Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1887, Page 4, Image 4

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    . -p- - . _ cc : ' - - - : - - - - - - . ' - . - . . I - ' : _ - : . - . $
4 a ThE OMAHA , D4ILY BEE : TUESDAY , NOVEMBER 2 ( ) , 197
- -
: . THE nAiriY BEE.
. PUIUdHIJEI ) IFijtv : MORilNO.
. . XMty ( Morning F.tIUon ) incliLtittig 8unlay
IIEI. ( ) Ii Y. nr. . . . , . . . ' , . tlo
T rItX Mttt. . . , , l ( * )
ForIbree Moiith . . . . tO
'Ih. OIIIRhn 1ltflILIy Itr.i , IiKIi tO 1t113f Lt(1 (
resMOnt , Yetr : . . -
OMAhA OrricE , No.gJl I)1O l'AIIN. &rIEET. { .
Niw YoftK ( ) rF1 ( ) , ftt,1iI f. I'IlI)1Nfl flttH.
TEETII t3TILu1. _ _ _
- .
r - All COfli1flhllI1'tt1OflM ( rlItIfl l1W
1ItoriaI flitter houIt1 1 nIIIreed to the
. Euiroit ( ) I' TIIK IIEP.
1IUslNE:4 : lI'rIEIt :
AU htiIne letters aiii should be
. . $ dO resed to 'Fit i U i : E I t' nit ii 4 U C ) % i PA
( ) MAIA. 1)rnrt , c1i'k niiil ititoIIeP ot.hN to
be iiinile IUt ) UtJIe to thi ot.h'r of the coI1lpa1l.
? he Bee FllbIishu11 Copiiy , Proprietors1
E. 1LOSEVA'I'I , ItT(1lI.
' TfI : ItI4Y ItII.
- . . . - - - - - -Mworn statIIIeIItor cIrcttIaton.
Sttt ot Nbrrtka.
( ' ( lunty or 1hnigIa.
( O. U. Tzgchtick iec ttur ot The Itet' I'nb.
lhtiIug conipatly. durs MlCIflfltV ivar thnt the
IttHIt c1tci1nthtiii of thi' Itaihy Ilee tot' the week
T1(1Iflg Nor. 2 , Dh7 , a
Iaht1rlly , Nov. H )
. Stind ) , Nov. 2 * ) . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . I IJOJ
Noinhty. Nov ! I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
! Fflt'Iay Nl % 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
weInrIiay ( ( Nov 2J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 . ( )
'FhiIlrsdiIY , Nfl 2 h 1 h , , IM )
JT1hay , Nov ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I4 r ; ' )
( yI IL I'7.3UPIt ? . .
Inrn to nnh tiv1btil Iii my pi eeiicu thts
! ittt day ot November. A H. I7.
I7.N P. FEI. !
( SFAL3 Notary I'nbhtc
tnteor Ntbraka , h
( otInty of 1hiiigh. t
( ; to II. 'Fzichtu k. bjng lhst n1y t % nrn 4 #
1)ol. ( H IflI ( Ffly8 that Iu l Sl rehtry otTbe flee
1'tibID&Ing ) & eonpRI3 ) . t ) itt t he n rtual itvtru0
i1nhI circiltatloit t tht IahIy ) flee fur
t he 1flfltII of Ntfll1)eI , 13U1t
coptes : lOt 1)CClflhl ) , 1'fl , J3J7 e > Ie :
1P'47 1l.Xt3 ' . for Feh
few htflUflT. ' ( 'OIIe.4
1118r3. , 1t'7 14.llS ( ( } 111eM for Marehu , 1S7 14.400
cuples : fur Alirhl , II$7. 14.ld : ; copk : for Nay ,
iIt7. 14.227 flph194 : fur .1 111fl. I t7. 1 1. I IT euphes
for .Jti1. lt.Z J4. ( ( ( )1)IS ) ) : fur A ticust , 1t47 , I 1.
1r1 ccjfe ) : for ttptetnbev , IkO,7 , hi.ut' : ' cojites ; fn
October , JSST , 1Ic.
( Ha ) . 8. TZSCIIU'K. (
Fs' ; orti I o 81111 itb'ihhvil I ii tity pI ( ' 1lfl ( ' ( ' this
. Clii dti of October , . ft. ft.M7 , N. P. FihI.
( ti % L. ) Sot urv Publtc.
' CA i1'1It IL 1thh1 ( ) is iii .TttlaII. TIc
will return to ( jI1ittg ( ) :1 : ii expert jtigglct
iii otltct tliiiigs tlutn poliLic4.
Tit : ' 'Anieticaii onty" iiov ittinlet ,
nijout ten tliousuid hi New \otk ttatc.
flcdtielng this to a vulgar fraction of
the whole population . tlicy t'eprc.ciit
one ix-tltousitiit1tli of t ho votuts of the
Etfl1)itO ) stttto.
Tiri tlistrictttttoi'iiey of New YOLk City
IR ' 'ttyiiig to iI1LiCt ( otild tttid Sugc. ' '
Those win ) know t1tc ( ) patioth best. will
naturally wotider vliat they littvo diie ,
and if they nro not the victims of some
WiCkO(1 COiispirttCy.
: Ion-A htitcliers along the ? Iisissippi
. are cxcitc(1 over movement of A rniour
to obtuin coiitiol ovcr the leof ) trade it
thttt region. I'hcy ( oII1der on nitacic
t Ott tltoit two 11t111t1112l l ) ° cent profits
au tttrocious outrage.
\Vitit' ; Atlanta Iuul no licenc several
i ; ' htintlred lILtCCS ) olt1 'hisky.r1ltet.o
VflB no rogulat ion. Under the law i'ati-
fled Saturday , thci'e will be fewer places
where whisky is sold , and each of thetn
will be ttiitIcr stiict suIvilahlce.
i 'J.htEItI Was II very 3nateriltl
PA In the total exchanges of the cleai'fiig
i house banks last veck us cotulare(1. ) with
the previous sweek , hut Omaha's state-
meat 'is grtLtifying in itinount mul in the
) erCCIttflgO of iiiercae over the corre-
ponUig week of hut year.
A COnOxiit's jury recently censured
the Now York Central road for carelessness -
. ness Ilk killing one of its einployes.
These juries should not ho so recidess
In httrthig the feelings oT sensitive railroad -
road corporations. The idea of consur-
jug a COInjany for a small thing like
that ! _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mit. Biciri assures the VCl)0t'tor of
the .lfcrahl that there was no intentioti
I on his. part to snob the police commis-
R1On III refusing to ithlo' the reatllng of
'their letter in 01)011 council.Vo are
glad to know that Mr. T3eehel sees the
folly of further continuance of the clis-
graceful controversy.
: TItI citizens of Omaha have raised
over $ iOOH , ( ) for the 1)tlrlose of securing
the national 1ojnlllicun convention.
Anong the candidates ftr this piie
Onuiha now stuI(1s : as good a chance us
; . any. 'I'Iio city 1sns large as ( ihticago
wns when that city had its first national
'ouveutloit in lSt3O. Oinalut is the
; .OI1tOL of the continent , and can tlCCIIt- )
inoditto all who attend the con vent iou.
AT'IIISON is in about the sauna fix as
Ounulut with regard to Missoui i rivei
bridge accoininodatlo us. The existing
bridge nionopoly has had its own vui'
; oiC8L5 , afll the cotnpztny h1ih1 p'o- '
cured it charter freni congress fet a
ri val railroml auitl .wagou bridge has tip
to this time failed to redeem its itroni-
lees. The latest scheme is to trautsior
'the bt'idgo charter to the flock hlttid :
Tiui citizens of Inpid City , Dak. ,
: Iittvo i.eutt it t01)tCSCuttatiVe ) \Vitshiuig- -
' tout to secure , if posibl , the openluig te
8OttlOrs of the Sioux reservation. The
torins on which it is Pt'OIOSCd to tb thit
' * u.o to be 'honorable auiti benoliciuti u
ttbo Indians tORI SettlePs allkb. " If u
juodern treaty is carried out on thai
'iMts ls , vo shall have a rather novel ole
. &nuut In our lOteflhuiutI luidian lwobleln
A tiiuiit of the Colombian legatiot
. nt vttshiuigtoti says the l'unannt canu
ha3 eojt over ono Itundictl and flft
'I infllicits UI ) to date. Of that sum $1S ,
° ° , ° ° ° have been ocpouidcd in itmlciut
the excavations. The rust has beet
consumed in earing for the sick , Iayinl
the ofliclals connected with the scheme
and other sundries. The rottenness o
timings in 1)cnnumrlc was not a. dream
Stance to 1)o Lesseps' festering project
. Is any systematic olTort bohuig mad
to hi ito manufacturing 1idtistries t
Omaha , and to n.nke known time chithumi
of this city us en eligible point for sue ]
industries ? If not such nu effort shmoul
be Iantiguratl3tl by thO bottd ; of trmulo a
t .onco and vigorously umstiel.
dotil of useful work iii titis way ought t
. bo douto during thonoxt throc motitlu
There uro a great many ntunu1mictuvin
entot.prlses nu's uutfavoiably locate
Ilmat cqltI be brouht to Omaha' 1
papr ffmducornentswevtoffctctl.
. . . .
. , . .
. Ttu , TreauftlryIteport. '
Thegrcnt care Sderotary 1'nlrehild Is
taking Iii the imrepmtiatlOn of his annual
remrt carrnnts tim exIee.tatlQn thuitt , It
st.Ill ho a uuodt lresefltatIu of what
should be the fiscal lxlIcy of the country
front the point of view of the admtnls.
tttLtlttl. It is lordly to ho supposed ,
however , that It vIll excel the Inst
report of Mr. Manimlug ns a compre-
Iwuuslve lLull learned diseusioui of the
I)11 no ! ptl : q nestlon s wi tim wit melt It must
deal ; an d vIicmm I t Is remneunbe red husv
slight ttfll Ineffective was the irihlueno
exerted iiy the laborious elToit of Mr.
Fairehi Ilds jtCCCSSOt , the qtuestioui Is
suggested whether the hresotmLsecretuttY
hits not giveum himself a tasic that v1tt ho
(3jtuLtll unproductive of results and dis-
appoiuuthuig to hIs hopes.
Very little huts heoum learned
regard I ug the character of Secre-
tury report , but It Is tutu-
tierstood that the tariff tviIl receive the
mfltht extended ttttention , anti that the
whole 5UIjCt tt revenue twill ho treitted
In it thorough utn(1 vrttcticttl vny that
will contmnend tim views of the secretary
to popular attention. It lit a gouui.ral
fault of these I'OIOrtS that the ( Tiscussiout
of the matters considered is not itu the
% uty to iuidtice time 1)001)10 ) to t'e tl thenu ,
01 svhicht caum be read munderstandingly
1) ) the nuass of the PeoPle , and thus a
great deal of their vtLItLc is lost. If
Secretary Fairchild shall make a do-
lumrttuto ) from the generally zLbstl'muso
umiothod of his Ile(1Ct5S0uS ) Iii disetissiuig
hinutuucial and economic ( jluestions Ito vill
Iittve a ummuoht larger audience and exert
a nnicht wider in hluence.Ir. . I\Iumnuuing \
gave the sllvoijtuestioiu the leading lulutce
itt huh , Imist leport , but the present score-
I a uy vlil gi Pc far I ess ttttcn tiomu to th is
subject. which is not at this time urgent -
gent , or itt least loss so titan other ques-
tiouus. Ik'sides , the 1)0IiY ) dcsirel by
the mulnuin istratioui has leoum presetiteti
with aniplo elaboration , and it tvill be
14t1111'iOult to lCmtfhIilfl It. It is it I)0li.Y
with which the majority of the littY is
not iti symnjmathy , and umothing cotull 1)0
gained 1) till attempt to enforce it with
further : u'guunent. 'l'hero is ) tCS1t1g
ulecessity for ritdicztl elmnuuges in the administration -
ministration of the custonut service , amid
pruietical suggestions tvill be made out
this subject Inoicing to inotlihicntlins
timitt will greatly simplify the service ,
rcdticc its cost to the governunont , obviate -
ate time ututmierous hitigmttiomms that arise
tinder the complicated systeun itt
Vgut. ) , amid result to the mmd-
vantage of both tIme imnimrters ittid the
go eruu muon 1.
Under existing eircuuuistances the
forthcotmutuig report of the secretary of
the treasutv will be regarded with umuomo
than ordiumuty iumterot , but whether it
is likely to exert more inhlucuico upon
cctuugiess than the two that have itC
cedemi it sluice the 1)rosent minim istra-
tiouu caine in is problomnutticitl.
NOt Out of Politics.
. ' 2lie railroads nra not ommtirely out of
Politics Ill the state of Kansas. At least
we should judge so fromut the follotviumg
suggestive dispatch from the Kansas
capital :
'l'lme Rock Island ieople are supporting
lieu. A.V. . Sunith for governor , and vil1
ItrobublY he akietl by time Sauttat Fe people.
\Vhmy should time Iecic Island railroad
have itiuy interest i a ? 1r. Snuith , or what
OljCCt has the Santa Fe itt pool-
lug with time 1oeic Isitmud itt his favor ?
2 corporation cauinot vote , muiti whoum It
liiiipeuis to ho a railroad its moral inilu-
once would certainly have but little. if
( july , weight with the tank umtl lile of
Kaumstt voters.
Time cituzcui of Knumsas as those
of all other western states have
endeavored for years to keep railrouls :
out of 1)01 iti CS. But railroad Immanagers
Imorsist itt controlling convemitions and
legislatures.Vo tie not lciiow anytiii mug
about Mr. Smuith , except that he is a
railrotd emiimdldate , amid timat futot ought
to tiefeat his nomination. A ummati whose
baelciuug conies from time railwmy : mamma-
gers will be au unsafe executive for the
PeOllO. 1V1iemtevet the railroad is a
boasted ' 'fico 1tl-
fartor itt polities our -
lot" imecomnes a biue-faccd shutmu. Quito
mulmart fromut the 1)1'OSSttIo which railroads
exert through their nimies of eniployes ,
their iuuiluamico Is uilmnost irresistible
Wi t Ii depen dent patrons mmd coinuntmm , I-
ties. As long mis coriorute monopolies
call ( lictUtO 0U1 governors , scumators amid-
cOlt mtmneum fluid local legislators , l)0Pm
lau scIf-govemnment is a tuicre delusion.
Will They Iave ?
There has beeui within a few days a
renewal of rumors frornVasliiumgton
ahomit rending mIr. Itutuidall out of the
vmtrt and hulniliLttimug him if he vill
mint en-operate to Secure time passage of
ml. tariff bill satisfactory to the majority
of the democrats irt coumgmess. Certain
jouruumtl , ttlo , are insisting that iii time
orgnmmi/.atioum of time house It will ho the
duty of time sjiettlcot to , utit umo one nut in
synipttimy ; with time revenue policy of
the admnitmibttatiomm in a positioum to cmi-
itumtmger the sticcess of that policy. Dema-
oematim conumeils arc m.ald to be substantially -
ally ummami linotis in time opimmion timat the
win ge of the l'cmtmm syl van La congrcssimtn
must be cliph3iI.
\Vill the .plommonts ) of flammdumil tllarc
nttcmnpt this ? 'rho parties In thc
iiext house of vcjircsouitativem
swill stiuud tlitms : Democrats 108
L rcpuiillcans 158 , imudcpomideumts 4. Tht
actual democratic majority Is thus oimi
eleven. In the last congress the follow
hug of 1ittmt1aiI ng.tlumst tue unotioum t (
take tip time Morrison bill was twenty
lIve. lie will very likely have tIns
numler with him in time coining con
. grcsn , amid is mtid to count upon thirty
. Less Lltutmi hull titis uunmbcr vil1 enabh
ilium to exercise time veto power as to ami
actIon upoum which the unmsjority ot timi
. party hi the house may detormiumo.
' ostracised and plmmcctl imi time poitloui 0
f aim oumemny tlmoro cannot be time sligiutes
- doibt that Ito would use this power.
. is entiroiy plalut timat time 1onmocruti
lm1'tY ) jut time imouse cnn carry out ii
U policy as to tlit' tuttiti without time assent
U at least , of time faction of which lianidall I
S the Imenti. Imutloed , it eannot organize tim
t imotuse witlmotmt time nssoumt and assistance a
LI this faction. Umticss , therefore , the nun
t joulty of the srty trisis to make simi1i
t svreclc of their mtdmnluulstration of tim
U imouse at the 'ory outset of titis import
; . itiut eotmgcss ; they cannot adopt umm ,
lCI1ICY tito lUmlPSC of which trill be
ml put nut mndlgumity upon ? Ir. Itandull
Lf They iuave umot vtos cnougist do It.
. . , What Rtsmmdalt ntcumds douug ca
. - :
t ;
be only conjectured. lic bits miot t1t
closed hispurpoe , and doubtless , svIlt
not. It. Is imh habit. to iceop his own
coutisol nmmd make 1cmuowuu his vosttloui In
usetlon. limit It Is not to be doubted that
Ito feels entIrely secure , niuil is not gir-
Ing himself nmuy trouble over the. ye-
porthd pians to read luau out of the
iitt ty 01. itumniliutto iulmit by releguttimig
hun to some Inferior counmnittee. It Is
rather time majority that istrotululed by
time situntlouu , aiid tt Isuu't qtmlte clear
huoss it calm Iluumi relief.
Reckless flnmtumeleriumg.
The cotmumeil keo1)s out ordevhng muldi-
tioumal iamnl ) hosts anti limo hydrants regardless -
gardless of the fact that there Is already
atm overiuq ) 0 time getmurmil fetid ituid the
lire h.ydraumt. expotises itmc itt excess of
all previomis estinmates , Time mno4 1)0- )
ctmllutr feature of its reckiess flmummmmclei-
ing Is time fact that there has beeti no
settlement of time citys gums bills fiiv
fttlly two years. The ga company
cittimus ovet $40,000 dtie , and Its bills are
) llitmg UI ) from uumomm tim to mmmouith. 'rhuem e
Is evldeumtly somno design to let these
clnimns mmecuniulmmto simmtit they aggregate
eOO,00 ( ) ot $7OJ ( ) { ) uitmil hintthly settle theta
by utum issue of funding botmds.
Itt that uvcumt time gas company svill
not only include iii its bill thousands of
dollars more than time city is legiti-
umuittely liable for under a .strictcoumstruc-
tlomm ( if its contract , but utiso Interest out
time cmmtite clalums front the ditto whcmi
each gas bill vmts lreseultctl.
The sante remkiess style of financier-
ing is nmaumifest in the letting of gradIng
contracts , which we are informed have
created atm enorunltis overlap. Time
.juestion is where wiil iutrmd if this
dlstegam'd of eimmtrter i imitmmtioums Is not
cimeeketi ? It strikes us timat it is high
time for time couumcil to call mm halt amid
take mmii inventory of time city's : tvmtilmtbie
mmssets. A settlenicuit should he made
with time gas and water comnpammy amid om-
ders for amid itionni gas lamps anti by-
tirants shommid im restricted withium time
umicauts at time disposal of time council to
im.v : for titeun from month to niomutim.
Turn comnmissionei of Italian affairs
suggests iii his report , iefeiriuug to the
Itmuliztum territory , timut time wild tribes
west of the umincty-oighth meridian be
reunoved east of that i I tic amid the svct-
emit part ( if time temritory be given UI ) to
the wimites. I-Ic sumys the vast surplus-
age of bid iui the territory , much of it
mutit sumimmtssed 1mm fertilIty aumd versatility
of im0(1tttt01t ) , which calm muever be
utilized ly time luumlians now withimm its
borders nor by their descendants , must
SOtte ! or iater be disposed of by congress -
gross sonic wayorothorand he belIeves
time course he recommemuds will be just
to time Iumdiaums ittitI hirotect timemn from
iri tmptions. The Indian territory con-
tahms SUitO ( ) miles , an urea mmeariy
mmmi largo as the six New Emmglnnd
states , amid time total imumuiber of
Iumdinns in it is only 70,000 , giviumg
520 acres to every individual of time pop-
tmlatiomi , oi , ( i0O uteres for over' fmtmnily
of five ietsmms. It is clear that a lam'ge
pmtrt of timis great territory mntisb coum-
tinmie valueless so iouig as time Indians
itlommo renmain in foil iossessiolt , aumd
sluice time Ilt11 of time commimnissiomuor
would iiivolvc the renmoval of oumiy 7,000
Intliaims from the portion of t lie teimi-
tmm' svest of time niuety-elghmtiu mneridiam , ,
the smtggcstiotm is wortimy of serious con-
sidematlca by comugress. Every year the
pmesssmro of white ponmittion : 0mm time lit-
diaum territory is imm000asitug , amid it is
umnumifestly oumly a question of time wimen
time govoruuuncumt svili no longer he able
to restrain it. It might be well to atm-
ticipute by Umrowiumg a portion of time
territory now S1)ttSCIY optmlntcd i ) , ' Itt-
tiimtmi 01)011 to white settiemneumt.
SaN.Vromt MOPIIEItSON of Now Jersey ,
who will retite from public life at the
cxilration of his jtesemmt term , is very
0X1)lICit 1mm sayiumg to time reveumqo re-
fornmcrs iim coumgrcss timut timey must umot
atteiumpt 1(1 emit very mice ! ) into the tariff
if they exicct to retaius New Jersey mmd
Connecticut in time democratic colummi ,
ammd ho cant ligure how mm donuocrustie
iresidetmt camm ho elected without these
stumtes. Thmo semmator favors dmopping time
tobacco tax and for time remlmainler of
the reduetiomm in revenue umecessary to be
nmm lc taking ofT certnimm tariff duties timeless
loss of which vould umot uttYcet time wages
of hitime. lie announces that any tariff
bill that might immtve tlm effect of rethme-
ing time svames of woricingmcn ho will
oppose. Timis illsmstratcs ommu of the very
imard difhlculties itt the vuiy of mumy
extensive imammges ieimmg made in tue
tamiii by the next congress , tlmust vill beef
of material relief to time people. There
is hardly us dmmty leviemi for which it caum-
not be clammed that it gives some pr
tectiout to labor , and when (1emUOcrmt1H
like Semmutor IslcPhersomm and ltmmmdmill
pimsuit timctnlvsis on the proposition that
110 tariff bill that might affect time wmmges
of lttiQr vi1l receive timely support , timoy
immtving time iowcr to defeat sucim a incas-
uro , itis obvious that the ohumimco
Of guttiimg a reusouuabie mmd just
revision of time tariff Is ainmost
hmopoless. IL Is plain that If tmmly-
timing is done by time tmext congress fem
reducing taxatioum very little ssill be
; takeum from time tariff , and timat little no
directiomi to give relief to time great
majority of time people.
O3tmmA needs a large lit-st class fire-
) i)100f imotel , ummtl the ptobability is timat
- site vill have it at tin enrly duty. Time
t iI-elImiumay stops should io taken this
- winter. It vilI require six mnommtims tc
draw time pinmis , amid at least two year
3 to commmpiete time building , so that at thmc
very otitside WO could mmot have time Imotul
: u smntll 1801. By timumt time Omaha vii ]
f be able to support a million dollar im te
f mmi smell as time imotcis timat site mmow imtts
t SImpOSO ) timttt either time Paxtoui ot
t mlillurd simommiti burum dowum , what cotidi
a tiomt would Otnaimts be 1mm as to Imotei ac
C ) comnmnodatiouus ? Such mum accident h
. , liable to occur any dty We cammimo
S altomd to tnku such chammces mtmci
U longer , ums the ios of either one of thos
f hotels , at time vreseumt time , wotmid be u
. - greater cmsiamnity to Omualma timimum wtts titi
- destruction of time Gramud Cemmtrttl.
. - 'I'iin om-gummizatmon or time board of ohmmr
itles trill assure systomnittie cimuritabb
0 work lim Omuthus , . of wlmleim there Is meit
L. umoed. Time dispe suitloxm of olmarlty ii
ti1i city timruiugit oxistluig orgatmizu
It tozmshas bcmi liberal , but for : wnimt
'fllQtmOl ) III thoworklimerc lmn.4 bOCm ! i
great mica ! of lumipoi4tloum prumctleedwimIic
mnnmly wortimy poor wito have mmot
urged their chums imttve sumhiorcd
mmeglict.Vhmttt ms reqtmired. Is aim ( mgummm-
lzmmtlotm huivimig is cbmmtrmmi otlicim mttiml time
ummeans of Iuivestigtmttumg a1piltuttloums for
mmiii as well tts seekimmg otmt timose rcqtmlr-
iumg assistance. This time boi1td of cimmur-
Itles will provliic , ttumd In timis imiost lie-
eessmtm.y immmd eojnmbimdttbIe work it
simould receive a ztpvromms suPPort.
Tin St. Louis te-Deunocrnt mvutimts
to kumow If it Isimt'ui1out tinme to cimuituge
time aumelemut policy of itllowing mileage
to congrcsslmmemm itt time rate of 20 cemmts
per immile , mvimeum railroad fame Is mmut otto-
fotmrtim as mnsmcim as thmnt , amid wimemm , as a
flatter of fnt , most of timoun do their
trmsvelhug on Itco passe ? " It uumdouht-
etily Is. Ammd It mmmight be suggested tiimtt
there are several utmcieumt polIciescotm-
corumitug cotigressmetm tim need of radical
cimauuges. Yet , after nil , a congressmmmtmn
simoimld receIve more timaum $5OO ( ) a yemr :
for distributIng guudcum seeds mttmtl Pub
does to imis beloved commstitucmmts.
Tmmn Cimleago board of trade has hocus
qu Ito mmouimimi eumt in collecting evidence
Upoim whilcim to indict bucket sImQp propri-
etors. Time latter class muow to
retaliate by an attempt to indict the
bommr(1 for rummnluig a bucket 51101) uimder
time guise of a board of tm'mtdc stock cx-
cimutnge. It would 1)0 just as cotmsim4tetmt
for the IThOPrietor of a fare bammk to oh-
ject to Suimdny services ott moral
grounds as for a bucket shop mumnum to say
tlmat a lcgitimnmtte board of trade ye-
semmmbicd his timieviuig busimmess.
Iknuii ShARI' , the nceomnpllslmed bood-
icr of New York , will periiumims Imavo his
cmmso settled to-duty. The country is
gottiumg very tired of Mr. Sharp's case.
H. Rider Iiaggardcotmtcmmmpistes wmitiuug a
sequel to "Site. "
Secretary Whitney has rcturumed to Wimsim-
immgtomm 1mm inmprovcd health.
'lime spleimmild Gmmnmbetta niommunmont in Pamis
Is to be dedicated Juttummvy 1.
It hi smmki tlmmmt Ttmy flouid nmay take his
yacimtto India durimmg time stmtuumer.
Tito oldest muami itm Aibuny , N. Y. , is Zaumtv
Bicciker. Ho says Ime Is 237 years old , but
this is itobabi3 , mmmm exuggcrmmtiouu.
1'Im s. Logtmum hits meturuied \Vmmslmingtomm ,
viflm time ltmtcmmtioim of mcnmmmiuuiumg there sonic
timume. Sue is looking extreimmeiy well.
Edsvimrd Cimmmdwkic , of South Jlyouis , Comma. ,
has beets Iostmmmastet forty-eight consecutive
years , uimd immms seen postage reduced from 25
to 2 cents.
Secretary anti Mrs. iamnamsvhll go to
Macon , Cit. , about the middle of umext
mmmomitiu , amid stilt spout ! time Christmas itoh-
days there.
Two somms of Cimat1Dlkens-Alfred , Ten-
umysoui and Edward Bui1svc Lytton Dickeums-
arc settled as rcmml etu'6 hgeimts ammtl brokers
In Australia. ; I
Interstate Sehoon-
masker has taken a umouso \nsh1ngtoui
tout for time whiter , In oidcr that ito may attend -
tend to ofticimml busiumess without being sep-
itrated uioni imis faumliy.
Mr. Hendrickson , of Bell county , ICy , , is
crcdmtcd with killing three inca mind dangerously -
ously woumuding another. } IQjs umatvely de-
scribcd i)3 the locumi pmoss as an "InfluentIal
citizen , a church nmemnber and a dead shot. "
TlmoimmasV. . Cantwelh , of Aliamly , hits mire-
semitcil Governor flu with a bust of Cimurles
Stewart I'atncli. It is a finely executed
Iiiece of work , amiti has been iilaced In a
imommmltueumt Position in time Executive uuummumsion
at Albany.
Mi . Gladstone is feeling limo effects of time
remmmmkable cold and weatiter itt Eumgiaumd.
lUs timmoat aummi his bronchial tubes mmro his
weakest spots , amid it l said timat ho ivill
500mm go to time soutim of France , as Imo did ium
Jmmmmtmmmry , 1SJ.
v. S. Gilbert , time famous English iibrct-
tist , has a curious IambiC when imo Is writing
imis comIc oIermm3. \\'Imile at imis ( lesk he ofteui
turns froims his wmit'ing to sketch earlcmmtuves.
TImoqummiumt iiotumes , lie in odmices iimvlgorate
his Imnaglntmtivo io'cis anti often smuggest
new nuimi striking tm-mmmums of thought wimicim
have lomportant effects arm iuis libretto.
Mi s. Mimrk llopklmms Searle , time newly
wedded nmiilmotmmmlre omsmmem of pahmitimmi iesi-
dences mit Great Baruington , Mass , and Saim
Frmmncisco , Cal. , has receumtiy Purcimuscu two
hue lots of humid out Block Isiammd. time PO1)mi )
mr simummuimCr mesort , whet-c site spout hiart of
immst seasouu. Site iroioses to build a flute
sumntacu. rcsidciuo there to be ready for cc-
cuihtmmcy imext ycam.
While Wo Muiy.
Time Iufrjcmulct. , ,
Time iiaumds arc such dear iummnds
They & 1e so lmmii ; titev tutu at our demands
So often : they reach out
With trifles scarcely thought about
So mimaumy titnes ; they do
. So nmtmtty things for umie , for you-
If their fond vills uxmlstmmte ,
\Ve ummimy troll bend , imot break.
They are such fond , fraIl iII )
'Vlmut speak to mis. Irmty If love strips
Them of dlscrctiomm umimny thacs ,
Or It' they SlCaiC too slow or quick , sucit
\Vo uumumv itSS by ; for we many see
Days miot fai oft when those small words
amity be
Ieitl out as slow , or quick , or out of place ,
iuimt dear ,
Because time lii's are ito uumom'e lucre.
They arc sucim dear familiar feet timat go
Along the liath with ours-feet fast or show ,
And tryimmg to Iccep itace-it they utulstmmlce
Or treati 01)011 semite hiower that we would
Upon our breast , or take seine reed ,
Or crush jeer , hope until it bleed ,
We mummy be uuuute
Nor turuming tulcIiy to impute
Gi ave tumult ; for timey and vo
Ilavo smicit mm iittle way too-can be
'rogetluer such a iittiowi4le niomig the wmy ,
W'e will ho patietmt sviiiri we many.
: So many little faults we find ,
We see tiienm I For umoii.im1
'ro hove. We see tiieth but. If you and I
Perimaps remnenmbcr titemp one by ammd by ,
They viil hot ho 'J 1
Fuitmits theum-gravO ftmmtits-to yost atmd nme ,
i3tmt just 0(1(1 sva.vs-mnistakes , oi even less ,
ltcummcnmhrances to bless.
Days cimuttmgo so mmmany trmhitg-ycs , hours ,
We see so ditTemently In sut muutisimowcts ,
I Mistaken mvommls to-uuigiut
1ay be so tiicrishmcd b to-flmrrosv's light ;
Vtt many ho lmatleumt , for stictmow
Theme's such a iittlu way to go.
- Nclraskut JOt I iumg'L
S Corn will pats out fifty bushels to timc
t 801 0 jut Wayuie qounty.
S G. S. Moycrsoum and A , G. Bucimutnan
two exhCriOtmCO(1 ) 1mork-pmmekemu fromi
Omaha , intro leased time imesv lacklumt )
house hi Fremnommt.
: , Time etitucamthrs of MeCook lnammgurnte (
a school butmuking systotu a yeutm umgo. tiut
object huiiug to show by practice titi
- benefit of savluig time . Time tie
posits now amnoummt to :0 : anti the chill'
) drOum it.M well as mime rsmatmtmgems eormbidel
t the pluim a suceoss
m 110110 of time greatest cimmsnges Wrought
, - In tii1 scetioum oV time state" says tim
f pioreuCountyCafl , "was the change ii
time market for stock. A little over a
year ago nil tim stock front this votmnty
wits simillst1 tO Chiengo , now it nil goes
to Onmaima , not it cumrlouul gotmmg to hi-
( uIgo for iie iuut timree immotutims. It is a
great cimnuigmi ttumd it great tiuIumg for this
inlet of time coummtry. "
Time detem-muulnumtl n of Itumstltmgs to omit-
i.umm IAncolim Itt time mmmcc for secotiti piumee
is timus tersely setforthm by the ( lazette-
.Iouruial : ' ' 1mm siI(0 Of nil time rage nimd
bitister of Liumcoltm , llastlumgs has time
brighter ittsiCCts of time two. Time
Qtmeetm City is tiestimmeti to becomime time
secoitd city lum time state iumshle of tout
yeumm s. Llcuuolu wIll umlwusys unmmke a imico
quiet city wimere the stmmte cmiii lodge its
crlnmlmmmtis and wimeme the legislature caum
retire to comumparutti se seelimsion every
two yeutm , but it cammumot expect to imoid
its smipremmmaey mis sccuuud city of Nebraska
ummucim louiger. "
'rime rcitttlttlotl ) of Ounnima tt bmW-
abiding ttmul treil protected comunnmimmlt y
huts not beemi lummpmovcd by time selfish
itolle.v of time city council toward time
; ohiuo iuistmihlcleuut ttumtt
imutif-starved lorce , amid timoir lumutbility to
001)0 wltim crooks of all guuides , imuve sent
bronmicumst items hike this : ' 'There is
certalumly sommmntimiumF rotteti ltm time umzttm-
ngemmmtumt of Ommuithuts s pollee fomee. Things
and foot pads ply their tuofmtriotms callliug
UlOut ) time streebs with scenmitmgiy lint
little tiaumgor of iuuterfoence , from time
melt who are In that city Iummpropcriy
deslguiatcd as guardians of time'
The Sotutim Sioux City Sun rightfully
cumliu4 time coal fmmnmine prevailing in
scores of towns iii time west , a 'erimnlnuml
Commsplracyi umtmd gives vent to its wrath
lit time following style : "Nature imums
lavishmed her riches on timls public of
ottrs , toni if it were hot for the pools ,
corners , trttsts , corporuttloims , syumdlcates
mmd time like that onise time eoutmtry , Ito
maim , wounati or child mmecd feel time sting
of wummut ; nuni wimeum a iarcel of mimillio-
umumires iuttlmeitiictuim. ; togetimer , uttutI coum-
spire to mnommopolize uumy iiartlctmiutr gi ft
bestowed upon the 1)ItiIie by its Cod ,
thmcy simottltl be nmutde to feel time mailed
hittid of jtmstice , just time saute as ammy
otimer cm1nmlutnl. "
Itt'i itetii.
l3laeklcg jim timinmuiumg time cattle herds
1101mt Spirit Lmtice.
Thcte itme 2,1 18 elm ut ] melt en toiled itt
time itthlic schools of Siotmx City.
'l'hmo umow 01)0115 hmouse jut Sioux City
huts been clubbed time ' 'Peavey Grammd.t'
'i'iue state boasts of 9i3 wonmetm svimo
own fuments timid outiy eigittceum ut them
ate mtmortgtmgcd.
Truicic-inyimig omm time Cherokee tttmtl
Dakota line is progressitmg itt the late
of two ummiics hot duty.
It is now uumdem'stoomt tlmat time Chicago ,
Iiimrliuigtoum & Qmmiumey will exteumd its
ICeokuk amid St. Louis ilumo to lewis City
\\Tmsumimgtoum. : , .
A struggling editor In Carroll imas
tuumtblctl out to a fortuime of $12,5R.i ( by time
denmise of a reiumtivc iii Gernmusny. Such
kindly remmuembrance immitigates time
stiumgs of deatim.
A large iuumnber of citizemmo imave been
stmbpwtmad before time gramid jtumy itt
Burlimmgton to give ovideimee mmgaiumst time
saloons of thmmt plutce , timid it is expected
timutt immumumy dealers lut liquor will be iii-
tiictcd. _ _ _
Wyouni tug.
Time State Line stock company , cap-
ituil $ iO,000 , lass been organized itt Hock
A gang of 00 mcmi tire cutting ties
for the Northwestern railrom d near
Lmtrarnie peak , twenty-five immiles fiotu
Dough us.
The Wyoming Central Oil amid Pipe
Line on1pamiy , caJital l.5)0OXX ( ) ( ) , Immis
been iumcorporated , with headquarters at
Bawli ims. 'l'he incorporators are Heum iy
Fuimrmami , George MarsimumilV. . II.
Ieatd , Earimost Selmuomnaim , . .1.V. . Coil ,
Edward I3iewett , L. B. Simepimutril , E. II.
Airis amid E. 'I' . liorum , all froumi F'rcummoimt ,
No 1 , .
Mr. A. ? mlontmnoremmey , time Burlingtotis
ngemmt itt Cheyenne , is wiioopimmg UI ) time
j)01)uitLt route amid pluggluig its iiraises
into willimmg eummu. lie nummioumuces tiiutt
freight trains will be rttnniumg to ( 'lucy-
immune Decemnbct' 11 , "but owitig to time
lack of nmotive power time passenget-
train service would be delayed until
.lammuary 1. Time Iluriingtoum Imums built
760 miles of railroad thmls year , and it
Imuts been impossible to get its orders for
icconmotives tilled. "
Not far fromn Larmmnie : , in plain sight ,
titrongit a moderately good pair of held-
glasses , from time toWel' of the univcr-
sity , ate spriuugs of pure water bubbliumg
up front a hod of magneslan sammdstotmo.
The water sparkles over goldomu saumds-
time wasimiumg of glacial gravel seekiuig
time smuumlighmt througim solid mook. Time
' ' 1111(1' ' tlmmtt time
chronicler of the ( avers
deposits ( if centuries hate revenieti
mnock tIommto Cristt's , fabtiiotts wcmltii. :
'l'imis is ouuiy IL smuumplo of time daily vott-
ders tineummtimcd by tiue J3ooummeraumg
The range lying between time Street-
water amid Sumake mivcms is iii much i.iotter
cotmdition to stutmmd a iummud wimmter timatm
for ummummmy yenrs. Gruiss is unore utbnndutmmt
niud better cmired , limit time encroacimumments
of the iummuneutse sheep herds timtotigii
limis distm'iet is meguirded vitii mnttcim jeul- time cmmttlcmnetu. Time loses at-
teumdamtt upoum inst semtsOmm , thm'oogim cold
weutthmer umunt hack of wititem rammgo , bid
fair to ho soumiowimat recovemed during
time imoxt two years , tlmomigii it is gout-
eiii1 iy concedeti timat a di liereum t Iimttt
must. lie adopted for svintoriumg time cattle
tiuaum has bcemm pmtrsmued In time past.
A G01m41'tttS itecogti it hum.
the Ime It lisp (1111 ( to tiuht ej I i'it4)isful. )
There is 11(1 city itt the country grosv-
big mote iieumlthmfuiiy umimd umt the same
time immure rapitliy thatm Ommmhmm. I t has
time mmatttrmi : uidvammtage of iocumtiomm , being
time ceumtriml gateway botwecim time cast
atmd time mast ummumi griwiug cmn1iiio of time
fume trest. Its euivirouuummeutt iimsmuies future
prosjerity , limit it $ coining greatness is
beimig ImnuL/iutgiy aided aunT immtstuumed by
time pluck 1511(1 imubile spimIt of its citi-
Zeus , amid by their prmmeticul : faith iii time
city lucy mire hmtildiumg imp.
No other city of eqital size witlm
Onmaima huts aut y such exteii1ve sybtomn
of public inmpmovemnetm ts. It hmmms forty-
two miles of horse anti motor street
rutllwutys buiit ou in pmoecss of building ;
forty-two tmmlles of putvecl umnd seventy-
five miles of.grmmdcd streets ; fomty mumiles
of sesrers tmmut'l ubgimty-hive mumiles of water
nunitis-fifteeum uumhies of which intro beeti
haiti time present yetti- . Its city water
iilustmt cost 8.i,00h)0 ( ( ) ( ) mmii for umew mnuimie-
Iiai muuiiwOvuummeuits uriumg timmi pmst ; fomtr
cumi s $3)0t ( ( ) ( ) ( ) ) have iueutm sluoumi. Its
1)riVuttO buhiditmg inuprorounetuts foi utimme
ummotmtlms of timis yeuti represent nut outlay
exceeding ' 8,0,0O0 ) , amid Its jobbing
trade ( or the yemme will ttggregiuto $75-
000,000-au iumeieac of $ IJI)00,0U1J ) over
t ' 8(1. (
These figures ave ropresomm tat i ye of
ulmany otimurs thmist might lie given , mmii
tending to prove extrmtordiumnm3' growth
t ( SjCCittli lit time ( lircetioti of public tin-
ii'tet110h1t5. They are c1uotcd in corn-
nmcndmttlomm of the business vms of time
PeolIQ of Otmitmhut ; I um proof of tiuo tmutim
S tlmitt the tray to build a great city is to
believe Iui it and to bacic yoitr imoliol
with your muoumcy and also for time sake
of um suggestioum which will not b amIs.
in Milwaukee.
Ounahmut Is growing ProPrti onatoly
much luster timuui lull1 waukeu , tlmotugim It
) Is Is not atiuro thmmirt oumo-titIrd as large.
t Sue hu few if any natural atlvammtngcs
, ,
( fortlummumle' timotigh simu .1 In title regard )
greater timitut timose losseSscmi by Mllwami-
iee ; usummi item' mmmore raimid growthm Is thmo
mumutiumiy If tmot eceltusvcly to time wide-
awake , restless iutmbhle shmimlt ammuommg 1mev
bttslumess uuueim snitch 1mm dutmititeul tmo
tuumdertnking , itotv0ter formmuidnbie. that
feemmms to be a good timing for time cIty to
4 rceeimt Itmeldetit in Ommutima ihitistrittes
imow prommmmt imumtl coimfltlnumt aumd mtmmltuml
hit'm' hittsttittii mumitim umto lit time exercIse of
timis itmbitu spIrit : It sruts stmggested uts
a possibIlity that Onmttimus mmtightt got thu
commtlmmg mmittlommal mepublicatt eommveumtlott
AlmtiOst ttistatmtlv It trims resolved timat a
mciii fimimmi b rmip.et1 as ii guumrumuttco tlummt
time eoutvemmtiotm woulmi be troll otuter-
tnlimed . 4ittmo5t In time sumimme bteumthm
itiso , It truss decided that $ 2i)00 , ( ) ought
tim be givetu ii. smtch mmmetm tms tvuuhd giro
emmeit $1 , ( XX ) nm tiptcimmIs. 4itd time eomum-
ummittee with its snlserlpt loti
sbmrttmd Omit. Time lifthm ruutum
called tmpomm wits a rehmmi'seimtzm-
tiv deummoerat , Joimu A. IsfeSlmuttme.
lie caret ! miotimlumg tvimatovur Iou time te-
ptmhuilcmtmm eotmvetutioim , but Ito eared nmueit
for Ommitmimut utimd time vrosI'ctive bettutits
to Its local iuuslitess iuttercsts , mmutd ime
5IiI(1 9L'ttt mime tiowim foi * 2tX ) ( ) , omtv
'Utmiout Stock \utmtls eommmpnmmy for $3,00(1 (
more. " Amud time eommmn-mlttee did It atmd
weimt , out Its tray rcjoielmig ; umot hmutrticmt-
iarhy t4smrpmised , imowuvei , fomioimmm A.
tlcShnmio Is tt representative Oumittiuut
man , and tlmitt's the way all sttch thii um s
utm c doume in Oummaima. Amid that too , imm4-
manly , Is wimy Otmmaha is growing to-tiny
futstor thami any city itt time iutmmd.
Above evemythltmg ols , time people are
citizens of Omnutima. Timey net promumjitiy
and geumerously. until time. ' mmli mull to-
getlmor wimemuever anythuuug for time btusi-
ness good of timely lmomtmu city is to ie
tttttiettuiketi. ? ulllwiuukec Is gemmerous
mttmd itmltic-slut'itcd , utmmd mimaimy tlummes utumd
ium iuttttmy tvutys lots it. But 1mm
pi oummpttmeso of umetion for time local ptmbiie
good ammd itm lime esscmmtiuml immuitter of
"ptthiiuug together" itm time : tecnnmplisim-
mmmeutt of such inmblic good , she mmmmy : study
amid imuuitutte the exumimupie set by Oummumhua
to her owmm great umdvmmuttage.
lim our beumtlfttl lmtml Iuthet0tts nutd
lioomumiumg city ' 'we imave a good timing' '
vhi 1dm flfl Coummmtitm mm tt I um I lie commum t tv
unn3 troll emivy. Aunt imaviumg a good
tluiuig , it shottld be a mmmissiotm itt life to
believe that we imave um good titiumg. timid
to act. aye , ttuuut out oecmtsioui boast also. ims
thought we boiieved it . If 1ilssmtmticemm
vere immodest jim um imuhlimm mtitd inmsimmess
setuse sttI&tly umceortli tug to iier ummerit
dime would be a great dcumi le tmmot1et
titan site is.
Birtim ( f it Couuttumeiutiuihle auid lVom'thy
Sociel y.
There was a good-sized tuiuu.out of ladles
itimt i getitieuiietm itt time udjomurned ituectiug lucid
utt time eoitmeil , cimnmtiber last umight to perfect
time orguiuuiiation of a humiarti of ehtsm'Itk's jut tue
city. Iutyor liroatcim Iresil'd , , amid time comum-
inittee on by-i.tws amid constittmtiomt utmul or.
gauuizution made their report. The objects of
the association mire about time saitme as titoso
of 111cc InstItutions ium oieratiomm him otimercitics.
On recouunneuudmmtion of E. loscwatcr time
time for giving notices of specimmi mnectiumgs
truts cltammged froun tout dumys to five. Out
uuiotioui of Isle. Tluumrstoui time irovision , hum time
constitution for time iuoldiimg of the annual
mmicetlmtg uttid eheethoti of officers ts'uis citanged
fronm the first t,1omudmmy In Deeemniier to the
fouttiu Idouuduty in Novcniber. 'Limo constitution
witim the enuhodlunent of the almve unumend-
meats wuts adopted amid referred back to tite
couimmmmlttee for revision.
'l'iie society shah ho cumiled "Tue Omutiuut
Burcumu of Cimaritles , " and tue objects mire to
briumg iimto limmrnuonious co-operatioum withm one
aumotluer amid with tue supctiumtemui.mnt of the
veer time various ciiumcimes , clittritmihhe ugemt-
cies amtd beumevoleuut immdlvidmmmmis of tim city ,
until titus effectually citeck flue evils of over-
lappimig of relief cutused by slummmitmmuieotms bitt
indepcmmdent actlomt. It is prouosed ! to mmmumirm-
timiut the bureau frDm interferemmee by qmles-
tions of uciigioum , 1oiitic umumul tummtiommuthity.
4mIy iom ) sott uiiuiy becommie at uncmitier ly
time hit.vuumeltt : of time numitmmti , fee of mint less
thmmtmt $ t mitid l ) time sigumimmg of time coiistitu-
tioum. A life membership costs EO.
There viil be mm ccItt rumi oflico , or iueamlqtmar-
ters of the societY , where tito gemterat bush-
umess of time society shumli he tratisacted. Time
ccmmtial couimcii simuil consist of rtpi'Cscuutit-
tires of cimuicht commgmcgmtthomma , cumutmltuhuic iuu-
stltutiomms , nssoeiatlomms , etc. , ox-officio macmum-
bems amumi immetmmbets sccimuhiy elected lit- time
centt1 tommumeil. 'lime foilowiutg umamumed ofil-
chals simumli be mcmmtbcrs of time ecuitrumi coutm-
oils ex-ofitefo : Tue mnumyor of Onmaitum ,
cimief of police , smmlcrintcndent , of thto
PO1 , cimmilrummami of time board of
commutt.S' commimmiissinuicrs , tue city iilirsitfaum
amid time iresitieimt of the Onmmtita hmuremmn of
charities. Tim centrmtl council shall hiuive
limit power to ntdopt mmii smucim uimeumsmurcs mis timey
many deenm best cumitimiuttecl to fulfill time gout-
oral lurimmeiPics amid attaitt the objects of time
Thu following ofliems s'ero elemte,1 , : 1resm.
demtt , .1. A. OhhIcs1uitt first yico-iuresimieu4 , It.
0. r. mIiller ; sOttmd , vice-president , ltlms. Dm- .
1)immsmutume ; butri of trustees , J. A _ .
Creighiton , J. A. Gillespie , N. Isler ,
tiamn , U. Netvtnan Otto Loebutcic ,
I4. 0. Jones , F. B. fowe , .i. r. MeUngmu' ,
Joimmi liaummer , , E. 1osett'uter , .IOselitm Hmmriwr ,
I'rcd IIiimmrd , [ "red Nyc , Vii1imtuti Vmiiimtcc ,
Aug. Pratt , C. L Iiiicr , Clinton l'muweil , C.
j. Gilbert , .1. V. Savage , \V. W. ICcysor mind
3 . 11. Tmmcicor. -
Power Is % cStCl with time hoard of trustees
to elect the secretary and treumsuier , tyhicim
trill be done at timeir first meeting. Im. Mu-
ice lumlul mt giowiumg cotiipiiumietmt to 1rs. ioo-
little , M is. Iloimmmimn , Mrs. i'trimio , moat otiter
hc0i tie , vho , svmmcn Ommutti tmm stuts umttmeit
so ) umhier t itaut it is tmot , fed and
clothed time imeetly , mmumd trusted that tlmms
orgumimhcttiomm tvmms not perfected for umews-
pulct. ) uotoriety , , hut vuts estuiiislted for
work mmtmmi time timiitmg at good anotmg , time hour.
'rime slicutkom iummplnrcd time rucim nmeum a i t 1 mit
city to iio iiietai , tttmd to contribute to Its
treutsiury whit a geuieioiis spIrit.
1'tli. l'erritme said thmt tini boat-il of trustees
cmmmbimtcett twenty-otmo macn true st'tue vigou-
ous tttuml mmctivt' ' , nitmi titey stottimi circulate
ummaotig time liberal citizeums antI misic fem sub-
After a icmugtby debate , engaged in by
sovcmal gcmmtiemmmcui , time mimcctimmg adjournemi.
A. Iesertcr Cmmpt turctl.
.1. ri. lay , time iimivato Wit , ) de4C1ted mommi
Fom't Onummita iii October , tvas c.upturcmi by
Uutitcd Stmmtcs 2darsimmml ( ] mcmmella ycstcm-duty
nftciumooum and returimemi to time inmrrmmcics.
Day is mm .votummg nimatt and gave as itis ucasomi
for imis disimonounhie mictinit tluumt lie tvums timed
of time service. Un vhl ! he imovert 13' ittitilsimeti ,
, - :
p ! PR1Cr
It.usmrmerinrdticehieflc , proven In iniiliont nt
houuet for mmmQro timmmn a quartet of a cCttUry. ( It
Is uuoti by time tlnhtu4 t4tmmtes ( iovem'XuuflOtit. . La-
dorseth by limo imwtiinf the great Iutmlv..misltlositi
thb Itrrnugest. I'mrnet , amS 5Ist lI.'mt'ltlufttl. Pr.
l'rlcos Lite ( ) umI3' Uiikttig l'owm'r that ioe not
roumtain Ammtiuoiii. Ilttt or Aimunt. bolti only lii
eatms. PItIrEitAKISU IOWIuZII 0. .
hiew.ork , Chlcaico. bt. Louis.
- .
. I , ' , ' . , ' . , . , , ,
iltu ( jH'l Obser.'aat' . in Oa.alul ,
11(15 ? 2'l&Ur.ulIt , ) .
Itti OrIltt l'tmrely Aumuerican-What
Oiim.tiin L't'lpht' hail to He
Ttm.nkrstl For ,
Tlomtmksgivimtg ilui itutut tOmmie itOh goume. itt ifu0.
out t itt' 2t 1 it ti V U t I ) ( ' ( ( utti 't r t ii , ' L'iigriutm
l-'utt ltt.t ' 4 laimuteti hum 4umeu-iCmi , , sItu itituuteil unuly toihe , tt dty t ) Is ) obst'rreul Itu gemmerat
'rimmmmmk gtt lug numul ftst lumm. rhtmtimksgi t'Iti g
itmt stumrt 1 s'OtItt' It geumu'rttu itmil III tV hum I ito 11 umit cut
St tO t'4 , it ieltug ttliltttt ( ( d II rst 113' t he huresimmeult
muy ; irclammmmttbmm , itfiur wtlclm ) tIme got'ermmnr _ tm
I lit , sovermul , tmit 04 utlu isiu e tltIr prcimummat , , mit
I , ) their owmm t' , mmi it tm'muev. 'lit , ' le'olItu , of Ni'-
im-mtkmt httt iint- to 1 , thimuuukfttl for ; tIme crop-i
.tttrhumg t lit , veute hmttve teemm luItlmt i utiti irtu ltCmul
ii , , , i ( hut 4 itettst mit e1 I hue st mit m' , aunt no
, uertnus , utceliheni s limit , ' tmmmtmm-'d I it , ' rocmrt ( 't ' tinu
year. t uuuou I It , ' utmmuny 'pie of I Hmmaha nomme
haul Imalun to isi t imm'iuukfmmi cml tush. dtty t lisa
t1i rntmmlly ( , f Mr. Vigg riimdittg at himtu corumt r
( If 'l'i % eiuty.elgimtit atmil ihmimutthi streets. I.ict
.1 uti ) ' i5lmtuitht , ' . mm ill I iu fly-eItm'iut ulmttt hit'r of
lr. Vlgg. tits tsictmm sick tttim semuritt fever.
$ hme recovered fruiut time mibiemee , mntt hum s fcw
11m13 s aflier mmmi tii-seis forutmeti ( ill her mmeek under
tIme rigimt ( nt. , a iiiromtic t1tCm's.i titmut tins eoumtimm.
110113' dicimttig1ng t'imronln mthsipss appesrs
immmder ymitiottu ileslgmiatloumM. such uls cclii. scri. ,
fttiomus or ttulemcttloms , , ttmisci. It is tame tittit is
slotC lit It4 hritr. Mm . lViggs. In I uthktuug Ii )
timt' m'elInrter ai'otmt the case , saud : i'lii aieei ,
Itt this eaO svas tinm r'stmit of tim , . scttrhtt fever.
ciii ommic ttbcu's oft en fo1Iot hug such liar foruumi
of ti ibettM , ? . 'liii' d i'itargt , tvmms I lii' unost Irofmisit
at mtlgitt , tiftutm smut tmmtt lag I it , ' iiulmi , gm's we
womuhl hut flit It. to ( bctoreh fill' it troutt .Ytmiy
% tuut II 5i1't ettuber , nuid it tvns ( out lummtmuiiy groir-
lug % 'crs , . mmmd % % 'O 1)ecmutmmn , erlIuttMly , titruttl. , I
I imi tu imotleed tim , ' Itil VI'rthuuitttLM , it I ) m4.Me1 ( )
mtnt I Iemmr3 , mittul told mmiv tt'tte site Ii ttul muet ter
tak ( ' lilmitu itii miniS go s.'iu thettm. 51ii dlii and hut
( ) ti ( ' mtmontit I imey liStS inc Steli , tt. , ' , , t si-u , I iter hi
uiothtltmg left of It hut a slugimi siar that tviil 54)0mm
is' gou1 iso. ' M r. tvigg'i en mmt m , lrlgitl ) usual
mirett little gut tvit ( , % smis i'imilmti teltit , , little
huotiter and ii , , aved thu. report er t imt liar umo"
st-mis mts well as ever it was.
. - 1'
aisseun tvur.u * .
Mr.tIOCM ri,1e 4 mmt lit , 'urmmir of 'i'wenty
(114111 It it ttul I lii m'thit I Ii 'I reels. utmtd mvt I I corrobor.
ate t tue : tlovc to titly omme doim 10 fmmg ft.
Time following Slateummeumt r. gardlng Irs. Mc.
Cli ) ' utitil I icufly Is tumid , ' impoum g0 ) (1 ( utmtltium ; It Vu
" .Siure these tin I.teruf . aim y4e ut , t. 1ior Iriut , fa
I.4t. tie ! home toutol a miii rut-al i're , fj. tm ! ( > tli.
a ad CtC5 ( 1)1 , , , , ? , u tid rmrs , le ( It , mut , , ubl In ti j
frmult.i ? , , iil , , ( t flc-c , C(154' ( , ( if ) Ir huf becii
declare , ! o uud m'uumoii ' , niccut ( Hcttttlde. '
Time Syniptotyts Attoiulltmuz that Disease
'Which Leads to Coitsuttiptioum.
Wimen emttmirrit itas existed him time itead atud the
tipper part of time tim rommt for mmliv ietugt it a f tI tute
-I mit ) list font iivlnmg hum mm d 1st rICt t' . lieuiemm'uh ,
H ro tin ljeit I o emit a rriumil millt't1omt - umttd the (1i5
caMe imims beemt left imumuttitul ' time eataruit iluvarl.
mt1ii' . soummetitmies slO % % 1 , ' ex'teuuls , iait time whuot
pipe until immtotime 1rimtmehmiml , , tmml ) e5. Wilhelm' t nbc-
coult.ey hlte nit' imito time illiTrettt Iimrtsof tims
Iumgs. , 'flue I mihis imironme affect ed fu'oimi tint
SW , , ] utig aiil I hue uttumloums mmtlshumg frommt eat arrim.
51u1 , lit n4ouuui lum-tmmimces , tacoumie plimgget tt ,
that tIn air emtumimut get Itt mis frt'emy to , It dmumtld.
SImmt-ttmes of briatit follows. mmumd time Patlemmt
breathes t'ltim Isbor autd dttlrimlty. ?
lii eltimir t'uuso tlmvr , is mm sound of crarkihimg
ammO ivlm.eztng luishie tite eimtst. Al timt4 simige of
time , ilseitso time ltutt , iti tug I , ; utsimmil ly itioru t'mm'iIL
timaim t'imeiu lul talt , it. 'lime uit hut Juts niso hot
tis1me over tue miy.
'i'he rain wiutcii tu'eomilaflles this coumilltlomm is
of a , mmII , ciuau'aet Cr. felt In I Ito cimCst , i cit limit the
br'mmit , 1 smmo o1 immider time sliottlder 1 ia it' . 'Flue
1)1) In mtmmV coummu mmtii go-last mm tet' uiays uumil
t lieu bt mile-emit for sv'rtl at Items. Ti me rough
that occumrs In tlu , tiest stages of bmummlmiutl cut-
larrh hi mumy commas oil at immteivmtis , imitckimum lit
etumimmicter. mmmiii 1,4 , muumi1 iy itloit I t'nttiiisin , ' ltm
time u item , , I mug cmi rliumm.r. ou goltmg I i ) 1 cii itt night.
mmmiii It it , ny lie lit I Ii , , IIrt evhlettco of time d lsemmse
txttiuting Into tit Itingi.
5 , 'umiet tutu-i time , a ale ills of cough 11mg immd micm.,1 ,
I , y I lie I oumgiu lIIttCIi4 so violenmt as I , , , , tutc , mm , .
lUng. Itter , eu time umitleims. that 14 malsed is
foummul to cotmtmtltm small lumurtlCIts of yliow ummtt- ,
ter which Itli lemites I immit tlms , suuiaii titbi's In t ii a
lmtumgs an flts ( ntttct MI. W'It it tiui4 tIter , , are ( ) t
ten st , , 'nki of lilood nii'ceul vl I ii the umuncums. I um
501am , CCSCS time pitfetit tCCOOIC $ very pile , itmis
tever , niuuti eXpCCtIi'lteS befoiC mmuuy eoutglt ap.
itt solmrn eases small una'ses of cim ( e.y stub-
_ itleim t-hi'ii . mietwielt
stnmirt' litc spIt uipt % lsrn.seil
the tingeis. eimuit a had olir. , in otimet cmees itmmt-
tlCiS Of mu luitrd. chmtik umature um' , ,41)tt , utp.
maihimmg of cimiesy or clmalky lumuups immulicuiteS so.
riomus iiiiciuiof itt work in the ltummg. .
In saute CuSPS q'atmsrrlt wiut extentS into the
ogs Iii a fete ss'enks ; Itt oilier emises It umuy , ho
momttit4. anti eveut yllutS. bcf i'u time iif.emm attacks -
tacks tite iumtigii stuhllcliumtiy to catm.e siriouti Iti.
tu-ferene ( , with tit geiusrmii health. tS'lietm tito
dtsimtsn huts det'eloieit flu inch mm puitit I ime pa
I tint Is said to itmuve rut muihal cinmsmiutmptfoti.
551111 btoumelmluul . 'mii it'vit t imeme I i amoco or lest
w itiiit Cl I mmci's wi t Ii t lu , iii itiu'iumt Iiarth at
tim , ' imay--siialmt Iii time ummoritlmmg , higher lit the
tmttcrnoomm mmliii ivenimug.
What It Meattu , how It ACtt7 lUmi
'umnt It I , ' .
You , , umeezm' uviuimi 3'flut gtt tip hum time mnoruuing
you t t I' ) . I tu stmie7 ( ym11 mmi'.ii ill'trry I lmn' , you
miii , ixiio-til ; lii thmt iemt4t , itiitt of air. Sout lmav.u
it fmml I iii's-i Over ilm'u front of I lie F , il-eiuemil , mu nit
time umoiu fi-i'Im mis I ti I imete umis n iiuug lit , aclm mais-
till , tslml-lm you titumimot , lfslpdgc. , 'inu hIiut' imr ,
mmose a till ! you r emits cutmi'k , i iutt It ilium' t do ittu ) '
gonit , mtmuil tIme only mesum hi Is t hat you smmeceed lmt
gettttmg imp mu S1V ) liii 111)11' , miniS ) ilm lii , Irmht mit ii
thu Iimtlumg tumcmmsl ) mmtttti I f titmtt urge ii timmtt yom , ar , ,
tuital tie to bti'mstimu timrommgim it at mil I . 'l'itiS is it cot.
tect cmiii mmiii ( ) vtril imtsStm lilct iimo ( if mimi uteltt , itt'
tuck of eatarrim , or 'stmu'ezlttg Cmitumu't-ht , " i'8 It it
Now' , ttimat (1005 timl' coumditiotm immulitumle ? First
a cold tItuut cittmt s ummmimt4 , to iii , muted umt by
t ito giutmmtlti III I ime nose timtmm tlmoii ii tumsemi ,
glmiudit tue ( itt tmi-ki'tI liv ita's mitts at II t tiit get'mns
. -titt , tatatuit gimuti-thmimi lloitt lit time itiC lit ii liu
emil It y mu-imeuc I I ic di-sa.t , Is . ' . 'Ilmisi , umtm.
InutIctmlae , ltm titeht itromts i ( ) fimmil it hnigmmmimmt ,
lm'u-Itate m hue seimsii I vu ummtumlfl , mumi' limming of t Imu
to i-itt im-z-sclC , of
, , miumut uiit ; iiO umumdtrtmtke-3
timeuti by pm-itmiiruuug mm fIt ( if mmi.zlmt
iim I hulekeumed
ibeoufloS II lit-il w
\v In-ut t umi )
( I lsase't amumeui4 t hi' umatutmiul ci mimummvis f it t hut In.
I m ( iii mmctlOum Oil tile I nt , time ittugs , is humttt-t.rict '
wit im , ituid I in , , ' so nimi-ri id unue't lmrtmt ; imti
t imroutgiu thu immuititlt tom , I mt3' such ututmiult t liii
t iurctt ) sCItll4 ( iutrcimii nmmil ml uy. simon-lug is
jmrodnc'd. smutS time euttutiritni dtet gains rtuady
: iCcvjS to limo throat anuS lttumgm.
Late o Beilenuc Itospital , V. ,
have Offlees
Curtier lfjtlt uittfl Ilarney Htrccts ,
Onumaha , Neiraskfl.
\S'iieu-e all curable cases ate treatit teitli ittiC- )
ctsit. .Sletitmml die.mses tiemited kiilfmIiiY , ( uiu
stumujmttoim , I lrights Juisiast' . I ) ylieiI-lIt , I I 1,1,11. , ,
Immittisimi. mini ! nil 'muvn1s : iisu.ssms. ) : it ills.
( 'mtStOt Iiouilmtr to time sexes a ; ceir.ity. ( i.t'r.tuitmuu
Cuunn- ,
lNsUtT.L'i'i0x ) by mail or lit 0111cc , H.
0111cC I I nturs-U ii , I 1 it. uim ; 2 to 4 p. iii ; 7 to S p.
Ui. SU utility Itueltutleti.
( orrcsuondeumco tecelyeS imotfluit attimmtiiU.
Many ilseuts&s art' treateil buiCCCbSttttli ( hty Irs.
Mt'oy ( autit llCumry through time umimthi4 , tuil it Is
tiiu liossitihi for ttmoe tutmmmhle to uuak.u , a jottr-
u1e ) tO obtutimu tucceusstul hospital trtiatuumeimt ut
theIr imotnes. -
No letters immmsscered numies.s accomlaumicd iy ,
4c hI stamnp.i.
Address itil lptti-rs to Pm-s. Mccoy & l10fl17 , . .
ltoains - 3th IWI 'JtL UmUIIS UUIXd1flI..th5t * , , .
NebrAska. _ . ,
, I
, , . . ' . . , . .
, '
- 5
_ _ _ .
- - - - - - - - -