Its oscellonre. It )
Irlilgfi nrn al Mono and Iron , It * track l of noM
b i nil the iatotymlipllancn that lp rlciir lii lirfi i
nuful. and Jnr luiurlom acc < jmm < Klitlcrw | J u if-
paused. ] ti Kipn-m Tro'ni ronilit of tuprrtor l > > r
Coiichel , lfg > nt Pullman 1'alacn Tartar an I tJliuipl K *
Carl , luperb Dining Carl , proTldlUtf ilolU-lous m ali.
and ( rietwotn Chlna n anil St. Jowrti , Atclil" > n ana
Kaniai Cltj ) rmtfill lUnjIlnlnK Chair Car * . It man.
cement li contenratlro , It * discipline eitct..iy
"Tho Tamous Albert LOR Rov-e"
Pelwcvn Chlcapo nnil Mlnnrapoll * ami Rt. I'a li lh
farorlle , Orur llilillno Solid fant Kiprct * Tralnirim
ilallr to atfrartlro rr.orU for tourUW In I-iw * anil
tllnnc'iotn , and , Tla WaliTtownftiidSloui Kalb.totnn
rlchi-hfatand grailnrflaniliof lalorlor Dakota. VI *
Brneca and Kankakee , tliultocklil niolf | riiui rlor
liiilurenirnti to traveler ! U-twren Cincinnati , Indian ,
apolli , lnf r tt ami t.'otinrllMlutfi.rit. Joieph , AtchU
, St. r u1i , and Interrne.
on , U tnwrth , Kaniai Cltjr
dials i lnt . 411 put rum ( eipoclallr ladlc < and cllll-
d mr el opraUctloneourteir and klndlr attention.
I'or ticket ! , iiwpi , foldtm , coplei nl Writern Trail , or
anr ilnlred Information , pi.lto prliirlpal oftlcei la
th * Unlt it Btatti nd Canada , or aUdren , at Cblcac ,
R , R. CAltl , i. tl. JOHN , I. ALNILUOCI ,
I OQT"NHpOD.T ! > nthfiTmpr.
Eu O I iiurnuvSurvimsDobllltx c
tliroiiuli urroiA und ljud iiructlcuv 5tea
, WLocmtst