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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1887)
ww I ' . [ -J8 , . jUJB OMAHA DAILY BEfc ; TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 20 , 1887' ' . THE DAILY BEE , ' COUNCIL BLJJFFS. OFFICE XO. JH , ! f1i f1 i Delivered by rnrrlcr In nny pnrt of tlio city nt ! " iv filly cents per week. II. W TII.TO.S , . . . Manager. TIlMIl'IK r " Hijf > jNr.RsOpncK , No. 4.1 , No. SI. MINOR MKNT1O.V. N. Y. Plumbing Co. Hcitor , tailor , Fall pood9 cheap. Sec Chapman's pictures for Christinas. Law eases continue to occupy the time In the district court. The trial of Arch C'ofTman is net for thu 8th of next month. The funeral of the son of Mr. nnd Mrs. S. D. Benedict occurred yesterday. Regular meeting of St. Alhany lodge K. P. to-night. Work on the amplified .third. The funeral of Mrs. Conrad r.oisc will take place this afternoon at - o'clock at the house on Frank street. All members of the Council IJlufTs Re becca Degree lodge No. ! ! nro requested to attend a social and practice the beau tiful work at Odd Fellows hall Tuesday evening. By order of N. G. The grand jury is in session and the gambling houses are not running. The question is raised whether there is any connection between these two facts , but none answer except by surmises. The proprietors of the Beehtolo house deny that the overcoat stealing , etc. , as reported by one of the city papers , oc curred there on Sunday or at any other time. Some one evidently got mixed in his places. The Murray ft Murphy combination played last night to a good house. Tlio entertainment is on the original order with a little of tlio old stagimns abdul it , It gave good satisfaction. The company are working \\est and appear at Lincoln < to-night. L This evening the Fifth Regiment band give their grand concert and ball in the opera house. It is .already an as sured buceoss. Judging by the number oftickets sold everybody musi bo going. The-concert will bo given from 8 until 0 o'clock. Most of tho' music on this occasion will bo the composition of Prof. Dally , of this city. The contractors who have taken the work of connecting the Pacific house with the Broadway sewer began opora- % tlons yesterday. On account of the frozen condition of the street progress * will be ncccbsarily slow , but for the . , sake of the traveling public it should bo accomplished as soon as possible. | * J. W. Merrill , one of the best known I of Council BlulTs newspaper men , has severed his connection with the Omnlm > ' Herald and allied himself with uho forces - " * * of theWorld in thiscity. ' .lace' will never , rust out , and ho wears well. Ho has a largo circle of friends and acquaint ances and he will gather daily his full share of the manna. D. L. Royor has recently purchased thrco lots on Eleventh street. The loca tion is sightly , overlooking the two cities and the adjacent country as well. Upon the west lot ho will immediately begin the erection of a beautiful $ U,50t ) cottage. This ho will occupy as soon as It is completed , which ho expects will bo in March next. Then ho will build residences upon the other lots. Pcrmmnl Paragraphs. f A. M. Poole , of Silver City , was at the \ Kiel house yesterday. A number of "Our Irish Visitors" stopped at the Kiel house. M. A. Farrollof Creston , la. , is spend ing a few days in the city- George K. Cole , of Pacific Junction , was in the BlulTs yesterday. J. J. Bolm' Macedonia's insurance rustler , was in the city yesterday. J. W. Adams , of Sigournoy , took in the sight of Council BlulTs yesterday. John Webster , of Avoca , is hero vis iting his sister , Mrs. Peter Clavc- datchor. Mr. and Mrs. B. Zororly loft yester day for Washington , L . C.where thcj will remain several weeks. Mrs. R. A. Greenfield , of Crestoil , is visiting her brothers , C. C. and John E- Yancoy , at the Bechtolo hotel. The Murray and Murphy companj were entertained at the Bcchtelo house , and Biel's hotel. A total of twenty-two people are embraced in the company. A. A. Richnrobon , of this city , was 8eon on Broadway shaking hands will : his friend John Evans , who has just returned turned from a two months' business trij to Rock Springs , W. T. Judge Carson is remaining at homo for a low days , his household having -been enlarged by the arrival of a son who is just now receiving the special attention tontion of the entire family. At the Creston : J. M. Walker , of f Loveland ; J. C. Walker , of Newmarket , Iowa ; 8. T. M. Tall , of Macedonia ; W. H. Young , of Macedonia ; J. B. Matth ews , of Taylor ; G. A. Stevens , of Living Springs. John Martin is still suffering very seriously from intermittent fever. His 'condition ' is not deemed critical , however - over , and there seems every reason for the belief that ho will soon bo restored to health. H. E. Barlow , representing the White water. ( Wis. , ) Wagon company , visited the Bluffs vcbtorday. The wonders of our beautiful and growing city , were fully described to him by his friend , Captain Mel. Fallott. Tlio Gymnasium. The full amount required for the cs- I" toblishmont of this needed auxiliary to 'tfio work of the Y. M. C. A. has been secured. Two hundred men subscribing 15 each form thogymnasiumabsoeiation. The money has been paid in and the ap- ' parntus ordered. It is expected to arrive rive- the latter part of the prcbont week. , The orders were placed with Chicago r nnd New York manufacturers , nnd will Include the most modern things in use Jin the largest and best equipped gym- i aslumB of the country. The room which has heretofore boon used as a lecture room will bo devoted exclusively to this apparatus. It is expected that the room will bo ready for vibe by the It 12th of December. If . A Reckless Drunken Man. A. J. Klippongon , while in u reckless state of Intoxication , last evening , started down Broadway on horseback at a furious gait. Theodore Beckman , a young lad who happened to bo crossing the btrcot , was btruck by Kllppongen's horse and seriously hurt. Klippengen wits arrested and taken to the city jail. 0Tho full extent of young Bcckman's injuries - " juries have not ascertained. Mnro Dry Injunctions. * Judge Loofborow yebtovday issued permanent injunctions against three Mindonitcs Doorsoher , Grunau and Jensen restraining them from selling intoxicating liquors. The cases against those men among the earliest started and Imva boon hanging in court for nearly two years. It takes time te clew the saloons. The mills grind slow , btit very fine. THE NEWS IN THE BLUFFS , A Bold Daylight Burglary in. the Center of the City. DOINGS IN DISTRICT COURT. A Mistake In n Telegram Trn < 1n ton Hull Kcslfjnnt Ion of .Secretary Curtis or the V. M. O. A. Tlio City Council. | A Hold Yesterday noon a bold bit of burglary was accomplished at the ticket olllco of the Chicago , Burlington & Quincy , cor ner of Broadway and Pearl streets. Tlio ticket agent , Captain O. M. Brown , shortly after 1'J o'clock left for dinner. General Agent M. M. Marshall was in the olllco at the time , talking with some gentlemen on business , and Captain Brown ! -et a chair against the side door in such a way as to make it difllcult to open without using some force. Ho handed Mr. Marshall the key to the front door , so that , when ho got ready to leave he might lock up. About half an hour later Mr. Marshall locked the door and slopped across the street to get shaved at the Pacific house. Ho left his overcoat in the ticket ollleo lie was not gone more than fifteen min utes. On his return ho had discovered that some thief had , forced open the side door and taken the overcoat , which was valued at $50. A case containing tickets was overturned and somewhat disar ranged. It is not known whether any tickets were taken , and it will bo neces sary to check all up before this can bo abccrtained. Jt is supposed that FOIIIO thief chanced to see the insecure way in which the door was fastened and con cluded to improve the opportunity. Mr. Marshall's brief absence gave little time for extended plundering. It is strange that such a theft could be committed in M prominent a place , and with the in terior of the olllco in full view of many passers-by , but these very peculiarities of the situation would allay suspicion in the minds of mo-it people , even if they saw the man entering or coming out. E. II. Sheafe loans money on chattel security of every description. Private consulting rooms. All business strictly confidential. Ollice 500 Broadway , cor ner Main street , up-stairs. Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. - A Costly Mistake. Yesterday Judge Loofbourow listened to arguments in the case of 'L , T. Lind- scy against the Western Union Tele graph company. The cause of the suit was a mistake made in the transmission of a telegram. Mr. Lindsey was on the road looking after his wholesale cus tomers , and he sent a message to have his trunks of samples sent to Salida , Col. By some mistake of the operator the telegram read , "Salt Lake" instead and thither the trunks were. sent. Mr. Lindsoy was greatly puz/qed at the non- arrival of his samples , and while waiting - ing for them lost much time at a season" when time was especially valuable to him. Ho was also at considerable cx- pcnso while hunting up the missing trunks. To cover this ho commenced this suit. The telegraph company did not deny the facts , but as a defense claimed that the company was not re sponsible. It fell back upon the printed contract at the head of the blanks on which messages are written , and which binds the. sender to bear the responsi bility of mistakes. If the sender wants to hold the company for such mistakes ho must have the message repeated back and pay the extra charges. The controversy is , therefore , one of law rather than of facts. Judge Louf- bourpw has taken the question under consideration. Don't Freeze Up ! Wo are bound to close out our largo line overcoatings. Will make them up at greatly reduced figures. This is the oportunity of a lifetime. A. RIUTKII , _ 310 Broadway. Every one making a cash purchase o 25 cents at T. D. King & Co.'s cigar btoro gets a chance in the annual prize drawing. Twenty elegant prizes. Resignation or Harry Curtis. A change is about to take place in the nuimigo'moiit of the work of the Y. M. C. A. of this city which the readers of the BUB , who have been associated with that organization , will learn with regret. Harry Curtis has tendered his resigna tion as secretary of the association to take effect on the 12th of December , ant it has been accepted. This move has been made , though reluctantly , tha' Mr. Curtis might accept the position o general secretary of the association a St. Joseph , Aid. Mr. Curtis has boon connected with the work in this city nearly four years. During this time the order has grown in numbers from twenty to about three hundred and seventy am in interest from the most indifferent tea a body of workers whoso efforts for goo/ are known anl appreciated at homo am abroad. Its active work Is known to the people of the city and need not bo ro- pcntcd hero. Much credit is duo Mr. Curtis , for this suoecss is largely the result of his infatigablo work and his ability as an organizer. Ho will probably bo succeeded by Mr. C. W. Janes , of GrinnoH , la. , a man well qualified by education and experience to fill the position. The field to which Mr. Curtis goes is one of the largest in the United States. It ranks fifth In Its membership , build ings and work. The people of the city will unite in the heartiest wishes for the success of Mr. Curtis in his now field of labor , and at the same time oxfond to his successor the same cordial bupport which has marked their record during the ptibt four years. You Want Them. Domestic patterns-and patterns for stamping and embroidery. Latest styles . "Domestic" office and finest designs. , 10-3 Main street. Money to loan. Cooper & Judson. Nipped In the IIml. Again has the proverb , "The course of tiuo ; love never runs smooth , " boon proven beyond doubt. Mr. Wesley Sunnier and Miss Emma Leo and Mr. J. C. Higglng and Miss Etta Mnlloy , of South Omaha , wcro the prospective bridegrooms and brides in a matrimonial menial event which was to hayo taken place yesterday afternoon. Miss Lee is a petite little woman just sweet sixteen , while Miss Mnlloy is about six months her senior. All the parties have for some time contemplated marriage , but the consent of the respective guardians of the young Indies could not bo ob tained and an elopement was planned. They left South Omt\lm \ about 11 o'clock yt.stcrduy and came to this city. Their surprise can be ' imagined when apolice- I man arrested'them. They wcrft Induced I to change their mlritts'ln an incredibly short space of time and relurncd homo to live in the stale of single blessedness for a season. J. W. and E. L. Squire- lend money. ' For an elegant birthday giftor Christ mas present , a Domestic sowing machine leads them all. Tlio CliU-rn Accident. Those , who saw Chief Mullen , of the police force , tumble down on Broadway might have thought he was drunk , if it was not known that " . .Jerry" is a tee totaler. Tlio fact is that the chief had so merry a , lime at the policeman's an nual ball , and danced so much , that his numerous gildings aero-s the floor made the soles of his shoes glossy. In pawing along Broadway ho struck the combina tion of an icy pavement and an old banana skin , and when became down ho struck with such force as to leave n record on his check bone. Ho was pretty badly shaken up , but is now able to be on duty again. Such might have been the cause of the reports circulated that the chief was hurt in a wrestle with Johnnie Barleycorn. MnvorGrovo- wcg says that he has not heard any such reports , and that ho does not be lieve them , for ho had seen the chief daily , and was certain Jerry was as tem perate as ever. Wadsworth , Etnyro &Co. loan in oney One thousand head of one , two and three-year-old steers for sale. Will give credit to reliable parties. Enquire o A. J. 'Grcemumiycr , 023 Myiibter st. telephone 121. Gone Tor the Furniture. On Sunday evening last Postmaster Bowman and Supervisors Trait and Un derwood loft for Chicago. The object of their visit is of interest to the readers of the BKK. The new government , or postollice building and the new court house are rapidly approaching comple tion. It is safe to say that the middle of March will sec them both completed , supplied with the furniture and other accessories and ready for occupancy. Mr. Bowman ha * gone to select the fur niture , etc. , for the postolllco and the other gentlemen act as the county's agents in selecting what is required to furnish the court house. Under the in structions given , the furnishings for both buildings will be made to s-eeuro the double purpose of stability and ele gance. Council Bluffs may well feel proud of these permanent additions to here architecture and beauty. For bargains in real estate go to John ston & Van Patten , ! < . ' ) Main st. SamplcH of Aft. Allen & Boll , architects , have on ex hibition at their studio water-color drawings of the residences of J. J. Stead- man and C. II. Moore , which arc to bo creeled as soon as the weather will per mit. Aside from the architectural deign - ign of the residences , which is excel- out , Mr. Allen has shown that he is an rtist of no mean ability , for these pic- ures are really models of their kind. This firm are turning the more recent "evclopincnts of photography to good ccount in their business. By a process vhich is original with them they got a icrfect picture ( which they call a "blue rint" ) of their plans and designs. These resent perfectly all the detail which brins the original. Judging from the vork now upon their tables the year of 88.H will bo the greatest in the history if Council Bluffs. For best quality coal and wood , call in Glcason , ( i Pearl street. Common Council. Common council mot last evening pur- uant to adjournment. Present , Mayor "Jronewcg , Aldermen Lacy , Metcalf , lammcr , Dan forth and Keller. Bonds of H. E. Owens and John C. Leo , each in the sum of $300 , were pre sented and accepted. Bids were opened and read for grading Seventh street from Tenth aveuuo to Fifteenth avenue , Tenth from Maine o Sixth street , Sixth avenue from Tenth avenue to Chicago , Burlington & Quincy grounds , Seventh avenue from Tenth to Twentieth street , North Sev enth street from Washington avenue to Avenue F. A clerical error appeared in the advertisement for bids , and on motion the bids wore all rejected and the clerk was instructed to readvcrtiso for bids. Bids are to be opened at noon on Monday , December 5. . On motion the fire committee were in structed to sot.u price on one fire engine mid nmko sale of same. Adjourned until Monday evening December - comber 5. Costly Coal. James Curry was tried before Jus tice Biggs yesterday on the charge of potty larceny. It was al leged that on the 17th inst. ho took coal from cars standing on the tracks of the Rock Island road to the amount of " 00 pounds. Ho pleaded guilty to the charge and stated that at the time his wife was very ill , and ho could not leave the house long enough to go to a coal office. The justice con sidered this mitigating circumstance and lot him off with a small line ( $0.50' and a lecture. Attention , Company A. All members of Company A are re quired to bo present at their armory to night , at 7:45 : sharp , for business meeting , and to prepare for the grand ball given by Dalby band. By order C. M. HlGIIbMlTII , .First Lieutenant. Mr. Berg , the teacher of Jenny Lind , is now eighty-six years old , and still a professor of music in Sweden. Bespeaks of his great pupil with enthusiasm. Ringing Noises. In the ears , sometimes a roaring , buz zing sound , are caused by catarrh , that exceedingly disagreeable and very com mon , disacso. Loss of smell or hearing also result from catarrh. Hood's Sar- sapnrilln , the great blood purifier , is a peculiarly successful remedy for this disease , which it cures by purifying the blood. If you suffer from catarrh , try Hood's Sursaparllla , the peculiar medi cine. _ DThe shipments of California fruits to the cast by rail in October were over twenty-four million jmunds twice as much as in October , IbSO. Sachet'Powders For Xmns. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet , Helio trope and Violet are very useful for making up holiday gilts. Colonel Cody , "Buffalo Bill. " will winter nt Manchester , Eng. Ho says that ho is worth $800,000 , most of which is in western real estate. Storm calendar and weather fore casts for 1888 , by Rev. Irl R. Hicks , with explanations of the "Great Jovian Porion , " upon which our planet is now caterings mailed to any address , on re ceipt of a two cent jx > stngo stump. Wcito plainly you name , postottlce and state. The Dr. J. H. McLean Medicine Co. , St. Louis , Mo. . Do Not Think WJi"X Moment that catarrh will in timtweur out. The theory is false. Mcn. ryto ! | believe it because it would bo pleH tinf if true , but it is not , as all know ; . ' Do not let an acute attack of cold in tlio head remain unsubdued. It is liablq tp develop into catarrh. You can rltl yourself , of the cold and avoid all ehanco of oatarrh by using Dr. Sages catarrli'remedy. ' If al ready alllicted rid yournolf of this trou blesome disease speed lV Jjy the same means. At all druggists. Dr. William Everett' , iho chief of the Massachusetts mugwumps knows Vir gil's 'VEnoid" and nlf' ' the odes and epodes of Horace by hijnrt. Salvation Oil , the greatest cure on earth for pain , has made a most brilli ant , debut. Price , 25. Philosophers say that affairs should always bo conducted with a view to the greatest good of the greatest number. Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup docw the great est good to the greatest number. 25 cents. President Eliot , of Harvard , lately homo from Europe , says that English is spreading over the continent as the uni versal language. Use Itrown'H Drnnchlnl Troches for couclis , colds nail nil oilier throat troubles , "Pre-omlnuntly the best. " lieu. Henry H'iml llccdtcr. "Adirondack" Murray threatens to launch on the public a book of adven tures , drawn from a trip through the Canadian wilds. Teeth that loosen through ill-health Mny bo rendered inoro secure , Flaccid punis mid fetid brcnth Soon grow healthy , sweet and pure. SO7.ODONTbrings this about , As the world long since found out. "Little children in need of shoes" ' are to be objects of special attention on the part of the New York S. P. C. C. this season. * FURNITURE ! \\c arc now prepared for the HOLIDAY TRADE ! Our immense buildings are packed full of the most BEAUTIFUL AND ELEGANT GOODS In our line , nnd at prices that will defy com petition.Ve KU.inuitco our goods to be Just as wo represent them. Please give us a call whether you wish to buy or not , nnd brinj ? i'our friends with you. It is no trouble to how our poods. Respectfully , C. A. BEEBE & CO. SPECIALNOTICES. _ NOTICE. " SPECIAL advertisements , sucli ns Lost.l'ouiul , To I.oftti , Tor Snle , To Iloutynnts , Jloiuillnc , : tc. , 111 bo Inserted In tills column at the low BtuotTEN < ; INTS : I > KU LINK for the m-st in- eitlon uml I'lve C uts 1'cr , Line for each Mifoxo- jiient Insertion. Leave advertisements 'at our > IHco No. 121'earl Street , near Jjroadwny , Conn- II lllullH , Iowa. , i WANTS. FOK HUNT-'Karms Tlio ] nnd h'eretofoi o known as Tim 1'oley'H , near Mlnden , for the PIIIOII of 1NW. in tructH of M ) . KiOoriJUOncic-M. All choice lauds nnd well Improved. Horace 'Jverett. W . \NTKD Hv a vounK man , janitor work. Address : ( J. D. Miller , Hevcrc hou e. W A Ijoy with Rootl liorxe for carl lei1 route. Heo ollice , Council TT1OU SALE A large hurd coal stove , be .1 ? feeder , fhenp ; In Rood condition. Apply , o Uceortlce , Counc'l UlllllH. W ANT13U A llrfct-uluss horacsliocr. C. ory , 1 ) Mulu nt. , Council Illutrn. "TJlOll BALK OH EXClIANGK-Ucnilly of 1J4 Jt ; Miares in Jeffiitis syndicate. Imiulie of Odcll liros. & Co. WANTHD Allktnnsof Hewlnp machines to repair. Work promptly anil minextl v done. Charges reasonable. Domestic olllco 105 Main st FQIt SALE Very cheap for cash , or would exchange for Council HIiiirH or Oinulm prop erty , a retal stock of boots and shoes valued at about J4.00U. Call at store , No. M8 llroadway , or address H. Martin , same number , Council Hinds , In. fTlOU KENT Houses in all parts of the city by JO Johnston ic Van Patten , ! Main .st. TflOH BALK A second hand Knabo square JO plnno , nearly now ; cost WM , .sell for J.'OO. Addre-s Q "A III , lleo ollice. Council Illntfs. U UENT Houses and furnished room : ) . J. It. Davidson KTi Fifth avonuo. FOR BALK Second-hand Columbia blcyclo very cheap , KMnch , at llco ollice. hundred thousand dollars to loan on ONE estate and chattels by F. J. Day , IW 1'carl st. B UILDINd lots and aero property for s > ao by K. J. Day. ! I'earl st. "ClOlt HUNT A finely furnished front room , JO flrkt lloor , In private residence near court house.Vnter In room , lighted and heated. Large closet , lleferenoesrequlied. AtUlu-sall. 12 , lieu ollice. Council llluffa. WM. WELCH , Carriage and Express Line. OFF1OK O15 SOUTH MAIN HT. Telephone No. in. All calls from District Telegraph Office promptly attended to. S The Theatrical Frofenion. Merit will win and receire public recognition and pralie. Kaoti , which are the outcome of general ex perience , growing through yeari of critical and practical test , become ai rooted and Immovubloai the rock of Gibraltar la public opinion , and hence. forth need no further guarantee si to their geau laeneii. The ladliputttto fact that Swiff * Bpoctflo to the belt blood purifier la thc'worfJ , Is onoof the * * Immorablo Gibraltar rock facti 6f which we kaT boken , and ervry Uaj'i experience root * thUeoa * Vlctlon deeper and deeper In public opinion. Every cUu of our people iu Amertcai and In Europa. evcrr trade , calling nnd proCuMlpn. Including ( aa medical profcwlon , hare Lome TOlunUry lull- monr to thu remarkable TlrWM of 8. 8. a and U * Infallible efficacy la curio * all dluatei of the blood. TheM teillmonlaU are OB Wo by ( bo tbou- anda , and opwi to tna IntptcUon of all. Now come , unsolicited , two dUUniuUhed number * or the theat rical profession , who gratefully testify to the woader- ful curative quallUef of tha Hpecmo in their Indi vidual case * . Their testimonials are herewith sub mitted to the public without further comment-let them speak for themselves. The lady Is a member of the famous Thalia Theatre Company , of Kow York , and formerly of the Residence Tfceafre , Berlin , O r- many , and of HoVlcker's Stock Company , of Chicago. The gentleman Is a well known member of the New York Thalia Theatre Company. Both are well known la theatrical circles In this country and In Europe. Charlotte BanUow'a. Testimony. ' , w K V Ygax , slay t , 1S87. Bwlft Specific Company , Atlanta , ( far. : Gentlemen-Having been annoyed with pimples , eruptions and roughness of the skin , from bad con dition of my blood , for more than a vear , I UMd a leading preparation of sanaparUla and other adver tised remedies to no effect. Then I consulted a prom inent pbvslclan. and from his treatment reeelveil no benefit. I Ibeaconcluded to try the H. S. a rem edy for the blooV. and Ove or six packagea. by a thorough eradication of my trouble and restoring smoothness to my skin , have made me happy , and I cheerfully give you this testimonial for such UM a&d publicity ai you wbb to make of It. CUlULOm IUKDOW , IK Bowery , near Canal strati , llnga Ilniskcrl'e Testimony. The Bwlf t specific Company , Atlanta. Os , t Gentlemen For two yean I had a severe case of xyms. I used tar soaps , sulphur spaps.andvarleea ewer rsmedles , and was prncrlbed for by niimbes * of physicians , but found no relief. At last I deter mined to try tte B. B. S. remedy , and seven or eight bottles have thoroughly relieved me , and you caa aee this certtflcata In any manner you wish. Huoo HASUSEL , . Member ut Thalia Tneate * * "ew " York , May 8,1887. . TreatUe on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. TMI Bvrirr Sractno Co. , Draww I. Atlanta. Otk PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY. UINTflV RITRlfr ? Attonioy-at-Law , Second Floor Brown rillLDl DUAIYU , Building , 115 Pearl Sti\o\ Council Bluffs , Iowa. NOplTTD7 | Justice of the Peace. Office over American. , UVJUU1U. , Express , No. 419 Broadway , Council Bluffs , Iowa. QTflNfl J& QIMQ Attorneys . at- Law , practice in the State OlUHIl OL 011UO , .lua Federal Courts. Ofiice Rooms 7 and 8 , Shugart-Beno Block , Council Bluffs , Iowa. , , i , Council Bluffs. Refers to any banker business house in the city. Collections a specialty. DRS. Oilice cor ner o . WOODBURY & SONS , iS and First Avenue FINE GOLD "NVoitK A SPECIALTY. . RINKv No. 201 Main Street , Council BluffsIowa A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF Both Domestic and Foreign. . DR. C. B. JUDD , M'F'G'R ' , ELECTRIC BELTS AND TRUSSES , i\0. OG BROADWAY , COUNCIL BLUFFS , ; t ; ; : ; IOWA. WANTED-GOOD SALESMEN ON LARGE COMMISSION OR SALARY. Ten Per Cent Profit WILL PRODUCE A FORTUNE In a few years , even on a small investment. You can save that amount by purchasing your Groceries of TROXELL No. 345 BROADWAY , Wo keep no book accounts , consctjucntly wo Imvo no bud debts which tlio bulnneo of our trade bus to pay. This id the reason wo arc able tobcll bo cheap Remember the place. Give us a call. FEEE ! * Until January 15 We Give A Valuable Present. With Every Purchase of $10 and Upwards. [ NO Every One Gets a Prize. Council Bluffs Carpet Co. IF YOU GO TO MISSOURI VALLEY STOP AT THE St , ELMO HOTEL ! Sample Rooms Attached. W. B. IRWIN , Prop. OFFICER & PUSEY , BANKERS COO Oroodway Council llliitts , Iowa. Established 1857. TWO Trotting - Stallions FOR SALE CHEAP ! STANDAKD , UNDEU IIUI.E 6. WADE GARY , Council Bluffs. PAINLEH8 ALCOHOL. , OPIUM AND MORPHINE. CURE ! Tlio Alcohol , Morphine will Opium hublt Ab solutely Cured without Interfering- with the twtlent'a Cully avocation. Correspond with or call on , DR. F. P. BELLINGER. 014 Ilroadway , Couucll liluffa , la AUtwrespcuUence confidential. . Star Stables and Mule Yards llroaduny , Council muffs , Opp. Dummy Depot. Horscx anil mules constantly on hand , for salt ) at retail or In car load lots. Orders promptly filled by contract oushoit Dotlce. Htock sold on commission. Telephone Hi. HCHLUTLFl & IIOLKV. Opposite Dummy Depot , Council lllutrs. Main Street , Council Bluffs , Only Hotel in the City with Flro Es cape. Electric Call Bolls. Accommodations First Class , , Rates Always Reasonable , MAX MOHN , Proprietor. FINE MILLINERY. NEW FALL STYLES OPEN , 15H OOUOLAS STflEET , - - - .OMAHA 100 GRAND FREE GIFTS Worth $2,000 to bo Olvon Awny by Henry El&onmn & Co.'a Pooplo'o Store , 314 , 310,318 and 32O Broadway , Council BlulTs , lown. READ , READ , READ. With Kvcry Two Dollars Worth o tJoodn Purchased You Will Itccclvu n Coupon Ticket ( Jootl For One Cliancc In tlio Following Grand I'l-c'MontH to be Given Awny liv us on Motulnj , January Ultli , 1HMH. Every * 2 purchase receives one ticket and every additional * 2' the Mime , llold your tickets until the above inon- Lioneu date , when the lucky numbers will be announced and the holders in vited to call for their presents. Remember you will nave to pay noth ing extra on your purchases. Wo guarantee to sell you goods cheaper Lhan you can buy at any other house in the west , and give you the largest , finest md best slock west of Chicago to select trom. trom.CALL CALL AND BE CONVINCED ! All mail orders receive prompt atten tion and tickets for tlio free gifts for warded with the orders the same as if you were here in person. These distributions will bo made with every fairness , and customers ma.v de pend on the lucky numbers receiving their reward. No tickets will bo given to omploycs of our house , customers only receiving the benefit of the prizes. LIST or iMiixts. : No. of prize. 1 One elegant parlor sot consisting of sofa , divan and 4 large easy chairs' , purchased from S. S. Keller of this city. 2 One elegant cherry bed room set , consisting of bedstead , dresser and ( wash stand. Have largo bovell French' pinto mirrors. Purchased from C. A. Beebo & Co. , city. U One elegant silver tea set , consist- , inff of extra largo and very hcavvj waiter , coffee pot , tea pot , sugar bowiT creamer and SIKWII holder. Must bo seen to bo fully appreciated. Bought from C. B. Jacqucmin & Co. , city. 4 One very handsome water setcom- prising pitcher stand goblets and wash bowl of the very largest design. An elegant piece of goods. Purchased from Robinson Bros. , city. 5 Decorated China dinner sot of 130 pieces. Purchased from W. A. Maurcr , city. ( i Elegant decorated China tea set of 50 pieces. 7 Very handsome blue satin water sot , consisting of (1 ( tumblers , I pitcher and one hammered brass tray. 8 One Venetian water sot. comprising1 fl tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass * tray. ! ) Lustre amber water sot , compris ing G tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass tray. 10 One ruby water set. consisting of i 0 tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 brass tray. 11 'JO yds best black Guinott silk tlijj , best silks made. 12 1 pair Japanese portiers. ] ! ? 1 gentleman's smoking jacket. 14 1 very elegant Paisley shawl. 15 1 set beaver fura. 10 1 gentleman's dress suit. 17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat. 18 1 boy's or youth's suit. 10 1 boy's or youth's overcoat. 20 1 pa'ir sealskin gloves. 21 1 pair California white blankets. 22 1 combination nobility dress pat tern , worth $50. 2l ! 1 Misses cloak. 24 1 piece Loncsdalc muslin. 25 1 pair men's boots or shoes. 20 1 C. P. corset any size. 27 1 pair Misses shoes. 28 1 Dr. Warner's corset. 2 ! ) 1 very line Marsaillcs bed sprca < V IM ) 1 elegant album. Ill 1 toboggan cap. Ii2 1 infant's cloak. ; t.5 1 sashinore dress. 34 1 set furs. H5 1 line large doll. . ' { li 1 autograph album. Ii7 1 dozen ladies' line wool fast black hose. : t8 i do/.cn Misses line wool fast black hose. 110 1 gingham dross pattern. 40 1 dozen gentslinen handkerchiefs. 41 1 dozen ladicslincn handkerchiHl 42 0 linen table cloths. 4Ii 1 dozen linen napkins. 44 1 dozen line linen towels. 45 1 fancy stand cover. 4i ( 1 table cover. 47 1 Marsaillcs quilt. 48 1 line large doll. 41 ! 1 largo album. 50 1 toboggan cap. 51 1 child's hood. 52 1 piece "fruit oMoom" muslin. 5tt 1 fancy stand cover. 54 1 p.iir elegant Japanese iwlio'-s , 55 1 album. < * 50 1 Inrtfo doll. 57 1 autograph album. 58 1 beat skin hand bag. 5 ! ) 1 toilet sot. ( iO 1 Long pocket book. 01 1 line silk niullier. 02 1 shopping bag. ( j ; { i elegant lace handkerchief. 04 1 largo bottle line pcrfumo , 05 1 pair kid gloves. 0 ( ! 1 pair silk suspenders. 07 1 pair ladies' ear rings. (18 ( 1 pair ladies' cuff buttons. < > ( ) 1 line lace pin. 70 1 Madam Warner's corset. 71 1 fine hand bag. 72 1 largo album. 7U 1 largo wax doll. 74 1 gents' scarf , 75 1 line silk mufller. 70 1 pair ladies fine shoes 77 1 autograph album. 78 1 pair silk mils. 70 1 gent's fur cap. 80 1 gents' silk smoking Jacke 81 1 gents' hat. 82 1 pair men's arctic overshoes. 8U 1 pair ladies' overshoes. 81 1 line album. 85 1 hammered ImiM umbrella stand- 8t ( l pair fine silk suspenders. K7 1 largo doll. 88 1 largo shopping bag. 80 1 silk umbrella. 00 1 line lace handkerchief. Of 1 elegant evening shawl. 1)2 ) 1 gent's traveling bag. Oil 1 toboggan cap. 1)1 ) 1 child's hood. 05 1 pair kid gloves. ! )0 ) 1 ladles' line jcrpey. 07 1 elegant lace handkerchief. IS ) 1 silk mufller. 00 1 per ladies' fine shoes. 100 1 set ladies' furs. Total value of the above 100 presents , two thousand dollars. See them exhibited in our store. TJio drawing will bo conducted under the management of a committee of six citizens , and the utmost fairness will bo had so the presents Will go to the per sons who holdhtho lucky numbers. Now is the time for everybody to take advantage of this great gift offering. Buy your goods nt the People's Btom. save money thereby and got a present in the bargain , Henry EUemnn & Co. People's btoro , 314. i10 ! , ! 118 und 32 Broadway * Council Bluffs , la.