Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 30, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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OFFICIJ NO. in , i iAiitj : STIIIIT : :
Delivered by carrier In any part of the city nt
Uunty tcntN per \\nOc ,
II. W TII.TOV , Manager.
Tit.KI'lloNSl :
r.iifUNKfifl Omrc , Ni . W.
NICIIIT ii : > n < > n No.Si.
N. Y. Plumbing Co.
Ilcitur , tiiilor , Fall goods chnnp.
Sec Gliupnmn'.s pictures for Christinas.
Lincoln pott G. A. It. , holds Us an-
nttnl election of olllcors next Saturday
Another large nKrtanUurnl implotnont
hnnpo is Haiti to ho looking for favorable
location in this city.
Judge Thornell will preside at the
term of the district court which opens
hero January next.
The machinery for the now H roadway
laundry was received yesterday and is
being placed in position.
The cases of the saloon men charged
with contempt of court are set for Thurs
day in the district court.
A Broadway street car yesterday col
lided with a Mrs. Darhce's buggy. The
wreck was not a had one.
The largo trees on the "lost lot , " re
cently discovered to bo the property of
the Catholics , are being cut down.
Harmony chapter No. 2o , Order of
Eastern Star , will give their mutual ban
quet and ball December ! ) , at Temple
Mies Jennie Shoemaker has been en-
jjnged to give an elocutionary enter
tainment for the benelit of the Method
ist church on December i3. !
Divorce proceedings have been in
stituted by Mrs. Dora Hayden , a dress
maker , against her husband , I ) . P. Hay-
dcn , upon the ground of desertion.
W. Pan-oil , of Omaha , was yesterday
called on to contribute $7.iiO to the
police fund of Council Bluffs , just be
cause prohibition didn't prohibit.
In the reports of postollico gains in
Town , Council Blulls takes the lead with
an increase of W ) per cent. DCS Moines
Bhows an increase of only 12 per.cont.
A select quadrille party and .social en
tertainment is to bo given under the
nuspices of the A. O. U. W. in the
Grand Army hall Friday evening , De
cember 9.
The carpenters and painters still work
in the Hreless court The con
tractors for the steam heating are not
willing to lot the system bo used until it
ifi accepted by the county board , and
there is no other mode of heating.
The electric lamps are being placed
n the masts. It will take a little time
to get them properly adjusted but it is
expected that within a few days the
street lighting by this system will com
The grand jury have returned indict-
mcnts against each of the young fellows
who were arrested at the time several
small burglaries wore committed on
upper Broadway some four or live week ?
ago. S. H. Snydur has been appointed
to defend them.
As nn acknowledgment of their ap-
prcdiation of his services as leader ol
the orchestra during the recent pre
sentation of the "Musketeers" in this
city , Mibhcs Bella Robinson and Nellie
Hatcher have presented Prof. Baetens
with an elegant Klgin watch.
Yesterday afternoon at 2 o'clock was
held the funeral services over the re
mains of Mrs. Johanan Christensen , wife
of N. B. Chribtensen , at the home on
upper Broadway. The death was the
result of typhoid-malarial and occurred
the previous day.
Yesterday afternoon a water pipe
burst in the oflieo of , T. R. Rico , on Main
street. There was no one in the otlict
at the time and the water had fret
course. It drenched the room prettj
thoroughly before a passer-by discov
ered it and notilled the plumbing coin'
pany , who stopped the How.
A very enjoyable event long to bo re
mcmbercd was held Monday evening ai
the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Horn1) )
in the participation of a soap bubble ant
sack party in lionor of Mihs Lucy Knott
who is making them a visit before re
turning to her homo at Qrcston. She ii
n very estimable young lady and lovei
by all who know her.
The Married Ladies' Social KniUinj
club will begin the season of "sociabil
fty" to-morrowevoning at the rcuidcnci
Of Mrs. W. N. Young , No. 414 Broad
way. On this evening they will depart
from their usual order of entertainmen
and invite their "liege lords" to iiccom
pnny them and bo their guests , j
Humptuous repast and a general gooi
time is promised.
The funeral of Mrs. Conrad Goisc wa
hold yesterday afternoon from th
family residence. Impressive and com
forting services were conducted by Rev
T. J. Mackoy. The attendance of sym
pathi/.ing friends was very largo , am
the floral tributes were numerous ani
well ehohun. Mrs. Goiso had lived her
so long , ijiul was > o greatly esteemed b
such a largo circle of friends , that ho
death , though not unexpected , cause
general sorrow in the community.
A kind hearted but needy old lady 01
Washington avenue , who draws $
weekly from the county charity fund , i
said to bo greatly imposed upon by
protty-woll-to-do neighbor , who borrow
groceries by the cupful of the old lad
and forgets to pay back. Noighborhoo
borrowing is small business at best , bu
this is cited as a case of special mean
ness , as the borrowers are said to hav
bulllcio'it income to bo comfortable.
The Now York Plumbing compan
has been making it "hot" for one of th
BEE men. The company has just pi
Jnto the residence of II. W. Tilton , o
Fifth avenue , a complete system of hi
water heating. The work was con
pleted just in time to test it during tli
recent storm and low drop of the the :
mometur , and every room was made pi ]
ing hot. The BKE man is happy , and
promises to give him summer weatlu
the coldest days.
J. A. T. Bates , of Oakland , Is at tl
Kiel house.
Warren Hough , of Crescent , is mal
Ing his headquarters at the Kiel hous
Mr. Stewart , of Cedar Bluffs , Not
was in the city yesterday purchasir
holiday goods.
Charles L. Williams and Dan Braze !
munagor and agent of E/.ra Kenda
wore registered at the Beehtolo ye
Among the lownns at thoCrcston ar
Charles Woodwaro , Manning ; Hem
Black , of Korling ; J. M. Shall' , of Mi
den ; Dan'l M. Diormott , of Keg Crec
Mr. C. Kalgo has severed his connc
ilon with the Mueller Music Co. as roi
salesman. He will represent an enstoi
house with the Bumo line of goods
this territory , with headquarters
Dr. W. A. Ellis has concluded to spei
the winter in Silver City , where he h
purchased the stock o ( goods former
owned bv Brinton & Woodman. 1) )
on , who lias been out with survey ) ]
parties for t-overal summers , and who
* thorough civil engineer , will also wi
tor In ail vo r City , and help look tift
the business there , '
The Track For the Tenth Avenue
House Boifftf Laid.
The Methodists Improving Their
Church llulldliiK Work of a Imcal
Artist A Prominent Arrest
For Fast Driving.
Union I'atilllu Kxtcn&lnn.
Some month ago the Union Pacific
purchased the land abutting upon Tenth
street from Main street west , through
Riddle's sub-division. Work upon the
street proper was immediately com
menced and the grading is now com
pleted and tics laid from Main street to
the rifrcr. Grading upon the abutting
property is well under way and will bo
completed within a few weeks. When
these preparations are completed the
company will proceed to the erection of
the freight depot for the reception of
Cooncil Bluffs consignments. This will
bo located near the gas works. EITorts
have been made to secure information
as to other additions in this quarter but
nothing definite has been ascertained.
It is thought by many that in order to
hold the patronage of the traveling pub
lic the dummy trains will bo run over
the same track. The location of a
depot on or near Main street may bo
more advantageous to the company than
on Broadway after the completion of
the construction of the new bridge1
which will bo within the next year.
The Union Pacific is a close corporation
and prefers to divulge its projects in
acts alone , so little can be learned as to
its future plans. The expense attend
ing its present work and the extensive
scale upon which it is being conducted
makes it sure that business commensu
rate with this expense is contemplated ,
and it can only bo had by .securing a
largo share of the inter-city trallic.
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Gleason , 20 Pearl street.
Wndsworth , Etnyrc & Co. loan money
For Fast Hiding.
This morning A. J. Crittendon will
be tried in police court for reckless nut ]
fast driving. About half past 0 Mon
day evening ho was riding upon Broad
way , and ran into or against Theodore
Beckmnn , a harness maker on Broad
way. The claim is made that the horse
was going at a fast speed and duo cart
was not observed in the driving. Tin
sooner people learn that the publii
streets are for the use of the public as
agencies for the transaction of business
and for travel , and that individuals will
bo protected while in the exercise ol
this use , the better it will bo for all
parties concerned. The streets are not
race tracks , and the giddy and careless
should learn it by arrest and line , ii
they will not learn it in any other way ,
Ono thousand * head of one , two untl
three-year-old steers for sale. Will givt
credit to reliable parties. Enquire o
A. J. Greenamayer , 023 Mynster st.
telephone 121.
For bargains in real estate go to John
ston & Van Patten , 33 Main st.
Dark Thievery.
Fred Green , a very dark-skinnct
Ethiopian lad , was before Judge Aylcs
worth yesterday morning on the chargi
of general pilfering. Ho showed hi
white teeth by a smile , and acknowl
edged that ho was guilty , and bccmc <
really pleased that ho was not put to tin
trouble of proving himself to bi
so. Ho was taken at his word and sen
down. Ono of the acts for which hewn
arrested wns the stealing of some chick
ens and Hour fromMr.'Gallagher's store
Ho said ho stole them , and sold them t
a lower Broadway restaurant keeper
but ityill bo investigated further before
fore it is believed. The boy also ad
milled having stolen an overcoat fron
the olllco of Goiiso's brewery.
J. W. and E. L. Squire" lend money.
For an elegant birthday giftor Christ
mas present , a Domestic sewing machin
leads them all.
District Court.
The case of Z. T. Lindsey against th
Western Union Telegraph company , fo
damage , was closed yesterday ; also ;
replevin case , Kecnan against Wagnci
The court has taken them under ad
viboment. The balance of the day wa
consumed in making assignments.
Following is the second assignment c
law cases : For to-day Nos. 4,021
4,094 , 6,128 , 5,473 , 5,572. For Thursda
Criminal Nos. 1,754 , 1,755 , 1,757
equity Nos. 6,420 , 4,578 , 4,857 , 4,981
6,280,5,351,2 and 3 , 5,374,6,38-1,5,38
and 9 , 5,393 , , 5,390.
You Want Them.
Dpmestic patterns and patterns fo
stamping and embroidery. Latest style
and finest designs. "Domestic" otiice
105 Main street.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
A Work of Art.
To-day Miss Sopha D. Reh e will plac
on exhibition at the rooms of the Coin
cil BlulTs Carpet Co. , an oil paSntin
which is her own conception. It roprt
sonts an old fisherman who has lightc
his la&t match , but has failed to ligl
his pipe. The expression of the fnci
as well as the whole pos-o , is a study. ' .
is wonderfully expressive yet nn'tura
The coloring is life like , and the di
velopmont of the idea in the mind i
the artist is wonderfully realistic. Mil
Rohso has christened the piece "Tl'
Old Fisherman's Last Mutch , " an
placed its value at $45. The purchase
will bo the fortunate possessor of
beautiful picture.
E. H. Shcafo loans money on chatt
security of every description. Prlvn1
consulting rooms. All business strict
confidential. Olllco 600 Broadway , co
ncr Main street , up-stairs.
Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyrc. Si C
To Chock Up.
Auditor Cadwnllader , of the Chicng
Burlington & Quinoy , and Barrett
the Kanbus City railway , are expect *
hero to-day to check up the tickets
the ofllco hero , aad see whether tl
daylight burglar got away with any
them. About thirty tickets were foui
on the Hoer , nnd others were partial
pulled from the rack , but whether ai
wore uetually taken can only be told 1
the counting and checking up.
Yesterday morning Louis Bcchto
wns happily united in mnrrlago to Ml
Carolina M. Sauthof , the coromoi
being jKsrformod by Rev. Father Adolji
of the German Catholic church. M
Bcchtvlo is the son of Me. Peter Bee
Mf > , the well known hotel man. The
newly wedded ones will make this city
their home.
Music mid Dniicc.
The audience which assembled in the
Masonic temple last evening was de
cidedly complimentary to the company
of musfeians which gave the concert.
The occasion was the promenade con
cert and ball by Dalby's military band
nnd orchestra. At 8:30 : o'clock the cur
tain raised and the following pro-
grainmo was prcbcnlcd :
Quickstep P.tlby
Euphonium Solo Hiooks
Solo by K. Fallut.
AialUu Polka Carey
Clurlnvt Solo by Potcr Fuohs.
Ovcrtui o Dalby
PHtellln PolUii Puttee
Cornet Duo , A. A. CoVult , .1. A. Hoff.
OcorKlii Walts ; Pcttco
The Canary Hlrd Fox
Piccolo Solo , J. .T. Schlmmin.
Potpottri Lupjrcnlla Dnlby
The entire jjrogrammo was well ren
dered and elicited much applause , but
the portions most appreciated were tuj
solos and their accompaniment. Mr.
Fallot handles his instrument with the
case of a master and shows the possession
of qualities which will yet make him
truly master of the euphonium. The
cornet duet was very line , but they were
covered up too much by the other instru
ments to bo fully appreciated. Mr.
Fuchs' rendition of his solo was most
excellent. The hit of the evening , judg
ing from the appreciation of the
audience , was the piccolo solo. Mr.
Schimmin was enthusiastically recalled ,
securing the only encore of the evening ,
The attendance was fully up to what
was anticipated and the audience were
well pleased. About 10 o'clock the llooi
was taken by dancers and until the earlj
morning hours light feet tripped to the
strains of delicious music.
Call at Parks & Son's for price list ol
canned goods and save yourself 20 pel
cent. PAUKS&SoN.
Method tat Improvement.
The Methodist church is having it'
Interior improved. The plastering 01
the ceiling has gone into an uncomfort
able habit of crumbling and occasionallj
sending a little piece down on the de
vout worshipper. All th is is to be rem
edied nnd the ceiling ropapored. The
windows are also being repaired and at
electric light is to bo added. Rev. Mr ,
Rees , the now pastor , is determined tt
have the old church made as attractive
and comfortable as possible until sucl :
time as a new bulding can bo erected
The Methodists need another church ii
this city , and it is not impracticable
that , with the opening of another sea >
son , the preliminary work of soliciting
funds will commence.
Win. Lewis , our popular carriage ant
bus man , seems to bo doing all the hacl
and coupe work of the city. The shitt
at his oIliccMonday evening at 8 o'clocl
was on both sides with calls. T <
Mr. Champs seventeen and the open
house two , all of which were made t <
the complete satisfaction of his patrons
All parties wishing carriages or coupe' '
for calling purposes call at ollicc , 41 !
Broadway or telenhone No. 128.
V. M. C. A. Ijitorary.
The rooms of the Y. M. C. A. were wel
filled last evening and the following ex
cellent programme was prepared :
Instrumental Music . Miss H. Amlerso :
Heading . C. A. Lawsoi
Address : "A Practical Motto. " .
. Hev. W. H. W. Kcc
IlcadlnR . P. M. Pryo
Questions to bo answered next wool
were presented. These literary exercises
cises , occurring each week , furnish th
best entertainment and means for morn
improvement and mental culture. Whil
the attendance is uniformly good , i
should be larger. This work the elc
vation of mankind commends itself t
all and should receive not negative suji
port , but hearty co-operation ,
Don't Freeze Up !
Wo arc bound to close out our larg
line overcoatings. Will malic them u
at greatly reduced figures.
This is the oportunity of a lifetime.
310 Broadway.
An Elegant Heni < lence.
Hon. George T. Wright is said t
have decided to begin in the spring th
erection of nn elegant residence to cot
at least $25,000. The plans are alread
being prepared , and the prediction i
made that the residence will outran
in beauty any now standing in eithe
city. _
Every ono making a cash purchase
25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cign
store gets a chance in the annual priz
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
Some Points for Younp Men Coin
West to Get Hich.
Washington News : If wo are to bi
lievo the highly-colored reports sent ov
PrescottAriza mine ' 'richc
from , , , gold
by far than anything ever discovered i
the world" has just been developed te
miles from that point. We arc told thu
the pure gold clings to the rocks i
scales and can bo taken oil by the ham
Jul , and that two men in less than on
hour secured $800. And further , the rt
port says , thot the ere averages $1.01
per ton. Before any young men of Wi
mington pack their bntchols and pr <
pare to hasten to the Hassayampa nvi
gold Holds wo would suggest that the
await further developments and fullc
particulars of the now Eldonul
to which people are said to bo llocl
ing in great numbers. There ai
always two sides to the wonderful sti
rics of gold and diamond Holds tin
como from the far , far west. There ui
such things as salted mines and gel
mining companies that sell thousands i
dollars of stock not worth the paper c
which their lying words are printei
Of course it is a great temptation for 11
ambitious young man to start out fro
home with a largo gripsack containin
his old clothes , with the expectation
throwing awny the old clothes in a fo
weeks and returning with the gripsac
so heavily laden with gold nuggets tin
an express car has to bo charters
Such dreams of gold have lliftccl throng
the head of every young man , and son
old ones , too , and will as long as time i
But how many young men of your a
quaintnnco that started west to make
fortune in a few months or years ha1
succeeded except by hard work at son
legitimate business ? How many mi
do you suppose como from the go
mines laden down with the precio
stulli1 Not many. There are oxcoptio
to the rule , but the chances of bucoimi
a millionaire by rushing intooyery nt
gold Held that is opened are just ube
as good as is the chance of drawing tl
capital prize in a lottery. If you wa
to hasten to the now gold fields of tl
Hassayainps river , young man , heed o
advice. Take with you half a do *
pairs of good , stout , comfortable walkii
shoes in addition to your regular cqul
mont when you reach the nearest sottl
ment to the mine * leave your ext
bhoes in the hands of borne reliable p <
son until called for. Then , when y
start to walk buck homo to the eufat u :
the firesides of your p'ijr'ets } yon will bo
prepared for the journfty. Like Sher
man's troops on tlK'Jr'way through
( teorgln , you will haM'Jp. depend upon
tfio country along your votito for sup
plies. Walking iswv good exercise
for the yoiuig. When \'rUt make up your
mind to dig gold , doil't. There is1 just
us much money in digging potatoes , if
you dig eiiougl of thcifn.
' What Uraudrotli'H.lMlls . Do.
In Brnmlroth's Pills the true lifo
medicine has been found , composed as
they are .of numoroUH vegetables so
combined that each ijiuUiplics the vlr.
tues of the rest. TJiby can never do
any harm. Their action is always the
same , no matter how' long or in what
doses they are taken. They purge
away the waste particles of the system.
They recruit the animal vigor and ar
rest the progress of decay. They
purify the blood. They stimulate the
liver. They invigorate digestion ,
They open the pores. They make the
bowels do the work of the kidneys , thus
giving those organs an otttimc.s needed
rest. One or two at night for : i wcelc
will demonstrate their power and is
generally sulllcient to cure ordinary
Wo arc now prepared fdr the
Our immense buildings nvc packed full of
the most
In our line , mul nt prices that will ilofy coin-
petition. Wo KUiiruntco our ( 'ooils to bo just
as wo icprcscnt them. Please K'VO ' us a call
whether jon wish to buy or not , anil brini ?
> our friends with you. It is no trouble to
show our goods. Hespccttully ,
n < lvertisi'inent . suclins Lost.Fonntl ,
SPECIAL . For Sale. To Kent , \VnntM , lloarillnir ,
etc. , will lie inwtttnl In this column nt two low
rutoofTUN ( T.NT8 J'Ell 1,1 NT. for the tlrst In-
bifitlnn and Five Cents Per Line for subse
quent Insertion. Jenvo advertisements at out
ollic o Nn. 1U Pi art Street , near llroiuhwiy , Couu-
cimiullH , ) o\\ . .
HUNT rnnns The lanil hcretofint
known as Tim Kolcy's , near Mlnilen , for the
season of ltW , In tntrts of HI , KiOnrauHncius ,
All choice lauds and \\ell imiiroM'd. Horace :
iverett. :
W.\NTI3D A liciy \ \ 1th Rood hov-o for carrlci
louts. Dee ollice , founcll UltilN.
A ( list-class hnrscslioer. C. Oreg'
WANTKD Main St. , Council Illutrs.
TjVOirSAI.n OU lIXCHANOn-Eiiulty of V
J ? Kliurcs In Jellries sjiidleiite. Inquire ol
Udell llroa. & Co.
ANTnn-AllXlnnsof machines tc
repair. Woik piompCy Mid houe-tly done
ChniKe.s reasonable. Domestic ollice ll"i ) Slain si
TT'OH 8AI.K Very cheap for" cash , oroulil
J ? exchange for Council IlluHX or Umah.i prop
01 ty , a retnl stock of boots uurt shoes \ allied al
about $4,11(111. Callat btoie.'No. WW llroadwny , 01
Hrtrtii'sH H. Martin , same number , Council
lllulfsa. \ .
"J7K > It KENT Houses In all parts of the city b >
JL ! Johnston & Van Pattcli , : > UMulu st.
HUNT Houses nnd furnished rooms. J ,
FOR Davidson .IBS 1'ltth avenue.
SALE Second-hand Columbia bicycle
very cheap , , at Uee olllco.
hunched thousand dollars , to loan or
ONE . estate and chattels by F. J. Day , IK
Pearl st. .
lots and ncr property for sale bj
K. J. Day , I1U Pearl hf.
UK ) HUNT A llnely furnished fiont loom tloor , in private renldence near cour
house. Water in room , lighted nnd heated
LiirRu closet. References required. Address H
12 , llcoolUce , Council Itlutls.
Telephone No. Kl.
All calls from District Telegraph Offlci
ptomptly attended to.
To each purchaser of f 2.00 worth o :
goods we give a ticket which en
titles the holder to one chance or
an Elegant Gold Watch worth 190
We carry a nice line of goods , in th <
latest styles , embracing Men's am
Boy's clething , hats and caps , boot
and shoes , gloves , mittens , etc. , whicl
wo will soil you at One-half the Price
asked you by other dealers and giv <
you a chance on the watch besides.
Como and examine our goods and price :
before purchasing. Remember tin
place , 540 and 548 Broadway.
- D , H , McDANELD & CO , ,
Hides , Tallow , Pelts ,
Wool and Furs.
Highest Market Prices. Promp
fSO and Main StreetCouncil IlufftIowa. )
tOO llrooclw ay Council llluffs , IcSwa. Establlshc
1P67. .
) * ! * ! > ( 7
) GO T0 (
Hull , i'nrlur , Kitchen , Store and OtTii
Crockery , Glassware and Play Wan
Large Assortment at lluttou Prices.
W , S , HOMER & GO , ,
No , a Mu'a St. , Council llluffa , low * .
We shall offer a largo stock of Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps , and
Ladies' Underwear at about HALF their value. You
will get your gii't in the value of your yurchase
and without the uncertainty of chance.
This sale is to clean out this part of our stock , as we must
have the room for other goods.
$20.00 $ Cloaks at $10.00 $ $15.00 $ Cloaks at $7.50 $
$17.00 $ Cloaks at $8.50 $ $12.00 $ Cloaks at $6.00 $
$10.00 CLOAKS AT $5.00.
401 Broadway.
Sample Rooms Attached.
W. B. IRWIN , Prop.
Latest Novelties ,
In Amber , tor-
tolso bhcll , etc.
ns ucll as the
nowcstnovclllo *
in hair goods.
Hair goods
Mrs. C. L. Gillette ,
M Main Street , Council IlluiTs. Out of town
work solicited , nnd all mail orders promptly
attended to.
Trotting - Stallions
VADECARY. - Council Bluffs.
I'AINLKSB At > COI101v ,
The Alcohol , Morphine nnd Opium liublt Ab
solutely Cun-d without Interfering with the
patient's dally avocation. Corrobtioiul ultli or
cull on DR. F. P. BEULINGER.
i 6U llroiuluny. Council lllyCs , In.
All correspondence coafldcuUul.
Ogden Boiler Work ;
CARTER & SON , Prop's.
Mnnufacturerf of
All Ids of STEAM BUI !
Orders by mail for repairs promptly nttemle <
to. SatlsfaUlon ( iu.rauteecl. 10th Avenuo. Ac'
UiebsOgclculiou Works.Council IHulTs , Iowa.
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uioaclwny , Council HhilM , Opp. Dummy Depot
Horsfs and mules constantly on hand , fo
Etile nt retail or in car load lots.
Oiders promptly niled by contiact onslior
Utoik sold on commission.
. . nni.EV.
Telephone ! 114. BCII t.UTER *
Opj > oslto Dummy Uepot. Council UhiiTs.
Main Street , Council Bluffs ,
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es'
capo. Electric Cnll Bolls.
Accommodations First " ! rss , ,
Rates Airr. . . . 'Seasonable
MAX MOHN , Proprietor
Worth $2OOO to bo Qlvon Awny by
Henry Eloomnnn & Oo.'a People's
Store , 314 , 3IO , 31O nntl 32O
Broadway , Council
Bluffs , Iowa.
Wllh Kvory Two Dollars' Worth of
Goods IMifelinsrd You Will Itceclvo
a Coupon Ticket Good For Ono
Chance In tlio Following
Grnttd Presents to llo
ClMi Awny lly Us on
alondny , .Jniiiiury '
Kith , 1888.
Kvory $2 purchase receiver one ticket
nnd every luldltlonnl * 21 the same.
Hold your tickets until the above men
tioned date , when the lucky numbers
will bo antionncod and the holders in
vited to call for their presents.
llomombor you will nave to pay noth
ing1 extra , on your purchased Wo
guarantee to sell you goods cheaper
than you can buy at any other house in
the west , nnd give you the largest , finest
and best stock west of Chicago to select
All mail orders receive prompt atten
tion and tickets for the free gifts for
warded with the orders the same as if
you were hero in person.
These _ distributions will bo made with
every fairness , and customers may de
pend on the lucky numbers receiving
their reward.
No tickets will bo given to employes
of our house , customers only receiving
the benelit of the prizes.
i.ibT OK ritr/.is. :
No. of prize.
1 One elegant parlor set consisting
of ofa , divan and 4 large oasv chairs ,
purchased from H. S. Keller of this city.
" One elegant cherry bed room set ,
consisting of bedstead , dresser and
wash htiind. Have large bovcll French
plate mirror" . Purchased from C. A.
Beebe & Co. , city.
1 ! One elegant silver tea. set , consist
ing of extra largo and very heavy
waiter , colTcc pot , tea pot , sugar bowl ,
creamer anfl spoon bolder. Must bo
seen to bo fully appreciated. Bought
from C. B. Jacqucmin ft Co. , city.
4 One very handsome water setcom
prising pitcher stand goblets and wash
bowl of the very largest design. An
elegant piece of goody. Purchased from
Robinson Bros. , city.
5 Decorated China dinner set of 130
pieces. Purchased from W. A. Matiror ,
0 Elegant decorated China tea set of
5(1 ( pieces.
7 Very handsome blue satin water
set , consisting of (1 ( tumbler * , 1 pitcher
and one hammered brass tray.
8 Ono Venetian water sct.'comprising
0 tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass
! ) Lustre amber water sot , compris
ing fl tumblers , I pitcher and 1 elegant
brass tray.
10 One ruby water sot , consisting of
0 tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 brasstray. .
11 a ) yds best black Guinett silk the
best silks made.
12 1 pair Japanese porticrs.
II ? 1 gentleman's smoking jacket.
14 1 very elegant Paisley shawl.
15 1 set hon\or furs.
li ( 1 gentleman's dress suit.
17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat.
18 1 boy's or youth's suit.
19 1 bo.y's or youth's overcoat.
20 1 pair sealskin gloves.
21 1 pair California white blankets.
22 1 combination nobility dress pat *
tern , worth $ "i ( ) .
21 ! 1 Misses cloak.
24 1 piece Loncsdalc muslin.
2-5 1 pair men's boots or shoes.
20 1 C. P. corset any size.
27 1 pair Misses shoes.
28 1 Dr. Warner's corset.
29 1 very fine Marsailles bed spread ,
30 1 elegant album.
31 1 toboggan cap.
32 1 infant's cloak.
33 1 sashmcro dress.
34 1 sot furs.
35 1 line large doll.
3t ( 1 autograph album.
37 } dozen ladies' line wool fast blade
38 j do/.cn Misses fine wool fast black
39 1 gingham dress pattern.
40 1 do/en gentslinen handkerchiefs.
41 1 do/en ladicslinen handkerchiefs ,
42 0 linen table cloths.
43 1 do/en linen napkins.
44 i clo/.on line linen towuli.
45 1 fancy stand cover.
40 1 table cover.
47 1 Marsailles quilt.
48 1 fine large doll.
49 1 largo album.
60 1 toboggan cap.
fil 1 child's hood.
ro , ] piece "fruit of loom" muslin.
"ill 1 fancy stand cover.
51 i pair'elegant Japanese porliors
/M / 1 album.
W ! 1 largo doll.
.57 1 autograph album.
58 1 seal skin hand bag.
W ) 1 toilet sot.
( > 0 1 Long pocket book.
01 1 line silk mufllor.
02 1 chopping bag.
0i ; i elegant lace handkerchief.
( i4 1 largo bottle line perfume.
05 1 pair Icid gloves.
( id 1 pair silk snspoiidcrs.
07 1 pair ladies' ear rings.
08 1 pair ladies' cull buttons.
09 1 tlni ) lace pin.
70 1 Madam Warner's corset.
71 1 line hand bag.
72 1 largo album.
73 1 largo wax doll.
74 1 gents' scarf.
75 1 line silk mufllor.
70 1 pair ladies line shooi
77 1 autograph album.
78 1 pair silk mils.
79 1 gent's fur cap.
hO 1 fronts' silk smoking jacko.
81 1 gouts' hat.
82 1 pair men's arctics overshoes.
83 1 pair ladies' overshoes.
84 1 line album ,
85 1 hammered bra s umbrell'i stand *
8(1 ( 1 pair line silk suspenders.
87 1 largo doll.
88 1 largo shopping bag.
89 1 silk umbrolln.
90 1 line lace handkerchief.
91 1 elegant evening shuwL
92 1 gent's traveling bag.
93 1 toboggan cap. i
91 1 child's hood.
95 1 pair kid gloves.
90 1 ladies' line jersey.
97 1 elegant lace handkerchief.
98 1 faille mufiler.
9 ! ) 1 per ladies' line shoes.
KM ) 1 set ladies' furs.
Total value of the nbovo 100 presents ,
two thousand dollars.
See them exhibited in our store.
The drawing will bo conducted undci
the management of a committee of Bis
citi/.ons. and the utmost fairwfcs will ba
hud so the presents will go to the poi
sons who holdstho lucky numbers.
Now is the time /or uvivybody to take
advantage of this great gift offering.
Buy your goods at the Poopln'H sjoro ,
save money Ihoroby nnd ret a present
in the bargain , Henry Iliscmnn A Co , \ .
People's store , ! il . . ' 110.316 and 3U
Broadway , Council Bluffs , In.