Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 29, 1887, Page 3, Image 3

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THE OMAHA DAILY ' " 113E ; TUESDAY , .Js'OYEMPER'.apj 1887. _ _ _ . 3
AH Whont News nnd Glrcum&tnnccB
Bullish. in Character.
1 lie Ai rlvnlM ol'Coi-n LargeiTliati I'n-
t hunted A Strong I'VclliiK K\-
lilhllcd In I'l-ovMdiiH
General Quotation * .
riiHAf.o , Nov. 2S. | Special Telegram to
lliu HI.I : ] About nil the news mid clrcilin-
Hlmices be.irlng upon wheat values to-iluy
woic bullish and they brought about an ad-
vaucu In prices , huUhc.galn was small. Thu
most Important factor und the ( jieatest sur
prise lo the trade was tlio showing made by
tlm vislblu supply Mati.'incnt of nn Increase
of only 400,000 busliL'lH , This win about
1KKHX ( ) , ( ) bushels less thiiii had been ex
pected , and thu highest prices of the day Im
mediately followed tlio announcement. The
rolil weather ami It.n effect IIHIII | the unpro
tected wheat plant was talked about , but an
other bldo to the tempcraturo feature was
presented In di p itches from tlio northwest
announcing that the cold weather was most
favorable for fanneis1 dollvct leu , and would
bo likely to Increase them. Opening prices
weru about Jjc above the closing llgurc.s of
Saturday at Tt fe for December , 7t ( ? < ( jti'iJfc (
for January , and Sl fo for May.
Local traders seemed to think that
theno prices were high enough
to make wiles piolltablo and under their
offerings the llrst movement was downward ,
December touching 7" > ( i'T.r > Jlfe , January
7(1 ( Ve anil May h2 ' ( , ( < ' % - . Then followed a
idow icactlon until , u | > n Knowledge of the
visible supply llgurcs , December t-old at
'iriliii7li.jC ' | , .lanuary 7tVO'.7t ! > J < c and May
Klihij'e. ) ( ( : | From these figures the market
nagged back until the I o'clock close , Hvheii
December stood at njfdi 7c ( ! , .lanuary nom
inally at 7tiif ) f7iX ( ' "ml May at SJJjjc , an
iidvauco for the last named and most active
ilelivery of ? , over Saturdav's closing price ,
lint only c over the opening flumes of to
Jii May corn , the most active delivery , tlio
fluctuation was just le on the morning ses
sion. The opening was at a little under
Saturday's * closing atir > Xe for December ,
) ( ' . < for .lanuary and iVI'j'e ' for May. The last
named delivery sold at the opening at My/fe / ,
but then the market weakened somewhat , the
local tradcrH evidently counting on the cold
weather and Its promise of larger receipts.
The arrivals hero also were larger than ox-
peeled- t ! " cars against an estimate of L'lO
cars. Prices fell to 45 ; ' fc for December , 45Xe
for.lannary and Wl' i ; for May , but the de-
i-lnu ! was too insignificant to encourage the
Hhnrt sellers , anil an Imirovement | began
which carried December to 4l4V ! , .lanuary to
ir.e ' and May to fil V. The top prices were
not maintained , however , the leaetion during
the last half hour carrying them down until
at 1 o'clock December rested at 4(1' ( ' ( fit il ( ? c ,
.launary at 4ilNe and May at ) ' < < .
Oats sagged a little around the opening ,
owing to thu early weakness in coin , initial
trades in December and .lanuary being at
Si's V- mid In May atii : ; < e. After touching
III JjV May climbed to 'WM'e ; ) under an iicttvo
demand ami at 1 o'clock il'J'/o was the mar-
Itet , December closing at 2"5nc. ; !
In pi ovisions a strong feeling was exhibited.
The prices obtained were In some instances
u little higher than those cif Saturday and the
market commanded a good sitppoi t and closed
In u stiong condition. Trading was also
unite fair , though moio than ordinarily spasmodic
medic and a little too much professional to
give entire satisfaction. Knrly In the day a
round lot of 10,0X ( ) bbls of pork for May was
bought by a prominent speculator at $14.75.
Koi * the Hist half hour or so after the open
ing the market was very linnet lied and
holders of future orders found it difficult to
make trades.
Ai-mt.Noox 8o.sio.v- . Wheat firmer ; May
S.'l'fc , December 7i&f.7ti'fe ( ( ? ' , Januarv 79fc. ( !
Corn linn. Oats tinner ; May Jtt'VOl.'WJfe ,
December and Januarv 2b6 e. Pork was
strong , closing at $1 U'Olg 1 l. > J , ' < f for .Tmnmrv ,
$ I4.i5 : for Kebruary and S14.77'.ji$14.SO ' ( for
ribs were a trltlo easier ; January closed at
M.IJ'.O , Februari ut S7.22J.J and March
ut i * , i)5.
Gnu-Ado , Nov. 28. [ Special Telegram to
the HKI : . ] CA-rfu : The nm this moriiin- , '
hhows nearly MM decrease as compared with
last Monday and should the following days
of the week show a corresponding falling off ,
then look for a sharp upturn. Although the
run was comparatively light , buyers were not
breaking their ucckb running after cattle , yet
they exhibited some uneasiness over tlio
Kttimtioii and these that had urgent orders
were earli In the saddle and did not leave a
lot of desirable steel s when they could come
nnywlicre near the asking price. Taken
altogether there was a decided Improvement
nnd hopeful feeling among KilcMiicn. There
were fewer of the plain and common class of
natives and a light run of Texans and
rangers , all of which helped the owner
nnd salesman of natives. On the
other hand , every refrigerator room
nnd car from Chicago to New York is
full of cheap dressed beef and until these be
gin to disappear there will bo no really sub
stantial advance . Shipping steers , 1I150 to
151X1 Ibs , fl.OOdf-i.OO : 1 ! > 0I ( to 1H50 Ibs , 1.00 ®
4.15 ; 1150 to 1200 Ibs , $ - > .75 ( ; i.50. Stockers
nnd feeders , fJ.tXXii2.b5 ; cow.s , bulls and
mixed , * I.K ) ( < (2.fiO ( ; bulk , $ l.M ) < Ti2.2o. Of
Texas cattle there were ; ! ,000received , mostly
oows _ , which hold at { l.fjOi\.00 ( ) ; steers , & . 'M
Uoos. Trade continues active , the supply
shows u matked falling oft and the quality
was poor. At St. Louis , Kansas City nml
elsewhere the run was light. As to prices ,
there was little or no change as compared
with Saturday. Some salesmen called values
higher on account of the poor quality. Hcst
heavy sold within a range of $5.U5.y5 : ) ( ;
imekers , $5.1fi < : if5.'J5 ; common , $4.SOM5.10 ;
light sorts , ei.7l > @ 4iO ; pigs , $ t.'jQ 1.50.
Union Stock Yards Chicago , Nov. 28
Tlio Drovers' Journal reports :
Cattle Receipts , S.OUO ; strong ; fancy ,
Ji.tO : ; shipping steers , f..75i4. ! ! > 0 ; stockcrs
und feeders. FH ) ( .f.5 ; cows , bulls nnd
mixed , ? 1.10rty.50 ; bulk , fl.bO&iS.S.'i. Texas
cattle , Jl.r > 0a-,75. (
1 logs-ReceiptsKO.OOO ; strongearly , clos
Ing easier ; mixed , $4.C > 5ii5.15 ( : : heavy , $4.b5 ( J
ri.r. : ; light. $ ( .5o < < ; skips , SLOO ' .M.
Sheep Receipts,5,000 : good , stro'ng ; com
mon , weak ; natives , $ J.7ri(2J.u ( : ) ; ' western
$ : i.00ui.75 ( ; ; Texans , $ 'J.50Q < 3.40 ; lambs , J.7.
Nullunnl Stock Var < ln. Knsr St
IioiilH , Nov. " 'S. Cattle Kecoipts , l.MK )
Hhlpments , 1HK ( ) ; miirket steady ; choice
heavy native steers , f4.aoi74.l.0 ! ' ; fair to pooi
iiatlvo steers , f..SKi(4.O ! : ; butchers' steers
fair to choice , fU.XUH ( ) ! ; ) ; stockers aim feed
era , fulr to good , fl.50Q2.7l ) ; rangers , (2.21
I logs Receipts , 0,000 ; shipments , 1,000 ,
active and higher ; choice heavy und butch
ors' selections , tA.UKj75.iiO ; Yorkers and pack
ing , medium to prime , $4.71K2" > .15 ; pigs , com
mon to good , f UlW.1.
KiuimuiClty , Nov. 2S.-Cattle-neocipts
l.ljO ; shipments , 2,400 ; steady , except cow.
nnd choice butchers' stuff , which were stront
and n shade higher ; good , lo choice corn-fcd
. , , .
* "f " - - v -.a | e il > | mv ( ntlll'tllVtt > a | | W
steady and 5 ( < IHH ] higher ; common to choice
* i.25rf5.l)0 ( ) ; skips and pljrs , SU.X'jT4.lO. ( )
NEW Vonic , Nov. .XJ. [ Sjwclal Tclegran
to the liui : . ] STOCKS The stock marke
was a realizing one. The boars , seeing price
dropping steadily , turned In and sold hcavllj
nml accelerated the downward movement
the declines extending to Z % points. Th
cause of the sharp decline was renewed feu
of tl ht money , five selling by Ixmdon , con
tinucd reports qf i-nto cutting east nnd wcs
and the .rcx > rt that the Iron interest wouJt
demand u reduction lu rules tvoiu coal road *
AU Hie large bear traders were In the mar
ket , The largest selling was In Reading ,
tYlili-li broke " \ percent. The next weakest
property wns Missouri Pacific , which drop
ped U | ioints. Grangers received their share
of attention and broke 1 < HR1 ( ? percent ,
Kansas ft Texas went off ' 4 per i-eit | on rc-
1 Mirls affecting I ho reorganization plnn.
Union Pacific , which showed the greatest
gain last week , was weak , hate reports of
the investigation committee's report will not
be as favorable as expected , and it followed
the general list by declining 'J points. The
weakness continued until the last hour , when
n small mlly occiured nnd closing Bales wcio
nl almost inside prices and showed declines
extending fiom ; \ to 2 points. Krlo exhib
ited the .smallest loss and was attributed to
rumors that Ihu next repoi t will MII prlso its
friends , Chicago commission houses have
walled for several weeks for a good oppor
tunity to sell stocks and to-day trading was
heavy. The majority of western operatois
nra bearish and think the decline Is not yet
over. The totnl"Miles were ! > < ! ) ,705 xhni es ,
GOVIIINMISTS : Government bonds woio
dull and heavy.
UlSTr.linAl's Qt-OTVTIOSS ,
P. H. 4s rcKlntetod.ian , 0 , .V N. W HflJJ
I' . S. 4ruiiiipim. . lai'i tin iirffvricil l.f )
1T.H. 4lsii-Klslld. 1117 % ( > . V.I1 1M7H
I'.S 4'N coupon..HWliO. II. N "uyt
I'lirltlMHof-Hi . . . VO.T M
( 'tinadu Hdiitlicrn. , " Pnc-lllti Mull : (7j ( |
Ci-ntrnl I'aclllc . :
rhldigii , v Alton KM I'lillmun I'ulnrttOiiIWi
( ! . , II. .VO TJ7 Heading ( > H3 {
I ) . , I..V W Ill * , Hock iHliintl. . . . II-'U
I ) . .V It. ( J ' l st. t , . &s. r
Kile KM i . . ' ' ! '
do pii'fcrrcd . . . ( H C. . M.St. . IMlll. . 7.V/ ,
lIllnolNlVntial. . . . HIT do prefi'iTed . ll'l
I. , II. .tW II St. P. AM ) . : KI' (
K.A.-T 17 ilopx'fi'lted . KI7'l '
l.ukuShoiu HPi'Texus ' Parlllu 'M
I , . \-N Hl > , , ( 'nlon I'nrltlififty
Mlclilgiiti Central . H7'i ' W. , yt. I , . A. 1' 17
.MlKHoiull'iiL-llli : . .l l ilo prcfcriril . . .IIIU
MlssoiitI I'mIllcijiJ W. U. Teltgiaph. . . 7 'j
do picfi'iifd . \n\\ \ \
Movi-.y On call , easy at ! t@7 per cent ,
closed offered at 5 per cent.
PIIIMI : MiicANiii.i ! : : I'M'cn tigS per cent.
Sriiiii.iMi I'J\CII\MII ' : Dull , steady at
tl.fc'J for 00 day bills , and KWJf for de
, Nov. 2S. Following are the 2SO :
closing prices :
Flour Steady and unchanged ; winter
wheat , $ ; i.riUii ( | . ( M ) per bbl ; spring wheat ,
jt.WIl.rOperbbl : ( : rye , f'3. " . /.W : ) perbbl ;
nick wheat , ij.V. ( ) ( < / O.U5 petbbl. .
Wheat ( Julet and slow caily , opening J o
icttt-r than Saturday's , later became
strong and closed JiC"f < ' above Saturday ;
cash , Tiio ; December , iilj.j'e ; Mny , hi : ; < c.
Corn Firmer and active , opened a t-hado
.Hitler Saturday's close and closed % ( < l4U
ilgher ; cash , 4tijfuUeccmbur \ , 10 b'cj May ,
Oats May delivery tittracted the greatest
Utention , although oiiening Kftlower. \ : .
there was nn advance nnd thu market closed
ibout JijfffJi'e above Saturday ; cash and Jan-
iiiry , ' 'S e ; May , : T-10c.
Kye ( Juii't atrMC.
Harley Nominal at Ti'c.
Pi imo Timothy . ' . : ) .
Flax-seed * l.a2@l. ! > : i.
Whisky10. ! .
1'orlc Unsettled nnd irrcrnilnr : January ,
H.J ! > i ; May , $1I.MK-
Lard Fair trade noted at firmer prices ;
cash , * T..V ( ) December , $ T.ti ( > < ; ; May , SX.WA.
Dry Salted Meats -Shoulders. W.TlKji.'i.bO :
short , clear , $ T.4. > @ " .r)0 ; short ribs , ? 7.15
for. lanuary.
Huttcr Firm ; creamery , 2l ( Jc ; [ dairy ,
Cheese Firm ; full cream Cheddars , 11@
ll'/c ' ; flats , ll@lUic ; young Americas ,
Tallow Unchanged ; No. 1 country , ! ©
4 Vc ; No. 2 , : . fe ; cakes , ' > { < -
Hides Unclianged : heavy green suited , "c ;
light , do. , TJ c ; salted bull , ( ic ; green salted
calf , S ; dry Hint. 12@ite : ; dry calf , 12@liJc ;
dry salted , lOo ; deacons , each , SOc.
Receipts. Shipments ,
Flour , bbls . 4.VKK ) 42,000
Wheat , bn . ( iT.OOO 121.UOO
Corn , bu . SKi.OOO SOU.tXK )
Oats , bu . 110,000 ftl.OOO
Hye , bu . ! > ,000 4,000
Harley , bu . fcS.OOO 74,000
Ht. I.oulK , Nov. ! # . Wheat Higher ;
cash , Tril Tile ; May , MJj'c.
Corn Higher ; cash , 454'a.lCc ' ( ; May , 47Ye.
Oats-Higher ; cash , asjfft u ; May ,
'll'fc.Whiskv '
Whiskv1.03. .
Pork $14.00.
I.ard $ ( ! . ! H ) .
Hulter Unchanged.
Afternoon Hoard Wheat Firm ; Decem
ber , 7 ! > Jfc bid ; January , 77)40 bid ; May ,
84 e. Corn Higher ; November. 47c bid ; De
cember , 44c bid ; May,47 c. Oats Strong ;
Now York , Nov 2S. Wheat Receipts ,
2K,0 ( ) ( ) bu ; exports , 115,000 bu ; options de-
} ( $ lc , leading to a moderate degree of
activity , closing Ilrm , with slight reaction ;
cash grades shade lower , dull and heavy :
ungraded red , S. > ( i(0o ! ; No. 1 red , nominal
at ' .yj4'c. ; No.J red , St ! ( < 3STJ4'c in store and
elevator , SS c delivered ; December , closed
at STe.
Corn Receipts , 250 , 00 ; exports , none ;
as eceps , , ; expors , none ;
shade bolter and fairly active ; mixed west
ern , : ( ( ( ; : i7c. ; white western , ns@41c.
Coffee Spot , fair ; Rio , nominal ; options
unsettled and lower ; No. 7 Rio not quoted ;
hales , 17,2oO : ) bags ; December , $14.2."i ( >
14.75 ; January , ? 14.05@14.5 ( ) ; February , $14.00
( o)14.t5 ) : ; M irch , * 14.t)0f/tl4.t5. ) :
Piitrolcuin Firm ; United , 74 c.
Kggs In fair request ; western , 12@24 } < fc.
I'ork Steady ; trading light.
Lnrd 2@'t jxiiiits higher and firm ; western
steam , spot. $7.ri5.
Huttcr Firm and quiet ; western , 14InOc ( ;
western creamery , 17@iOi.- : .
Cheese Quiet , but very steady ; western ,
KUIIHIIK City , Nov. 23. Wheat Steady ;
No. 'J soft , cash ( J'Jj o bid ; December , Tic
bid , 7oC. asked ; .lanuary , 72 } c bid ; May , TSt ,
Corn-Strong ; No. 2 , cash , GOJfo bid. 41c
asked ; December , : fflJfe bid , 4Ufo ( ; asked ;
January. 40Jfo bid , 41c asked ; May , 43V
bid ; 44 Jf ii asked.
Oats-No. 2 , 21) ) 0 bid ; 24J./C asked.
IilvcrtKinl. Nov. 28. Wheat Quiet anil
steady ; demand poor ; holdcis offer moder
Corn Firm and demand fair ; new mixed
western , I > s Id per cental.
Tlio market opened with extremely light
offerings of cattle and comparatively notliin
doing. There was considerable inquiry fet
good corn-fcd cattle , but none to supply tlu
demand , Later In the day a train was re
ceived which sold on the market at prices i
little st longer than on Saturday. Aside fron
the fat cattle sold there was nothing done on
the market.
Iloiff * .
The receipts of hogs were liberal for the
the llrst of the week. The market o ] > cnci
with the salesmen generally asking strongci
prices but the buyers were not inclined tc
meet those prices. For that reason UK
market dragged u little at first. However i
livened up teen and the bulk of the hog !
changed hands In a shoit time at prices abou
steady with Saturday. The market closei
with everything sold. Hoth bikers and sell
ers were predicting heavy receipts for to-day
There was some inquiry yesterday fo
prime fat sheep , but these in were not gooi
enough to meet the requirements.
Olllical Itccelpts.
Cattle H7.
Hogs 1,07 :
Sheep 45'
SlIIl'.ML'.STS , ,
Cattle , 1 car , N. W Chlcagt
Hogs , a cars , Wabnsh Indlanapoli-
Sheep , 4 cars , d , U , & Q Chicagc
PrcvuUti ! I'rlccs.
Showing the prevailing prices paid for live
stock on the ; markes :
Cholco steers , 1300 to 1500 Ibs M.254.r ( > (
Choice steers , 1100 to l.TOOlbs 4.00(34.3. ( '
Fat little steers , 000 to 1050 Ibs. . . . 3.7R&&K
Corn-fed range steers , 1200 to 1500 8.05'r4. ( :
Good to choice corn-fed cows 2.25M2.K
Common to medium cows l.T52.X (
Good range feeders 2.30 2.C ;
.Good native feeders , 000 Ibs nnd
upwards . 2.55(32.8 ( !
Fair to medium native feeders , 000
ol' I'rlooH.
Showing the highest and lowest prices
paid for hogs , on tins market during the past
seven days and on the lorrcsponding days in
li 5und IbSO.
Ijlv-c Stock Notca.
Hogs steady.
Cattle iccclpts light.
I'riinc fat sheep wanted.
Good fat cattle In demand.
Dnvoy * ft Harrey , 1'onca , marketed a good
oad of hogs.
P. II. Parks , Hancroft , marketed two loads
of hogsatl.)7 ! ) > .
J. L. Uakcr , West Point , received the top
irice for a load of hogH.
L. H. Shepherd ft Co. , West Point , sold a
oad of hogs at the top price.
L E. Pcttys , Shelby , Neb. , was at the yards
ind marketed a load of hogs.
James Dauley , the well known shipper of
Ashland , came in yesterday with hogs.
V. Hustle , Elmwood , came in with two
loads of hogs. One loud brought the top
i rice.
Cox IJros. , nt Hampton , Hamilton county ,
liavii contracted for 130,000 bushels of corn for
feeding their stock.
Mr. Green , of the firm of Green & Harr ,
TiTcenwood , came in with u load of hogs
ivhtch netted * I,005.CO. ,
Mr. Winter , of the firm of Winter & Mor
gan , Shelby , la. , a well known shipper , came
n with two loads of cattle.
George J. Edwards , sheep buyer Ifor Swift
fc Co. , is hero and the house is ready to begin
slaughtering sheep. They will require about
100 head per day of good fat sheep.
Mr. Pierce , of the Hrmof .Tai-kson ft Pierce ,
Aurora , was In with u load of hogs. He says
there are a good many young hogs in that
county. Hamilton county is feeding about
22,000 cattle.
Produce * , FriiltH , Ktc.
The fiiUowlnii lire the prices nt which
iund lots of produce tire kohl on this iiutr-
1ct. I'rults or other linen itfgundti requiring
ci'm lulmr of pucltlnii cannot nlicutjs lie
KUi > i > llcd on outbldciirdcra at the uimc prices
quoted the local trudc.
HUTTEII Market ilrm. demand active. Re
ceipts Only moderate. The following are cur-
icnt prices : Very choice dairy butter is
quoted at 18fa20c , medium grades 14@10c ,
ordinary , 'J@l'Jc. '
Eios Market steady. Receipts liberal
with a moderate demand. Pi ices 22 ( 2c. : !
CiiKKsn The market continues steady with
a slight increase in both receipts und demand.
Fancy full cream , Cheddars , single , 12c ; lull
cream twins , 124@lo } ! ; young Americas , 13
( ? ilicJi ! ; brick cheese , 100 Ibs in case , 14 ( < ;
Limburger , 100 Ibs in case , lR@ic. : In
less qualities , 14@14 } e ; Swiss domestic ,
liT ( ( ( ISc.
POUI.TKY The poultry market remains
steady and the receipts are not as heavy as
heretofore. Prices are as follows : Live chick
ens , $ l.75il2.00 ( per do en ; choice fowls , $1.60
( a2.25 per dozen. Dressed chickens , GaSc ( per
pound. Turkeys , 9@10c. Ducks , 10@13c.
Geese. lie.
GAMI : The demand for game is only fair
and no changes of importance have been
noted. Prairie chickens , $4.00 ; mallard ducks ,
$2.25 ; quail$2.25 ; teal andmixedducks , f 1.75 ;
snipe , 1.25 ; jack rabbits , 'i5c. each ; small
rabbits. $1.'J5 jier < loz ; deer , ( iSSc ( ; antelope ,
70'c ! ' ; deer saddles , li@llc ; antelope , 12@14c.
POTATOKS There is not much doing on the
market. Homo grown stock is nearly ex
hausted , Utah and Colorado stock advanced
n trifle yesterday and sell for ! Kii ) ( )5c. ) Choice
home grown potatoes. Oo ( 70c ; common
grades , 4.W(10c. (
SWEET POTATOKS The market is quiet.
Choice homo grown and New Jersey stock ,
3c per Ib ; common grades , 2i2) < fc.
HIHNS The market is dull , T.ho old crop
is nearly disused of , while the new is not
yet on the market In any considerable quan
tities. Good stock sells for $2.00g2.yO ( ; fair
to good , t)1.50@ ) 1.75 ; California beans , $2.15
@ 2.20.
Osioxs Homo grown , SSQOOc ; Spanish
onions per 50-lb crate , (2.00.
S\unu KitAUT Choice , perbbl , $8.S5@0.00 ;
yt bbl , $4.b5 < 5.00.
OvsTEii-i Plain standard. 25c ; standard ,
80c ; extra selects , 35c ; New York counts ,
TuiiNirs Fair to good stock sells at 35@
55c ; rutabagas , (10 ( < it70c.
CAUI.IFI.OWEU Good stock sells readily at
$2.iOiV2.Sfl. ( ( Some very line stock was on the
market yesterday.
CAIIIUOI : There is n good demand for cab
bage at COc i > cr dozen or W.OO per hundred.
CKI.KIIV Market well supplied. Choice eel-
cryl5c45c ! ( per dozen ; fane.v,45@r > 0c. ; extra line
Salt Luke celery , f 1.35@l..r U i > cr dozen.
CinRii-Choico Michigan cider , J0.50 ixjr
bbl. of ! gal.
Ai'i-LKs Good apples arc in demand. Prices
steady.Eastcrn fruiti.)0ai.25- : ( ) ( : to choice
stock , f3.25@a,50 ; fancy Jonathans ,
y. 15.
Qi-iscns Choice California quinces ,
( S2.IO per box.
HOXEV There is a good demand for honey
in frames. Good choice honey in 1-lb frames
finds n ready market ut 21 ( ,22o ; canned
honey 10@12e per Ib.
CiiAXnuitiiiEs Hell & Cherry , $8.00 < aS.r > 0 ;
Hell & Hugle , tS.Wtrit'.t.OO ' ' ; Capo Cods , * 0.50.g (
10.00. Good stock is' fairly active.
Poi'cou.v Choice rice corn finds a ready
market at SgaKo per ib ; other kinds , 2jg (
2) ) 0 per Ib.
OI XOKS Louisiana , $4.00 per box ; tS.OO
( Jjb.fiOper bbl : Florida , per box , $4.0lXi4.50.
LKMOXS Messina lemons , $5.00g5.50 ( ;
Malaga , $3.00 ; e\tranno Maori , S5..10.
CAMFOIIXU FituiTb-Pcars , S2.75a3.00 ( , ac
cording to quality.
G it AI-ES There are very few on the mar
ket ; Malagas , fO.OOQT.OO per bbl. ; crate ,
UAXAXAS The market Is well supplied at
the following prices : Cholco bananas , $2.75
(33.50 ( ; medium buehes , f2.00@3.00 ; common ,
fl.50 < r ,2.oo. u
NUTS Peanuts , " ( ST' c , raw ; Brazil nuts ,
13o ; ulmonds , Tarragona , 'J2c ; English wal
nuts , 15@lSc ; filberts , 12c.
Grocer * ' List.
Cori-nc Ordinary grades , 20@20J o ; fair.
21c21J | e ; prime , 21JfiJ22c ( ; fancy green and
yellow , 2aQ25c ; old government Java , 28 ®
yoc ; Interior Java , 25 < < 52o ; Mocha , 2S@30e ;
Arbucklo's roasted , 25L'o ] ; McLaughlln's
XXXX , 20Vc ; Dllworth's , 24J4'e ; lied Cross ,
HJIOOMS Extra 4 tie. J-J.pO ( , 'o. I , f2H- ( ) ;
\u. 2 , ? l 7. , ; heavv stiible. $1 00.
-Mixed , 1'C'jllc ' ' stick. S'j'M'J'c.
I'nrvMios HatilH , IO'TI > II ' ( , ( ; breivkfait
iiliiill , IDijoMlc ; buiiV ftldr * . S ii ' .k' ; ilr.V
salt , 7 ? ; ( 'i shoulderM , tl ! .7e ; ilrlml beef
IIIIIIH , HKid It * ; ill led beef regular , US ( jill ) ( ( , ;
nuns , picnli' , 7" < c 'ii1.
Si in fNo. . 70 , l-gallini krc < , Jt .VM.r ) ( > .1 ;
Vow Oi leans , per gallon. JW'f-tiic ; maple
pyrup , half bbN , ' 'old time , " INM- gallon , < > < ;
gallon can1 * , per dor , * MO..VI ; half gallon
mil , per dor. $0.2.1 ; quart cans , °
SMIH n Mirror gloss , r , , i * ; Graves' corn ,
0'ic , ' ; wego gloss .Tr Oswegocorn , * c.
Itoi.Mxn llciintr Return " per keg
CHICK Kits Oarn "sKoda , butter and pie-
nlc , TK" , creams , fjingcr snaps , ic ; city
soda , Te. Mr ) f
Tins Japan , C0c3f k : ; gunpowder , 2Xi ( $
( lfl"c ; Young Hyson , v-5g5.'j ( ( * ; Oolong , 20i (
dOi * .
Toiucto Lorillard's Climax , lie ; Spleu
did , 4lc ; Mechiitilo's Delight , 4lc ; Leugett As
Meyer's star , t2o ; Cornerstone , ! te ( ; Drum-
mond'B Horse Shoe , 4lo ; J. T. , 40o ; Sorg's
Spe.uhead , He ,
Wooui.NWt.iii : Two-hoop palls , ) ) er do/ ,
$1.15 : threo-hoop palls , $1.70 ; No , 1 tub , HVI ;
No. 2 tub , $5.M ) ; No. ! l tub , $4.M ) ; washboards -
boards , Sl.Tfls assorted bowls , g-J.'J.V , No. 1
chlirtiH , ( ! ) ; No. 2 churns , $ S ; No. M churns.$7.
CVXMMI Goons Oysters , Mnudaid , per
ea e , ? ; I.15I3.20 : strawberries , 1Mb per case ,
f..15 ) ( < i3.20 : rasplierries , ! Mb , per case , $3.0K'0 (
Jl.ll ) ; ; Cnllforiila pears , per case , S-LbOOiLlK ) ;
apricots , per case , $4.i.1iil. ! ( : ) ( ) ; peaches per
ease , $5.7.X'l5.85 ; white ctiernes. per ease ,
$ .UO * plums , per case , Sl.bOOf.'UK ) ; bluelier-
ric.s , per case , $2.UC".2.10 ! ) ; egg plums , 1Mb ,
per eatie , * 2.r.O ; pineapples , 2-lb , per ease ,
$ . ' 1.20(3(5.75 ( ; Mb salmon , ( per ilcv. $ I.75 ( 1.'K ) ;
2-lb gooseberries , per case , Ji.'Jiii.l5lb ; ( : ! ; ! !
string beans , per case , ? 1.W ) : 2-11) lima beans ,
per case , $ i , < jj ( ; 2-lb marrowfat peas , $2.5K'9 (
J.llO ; 2-lb early Juno peas , per case , $2.75 ;
IHb tomatoes , S2.40ii'J.50 ( ; 2-lb corn , -0i/ ! ! ( )
Ml *
Rinxin : : L\ni > Tierce , T'tf" ! 4lb ( > square
cans , "Vc ; Ml-lb round , T-'nc ; 20-lb round ,
TiVc ; 10-lb palls , TjJjJc ; 5-lb palls , 7 4'e ; 3-lb
pails , } { r.
PICKI.I-.S Medium In bbls , $ T.OO ; do In half
bbls1.1X1 ; small , in bbls , $ .S.OO ; do in half
bbls , 1.50 ; gerkins , in bbls , fJ.OO ; do in half
bbls , $5.00.
DIIIIII : Kitt'iTs Ajiples , ucw , 'f's , ( ! c ; c'vnp-
orntcd.W Ib ring , SiVWlOe ; raspberries , evap
orated , 'J7 ( 2. ' < c ; blaeklwrries , evaporated ,
I'KO'ltJ/c1 ' , pitted cherries , ! * 00'2lu ; peaches ,
new , bjjC'tdu ; evaporated , peeled peaches , 28
( idi'Jc ; evaporated , unparcd , It-Cal'.lc ' ; now
eurrants , ( ijj'W'e ; prunes , 4' ( ii'lXe' citron ,
J. ' > c ; raisins , London layers , $2.lMff2.I.V ( Cali
fornia loose muscatels , $2.Xi2.10 ( ) ( ! : new Val
encia , 8 , ' Kf.
HOI-I : Seven-sixteenths ,
Si'dAit CJi-iinulated , 7lrff"7'fc ; conf A , fij
Miljtfe ; white extra C , ( ' > ; ' „ ' ( . < ' > Kc ; extr.iC , ! ! , '
yellow C , fiJfWfi&c ; cut loaf , 7 ( -
BUCK West Point 2 ! ) in. 8 or , W/c ; West
Point 2 ! ) in , 1007 , PJ e ; West Point 10 In , 12
or. , Ific ; West Point -10 in , 11 or. . Kit- . Checks
Caledonia X , 9'ie ' ; Caledonia XX , lO e ;
Keonomy , ! l' ' e ; Otis , DJ c.
Kr.STfcKV .IKANS Memorial , 1fic : Canton
ISc ; Uurham,27 c ; Hercules , ISc ; Leaming
ton , 22 > e ; Cottswold , 23c.
Ciusn Stevens' U , ( ie ; bleached , 7c ; Ste
veils' A , 7'fc ; bleached , HJ-fo ; Stevens' P.
Ke ; bleached , ll' ' c ; Stevens' N. y ; < fe ;
bleached , I0 c ; Stevens' S HT , mjjo.
MiscKMANKoi's Tublo oil clotli , t'i.S. ;
plain Holland , 8Ue to lie ; D.ido Holland , 12Jfu.
CA.MIIIMCS Slater , 4He ; Woods , 4 | < fe ; Stan
dard , IJic ; Peacock , 4 < c.
Hi.tNKKT.sWhite. . tl.OOClT.riO ; colored 1 1.10
( J78.00.
HI.I : vciir.D Snir.TiNO : llerkelcy cambric ,
No. ( X ) , U' ' < e ; lJp t Yet , 4-4 , ( i4'c } ; butter
cloth OO , 4J/e ; Oalwt , 7 cFarwell. \ . 8c :
Krultof Loom , ! lc ; ( ! recno O , Oe ; Hope ,
7J/e ; ICing Phillip cambric , lie ; Lonsdale ,
llj e ; Lonsdale , hjie : New York tnlllH ,
lOJ e ; Pcpperell1'iinch , lo ; < fc ; Peppcrcll ,
10 inch , ll' e ; lfeiporell. ( M , Ific ; Po | > -
perell , 8-t , 20e ; 1'ejiperell , 0-1 , 22cj Pep
pcrcll , 10-4 , IMc ; Canton. 4-4 , SJfe ; Canton ,
14. ( " > ; c ; Triumph , 5o { 'Wamsutta , lie ; Val
ley , fie. I Plaid Haftsman. 20c ; Goshcn ,
% , 25c ; J R F , Y 27c ; G , JI5e. ! .
PKIXT.S SOMI. Coi.oits Atlanta ,
Slater , Se ; Ucrlin Oil , 0 } < fe ; Oarner Oil , 0@
To. PINK AND KOIIES Uiehmond , Oo ; Allen ,
Oe ; Uivcrpoint , nc ; Steel Uiver , ( k : ; Uieh-
moiid , ( ic ; Paclllc , Oj c. Isniao BI.OI : Wash.
Ington , ( ie ; Century indftro blue prints , lOc ;
American , ( JKe ; Arnold , OJ/c ; Arnold H ,
10 > e ; Arnohl A , 12c ; Arnold Gold Seal , 10' fe.
DIIESS Charter Oak , 4 e ; IJamapo , 'tjife ;
Lodi , 4J e ; Allen , tyfc ; Hiehmond , . .rijc ;
Windsor , ( io ; Eddystonc. Co ; Paeitlc , ( ie.
BIIOWN SIICP.TINO Atlanta A , 47J c ; A
Hantic H , 4-4 , 7e ; Atlantic I ) , 4-4 , C > ytvAt \ -
lantio P , 4-4 , 5Jfc ; Aurora LL. 4-1 , . % c ; Au
rora C , 4-4 , 4Xc ; Crown XXX , 4-4 , f > Xc\ \
Hooslcr LL , 4-4 , fic ; Indian Head , 4-4,7j4'e ;
Lawrence LL , 4-1 , Wfc ; Old Dominion , 4-4 ,
fij c ; Peppercll H , 4-4 ' , Uc ; Pcpperell O , 4-4 ,
lie ; Pcpperell , 8-4 , ISc ; Pepperell , 0-4 , 20c.
1'cppcrell , 10-1 , 22c ; Utic.i C , 4-4 , 4J4'o ;
Wachusctt , 4-4 , 7c ; Aurora H , 4-4 , GJ-fe ; Au
rora Jl , 4-4 , Oe.
HATTS Standard. 8c ; C'em , 10 > < fe ; Beauty ,
12 > Je ; Hoone , 14e ; U , cased , 0..jO.
COTTON PIAXSII.S : 10 j > or cent trade dis-
Hristol , 13Kc ; Union Pacific , ISc.
CAIHT.T WAiir Uibb white , IS c ; colored ,
GIXOHAM Plunckctt checks , "J/c ; Whit-
tcnton , T4'c ; ; York , TJ c ; Normandl Dress ,
SKc ; Calcutta Dress , $ % c ; Whittcnton Dress ,
lie : Renfrew Dress , lifel-JJ e.
TICKS Lewiston , 30 in. , 12Kc Lewiston ,
32 in. , lii' c ; York , 32 in. , 14c ; Swift River ,
T } c ; Thorndiko O O , 8J/c ; Thorndiko E F ,
oz. . IUc : York 7-oz. , 13c ; Havmnkcr ,
JalTrcyXX , ll c ; JulTrcy XXX , 1'JKc ; on
vcrCrcok AA , lic ! ; Ucuvcr Crcclc UU , lie
lluavcr Creek CC , IUc.
General Markets.
Fi.ix SKEDUnehant'cd. . Good quality at
$1.08 j > er bushel.
COAI , Prices steady at Saturday's quota
lions. EKI ? , f 10.50 ; nut , tlO.W ) ; rani'c10.r > 0
walnut block , $3.85 ; Iowa lumi ) , f.50 ) : Iowa
nutf.7S : Illinois , fl.2 : > e4.75.
HAV The receipts of hay are decreasing
perceptibly while the demand is active. The
following are prices quoted ; Common coarse
hay , * 7.007.50 ( per ton ; upland prairie
$7.75 < JiS.UO.
Gu i IN There is no change in prices
Wheat , No. 2 , iKJc ; rye , 45 < gr.0c ; oats
2iic ; corn , old , UTJ c ; t-oni , new , a.M !
barley is quoted at S''QcS'c , according to qual
FI.OUK AND FEKD Flour remains steady
nt following prlc-cs : Minnesota patents , W.'JU
I > or cwt ; ICiuisiiH and Missouri wintci
fancy patents , $ -J.4.r > ( ; i2.'il ( ; Nebraska patents
$2.25a2.iV ( : rye Hour. 1.7.i@1.00 per cwt ; rye
Graham , (1.40 per cwt ; wheat , Graham , $1.7' '
per cwtjeornmoal , yellow , ! Ho ) ) > cr cwt : corn
meal , white , $1.X ( ) per cwt ; chopped feed
f\c , \ ) per cwt ; bran , $1.SO@13.U ! ! ( ) per ton
scrcciiings , $ y.00@ia.)0 ( ) per ton.
Hiiius-'Urcen butchers' , fij c ; green cured
< > ' ( @ 7c ; dryf'int , lOc ; dry salt , be ; green cul :
skins 7e damaged hides two-thirds -
, ; , - prk-o
Tallow IJi'c. Cirease I'rimo white , lie ; yel
low , 3o ; urown , ra. < Sheep pelts , 2o < a ( > 0e.
Funs Kaccoon , 20yji'0c ; mink , lOO'SOc-
musk rats , fall , 'Xtibc : striped skunk , l
mountain wolf. No. l.t.00@n.50 ; No. 2 , prai
rie , X t7Se ; No. 2 , 40 { ISc ; beaver. No. J ,
peril ) , $2.uo@.00 : ) ; No. ' Jl.Xfl.25 ( ) ; otter ,
tl.OOW.00d"rydecr ( ( ! ; bkins , 20/i5o . : per Ib :
ry antelope , clt , inoobc , etc. , IftCui'k- .
d SriiUTs CologiiQ spirits , 1SS proof. $1.10 ;
do 101 proof , $1.13 ; spirits second quality , 101
proof H.10 ; do 1SS proof $1.09. Alcohol 188
proof , fcj.10 per wine gallon. IJcdlstilled
whiskies , $1.00(31.60. ( Gin blended , flJOGt
2.00 ; Kentucky bourbons , $2.00(3000 ( ; Kentucky -
tucky and Pennsylvania ryes , $ -J.OO < tl.riO :
Golden Sheaf bourbon and rye whiskies , $1.50
@ 3.00. Hrandies , imported , $5.00@S.50 ; do-
nestle , $ l.iWXg3.00. Gins , Imported , $4.5u@
0.00 ; domestic , $ l.i.'Xpi.OO. ' : Champagnes , im-
jwrted , iwrcaso , r-'S.tXXifaytOO : American , per
case , $ lO.OO < n 10.00.
HEAVV HAHIIWAIIK Iron , rate , $2.70 ; plow
each , ( &e ; square nuts , per Ib. tXjfKlc ; coil
chain , j > er IbjO fai.Tc ; malleableS lOc ; iron
wedges , Oc ; crow-bars , do ; harrow teeth , 4o ;
spring steel , 4uftc ( ; IJurden's horse shoes.
$4i5 Uurden's mule shoes. .
< ; < uu uii a tiiuiu oiivt o. $5.T5 ; barbed
i-ire , in car lots , $4.00 per 100 Ibs ; iron nails ,
atcsj 10 to 50,12.40 ; steel nails , 12.50 ,
! ) ! > liiiinlior1.
nin. i ft 'JO
17 io 'j | ( u ! nr.M HI
'Xll IT iVI-JI HI 21 101:1 l rjl : m
-'XS. 17 T'l-.M lil-JI 10'i ! l i'i in
. IT M'Jt III 21 11)2:1 ) : ( O'il IO
is TiLII in 21 III 21 (1121 ( O
tti si m
No. 1 com , s 1 s.iis.60 I No. n com , H 1 .
Vo. IS com , H 1 . 17.IK ) I No. I com , s 1 s , 1.1. .V )
n\t : INK ,
N'o. 1 , I ft 0 in IS & 1 1 ft , . , rough . $10 .10
\n. I , " " lit . Ill Ml
Nn.1.1 , " 12 II " . lit fO
No. 'J , " " lit " . IS ( K )
\ , 12 , 1 1 , & 1U ft. Jl.rl ( I ( , ' , 12 , 1 1 .t 1(1 ( fti.N >
U , " " 20Wll | ) , " " 12.W )
CiilINl ; : AMI 1-MlTlTIOV.
stcom Of lii U'lillo I MIIU Celling . MI.IK )
Ji | " ' " " . > . ( > < )
; loarl In Noi " "
% way . niiHi
Jmlcom. ? 0' In " " " . ll.H ( )
A Din White I'liio . $ -j.W )
i Dlu " " . : n.wi
CD In " " . ! UI.K ( )
) Dln " . 'JI.WI
JDlii " " ( Scl. I'Viu-ing ) . I'J.IK ' )
D In. Drop Slillui ; MIC per M. extra.
MXX'KIHH ! ( ! ) < .
A 12 Inch s 1 H . MfuiU
J 12 " . il')20 )
J 12 " . -10.00
1) 12 " . 2.I.W
No. 1 , com , 12 III s I .s , 12 ft . 20.WI
" " " 14 ft . l'.i.H ( )
" " " ID ft . ld.r.0
" " " 10 , IS , ' 'Oft . 2I.W )
No , 2 , " . I'.l.OO '
" " " 12.S : II ft . 1S.M )
" " " ID ft . 17.W )
12 In Grooved roollng , $1 per M. more than 12
In Stock Hoards wimo length.
10 In. Grooved Koollng Hamu price as 12 In.
Stock Hoards.
Mill1 Ml * .
No. 1 Plain S and 10 In . ? IO.XI (
No. 2 " " " . | 7.W )
No. 1 , O G , 8 In . Hi./iO /
1st and 2nd , clear , 1 , I'/ Inch , s2 a . JM.OO
" " | ; , . r.l.lK )
Id , clear , 1 inch , s2s . II..M )
1M , l ,2lnch . ID.K ( )
A , select , 1 fneli , H 2 H . tO.K ( )
A > " I'i ' , I'if , 2 inch , H'J.s . -I I.IK )
H , " 1 Inuli , i ! ! . . . . . : I.OO
1J , " IV , 1) ) , 2ineli , 28 . : i7.0 ( )
tdl-TlinU.N ll.l.l.OM I'ISU.
Com.1 inch Flooring . $17. M )
Star " " . iii.wi
1st nnd 2d clear Inch ! louring . 2H.IK )
Six-inch BOo less.
Clear Kli 'li Ceiling . 21. . ' .0 .
Clear Jf iiu-li Partition . 2.V1KI
Clear % inch , Paitition fi above } ( inch Cell
Clear Finish , 1 and I'/ ' inch , s2s . fr'.IUKI
Clear Finish , 1 } and 2 Inch , s2s . ! HK ) ( )
Clear Corrugated Ceiling inch . 2.1 M
Clear Yellow Pine Casing and liasc. . . . 27.00
roi'i.Mi i.r.Mimt.
Cl. Poplar Ux. Uds. % In. , s 2 s . $3rK ( )
" " yt in. Panel , s 2 H . 27 ( K )
" " Corrugated Culling , ; < . . 2S.M )
O. G. Halts , 2Jrf in. OT c ; J xil , H 1 H.Kle ; n In.
Well Tubing , I ) . & M. and Hev. , WU.OO ; Pick
ets , U. & 11. Flat , $20..1t ) ; D. II. Sq. , 21.,10.
Hiii.Ndi.nx , UTII.
XX clear. $ .10 ; extra * A , J2.W ; * A stand
ard No. 5 , No. I , $1.4. . ; lath , $2.f,5.
White Cedar , 0 In. , > { s. 12j c ; 0 in. qrs ,
lljc ; white cedar , fiW in. fr . llhe ; H in.
qrs , lOc ; white cedar , 4 In. round , ID ) jt * ; Ten
nessee red cedar , .split , 14e ; split oak , lcD ( ) ;
in. , 7 in nnd S In. Otf e.ich ) & It. , round W. C.
i.i MI : , mr.
Qulncy white lime , ( tcst ) Mo ; Ixxiisville
cement , ? ! . ) ; hair. ! lV ( ; plaster , fi.DO ; tar
board , $ I.M ( ; sash .VI per ct. ; doors , 40 per ct. ;
blinds , 50 per ct. ; mldgs , W ) ierct. ; tarred
felt , pur cwt. , $2.0."i ; straw , .jl.M.
Cdiiunoi-oial C'lnps.
H. A. Mosman , a merchant of DCS Moincs ,
la. , is In thu city.
James Love , of Plum Creek , marketed a
quantity of eggs yesterday.
There has been n slight advance in prices
of several grades of dry lumber.
William H. Ellis , of Wood Hiver , pur
chased dry goods in the city yesterday.
Heavy hardware remains . change
in prices during thu past week being noted.
George Gilibens , of St. Paul , Neb. , pur
chased u quantity of hardware in this city
The prevailing prices forproduceycstcrday
varied but little with these of two jears ago ,
while compared with those of one year ago
they arc a trifle lower.
The produce market Is very quiet and no
radical changes have occurred for sonic time.
Butter , eggs , poultry , cheese and potatoes
are quoted nearly the same as they were one
week ago.
Notwithstanding the fact that there has
been nn advance in flour in Minnesota and
elsewhere , prices remain steady on this mar
ket as regards Missouri , J Kansas and Ne
braska grades. Other brands have advanced
but u trifle.
THE aioaturiir or mil
Dr rtiion of Hi central poiltloa. C'.OK relation to line
Eut of Cbletffo , and contlturai haci at terminal
polnti Weit , MorthwMt and Bojtbweit , li tlia true
middle link In tKat tranicontlnenU , rjitem which
Inrltri ana faclUUtet tr yel and traffic bttwccn Ibo
Atlantic and Paclfle ,
The Rock Iilacd maliHIne and branchti Include Cbl-
co , Jolltt.Ollawa , LatSille , Ftorla , Uencteo , Idollna
and Rock Iiland , In Illlnoli ) Davenport , Unicallae ,
Waihlngton , Falrflcld , Ollunm'.Oslfalooia , Wcit Lib
erty , Iowa CItr.DoiMotnei , IndlinoIi.Wlntcrsf t , Allan.
Ue , knoiTllle , Audubon , Ilarlan , ( luthrle Centro and
Council Illufli , In lowai dallalln , Trenton , BU . ' .if pu ,
Cameron and Kaniai City , In Missouri I Leai.tiwortb
and AtrMson , In Kansas ! Albert , Minneapolis and
HI.Panl.In VlnnoU | Waterlovn and Floui
Pa kola , and hundreds of InlennodLala cllles and to ns.
"Tho Great Rock Island Route" '
Guarantees speed , comfort , certainty and safety. It *
permanent way Is dlsllnrulshrd for Its excellence. Us
bridges are of slono and Iron , Its track Is of solid
steelItsrolllnffstockperfect. ItspasenBerrqulpmnt
has all thesafsly appliances that eiperl * nee has pwrel
nssful , and for luxurious accommodation Is uujp-
tiasied. Its Eipreis Trains consist of superior Uaj-
Coacbee , clef snt fullman I'alace Parlor and 81eeplu , {
Cars , superb Dining Can , providing delicious meals ,
and ( between Chicago and St. Joiepb , Alchlion and
Kansas CUT ) restful Reclining Cbalr Can. It' mao-
aicsraect la conierratlie , lu discipline eiactlnr
"The Famous Albert Lea Ror. e"
Between Chicago and Minneapolis and 81.1'a. Is the
f arortle. Orcr Ibis Una Solid Fast Eiprcts Trains mo
dally to attraetlre resorts for tonrUH In Ion a and
Minnesota , and , via Watertown and Slouz Falls , to the
rleb wheat and grailng lands of Interior Dakota. Via
Beneca and Kankakee , the Hock Island olfen superior
Inducemintd to traveler * between Cincinnati , Indian
apolis. Lafayette and Council Bluffs , St. Joseph , Atchl-
on , Leavenworth , Kansas City , fit. 1'aul , and Interme
diate points. All patrons ( especially ladlrs and cbll.
dren ) receive protection , courtesy and kindly attention ,
for tickets , maps , folders , copies of Western Trail , or
any desired Information , apply to principal offices In
the United Stales uul Canada , or addrets , at Chicago ,
I. i. CAllt , E. ST. JOHR , I. A. HOIIIOOI ,
< JltG 1l > tuiT. Oi.TU * riM. tti
we ccrdlsilr reecre eii4
yourUailheUtt nmedy
and Gleet.
* sold ccnilJer.
SMe , sndln every cl < II
l.i given ( itUfitllca.
Aleett & Llsk ,
. V.
Scld by IVuf { IiU.
J-ilto tl.00.
( Successors to John O. Jacobs. )
Undertakers and Eibalmers
At the old stand. 1407 Farnam St. Orders by tele
graph solicited und promptly ultcuilad to.
Telephone No. ii't.
Bat and shorUsi STSttm new ID us . ClreuUr *
uil nec.SerTiiii [ ) eblltt > ruiiM'd
through frroiB anil bad practical CURED
_ AKrlcultiirnl linploitionta.
CarrUKOi ndYlufali > .lnin' stVcrl , llclni vn vili nlu
Agilcnllnrallmplcinciils.WaEoiis.Carriagcs . .
llunKlvi , U o. Wholriiatc , Oinntii , NrtifMkn.
, Wholc i'i > l ) < 'i > lr l In
Aericnltnrallinplcinciils , Wagons & Buggies
Mil. tul.Htt unit ! ii7Joiif < "trvct , Onmlm.
P. P. MAST & CO. ,
Maiinfaciurcrs of Bockcyc Drills Seeders
, ,
OaltUMoni , liny IUkr . ( * lpr | Mill * nnct l.nh.iii | 'ii | .
tcrl/i'fn Cor Hill mnl Nlrtiolin . - < licfl .
" "
* , VllOl "Fllp
Agricnlliiral liiiDlcmciils , Wagons &Bnggics
CufiKT Illli Mid Nlcliulnr Mrrcl .
" "
_ Artists' MntorlnlB.
A. HOSPE , Jr. ,
Arlisls1 Materials , Pianos and Organs ,
UI3IiieI ) . HlrvcI.OninUn , Nctirnnka.
QootB nnd Shoon.
W. V. MORSE & CO. ,
Joltes of Boots and Shoes ,
lill rirnain Hl.Om tin. SVh. Mtnuttcturr , Bamact
_ _ _ _ _ t < tr et , lluilun.
( Sue'i'iifOr to llccilJonra A Cii. )
Wholesale Mannfacturcrs ofBoots and Shoes
Aveutt for ln ! tnn Rubber ShrXVi. 1KB , HIM & 1100
llarnor Hi. , Omaha , Niiliri kii.
Cojfoas , gplcos , Eto.
Omaha CntToc nnd Pplco Mlllt.
Teas , Coffees Spices , Baking Powder ,
FlnrutlMK KilrnrU. l.aun.lrr . Hhic , Inki. Klc. IIU HIS
llnrncjr Hlrtcl , Omaha , NrbrMkn.
Crockery nntl cla8Bwnro.
Agfnl for thn Manurocturi'rs anil Importer * of
Crockery , Glassware , Lamps. Chimneys.
Ktc. ( ( nice , 817 H. Ulh HI , Oninha , Ncbriukn ,
Commlaslon nnd Storngu.
Coiumission and Jobbing ,
Bitter , Kgm nnd Produceraniliininiiili inllellPd.
Ileatlquart rii fur Slurii < nri > , lli < rrr and
Urapc llnikuli. HII Itodyc fcl. , Dmutia.
R ID D E LlTi R ID D EllL ,
Storage and Commission Merchants ,
Prodnce Commission Merchants ,
Foallrjr , llutlvr , ( Jnm . Fnilti. IUc rjosuutti lull BU
( Successor ! luMchbanu.V Hi'liructlrr )
Proflflce Connnission and Cold storage.
Otuntia. N1
Coaj , Coke and Ufmo.
" '
Jokers of Hard aud Soft Coal ,
200 South 13th Street , Oinaba , Nebraska.
Mannfacturcrs of Illinois White Lime ,
And plilpi'TS ' of GiO , Colin , ( 'fmcnt , Plnfltcr , LlmC
Uraln liltnml Hawnr I'lpn. omrn. rmtiin Ilolol ,
Kanmm fit , Omnlia , Nub , 'IVlcpbono till.
Shippers of Coal and Cote ,
2USoutbl3thSl..Omalia. Nfb. _
Pry Cooda ajid Notl ona ,
1. E. SMITH & CO. ,
Dry Goods , Furnishing Goods and Notions
1102 and HOIDouglai , Cor. Itlh St. , Omaha , Neb.
Importers and Jobbers in Dry Goods.Norions
Qtnta' rurnlihlni : CoodiCorner lllb and llirugj fati ,
Omnba , N braika.
Wholesale Dealers in Furniture ,
KaruamStrtit , Omaha , Ncbraika.
Wholesale Groceries and Provisions ,
TOO , TOT , 709 and Til S. 1Mb .St. , Omatm , Neo.
Wholesale Grocers ,
12U > and Learcnworth trctt , Omba , Nebraiku
D. M. STEELE & CO. .
f nolesale Grocers ,
1 9,1231 and 1223 Harner Street , Omtbt , N b.
Wholesale Grocers ,
111 ! and 111 < ) Harner Street , Omaha , Neb.
Jobbers of Hardware and Nails ,
Tlnware.fehret Iron.Ktc. AB'.DII for IIowo bcalef.and
Miami 1'owiler Co. , Omaha , Neb.
Bnilderi1 Hardware & Scale Repair Shop
Mechanics' Tuola and Huffalo Hcalei. 1Kb Doaglanl.
Omaha , Nobratka.
Wholesale Hardware ,
10th and Harnor St . , OmahaNeb. ! Wes
for Ausiln 1'uwdor Co..Juir r on Steel
banks Standard Scalo.
Heavy Hardware.
Heavy Hardware , Iron and Steel ,
Bprlngt , Wagon Htock , Hardware Lumber , etc. UDt
and 121111 truer Street. Omaha.
Wholesale Iron and Steel ,
Tacon and Carriage Wood Stock. Uear llarrtwarv
Klc. UK and 121 I earenwortk Si. . Omaha , Neb.
Mats , cape , Etc.
Wholesale Hats , Caps and Straw Goods ,
1107 Harncr Street , Omaha , Neb.
and ILER * CO. ,
Imported Jobbers of FineWines&LIpre
Kan India Illtteri and LloCeltic Llqnori. 11U Ilarner
All kinds of Building Material at Wholesale
ISlh EUtctand Union I'aclflcTrackOmaha.
Dealer in Lumber , Lath , Lime , Sash ,
Doon , ttc. VarJi-Comcr Ttb and Houglai ; Comer 9lk
antl Uouglai.
c. N. PEITZ.
Dealer in all Kinds of Lumber ,
Ittb and California Eti. . Omaha , Neb.
Lumber Lime Cement Etc Etc
, , , , , ,
Coratr Mb and TJooglai an. , Omaba.
To Dealers Only , >
Offlcc , 1133 rare la Sutet , Omaba ,
Wholesale Lumber , Etc ,
flrttd and Aurrlcan Portland Cement. Sl U agtal
fcif Milnaukt * llror uicC : rn BtaniJulucj (
IbtimOor ,
CHAS. P , HiE <
Dealer in Hardwood Lumber , c
tTopo Cnri'eti nml l'i > riiict11o'iiiivl'lli _ ' | _ ami DoailU
Mllllnory nntl Notlono.
I. OUliRr'tiLDIiH ft , CO , ,
Imoorlcrs & Jobbers of Millinery & Notion f }
: \H. 211) oiiJ 111 South Illh Mrrrt. *
Notions. .
Wholesale Notions and Furnishing GooJa
Miami I'll South loth Flrwt. Omaha. - .j
NoUons and Gent's ' Fnniisliing Goods ,
llai lUrncjr Htrfot. OninliH.
Wholesale Refined and Lubricating Oil ? ;
Ailu ( 'ir , c , etc. , Omnlia , A. H , lll hop , M r. fi > f.
- *
1 Wholesale Paper Dealers , '
Cftnrnnlrn Mock nf printing , wni | > | ilnc and * * rltle |
| iKicr. | > cclul allrnllun rltcii lu"r loail older * .
Auxiliary Publishers ,
Dcaleri IB tjl"1 , prr o and nrlnlor. ' inpplei. !
tkjulh Nib Mrvrl , Uinalm ,
HuutJor CoodM.
Manufacturers and Dealers in Rubber Goods
Oil Clothing and Ix-nthcr Itrltlnir. IOH fnrnnin Slroot ,
Steam FlttlnRS , Pumps , E > o.
Pumps , Pipes and Engines ,
fclcora.nnliT , rnllwBr nml mlnlnu mpi'lli' " , etc. 9JO ,
UK ami tUi Vanillin hlrtt. . Ouinliit.
Wholesale Pumps , Pipe , Fittings ,
Plcnm Mini Wnlcr Hiil'I'll' ' " , Ilrnil > | iinrli'r ( or Molts
lmo l * ! > ) ' K'iu.1' , Illl Hiniiim ( ! . , ( -malm.
Steam and Water Supplies ,
Hallldajr Wlnil .Mill" . Ilia nml I'J ) Kiirnnin SI. , Omaha ,
G. K. HOB , , AclltiK .Mdiinuur ,
Engines , Boilers and General Machinery ,
Sheet Iron Wnrk. PU-nni ruiiii | > . * > n Mllli. 1213-1211
l avunworth Mrcct , Onmhu.
Wholesale Farm , Field and Garden Seeds
911 iui.1 HIT Jours HI. , Orim'm [
StprnRo , Fo r ' ward In K ftC o nmaslori
ARMSTR'ONG. PETTIS & . co. , ,
Storage , Forwarding and Commission , '
lltKnrh hmiKdof tlio lli'iincr Iliik'/y Co. Huiiitlm tl
Kbok' nlu nml ri'lnl ) 1 tr.110 \ \ \ Itanl HI reel ,
Oniatin , 'lelfjihoiM-No "t'.fi.
Toaa end Cigars. j
Importers and Jobbers of Teas & Cigars : onil Iml-y linking 1'omli'r. Ill' ' ) uuj Ilia Hnr-
tu-y Mrect , Oiuulm.
Manufacture Galvanized Iron and Cornice ,
Job n Kpcncter. I'roiirli-tor. 1'JI IXHtge and Idlaod KB
North lutli Mri'ft. Oinnlin. !
Smoke Stacks , Bollors , Etc.
Manufacturing Dealer in Smoke Stacks ,
llrltcblngi , Tank and Gonernl Holler Repairing. 1318
l > otlge Mrucl , ( jniatiH , Neb. )
Iron Works. i
Wrought and Cast .Iron Building Wort
KnaliM's. Ilrm , wntk , general founilrr , ruachlnu en
blaikimllli work. Omco und works , C. I' . Kr. n
lilb blreet , Omul.a.
Manufacturers of Wire and Iron Railings
Desk ralli , window iiunrdii , floncr rlandi , wlreflgoiC
tc. , lil Nortli Kill hi. , Omaha. ,
Maii'frs ' of Fire fcBnrglar Proof Safes' !
Vnults , JMI work , Iron nnd wire fencing , flans , etc. ( fj
Aniireen , I'rop'r. Cur. Hlb and Jatkson ti.
.MnnulnLliirurn anil Jobbi-ri In
Wagons , Buggies , Rakes , Plows Etc.
( -or ( nli in 1.1 I'Hiitlc bUi.ti'iinlm. Neb.
General Acuiln for DIcboM Sale X I-otk Co.'i
Fire and Burglar Proof Safes.Timc Locks.
Vaults and Jail Work , 1115 Karnam Street , Onithn.
Maiinfacturcrs of Overalls ,
Jeani I' nt , Shins , Klc. 1105 nml IIW Douniss Gtreet ,
Uinabn , Neb.
, opr8. Etc.
' *
M.A. DISBROW & . 'CO. ,
Wholesnlu .Mnnulni lurert of
Sash , Doors , Blinds and Mouldings ,
Branch USIce , 12lh nnd Irard Streets , Omaha. Neb.
Manufacturers of Sash , Doors , Blinds ,
Mouldlnct , Klalr Work anil Interior Hani Wood Kin.
Itb. N.E. tornur Mh nml -ntenworth l strfota ,
Oumba , Neb.
Manufacturers of Mouldings , Sash , Deere ,
And Illlndi. Turning , Slalr-work. Hank and OSlo
trilling * , swli and IVipplclon Arenut- . r
Lager Beer Brewers ,
1121 North Klfhucnth Mrccl-Omaha , Nch.
= . - = a
c. n. i
Live Stock Commission Merchants , ,
OHlce Iloom 24 , Ofipotlte Kiihance Ilulldloji , Uoloo
htiwk yards , hoiitli Omalin , Neb.
Live Stock Commission Merchants ,
Markel furnlihts ] free .
on application. Hlockcrs and
fee.1 rs furnl > bo. | on good lenus. Heforenco : Oms .
ha National Hunk and sou 111 Uraabk Natlunai , I'nlua
bux-k Yard ! , rVntb Omaba.
Live Stock Commission ,
Room IS , Kzchangu Ilulldlni ; , Unlou Slock Tart * ,
boulh Oujolia , Neb.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock ,
Room 23 , Kichnnfc DulMInt , I'nlon Hock Vdl , K
Omaha , lluffi ncrt L'nlun Nat'l Xuuk. Oroabk ,
Union Mock Yanli Hank , B Oranlm , u. H. llowley
1-rca. Am. Hank A Truil Co. . Omnl.ti.
Commission Dealers in Live Stock.
Ilooio a , Kirban/e HulMInc , Union
Yanll , joulb Ouaba , Neu ,
Of Omaha , Limited ,
JoU V. Bur' ' . 3uperlot nd nU
Arlvc-riljlctf liaj nlwnji proron
Biiccrciful. Ilcforo placlnifRny
Nuwiriapcr AJvcnlelng Consul ;
lUiHTiMxu iLWn , . i
4t I * * IU < .ik kimc , CHICAGO.