Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 28, 1887, Page 6, Image 6

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Jlellicreil by onrrlcr In nny part of iho city at
twi'iity it nit i > ir wc
. n ; No. < ' ! .
NlllllTKlllTOII NO. SI.
N. Y. PlumblngeoT
Belter , tnlloi1 , Fall poods cheap.
See Chapman's pictures for Christum * ! .
The grand jury will to-tiny resume
their deliberations.
The district court will open thin
morn I nj , ' on liiw rates.
'J'ho police lnul u quiet clny ycstcrilny.
Not an irrest was inndc.
.1. Ooldborg lias leased a storeroom in
Hud Oak anil proposed opening a branch
Nearly everything that could go on
runners' was out yesterday to try Iho first
Bcgular mooting of the Chaulauqiia
Literary society at their hall on Main
btrcct Ihls evening.
Tlio second of the series of select
quadrille parties hy the Union Veteran
Legion will take place this evening.
The assignment of law ca es in Iho
dlHtrlut court for to-day : No. tSi,5lJ87 : ,
0,1118 , o.lTU , G./JOS / , o.OTlil.GlW , -l.OU'J ' ,
: iM7. (
The ehureh social nf St. Paul's parish
will he held on Friday evening nu.xt , at
tlie residence of Charles Swan , No. lo
Stntsinau street.
The sudden and Intense cold hn.smado
a big demand for thawers out and re
pairers of water pipe. The .store men
are also in Iho rusn.
The "Muskolccrs" wore enlot-lained
.Saturday evening at the homo of Miss
Bella Bobiiison. Befreslinionts were
served and a merry social season had.
The funeral ot I'hili ] > Benedict , son of
Mr. and Mr.s. S. S. Menedict , will ho
held at the family residence , No. 17
north Twelfth street this afternoon at -
o'clock- .
Thermometers in various parts of the
city registered lo dog. below zero yes
terday morning at 7 and 8 o'clock.
People were not anxious to face the
bracing air , which resulted in a light
attendance at most of the churches.
The stores of the city never presented
finer lines of goods for the holiday sea
l-oil than they do now. The finest
specimens of ait , domestic and foreign ,
are hero and homo of the business men
are preparing spectacles which will bo
surprises to the plihlic. Watch the BII : :
for announcements.
Travel was but little impeded by Sat
urday's storm. During the early morn
ing hours yesterday the street car lines
Vvijro bothered somewl-at and regular
runs could not lw inside , but after 10
o'clock-no dillleulty was experienced ,
except nl points where the snow would
persist in drifting. The shovel brigade
worked during Itho entire day , and
everything is in good shape for to-day's
Bev. T. O. noughts , of Grinnell ,
occupied the pulpit of the Congrega
tional church yesterday morning. Ho
made an earnest and elTectual appeal in
behalf of the state mission work. A
goodly collection was taken for the
beaellt of the churches in Iowa , which
are not yet self-supporting. These
feeble societies often grow into the
strongest churches of the state. Two
churches at least , and probably more ,
in this city , owe their start to mission
For best quality coal and wood , call
on Glcason0 Pearl street.
Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co. loan money
Oao thousand head of one , two and
three-year-old steers for sale. Will give
credit to reliable parties. Knquiroo
A. .1. ( ji-oenamayer , 023 Mynster st.
telephone liil.
Personal Paragraphs.
Judge Carson is spending a few days
at homo.
Supervisor S. B. Frum , of Shelby , la. ,
is in the city.
F. W. Sheffield , of Chariton , la. , Sun-
dayed in the Bluffs.
Mrs. M. Pfoifor has returned from a
visit to friends in Sioux City.
, T. diaries Stout and F. L. Johnson ,
of Neola , wore at the Kiel hotel yester
Mr. and Mrs. B..overly starl for
Washington , 1) . C. , to remain for two
Hev. C. Hoover , of Council BlufTs ,
preaches every alternate Sunday at
J. I ) . Ilamlin , of Onawa , and B. TI.
Berry , of Creston , la. , are quarto Aid at
the Paeillc house.
The condition of Mrs. Frank Yona-
wino has grown steadily worse since
her attack on Saturday and her re
covery is not oxpected.
S. G. Underwood and C. B. Waite , of
the board of county supervisors , has
gone to Chicago to select furniture for
the now court house.
Colonel Daily roturncd from Atlaatie
to spend Sunday at home. Ho engaged
in the prosecution of J. J. Donahue , in
dicted for murder in Ca s county.
J. W. and K. L. Squire lend money.
For an elegant birthday giftor Christ
inas present , a Domestic sewing machine
leads them all.
The Military Itnml.
To-morrow evening the military band
concert and ball will take place in the
Masonic temple hall. Prof. Dalby is a
composer of whom Council BlutTs may
well bo proud , as his nuiiie is played ny
the leading bands all over the country.
The hand , which bears his name , is a
creditable organisation for any city to
post-ess , and the public should give gen
erous support ttf all its enterprises. An
enjoyable evening is assured to all who
attend. The concert will bo from 8
o'clock to 11 o'clock , and the ball to
follow. Those who cannot attend should
invest in tickets , which can be secured
at Moore & ICijmngor's . The band has ,
through no fault of its own , become
burdened with a heavy debt , and the
proceeds of the entertainments given
by the band this season will bo applied
In paying off these claims. When once
fairly upon their feet , financially , tin
band will not need to appeal any furthei r
for public encouragement and support
as it possesses merit enough to secun
engagements sullldcnt to meet all cue
rent expenses.
You AVnnt Them.
Domestic patterns aiiife patterns foi
stamping ami embroidery. Latest style :
and llHCbt designs. ' 'Domestic" olllce
105 Main street.
Money to loan. Cooper & Judson.
Don't Freeze Up !
\Vu are hound to close out our largi
line overcoatings. Will inako them ii ]
lit grcsUly figures.
This in thu oporlunity of a lifetime.
, ' A. Hl'.ITKIt ,
, ' ' . - . ' . ' .310Brpadway.
Pulnit Uttcmnces and Church Do
ings Interest the Pious.
1'i-oput'liii ; to Organl/i ; n .St. Andrew's
Urotliorlioixl Changes at the Og-
Ucii A Hay Uonler Leaves
With Funds.
David's Orcatnp .s.
At the Baptist church last evening
Dr. C'ooloy delivered a dlcour o upon
the character of David , selecting as a
text : "Tho Lord hath "ought him , a
man after his own heart. " The sermon
was intensely practical , and was attent
ively listened to by a largo audience.
Said the speaker : "If wo judge of the
greatness of men by the space which
they occupy in history , David would bo
placed next to Moses as the greatest
human character of God's people.
David's life occupies si.\ty-ono chapters
of the sacred word , while that of Abra
ham is contained in fourteen. There is
no human character upon which the
divine historian delights to linger more
than upon that of him who combined
in himself the olllccs of prophet , king
and sweet singer of Israel. His career
from boyhood to death Is traced with
loving minuteness. If wo should judge
men also by the influence which
they have exerted upon the
world , wo should accord David a
foremost place among the great
actors of human history. Ho not only
founded a monarchy which survived as
long as his nation existed , but ho also
impressed himself on surrounding na
tions as the greatest warrior and ruler
of his ago. But this was not all. Ho
instituted , in its perfected form , the
religion of his country. Ho also , as the
pool of liis people , composed those songs
which have bccoino the comfort and
heritage of the world. The psalter of
David was not only used by his own
countrymen , but was , at the ver.y begin
ning of Christianity , adopted into the
services of the church. ] n the first
centuries Psalms were sung at the love
feasts and formed the morning and
evening hymns of the primitive Chris
tians. O'f the other scriptures , in the
fifth century , the generality of men
knew next to nothing , but the Psalms
were again and again repeated in pri
vate houses , in marketplaces , in streets ,
by those who had learned them by heart ,
mid who soothed themselves by their
divine melody. 'When other parts of
scripture are used , ' says Ambrose ,
'there is such a noise of talking in the
church , that you cannot hear what is
said ; but when the psalter is read , all
are silent. ' Among all branches
of the church , Protestant , Catholic
and Greek , the psalms form an
important part of their public worship.
By tlieso spiritual hymns men have
often expressed the deepest and holiest
emotions of their lives. By them Au
gustine was consoled on his death bed.
Clir.vsostom , Athenasius , Savonorola
wore cheered in persecution. With the
words of a psalm Polycarp , Columba ,
Hildebrand. Bernard , Huss , .Tcromu of
Pniguo , Columbus Henry V. . Kdwiml
Vf. , Xavier , Melanotbon and Jewell
breathed their last. Even the Savior ,
in his death struggles , breathed out his
prn.ver to tlio Father in the words of
a palm. . The sixty-eighth psalm
cheered Cromwell's soldiers to vic
tory at lumbar , Lord Bnrloigh
selected the psalms out of
the whole bible as his special delight.
They were the framework- the devo
tions and war cries of Luther. No
hymns have so a fleeted the world as his.
Ho speaks , mid the pent up feelings of
millions of Christian hearts find expres
sion and a voice. No mere human be
ing , save Paul and Moses , has left so
deep a mark on this world's history.
Seeing then that so large a portion of
the divine word is occupied- with the
life and deeds of him who was the great
progenitor of the Savior of the world , it
becomes us to study his character. The
space devoted to him by the bible
history commands our attention. "
The'speaker began with the first ap
pearance of David in history as a
shepherd hey in the fields of Bethlehem ,
when Samuel came to select a successor
to Saul as Icing of Israel. Ho was by
his father , Jesse , intrusted with work
usually done by his slaves , and was con-
sidere'd of so little importance that ho
was not invited to the feast of his fam
ily. "He was chosen king of Israel , the
appointed prophet of God and the father
of the promised Messiah. " David was
described as short of stature , stoutly yet
gracefully built , with auburn hair and a
bright eye. While ho was in hiding
from his enemy Saul ho developed his
love for music and song. Ho was so
proficient in handling the harp and lute
that his fame spread throughout the
nation. Hero ho developed his love of
nature which ho so often expressed in
his psalms. "All the sublime imagery
of his psalms were taken from the scenes
of his youth when ho was a shepherd
"Latest born of Jesse's race ,
Wonder lights thy bashful fuco ,
While tlio prophet's gifted nil
Seals theo for u path of toil.
Go and mind thy Hock awhile ;
At thy doom of gruutnrss sinilo ,
Hold to bear God's heaviest load ,
Dimly guessing at the road
Hooky road and scarce ascended ,
Though thy foot bo niiKel-tended.
Double praini ) thou shall attain
Jn royal court and battle plain.
Then coinus heartache , care , distress ,
Blighted hopes and loneliness.
Frowns fmm friend and ilfts from fee ,
Ui/v.icd faith and guilt and woo ,
Loftiest alias by cut 111 dellled ,
( ileams of wisdom , sin-beguiled ,
Sated iiower's tyrannic mood ,
Counsels shared by men of blood ,
Sml success , parental te.irs ,
Anil a dreary gift of years.
"Strange that guileless face anil form
To lavish on thu scathing Morm ;
Little chary of thy fame
Dust unborn may prnlso or blninc
But wo moulil theo for the root
Of man's promised healing fruit. "
"David's lifo at this time was full ol
hair-breadth escapes. " The speaker
followed his life from his occupation ol
the throne. ' 'The first of his racc. ' :
His love for his parents and brothers
was described at length. Ills wonder
ful love for his erring and rebeliou.s son
Absolam Christ was not ashamed It
bo called the son of David , David tin :
sinner and yet the penitent. lie I :
more closnly bound up with the sym
pathies of mankind than if he hadnevei
fallen. Hear what Carlylu bays of him
'David the Hebrew king has fallen inti
sins enough , blackest crimes there was
no want of sin , and therefore the unbe
Hovers sneer and ask : Is this youiu
man according to God's own heart' ,
The micer , I must say , scorns but i
shallow ono. What are faults ? WJm
are the outward details of a life if tin
inner secret of it , the remorse , tompta
lions , tlio often bullied , never cndint
struggle of it bo forgotten. David's llf <
and hintory HH written for us in tho- <
psalms ol his I consider to bo the trues
emblem over gvon } us of a man's mora
progvcss and warfare hero belowj Al
earnest souls will ever discern in them
the faithful struggle of an earnest
human soul toward" what is good and
A .Sunday Hcliool Tribute.
Yesterday noon the Congregational
Sunday school was presided over for the
hf-t time by Ml' . D. A. .ludd , who has
served at superintendent for four years
past. Mr. .ludd and family leave to
night for California , intending to re
main there this winter , and possibly
make that their permanent home.
Should favorable business opportunities
pre-cnt themselves , it is not unlikely
that Mr. .ludd nuiy return here in the
spring , as his preferences are for a lo
cation here , but this is uncertain. At
the loc of the class study of the lesson
yesterday , the following resolutions
were presented and adopted unani
mously :
Wiir.HKi' . Mr. D. A. .ludd 1ms been super
intendent of the Sunday si-hoot of the Con-
giegutiotml church of Council Bluffs , ! . . ,
for four years ; and ,
Winnings , We , the ofileors , tench-
crs mid members of the Sun
day school huvo learned with deep
regret that he and his estimable wife have
decided to remove from here , with a proba
bility of making their homo In the golden
state of the Occident , therefore bo it
licsolvi'd , That we hereby express our sor-
low at purling with our beloved superintend
ent , whom we will miss from his accustomed
place , and Urn hope that In the new Held to
which ho Is going he will find Christian work
which he will bo able to perform with as
much satisfaction to others as that he 1ms
done hero.
Uesolved , That wo dcsiro to express our
high esleem and great confidence in him , not
only as u Sunday school worker but as u
Christian gentleman , and while we will try
to profit by the lesson ho has so earnestly
taught , wo will ever remember him in our
petitions to the throne of grace , and will
pray for his continued spiritual and temporal
Uesolved , That these resolutions bo
spread upon the records of our school , and
that a copy , properly engrossed , bo presented
to him. _ _
Dentil of Miv. Celse.
Yesterday afternoon at ! 5 o'clock Mrs.
Conrad Geiso passed away from this life ,
aged forty-two years. She had been for
a. year past an acute sufferer from a
dropsical affection of the heart , but she
had been seriously ill only four weeks.
Her death was not unexpected , but it is
a sad blow to the family.
She was the daughter of Mr. Horn ,
formerly proprietor of "Horn's Park. "
She was joined in marriage to Mr.
Geise about twenty-five years ago. She
was a devoted wife and mother and
highly esteemed by the very large cir
cle of friends in which she moved. Her
husband and seven children are left to
mourn the loss of wife and mother.
Two of the boys , Fred and Edward ,
are well-known 'in business circles. The
remaining children , live in number , are
younger. Three are of such tender
years as to imperatively need the loving
care and attention of a mother.
The sympathies of the community
will go out to these stricken otic * in this
hour of bereavement. The funeral
service will ho held to-morrow , Tues-
dny. afternoon at - o'clock , at the family
I'esidenco on Frank street.
E. H. Sheafo loans nionev on chattel
security of every description. Private
consulting rooms. All business strictly
confidential. Ollice WM1 Broadway , cor
ner Main street , up-stairs.
Insure with Wadsworth , Etnyro & Co.
Houses and lots for sale on monthly
payments. Johnston & Van Patten , . ' ! 3
Main street.
_ _
St. Andre\v'n lirotlirrliood.
One of the most practical systems of
organised cfi'ort which lias been devel
oped in latter years is that known as
the St. Andrew's brotherhood. It is of
the same order as the White Cross
movement and the Y. M. C. A. It com
bines all that is good as to methods and
aims at securing the best life for the
man , i. e. , morality in all that the term
implies. Its field is exclusively among
men. The rcitson why the field is lim
ited at all lies in the necessity which
everywhere exists for active work in be
half of young men. The hone of the
future is in the character of the men
this generation produces , hence the ne
cessity of saving the young incn from
the inlluences of bud associations and
A number of the Omaha brotherhood
will visit Council Blnfi's next Sunday
evening and a religious service is ar
ranged to take place at St. Paul's
church , conducted entirely by them.
Several good speakers will bo hero and
an interesting meeting is promised.
The objects of the order will bo fully
explained and an attempt made to or
ganize a brotherhood here.
TokciiH of Appreciation.
We have 10,000 customers in Council
Bluffs , Omaha and vicinity. As a token
of appreciation for past patronage wo
will present them on January 1,1888 ,
with u beautiful organ , containing two
and three-fifth sets of reeds and an ele
gantly finished case , and nineteen other
beautiful gifts. Every customer re
ceives a ticket.
All holiday goods closed out regard
less of cost. Prices oil all goods reduced
until January L Mail orders promptly
lillicd and tickets accompany goods.
Ml'KMiKIt Ml'SlC CO.
at the Ogili'ii.
During the past five months the Ogden
house has not been fully opened for
business , and yet has held its leverage
upon its old lime patronage by furnish-
ing-lodgings. This time of partial in
activity has been fully utilized by the
owner , M. S. Stout , and the entire
building has been thoroughly over
hauled. Heretofore considerable
trouble has been experienced in keep
ing the house warm enough for comfort ,
The .steam fixtures have been examined
and found to contain lime incrustaliom
to a depth sufficient to almost entirelj
close the pipes. This dilllcully has been
remedied. The painter has been al
work wherever needed and the house it
now in eomplolo shape. A great dea
of work remains yet to bo done. Tin
kitchen and dining room are to recoivi
attention at the hands of the mechanii
and decorator. The hotel will probably
be ready for opening in three or foui
weeks. "Until the formal opening Mi-
Stout will attend to the business of tin
house assisted by Mr. G. S. Eastman
This latter gentleman is well known t <
Iho traveling public , having been foi
. \earsconnectedwith the best hotels o
Omaha. The Ogden will present a nev
face when it is ready for public inspcc
Kverv ono maki ng a cash purchase i
3i cents at T. D. King & Co.'s eiga
store gets a chance in the annual pri/ <
drawing. Twenty elegant prizes.
A Uuy Dealer Skipped.
Ike Coglo , a Mondamin citizen , ha
been setting the tongues of that qnie
little place wagging lively. Ho and W
F. Garner had been making hay on th
bottom lands east of thorp , and wer
partners in this enterprise. Mr. Game
went Out to the hay ranch to look afte
- - Jwl t 4 * i * . <
matters tliero > and , Its * eon a he was
out of fight , t'oylo ilnrfeil for Council
Bluffs. Bo herv drew S OO from parties
to whom they had sola titiv mid then re
turned to Moiuhunln , lie there took
Mr. Ciiirncr'.s mule team mid wagon aild
drove away. No trncu of him could be
obtained , and Mr. CJaYner Is t-tlll on the
fc-uarch. t'oglo Is described as a man of
about forty-eight years , six feet tall ,
wenrs a moiihtacho and chin whWcers , u
little grey. His hair ib dyed brown.
Coal I'mthe
The school board wafi not satisfied
with the bids received and opened some.
time ago. The dealers in coal were
htrangely uniform In their bids on hard
coal , the price in each ci e being $11 a
ton. There was n little more variation
on the toft coal bids , but there ib ul o
more of u variation in qualities. The
board rejected the bids , and concluded
to readvertti-o. At the meeting held
later , the board let the contract for oft
coal at a higher price than the previous
bids named. Hard coal has got even
beyond the reach of the w-hool board.
tn'coni-uqueiice toft coal will bo used so
far as possible.
Diamond Cutting In Iiomlon.
London Times : The public are proba
bly not aware of the extent to which
diamond cutting has been revived in
London , Nearly two hundred years ago
Englishmen were the finest diamond
cutters in the world , the trade being
nearly all carried on in London , and at
the present time old English-cut diamonds
mends will always fetch a very high
price , as the cutting is still fco much
Through religious persecution they
migrated to Amsterdam , where they
have fcinco remained. At the time when
the African diamond Holds were discov
ered there was only one diamond cutter
in London. Dutchmen wore accordingly
engaged to work in London from Mon
day morning till Friday sunset , and
they were to receive 10 a week each
man. They struck several times suc
cessfully for higher wages , but when
they demanded 18 per week each man
they were discharged , and Mnglish gem
cutters were put at the work.
Al first the Englishmen were only
able after a deal of trouble to cut a class
of diamond in one month which they
could now cut in about four days. As
soon as it was clearly proved that Eng
lishmen had once more gained the art ,
tlio Worshipful Company of Turners de
cided to give Hnglish cutters every en
couragement , and have , with the valu
able assistance of the Baroness and Mr.
Burdett-Coutts , offered money awards
in competition against the Dutch for
the best-cut diamonds. After several
contests the Englishmen gained the
llrst pri'/e and most of the others.
Up to the end of J8M , out of four of
the principal mines of South America
namely. Kimberley. DeBeers , Bultfon-
toin aiid Du Toil's Pan , no less than
: ! : , ( ) ( ) , ( ) carats of diamonds ( or more
than six and a half tons' weight ) have
been extracted , realizing about 40.000-
000. The diamonds now discovered are
nearly all found in British possessions
namely , Africa and India. Ypt the
vast majority of the stones are still sent
to foreign countries to bo cut and pol
ished , which every Englishman snould
consider ought not to-be. As one of the
trcatest secrets connected with the
grade consists in the one word patience ,
there is an immense field for the em
ployment of women. As a nation , the
Americans are the finest judges of diamonds
mends in the world , and it ib lo London
that America goes for her finest-cut
mnnds. The last official report pub
lished was that America took iiliout
! ! , ( )00,000 ) worth of cut diamonds an-
ifually from England.
Kdisoii 011 His l'lioiioRraili.
Electrical World : ' 'I was so over
come with the success of my first instru
ment finished about six weeks ago , thai
1 doubted whether I could make an
other equally good , and I went to work
at once to do ser my becond instrument
works as well as the first , and I have
forty workmen employed in making the
tools for the first 600 phonographs.
They will cost $ ( it ( apiece. "
The amount of talking which can bo
recorded upon the phonographic sheel
is so much larger than what can bo
printed upon it that the phonographic
book or newspaper of the future need
not bo half Ihe present size. About the
only thing that the perfected phonograph
graph will not bo able to do will bo to
give pictures. The cost of running the
phonograph , according to Edison , will
no no more than the cost of maintaining
two cells which run the little electric
motor perhaps CO cents a month.
Three sizes are now being made , one
size for the pocket , which will write
'iOO words on its sheet , another size for
letters of 800 words , and a third size for
; { , ( MK words.
We arc now prepared Tor the
Our Immense buildings arc packed full of
thu most
In our line , and at prices that will defy com
petition. Wo KtitiruntcG our goods to bo just ,
us wo represent them. 1'lcaso give us u call
whether you wish to buy or not , and lirin ?
your friends with you. It is no trouble to
show our ( 'oodn. Hespectfully ,
Star Stables and Mule Yards
Uioartuay , Council lIluffH , Opp. Dummy Depot.
Horses and mules constantly on hand , for
sale at retail or In car load lots.
Orders promptly tilled by contract on whorl
notice. . .
Stock sold on commission.
Telephone 114. HCHl.UTEIl A : 1IOI.EV.
Opposite Dummy Depot , Council lllulls.
Carriage and Express Line.
Telephone No. ftl.
All calls from Dl-trlct Telegraph Ollki !
promptly attended to.
incomparably the Bast.
jr jf the todjr enlarged and itiengthtDcU. Full faille-
jr ulut ( M4led ) free. JililU MUD. CO. . liuOilo. M , Y
AVe fOmll offer a largo stock of Cloaks and Ladies' Wraps , and
Ladies' Underwear at about HALF their value. You
will get your gift in the value of your yurchase
and without the uncertainty of chance.
This sale is to clean out this part of our slock , us we must
have the room for other goods ,
$20.00 $ Cloaks at $10.00 $ $15.00 $ Cloaks at $7.50 $
$17.00 $ Cloaks at $8.50 $ $12.00 $ Cloaks at $6.00 $
. . $10.00 CLOAKS AT $5.00. -
401 Broadway.
SPECAll nilvPrtlM'incnts , surlins T.ost.Koiiml ,
To Loan , 1'or SaleTo Kent , Wants , Hoarding ,
etc. , will lo Inserted In this column nt the low
ratoofTKN CKNTH I'Ull LINK for the llrht in
sertion mid 1'lve Cents 1'er l.lnu for eueh subse
quent Insertion , l.eavn advertisements lit our
office No. 1'J I'earl Stiect , near llroiuttvny , Coun
cil Hluns , Iowa.
: ) - llr.stclasslinrsethocr. . 0. Greg
ory , KM .Main ht. . Council llhillH.
' 10K SAI.K OH EXC'llANdK-Kiinity of
111 .lellrles ( syndicate. Inquire of
Oilell llros. k Co.
All klnasof sewlni ; machines to
WANTKO Work promptly and honestly done.
Charges reasonable. Domestic ollku 10."i Main ht
TT'OH SALK Very cheap for cash , or uoulil
J ? exchange for Council lllulTs or Omaha prop
erty , n retal stock of boots' and shoes valued at
about J4.000. Call ut store. No. fiOS llroaduay , or
address It. Martin , amo number , Council
H , la.
CTIOU HUNTHouse * In all parts of the city by
JD Johnston & Van Patten , ifl Main st.
TT1OK SAI.K A second hand Knalio Miuaro
X ) piano , nearly new ; cost Will , sell for $ WO.
Address Q BUI , Ileo olllce. Council lllulls.
HENT Houses and furnished rooms. J.
FOK Davidson 025 Fifth avenue.
OIt BALK Second-hand Columbia bicycle-
very cheap , fit-Inch , at Ileo oflico.
thousand dollars to loan on
ONElmndifd anil chattels by V. J. Day , yu
I'earl Ht.
. lots and acropiopuity for bulo by
BU1I.DISC , : i I'earl st.
ijlOH HUNT A tlnely furnished front loom.
J } lloor. In prlvntu lesideuco near < oiirt
house. Water in room , lighted and heated ,
l.aree closet. Iteferences required. Address H.
12 , lleeollice. Council Hlults.
STOl' AT Till !
Sample Rooms Attached.
W. II. IRWIN , Prop.
uOOJJroodway , Council lllulls , Iowa. U
Trotting - Stallions
WADE GARY , - - Council Blnffi ,
$2. AN ELEGANT $2.
To each purchaser of $2.00 worth o
goods we give a ticket which en
titles the holder to one chance on
an Elegant Gold Watch worth S'JO.
Wo curry a nice line of goods , in the
latest htylo.s , cmlirnt'iiiK1 Men's and
Boy's clothing , hats anil caps , boots
and hlioc.s , gloves , mittens , etc. , which
\vo will sell you at One-half the Price
asked you by other dealers and give
you a chance on the watch la-Miles.
Come and examine our goods and prices
before purchnning. Kemember the
place. 540 and r > ! 8 Broadway.
Main Street , Council Bluffs.
Only Hotel In the City with Flro Es
cape. Electric Call Bolls.
Accommodations First Class ,
Rates Always Reasonable ,
MAX MOHN , Proprietor.
Latest Novelties ,
In Amber , tor
toise bhi'll , etc.
as vu'll as the
in hair goods ,
llalr goods
Made tooldir
Mrs. O. L. Gillette ,
"J Main Hticct. Council niuliH. Out of town
woik solicited , and all mall orders jiromiilty
attended to.
TO (
The Alcohol , Morphlno anil Opium habit Ab
noliitely Cm Ml without lutorferliiB with Uio
voc , on.
OH llroadway. Council llludii , la.
All corrcsnonJeixe louUdcntlul ,
11)0 ) GRAND Flilili CIFTS
Vortli $2,000 , ( o bo Cllvon Awny by1
llonry Kluonuui fi Oo.'u Pooplo'u
store , ni-r , mo , : mi ana rjuo
Broadway , Council Ulufni ,
With Ivery ; Tuo l ) < illnrn Worili o
nnils I'titrliiisril Von Will Itccrltn
a Coupon Ticket ( iood ( 'or One
rinmcc In the Knllou In/t / ( Jrnnd
1'iTM'iim to lie < : i\en Auay In
ns < m Momlii.i , iliiiuinry
Kith , IMHH.
Every f'J purcluiM < receive ? oaetiekch
md every additional * S' ' the MIIIIC- .
Hold \oiir tickets until Iho nbo\o men
tioned dale , \\hon the Inckv nuinbei-rt
\\ill ho announced and tlio holders in
vited to call for their prof-entN ,
Hoinonilh.1 ! you will nave lo pay noth-
ng extra onour , punbasesVe !
guarantee to sell jon goods cheaper
ban you can buy al any other house In
the west , and gi\o you the largest , finest.
md best stock west of Chicago to select
All mall orders receive prompt atten
tion and tickets for the free gifts for
warded with the orders the same as it
you were here in pei-Miii.
Tlioso listributions will be made with
every fairness , and customers may de
pend on the lucky numbers receiving
their reward.
No tickets will be given to employes
; if our house , customers only receiving
the benefit of tin ; pri/cs.'r or rui/r.s.
No. of pi'i/.e.
1 Ono elegant parlor sel consisting
of sofa , divan and I large cany chairs ,
| nircha- from H. H. Keller of this city.
" --One elegant cherry bed room se't.
consisting ( ) f bedstead , drcs-or ami
wash stand. Have large bevell French
plate mirrors. Purchased from C. A.
ik-ebe & Co. , city.
3 One elegant silver tea set. conslsl-
in ; of extra largo and very hoaV
waiter , collce pot , tea pot , sug'ar bowl ,
creamer and s > eon holder. Must bo
seen to bo fully appreciated. Bought
from C. B. .lacqueniin A : Co. , c'Cy. '
j One very liandsoiiK ; water
prising pitcher stand goblets and wash
bowl of the very largest design. An
elegant piece of goods. Purchased from
Hobinson Bros. , city.
o Decorated China dinner set of THO
pieces. Purchased from W. A. Maurer ,
0 Elegant decorated China tea set of
66 pieces.
7 Very haiid-onie blue satin water
.set , consisting of Ii tumblers , 1 pitcher
and one hammered brass tray.
8 One Venetian water sel.'eomprising
6 tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant brass
! ) Lu-tro amber wafer pet , compris
ing ( I tumblers , 1 pitcher and 1 elegant
brass tray.
10 One ruby water sot , consisting of
0 tumblers. 1 pitcher and 1 brass trnv
11 SO yds best black liuinutt silk Uuf
best silks made.
IS 1 pair Japanese porlioru.
it ; 1 gentleman's smoking jacket.
14 1 very eliganl Paisley shawl.
lo 1 set beaver furs.
1(5 ( 1 gentleman's dress suit.
17 1 gent's fur beaver overcoat.
18 1 boy's or youth's suit.
lit 1 bo\'s , or youth's overcoat.
SO 1 pair sealskin glove * .
SI 1 pair California , white blankets.
SS 1 combination nobility dress pal
lorn , worth WO.
SI ! 1 Misses cloak.
S4 1 piece Loncsdalo muslin.
So 1 pair men's boots or shoca.
SO 1 C. P. corset any size.
S7 1 pair Misses shoes.
S8 1 Dr. Warner's corset.
SO 1 very line Marsaillcs bed sproadr ,
! M ) 1 elegant album.
'tl 1 toboggan cap.
. ' ! S 1 infant's cloalc.
Jt.'t 1 sashniere dress.
: tl-l sot furs.
'lo 1 fine largo doll.
: ! fl 1 autograph album.
' 17 5 do/.cn ladies' fine wool fast blnck
! tS 1 dozen Misses fine wool fastblaclc
; iO 1 gingham dress pattern.
40 1 do/en gentslinen liandkoreliiofrt.
11 T dozen ladieslincn handkerchief
4S ti linen table cloths.
4It 1 dozen linen napkins.
44 1 do/en fine linen towel * .
45 1 fancy stand cover.
40 1 table cover.
47 1 Marsailles quilt.
48 1 line large doll.
4 ! ) 1 largo album.
.r > 0 1 tolloggan cap.
Al 1 child's hood.
'S-l ' n
It 1 fancy stand cover ,
fit 1 pair'oh'gunt Japanese
fi.1 ? 1 album.
Till 1 largo doll.
ri7 1 autograph album.
, r > S 1 seal skin hand bag.
) I toilet set.
( > ( ) 1 Long pocket book.
01 1 line silk mufller.
< > S I shopping bag.
( VI 1 elegant laen handkerchief.
(11 ( 1 large bottle line perfume.
( io 1 pair kid gloves.
( ill 1 pair silk suspenders.
( i 1 pair Indies' ear rings.
US 1 jinir Indies' cuff ImttoiiH.
( I ! ) 1 line luce pin.
70 1 Madam Warner's corfcot.
71 1 line hand bag. I.
7S1 large album. .
7 ! ! 1 largo wax doll.
71 1 gents'scarf. .
7o 1 line silk mulller.
7(1 ( 1 pair ladies line shoes.
77 1 autograph album.
78 1 pair silk mils.
70 1 goat's fur cap.
80 1 gouts' silk smoking jacket.
81 1 gents' hat.
W 1 pair men's nrctle overshoes.
M I pair ladies' overshoes.
81 1 line album.
80 t hammered brass umbrella bti :
Ml I pair line silk suspenders.
87- 1 large doll.
88-1 large shopping bag.
M 1 silk umbrella.
! (0 ( 1 fine lace handkerchief.
01 1 elegant evening Minwl.
OS I gout's traveling btig.
! ) ; { ! toboggan cap.
ill-1 child's hood.
! ) , r > -1 pair kid gloves.
0(1 ( 1 ladies' line jorsoy.
117 1 elegant lace handkerchief.
IIS 1 silk mulller.
110 1 per ladle * ' line shocn.
100 1 sot ladies' furs.
Total value of the above 100 presuit | ? ,
two thousand dollars.
See them exhibited in our store.
The drawing will bo conducted under
the management of a committee of hlx
citi/ons , and the utmost fnirucbi will lo
had so the presents will go to the per
sona who holdBtho lucky number * .
Now is the time for everybody to taUo
advantage ol this great gift offering ,
Buy your goods at the Puoplo'H utoro ,