H I'HE OMAHA DAILY BEE-MONDAY : , NOVEMBER 28 , 1887 ; " ' " " ' liny t' ' W , Hiivltli/o Aimwoiu Thin UIIOI | | 1,11110 OMAHA / OHAIIIflUU Ht-VIUWCt ) . 'Hi" Miillllloii nl' ' HIM Vi'ti'il ' ' I'Miltli'in ' in ( In 'Mili'il ' My ( In ) < ' < MIIII | OlHIIIll/lllllHI tll'lllC < Illll- II ) Illlll'll ! ! , I'm1 ( 'Inn ' lly , "ll'.IVl" ' | ' l'tMHMWim III ! ) Mllljl'l'l liihi'H ' liy Id ( ' W MilVHlpu fur lili liiornliiK ili n.'ii ' ' > nlny ill HIM Mi'Wntil Hlii'ft Al. I ) i lint li 'I ' In1 It'Jil IVMN Inlii'ii ' finiii , MnH < ) V | I'liC Vl > llllVK Hid | ilinr Wllll JIMI liHvnv nhil wlii'liMii'Vi'i' \ > will Jc inii.V ilo III ! III | < i r.il . ' 'I hi' tiii'MI' | ' > H of him" to liclji Kin ( rfii-r 11 i < | | ( > nl Hilt Hun1 , xulil the Ci | 'iilii r ' ( In1 rnlil liliiiilM uf winter mo nl- H'llllS Hll'MIIIlK IIHMlfHl till ) ImVl'N ( if lllO INM.I' HIM ! ( In iliidi n tif Hiiwii wlin ale llvlnif in llllll'lllt ' HH > iHfl'll/t'll ' ' ll.V HlMI , tt'OIW'll 1111(1 ( rlillilM'ii iitltinu nlint , A"ulm I Imvoiinothur iniMiii for lirlniilti Ililt * tiliiTt ] hoforo .von loiliiv II It liflHK HinliKliL H | ni mill tiilltril of til HIII ini'Ni'iil ' ' Hum li.v very iiuiny In Hilt i ll.V I.HW.NWI mill luminous men mill lnrMi > liriulril , | ihilmilliHi | > l < < women mo In INK iMiMillitl on tliln unhurt wo luivu liidMi Hilt iniiiiilntr. Thin It u very proper plnrii lit lining Hilt iini'Mlon , Tolii'lp ' to colvo lint iiiiitili'in linn In MI u pi'nl of Hiuoilc of .li'tttt ' Not only It tlin utility t > enl to bo Inl In HIM Hi'ilrciiicr ' , linl It In out' lulu-don to do l/ooil to nil , tit fur at wo run. AM Methodists wo ntixlit lo live Up to tlii < rnlo of our church \vlili IMIIJK , "It It cxp'Ttcil of all who con- HlllH1 III tlll'tl ) Nll'll'tll't ' Illllt llll'i' Hllllll I'Oll' I HUH' ' In I'Vlih'iiri' ' tliclr ( li'tlrn tif iiiH'iitlon by lining uooil , li.v liHiiK In I'Vcr.y kind nicn'lful nllcr llii'ir ' , IIH they Imvu opportunity iloliiooil | ( of every ponlhhi xort. inn ) IIH fur lit | Kit ililii to nil mm ; tn lliclr lioillen of the nhiKly'whlrli lloil wlvctli , by jflvliij , ' lood to Hiu liiiiiwr.v , hy cliitliliif ; tin ; tniUcil. by vlilt- liiKor lH < lifiif | | llii'in thai nro tlrk or In prison ; to Ilii'll' holilrt b.v HiMrwIliiK , toprovintf or i'X- IIOIIIIIK nil MO hiivo liny Intercourse with , InitiipliMtf muter fool Unit eiitbiiMlimtlciloe- Inno , that 'We mo not to do KOOI ! unless ( Uir llemlHlie fieoto It' . " ili'MW fiturleil thlt movement for the pooru Kooil wlilln nun , ninl hit true illsclples nre WIlllllllK III lilt footMrpt. SI .linnes NI.YS- ; "I'liro lellnlnn mill unilellleil hoforo Cod unit Hie l''iilliiT IN IhlN' To vHlllliofntherlusHsinil the wlilow i III their iillllutlon , mid to keep lilmxelf un | Hiled | Hum tlin world " Anil in .lohn ! l If lint who HO hath this world's imoilft anil Hcetli bin brother liavo need anil Mhllltiith llli | | | H boweln of compassion from him , how ilwelk'th Ihu lovuof Coil In him. " ( 'hi Ixl nppeiiTM pci "onllled In tlio poor and HID nick , "IniiHiiiueh us , vo hiivo done it to one of I IICIMS tins leant of sny bruthiun , yo did It to me " Ml ilane , of Chantal , the daughter of u lirlnrely IIOIIHO In l-'rnncu , WIIH wont to ( 'ivo the IMMIP tins roveienco due lo sovereigns , for fhebeheld in them , who declared , the King of KliiKH. May wo never nermlt this dlvorco of eliitilly from Christian faith , Wo Hindi bo more holy anil inoro happy If wo do more for tin ) IHIOI- and Mllfcrlntf about IIH. O'/.amun , the founder of I ho St. Vincent do I'atil no- rloly , tald with | IH ! ilyliiK breath : " \\'o huvo K row 1 1 lo two thoiisiiiid visitors lit I'aris nlone , mnl wo visit theie live thousand fami- llcM. " Wo , too , xhall IMS happy , both living mnl iljlng , If wo go about 1101111 ; good. Wo then , of nil oHiern , do well to entertain this ( pii'Mlon to-day. llnlyonaxU , "How xlmll wo help ? " If I atleiopt to nld the iKior as many do , 1 Mmll bo u dminige , an absointo Injury to them rather Hum n blenHlng. Pormeily , when the kulfjht rode out from | IH ! castle , ho Hcuttered money at ho Went and the people bowed and wor- nhlppcd the hand tlnituhed down the Koldcn rain , Hut ulien the giver of thugold hud patted they crept b.ielt to their wretched lints mnl lived llttlo better thnn the beastH of the Held. Thm was n very poor way to give rharlly , lint do wo do nny betlerl L'or n lew .Veins pant Urn people of this city Imvu danced for the ( tllpport of Iho poor. A grand charity hall ban been given mid thousands of dolhitu Intvo been gotten from this .snnrco. Is'ow , murk ( hit When the daneovus over nrul the money wilt placed In the hands of worthy pcihonsjor dlHtribntlon , the poor , doubtless iiiiiny of lliein unuoitby of dimity , crowded In , demanding the money at their right , and IKillcemcn were nctesKary to rcstrnhi them fnun vlolenco. In inany of our eitien soup klteheni nro fitmted , and frco ludglng hoii.-es an- opened | | by pnlille and by prlvato means , lint the inajoiity of tlnwo who ha\o been engaged In thi'tt" lines of effort have becoino very nilleli dlrcourageil , 'J'ako an example from tln oily of New York when the .soup kitcli- I'trn ami free lodgings were in full blast. Tin' ntici Is were thronged with the ragged , needy etowil. They tilled all the station homes ami lodging places provided b.v private - vato dial Hi and overflowed Into tin ) Island iilmthouiio. Htrcot begging becaino u cus tom l.adle.t Hum s-obbed even on their own iloorntepH by thcso motidiuants. Thieving mid drnnkennext Inereuscd , nor would these pnnperH work. On ono oeeiiHlon the nlitiRholino nnthoritle wenj diHcharging n band of nble-bodled pnupero mid having nred of MIIIIO light ont-door labor on HIII Island , they offeied these man what Is thought good country wages , | | r > a month mid iHiard. They unaiihnously refused , pre ferring the free lodging mid lunch of the city , Workinginen canio from such ills- IHIICCS us lloiton mid I'llt.sburg , paitly , no iloiiht , to "fee the sights of New York , " but hoping nl o for aid from publie and private ihaHllcs , Wo are told that In some cases > nung men weto arrested In criminal honsos who made their headquarters in these soup kid hi'tm and then pallled out to enjoy the criminal Indnlgeneles of thnclty. Poor fam- Illet iihandoni-d steady Industry , got their incnlt nt the kltcheiiH , nnd spent the day In going from ono eliiu liable orgatil/atlon to MiuithiT TbiiH wiMiilgbl goon , but \\o need tint tiikoinnr llmo. The ablest phllantlnop- | tt In our cimnt .v bollovo Hint the woodpile ought to bo tifxt the soup kitchen , and , bet ter .still , the relief houses should bounder the ruic i < f Ui | > ollro. It wo uouUldotho iKMir K"od we imiNt bo eartf al how wo tiolp them. I Iwlii'vo wo can help the i > oor through in telligent , C'tviimml olfort. A movement Is t ; on foot In this elty which I think will greatly mil IiS In soUing this trouble- wjino problem. This orjr , ; . ' . : : : ! uiti Is Hilled rho Unnihn Iturrau of I'hiirlties , " It is not the formation of n SIPW soeictv for the dispensing of charity - on the other iniml , it would not aid tlioso already C'I'I/IIIH/"I | and in it ally u b urd of record , where the names of nil who are Hided i nit bo found , Hndherp facts relating lo riich needy i-iitn may bo obtained This bumiii of ihuritlesvill have n president , pit'bablv t\vo vice presidenl , u secretary uiul u treasurer ; nUo n paid agent , whosu bun'iiess ' m'.l be to personally investlKiUu the n H'dy cases. Kr ndly visitors , who nro willing , will have oprortbnlty to nld In this work The board of dlrettors will probably consist of twenty ono well known business and professional men , who will meet monthly unit may ho consulted oftener. The different thun-fies and clmrity orKtini'ations will ti < : j-eprifeuteil tn the burrmt , and through the Vf < rkmifs of the bnrcmi we inn nil bo saved from , in ( Histt ion unit fraul. The de ijen of this orgnnlmtlon Is to weed out II e unworthy mnl bflp the deserving A meeting is to IH- held li ) the fy | | [ [ : ill Mmi tluv evenmg , November 3t < , for the orifiinua tio'i of this Ix'dy I ImTf spohen of , and 1 hone Ihc I'hrlstinii tteoplo of thli * tity will IK \ \ ; 1 r < pti'sf iitt-d. ll.Y nor'in : < in this lint vr s.uiil save thousHiuU of ditlla ! ' < Vhieh nre now wors than wiwUil \n.i nr * doubtless fuiulliur with many olmr- itobki bodies In our city which will bouWe * bv the inovement I huve spokwi of. You im it > t onir fun < ilmr , I y , with these orgnnizu tior's , im tl PY commend theiuirtres to jut ttn I vmi are nkllng them T' ' 'rteen ' v * rs a n the nty mlwton wns or Ifai'i'i'l unit it m 8iM tin in rf it * work on Tend it rr 1 1 ) -iii'beg poor women diul ( fir Is U < fw mid iv"H them ! 'io g rui. nts thy make These w or ch.ldren are taught on the Sub b th f .leans itiul h.v n Ji\ this suv rltn e C'e h < itblnch * nre given n JUXK ! br uk tuKt t-vxi y KHbtmtU mornlirig. \Yc m 'l ' ffi iltai- with the ncblo wor ) lie iv liBthii Women' * l'hr tl u ussoolutkn at 'jrn Hurt strtet. Tliolr object Is to liru v ili' t > 'HIM HIV AssiflancK to dostliuii Wmiien vij iiiiUln n until lo-'nanent 1 niiir id irctms "f sii | > | xirt can bo g'vi"i tficm * lhy I'li'e t-iogbt trf hi iM ! ? iirilU v IV > " ' * I'UYD IMU. fl.HVvti lli * . aaino. di l"l.v I * worthy of our money nml prayers. ' Thru I linvo been M' ' willy pleiifod to heiir df HIM Wntk ( > f the ladles of L'nlty fhih. Tlii" t' ' Indie * , I suppose , do not believe tlmt . ( ( sin Wiw illviiic , hut If WIN Alethodlsts. m if not diligent the Unitiiilnns will inililllp tt In th" labor nf lnv < > , 'I'hli biiih hut opened n tiny nurjery for chll- Wherij | Kior mothers tan have their vii cured for forasnmll Mini while they inn nwnV lit Work. I undeiMiind that the i lly him Kl veil this club u housu mill lot for thli huiniimi purpose , A Voting Woman's homo , tinilor thn mis- lilt en of the Women's Christiiln association , has hceil opened lit HMD Dodge street. They liny lift ) per month for the building. This linn ( if wink llrst begun In New York nml Minion In lkiVt. 'I'he object Is to labor for the good Of woihlng women In every way , to llnil new nvunni'H of employment nnd to shield them hy Judicious menus from Imposi- tlon unit wrong. 1'rices ' of ho.ird nro icgu- luted iircoidliig to accommodations , All the privileges of n homo will ho furnished nt n very low prleo. Molu or less \yilt ho con stantly done In the wny of Intellectual Im provement. Religious privileges will also 1x5 enoyed. ] In our cities these homos have been n blessing to thousands. l.el us innke up our minds to put foi th sen sible , orgnnl7cd effort , iitul when wu KO to visit the | Kor even on our own necount let us ire to Hint out the rumen of their dlstiess. These onuses , In thu nmln , mo Idleness , intemperance - temperance mid sickness , mid while toinJKirnry help must bo given , these causes should hi ; icmoved If possible , mid wo should Instill into them ideas of solf-rcspcctmid give to them principles of temperance , health und thrift. TJioro is no need of boggcry In our Amerlcmi clticH. Labor Is wanted overy- whoi e especially educated labor. "Stngmi- tlon Is thu lust station thisslde of damnation. " I Ml us glvo our Inlluence und help in the line of the education of the poor. Tucker- man says : "Kvery child who is n beggar nlnost | without exception will becoino u vngrmit ami probably n thief. " Lot the hands nnd mind bu taught nml we shall lift them up. I now speak brielly of the greatest cure. These poor people in our cit.\ need the faith and lellgion of .Icsus. fed ! will hold us re sponsible , I believe , for neglecting the poor of our own city even more than those on the other side of the globe. . While wo net sis the agents of these elllciont orgnni/ntions in our midst , lot us supply the wants of the deserv ing pnor and at the same time tell them of Him who , "though Ho was rich , jet for their s.ikes became poor that they through His poverty might be rich. " NAKT AM ) JUS JMCTUIIICS. Tliu Famous Caricaturist KntortuiiiH n n Appi eclat Ivo Aiullence. For two hours last evening Thomas Xast , the great caricaturistentertained a delighted audience In the Grand opera house. Owing to the coldness of the evening , unfortunately , there was not the house the distinguished art 1st deserved , although the attendance was good. Shortly after S o'clock the curtain rose and Mr. Xast , clad in n gray Norfolk jacket and a pair of brown pantaloons that looked imper vious to paint or crayon , appeared on the scone mid In u business-like manner com menced his lecture. Ts'ust has a short , thick set frame , but Is not stout , as his caricaturists would nmko one believe. lie is as quick nnd active as a boy of ten , mid the dispatch with which ho dashed off his pictures was asource of continual wonder to theaudlonce. He 1ms a peculiarly striking coun4cnancefuH of intel ligence nnd n glance distinguished for quick ness and keenness of perception , In the middle of the stage was placed the easel upon which were drawn the pictures. Mr. Xast does nil his own talking , and is u most agreeable sub stitute for the alleged English humorist , 1'el- hum , who formerly made such melancholy at tempts to ontoitain the audiunce , while Nast was busy at the easel. Mr. Nust commenced his nrtistk1 lecture by saying : "While .some men call man u laugh ing animal , others ehooso to consider him a tool-making animal. Ordinary artists con sider him as the delightful creature who buys pictures , but I UUu best to consider him as the onlj animal thut laughs. I'll draw you his picture. ' ' Turning to his easel , Mr. Xast drew what appealed to bo a bowl on the top ofu stool. Hut feet suddenly api > oared at the bottom of the picture , hands appeared at the side and , by a few lightning strokes of his crayon , the bowl merged into the body ol a corpulent man , while , a few seconds later , the whole was crowned with the jolliest of laughing faces. The grin on the face was communica tive , and a roar of laughter and applause swept over the hou.se. "Among criminals mid banditti , " said the artist , "tho hearty laugh is rarely heard , and as you get lower in the s-cnlo of life the more gravity you Hjul in an animal. 1 will dr.iw iou ix countenance with a more woebegone expression than that worn by Kdwin Booth in the opening scene in Hamlet. " And iignin turning to his easel , with u few strokes of his brush ho rapidly .sketched a monkey with a face of such prolound gravity and in such a great contrast to the laughing face pictured beside it that roars of laughter again echoed over the house. Ho next wild the American people were the most Jocular under the sun. In the English nowsp.ipors mid books of humor , the greater portion of thu witticisms are American. Ho next sketched nn English cockney with the Hritlsh lion at his side , and then appeared the limit flguro of Unelo Sam with , his face lit up with his usual bland smile , mid at his side the typical American eagle. Xot liking the position of the lion's tail , ho longthed it outtothecaglo's mouth , mid with two or three strokes of his brush changed the sleepy expression of the lion to ono ot intense agony. Air. Xast was too modest to toll the audience , but it Is nothing mere than justice to say lor him that Xnst was the llrst. person to endow LTuclo Sam with this personality tlmt is now the model the world over for caricaturists in de lineating the tjpical American. Mr. Xns' next spoke of L'usarlsin , about which theio 1ms been such a furore in the pa lters , illustrating it with his usual eat toons. He spoke of looking over the funny column of a paper recently mid thinking of Iho possi bilities of American humor. Our country men know of no subtcet that is lee grave for fun. A man who had died suiWleuly was spoken of as being "blotted out ; " another pop-on accidentally shot bi his scmasa "per forated parent ; " the drowning eup.u'ity of Lake Krio was spoken of us oeing live boys mid a dog : to the death of a servant girl Wiled while lighting a kiteheti lite with hero- teiio was appended this verse. Only a servant trirl , Simple and gieen , Only n can of kerosene ; Only n lot of matches and Wood ; Only a grease spot Where the set vunt girl stood. Mr. Nf.rt 'old next how he happened to be come n caricaturist. ? di Jlrst inspiration was druwn from the net in : * of tut * ' 'oinedl.in llurten , whoso tnmical attitudes .md faci.it expression ho would afterwards reproduce on paper at his room. Xast then drew n portrait trait In colors of Iturton in onoof his favorlto altitudes , and with a few sweeps of the brush changed the expression fvom fright to per fect contentment , and then to merriment. Hii next sketch was also in colors , represent- um himself us u hey of fourteen applying for the jKisitioir of an artist. Next followed n brief hibtory of caricature and its power m politics. Fortunntoly for the world , nearly all caticntm-iMs have had truth , llboity and good f < en e on their siclo. Ne\t followed ' 'Do \ Hoto Discovering the Ml sl * dpp | , " in which a pair of boots were nil that were vi iblo of the mitn above the water , while his Imbby horse stood toppling on t'io ' banks of the stream. Dashing his brush through this comical pi. turc a few times , the audience watched him curiously to see What ko v , ' s attempting to pi-educe , when tiirnln-f the painting upsldo down Uiero was disclosed u 1 > oaut.ft.il picture in colors o Tails. This wiw grccteu wuh . . l"iid 0'itburst of upplause. 1km Hu Ur's face wai next produced in loss than one tnhmte , after \\iMi \ fallowed sketches of Hess Tweed and a brief history of the notorious Tammany rinir. Mr. Nw t tlipu fnocccded to paint ftVin - t r Scene at Xlptit , " tivn minutes being the tune in whtth to paint and fritum it. And in I ss t'-an four minutes tliero was before the t iil'chco ' a IcMitifu' ' KuiJquipt > . Iw ! Html pictu-o reprehtiiited himself in nijfhtdro niun-lilnjf oft to lied with n candle tn his h'md ' , nd over the top of the p i-turo were i.8 > nfcul tin words "Ciood " ' T\TO Crook * I , of keel Up. John 'tt t'srw ' nnd Thomas Kelly belong to that chKs kr. wit t.i . the police no "crooks , " nml jo-t il.y , Offers Mo < tyt njul Mo- Crackt HI- . ' Mlv.i tut the valuables of uiti- / . - usA u i . boUr ! protected with tli"so t v , . w rth i , . . , i , | , . | , mN , , ml rui UUou. \f xnito. rho Coltl and Know Interferes Wllll Ilic ; UnllroailM. "How cold U III" asked one of two mcu. vho stood and looked at the thermometer on " "arilnm street , near Eleventh about ll o'clock ast night. "Cold enough , " was the ready response. . 'The bulb has been driven Into the telegraph wlu. " It was not , however , as bad as that , but It was pretty cold. The nlpht was clear'and crisp , nnd the stillness was not broken by the lOwlluK and piercing winds. At It o'clock ho thermometer marked two degrees below 7oro , and pedestrians found It necessary to mndle upvlth .storm top eoats and ear nufllers and sten along lively to keeji from 'reozlng. All the ratlrrinclrtln and out of the City were morn or less hampcicd by the intense cold , iiul the presence of snow drifts along their1 lespcetlve lines. Trains did not pretend to im on schedule time and came and we.nt as ho circumstances would permit. The evening J .ruin from the cast on the Chicago. Hurling- ' : on & Qtilney Was .several bours behind , and tasscngcrs ticketed toOmnhn had to p.iss the light In the Hluffs. The overland train duo Cioni the west on thu Union 1'aellle at "i ocloelc. was reiKiitcd twelve hours late , the leep snow In the mountains forming an al- nest impenetrable barrier. AMUSKMKXTS. Last night , at Uoid's , Haureis nnd Pills' ncrman dramatic company produced 1'aul Mndau's beautiful society comedy , "Alaria und Alagdalena. " The story is extremely In teresting , and the manner In which It Is told jy the dramatist causes It readily to ap [ > eiil to the sympathy and appreciation of the au dience. Of its kind it was , pet-Imps , the Ilrst which has so strongly appealed to the put- ons of this company , and it may bo said that ts reception was not in excess of cither its merits or the manner in which the piece was iroduccd. From the beginning to the close ; he play was admirably cirictcd. The ladies md gentlemen were beautifully and appro priately dressed , in fuel , In .teeping with the ictors and actresses who have appeared in the leading society dramas on the English stage. Haureis and Pills' ' company last night scored a success in every sense of the word md their work warmly recommends them to the Herman people of the city. Tlio National Iicn uc. The called meeting of the Irish Xational league of Omaha , and the friends of the cause it represent ! ) , did not attract a largo crowd to St. Philomena's hall yesterday after noon. Less than a do/en persons were pres ent. The severity of the weather mid the lateness of the call combined to make the meeting a failure. An informal discussion took place regarding the subscriptions made to the fund to aid the struggle for homo-rule in Ireland. The committee reported a con siderable sum on hand $1X ! ( ) but owing to the fact that the bulk of well-to-do Irishmen in the city had not been called on , It was de cided to make another effort before closing the subscription. This camparatively small subscription Is due solely to the failure of committees heretofore appointed to circulate the paper mid perform the duties for which they were appointed. It was decided to hold another meeting next Sunday afternoon , and to ask the city council for the use of the city hall for that purpose. Some prominent speakers will be asked to address the meet ing , and a live committee appointed to collect a Christmas purse , to aid the league in Ire land , that wlil be creditable to the Irishmen of this city. Talking on Prohibition. The Metropolitan Prohibition club held a meeting yesterday aftcinoon at the Congre gational tabernacle. Owing to the disagree able state of the weather and lack of suf- licicnt notice , thcie was a very small attend ance. Dr. Wilson was chosen temporary chairman. Heniarks were made by Hev. James Wilson , Kev. Cochr.in and others. Hov. Wilson spoke of the workings of the cause of prohibition in tiis church , and the different societies organized for that purpose and pronounced them failures. He knew of only ono drunkard being reclaimed b.v them. Ho thought that Christianity and prohibition were inseparable. Hev. C'ochran in his remarks thought that the main solution to tlio temperance question was the granting of woman's suffrage. It was suggested by Dr. Wilson tlmt the different churches orgmii/o prohibition clubs at the various churches , as Jio thought many persons could be induced to attend such meetings at their own church when they would not elsewhere. It was de cided to hold a business meeting at Dr. Wil son's ofllee ou Tuesday evening. POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never VH PS. A mnrtlel of puri ty , strength anil wliolehOinencss. .Morn econom ical than tlio millnurv klnils , anil cunnot I in sold In competition with tln < miiltltuilH of low rest , blinrtpluht ilium or phosphate powders. Sold onlv incani. Itoyal HakhiK I'owder Co. , IM.Vull St. , New Vork. DIAMONDS , WATCHES , BRONZES ! AT li MAX MEYER &BRO. BUFFALO BILL Carbiillc ? mokp Hull CoCon - lieiiien : 1 tiiki1 Brent pleH'iire In Unlink- that 1 liaTe u eil the t r- txi'lc ' innke ll-ill. I wuiil.t not bv Hlllmul niie , I'or miMoii oiMnrlhrout truiiMu ltl > liiTiil- imbli > In Met wArtli ten tline * Its eliiht In k9U. Yfuri. truly. . \\-yi r\CoiiV ( ItuRiilolllU I Catarrh. A flimi , HrnncliUls Nfiirukila. CiUi. | l.uni ! Trouble' * t l.l . . el . In.taiuly relieved mnl nu'cillir cimnl. Oni ) tall livndrullMiniilent. . MullorilcrK : r-m.iku llnll liy mull Dan.t 4c 'iit < iio taii IK-bellalor f"r thu l'lu > J'\ \ II ililllluiull. A HIKK 'H'-\f ( . Irennt our i < ntc 1'nilors. tola lijr nil ilrut'k'i t . CARBOLIC SMOKE BALL COMPANY , 0 > rlli South riftccntU Strat , Om.vUix , Neb WE EXPECTED Our big special sale of overcoats would cause a commotion , but we must confess we never an ticipated such arush as we had all last week , and especially Saturday. Our 35 salesmen were busy from morning : till late at night , to wait on the throngs of customers that crowded our store , and we regret that we were not better prepared , as even that large iorce of sales men was not sufficient to attend to all. and a good many had to go away. Saturday's business made big : holes in our overcoat piles , but we are not through yet. Over one hundred cases of suits and overcoats from our great New York purchase , are still on the wav and coming in daily , and we propose to get rid of them as fast as they come in. Last week we have convinced thousands of customers that they never bought overcoats so cheap as we offered them. This week we will show how low good suits can be sold. Suits that were made by one of the best houses in the country. This is the greatest opportunity men of moderate means ever had to procure good first class garments at about one half the real value. We cannot describe them all , but we mention a few of the larger lots and which are especially big bargains : 7K 30 ° ? ° ° d llcavy Cussimoro Suits , warranted strictly all wool , lined with good heavy Forgo. No all wool suit of such 1 0 quality and such make was over oil'ered for loss than $7 to ! S. Our slaughter price is1.75. . to $12. Our slaughter price is $0.50. This lot contains about 250 plain , double and twist , and silk mixed cassimoros , some line cheviots , elegantly made ,75 , and trimmed , every one worth $15.00 , and that is the price which other dealers would ask for them. Our slaughter price is $9.75. CIQ Rfl "cai'ly 4Q fine tailor made Suits , the choicest of the great purchase ; cassimeros , beautiful fancy worsteds and $ IOluU diagonals. The material is the product of some of the best mills in the country , and some imported. These suits were manufactured for the finest city trade , and have been made up to sell at retail for from $18 to $25. Our slaughter price is $18.50. Several large lots of Pea Jackets and Vests , chinchillas , plush and astrachan , lined with line cassimero and Italian goods , which are usually sold for $10 , $12 and $18. Our slaughter price is J4.251.75 , 4'.00 ) and $1 175. A few extra fine im ported astrachans with elegant satin lining , and fully worth ? 2S to $80 , we oll'er at $10.90. We wish to call the attention of ladies to a small but especially attractive assortment of fine children's overc9ats , which fell into our hands with this great purchase. These are made of the best of material in Cassimere , Chinchilla and Astrachan , elegantly trimmed with fur and plush , and of exquisite designs. These garments were manufactured for the cream of city trade , and in every respect first class. There are only a few small lots of them , and as the sizes are somewhat broken we have marked them at about one third their real value , We are daily in receiptof numerous mail orders from out of town parties , and wish to say that we cheerfully send goods by express C. O. D. , with privilege of examining when parties are willing to pay express charges , both ways in case goods are returned , and we require a deposit to cover such charges. We sell goods with such a small margin of profit that we cannot afford to puy ex- pressage. All goods marked in plain figures and at strictly one price. Corner Douglas and 14th , Streets , Omaha. Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute , IT. W. Corner of 13th and Dodge Streets , For tlio treatment of all fniloMC mid Sl'IKUCAT. DISK \-Ks-llltAClH , AI'1'I.M.M'KS Jur 1IEKIIIMITIKS. and TIIU > SM.- Host laitlitle" , apparatus mm ronie- .lies for inu-i' . " ful treatment of every lorm 01 ill - pue requiring.Me.lical or MtrBleal treatment. HIIITV .SKW itoiius lur I-AIK.MS HIST IIOSI > ITAI < ACCOM. MODATIONSln the we t. Wrlti1 tor i-lrciilurs on Do- fonnltln an.l . Hrncos , c'lnb Kei'l , C nrviitnr * ' of the plllO , Piles Timlin * . CIIIIIMT , L'Htiirrh , IlrnntlilllK , In. Imlnllon , Illcclrldty. I'liiiil ) " ! " . ipllop : y , Klmioy. lllaikliT. K } ' ( * . Knrtln , ami Ulnoil an. ) till fiirulcnl operation * . | ) ICIA : L > - of WOMKV H M'MIALTV HOOK on Dl piifft of Women. KnrE. Only rellahlfl meillcal lii-tllnl iniiklnK a Kncclnlly ot I'lilVAi'K. IX KA I'.s. All lilootl illHcases snccu'.Hlull.T ireato.t . I'ercons nnublo to vl lt us treatotl at honii1 by eorrr * Miomlciuc. All coiiimunlrntlon * contl.lentlal. Mc.ll rlnes or Instruments Uy nml I or exproM , securely packril , no murk * to Imllcntn content1 , or ponder. Ono iier emil Inturvlow pretorio.1. fall anil consult u , or ( end history of your ease , an.l wo will HMIH in plain n Hipper , our HOOKTII MKV I IILK upon I'nvatc , bpe- I'M I anil .Ner oils Ill ea'-eK , ete , A.l.lress. . Omaha Medical anil Surgical Institute , or Dr , McMenamCor. / , . 13th md Dodge Sis , , Onuh ] , Neb Owinir lo tlin raplilgrowtli fo Omnha nnd our a i-treet" , on block ixinlh of th old inMI t bulldlni ; , and liaVo no\v the larie t nnil nio t com plete Mi-illril In'tllnlp or lie pltal In the wen. Forty newly turnMied , well nurmiHl and ventilated roomi tor patient * , throp * klllpfl phylcian * alnuy * In the bnlMliiL' . All klmU ot dlHMoes treated Intbo most fili'iitlllc manner. . , Wi'nianiilactnn ) Surclcal Ilrucrs for Defonnltlps , Tru i % < . Supporter * , Klpitrlcal llntlcrlci , und can Mipply pli } lclan or patient * any appllaiue , renipily , or inMrumpnt knuwn. Cull and consult u , or wrltn lurdrriihir * upon all mil > H-it , wllh HMH of ( | iietlons for pntleiit to nn wer. Thontand * trealeil Micce- lulli by < orreipondencp.Vo ha\o superior DcUan. taKei and Jaillltle * for treating dlMMi c * , pcrfornilnx kiir Ual openitlonaid nuriini ; patient * nhkh com- btneil with our ticknowk-ilci-d alilllty , experieiue , n pen llilllty and reputation * hould make the Oniahn Medical and t-urclcal Institute thu Ilrst choice. 1'askd ' Natal Bank. U. S. DEPOSITORY , OUAHA , NEB. Paid Up Capital , - $26OOOO Surplus , OOOOO H. W. Y\TE . President. Li wis y. llrs'i. Vlco-Pi-eiililent. A. K. TOUZl.Ti < 1 Vlce-l > l'esiliiirt. | \V. li. S. ilvui : ' ' . Cashier UIHLCTOIIS. W. V. MoitSK , Joll.x S. H. W. VATES , l.wwis , A. p. THE IRON BANK. Cor. ISth nml I'anuini Sts , A General llatiVInu llueliifss Transacted. J. B. HAYNES , - OFFICIAL - STENOGRAPHER , Third , lidlchil ) DUtilct. , tlirouisUtimusHiid Iiiul praetlroj CURED. UOJL1 > N MEAt. CO , 13 Locust at at.I.uula Tim Ola Jtcllablo Specialist of many year * ' experi ence , treats wh | | wonilerlul micro.- * , all MJ.NG , THHOAT , C'ANcr.lt , I'll.HS. Fiyi'l'I.A. ' without pnln or liln.lranco . RUPTURE biHiie" . All Chronic ll caie * , IIUI I UIIU tar In nilvniu-unf any tn titutlon In tills country , Th" " " "ho contemplatiCOIIIK tn lint Miring * fur Iho treatment ut any I'llvatc or lllood disease can be cured for one-third tlio test at our tl'rlvate lMipen ary. " his treatment n 1'iiro , Lovely Pom plcilnn , free from Ballon IIP" * , Irerkle * blackhead * , eruption * , etc. , brilliant rje * n < 1 perfect health can ho had. WTliai "tired " Iccllnit an.l . all femaln wcakne p * tromplly cured , Illoatlni ! Hea.Iaihes Nervous l'ro - aralon , cieneral Ilelilllt ) , MecpU" " < nes , Depression Hnd Indlce'llon. Ovarian trouble" , Inllmnmllon and nlctcrntlon. Kulllnuand Illiplncvnionti1 , f-plnal c.ik- opi , Kidney complaints and Cbanitu ot Idle , Consult the Old Iloctor Acute or Chronic Inflamma EYE AND EAR tion nt the Kyeltd * or Ciloho and F'aror Near Mitlit < Mnc , Inversion of the T.ld , Scrofulous i : > i"i , Ulcviatlons , Innammatloii' . , Ab-.ce ! " > , Dimness ot Vision ot one or both nc * . ami Tumor4 , of l.ld , I if Intlammatlon of the Kar , Ulceratlon or Catarrh. Internal or External lleafni" " " . or l'nnilMj , Mrik'l" . ' or llonrlni ; nol e . Thickeneil 1)1 urn , etc. Debility , Lo s of Vital Power , Slenp- Ict'iice * , lepondcney , IAIHS ot Mcmor > , Confusion of IdeaItlnrt lieforo the K > p" , iJim-lludo. l.imnmr , Ciloomlnox' * , Iepre ) lon ot Splrtli" " . A ei > lon toNnlcly , ia : y lilt- couraBcd , J.nck of t'onndencc. Dull , Llotlexs. tlnMt lor Mudy or llin > lne r , and llndillten buidun , MUoly , rermanently and 1'rlvately C'ured , Ol nnn lUn CI/IU Dl < pa < > e . ? rrornla. DLUUU ANU ol\IN isi ; sc'te5l ; cors , I'aliKln the Head nnd lloiii > i > , > yjihlltle ( ere Throat. Mouth and Tontiue , liliiiulnlar I'nlariicment ol the NY. k , llheumatliim , Catiirrh , Ktc. , I'crmanent- ly C.ir.Ml When Other Have Kiilled. Consultation free uiul Mildly rontlilaiitlal. Mcillclno sent free from observation to all parts of tlio I'nlteil States. CorrespoiulPiico roielves prompt attention. No letters auswwecl uiilcss accoiiipanloil by four cents in stamps Send ten rents In stamps for pamphlet ami list ot ques tions upon pilvate , special anil nervous ells- Terms strictly cash. Call on or address , DR. POWELL REEVES , No.UU South 13th St. . Omaha. Xub D. DAVIIffl , 1707 Olho Street , St. Louis , Mo. Of thoMlssoml PtntoJItiMMim of Anatomy , ut J.ouK Mo. , I'lilu-inlty rolli-uu Hospital , l.on- tlon , ( llpsen , ( ii-rmany and Xew York. H.ivl Mtud their attuntlon SPECIALLY TO THE TREATMENT OF JiDISEASES. DISEASES. More especially tlio e arising from Impni- rteuce lnvltpallsosuirerliiK to con i > sp mclith - cilU Oclny. JllspaspHcif Infection anil rontucton niri'd saMy und Kpei'.llly without usn , of dan- Kerous drunB. rit' 'itj vhoso CIISI > H have been ni'ulccted , badly treated or pronounced Incur able , should not fall \\rlleus roii" rolm ; tln-lr svmptoms. All letteis receive linmi'ilUtx Utten- JUST PUBLISHED. And will be mailed Fill ! ! : to any udifrass on re- celptof nnocent stamp , "IMiivi | ! al Obso-va- lions-on Nervous Debility und I'liyslciil Kxhans- tlnii , " to hlch Is added an "l'ss > iy on .Mar- ilujff , " with linpurtnilt cluiptgrs on dNeasi'snf tlio Ueprodiictlvo ( Irj-ans , the \Umlu forinlntr u vuhmhlu medical lieatlsohU'h should bo ruad Vy all young men , Address DRS , S , and D , DAVIESON , 17O7 Otlvo Street St. Loute , Mp. ret li'iiijr re ecww vi It Ihttftt Itfnedy rburli ni n f9U3.rOcofrt.iz4 it Ulttt. We hiv > cl < l ccnMirr * &tlranilln rvriy ( tie II jucaukrtUt& ; ! * Alcott A Ll.l , llaJctt.t : Y. if IIUEUI by jan. lint ana horU.I y t m now m > i o. Circular * HIMEBAUGH & TAYLOR , ICE TOOLS. Wire Rope , Buffalo Scales , Plows , Markers , Scale Repair Shop. Hooks , Grapples , OMAHA. Slide Iron. Display at their warerooms , 13O5 and 13O7 Farnam Street , the largest .assortment of Pianos and Organs to bo found at any establishment west of Chicago. The stock embraces the highest class and medium grades , including STEINWAY , % M * 7 S f * + FISCHER , PIANOS J B * * V * LYON & HEALY , i % BURDETT , ORGANS , TANDARD. Prices , quality and durability considered , are placed at the lowest living rates for cash or time payments , while the long established reputation of the house , coupled with their most liberal interpretation of the guarantee on their goods , affords the purchaser an absolute safeguard against loss by possible defects In materials and workmanship. LYON & HEALY , 1305 & 1307 FARHAMI STREET- RUPTURE CUBED llr Dr t = nei1lkiT' ! | .Mctbntt. N oipratlont | na imln iu " " . AJ l'l ' l t'J ilillinmni < letentloiitrimlutlMi" HI a" Srowii i"wi U . IIim.lre.ls . ot n'ltcuriu ' i tu.l moiitlaft i"i tfle. All biulnc. Mrlclly coartJeiitlaU COU > U1UPROF. N. D. COOK , IloomO , lull Douglas St.I ) uuUin'o TYLER DESK CO ST. X.OUIS , MO. M KUl ctuRIBtD' FINK DtBKB.BAMK COUMTEHB. BAIiK. CODRT HOUSE , OOVtBNHENTWORK tnj < jiHEornoEHTiraaa. Dit Work Md Loweit PrlcM OuirinUed. 100p > R Illult'4 SteckPiano . - 4- Hefr.-ikabli.1 forjiowcifnl sympa- "thetl. tor.p.1 ! < 4''ltJSilt ' < JU " 'J'1"I' Mli > iiMTi.ralIIH } . ' } ' r-ieuiJ. nTiiTr.'M ( ! jnir.intc < i rl ill" PX ii FnojTTrt"iieM' ] in i. uii-nlH. WOODBRIDGEBROS. SCIENTIFIO GLUCK & WILKINSON.