Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1887, Page 8, Image 8

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Nat Runyon Ghoeklly Runs Away
with His Slstor's Daughter ,
Peculiar KxpeHencn of n Farmer In
MovltiK HN | llotihc Hani .Steven-
HOII Capiurcil Morphine
Nearly KlllH a Doctor.
A Kidnapping Ca e.
Department of Police , City Hall , Ointilin ,
Neb. . November U-J , ISiT.--Arrcst for kid
napping. Nathaniel Kunyou , plasterer ,
thirty-six years of ago ; height nbout fi feet
10 Inches ; light complexion , light Imir , goalee
nnd mustache ; blue eyes ; stands erect ;
affable , good nddrcss ; steps quick when
"Nat" Huuyon left Oinnlm , Neb. , with
Efllo Gentry , aped fourteen years , Saturday ,
November 111 , 18S7 , If fountl arrest him.
Detain the girl and wire W. S. SI\VKY : ,
Chief of Police.
OMAHA , Neb.
The above Information was sent broadcast
over the western states yesterday. The
circumBtnnces connected with the affair arc
nbout as follows : A week ago Saturday ,
Runyon called at the residence nf bis sister ,
Mrs. "Squirt " ! Gentry , No. 1110 Capital avenue ,
where lie lias been boarding for some weeks ,
and asked permission to take his niece , Kftlo
Gentry , over to Clnrlndn , In , , and remain
over Sunday with his wife , who has
been living with her folks for some time
back , but for what rrnsou is not known.
Mrs. Gentry gave bcr consent , mid together
UK ; man and child left the house. No
HU.splciou of any wrongful Intention on Kun-
yens part was entertained by the Gontr.vs until
Saturday morning last , whi-n Mrs Gentry re
ceived the following letter through the niallj
OM til \ , Neb. , Nov. U7 , 1 7. Mrs. Gentry-
Dear Madam : I was requested by Nat
Hunyon to inform you of his whereabouts ,
URO of your tlatiL'liter Klllo's. He has gone
to Portland , On-gou , and taken her witli
him. He said when he arrived there hu
would write you and explain why he did this.
Hu nsked me to sco you and deliver this mes
sage , but not before Saturday. This is bad
news for you , but for you and the child lioth
It might be best In tlio long run. He explained -
plained tilings to me. Yours
F. A. Fru.Kii.
Fuller is n saloon keeper , corner Twelfth
and Dodge streets , and as u matter to be ex
pected his communication has thrown the
Ocntry family into a state of irreconcilable
excitement. The pnlico were applied to as
the above advertisement attests , but as yet
their investitrations have developed but little
light on the affair. Mrs. Gentry is greatly
ulurined , and stoutly denies the possibility of
any criminal relationship between her
" daughter , Kflle , nnd her uncle , and that she
never willingly started with him for any
point but Clarinda , and then only for thu pur-
jx)8o of spending Sunday with her aunt. She
declares the girl has been kidnapped , and
that Hunyou's intentions aru thu basest and
most damnable. Chief of Police Seavey
secured Intelligence Sunday that the
couple wore seen last Tuesday in St. Joe ,
Mo. , but subsequent search , per his instruc
tions , by the authorities down tliero have
failed to turn thorn up or reveal anything as
to their present whereabouts.
Ho Goes up for Ninety Days for a Savage
ago ANNUM ! ! .
Tom Can-oil , known us the toughest thoug in
i Omatin , stood upbefore.ludgo Herka yester
day morning on n charge of assault and bat
tery. Itwasono ofthobriefesttrialson record
"You here Carroll ! "
nro again , interogateil
tlio Judge.
"You see me , " replied Carroll.
"I do , but I'll see that you nro put where ' .
won't see you for many ajoug day to come
Ninety days in jail , the first thirty and lasl
thirty on bread and water. "
Carroll was charged with having gone into
Kaufnmnu'ssalnon on Fourteenth near Doug
las Saturday night with one K. Al. Mi-Far
land , an ex-convict and bad cili/en generally
and cleaned out the place. Carroll
noi/cd u beer' mallet and knocked
out both of the bartenders , H.
Homan and F. Stein , and was looking about
"for more victims when arrested. McFurlnnd
got off with twenty-llvo days. As the two
prisoners were being handcuffed preparatory
to boarding thu hurry-up wagon for the jail ,
Mr. Frank Gibson dropped in at the station
band recognised Carroll as the man who held
him up Friday night last at thu corner of
Twenty-third and Ucrt streets. A complaint
of highway robbery was immediately inado
out and tiled against him , and on his release
at thu expiration of his policu court sentence
ho will be tried on this charge , and thu
chances are decidedly in favor of his going
over thu road. However , there may b'u some
uncertainty about it. Carroll has a mother
worth somewhere in the neighborhood of
$ i XXH ) , ( ) , and thu records of the district court
show that he has been arraigned there sever-
ill times on most serious charges , but has
always managed to cheat Justice of her dues ,
' Farmer Seaver'H Kxpcrlrnoo With
, ' ThiMii Itotli A Funny Casualty.
Train men on the H. & M. report n peculiar
t RPil ludicrous accident on their road which
; occurred nbout 7 o'clock Saturday even
ing between Aurrira and Hastings. Midway
i between these two towns u lonely country
highway crosses the track thipugU a deep
cut. John Seaver and family iiavo for the
past ten years occupied a small frame farm
house Just north of thu railroad. Sometime
Blneo Mr. Seaver purchased n farm on the
south side of the track and last fall n founda
tion was built on1 thu new place suitable for
thu old house.
Saturday morning Mr. Seaver began mov
ing his housu and at 7 o'lock had reached the
brow of thu Incline above the tracks. A mes-
ticngor had been sent to Case station to ob
tain the time at which trains would pass thn
cross-road and hu returned nbout 8
o'clock with the information that all. trains
were delayed and that none would pass until
after midnight. Mr. Scaver's family then
it-tired for thu night. Two farm hands were
detailed to assist Mr. Seaver In moving the
cottage ncross the track. To make a. dead
sure provision against any possible accident ,
two others were given a bottlu of whisky
each , ono sent down and the other up the
truck to signal uuy train that might ap
The housomovcr than began his deadly
work nnd soon thu cottage containing his
family was moving down tlio hill toward the
Iron rails. In the meantime the farmhand
sent eastward on the railroad had Imbibed so
freely from the "bottlo that ho became stupl-
tied and forgot his mission. Just us tin
house reached thoi track along came n train
and notwithstanding the cries of three cx <
ciltcd and danuing farmers , struck the house
! nearly "amid ships , " knocking it to one
side. There were howls of distress from tin
t interior , but soon there rushed forth two females
> males , clad only in their night dresses , ami
threoMimll children likewise attiied. For
' ' rwtely no ono was seriously Injured , but al !
t wore badly frightened. The cottage was
badly wrecked , but can bo repaired ,
He Takes an Overdose nf Morphine
and Nearly Dies From It * Kfl'euts.
Dr. W. G. Rutherford had n very narrow
t escape from death yesterday afternoon , am
\ only by the untiring efforts of Lrs. Leo aiu
' Rolbert was saved. An overdose of morphlni
i Is supposed to bo the agent which caused tlu
sloop from which ho was awakened nnd then
is not u particle of evidence that tends t <
show that the poison was taken with suieldii
Dr. lluthcrford's office and apartments an
located on the first ( Bt > r In the old city 1ml
building. It has been his habit fo
Bomo time to pass thu mornliij
in the oftlco of a friend ii
the building , and ho not upi > cni ing us usua
Ssatcrday , Jwtgo.Stcnbi-rB ami .Mr. Hiritn
trickier went to his door and knocked , but
receiving no response , broke In tl'O door Ur
Rutherford was found stretched upon 1)1 )
bed , breathing heavily. Physicians wer
twumOncd and nftc-run hour't vigorous treat
mcnt their jtatlcnt wni aroused nntl pro
nounced out \ > ! dimmer. It Is said tlmt Dr.
HutlH'rford 10 nddlctcd to the oxccsslvo use
of jnorphlne , nnd accordlnp to letters written
by him In the morning nnd lyltitf on tlio table ,
of a purely professional nature , sulcUlo lins
not even entered his mind.
m\oi : ! AM > tiAit.
Tlic United Stales Court.
.NOT ( ltII.TV.
The jury In the case of thu United States
vs. Frank AVelsh of Hcynolds , Neb. , clfarfred
with having uttered u forged pOBtoflk-o order
for $10 , returned n verdict yesterday of
not guilty.
Yesterday afternoon the ease of James Oross
for perjury camu up. Through his lawyers ,
I'arku Godwin and X. .T , liurnham , the de
fendant admitted his inillt , and WIH
then permitted to tnko the stand
and make a statement of thu facts
which actuated him to commit the crime
with the view of Inllucnelnt , ' the Jury to
recommendations In Ills behalf to court.
YOUHK Gross said that when he testified be
fore the coroner ho testllled to the facts , that
his brother fell oft of the car and was acci
dentally killed. And that afterward hcmadu
this same statement to Mr. C. A. Baldwin ,
his father's attorney. Mr. Baldwin , he said ,
informed him that that statement would not
1:0 , but that he must say that at
the coroner's inquest his brother's body
lay then before him , and that hu
was frightened and excited , nnd
that his brother was kicked off the car by the
brakeman. This youn Gross , who was only
thirteen years of ufje at that time , consented
to and did do.
The Jury went out shortly after .1 o'clock ,
and returned in a few minutes , recommending
joung Gross to the meivy of the court.
I'ITKH : OIIOSH' covnmox.
Peter Gross , recently convicted of snborna-
tjon of perjury' , and who was seized with violent
lent convulsions upon the Announcement of
thu result of the Jury's deliberations , is to
day a helpless lunatic. His son informed a
15ii : reporter yesterday that his father
did not know either himself or his mother
when they culled at the Jail to see him yes
terday. The probabilities arc that Gross
will KO to an asjlum instead of the peniten
HAi'PV .urn's v\-r. .
The case now beloro the court is that of
Lew I'nsson , better known union ; ; his fellows
as "Happy .lack , " who has two separate
counts npiinst him for forgery of homestead
claimTo the first count ho pleads guilty ,
to the second not guilty.
District Court.
nor MVIX : YEAH * .
Al. Williams , the convicted burglar ,
through his attorney made an application for
a now trial yesterday before .ludgo GrolY ,
and it was denied. The court then sentenced
Williams to seven years at hard labor in the
A I'AVINd hflT.
Yesterday morning .ludgo Wakcly pave his
opinion in the case of Joseph Lois vs. Henry
liolln , treasurer of Douglas county. Suit
had been brought to recover certain special
taxes paid under protest for street improve
ments Hindoo n St. Mary's avenue , when the
plaintiff's propelty on Jackson street was as
sessed for the paving. It was the opinion of
the court that whereas the property did not
adjoin oijabuton St. Mary's avenue , it should
not bo assessed for such improvements ; but
Inasmuch as the county treasurer in such
cases is only a trustee for the municipality ,
the action was instituted against the wrong
defendant and therefore must fail. However ,
thu plaintiff was advised by the judge to lllo
a motion for a new trial mi it thu case wilt
again come up on a rehearing.
WANTS 111(1 ( DAMAdHS.
Andrew 13. More tiled a petition yesterday
in which ho alleges that on the 17th day
of March , IbST , Andrew Kosewatcr made a
complaint before Jndgu fJustavo Anderson
charging the plaintiff with maliciously nnc
falsely uttering a libel , and that he ( More )
was arrested for the same and for twiilvo
hours was conlliied in thu jail of Douglas
county. On the Ifith day of October the
county attorney entered a nollu prosequo in
the case. Plaintiff further alleges that ha
suffered great mental aim bodily pain , and
that his credit was seriously impaired. Ho
prays for a Judgment of & 20IHX , ) and costs.
Sl'il : > ON I'ltOMlSMIIlV NOTUS.
George A. Iloagland began suit yesterday
against Sylvia E. Thomas and William V.
Benson to recover property held by the de
fendants on which Sylvia K. Thomas inado
threu promissory notes for JSSKl.iKJ , each to bo
paid in separata installments. H is alleged
that she has not fulfilled the requirements of
the obligation , and thus the cause of action
According to the petition of Matilda Hill ,
filed yesterday her husband David , to
whom she was married December 2t ( , 1SS" , is
anything but a model benedict. Matilda
states that D.ivid has for the last sixteen
months been guilty of extreme cruelty to
ward herself and lias habitually associated
with a frail fenialo named Maggiu Howley.
Mrs. Hill states that one child is the result of
her marriage with thu gay and cruel David ,
nnd that ho is a man of property and amply
able to support her , although hu has failed so
to do for sonic1 time past. Shu asks thu
court to grant her divorce , alimony , custody
of the child and a fair and reasonable amount
during the pendaney of this case.
AXOTiuu : nivoiu'i : riiTmox. ' >
ICatherino Larsen wants a divorce from her
husband , Abraham Larsen. She says in her
complaint that she was lawfully married to
him in October , 1831 , and that for the last
two years hu has been in the habit of getting
drunk nnd abusing and maltreating her. Mrs.
Lr.rse : : waul * the court to lix the amount of
alimony she is entitled ' " .
LEWIS I'l.Ktl ) ( IUII.T7.
John Lewis plead guilty to a chnf 2 of
petit larceny , nnd was sentenced for thirty
days in the county Jail.
The Police Court.
In the police court yesterday , Jim Wil
son , n suspicious character , was given twen
ty-live days in jail ; Tom Kelley fifteen days ,
and William Dailcy , an irrepressible beggar ,
ten days.
The Move of tlio Hoard or Trade
Freight Ilim-aii.
Commissioner Griflits of the freight bu
reau of the Omaha board of trade will leave
on the 'Jtli of next month for Washington.
Ho will bo accompanied by Euclid Martin ,
W. A. L. Gibbon , Kobert Easson and George
A. Iloagland. All of these gentlemen will
nppcar before tlio inter-state .railroad com
mission to argue against the discrimination
which is now being praticcd by the lowu
roads against Omaha and In favorof Chicago.
Kepresoiitatives of tlieso lines will bo pros-
sent and thu case will be carried on as in a
court of law. So far as thu facts nro con
cerned there is no doubt that the delegation
from this city will be nhlo to furnish suflici-
cut unwinds to show that this city fh being
discriminated against nnd consequently tlmt
the roads hi question arc violating sonio of
the most salutory provisions of the inter
state railroad law. The attorneys of the
transportation companies , however , will
doubtless endeavor to cvado the question
by the introduction of tcchnlchal objections
based upon tlio laws of evidence , in which
event , it is fair to presume , that the local
representatives not being lawyers , would
labor at a disadvantage. A move is now on
foot to secure the services of a lending attor
ney to accompany the delegates. The argu
ments will bo made on thu I3tli of next
Commissioner Griflits yesterday re
ceived a letter from San Antonio , in which
it was stated that the merchants of that city
had decided to establish n Irclght burcnu ,
such us Is now connected with thu Omaha
board of trade , and which requested that
they bo furnished with information necessary
to enable them to organize a board on the
same basis as that of this city. Commis
sioncr Griftlts s.iys that he has received Mme -
o ilar requests from the merchants of Peoria ,
o 111 , Portland , Ore. , nnd Uuffulo , N. Y.
llailrotid N
i. T. CI.IHK.
Mr. Clark , of the Chicago , Milwaukee ft
St. P.iul road , accompanied by Kred Nash.
the general agent tlio saincv road , nnd several
other railroad gentlemen went to South
Omalia yesteiday to s'co howthnlutcrestsQl
the company and the shippers of the yards nt
Dull place could best bo subserved. Some
changes nro found necessary In view of the
rcccJtt < JAtciiou : : of thd yards of the Stock'
yards company , which will comprise mjxnj
wiles of truck ,
MiY Clark was 'recently seen by a DEE re
Continental Clothing House.
By special arrangement with express companies running from Omaha we will send every TUESDAY , WEDNESDAY , THURSDAY and
FRIDAY of each week , packages containing Suits of Clothing , Overcoats , Furnishing Goods , Cloths and "Woolens of all kinds kept in our establishment to
any address in Nebraska , Iowa , Kansas , Dakota or Wyoming , C. O. D. , giving buyers the privilege of examining goods before paying for them. I3y this
arrangement people living in distant towns can obtain every advantage of seeing any article of merchandise in our stock at their own towns , examining the
same before paying for them , and if not perfectly satisfactory , returning goods to us at our expense. Money for all amounts exceeding ten dollars 010.00) )
may be returned at our expense. TRY THIS ARRANGEMENT. We have for years sent goods all over the United States in this manner by express
with the most satisfactory results. YOU TAKE NO RISK. EXAMINE THE GOODS , and return them at our expense if they do not plcas
Send for Men's Suits.
Send for Boy's Suits.
Send for Overcoats.
Send for Ulsters.
Send for Pantaloons.
Send for Samples of Custom Goods.
Giving a list of over sixteen hundred different articles we sell. Send for our rules for self measurement
and you can be fitted-just as well at home as here in our store. Send to us and see how much
money you can save from ordinary local retail prices.
Corner of Douglas and 15th Streets , Omaha , Neb.
nft B m * < nrfl b $ iMlfo 118 ci { fulfil fiiif ! O QHB iMf& foBBiiiflf UinuiOfii iMo i1 ( HIT thn nio oooiinBii DEIIAI *
IHC LflspSI WSlOiiSSdSO mm namll bmmllg nGOSB WB5I 01 iilO ifelSdaoSlppI niVGl
Omaha , Boston , New York , Des Moines.
inrtcr anil nslccil what his road was
ivith respect to crossing the Missouri , mid rc-
ilieil that nt present the question of a bridge
it this point was not absorbing its attention.
o would not deny , however , the company
ilid not propose to come into Nebraska , but ho
ileelincd to state where it would secure ,
Is entrance. With regard to the shippiiitf
'reight here from Chicago Air. ( Jlark claimed
: iis company was delivering consiiniincntn us
-arly ns any other road , ami tlmt it had no
fear of losing any of its by repre
sentations to the contrary. "Yes , 1 have ,
icurd of the IJuluth & Omaha , " said Air.
vJlurlf , "and I have heard of a number of
other lines , and many of these are now and
always will be only on paper. There isn't
so much in railroads now us people Imagine ,
jvcii where lines are built. The fact is there
.ins been almost too much railroad building
of late years. We have now nearl.500 . miles
more than wo hud a year ape , and our rev
enue , pro'i , is not as great as it was then.
Tlio cause of this Is decreased rates , lack of
material to lie shipped , and then u great deal
of competition. . What have we given to the
Omaha national convention fund ! Oh , the
same as the other roads § 1,000. "
THU itiriiUNoiox TAT Tri.ux.
The new fast train of the Chicago , Hnr-
lingtou & Quinc.v will be put on next Sunday ,
December 4. Officials of the roud assert that
it will make the fastest time between thiseity
and Denver. Only stops at important sta
tions will bo made and the comfort of the
passengers will bo made the study of the com
Sunday night the Missouri i'aeitie sent the
first iiT.i'i over its now louto from Omaha to
Kansas City. The new line nasses directly
through Nebraska City , Tills does away with
the changing cars at Wecpir.g Water. The
time between the two principal citU'3 ! s > much
lessened and will undoubtedly prove u popu
lar route.
General Passenger Agent Tcbbets has is
sued an order to tlio effect that hereafter
connecting lines with which the Union Pucltie
interchange passenger business may check
baggage via tlio Union I'acille railroad
through to Portland , Sail Francisco and other
points on the lines of the Southern 1'acitle
company , the Oregon railway and navigation
company and tlio California Southern rail
road. This announcement comprehends
wearing apparel and articles of personal use
only. One hundred and llfty pounds will bo
allowed on each full ticket and seventy-live
pounds on each half ticket. These amounts
may bo doubled on foreign steamship orders
for transportation , either way through the
United States. A first limited or unlimited
ticket will bo reiiuired for the transpoitatitm
of a corpse. A half-ticket will be reiiuired
for the carrying of a corpse. A corpse un
accompanied by a passenger must bo sent by
express. Extrab.iggago rates to local [ Kiints
on the Union Pacific are twelve per cent of
the lirst-elass unlimited ticket rates.
TIII : oMviu ri.un. :
Owing to the possibility of stormy weather ,
the express car lias been removed temporarily
from the flyer , leaving it hut six ears as it
now goes out of Omaha. At Cheyenne the
Kansas City is attached to the train , which
gives the latter its old number of coaches.
This is an accommodation to Denver and
Kansas City , for whom formerly only a few
sections. In ono of the cars leaving here , were
reserved. The train has now orders for
berths three weeks ahead.
J. W. Smith , traveling auditor of the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail
road , is in the city. Mr. Smith is an old
Omaha boy.
General Superintendent W. J. Scott and
General Manager U. W. Winter , of the Chicago
cage , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha rail
road , will arrive in tills city to-day. They
are on a tour of inspection of the road.
Vice President Potter , of tlio Union Pacific ,
who \viisiiiUen sick in Chicago sonio days
ago , U not hi the critical condition tlmt has
been represented. Word received lit this
city vesterday was to the effect tlmt instt-ml
of lining unable to attend the conference of
trans continental railroad men at Chicago
on Saturday as stated. Mr. Potter was on
Yesterday Assistant Ticket Agent I.omax ,
o f the Pnlon Pacific , was called to Keokuk ,
la. , by a telegram apprising him of the seri
ous illness of his mother.
THE ICK uuiiioi : AT sior.v CITV.
The Missburl at Sioux City Is frozen
over and passengers on tlio
Chicago , St. Paul , Allnnea | > olls. & Omaha
railroad nro being changed In sleighs ami
freight train * nro hcnt'aroiiild by the prldgo
at Ulair. , Work on the ice bridge Is bcini ;
pustied forward with n will , and will bc'ready
lor truffle ilia , few days.
' swni IIMP.SN im.i. .
A number of invitations have been re
ceived in this city for tlio annual ball of the
Switchmen's brotherhood to bo held at Sioux
Cily , December 8. Several gentlemen and
ladies from this city will attend.
TIIK xnitiii\M > < iii : < .v IIUUVAV.
The new extension being built in Nebraska
by the Northwestern to terminate in Omaha
is nearly completed , and is expected to bo
opened for traffic inside of ten days.
TIII : iit ui.i.MiTox'b xiw : TICKET orrn i : .
Tlio Uurlingtoii hassecured quarters for Us
city ticket office in the new building of the
First Nntloiml bank , and wilt move in as
soon us the structure is ready for occupancy.
Murray and Loring , two stations on the
Kansas division of the Union Pacific , will be
closed at the end of the month. Omaha mer
chants shipping articles to these points will
have to prepay the charges to insure delivery ,
ciuxiir.n 1111 : INMOXU.
Tlio insignia of tlio Union Pacific has been
changed from the old style shield and that of
the United States , embracing the stars and
stripes representing all the states substituted.
Tlio new shield appears on the hito edition of
leaf circulars bearing Information regarding
the "Overland flyer. " _
The I'ri-ss Chili.
A very successful meeting of the Omalia
Press club , President Gregory in the chair ,
was held Sunday afternoon in the parlor
of the Darker hotel. Reports were inado by
several committees and the board of man
agers showing that there was an excellent
sum In the treasury , that the work of getting
the now rooms of the eiun m readiness in the
Hycrs block , corner of Fifteenth and Doug-
! i > a streets , was progressing satisfactorily
and that : ' number of merchants of this city
had voluntarily offered to contribute to the
furnishing and decorating of the samo. Tlio
club was ordered incorporated to-day.
Three writers on the city press were admit
ted to membership. The next meeting will
bo held December-4 the Hat-
on Sunday , - , at -
ker. _
Sam Stovciison Captured.
Chief of Police Seavey yesterday re
ceived a telegram from Colorado Springs ,
Col. , stating that Sam Stevenson had been
captured there and would bo held to await
orders. An officer started to Colorado
Springs last night to bring him back.
Internal Kevnniu ; Collection ) ) .
Yesterday's internal revenue collections
amounted to fSt4 : .
Absolutely Pure.
Tills powder never varies. . A mardel of puri
ty , MreiiKth and uhnlriomt-nen * . .Morn econom-
leal than the ordinary kinds , nnd rannot be
Hold In competition with the niiiltltnilu of low \\elKlitaluuor plioii > hnt powders.
8old only In cum. 'loyal ' luklntf l'owderC ,
i ti. Wall Bt. , New Vort
Send for Shirts/
Send for Underwear.
Send for Hosiery.
Send for Gloves.
Send for Fur Caps ,
Send for our Catalogue
I Belt Work ted Lowest Prlcei
Guaranteed. IDOpigcIUuit'd
-Catalnpie , PlnetteyerprintcJ , centfref. BottageTa.
A k your retailer for Ihf
or the
$3 SHOE ,
m-cimlliic to your need * .
CAUTION 1 Po'lthfh none K iiiltipiinlr our
. numcaiul price aiipi r plainly i > n the inlos. .some
ill ale . In orilcr toinake n lat i r
prom , \ \ 111 rii I'liinu nil the Inti rlor
pootlH nltti which the nmrktt Is
tliKiiltil. .lAMK.SMEANS m
SlIOi : Is llslit uml HjlUh
i 1IU n htnrkliiR niul It
fNCl IN , " hiln ? feme lly
} tlipflritllincltlinprr.
It "ill KUUly the must
taMMIoiunkitMn e\ci-y
< il.U n t IK ct ( nual to
tl.c ' '
Aik for < hr.Iamc " jh'n * SHrtEi. SjJP'- ' " " ' "
Mcansf..sliocforUoja ffjfgjjgjjf bemre-
tcllcil nt
$7nr 5. JAMES MEAN'S : t SHOE I' tlioorisl-
nal $ J Mice ami U nbsoliitcly tlio only jhoo nf Its prln-
which h.i nrrhcfM pl.ici'tl oxti"ishih on the rnaikct
In which ilurnhlllty It cininMcroil bcforo imif oulwuril Thc c > l.ors ure unW by tinhp t rrtnllrn
Uirmisliotitlho UnltM StMi' , ami HO lll place them
cnsilj wltliln jour rosch In anj Hale nr trrnlory If jou
HI ffnJ us .1 poilnl raid. montD"ln ! < : tlii piper.
lames Mctun XCo. . . 41 Lincoln St. , Huston. Mai * .
11111 line of the above Shoes for sain luMH.V (
by li. W. Cook , 1HIK1 Furnam htieet : ( i. S' Mllli-r ,
bis Noith Mth htreet ; lluyvvaid llros. , 4IW South
IMli htreet. In CitUNCii , DLUFFS by Sargent ic
I'\ansH-J llroadwity.
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute
H. W. Corner 13th and Dsdgc Streets ,
Clinic mill
Braces , AppliaKjsW1 rallies S Trusses
lle t fatllltlpi , iipparatu uml rpmpillp ? for stir-cpss-
fill ireiitinent of e\ery form of ill-cii."OH'qulrlriK . tcll
leal or Miriflcal Treittinent.
Korly new inmus tor patients ; bet hosiltul | accom-
niiHlatlonk In tlm p t.
WIIIIK > oa CiKi'l'l. Alison l ) formlllp Hnil llriioe' ,
Club reel , Ciirvaturn of tlio Milne , files. Tumors ,
Taiippr , Catarrh , llrom hltK Inhalation. Klectrlrlly ,
l-aruhrln. Kpllepny , Klilnvy , lllaililer , l-ye , liar , bkln
un.l lllooil , unit all ! > urileil : Opcrulluns.
Diseases of Woman a Spoclalty.
HOOK ( IV Dlsb'AKM Of WOlltNKlIEC. .
A si-r.mi.TV op
All Illooil llou ( > lurcciifully trcateil. Syplillltlo
1'olson reinoTeil frnni thu nyrtein without Inerrnry.
New renloratlve treHluietll fur los of Vital 1'owvr.
I'erfuni uniiblo to vlult u > may bo tit liome
liy eorre ponilpiK . All communication ! conllilcn.
tlal. SleJlclncs or Instruments tent br mall urn-
pre , teturelr packed , no mark * to Imllcate c/mtcnti
urteniter. Ono personal Interview preferred. Cull ami
eoniult u urM'inl hliturjr of jouriukc.nna wu will
lonil In plain wrapper , our
Upon I'rlvHto .Special ami Nertnun Dlieiuei , Irapo *
teney , tf/ptilllii , llloft ami Vurleocelu , AUJrtti ,
Oinaliu Medical and Surgical Institute , or
Dr , McMenamfc'Cor , 13th anOoflge Sis , j
UK ) N. l.lth Sticct.
rt'itu I'Ai.iroitN'iA WI.NMS. : shipped direct
fiom our vineyard. Hleslfiig , Outi-ili-l Clan-t" ,
I'ort , Sherries , etc. Han Jose Vaults , Seventh ,
KlKhth. Sun S.ilvailor and William btrvuts , San
Jose , Ciililonihi.
Paid Up Capital , $2BOOOO
Surplus , 5O.OOO
II. W. YATF.S , President.
rn S. UllKl ) , VIco-I'reMdent.
A. I' . TOL'/.AI.I.v , "d Vlce-l'rcsldeut.
W. H. S. Ilumius , Cashier
w. V. Jonr ! . JOHN S. COLLINS ,
H. > V. VAXES , I.KW is S. UEKU.
A. E. TOU7.AI.1.N.
llnnking onice
Cor. 12th and Kntimm Sts.
A General Hanking lluslneisTiansactcd.
The teat known nml nio t popular Ilutol In tlio
M.itp Loditlon ccntrHl , HppolnluiiMit * Ilrst-Him.
llpnilqu.irters for rniiimcrclnl men anil all political
. . . . .
dput.lloi.U.erinK. ! , .
, , , lojOKN
HE Toy
Itofadescrlp *
UrePrliv-lliI ,
lii la colour-
print. 'Cf-On
which thoaM
, to fgutxl la
'truj tomlly cur rM obulocd from 11 Toj
detlen , BUtloncn ted EducaUonil ! > ? < , Ths
lit be ( onrvd l cntl5 on application ( o
Proprietor Omaha Business College ,
Book-Keeping Penmanship
- , ,
Commercial Law , Shorthand , Telcgraphinj
and Typewriting.
S nd orColleee Journal.
S. E. Cor. iGth'auU Capital Ave.
If < nll a the ( | mauit3ca
DII DTI If ] C iirinlvitliiMii p > iin nr lilmtrnnro
mil I llnr lr"m Im-'lncix. All ninmlo Dlxi'itopi ,
tiirlniiilnimcMit nn > Iti-tltiiiluniii
thli country Til" " " nlin cnnlemiihiln gnlnir In lint
sprints tnr the Ireiilrnent ol any I'rlrnle or Illnoil
ilUcaM ! emi ho cured lor une-thlnl the eost utoiir
My lil treatment n Pure. Lovely Com
plexlnn Iri'e liom * illovMiesM , Heckles
Iilai'kheiuK eruption * , ete. , lirllllunt
pTe anil perteel lieultli can lie
"tITTIiiit' llreil" fefllnuanil nil femalp weaknes Pi
Iriimiitly eineil , Illimllnit lli-nilm-liiM , Nervous I'ros-
nraliiii , ( ienenil IMillIl ) . > leeiU'fiii' | < , loMi' ) | " lnn
Uml lntll et'tlon , Ovnrltin trnuliloi. Intlnitniitlon ami
iildenitli'ii. r'alllniiHnil ll plnei'iiient , r-nlnul weak-
ei > M , Klilner rouipluliits nml ( . 'liunKO of l.lle. Consult
thnOlil Doctiir
" Acntp nr Chrnnln Inflninnm *
EYE AND EUR tlonof the llfcllilt nr liliilni
Mini Fur nr Near MKhli-iliii" " ,
Inver-lon nf the I.ld , ( erofnloiiH i : > o , t lieinllnns ,
iHtlHinunitlon * ! . Ah ceis. l > lnnieis ot Vision ol oncor
bnth ejen , unit Tmmiri * of Mil.
twrinfliiiiiiiinlluii f tile liar , 1 Icnratlon or I'at.irrn ,
Inlernnlor Kxteriuil Ili-arne i , or Par.ilMhlnaln
nr UinrlnK.ii ( > l " i"i , Tlilokeneil Drum. ete.
- , 1/iHHof Vital I'oner , sleei- |
NERVOUS i , Di'xpnndeney , IO H nf
.Mi-nior ) . < 'oiilii"liin ol lili'alllnrs
lielinn the Kye ,' , LaiiKiior , ( ilooinlneni ,
lieprc-'lon of . > > | ilrlt . A\er lon liiSodety , Kuiy l > l -
lournKPil , Ijiik nl Oontlrti-iHe , ( Mill , I.IMIi-ti. Unlit
for i-tnity or llu lni' . ami tlniln lllo a biinlen , Milely ,
rennniientl ) unit Privately Cureil.
Ol nnn Hill OI/IU Dl en e . Somfnla.
BLUUU ANU MIN savi s' ' ffi !
cprr , l'nln ln tlm llenil anil llniie , syiihllflloSiro
Thrnnt. Mniitli ami TOIIKIIP , ( ilnnilular l.'nliirKement
nt tliu NCI k , Illieiiinatlrm , ( iilurrli. I'.lc. , I'eimaiiuiit-
| y Cureil When ( Itherx I lavi-ralleil.
CoiiMiltntlon fu-o unit h-tilctly conlldnutlal.
Medicine sent free from observation to all partH
of tlm I'nlted States. Coiie > poiidenro ron-lves
prompt attention. No letters answered nnlcm
accotnpanlod by four cents in stumps Send ten
rents In stamps for pamphlet and list of ques
tions upon private , H > eclal "nil nervous dln-
Te'rins strictly cash. Call on or address ,
DR. ,
No.aH South lath St. . Omaha , Null
S. ( fi I ) . DAVIfi
1707 Ollu ) StiTPt , SI. UiiN , Mo.
Of tlm Missouri Ptato Mii'-eum of A'Wloiny , St.
I.onlP , Mo. , I'nlverslty Colleuo Hospital , l.ou.
ilon , ( lle.sen , ( ii-rinnny ami N w York , Havl
ilc\oteJ iittcutlou
it Will U111U UI1U
More e.incclnlly tho'o aili-liiK fiom
ilenee. Invitniill so MilfprliiK t'ciirre poiil ( ltli-
otitdeluy. JMMISI-S ) | of Infeillon nnd loiitiiKlon
cuieit Milely anil hpeeillly without UMO of duu.
i-erons di u . ratlents w ho-o cases havn l > eeii
nfalci-tHil , fiailly tieated or proiiolineeil ilieur-
able hii.-llW noi full to wiltous i-nnccrnlnit th lr
hvniptoins.l ! letters recelvo liniiiedlutu utte.ii'
And \\ill bo ninllcd I'ltl'.r. to uRr aQurp B on re-
( elptof ono a-ieiit Ktainp. "I'raUlni ! ' ) brvii -
tloiiHon Nervoiih Debility und I' ixi.U3 : : : ;
tlnn , " to uhl h Is added uu "f'ssay on Mar-
rluKi- . " with IniitortiMit rlmiiturx on dl eucea ot
HID Keprodiiotlvii OrKiiii" , tlm wholii foriiiltiK *
\uliiabl niedlial tieutlsohlcli bliould bo reail
byullyouiiK nifii. AiMioH
DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON ,
1707 Olive Street St. Louis , Mo.
Jlemarkable for powarfnl jsympa ;
"thiitlc tune.jTlUbfoiictioii'niidjtb.
iriircjTimibnii ' UMIH record.
tlioTi- Biiuruliti'u'of Ibu excel-
of llTiT' ulii trti iiieiits.