Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1887, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBERD20. 1887 SPECIAL NOTICES. AdxcrtUeincntft rnirt ° r this lienit. JO rents per Illtr- for th ( ? first mrertlon. 7 cent * for each Mil > - freimrmt Insertion , nnd u line per month , iso udxcrtl eini til taken for less ( linn iil ci-nts fur ttif firM Insertion. H xtn words will bo counted to thu llnoj they must nin con fcu- fix ely nixl mint be paid In ndvnncp. All nil- Mrtl i'inent8 inuM 1 > u handed In befoin l : : ) o'clock ji. in. , ninl under no iliiumstanccs "A 111 they IK' tnkin or dlsiontlnuid by telephone. 1'nrtli s mix i nlslm ; In these columns nnd hav ing HIP ansxxirs nildrenKi d In care. of the Hep. vlll plenpt ! nsk for a check lot liable them to Ket tliilrlitti ic. nsnniip will 1m delivered ox- ript on prt-M ntatlon of check. All ansxxirs to udx f rt tceiw lit H rdinuld be c nclnn'il In piwclopes. Allitihcrtl''cmints In these columns are pul > - llshi din both moinltiK and exenliiKidltlonH of the lice , the elnillntlon of x\hlih inolp tliun ll. t ) papers dully , and L-lxi H thp nd- vcrtlfcrs tliti 1 mi flt , not onlj of the city clrcii- liitlnr. of flu1 llei1 , lint nUo of Council HlulTs , Lincoln nnd oilier cities nnd town- ) throughout thlspnrtof the xxcst. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE. MIDLAND niiatnntpp nnd Trust Co. , IfAl Fnrnnm street Complete abstracts fur- nlMicd , nnd trJ' > to rpnl estate examined , per fected nnd guaranteed. IHJ2 BUSINESS CHANCES. LA WIK hotel In thu city formic ; rent ir. per month ; fuinltuin nt a haiKiiln. This hotel Is pnxltiK well , nnd parties wishing suih u rlianro xxlll ilo xxell to cull on us. Co-oper.itl\o Land nnd Lot Co , tt N. 1Mb si. W7 HO WAVI'lUl fiood , honornlilu iiinn an partner to bundle h.irdxxnni nnd establish agents tlilough lima. , . for xxhlih I xxlll iiavifloo and ex- ] > i'iispsj must iiiix-e tn icash. None but stilctly business men need apply. Address ( Jill Hei . 471 ! : i \\7AVriD ! Two or tliun paitles w . TT cash to fnim n colporntton 01 Mock com ] iany to inanufiiitme machinery patent just out IIULU piollts , pelmanei't business. It will pay to lux estimate. Addiess ( ) . 2,1 Heeolllte. FOI'lt llpstiiurnnts for sale on easy terms. All 111 good lotatloiH. Slekne'.s cause of selling txxo nnd the other txxo pin ties going to lenxe tln > city. It xxlll pay you to Inxestlgnti ) these chances. Co-opeintlxo Land .V Iot Co. , 20.1 N. Kith st. 441 28 OHHAI.IJ cigar store. on 10th t. doing a good business , also confeilloiiery stem on Pt. MUM'S lui'ime . Co oitintl\u | Lanil A. Lot Co , an Noitii n.thst. msa _ AlT'AXTIJI ) A partner In a pond pajln luiil- T > iit s. Sui. ill eapllal remhed. ( 1'or partic ulars aeldu-js O 10 lieu ullltu. HO 'M 371OH SAI.i : A di ug store In Hastings. Neb , a good cle.ui stockbest location liuIty. Must be sold , and xxlll busolil nt a baigaln. Inxoieo about J..WO. D. M. Smith , Il.istlngs , Neb.isfl ; isfl .TO * TjlOlt SAl.K My Itimbor and hardwarn linsl- JL' nessat Oelilelts. Sales i criiRO flom W.OlX ) to Vi.diJO ixr moiUh. No ( Oiiietitlon. ] ) Reason for KellliiK , am obllwed to UMMI tliu country on account of 111 health. H. A. Call.ind , Oelrlch * , I ) , T. .TNi : "J * FOH SALH-Or exi ImiiKe , a now combined .Ti bid , roller and buir mill with umiplutu outfit of machlni ly , dolii ) ; a Kood liusl- nesi. with unllmltul w.ttei power on Littlu Illuo river. In 'I ha > er c oiinty. Neli. Will taku fm ( or upwardM In cash , b.ilancii on easy terms , or < Ity pioperty or lunds In whole or In purl. Ad dress , A. O. Collins , Hebron , Neb. ! KJ d J FIl PA IjB 1-uinlturo and stock of JU-room hotel In tlin bent Jhotel town west of Omaha , In Nebiaska , dolni ; a KOOI ! business ; ( niaranteii net prolltM of * Wiper month ; prldi IM.'HX ) 1'or partlcul.irH addiess Ilaldermnn's Iteal Kstnteand Lo n HrokeniKe , loonisruindt ) , Mlclictson block , ( Iriind Island , Neb. JElJ-lij " \\7ANTKD-A paitner In a good pnxlngbiisl- TT ness. Small capital lermlied , For partic ulars address O 10 lleo ollke. 4I 28 \\7ANTF.n-r.ii Iner xx Ith SilO In prolltoblo TT business. Inxestlg.itu It at . ' 111 ! bouth llth f-tieet , loom .1. SI'I ' 28J FOH SALK-Cood buber shop xxlth bath looms. Inquire Meleholr llros. , 111(1 ( cl'ar- nam > t. 271 S FI.KNDID ope.-.lng for Hour and feetl store in best leslili IICH poitlon of Onmhu. F. I , , fin gory , Hental Agt.OUS. : ) 10th st. | ir * "TTIOH SALE One. hotel ' 1 stoiles high , good J Htniid , lusiment xsltli xxatei running nil thioughthn bnllillii niid nl"o to the bain ; b.un Htnbllng ( o In nd of hoi si s ami 75 tons of liny and xx ater In It ; xx 111 "ell or tiade for leal estate or stock. For lurther Information xxrlle to D , Hill A. Son nunbiir , A'eb. UlfdlD WIIOIif 3AIiK confectlonen- business for sale. 1'ux'lug trade established. Look this up. Applx . ' 117 S. I Ith st. Kit FOH SAfiK-tdood pax. Ing saloon on ono of the pilnelpal stieets In city of Omaha. Hatlhfactorj uasoiisglxen for i-elllng. Addiess letter M. lh. IP | olllcii. H23-2S * TTIOH SAI.K- flood bilck business iironerty In JC centre of ( iinnd Islauil ; greatest nirgiiln and best terms In the dty ; but little cash ie- quired ; Ionic time , loxx * Interest nud easy pax'- ments ; other leal estate lersnle. Addiess.I. H. Woolley , nttoiney ut luxx * , ( iiimd Island , Ntb , FOH SALE A complete steam luundi.x Imv- In.i txxenty IIOIMI poxxer engine. J. S. Hen- nett , Snunders nnd Clark ntn. IKJ1 BOARDING. \VANTEI > At 2iit California , ono gentleman TT boanler ; fiontroom ; home comforts ; $ " > per xveek. \K1 \ C" B xx 1th looms for four at 2118 Hurt ht. I.ASS table boaid , serxeil In lunne bt > le , foril or 4 gintlemtn. 1814 Doilge. 2.A CLAIRVOYANT "TIH. NANNII5 v7Warren , clilrx-o > ant. JLf leal , biiflne. s and tent medium. Diagnosis free. FemaliMliseases a bpecliilty. 11 ! ) N. loth t t. . Hoom.s2A,3. % 7 MHS. DI'ItANT Clnrlvojnnt trom Hostonls rullablo In all aUnlrw of life , unites hei ar- ated loxern. ,122 N. 10th t. . room 1. ' , M Dec. J . FOR EXCHANGE. T\HUi ( Stein In tlist-rlasrt condition In Hast- J r IIIK" . Neb , for tnnla for iidrug Htmn In nin.illt r roxxn. Address C. II. fcmlth , Shcinin- doah , loxxn. CJU 4 * BAHHKH Shop xxlth b'itU HUI ! living rooms connected , xx 111 tradii for land or lots. Co- oneiatlxP Land .V Lot Co . 20.1 N. IMh st. 441 2H TjlOll excliimgrt 1T ft on .I2nd betxxein Cal- .L Ifornla and Hurt , xxtth 2 houses , no Incum- iKrance , xx 111 f\changt > tor good Improx-ed fann HoathxM-st Iowa 01 M > utheat-t Nebraska. Charles C. Snootsxxood , ; 'HXii H Ifith ht. 410 OH HXrilANCK-mO acies , U.I' , coiitiact land , at tti.for Omnlia pioperty. My equity H.OW , only jsiu b.iLk. A. 1 Vrukey , 1.HI Fin num. 21VS \\7'ANTiil : Vumi landx In exi Imugo for T stoilxs of merihandlse. ht. John A , lily , Itooni 13 , Fi-enzer block , 01 p. F.O a HI I Tll\\'K for tradeimproxt > d faim In Cms Co. near I'lattsmouth , xxlll trade for lnii > io\cd Insldo inopei ty. Addiess .M ; ii ) , lleoollko. _ A stock of Riocenes andgeneinl milse , for tlty lots j-alfl for. C.J.Canau. ' .nil FOH F.XCllANC.K-oodunlmproxcd ! land In noi th tiiMein Nebi.iska lor Oiniiliu property The ( ) . 1' . lax Is Co . 1H Fainaiii ht. JK8 28 \\7"AN'1KD Farm lamlsln exclinngn forclty piopeitj. St , John \ Ely , Hoom U , Fi on- zcr block. : 107 ,1) IIK I ! to excu.uici ] a lotliihaun- 'is.V lllmeb.iuph's nddltlon to Walnut Hill for a uood hli'Wi and light txxo-seated Mini ; xx mi lu alM ) takna Kood lioiao and pluu- toil. Addiesa bu43 1' . O. 4JU WANTrD-l'ioperty of all kinds to pxchunxo gpcilaluttentlongtxdn to tuulln . 0. C. Spotsxxood , MiV > ) i S MUi. 655 IFx'ou haxo aiijthliiK to oM-liiniKe , xxrlto n * . \Vo haxo improxcd and unlinpiox'ed lirasVa , JxtinsiiH and loxxtx laudh , coal ni'ieslio telH , utocks of merchnnd r-e % liowo , rnltle , hopi hhten.ete. , to t > xrlinnK < > . S. S. L-ampbcll and G V lleixir.llO Hiiailoi " \YT ANTrp y.iml farms In exchange for T * Ul-nnft pioperty , C. C. tpotsxxood. IJUTjiJ fPO K.\t IIANliiFur : futile. . 1 hixx-et.lUacrei i J. of goo.l xustorn land to trade for cattle , and n ittxxl IIOUSH mill lot ; xxlll exchungK fur eattli ) . Aildioi S , U. llrjun. Ash- land. Npb. us.1 ril < ) THADU Two Improxeil farms lu liTxxa for -L Omtiha propeity or Nebraska lands. Me. Cullach A V ° i ttu ; IMh and Faiiiiiin. U28 OH THAIK-D.IWI ) acres of choice xxesTeni land toexilnuige for gtneialiueicliandlre. . Jnt' . F. Toft. .24 N. IMh t. b\J \ ri OKXCIIANK- ! enst iront lot In Hans JL com 1'laro to t'\change for Utnn utock nl dry gootts or clothing. C. F. Han-laon.tHi H. lil'i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ T 1 Viit ; V Ham , IH tnuli for good uopeity JLJ Co-oi 1 > oratlxu Land , X Lot Co. , JUS 4112s 1X7 ANTKDfiood family her o Infer for lot , McCulloch & Co. , cor 15th and Fnrnnni , Slu _ rno HANnK-iiupiwid : ( furm in iox\ . JL for OnwUajrcildotuo juupvity. J. J.Vll klns.m , 1324 Furnam. i.s | _ TO THADK Inside property for cooel house elRht or nliuMooniN nnd full lot.1 McCul loch & Co , cor Uth uud F.iru.uu.KJ \ T710H Exchnhj ( . JL1 II. K. Cole 318 S , 15th , up stairs. . Oeiieral Merchandise. JlO.nno clock , Fulls Cltv. Neb. , xxant farm. K.iWJ stock , Wisncr , Neb. , viniitllxo slxjckor land. 110,00(1 ( ntoek , Newman drove. Neb , . \xant part real estate1 , balance cash or good paper. DrtiKS. f.f * 1 clean stock , one of the best localities In Omaha , xxiint nbont M.ljiX ) cash , balance real estate In city , ? .1i i climi stock , Ashland , Neb , meraisi1 sales , fioperihiy , xxant farm ItiKouthein part of Nebiaska , M. n stock , Falls Cltv , Nub. , u nut Kood land. J.l.i'XAl Hlock , Auburn , Neb , , xtaiit giKid land. Hotels. Wiimn. A nmpnlllcent hotel knoxxn as the ( hltti'imiiKo Wlilto Sulphur Springs hotel , oxer 100 rooms , all fui nlshed , Including bllll.uil hnll. ete , , xxltli | i4 ncres of boautlfullv ornamnnted uronnil , cottuires , etc. , Ifi miles from Sj i acilse , N. V. Wantt Kood Insldi ) Improxid or" nnlmpioxed Omaha property. Call and itniiiitiwni1i. | tfi , H ) . MorlBuisi ) 11,010. lliadshixv. Neb. 21 rooms , nil fuiiilshid , coed barn. Uunt iiiilu- cnmb" icd tlty properly , faim , or Mock of hard- \x-ai e. MnrtKUKP. l.i'i008ler i ent 4 years. B , nil fiiinbhed. Want lusidu Omului propel ty. Four beautiful nexv 5-room cottages , IJ.OOO pach. Monthly pa > ments. II. K. Cole , ,110 S. ICth , up stalls. Txxo elegant nexv . "room tolt.iucs , ll.iVXI ; small cash payment , balance "mmlhly. U.K. Cole , aid S. IMh st up stnlts. Farms. SH'S acres Monona coiinly , loxx-a ; good frame , louse , barn , coin trlbs , fences , xxells , etc. , ele. Mortgage. ) . Wiiutimproved or iinlinprovcil city property. 1U1 acres Calhoiin county , loxxn , house ; barn , 'enccs , i to. , etc. Mortgage 11.200. : i jeais" per ent nniiual Interest. V nut Inside propcrtj or stock of liicicliandt e. 2,1101 ai res cream of Holt county.nll In a body ; II head c.itlle , H hi ad hoi SIM. WJ tons Imv , good muse , bain , faim mnchlnciy , trees , etc , etc. iVnnt InMde Impioxcd or unliiiproxed luoperty. Houses and Lots. A number oLhouses and lots for vacant lots , neiclmiidlse ol farms. farms.Llxerx - . Flue bnrn.ono of HIP best locations In the city , I.W ) : half cash , balance Inside propel ty. II. K. Cole. 3IH rt IMh. lip-stairs. 411 2U WANTED--MALE HELP. WANTUD Hoyfoi oillco xu > rk , boy to carry paekanes , iood ; xvages ; meat cook for small hotel out ot city , Mi ; w ay up pastry i ook In cltYfiYi ; Kooil second cook out of i ity J.l1laio paid. Kmp. olllce , Mis. Ilieca .x. Sou , illil.So. r > th. Tel. bSI. 112(1 ( 2b * WANTP.D Three persons to Insti in t In book Keeping , situations. J. 11 Smith , Ibl ) Chicago st. fil'i 2 W ANTED Tell good cinx'asseis to cam ass for enlaiged xxoik ; good commission mid. Call at the Oiniihaestein CojixInK I louse , IIO-'S. I Ith st. Tu'8 4 * - coil mlneis. $1.75 iier ton , WANT1ID-IO : 111 shoxeleis , stendyxork nil xx Inter ; onn ( list-class upholster , fJ.iiO iier lax ; 2 cooks , I dishwasher. Omaha limp , llu- le.ill , II1IN Itithst. M72S A smart boy about 1(1 ( for oillco WANTED ; must be a good xx rlter. 1J12 Doug las. t'i7 WANTED Good watilitmllxer , onnxxhocmi ai t as salesman ; lefuiem o lenulred. Call ) r iiddiess A. Hahn , 41)4 ) N 16th , Omaha.4IW 4IW 20J 'V\7"ANTrD Aitlxo Ixivabout 17 jeaisold nt > I lee mall room. One who can get up at 4arequiied. : ) HI WANTED Experienced car stenni heating litters ; cabinet makers for Kansas Cltj ; book agents , salary ; II dining loom gills for city. Headquarters 150 ! ) rarnam , room II. fill ! fft * \\7ANTIID Sexeral trnxcling croceiy sales- T > men for bt. Pnnl house ; good saliuy to good men. Diy goods salesmen for Philadel phia and Kansas City houses. Clothing sales men for MIlxxHiikee houses. Great Weslein llu- reau. MO1) ) t'arnam. loom 1) ) . M. ! g > * WANTED Txx omen of good addiess to sell goods ; steady employment. Call 121 S. loth st. : * WANTED An experienced bookkeeper to solicit xx holesafe and retail houses for an Indispensable fcatuie , from $5 to Ml per day can bo made. ; will glxo exclusive agency to tlin light party. Address Gus Krey.ailKllS N.3rd St. Louis. Mo. an 28 WAN I'ED Agents to handle the tiexv Chemi cal Ink Eiaslng Pendl. Greatest noxilty oxer pioilin.ed. Eiascs ink In txxo second' ' , no abrasion ot p iper. 2(0 ( to WHper ) centpiollt. Ono agent's sales amounted to W-0 In sl\ days ; an- oilier SKC ! In two hours. Tuiltoryabsolutely tiee. balmy to good men. No ladies need an- sxxer , Sample ,15 tents. I'or teims and full lai- ) tlculius , nddiess the munufuctnrci-s J. W Skin ner A ; Co , OnalasknVls. . 4"t-2U * " \\7 ANTED Kur sewers , good xxnge * , only T > good hands need to apply at Hlchter's , I ? . " ' rainamst. 4V1' ( I WANTED Shirt salesman. A compett nt ex- peilenced man xxho handles good trndo can maki ! piolltablo uinuiL'i mi'iit to lepresent In Omnlia and xlclnlty a reliable house in Chicago making line shirts to older. Also xx ant sales men In txxo other uncox'ered points. Address , dilalllng experience und past sin cess xx lib let- eiemes , "Gass , " loom SI Superior block , 778 Cl ukst. . Chicago. 111. 47211' \VrAXTED-Atonce , piano plajer. male or female , good XXages. Apply Lulu Hogeis , 101 N. llth st. ! I47 Salesman To a flist-class man WANTED xvlio can sell laces , embroideries nnd lobes to medium trade , a largo and tlrst-clasa line of goods Is offered on llbciiil tommlssloii ba.sls. Samples ready Jan. 1st. Address with lefei- , stating teirltory , Ilex 1S5I , IJoiton , Mass. 4JO-2SJ WANTED 25 shox-elers , 4 dilxeis , lOteims ; all lor city xxoik. Cull immedlutelv at City Intelligence olllce. Clelghton block. 258 WANTED-AttlO : South JMli street , room 0 male or fcmulu agents. Call and sea xx hat we have. 218 2SJ W PANTIID General agents for portions of Nebraska , loxxii , Kansas and .Missouri. Heferenco required. Addiess , Climax \Vlndoxv bhiidu Co. , 201 and 203 N. 2d st. , St. Joseph , .Mo. " \\rANTii ; > 100 men of good appeatancoto try our ire meals nt Noi rls restaurant , : itl nnd niJ South 14th street , ( old Ltxu and Lot MX u ) Mil WANTED--FEMALE HELP. \\TANT1U > Ladles In city or country , for our > 1 holiday ti.ule , to take light , pleasant xxork at their oxx n homes. Jl to fl per day can bo lU'etly made Work hent by mail anx dltince. . rartlculaih flee. No c.inx'as&ing. Addiess at once. Cesd'iit Art Co. , U7 A Milk bt , IJcuton , I'.O. boxillTO. am _ \\7ANTKD-Cliambeiiinild and xxaltress for it loxxa , 120 ; Sxxomencooks for Idaho , } . ' > ( ) and WO ; 2 tlrst-class dlnlng-rooiu feirls for Color ado , tJli ; 1 for ( ireouxxood , 2 ror Noith Loupe all tan s paid ; houseKeepor.'ono tnut can play bomo on the piano , Khoot teacher mefei red : 20 gills tor gonenil housuxvork In anil out of city , Lots of xxorlcfov ( onipetent help at Canadian I'.mp. ollhv , Mrs. llrt-ua A , Sou , .110 S 15th. Tel. W. \\rANTKD-Agood girl ofoi penetal house- > > xxmk liibinall funilly. Noxxashlug done in house. Apply l-l. ) .S JUt st. 527 WANTIU ) 11 girls genl houiexxoik , 4 dining- loom pliU , 1 dliihxxitsher , 1 cook for pi 1 * vate family , iH pei xxeek : 1 lady eashler , 1 ladv cleik , mu tkiieaV Sciuullmixliui. Omnlm Kmp , Huitiui.n N sa l7"ANTF.Dv-lil ! for general house xxoik at T 1'.i)7 ) Cuts Kli.'ct. " f 4V > ANTKD At 2210 Faimim bt. , n good girl to da Kt'iiei al house xvoik. 4.Ki 21) ) * Wax forhousu xxork ; Mrs. M.AtWdKice ( , 1'Jth nud bt. ax en e. 4.t ; enW HI S. llth st. l5 riS nil ) olllered plain needlexxork at their bxx n hilmestoxx \ n 01 country ) by a xxholes.ilo house. 1'iotltable , genuine. Ooortny \ can bn innile , Kx el j thing fui nlblied. Fat tlculnrs f reu1 Addiess AiJJslio Needlexxork Co , 133 Mil ht , New Yclik dty. 274 \\7ANTED-W ) ladliM to try our 15c meal * at NorrU'restaurant ( old l.henmlLut I.lro ) , nil Una : ; us. nth at . ' i , < ii EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS flTIIO K xxlshincr llrstcla'fs help cnn he. sup- JL piled fiuu of clmriio by cnlllnn ut thu Old He-liable imiilomontHuieau : , 214 N. 15th st. notisu' MKN and xx omen , boyb and Rlile , black and xxhite. nil iiJtlouailtluD. constantly calling at our olliceWe can till orders momptly for help In any IndiiKtry known. ( Tall nud belect siicli help us you xvliu. Gate City Employment olllct.MthM5tli. I'i72)i' ) G"\NADIAN Employment Olilco-'lhe best place In Omaha to net lielp or sltu.itlons. Hefereiicu , Oinnh.i National bunk. Mis. l nth. Tel. t > M. LOST. LOST yrlt | > vr pony , blanic muue , tall and legs Itelurn to III ! Ki.lMhst , 3 1 STHA YKD or fctokn from my ri'.sldcncc.corner of llrtil .mil FiunclSHtieet , Windsor Vlaie , onu chebtnul mare , on Nov. 1' ) . A Miltable re- xv at d for her ix > < .o\tiy. John llosh , telephone J OST-Heavy set Vrown naterspaniel , -I nnsxu-r. U > name ot ' . 'Hilly. " L j\a at 1SSI N.-uth bticct und teulvii rc\T id , 3W 3J T OST Or stolen , near Hweatl'ii part , n med- JLJ luin Kite dark bay mure , xx 1th harness DII , mall xx hlto spot on face , largo hind ICRS. T. Muriiiy. 1J1 FOUND. "ITlOl'ND A xxntch.x ( ) ner can hax P same by JL1 proxlmt pioperty and paxltiK for Hits ad- xertlsement , N. II. Faleonci , dry goods stole. rp.VKKN t'1' .1 horses , 1 ni.y. i bay and 1 1 black , I'liul 'Ihomp on , I mile south of IrvlnKton. nov I 11 222'i'C ' WANTED-TO RENT. "I\7".ANTF.I > - On or before.lamury I. to lent > > house , live or M < c iiuims. belxxeen | ) OIIK.U ! and Calirnrnla , 17th and Hlth. Will bo taken fiiinlsheil IfiKslrtdt HefcrencCKlxen. Addn-ss OiW. llee ollice. I7J 2-i * \\rANTKD-lly centleman and xxlfp. one fin- > > nlshed loom for ll lit ] iou cktciilnc ; terms modutolo. AddiCssO 4.1 , lleo olllce. filO ff > * MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. " \\rANTKD-TxxiiKimd Illllth counters for Ice TT skatliiupaxlllon , ld Htid llamey. Apply to Manusjer , 2b st. fi41 WANT III ) Tohlrea KIIOI ! hmse nnd sloltth or biiL'KS' for thu xx Inter season. Address O lleo olllce. MO WANTED Mimxxorth $ .710to goto Deuxer , Col , and lake half Interest liiahlupa- ll.jj business. Must be Intelligent , good address nnd notufr.ild to xxork. Address S. Ilex 2.M , iltx- . Ml HOJ WANTED-TO BUY. \\fANTKD To buy for cash , nil established TT Insuianiu business In the city. 11. K. Colt-,3I S. llth , up htalrs. ft-4 1 WANTKI ) To"buy the furiiltuto of a small or luriie hoticB centrallv located , Co-opera tive. Litnd & Lot Co , 20 > 1 N Kith Ht. 1W WANTID-To tiny short time paper. J. W. ( lions , at C. E. Sluyne's olllce , llth nud Hnmey. JS3 W ANTKD To buy live thousand to tun thousand Itoono county lands , axerat'u quality , ut J10 per aero and less , Addres llox.ftt , Omaha. 104 MONEY TO LOAN. MONIIV We niepiepatedto make lonns on Rllt edge lenl estate seem Ity. Don't make a loan \ouli.uo.seunnn. . II. i ; . Cole. S. 1'ith , up stalls. f. . t 1 MOXr.Vtoloan I can now pinto some Hist , ilnssiltv loans Immedlatelv. Call at OIKO If jolt desire to be accommodated. D. V. blioles , loom I Ilaikei block , entrance in alley. b'H ' MONKYtoloanonlmpioMd leal estate ; no commission charged. Jcu\itt Uutnham , room I , Cielghton block. 7t TI1O LOAN Money Loans placed on 1m- J pioM'diPiil estate In city 01 county for New England Loan A Tiust Co , by Douglas County bank , Kith nnd Chicngo ftts , 977 MONKV To loan on chattels. Cooperative J.and and Lot Co. , 205 No. 10th stieet. wfl "VTKW York Storasn Co. Corner Capltil jnv. . > V Kith st , Imvn money to loan on household poods , meichandlsn of uxeiy de scription at lowest rates. Ppedal futilities for merchants. Roods inox ed , packed and shipped. Allthaiges advanced. Fheproof brick block , Capitol nv. & Ifith st. 41 ! ) MONKY loaned on furnltuip , pianos , oipins , horses , etc , low rates. J. ,1. \ \ Ilklnson .fc Co. , 13 ' 4 Karnam , over liurllogton ticket olllce. WJ I'Ell CENT Money. Patterson & l'aw < ett ISth nnd Harney. 71 M ONEV to Loan O. F. Dnx Is Co. real estate ami loan agents , Vffi Faitmm st. 072 uW ,000 To loan on Omnlm city property nt 8 P percent. G. W. Day. S. E. cor. F.x. Hid. 1)76 MONEY to Loan Sums of tl.OOO and upw aids. I'lrst Moitgnges. Improved city property. E. S. lllsbee , 4 i.'i Itnmge building , Omaha. tf 4 dec.l * $7WOUO ) to loan nt fi per cent. I.lnahan A Mn- honej , 1IJI/J Fanium , WIT $ rOO.OlO to loan In any amount at loxxcst rate ot Intciest. II. 11. Iiey , Fienyer block. Uwi MONEV LOANED nt C. F. Heed & Co.'s Loan Olllcp. on furniture , pianos , hoi ses , xxagons , peisonal piopeity of all kinds , and all other ar ticles of xaluo Ithout iimoxnl. Dili S. nth , oxer lllnghnm's tommlssloii stote. All busl-i ness htiletly conlldcntlnl. - > , , M ONI'.V to loan. Notes nun it. It. tickets bought ulid sold. A. Forinan , 21 J S l.lth bt. tta SIIOHL1 time loans miule on any axMiiabln securllx" , in leasonable amounts. Secured notes bought , sold or exchnnged. General llnam Inl business of nny kind t transacted promptly , quietly and fairly at the Omaha Fi nancial Exchange , N. W. cor. 15th and Hnr- ney sts , oxerbtato National band. Corbett , manager. U71 MONEY to Loan lly the undersigned , xxho has Ihn only pioperly organized loan agency In Omaha. Loans of $10 to tluinmduon furniture , pianos , organs , horses , wrgons , ma chinery , etc. , xx Ithout lemoxal. Nodelajs. All business stilctly confidential. Loans MI made that any part can bo paid at any time , each pay ment reducing the cost pio1 rnta. Adx'ancei made onllnn xxatches nnd diamonds. Persons should cmefully consider xxho thty are dealing xvlth , us many nexv concerns arc dally coming Into existence. Should you need money call and see me. W. H. Cioft , room 4 Wlthnell building , 15th nnd Harney. 0 " \f ONEY To loan. Loxxest rotes. No delay. J'l , J. L. Klce & Co , over Commercial Na tional bank 78 TVTONEY to loan on city property , and al o ITL farms In Nebraska nnd low n. Odell llros. 1 Co. loan , real estate and Insurance agents , Ittl Jenrl btreet. Council Bluffs , la. ; 1523 Farnam street , Onnilin. 208 $300,01)0 ) to loan , spcclnl rates on farm propcity. Pobotker i. Perrigo. 1.121 Fiuniim st. WU MONEY to loan , rnsh on hand , no delay. .1. W. nud E. L. Sipalre , 141,11'iirium bt. Paxton - ton hotel building. U&4 MISCELLANEOUS. EADIKS dress t lilting school , Nib Ninth Kith ; garments of all kinds made to order , .lames McGulHe , merchant tailor. 4'id4j ' | TIO all leal estate agents Tna prices of n poi- tlonof the lots owned by the South Omuha syndicate have been changed , Nexv lists arc be ing prepared , vx hiUi xx 111 be i eady lor dellx cry within thu next two daxs. C. E. Majne , solo agent South Omaha Lund Co , K022 ! ) A Lli agents are herobv notified to v.lthdruw my property for nale on xind st Nelson Clcvo. " 413 f ETX hall. GIU S 10th bt lias been lemodeled , 'j enlaiged , nexx dancing lloor , nexv decora tions ami supper rooms. Entianco on 10th St. ; putties , lodges and societies untklpitliigglxlng balls 01 sociables call on lions A ; Mumm , Met s hall. 4Ud21 _ SAFES Agents and business men. We arn mannfaettirlng and sulllng Independent of any safe ring or pool by placing upon the mar ket three sUes of lire proof safes at Mich loxv prices that farmers , profesilonal and business men cnn nlford to purchase , btzo , 28xI8Nl8 Inches ; xvelght MO ibs , ; letall irlce , $ .lo ; smnli.r nnd linger sues In propoitlon. Haroopnfrim. Ity offered , Alpine tare Co. , Clncintii'ii.'bhlo. _ 1C8M * FINE Nlili ts made to iv clat Jl eacn. Omaha Shlit Factory. 'J K ifith. aj q 4 PERSONAL. T5EilMNAL-MnTi . Anile. Tt'cTilcago. glxes JL7 miiKiii tic nnd inebsngo trcutineiits , 4J4 N. loth st. . up stalls. _ Muaa * 1 > iitSONAI-Gentlomnn ; or lady of good nd. dress t an nnd permanent oni' > ! nyment ; sal- my to begin $ > per month , v. Un chance to mnku moie. Address O 43 , U o olllce. - BltJl * WANTED To make the ncqiinlntanco of n lady with means. Object matrimony. Ilex 903. Cam 11. and H , , Shenandoah , la. JM.-.2S * _ _ _ _ iJEHbONAIj That $11 hand decoiated dinner set at Moody's , Ati N 16tU St. , Is the. nicest net for the money In the city. 471 27 PEHSONAI.-Heyn's latest views of Omnlm , Including. 'nil principle bulldlnps.lilrd's e > e view s shoxx Ing the city to the best advantage for sale at Hex n'a gallery und Caulileld'H book store. b'JO d 24 I -A gentlfmRnof2 with good nd- Jdress nnd prosperous business- , desires to correspond xvlth a lady ot culture not over SB. with menus. Object matrimony.All icplles tri-.utd with greatest ronndence , and n'turned Itiltalred. AddreaaQgU lice olllce. 'MW PF.HSONAL Prlxnto home for Hdies during routlnemcnt , strictly confidential , Infnnts adopted. Address K 4- lied office. 107 n8 IIOFESSIONAL Nurse. Mrs. Peterson , 8711 Ohio it. una u 4 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. G1T ! married , comu to us nnd x\o wlll fll"yoi ! n home completely furnlnhed all on easy monthly paruenta. H.E. Cole , aia 8.11111.1111 stairs. &it i TYPEWUITEIW ? bought iuid noltl on commis. * lon. Shorthand and typewriting work done. Address J , Henry Wood , 7J Puclll reet , OuiiiUa. TelcpUouo70j. VHaloj TjlOltPALE Tlirce bllllnnl nnd fwojioolta- JJ bles , cheap. Noson , 1015 Farnainht. C04a T71OH SA LKLaiijc restaurant range nnd store JL ? w Indow fdiaill-s , ; * 4 S. Iftll st. 8W 28 KOt'SES-Cvmplelely furnl hed on rnsy monthly iiuyment . II. E , Coif , am i ? . 1.1th . , up stairs. W4 1 fjXH ) SALE-Catle2li ( ; ( ) head. 100 x curlings , W JtvvoM < ar-oIiK W ) tinci'-j ear olds ; all good guide short Imrnsl Address Geoigo F. Stexer , Falrlleld , low a , Ikw 27s. M' 4J JJl'tl Dogs lT > r MiTe-Fine F.ngllst , pugs and Italian gii-xhinind jiupples for Mile. For prices and description address Ilex 2A ( Tojieka , Kansas , Ml 4 * TTIOH SALE-etenograph , slightly ti eilT Ad JJ dress A. Kettler , 1UIU Dodge. U.M,2s * ii1JTi ( SATill- gJixrsaddlo and buggyTioi so" L ] ImiUlreJJ M N llllh. .107 28 * B1LLAHD Table nt half price , llrunsxxlck Ilnlke Co.'s make , liumli ? Leslie A Leslie , lull and Dodge sts. 21(1 ( FOH SALE Or hade horse , buirgy nnd har ness , standing desk nnd stool , hard coal stoxo. Will Mill cheap or Hade for pioperty 01 piipe-r. Alex G. Cliiirlton , McCaguo llros , opp , OHGANS at wholesale price * , on easy pay- ments. Nexv Yoik Piano Co , cor Capitol nvonml Mill st. TIKI. FOR RENT-HOUSES. Ft'HNiTI'HEnndletise of 17-room bontdlng house at half the xxoith of the lumltui0,1110 Capitol ax e. 021 29 * FOH HKNT I louse , 2110 Harney bt , $ .10 per month. Inquire at engineer's olljte , Came Ttnmvvay , comer 20th and llamey sts. Wl : w * FOH HENT-Large hotel In this city , lent $ li1 per month. Fumlture at a bin gain. It Is paving xxell nud paitles desiring such an oppoi- Utility xxlll do xxell to call nnd sue us. Co-opei- utlxo Land and Lot Co. , 20.1 N. 10th st. KMtf ) . . HENT House ot ft looms , $11 po r month cor. dtti and Illekoiy. r > ! ( ! 2S FOH HENT One nexv Dionm house xxlth bam , on Giant at. bet 20th and 21st , south front , $41. 11-ioom house No. nil ) N IDtli St. , MO. 10-ioom house S 10th st , $ .10. . I ) room cottage xxlth bam , 2l t nnd Ohio , MS. Nason , 1(111 ( Farnam. Wfl ; F I OH HENT-n-room cottage , ( ill ! N. 17th. Hef- erence lequlied. Iniiulie 220s Hint. IM2U * FFOIl FOIl HUNT 8 room house , gas , haul and soft wateiU17N.litli ! st. Apply at Ull NI'HIi. ' TTlOlt Itr.XT- . II. Cole. : il ( > S. r.tli. . up-talrs. X1 11 looms Donas and 11th. $15. 10 rooms Hint and " 8th , W > . 10 rooms Clink and | sth , * 50. 10 looms Oiant and -1st. $41) ) . 10 rooms Chillies and 17th , $41. 10 rooms Tainani and "Ith , $70. 10looms Mt Pleasant and Jath , fumblied.baui . $ in rooms Chailes nnd Isth. J30. 10 looms Ohio nud 17th , MO. 10 looms Unit nnd Isth , JIB. 10 looms unit Isth , Va. 10 looms ( linnt ami Sd ! , KK. 10 looms Ohio nnd 171 h. $10. 10 looms ( limit nndJlst , } IO , 10 looms Corby nnd 17th , # 10. , H looms Pncille nnd IWd , barn. $10. H looms Lincoln I'lnce , barn , $ SO. 8 rooms Sherman ax o , $40 8 rooms Chicago and 'nd , JVi. 7 looms St. Mary's ax-e and Ski , $10. 7 looms Irani and Sid , Ki'i. (1 ( looms lluidette nnd L 7tli , t.'i ) . 11 looms Ppiuco and 10th. S.U looms WiilniU Hill , ? li * . fl iooms Caldwell nnd Sith , 135. (1 ( looms Maicy and ' > . $3) . li looms Sewnid and "lth. f8. ! 5 looms Omaha View , 18 , 5 looms Parker and'-'Hth , $10. 5 moms Charle * mid notli. M. 5 looms , ilamUton and Mtli , 110. n looms , O rant and 21st , $20. " > rooms , Chniles and 20th , iMi > . 4 looms , Illckory nnd llth. f5. 4 looms , ( Jnxnt and ? ld , $2T > . 4 looms , Le.lvenworth and Sid , O. .1 looms , I'raukllnandaoth , J8. 2 looms , Jones Hlid24th , $111. 2 looms , Wtlister and lllth. 118. 2 looms , Lake ane llitli , f I. . Many of abox-o Ilax e all modem conx'enlences. Also a laige list of rurnlslied looms from $ "i to $10 each. H. K. Cole , Illtl S 11th , up stairs , ( KM ilOH HKNTf-Cottago ith : ! i c-oins and cellar , ' J J per month/JOth nnd Decatur sts. . No. KM MO JO * TjlOIl linXT A new hou-e of 8 looms , will JJ wnterund se.wcr.igo and all modern eon \eiilences ; foi.lnoninitloil , luqlihe of I'atiUl roul , IU01 Davenport st. BIB gi' 4 HOOMS , t llai and xxell , 1 imikllii st..110.00 ' 4 " " Dearboin st . . 1000 4 " " " 1'iunkUn St. . . . 12IK ; r. " ' " " . . . . 1.1 ( H n " " " No.SOthst 1H ( 0 " " " lliirdette st . . 20(10 ( (1 ( " cellar , city xvnter. No. 2sth st 22 ui 7 ' Miami st SHO 7 " cellar , well.Hstern. No. 27th tr. . . 2.100 H " bath , gas , watei , Colby st : no 7 ' ' Unit st U.-iOO " " " " . II C.rantst 40(10 ( 10 " nil conx-cnlences , Heward Jilrt ) 10 " " Woolxxottli . . . . MMW 10 " nnd bath In block of .1 housecor ner1 Woolwoith and ilOth , nirmice , city xxater , gns , speaking tubes , \ call new and xx ell built , only 1 blk liom 2 car lines 4100 K. 1 , , ( liegoiy , lental ngt , 30 ! ) bo. 10 st. 4J4 Arorit-room , xxell fumlslied house onVli- glnla axe. , 4 block south of Leavcnxxorth. VMM lent cheap to slugle couple. Inqulruat Jacob U. Tioleli Co,270 ! ) Lcaxeuworth street. 4J.1 28 TjlOH HENT 1'lx u room house corner of 20th X ! and bpnu e streets , JMI per month. Vix e room house' near cornel of Grace find Saumleis , JS1 per month. Good live loom house In Omaha View , $15 per month. Potter & Cobb , 1001 Farnam St. , Hoard of Trade llullding. 1U)2 ! ) "C1O11 itUNT 8 room house , corner IMh nnd -C Jones , or npply to A. C. Powell , 1D05 rarnam flOU KK.NT A nicely fuinlshed cottngo to party xx ho will board gentleman and xxlfe , 1124 N. 25th street. 41827 * T71OIIHKNT 10-i-ooin house on Doilge.nenr 17th X1 st. , $1)0 , fnrnltmo W.V ) ; 4-room house on 17th St.1 > . furniture MIX ) ; 0 boarding houses all centrally located , Co-operatlxo Land & Lot Co. , 205 N. Kith st. 44127 FOH HUNT Harn suitable for four (4) ( ) horses , corner of 7th and Facitlc bts. Apply , ! Htl South 15th blieet. Ml FOH HKNT Cheujieight-room house' , bain , tlstein and xxell , t block fiom .street cnu north. J. Kendls , 14K ! S. Hth. Xf ! 2-f TT10II HKNT NoxvB-rooin Cause J220 Chicago JL bt. All modern conveniences. Flvo-room honse H. i . cor. 27th and JJodge. J. It. Hlngxx alt , 21h S. IMh at. SCI TilOH HENT 8 elegant brick residences xxlth JL' all modem improvements , 12 and 14 looms each , pleasant nnd convenient location. O. 1' . Dax Is company , 1602 Farnam st. 1U FOH HENT 8-room house , HOrt S 2.1th avenue , 1 block south of Leavenxx orth , J , D. Coxx Ie , ut Falconer's. ini2 TTIOH HENT 0-rooiji < ioii8e n xv cor. Sexxard JC und 27th sis. VJ TTIOH I'.UNT 2 nexxhandsome. 0 loom collages * Veil , cisterns , etc.7 ! per month \K \ > \ and Citllforuiu. A. C. Wakeioj , Omului Nail bank bid. OU7 ) H HENT-Houso 11 rooms. W. JI. Hush- man , N K corner 16th and Douglas. MO FOH HFNT-rJi Bouses and four rooms. En- ijiilre of ( luunlnnhum \ Iler.rooms o nnd 7. Arlington blo k.J il and 1I3 | ledge at. &VI ijjPuom liousoroar-.17ll louilas , llUiierniontlJiiHot buiiaulo for Uousekccp- Ing. Apply EOJt TlF.NTv. 't l6ni cottage , 1120 N 21st. at. Apply aiBtfjJttfst- IK ) OH JlKNTmrffttlcndlit now house cor 2 list and ( iraaUit' ' Cooiua and bathroom and all modern conx unlejR-es. Apply early , Spotsxx oed , U05j [ S Kith , u I IT JvJ7 TT10H HENT-Nl * nexx fi room house lu Ileil JL' ford I'Uct/Qania early , Sliotsxxood , aiv 15 a. loth m. i > / OH lU'.NTr.SrH-vr.j nexv 7 room nouses blot k froiutn > t car , ready for occupancy November 1 < t ; llairlaotl 418 H. 15th t. U.U AGENCIES Fit. nmUJOHV ; rental nuent , 3098. Iflth kt. , Kround lloor. Telephone Ml. 4S4 1 , 1ST house H , furnlMied nnil unfurnlHlicd J rooms 1th us.Vo xxlll rent them. Office enlllKS. H. K. Cole 1110 8. 15th St. ICJ3 TOH HKNT-lf you xx ish to rent ahoubO cull -L on lltnaxxai Co , 15th St. , opposlta 1' . O.cull FOR RENT-ROOMS FURNISHED. OH lUINT-TvsT ) ImndsoinHjfunilshed r < ) ni3 in brick renldence , isteani heat > loll Ml in ) * _ FOH HUNT -Four eleirant rooms , nil model u conx enlence * . 1702V ebstel bt. J TTIOH HiNT-Furmslied : rooms. 2209 Dodge , TTIOH KENT Nice furnished rooins , lonnodce. _ fc K > M' FOH ( HINT Furnlshfd 'room , xxltli or xxltln out board. 20t : Capitol ux'e , WT i * " 171011 HKNT Nicely furnished front room , JL1 xx aimed anil lighted. Filco > cry reason * abie. 2210 Cap , ax p. 6lfl d2 TT1OH HKNT-Double parlors finely furnished. JL1 suitable for gentleman and xxlfe , gas , bath , fire and board , rentnillv located on tnr Un" . Comfoi table xx Inter iittaiters. Inquire1 l-'l N 17th stcor 17th and Cass. , Vt ) 2s * TiU'KNISIIKD fiont room for gentlemen. 1 JL blocks from F. O , ; all conxcnleiues. SM X , 17lh st. W"dl * FOH HKNT Nicely furnished loom suitable for2 geiitleniuu , Intiulre2011 St. Mary's avo. OH HKNT Nlcelv fuiiiUhed. rooms M modern liuproxements xxlth tlrst-class iMinrd If deMlcd. Mis. Will. Vouilg , 2201) ) Doilgl is st. 4'lidlJ ' TfH'H KENT -Fleasaiit looms , ; IC20 J ? Cuss. IgllJ * ITIOII HKNT I'lensniit fninlshed loom , cheap. L1 deferences U'tmlitd , 11)10 ) Webster st , T71OH HP.XT rurnlshed and unfurnished J looms , from $0 to $10 per month. IE ! I N. ! Mtti. "TTlOll UKXT-l ill nlslied rooms 1211 Douulas. X1 374 * IlKNT rmnlshed looms ; pas , fuinaco hcut , modem convenience * , HL'l rurmun. : w ) _ IJlOlt lir.NT-Two fuinlslied roonm. 1017 How- -U ard st , , with boald If desired , lleferences required , Wtt 6 It lliXT- : Nicely furnished ftont or other rooms at10 I'm mini street. 4i'yt * r ; ! ) rooms wltn boaul , l'W Knnmm , ' Oil IlKNT U furnished looms suitable for llRht housekeeping ; also I loom suitable. for two Ri'iitlemen. IWi Duxenpoitst. 4 IKtij 1JOOM and bonid for two ortliieejouiiR ladles IV or two or tlueo youiiR Rentlemen wheio lionie comforts can be enjojed ; w cot sllst and Le.ixenworth sts. 3"i4 ai * 1OOMS for lent. No , Ml S lith st. IV ; FOR IlENT-Nlrelv fmnlshed rooms at L"\ DoilRC. Oas , bath and GJ "I71OU HHNT A larRoand pleasant room.nlcely J- ' furnished , foi twooi tlueo gentlemen , w" 'j. 1.1th st. Inquire up stalls. 57 DES1HAIII.E Hoonis xxell tuinlshed. teims reasonable , one block fiom F. U , 110.1 Capitol FOIt HUNT ' ; nlte tiont ioom , In single 01 Milte , xx 1th modem ( onxenlences , toi 1 01 "gintlemen. Cor , St.Maiy'u axe. and 20lh bt. , 11 020 S. 20tll. 4i'l. ' 'IMVO likely fumlslied looms , slngleoren sullo 1. 2 blocks south U. P.depot , 111. S. 8th stieet. 47729' FOH HKNT Fin nlshed rooms xx 1th or xx Ithout boaid. ( las , b.ith. 21.1S. 21th ht. 4M 2 CjU'HMbllKI ) looms , Ulaige and 1 small. $10 JD and J,1 per month. 811 N. 17th t. 371-2SJ r\KSlHAHLK loom , HttJ Dodge. 351 30 * I1OH HENT Tlueo furnished and one unfui- nlshed looms , xslth bay window , fuiii.iie , bath nnd gns , enst fiont , at it.'s s. 17th st. .110 FOH HENT Furnished rooms , pilx-ate fam ily , 51,1 Pleasant st. 444 d I * FOH HENT Neatly fumlslied rooms , heated 2LK1 Farnam. 412dt ! FOH HENT A handsome south front , bay xx Indoxv room , modem : suit- nblo for txxo Rentlemen , 2212 Famnm. 870 "ITIOH HENT Small loom , steam heat , for gen- Ji' tlemaii , 1J1 Davenport st , 1211 FO HENT ( mnlstieil room : modem lui < l rex ements , table board , 1718 Dodge st. IHJ12 OO.MS ; also table boaid , I'.WI ' I'lirnam. t MX ) d 10J LAHGE south trout room , all modem conxen- leiices , suitable for txxo gentlemen ; also Irst-class table boaid for three or lour ; refer- ; hces. 1814Dodgo8t. 70 * FH HENT-Nlcely furnished ! modern conveniences. Enu.uliol ! > 2l Dodge bt. tVHI FOH HF.NT Fmnlilicd loom In prlx-ato fanv lly to a single gentleman ; apply 1711 Chicago cage st. t ) S 28 * 10H HKNT-Furnlihed looms , 1810 Dodge st , 102 N JU POK HKNT HooniH , single nnd en sultp , good piano for sale , Jllli , litJl Farnam bt , ALOVELl" , largo front room heated , beauti ful location , with all modem conveniences on t-t car line , 1H17 Cass. JIB FOH HUNT Furnished looms in ( Jieunlgblk , cor. Hth and Dodge bts. Inquire of Cleo. H. Dax Is , Mllhud hotel blllluid room. VI2 FOH HENT Single rooms , xxell furnished furnace heat , gas and bath. 2425 Dodge st. UW-dlJ EOH HENT-Two comfoit.ible well furnished looms xxlth board If desired , pilvato family. Heferenco deslied. Apply S. E. cor , 2th ( ) and Famunibtis. U70-dlj 710H KENT Six nicely new furnished rooms - All inodern Impiuveuients. l.tlDax en- imrt. 2RJ-2S * . "HTOH HENT One huge , well fmhlshed front J room with all ox e bay xx Indoxv and closet , gns , bath , hot and cold xx nter on xnme Hoer , fur nace heat , for 2 gentlemen or man and xxlfe , 207 S. 21th bet. Farnam nud Douglas. $ J2 per month. 4K1-26J FUJiNIBHKO rooms , steam heat , 201 8.24th. 110 din TTiOH HKNT Pleasantest new furnished nnd J-1 cheapest looms In prlx-nte house In Uty. All conxenlences. Near business. , 101J Capitol axe. 247 d 21J "VTICKfjV furnished nlcox-o nnd single rooms , JL. > and furiilturu nexv. Mrs. Ilnrber , H12N. 10th Bt. 108 d 17J FOH HUNT Furnished rooms , fuiniue. bath nnd gas. N. bidu of Ieaxenx\oith st. bet , 7th and 18th. 417 2J HKNT-Hooms ; 1C2 ! ) Dodje. TTOH lir.NTr.irnlbhed looms JK ) per month J-1 , orcls.nbcdsfttl.00tojl.ttper xxeek. TO2 HO. : ? tn. RMiinj FOH HF.NT Furnished looms , also table boaid if desired , 11)11 ) Fartuim st. 440 d 2 * FOH HUNT Furnlnhed looms In all parts of the city , by the day , week or month. City Intelligence olllte , Cielghton block. 16,1 FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. H HKNT J big rooms utNo. Ull Spinco st. rai FOH lir.NT-Pittlns room and bed room. Closet and other conenlcnces. . 2.124 Dong * las tH. PIVH iinfiirnlshed looms for init , old llioxxnellhall. Nw 2s * FOH HF.NT Iarmfirnt room nnfurnlshnd. 1721 IxMVcmxorth st. 4 2 J TilOll HINT : Three looms suitable for IIOUBC- X1 keepliiK , llth aud Chicago f > U. For colored people. 182 Foil HKNT Three unfurnished rooms , suit able for housekeeping , at 1024 Nurth 21st st , ISO POH HKNT 3 unfurnished rooms Biittublofor housekeeping , Mil N 20th Rt. liM FOK HKNT Four (4) ( ) unfurnished rooms , 410 ( ninth 18th bt. , containing all modern con veniences. 641 Tf/'OH HKNT Onn single nnd 2 double rooms JLA fronting on Irlth t , suitable for olllu' , lixlg- Ing or light housekeeping , Inquire at aiO S. ICth street Hoard of Trade. frffi FH HKNT 3 looms sultablo for house keep- Inc. N. \ \ * . cor. llth and I'lerco bt. Apply to.lHIS. 1.1th Bt. aw EOH HKNT . ' 1 unfurnished rooms suitable for hou&ekeepliiK , 1112 S , 7 th bt. 24H FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. Shop on 11th St. , three > enr'a lease , f.1 per month. A bonanza In tlin burlier line. Co-opuratlx'o hand \ Lot Co. , 20.1 N. ibtli st. _ ; 44128 TTIO H HENT-Ptore 1007 Famnm , % xlth 7 rooms. JU ddress lUOl'aik ave. Sr-'i'iJ FOH HKNT llrlck warehouse. 44x120,2 stories hluh banemunt , bldutrack at rear on l.eux'- I'lixxortU ttnd 13th bt. A. U. I'oxxull , 1.V35 Fnrnum. TTIOH HKNT Tlireo-storj' anil basement brkk J. hulldlm ; , 4lx l feet , hiiitablo for u hotel or stores and Hats , comer l.Jtu uud I'ueltlc sts. An- plyat HUH. 13th 81 _ Kit BAKKH nnd Confectioner xx-antlnB to open n btore. In Kond location eliouHl xx rite or call on me. Mrgo nexv store-room xxltli icllar , gas nud city xxaler. Cneap rent. K. L. Urcgoiy , Hentul Agt. , 009 3. ICth Bt. .lit ) TT10H HKNT-Storo 22xM. nil Improvements , JC riHi fcf , f 41 ; One basement , 22xli ) , for rc . tuurant , HI ; it-room Hat , near IIUK JIWIR , modern eonveuivucvii , 'lUom oji , 914 g , jotli B ( . Ui F > H HKNT Oround Moor otnro room , cen trally located , heated and lighted. C. F , HnrrMon. 418 S. llth st. 719 POH HKNT 2nd nnd ! M lloorsat HI7 Donclm st. , xx-lth leaseof three jcur * . Kennedy A Ulliblii' , 1 Ml Douglas st. 707 1.1 AHDxVAHK storeroom for rent on Fark .II nve. New bulldlin ; . City xxaler and gas. F. I , . ( Iregoiy , Hontal Agt. , yuus. loth st. lilOll lll'.NT-Olllces on 1'nrnam st. nt JK ) to J.M JL1 tier month. One oillco furnished. Hll'J Km- num. * INS FOH KKNT-Omco tooni , llrst iloor , atnirtS. IMImt. 441 I 1ll ( ) HUNT ll.i ement. itores and lints , tor. 1 lUlinndJacksmi. limnilie.Mrs * P. Lunge. SITUATIONS WANTED. \VAXTr.l ) Sltuntlon by a Dane , wheio lie run woikmoinliiKs and e\enlniH foi fils bo.ud HlidKo to school , no oIlUo fee , r.iiUiloyment olllce , Telo , S l. ! O ) tf " \ \ rANTKDSitnation as coachman or to xxork TT niouiid hole-sale house , expcilcnced and has good leferences. No olllce lee. Caundliin Kmp. olllce , Mis. llieja ; A. Son , ,11(1 ( S. lltli , teltel 4V 2" " . ' * " \\rANTKD lly boy of nineteen place to x\mk TT for bo.ud and goto school. Addiess O 41 llt-o. 4'I12JJ ' \\rANTF.D- Situation by a man , middle aged , TT haxlntr had about sex enteen j eats eiper- IcniH lu the hnuUxnrebusiness. Agoodstoxe man nud a tinner besides , Is optii for eiuagement. Can furnish the xeiy best of referente. No objection to ti.ixellng. Addicts US ) , llee. 4Mll ! * A8110HTIIAND limn , many > enis experience , wants a teed job. Tj IIOH rlter fuinlslied. Ues.U)24 Ike. ilTW dl of long expfrlenip In bust- ness xxouid llkn M take u sltuable. iiosltlon In a holesaltf or ninnufacturlng establishment .Inmi.irv 1st pioFltsltlasi refeielite * . Ad- tliess until Dec. 1st. M. 4 , llee. UM M to do disssmalt- W IIIR In families. AddsussOft. llee. gfi < J " \\AANTKD Ily.ouiin man , position In olllce f orhtorc ; imderstaiid1 ? oillco work and has had sex era ! j ears' e.\i > tlence as In Veneral nidse. ; tan furnish good lefeieiues. Ad dress M ; - ' , Hee ollke. 11 \\rANTr.D-lly a jounc Indy of expellence. > > position as book-ki epei , nishiei ot neneial oniiuwoik , or would aciept iKisltlon as sales , lady ran tinnish Rood Llt > lUlcieiRes. Addieas , Ikeollice. 2fi STORAGE. Ti\V : YOItK Stoinue Co. Imxe most extenslvi ! > facilities foi tton\Ke of furniture , pianos , iiKKles , Relictnl nieichnndlse , west of Nnw Yoik. Cash ad\nines to tiny amount ; waro- 'louso lecclpts Rlxen ; Roods Insured ; brick .itnldlnB tiro-proof ; arramtements foi oinmlsslaii meicliunts. Call New Voik StoniRe Co , Capitol avu nnd N , 15th t , llennett's block. 75'J miltST-CLASS btorago ut 110 N. Milt st. .n Merchandise or fmnlture. Little i. Williams , 1407 DoiiRlas st. NR ICT 8TOIIAOK 1'urnlture. boxed goods , ctc..tei ins leaboimble. 714 I'liclHc. VH FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. Foil SALK-Ileal estate , houses and fuinltuii : eonipletu on easy monthly payments. II , K , Cole , aid H. Ifith , up stairs. K4 ! 1 ilOK SALE-HSlOlotsS. Omaha , llaiber , N W. comer of 13th nnd Williams. .CM 21) ) * TJIOH 8AI1E Two east fionts ono mile fiom X ? postolTlce. Just oil of Cumins , on Montana st. ; lots TO and W , Nelson's add line place for > I"lints ; " high , dry , healthy , and nt loxv llg- lie. A. I1. Tukey , 1.K1 Karnum st. 207 $ SOUOOOcosh xxanted in u tv > OOP deal : some of Omaha's best lenity ; object , cash : xxlll yield huge prollt. Address 0.1 lice. 277 d20 * \17HY pay rent xx hen you can buy a furnished T house on n nlin largo lot , MX till. In the finest resilience part of Omaha , near thu stieet cars and within one block of xx here the Metro politan cable xx 111 urn , by paj Ing a small sum : loxx n and the balance monthly. Address O IP , llee. 357 I OH SALE We offer as a special baigalll l ) neres of land four miles from stock y.u ( UI per ncie , on line of U. P , H. H. McCug' ' Opp. P. O. 1114 IN South Omaha. Ihnxo for sale n lot xxlth two houses for ? 1WW xxhlch payj over IT' ) er cent , xxlthln ten minute i xxalk of Ai mourn und Few lei's packing hoiisi s. Oxxnei out of the city. D. D. Smeiiton , Hrtl Dodge st. 12U 1ST your property for siilo xxlth ClnulesC. od.iiai'i ' S ICth _ HOI'SE FOH SALE-OnlMh , bi-twien Cnpltol uxe. und Dodge. Must bo sold at time Apply at 11ion , Hi-ed \ Co.'s. 25U rTlllOMPPON , Iteal F.state , 311 S. 15th St. , oilcis Jl the follow Ing genuine hatgalns : Full lot In Hanscom Place $ 1,001 Elegant place forhome , flouting Hanscom Park 1,1)00 ) ft feet on Saundeis St. , near Guice . ( iWO Lot on Fainamst. , ( paxed ) near 'lltli , pel- foot . . . . Desirable lot in Kilby Placi 1 , . Ono lot In Patrick's Sui atoga add HKl 100 feet fiontagc , neai Ilarneyand27th . tOK Fine tiackas-'i ! lot In city for sale or lease , cheap. Ixit near park in South Omaha Syndicate "M Propel ty In all parts of Omaha and Soutli Omaha. 2 9 pioporty for sale : We now oiler CENTHAL on reasonable pax ments the folio w Ing list of Inside property and ask lux esters or those de siting to build to glxe u a cull and let us sUu' you these. lots. * * 8 feet Farnam st. , near 10th street. $700 pel- foot. foot.M M feet Fainaiu st. , near 20th stieet , { .150 per foot. 88 feet Farnsni st. , near 20th htrect , with gooil house , $ .175 per foot. ft ! feet cor Capitol ax o and llth st , fclO per foot 'I lie abox e are all stilctly prime business prop- ei t\ ' . tWo Wo hax o also on hnnd several lots. On Saundei-s HI at lor fu ) to $100 pel fiont foot. On .State st at $2.1 per fiont loot. In Ctttalpaplain JI.200 to $1HJOpel lot. InMjers , Hlchaid&Tllden'sad , tiOttto $1,000 pei lot. In Fairmont place $1,000 to Jl.nOOper lot. O. H. & T. Co. 1101 Fariuni HI. 411 fFyou hax o anj.tliliiK to sell or exchange list Lit with C. C. Spotswood , ! UV , { 8 Kith. Hit [ 710IC SAMl-Lot n block 8 , A. S. Patllck's ad L1 eltlmi , xx ill sell for few dnvs at 41,0.10. 473-1 cash , Ijalam o easy. M 37 lieu olllcii. ! iS7 FOH SALF. Lookl iok ! Ixt3. blk 4- ! ) < ) x on Cass between 2'nd : andSM sts. Only $5Mio. $ Jt"iO cash. A bargain , nnd no mistake. KluxlVi east front corner , on "Mh and Jones sts. , just south of the line residences of Easson , llraily and others. Can sell this. If taken at oni < ! for $5,0110. An elegant icsidencii comei , Nothing In the xlclnlty so cheap. M. A.Upton & Co . I cili st. . oim chamber of Commoice. 18.1 1OH SALE-Lot2 , block h , E.V. Smltll' , $7r)0l ) , . . Lots 7 and h , bloik ' . ' , Isanc .1 Selden's , $0,000 , Lot 0 , bloclc 8 , Isaac belden's , f-.UOO , cash $ K ) . l.otK ! , Sunnyslde , f'J.VlO , casli 1100. nnlanco easy , Lot 17 , Snnnyslo > , fJ.lOO , cash $6.riO. Ilalnnco easy. Lots 2 and 21) ) , Sunnyhlde , } ,000 fat both ; cash ' hlock 2 , Mycist , HlcharJs & Tllden's , WttX ) ; cash $2.000. Lot 7. bU ck 21 , Kountze Place. $ . ! , MO ; rash Lotl'J , block 2 , 1'ottci'H addition , $1,4r > 0 ; c.isli Nine-loom house on.Popploton axe. betxx-peu Virginia nnd Geoiglnaxes , with till modern con venience. Pi Ice JH.2.VI ; terms easy. Lot 2 , block 77 , South Omulm , $4r > 00 , cash > i , bnl easy. lotlO. block 79 , South Omaha , $4,500 , cash M , bal ensy. Jot 8 , block 74. South Omnhn , H.WO. Lot 1. block 2. Hrat ndd'n South Omnhn. K.ora , cash M , 1ml ensj' . Ix > t 2 , block 7 , Filst add'n Soutli , cash * i , bal ensy. Lot 12 , block f. First ndd'n South Omnlia , il.Mw , c.isli JMH ) , bal easy. Lot 4. block 7. 1'list ndd'n South Omaha , II , y > . cash J'W ) . bal easy. Lot 1 , block 2 , I'lrst add'n South Omnlm , . ' , SU ( ) . cash H. bal easy. Lot ll.blorkH , I'll stndiVn South Omaha , } l,80n , cash tl , WO , bal ensy. Lots : i and 0 blk I .letters add , ? 1.500 c-nch.bulld- IIIR on lot II icnts , foi | " " > per month , and on lot fi for $21 per month , llnslnphs location. The north W ) feet of lots and 'J blk 1 Jotter's ndd , 1.250. < nsh ifrtOO. Good lota within n fflxv block ! ! of Sw Itt'B POCKIng - Ing house , $110 each. Nineteen and ono-thlld nrrcs joining I'nlon Stock vinds Co.'s pi mind on the Miiith. with inia : fK-tuackag on I'nlon Paclllc tiaik. Pikn V > , W)0 ) per acre. Will sell in Hiunllcr trndh If puichuv usdestie' Call for terms. Lots in nil tlin l | st additions to South Omnlia fornne ! , nnduciopiopeity neat South Oniahn , infltt * . ten , ( llfteiiiortwinty unn 1 1 aits for bale or trade for Insldo pi opei * y * mi nnimlnwd. Potter 4. Cobb , Iwl larniniht , lloaidof 'I'rado ImUdliiR. _ 4 IJM _ "IJ10H SALI'-tlest xxllolt i4'e ' traclapa pi nrty X1 | aOmaU ; f < mr full IvU. two of them xxltl ) C9ir. I5 xlth tracl : li ) alley. All on giade. strait cars , water , K.W , and sewerage connectloiiK. V ; ryOi slralile nnd cheap. 'A. I1. Tukov. Itil > 'uiuwuist , - TTIOH SALE-Flnest location for K homo II JL ; West Omnlm , adjoining c the mansion liomoi of Klrkendiill , Coe , 1 Irmly , Kasmm and others. Nothing liner In the city , Ciu so 1 KWxlST or less ; for price ) nnd terms sea S. A , Slonnui , 1301 Farnam st. TJA j SALK-IKlncre ( of land four miles from 1iitockyaids , at tlil pet ticies this Is n bar gain , McCague , Opp. P.O. ! T SALE -A tt feet ) on Park nr- 1 enue. lo pilcelf soldsoou. McCulloch A Co. , cor llth and Faruam. ; U1 TjAOHSALE A Mtnlsiied I Hat of u rooms xvttli I ? Kteiim nnd bath , central ) ' located. Call. 223 Ninth 14th. 810. $ U 1 cash w III net-ill on Rood li ncres of faim land In northeastern Nebraska. The O. F. Dax Is Company , IVfi Farnam st , I'-M d 1 EM M'lCKNEY ACO. . ninkn a specialty ot properly In N orth Omaha , for siilo or lent at Cltlens' bank. 2UH Cumlng st , Wl rilllOMPSON. 311 S. 15th st. . buxs and sells rea J- estate , loans tuonex' , purchases ! > eeurltlos | has a good list of propel tj for sale nnd xriiuU nipiu. Not i y public. K" > 4 I71OH SALE- Lots In Lincoln Place , fronllng . ' on tin ) Mettopolltan table , $ U ) each , h cash. Corner lot on Lo\xo axenuo nnd .California cable line , Jl.TMi , S cash. Somecholcelots In West CumlliKnddttloil.sOO to $1,2(10 , tasytetms. These lots are tinor nenr the cabin now being built on California st , Iluy mm nt old prlii'i. A Hue business coiner nt 10th and Douglas , WO.lw. v , i ash. Acres in Solomon's ndd , $ < xl. fJM onsh. Acres 111bpilug Yalle ) with tiackuge , $100 , ! > cash , I/it In Iiolieck's sub , near South Omaha , .on N. W. Ity , SAHI each , Ki cash. These nn the t heapesi oireilngs In their lesprctlxo neighbor hoods. MaishnlKV I/obcck , IIMIIII t' ' , chnmberof coiumeice. 454 GEOHGF M. ti ! > oper , IMn Famnm , lenl cstnto loins , and lentals. f . ' .MHi cash to loan , 1st moitgage. Corner I In 3 , Konntro1 * 4th. cash. $1,500. ( l.nOO. Comer8 In 11 , Heed's lint , W insli , V\0iO. ( Nine and ten , llurdettu eouit , for both , $1,400. Eleven (11) ( ) 111 < U : lledloid , ' ; cash , $1.0I I. House and lot In Daxenport sub.ll.COO cash , I4.NX ) . Coiner , blk fiom Saundeis , A. S. Patrick II.NM. l/ > t 20 In n. On hard Hill. MO ctixli. $ ! M. Lot 11 In 3. Hlchmond , on Liuixenxxorth , $800. Illchmond lots $4-Vl to$7HO ; one-llfth cash. Tableland lots f-tXI to UK ) ; one-tenth tash. Special Indiiremenls to miinufactuieis , und trackage facilities fuinlshed to lixate. List join tiiopeity with me , and houses for lent \xanted. George M. Cooper , sole agent , IWW Fninntn. 440 d 1 wim is WIAK : , NKUVOVN , TKI > , xvholnhliiFOI.I.VaniliaNOIIANI'R Imi TKIFI.F.II nxvny liln VIOOlt of ItUDV , drains upon the FOTNTAINN of I.IFE , KEAUAUIIE. BACKACHE , Dreadful Dreams , WEAKNP.NN of Memory , I1ANH. rUI.NEHHlll NOnr.TY. IJHPI.ENUpon the FACE , and nil the EFFEtTTH I cad Ing to EAniiY I > K 'AYruid perhaps VONNUMP- TION or INSANITY , should consult at once the rEI.EIIUATEU Dr. Clarke , KHabllshod 1RM. Dr Clarke has mnde NF.RVOVN ME- niMTY. 'IIItONI4) ) nnd all Diseases of he UE.MTO I1KI.VAKY Organs a Life Study. It uinkcs N4 > dlUcrenco WHAT yea iavc taken or WHO has failed to cure you. * -FEMAI.K.SmiIerltis fro in diseases pecu- lar to their nox cnn consult xvltli the assurance if ipocdy relief and cure. Scud 2 cents postage br xxorki on your diseases. 43-Rcnd 4 cents pontage for IVIcbrnt * * ! Work * on Chronic , Ncrioim and Dcll < raJe Diseases Consultation , iicreonally or by otter , rriConsult the olil IHirlor. lliounniidw ourril. onicrMnnd nnrlom ! > rl\nt < * . a-'lhoso contcuiplntliiB Mnrrlnge cnil for Or. 'lavlie > celebrated guldo Wnlo nnd Fcninlp , each 15c. , both 2Ao. stamps ) . Itcfore ciinflnlng your case , consult l > r. CI.AItHi : . A friendly letter or call may < ave future. stitTcrlng nnd slmino , and add golden years to life. A r-Book " I.ITo'si ( Secret ) I'.r- rorN , " Me. ( stamps ) . Medlclno and XTrltlngs sent ercrywlicrc , pccuro from < > xioi Hours , 8 to 8 ; Sundnjs , 9tol2. Address , P. D. CLARKE , M. D. 180 So. Clark St. . CHICAGO , ILL. TUB OF TUB Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y. ' The Hcst Route from Omulm aud Council nitilTs io TWO 'UtAINS UAIIiV UUTWHIIN OMA1IA AN COUNCIL 1U.U1K3 Chicngo , Mllnnukce , St. 1'atil , MlnitRapolls , Cednr Ilnplds , [ lock Island ) Freeport , Hockford , Clinton , Dulinquc , Elgin , Madison , JnncsYillc , Bclolt , \ \ Inuna , La G'rossc , Anil all other Iqpcrtant points E it , Northeast mad Houtbcast. Tor thronsli tickets cull on tlin ticket Njont t 1101 r rn tu Btreot , In 1'uxton Hotel , or at Uulou I'aclHa Drnnt- I'ullman Sleepers nnd tlia flnoit Plnlnp Onrs In the world UFO run nil the ronln Una o ! the l.hlrngo , Milwaukee - wauke-o A t-t. Puul Itnllwuy. and uvurjr attcutlnn U paid to pasui'DRcrs by conrieous cuiplorcs of tbo oompanr. H. vir.I'Ktt , rinneral Manager. J. K. TIJCKI'.H , Asilstnnt Urncnt Minuter. A. V. . It. CAIU'KMrKIl , acucral rassenger npd " ' . , Aislitaut Ueneral nd Ticket Axnit. J.T. Cl.AUK , General SuportntcndisV. THE CHICAGO AND NorthWestern - Western Railway Short Line. Omaha , Council Bluffs And Chicago , Th oolr road to tnko tat DCS Mnlncs , Murliilltown , Otlnr Kapldi , Clinton , Dtiun , I'lilmgn , Mllffaukea and all poluts cait. To tbn pooplu of ixetirnika. IVtlo- rndo , XVyornlnK. Dull , Idnho , Nuvmln , Ort'Kini , Waali. Itiuton and t'Hllfornlii. n offers nipoJlur udmnut D ( t posilato by anjr ulber linn. Among n f ur llm numernui points of nuporloritf enjojrod by llio pntroni nf this riinl bi'lwct'u Oinnha and ( 'lilrtito. are Itn two trnlri a illol DAT COACH- KS , which Hre tha llntul Unit niinmn art nnd Incfnnl * tr cnn cr ali > . Its I'AI.AI.K ttl.KICI'INU UAKS. wlilrh am mnrtnMof comfort nnd olcnance. Its I'AKIAMt DKAXVIM ) IUIO.XI I'AIIH ' , nn urpHrM > d \ > j MIV , and tUnldclrcrlct > inted I'AI.ATIAI. D1NINIJ OAKS. Mio ( Hiuhl nf vrrtlth i nnnnt t > o found Liipwhoro. At lV > viii 'til Ilium thntrnlnn of tlin Union I'ucino lull way. i5n. In union depnt wllli Ihoso of HIM Clilisaeaji ortliwnitern It ) . In Cliliuito llm liulni f tlilt ltn inaku close connection with tlio o or nil otbrrCastqm lr IX-trolt , rolnmbus , Indianapolis , C'nclnnatt ' , Mi > unr I'alU , nmlnlii. riu aiiiu , 'luronlo , llonlrUal , llonton , NIMV York , riitlndelpmii , Italllrnorn , YfpfU * Inxton , and all points lu ttiuuast , n k lor tlckot tl "NORTHWESTERN. " If ton nlili llio licjtaccominodnt'on. ' oil llcktu via thi . . Oonl. JIunuEcr , lleiil , 1'ani r Aaoal Western Akut.Umana 'ass'r. Umana , J. B. HAYNES , OFF1CIAI STENOCrBAPHER , Third Judicial District , ( 01 tUlNlillCE.