It THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : MONDAY , NOVEMBER 28 , 1887 /t'Tu fft-i ijn tit iiriM' i ll I * , firml. ft' ' , mis p r jilii-f..f . Mir first tti iMl.m. int * fi-rrwh uu- iriiit'-tif iMftfiiii. ( Mid fl'n * llti'- PIT inonih. i H. . itittrtttirft-rfil tftfin fur IM ( linn ST. rrnH , f < t llui flt't IMfftfitl. furfi flcnlH wllllm I ii.iitijfd to ( lie 1ijirthM ; tmi-.l fun r nierii. Iliftt KM fi"i t fir pnld In lulttinr * A It nil * trtifHfli'fil * fiitiM t - hnmlfd In l-rf'-rr - I : i ) t b tn , ntid tifiilrt fm MnimuMiiiiiM will < ! < fflltft' ' f dl-w - < > titiuid | | lit Irlrjim-n * rftMli-d juifi ftl lftc In ll"'sr niltttnnil rtud hrw- thr Her. fll intff n I f"f K i-Wlt tiiPfinMr Ihrtn In H/rV / MMIrri. ( fi mmt- will liij ' - llrrffd < * t- T' "fl bt < " " > i'"n ' nfihwfc , AD ntiKWer In ItWfWfnftiM fiotlUf Irm ; -wit In rtiTrtopi * . JtfiKti - - fit Iti tl-c * i-ltitnttr - > nrc pud- MlNHn Ift oiif h titi r fitn * titin r _ flli Hrr ( tip tlMtlrttlnli nf whMi ntprrenlr/l rWi'Itit ' 11 ( " | wi-Miliilh. nnd | TItIIP nil- rf" Mithi hf fir/11. / ti"l MiH nf Ilir city rlrrtt- tltH-nMhr llfr. ( nil ntii cf ( i.-tnrll IHillTM. .Ifur..i it-d . .Ilirr i lilts nnd tcrttii throughout hl ttiil ' f Mir tto f. S OF llTLE , ( if llllAMII ( itirtMnlw ntul Ttiml Cn. IVO I'l I MM-iit-i sffN-t I iiiiiilrif | nlxlrnrlx fur- l-Ml Hii.l till * * In rrnl estiilo diimlnril , pert - t < -i | Hint t-inrnniM-d. I U dUniNF.03 cHAficea , l In linndlolMMln lire anil iitalilMi iiuenlH I in" , i i-li l'i\n. t -f - whli li t n ill pin Ilin and i- < * ti < i inn . > ! r lia-h NIIMC lull trl tly IMI itii-os ini-ii in-ill Apply. Ili-e. ii ; i \\t \NIIll ; I'wn nr tliieiimillin < vllh Kit ) IT i mil in fiitin ii iiiiiiiriillnli | or itoi k coin * luttn lii tntiniifiiitiiiii nun lilni-ry patent Just nut liitRi | irnlll , pfriinitiri't l-il-dm-H * . It will | iIJ : In HlteMlKilli' . AlhllPM O , i"i Itceomce. IU AN Ho trail" it ItllinltiK holt-lilt Kood K. II. tu-i'llon town fern Mni-knf Kfiii'rli-i. ilry Ijnnii i-t ilniK" . or for any uni'iieuinlii'ied farm. A uell Ituprovi-d uneniuiulicri-d farm of ITU nil"In lf lr < i. , .Ma , for an uneniuinlieieil IKIIKP III Oinnliii. | i l acre * in llrown Co , wllh WIIHP Itnprove- liirtiln , fnr ii ntniill lionxi- and lot InOniahii , No i-nctimlirnni-i ! on elllu-r Hide. Uliliii riH In Milliard Co. , well IniproM-d , or li < ii'-ri's ulllt iVri.iiin . Kitlaui' In SI. I'aul , Howard Cn , for hniipi' ' and lot In ( iiniihn , ( ' iirHitu 4-roiini | IIHI < - on Decaliir M. . with full Int. fnr Wnw. ytrltiKcr , 1'ilS DoilRn st. , Oln.iha , : i'-.i M S'MM K of uriH.i-rle-1 to exclianije for Ouialia piopi-rtv. IIIMII rai ini to exihiinire for Otnalia pioperty. lloiiwM and loH to i-xrlniiiKV tor farins. Clum , \Voolley. . ( IMS. IMIixt. tt-3 'M fj'i it'It Id "liinrnntH for naln on ensv terms. All ' III oed InC.lllinn , SIckne'M riittinnf nelllnK I HO and the other two parties KIIIII | { to leavithn city II will pay you to liiestliatithese ilinmi'M , Co-opuratlvo Land \ Lot Co. , 'Mi N. imhM. 4ii : M "IJ1OI ! H.SI.r Cluiir Ktnri' nn 101 ll Ht , 7lnlllK n , K Klinil luHwii , nNo rnnfoctloncry otnro nil Ht , MIIIV'H iiM'iinr. CiwiinTiitUe l.iuul & Lot Co. , M Nnrlli liilh Kt. 411M \ \yANTii : > partnrrln > d paylturlmsl- ' for purtic- uii ( ! ndil'resi o 40 Ili-o ollliv. ' 4tl ! t : SALK A drutf Hlore In HimtltiKS Jfi'h. . a UIHII ) cli-un liK-utloti Iticlty. ii old. and will lt i-Mild at n Imiiiiiln. Invoke ahotlt KVilJtl. II. > l. f niltli , UustlugM , Xch. Ijldll H.M.r My liinili"r itml linnluiiriliusl - III'H-I ul O.'lrlrliM , link. Sales luonw from to f.VKl ) lieu innnth. No cotnprtlllon. lloiKOIl fnr m'llfiut , mil n1illui > il tn U'livii tlm cinuitn nn in count of 111 health. II. A. I'allnnil , Oclrlcfi" , I ) , T. : ( KSL1l Fill HAlil' Or cxclniniti' , u now conililncil Itt Mil. toiler mnl limr mill with cmnplrtR IliniliMn nltttll of nun hltu-ry , ilnlniiii un < "l lini | . IK'f. , Mltli nnlltnltcilMIIT | ponrrnn l.ittliIlluii ilvcr. ' . \ - . \Vlllluki < - ' , ( ) nr npumilii In cunli , liulanci'on cuiy ti'niii , or clt'prnpcrtj nr laniN inholnor In iimt. Ail- iln-M , A. II. CiillIiiH , llfliron , Nfb. : E2 ilr : 'IjlOIIHALi : l-nrnlture and stock of K-room I hotel In Mm Ix-st Jhotcl town west of Oinnliii , III Nebraska , iliilntr a Ked liiihlness ; uiiiiranti n net prollM of .fill per month ; price f-.1 ) ) . Tor paillrnlnrs nddress 'lalilcrinan's llrnl IMiitf-nnd Loan IIIokerime. moms n and i il. Mil hel oti Muck. Irand ! iHland , Neh. , ' K < ? \ \ \NTitl : \ p.irtnci-In ii tnod paylinjliUMl- 'I lli > ni Sniallciipltlll leqlilu'd , I'oi fniltlc- lilarinddiei > sO in Ili-n nlllce. ll ! \ \ \N"lti : I'arlncr wlth vi In prolltablo ' liti lnrn. InvrHtlRatflt atun South Blreet , loom i"i , am > J ij'i'u M\l.l' liooil harher nhop with hath I IIKIIIII , lttiiilii | ) Melcholr linn. , lltil i l-'nr- iniliut tni KI'l.rMIHII ope.-.lnitfor Hour and feed store in lieit tiwtdrtirp portion of Otnalia. K L. Ctri-Kory. llentnl AytjliS. . Ililhit. ll _ _ MALI ! Otu < lintel .I xtorleo hlh. | K < > od slimil. liii'i-utent wllh water iiiiininu all Ihr.iili h lli > < htilldltiK nnd also to the linru : li.ini plnlilltn ; til licnil nf horprmind Tritons of hay and water In II. will < ell or tradifnr lent estate or Mntk I'nr rnrthi-r liifonnutlon Viilto to I ) . Mill A ou Diinhnr. Neli. \ \ niMLISAII ! cnnfcf-tloiii-ry limlnecs fnr ' \vply'H7S. llth st. tr.'l . . i M.I } ( lixid imvtns paloon on one of Mil- principal Mrcett In iltv of Omaha. BUM-fin.lory ren otH Klren for selling Address li'tti-r \ \ . K lice nllli > . -U > I'1" ' " S M.I' ' | IMH | lirlrk Inisliipw property In rcntrcof ( Irnnd Island ; crentest liarpiln 1pxt terms In Ihn rlty : lint little cash re- It lone Mine , low Interest and cnvyiinv- tiicnti i-tli.-r rial estntc frr nle. Adilres.l. . | | , \Vlolll > T -y nt law , tlraiul Nlmul , Mcli. RT.I Il'Olt * * ALII A rnniplete stentn lannilry hav- .1 tnil twenty her e power enfilne. J. S. lien- Itrlt , launders and I Inrk sts. tif.l . BOARDING \\r\NIKIt Xt--SJCnllfornM , one pi Tf I uinli-r ; front room : hoiupc-imforts ; * . " > per CT ! i It 'N.1 Ii * j * OMM ! ltli nMun-i for f-mrat Jllt Hurt st. rjjifll < rT.S ! tMileT TloHrl , l < r rl ( T lu hoiuo 1"j ' f-ir'li r l entlfiiiPii. I" ! ! Uotlne ; ! CLAIRVOYANT. tilt \NNifc \ Wnrn-n , ilrtlrvovnnt Jled" I'l. > iii-liii < anil > i t nii-dtuni. tll.iKiiosH flip , rin-a ! * < llp.t i-4 n specialty , ll'i ' N , tilth s. ItnntiM ? ft I. TP ! Oil. c.w jtllt1 Df'ltXNT ( Uirtvoyntit r < m . " 1"I r > tint ii In alt atTatrsof hffunUes sepnr- FOR EX CHANCE. nvlHH'lt sh pllh bnth and < ' . lni ( riHuni n i . i.d. will lr d for Imidr ' it < . ( < . < > n" land.l j4it ( . .LiWth ! * t ll- | Iiiiirt < "crh ntfv-I * ( ' ft < HI : sml hrtwrfn cal- I- .r-ita mui Hurt rlth 9 hi n * * " , IM liuutti- i tn- II ! 'ti-rnmR1' for arti-Ml tniuivvi'il funn i , h.- -t ! > * , . r - nU < Mt .NVtmuikn. Clmrlc-i I - . -M , I. tH > , wtrmt ( in irult rxt IIAS'UB * W m-r * , "r. I' , omtmct I1 - ui i. > i afor nm h property. JJy isiulty ? t-w - , . . , ! , jNh h- * . A I1 Tnti > MWi P iim. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * It'vsrEtT F'unn tuuH m ixcunntor > .i- * f m frlwi4i > . . John * my. Itmi n Krrnwr Mt < i. < i-p. I' U 'JMT { M \ \ f.r ti-1. . iViunit l farm fu ( < > , I- iit-ti- < ig.hliu trait f > r 1 i -I- > ? AiWr w M It tfct ( . ! ttt-t i \T \ V rutt A twk i in + trtf * nd fnrnil 1 1 i-i . . . . -v.r - i ty ion putil for. f J rwMii. _ _ _ _ IflM | ( 'I K r Kill \.VBB iiiMMTiininvmrixi iikiid in I i. , n Arftarn V-'HUrt / > r OA M MuMrn v T- < - ' F rfcivH ( it , . PC nli-Min M. mm \ i' \ S IT. ! * r rm tM.S ! Memier M ft 'ohn , t y. 7C M W. t. > H * of - < d > 1 -v h ' " . f * . 7 if . M0\ , . I ' I . < ) . \ \ - si ruto fj. - ' T I -n M r < f . - f \ H M I I M | , . , ( I ' " ( * * ' mm ) ' < i.hJ ir * . > " , im I * I Minb ' Hi nhit ' ' ( 1AA * Mrf i kM " .ll fTi % i T'I T " ? * IIWJF rf T f ' rjHt i -i 4 I > > ri .ill W < * M < ' t-f ' . -I 4U9 ' t i 111 HH KI < nvSd * v - * " * M HI tt * > I l > ) ! . I. . < KIIUH , M b-N 4 k f ! u IIMM < r H * > I < i in ' r- rlv lH | . . ! fl , r int < il- an i .IVI'.IIV llarn. will ( railc fnr Rood tirnperty. JJCo-oticriitlrcl.nnd ft lxitCti.,2to ff. li.tlist . , 411 ' N furmn lown Jifol-crty. J.J. Wit- f ) ! > 4 \ \ * AN'r.K ( Itnid family hnr c In II for lot , .McCulloch te Co. , ror IMh nnd I'lUnni It T. ( nte , .lift S. IMh. tip Malr . ( leneral Men lnunll e. tlfi.M. l ork , I'allK City , Nrb. . want furm. . K.'ti ' ) stock , Wiener , .Sell. , wantll\t Mnck nr liind. ilii ( l ( ork , Newman ( Irovr , Neb. , wniil part rent estate , liiiliimc ni < h nr ftood paper. W'Mfcnii ( iMk. one of thelu-Ht locnlltlei In Oimitm , want alKiut'i cash , Imlame mil oMiilc Inriiy f/l.liHl / clenn stock , Aihlnnd , Noli. , nvrtapp fluid , ( 'HI per liny , want farm In southern part of Nrhrn-kii. in..V lnto < k. l'all < City. Nell , want end land. ? 'l , ; < u Mo < k , Auliurn , iSeh , , want Kood hind , Mnleti. A mnitnlllcent lintel known n * the KII White Sulpliur Splines hotel , over In ) roniits. alt furnished , Inclmlhn ; lillllnrd hall. He , . \ \ Ith 111'i ' ai rei of lieautlfiilly orunmcnti-it uroiind , lottanii , etc , in tulles from Syineuse , N. V. Wnnlt good Inside linpiovcd or unllniroved | oinalia property. Call and nee photoKinph. Win. .Mnrttfiei11.010 , Ilrad.lmw. Xeli. yt rooms , nil filtnlMit'd , pied hnrii. Want iitiln- i-niulicrrd city property , faun , or stock of hard ware , JT.'jm. MorliMKc , fl.iVHlRper cent t > ears. a ) liedrnoms , all furnished. Want Inside Omaha IHoperty. I'liiir lieantlfnl new IVroom cottaces , f.ufl each. Monthly pnyuu-nts , | | . K. Cole , DID P. IMh , npstHlrs. Two clepittt new iVrootu cotla-jes , Jl.fillil : Mnnll rnoh iinytui-nt , linhini-n monthly. II. K. Coif , ilin s loth sf nit-stiiirs. I'm mi , " 1'i'j ' acreH Monona county. Iowa ; uood frame lion-ie , liarn. corn eillis , fi-uces , wells , etc. , etc. MnrlKiiui' JS.VM. Want Iniprovctl or unlinprovi-d city prnpertv. liO acres Calhnuu county. Iowa , house ; ham , fences , rtc. , etc. MiirliMiie tL'JUi. ! l ye.irn 7 per lent niinimllntcjcst. Want Insldo propel ty or xtoi k of merchanillsi' . , IKH ) acres cicani of Holt county.all In a body : HI rattle. I * head hornex. N l tons hny , miod liousibain , farm machinery , trees , etc. , etc. Want Inside Improved or unimproved pioperty. ilonvi-s and Lois. A number of houses and lots for vacant lot * , merchandise or farms. farms.Livery. . I'lne Imrn.iiiio of the Ix-st locations In the city , ifiiii ) : half cash , balance Inside property. II. V. . Cole , ill ! ) S I.Mli. lip-stair * . 4111 ai. _ WANTED MALE HELP. \\rAN IT.IAgents to handle the new Client- ! II cal Ink Kraslng I'eucll. nrenti-bt novelty ever produced , t'.rases Ink abrasion oC paper. 2U ) to rtm per cent prollt. Omi agent's s.iles amounted to tKM In six days ; an other ft. In two hours. Teirltory alunlutely tlee. " .iihiry tngiwid men. iN'n ladles need an- .swer. Sample Il'i cents. I'mtenns and full par ticulars , address the manulacturer.s , J. W. Skin ner * Co. , Onalnska , WIs. 47IWi [ r \NTKI ) ' KOOI ! tailors at once. John Wolf- T nkell.David City , Nob. : 4 ftl * WANTKD-Vlfty shovelers. Apply , four miles w est of Fort Om.ilia ou Hue of < ! . V N. AV. road. C. P. Treat. Contractor. mu-ai * WANTIID Fur Hewers , good wages , only goiHl hands neett to apply at Hlchter's. Vtfi Furniim t. 4.VI M WAtflKn Lauy cashier who understands double entry lxx > kkeeplng , state salary. Aildtvss ( ) - > 7 Itee office. 411 i-'tij W ANTKD A good conk and washer , gnnd wages. Apply nt nth S. M Ht. Jll'i J-ti * " \\rANTKI ) A good seamstiess to work on ' ' chllilien'M rtrv-wi'S for tw/i ortluen wees ; such person will ri-celvo good pay by applying to loik box tCl. postolllce.glvlhg address. ; 11 i WANTit-Neit : ) ! glrraged 1 (7 ( ! . 'i 'iMeasaiit" v IWOpilj V\7ANTii-Luly : ) : for.oliicu work.must1ie able T ? tn read and write Oermmi and Swede ; Cerman woman for cook , small hotel ; sir Ifor I private family out of city , Gate City Km ploy- mcnt ollliv. ; il4'j S 1'ith. 401 HJ \\rANTii--M : gnod cooks-for city , f.Mn(7 : T > dining room girls , numdn-ss and girls for general bon ow 01 k. 214 N. 13th st. IH'.l ' , 'A' \\r.\NTKI ) P.ilesladles ; r. dining loom girls ; ' glrles for general housework. Head- ( jiiarters I.VJM Karnam , rnom . 4iri"iij _ \\rANTKD- Shirt milesman. A competent exT - T ' perlenced miln who handles good trade can inakiprolltable anmigcment to ielre-ent In Omaha mid vicinity a reliable house tn Chicago making line shirts to order. Also want sales men In two other uncovered points. Address , detailing experience and past smcess with ret- erences , " < ! n-s , " niom ! J ) Superior block , 778 Clark st , , Chicago. III. 4S7'JI ! * " \\rANTKI ) At oncp. jilnno player , male or > > female , good w iied.pply ( l.ulu Jtofturs , | l N. t'th ' st. : ! 4i _ _ \ \ rANTKISalesman -To n first-class man T wlio can "ell laces , emliroldeile.s nnd lolu-s tomedlum trade , a Inreeand llrst-rlass line of Kiiods is oin-red on lllieral cominl-slnn ha | s. Samples n-iuly .Ian. 1st. Address with tefi-r- - i-nies , stutltiK ttnltory , Hex INil , Ho-.ton , .Mass. r.\NTii : > A Janitor tn tnke cure of olll-t- . Apply 1'resH association. 1 > OVH wanted at lien mall room to Httilf pa. ' pers. Appl ) b'-tWeen Hiinil Ida. in. 3.VS tl AXTIJI ) - ' Rhovelcr.s. 4 drlirrs , 10 tennis : all for rlty woik. Call Immediately at City IntelllKcnce ollite. Ci-cl hton block. iiS \\T ANTI'.IIt .Till South street , Tonnili T T male or female aKcntH. Cull nnd cee Avhot w o have. LMSJ.J V ) - Press feeder at NVestllcher Cour } ier uttlce limnidlatety. 'Ji \V - Men for uillrnad work. Al- brlghfH Labor Agency , liai I'unnita. HH \\rANTKI ) ( leneral agents f r iiortlnns of ' Nebraska , Iowa , Knn nmil Missouri , deference iitilrcd. | AddrcMi , Climax Window Shade I o. , 2UI and 2WJ M. 2d bt. , St. .lo-ieiih , Mo. 471 _ " \\r.\NTKII 1C < I men of gK > d aipeiirmM'e | to T try our l"e meals at Nnrrl < restaurant'Ill nmiai.l outh llth street , ( old Uvu and Let Live ) (1UI WANTED FEMALE HELP. F A.Vl'KH ( llrl for general housework In llj : i2S. ! l"th .t. IVJ-Wi IN'TI'I ) ( llrl for genenil hou woik at IU17t n-i street. I.V. T \NTii : > At - 'Itl f.irnam ht. . a BH I isirl to ( Ijeni ( ral honm woi k. V'.r \ \ \ AN'n'.H ( ! lrl fnr lioune work : no w nMilnir. Mrs. M. A. Wallace , P.Hh Mid St. M.iry's a.enile. tri \ A.NTKl ) roiwmakliut , III si llth Ht. _ _ _ _ _ I A 111 KS arc - Illercd jilalii needlework at theli ' ( > wn lioniCK ituwi orrnuutry ) by a whole iili holt e. ITotltttlile. pemilne. flood pne.m IM Hindi1 , llvertthltm furnlHhed. I'm ttenhira free A-l Ire-i Artlif Needlework t'u. . l.n Sth l NKV Vork lliy. 271 "V\AN'1'KI > "iladtin t'ltry our I.V ino-iU at * ' SorrN' r 'iAUrntituld ( Llv- 1 ail aaa.uu a. I it ii < t. uu EMPLOYMENT BUREAUS [ "A I UN' mvl W'im ' n. I-HVH and ( jlrN. hturk nn < AM whit" , nil nH'lottMUtlc * , ronot'intly < nlilm nt. T.-uicc w , ' ( m mi nrd n nrntnutlr r-r belM M unv in-lu Uy kunw n. Cull and oelci t < iun heii > ii < - > ii uli. ( Into City llmtiUiyini-nt nlllcp IH S 1 h. I'H'JS * /IAS \ M.KiH iC > yTn. nt nillw fhi' IM V' planHi iiniritlll In Kt In-Ill or MtUilllnii-i Hi-fii-i < Otiiuhn N'un.-tml hHtlk. Mm lln-lh A * -n - , II * K. imh , 'IH siiiii any jj LOST. I OUT VII - Ix'IU ' 'll ' ' < tllMlie. lull iillrtl \ f1 / HoinrjH lltl * * t - -i .M I ff I' I i AM" * hr pin nh iltminiiM II , ' | . . .TirM | - ! i.t.-r l. b > uni'l it fi iiiin. < l 1,1 , | i > kH A | n r M 4 < < > < ( si r i n ) _ f ir > IWIH. N | | * Tl 4V * ( Ml COUND , * lM r > M 17 > ] | Mr T * 1h' ' ' * l WANtUlf T NUYi \ \ * * L * " / ' ' ' ! V 'T'H" " ? " ( * II ( il. | . < l.i | . | l U i < < I B > t't | f f AoM Wl | J f 4 \ \ ( lc l > l- < i 4)11 ) Ifc i | . > nl tiMM To luty nn Interest tn an rstab- ti llshrd business. Aildrenfilrlnu lifltllitl * InrsII. . . I'nitlli-lil IUIIIIP. 4in-anj WAVI'M ) To nuy hort Minn'pnpfrT . W. ( Iron , nl I. i ; . .MaIIP' * oilier , 1Mb and Hartley. SO " \\MNTIIIi-To hnv llre lhotisiind tn ten 'I thousand ltKtie ( county lands , n\rmcT > ( innltty , nt 111) ) per acre and lr * . Addrea lloxitc , ttmlm. IM MONEY TO LOAN. MONI.Vtolonn I can now plnc nuttic > llrst I'liimi illy loam Immediately , rallntoncn f yon dc-dri' to lie accoinniiMlitteil , I ) . V. Sltoli-K , onin I Marker block , fiitralh'c In alley , H > l \IONiV : to loon on Improved iral i tnti * : no I'l romniKilnii dniiKvil. l.cuMtt , riKitn I , Creluhton block. Wi4 I O LOAN .Money Umni placed on lm prmed riMl cMnto In rlty nr tiiunty fnr New KiiKlnnd l.onn A Trust ( 'o. . by 'onnly bank , tilth and Chicago nt . \roNr.V To loan nn i hatteK t'o-oin'iatl 1U Land anil Lot Co. , SV > No. 10th htn-et. VT 1W ! Vork StorrtKO t'o , Corner Capllnl l-i iiv. , V IMh M | , , huvo money to loan on mif-chold poods , melclmndlse of every de. scrlptlnu nt lowest rnti-n , Special fiullltles for m-rehants. Koods nioved , packed and shipped. MIcharKes advaui ed. Kin-proof brick block , "apt ! ol a v. At t'.tlist. 4M > MONI'.V limned on f multure , pianos , orpins , her es , i-tc , low tale- . . .1. .1. Wilkinson & Co. , 1.U4 Parimm , o\er lliirllngton ticket olllce. O i'r.lfrKXT Money. 1'attei'on I'awceft 15th and Hariipy. IH3 I ONIIY to Loin-O. : I' . D.ivls Co. , real ( -.state I nnd loan tiKcntn , lMVi 1'arnam st. U7 OJfilW.lXII To loan on Oinnlia city property at 0 T > per cent. fl. W. Day , S. K. cor. I'.x. Hid.HTll HTll AfOXr.V to Loan Sntn off. "I.UKI nndiip ardH. -I'l I'lrst MoitpaeeH. Improved city iiroperty. : . S. JII.slH.-v. in : ItaniRC bnlldliiK , Onmli.i. IrM deej : * oan ut 0 per cent. I.limlmnMa - lioney , 1f t Karnnin. ' .HJ7 BiViO.Oi ) to loan In nuy amount at lowest rate of lull-lent. II. II. trey , fri-nzt-r block. DIM MONUV LOANKDnt C. 1-Mleed.V Co.'s Loan Olllce. on ftiriiltuie , pianoshorM-s , wagons , lierFonal property of all Kinds , and all other ar- llcleiof Milne without lemoval. U1U S. iith : , over IliiiKham's commission More. All busi ness stilctly conlldcutlal. V2 M ONKV to loan. Notes mm it. II. . tickets bonnht nhd f.old. A. rormmi , Sill S 1'tth st. ' SHOUT time loans made on any nvmiablo secnrltv. In reasonable amounts. Secured notes bouuht , mid or ( "tchaiiKed , ( tlnanclnl buslm-ss of any kind transacted promptly , ( jnletly nnd fallly at thn Omnha Vh nnnchil Exchiiime , K. W. cor. Kith and llnr- ney sts. , overState National band. Corhett , inunnKur. 1T1 M ONKV to Loan Ily the nnderslRned , who hat the only propvrlv organized loan nuency In Omaha. loutunf ItOtn SKI ) made on furniture , pianos , organs , horbes.NTpon. . " , ma chinery , etc. , without removal. No delay * . All business strictly confidential' Loans so made ttiat anj'.part can bu paid at any time , cadi pay ment reducing the. cost pro vata. Advances made on line watches and diamonds. Persons should carefully consider w ho they are dealing with , as many new concerns are. dally coining Into existence. Should you need money-call and see me. W. II. Croft , room 4 WlthneU building. IMh and llarney. tW ) MONKV To loan. Lowest jutes. Nn delay. .1. L. lllcu \ Co. , o\t-r Commercial Na tional bank .I7S " \fNtv : to loan on city property , mid also I'l. farms In Nebraska and Iowa , Odell Hros. .V Co. , loan , real estate and Insurance agents , 1U1 I'earl Micct , Council illutls , la. ; 1.&J rarnam street , Omaha. .US $ axi.X ( ) ( ) to loon , special rates nn fmm inopeity. Sobotkeri Pirlgo , l.VJI I' st. UKJ MONKV to loan , cash on hiind , no delay. .1. W. and K. L. Huulrv , 14UI l-'ainnm Ht. I'ax- ton hotel building. MM MISCELLANEOUS. A Lli agenl.s are herebv iintllled tn withdraw mpioneity lor sale on IC.'nd st Nelson Cleve. 4ii C HAS McConkey , send vour addiess toVSeo. 1 .M. Johnson , bsmond house , city. UK ) 'M' " \fl7IV. hall. MO S inth st been lemodelc-d. -I'l 'a enlaigL-il , new dam Itu lloor , new decoia- tions and supper looms , entrance nn 10th st. : ] iaitlcs , lodges and societies anticipating giving nails or doc-tables call on lions V Mumm. Met/ ; hall. llJd-'l S A 1'KS Agents and business men. SVe aiu manntactuilngand selling Independent of any safe ring nr pool by placing upon the mar ket three sizeof tire proof safes at such low lirlce.s that farmers , profes.donnl and business men can nllord to purchase. Size. 2SxlSxS | Inches ; weight MO Ibs. ; ictiill price. $ K ; smaller and larger sl/.es In propoitlon. Ituiv opportun ity ollen-d. Alpine Sat'u Co. , Clnclnnatf. Ohio. lOHIill * SHOUT-HAND nnd typewriting. J. II. Wood , 711 Pacific st. Undid * FINK shirts made to order at fl encli. Omaha Shht factnry , JilW N IMH. ! Kld4 PERSONAL. \\7ANTii ; ) Tn make the acquaintance of a T lady with means. ( Hijei t matrimony. Hot ! ttl. Cine H. uml 11. , Shcnundoah , la. - That fl ! hand decorated dinner JJKHSOXAL . set at Moody' * . au2 X luth st , . Is the nicest set for the money In the city. 471 27 1 ; > KIISOXAL lleyn's latest \Iows of Omaha , Including Tall principle bnlldlngs.blrd's-ej o views showing thoilty to the best ml vantage I'm sale at lleyn's gallery and Caullleld's book store. o'.KI d 24 TJKHSONAIr- gentleman nf 21 wltli good ad dress mid prosperous business , iteslies to corresMind | with a lady of cultine not over 2ii , with means. Object matrimony. All replies treated with greatest conlldeni e , and returned If desired. Address O 211 lleeolllce. ; WI-Si1' IJKItSOX Air- Private home for ladles during conlmeinent , strictly Infants adopted. Address K 4 'Hue olllce , 107 nf IIIIOPKSSIOXAL Xnr-e. Mia. Peterson. 27H I Ohio st. 'Mi D 4 * FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. til OU SALK Large restaui ant range and ston 1 w Indow shades , tns. \ . IHh st. ! S w 171011 S\U : Stenogrnph. ullghily used. Ad 1' dress A. Kettler. U'lH ' DiMlge. Jl'd.25 * " HVll S\LK A gnnd saddle and buggy horse , _ InqnljvJ " I.IS X liith. _ IUI7 as * I OIl S \ LK "Typewriter. .1 II. Wood. 711 Pa L1 cm , HI. in id in * Itll.LMID Table at half price , Hrunswlrk I > Iliilke Co. D make. lnitilr- | > Leslie A Leslie Iflth and Dodun i ts. 2UI fjVlll t\M1 ortiad" linn e , buugy and hur I' ness , Htmidlmc desk and Moot , hard co.i M.\P , Will sll i hentinr li id" fnrprnH-riy | or piiier. | Ah'td lliatltiiii , Mitagint Urns , npp ( \ttflAX.-4 at whnixnli * tirlci-s , on en > rp.iy ' metitK.vew York I'l.ino Co. , uir I nplto nvc anil IMh t. " 'ii. COR RENT-HOUSES , " l iilt llliNT , , , N.inh. Hef- .1 miulri-d. ttiinilti' 'MM Hurt Ht-'j * IIO6.MH , tetlur and well. I niliklln nt. JlO.di H 4 11 * - Hi. l4 Ml I.ViH IIHSf r..rtfc * . . * < > . t .1,1. * ir , UHN I'Mki.i AJ-III , i | | i h H > lir.NT room lieu e , coiner IMh and . ! imc , nr upl'ly ' tn A , C. I'nwell , IV Vi I'artimn 4M21 * . T-olta ii"tn J luirty who ultl board Ketitleinan and wife. 121 .S.2.MII direct . HSi' | 7l ) IJ IH-WMtnhnuM'imTlodge.neiir nth I t , KH furniture MVij 4-inotu hnn e nn ITth t , 4'-U furniture & < 0 : n boarding IIHIIVH nil entralty located , CooinratlMland. . \ l itCo , JViX. lilth ft. Ill 27 ] < 1H ( ) HKNT Tl.iru Miltablo fnr four illhoKe i cotnerof 7th and I'm-lilc tii Atipty , Jllii 'oitth ' clri'ft. inrj L1OK HKNT Ctie.nji , eliiht-riHun liouie , barn , I ? cistern mnl \ \ iMI , 1 lilnck from tn'i-t car , lorttt , .1. Kendli , lUiS. Mth. \ KJ0 \ _ I31UH aUN'T Ne Moom noiliirt iTJI Chlciign U M. All modern i-omrnleneM. 1'lve-room muse a. e. cor. 27th and Dodge. J , It. Hlngwalt , i t . iRth - > t. an _ " 171OlF"aHNT $ elegant brick resldence wlth J. all modern ImprnremeiitH. 12 and K rooms ench. plea mit and conv-nlent lixatlnn , O. r. ) IIVM iiinipiniy , I'nrnam jtt. _ 112 HKNT H-rnom hnu- , wm H 2.-ith avenue. I lilock s'onth of I.i'iivi-iiuinth. J. 1) ) . Cnute , nt falconer's. i w _ HKNT it-room house n W cor. Seward mid 27th ti. Hlil Fill HUNT 2 new handsome il loom cottanfls well , cisterns ," per month iUd and Cattfoinla. A. C. Wakeley , Omaha Null bank bid. tt > 7 " iUTt HKNT llnu e II rooms. W. M. llu niaii , N I ! corner Itith and IMuglnf. MO 371OH HKNTnouses and four roonii. Kn- . qtiliu of Cunningham k Ileriooinn tl and " . Arlington block , lull and K > | : | Dodge-it. Mil "ITlolt HKNT"room house i ear 1711 DmiKlas , JH Jto per month. .Not stiltablu for hotisckeep- iitf. Apply at premises. Hl'l iron KINT-I : : mom eottiiKo , HIM N L'ist. st. E Apply IlliiS loth.t. IM "IJIOH HKNT-A splendid new house cor " 1st .f and Criiut. I ) rooms ami bathroom and nil modern conveniences. Apply c.irly , Spotswood , XV.smth. ft.T _ _ F OH HKNT Nice newli IIKJIII hon n In lied- ford 1'hue , toinu early , Spotswond , IliVi'J ' S. Kith st. Ml FOIl HUNT Severn new 7 room IIOIIMM blix-kfiom htreet car , icady for occupancy November 1 C. K. Harrison 41 'S. 15th Ht. IBI RENTAL AGENCIES. FL. ( IHKCiOHY , lentnt audit. JWJ S. tilth st. , ground lloor. Telephone Nil. 4SI T1ST liour-M , turnl hed mid unfmiilshed J rooms with its. We will rent them. Olllcu open evenings. II. K. Cole J11UH. IMhht. KK FOH HKNT If you wish to rent ahon-.e c on Hcnawa \ Co. , IDth st. , opposltu P. O. f O R" RENt Rq OM Sf U R NIS H E D " 170II HKNT-lMe.isant fuiulhhed room , cheap. Ju Hefeu-nces required. IWIU Webster st. TlToit IIKNT - l-'iiinlshed and untuiulshcd Jj luums , fiom M to till per month , tcil N. tsith. I7K-J ) * "C1 011 KENT1'iirnlslied rooms l-'ll Douglas. FOIl HUNT Furnished looms ; gas , furnace heat , modern conveniences , KP.'I [ ' 'arnani.UW UW OH HUNT Two tnrnlslicd rooms. 1017 11 ow- nnl st , , with board if desired , lleferenues u-imlrcd. rut FOIt HI'.NT Nicely furnished front or otl herr : looms nt ! IU Jilunnm stieet. 4J7 Sr * r wltli board , linn Panimn. OiritKNT- - ' furnished rooms stiTtable fm- light housekeeping ; also 1 room suitable Jortwo g.intlenit-n. Jwitl Davenpnitst. 4tU "Hj EOOM nnd board for two or three young ladles or two or thrfrj young gentlemen whole homo comforts can bo enjoyed ; & \v cnrSt-st and l.eavenwortli sto. ' Jl'M ' "S * RtXM8 for rent , No. ! KU S 12th st.t. ; t. . ) d FOIt lliXT-NlMv : ( furnished looms at 27 Dodge , tas. ! batli and turnace heat. I'-1'1 ' Flit HK.NT Ilanilsomelv f mulshed winter loims. AlijilyMl .North I.Mh st. lls. iij Foil HKXT Piirnlshed rooms ; bath nnd modem conveniences. 401 N , 13th stieet. . . - . iliriMll EOIMM'XT elegant fnrnWu-d rooms for S or I parties , lHiutonl5Ul ! 1'arnam st , npp. Meichantft hotel. ISll i * Oll HKX r 2 nicely furnished rooms , 1 { runt. J.I 1 1 Dfivenpoit st. .7 2li * T71011 IIKNT A large and pleasant rnnm.lilcelv -1. furnished , fortwoorthrea gentlemen. < > H7 S. 13th st. liuiulre up-stalrs. JW'Hooiiis well rnrnlshi-il. terms reasonable , one block from P. O , 1 M't Capitol KB 2SJ "ITWIl IIKNT- nice iront looms. In single or JU kiilte. wltli moilein conveniences , for 1 or 2 gentlemen. Cor. St. Mary's ave. and aih st. , orti2U&2Utli. 4 in. cely furnished looms , slngloorensiilto 2 blocks south Lr. I'.deiiot , 1 112 S. fill stiiet. 477 2 * 111011 HUNT nirnlshed rooms w Ith or w Ithont L1 board , ( ins , bath. 2111 S.2 < th st. TO 2 rilNISIIKlrooms,2 largu and 1 small , f 1 II and J.1. per month. 811 N. 17th st. ! ! 7l-2bJ D P-sTllAULK ! CI IB ) * TJ'OIl HUNT * J hrev furnished and one iinfur- Jnlslud rooms , with bay window , furnace , bath and gas , east ttont , at 2S S. 17th st. ! H rp\VO nr three furnished roouis for light house- 1. keeping , 2U2I1 St. Mary's live. Kr.MIU Flit HI'.XT SInslo rooms , well furlilxhed furnace heat , gas and bath. 242 > 'i Doilgn st. a-MllJ _ _ _ _ - _ * | 7H > It HKXT Two comfoi table well furnished -I. moms with bo.iul If dealred. private family. Heference desired. Apply S. K. cor , ) th mid I'ai nam sirs. illlHtlJ IllOlt KKNT-Stx nicely new furnished rooms 1 Alt modem ImprovementM. 1:112 : llan - pint. 5I-H . IjlOlt HKNT-Onn large , welt fiirnlshed front mom w 1th alcove hay window and I'lu-rt , gas , batli , lint and cold vtiiter on same Hnnr , fnr- inii K heat , for 2 gentlemen or man and w Ife.1 < 7 S. 21th bet. 1'arnam and Douglas , f.'l per month. ' IJM'HXISIIKD KHims , steam , 2H | H.2lth. T Hud I7J ] 7iOH IIKNTPliaiaiitest new fiirnl lind nnd cln-ape t rooms In private IIIHISM in city. All coineiili-nci-s , Near business. pll'ICatiltol are 217 dU \TcrLV | furnished alcoMi and Mimic rooms , i > and furniture IIIMV. Mrs. llarlr , "l'-.Nf. ! Pith st. I'Kd ' I7J I ell HK.NT I'urnl hed rooms , furnaii- , bath nnduiK. N. Hide of -.tvenworth l cl bet , Kill and I'th. ( "U'j Tvm IIISX'l" ll'oiitus" ; liufllodKii. 7TJ Ii'dlt Itl'.Sr riirnl ln-il IIH ins | n p.-r innntti or Iw-iU wt ILUi toI.MIH | > r wt-t-k. HU So l"lh. * _ _ WdIM 1(1011 III'.NT KWilNhfd IOOIIM , uli Ul > li < I1 tumid It . | f ll Hl , I'.MI I'limum M. ll llN ! r-M , Miwl 'irn < nilh fnmt , l y wlnd'-iv fK-in. in .d-ni 'i-n nkhiswj Mlf- iillifur l-i H > lillf turn , 'ffillhum ! \ * 1 . f - li'i 111 lO'NI' i4nli H rtNim i "i tiihn , J.-riifn I Hi Him. I ; 'I | ii. | . . ' r. | W llHSr ( SriiW * il mt-tii : wo-l-r i -f" 'iw MM , ftlhi * l H ril. hHlNuW 'l U nil -I . . * . . . li M Ml , i > ii. . . . . I M I * . .i * M I/CIl IIKNT KurtiWiod nvuun In nllt > arMof .L1 the illy , litthe ilnj- , week ot month , City 'ntrlllcrnrc nmfti , CreUhton lilocK , IIH FOR RENT-ROOMS UNFURNISHED. : - ZL. i 7VHI IIKNT Sitting rnom and bed rnnni Clo et and other eouenlome * , 2.V.1 ! - mot. 4W-2II _ ! STVU'ii i\nt lviiin , coniriiii TtiM ( 'HIM. _ _ _ 4IMI I/OH NTThree rooms MUtable for him * X1 keeping , llth nnd ChU'HKo Ms. I'or colored IIKN'I Three nnfnrnl-died rnnnn , milN able for linusekeeilntr | , ut Ut'l .Nuitli U'l-t it , I si ) F )1 ) ( IIKNT . ' 1 nnfurnl < hed riNim-i suitable fnr lioniekeeiilng , Ml I N 2Uth Mt. IM FFoil Foil HKNT I'ottr (41 ( unfurnMicd rnoni' , III" " S-mtli luth t. , contalnlni ; all modern con- " Ml n.VI' 01111"nimlo and- fiotitlnim lilth it , Htiltiihlo fnrolllco , loili- nitnrllRltt hniHekeepliii ; , Inqlilru at llll ) S. Ititli lieet lloiird of 'I'tiulu. _ wa F(1H ( IIKNT i'trooin < miltable for linn-io Veep- liiu , N.V. . cor. Kill and 1'lorco ht. Apply olllt ) S. IMh t. ! rD _ IM'N'l' nnfnrnlflied \ rnotns Miltablo for ll-ekeopliiK. HIS H. 7 til St. .18 FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. TTAIIIir.ll Shop on Illth'ft. . three yeai'sTeiisei I its per innnth. A bonanzu In the baiberllno. 'o-operatlve Land .V Lot Co. , ' 'nTi N. loth si. 44IJ.M FOIt lir.N'lStore 10(17 ( I'atiimn , ltli7 roomsi. Atltliess ir.lll'arl ; ave. ar.VJ.iJ OIl Ur.NT-llrlek wmehnnso,4l\lSiy ) stories hluli bnsemeiit , rddetiiu-k nticarnn licnv- nxMiitli and 1,1th t. A. C. l'ovu-11 , IWi I'lirniitn. ' . " . I Hi * IJIOH IIKNT Three-story and basement brick L1 linlldliiR. 44x 1 feet. nltnbli < fora hotel or toien mid Hats , cornt-i113th and I'ncltlc t . Ap- , ilyat lll-'M. llrth nt. Ki4 A Knit mid Confectioner wanting to open a store In Rood loviitioniihould write or call ) n me. Lai'Re new store-room w 1th collar , ga.s nd city water , ( 'liruii rent. ! ' . L. llrcgory , Hental AR ( . , IWJ S. l tli st. 11 KNT-Snd midiilllonr.sat : 1417 Doimlns Ist. . , with of three years. JCennedy < V llbblns , tmil ; DotiRlus Nt. 7U7 HAUDWAHK store ronni for rent on J'ark live. Xew bnlldhn ; . City water and jjas. J' . I. . OiVRnry , Hental A t. , IKW S. Kith st. FOIt lll'.NT outers on I'lirimtn st. at till to * . ) pei-inontli. Oneolllco fnrnlhhed. JlllS I-'ar- luun. INS OR HUNT Store USxAn. nil Improvements , iithst. ; , * Vti tlnu basement , ix4H , for res- anrant , 11) ) ; 5-iooiu tlat , near bnssness , modern onvenlence.s. Thonipson , Iltl S. l&th Nt. iVS ; jlOIl HENT fjronnd lloor olllco room , ecu- } tuilly located , heated and lighted. C. F. larrison , 418 S. IMh st. 7I'J F OH itr.NT-Ofllco room , tlrst lloor , nt nifl S. K.tli st. 443 F I Oil HKXT Hnsement..stores nnd Hats , cor. lIJth and Jackson. Enquire Mrs' F. Langu. SITUATIONS WANTED. WAXTKD-Situation by a man , middle aged , having had about seventeen years exper- enco In tlm hardware business. A good htom uan and a practical tinner besides , Is open for engagement. Can Inrnlsh the very best of reference. No objection to traveling. Address U lJlet > . WAXTKD Sltirnt Ion by experienced butcher , single , either city or country work : best references. Addiess Chas. Umdliu-r. South ) niulni. 417.HJ WAXTii : ) Situation as grocery clerk ; Ii jvura experience ; leferences. Addtess O 22 , Hce. : iri 20 * w To do sewing in private family , call Wit Pieicest. ; Hl2li * ASIIOHTHAXD man , many years experience , wants a good Job. Typewriter iurnlshed. Address O2I flee. U7U dl * AI1KXTLKMAX of long experience In busi ness would like to take n sltuablii poiltlou n a w holi-Mile or manufacturing establishment January 1st piox. 1'irst-cluss references. Ad dress until Dec. 1st. M. 4 , llee. C'.K ' ) ; ) V\7AXTKD Kngagements to do drsss-mak- V ing In families. Addsess Otl , llee. 21' ) 28J \VANTKD | | y young man , position in olllc-o ' ' or store ; understands ollfce work mid has had several years' experience as salesman In general milsicanfuinlsli ; good references. Ad- du-ss.M 7' . ' , lleeolllce. 24t WAXTti-lly : ) a young lady of experience , pnsltlon as book-keeper , c.ishlerorgeneral olllce work , or would accept position as sales- : ( furnish good city references. Address .M m , llee olllce. 215 STORAGE. " \TK\V YOIIK Storage Co. have most extensive - facilities for stnrago of furnltuie , pianos , buggies , general merchandise , west or Xew York. Cash advances to any ninonnt ; wan-- honse receipts gl\en ; goods Insured ; brick building lite-proof ; special arrangements for commls-lon merchants. Call New York Storage Co. , Capitol uve mid N. l th st. , Dennett's block. 7.VJ FIltbT-CLASS storage tit 110 N. 1 Ith st. J 1HO JTOHAIKMerchmiillseorfnrnltnn ! - . Little 5 i : Williams. 1407 Douglas st. Nl'.l n2 STOHAOK Furniture , boxed goods , ctc.terms reasonable. 714 Pacltle. Wi FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. 1OI1 SALK-Two east fronts nnemlln from -L1 poslnillcc. Just elf of Cuinlng. on Montana St. ; tuts fid and S2 , Nelson's add line plant for sl"Hills ; " high , drv. he.ilthy. and at low tig- lire. A. P. Tilkey , vtil Farnani st. 2U7 $2.'iliKl.lillcash wanted Inn Wiflllideal : sum ofomatiii's best rcaltj ; nbject , lash , will yield laigeprnllt. AddlcssO. 1 llee. 277 iD ' \\MIV pay Vent when jou ciuiTMiy a FnrillsTlcil ' hou ( i nn a nlie large lotriH.xllO.ln tint llnest lesliience Jiart nf Omaha , near the stieet earn mid within one block of wheie Out Metro politan cable will run. by paying a small sum down nnd the balance monthly. Address o ii ; , llee. ; r,7 JjKrll \VeoirerasaspccIalbargaln ! IW acres of land four jnlles from stiH-k yards , nt Jir. per acre , on llnJ6f r. P. It. II. .Mi ( ' 'ague Opp. P.O. CU IX South Omaha , I hare for sale n lot with two houses fnr llr l which pay < vr I7'i per i flit , within ten minutes walk of Armour's mid Puttiers packing houses. Owner out of the city. D. I ) . Smeaton , IMH lioitgest. IJ-i UlnllSALlf nflofr.fsH. Omin"iii7'7TiirTier \ W. lornerof I Ith and Williams. ilVi 2HJ 1 1ST vonr property for ale with Charles C. " J.SHitsHo [ < > i | . lXfi'H ' tilth < _ _ llti _ "l.lOIVK FOIt SALK On Wh. between Capltn I I uve. and liodKe. .Must be sold at nine Apply at llyrnn. Ili-ed ACo.'s 2.V ) /'IKNTHAL prniK-rty fnr ale : \ > ' now ntfer V' niiteii--.MMe niivu _ . . stho fnlln wlnic llxt " ' .iKiilH prnj-iny iinil unit Inrestnrsnr thiwe de- Klrlni ; , , ntillil to give us il call and Irt lit show Jf' .1 tlir - lots. n feet fiirniini t. , tM > Hr tnth utrft-t. 17(0 ( per flHlt. WJ feet I'uriuim st . near 20th street , l.ViU per flHlt.M . M fM-t Vii rim m < t , IIMT 2ilth strict , with Rood hoiHc , frKV p r fiMit. W fi t farimni sf . \ \ cut llnd , ll ) iwr fiMit tfi fM-t I'urinim t . enr Sprliut t , fit ir foot I'l fit. . llnnn-v itnd IMh , Mil ni-r fiMit. ( IfiH-t lxt 'iithiH- Imni. t'Wjp r fmit. Ml trrl. > lxtornlh in-xr HrH > f , f l per foot. KltVet mr ( Hpll'.l m < - nii'1 llth t. flllj | 'r font Th > - * l - * ar nil -trtrth iirinir bu-lin SM proii- \ \ r hrtTf nl * . on liHml * * ri > r l bit * . ( rnS tiiii < lrr I Ht ftiltntlniiifr front foot. Hi * * < t t N-V w r frirnt lt. IM nihiltw i-li - | | ' .in tii II.HII i r tet in MT * lln intnt * Ttl < 4 id , Ir I ki In tulrm , nl i , | | | . U.rMIKi | | . fl * > > t ln > O II A C ( o K l P riMHl4t. 4M * < t ( MM" ! r * M ttUMi rjHwfeiTitTir S * M7i7w ; * ktr iMMi I ! , ( KHV 41 f. , > J , . ' J * . IM * . . . . _ i ' < * > ! * 4t . lutm tiivd T- 1 - - - - - - - - - I * * , Oui m . , . . . AIiK IflQ ftrrps-of Initil four tulle * from .17 Htook jr rd , nt IM prr nctp | this Is n iuir- Ruin. Mc(1 ( < uui > , opp. | > , o. ivtl IjlOltKALK A BOOII lot ftt fi-ot ) oti I'nrk nv. 1 etme , tow price If noli ) noon. McCullnch , V o. . cor IMh nnd I'arniitu , _ itll lilOH HAliK llest whnlesiitn trackaite properly .1. In Onmhiii four lull loin , two nf Iliem with nruers , w Ith track In alley , AH nil grade , utrei-t ars , water , gas , mid sewerage cnnuei'tlnlis. Very desirable and cheap. A. 1' . Tukey. l.t.'l 'nniiim t. -r ; 171011 SA LK A tnrnlslieil Ihit' ( iMTroiitus w It'll 1 steam ami bath , centr.ily located. Call 2M North Hth. so. | $ tXI ( cash w III M curen gnnd 1ft ) acres nf fmm land III iiorlhoisti > rn Nobniika. The I ) I" . iavls Compnny. I.Vi'i fiiiiiiiiii st . IM d I 171 M STICKNKV .V CO. mnkn a spectalty of li/.propeity In Nnrlli Omaha , fnrs.ilu or rent it CltUens' bank , SUM Cmnlni ; st , 7iU s. IMh St. . bnysmsels run est.ite. loans money , purchiisiHeenrltles ! ins n good IM of propel ty for sale unit want * nnre. Nntary pulille. _ S'il " " I7IOII SALlf Lonkl Lnnkl l it ! t , lilk"rJ"Wl\l. I1 'nn Cuss between 22nd imd'Jilil sts. Only ! . " > , fiiio , J2.NVI cash , A bm gain , and no mistake. ' IUi\iVn | > ii t front corner , nn ilrtth mid sis. , Ju-t smith of tin- line leshlenrch of I'.nsxnn , llradyandother.s. t\m sell this If taken at once , for } \um. An elegant lesldenci'cniuei Nnlliliu : In the vicinity po cheap. M. A. I'pton * . * ' . ! Irttji st. , ojip IMumb.-rof Commerce ls.1 ' FOH SALi : lot' ' , blockS U.V. Slulth'.s.K.riui' cash t.UiHl Lots 7 and i , block 2 , l nnr .V Selileu's. M , n ) . Lot 0 , block f , iV Sehlen's , t'-VW , cash ' , ; , Sunnyslde , KMnish WlKl. llalanci' easy. Lot 17 , Stiunjslde , fltm , cash JViO. llalnnro easy. Lois and 'M , Sttnny.slde , Jiyn. * ) for both ; cash 'illockS. Myers , Hlchar.ts TlldcnX | fllXXl ; cash } U.UW. Lot 7 , block "I , Kounlzo 1'lnce , p.-1 ! ! cash abntit'fill'l. Lot in , block 8,1'ottor'n addition , Jl.1.10 ; cash joixi , Nlue-rooiu house on 1'oppleton nve. between Virginia and tleoi-Kln nve.s. wllh all modern con venience , 1'rlcti iHl.liVl : terms easy. Lot : . ' , block 77 , South Omaha , } lMXl , cash Ji , bal easy. Lot | i ) , block 7fl , Smith Omnhn , Jl.ftW , cash 13 , linl e.isy. Lot H. block 74 , Smith Omaha. idr iO. Lot 4 , block S. I'lrst add'll South Omalin , J2.IHX ) . c.ish M , bul easy. Lot' . ' . block 7 , I'lrst add'll South Onmhii , tl.iVnl , cash M , bal easy. Lot K , block f , First iiild'nSoutli Omaha. ifl.KX ) , cash tMHI. bal easy. Lot I. blockT , llrst add'n South Omaha , JLSOO , cash $ ' . xi , 1ml easv. Lot I. block : . ' , I'lrst ndd'n Smith OmahaSV-'iM. cash 'i , bal easy. Lot II.blocks , I'lrst ndd'uSouth OmnhnilSHi , cash if I .IWU. lull rimy. Lota il and fi blk 1 .letter's aild.VUiOOrnch.lmllil- Inif on lot ! 1 rents , fnr KB per month , and on lot U for fiil per month , lluslness local Ion. The nortli Ml feet of lots 8 nnd ll blk 1 Jctler'M add , 1.2.VI. cash fmn. ( ! i ) d lots within a few blocks of Swltt's 1'acK- 1m ? house , WiOenih. Nineteen nnd one-third acres Jolnlnt ? I'nlon Stockyardb Co.'s LToimd on the south , with l.lkil feet mickiiK on I'nlnu I'aelllc track. I'rlcn $ .V IO per acre. Will sell In smaller tracts If purchiis- ITH desire1 Cull for terms. Lots liinllUm best aililltlous to South Omaha for sale , and acre piopcrty near South Oinnliii , In live , ten , Illfteen or twenty acre tracts forsale or tiaile for Inside property unencumbered. I'nttcr A : Cobb , lliOl Fiunam st , lloaid of Tiado bulldlmr. 4BlJ.1i " I71OH "SALi- : Lots In Lincoln I > lace7 frontlni ? JL' on the Metropolitan cable , &SIK > each , ' , cash. Corner lot on T.owe avenue nnd California cable line , * I,7.V ) . ! i cash. Some choice lots In West CiinilliK adilltlnn , JMX1 to f 1,2011 , easy terms. These lots are onor near the cable now beln built on California st. Hny now at old prices. . A tine business coiner at 10th and Douglas , JiuU ! ( ) ( ] , ' cash. Acres in Solomon's add , $ --00. J200 rush. Acres In Spring Valley w 1th trackage , WOll , ' j cash. Lots In I.obeck'.s mill , near Smith OiiMha , on K. W. Hy. MHI each. K. cash. These- are tin- cheapest olTerlntrs In their respective neighbor hoods. MiirshulKV Loheck , room V , ( .hanilierof commerce. 4iil fir.OIKJK M. Cooper , HUM r.irnum , real ustatu VI loans , and rentals. J2.WX ) cash to loan , 1st mortgage. Corner I InJl. Knunt/e's 4th , cash , ? l.M l , fl.iVW. Corner H In II , Heed'.s llrst , M cash , to.ti'.m. Nlnitand ten. Hurdettu couit , for both , * 1,10) ) . Kleven ( II ) intl'j lledford , 'i i ash , JI.IHX ) . House and lot In Davenport tub. , il.WJ cash , $ , > . Coiner , bit : from Snuuders , A. P. Patrick Jl.soo. Lot 20 In fi , Hill. J.TTIO cash , JIWO. Lot 14 In ! l , Hlchmond , on Leavenwoitli. JSOO. Hlehmond lots JIM ) to * IIO ; nne-tlfth cash. T.iblelmid lots WXI to ? 2.Vl ; one-tenth cash. Special Inducements tn manufacturer * , and trackage facilities tmnl.hed to locate. List your property with me , and houses for rent wanted. ( ieorge M. Cooper , .sole agtmt , 1'iO-J rarnam. 440 d 1 An Act INK Coniliii-foi1. : njl" Mnil : A railroad couiluctor wild n od to run itp in the .MiH'iiietU- mill Hiirloy i-e idiiH of Wisconsin , and who ia now cooling oil' in t'liicago from the olft-cts of MIHU wnrni oxperitMii-es wliit'h he had in that hc-ni hti-d ' oi.-tioii , ' of fi-it-ndh yntei-ttiini-'d u party Snndtiy in the following vein : "I had boon told when I lii'-st took ihaio of the train that I would liuvo a ton h lot to deal with. The llr tt-ar I entet-ei' on the oc casion I inn tellitif , ' about was full of the lumloiit loolfitif ? custoinors I ever saw. There wasn't a sober man in the lot. T iipiiroai-hi-d each mail and said "Pickets' in a linn but polite way. They all fjavo me a bi lau h. and when I had jjono thfout , ' ! ! the en i1 1 litidn't a ticket of a cent to show foimy work. J felt as though I WIIH in j rcat luck tobealivo. I entered tlio next car and encountered mi individual who was infinitely harder looking than the ohapi 1 had left , f said 'Ticket * to him and ho slti-u ' ed his jjreat .shoulder * . 'How much did you not out o' that other car':1' ho asked. I told him not ti ticket , not n cent. \Vhat are .uitt jroiu to do about ilV I told him I didn't know. 'Kin vou lUTord itV lie ifrowled. I told him I couldn't. 'Then you'll pit bounced lose your job won't you ? ho asked. ( said J { rm's-'d that wan the si/.e of it. 'Well , you won't , ' lie said , ' ( itmiile your cap. I'll { jot your * tickets. ' f handed him HIJ cap nnd insignia and he wont forward. The llrst man he came to ho hit under the ear and bawled out : 'Cimmc yer ticket ot- your faro , or I'll bury you in the Hoot- . ' The man recovered and bunded the thiiinix-rji bill. 'You don't tf < 't' no ( hungo this 'ere trip , ' mild tlio iii'Unjr conductor , and he hadn't more than said that than he hit another man un der tin * ear. "I'iolu-tri or faro , ' Hays the nctitiu i oiiductor , and that man un loaded , ( n II-HH time than it Uv'nOM to tell it every mm ) lu ! ! to Car was on Ins fi-ot w i''t money in lii.s hand , walling to nay , and every ono of them did pay. The m-tiiiir , conductor brought the roll to mo and said : 'Vou want to lilt these i'hiiH | under thi- ear when you waul faro. ' ISiit I iinvot' hnil the cour- ate to do it , mid I soon afterward ro-iljjnod. I uover knew who my benefactor WIH. I asked hU tiiitne mid tin niirtueri d : 'You ( jot vour moiii'y. didn't you ? ' I inld'Yes. ' ' ' HVell , ' ho'aildcd.'do'n'l IIM ] < nn\ , " fool questions ) . ' I uw him frequently aft -r thnt , IHII uover learned hh IIHITHH > - alwHy < 4 [ mill his faro , and I tievi-r hit hlHi under the cur for It , either.1 A Twenty Veins' II\iei | lenee. 770 DMOADWAY. N. Y. , Mnreli 17 , 'MI. 1 IIHTP Iwvti iwltiK A I. ! . ( ( ) ( K' < l'illiH s I'L\rKHH fur id yi-Mi-n , itnil founil tliom OHI * f th * * w it of fMHiily incdii ini-- flripHr Humming up mv i-xpfrlpm-o [ iitlirtt when pinned on the Kinnll of the i ( i k ALI.CIK K' I'l.Ai-rr.Mw rtil tl < - Vmdy with m rvous fnorgrv , ami tlin- euro follgnr. , hrniii rxhnullon. i4i-ln > it\ nnil kidney ( llfflciiUta * * for wimn 11 chlltlreii I havp fnunri them mv i' ' i . They IIPVPP irritate th * kin i-i- Iho tliykknai ( WlH , but iur MO . i-conpf < foughi , mildn , IMIIIIS M-II mr r. I ) . PHHHHK KS l > H p T xTTl. U ery fmiil of > - . anil km il jruart H fw { tlH..i . . > HM rf hbji llmt w H > ki ) nlti - ) i - WM to ) > liMt IK r rd iH nf II. . frill lr > \in , lot tinKrst lima th | rrii ) > < WiH < * 11' ' * llllllHf-1 VIIM > rlllii Mils I' ' OMI. I ii aw Wlm M WEAK , WKHVOIIN , DI'.IIII.ITA- Tin.fh.i : . iii hi i-oi , i , vmuiujMiriiA > < - : hiMiTBII'I.F.Ilawny hli VIIJO < tof IIOIIV , M I M l > mid .n A N HOon , miming vxlmtHlltiK draliK upon the t'Ol'NTAI.NN of HIT , II K A I * A V IIK , II A ( IK A ( 'lit ' ! , ilrondfnl lireumv WI'.AItNKSS of Memory , I1ANII- I'lll.WKHNIU NOt'lKTV , I'l * I'l.l.S upon the l'A 't : . nil. . I nil the I'.l'ff.rrN leiidltiit to KAItl.V IIKCA Vand pi-rlmio f'NIINI * > TION nr I.NNAMITV. muld CnliMllt nt onca the 'ti.KIIKATii : : > Hr ClnrVe , IXnlilMietl 1S.M. Dr. Cliirke hit < mniht MiilV : U H ! > : nil.lTV. rilllOMC and all HlkcR-M of tlio OT.MTO l'ltl > AHY ( ) riiitn n l.lfo lUudy. U uinke * NO dimretireVIIAT - you Imve taken or WHO hns failed to euro you. . lliir to their ox can rotuull with the of ipoody relief and cure , Semi 'J cents | fur work * on jour dl , ui cH. fliTHund 4 cents pustnito for Work * on Clmiiilc , Nrr oni and IM-II- rntc Dlsi-nsos. Coti'Ullntlon , | K-iniimiUy or hy letter , n-ec. ( Mnxult the old Doctor. TlioiKiuiilN curril. Olllcci nnd | > nrlnm | irl nl < - . * -lhoso conteniplntlim .MntrhiRO end for Dr. . 'Inrlir's cclehmfrd Riililu HI nip and IVninle. cuch KHlioth 'X < c. ( tnmp < ) , I to fortconllillliK > onr cane , consult l > r. Ol.iKKi : . A ftlendly letloror cflll limy snvp future Miflerlnp and shnnip , mid mid coldou yunrn to life.IlrKk "l.ll'r'M ( Secret ) Kr- rom , " We. ( stumps ) . Medli'lno and wrHliiRs fent OMTJ where , secure from nxiuiMiirc. Hours , Rio 8 : Hinntnjii , iMoli Aildrrid , F. D. CLARKE , M. D. lee so. ciurk. at , . caicAuo , ILL. A k your rotntler far thn - , JAMES MEANS ! $4 SHOE JAMES MEANS $3 SHOE , nocordlnR to jour iieeiln. CAVTlONt 1-iKllltrli none crniiliiciinlfiioiir L I'liiiirniiit I'l ho iim-i-ai | ililnly un Ilio milu. 801110 ilr.tlrrn , In order loiimkp A larger priillt , n III rit-ninnii ml the Infri lor IHHH | \ > llli will. Ii Ilio market ll II.Knlul .IAMKS MI-\M.S : 4 1 SIIOK Is Ilklit Anil itvllth. It l Ilkin tncklim mnl ltl- > UIIIHKS NO IIKIAK. : Ifi < l IN , " belnit prrfrrlly i.i > ilii-llritlliui-lllivniin. It " 111 Mllify the most ' ll.'iiinsllli In orry Hal uut | equal to tliii linnil'i rHril tllOPI which limn Aik for tin-Jmno rlilllicrtu Meant 11 Shoe for llo > 5 Itfctt rc- Inlloil it $7orR. .TAMKS MKANS CM SIIOK l lhcirlrt- | iml H Slim- unit Is ulHoliilcly tinimlv liin > of lu I'llro which tins ever liocn plnroil I-\I"IIM | ly oil Ilin nmrkrl In hli h itiirnhllltr In nnuMi-nsI l inircoiitwnnl aiioiii | nri > . TlicKnl.oii nrc milI hy Dip licit retailer * thrmicliniit tlio Unlteil Stiite * . mut wi- will nlnep tlmm -n ll > within j our rcnih In miy l to i-r - Irrrltury If } o vlll tend n n initial rnnl , moiitloiiltii : till * | mpi-r. iaiiu-s nirnns & Co. , 41 Lincoln St. , lloiton.MM * full line of the uliove Shoes for Halo In OMAHA iv ( I. W. Cook , 1'IOB 1'arnani Htreet ! (1. Miller , II- North IHIh Htreet ; llayward llroi. , 4IIM South street. In COUNCIL HUIKF.S by Sargent & ' Glasgow via Londonderry , Liverpool via Queenstown. Are Slriclly Flr > l-'ln , nnd nninnn tlm lnruiMl , iHntent ami tlne > t In Ilin world. hHlonii , Kpcnnil rliihM anil nleorneo Iii > -nier Aerf > ntiiniilittluii Uii * xt4llil * Kvory reuiinl for Hie ( nnifurtanil convenience ( if paa > nciigtrs ttuJluualy conslilcruJ unil pruttlcwt hteiuiiers every Hntanlay for UliiKiiw" . Ctly nf Itoinrt rnllHfor LI\L rpiinl October I'.1. It Is the liirxest nml llnefft imsHeniierUanier atlimt. llJites of imnsuifo for all ulnx-us us low as li > any ullier llr t-cl m line. Ha- lixnipzeiirsliiii tickets lit rciliiced rate * . UrafUfor unjr anninnt ut luvre-l current rules , heir t > ouk ot tiuirs. licked * , nr fnrlhi-r Infnriiiiitliin. npiilv to 1IK\iilsN | : ) llS , Ctilcngo , or FltANK MOOltl.S.Oiiinlin.Neli. HIWASH BITTERS . ITIEAPUREUrVtaETADUPRtPARAIlOU ) 5ENNA-MANDRAKE-BUCHU I It has Blood the Teit of Yean , la Caring all Diseases of the BLOOD , IIVEE , STOM ACH , KIDNEYB.BOW- ELS.ic. It Purifies the Blood , Invigorates and Cleanses the Byetem. DYSPEPSIA.CONSTI- CURES PATION , JAUNDICE , lULDISEASESOFTHI SICKHEADACHE.BIL- LIVER IOUS COMF1 AINTS.&C diiappear at once under 3 KIDNEYS iti beneficial influence. STOMACH It il purely a Medicine AND as iti cathartic proper- tie ! forbids its me as a iBOWELS bererage. It is pleas ant to th taste , and as easily taken by child ren asadultB. AILDRUGGISTS PRICKLY ASH BITTERS CO ilPRICElDDLLAP Bole 1'roprletora , BT.LouiHnnd KiNHiB1 YORK SHOES fy Mir lilyhrtt rjrrrllen * fnvartlta Inft'ilttonubttrtrcl , OuriameN IJ.AT. COUSINS , en e.'try * 'le I NtWVORH. For Snlo hy Haward Brothers. " S , S , FELKER , OMAHA , NEB 100 N 1 ih Ftrtot. H Hi I UltmiNI V VilNK r"i' fl I 7 \ . - d ' I I1 H ; - , J \ n I- * i Si . - r t' 1 \ \ 11 iiti .1 l i ' . , vrvv * wiii"i' % iv i nniv ci inv elf rt > in Ihf worl l tn rillnif t olmuout f ( il .fr .HajM-lfi iil. . lenlifte l" < T ru l > U bl . v . > hi . . ! lfl ( lT. Ar .11 ( ru-li. * kj * ( f r tf.cji'U . Mrvd. ff n.lK . ( inpf riMmiUUk AI o fun ) IIF.I.T * rou rliHf\oV : Ot. NUirU. ItuiTM. ISi WA AI4 A t , CXICAM