Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1887, Page 5, Image 5
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : JlHJESDAY , NOVEMBER 29 , 1887. THE QUESTION OF HOME RULE Mayor Sawyer Writes a Oharaotor- istle Letter on the Subjoot. MEETING OF THE IRISH LEAGUE. /V / Beet fc K r Factory L'ur t IIP Mini 111110(11 rr of I tic Hncoliu- rlnc Product lit Ijlncolii Cnpllnl City Ne s. IHIOV Tun urn's i.txrot.v ni.'iir.Af. | The regular meeting of the Lincoln branch or the Irish Nntloniil leugUo WIIH held In Flt/geruld linll on Sunday hist. In the ub- hence of the president and vlco president Mr. H , .T. liutler wus culled to the chiiir. The chairman then announced that ho hud re ceived u tettor from Mayor Sawyer , who was appointed speaker of the day , regretting his inability to attend. It was at follows : To the President of the Lincoln Branch of the Irish National Leuguo of America. Dour Sir : I am reminded tlmt I am expected to deliver an whitest ! before the meeting of the League to-morrow on the Riihjcct of home rule In Ireliind. My attention for the Inst week lias been HO engiossed with thu subject of homo rule for Anit'i-io.i , and partleulurly for Lincoln , thnt I have hud little or no time to dcvoto to the foreign subject. Charity of course should begin nt home , and after this | > crplexiiig ; question , which is now full ujioii UH , shall huvo been settled , It will then give mo pleasure to address the Lcaguo ujwn the piopositlon of the right of Irishmen to gov ern Ireland. .TtiRt ot the present time wo fire In the predicament of n contain "pntor.fanil- Has" when a stranger knocked at thu door of his dwelling. Theto wus a gtcat conimotlou and a mighty rumpus going on within , the rlush of broomsticks und the rattle of lolllng-plus combined with a heavier artlllerv of shovel und iK > uer , itnninded the stranger Unit nil was not seieno uiound thut lie.n ttistone. Ho knocked ; ho punned , When piesuntly the door Hwungopon nnd there appealed a pcrsonugo wcariiiK a countenance inoio. In anger than m Borrow. To the Inquiry of thostranger if the person ho was the hcud of the lionsc , the reply was quickly letuined that u dllTo'-encc of opinion hud arisen In that house hold upon thut very question und that they were then engaged in the settlement of the s.imo. und if he would call some other time be might render him an answer detliuto and certain. Tlio question with us is , who Is the bend of , this municipal household. I aui KottltiK rc'.idy to go to jnil in order to give the supreme court of the United States a chance to decide this question. Should it turn out that the iimyor und city council cannot lie permitted to investigate chuiges piefoned ugainst a city official when the charter under which they are acting , muKes it their duty so to do without rendeifng themselves liable for contempt of couit , then it is high time that we know the reason why , and if they huvo not , why not ) Hincoit'ly icgrotting my In. ability to attend on the morrow , and firmly ti listing that the day is uot fur distant when ull peoples will shiire the blessings of homo rule , and assuring jou of my eaincst sym pathy for the cause. I remain , sir , very i espottf inly j out s , A. J. S\\\ \ Kit. The letter wus received with gieat up- plauso. Mr. .T.unes Kan ell In un uble and eloquent speech moved the adoption of the "following resolution : Whuroas , We huvo leained with unfoigncd regrut of the death of John .1. Hieslin , of New York , whose Intrepidity and heioism as the ipsuierof .lames btcphens from Kich- niond piison , and of the six Peninii prisonois from tlio penal dungeons ofestern Aus tralia will ever llvo in the hum Is und mem ory of his follow countrymen. Kesolvrd , That wo , the Lincoln branch of the Irish National league of America , deeply mourn and iloploie the loss of our Illustrious follow countryman. Resolved , Thutwo slnceiolv ( omlolo with the family and brothers of the deceased In their hour of deep ulllictlon and commend them for consolation to Him who docs all for Iho bent. Kcsolved , Thut thcso i ( 'solutions bo in serted in the recoidsol this blanch und pub Ished in the unions nowspapcis. Mr. William O'Sheu seconded the icsolu- tinns , which wcio cm nod unanimously. Judge Hilton then delivered n brief uddiess on the success of the homo lulo cause uniong the Kuglish people. Mr. Coieorun sjwko on the pi esont aspect Ot the Irish cause , in his usiinl btiiliuiit iimnnur. Mr. Thomas Berry moved thut the thanks of the branch bo ue- coi tied the Indies lor their untiring real in making the O'Connor-nsinondo iccption .1 giund success. Mr. Coicoiun , "Oh , Notivo Music , " after which the meeting ad journed to Sundaj. December 11. V IILT.r SCUItlt FACmmV. Pal ties have been in the city for several days past negotiating for tlio establishment of a beet sugar plant In Lincoln Unit is to topic-sent nil outlay of $ . " > 00,000. The gentleman - man repiescntiiig tlio plant speaks In glow ing toiins of the works us n paying project , uud they ask nf the city u bonus of U2X ! ( ) acres ot hind in cloo : pioximity to the city , the ( turtles holding Unit it is impossible to de pend on the funnels for getting the supplies necessaiy und thut the company will have to raise much of Iho pioduct themselves. H is stated thut Mr Kit/goiuld has offered to donnto the grounds for the Wiliks If they mo located hei e. r.icoin : > iMi iioNr > 9 , The follow ing bonds huvo been approved nnd icconlcd in the oftleo of the auditor ol Mute during the past two weeks : Ainswoith piecinct. Uiown county unit I house bonds iiininint UMHI ) ( , t\\enty yeais , 7 pur cent in- teicst payable unnualh ; City ot Supoilor , Nuckolls county , SIU.OOO jn alii of 1'aclllc , rullioad in Nebr.isku , twenty yeais , 7 pet cout , j.i\ubh ) seml-aiimullv ; Beaver pic- I'lnct. Nuckolls county , $17,01 U In aid of I'ucilic-i.ulioad in Nebiaska - , twenty yeais , T per cunt , s-eiiii-iiinnuil Intoiost payments , JT.ilibuiy City bonds , in fuvor of tin Tfunsiis City ft Omaha milioad , iimouul J-litiOU ( , twenty joar bonds , intoiest 0 i > ei cent , pa.sahlo aniiiinlly ; Mudison piecinct Killinoio county , In uiil of Kansas City iV Omuhii milioad , ( -.OiH ) , twenty years , li per cent ; rail mount piecinct , Ftllmoie county , Iu aid of the IC.ins.iH City & Oinuha i.ulroad , i.Hl.lMK ) , twenty j ours , ( J per cent : Olive pie cinct , Saline county , in aid of the Kunsas City .t Omaha , $ : ) , ( i per cent ; City of David City , water bonds , fi-,000 , twenty icars , optionnl uftor llvo jears , S per cent interest ; Olive township , Butler county , in aid of the l-'iomont , ICIk- horn & Minimal Valley i.iili-oad , $0,000 , tweut.N icais , 0 iierceiit pel uniium ; Keud to'vnship , Butlur county , in aid of the Fie- mout , KlUhoin Mlssouil Valley iiiilroad , $ KI , < H > 0 , iwcnl.\ years , U per cent ; Bono Creek township , Butler county , Ficmont , Ulkhorn & Missouri Valley rallioad , flO.IKXI , twcnt.i yeais , d per cent per annum ; Union to\\u hhlp , Butler county , Fiemonl , Klkhoin iSc Missouii Vulloy luilroad , 4itlKW , txvuntv } ctirs , tl per cent per unnuin ; Oak Cioelc township , Butler county , Kiomont , Klkhorn & Missouii Valley rallioad , W.OOO , Uu'ntj > oais , i ! percent per annum. The follpwlng precinct and city bonds In nld of theUTio- inont , Klkliuni . < c Missouri A'alloy i.iilroad , uniiiiic twenty j cm s und bearing 0 per cent Intocst , huvo been uppiovt'd fiom Yoik county : linker township , $10,000 ; Stewart township , $10,000 ; New Vork township , $10.000 ; Thayer township , fi.OOO ; Blown township. * ; ,000 ; city of Yoik , HiXH : ( ) ; Honilerson township , (3,0011. < City of Hastings bonds In uid 1 f of the Ficinout , Ijlkhorn t Missouri Valley nxilioad $ iM,000 ) , twenty years , optional ufter llvo jeavs , boarmg 0w \ cent per uiiiuim Hmviu-d iiveolnot , Clay county , Fremont. Llkhnrn ft MUscmrl Valley uuU-oad bonds Kr.UK ) , twoutj jeais , at 0 pei cent per an num. Lincoln pie. hut , Clay county , for the sniuo y > .ul , the saino bonds in amount fT.OHO. The follow ing bonds from Sowmd county m uid of Iho Ficmont. Klkhorn , t Missouii Vul- ley railioad , lunning twenty years atil per rent , were ulnu upprovisl and roglsteivd : City of Sewmd , fir.,000 ; O township. 10IKM ; L.towlishlji.IHX ) ; Btownsht ) ) , JiO.OtXl ; M township. $10,000. Troni Fillmore county Ill.-o boniln for the same roud wcro upjirovcil us follows : Madison pivclnct , * AXV ( ) ; ( lencva juvclnvt , * I5OOi : Kxetor prcvincl , $20,0X ( ) . Uavlit City , Butler county , clos.cs the list uith * 7tXHl bonds in uid of tlio sumo road , running a like time at the same per cent. Thcso arc bonds that lu\o been presented biticQ the completion of the line to Bastings and cover ha fv\y \ the bonds voted In uid of the Noithwi-storii line \hen it in\ndcd the ' S'luth 1'lalt * territory west of the City of Lincoln , ' . ' IIOXD8 VOTED. , The state has keen actively em [ raged the > nst n'iiio inonths in votinir bonds. The Itonds ( K'in if county , precinct and city und for vur- purKse | . The secretary of state IIM lust compiled the amount In dollar * of bonds entered of record In tils office for the first of January , 1$37 , to dnlo and finds the following result : IWtindlng bonds , . . . * S3RriOO Hridgo bonds HI.SOO Uailroad bonds 4XlWM School bonds 9VS,183 Water lx > nds , l ( .f ) Court house bonds y.'i7,000 Grand totid ? lilSwa , : : NKW NOTtHlFs. The following notaries public wcro com missioned yeslordnv by the governor : Jesse n. llothrock , Crab Orchard , Johnson county ; ( Ji-orgo W. Heuils , Button , Cluy county ; H. H. Tollces , Grafton , Klllmore county ; Joseph W. ndgerton. South Omaha ; George G. Hill , Hcatriiu : Charles H , AnduiHon , DeWltt , Sallnu county ; Israel H. Jordan , Wallace , Lincoln county ; John I' . Lote , Duliolse , I'awneo county ; Charles AV. Woodwanl , Arapnhoo , Furnas county ; Albert 1) . Itanney , Hluo Hill , WebsUsr county ; J. A. Hosinnlshy , Omaha ; George D. } ? rown , Co/ad , Dawson county ; John A. Hnimsoy , Curtis , Frontier county ; K. K. Lyle , Wahoo ; Frank Heor , Mlngo , Choienno county ; O. 1' . Hubbard , Broken How ; W. W. Harnoy , Kearney ; W. T. Saw.\er , Lincoln ; Thomas H. Cot neil , Kearney. . imip.r ITHMS. The state convention of the Young Peoples ples Society of Christian Endeavor wllHneet nt the First Congregational ehuich this city , commencing to-day , and continuing over Wednesday. It is expected that fully one hundred delegates will bo In attendance. Yesterday a workman in the newHuir block was ovcicome with gas from binning charcoal and when found , resphatlon , to all outward appealanecs , had ceased. Dr. King was called , and by vigorous work the man wasrcstoicd to consciousness , but ho will feel the effects for a number of days. A half docn cases of minor importance wcro in the police court iostciday. One of them , a woman of the town named Hello Livingston , for diunkcnnoss and disorderly conduct , was sent to jiill for twenty iliy s. There remains jet about two blocks on which to lay thu blocks in the pavlngthe con- cieto belngcoiiipletedbefore the cold weather came. Yesterday the dela\ed cedar posts arrived and the blocks will be in place the present week. The political piohlbitionlsts still hold Sun day meetings in which abuse Hews fi eel v , even pastors of chinches in the city , who do not belio\o in their methods , coming in for generous attention when the speakers become p.utlculaily Intlamcd and abusive. Dr. Marino , the now pastor of the St. Paul's Methodist chin eh. seems to be the p.utieular target of the Sunday | iollticians at pi esent , and their decicased votn on election day shows how their mode of waifaie is apple- ciated by leasonablo people. IX .TAIIj. Lincoln'M Mayor and City Council Itclitml tlio Hiirs. Ma\or S.iwior , of Lincoln , together with the eleven counclluicn convicted of contempt in tlio United States district couit last week , nirived in the city jcstoidaj morning. The whole party wcioin the best of humor , and weie but little disposed to look upon the seri ous side of the cause. To them the Jail hud no unpleasant connections , and they seemed to look upon the incarcera tion as u piece of martjrdom that would have its silver lining and blight side In the sweet bjo and bt\y. At- tiied in their Sunday-go-to-mccting clothes and glossy high huts , the great combination tooted It from the Huilington depot to he ofllco of Marshal Hlei bower , where they'de li voted themselves over to his lender mercies. Their attorney , Hon. G. M. Lainbci ton , was on hand to icccivo the delegation , whom he advised 4iot to be in a bin ly U > seek their con- incmcnt , as their bonds did not xpiie until li ) o'clock midnight. The : iiuletod municipal powers heeded the advice given them , and made a bieak for the outside to icgalo themselves with the pure-ami whole some air nf Omaha and its elceteas. Evoiy nan of tlio twelve took advantage of their few remaining hours of fieedom and themselves in vaiious wnjs. In the meantime Marshal Hicrbower busied nniself pioparatory to tinning over the twelve men to Jailer Miller. The latter ippiaisod by telephone of the intended visit of the twelve , and was requested to make It us comfoi table for them as the lilies and icgulations of the jail would penult. Hctween 3 and 3 o'clock Muor Saw.or . and the eleven councilnien "iad a consultation at the Milhml , and it was : heio and then decided that Mr. Lambcrtson should leave for Washington at once , lay the matter bofoio the United States supicmo couitnnd pioouio a hiibens coipus. Then the whole paily filed out , joined the martial and man lied to the jail , each man carrying in his hands well filled satchels of clean linen and other changes of wear- lug nppnrol. They had come prepaied , evidently , with the expectation of a long slope , and an apparent .knowledge ol the slowness witli which a great body like the supiemo court of the United States moves. Duiiug tno intct im Jailer Miller had not been idle , and when the distinguished paity ariived ho hud things about the lesidenco pait of the Jail pretty well "rid up" and received his guests with his wonted aftability. No dismal cells gicctcd them ; the 01 cak ing on their hinges of the 10- puKlvo grated doors did not ploico their c.u , nor did the click of thu lock jar on tholrnerves , if they hud gone to a hotel they could lm\c not been tioatcd with a bet tor reception , and the whole party was oseoitod to the second stoiy of the living upaitmonls of the Jail. Two huge looms , beautifully and coinioitably fuimshed , weie assigned them , and they at oiico set about making themselves acquainted with their now home. . The looms aio nicely hunted , and are furnished with u viqw to comfoi t. Last night a In : repoi ter c.illed upon the cciuncllmen ami luunii them in the midst of merry-milking. Jailer Miller and a deputy .sheiilT or two were with thorn , and wliilo a great deal of liilaut\ prevailed it was of that inotlonsivo kind and in no waj eontraiy to tlio set and established rules of the Jail. Minor tiuwvori onteiited himself perusmgtlio contents of thn Hir : , and two or thieo other of the gentlemen pored over the picture ture- , and coiitiibutlons of inagn/mos. How ever , the majority whiled away their houis of confinement pla.v ing cards , chcekcis and other innocent and ugrcoab'o ' pastimes. Ltory telling and the Clacking of jokes en- tcicd into the onteitaiiiment , and a happier nnd inoio contented lot it would bo hind to find The pilsoneis are not confined to in ison fare , but aie permitted to ordoi and have cooked for them anything that maj host suit their appetites. However , they arc compelled to abide b.\ the inlcs of the Juil in icfurciice tn the houis of going to lied. Woven spring rets , good mattresses , sheets and comfoi teis or- deted for their special benefit is what they sleep ii | > on. and those are distributed in dilT- oiont waids on the second floor. The pi is oueis are these : M.y or Sawyer , L W. 1511 lingsby. Giau Ensign , L. C. l > ac-o , II. H Dean , J 7. . Hrlscoe , J. M. Hulks , F A. Ho- vey , John Fruas , J , H. Uailoy , It H. Gruhum , W. J. Cooper and N. OHurk. Co7vl7l-'AMINK. A - . Nut Knoiih SnTt Coal In the City to Last it Wcnk. Yesterday the freight on coal between Chi- cnjo'nnd this city wan i aiscd froui $3.22 to $3.50 per ton. This is thu highest charge that has been made for the trnnspoitation of this nec essary article in many , \ oair. , am ) will have an appreciable effect upon thopik-o of coal. At picbcnt , antluacito coal , which ! > theonly coal that is brought hcru Jti oiu Chicago , is selling for Ml.M per ton , which Is a dollar higher than it was a iear ago. This rni o in the prieo is attributed to the freight rate , as ulso to u sc'arctty ' of the fuel , which , It is statid by local coal dealers exists. There aio fifteen of thcso in the citywho tell gener ally about the bamo tale , and these of them who inuko it siioulalty of soft coals , claim that there is not now In this city enough of that grade to last one week. The coal do- p.u tment of the I'nlon Pacific which supplies the greatest amount of soft coal is now three weeks behind in Iu orders , and Is not In n condition to state when it" supply will bonblo to satisfy the demand. With tills condition of attahs , the more prudent of the co.U deal- omiro suggesting prudence to the consu.mcis vrbo call to lca.yo order * . Oor.oral Crook , h vs roturuod from ti trip to the hpndquarters of the Cliey- eiiuo and Powder rlVorsi . ' ; . . GUILTY COUNClIjMKST. Arc TheHeflpoiiftlblo for ( tic Sale of Liquor on Klcctlou Da } ? " 1 sec , " said a snloonkecM | > r .Vesterday , to a HFK leixirter , "that one mnn has already been fined IIIX ) for selling liquor on election day. He wn n drug clerk , however , nnd of course hud no right to sell It as a buveiagc nt any time. Hut , if hu was lined for selling on election day , how can the saloonkeepers , whose cn es me jot to be heard , for selling drinks on the same day , hope to escape .simi lar punishment ! And 3 et , I know Unit some of thcso men , after the ma.v or hud issued his order to the chief of police to enforce the law with regard to selling liquors on tlmtday , would not have violated It , it not been for the icsolution of the council , which suggested that thei payne no attention to the older. Of course , that resolution cioos not destroy the offense committed. The saloon men knew they wore violating the law und that law should have governed them in their act. Hut , It they should plead by way of extenuation that they ought to be absolved from the penalty of bicnklng the law when the city council openly encouraged the same , does it not occur to you Unit the gravity of the offense should bo lessened. Don't you think the couiicllmcn who voted to adopt that resolution should bo chniged as accessories und punished I. The council wus actuated by a motive of revenge upon the mu\or , but that icvenge must now be atoned by innocent men who will probnbly be required to pay n fine of 1100. Will any of those couucllinen help to pay these fines ! Not one. 1 lost $100 bv not selling on election day and If my better judgement hud not told inn that the council WIIH setting the law , in defiance , I too , per haps , would bo charged with thu offense of violating it , because personal interests strongly tempted ine to sell as on other days. " CITV ATTOUXKY'H HKCISIOX. Mr. Webster' * Opinion on the License Quest Ion. City Attorney John L. Webster hns fur nished Ma\or Hroatch with the following de cision regarding the license question : Hov. W. J. HKOVTCII , Miij or , Omnhu. Dear Sir : Ueplying to .vour favor Inquiring in > opinion as to thu light of the city tieas- urcr to icccive n fractional pint of the * t,000 in payment of tlio annual license for the sale of liquor and as to the right of persons to engage - gage in the selling of liquors without first having paid the full amount of the license foci and having procured u license tliurcfor , I have the honor to lepoit , that section 2 of the compiled statutes of Nelnuskuol 1NW , page ll. , makes It a criminal ofteuce for any person to sell or give nwuv mult , spii ituous or vinous liquors or im.v intoxii ut- ing dunks without hiivlng Hist complied with life provisions of that net and having obtained n liccnso as in that act set foith. Under tne law no license can be obtained untll4.bc full amount of the license fee shall huvo been paid , and which in cities ot over ten thousand population can not be loss than M,000. No person is thercfoio ( entitled to a license until the annual foes ahull huvo been paid In full. Until such sum is paid und license issued it is a criminal otTense to en gage in the snle of Illinois. My conclusions are , therefore , first , that no person can lawfully engage in the selling of liquor until ho has first obtained a license therefor ; second , thcio is no authority to issue the license lequired until thctlOIX ) shall flist have been paid as u license fee ; thhd , ani oidinuncu of the city of Ouinha which permits or provides that jiersons may engage hi the selllngof liquor without having first paid the license fee und having obtained thu license provided by law , is in violation of the .state law and be.umd the authmlti vested in the city \ouneil and thoie- foio such ordinance is illegal ; fourth , all poisons who have paid into the city treasmy n portion of the sum of money provided for its a license fee and havotheieupon proceeded to engage in the business of selling liquor without having paid the full amount of the license fee and without having obtained the litensu by law required , mo guilty of u viola tion of the state law und uro subject to its penalties. JOHN' L. Whi.-.rnu , City Attorney. Two More luo Houses. The icemen in this city have not yet com menced to cut their supply lor next summer , the icason being that thcchanncl of the river is still not fio/un. Last year the cutting did not begin until about Chiistmas. Tlicie aie now ns thcio were then eight dealers in the commodity in the city who gaineied a crop of nftout 75,000 tons. The o with the quantity ut by brevveis and puckers incicased the total to nearly 200,000 tons. The luigest amount of ice v\as stored by Hammond , who cut -lO.COO tons which ho used In his immcnso packing establishment. His house is situated on thu west shore of Cut-Off lake , v , hero , this year will also be erected two largo houses of equal capacity by Swift und Armour for the ac commodation of their big establishments. The prii o of ice lust season ranged from ft to $10 per ton , and it is not thought that it will be any higher next Hummer. MOKTUA11Y MATTIHtS. M'CiL'S'i : . Mrs. Sill nh A. MiCune , wife of II. A. Me- Cuno , died at 3 o'clock Sundu.v ut her lute residence , ' 'Olio Cumiiig street. Mis. Mo- Cuno bud resided in this city since ISVi having lived in the house In which she died MIICO 1WH. The deceased , with her husband , kept the old Douglas for u number ofoais . , commencing in IMil , which still existed on lluiney htioct until seveial ioars ugo. Mis. Mi Cuno was the mother of Mis. James Poitei field , lormeilv of Council HhUTs , and Miss Viola Coftln. The lomuins will bo in toned this uttoinoon at 2 o'clock in Foiest Lawn cemetery. lwHr Hold. A. E. Weir , the pickpocket who relieved M O'Uergof his gold watch last Sntmdny afternoon while that , gentleman wus standing In front of his bar talking , had a hcai Ing be foiotho police magistrate yestei day after noon and wus put under ? , ' , ' ( ) bonds to ap pear befoio the district court. Heing unublo to give bond , ho was taken to the county jull. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When Baby was sick , wo gave her Castoria. When BIO was a Child , she cried for Castoria , When she became Miss , she clung to Castoria , When slio had Children , she gave tliem Custoria. J.&T. Emboil- the highest excellencies In Blmllne [ 3 Com toil ami Durability and lire the REIGNING : - : FAVORITES Iu Fuslilonahle ( 'licles. Our name J < ouc\cry oUl . J. vVT. COl'hl.NS , NKW V'OIIK. AflUNTS I OK OMAHA. Hayward Brothers. THE OMAHA BEE , -Dtl.IVf.lUJITO- AM PAIT OF LINCOLN -nv CAiuucn Ton- 20 Cents a Week Sovpti papcn nutjlc. . Send yow order to the olllco , 1029 P Street , Capital Hotel Building PATENTS .o.3lsrP * > W IIIIIDU uotu Obuinei , or Inientor'i Guide. I , [ tf II i > < ' , ] WE EXPECTED Our big special sale of overcoats would cause a commotion , but we must confess we neyer an ticipatedisuch a rush as we had all last week , and especially Saturday. Our 35 salesmen were busy from morning till late at night , to wait on the throngs of customers that crowded our store , and we regret that we were not better prepared , as even that large torce of sales men was not sufficient to attend , to all. and a good many had to go away. Saturday's business made big holes in our overcoat piles , but-we are not through yet. Over one hundred cases of suits and overcoats from our great New York purchase , are still on the way and coming in daily , and we propose to get rid of them as fast as they come in. Last week we have convinced thousands of customers that they never bought overcoats so cheap as we offered them. This week we will show how low good suits can be sold. Suits that were made by one of the best houses in the country. This is the greatest opportunity men of moderate means ever had to procure good first class garments at about one half the real value , we cannot describe them all , but we mention a few of thalarger lots and which are especially big bargains : " 300 good heavy Cassimere Suits , warranted strictly all wool , lined with good heavy sorgo. No all wool suit of suoh M"7C quality and such.make was over offered for less than $7 to 8. Our slaughter price is $4.75. ftA Cft This is the price we have placed on about 200 fine black , warranted real worsted , Corkscrew Suits , some lined with vOiUv s'lk ' serge , some with good double warp Italian , well gotten up. This will make a good dress suit for men of mdd- ernte means , and will give good satisfaction. It is in every respect as good a suit as is sold by other houses for $10 to $12. Our slaughter price is $6.50. Q 7R ' 11S * ° couanis about 250 plain , double and twist , and silk mixed cassimeres , some flue cheviots , elegantly made Oui I W and trimmed , every one worth $15.00 , and that is the price which other dealers would ask for them. Our slaughter price is $9.75. > Rfl eai'ty ° ° nne tailor made Suits , the choicest of the great purchase ; cassimeres , beautiful fancy worsteds and i JU diagonals. The material is the product of some of the best mills in the country , and some imported. These suits were manufactured for the finest city trade , and have been made up to sell at retail for from $18 to $25. Out slaughter price is $13.50. Several large lots of Pea Jackets and Vests , chinchillas , plush and astrachan , lined with fine cassimoro and Italian goods , which are usually sold for $10 , $12 and § 18. Our slaughter price is J4.25 , $4.75 , tD.OO and $1175. A few extra fine im ported astrachans with elegant satin lining , and fully worth 28 to i30 , we offer at $16.90. 1 We wish to call the attention of ladies to a small but especially attractive assortment of fine children's overcoats , which fell into our hands with this great purchase. These are made of the ! best of material in Cassimere , Chinchilla and Astrachan , elegantly trimmed with fur and plush , and of exquisite designs. These garments were manufactured for the cream of city trade , and in I every respect first class. There are only a few small lots of them , and as the sizes are somewhat broken we have marked them at about one third their real value , We are daily in receiptof numerous mail orders from out of town parties , and wish to say that we cheerfully send goods by express C. O. D. , with privilege of examining when parties are willing to pay express charges , both ways in case goods are returned , and we require a deposit to cover such charges. We sell goods with such a small margin of profit that we cannot afford to puy ex- pressage. * i All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Company , Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. A Great CATASTROPHE ! OF OUR $ 18 SUITS TO This is the cheapest lot of goods ever sold in Omaha. If you want a suit of clothes , buy now , as this cut will only la 10 DAYS. OVERCOATS for $6.50 , $7.5O , $9 and $1O ; worth double the price. CLOTHING CO. LEADING CLOTHIERS , 1303 FARNAM STREET. FURNITURE A magnificent display af everything useful and ornarriental in the furniture maker's art , ' . . . . ; at reasonable prices. BAtiAUV AND COMMISSION tocouipe'cnt llti' > iii"'U Men a-cpt'iiK exciielvo ' elty nutnc'u I for * nlf of our JVA'I JO.VAt , AU TOMATIC HAS hAVINO IIOVKHNOU.S. Ho- quired li\ all KIIS i yuiumer * . HA\ Kiel I'MI is ( iK lliM.s. 'Iliev uriniiUzutho prjs u piittnc- ter. Secure a ntp-uly unit Ini re.iwil illiin , Illation , Insulins perfect iomUisllon ut tlio ga'e * . anil a l > mu itivl lieulih > ntmo ii Irrt ) . I'rateiitithuiU * iign cable \UilMlliH' . blo > iln anil smoking of burneriemeilln freijuent ilunutr from lire , anil oxjieiun of broken Kioto b. OUT tUidllu i-ei- , vice I.uiloibeJ Ijy liVhenl tiU'icuntllo , lorpo- ute nml exitnt | Autlniltles. Ageutd cletulag < tnuiurmontli. AildiciH. THEU.MON NATIONAL OAS-KITTINQ CO , 7 < t lIUOAinVAV. NEW VOltK. . j. Surgeon and Physician. OIHco N. W Corner lith u < l lonil s St. Offlce. lolephoue , iW ; Besldeuce tulephoue , 509.- Epps's Cocoa 11 : v ; ' v. ' "Mr n thornneli knnwlrdxo of the nntiirnl liiirn which jinYprn ihoopprutlons nt illKustlun mid nulrf- linn , anil by c.iifftil npplltallon uf iliu nnu pruperlluj < it well sclcclol C < ruu , Mr. Kp\n \ Ins provlituil our brriiklnst lulili with H Oellaili'lr tlnvorcil huvi-niLu whit It niuv bnvo r many hrarjr doclur'd blllx ( tn 1/7 ll.o Jiullcicui" use u ( Mich irllcli'i of Ulot thin u cuiislllnllun limy bu itrnduallx built mi until Jtnm rnnuxli In roiht c\err Iviuleniy to IIIICHIU. Hun- ioriii'0'i ' wiin piirn iiiixiu aim a pruputly nnurUlieJ Iruaiu ' Cltll MrvlrcinzttU ) . Made ( Imply nlih bolllnu wttnr or milk. Sou only In lialt puimu lln > by Uiocvrn UlitleJ ihuii lloinn'opatble Cliemlsts. LONDON. HNIII.\M ) . FOUNTAIN FINE CUT AND . incomparably the Ba t. DR. HORNE'S Elestro-Mapetic Belts ! The Grandest Triumph of Electric Science Gentlemen's Belt liest StiMitlflt Scienlir'ca"y ' Made and Practically Applied. with Electric DISEASES CURED WITHOUT MEDICINES. litoyi lVlwam"'Jirop 7rlo * "ihrn'tiiU l > clt li'jiu Kltclrlctti , Intlantly felt Can be applied _ _ _ . . . _ . . _ _ . . loony part of the body. Whole family can lltfHc.N " I I wear It It rlertrlflon the blood and cures v mmmm TCCTIUnUIII C K mTimoeonulDBandtisedbypennlMlon. NOTE the following who have befn ICdllmUNIALa CL'IKI > I-A. J. ItoasUnd. U. H. l-arkerand J. M. Ha l tt , all oil Hoard of TrMo , Chlcagoi A ( Iri-K-orr. comml lonr/irch nt.fuorkYarrt i lludd l > olla. h trre tnor naniUol Connjlly , ot the Inter Oceani O. W. Uellns , H. 1) , Monnontown , lovra ; l iiiurl Ullk , KankaUer.lll.i Judge I. ft , Murray.Napervllld , III i K. L Ahbott.BUpt.rlly w tirworks , MonthIlrnil.Jnd t llobt. pout oftlcci L D. McMlchacl. M I ) . liulfalo. N. V - i our bell b rrompll hcd what nu othef rmnailjf hlfci > loadir nurvm andcomfurUbletlupatlilgbt. " llobt. Hall , aldtrnmu , ISO r t lU Street , New York nd tlioimanila nfntlipra . . , Or , HORNE'S ELECTRO MAGNETIC BELT lyi/saw-ar-tHiiaa.tK.ti ; rmi " < j. ilrni [ inxlurcn a rontlnuoui current i conreyi clectrli Ity throuuli the body on thu nerve , tt oureialM liy KI niTatlnn a contlimonn current nf electricity ( Id or la hour * out of l > llirouirboiit the human .y wm allaying nil iiorvouinou Immediately , and producfnxnn'w rlrcuUtlnn of tlin. lire furcf.-tbo blood , Im p > rtln TlKur , itrenKth , vncriry and health , when all othir treatment hat failed. Tlio ucrtU o ( tUli > oua IlUc In tt an. | jpuirei'ojnlinl | ( ainl Indorsed by tboujanUnwlioru Hlia "irc'l . . . , . IChKEHKNCKH Any bank rommerclal atrency or wholriale houio In Chlcaffoi wholcialo dniggUti , Ban trancUi oaudChlcapo ifrHtmditampfor llSpage llluatratotl pamimlot X3X1 "W. y. XX XUVXO , InvintorauJlIauuracturcr , 1U1 Miibub Aycnue Cklcxe. RUPTURE ° S ° b7DR , HORNE'S ' ELECinO-HAGNETIC BELT-TRUSS HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales Plows , Markers , , Scale Repair Shop. Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. Slide Iron. .